Komsumun Karisi Götü Acıyormuş

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Komsumun karisi “Selam arkadaslar coktan beri bu siteyi takip etmekteyim ve bende herkez gibi basimdan gecen bir olayi anlatmak istiyorum . Daha henuz bir hafta olmadi tadi halen tamagimda.Ben 25 yasindayim ve esmer kizlarin ruyasina girebilecek kadar cekiciyim.Bizim kaldigimiz apartmanda komsumuz var fatma (35) diye super vucuda sahip evli 3 cocuklu olmasina ragmen fizigi super . Kocasi babasinin acil hastalanma durumudan memleketine gitmesinden cok vaydalanacagimi dusunerek,birgun evlerine vardim bi maddi manevi yardim ihtiyaclari oldugunu sordum ve saol dedi girmezmisin gel bi kahve yapiyim sana dedi tabiki bende bu firsatan dolayi iceriye daldim. Ama nasil heycan sardi beni bi bilseniz kendi kendime “Ah bi kere versen ne olurdu diye midirdanarac icimden girdim iceriye”.Azicik hos besten sonra resmen ben fatma yengenin bacak,gogus ve kalcalarina bitiyordum pendik escort arada bi istemiyerek de olsa bakiyordum ve bunun varkina vardigini gordum ,zaman ilerledi neyse dedim ben kalkiyim dedim olur dedi ama yine gel olurmu deyince . Kendi kendime dedim bu is olacak beni oda istiyor diye sevincten ciktim .Ertesi aksam tekrar aksam ustu gittim ki cocuklari erkenden yatirmis neyse vardim hosgeldin dedi girdim iceri.Ne icersin dedi ,bir kahve aliyim dedim ve geldi yanima oturdu ,ee dedi kizlar yine senin icin kavga etmisler mahalede dedi bende ,umurumdaydi dedim . Olurmu dedi senin gibi yakisikliyi kim istemez demesinden sonra butun cesaretimi topladim ve sana firsat verseydim sende bu firsati deyerlendirirmiydin diye sordum .Gulumsedi yok ben evliyim dedi uc cocugum var ve mutluyum dedi gulumsuyerek . Ben seni bir kere de olsa hayatta ümraniye escort elde etmek icin neleri bagislamazdim ki dedim ,beni kor ettin resmen senin hastan oldum fatma dedim .Oyle deyince utandi ve goz goze bakisakaldik ve kalbimizin sesini dinliyerek elimi fatmanin o guzel portakal gibi goguslerine atinca ,zatende ilk adimi o benim atmami beklemekteymis ve ondan sonra dudaklardan kapistik bunun boynundan basladim yalamaya . Ordan sevisirken birbirimizi soyduk ve dogru banyoya gittik ,banyoda bunu bi guzel domaltim ki bacaklarini actiktan sonra yaragimi bunun o daracik amina fircaladim ki tabi bunlari yasarken dunya umrumda deyildi yani kocasi bile o an eve gelecek olsaydi umrumda deyildi birsey .Cunku hayallerimin kadiniydi . Onun o sicakligini hissetmek beni cileden cikarmisti ki gidip geliyordum o ise ciglik atiyordu .Daha derin kadıköy escort sok icine sok hepsini sok diye yirtiyodu kendini ve oyle 10 dk sonra ayni anda bosaldik sonra banyoda yikandik ve ben fatmaya seni göten sikmek istiyorum dedim ve dedi sendemi dedi . Esim beni zaten hep göten sikiyor cok aci cektiriyor bana dedi .Ben hemen 22 ligi sabunladiktan sonra dusunmeden göt deligine yerlestirdim basini ve sonrasinda yavas yavas gidip geldim . Tabi bundan ne kadar acida cekse zevklendiginin varkindaydim .Patlama anina gelmistim ki hemen cikardim goguslerinin arasina yerlestirim yuzune roket atar gibisine firlatim ve yalamasini soyledim .Bundan benim zevk aldigim kadar fatma yengede memnun kalmisti . Dedi bu aramizda kalsin dedi ,ikimizde seytana uyduk dedi ,tamam dedim ama tek sartla bana bi kere daha verecen soz ver ozaman kimselere demem dedim ,sozu aldim .Dun pazar Kocasi geldi carsamba gunu kocasi oglen postasi oldugu icin oglenden aksama kadar benim hayallerim susleyen fatmayla beraber olacagim . Devamini carsamba gunu yasadiktan sonra yazacagim Bana yazmak isteyen komsu kadinlardan mail bekliyorum tavurlarindan Öptum

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Komşunun Gelinine dibine kadar soktum

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selamlar ben coşkun size iki hafta önce başımdan geçen bir olayı anlatıcam ben 180 boyunda kumral ela gözlü yakışıklı biriyim bizim apartmana iki ay önce taşınan karşı komşumuz ayşe teyzenin taş gibi bir gelini vardı. sarışın mavi gözlü 170 boylarında ideal kilolu olan tam bir afetti.onu gördüğüm günden beri ona hasta oluyordum.Onu sikmek için neler vermezdim ayşe teyzelerle yavaş yavaş muhabbet etmeye başlamıştık ayşe teyze beni çok sevmişti oğlu yerine koyuyordu oğlu hasta bir beşiktaşlı bende beşiktaşlı olduğum için onunlada iyi anlaşıyordukama bilmiyorduki ben onun karısına hastaydım onun için yapamıycam şey yoktu bir gün ayşe teyze ve oğlu yakınları vefat ettiği için şehir dışına çıkmıştı bende bunu pendik escort fırsat bilip isteğimi almayı planlıyordum gelin evde yalnız kaldığı için korkuyordu ve beni yemeğe davet etti akşam olunca onlara gittim o gün üstünde siyah dar bir tayt vardı ve üstünde askılı bir badi vardı tayt o kadar dardıki yürüdükçe götünün yanakları birbirine çarpıyordu.Zaten badinin altına sütyen giymediği için memeleri çok belli oluyordu.yemeğe oturduk bana yemek koymak için eğildiğinde memeleri tamammen gözüküyordu yemeği koyduktan sonra oturup konuşmaya başladık bana evde yanlız kaldığı için korktuğunu anlatıyordu bende istersen onlar gelene kadar sende kalabilirim dedim bu da biraz düşünüp olur ümraniye escort dedi yemekten kalktıktan sonra bulaşıkları yıkamak için mutfağa gitti bende biraz bekleyip arkasından gitttim ve onu domalmışbir vaziyette görünce yarrağım kalmaya başladı artık yarrağımı zaptedemeğeceğimi anlayınca arkasına geçip sürttürmeye başladım bu birden ayağa kalkarak napıyorsun diye bağırdı bende seni istiyorum dedim oda bana tokat attı bu beni çok tahrik etmişti onu ellerineden tutup yatak odasına götürdüm onu yatağa doğru fırlattım odada bir ip bulup ellerini karyolaya bağladım ağlamaklı bir sesle bana yapma diye yalvarıyordu bende bende dayanamayacığımı söyleyip soyunmaya başladım daha sonra bunu kadıköy escort soymaya başlayınca çığlık atmaya başladı bende ağzını bir tülbentle tıkadım artık yapacağı bir şey yoktu ve artık yavaş yavaş ön sevişmeye başladım yavaş onun göğüslerini yalamaya başladım ve yavaş yavaş şeftalisine doğru inmeye başladım artık zamanı gelmişti yarrağımı amına sürtmeye başladım o hala ağlıyordu ve sonunda yarrağımı amına sokmaya çalışıyordum amı dar olduğu için benim 20 cm liği alamıyordu yavaş yavaş itelemeye başladım ve sonunda dibine kadar soktum artık amına girip girip çıkmaya başladım buda yavaş yavaş zevk alıyordu 15 dakka siktikten sonra yarrağımı çıkaraıp bunu suratına boşaldım biraz dinlendikten sonra bunu çözüp banyoya götürdüm ve ona banyoda bir kez daha tecavüz ettim sonra bitkin bir vaziyette banyo yapıp evime gittim ertesi gün ayşe tayze ve oğlu geldi bana gelinleriyle kaldığım için teşekkür etti ama bilmiyolardıki o artık benim de karım olmuştu….ş.Gönderen: miskiamber

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Yarrağının uzerıne oturdum

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam.ben 17 yasında istanbulda oturan bir gayım.2 yıl once basımdan gecen bır olayıanlatmak ıstıyorum.ben çanakkaleye kuzenımın ynına gitmistım bır gun denızendonmustum ve mayomu çıkarıyordum ve kuzenım anıdenuzerıme saldırdı.ben ne yapıyosun dıyemeen ağzımıkapadı sus yoksa herkeze pendik escort sana yapacaklarımı anlatırım dedive karsı koymamamı ıstedı bende karsı koyamadım.ve benı yatağa yatırdı ve banyodan sampuan alıp parmaklarını ve benım gotumu sampulanlası.yavas yavas ümraniye escort once bas daha sonra orta parmagını soktu canım bıraz yanıyodu ama hosumadagitmişti sonra benı domalttı ve yarragını yavas yavas gotume sokuyordu.yklasık 18-19 cm di.canımılk basta yandı kadıköy escort ama daha sonra zevk almaya basladım.ve benıbu sekılde sıktıkten sonra uzerıne çıkmamı soledı.ve üzerine cıktım.ve yarragının uzerıne oturdum yavas yavasiçime alıyordum daha sonra hızla zıplamaya ve zevk ınlemelerı cıkarmaya basladım ve sonunda gotum de boşaldı muthış bir duyguydu.o gunden berı kendımı parmaklıyorum.ve çok azmıs bır durumdayım.istanbuldan bütün arkadaslara acıgım.sitemızın yakısıklı editolerınden bu hıkayemı yayaınlamalarını ıstıyorum.maillerinizi beklıyorum

