Limits Ch. 15

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As so often happens, the trouble, when it came, was a combination of little things that built and built. Jude had come off a punishing shift schedule to be told that, despite passing all her exams with flying colours, what with the recruitment freeze and all, there would be no promotion to sergeant in the current fiscal year. She returned to her desk, where a pile of paperwork waited for her, wondering why she put up with it all, the stupid hours, the abuse from the public she was only trying to protect, the lack of respect from the male police officers, and now this kick in the face. Really, why did she bother?

When she got back home she flopped down exhausted on the sofa. All she wanted was to get into her pyjamas, take herself up to bed, curl up under the covers, and hide away for a while. She needed a cuddle; she needed, just this once, to be the one protected, not the protector. However, as a Domme, she was supposed to be the one doing the cuddling. To admit to Karen just how much she needed her would be an act of weakness, which would undermine her position. She sighed as she looked at her watch. Time was getting on, and she was supposed to pick up Karen. But the thought of slogging all the way across town and back didn’t help her mood in the slightest. She just wanted to sit there, but she’d made promises, she’d made arrangements and, as ever, people were relying on her. ‘Why is always me that does the heavy lifting?’ she asked herself.

Halfway across town she got caught up in emergency sewer works on Fowler Street. The ensuing chaos and confusion was not helped by two drivers who, by trying to push through the same gap, had had a minor collision. They had nearly come to blows before the police had stepped in and told them to move their cars. Bloody motorists, Jude thought, not for the first time. Why, oh, why couldn’t they just co-operate? The net result was that the area all around the bus station was completely gridlocked and, although she knew most of the coppers who were trying to sort it out, it still took nearly thirty minutes to drive little more than a couple of miles, and her temper suffered further as a result.

As her car pulled up outside Karen’s house, Karen came bounding out with a big smile on her face and a spring in her step. She threw her overnight bag on the back seat, got into the car, reached across and gave Jude a peck on the cheek. Normally this would have been just the thing to raise Jude’s spirits, but she had reached that point in her cycle of depression where other people’s good moods just contrasted with her own and made everything worse. And while they headed back to Jude’s house, this time carefully avoiding the town centre, Karen’s cheerful chatter was, to Jude’s ears, inane wittering, and she felt as if she was getting a headache. When they returned, Jude pointedly sat in the lounge whilst Karen cooked supper in the kitchen and, when Karen called her to the table, she sat over her meal in sullen silence.

At the club it was hardly any better. Jude seemed to sink her first pint almost before they had sat down. Before any of the others had finished their first, she was sending Karen to the bar for a refill and, when Andy gently commented that she was drinking a lot, she got told to mind her own business. By the time they were ready to leave Jude had sunk four pints Again Andy enquired gently if she felt that she was in the right mood for “playtime”.

“What’s got into you tonight?” Jude snarled. “Just because I want a drink or two for a change, you come on like I’m a right dipso.”

“I’m just saying….” Andy started but then backed off as Jude gave her look that would have scorched paintwork.

There was an uneasy air in the cab to Jude’s house and, when they arrived the atmosphere was forced. Karen was ordered rather nastily to go to the kitchen and sort out the drinks; Jude once again ordering beer. And then, when Karen brought the tray downstairs, she was so apprehensive about Jude’s moodiness that she missed her footing and the tray went over, spilling drinks and glasses everywhere. Beth and Kathy rushed over to help whilst Lucy went upstairs to get a dustpan and brush.

“You clumsy idiot!” Jude snarled as she got up out of her chair. “That’s my beer you’ve just spilt. Why don’t you look where you’re going?”

She strode off into the other half of the cellar and returned with a riding crop. She grabbed Karen from where she was tidying up and told her to bend over. Karen looked at her nervously. Reluctantly she complied, reaching for her calves as usual. As soon as she was in position Jude lashed out causing Karen to scream out loud and lose her balance, toppling forward onto her hands and knees. Scared by Jude’s ferocity, Karen stayed crouched down and reached for her backside as if to protect herself but Jude grabbed her arm and pulled it away. The riding crop was just about to fall again when….

“Jude! No! Stop now!” Mel had jumped up from her chair and was now holding Jude’s arm.


“What on earth do you think you’re doing? This is supposed to bursa sınırsız escort be fun, not assault and battery.”

“Are you telling me how to discipline my sub?” Jude retorted.

“I’m saying you’re too drunk to be holding a riding crop,” Mel replied firmly. “Karen, are you OK?”

“Please, Jude,” Karen said from the floor where she knelt, “not like that, please, not like that.”

“Not like this, not like that; all I ever hear from you is about the things you won’t do!” Jude wrenched her arm free from Mel’s grip but she did let her arm drop and didn’t go to use the crop again. “You’re supposed to be my sub. Why don’t you act like one? How about I get a little obedience for a change?”

“That’s unfair.” Karen got to her feet. “Just because there are some things I won’t do, some things I can’t do, some things… they’re just not right….” She trailed off, uncertain that she wanted to have this conversation right now.

“Not right! Hark at Miss Morally Superior. No one else objects. Why should you? What makes you so bloody special? Do you think you’re better than us? Do you think you’re better than me?” Jude’s anger was out in the open now.

“No! No! Of course not. It’s just … it’s just ….” Karen trailed off. It would have been hard enough at the best of times to try to explain the conflicting roil of emotions around her position, and she certainly couldn’t now, but she never, for one moment, thought that Jude or the others were wicked or immoral. Just because she couldn’t do certain things didn’t mean she looked down on those who did. Her head dropped as she realised she couldn’t answer, not now, not here.

“I’ll tell you why you can’t answer. It’s because it’s not about morality, it’s because you’re scared,” Jude sneered. “Scared of what you are, scared of what you want. You hide away behind your ‘limits’,” Jude all but spat the word, “so that you don’t have to join in, not properly. You’re quite happy to go to bed with me but won’t accept that you’re a lesbian. You hide it from yourself and you surely hide it from others. You won’t come out to anyone, not even a little bit. Take you sister’s wedding as an example, you don’t even want me as your ‘plus one’. You all but disowned me, right there in St George’s Mall. I’m surprised a cock didn’t crow. You lock yourself away in that closet because you’re far too frightened to come out into the real world.”

“The real world?” Karen looked about at the various items around the playroom. “You think this is the real world?” Karen now stood face to face with Jude. “All this stuff with Dommes and subs, it’s a fantasy, that’s all, a fantasy. I won’t deny that it’s fun, I won’t deny that we don’t all enjoy it. It’s sexy and exciting and I want to keep on doing it but that doesn’t make it real. You and me, we’re real, what we have is real, or at least I thought so.”

“Please, please, the two of you.” Lucy stepped between them. “Please don’t argue like this.” There was a muttered chorus from the others in agreement but Karen and Jude had already gone too far.

“To think that I thought….” Jude started.

“Thought what?” Karen asked.

“Thought that you could be one of us.”

“But I am, aren’t I?” Karen glanced around at the others who muttered assent.

“No you’re not, not really. You’re scared to commit, you won’t come out, you won’t join in, you just want to sit on the sidelines dithering.”

“You’re the one who won’t commit,” Karen snapped back, now quite hurt and angry. “You’re fine as long as we’re playing your games but anything more than that, anything real, you just don’t want to know.”

“Games? Can’t you see that this is part of what I am, what we all are, an important part, and now you’re saying it’s not real, you’re saying that we all live in some sort of fantasy land?”

“Please, Jude, I’m not saying that.”

“Yes you are, that’s exactly what you’re saying; don’t try to wriggle out of it. I heard you say it, we all heard you say it. Well, I’ve had enough; it’s make or break time. I’m fed up to the back teeth with you and your attitude. I’m the Domme, I make the rules, it’s my way or the highway. If you want to be my sub you should be down on your knees showing a little respect and obedience, not arguing the toss all the time. There, in front of me,” Jude pointed with the riding crop, “that’s where you belong and it’s about time you started getting past these silly limits of yours about what you’ll do and who you’ll do it with. You’ll do what I tell you to and you’ll do it with anybody I want. I’m the Domme; you’re the sub. Do you understand?”

There was a long, long silence as the whole room seemed to hold its breath.

“I can’t agree to that, you know I can’t agree to that and if you think my limits are silly,” Karen said slowly and carefully biting back the tears, “then that means you think I’m silly too. Respect works both ways, you know.”

“You’re all the same, you subs, all the fucking same. Can’t do this, won’t do that. I’ve had enough; get on your bursa escort bayan knees or fuck off.”

“Jude, please….” Karen wailed.

“Please what? Are you my sub or not?” Jude demanded.

“Not when you put it like that, not when you make those demands. It’s not me you want,” Karen said as the tears started to fall. “I thought it was but it isn’t. You don’t even want a real person, you just want some sort of sex slave, some robot, a Stepford wife. I can’t do that, even for you. I think I’d better go.”

Before anyone could do anything to stop her, she rushed upstairs to the kitchen to find her dress which was still draped over the back of a chair. She was busy putting it on when Lucy joined her.

“Are you OK?” Lucy asked.

“Yeah, I guess… Yeah, I’m fine,” Karen replied. They both knew she was anything but.

“Here, you’d best have this.” Lucy held out her hand and on it Karen saw the key to her collar. Somehow it felt like this was the end, the very end. Her hand shook as she took it from Lucy and she tried to unfasten the lock but she didn’t seem able to fit the key in the hole.

“Here, let me,” Lucy said and, taking the key from Karen’s hand she unfastened the collar. “Shall I keep this?”

“No, no, please, I’d like to….” Karen didn’t want to give it up. It might be all that she had left but it was hers and would forever be a special part of her.

“Of course,” Lucy replied, handing it over. “Look, give us five minutes and Mel and I will share a cab with you. We’re all going more or less the same way.”

“You don’t want to stay?” Karen asked.

“No, it’s over for tonight. No one is quite in the mood anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” Karen said, and she meant it.

“Well, don’t be. You’ve done nothing to be sorry about. It’s Jude who should be sorry. Look, hang on and I’ll get dressed.”

Karen became aware of a general bustle in the hallway as the others gathered and taxis were called. She stayed in the kitchen praying that Jude would give her the space. Despite Lucy’s assertions, Karen still felt as if she had let the group down, that it was her fault that everyone was so down. Then Lucy appeared at the kitchen door and told her the taxi had arrived.

As they were ferried across town Lucy tried ever so hard to be upbeat but there was no hiding what had just happened. Karen was, understandably, quiet and withdrawn. Mel just looked pissed off. Lucy’s attempts to keep the conversation going faltered and they continued in an uncomfortable silence until, eventually, Karen felt she really had to say something.

“Mel, Lucy,” Karen started. “I’m really, really sorry. I feel like I’ve messed it all up. Just because I don’t want to do certain things doesn’t mean…doesn’t mean….”

“Doesn’t mean you think we’re a pair of immoral sluts.” Mel finished off for her. “Well, if ever there was an immoral slut it was this one,” Mel gave Lucy a nudge and a smile, “but that’s why I love her so much. Seriously, don’t worry, we understand, we all understand. If anyone was out of order back there it was Jude, not you. The first rule of D/s is you never play drunk and Jude had had more than a few too many. The second rule of D/s is you always respect limits, whatever they are.”

“Please, Karen,” Lucy cut in, “please don’t let this come between us. Just because you and Jude… just because… Whatever happens it would be awful if we stopped being friends just because you and Jude fall out.”

“Friends?” Karen looked at them. “As long as you don’t expect me to….”

“Friends,” Lucy confirmed, “and we wouldn’t expect you to do anything, well, except come round for your tea tomorrow. I’m making shepherd’s pie and we’d love it if you’d join us.”

“Yeah, come on over,” Mel added. “You’re one of us now, one of the crowd.”

Karen looked at the couple and was almost overcome by the warmth of their affection. Lucy, effervescent, bubbly Lucy, was open and obvious and had always been friendly right from the start, but even gruff Mel was smiling. These were special people, people Karen had come to care a great deal about and she accepted Lucy’s invitation with gratitude.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Beth, Kathy, Andy and Sarah were also sharing a taxi.

“You’ll have to sort her out,” Beth said to Andy. “It’s just like Sharon all over again.”

“Why is it always down to me?” Andy complained.

“Because she respects you, because she listens to you,” Beth replied.

“When she’s in this mood she doesn’t listen to anyone. As you said, it’s just like Sharon all over again. She’ll sulk and she’ll moan, she’ll drink herself stupid and she’ll hurt anyone who goes near her. Why does she have to do it, why does she have to always push them away?”

“I really thought this one was the real thing,” Sarah added. “I’ve never seen Jude so smitten.

“That’s what makes it all so awful,” Beth said. “It was the real thing, it is the real thing. Karen’s the best thing that’s happened to Jude in ages but Jude’s too nilüfer escort pig-headed to recognise true love when it jumps up and smacks her in the face.”

“I think that’s the root of the problem,” Sarah said ruefully. “Karen was right, Jude’s scared of commitment. If only she’d open up and let her in then she’d have the perfect partner in Karen, you can see how much they love each other, but she’s so scared of being hurt she puts these stupid rules in place, rules she knows full well that Karen couldn’t agree to. That way she can persuade herself that it was Karen who left and not her who pushed Karen away.”

For a moment or two there was silence as they all mulled this over.

“Do you know, from a really selfish point of view I’m going to miss Karen. I know she has her limits but, despite that, she fitted in really well and wasn’t there just to make up the numbers. If she and Jude really have split then I guess we’re back to having Frankie join us or, god help us, any of the other waifs and strays Jude tends to go for.” This was Kathy’s contribution.

“I’d rather not play than have Frankie back. It’s not that I don’t like her but, well, she’s not one of us,” Andy said.

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be right playing with anyone else, anyone but one of us.” Sarah put in. “I mean, we all know each other, we’re… we’re….”

