Mistress Elisha’s Protégé

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Lauren plowed her car through the darkness. Her high beams cut through the still night like a pair of sharp, angry knives. She prayed the crisp Colorado air would work its magic by the time she arrived home as the wind lashed her face through the open windows. There was no guarantee she’d be alone and would have to explain her condition…and her smell.

She drove, instinctively measuring distance by the streetlights, each one a glowing milestone in the night sky. The interval between each grew longer and longer so by the time her headlights fell on the wooden sign welcoming her to Palmer Lake, she found herself moving significantly slower than the posted limit.

Almost Heaven, the sign read.

“And possibly Hell,” Lauren grunted.

She pulled into the wooded seclusion of her driveway much slower than usual, the familiar trees offering little comfort tonight. Her parents were still in Pagosa for the weekend, but Jennifer would be a problem. Although they were mostly agreeable with one another, Lauren had been fiercely competitive with her younger sister her whole life. Since Lauren’s graduation and Jennifer’s return home for the summer, they hadn’t seen enough of each other to know how their early throes of adulthood would impact their rivalry. Though there was still a good chance Jennifer was out with her friends, she couldn’t bet on it.

As she pulled into her usual spot by the garage, her racing heartbeat throttled her head like a jackhammer.

“Stupid! Why didn’t I clean up when she told me?” Lauren muttered.

She knew why: lust, passion, sexual energy and maybe a little of something that felt like love thrown in for good measure. If she made a list of things her afterglow would not allow, taking a shower and brushing her teeth would be up there with purging the decadent contents of her stomach. No fucking way! But here, in the sobering darkness of her driveway, it no longer seemed like the smartest choice.

As the security lights flickered on, Lauren let out a breath of relief, only then realizing she had been holding it. She was alone.

She shut her car off, pausing a moment behind the wheel. She listened to the quiet of the night, punctuated by the intermittent clicking of her engine as it cooled. She lost herself in the black. She closed her eyes and could imagine her family, all rushing at her all at once, encircling her car, bombarding her with questions, crawling in through her open windows…

“You’re fine, everybody’s fine.” Lauren reassured herself, allowing her deep blue eyes to open to the cool night. She felt around for the switch and listened to the friendly hum of her automatic windows as she drew a deep breath, leaned back on the headrest and tried to slow her rapid pulse.

She twisted a single golden strand of hair around her finger, allowing the rest to flow around her face towards her breasts like two lazy rivers in the soft moonlight. As she reestablished a normal rhythm, her thoughts returned to earlier, and to Elisha. For as nervous as she had been on her drive home, the idea that she could now just clean up and act as though it had never happened amused her. She rubbed her hand over her flattening stomach and smiled, chuckling softly and shaking her head.

Walking through her own front door at last, she kicked her shoes off in the entryway and let her toes sink into the familiar carpet. As she relaxed, her guts rumbled. Her guts. Elisha’s shit. Despite her unease, Lauren felt a tingle spreading through her body.

“Turned on just by hearing my stomach gurgle! I’ll have to get used to that,” she murmured. She couldn’t deny the truth of it. The thought of Elisha’s smelly shit roiling in her belly, working its way through her small intestine and plunging further down into her colon filled her with a joy that shot through her guts and up her spine in an explosive chain reaction. The memory of how she accepted mouthful after mouthful of Elisha’s shit like a hungry pig played in a continuous loop in her mind.

She left the house in darkness out of habit, making her way to the bathroom by the dim glow of the hallway nightlight. Excitement burbled with every step as she felt Elisha’s shit work itself further down into her bowels.

She flicked on the vanity lights and jumped at the sight of the few bits of waste still clinging to her teeth. She smiled naturally.

She pressed her abdomen against the vanity and leaned into the mirror, arching her back. She beamed as she tried to catch the last bits of filth with her tongue. One last taste before she had to rid herself of the flavor, she figured. Every morsel she found had the effect of a mild electric shock on her tongue and she felt her body quake in sympathetic resonance.

She almost considered peeling away her jeans and indulging herself but with a twinge of remorse she grabbed her toothbrush and began to scrub the flavor away.

“You’re home late!” A voice came from the doorway.

“Jesus, Jennifer! How about making a little noise next time? You gave me a literal heart attack!” Lauren exclaimed, Buca Escort spitting a mouthful of toothpaste into the basin, bending low.

Jennifer stood in the bathroom door, dressed in her high waisted skinny jeans with an ivory crop top. The delicate material skimmed the edge of her ribcage with a thin strip of white lace, leaving just a hint of bare skin. Her hair, golden blonde like her sister’s, lay in gentle waves along her shoulders.

“Sorry! I DO live here too, you know. And I’m not the one running around with all the lights off,” Jennifer said, placing a defiant hand on her hip. “Anyway, I came home and you weren’t here so I went out and got us a pizza. Have you eaten?” Her voice faded down the hallway towards the kitchen.

Lauren’s face flashed scarlet as she spat out a mouthful of semi-brown toothpaste. “I had a little something, but I might be hungry later,” she said as she watched the tawny liquid swirl down the drain with a mixture of satisfaction and disappointment. She quickly checked her reflection before breathing a sigh of relief and hurrying to join her sister.

The kitchen, with its humble appliances and plain white cabinets was a far cry from the elegance of Elisha’s home, but it filled Lauren with the sense of comfort she’d need for a normal conversation.

“So how did it go?” Jennifer mumbled through a mouthful of pepperoni stuffed crust.

Lauren tried to hide the shake in her voice as she pulled out a chair from the kitchen island and sat down opposite her sister. “What do you mean?” she asked.

“Your interview! The one you’ve been blabbing about all week! The one that’s supposed to launch your career as a, uh, whatever you’re supposed to be these days.” Jennifer continued, biting and ripping at her pizza like a lion stripping meat off of a fresh kill.

“Oh that…yeah, it was good.” Lauren muttered. Lauren held her hands up to the light, checking her nails. She focused on where the mint green had chipped in a few places, avoiding Jennifer’s gaze.

Jennifer took another bite and smirked. “Just good, huh? Seriously? You didn’t mess it up again, did you?”

