liseli kızı sikmek için karımı babasına siktirdim

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Merhaba arkadaşlar ben evli olgun bir beyim genç kızlardan çok hoşlanırdım bizim orda bir market açıldı ve orda kasaya bakan liseli çok güzel bir kız vardı orayı işleten adamın kızıydı ve benim çok hoşuma gidiyordu,birşeyale alırken benimle konuşması sikimi kaldırmasına yetiyordu.
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Geçen hafta yine aynı mazeretle, yani kızı görmek üzere evde eksik birşey olmadığı halde markete girip ne alsam diye rafları dolaşırken ve bir yandanda kızı izlerken hemen kızın çaprazında kızın babasının beni izlediğini fark ettim, hiç bozuntuya vermeden yine raflarda göz gezdirmeye başladım ama adam neden orada olduğumu anlamış olacak ki yanıma gelerek “buyrun, yardımcı olabilir miyim” diye sordu ve gülümsedi.
Bende sakin bir tavırla “yok ben hallediyorum” diyerek kızın babasını başımdan gönderdim, o gün pek fazla markette zaman harcamayarak daha fazla dikkat çekmedim ama ertesi gün yine genç kızı izlemek üzere markete gittim, karşısındaki rafları gezerken bir yandanda kızı izlemeye koyuldum, bu defa babasının yanıma yaklaştığını fark etmemiştim bile, arkamdan sokularak “hoş geldiniz, yardım gerekiyor mu” diye sordu, bende “yok ben hallediyorum” diye karşılık verdim ama bu defa bu karşılıkla gidecek gibi durmuyordu.
Adam yüzündeki ipnemsi bir gülümsemeyle “bence bir konuda yardıma ihtiyacınız var” dedi, ilk başlarda bu dediğinden anlamamıştım o yüzden “nasıl yani, ne konuda?” diye sordum.
Adam aslında hiç beklemdiğim kadar açık sözlü çıkarak “raflardan çok daha ziyade nereye baktığınızı fark etmediğimimi sanıyorsunuz” dedi, tabiki direk olayı kabul etmeyerek aptal ayakları yaptım ve “neyi kastettiğinizi anlamıyorum” diyerek raflarda doşalmaya devam ettim, adam peşimden geldi ve konuyu direk açarak “kızımdan gözünüzü alamıyorsunuz, biliyorum bunu söylemek sizce biraz saçma ama emin olabilirsiniz ki kızıma karşı bir ilginiz varsa söyleyebilirsiniz” dedi.
Adamında söylediği gibi şaşırmıştım, böylesine bir tepki beklemiyordum ki kimse beklemez o nedenle yine inkar yoluna giderek konuyu anlamamazdan geldim, marketten aceleyle çıkarak eve gittim.
İçeri girdiğimde karım yüzümdeki ifadeden dolayı birşeylerin olduğunu fark etmişti, adamın söylediklerinden dolayı her ne kadar şoka girmiş olsamda ve bunu belli etmemek için elimden geleni yapıyor olsamda kendimi ele vermiştim, karım sürekli bu konu hakkında sorular sorup durdu fakat ben sonuna kadar itiraz ederek bir bakırköy escort sorunun olmadığını söyledim, artık daha fazla dayanamayarak olayı anlattım ama benim ağzımdan, yani gerçekleri biraz saptırarak.
Karıma marketteki adamın kızını bana ayarlamayı teklif ettiğini söyledim, konu her ne kadar açıkça böyle olmamış olsada sonuç olarak kızın babası geliyor ve bana kızından bahsediyor, hemde öyle bir bahsediyor ki sanki bana siktirmek istiyormuşçasına.
Siz aynı durumda kalsanız ne düşünürsünüz?, yani adamın biri geliyor ve kızına karşı birşeyler hissedip hissetmediğinizi soruyor, hemde yüzünde ipnemsi bir gülümsemeyle.
Şahsen ben bunları düşündüm ve karımada bu şekilde anlattım.