“Family?” suggested Kathy.

“Well, that would make it incest, wouldn’t it, but, yeah, we’re us,” Sarah continued. “That’s what was so good about Karen, the way she fitted in so well, the way she so quickly became one of us.”

“So, what do we do?” Andy asked.

“What do we do about what?”

“What do we do when Jude wants to include Frankie, next Friday for example?”

The four women looked at each other.

“I’m going to miss Karen,” Kathy repeated, “Bloody Jude and her pig-headedness.”

“So why don’t we stop her? Why don’t we show her what she’s throwing away?” Sarah said.

“Because she’ll never admit she’s wrong; that’s Jude’s problem, always has been, always will be,” Andy said firmly. “As I said, it’s just like Sharon all over again.”

The taxi rumbled on though the night taking the four women home.

Once the taxi had dropped Karen off, she let herself into her house, went through to the kitchen and put her handbag on the table. She felt hollow, empty, and even putting the kettle on for a late night cuppa seemed like far too much trouble. She sat and stared at the wall too weary to do anything else. She couldn’t help but let her mind wander over the past few months, the way her life had been turned up-side-down, how much she’d changed, how much she’d grown. It wasn’t just her sexual awakening, although that had been very much part of it, it had been a voyage in self discovery, and she was now far more confident in what she stood for. Just those few months ago Karen could never have stood up to Jude in that way; it had been Jude who had given her the strength to assert herself and, ironically that had been their downfall. It was still hard for her to comprehend why Jude had turned on her so. Jude had always been so understanding, so protective, so caring and now, just because…

Maybe she should go back, apologise to Jude, make it up with her, go and do all the things Jude demanded but, were she to do so, then she wouldn’t be her any more. If she didn’t have opinions, standards, reasons, places where she drew the line in the sand, then she wouldn’t be Karen, she’d be an empty shell. Surely Jude didn’t want that. What also hurt was that she had made so many compromises, had made real sacrifices, but it seemed as if she did all the giving whilst Jude did all the taking. And, in the end, for all that she was far more open minded nowadays, her core hadn’t changed. It couldn’t, that was what it was that made her who she was. For all the aching pain inside, for all that she was going to miss Jude terribly, she really had no choice; she couldn’t be the person that Jude told her she wanted, she really couldn’t. There had to be a limit, a place where you said enough is enough.

With a sigh that seemed to come from the bottom of her soul, Karen took herself off to bed, knowing that sleep was not going to be easy but what else could she do?

Back at Jude’s house the whiskey bottle was open and Jude, sitting at the kitchen table, was making serious inroads. For reasons she simply couldn’t understand she was angrier than she had ever been before. ‘Stupid little tart!’ she spat and took another gulp. ‘I’m better off without her. There’ll always be others, others that understand, others that know the rules, others that….’

A wave of nausea rocked through her and it was all she could do to keep her whiskey down. Why did she feel so bad? It wasn’t as if… yet another wave came and, with a sense of better safe than sorry, she staggered off to the bathroom taking the bottle and glass with her.

‘No one unnerstands…” she slurred as she knelt down next to the toilet, carefully placing the whiskey on the floor next to her and wrapping her arms around the rim of the bowl. “Ain’t no one unnerstands. They all just… they all just….” Several pints of lager and half a bottle of Bushmills roiled inside her and her insides seemed to revolt. She felt so ill, so incredibly ill, so… and during the next few minutes Jude was reminded of the very real consequences of mixing her drinks.

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Liyla and Serenity Ch. 01

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Group Sex

Serenity came home from a long day of work. There were only two things on here mind; a bath, then bed. Serenity went into the room she shared with her roommate Liyla. Liyla was busy reading a book, so Serenity quickly gathered her night clothes and quietly exited the bedroom, making her way to the bath. Serenity stripped down as the tub filled. She paused for a moment to look at herself in the full length mirror, running her finders over her firm breasts and her taught waist. She sighed, and lowered herself into the tub, and let the steam envelop her. She closed her eyes and began to drift, when she felt someone watching her. Serenity opened her eyes, to find a very beautiful and naked Liyla standing over her. Serenity smiled to herself and felt a twinge in her womanhood. Liyla was beautiful and Serenity longed to taste her, to see if she was as sweet inside as she was out.

“May I join you?” Liyla asked quietly

“Sure” Serenity said

Serenity sat up and spread her legs so Liyla could get into the tub. Liyla sat between Serenity’s legs, placing her back on Serenity’s escort bursa breasts. Serenity’s breath quickened slightly. The two sat in the tub silent for a few minutes, Liyla started to run her fingers up and down Serenity’s leg, slowly and deliberately. Taking a chance, Serenity ran her fingers in a stretching motion down Liyla’s breasts and belly and onto her thighs, and back up resting on Liyla’s double D breasts. Serenity began to massage them, first lightly then more defined, with deep tissue massage. Liyla’s legs began to slowly open and she began to slowly pull on her labia. Making a V of her fingers and slowly opening and closing her labia, her breath began to quicken. Serenity smiled. She leaned down and whispered to Liyla

“I want to taste you, so bad, I can hardly stand it”

“So let’s go to the bedroom, where we have more room” Liyla said in a ragged, needing voice.

The two women got out of the tub, grabbing towels, headed to the bedroom, to the bed she and Liyla shared, Serenity gently grabbed Liyla’s waist, bursa merkez escort and pulled her down on top of her. As Liyla lay down on top of Serenity, she made a point to grind her pelvis into Serenity’s pussy.

“I have wanted to fuck you since I met you, I almost wish my cock was real, so I could feel a load shoot into you” Liyla said with an evil grin on her face.

Serenity got wet with that statement, she had no idea Liyla wanted her too. Serenity started to pull Liyla up to position her pussy over her face so she could get all of the juices that would flow, Liyla, scooting up, using deliberate moves to drag her mound all the way up Serenity’s body, stopping to grind her clit on Serenity’s nipple, and ride her tit, for a few seconds, placed her gash onto Serenity’s mouth.

Serenity wasted no time, in dragging her tongue up and down that velvety slit. She licked Liyla’s cunt as if it were ice cream; Every so often taking Liyla’s clit ring into her teeth and gently tugging on it, sending Liyla into a wave of moans. bursa escort Liyla began to ride Serenity’s tongue as if it were a cock, while rubbing her pussy against Serenity’s lips. Liyla’s juices were flowing sweetly into Serenity’s mouth; she lapped away at them as if they were life’s nectar. Liyla began to get louder “Oh yes…oh yes…oh yeeeeeeeess, lover, oh fuck me with your tongue, oh fuck me, oh fuck me, oh fuck meeeeeeeee”

Serenity flipped Liyla onto her back and dove between her legs so she could munch deeper on that delicious pussy and its juices. Liyla began to buck wildly, moaning and speaking. Serenity hungrily sucked and licked at Liyla’s mound. Liyla reached her climax and turned her body rigid as she came with unparalleled force, locking Serenity’s face into her pussy and wrapping her legs around Serenity’s head, driving her tongue as deeply as it would go, she ground her pussy onto Serenity’s tongue and rode it for dear life.

“Oh yes, right there, I’m cumming,” Liyla breathed.

The final bits of come squirted out of Liyla’s pussy into Serenity’s mouth, and she slowly started to calm down and release her legs, from around Serenity’s head.

Liyla sighed as Serenity came to lay on top of her, she put her arms around the beautiful woman, and said, “Thank you, I needed that, now, I am going to fuck you better than any man ever has.”

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Lessons Learned

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When I walked into the club for Gina’s bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I’d left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble.

Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing music and whirling lights. I hadn’t been to a club in at least two years. At twenty-eight, I was pretty much over that scene. It had been fun, but it got old; or I did. It was hard to say.

It was also hard to think while the music pounded through my head. As the song subsided, a movement caught my eye and I saw Annie, Gina’s sister, waving at me. Relieved, I waved back and started over.

After two steps, I stopped. She was here. I could feel it.

Annoyed, I gave myself a shake and continued over to the party. What had I expected? Lia was Gina’s oldest friend; of course she would be here.

“Iris! You made it!” Gina came over to me, all smiles and hugs. “I was afraid you’d get held up at work.”

I smiled back. “Almost. They tried but I snuck out the back.”

“Well, sit down.” Gina motioned me to a chair and signaled to a waitress.

I opted for a Long Island Iced Tea. That was stronger than anything I’d had in ages, but I felt like I needed it. When it arrived and I tasted it I was glad to find they hadn’t skimped on anything. I took a healthy gulp.

I was happy to catch up with Gina and chat with some other women at the table, friends I hadn’t seen in a while and friends of friends. I was relieved that the party was just at a dance club and that they hadn’t gone in for male strippers. I could admire the masculine physique as well as anyone else, but at the moment a plain old club was more my speed.

“Hi, Iris.”

Her voice shot through my body. That wasn’t fair. I hadn’t seen her in months and didn’t want this kind of reaction. But I never could help it.

“Hi, Lia.”

She looked better than ever as she dropped into the seat next to me. Her eyes were a bright blue, her lips cherry red. She ran her tongue over her lips and made no secret of checking me out. Already warm from my drink, my body heated up even more.

“It’s been a while,” she said. “How are you?”

“Good.” I nodded. “Been working more than anything. You?”

She shrugged, bare shoulders sliding against her long, wavy dark hair. “Same company, new position, but work’s work. I was glad when Gina invited me. I thought it would be fun to see some people again.” Lia’s eyes trailed down my face to my chest and back up. Emboldened by my drink, I did likewise. Before either of us could say anything more, Gina dragged Lia off to dance.

I watched for a few minutes, drinking my cocktail but not tasting it. I was mesmerized by Lia. Her strapless dress hugged her body and emphasized her curves. Skinny heels, the kind I could never wear, made her legs look long and sleek. She looked fantastic.

Lia smiled and laughed as she danced with Gina and some other women from the party. They did those faux sexual moves that make some women feel brave and daring while entertaining the straight guys. When Lia did it, my mouth watered.

It took another drink before I would let anyone drag me up to dance. Even with the week I’d had and my desire to shake everything off for a day or two, dancing was not my favorite method of reducing stress. Since it was Gina’s party, though, I tried to be a good sport.

Lia came over and gave me a sexy smile. “I didn’t think you’d had enough to drink for this.”

“I’m not sure I have.”

She grabbed my hand. “Come on, you’re not even trying.”

“You know I don’t like to dance.”

“You always liked dancing with me.”

That much was true, but it wasn’t because I liked dancing. It was because I liked the way Lia’s body moved, both on her own and in rhythm with mine. My body remembered those feelings and I could tell by looking at her that she did too.

I let her pull me farther onto the dance floor. She swayed her hips to the beat and put her hands on my waist, enticing me to mirror her movements. Her eyes locked on mine. I responded to the pressure of her hands and rocked back and forth. After a few minutes, I put my hands on her shoulders and stepped a little closer.

Our bodies touched as we used dancing as an excuse to get as physically close as possible. No one noticed since the place was so crowded, and likely no one cared. This club was gay-friendly, so two women or two men getting close didn’t draw much attention.

Lia kept her eyes on mine as she danced. I relaxed as the alcohol started having its effect and I slipped into the familiar feel of being with Lia. I pulled her to me and trailed a hand down her back and over her ass.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, I saw the want. She dragged her hand bursa escort up from my waist and over my breast before settling on my neck. Her fingernails skimmed over my shoulder and neck, raising goose bumps on my skin. I put one hand behind her neck and leaned in to kiss her.

I was playing with fire but I didn’t care.

I felt her shiver as we kissed. Damn, we had chemistry! Her body woke every nerve in mine and I wanted to do the same to her.

The kiss ended with the song and I stepped back. Our eyes met and I knew we both wanted more. However this was Gina’s night, so any personal desires would have to wait.

Lia didn’t say anything but as we walked back to the group her hand traveled down the length of my arm. I felt sparks everywhere she touched.

We sat down as Gina began to open her presents, which included plenty of lingerie and sexy underwear. One box contained a collection of sex toys that made Gina laugh, blush and squeal all at the same time. I’d gone in on a negligée with Annie. I was all for sex toys, but Gina and I weren’t quite close enough to exchange them as gifts.

After another drink I needed a bathroom. I squinted across the room and saw a sign that was probably the one I wanted and headed over. It was the right place, although the restroom was down a set of stairs and at the end of a short, dim hallway. As I washed my hands I took a deep breath, grateful for the momentary quiet. I could still feel the bass but it was a soothing thrum compared to being out in the main room.

I stepped into the corridor and found Lia waiting.

“I missed you,” she said. Her eyes raked over me.

I knew what I looked like: a sheen of sweat on my face from the heat of the club; my blond hair damp with stray strands dangling to my shoulders; my nipples hard bumps under my thin black dress. Lia licked her lips.

“I missed you, too,” I said. It was true. I’d gotten over it, gotten past it, whatever, but I missed her.

“Wanna try again?” She pushed off the wall and stepped over to me. Her face was flushed and with a dress shorter and thinner than mine, there was no hiding her arousal.

Instead of answering I walked her back against the wall and crushed my lips to hers. She gave a small gasp of surprise but there was no resistance. Her arms came up and gripped my shoulders as I pressed my body against hers.

My hands ran up and down her sides, down over her hips and then back up. Her nipples were hard buds under my palms as I covered her breasts with my hands. Our tongues dueled and I ground my hips against her.

“Jesus, Iris, that feels good.” Lia’s voice was hoarse as she dropped her head back and bared her neck to me.

I latched on to the pulse point in her neck, biting down and then soothing the area with my tongue. Lia’s breath came in short pants punctuated by the occasional soft moan. I loved those sounds.