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Domaltarak sik beni

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merhaba adım okay marmariste yasıyorum yasım 23 sıze bundan yaklasık 6 ay once gecen bır gerceği paylasmak ıstıyorum.Okuduğum üniversitenin bağlı olduğu ilin kültür merkezinde türk sanat müziği dersleri alıyorum ve bir konsere hazırlanıyoruz.Derken dersler bitti ve konser gunu geldi çattı.bBendede baya bir heyecan var ilk defa insanların önüne cıkacağız.Neyse bir arkadasla beni konukları karşılama görevi ile görevlendirdiler çünkü içlerinde en genç biz varız koro üyelerinin.Gelen konuklara yer gösteriyoruz derken koro şefi ender hanım benim yanıma gelip bana balıkesirden misafirleri geleceğini ve davetiyelerini unuttuklarını söyledi geldiklerinde beni göreceklerinin benimde onlara yardımcı konusunda talimat verdi.Misafirler geldi tıpkı hocanın dediği gibi onlara yardımcıoldum ve en önden bir yerler ayarladım ama onlara dikkat edtmedim açıkçası ortalık çok kalabalıktı.Konser baslamak üzere olduğu için beni kulise çağırdılar ve yerlerimizi alıp konsere basladık.bir kac parca sora onden iki kisininbeni gösterip aralarında konustuklarını fark ediyorum fakat ışıktan onları malesef neyse konser bitti.fazla uzatmayayım.akşamda grupla restoranda kutlama var toplandık ve bana bir çift gözün baktını fark ediyorum fakat o kalabalıkta anlam eremiyorum derken farkettim gözleri ve benim de ona baklamla bakışlar daha bır pendik escort anlamlı olmaya basladıBen o an o ıkı gözün kime ait olduğunu anladım hocanın gelen misafirlerinden birisi idi.bir bas selamı verdik birbirimize ve gülümsedik.(çocuk 26 yaslarımda gayet yakısıklı uzun boylu ve cekici.)ve o esnada tuvalete gitti ve cıkıstabana doğru gelerek benımle tanısmak ıstediğini söyledi ismi evren di.Neyse kibarlık icabı masaya davet ettim ama bir yandan da bu muhabbete anlam veremiyordum.beni sahilde yürümeye davet etti ve ben kabul ettim ama bir yandan da amacının ne olduğu konusunda bır fıkrım yoktu.Neyse telefonları verdık ve bırbırmızı aramak adına soz verdık ayrıldık.iki günsonra felan telefonum caldı ve araya n evren sasırmıstım acıkcası sohbet ettiktensonra bana hafta sonu planımın olup olmadıımı sordu ben de hayır dedim ve ısterse benı arabayla alıp cıftlık evıne gıdebıleceğimizi söyledi bana da cazip geldi değişiklik olacaktı.Beni kampüsten aldı yola koyulduk ve konserden faln bahsettik ve eve gelmiştik fena bir yer değildi.neyse bana dusa gireceğini soyleyerek ayrıldı bende evı ve ciftliği gezmeye basladım ve ben bahceyı gezerken balkondan bana seslendı ben cıktım dustan dıyordu ama asıl ilginç olan üzerinde bir sey yoktu hatta sular hala üzerinden damlıyordu.Çok ücra br yerdi kimsenin ümraniye escort görmesine imkan yoktu ama ben yinede bir an garipsedim.Eve çıktım ev bu arada dublex gayet zevklı dosenmış bır yerdi.Salona girince onun hala soyunuk olduğunu gördüm ve boyle mı duracaksın dedım oda bır mahsuru varmı ben burada hep boyle dolasırım ozgurluğun tadını cıkarıyorum burada dedı bende sen nasıl rahatsan oyle olsun dıyerek dusa gırmıstım.bir süre sonra cıktım ve kurulanmaya basladım onun koltuğun üzerinde yüz üstü uyumuş olduğunu gördüm. ve vucududa gayet ıyıdi ıl felan cok azdı.onun o şekilde yatışı bır an içimden bir seylerin kıpırdamasına ereksiyon olmaya basladım.Çünkü oyle bir yatmıştı kı kalçalarını ayırmış deliği tüm güzelliği ile görünüyordu.Bende karsısına gectım ve havlunun altından 31 çekmeye başladım.bir ara dondu ve ben toparlandım ve benden su istediben de o şekilde kalkınca yarrağın havada olduğunu görünce hafif bir gülümseme belirdi yüzünde ve ben suyu getirip uzattım ve içtikten sonra bana verirken bir eliylede benimhavlumu açtı birden ben ne olduğunu anlamamıştım bile derken bakıyorum hazır dedi ben utanmıştım ve bana sende böyle dolas olmazmı dedı ve eliylede bir yandan benim yarrağı oksuyordu ben o anın sokuyla sadece başımı sallayabıldım.bundan cesaretle yalamaya basladı benım aletı kadıköy escort banimde hoşuma gitmiyor değildi hani.sonra kendımı onunla çılgınca sevişir vaziyette buldum bıraz mola veriyor bırer sigara yakıyorbırer kadeh bir seyler içiyor ve cıllgınca sevısmeye yenıden baslıyorduk.Ne benım nede onun yalanmadık oksanmadık yeri kalmadı vucudunda ve bu olay benımde hosuma gıtmeya baslamıstı.Sonra yeter bu kadar sevısmek dedi ve uzerıme oturmaya yarragı deliğine sokmaya çalıstı ve tam olarak girince biraz üzerinde kımıldamadan oturup benımle opusmeye basladı ben o kadar sevısmeden sonra hıc gelgıt yapmadan ıcıne bosaldım ve hala yarak kalkıktı cunku o hala benı yalıyordu ve ben hala ıcındeydım.derken oturup kalkmaya zıplamaya basladı uzerımde bır müddet sonra da domalıp oyle sıkmemı ıstedı derken bır kezde oyle bosaldık.Sonra sıra sana geldı deyip bana dondu ve gotumu yalamaya basladı acıkcası bunun olacağını kestıremıyordum ama ok yaydan cıkmıstı bır kere ve dılıyle deliğimi yalaması hosuma gıdıyor parmağı ıle hafıf hafıfyoklaması benı ereksıyon olmamı sağladı tekrar ve yarrağının basını hafif hafifbastırıyordu ben alkolunde etkısıyle iyice kendımden gecmış hareketlerimi kontrol edemiyordum ve bacaklarımı ıyıce ayırdım ve oda zorda olsa gırdı ama canım yanıyordu ve hosuma da gıdıyordu ıkısıde aynı anda yasıyordum ve bıraz gel gıt yaptıktan sonra acı azalmıs yerını zevke bırakmıstı ben ucuyordum adeta ve oda bırsure sonra bosaldı ve bız 2 gun ıkı gece sayısız kere sevıstık ve sıkıstık bazen kımın canı ısterse diğerini arıyor ve görüşüyoruz. benimle bu tür seyler yamak isteyenler yazın