Karım gülerek “kimmiş ya o adam gidip birde ben bakayım” diyerek markete gitti, bu arada mahallemizde üçe yakın market var, evimizin yakınındakine değilde bir sonrakine gidiyordum ben sürekli, seksi kız oradaydı çünkü :).
Karıma marketin yerini tarif ettim, hem adama hemde kıza bakmak üzere markete gitti, onbeş dakika kadar sonra tekrar gelerek önce kız hakkında ki fikirlerini söyledi, karım bana “kız o kadar güzel ki ne yalan söyleyeyim bence sen kıza gerçekten baktın” dedi.
Sonra devam ederek “adamda sağlam birine benzemiyor, kızını sana yamamaya çalışmış olabilir” dedi, karımın söyledikleride beni çok şaşırmıştı, durdum durdum duramadım evden tekrar çıkarak markete geri gittim ve adamın gözünün önünde kızını uzun uzun süzmeye başladım, adam yine yanıma gelerek elini omzuma atıp “senin bir derdin var ama çözemedim ben” dedi, bende bu defa adam gibi açık sözlü olup “aslında evimizin yakınında bir market daha var ama sırf kızını izlemek için buraya geliyorum” dedim.
Adam bana bakıp “seni burada ilk gördüğümde, kızıma uzun uzun ilk baktığında anlamıştım bunu aslında ama yanına gelip söyleyemedim” dedi.
Ayak üstü adamla bir kaç dakika sohbet ettik ve bu sohbetin içerisinde kızını sürekli övdüm, ne kadar güzel bir kız olduğunu falan söyledim durdum ama sonunda adamın bana teklifi karşısında tekrar bir şok daha yaşadım.
Market sahibi adam resmen kızını bana siktirmek istiyordu, bana söylediği şey “kızımla ben bu türlü eş değiştirmeli sikişlere katılıyoruz, sendeki bu isteği gördüm ve açıkça yüzüne karşı söylüyorum, istersen seninlede bir ilişkiye girebiliriz” sözü oldu.
O gün çok üstüne şok yaşıyordum ve adamın bu eş değiştirmeli sikiş beşiktaş escort teklifini reddedemezdim ama şimdi eş değiştirmeli denince benim aklıma direk karıları değiştirerek sikişmek gelmişti, adamın ne demek istediğini tamda anlayamamıştım.
Bir kaç saniye karşısında sessiz durduktan sonra adama “eş değiştirmeli sikiş için benim kızım yok ama” diyerek karşılık verdim, adamda “kız önemli değil karında olabilir, sen benim kızımı sikerken bende senin karını sikerim” dedi.
Adamın yanından “Bunu karıma bir sorayım” diyerek ayrıldım ve eve gelerek karıma konuyu açtım, ilk başlarda karımın bana ters tepki vereceğini düşünmüştüm ama karım gülerek “aslında ben kızın babasını gördüm, daha önce böyle bir çılgınlık yapmadık, neden olmasın ki” diyerek eş değiştirmeli sikişe katılabileceğini söyledi, yani eş değiştirmeliden kastım az öncede dediğim gibi o benim karımı sikerken bende onun kızını sikecektim.
Karımdan onayı aldıktan sonra adamın yanına giderek “tamam karım teklifini kabul etti, bende kabul ediyorum, ne zaman buluşuyoruz” dedim.
Adam direk eline telefonunu alıp karısını arayarak markete çağırdı, karısı geldiğindede kızıyla beraber benimle geleceğini söyledi, karısını beklemeye başladık.
Adamın karısı aynı apartmanda oturdukları için bir kaç dakika içerisinde markete indi, adam karısına “biz yarım saate geliyoruz, sen burada bekle” diyerek kızınıda alıp benimle beraber eve geldi.
Karım bizi kapının önünde görünce çok şaşırmıştı, içeri buyur ettikten sonra salona geçtik ve önce karımla ben mutfakta biraz bekledik, adamda kızıyla birazdan yaşanacak olan swinger pornodan bahsetti.