“It was fine,” Lauren said, wiggling her fingers. She eyeballed the pizza box. Hot-n-ready screamed in big orange letters on the side. She wished she felt hungry enough to eat some. Her abdomen flexed in an angry growl. She shifted in her chair, hoping Jennifer wouldn’t notice.

Jennifer eyeballed Lauren’s detached expression. She opened her mouth, but closed it without speaking.

“So, what did you guys get up to tonight?” Lauren seized upon the lull to change the subject.

“Natalie and I went to a concert,” Jennifer said, her eyes suddenly glistening. “The band played covers, but it was like a whole production and stuff. There was fire, video screens, and the guys…” She rolled her eyes into her head over a delirious smile. “The singer was so hot! Like, way hot! You should go with us next time!”

“Oh neat.” Lauren’s response was flat. Her eyes took on a thick, almost milky glaze.

Jennife paused mid bite and squinted at Lauren. “What is going on with you tonight? You look like that time Mom said you smelled like weed and you had like, nothing to say so you just sat there mumbling like a dipstick.”

“Didn’t she only say that because YOU told her?” Lauren snapped back.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jennifer began to giggle, but quieted herself as a second slice of pizza was rammed into her mouth. She rolled her eyes again as she chewed.

“Seriously, you tell mom and dad everything!” Lauren coiled.

“I don’t tell them everything,” Jennifer protested, a hint of defensiveness in her voice. She crammed the rest of her slice into her maw, her bulging cheeks precluding any further conversation.

“Whatever,” Lauren grumbled.

She watched her sister chew in her exaggerated way and allowed her mind to wander. She imagined snapping her fingers, turning Jennifer’s mouthful of pizza into an oozing lump of shit. The corners of her mouth jumped up, mostly because she thought it was funny, but she felt an involuntary charge between her legs when Jennifer audibly swallowed. If only I had the power, she thought.

“So, is that why you won’t tell me how it went tonight?”

“Why do you want to know? I did an interview, I got a whole lotta work to get done ok? Stop bugging me!”

“Sure.” Jennifer let out an annoyed grunt.

Lauren felt the sting of pain underneath her sister’s curt response. She forced herself into a smile. “We haven’t really talked a lot since you got back, how do you like Western? Have you met any hot guys yet?”

“A couple, but they’re all just animals that want one thing and one thing only.” Jennifer grinned and gave her rump a playful smack. “And I don’t think it ever crossed any of their minds to be any good at it!” She twisted her mouth and her brow furrowed. I mean, you’ve been with guys who could make you uh…you know…cum right?”

Lauren felt a sympathetic twitch of pain for her sister. Her first year and a half of college Escort Buca brought plenty of guys who only cared about themselves, or just didn’t have a clue what they were doing, but there had been one guy…and now one girl, but she wouldn’t be sharing that!

She thought back to the first night she and Anthony figured out the right combination of dirty talk and manual stimulation for her to climax while he was inside of her. She warmed to the delicious memory. “Yes,” she said, “quite a few times actually. You never have?” Her brow furrowed.

“Well, I don’t think the guys I’ve had know how to do it, you know? It’s not like they have their own vaginas to practice on…even if they did, I don’t think, I mean, I…” Jennifer trailed off, her eyes seemed to wander to every point in the room except Lauren’s face. “It just sucks being a girl sometimes you know? Anyway, I don’t really see what the big deal with sex is. Love guys, but sex…maybe they’re all just dicks.”

“I don’t think that at all. Did anyone mistreat you? You have people you can talk to on campus, you know.” Lauren queried, her eyes suddenly wide with concern for her sister.

“No no, nothing like that at all. Just nobody really seems to be able to do anything for me. Like, it feels good, but the ache is still there where they’re done…it’s always there.” Her face lost most of its expression for a moment. She twitched her nose like a rabbit. “They’ve all been nice guys though, I mean, except Brian, he was an asshole, but you knew that!” Jennifer laughed but her gaze fell as she suppressed a scowl. Her eyes darkened through her forced smile. “Maybe I need somebody like Anthony. You were crazy to let him go.”

“Hey, anything’s possible,” Lauren’s face shifted as she thought of Anthony. Even with recent events, his memory could still force itself on her affections and twist them into confusion.

“How are you doing post Anthony then? I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but I haven’t seen you bring anyone back here yet.” Jennifer leaned in, her sharp blue eyes casting a deep, unyielding stare.

“I told you, I’ve been on a couple dates, I just haven’t met the right…person yet.” Lauren deflected.

“Hmmm, I’m not sure I believe that.” Her pupils narrowed as she spoke. “I can tell when you’re lying to me, you know. You have that ‘met somebody’ look about you…and you’re being weird tonight.”

Lauren shifted in her chair, regarding her sister with unease. “No I’m not! And I’m not lying, Jen. It’s been hard to meet people with work and everything. I’m just nervous about this job. Really!”

“Sure, your ‘job’. As far as I can tell, you spend the whole day playing on your phone and call it ‘research!’ Mom’s gonna make you go back to the garden center if you don’t get paid for something soon. She told me!”

Lauren winced and felt the tingle remain at the base of her neck much longer than she would have liked it to. Even with her bratty tone, there was a disconcerting womanliness in Jennifer’s behavior. Lauren decided she needed an out.

“Well, about that, I should really get an outline going before my notes get cold,” she said, scraping her chair across the tile floor as she stood.

“Really? Ok, I guess.” Jennifer’s eyes fell to her lap. Lauren couldn’t tell if she bought her story about work. It wasn’t untrue. She did need to write, and she really did need money.

Jennifer appeared to be working up another snotty question but her eyes soon darted back to the kitchen table, fixed on another slice of pizza.

“Good luck!” She pulled the corners of her mouth into a smile. “Natalie went to some guy’s apartment after the concert, I think he’s one of the backup guys for the band or something. Maybe he’ll know how to make her cum. I’ll give you a full report if I find out, but I think I’ll just watch some TV and go to bed.” She turned around to rummage in the refrigerator. “Can I?” She wagged a Coors light over her shoulder.