I wedged my leg between hers and felt the heat of her pussy against my thigh. She hissed out a breath and jerked when I moved my leg; she must have been close to coming already.

I wanted more and tugged down the top of her dress, baring her tits. Still kissing her, I didn’t look at them but took advantage of the access and pinched and twisted her nipples. She moaned again and rocked against my leg. Leaving one hand on her breast, I reached down with the other and yanked up her dress.

She wore a thong but it was no barrier. I pushed it aside and slid a finger into her, letting out a groan myself. I loved the way her slick walls clenched around my finger; after a moment, I added another and used my thumb to massage her clit.

Lia held on to me now to keep herself up. She thrust against my hand as I moved my head down and took one dark pink nipple in my mouth. The pebbled skin teased my tongue as I sucked on the tip. My free hand pinched and tweaked her other nipple and I felt her body tense.

“Iris. Iris, someone might see.”

“Do you want me to stop?” I started to pull my fingers out of her.

She reached down and grabbed my wrist and shoved my hand back up. “No. Hell, no. Not when I’m this close.”

I fused my lips to hers once more, pressing our bodies close. I felt the damp skin of her breasts against my dress and she was dripping wet between her legs. I flicked my thumb over her clit; she moaned and dug her fingernails into my shoulder. Once more and she lost it.

Lia buried her face in my neck to stifle her cries. I could feel her teeth on my skin as she bit down. Her body shook and her inner muscles spasmed around my fingers. I slipped an arm around her to help her stay upright while I continued to massage her clit and draw out her orgasm. After another moment I stopped and stepped back, keeping my arm around her waist so she wouldn’t fall.

She pushed her hair back and gave a throaty laugh. “You haven’t lost your touch.”


Lia followed me into the ladies’ room as we went to straighten ourselves out. We weren’t as much of a mess altıparmak escort as I feared, apart from Lia’s dress. We were sweaty, out of breath, and our makeup was a little worse for wear. On the other hand, we probably looked like anyone who’d just spent some time on the dance floor.

I washed my hands and ran my fingers through my hair. My purse for the evening wouldn’t accommodate a comb, so fingers were the best I had. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Lia pulled her dress back into place, covering the breasts I had so recently been feasting on.

She wet a paper towel and used it to remove the makeup smudges around her eyes. I hadn’t worn any mascara or eyeliner but my blush and lipstick were gone or uneven, so I grabbed my own towel and wiped the rest off. With the lighting in this place, no one would notice anyway.

“Iris.” Lia laid a hand on my arm.

My skin tingled as I looked up and my brown eyes met her blue ones in the mirror. I wondered what she’d say. Would she be mad, despite the fact that she’d wanted me to do that? Would she blow the whole thing off as no big deal?

Lia ran a hand down the front of my dress, pretending to smooth the fabric but in reality copping a feel. “Can we go back to your place after the party?”

I hesitated; this was not necessarily a good idea. Lia and I had chemistry to burn, but outside of the bedroom—or nightclub hallway—we didn’t always work.

“Come on, baby.” Her hand drifted down the front of my dress, below the skirt, and her fingers traced circles on my thigh.

I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them after a deep breath. Lia was still there, her hand so close to my sex, which I knew was furiously wet after what we’d done. I wanted her to touch me.

“All right,” I said.


A couple of hours later, our little group headed out the door. The club was still open, but we’d had it and a couple of people—Gina’s sister, Annie, for one—had definitely had more than enough to drink. I stood outside, glad for the chance to breathe without bumping into someone as we said our goodbyes.

Gina came over while I stood on the sidewalk and took a deep breath of cool air. “I’m so glad you came, Iris. It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

I smiled. “I know, and I’m sorry. There’s a big story that’s been taking all my time. I barely have time to eat or sleep.”

“But you will be at the wedding, right?”

“Absolutely. And thank you again for not having a wedding party and making me wear some hideous dress.”

Gina laughed. “I swore after my cousin’s wedding that I’d never do that to anyone else. No one should have to wear that shade of green outside of a hospital. Besides, we’re having a small wedding and I want everyone to be comfortable.”

“I wish more brides were like you.”

“I do try.” She pulled me in for a hug and looked concerned when she stepped back. “Are you okay? I saw you dancing with Lia and then after you guys looked pretty, um, close. I just don’t want you to get hurt,” she added. “I’m not butting in, you know that.”

“I know.” I patted her shoulder. “It’s not like that. We’re just going to hang out for a bit and catch up.” And have sex hot enough to set fire to the mattress, but Gina didn’t need to hear that. “Thanks for worrying, though, Mom.”

Gina shook her head although she was smiling. “You just be careful, okay? I love Lia to death but it doesn’t mean I’m blind to how she can be.”

“She’s just herself, that’s all.”

“All right. Take care, Iris.” Gina gave me another hug. “Thanks again for coming. I better get a cab and get Annie home before she falls over.”

I returned the hug and promised to be in touch more often, then turned to look for Lia. My heart sped up and my stomach churned a bit when I didn’t see her and I scolded myself for it. I was a big girl; if Lia had changed her mind or stood me up, I’d manage just fine.

I spotted her a few feet down the sidewalk, chatting with Annie and another woman. I wanted to walk over and see if she was still coming to my place, but I didn’t want to seem anxious or needy. Since I needed a cab whether she came with me or not, I turned around to scan the street for one. Within a minute a yellow taxi headed towards the crowd and slowed down. I stepped towards the curb and raised my hand to flag it down.

“Leaving without me?” Lia stood with one hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow.

“You were talking and I didn’t want to interrupt.” I opened the door and gestured her to go in first. “I needed the cab anyway.”

Lia got in the back seat; I got a good view of her ass as her dress rode up. She didn’t even try to hide it as she all but crawled over to the far side. When I got in, she gave me a look that confirmed it had been for my benefit.

I gave the driver my address and settled back in the seat, trying to calm down. Having Lia so close made that difficult and it got no easier when I felt her hand on my thigh. I whipped my görükle escort head around but she just smiled at me as her hand traveled a little higher. I glanced at the cabbie but he was too busy yelling at his dispatcher.

I bit my lip as the driver took a right turn and Lia took advantage to nudge her hand between my legs. Not being an exhibitionist but not wanting to stop her, I held my purse in my lap and kept my skirt from rising any more. Lia grinned as she kept running her fingers over my thigh, getting closer to my pussy all the time.

I tried to smother a nervous laugh but wasn’t successful and couldn’t help but grin myself.

The cab pulled up outside my building just in time; any longer and we would have been candidates for an HBO late show. I paid and tipped the cabbie and went in the building. The elevator ride was torture, both because it was slow and because some guy from another floor got on, preventing Lia and me from doing anything.

When we arrived at my floor I almost pushed the guy aside in my haste to get out. I managed to contain myself and only gave him a glare that he didn’t even notice. Lia covered her mouth to hide a smile, knowing how annoyed I was. She reached over and took my hand and gave it a squeeze.

I hurried to my apartment with Lia right behind me. Once inside, I turned around to shoot the deadbolt and found myself up against the door. Lia ran her hands over my arms, from shoulder to fingers and back again. I closed my eyes and laid my cheek against the cool metal.

“That was hot, in the club.” Her voice was a sultry whisper in my ear. I gasped when her tongue flicked out to touch my ear lobe.

I felt her breath on the back of my neck. I was taller than she was, but Lia’s high heels put her in the perfect position to graze her teeth over my shoulder and the nape of my neck. I shuddered.

“I’m glad you came to the party tonight,” she said. “I was hoping to see you.”

“I didn’t know you were coming.” I swallowed in a dry throat as her hands crept under my dress.

“I didn’t know I was either until you did that in the hallway.” Lia sucked on the crook of my neck and my knees went weak. “Then I was extremely glad I showed up.”

Her hands came around my waist and splayed over my stomach. I didn’t know what I wanted her to do next; my whole body burned for her touch.

“I would have done this at the club, but we didn’t really have time.” Lia’s hands went up and squeezed my breasts.

I groaned and leaned my head against the door as she kneaded my tits and teased my nipples. I sighed in disappointment when she withdrew her hands, then I heard the rasp of the zipper and my dress slithered down my body to puddle at my feet. A strapless dress meant I hadn’t worn a bra, so I stood there in just my heels and underwear.

“You are gorgeous.” Lia ran her tongue up my spine, making me cry out and turn around.

I took her face in my hands and captured her lips. My tongue plunged into her mouth. Lia growled in response and grabbed at my breasts again, pulling at my nipples this time before sliding one hand beneath the black panties I had on.

I tore my lips from hers long enough to say, “Get your clothes off,” then kissed her again.

Her response was to push two fingers into my pussy, angling her hand so that she rubbed my clit every time she thrust inside. I found the zipper on her dress and forced it down, then pushed her dress off. Like me, she’d gone braless. I realized she must have made another trip to the restroom after our tryst in the hallway, because her thong was gone. She was naked but for a gold necklace and her black heels.

“Satisfied?” she asked, nipping at my bottom lip.

“Not yet, but I think I will be.”

She gave a low laugh and pushed her fingers deeper inside. I sucked in a breath and walked her back to the sofa and tumbled her onto it. We lay there for a few moments, necking like teenagers in the backseat of a car. Lia pumped her fingers in and out of me and I met every thrust. My blood simmered as I felt everything build.

“Sit up.” Lia withdrew her hand from my pussy and pushed at my shoulders.

Breathing hard, I rose off her and moved to sit while she slipped off the couch. She knelt in front of me and reached up to snag my panties. Her eyes met mine and never left as she pulled them down. I lifted my hips to help and then my feet, one at a time, as she slipped the lacy thing off. She spread my legs and got between them.

“Feel good?” she asked.

“God, yes.”

“Want me to do this?” Lia ran her tongue through my pussy, parting the lips and flicking over my clit.

“Yes, do that.”

She did it again, then set about both satisfying and torturing me in equal measure. While she licked and sucked at my clitoris, she shoved two fingers inside me and curled them slightly, looking for my G-spot. I didn’t know if I had one or not but it felt so damn good.

Lia knew how to get me close and take me back; she also knew that too much of that resulted in nothing for me. I hoped she remembered.

I tried to relax but she wouldn’t let me. Her tongue slid over and in me and I groaned as my orgasm neared and retreated. Since her hands were busy I plucked at my nipples myself, pulling and twisting them while she rubbed her tongue over my clit.

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My New Personal Assistant Ch. 14

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My New Personal Assistant: Chapter 14 — Crossing the lines

Thomas crossed the distance between us in three fast steps and bodychecked me on the tiles beneath me. I managed to keep my head from hitting the ground, but my back sent waves of pain to my brain from that impact. I grunted and grabbed him by the neck, pulling him up while he sat on me, straddling my hips, trying to pin my arms to the floor. I turned my body with all my strength to get him from me, but it looked like he knew what he was doing, and within a few minutes, I was wiggling under him, trying to break free.

“His name.”


“You just making it worse, Matt.”


He looked at me with a cruel grimace as he leaned closer to my lips, staring at me. He knew I was already too well-conditioned for him to kiss me. Yet he was depriving me of that now. I raised my head, trying to reach his lips, and he moved just so slightly that my open mouth missed his. I growled.

“You are playing a dangerous game, slut.”

“Kiss me, fucker!”

“Tell me his name.”

“Why do you think I know it?”

“Do you?”

I was quiet. I didn’t know how long I could play this cat-and-mouse game.

Thomas took my silence as an answer. He put my arm lower and fastened it with his leg. Fuck! He definitely did this before. I struggled with all my might, but he somehow got the upper hand every time. I need to work on this!

He reached for the belt near us. I froze, and he saw that. A sadistic grin glowed on his face. He pulled the sides, creating a sharp sound as leather slapped against the leather. I felt chills that frightened me to my very core. I watched his hands, and I was shaking all over my body. His smile disappeared, and he observed me closely as he did that again.

I fucking flipped. The adrenaline rushed through my bloodstream, and I threw him off me with such strength that I would send a smaller man to the hospital. I grabbed his throat and mounted him, punching him in the face. Thomas roared! He twisted my arm with a fast, methodical move, so suddenly, I couldn’t react in time. My head hit the floor, and in the short moment of disorientation, he pulled my arm behind my back.

I felt his arm putting me in a chokehold; all I could do was grip it with my free hand so I could breathe.

“You will never again strike me like that, Matt. Is that clear? I will break that arm if you do that again! IS — THAT — FUCKING — CLEAR?”

His screaming voice woke me up, bringing me to reality.

“Yes,” I stammered while gasping for air.

“NEVER!” he screamed into my ear.

“Yes,” I said weakly, realizing I was about to faint.

I heard his roar behind me. He was angry beyond himself. I thought I should brace for the worst, not even knowing what that could be, but the way his voice was trembling with anger was frightening. Finally, he let go of me. He stood up and threw something against the wall. I lay there gasping for air.

“Get up!”

I pulled myself to my knees when I felt the belt around my neck like a noose. With his second hand, he grabbed strands of my hair and pulled on the belt so hard I tilted back.

“You are like a badly trained dog! I am not into puppy play, but I will find a way to tame you!”

“Thomas…” I couldn’t breathe.

He watched me pulling on that belt, gasping. He watched me and must have known that I was unable to breathe because he released me just at the point when I thought I would die here. I coughed when I felt him hitting me. I fell on the floor. Spent.

“How is it okay for you to hit me then?”

“Because you sick fuck enjoy it!”

“And you don’t?”

He squatted in front of me. He was still holding the belt firmly around my neck.

“Matt. Do you remember when we sat at that table that Friday afternoon and went through things that we would not do?”


“Did I tell you that you will never hit me with your fist?”


“Did you then tell me I could hit you like that?”