Aradan geçen bir kaç dakika sonrasında hem karım hemde marketin kızı artık swinger sikiş için hazırdı, yatak odasına geçerek hazırlanmaya başladık, önce karım “ben beş dakika duş alıp geliyorum” diyerek duşa girdi, arkasından marketin kızıda “bende alayım” diyerek karımla beraber duşa girdiler, onlar gelene kadar bizde marketçi adamla yatak odasında soyunmaya başladık.
Tamamen soyunup yatağa geçtikten sonrada bir kaç dakika içerisinde karım ve marketin kızı içeri giriverdi.
Daha içeri girer girmez hemen yatağa geçerek marketçinin kızı benim üzerime, karımda marketçi adamın üzerine çıkıverdi.
Aslında o an anlamıştım ki kadınlar bizden daha azgındı ve sikilmek için resmen yanıp tutuşuyorlardı.
Karım adamın üzerinde zıplarken ve onun beylikdüzü escort yarrağını içine alıp çıkartırken biz hala sikişe başlayamamıştık, marketçinin kızı benim yarrağımı sıkı sıkı tutarak önce amının üzerine sürtmeye başladı, bir kaç dakika boyunca üzerimd durarak sadece amının üzerine yarrağımı sürttü ve sonra sikimi ağzına almak üzere üzerimden kalkıp sakso çekmeye başladı.
Bu arada karım hemen yanımda sikiliyordu, karımın sikilmesinden dolayı aldığı zevk yüzünden inlemesi benide azdırmıştı ve inanın karımın sikişini izlemek beni o kadar azdırıyorduki biran önce marketçinin kızını sikmek için sabırsızlanıyordum ama kız benim kadar aceleci değildi çünkü ilk etapta bir iki dakika amına yarrağımı sürtmüş, ikinci olarakta beş dakika kadar bana sakso çekmişti.
Biz daha sikişmeye başlamamıştık ki karımın ilk orgazmını yaşadığını fark ettim, karım orgazm olurken o kadar içten haykırır ki o sesi duyduğumda anlamıştım, o sesten dolayıda zaten artık bende dayanacak güç kalmamıştı o yüzden marketçinin genç kızının saçlarından tuttuğum gibi üzerime çıkartarak “otur artık kucağıma amına soktuğum, azgınlıktan sikim acımaya başladı” diyerek yarrağımın üzerine oturmasını söyledim, kız sinsi sinsi gülerek “tamam şimdi sıkı dur” deyip sikimi eliyle kavrayarak yavaşça amından içeri doğru sokmaya başladı, her soktuğundada üzerime oturması artıyor ve bir kaç saniye içerisinde de komple üzerimde oturuyordu.
Karımı siktiriyordum ama karımı siktirmenin karşılığında henüz liseden yeni mezun olmuş bir kızla ilişkiye giriyordum, bu benim açımdan çok ama çok karlı bir alışverişti ve marketçi adamın, yani kızını siktiğim adamın açısındansa farklı bir sex fantazisinden başka birşey değildi ama o an odada bulunan dört kişide eminimki çok ama çok mutluydu.
Ben genç kızı sikerken ara ara karıma bakıyordum ve karımla sikiş sırasında marketçi adam karıma öyle bir zorluyordu, öyle içine girip çıkıyordu ki her ne kadar karım zevk alıyorda olsa ara ara acıdan bağırdığını düşünüyor, hatta düşünmekle kalmıyor emin oluyordum.
Aslında bir süre karımın sikilişini izlemek istedim ama üzerimdeki lolita kız kendini öyle güzel siktiriyordu ki karımı izlemekten vazgeçiyordum her defasında karım umrumda değildi çünkü onu zaten devamlı sikiyordum ve amı çuval gibi olmuştu oysa benim altımdaki kız ise daha bakire ve amı bir göt deliği kadar dardı,sikim içine zorla giriyor ve her girip çıktığında kız çığlıklar atıyordu kız bana öyle bir zevk veriyorduki havalara uçuyordum ve en sonunda kızın yüzüne fışkırtarak boşaldım ve ben odada çıkarken kızın babası daha karımı sikiyordu ama karımın gözümün önünde sikilmesi çok hoşuma gidiyordu çünkü bende karşılığında küçük kızı inleterek sikiyordum.