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Sik aşkımın siktiği amıda sik diyordu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben 26 yaşında 1. 87 Boyunda 81 kg esmer ela gözlü biriyim. Burda okuduklarım her zaman çok hoşuma gitmiştir. Oldukça hareketli bir sex yaşantım var. Hep tüketen değil üretende olmak için bende yaşadıklarımı artık burda yazmaya karar verdim. Geçtiğimiz yaz tatilinde mersine yazlığa gittim. Yazlık küçük hoş bi sitenin içindeydi. Başta yalnız gitmiştim ama sonra sevgilimde geldi birlikte tatil yapıyorduk. Sevgilimin adı figen. Sitenin içinde güzel bi havuz vardı. Gündüzleri orda havuza girip akşamlarıda sitenin içindeki yazlık cafede sohbet nuhabbet ediyoduk. Ben akşamları bazan orada gitar filan çalıyordum. Yine bigün havuzda sevgilimle güneşleniyorduk. Hemen alt katımızdki dairede çok güzel bir kız vardı. Adı öznurdu. Çok güzel kalçaları ve güzel göğüsleri vardı. Havuzda devamlı göz göze geliyorduk. Sevgilimde durumu çakmaya başlamıştı. Ama sesini çıkarmıyordu. Akşam yine cafede rastlaştık. Yine bakışmaya başladık. Sonra gitarı alıp bi parça çaldım. Gözlerini benden ayırmıyordu hiç. Sevgilim artık durumu iyice anlamıştı. Parça bitti ve oturdum. Öznur kalktı ve tuvalte doğru gitti. Arkasından figende gitti. Ne olduğunu anlayamamıştım. 5 Dakika sonra yine geldiler. Biraz daha otururp eve gittik. Ertesi gün figen alışveriş için gideceğini söyledi. Bende tamam dedim aklıma öznur geldi tabi hemen. Figen gitti ve hemen havuza indim. Öznur da havuzdaydı. Şimdi daha rahattık figen yoktu çünki. Sonra yanına gitmeye karar verdim. Selam verdim ve konuşmaya başladık. Çok güzel gitar çalıyosun dedi bende istiyorsan sana çalabilirim dedin. Hemen şimdimi çalıcaksın diye sordu. Bende ewet neden olmasın benim evime çıkarsak orda istdiği her parçayı çalacağımı söyledim. pendik escort Giydiği bikini çok küçüktü ve ben karşısındaki şezlongta oturuyordum hafif bacaklarını aralamıştı ve amı tüm güzelliğiyle belli oluyordu. Benimkide artık iyice başkaldırmıştı. Bi ara onu sikime bakarken yakaladım ve oan gözgeze geldi ve ikimizde hafice gülümsdikArtık vakti gelmişti kalktık ve bana gittik. Zaten yarı çıplaktık o bikiniyle bende şortlaydım. Gitarı aldım ve çalmaya başladım. Oda dolaptan bira aldı ve bitaraftanda içiyorduk. Yerde oturuyorduk. Bacaklarını karnına doğru çekmişti. Sonra aralamaya başladı. Adeta gitarı bırak gel amımı yala dergibi duruyordu. Gitarı bıraktım isteristemez.Artık sikim şortuma sığmıyordu. Bende bacaklarımı uzattım ve sikim kule gibi ortaya çıktı. Öznur hafifçe güldü ve dikkat ette şortunu parçalayıp şortsuz kalma dedi. Bende güldüm ve nolcakki şortsuz kalırsam dedim. Bilmek istermisin dedi. Ewet demememe kalmadan iki eliyle dalıp şortumu çıkardı. Sikimi tam kökünden kavradı ve hemen sikime yumuldu. Sanki daha önce hiç gömemiş gibi hoyratça yalıyordu. Ben boynundan bikinisinin bağını çözdüm. O hala deli gibi yalıyordu arasıra kafasını kaldırıp beni bununla sikeceksin dimi diye soruyordu. Sonra sakın bozma böyle dur dedim ve ayağa kalktıp arkasına geçtim. Dörtayak pozistonundaydı. Bikinisinin altını yavaşça çıkardım ve bacaklarını araladım ama çok güzeldi ve tamamen tüysüzde. Kafamı arkadan bacak arsına soktum ve sadece amının etrafını yalamaya başladım. Ortaya hiç dokunmuyordum. Dakikalarca yaladım amının etrafını. Deliye döndü adeta. Amından sular geliyordu ve hadi artık lütfen diy çığlık atıyordu. Amı iyice ıslanınca ümraniye escort dilimi ortaya doğru kaydırdım ve tüm ıslaklığını yaladımaya başladım dilimi amına sokup çıkardıkta titrediğini hissediyordum. Birden sarsıldı ve ağzıma doğru boşaldı. Artık sıra göt deliğindeydi. Dilimi dokundurmamla çığlık atması bir oldu. götünüde iyice yaladıktan sonra artık yalvarmasına daha dayanamadım. Dizlerimin üzerine doğruldum. Tam kafasını amına dayadım ama sokmadım. Sürtüyordum sadece. Deli gibi yalvarıyordu sonra sadece başının sokup çıkarmaya başladım. Artık bende dayanamadım ve sert şekilde en dibine kadar girdim. Artık çok serttim. Parçalar gibi sikiyordum öznuru. Müthiş tempo yakalamıştım.Kalçasına tokatlar atıyordum parmağımı götd deliğine sokup çıkarıyordum o ise domalmış ve dirseklerinin üzerindeydi. Zevkten ağlıyor gibiydi. Artık bende dayanamadım ve içine öyle bir ptladımki heralde midesine kadar çıkmıştır spermlerim. Uzandık ikimizde yerde. Ama o yine doğrulup sikimi yalamaya başlamıştı. Bende çok geçmeden sertlerştim. Yerde uzanmıştım zaten. Sonra üzerime çıkıp sikimi kökünden kavrayıp üzerine yavaşça oturdu. Sikimin üstünde atlayıp zıplamaya başladı. Herşey yolunda giderken kapının açıldığını duydum.Kapı zaten salona açılıyordu. Gelen figendi. Ama yalnız değildi yanında yine bizim sitede oturan bir erkek vardı. O pozisyonda yakalandık birden bire ama öznur hiç bozmadı ve figene nerde kaldın diye sordu. Meğer bizimkiler akşam cafenin tuvaletinde bu olayı planlmışlar. Biz yerde ve öznur sikimi içine almış üzerimde, figenle kenansa karşımızda bize bakar vaziyette olduk birden. Figen bana nasıl hoşuna gittimi öznuru sikmek çok kadıköy escort istiyodu bunu dimi dedi. Bişey diyemedim. Sonra bana şimdi sıra bende bende kenanın sikini içimde boşaltmak istiyorum dedi ve kanepeye uzandı. Kenana biz konuşurken soyunmaya başlamıştı zaten. Soyunda ve öznurun yanınnda durdu. Sikini öznurun ağzına yaklaştırdı ve öznurda sikini tutup ağzına aldı ve emmeye başladı. Figende soyunmuştu bu arada. Oda yanımıza geldi ve kenanın sikini öznurun ağzında alıp kendisi yalamaya başladmıştı. Öznurda üzerimden kalkıp yere uzandı. Bende hmen öznurla 69 pozisyonuna geçtim. Kenan figeni domaltmıştı ama arkam dönük olduğu için görmüyorum. Figen bana seslenip bak aşkım bunu kaçırma izle dedi. Sonra kenana dönüp hadi bakalım sikini o kadar kayganlaştırdım şimdi beni götümden sikte aşkım görsün dedi. Kenanada sikini figenin götüne sokmaya başaldı ve figende zorlanmasına rğmen zevkle kenanın sikini içine aldı. Ben figenle kenanın izlerken öznurda bnimkini yalıyordu. Figen devamlı bana bişeyler söylüyordu. Nasıl güzel sikiliyormuyum, beni sikilirken izlemek hoşuna gittimi gibi şeyler söylüyordu. Durumu başta yadırgasamda zevk almaya başlamıştım artık. Herkese bişeyler söylüyordu figen. Öznura sevigilimn siki hoşuna gittimi yalaması güzeşdr o siki diyordu, kenana off çok iyi daha sert sik beni hadi amımdanda sik aşkımın siktiği amıda sik artık diyordu. Artık o kadar zevk almıştımki öznurun ağzına boşalmak üzereydim ve birden doğrulup sikimi figenin ağzına dayadım ve ikinci kez figenin ağzına boşaldım. Bunu zaten çok severdi. Kenan figeni amından sikiyordu artık oda dayanamadı ve sikini fignin amından çıkardı ve öznurun ağzına soktu ve patladı. O kadar boşaldıki öznurun ağzı burnu bembeyaz oldu. Fignde kalkıp öznurun yüzündekileri yaladı. Sonra kalakaldık öylece hepbirlikte. Herkez çok zevk almış gözüküyordu. Sonra akşamları buluşup evde bikaç kez daha tekaraladık bunu. Çok güzel bir tatil olmuştu…Gönderen: Şanslı Adam

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Ben murat  sikilmeyi çok severim. bir  gün götüm kaşınmaya başlamıştı ne yapayım diye düşünürken bahcede oynayan köpeğimizi gördüm. gel  dedim hemen yanıma geldi sikini bir iki okşadım hemen dışarı fırladı.aldım içeri götürdüm.ben hemen soyunup cırılcıplak kaldım.onuda yanıma cağırıp götümü döndüm sanki ne yapmak istediğimi anlamış olacakki,götümü dil darbeleriyle yalamaya başladı.için bir tuhaf olmaya başlamıştı. döndüm sikini bir bakayım dedim.aman allahım pendik escort bu kadar sik bu köpekte nasıl olur dedim kendi kendime. ama bir sorun vardı bu siki götüme nasıl sokacaktım. onu yere yatardım ama bir türlü götüme sokamıyordu sikini.cekyata doğru domaldım ellerimi arkaya atıp beklemeye başladım iki ayağını sırtıma atı gidip gelmeye başladı ama sikini götüme denk getiremiyordu.elimi arkaya attım ve sikini tutup göt deliğime yanaştırdım.sanki ümraniye escort benim ne demek istediğimi anladıki bir abandı sik dibine kadar götüme giriverdi .gözümden yaşlar akmaya başlamıştı.bağırmaya başlamışım zevkten. beni siken mahalleden biri vardı o duymuş bu bağırmamı ve eve gelmiş benden başkasına sikiliyor diye. bir bakmışki köpeğe siktiriyorum kendimi.oda hemen gelip sikini ağzıma dayıyor arkadan köpeğim ağzımdanakadaşım beni öyle kadıköy escort bir siktilerki anlatamam.arkadaşım boşaldı zavallı köpeğim hala beni sikiyordu.o günden sonra kendimi siktirecek adam aramadım evde yanlız kaldığım zaman köpeğimi eve alıp kendimi güzelce siktiriyorum. bu burada bitmedi tabiki evlendim sonra eşimle mutlu bir beraberliğimiz var. ona bu hikayemi anlattım çok fene tahrik oldu.o gece müthiş bir şekilde sikiştik.sikişirken bana bende istiyorum dedi. ertesi gün köpeğimizi eve aldık. ben yaladım eşime kaydı eşim yaladı bana kaydı sabahı yataktan ikimizde zorla kalktık.benim götüm onun amı ve götü köpeğin dölleriyle doluydu. hoşcakalın kendinizi bol bol siktirin.eğer sikilmek hoşonuza gitmiyorsa beni cağırın beni sikin.

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Ablam elleriyle götünü araladı ben siktim