Lauren stifled a laugh, her mouth hung open for a moment as she considered a lecture about the dangers of underage drinking. She could only imagine what Alan Thompson might think of his youngest daughter getting trashed on Coors light. She let out a giggle that she managed to pivot into a cough. He probably wouldn’t approve of his oldest daughter becoming a human sewer pipe either. “Yeah, sure, you’re twenty in a couple weeks, knock yourself out.”

Lauren sighed and relief washed over her eyes. With any luck, Jennifer would spend the rest of the evening sneaking beers and watching trash TV, forgetting all about this by tomorrow.

Jennifer excitedly cracked open her drink, taking a long sip as she watched Lauren vanish up the carpeted staircase.

Bathed in the soft glow of her desk lamp, Lauren’s expression was as blank as the screen of her laptop. Her Zoom recorder lay idle in one hand while she spun her glasses by the temple arm in the other. Safe in her own room, with only her own thoughts to keep her company, she wondered how she may react to hearing Elisha’s voice again.

She Buca Escort Bayan had always found the first conversation or meeting after sex a bit awkward and though this wasn’t exactly that, her emotions may not know the difference.

She could remember more than a few nights, laying awake next to a sleeping partner, gazing into the darkness, apprehensive for the next morning, the awkward small talk and the walk of shame. She remembered the nights in her own apartment, her anxious face glowing a soft blue as she lay on her side, nervously scrolling through her phone and dreading a text that may or may not come.

Even with Anthony, it had been a few days. She found out later that his friends, his bros as he liked to call them, gave him the advice to wait. She could have killed them, but perhaps they were right. If she knew how he felt that first night, things could have turned out differently and possibly for the worse! Regardless, she would have loved to have known right away rather than being forced to languish for three agonizing days.

Her hands caressed her keyboard. She moved her fingers to delicately trace the contoured ridges of each key but made no progress in the way of actual composition. Writing was the furthest thing from her mind. All she wanted was to do was call Elisha.

Was Elisha thinking about her? Was she furiously masturbating to the thought of her pumping liquid shit down her throat? Did she feel shameful about what they had done? Was she regretting it? Would she ever want to speak to Lauren again?

Her mind flashed to just a few hours before. As they said their goodbyes and Elisha’s radiant face receded into the distance, it felt as if there was no doubt they’d meet again soon. Going home was a formality, a thing to do out of expectation, a prerequisite for the sun to rise the next day. Of course they’d see each other as soon as possible but, could she be certain? Maybe Elisha felt differently.

Perhaps this wasn’t Elisha’s first time at all. Maybe she regularly ensnared submissive women and Lauren was just the latest in a long line. Maybe Lauren’s infatuation was the result of Elisha’s dominant personality and a well practiced ability to manipulate others. She was an accomplished actress with hundreds of videos to prove it wasn’t she?

No, Lauren thought. Maybe if this had been vanilla sex that might be true, or even vanilla BDSM if there was such a thing. No, begging to eat somebody else’s shit over their own objections had to be something Lauren wanted to do herself. Something she’d wanted all along, even if she didn’t know it.

There was a connection, there had to be! Thinking over her history of sexual activity, she realized that she had never been truly attracted to a man unless she also loved his mind, body, and soul, so why should it be any different just because Elisha was a woman? Did she love her? Maybe. Yes? Who could say? Eventually? They’d just met, but maybe she just knew…she ate the woman’s shit for God’s sake! That had to mean something. It’s not like she was the kind of person who would just set herself up in the women’s toilet at the train station and take all comers…right?

Lauren felt her stomach rip as she thought about how that would work. Would she handcuff herself to the toilet? Would she make a sign? What would the sign for a human toilet even look like?

She was so lost in thought, imagining a sign for a women’s restroom that had the little stick figure kneeling behind another more dominant stick figure that she barely registered the low hum of her phone. It took her even longer to realize that this wasn’t the usual spam. She casually picked it up and studied the screen, a video call from an unknown number.

Wait, she hadn’t saved Elisha’s contact yet!

Lauren held her breath as she pressed accept.

As it turned out, Elisha’s first words were those of an apology.

“I’m sorry,” her soft voice came from a darkened room on the other side of the call. “I almost hung up. When you didn’t answer, I thought maybe you didn’t want to talk to me.” As she continued, a white flash blew out the screen as a lamp came on, “Click!”

The camera adjusted and Elisha’s otherworldly beauty came into focus. Her bright eyes met Lauren with adoration. Freshly showered, the rippling curls of her raven black hair cascaded down either side of her elvin face before flaring out over a silk emerald green night robe. Lauren wasn’t sure if the robe was supposed to be of the ‘intimate encounters’ variety but she was beginning to find that Elisha could make anything sexy just by allowing it to hang off her goddess body. The large triangular patch of skin not covered by the robe showed the delicate line of her collarbone as it met the base of her slim neck. Further down, the fine silk strained along the outline of her breasts. The wrinkles of concern spreading on Elisha’s face only made her appear more beautiful.

“Oh no, I, I…” Lauren cleared her throat, grabbed a bottle of water off her desk, and took a long swig. “I was actually…” She took a deep breath. “I was actually about to call you…” It was unsettling to see Elisha’s natural beauty here, in her own room, but she was glad for the comfort of her new friend. At this moment, the only person she could or wanted to talk to.

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The Studio Ch. 09

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Lani was tired when she got in from her flight but the next day walked over to Patty’s house. Jim met her at the door. “Hi, Jim. Is Patty home?”

“Sure, she’s in there watching TV,” he replied.

“Well, hello. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve seen you. Did you go down and visit with your girlfriend?” Patty asked, seeing Lani walk in.

“Yea, just flew back last night. I wanted to circle back on our conversation a few weeks ago. We kind of went round and round on things,” she started.

“No, you told me what you wouldn’t do,” Patty corrected her.

“Well, I talked with Julie about it… and she thought I should do the things you are asking me to do,” she added.

Patty simply looked back at Lani. “Is this something you want?” she asked.

Lani nodded her head. “Unconditionally?” Patty added.

“Yes mam,” Lani answered.

“When do you get out for the semester? You have about a 2-3 week gap between semesters, right?”