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My Father Fucked By Me

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


My Father Fucked By MeMy name is Anuj and I live in Gurugram. I have two younger sisters, mother (whore of the city) and father (well technically not real one). We belong to Kasganj. My ‘father’ owns a business there. This story is not about me. It’s about my father Pankaj.In 2015, My younger sister was fucking every dick in Delhi with the help of my friend Aman and his sister Mansi. Lots of things were going on in my hometown. My youngest sister Ashika was in junior college. I decided to visit Kasganj after my fuck saga with Anisha and Mansi.I told my parents that everything is fine in Delhi. But little I knew that a new surprise was waiting for me. My mother Meena, is a little fatty woman, her height is 5’5′ and the figure is 38-36-40. But looks very sexy with her white complexion in a saree which she always wears.She had me when she was 20 years old. My father Pankaj is 51 years old, running a shop in Kasganj. He has an average body type but a dark complexion. Even in their marriage photos my mother was looking very hot and looks a lot like Anisha. But my father was a skinny man with a dark complexion.I reached Kasganj on Wednesday and was expecting both mother and father at home as on Wednesday our shop remains closed. When I reached home, I found the main door was not locked. So I entered assuming mom or dad might have left it open unknowingly.As soon as I entered, I heard my father’s voice screaming, “Oh yes! Yes, I like it. Do it more. Faster.” I thought mom must be sucking my dad’s cock while fucking and should take a peek. First my younger sister and now my mom. I got to see my two female family members naked getting fucked.I went backside of the house, near the window of the room because there is a small gap between AC and the window. I stand there and started watching them. But to my surprise, my mom was sitting on a chair and smiling. I can still hear my dad moaning.Then in one corner of the bed, I saw two men, one fucking another’s an asshole. To my surprise, one getting fucked was my dad and the other man was a friend of my dad, Abid Rizvi. Abid was older than dad. He may istanbul escort be around 60-61 years old but still got the looks, body, and stamina of a boy.He is still unmarried and owns lots of property in Kasganj. He is the millionaire of Kasganj without any k** till now. He has an 8-inch dick which he was drilling up in my dad’s ass. He is getting his whole cock inside the asshole and then pulls the full length out.Then inserting full length again in my dad’s asshole. And my dad was shouting “Yes fuck me! Fuck me harder! I love you. Kill me with your dick.” Now I know my dad is gay. While my dad was getting fucked by his friend I saw my mother enjoying her self with her fingers.With one hand she was holding her one boob while with the other she was fucking her pussy. Now even she was moaning with pleasure, “Oh yes! Fuck him hard as you can. Fuck this impotent gay bastard. Fuck him hard my lover, like you fucked me before, fuck me. Fuck me.”Hearing this and seeing my mom’s milky boobs and clean shaved pussy I lost control of myself. I started jerking my self. My mother was continuously fingering herself and occasionally licking her fingers making me mad. Suddenly uncle lay on the bed.He asked my dad to sit on him, facing the ceiling and start fucking him again. At that time I saw my dad’s penis. I was about to laugh at his 2-inch cock. But suddenly I fell down and made a lot of noise even hurt my penis as I fell. My mom opened the window and found me lying on the ground with my dick out.She understands that I have heard and seen everything so she calls me inside her room. As I entered her room, no-one bothers to wear any clothes. Even uncle was still fucking my dad in his ass. I was staring at nude mom from bottom to top and my mouth was wide open.She then hugs me and rubs my penis while asking, “Is you dick alright or is it paining?” I was shocked to hear those words from my mother’s mouth. Then she told me the whole story of dad being impotent and gay.My mother was having fair with Abid Rizvi in her college avcılar escort days and got pregnant with me. But her father made him marry Pankaj. After marriage she delivered me. She got to know that Pankaj is impotent and can’t become a father at all. So she again started having sex with Abid.One day Pankaj found out and tried to stop it. But my mother being dominating in nature forced Pankaj to have sex with Abid. Both Abid and Pankaj enjoyed having sex. From that day till now Abid is the man of the house. He is still fucking my mom and my dad on the same bed.After the whole story, I asked my mother so that Pankaj is not my father. To