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Bu olay yaşandığında ben 16 ablam 18 yaşındaydı. Ablam(sema) esmer, 1, 70 boylarında 55 kilodur. Göğüsleri vücuduna göre büyük sayılır, kalçaları ise beni her zaman azdıracak biçimde yusyuvarlaktır. Birgün okuldan döndüğümüzde, ikimizde liseye gidiyorduk, ablam hemen odasına gitti. Bense bişeyler atıştırmak için mutfağa gittim. Az sonra odama dönerken bişeyler görebilmek için ablamın odasının anahtar deliğinden baktım. Ablam üstünü değiştirmeden yatağına oturmuş sigara içiyordu, bunu görünce hemen aklıma bir plan geldi ve içeri girdim. Ablam “ne yapıyorsun” derken bir yandan da sigarayı söndürmeye çalışıyordu. Bende “hiç sadece babama söyleyeceğim birşey olup olmadığına bakıyorum” dedim. O an bana nefretle baktı ama kozlar benim elimdedi. Ona “babama söylemem ama bir şartla” dedim. “Neymiş o?” dedi. İnsan söylenirken biraz zorlanıyordu ama bir anda ağzımdan dökülüverdi “seni sikersem vazgeçerim” dedim. Sema “nasıl olur biz kardeşiz böyle bişeyi nasıl düşünürsün?” dedi. Bende “sana 15 dakika karar ver, eğer olumluysa odama gel değilse akşam için bir konuşma hazırla!” dedim ve odama gittim. 5 Dakika sonra ablamın bursa escort odasının kapısının açıldığını duydum ve yatağımda yatarken kalbim hızla çarpmaya başladı. Az sonra odamın kapısı açıldı ve sema okul formasıyla içeri süzüldü. “Bu sadece bir kez olacak ve kimse bilmeyecek” dedi. Güçlükle “tamam” dedim. Gömleğini çıkardı beyaz dantelli bir sütyeni vardı onuda çıkarınca benimki hemen şaha kalktı. Daha sonra eteğini çıkaracakti ki “önce ağzına boşalacağım” dedim. “Sadece bir kere için anlaştık unutma” dedi bende “her deliğe bir kere” dedim. Bir an vazgeçecek diye çok korktum ama onun babamdan korkusu daha büyüktü. Önümde diz çöktü ve benimkini ağzına aldı. İyice yalamasını söylüyordum…Bu sırada ben göğüslerini okşuyordum ve gitgide daha fazlasını ağzına aldığı yarrağımı iyice yalamasını söylüyordum. Bir süre sonra ayağa kalktım ve ablamın kafasını sikime bastırmaya başladım. Son anda ağzından çıkıp yüzüne boşaldım. O kadar çok menim vardi ki sema`nın ağzı burnu saçları meni oldu. O banyoya temizlenmek için gidip geri geldiğinde ben anca toparlanmıştım. Eteğini çıkaracaktı ki ona kilodunu çıkarmasını ve bana bursa escort bayan vermesini söyledim. Oda komutlarıma pek istemeyerek uydu. Karşımda dans etmesi için müziği açtım ve benimkini kaldırmak için önce kokladığım iç çamaşırını aletime sürmeye başladım. O ara ablam saçlarını ellerinin arasına alırken göğüslerinin görüntüsü beni çıldırttı. “Gel buraya sikimin üstüne otur” dedim. Artık iyice havaya girmiştim. Yatağa yaklaştı. Sırtımdan tutup önce sağ sonra sol ayağını yatağa koydu. Bu arada eli sikime gitti onu ortaladı ve hafif bir inlemeyle başıyla amının dudaklarını birleştirdi. Yavaş yavaş oturup kalkmaya başladı, biraz sonra bu büyülü atmosferden kurtulup göğüslerinin tadına bakmaya başladım. Inlemerinin artışıyla göğüsleride iyice dikleşmişti. Bir sağ göğsünün bir sol göğsünün ucunu öperken ablamda havaya girdi ve kafamı hafifce kaldırıp beni öptü. Dudaklarına öyle bir yapıştım ki dillerimiz bir dakika boyunca birbiriyle sevişti. Derken ablam kafasını inlemelerinin armasıyla geri çekti ve “ahhh” diye bir çığlık atarak boşaldı. Bu arada bende gelmek üzereydim. Bunu hemen farkedip ablamı yatağa yatırdım escort bursa ve amından çıkıp göğüslerinin arasına yarrağımı soktum. Göğüslerini sıkarak sikimi arasına soktum ve oraya boşaldım. Genişletmeye başladım…Bayağı bir yorulmama rağmen götünü sikmek istiyordum. Onu kaldırdım ve ağzına verdim. Benimki bir iki dakikada kendine geldi. Ablamı bilgisayar masasına dayayıp arakadan amını yalamaya başladım. Inlemeleri artmaya başlayınca kalkıp parmaklarını götüne birer birer sokup genişletmeye başladım. Bana “fazla acıtma lütfen” dedi. Bu beni daha da azdırdı ve sikimim başını götüne bir anda sokunca ablam düşecek gibi oldu. Hemen saçından tutup çektim. Elleriyle kalçalarını aralamaya çalışıyordu. Bende bastırıyordum. Ama artık iniltileri hırıltıya dönüşmüştü. Biraz sokup fazla zorlamadan gidip gelmeye başladım ama bu bile ablama yetmişti. “Ahhh”, “ohhh”, “ıhhh” gibi sesleri beni daha da azdırıyordu. Arkadan sarılıp iyice şişmiş göğüslerini sıkarken elim kendi menime geldi bunu ablamın ağzına götürdüm. Artık refleks gibi olduğu için hemen yaladı. Hızımı giderek arttırdım. Bir yandan da amını parmaklıyordum ve inleme kükreme arası bir sesle boşaldım. O kadar çok boşalmıştım ki ablamın götüneden meniler eteğine akıyordu. Onu bırakır bırakmaz hemen yere oturdu ve bana gülümseyerek “artık içkiye de başlayacağım” dedi… Gönderen: Qwerty25

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Liaisons Ch. 05: Rescue and Revenge

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February, 1941, The Baron’s Austrian Castle

Bryan, now reverting to Paul for the trip, wasn’t sure what reception Timothy and he would receive at Baron Von Holst’s mountain chalet; it had taken time and effort to establish that that’s where the baron could be found, although Paul hoped it would be, as it was closer to the Swiss border than his castle was. Paul had pitched Timothy on coming along, promising to fix him up with a permanent, wealthy partner when they returned—and he had agreed even when Paul told him that it was dangerous and what he would have to do.

The all-important question wasn’t where the baron was—it was where Paul’s mother was and if she still was with the baron. He had kept tabs on her as best he could without letting her know where he had gone and what he was doing. The trip would be meaningless if she wasn’t there. She had still been with the baron the last he knew, though.

To his relief, he found that she was there when he finally was able to place a call that he was coming to visit her. The baron was off skiing, she said, though. She was delighted he was visiting, although she sounded strained on the telephone. It remained to be seen what the baron would think.

The last time Paul had been with the baron, the baron had wanted to own and fully possess him. Paul was thirty-six now, and even though he had no trouble maintaining his sex appeal for men, there was no telling what the baron, now fifty-two, would feel about it. Paul thought—and hoped—that the baron’s arousal was for younger men. That was what Timothy was going along for.

As was the case decades earlier, a sleigh, this time driven by the woodsman of old, older certainly, but still as massive and still with eyes for Paul, awaited them at the train depot in the village at the bottom of the mountain. And, as decades earlier, snow lay heavily on the ground and was still coming down from the sky.

The baron, older, but, if anything, more distinguished of aspect and just as muscular as before, was the first one to greet them in the foyer of the chalet. The shock for Paul was that the baron was wearing the uniform of an SS officer. The Nazis had taken a firm grip of Austria—Paul had been able to see that as the train moved across the country—and Baron Von Holst had obviously embraced the new order. Paul shuddered at the thought that men like the German General Steinman, who had brutalized him the last time he had been here, were now at the helm of this country—and supported by men like Von Holst.

As he feared, when the baron set his eyes on him at the door, Paul saw the familiar old arousal, lust, and intent to own in them. But as he hoped, when he turned and brought Timothy forward and introduced him, the baron’s interest immediately refocused on the younger man—a young man who was very much like the Paul of the Venice resort that the baron was so smitten by that he took his virginity by force.

Lady Elizabeth, now fifty-six, but still a beauty, if in a more mature way than before, emerged from behind the baron and fell into Paul’s arms, pelting him with questions, few of which he intended to answer. This gave the baron a chance to move closer to Timothy and engage him in conversation, which suited Paul just fine. Timothy had been told to charm the pants off the baron, and he was doing a very good job of it.

Even though they’d been parted for over fifteen years, Paul was distressed to see that his mother was tense and had developed a nervous tick. He discovered one reason for this when, coming into focus from behind her, he spied a younger, beautiful woman in a Germanic way, standing in the foyer.

“This is Anna Marie,” the baron said, introducing a woman who couldn’t be anything but the female bait the baron was now using for his munitions deals more than he was using Elizabeth. Paul didn’t mind; it should make it easier to convince his mother to leave before that no longer would be possible.

“And this,” the baron said, calling forth a young man of eighteen or nineteen—a very handsome and perfectly formed young man, “is Erick, my son.”

Eureka, Paul thought. This was better than he ever had thought it might be, especially since the young man was looking at him with interest and shyly lowering his eyes in embarrassment, as if the man before him could discern that the interest was a sexual one—but one still trapped in unfulfilled emotions and not experience—which, with Paul’s background, he was adept in translating. He knew that look and those struggling emotions of wanting something but being afraid to grasp it. Those had been his own emotions that summer when the baron has initiated him.

This young man wanted to be fucked by a man—and he was attracted to Paul. Paul quickly discerned this. He wondered if the baron knew, but turning and looking at him, with the baron’s eyes busy devouring Timothy, Paul didn’t think so. Otherwise the baron should have sensed some danger of Paul being here, but that didn’t seem to come across. The baron casino siteleri was busy with an arm around Timothy and whispering to him. Schooled in his purpose here, Timothy was egging him on, and was touching the sleeve of the baron’s uniform, nodding his head and giving out “yes, Baron, anything you want; any time you want it” signals. Paul gave the baron less than two hours before he’d have his dick in the young man. At least it wouldn’t be Paul. Paul needed to talk with his mother. He also could see that he might want to show some attention to Anna Marie. He definitely wanted to get close to the baron’s son.

And he’d already made an assignation to meet with the woodsman in the hayloft in the stable. He had plans for the woodsman. If he had to leave without the approval of the baron, he would need allies in the stable.

There was much work that Paul could do here—payback work—if he was clever enough. But first he had to convince his mother to leave with him.

“If you don’t mind, Josef,” he said to the baron, “I will withdraw with my mother before we meet for drinks before supper. There is much catching up we need to do.”

“Yes, of course, you must,” the baron said. But though he was speaking to Paul, the baron’s attention was on Timothy. And his palm was on Timothy’s buttocks. “I’ll just show your young man around.”

I just bet you will, Paul thought. And you probably do think I am fucking Timothy. That would give you an added thrill in taking him away from me—showing him, like you did me, that he really wants the rough, all-consuming fucking you provide.

As the baron escorted Timothy back toward the bedroom wing and Erick and Anna Marie withdrew to wherever they were going, both with longing looks back at Paul, Paul and Elizabeth moved to a heated sun porch, where they would watch the winter wonderland while they talked.

Elizabeth wasn’t as effervescent as she had been when Paul was last with her. It was natural that age would take the edge off that, but it was more than that. She was nervous and melancholy. It didn’t help that Paul would not tell her anything about his life since he had escaped the chalet other than that he’d gone to school in New York, lived there now, and was a journalist—here for that reason, but . . .

“I’m here for another reason, a greater one, Mother. Europe is collapsing. The Germans are already here. England has been at war with Germany for two years. The Germans are bombing England. America will come in on the side of England any day now. Your background is America and England. It won’t be safe for you to stay here—especially because I see that the baron is wearing an SS uniform. He won’t protect you.”

“He will. He will stand by me,” Elizabeth protested. “He loves me.” She didn’t sound like she could convince anyone about that other than herself.