“Matt, bursa sınırsız escort I am a sadist. I never enjoyed the pain inflicted on me. Yes, I love to struggle and fight for dominance with my subs, but there is a line. Things I don’t enjoy. You just crossed an important line we both agreed on. Not only you broke the duration of our agreement, but you also broke my trust in the play with you. Trust is something you build, it’s earned, and when I cannot trust you, I will not even consider having anything with you.”

I realized he was right. I could not even tell him why I hit him. The whole situation was beyond me. I looked into his eyes. He was disappointed in me, angry, sure, but he was hurt.

“I am sorry.”

He looked torn somehow; his sad, caring eyes traveled on my face as if he realized this was a mistake.

“Matt, you don’t even know what you want. You are not a masochist; you love inflicting pain. I am not the right partner for you.”

“You loved it when I dominated you back then.” I looked at him accusingly. He can tell me whatever he wants, but I saw it when I fucked him. I fucking raped him that Sunday, and he came hard!

“I must admit I did. I don’t know why. With any other sub, they would pay greatly for what you did to me. Yet I couldn’t get enough.”

“I am not a sub, Thomas.”

“That is even more reason why I don’t think this could work. I don’t want to be with another sadist. I want a masochist who loves to struggle and surrender. I want to hunt and rape my victim. But I know the difference between right and wrong and the ethical and moral consequences if I would do that to the wrong person. I want a masochistic sub. You are not one, Matt. And no matter how much you may think you want this, you will never be one.”

“No, I will not. I will fight you to the very end, and if I win, I will enjoy you squirming beneath me in agony as you would cum. You may say you don’t want that. But I think part of you needs it, just like I need to be dominated by a guy, even though I am not gay.”

He was looking at me strangely. Silent.

“What do you think you want, Matt?”

“This! I need this!”

“Okay. I will fuck you today, Matt. But you will not enjoy it. After that, I will take time off work. I need space from you to think about this.”

“Can I still come over?”



Thomas stood up, frustrated. He looked at me as if he couldn’t believe this was happening. He started pacing around the living room. I watched him in awe as he repeatedly tightened his fists and flexed his ripped chest and arms. I was speechless. The sheer dominant masculinity oozing from him was so captivating that I couldn’t stop looking at him. Thomas then stopped and turned to me.

“Here is an offer, Matt. I will fuck you today. But I will punish you for the lines you crossed, and I will fuck out of you the name of that dick you’ve been with. If you ever use the safe word, I will stop, but then you will leave and never come back.”

I nodded, I wanted to say that there was no way for me to say the safeword, but he raised his hand, stopping me.

“I will work from home until the end of January after that. If you once knock on those doors, I will end our professional relationship and our personal relationship as well. We will meet in February. Only then will we discuss what will be next.”

I frowned. I didn’t like the idea of not seeing him for so long. He still seemed not to be finished, so I just waited, listening.

“You will not be permitted to cum that whole time. Make your peace with that and deal with Natasha however you want. But I will check it, and trust me, I had enough subs do this punishment for me to know.”

My eyebrows shot up, and my mouth was agape. Is he seriously meaning that? There is no way I could do that!

“If you break any part of this agreement, I will terminate all contact with you.”

What the actual fuck?!

“What if I don’t bursa escort bayan agree?”

“Then we can discuss whether we will be able to work together as I guarantee you that we will never again have anything more than a strictly professional relationship. And if you harass me at work, I will leave.”

“Then, there is no valid option for me in what you just said!”

“Deal with it.”

“You want to punish me, then not let me cum for nearly two months, and only after that will you decide if you will be sleeping with me?”


“I don’t like that.”

“Then leave now. That choice is still open. But you want me to cross too many lines. Ones I’ve been building my whole life. I need space to consider whether I want to be invested in something like that.”

“New Year’s.”

“I have my plans for New year’s.”

“The whole day?”

“You want to meet for one hour after you didn’t cum for three weeks?”

“Fuck, ok then, January.”

“No. I need you to understand what you want.”

“What am I supposed to say to Natasha? We have sex usually four times a week.”

“That’s your problem. You should be thankful I am even considering this, with her still in the picture.”

“We never said we were exclusive.”

“That’s because we said we have an expiration date. You chose to come back here.”

“So, you want to tell me you have only one sub at the time? Or only they need to stay faithful?”

“My subs were always my partners. I am not possessive, but if I get invested in someone, I demand the same investment from my partner. I never had a sub I didn’t love eventually and was not sorry to see go.”

“So, you never had a one-night stand? You told me you used to throw out people bigger than me or something like that.”

“Not since college. I had a few interests that didn’t work out, but I don’t go into a relationship with the notion that it was just for sex. And I did throw out many times guys your size or bigger. Mostly my partners.”

“So, you like me? You told me you wanted to bend me over the desk, and you would have if I were gay.”

“Yes, I do. But I like myself more. And I can see that you are a self-centered, troubled, closet case with anger issues, and no matter how hot you may be, I should never be invested in someone like that.”

“Yet you can’t seem to help it.”

“I didn’t yet feel the need to do so. But trust me, once I decide to end this, you will not be able to force your way into my life.”

“I am not aspiring to be your boyfriend.”

“I know that very well. At this point I wouldn’t let you, even if you’d think you do. That’s one of the reasons for this time apart. I must decide whether I can have a strictly sexual relationship with someone who doesn’t even consider himself being gay.”

“Fine, but why do I need to restrain myself from cuming?”

“Cos if I am going to have this with you, I will need to own you. And I need you to be aware of that, come to terms with it, and decide if that’s really what you want.”

“Will I be able to sleep with Natasha after that? If she even stays with me after that.” Fuck, with her knowing my sex drive, she will definitely think I am cheating on her.

“I will think about that as well. Do you plan to marry her?”

“We already have a date. You know that.”

“Do you love her?”


“Yet you want to stay with her.”

“Look, man, I am nowhere closer to deciding than I was Saturday.”

“Right,” he nodded more for himself than for me.

Do I seriously want something like this? Not being able to cum for two months? Is that even possible? I already knew I needed this, but how badly?

Fuck it. I got through worse. I want to see what it could be like.

“Okay, I agree.” I sighed

Thomas came closer, pulling on the belt and tilting my head back to look at him.

“Good boy.” He bent and gave me a long, heartfelt kiss that made me tingle and purr.


I stood nilüfer escort up and went after him to the bedroom.


He went to his bathroom and returned holding something I had no idea what could be. He put it on a small table, plugged it in a nearby socket, and returned to me.

“Since you came willingly, I will give you a choice. Red or black?”


“Lay down.”

He pulled out the black ropes and started to tie me to the bed poles while I lay spread eagle on his bed.

“Did you clean yourself?”

I turned away, embarrassed. “Yes.”

“You had this planned?”

“Not really, but I wanted to try it.”

“Right. How did you meet him?”

“I am not telling you anything.”

“Are you sure?”

“You insisted on fucking it out of me, not me telling you.”

“Smart, yet stupid of you, Matt.”

“Did you think I would never sleep with anyone else?

“No. I just wouldn’t think you would taunt me with that. Or that I would care so much.”

“Is it my fault that you care?”

“No. It’s your fault you are using that intentionally against me.”

“Is there any other piece of his clothing on you?” he didn’t look at me, just concentrated on tying my wrist. I loved watching him do that. That slow, methodical way he handled the ropes was fascinating to me.



“But I should probably return it eventually.” I tried to shake him up a bit.

“So, you plan on meeting him again?”

“Yes.” I suppose it was not wise to say it in such an assured tone.


“Probably tonight.”


“Yeah. Well, I can spend the night here if you want. I would definitely choose to stay here rather than at his place.”

I just wanted to make him let me sleep here, next to him. Have sex with him a couple of times before he needs to leave for work. I hoped he would get jealous and decide to keep me here. But as he stopped and then tied the knot harshly, I could see it was a wrong move.

Thomas looked at me intently. “You spent the night at his place?”

Fuck me… it was a wrong move. His eyes were nearly black. The vein on his neck was bulging angrily. There was no smirk, no grin, just pure determined menace in that cold stare. I chose silence now, but it was speaking volumes. I could tell him I was staying with my best friend, but then I would lose the chance to have him sincerely punish me. I was torn between my desire to find out what it would be like and my fear that I might have him so mad I would regret it.

“Did you come from his place to meet me?”

Fuck me twice… I am doomed. I just stared at him. I was partly scared now, but I felt my dick leak, so it shouldn’t be so bad, right?

“Is there any other important information you would like to share?”

“No, not really.”


He put my legs together and tied them like that. How is he going to fuck me like this? He pulled on them, and my whole body stretched.

He went to that thing and played with it for a while. I was curious about what that was, but his back was turned to me, and he blocked my view. I could smell some weird floral scent, and as if something was burning. Thomas brought it with that table to the bed and plugged it behind the nightstand.

“What is that?”


“What for?”

“Your chest hair.”

“You fucking joking!”

“No.” he calmly steered it with some stick.

“You know your safe word Matt, and you know where the door is. And I suggest you answer my questions by the time I finish with that beautiful fur, cos then your legs are next, then arms, and if you are brave the whole time, we will be able to go over your whole body. I suggest you think twice before I put the wax on your pits because, my boy, that hurts more than your sweet asshole,” he fucking winked at me then!

“No, no, stop! I will not be able to explain that to Natasha! No!”

“I will stop only at the safe word, and if you are not going to use that, the chest is going either way. You can only save the rest of your body if you answer each of my questions, and I have a lot.”

He kept looking at me with such a devious and sadistic smile that I couldn’t keep my eyes off him, fuck! How twisted am I? My dick was so hard I thought I would cum just watching him like that. Yet I looked at that thing, and I felt scared!

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Anal with Rocky

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Rocky and I had been lovers for several months and had hit a nice groove. He enjoyed my blowjobs and I loved servicing him while dressed in panties, stockings and heels. After one of our sessions, we were lying in bed, him enjoying the post orgasmic afterglow and me lying beside him savoring the exquisite salty-sweet taste of his semen that I’d just swallowed. As I ran my fingers through his chest hair, he looked over at me and asked if there was anything sexually he could do for me. Without hesitating, I said I wanted to receive anal sex from him.

He laughed and said “Well, ya just blew out my pipes buddy, but how about we make some plans for it?”

“That sounds nice!” I said as I looked up at him and smiled.

A few days later Rocky messaged me. Instead of his usual “You hungry?” text, this time he wrote “OK if I come to the back door this time?” I laughed as I wrote back “It’ll be unlocked for you.” We made plans to meet up that evening.

I’d experimented with anal since I was a teenager with various objects and had used a dildo with my first gay lover, but I’d never bottomed and had my lover’s cock in my ass. Rocky wasn’t particularly large regarding length or girth (some of my toys were bigger than his penis), so I knew I’d be able to accommodate him and was looking forward to having sex with him this way. I loved the submissive feeling of pleasing him orally and wanted to explore that in another way. I hoped he’d cum inside of me as I liked the thought of him as a dominant animal with his spunk claiming me as his sexual property.

Though I’d never received anal sex with a man, I had a pretty good idea of how to prepare, my objectives were being thoroughly cleansed, very relaxed and well lubricated. Several hours before we were to meet, I gave myself two enemas. I loved the feeling of preparing for him and I knew from past experience to take things slow. After the second enema, I picked out what I’d wear for Rocky. By this point, I’d gotten into the habit of dressing in panties, stockings and heels for him when I had sex with Rocky (see my previous story), and this wasn’t going to be different. Since I thought (and hoped!) there’d be some acrobatics with Rocky positioning me the way he wanted me, I decided to wear a sexy body stocking that was crotchless. It was black and the legs had a pattern that flattered my long legs. I picked out some lovely pumps with a snakeskin look and some sheer black panties to hear over the body stocking. After I’d picked out what I’d wear, I took a shower to clean up from the enemas and shave my legs. I also took one of my favorite dildos in the shower to help me prep.

The water was very relaxing and I took my time shaving, making my legs smooth and luscious. I washed off my backside, lubed up my fingers, started massaging my anus, and gently probed with my fingertips. Starting with one finger and gradually working up to three, I could feel the initial tightness and resistance of my sphincter lessen as I worked myself. It felt great getting ready for my lover this way and I imagined Rocky’s cock sliding into me. When I felt sufficiently loosened up, I lubed up my dildo, bent forward a little, and brought it around to my anus. The head popped past my sphincter with just a little resistance and the sensation of being opened created a warm sensation in my pelvis and sent a tingle up my spine. The first few inches had been stretched by my fingers but the resistance increased slightly as I advanced. Going slowly, I was able to work it in, til all 7 inches were buried in my ass. The fullness was very nice and I could feel it against my prostate. There was no pain so I held it there for a minute or so, then slowly withdrew. The head felt as good going out as it had going in and I was pleasantly surprised to find no fecal residue. I lubed up again and then reinserted the dildo, able to go faster this time and easily get it to the base. Taking it out, I repositioned myself, squatted, and inserted the dildo again. In this position, I could start thrusting it in and out more forcefully, which was feeling better and better. On one of the strokes, it popped out and a little bit of residual water from the enemas came out, without any residue. I repeated this a few times to get any remaining water out, cleaned up my ass and the dildo, then got out of the shower.

I was feeling a nice combination görükle escort bayan of anticipation and relaxation after the cleansing, shower and butt play so I lolled about the house naked for a bit. As the time for Rocky to arrive drew closer, I applied some lotion to my legs and slipped on the body stocking. It felt great sliding up my smooth legs and I loved the look and feel as I adjusted it. I slipped on a lovely sheer black high waisted brief, stepped into the heels and put on a light black t-shirt to complete the look. I also got my bed ready by putting out some towels, washcloths, and some lube, all within easy reach.