which my mom replied, “That cock sucker bitch can’t get his tool erect how will he get me pregnant. No. Abid is the actual father of yours. You should call him Abbu.”She said, “While my younger brother Pawan is the father of Anisha and I do not confirm about the father of Ashika. Her father might be ex-MLA, one of the police guys or maybe someone else.”Listening to all this making me hot and also my mother rubbing my dick over my jeans was an addon to it. I was about to cum so I stop my mom from rubbing. She pulled it out of jeans and said “Thank god, you are like your Abbu and like your dad. You got some nice dick for me.”She gets on her knees and starts sucking my dick. She spat some saliva on my dick and pulled my foreskin back. She gives a small, kinky bite on my cock head. She starts licking the head and hole with her tongue like she wants to insert her tongue in my cock.This was extreme for me. So I cummed in her mouth within seconds. She gets up and starts kissing Pankaj making him eat my cum. Both mother and Pankaj swallow my cum. Then my mom orders me to mouth fuck Pankaj. I get on the bed and put my dick in Pankaj’s mouth and Abid Abbu was still fucking his asshole.While my mother lay down and sucking the balls of Abid Abbu, rubbed her boobs with one hand and finger fucking her red swollen pussy with the other. She was taking her whole fist inside her pussy. With every push from Abid Abbu, my dad’s şirinevler escort small limp cock was jumping, looking as if peanut is jumping there.Pankaj is a pro in sucking dicks. I can tell that because without touching my dick he was taking my full depth in his mouth. Also sucking on my balls till he gasps and ran out of breath. I wonder how many dicks Pankaj has sucked.After 5 minutes of fucking, Abbu cummed in Pankaj’s ass and after another 2 minutes, I cummed in his mouth. My mother started sucking cum from Pankaj’s ass while he swallowed my cum. I asked Abid Abbu about his stamina to fuck Pankaj so longHe replied that he is fucking mom and Pankaj both for a long time. And before fucking Pankaj, he had already cummed in my mom’s pussy and asshole. I turned to found that Pankaj had already started dressing. I got angry and kick him in balls.I said, “What do you think you are doing little cocksucker slave?” I forcefully removed his clothes and put my cock in his mouth and start fucking him. After a while I make him stand near the wall. I put my dick inside of his asshole and start fucking him.Pankaj’s asshole was red in color. His black ass was shining because of all sweat and Abbu’s cum. His wide-open asshole was begging me to get fucked but his asshole was too much spread because of Abbu’s fucking. I can’t even reach the depth of his asshole it was too wide open.While fucking, I notice mom and Abbu are not present in the room and left me with Pankaj. I hold his hair and start fucking him harder. He was moaning very loudly and enjoying it with me. After 20 minutes of fucking, I cum inside his asshole. I asked him to shit it out and eat it which he obeyed.I was still angry at him so while he was eating cum filled shit I pissed on him. I got dressed and went outside to find my mother sitting on Abbu’s lap. Both dressed up and watching TV. They were very happy to see me there. Even Pankaj comes outside after cleaning.My mother announced that from now on Pankaj will be Anuj’s sex slave while mom and Abbu will enjoy their new life as husband and wife. He said that he will legally marry my mother and will have a legal c***d in the future. But still, there were my sisters who need to know the truth.So we will hide from them especially from Ashika for a few more months until she turns 19. Then she will also know the truth about our family. I was thinking in mind whether Ashika also got my mother’s talent of sex like Anisha or not.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Stewardess in Barcelona.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Big Dicks

Stewardess in Barcelona.Every year I go on holiday to Spain, normally I go to small touristic places at the beach but this year I decided to do something else. I would take a plane, go to Barcelona en get an hotel at the airport, I would rent a car and would stay a couple of days in and around Barcelona and maybe go to see a soccer match, in Camp Nou. When I left on the third day to visit the center of Barcelona I noticed 3 stewardesses walking in the hotel, not bad, not bad at all I thought. As the 3 walked by I got a sent of a nice perfume, I reckoned that it was from the closest one to me and that was the hottest. I turned my head and watched their asses but the hottest looking babe from the front also had the nicest ass. They went to the counter to check in, I waited and took a folder of Barcelona, i could hear them checking