“What is Anna Marie doing here, Mother? Has the baron married you? Is he sleeping nights in your bed or Anna Marie’s?”

“He sleeps alone mainly,” she answered.

“All right, then who is the baron fucking?”

“Paul! Watch your language.”

“You know he has used you, Mother. I know he has pimped you out to men he wants something from to fuck.”


“Wake up mother. You are still beautiful, but you are fifty-six. How much longer can you do this? Don’t you know that Anna Marie is your replacement? This is coming to an end. You didn’t answer the question whether he has married you or not.”

“No, he hasn’t,” she said, looking down at her trembling hands.

“Doesn’t that tell you anything, Mother?”

She didn’t answer. She was tearing up.

“You aren’t the only one he’s used for his deals.” It was time to be brutal. She knew it; she just had never admitted it, even to herself.

“I don’t understand.”

“I think you do understand. Why do you think he always wanted me here? What do you think I was doing when most of the men were invited up here to negotiate an arms deal?”

“I . . . I don’t think I want to hear this.”

“He showed interest in us because of me, Mother—not as much because of you as because of me.”

“I . . . you can’t . . .”

“That summer when we met him in Venice, he fucked you in the gazebo . . . but before that, he had fucked me in the cabana on the beach and he fucked me in my room and in his room, and, yes, in the gazebo and in the back of his carriage . . . and he let men come here and fuck me, and after he left your room at night he came to mine and fucked me. And, hell, he fucked me before he went to your room. I think his interest in us was me, much more than you, Mother.”

“It’s not true . . . it can’t be true. I don’t want to hear this.”

“Then you must see it. Where do you think the baron is now? Who do you think he’s with? Stand up, Mother, we’re going exploring.”

We found them in the baron’s office. Timothy, naked, on his back on the desk, his wrists bound and his arms pulled over his head and fastened to a hook on the other slot oyna side of the desk. The baron, trouserless and holding Timothy’s ankles raised and spread, was pounding the young man’s ass. Timothy was crying out in ecstasy that he’d never been fucked like this before.

Paul pulled Elizabeth away from the crack in the door and to her room before she broke down into sobs. After that, it wasn’t too difficult for him to convince her she wanted to leave.

“Portugal. I can get you to Portugal. I haven’t lost all contact with the family. There will be support for you there, and Portugal is still neutral. England isn’t safe now; the German’s are bombing. It’s too risky to try to get to Boston. Ships are being sunk. Portugal. All Right?”

“All right,” she answered through snuffles. “I have friends who are writing me from there.”

“Will you be all right here until we leave? You must act for now like nothing is wrong. I have other things I must do.”

“Yes, I’ll be all right.” Then she tugged at his arm. “Thank you for coming back for me. I’ve always felt so guilty about you leaving abruptly. I suppose I knew it was Josef, and—”

“It wasn’t the baron, Mother. I enjoyed the baron. He opened me up to sex with men. It’s what I wanted, even before Venice. He liberated me as well as using me. It was the German general, Steinman. He was brutal beyond reason. And he’s just what Germany is now. That’s what I was escaping. Now, fix your face and act like nothing happened this afternoon when you come back out.”

Rescue under way, Paul thought, as he left his mother. Now let’s see what can be done in the way of revenge. Either Erick or Anna Marie, I think.

Anna Marie was the first one he encountered. She was flirty and obviously willing, and thought nothing of it when Paul asked her if they had a hay loft in the stable.

“Certainly,” she said, with a saucy smile and flick of her skirts, “Follow me.”

The kissing and fondling with Paul lying on top of Anna Marie in the hay was no problem. And Anna Marie was proud of her full breasts and didn’t mind having her bodice unbuttoned and the breasts put on display for Paul’s admiration, kisses and suckling. And she willingly opened her legs to him, when he slipped a hand under her hem and up, rubbed and pinched her folds, found her clit, and invaded her cunt with probing fingers. She arched her back and moaned for him. Her own hand found his fly, unbuttoned it, and expressed amazement at the size and hardness of him.

Paul’s years as an escort had prepared him for many eventualities. He could top as well as bottom and he could get hard for a woman. Anna Marie was a woman who was easy to get hard for.

He was kneeling between her legs, her skirts gathered up around her waist and in position before she realized they had progressed that far. She was just rummaging around for the pocket of her skirt to produce a sheath that the baron had her use for him and his guests, when Paul penetrated her.

She struggled to tell him to wait, to prepare, but it was too late. He was inside her and pumping and she was lost to him, moaning, groaning, and sighing. He was big and strong and handsome. He also was virile. He seeded her in that position; he turned her and seeded her from behind; he pulled her into his lap, facing him, and seeded her again. By that time she didn’t care whether he was sheathed or not, and she readily agreed to meet with him anytime they could get together—which was three more times before Paul and his mother made their escape.

It wasn’t a mistake that he didn’t use protection with her. If he was able to leave the baron with a squalling extra mouth to feed, that was some form of revenge for all the use the baron had gotten out of him and Elizabeth.

Erick was another matter. That night when Paul was sure that the baron was in Timothy’s room, with Timothy bound wrists and ankles to the bed and was fucking him hard and long, Paul stole to Erick’s bedroom. The young man was stretched out on his bed, dreaming dreams—quite possibly of Paul—and, naked, was masturbating when Paul himself, in a robe appeared in the doorway.

“May I come in?” he asked at the door. It was the only permission he asked for the next hour.

Wide eyed, particularly when Paul let his robe open to reveal that he was naked and in erection, Erick failed to answer. He didn’t say no, though.

Dropping the robe but retaining the sash and the gag he’d brought with him, Paul was upon the young man in an instant. They struggled on the bed, and Erick managed to get across that he’d never been with a man before, but he failed to say no when Paul asked if he didn’t want to be with a man—and with Paul specifically.

Paul was too strong for the young man. He had his wrists bound and the gag on him, after which Erick calmed down in surrender. Paul didn’t have to do any of the violent things the baron had done to him on the Venice beach when he took Paul’s virginity, but Erick was just as debauched—and canlı casino siteleri fucked—as Paul had been that first time.

Erick put up a token resistance, enough to roll them off the bed, but he was reduced to sobs, moans, and groans, as Paul put him on all fours on the floor, mounted him, fucked him, and seeded him. When he was fucking Erick, he reached under and milked the young man’s cock, not taking long to give the baron’s son an ejaculation. He threw the young man up on the bed, forced his legs open and sucked Erick’s cock and fondled his balls while Paul reloaded. Erick started to get into it fully at this point, and when Paul pushed his knees between Erick’s thighs, thrust inside him, and began to pump, Erick was moaning and setting his hips in a countermotion to make the most of the thrusts. Paul creamed the young man’s passage almost simultaneously with Erick’s own shoot off.

The third fucking represented total surrender. Erick was unbound and without gag. Paul lay on his back on the bed and Erick rode his cock.

Erick’s initiation was complete. His preference had already been signaled, but, like Paul had been in Venice, Paul decided he needed someone to take him over the edge. Paul had done so, and less brutally than the baron had done with him.

But, Paul gloated, the baron’s son now was lost to the cocks of men, whether that had been in the baron’s plans or not.

Enough revenge? Paul thought not.

The next morning Paul rode the cock of the gigantically endowed woodsman in the hay loft of the stable. Much to the surprise and delight of the woodsman, there was no trouble at all in Paul sheathing a cock of nearly a foot long and as thick as they come. This was Paul’s specialty now, partially thanks to this very woodsman. In return the woodsman had no problem in having a sleigh and two strong horses ready at midnight two days hence.

On the night, Paul put Anna Marie in an exhausted sleep in her room while Timothy was doing the same for the baron in the baron’s bedroom. When Paul, his mother, and Timothy met at the sleigh, though, a complication arose.

“Take me with you,” Erick was there, pleading.

“We can’t,” Paul said. “The baron will probably let us go, but if we have you, he’ll set forth all of the dogs of hell to track us down.”

“I can’t stay here. He’ll beat me when he learns I want men. They are executing homosexuals here now.”

“Well, he himself . . .” Paul started to say, but then he checked himself. Josef was responsible for whatever he got himself into. It wasn’t fair to do that to his innocent son. And Paul had some responsibility for how Erick now declared. “Get in. We have to leave now. We need to be most of the way to the Swiss border before the baron even wakes up.”

Paul deposited Lady Elizabeth in Lisbon, where she found that even more of her friends than she had previously thought had interred themselves. And the family had sent enough money to the Lisbon banks for Elizabeth to be comfortable on for two decades even if they couldn’t send any more.

Paul’s promise to Timothy was even easier than that. While they were eating at an outdoor café in Lisbon, an elegantly dressed gentleman in his sixties made eyes at Timothy, which were reciprocated. He was a nobleman with extensive vineyards on the coast, no wife or other living relatives. And his fetish was fucking handsome young men, although he said he had been strongly considering settled down with just one. Erick was a bit young for him, he thought, and Paul a bit old—”although you’re both luscious men who I’d happily fuck once and handsomely pay for the privilege”—but he thought that Timothy might be just right.

He took them all home to his large old villa by the sea and fucked them all, spending a night with each one of them. Erick and Paul he rewarded generously and sent back to Lisbon in his car. Timothy he kept.

Paul and Erick took the risk of taking a ship from Lisbon to London. They spent virtually the whole three days in one bunk in their cabin, with Paul teaching Erick sexual positions and techniques. Erick said he wanted to be a prostitute like Paul revealed he was.

“Not just a prostitute,” Paul said, “a high-class escort. You are the son of a baron. You have the refinement needed for the escort services I work for. But you will need to learn to take larger cocks than mine if you want to make the best money. And you’ll have to take a lot of pounding, cruelty, and toy play to cut it as a well-paid escort.”

“More than General Steinman can provide? I understand that you ran away after he fucked you.”

“Point taken.”

“And I don’t think that big dicks will be a problem,” Erick said with a secret smile.

“What do you mean? I’m not nearly as big as they come.”

“I saw you with the woodsman. I saw you take all of his, so I know you know how hung he is.”

“Yes, so . . . what are you saying? You and the woodsman?”