“Actually this summer session ends in two weeks and starts back late August. We have about a 14-day break.”

“And I’m sure you would want one more trip down to see Julie before you start back,” Patty inquired.

“Yes mam I would.”

“Okay, tell you what — we have a little lake house over at Poe… rather secluded. We could leave out on a Friday, Jim could join us mid-week and then you can go see your little friend…spend some time with her before you go back,” Patty added.

“I’d like that. I didn’t know you and Jim had a place at Poe.”

“Yea, we got it a few years back. Don’t use it as much as we should but that would give me some time to get up there and make sure it’s ready for us. Now — you sure about this? This is what you want?” Patty asked.

“Yes, I’ve actually thought about it a lot. I’m ready to take that next step.”

“To be our complete submissive… Jim and me both?” she asked pointedly.

“Yes mam… both.”

“Done,” Patty smiled. Lani walked back to her garage apartment. Her body felt on fire and her mind raced with the scenes playing out in her head.

Friday couldn’t arrive soon enough but days later Lani and Patty were packed up in her Lexus and headed to Poe Lake. It was a beautiful drive up. The trip gave Lani time to catch Patty up on Julie coming out to her parents and Lani’s seduction of Julie’s mom as well as her thoughts on what was to transpire later at the lake.

“The truth is, I think I struggled as much with being your husband’s sub as I did with the whole shaving thing,” Lani explained.

“And once again Love, this isn’t about what you want to do — it’s what you will do.”

“Besides I get that you’re not excited at the thought of a man having his way with you. This might surprise you but I prefer the touch of a woman myself,” Patty explained.

“Really? I thought you two were totally committed to each other.”

“Oh, we are. But I think any female who’s honest with herself… if she’s been with a woman before, she likely prefers being with a woman over a man. If Jim was no longer in my life, I can easily see me settling down in a relationship with a woman.”

“No shit,” Lani chuckled. “I didn’t see that one coming!”

“So how did you and Jim meet?” Lani asked as they enjoyed the ride, the sun peeking between the trees as they travelled down the road.

“Actually, Jim is my second husband. I dated a guy in Junior High, then High School, and College. I thought I had my perfect life mate. Things were great in the beginning, but we were just kids really. Then the bills set in and … I don’t know … we wanted different things. We split, and then I met Jim at a party a couple of friends were having. He was like no man I had ever met.”

“While he hadn’t been married, he had been living with a girl he dated through college — Valerie. She was a trip – very dark, dom gal. She was really into the ink and piercings. She loved her tats. That’s where Jim picked it up. He didn’t have any till he met Val.”

“But they split up shortly after college. I never knew what a vanilla life I had until Jim. He asked if we could bring others into the bedroom — men and women. We did a little swinging… lots of role playing with us,” Patty shared.

“So, did he encourage you to get the piercings and your tattoos?”

“No, that was always a personal thing. Jim already had his piercings. I had never seen a man with pierced nipples and I thought it was so sexy. No, Jim said that would be my decision.”

“I started with that tattoo on my back. I was younger then and I did it really before it became so common. Then the leg and shoulder. Finally, I got the nipples done and I don’t know what inspired me to get my clit hood piercing. I saw a pic at the parlor and I asked what if I did that too? Jim loved it,” Patty added.

“I’m surprised you don’t have any. Does Julie?”

“No, neither of us. Lots of girls I’ve been with do but, I don’t know – guess it was never my thing,” Lani shared.

“Well, again, it’s personal.”

“I kind of thought Antalya Escort when you said I needed a symbol of my submission it would either be a tattoo or piercing. Certainly not shaving my head!” Lani smiled back.

“The shaving is something profound… yet, it will grow back. Much like the piercing but you can hide the piercing. I want to make sure each day you look in the mirror you know you’re mine — my little sex slave,” Patty smirked.

“Yours or both of yours?” Lani shot back.

Patty looked over taking her eyes off the road for just a second, “Yes, ours… but mostly mine, and I’m going to have lots of fun with you.”

Within a couple of hours, the two had made the drive. The Johnson’s house sat off the main road down a narrow bend. The house, with a back deck, actually sat off from a tributary to the main body of water which allowed the couple privacy from the families and campers who frequented the lake and its surrounding area.

“So, who keeps the place up? Cuts the grass and such,” Lani asked.

“We have a guy that comes around every other week. But I came up last weekend to get things ready for you,” Patty smiled.

The house had a dark wood panel outside that sat on a foundation of stones which blended in so well with the rustic wooded landscape. Patty reached up over the visor and activated the garage door, pulling into the spacious parking area.

Everything inside was neatly arranged. Two bikes in a corner along with camping gear stowed on the walls. As Patty exited the car, she walked around to Lani’s side.

“Okay, from this point on, your training has begun. Go ahead and strip down completely before coming inside. Place your shoes and clothes in this bin,” handing Lani a Rubbermaid container. “For the duration of your stay, unless we go into town, you will remain nude.”

Patty then turned and unlocked the door as Lani removed her garments. Lani walked into the house completely naked as Patty led the way. If she felt uncomfortable being nude behind a completely clothed Patty, she didn’t show it but she was mesmerized with the gorgeous lake house with its wood paneling and hardwood floors.

“It’s beautiful,” Lani gushed. The hardwood floors felt cool under her bare feet. Lani noticed two elevated stainless steel dog bowls in the corner dining room. “You have a dog?”

“A pet, but I’ll explain that later,” Patty shot back. “Come with me, I’ll show you to your room.”

Patty took Lani to a room toward the back of the house. “This is your room. It has your own bath and each night you will be provided three hours of solitude 7-10 pm. Consider this sanctuary. You may do whatever you please during that time in here. Otherwise, you will surrender your cell phone to me. No messages, texts, calls of any kind unless you are in sanctuary. I’ll monitor the phone for any emergency calls.”

“You asked about the dog dishes. Well, sweetie — you will be our slave but you have to earn that privilege first. Until such time as you have you are simply a pet and you’ll be treated as a pet. Fed from those dishes, sleeping on a bed at the foot of our bed, on all fours. Just like a common pet. While in sanctuary, you can shower, take care of your personal needs, and make your calls — but outside of your room -you are simply my pet. Do you understand?” Patty inquired.