in for a short holiday of 5 days.As I walked to my car I thought nice, maybe I run into that hottie again the next days or so. Later that day when I got back at the hotel I decided to go for a drink at the pool bar, first I went to my room to put on my swimming trunk and a clean shirt. Then i went down to the pool, as I sat down at the bar looked around enjoying all the nice looking ladies. Suddenly I noticed the three of you sunbathing, wow you looked amazing, what a hot body. I enjoyed my beer looking at you, I felt my cock getting hard in my trunks, luckily i was sitting at the pool bar in the water so no one good bakırköy escort see it. Suddenly you stood up, the other 2 didn’t notice you leaving, you left inside. Bummer I thought, but after a short while you came back out, stood at the edge of the pool and then took a dive in the cold refreshing water. You came close to me above water, took place beside me, I saw your nipples peeking through the fabric of your bikini top. You looked at me and said hi, and I said hi back, this was my chance I thought and I offered you a drink. You looked me up and down as if you where deciding if you could trust this stranger, but then your face broke open in a friendly smile and accepted my offer. We started talking and we introduced ourselves, after i while i suggested that we leave the pool bar and go the the normal outside bar, sitting to long in the water was not the best thing to do. At the bar we talked more, finding out you where from the states and a stewardess with a couple of days of, me being from the Netherlands and on holiday. I couldn’t help it but from the moment we met I stared at you boobs and checked out the rest of your great body. Suddenly you asked “do you like what you see? Oops, busted, I stared to much, but i replied that I enjoyed it a lot and that you had a great body. You accepted the compliment with a smile. The drinks we had made us a bit more loose and the conversation came on relations finding out beşiktaş escort we where both single. One thing let to another and we started talking about relations and what we expected of our partner. This way I found out you where very open minded about sex and so am I, suddenly i felt your hand on my thigh slowly moving higher. “I haven’t had sex for a while and I’m horny now” You said. “well whats stopping us” I replied. Without saying more we finished our drinks and I took you to my room. In the room we stripped and naked we got on the bed, I could have fucked right away, my cock was hard but I wanted tot enjoy your great body. We started kissing and our hands explored each others bodies. I got you on your back, starting to kiss your neck and then lower to your great tits, kissing and licking your nipples. Softly you moaned, as I went lower with my tongue, over you belly, down your belly button and then lower to your pussy. Mmm nicely shaved, I started licking and kissing your lips, you moaned louder, with my fingers I opened your pussy lips and stuck my tongue inside you. The taste of your wet pussy was so good, with my fingers and tongue I kept on working your pussy to get you to an orgasm. You could’t lie still anymore, as I looked up I saw you playing with your tits and pinching your nipples. Easy I slid 2 fingers inside you, licking your clit and fingering your pussy faster and faster. From the sounds beylikdüzü escort you made I knew you where close, faster and faster licking and pushing my fingers in and out made you come. You arched your back and with a loud long moan your orgasm was exploding inside you, your body out of control and your legs shaking. I pulled my fingers back and licked softly making you shiver, the bed was wet of your juices. I got between your legs, my cock was rock hard, slowly I pushed it inside your soaking wet pussy. You looked at me, wrapped your legs around me and told me to fuck you hard, I knew if I would do that I would’t hold it long. I was so horny that i would explode really fast, its been a while since I was with a woman, your pussy was wet but so tight, I started pushing in and out but you told me to do it faster and harder, just the way you liked it. I got your legs wide and started pumping, fast and hard all the way in and then all the way out. Faster and faster, harder and harder, you grabbing one of your tits hard and with your other hand rubbing your clit. You kept on telling me to fuck you harder and faster, so I did, like a****ls we fucked, I felt I was about to shoot my load, you screamed you where cumming again and at the same time I shot my warm sperm deep inside your pulsating pussy. Slowly our orgasms faded away, shivers went down my spine and you where shivering too underneath me. I pulled back and wanted to lie down beside you but you stopped me, first you wanted to clean my cock with your mouth, I felt wonderful. After you cleaned my cock we dropped on the bed, me on my back and you in my arm with your head on my chest. This was round one but after a short while of rest we started again, but that’s another story.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Long story about Trish