“Constantly. Ever since my eighteenth birthday.”

“Why, you little liar.”

“I thought if you believed I was innocent, you’d be more interested in bedding me.”

Paul set his jaw. There was more of the baron in his son than Paul was happy about.

“Your father?”

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Daddy Needs His Blowjob Ch. 10

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Big Tits

The next morning Marie woke up with a rare hangover and only a hazy memory of the night before. “I remember having a good time, but I also remember something really naughty going on. What happened?”

“I’m not sure you want to know,” I said.

When I came out of the shower a few minutes later, I heard Marie talking to Krissy while she fixed a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs for us.

“. . . and I don’t want you to get any silly ideas in your head, sweetie. Don’t get me wrong — I love having sex with your stepfather. But there’s nothing magical about his penis — or about any man’s penis. Sure, your stepfather has a lot of stamina, but the real thing is this: I love him.”

“I’ve seen you cum when you suck his cock. That’s not normal, Mom.”

Marie cleared her throat, obviously embarrassed. “Well, it’s . . . .”

“. . . Complicated. Yeah, I get it.”

“Actually, it’s not complicated at all. It’s love. In the evenings, your stepfather and I have this . . . .”

“. . . Roleplay. Yeah, I’ve seen it. You REALLY get into your roleplay, Mom.”

Marie laughed. “I do get lost in it. But the reason I get lost in it is because I CAN get lost in it. I trust and love your stepfather as much as I trust and love you. When I close my eyes while I . . . uh . . . kiss him, I feel free to lose myself with him.”

“Mom, I love him, too.”

“Of course you do, sweetie. He’s been a very good stepfather to you.”

“Mom, I think I love him more like a . . . Daddy.”

Marie turned and stared at her daughter.

Krissy went on: “Mom, I know that you and I haven’t talked that much about my dating since you gave me the ‘birds-and-bees/use-a-condom’ speech a couple of years ago. But I really have taken to heart what you said about making sure that sex is meaningful. I haven’t been nearly as . . . active, I guess you would say . . . as you and Danny probably think I’ve been.” She paused and looked down at her plate, moving the food around nervously with her fork before looking back up at her mother and speaking again: “Do you think it would be alright if Danny were my first one?”

At that moment, there was a bang and crash outside on the street. It was the sanitation guys slinging the garbage cans into their truck. At the sound, Marie reflexively looked toward the front of the house and saw me standing at the end of the hallway. I imagine that the expression on my face was probably as dumbfounded as what I saw on hers. My cockteasing stepdaughter — a virgin? A virgin who wants me to pop her cherry?

Marie shook her head slightly trying to reorder her thoughts. “Sweetie,” she said. “You’ve raised a lot of . . . issues. But you need to leave for school in a few minutes. Let’s talk about this some more later.”

That night, the three of us watched a movie together. It was one of those weepy romantic dramas full of longing and separations and unrequited stuff ending in requited stuff. Marie was a sucker for that kind of thing, and I had to admit that I rather liked a nice romantic tearjerker myself once in a while.

At first, Krissy sat in the recliner several feet away from us. Marie curled up in my arms with her legs tucked under her.

After a few minutes, though, Krissy got up. “Don’t pause the movie, I’m just fixing some popcorn. Want any?”

When she came back a couple of minutes later, she put a big bowl of popcorn on the table in front of the couch, handed me a glass of white wine and sat next to me. I sipped the wine while mother and daughter dug into the popcorn. As the movie became more engrossing, casino siteleri I put the wine glass on the table and lay back. Putting both arms on the back of the couch, I embraced my family and pulled my women toward me. Marie and Krissy leaned into my chest, their large breasts pressing into my body.

The movie went on. I kissed Marie on the top of the forehead, then turned to Krissy and did the same to her. My hands, which had been draped along their shoulders, rose up so that I could stroke both their cheeks. Marie responded by nuzzling closer to me to kiss and lick my neck, while Krissy contented herself with simply placing her hand over mine as I stroked her face.

The revelation that morning that Krissy was a virgin replayed itself in my head, making it hard to even follow the plot of the melodrama showing on the tube. It was hard to believe — yet I had to — that Krissy, with her sexy dancing, her pornographic displays and teasing, was actually still a virgin. Yet I knew that she wasn’t a liar, especially since her mother and I had tacitly assumed that she was already sexually active and had accepted it as part of her coming of age in the modern era. Why would she bother lying about it?

I pulled Krissy’s head closer to me so that she rested it on my shoulder while I continued to stroke her cheek. Accepting Krissy’s inexperience caused a wave of tenderness to wash over me, reminding me of how lovely and cute and fun she was when I first met her in her early teens, before she blossomed into the sexy young woman that I saw today. I bent forward and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, sweetie,” I said.

Marie saw my gesture and brought her hand up to stroke Krissy’s cheek with me. “We both love you, sweetie. More than anyone else in the world.” After that the three of us settled back into the couch and watched the movie unfold. I hugged both my girls tightly.

After a long time of relaxing together, Krissy turned to her mother. “Mom, I think it’s getting late. Doesn’t Daddy need his blowjob?”

Marie froze in embarrassment, but Krissy continued: “Oh, Mom. I’ve seen it all. Go ahead. Don’t you want to?”

Marie did nothing for several seconds, seeming to consider it. Then she came to a decision. She reached toward my crotch and began a fumbling, one-handed effort to undo my belt. Krissy reached over and helped, smiling at her mother. The mother-daughter cooperation made my cock even harder.

In a few moments, Marie and Krissy had my pants off. Instead of sucking me, though, Marie remained curled up in my arms and began lazily stroking my rod up and down while we watched the movie. Krissy reached for a couple of kernels of popcorn and snuggled closer to me. “I love this show, Daddy.”

We remained that way for several minutes. After so many intense interactions over the last several weeks, this was strangely low-key: Marie stroked me up and down, up and down in a way that was soothing while at the same time sexy as hell. Krissy occasionally took my hand draped over her shoulder and kissed it or licked my finger, but otherwise she simply burrowed into my chest and purred contentedly. Occasionally she reached for some popcorn and casually ate it while her eyes drifted back and forth from her mother’s actions to the TV screen. It reminded me of her actions several weeks earlier, brazenly eating popcorn while she watched her mother blow me.

The movie was pretty good, too.

I hardly noticed it when Krissy’s hand joined her mother’s stroking my cock. At first, her fingers traced a trail along her mother’s hand going slot oyna up and down, as if Krissy was tentatively asking her mother’s permission to help pleasure me. Only gradually did her fingers drift over so that both women were caressing my shaft.

Yet we continued to watch the movie. Mother and daughter were working together to give me pleasure, but they maintained a languid pace, stroking gently and occasionally moving in closer to kiss my neck or nibble my ear.

“I love both my girls so much,” I said.

“We love you, too, Daddy. So, so much,” said Krissy. She bent down and planted a loving French kiss on the tip of my cock, licking it and swirling her tongue around the head for only a second or so. Then she straightened up and settled back in my arms, stroking and purring like her mother.

We watched the entire movie that way. Krissy and Marie soon settled into an easy regime of cooperation, with one girl’s hand on my shaft and the other’s on my cockhead or drifting down to massage my balls. Every once in a while, Marie would bend forward to kiss the tip of my cock and lick up the precum. Sometimes, too, she moved forward so that she could catch Krissy’s eye and give her important motherly advice: “Daddy likes it when you vary your strokes more, sweetie,” or “Here, sweetie, it’s your turn to lick up Daddy’s precum.”

At one point, during a lull in the movie plot, both Marie and Krissy nuzzled up on either side of me and started licking and nibbling on my ear lobes — an intensely erotic sensation that, all by itself, made my skin quiver all over my body. Then they both started whispering while they licked my ears and continued to stroke my shaft:

“I love you so much, Daddy,” whispered Krissy in one ear.

“Your cock is so good to me,” Marie breathed into the other.

“Daddy, your cum is so delicious,” whispered Krissy.

“I love it when you fill my mouth,” said Marie.

“I’m a virgin, Daddy. Will you please fuck my virgin pussy?” asked Krissy.

After several more minutes of my two girls playing with my cock, Marie said, “Daddy, can I please suck your cock?”

I gave her a deep, long kiss, thrusting my tongue in and out of her mouth over and over. “Of course you can, sweetheart. Suck Daddy all you want.”

Marie then bent her head toward my crotch and, with Krissy holding the base steady, she began to lick my shaft. “I love your big cock, Daddy. It’s so good to me,” she murmured between licks. Krissy and I relaxed with the movie and the show her mother was putting on. Krissy stroked the base of my dick lovingly, feeding it into her mother’s mouth.

Krissy and I took turns stroking her mother’s hair. “Love Daddy,” Krissy instructed her mother. Then she turned toward me and began nibbling my ear, whispering to me, “I love you, Daddy. Thank you for letting me kiss your cock.” Then she began whispering a mantra, “Love Daddy, suck Daddy, love Daddy, suck Daddy,” over and over.

Krissy sat up on the couch for a moment and pulled off her blouse, then unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor by my feet. She knelt on the couch and presented one of her luscious tits for me to suckle. “I know you love big tits. Will you please kiss my tits, Daddy?” she said.

Marie forgot the movie entirely. She slid to the ground between my legs and devoted herself wholeheartedly to worshiping my cock. Krissy helped by putting her hand on the base, holding my cock steady for her mother’s greedy mouth. “Good girl,” whispered Marie between slurps, thanking her daughter for the assistance. Mother and daughter canlı casino siteleri intertwined their fingers on the base of my shaft. A tingle seemed to pass between them and they both shivered in a shared orgasm.

Krissy giggled and hugged my head so that my mouth was crushed against her nipple. “Am I being good, Daddy?” she asked.

I brought my hands up to cup Krissy’s breasts. My pelvis lurched forward in Marie’s mouth. “Yes,” I gasped. “Very good. You’re both so good. Such good girls.” Marie’s mouth went deeper and deeper on my shaft, deepthroating me until she was kissing her daughter’s fingers at the base of my cock.