“Yes mam,” Lani answered. “Great response. During this week you will not be referred to by name. You’re no longer Lani, no longer a proud little lesbian. Simply my pet… and if you are responsive, our slave. You will do exactly what you are told, when I tell you. Hesitation will be met with discipline. It will be necessary for you to have a safeword if the pain is unbearable. We don’t intend to hurt you or cause you physical pain you cannot endure. So, if you find yourself in extreme discomfort you will say the word ‘Haymaker’. Do you understand?”

Lani nodded. “You will refer to me as Master Pat and Jim as Master Jim. You can continue to use mam and sir for my husband.”

“Not mistress?” Lani smiled.

“No, I’m nobody’s mistress,” Patty shot back with a stern look erasing Lani’s smile.

“Here’s where you will sleep,” Patty pointed as they peered into a Master Bedroom.

There was a round cushioned dog’s bed at the foot of Patty’s large queen-sized bed.

“Do you have any questions before we begin?” Again, Lani simply shook her head knowing it was about to happen.

“During your time here and unless we go into town, you will wear leather wrist and ankle restraints I will provide and a collar. You must wear them at all times except when you are in sanctuary or the shower. Otherwise, you will have them on. Now come with me,” Patty directed.

Patty opened a door to a third bedroom. Like the other two bedrooms, the floor was carpeted but it had a tarp on the floor. A chair sat on the tarp with a table. Lani saw the implements on the table. An empty bowl and safety razor, scissors, and a battery-operated electric sheer.

Much like Antalya Escort Bayan the playroom back at the Johnson’s home in State College, there was a St. Andrews Cross of dark wood and leather with eyelets at the corners and a bureau in the corner of the room. On top were already an assortment of clamps, vibrators, dildos, and lubes. She could only imagine what the drawers of the bureau held.

She also saw a tripod with a cam recorder.

Patty saw Lani studying the video camera. “You did say you wanted it recorded?”

“Yes mam, Julie wants to watch it later,” Lani said back softly as the gravity of it all was hitting her.

“Go ahead and have a seat. I’ll get some warm water and be right back.” Lani looked around and spied the wardrobe mirror set up so she could watch along with Patty. She looked in the mirror at her shoulder length black hair that fell softly on her shoulders, the bangs that swept across her forehead just above her brows. She almost reached up and stroked her fingers through if only for the last time for a while.

But she also saw how hard her nipples were and she couldn’t deny the excitement she felt, the growing wetness between her legs.

“Okay, let’s get started, Patty smirked as she entered the room and set the bowl of warm water down along with a wash cloth she had retrieved. Patty stood behind her chair as she reached for the scissors. Patty’s eyes met Lani’s in the mirror almost as if giving the young coed one last chance to stop it. Snip, the two sides of the scissors coming together as Lani felt the first clump of soft hair landing on her lap, then another… and another.

She watched as Patty worked the scissors around her head as the hair fell softly on her legs, tickling as it slid to the tarp below. Once she had done the job with the scissors, she ran her hand over Lani’s head as any loose hair fell before Patty turned on the sheers as they buzzed loudly.

Patty started in the center of Lanis head and the sheers growled as it came in contact with the hair. Lani closed her eyes as she felt the cool steel of the sheer against her bare scalp. The unmistaken sound as the clippers ground through the remaining short hair. Lani opened her eyes to see the damage done. All that remained was dark black stubble at the scalp.

“Almost done honey,” Patty smiled. Patty squirted a handful of shaving cream into her hand and smoothed it in Lani’s scalp. Lani closed her eyes again and actually enjoyed the feeling of Patty’s fingers as they slid across her head. Patty took the safety razor and starting from the side of her head let the blade slide across her scalp then dipping the razor back into the bowl of warm water before repeating.

Lani opened her eyes again to watch as Patty methodically slid the razor across her scalp, now front to back and up her neck. For good measure, Patty took another handful of cream and repeated the process before she was content. She left Lani for a second as she went into the bath and poured out the contents of the bowl and returned with a clean bowl. She dipped the washcloth in and wiped it across Lani’s head.

Once done, Patty rubbed her soft hands over Lani’s now completely bald smooth scalp. “Oh, my baby. That looks so sexy. I’ve never shaved anyone like this. Fantasized about it. Fuck, you look hot,” Patty gushed.

Lani had expected to feel anguish, sorrow, but she too was mesmerized by her new look.

“Now I want you to shower. Make sure I haven’t missed a spot and touch up your legs and pussy. While you’re at it, run that blade over your arms. I don’t want a hair on your body save those eyebrows and if I find one… well, I’ll take those next,” Patty chuckled.

Lani stood up and any remaining hair fell to the floor. As she moved across the tarp, it softly cracking under her feet, she could feel the soft hairs sticking to the soles of her feet. As she turned to go down the hall to her designated room and into the bathroom, she saw Patty out of the corner of her eye, pulling up the tarp and placing it in a trash can by the door.

Lani let the warm water cascade over her body. She reached up to her face and then her head as her fingers slid over her scalp, now completely denuded. She stood under the pelting water for quite a while until finally she took a bar of soap and slid it over her arms, breasts, and lower abdomen. Just as Patty directed, she took a safety razor and slid it over her legs as she balanced holding on to the side of the shower. Then she shaved her pussy, before sliding the blade under and along her arms and once again her scalp.

As she exited the shower, Lani grabbed a thick white towel off the rack and rubbed it across her face, her head and then her leg. Looking back in the narrow, she hardly recognized the figure of the woman in the reflection. She expected to feel a heavy remorse — a sadness from seeing one of her prettiest features now gone. But much like Patty had said when she suggested it weeks ago, she felt like a different Escort Antalya person — or in her case — Patty’s pet.

Her very identity was wiped away. As Patty said — she wasn’t Lani any more, at least right now. Now Julies lover, not a lesbian who goes around seducing other women, simply a pet and if she was a good pet, perhaps a slave to Master Jim and Patty.