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Long story about TrishThis is a true story. I have only changed her name to protect her privacy and memory.Way back when, when rocks were soft- not really, just the 80’s. The days of working my eight hour shift and then spending every evening at the bar or nightclub having a good time until closing, getting up at 530a.m. to do it all over again. Those were some days! The local bar/nightclub had something going every night- Monday was sports night all year round, with drink and food specials, Tuesdays were tacos and Tequila and so on until Friday when it was a meat market. My buddy Rich and I used to go stag every Friday and Saturday, knowing full well we were going home with some “lucky” lady.Rich and I were man whores. Dressed up and a pocket full of cash ready to drink and get laid. Rich was stocky and short, but the chicks dug his beard (which he had since early High School). I was 6 tall, 180 lbs., muscular with olive skin, tight body (sports and working in construction) and a mustache. For some reason, all the girls like Rich, mostly because he was easy to talk to. Unfortunately, these women were always the ones that either wanted a relationship or were just clingy. I always went for the chicks that were dressed nice and were bitchy. Mainly because they wanted sex, nothing more, nothing less, just a b**st with two backs hot pig sex. I got what I wanted, they got what they wanted and most likely we would rarely hook up again. I rarely stayed the night. I blew my wad a couple of times and when she fell asleep, I left.Anyway, this one particular Friday, the club was dead. Few lone ladies, mostly couples or ones I was not interested in. A few would buy drinks, we would dance a bit and I did not feel it. When the bar closed, Rich’s brother, who was a bar tender always needed help closing, so we pitched in and helped close and move people on. We grabbed a 6 pack on our way out.As we left, this lady was sitting on the steps at the bar, we both knew her, she was a couple of years younger than us. Her name was Trish. She had dirty blonde hair, so so looks and always dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, kinda tom boyish. She was about 5’6” nice hips, tight round ass and pretty decent sized tits, probably around 34 DD. She was smoking a cigarette bakırköy escort and we topped to talk with her. The conversation went from “How have you been, we have not seen you around” to “ I am horny, you guys wanna take me up to my apartment and fuck the living shit out of me?” Trish had not been at the bar, but she seemed pretty liquor loose. So I looked at Rich, he at me, and we said “what the hell”. We walked her upstairs to her apartment. Well, not HER apartment, her parents. She said they were out of town and she was alone and did not want to be alone. So we had a few beers and she started to get undressed. She said “I am REALLY horny and I want both of you to do me at the same time” Well, who could say no. She finished undressing and said “You boys joining me?” We got up and followed her into her room. I turned on the light, but she wanted it off. She said she would turn on a table lamp but that was about it.Rich and I undressed and she got on her knees and tarted sucking our semi hard cocks, one at a time while jerking the other. After a bit, I helped her up and pushed her onto the bed and started sucking on her tight trimmed bush as she sucked Rich. We went on that way for a bit, but for everything I did to her twat, she did not cum. I was a bit disconcerted, because what I did to her had women begging for more. I liked her clit, I sucked her lips, I probed her inner most regions, she barely got wet. I even tried fingering her ass, which she did not like at all. So I rolled off because Rich was ready to penetrate her before he popped. Rich did not have a large cock by any means, but he had enough to make a lady happy. My 8 inch uncut cock was throbbing hard, which Trish beckoned me to her mouth. She did love sucking cock, especially uncut cock. She would pull the foreskin up over her tongue and and probe around under the skin, she would pull the skin up around the head and nibble on it. She loved cock! She would lick up and down the shaft, circle the head with her tongue and take it to the base. I knew it wouldn’t be long until my load would fill her mouth.Rich was banging her full force, he rammed in and out of her, short stroking her, then ramming it home. I