I have a selection of butt plugs and planned on using one for preparation. As a practical matter, I thought it would help keep my sphincter loosened and prevent it from tightening back up. On an erotic level, knowing that my anus was being held open for my lover turned me on. I fantasized about how it would feel to open the door and greet him with a butt plug in place. I figured that since I’d already loosened myself up a bit, I could skip the smallest plug and so got the next biggest size, lubed it up, positioned myself on my bed on my knees with my ass in the air, probed gently with the tip, then slipped it in. There was no resistance as it went in and I loved the sensation of my sphincter gripping the base as I let go. I got up and walked around a bit, feeling submissive with the plug in place. The plug moved slightly as I walked, gently massaging my prostate and causing some fluid to ooze at the tip of my cock. Over the next 30 minutes or so, I worked up to the 2nd biggest plug I had. It took a little bit of persuasion to seat it, but there was no pain whatsoever, the stretch of my sphincter was magical, and I felt *very* full with it inside. I could still walk around without discomfort, so I went over near a window for some natural light and took a pic of my legs and heels. I sent it to Rocky with a simple “I’m ready!” He replied that he was on the way.

I sat by the front window awaiting him and pulled up some gay porn. Watching it always got me worked up as I thought about how much I’d like to be the one sucking a lovely rock hard cock and swallowing cum. I was looking at a scene with gentle anal sex that was very nice when Rocky pulled into the driveway. I shut down the computer and went to the front door to greet him. Walking with the plug in place made the tip move slightly against my prostate, causing some precum to leak from my rock hard cock, which strained against my panties. Standing behind the door to shield myself from any curious neighbors, I demurely greeted Rocky as he stepped inside.

“Hey, lover!” I said.

He smiled as he looked me over then looked down and saw my cock bulging the sheer fabric of my panties. “Looks like my cocksucker is pretty excited to see me.” he said.

“As always!” I replied, reaching out to rub my hand on his crotch. As I felt the hardness under the fabric, I laughed and said coyly “Feels like I’m not the only one!”

He smiled as we embraced and I imagined how it would feel to hold each other like this with his cock inside of me. We held hands as we walked back to my bedroom.

Standing by the foot of the bed, I looked into his eyes as I unzipped his pants, smiling as I discovered he didn’t have any underwear on. Wrapping my hand around his cock, I went down on my knees and assumed the position I love so much. He was erect and not yet fully hard, with a drop of precum at the tip. I flicked my tongue across the head and savored the taste.

“Mmmmm….” I moaned, then opened my mouth and slid his cock in, going all the way to the base in one smooth motion.

He shuddered and groaned as I enjoyed one of my favorite parts of giving head, the first caress of my lips on the glans, followed by the warm, familiar feeling of a semi-erect cock filling my mouth, and the soft head lodging in my throat. Rocky’s erection came quickly and easily to him and I loved the sensation of his now firm cock as I sucked up and down the shaft.

“Jesus buddy! You give the best blowjob I’ve ever had! It’s like you were born to suck cock.” he said.

I loved knowing that I was pleasing him and went all the way down his shaft, gagging slightly as the now firm head entered my throat but holding his ass firmly bursa otele gelen escort as I pushed past it and buried my face in his crotch.

“Easy!” he said, “Remember what I’m here for today. You don’t want me to cum too fast.”

I slowly slid him out of my mouth, sucking hard at the tip so that there was an audible ‘pop’ as my mouth came off. His cock bobbed a bit and I admired how it stuck out and glistened with my saliva all over it. Seeing it like that made me yearn to bottom for him. Rocky gripped the base of his cock with one hand, put the other on the back of my head, and turned my head up so we were looking at each other. He rubbed the head of his cock around and around on my lips as he held me there.

“I’m going to breed you today, baby. Are you ready for it?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.”, I replied as he fed me the head. I moaned as my lips clamped around the shaft.

I sucked a few strokes, then he took it out and asked “Who does your ass belong to?”

“You, sir.” I said.

He smiled and rubbed his cock around my lips some more. “Good boy.” he said.

I stood up, looked into his eyes, and said “Let’s move to the bed.”

We laid on the bed, side by side, and I positioned myself so he could fondle my legs as I blew him. Just before I began to blow him again, I spread my legs to show him my ass.

“Can you see how I’ve gotten ready for you?” I asked.

As I lowered my mouth onto his cock, he caressed my balls then moved down and pressed on the base of the butt plug. “Nice!” he said.

His light pressure on the base of the plug caused the tip to nudge my prostate and I could feel the precum ooze out of my cock. I moaned with pleasure and he worked his hand inside my panties and grabbed my cock. Electric tingles spread from cock, to my pelvis, then up my spine as he did this. I’d been leaking so much precum that there was plenty of lubrication as he stroked me. He worked my cock out past the leg hole elastic of the panties and could stroke me fully.

“Wow, you’re pretty turned on. You love being my little cock sucking bitch, don’t you?”

Taking his cock out of my mouth, I replied “You know I do. And I can’t wait to feel you fuck me.” I quickly returned to sucking his wonderful cock.

He laughed and said “Let me watch you take out the plug.”

Reluctantly, I let his cock slide out of my mouth and positioned myself so he had a clear view of my ass. Then I grabbed a towel and put it under my bottom. As I reached down and gripped the base, Rocky’s eyes were intently focused on what I was doing. I wanted to give him a nice show so I moved the base of the plug around in little circles for a bit, enjoying the tip on my prostate and the pressure on the sphincter. Then I slowly started pulling the plug out. The sphincter had tensed up slightly so there was some resistance as the thickest part of the plug started coming out. Wanting to stretch myself a bit, I held the plug at the maximum stretch and gently fucked myself with it, moving in and out slowly.

Sensing the need for more lube, I asked him “Baby, can you grab the lube and put some more on?”

“Sure,” he said “it’s so hot watching this.” He grabbed the lube and dripped some onto the plug. I was able to increase the thrusting and gave myself several deep thrusts. Then I slid the plug out and placed it on a towel I’d put on the bed stand.

I moved to position myself on top of him as we embraced and I rubbed my pelvis against him. Then I sat up, grabbed his cock, and put the tip against my anus. I steadied myself with my other hand on his chest.

Looking into his eyes, I said “I’ve been wanting this!”

Then I slowly sat back and Rocky’s cock took my anal virginity. I’d prepped well enough so that there was plenty of lube and as the thickest part of his cock slid into me, I shuddered slightly with pleasure. Rocky closed his eyes and moaned as he slid into me.

His cock felt wonderful, and just as with my first experience with gay oral sex that felt completely natural and comfortable, so was this. His cock and my ass were perfectly suited for each other and the feel was amazing for both of us.

I slid my hand away from my cock as I fully sat down on him, burying him inside of me. I could feel the tip against my prostate and was so turned on that bursa escort bayan a steady flow of precum flowed out of my penis, down the shaft, and onto my balls. Rocky put his hands on my chest and caressed me as I started rocking my pelvis back and forth slightly.

“Are you doing OK, buddy?” he asked me sweetly. “I’m amazed at how easy it was to slip inside of you.” Although Rocky was dominant and masculine, I always appreciated how thoughtful and caring he was towards me. He never wanted to hurt me and made sure I enjoyed our lovemaking as much as he did.

I looked down at this wonderful man, caressed his cheek, and said “This feels wonderful! I love having you inside of me.” He smiled up at me and gave my waist a squeeze.

For a few minutes, I slowly rocked my pelvis, then began lifting up a bit, allowing him to thrust in and out of me. He put his hands in my armpits so he could lift me slightly and started thrusting more vigorously. Soon, I could hear our bodies slapping together and I shook slightly with each thrust. The feeling was incredible, with my ass being filled with his cock and imagining myself as a rag doll that Rocky was having his way with. Rocky started moaning and gripped me tightly as he fucked me. I relaxed and became almost limp as he held me just the way he wanted and took his pleasure.

After a few minutes, he slowed slightly and loosened his grip on me. He rubbed my chest and said “I can’t believe how good you feel! Come here, baby!”

I lowered myself onto him and laid my head on his shoulder. I started kissing his neck and told him “I love the way you feel inside of me!”

We stayed like this for a while, kissing and caressing each other as he gently fucked me. When the lube started to become a little thin and the friction increased, I came off of him and said “Let’s change positions and I’ll get some more lube on you.”

As we repositioned, I noted that my ass felt empty and I longed for the full sensation to return. When Rocky was kneeling, I grabbed some lube and coated his rock hard shaft with it. Then I laid back and lifted my legs up as he moved between them. I loved the way my legs looked and felt as he grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me across the bed to bring us closer. He took one of his hands and positioned his cock at my anus, then took my legs so that my knees were hooked over his elbows. He thrust ever so slightly and I could feel his cock stretching me.

“Are you ready, baby?” he asked me.

“Fuck me Rocky!” I said, as I lifted my pelvis slightly. “I need you back inside of me.”

He laughed, thrust, and his penis slid effortlessly into me until I could feel him close up against me. The satisfying feeling of fullness returned as I arched my back and moaned.

“That’s it! Good boy.” he said. “Do you like it?”

Oh, God yes!” I panted. “Please cum inside me, Rocky. I want it so bad.”

He increased his thrusting and we were both moaning, lost in the ecstasy. I wasn’t sure when, but he moved one of his arms so that he could grab my cock as he fucked me. This felt fantastic and I knew I wouldn’t last long.

“Your cock is so hard and wet, buddy. Do you want to cum?” Rocky asked.

“Please, sir! Don’t stop!” I pleaded.

Looking up at my lover, feeling him fuck me and stroking my cock, I started ascending the orgasmic roller coaster and soon got to the point of inevitability. My eyes rolled back, I saw a white flash, and then commenced one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had.

As my cum flowed out, Rocky encouraged me “That’s it, buddy. Nice! Just enjoy it. I love fucking your sweet little ass and seeing you shoot your spunk!”

I didn’t lose consciousness but I was so caught up in the rapture of my orgasm that I don’t remember much after that. I do remember he let go of my cock at some point and brought his hand up to my mouth to feed me some of my cum that had gotten on it. When I’d cleaned his hand off, he gripped my hips with both hands and began forcefully fucking me. It felt great to be with him this way and I loved being the object of his lust. Rocky started grunting as he thrust and I watched his face become flushed and contorted as he worked me. Soon, his thrusting let up a little, he began moaning, then let out a scream as he held me tight and shuddered. He pushed into me and held me tight as he came. I loved the thought of his sperm inside of me.

Rocky slid out of me and laid down beside me on the bed. I grabbed a towel and cleaned us up a bit, pleased to find no residue. Then we held each other and enjoyed the afterglow. We both napped for a bit. When I awoke, my first thought was of how much I loved losing my anal virginity to this wonderful man.

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The Gigolo

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I met Timmy at a friends birthday party, he was our stripper and entertainment for the evening, if you wanted him to suck your cock all you had to do is cough up the cash. So many of my friends took advantage of this opportunity, most of them no longer having sex with their partners, or they were single and never seemed to connect with anyone.

As the night progressed I was basically watching the goings on, he was a very busy young man, he would go home with a pocketful of cash it seems. Most of the guys went home after they had a turn with our sexy young man. He came up to me and asked if I would be taking this opportunity to have my cock sucked.

I told him I was okay, I would not be using his services tonight, but I had heard rave reviews from those who had had sex with him. He was a good looking young man, I would guess around twenty one maybe two, but he actually would tell me he was twenty seven.

A good body on him, the hairy upper chest with his protruding pecs had me swooning. Handsome well trimmed bearded face, long hair tied back, it was his eyes so dark brown almost black, they twinkled when you engaged him in conversation.

He seemed to have a nice package on him and an amazing ass, I was really tempted to take him up on his offer, but I wanted something more than a quick blow job, or a hand job. I wanted the make out session before, I wanted to take his body and lick suck and kiss him everywhere. I wanted to hold him close to me at the end of it and hold him all night long.

He seemed to gravitate towards me for some reason, I would guess as I was not looking for what all the others wanted. He could stand with me and not feel any pressure to try to seduce me into paying him for sex. A couple of guys who waited till the end asked for his services while he and I stood beside each other.

He quickly accepted and came back to stand close to me once again, I guess that was the other thing I was not going to judge him for what he was doing. He was making a living, he was supporting himself, he was not some entitled young man who wanted handouts.

Looking at him he looked tired, like he needed a vacation from his life and what he was doing to make ends meet. He and I talked for hours, escort bursa we connected at some level, we even seemed to have things in common. The later it got the more the place emptied, he and I and the hosts were left at the end.

“Well Tim I better be getting home, thank you for the conversation, you are a very well informed young man.”

“Thank you Bill, best night I have ever had in a very long time, and I do not mean by the amount of customers. You’re a very nice man to talk too.”

“Can I drop you off somewhere? Do you need a ride?”

“If you are going my way yes please Bill, but I do not want to put you out in any way.”

“Nonsense, where are you going too?”

“The hotel downtown would be perfect, the one on Main Street?”

“Sure no problem, let’s get out of here.”

The hosts gave us the eye as he and I left together, Tim held my hand as we walked to my car. I opened his door and got him in my passenger side of my car. I gently shut his door and got in the drivers seat, I sat there looking at him, he really was a handsome young man.

“Would you like to grab a coffee Tim? I am not ready to let you leave my just yet.”

“That would be very nice Bill, we could grab coffee at my hotel, or I could come to yours for the night.”

“I hope you don’t misunderstand Tim but I was not looking to hire you for your services, I wanted to get to know you better.”

“I know that Bill, I can just sleep on your couch, or a spare bedroom and I am not at work anymore, you have the real Tim now.”

I smiled at him, he was such a beautiful young man who I was so infatuated with, I drove us to mine, I had him stay in the car till I opened his door. I led him into my home, his eyes as I turned on the light in the house.

“What a beautiful home you have Bill.”

“Thank you so much Tim, would you like a coffee or maybe a glass of wine instead.”