As Marie’s head came back up, Krissy sat back down on the couch began furiously kissing me, making my cock and pelvis lurch again. Marie saw her daughter’s action and my response and giggled. Then she engulfed my cock with her mouth and began spasming, sharing my ecstasy.

After a couple of minutes of kissing, Krissy slipped down to the floor. Instead of joining by her mother’s side, though, she lined herself up behind Marie. Kneeling erect, her head and upper torso rose up above her mother, exposing her lovely breasts to me while her mother nursed contentedly.

“We love you, Daddy,” she said. Then she placed her hands on either side of her mother’s head and began guiding Marie in and out on my cock. Marie’s dark blonde hair began swaying back and forth under her daughter’s insistent direction, while Krissy’s huge tits, just above her mother’s head, bounced up and down with the movement of her arms.

Krissy started pushing her mother’s head deeper and faster on my cock. Her bouncing tits were mesmerizing. “Is this how you like it, Daddy?” she asked, giving me that dangerous lopsided grin. She pushed her mother’s head roughly, deeper and deeper, faster and faster. Marie started to gag while Krissy giggled.

Her mother’s mouth was so full that all she could utter was a helpless “Mmph! Mmph!” Krissy’s eyes shone brightly as she guided her defenseless mother to get face fucked.

This went on for several electrifying minutes. Part of me was energized by the perverse reversal I saw of Krissy taking charge of her mother while Marie was in the thrall of her oral fixation. In the throes of her lust Marie let her daughter push her face onto my cock over and over, harder and harder, faster and faster. Marie’s hands lay flat at first on my thighs, but now the base of her wrists stayed on my thighs while her fingers began to flutter spastically. Her eyelids blinked rapidly while she spasmed uncontrollably in the pleasure that her daughter was forcing on her. Marie gagged and drooled helplessly. Krissy pushed her mother’s mouth over and over relentlessly onto my dick.

Finally, though, I pulled Krissy’s hands away from her mother’s head. “It’s your turn now, sweetie,” I said. “Come closer. You need to tit fuck Daddy.”

Krissy edged forward. Marie moved back and hugged Krissy from behind, cupping her daughter’s huge tits and presenting them to me as a gift. Smiling into my eyes, she wrapped her daughter’s big tits around my shaft and began rubbing them up and down for my pleasure. Marie’s own bouncing oversized tits framed Krissy’s head on either side. Both of my girls beamed happily at me in loving worship.

Finally the pleasure became too much and I came. I held my cock and aimed upward, spattering my stepdaughter’s lovely young face with cum, branding her as mine. Krissy giggled and licked her lips. Marie, kneeling behind her daughter, squeezed Krissy’s tits for me and smiled benignly while I watched my cum drip from Krissy’s chin onto her gorgeous round tits. “You’re so good to us, Daddy!” she said.

I pushed Marie’s head toward her daughter’s chest. Marie took the hint and started licking the sperm off her daughter’s breasts.

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Letting Go Ch. 01

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Hey guys! I’d like to wish you all a happy holidays. This is my second story submission, and I intend to tell the romantic story of Simon and Reggie over several chapters. Like most relationships, their love develops over a long time, but there is still hot action sex scenes embedded into the story. I hope you enjoy!



I never truly knew who I was for the first 18 years of my life. I might sound pretty delirious, I mean, shouldn’t you be the person that knows yourself the most? But life isn’t just black and white for a lot of us, there’s millions of shades of grey that constitute many of our actions and thoughts about certain things and people. I’ve been living my whole life in a grey area, I was never the type to easily define myself and my borders. My indecisiveness infiltrated into my aspects of my life, one of the biggest ones being my sexuality. I’ve claimed I was stick-straight to about everyone I’ve ever met, when behind the scenes, I was painstakingly confused. I’ve been intrigued by boys my whole life, I’ve always wanted one to touch me, I’ve always wanted one to love me. All the relationships I’ve had with girls never fulfilled what I thought it would, and I was living with a hole in my heart day in and day out. I’ve always been afraid that coming out would give me labels like “creep”, or “faggot”. I know what these people had to suffer through sometimes, and I’ve been terrified that I would be the next victim.

It turns out, I did become a victim.

My family was very disjointed because my father never really headed us as well as he should have. He always came home late and drunk, claiming that he was at “Church, helping”. Much to the pain of my mother, she kept the family tied together. She worked long, hard hours to give me and my sister food on the table and shelter from the harshness of the outside world.

I was about 13 when I really started questioning my sexuality, my father always told me to chase after girls and marry one, and I blindly followed his orders thinking he was right, but it didn’t feel right. I was watching gay porn a lot back then, and I dreamed about the day that another man would treat me with care and sensuality. I hid everything about my homosexuality from the outside world because I was scared for myself and what would happen to me. I came out of the closet to my mom and sister when I was 15. I remember the very words she said when I told her “I’m gay, mom.”

She gazed at me with her tired eyes and began crying, “Simon, you know that no matter what you are, I will always love you for who you are.” She and my sister surrounded me in a gigantic hug, and I felt at rest for once in my life.

My dad threw the door open and caught all of us by surprise. His eyes were bulging and he smelled like whiskey. His veins were popping out of his balding head and he looked furious. He seized me with such great strength I almost forgot to breathe, and he began shouting at me so loudly, my ears started to ring. I couldn’t make out everything he said to me, but I could tell there was intense hatred behind it. “NOT MY SON… NO SON OF MINE… PANSY ASS FAGGOT… TAKE IT BACK… FUCK…” and he punched the side of my head so hard that I blacked out. The last things I heard was the screaming of my mom and sister…

I woke up in a white bed, but I wish I hadn’t because my whole body felt like one gigantic bruise. I could barely turn my head to see where I was, but it looked like a hospital. My mom gasped, and gently grasped my arm.

“Simon! Simon! Oh my goodness, Simon!” She told me, and then she started crying. “Simon I was so worried! I thought your dad seriously hurt you.”

“Mom, what’s going on?” I asked. I was so dazed by my pain.

“H-he heard us talking, and he began to beat you for what you confessed.” She stuttered. “I tried pulling him away from you and Gina called the police.”

I touched my head, and waves of pain travelled all over my body, and I almost fainted again.

“Simon, sit still, you’re not in the best conditions to be moving right now,” my mom said warmly, “Gina is out in the lobby, would you like me to call her?”

“No, mom,” I replied, “but where’s dad?”

Her eyes narrowed and grew cold.

“He’s at the police station getting what’s coming to him, he should be arrested soon,” she said sternly.

“But…” I didn’t even know what to say.

“I’m divorcing that demon as soon as I possibly can. He’ll be in jail for a long, long time. I’m sick and tired of him putting me and my family on the line for his irresponsibility.”

My eyes began closing, despite my efforts to open them, because I wanted to ask my mom everything. Before I knew it, however, I was sound asleep.

That was 6 years ago.

Present day:

Familiar faces began surrounding me as someone began lighting the candles on the cake. Today was my 21st birthday, and I was having it in my favorite diner of all time, Milky’s. Everyone was here, my sister and mother, all my college friends, Michelle (Milky, the owner), and my cousins.

Everyone but Adam, I told myself. I shrugged off my thoughts casino siteleri about him and tried to enjoy myself. Everyone began singing happy birthday, and they video taped me blowing out the candles on my special day. “Thank you everyone for sticking by my side, and giving me a hand when I needed one. I’m so lucky to have a support team made of special friends and family like you guys!” I told them. They cheered as we sliced the cake. We all had friendly conversations around the table, it was such a merry setting, but something was really bothering me. Someone was missing, it was Adam.

Adam was my first… everything. Adam was my first real friend when my family moved to Maryland, he was my first real crush, and he was my first real boyfriend when we found out we both liked each other. Adam was my boyfriend for 3 years. We did everything together, and I never knew I could love someone so much. He was so kind and genuine, and he made me feel cared for. He took me on countless dates, and made me laugh until I felt like my gut would explode. I would run away with him in a heartbeat and I trusted him enough to let him take away my virginity. I lost him to cancer 2 years ago, I was only 19.

Not a day passes by where he doesn’t cross my mind. I see him in between dreams, his vibrant green eyes, his pearly white smile, his blonde ragged hair, his broad shoulders. I still hear his carefree laugh echoing in my ears, and his deep voice that would comfort me when I was stressed. I should really stop thinking about him, I always end up crying.

People started leaving, and Milky told me that the diner would be closing soon. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you for everything Milky!” I yelled as I was leaving.

“Oh, anything for you Simon! Come on back tomorrow!” She laughed. Everyone needs an old, red-haired woman like Milky in their life.

The snow was falling gently tonight, and the night sky was a bit clearer. Adam and I would probably be looking at constellations through his telescope on a night like this. I quickly shook the thought off my head.

“I’ll see you guys later,” I kissed my mom and Gina, my sister, goodbye.

“Happy birthday again Simon, we love you!” My mom yelled back, as they disappeared into the crisp coldness of the night.

I began making my way to my car, the parking lot was pretty empty this late at night. My breath was foggy, and I checked my pockets to make sure I had everything with me. Crap! My phone was missing! I probably dropped it somewhere while walking to my car, and just as I was about to look for it, a voice shouted “Hey!”

A man encased in a brown jacket and a black beanie came jogging towards me with my phone in his hand. “I think you dropped this.”

“Oh thanks, you’re a life saver,” and I looked up so I could properly thank him. I was met with warm brown eyes and a gorgeous grin. This stranger had tuffs of sandy-brown, wavy hair escaping from his beanie, and beard stubble shadowing his strong jawline.

“Happy birthday…?” He said questioningly.

“Simon,” I filled in for him.

“Alright, Simon, I like it,” he said playfully. “I’m Reggie, nice to meet ya.” He extended his gloved hand out towards me, but I couldn’t shake it because my arms were full with gifts.

“Oh sorry, didn’t even notice,” he laughed, “want me to help?”

I took up his offer, “That’d be great Reggie!”

He followed me to my car, and we quickly put all the stuff in the trunk. We made small talk about the perfect weather, our jobs and such. Reggie was about 27, and he worked as a part-time owner of a successful cafe downtown.

“You should drop by when you have the time, I’ll give you a discount.” He said.