had never watched another guy beşiktaş escort fuck a girl, but this was like my own little porn movie! Of course, Trish was loving the ramming and the cock in her mouth. Within a few minutes, Rich started grunting and so did I. I blew my load in Trish’s mouth and she kept sucking as Rich blew his load in her pussy. Trish kept sucking me until I could not take it anymore and I pulled away. Rich, got off of her and she slid down and sucked his cock clean. I left the room and grabbed a beer and sat in the kitchen. They came out a little later and Trish asked if I could fuck her. I was pretty drained after her blow job and said I would have to pass.We all got dressed and drank the rest of the beer and talked as the sun started to come up.Trish gave us her number and said not to forget her. Rich and I left and went home. I got up a few hours later and got a shower and figured I would call Trish. I called her and she said she was still in bed. I asked her if she wanted to grab some breakfast and she said sure, but she wanted to shower first. So I got my stuff together and headed down to her house. We went to breakfast and she said she was really happy that we took her up on the offer last night. I said it was a night to remember, since I had never had a threesome- that would change in the future! Anyway, she said she would like to spend some time maybe go for a walk. We drove out of town to a local reservoir park and walked on the trail for a bit. We stopped at a bench and she asked if I would fuck her now. She was wearing a short jean skirt and he reached down under her shorts and pulled off her panties. I was wearing gym shorts and pulled my cock out and she spit on her hand and sat on it. It took her a while to get it the whole way in. MY GOD,SHE WAS TIGHT. It took a while, she grimaced a bit but got all the way in. I could tell she was uncomfortable and I asked her if she was ok. She said I was a bit bigger than she thought and she slid off me. I was disappointed, but She went down on me and sucked me with her expert mouth and as I got ready to blow my load. She pulled away as I began to cum and it shot on her face. She went back down and finished cleaning me up. She said beylikdüzü escort she was sorry she was too tight for me, but she hoped I still had a good time. How could I not! I asked her if she wanted me to go down on her and he confessed she really did not like guys eating her. I asked what that meant, and she said that eating pussy is something her and her girlfriend did and guys did not do that for her, but she did like being fucked and sucking cock, especially sucking cock. I was surprised, but not shocked.We straightened up and she shoved her panties in my waist band and said they were for me. I took her home and went home.A couple of days later, she called me and asked what I was doing, and I said I was getting ready to go out, and she asked if I wanted my dick sucked first. Guess what I said…yep. Anyway, she took her time servicing me and swallowed my cum. I went to the club, and left later with a lady I knew from a previous evening, and as I left, she came up to us and told my “date” she had better suck me off good, or I would be back to see her (Trish). That kind of made the night short. I took the lady home and we bid good night. I called Trish and was PISSED. She told me nobody sucked cock better than her, and she was right. I went home and called it a night.Trish went in the Air Force after that and I did not see her for a number of years. Until one day I saw her, she looked like hell. I asked what was up and she said she was divorced and was not doing well. I took her to lunch and we talked. She said she had an addiction problem she could not shake and wished she could. I asked her if I could help her get into a rehab, she refused. I dropped her off at where she said her apartment was I saw her walk up the stairs, but as I drove away I saw her walk back down and down the street. I asked a friend, who was a cop, about her and he asked if I knew her, and I told him I did, and he told me to stay away. I asked why, and he said she is a methed out crack whore. She was a garbage can, taking whatever she could to alter her life and pulling tricks. He had busted her several times in the last couple of months.I was engaged at the time and wasn’t sure if I wanted to get involved, but I found her brother and asked him if there was anything I could do. He said the family gave up on her, and that was it. I never saw her again until I saw her obituary in the paper. I went to her viewing and funeral, and felt bad that I could do nothing to help her. I still remember her fondly, and am saddened what addiction does to people.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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