“Wine sounds delightful actually, but I will have whatever you are having.”

“Wine it is, lets go sit by the pool, the evening is a perfect night poolside.”

Tim walked around the house, he seemed to really like what I had done with it, he and I went out the back to the loungers. We sat and talked bursa yabancı escort for some time, he yawned more than once, I knew he was tired as was I, we drank the last of our wine and would head to bed.

He asked if he could shower he felt like he really needed a shower, I showed him my shower in my ensuite.

“Would you shower with me Bill?”

I smiled at him, I knew I would I really liked him but I did not want him to feel he had to have sex with me cause he felt obligated. He clearly could tell what I was thinking.

“Bill I am off the clock, its just you and me right now.”

I pulled off my clothes, here I was naked in front of this gorgeous young man, he quickly shed his own clothes, I had seen him naked at the party when he did his striptease for us all, but he had not taken it all off.

He had a beautiful uncut cock, it hung there arching over his ball sack, he was trimmed perfectly, his cock and balls shaved smooth. He even turned to show me that beautiful bubble butt of his, hairless and so perfect in every way, he pulled in close and stood right in front of me.

“I better brush or rinse before I kiss you Bill.”

I handed him a new brush and some mouthwash, I too needed to do this before I could kiss this young man. Once we were done he and I stood there looking at each other, I placed my hands on his hips pulling him to me.

His arms went around my neck our lips pressed into each others, this had to be one of the best kisses I had ever had with another person. There were sparks, there was this feeling like I had finally found him, the one, the guy I had searched for for so many years.

Tim pulled back and he looked at me in the eyes.

“Did you feel that too Bill? I have never felt something like this before with anyone.”

“Same for me Tim, I have been in long term relationships but I have never felt anything like this from a kiss with anyone.”

He and I stood there in front of the vanity, his arms around my neck, I had his naked body pulled in close to my own. Both of our cocks rock hard and dripping, I wanted to get on my knees and take his big beautiful cock in my mouth and swallow it to the base.

He bursa escort pulled back and guided me into the shower, we both got wet under the rain shower, then we soaped each other down, rinsed then got out and dried each other off. He and I stared at each other then we kissed, I picked him up and carried him to my bed.

I gently laid him in the center of the bed and hovered over him, he and I our eyes locked on each other, I leaned in and kissed him. I laid on top of him my entire body covering his own, I laced my hands into his and spread his arms wide. He spread his own legs our cocks wrestling back and forth.

He looked at me quite seriously, I was worried I had gone to far with him.

“Bill you’re not bothered by what I do for a living?”

I smiled at him, leaned in and kissed him.

“Not at all Tim, in my line of work I kiss more asses in one day than you will kiss in your entire lifetime, if you think I live the life of a saint you are sorely mistaken. I’ve had my ups and downs like most people, I’ve had to do things to further my career that I am not proud of. So I am not bothered by what you have to do to survive.”

He lay there a smile on his face, a tear running down the sides of his eyes, I leaned in and kissed him.

“Thank you Bill, so many guys judge me by what I have to do to survive, I do not have the education to get the good jobs I need to get ahead, flipping burgers will not get me the kind of money I need to get the education I want and need.”

He and I kissed, I kissed his neck I sucked his earlobes, I kissed his chest to his perky little nipples, I licked his arm pits down his rib cage, he was squirming, moaning groaning, I was driving him crazy. I kissed down his belly to his his dripping cock, past his balls to his thighs, his knees to his pretty soft feet. I sucked his toes licked his arches I licked and kissed my way back to his balls.

“Oh Bill please slow down, you’re going to make me cum.”

I sucked his balls in my mouth and his cock exploded, not sure I had ever seen a guy shoot so much cum in my lifetime. He lay there his eyes closed, his breathing labored, he did not move, he was frozen in place. His cock still poured out cum, his chest and abs were covered in a thick layer of white delicious cream.

I released his nuts and took his cock into my mouth, it dribbled out more and more semen, I milked it to get any and all he could feed me. He finally lifted his head and smiled at me, here I was his cock in my mouth sucking any and all cum he could feed me.

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Cut My Wings

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Big Tits

This is a non-consensual gay erotic story, all characters are 18 or over.


Chase had never thought breaking into his own house would be so stupidly difficult— but apparently, ingesting copious amounts of stollen alcohol beforehand really didn’t make things very easy.

He had only just managed to crack open the side window and slide his torso through, before something large and unyielding suddenly grasped the collar of his shirt and yanked him through the windowsill.

He fell hard to the ground, hitting his chin on the corner of something sharp as he tried to roll away from what had grabbed him, only for a strong hand to wind into his hair and drag him back, pain instantly shooting through his scalp.

“Ow, ow, f-fuck! Please!”

He slurred, his panicked words somehow blending with the drunken haze he was trapped in, making the world around him spin on its axis, leaving him dizzy and nauseous.

“I hope for your sake that you aren’t fucking drunk right now, boy.”

Chase’s eyes widened, his heart hammering wildly in his chest as he recognised the deep voice booming above him, the rough squeeze of the cruel hand still twisted in his hair.

Everything hurt, but in that moment, every inch of him went numb.


“What did I tell you, huh? I told you not to try that shit while you’re under my fucking roof, remember?”

Chase flinched at the tone in his voice, the bitter and unfamiliar coldness that underlined every word.

He had never seen Hudson this angry before, no matter how hard he had tried in the past to get on his nerves. The man was like a brick wall. Impenetrable.

“I didn’t do it under your roof.”

Chase muttered, only to cry out when Hudson tightened his grip in his hair.

“Don’t get smart with me, boy. I’m not in the mood.”

He finally, mercifully let Chase go, letting him drop to the floor in a heap, with Chase clutching at his burning scalp as he glared up at Hudso.

“What’s the big deal? I’m 18, it’s basically legal to drink in most places now and—”

“Does it look like I give a shit about any of that? I told you the rules and you broke them. Big time.”

Chase flinched at the look in Hudson’s eyes, only to finally rein himself in when he realised what he was doing. He wouldn’t let Hudson treat him this way. The bastard had no right.

“So, what are you going to do? Huh? Just kick me out then. I’m an adult now, I don’t need to listen to you, I don’t need to stay in this shithole anymore and you don’t get to—”

Pain shot through Chase’s cheek— the sudden and unexpected impact of Hudson’s hand across his face, snapping his head to the side, left him gasping. He pressed a shakey hand to his stinging cheek, the shock of it all leaving him wide-eyed and shivering. No one had ever slapped him before.

Hudson watched him from above, a strange shadow passing over his face before he finally leaned down, capturing Chase by the back of his neck when he went to move away from him. bursa anal yapan escort He was close to his ear, his hot breath ghosting over his flesh.

“I promised your mother that I would take care of you after she was gone, and that’s what I’ve done. I’ve put up with your shit these past few years, I’ve kept you housed, kept you fed, made sure you turned into a halfway decent human being— all for her. I’m done now.”

There was an eerie pause before he spoke again, and when he did, all the blood drained from Chase’s face.

“You’re right. You’re an adult now, so I’m going to treat you like one.”

He lunged for him then, and Chase choked on a sudden panicked scream that Hudson quickly muffled behind his large hand, silencing Chase’s terror and cutting off his air.

He picked him up as if he weighed nothing and he threw him belly first over the nearby dining table, exhibiting a strength Chase had never witnessed first-hand before.

He felt the wood underneath him, cold and disarming, felt the edge of it biting into his hips. It hurt. Everything hurt.

He could feel Hudson’s hard body behind him. Felt his heat invading his skin.

Chase hadn’t sat at this table in years, choosing instead to take his food into his room or eat on the couch in front of the TV. It had just felt… wrong, to do it without her. He couldn’t bare the thought of pulling up a chair and finding her’s empty in front of him.

He remembered vaguely what it felt like, to sit at the table with his mother on one side and Hudson on the other. They had been happy then, even if Chase hadn’t realised it at the time. He had never liked Hudson as his mother’s boyfriend, and liked him even less as her husband… but he hadn’t been so bad then, not really.

Hudson was different now.

Perhaps it was his mother’s death, that had changed his stepfather into the man he was today… or maybe… maybe it was Chase who was responsible for that.

He had given the man hell for years after she had passed, had tortured him in anyway he possibly could in his unwavering grief. It wasn’t Hudson’s fault, but he blamed him for her being gone. Blamed him for everything.

“You want to throw your life away? Wanna waste every opportunity to get the future she wanted for you— to what? Become some street brat hopped up on coke, selling your ass for the next high?”

Chase’s eyes widened when he felt his pants being roughly tugged down, his underwear coming next so that the calloused hand behind him was now pressed up against his bare skin.

“I can give you a nice taste of the life you want so badly.”

Chase screamed into the table when the first smack came, leaving him reeling into the cool wood pressed hard against his aching cheek.

He wished he had eaten at the table more. Maybe he could have felt closer to her, maybe he could have—

Another hard slap vibrated against his naked ass, sending a wave of heat over his burning flesh— then another, and another, until Chase lost count of each painful bursa eskort blow.

Hudson was showing him no mercy, no care for his messy sobs echoing off the table as he whimpered at every hit. He had never been spanked in his life, not even as a child. His mother wouldn’t do that to him.

It hurt. It hurt so much.

There seemed to be no end in sight, and each heavy blow had him rocking back and forth with the strength of it. The hits melded together— to such a point where each one echoed the last, so that Chase didn’t even realise Hudson had finally stopped, still feeling the last hit like a lingering shadow.

The first rough finger that breached him had him howling, renewed fight flowing through his limbs when his sheltered mind finally realised what was happening. That something was inside of him.

It didn’t matter though, no amount of frantic flailing could stop his stepfather, nothing could halt the thrusting intrusion from splitting him open.

“…no, no, n-no, god, please, no…”

Chase chanted, his words just a mesh of tears and whimpers. He didn’t even think they resembled words at that point, they were just sounds. Pathetic, whimpering sounds.

Chase remembered how he had touched himself down there once, a long time ago, falling to the urge to explore himself further. He hadn’t hated it, but it felt… strange. He had even wondered what it would feel like to have someone else touch him there, to feel gentle, reassuring hands glide over his skin and press into him slowly.

This was not like that at all. This felt like an invasion into his very soul.

He felt something blunt press against his hole then, something big— and that was all the warning he got before he was screaming into his fists, body convulsing as Hudson’s cock shoved into him in one brutal thrust.

He was impaled, split open, ruined. He felt raw, as if with that one cruel movement Hudson had torn him open and turned him inside out. Body and soul.

Hudson grunted and paused, as if he too was in pain, arms wrapping around Chase’s shoulders and just holding him there. It could almost be mistaken as an embrace, if it wasn’t for his huge cock shoved deep inside of Chase, stretching his virgin hole impossibly, hideously wide.

When Hudson began to move, Chase let out a broken sob, his body rocking with every thrust, feeling the thing inside of him press deeper and deeper into his core with every move, as if each thrust opened him just a little more each time.

He just felt… raw.

Hudson took him fast and rough, panting in his ear and grinding into him at a pace that made it impossible for Chase to just float away. He felt every second, every inch that pushed inside of him. He was undeniably present.

He felt Hudson speed up, his breath coming fast as he pulled Chase in closer, almost strangling him in the tight hold, slamming into him over and over again until finally, finally, Chase felt a sudden warmth in his belly— felt Hudson’s hips stutter out of rhythm before he released a low groan.

It bursa escort kızlar was over.

Hudson slumped over him, his heavy weight suffocating and hot. There was only a moment of silence between them before Hudson moved off of him, his thick cock sliding out of his wrecked hole and leaving him feeling strangely… empty.

Chase winced when he felt the cold air on his backside, felt something wet and hot trickle down his trembling thighs.

“I’m… cold.”

Chase whispered, and even as he said it, he didn’t know where the words had come from. He didn’t mean to speak, didn’t even realise his lips were moving until he heard himself— his own voice somehow unfamiliar to his own ears.

Chase sounded just as he felt.


Hudson stood still behind him, just the mere presence of him too heavy and stifling to be ignored.

His stepfather didn’t speak, he just wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into his chest. Chase wanted to fight it, wanted to scream at him and cry and ask him why he did this to him, why he… why? But he didn’t. He just sunk into the hold, resting his cheek against Hudson’s chest, feeling the steady thump of a heart just beneath his ear.

Hudson took him to the bathroom, stripped him and pushed him into the shower. The water was warm, running down his skin and soothing each and every ache. He stood there as Hudson washed him, blinking slowly under the stream of water, feeling firm fingers graze over his body and wash him clean again. If he ever even was to begin with.

Chase whimpered when he felt Hudson wash between his legs, sucking in a slow breath at the accompanying burn. It was quick, but it was enough to penetrate the strange numb that had slowly settled over him.

“I hate you.”

He whispered, tears easily shielded by the running shower. Hudson didn’t stop his task, his shirt now soaked and hair wet and limp over his eyes. He looked at Chase, really looked at him, hard eyes holding his gaze. He just nodded, finally reaching over to the taps and turning off the water.

Chase shivered.

“I know.”

They didn’t speak anymore after that, and Hudson wrapped him in a towel and carried Chase to his bed.

His skin was still damp, so when Hudson pulled the blankets back and tucked him in, he felt the sheets stick to him. He grimaced, curling into himself and tucking his knees into his chest.

He used to do that a lot as a child, after his mother had put him to bed. She would lay down beside him most nights, stroking his hair and whispering tales of daring princes and fierce dragons.

He had wondered if he could ever be that brave.

“I miss her.”

He found himself saying, watching Hudson pause on his way out the door, his stepfather’s eyes drifting to the ceiling for just a moment before he gave a short nod.

“I know.”