She heard before she saw Patty standing in the doorway to her bedroom. Lani walked in and there were the leather restraints laying out on the bed. Patty slipped one around her wrist and buckled it, and then the other. Patty actually bent down and buckled both the ankle restraints before reaching over to the bed and taking a thick black leather collar with a wide silver buckle and placed it around Lani’s slender neck. Patty moved behind her and snapped it in place with a silver ring in the front.

Then Patty fastened a leash to the collar. “Now, on your knees,” Patty directed. Lani sank to her knees.

“Until I tell you otherwise, you are now my pet. You will crawl where I take you, eat and drink from the dishes you saw earlier, only standing when I tell you or when you are in your sanctuary. Come with me,” she commanded as she tugged at the leash.

Patty walked Lani down the hallway and into the bedroom from where they had come from earlier. Patty had fashioned a footstool in the center of the room where the chair had been. Lani was surprised there was absolutely no evidence of her hair which had been shaved away on the carpet.

Patty had Lani lean across the footstool and then retrieved two black sticks from a closet. The bars had clips and fastened to the restraints forcing her wrists and ankles about 3 feet apart with her ass exposed. “Now, we need to address your attitude from a few weeks ago. You probably thought I’d let that just slide by but you were both disrespectful and disobedient.”

Patty walked over to the bureau, slid open a drawer and walked back with a thick leather paddle. Patty slid down to her knees as well and rubbed Lani’s ass before she let the paddle slap on the girl’s backside. Lani let out a squeal but was careful not to cry out before Patty landed another blow and then another as the paddle left red marks on her rump.

“Next time when I tell you the plans I have in store for you, you will embrace it. You will beg for it, you understand,” Patty barked as her paddle found its target, again and again. Lani’s toes were curled tightly as the sting of the leather smacked loudly on her bare ass. She remembered the safeword but she knew this was the least of her discomfort. Instead, she bit her lip and let the tears slide down her cheeks.

Patty then walked over to the drawer again and took out a small anal plug and some lube. Taking her place beside her new pet, she let the cool lube pour freely along the crack of her ass. Taking her finger and pushing it into the tight little asshole drawing a sigh from Lani. Then she inserted the plug and on a remote adjusted a setting which caused the plug to vibrate rhythmically in her tight ass. “You be a good little pet, I’ll be back in a few,” Patty remarked as she rose to her feet and left Lani straddled over the stool, the vibrator pulsating in her ass.

Lani wanted desperately to reach between her legs and stroke her clit as the vibrations in her ass pulsated through her body. Yet, she was completely helpless, bent over the stool. She lost track of the time Patty was gone but longed for her return. To allow her to orgasm or to at least stop the sensations ravaging her backside.

“How’s my little pet,” Patty said as she reentered the room breaking the trance Lani felt. Patty removed the plug and removed the spreaders at her wrist and ankles. “It’s such a pretty day, I thought we might go outside.

Patty snapped the leash around the collar and pulled Lani off the stool and down the hall. Was Patty really going to make her crawl to the door and go outside. That answer was soon made evident as the older woman opened the front door and led her new pet out on the front porch and off to the grass.

Lani hoped the setting was as rural and deserted at it seemed. She couldn’t imagine anyone driving by as she crawled around on her hands and knees on the thick grass of the front yard.

“Master Pat, I need to go back inside. I need to use the restroom if you will allow,” Lani asked.

“You need to pee?” Patty repeated back.

“Yes mam”

“Well, go ahead, pee,” her master responded.

Lani knew it was senseless to say another word. She simply sat upright, spread her legs and urinated on the grass. She didn’t look up but she could feel her master’s eyes on her the whole time she squatted. Then she quickly moved away from the spot. She couldn’t recall being that embarrassed in some time but she dare not let Patty know.

Patty then walked over to the porch and sat down and had Lani lay beside her as she rubbed her smooth head. “Such a good little pet,” she cooed.

Later that evening Patty served Lani warm pasta in the dog bowl that the young girl had commented on earlier. She was not allowed to use her hands and instead simply lowered her mouth to the bowl and sucked up the strands which had just a tad of Mariano sauce for flavor. Then she lapped up the water in the adjacent bowl.

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The Confession Ch. 02

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Author’s Note: this story involves cuckolding.

Lucas and Madison didn’t speak explicitly about their situation at all for the rest of the morning. They went through their regular morning routine, drinking coffee and having breakfast together. But every now and then, they exchanged mischievous, nervous smiles, and when Lucas kissed Madison goodbye as he left for work, he said with an embarrassed grin, “Uh…have fun at work, okay?”

Madison giggled and said, “I will, honey.”

Lucas couldn’t even describe how he felt as he went to work that morning. This situation was so bizarre, and he had all kinds of worries and qualms about it. What if Madison began to lose respect for him? What if she developed feelings for another man? The whole situation could go bad so easily in so many different ways. But at the same time, the exact thing he had been fantasizing about for months had actually happened, and it felt like a dream come true. He went through the entire day at least a little bit turned on, and at one point, he was having such a hard time focusing on his work as he thought about what Madison might be doing with another man at that very moment that he had to run off to the bathroom and jerk off.

Madison, meanwhile, had similar concerns floating in the back of her mind. Sure, Lucas had gotten a thrill from her infidelity this time, but how long would that last? Would he eventually get over his excitement and become so jealous that he couldn’t tolerate it any more? And if he did, would Madison be able to stop? She wasn’t sure she would, based on how excited she was by the prospect of being liberated in this way, free to give her body to any man she wanted.

She decided it would be best not to sleep with the same guy over and over again. That would feel too much like a real “affair.” It might genuinely hurt Lucas’s feelings, which of course she didn’t want to do, and there was always the risk that Madison might develop feelings for the guy. So as she pondered her next move, she knew Chris was not an option. Of course, when she got into the office, he quickly made his way to her to see if she was open to a second round, but she quickly brushed him off. Fortunately, it didn’t seem like he had blabbed about their fling to the other people in the office, or if he did, they were good at hiding it, because nobody was acting any differently toward her.