“I’ll consider it,” I replied. I enjoyed our small talk, and Reggie was good looking and all, but it was getting late. “I think I should start heading home, Reggie, I’ll see you next time.”

“Wait,” he abruptly said.

“Yeah? What is it?”

“Since its your birthday, I thought I’d, maybe…” he seemed shy, “give you a present.” He handed me a slip of paper with a phone number on it.

“Oh, Reggie, I…” I didn’t know what to say. I was happy Reggie was interested in me, but my heart ached and cried for Adam. I didn’t know if I could start talking with other people when I haven’t even had full closure yet.

“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything, you don’t have to…” He trailed off sounding a little disappointed.

“No, it’s not like that Reggie, it’s just…” I explained. Thoughts of Adam flooded my head and I almost cried in front of him. His voice resonated in my head and I was hit by the many memories we made together. I didn’t want to ruin Reggie’s night though, “I’ll give it a try.”

His lips extended into a contagious smile, as we said goodbye to each other. I couldn’t stop thinking about Adam the whole, lonely way home.

It was about midnight by the time I got to my apartment, and my roommate, Kyle, was sound asleep in his room. I set all my stuff down and took a quick warm shower to wind down a bit. Once I was comfortable in my bed, I couldn’t sleep at all. slot oyna I felt like Adam was looking down upon me because I was interested in Reggie, but I knew Adam wasn’t that type of person. I couldn’t get him out of my head, so I did what I always did when that happened: I masturbated to the first time we had sex.

Adam was a lot stronger than I was, and I remember him pinning me down on my bed half-naked. Our mouths were inseparable, and his beautiful body glowed in the lamplight. “Are you ready? I’ll start slow,” he was smiling like a lunatic, “don’t want to hurt you or anything.”

His dorky grin was so adorable, “I’m ready when you are.” I replied. He rolled a condom onto his 8 inch love muscle, and he placed my legs on his shoulders. We kissed as he stuck his dick tip into my virgin asshole. I moaned excessively loud, it was such a weird sensation having something enter your exit.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“I’m about to get fucked by a hunk like you, of course I’m okay.” I replied jokingly. He blushed at what’d I’d said and began slowly pumping his hips in and out. The feeling was indescribable, it felt electrifying. The pleasure was intoxicating, and just the mere sound of his deep moans and groans were enough to get me off. I came in less that 5 minutes of his entry, and I could feel his cock throb as he filled up the condom that was inside of me. We wouldn’t stop kissing after that. That would probably have to be the best night of my life.

Just as I was about to cum from stroking myself, I saw an image of Reggie, and a raging boner and his trademark smile. I came all over myself suddenly, I had never seen Reggie naked but this image was so vivid. I was so distraught, I’ve never masturbated to anyone but Adam and it felt like I was mentally cheating on my late boyfriend when the thought of Reggie invaded my head. It wasn’t the image of Reggie that disturbed me, it was the fact that I enjoyed it. I thought about it all night before I slept. I dreamt about a white wood fence.

Kyle made us omelettes as a “late birthday gift, sorry bro”, breakfast. He added ketchup smiles on the side of the plate, this guy was absolutely ridiculous. Kyle was a pretty chill dude. He cleaned up after himself and never played music too loud. We’d been roommates for 3 years- ever since I was a freshman in college. We’ve been pretty good friends ever since. I was about to eat when I saw Reggie’s phone number lying on the table. I decided to call him this early in the morning, to see if he was the morning person type. He quickly picked up the phone, “Hey, what’s up Simon?” He greeted cheerfully.

“Nothing much, just checking in to see if you were up this early.”

“Oh yeah, I usually am,” he replied, “I open up the shop and prep up the food at around 5am.”

“Wow, that’s pretty impressive, so you are a morning person.”

“Yeah, the work calls for it. Good food takes effort and time to make,” he said, “you should come over in the evening! We can have our first date here! I take the morning shift, so I’ll be free. I can even pick you up if you’d like.”

I thought about his offer for a while. Adam was the only guy I’d let drive me around, but Reggie didn’t seem like a bad person, “Sure! Sounds great, I’ll see you then,” I answered. Who knows? Maybe Reggie could fill up my void.

“Who was that?” Kyle asked.

“Oh, no one, just a friend,” I lied.

“Oh no, I don’t think so,” he wittingly grinned. He poked my side, “I think that was a date!” He looked completely idiotic right now, and I knew there was no point in hiding it from him, I did live with him after all.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s just some guy I met last night. I’m just interested, I’m not desperate to get in a relationship with him.”

“Finally getting some closure on Adam?” He questioned. That easily could’ve been too much for me, but I didn’t want to be an ass to Kyle right now. I just told him I didn’t know yet, and that was the end of our conversation.

I spent hours trying to seem appealing before Reggie came to pick me up for our date. There’s not a lot of nice outfits you can wear when it’s snowing inches outside, so I settled with a flannel and snow jacket. I was nervous, I haven’t been on a date in 3 years, did I still have my game? Reggie called me at around 7pm to tell me he was outside. I walked down the stairs to see that he drove a pick-up truck, I laughed to myself. This guy was super rugged. “Hey what’s up?” He greeted as I buckled my seatbelt. He let his wavy hair free this time, and he was wearing a really nice cologne. His lips looked perfect, almost like Adam’s…

“Oh nothing, just my first date in years,” I answered. He laughed like it was a joke, “No seriously.”

We drove for about 10 minutes talking about nothing in particular, until we reached our destination in downtown. His cafe was gorgeous! A wooden sign that read “Rosemary” stood proudly outside. Rustic brick made up the entire building, and wide windows revealed the customers enjoying the food inside. I stood in admiration as Reggie laughed. “It’s pretty nice isn’t it?” He patted my back, “let’s head inside.”

We canlı casino siteleri sat at stools near a window. Reggie said he had made me something special before he picked me up and went to go retrieve it from the kitchen. This place was gorgeously decorated with vintage and rustic furniture that complemented the brick. It was a pretty big cafe, with many people bustling in and out while others sat down and enjoyed their food. “Here ya go,” Reggie said. He gave me a pie, and had one for himself too. “That’s my special-recipe chicken pot pie, you’re guaranteed to fall in love with it.” He took a bite out of his, “I’m obsessed over it, and I make these!” He laughed.

Adam never cooked for me before, this was new to me, so I slowly took a small bite. It was the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten! “Where’d you learn to cook like this?” I was blown away.

“I took up culinary school and business for 6 years,” he grinned, “I opened up this place about 3 years ago.” Wow! Reggie was so young, yet he was successfully running his own business. It blew my mind that he could achieve all of this just as he as he turned 27. We continued to eat our food happily.

******Reggie’s point of view******

I glanced over at Simon, who was clearly enjoying the food I made him. I looked at the way his lips gently met the fork, and how he savored each bite slowly. It took up all the might in my body not to grab him and just lick him into oblivion. Simon was my perfect man: he wasn’t as tall as me, but his shaggy blond hair gave him a mature but boyish look. His blue eyes were brilliant, and his lips were just begging to be used. He didn’t look like he worked out too much, but he wasn’t skinny. I decided to change the subject before I became turned on too much by his eating.

“My dad never really supported the idea of me owning a cafe,” I said. Simon looked up from his food and I could tell that somewhere deep in his eyes, he related. “He wanted me to be a doctor like my brothers. But it wasn’t what I had wanted.”

“How did he take the news?” He asked.

“Oh not at all lightly,” I chuckled, “I nearly got the boot, but my mom came in and helped. I was homeless for about a week.”

He looked surprised, “Wow, but look at you now! You’re so successful! You don’t need a negative force like your dad in your life.”

“Yeah I know,” I said. I gazed off into the distance, I thought about my dad and what he had done to me 8 years ago. It bothers me that I never really got to see him after saying goodbye.

“I had a similar experience,” he confessed abruptly, “it was when I told my parents I was gay.”

“Really?” I was intrigued. Did his parents take it well? “What was their reaction?”

“I was beat and hospitalized.”

I nearly spit out my food, this was a lot to take in on the first date. He looked down at his plate and he could probably tell by my reaction I was shocked.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, it’s just the thought of unfair dads gets me a bit upset,” he explained.

I reached over and touched his shoulder, “Hey, we’re fine now, we don’t need them!” He grinned when I said that and I nearly melted. This was my first time seeing him smile, and it was all that mattered to me that night.

We talked for hours on end until it was nearly closing time. I baked him some quick brownies and we closed up the shop, we were the last ones to leave. Once we were in my car, I could tell he really enjoyed himself tonight. He opened up to me about a lot of things and I did too.

“Here drink this, you look freezing,” I told him as I handed over a thermos of warm milk I prepared for him earlier. He drank it and sighed.

“Is this warm milk?” He asked me.

“Yeah, why? Are you lactose intolerant?”

“No it’s just…” His voice trailed off and he was sound asleep. I laughed to myself at how cute he looked right now, he reminded me of a kid.

By the time I reached his place, it was close to midnight. I woke him up, and he looked dazed. “You only slept for 10 minutes!” I chuckled. He laughed a deep laugh that I could listen to all day. I walked him over to his entrance. “I had a really good time tonight,” I told him.

“Me too,” he smiled. “So I guess this is goodbye until our next date?”

“Sure thing,” I said.

We just stood their looking at each other like we needed to say something. He was about to turn around to leave when I leaned into to give him a kiss. It was a small kiss, and he tasted like sweet milk. He shyly smiled, “Well, I’ll see you around Reggie…” I waved goodbye as he disappeared behind his door. Was it too much for him? I kicked myself for what I had done.


Simon and I had gone on multiple dates since we had met, dates at the park, at the aquarium, at the lake, but I felt like we weren’t moving in our relationship. We held hands, only sometimes, and we had those rare occasions where we would kiss, but not passionately. I was very confused, I felt like he wasn’t his full self when he was around me, and I mentioned it to him a few times, but he just brushed it off and said something generic like, “Oh, I’m just stressed about school”. I wasn’t suspicious or anything, but I felt like he was losing interest in me. What was I doing wrong? I put my full effort into trying to make him happy and comfortable but I just wasn’t seeing the results.

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