He left after that, leaving the door slightly ajar, just as his mother had done when she had left him, incase he ever woke up from a nightmare and needed to crawl into her bed.

He closed his eyes. And slept.


I hope you enjoyed this story, please feel free to leave a comment, I read and appreciate them all. Also feel free to leave any ideas/requests for future works, I can’t promise I’ll be able to write it but if I feel inspired I just might. Thanks 🙂

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Enslaving Doctor Jake Ch. 05

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Author Note: Thank you to Vinner0071 for his counsel and advice regarding this story.

Disclaimer: All characters in this fictional story are 21 years or older. Trigger warning–this story contains homophobic slurs.


Dr. Jake worried as Sheikh Hassan confronted him with the knowledge, the knowledge that his Master knew Jake had fucked Chase. As a harem boy, Jake might have guessed this was against the rules, but he didn’t know it with certainty.

“Your facial expression gives you away, bitch!” the Sheikh proclaimed. “Did I not express that your pussy was mine and mine alone!”

Jake answered him, “Yes, Sir. But…” The Master slapped Jake to silence the slave’s rebuttal.

“Then why did you disobey me, you insolent American bitch!” he smacked Jake across his face again.

“Sir, may I speak, please?” Jake begged. Tears were streaming down his face as he looked at his Master.

The Sheikh was visibly angry, standing naked and pacing as Jake lay on the bed. “You may speak, bitch!”

“Sir,” Jake spoke, choosing his words carefully, “I learned your faithful trainers were having limited progress with your American harem boy. I understood this was trying your patience, Sir. Having previous knowledge of the slave, I thought I might be able to convince this American faggot to submit to you.” Jake was treading cautiously, “I did this all for you, Master. It was for you and you alone! It was to bring him into line. You have to remember how much I hate him for his betrayal of me, Sir! He means nothing to me now!”

The Master was still volatile, shouting at Jake, “Your purpose here is not to think and plan! You are here to serve and follow orders!” He slapped Jake’s ass cheeks in succession several times. “You are here so I can fuck your ass! Do you think you are some fucking neurosurgeon still?! Well, you are certainly not, harem boy! That life no longer exists! Do you understand me?!”

The words hurt Jake deeply. He was reminded once more that his professional identity was no more. He was beginning to hate this man, his Master. Still, Jake replied to him, “Yes, Sir. I am strictly your faithful harem boy, a faggot bitch, and nothing more.”

The Master calmed down a little bit. “The only good thing to come from your misbehavior is that your bitch friend had his best session with my trainers today!” he spat at Jake.

Jake was relieved to hear it. His plan had worked. Jake could hardly contain an expression of joy which the Sheikh noticed. “Don’t get too excited, bitch,” the Master chided him. “You stupid boy! At the very least, you should have sought my approval first. I would have denied you, of course. But I wouldn’t be dealing with your idiocy right now. You were destined to be my favorite of the harem!” the Master almost whined to Jake. “I guess Kamran will remain my pet.”

Jake was floored that Kamran was seemingly the one to betray his confidence. It was a lesson to Jake that no one could be trusted moving forward.

The Master continued, “Back to your punishment. Let’s see. Perhaps your faggot friend should join us for this.” Without any notification, Naeem and Tarek hustled in with Chase in tow.

Jake smiled covertly at Chase and winked, hoping that Chase would understand. It was his way of communicating to him, ‘We’ve got this. Remember our plan.’ Jake had drilled into Chase the goal of internalizing and fantasizing that Jake was his sex partner at all times. Apparently, it had worked since Sheikh Hassan reported Chase’s earlier training session was the slave’s most successful.

“Hello, faggot bitch!” Sheikh Hassan greeted Chase. “I can’t wait to fuck you again. This time I expect you to willingly submit to me, just as you did to your faggot friend this morning!” bursa escort Chase was startled by the Master’s knowledge of his liaison with Jake. Chase kept his composure and was quiet. “No more need for Naeem and Tarek to hold and tie you down! You will be a good harem boy to your Master!”

The guards brought Chase before Sheikh Hassan and pushed the slave to his knees. The Master commanded, “Suck my superior cock, you dirty American faggot!”

Without any words, Chase took the large 8-inch cock and began to kiss and lick it. It was hard to conceptualize that it was Jake’s because of obvious discrepancies. It was easily 2 inches longer, much girthier, and uncircumcised. Nonetheless, Chase closed his eyes and went to work. He fixated his energy on that man’s cock, giving it the attention he had never given another man. The room of men was impressed by Chase’s performance, even Jake. “Fuck!” the Master bellowed. “You have become an excellent cock sucker! I have a good little bitch on his knees, where he belongs!”

Sheikh Hassan was so overcome having this massive 6 foot 2 inch American brute sucking him off lasciviously that he reached his orgasm in minutes, shooting his potent seed deep into Chase’s gullet. The Master held tightly to Chase’s head but had no cause to worry. Chase wasn’t going to pull away. He imagined sucking all of Jake’s cum deep into his belly, humming, “Mmmmm, so yummy, Sir!”

“I am deeply impressed, faggot. You have come a long way,” the Sheikh admired, rubbing Chase’s lips and cheeks. The Master pulled his faggot up by the collar and grabbed his buttocks. “Now it’s time to reclaim your ass,” he said. He shoved Chase onto the bed. There was plenty of room for both of his American harem boys. Sheikh Hassan taunted Jake, “Now you will see how a real man fucks American pussy!”

The Master had Chase lay on his back so he could fuck the slave missionary style. Chase remained docile, complying with his Master’s orders. “Pull your thighs back, slave,” he ordered. “Show me that pussy!” Chase displayed his pussy for his Master. Just as with Jake, the Sheikh wasted no time in anal foreplay. He spat on Chase’s beautiful hole, wetting the glans of his mushroom head as it probed the resistant orifice. Then in a massive thrust, he drove deep inside Chase, screaming, “Oh fuck yes, you are a tight American faggot bitch!” Sheikh Hassan fucked his muscular American prize. “I want to hear you scream!” he wailed at Chase.

Chase was taking the cock like a champ. “Oh fuck! Yes!” he cried. The cock was hitting his g-spot, giving him ecstasy. Chase remembered his lesson with Jake. “Oh, yes! I’m going to cum. Fuck yes, Jacobbbb!!” he cried and spewed his load despite his chastity cage.

Sheikh Hassan was astonished that the slave had cum while in chastity and that he shouted another man’s name. The Master was enraged, frustrated, but overcome with his own desire as he released his load deep inside Chase, “Oh fuck!” He cried out while bitch slapping Chase in anger and lust.

The Master immediately pulled out of Chase’s ravaged hole and said, “Who do you think you are? You little bitch! You cum in chastity! You yell out another bitch’s name while I fuck you!” He smacked Chase again and again while Chase lay there, closing his eyes thinking only of Jake.

Jake observed the scene, and anger swelled within him. He hated to see Chase abused by the Master. Sheikh Hassan was becoming a monster in his eyes.

Sheikh Hassan got up from the bed. He was seething and formulating another plan. He screamed at Chase, “You dare to call out that faggot’s name! You want that bitch to fuck you?! Well, alright then, he will!”

Chase was confused by this statement, and so was Jake. “My faggot bitch and I will fuck you simultaneously,” altıparmak escort Sheikh Hassan smiled maliciously.

Chase was panicked. The Sheikh clearly meant that he was going to get double penetrated. This scared him immensely. Chase didn’t particularly enjoy bottoming, and the idea of taking two dicks up his chute was too much to bear. It was challenging enough to take one cock.

“No, please, Sir!” Chase begged him. “I can’t do that. You’ll kill me! Please, I beg you! Have mercy on me!”

Sheikh Hassan was pleased to finally get a reaction from one of the Americans. “You are a natural cock whore!” he boasted. “And this faggot friend of yours seems to love fucking you. How can I deny him?”

Jake was horrified as well. He feared that Chase would crumble from a DP. Jake didn’t want to do this to Chase and hurt him in this manner. Jake couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be DP’d. Sure he had watched gay porn videos and wondered about the experience. Only this morning, he was coaxing Chase through taking one dick, and now their Master wanted the reluctant slave to take two!

Jake spoke up, “Please, Master. Let me be the harem boy to take two cocks. I beg you, Sir. This was all my fault, not his!” Jake tried his best to dissuade the Sheikh. Jake thought he could handle two dicks, but not Chase. Surely this would break Chase.

“That would be a reward, not a punishment!” the Sheikh raged at Jake. “You would love to have more than one cock, you hungry faggot. There’s no fucking way that’s going to happen!”

Sheikh Hassan grabbed Jake by his legs and pulled him so he was lying on his back, his knees flexed and hanging off the edge of the bed. The Master began stroking Jake’s cock to erection. “Think about fucking your faggot friend again, how tight his pussy is wrapped around your prick!” the man teased Jake. Jake’s cock sprang to life quickly at the delicious thought of Chase’s cunt enveloping his cock. “You’re such a whore!” Sheikh Hassan said. “Your clit is eager to fuck his faggot cunt again!”

“No, Sir!” Jake protested. “Please don’t make me do this! I don’t want to fuck anyone! I only want to get fucked by you, Sir!”

Sheikh Hassan pulled Chase by his collar. “Come and let your faggot lover breed your cunt!” He positioned Chase in the reverse cowboy position with Jake. “Now, ease your cunt down on his clit. You know you want to.” The Master grasped Jake’s cock and held it steady, positioning it at Chase’s hole. Jake’s glans probed Chase’s anal orifice while Chase impaled himself with his lover, just as the Master commanded.

Chase tried one last time. “Master, I beg you, please! I only want to be fucked by you, Sir! Stop this madness!” But it was too late. Jake was deep inside Chase.

The Sheikh looked at the Americans in disgust. “You two bitches are in heat! You can’t get enough cock. At least one of you will get more, though!”

“Oh fuck!” Chase moaned. He loved the feel of Jake inside of him and couldn’t conceal it. Chase was sitting on his buddy’s cock, savoring the moment. Jake reached up and rubbed Chase’s muscular back and shoulders.

“Now lean back against your lover,” Sheikh Hassan instructed Chase. He pushed Chase’s muscular pecs down and looped the slave’s legs over his shoulders. The Master was standing at the foot of the bed positioned between Jake’s legs, getting a bird’s eye view of Jake fucking Chase. “Ready to get fucked by two cocks, you filthy American?” He took Chase’s pre-cum and commented, “You will need some lubricant to accommodate two, and I’m feeling generous.” The Master greased his 8-inch cock with Chase’s seminal fluid.

Chase thought momentarily about fighting the man but knew it would be a losing battle, with Naeem and Tarek looking on a few feet görükle escort away. The guards or the Master could shock him at a moment’s notice with the slave collar. More importantly, Chase didn’t want to disappoint Jake. Chase owed him this and more for what he had done to Jake. Chase promised Jake he would serve as a faithful harem boy, so he allowed his Master to proceed with the ‘punishment.’

Sheikh Hassan slid his cock alongside Jake’s, inside the anal passageway of Chase Williams. The former straight stud Chase, who could have any woman he wanted, was now being fucked by two men. “Your pussy will never be the same, bitch!” the Master declared. He fucked the cunt with wild abandon. “You are transformed now, American faggot! Your hole will be gaping after this!”

Chase howled in pain and lust, “Oh, please! This is too much, Sir. The pain is unbearable! Don’t fuck me with two cocks, Sir! Ohhhhhh!!!! Myyy Goddd!!!”

“You love this, slave!” Sheikh Hassan yelled. “And so does your lover!”

Jake was moaning and groaning in lust, uncontrollably. He was conflicted by his concern for Chase but his desire to fuck the boy’s cunt. He grabbed tightly to Chase’s chest, reassuring him. “I’m here, Chase. You will be okay!”

“Oh my God! Oh, Jacobbb!!” He felt Jake’s arms around him. Chase clasped Jake’s hands in solidarity.

The Sheikh was enraged that Chase again called out Jake’s name. “Shut your mouth, you whore!” He reached his orgasm, shooting his semen inside Chase’s stretched-out hole. “You don’t deserve my superior seed, you dirty cunt!” the Master spat at the fucked up slave. He withdrew his cock while Jake remained embedded inside Chase’s stretched-out cunt.

Jake couldn’t stop himself. It was animal instinct, and he thrust, shooting his load inside Chase, thinking to himself, ‘You will always deserve my load, buddy.’

Sheikh Hassan was enraged. His punishment was less successful than he desired. “Naeem, bring me the device.”

Naeem handed Sheikh Hassan a metal cock cage. “It appears you both need these,” he declared. Jake’s cock lingered inside Chase’s pussy as the two boys were spent. The Master pushed Chase off Jake, “Move aside, bitch.” Chase lay there with his anus exposed, wide open, leaking copious cum from both his Master and his lover. “Your cunt is quite the spectacle, bitch!” Sheikh Hassan tormented Chase.

The Sheikh was adept at caging his harem boys, a task he relished. As Jake’s postcoital cock was softening, it was an opportune time to confine it. The Master wedged the slave’s clit quickly within the cage and padlocked it securely.

Jake had never experienced chastity. It felt uncomfortable and weighty. He suddenly felt guilty for his initial reaction to seeing Chase caged and how he had relished Chase’s impotence.

“Now, the two of you will never fuck again. And most importantly, you will never fuck one another!” the Master asserted. “Let it be a lesson to you both. Your mouth and ass pussies are all you need in my palace. Those clits of yours are just distractions.”

Jake was incensed by the Sheikh. He hadn’t really done anything so egregious. Jake was trying to help all parties: Chase, their Master. Yet, the punishment came even though Jake was well-intentioned.

The Sheikh continued to spy Chase’s gaping hole. “American faggots are adept at taking two cocks!” he laughed. “Perhaps that should be the new specialty for my American harem boys!”