She briefly considered if there were any other men in the office she might want to have sex with, but none were as hot as Chris, and she didn’t want to become known as the office slut. So instead, she decided to duck out of the office a little early and head to the gym to scope out her options there. She felt her body tingling with excitement. It was so fun being able to look out at the world this way. It reminded her of her single days in college, when every night at the bar presented a new buffet of hot men who were all eager to get her into bed.

When she got to the gym, there was the usual range of body types. The middle aged and overweight folks determined to shed pounds, the skinny guys trying to put on muscle, and everything in between. But as always, the gym had its fair share of regulars who spent as much time as they could sculpting their bodies into peak condition. Madison eyed each of them as she worked up a sweat on an exercise bike, dismissing some immediately as too bulky, too skinny, or otherwise not her type.

Finally, she spotted two college-aged guys lifting weights together. She briefly worried they might be gay, but then saw both of them scoping out a hot girl who walked past and grinning at each other. Madison smiled to herself. She hadn’t been fucked by two guys at once since college, but it had been so fun. She thought about how Lucas would react to the idea of his wife getting double teamed, giggling at the fact that he would probably blow his load in about ten seconds just hearing about it.

There was a little open area for stretching right by the weights, so she walked over to where the two guys were and began stretching right in front of them. She was in just a sports bra and a tight pair of gym shorts, and she could quickly feel the guys’ eyes on her, even when her back was to them, bending over to give them a perfect view of her round little butt.

After a minute or two, she turned around, happy to catch them both staring at her. They tried to act casual, like they were in the middle of lifting weights, but it was obvious that they had just been enjoying the view. She giggled and said, “Hi, guys.”

“Oh, uh, hey,” one of the guys said, lifting a dumbbell and showing off his prominent bicep to her.

“I haven’t seen you two around here before,” Madison said. “Do you go to the college?”

“Yeah,” the other guy said. “We usually use their gym but it’s closed for repairs for a few days.”

“Lucky for me,” Madison said with a smile, eyeing them up and down. Each of them was wearing a loose-fitting tank top that showed off a lot of their hard, sweaty bodies. One İzmit Escort had dark, curly hair, while the other had short, blond hair.

They smiled back at her, then glanced at each other, as if trying to confirm that this woman was actually hitting on them.

“So listen,” Madison said, wanting to move things along quickly. “My husband’s gonna be at work for another couple hours. I’m gonna be all alone at home. Do you think you two might want to…keep me company?”

The guys’ mouths both fell open in shock at how direct Madison was being. “Seriously?” one of them asked.

“Completely,” Madison said, smiling and biting her lower lip sexily.

“Uh…hell yeah,” the other guy said with a grin.

Madison giggled. “Great,” she said. “Give me your number and I’ll text you my address. I’m gonna run home and shower, and you two can head over when you’re ready? But be quick, okay?”

They gave her their number and she texted them the address. It was such a thrill to pick up two guys like this, not even knowing their names. She rushed home and took a quick shower, then slipped into a pair of panties and a thin, oversized t-shirt that went down to her upper thigh.

It wasn’t long before the doorbell rang. She skipped to the door and opened it. The two guys were standing there, freshly showered and in t-shirts and shorts, glancing around a little nervously, as if not wanting anybody to see them. But then they saw Madison in just her t-shirt, her long, smooth legs on full display and her nipples poking through the fabric of the shirt, and they just grinned and eyed her up and down. “Come on in, guys,” she said.

They happily came inside, and the curly-haired guy said, “So, uh, when does your husband get home again?”

“Oh, I dunno, like five or six?” Madison said nonchalantly. “I’m not worried about him.”

“No?” the blond guy asked, smirking a little and taking a step closer to her. “He might get upset seeing you all alone with two guys like us.”

She smiled, thinking about how much Lucas would love seeing exactly what she was doing. “Well then maybe he should do a better job taking care of my needs,” she said, sliding a hand up the blond guy’s chest over his t-shirt.

“Damn, girl,” the curly-haired guy said, lifting up the bottom of her t-shirt to see what panties she was wearing. “Poor guy probably doesn’t know how to keep up with a woman like you.”

The blond guy laughed as Madison slid her hand under his t-shirt, feeling his six-pack abs. “Don’t worry, though,” he said. “We’ll give you exactly what you need.”

“Fuck yeah we will,” the curly-haired guy said, sliding her t-shirt over her waist. “Let’s go ahead and get rid of this, shall we?”

He pulled the shirt over Madison’s head, tossing it to the floor and immediately grabbing her tits, squeezing them firmly and pulling her backside against his body. She could feel his prominent bulge rubbing against her butt and knew she wasn’t going to be disappointed by what he was packing.

Meanwhile, the blond guy pulled his own t-shirt over his head, revealing a smooth, muscled chest. Madison ran her hands up and down his body in delight as he unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts.

“Get on your fucking knees, now,” the blond guy said as the curly-haired guy took a step back and began undressing himself.

“Mmmm, I love a man who tells me what to do,” Madison moaned as she slid down to her knees. She could feel a wet spot forming on her panties.

“Of course you do,” the curly-haired guy said. He had taken off his shirt, revealing a fuzzy chest with sculpted pecs. “You’re gonna do exactly what we tell you like a good girl, aren’t you?”

“Mmmmm, yessss, sir, whatever you say,” Madison said, looking up at them with big, submissive eyes.

The blond guy dropped his shorts and boxers and thrust his dick in Madison’s face. It was huge, one of the biggest she’d ever seen, over 9 inches. The curly-haired guy followed. His dick wasn’t quite as massive, but was still bigger than Lucas’s by about an inch.

“Oh, wow,” Madison said. “I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you two.”

They grinned down at her. “Look up at me and stick your tongue out,” the blond guy said.

She did, and the blond guy started slapping her face with his dick. The curly-haired guy laughed and the two of them high-fived. Madison happily licked the shaft every time it came down on her face, until finally he let it go and she quickly slid it between her lips, trying to take as much as she could down her throat.

“Damn, eager little slut,” the curly-haired guy said.

“Yeah, wow, I think she likes it,” the blond guy said with a laugh. “Not many girls can take the whole thing, but she’s fucking trying her best, isn’t she?”