Sheikh Hassan dressed and exited promptly, leaving Jake and Chase in shambles. Jake was overwhelmed with guilt for what happened to Chase. He held Chase tightly until Naeem instructed them it was time to return to the harem quarters.

Jake misjudged everything in his new life. He thought being a dutiful harem boy could be a reasonable path for him and Chase. Now, Jake realized his Master did not deserve any loyalty. Jake vowed to himself that he would find a way to escape Sheikh Hassan.


Thank you for reading, rating, and commenting on my stories. I welcome any feedback and story ideas.


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My Journey Pt. 07

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This is another tie in chapter. Though there is no sex, there are things mentioned that will be brought up again later. So you can read this, skim it, or even pass it over and go to part 8 if you like.


When I woke up the next morning, I didn’t know where I was. I was in a strange bed in a strange house and my ass hurt.

Oh yeah….

I tossed the covers off of me. I’m not sure how or when I got under the covers but there I was, and still naked. I could hear someone in the other part of the house and it smelled like breakfast….mmmnnnn….

I wandered out and found Jack in the kitchen, cooking, wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, which made me even more aware of my nudity. And I had no idea where my clothes were.

“Hey baby! Why not go take a shower and get cleaned up while I make you something to eat.”

“Um. Yeah. Ok.” I turned around and headed back to the bedroom.

Did he just call me “baby”?

I don’t know about anyone else but after I smoke it takes me a day or so for my brain to realign. And I’m in a bit of a fog until it does. I was definitely in a fog.

But I took my shower, dried off, and sat down for breakfast, still acutely aware of my nudity. I liked how it felt being naked around Jack, especially since he had some clothes on.

Breakfast was fantastic and I enjoyed it and our conversation. I was totally at ease, until I realized it was nearly 10:30 in the morning and I had school work due the next day.

“Fuck. I gotta go.”

I could see Jack was reluctant bursa sınırsız escort but he was understanding. I found my clothes in the living room by the TV. I was in the car a few minutes later.

“Call me”, Jack told me as I headed out the door.

My apartment was still a mess. Clothes on the floor, beer bottles all over, rubber dick on the coffee table. I picked up the dildo, tossed it in my dresser drawer, and got into my school work.

I was still in a fog and had trouble focusing. Plus, I kept thinking about the night before. I loved how he fucked my throat, how he choked me and called me names, how helpless I felt beneath him.

But I also realized that I was behind. I had papers due and a group project to work on, and everything was due in a week and a half, just before spring break. Plus, my roommate would be returning from studying abroad so on top of everything else, I had to get the apartment straightened out too.

But I got everything done. The papers got written and I presented the group project to the class, along with my group, of course. Jerking off and sucking the dildo helped me get through the times I craved cock.

That final week was a busy one. I picked my roommate up at the airport on Wednesday and we spend a few hours catching up. Thursday night was party night at one of the frat houses. Then Friday people would be heading out to wherever for their spring break. Some people went to resort towns, some went home to see family, and others, bursa escort bayan like me, just hung around.

I wasn’t really surprised that my roommate was heading home for 3 weeks. All he has to do to finish his class was write a paper on his experience. Everything else had been finished abroad. Spring break was 2 weeks but he got an extra week to spend it with his family.

I also got some upsetting news. My advisor had gone out on maternity leave and my new advisor was Professor Thompson. I wasn’t thrilled to hear this but I was graduating in two months and didn’t think there would be any reason to see him.

Friday morning came and I dropped my roommate off at the airport, both of us fairly hungover from the frat party the night before.

It was some party too. I limited my drinking knowing I was going to be driving to the airport in the morning but drank enough to let my mind….and hands wander. There were tons of guys there. Hot, young, drunk guys wearing shorts and t-shirts. Did I “accidentally” grope a few of them on the dance floor? You’re damn right I did!! They were soft cocks and covered with clothes but I found it exciting anyway.

It had been a couple weeks since I had sucked a cock and the urge was strong. But I managed to get through this party without blowing anyone. I’m sure I could have if I wanted to but the risk was too great. Plus I knew most of these guys, so it would have been weird.

In any case, I left the airport and went back to my nilüfer escort apartment. I called my folks to chat and let them know it was spring break, everything was good, and I’d be blowing off ‘steam’ for the next two weeks. I didn’t want them worrying that I had disappeared.

I spent some time cleaning up and burning off my hangover. Ugh, hangovers always help me remember why I don’t drink a lot. I also spent a little time doing some personal grooming. I hadn’t shaved in a bit and my baby-face was covered in stubble aside from the fact that my usually smooth cock and balls were also in need of attention. My hair was also getting long. I hadn’t had a haircut in quite some time and it was nearly touching my shoulders. I figured I’d wait on the haircut until right before graduation.

It felt good to be cleaned up and no school work looming over me. I was naked, shaved, and feeling like my old self again. I decided to stay naked anytime I was in my apartment alone.

Of course, it was only around noonish at this point. Jack wanted me at his place at 6 pm sharp. That gave him time to get home from work and get cleaned up. He had gotten a promotion and was looking to celebrate it. He had also taken two weeks off and we planned to spend much of it together.

He had given me a list of things to bring. Nothing special, burgers, buns, things along those lines. I was fine with that. I appreciated that I wasn’t going empty handed.

I spent the next few hours cleaning up my apartment, packing a bag for Jack’s, and even got a little nap in. All while nude.

It was 5:52 when I pulled up in front of Jack’s house. His car was in the driveway. I took a deep breath in anticipation of the days ahead.

I grabbed my bag and the groceries I had picked up and headed inside. I was anxious, excited, and smiling on the inside. I was probably grinning ear to ear too.

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Movie Night

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Ass Hot

DISCLAIMER: No, this story is not real. Hell, it might not even sound realistic. The people are real (although the names have been changed), but that’s about it. I’m not big on build-up or character development, so if that’s what you’re looking for, prepare to be disappointed. I hope you enjoy it, but if you don’t I probably won’t lose any sleep over it…


Shannon was a gorgeous, twenty-five-year-old redhead with a very sexy body. She worked out six days a week and was a very well-disciplined eater. As a result she had a great pair of toned legs, a sexy bubble-butt and a tight, trim waist. Her C-cup breasts were nice and firm and she kept her pussy completely waxed, something that her boyfriend quickly learned to appreciate. She was very much in love with her boyfriend and they talked regularly about moving in together and getting married, even though they had only been seeing each other for a few months.

Shannon was relatively new in town, so she didn’t have too many friends. Over the past couple of months she had been getting closer to one of her coworkers, Linda. Linda was a couple of years younger than Shannon and lived at home with her parents, just like Shannon. She was a beautiful blonde with healthy curves, her body certainly not as tight and toned as Shannon’s, but in no way was it less sexy. She had fairly large D-cup breasts and wide, womanly hips. She, too, had a boyfriend, although she wasn’t nearly as serious about him as Shannon was about her man.

Linda’s parents were going to be out of town for several days. While she would normally invite her boyfriend over so they could take advantage of having the house to themselves, he was out of town as well at a cousin’s wedding. After talking to Shannon, they decided to get together on the Friday night for a girls’ night. The plan was to stay up late watching movies and gossiping, with Shannon spending the night.

After watching the first movie they had rented, they started talking about their boyfriends, and also about their sex lives.

“Chris is actually really good in bed,” Shannon said. “I have an orgasm almost every time.”

“Really?” Linda said. “I’m lucky if Ian can make me cum half the time. What does Chris do that works so well?”

“For starters, he’s well hung,” Shannon explained. “I always used to believe that size didn’t matter, but when we made aksaray escort love the first time I found out how wrong I was.”

“I know what you mean,” Linda said. “My last boyfriend had a really big dick and it was amazing.”

“It’s not just the size, though,” Shannon replied. “He knows how to use it too. You know how most girls say that missionary doesn’t give them enough clitoral stimulation? I don’t know if it’s the angle or what, but he always manages to rub my clit just right.”

“You lucky bitch,” Linda said with a smile.

“Don’t get me wrong, he’s not perfect.”

“Oh really? How so?”

“I wish he would go down on me more often,” Shannon admitted. “I love oral sex so much. I love giving it to him, and I do that at least three or four times a week, but he hardly ever returns the favour.”

“Really? I don’t enjoy it when Ian goes down on me.”

“Maybe he’s just not that good at it,” Shannon said.

“Maybe,” Linda replied. “I guess you can’t expect a guy to know exactly how to go down on a woman.”

“Yeah, I always wondered what it would be like to have a woman go down on me.”

“Hasn’t every woman?” Linda said with a light chuckle. “I’m sure a woman would be much better at it.”

“Nothing beats a hard cock, though,” Shannon added.

“I don’t know, I’d seriously think about giving up guys if I found a woman that was good at eating pussy. Besides, there’s always strap-ons!” Both girls laughed at Linda’s comment.

“Have you ever fooled around with a girl?” Shannon asked.

“No,” Linda replied. “Have you?”

“Once,” Shannon said.

“Really? What did you do?”

“We just kissed a little bit and touched each other.”

“What was it like?” Linda asked.

“It was actually really sexy,” Shannon replied. “It just felt so erotic and taboo.” The room fell silent for a moment, then Linda leaned in and kissed Shannon. Shannon said nothing, choosing instead to return the kiss. Linda stopped for a moment, pulled back, and quickly peeled her shirt off. Her breasts were encased in a simple white bra, and Shannon watched as she now pulled off her pants as well, revealing the matching thong. Shannon reached out and started to gently caress Linda’s breasts.

“You’re right,” Linda said. “This does feel taboo.” With that comment she unhooked her bra and pulled it off, revealing her large breasts. escort bayan istanbul Shannon leaned down to start kissing and sucking them as Linda started to run her hands over Shannon’s chest as well. “I wonder what Chris and Ian would think,” Linda said. She did her best to grope Shannon as she felt her lips on her breasts. Shannon then began to rub Linda’s pussy through her thong, making her moan. “See, who needs a cock?” Linda said with a smile. Shannon pulled Linda’s thong aside and started to lightly finger her pussy. She stopped to pull Linda’s thong off completely, leaving Linda completely naked while she was still fully clothed. “That feels so good,” Linda gasped as Shannon continued to finger her pussy. Shannon stopped to take off her shirt, exposing her perky tits, unencumbered by a bra, then she went back to fingering Linda’s pussy. She stopped again a minute later to pull of her pants, revealing the fact that she hadn’t worn panties either. Linda pushed her back on the couch, then bent down and began kissing all around her inner thighs and stomach. Over the course of the next few minutes she grew bolder until she finally started to lick gently at Shannon’s pussy.

The house was dead silent for the next several minutes with the exception, of course, of the moans coming from both women. Shannon was moaning the most, but Linda was clearly enjoying herself as well. She started to use her fingers as well, doing the same things to Shannon that she knew she would like to have done to her.

“Damn girl!” Shannon said. “You’re fucking good with your tongue!”

“Better than Chris’s big dick?” Linda asked.

“No comment,” Shannon said, laughing. A couple of minutes later she was holding onto Linda’s head and pulling her in, grinding her pussy against her face. “I’m so fucking wet for you!” she said. “That feels incredible!” Her orgasm was fast approaching as Linda showed off her newly-discovered skill. “Fuck!” Shannon screamed. “Oh shit yes! I’m fucking cumming! I’m cumming all over your face!” She finished cumming, then Linda sat back and spread her legs.

“I ate your pussy,” she said. “Now it’s your turn to eat mine.” Shannon got into it quite quickly, eagerly lapping at Linda’s soaking wet pussy.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Shannon said. “It feels so right!” For nearly twenty minutes the house echoed with Linda’s cries escort as her pussy got fingered and eaten. Eventually she came as well, shouting loudly.

“Let’s go up to my room,” Linda said after her orgasm had subsided. Both girls got up and walked up the stairs and into Linda’s room. Linda led Shannon onto the bed that she had lost her virginity on at age eighteen, and had been fucked on by at least ten other guys since, including her current boyfriend. Their lips locked in a passionate embrace, each of them tasting their own juices off the other’s face. They pressed their bodies against each other, almost as though they were both trying to merge with the other.

“This feels so amazing!” Linda said. “You’re so fucking gorgeous!”

“I love every inch of your sexy body,” Shannon said.

“I can’t believe how wet I am! This feels so dirty!”

“Let me see how wet you are. I want to taste that pussy again.”

Linda pushed Shannon onto her back and then turned to straddle her face. She leaned forward and buried her head between Shannon’s legs as both girls started to eat each other out in a sixty-nine position. They both moaned in ecstasy as they ate each other to another orgasm, pussy juices coating each other’s face.

“I want to feel this hot little pussy against mine,” Shannon said. They positioned themselves so their legs were intertwined and moved close to each other, then they began to slowly grind their pussies into each other.

“We’re both so wet!” Linda said, noting the sloppy sound of their soaking pussies rubbing together. The got more and more turned on, grinding their pussies together harder with each passing minute. They each came quite quickly, less than a minute apart, but they continued to grind into each other. “That feels fucking amazing!” Linda moaned. “My pussy is tingling so much!” A couple of minutes later they both came again, this time only twenty or thirty seconds apart.

“I’ve never cum this hard before in my life!” Shannon said. It was only a matter of minutes before they each had a massive orgasm, topping all of the previous ones and cumming at exactly the same time. They both collapsed in post-orgasmic bliss, gasping for air for a solid couple of minutes before finally snuggling up face-to-face.

“I think,” Shannon said, brushing her fingers through Linda’s hair, “that we should make a trip to the store. A strap-on would definitely be a lot of fun to experiment with.”

“Maybe the boys would like to join us,” Linda said.

“I’m sure they would,” Shannon replied, “but I’d rather keep you all to myself.” They smiled briefly before kissing passionately once again…

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