It was true. Madison was bobbing her head back and forth on the blond guy’s cock, taking more and more each time, struggling to take the whole thing. He grabbed her head and held it in place, sliding it as far as he could. She did her best to suppress İzmit Escort Bayan her gag reflex, until her nose just barely grazed his pubes and she began choking on his cock. Still, he held her head in place like that for a second or two.

“Damn, this bitch is fucking talented,” the curly-haired guy said, watching and stroking his hard-on.

Finally, the blond guy released her and she pulled back, sputtering and smiling up at the two of them.

“Come on, let’s go, my turn,” the curly-haired guy said quickly, thrusting his dick in her face.

Madison recovered as quickly as she could and started eagerly blowing the curly-haired guy now. His dick being a little shorter, she could more easily get it all the way down her throat, though it was still a bit of an effort.

He gripped her head in both hands and began fucking her face. “Fuck yeah, take this fucking dick,” he groaned, then looked over at the blond guy. “I bet her husband doesn’t do this to her, huh?”

They both laughed. “No way,” the blond guy said. “Go ahead, fuck this bitch’s face. That’s what she wants, isn’t it, you little slut?”

The curly-haired guy released her head. Madison slid her mouth off his dick and looked up at the two of them with wide eyes. “Oh my god, yes, I love when guys get rough with me,” she said.

The guys looked at each other and grinned. “Take us to your bedroom, slut,” the curly-haired guy said. “We want to fuck you in your husband’s bed.”

Madison giggled and stood up, leading them down the hall to the bedroom. The blond guy quickly grabbed her by the waist and easily picked her up, tossing her onto the bed. It was such a thrill lying on her own sheets, the same ones she slept in with Lucas every night, and now seeing two college studs climbing in with her, ready to fuck her brains out.

The curly-haired guy rolled her over and spread her legs. “Damn, this bitch is fucking soaked,” he said, rubbing her wet panties with his fingers.

“Yeah, because she’s fucking desperate to get some real dick inside her,” the blond guy said, positioning himself at Madison’s head so he could continue feeding her his massive cock.

“Oh my god, you have no idea,” Madison moaned as the curly-haired guy peeled her panties off. Then he crawled between her legs and began lapping eagerly at her pussy with his tongue. “Ohhhhhhh ffffffuuuuuuck, that feels so goooooood!” she whimpered.

“Come on, get my dick back in your mouth,” the blond guy said, placing his dick at her lips. “There ya go, just suck on the tip a little bit while my buddy makes you cum.”

Madison looked up at him with wide eyes as she took the first couple inches of his dick between her lips and swirled her tongue around the head. He smirked down at her, then reached down and grabbed her tits, flicking and pinching her nipples. The curly-haired guy kept eating her out, and her moans escalated to a fever-pitch. The blond guy held her face in place, so that the tip of his cock stayed in her mouth, until her body began trembling and writhing, her hips thrusting up in the air as the curly-haired guy flicked her clitoris with his tongue.

Finally, the blond guy pulled away and the curly-haired guy pulled his head back from her pussy. Madison looked up at them both in awe. “Holy shit, that was incredible,” she said.

They both laughed. “Don’t worry, that was just orgasm number one,” the curly-haired guy said. “We’re gonna fuck plenty more out of you.”

“Oh my god,” Madison moaned. She spread her legs wide and said, “I need a fucking cock inside me right fucking now.”

Again, the guys laughed, and the curly-haired guy quickly stepped up, lining his dick up with her pussy. “Here ya go, slut,” he said, then easily thrust into her dripping wet pussy.

Madison cried out in pleasure, wrapped her legs around the curly-haired guy’s muscular body, and pulled him toward her, making out with him desperately. The guy began fucking her hard and fast, pinning her hands above her head as he kissed her, then kissed his way down her neck and sucked on her tits. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried. “Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Your dick feels so fucking good! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!”

He fucked her like that for a while. The blond guy just lay to the side, grinning at his friend’s performance. Finally, he stood up next to the bed and said, “All right, dude, stop hogging this bitch.”

The curly-haired guy laughed. He had built up quite a sweat now. It dripped from his body onto hers as he pulled out of her and moved to the side. The blond guy wasted no time replacing him, quickly sliding all 9 inches into her pussy.

“Ohhhhhhhhh goddddd,” Madison moaned. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been filled up like this. She felt his dick so deep inside her. It was incredible.

The blond guy grinned down at her. “You like getting passed back and forth between two guys, don’t you, slut?” he asked.

“Fuck yes, I do,” she gasped. “Jesus Christ, your dick is filling Escort İzmit me up so good!”

He laughed. “Yeah, it looks like I’m stretching you out a little,” he said. “Think your husband will notice?”

“Oh my god, that’s so hot,” Madison moaned. “I don’t fucking care if he notices, please ruin my pussy for him, he doesn’t deserve it anyway!”

Saying things like this really turned her on, especially thinking about how she was going to be telling Lucas about it later as he got off on it.

The guys laughed. “Damn, this bitch is crazy,” the curly-haired guy said.

“Yeah, she is,” the blond guy agreed.

“Oh my god, please just fuck me, nice and hard, I want to cum on your fat fucking cock!” Madison begged.

The blond guy grinned, held her down, and began pounding her wet pussy hard and fast. “That’s it, bitch, forget about your dumbass husband, just take this fucking cock like a good slut,” he growled into her ear.

“Nnngghh! Nnngghh! Ohhhh my godddddddd!” she cried, her body practically convulsing against his as her arms and legs were wrapped tightly around him. A second orgasm, more intense than the first, rippled through her body.

“Fuck yeah, dude,” the curly-haired guy said. “Now flip this bitch over, she needs two dicks at the same time.”

The blond guy grinned and nodded, pulling out and rolling Madison’s temporarily limp body over onto her stomach. “Come on, slut, get that ass in the air,” he ordered her.

“Mmmmmm,” she moaned, gathering herself from her orgasm.

She brought herself up on her hands and knees, arching her back sexily. The blond guy quickly thrust himself back inside her as the curly-haired guy came around to her head and slid his dick down her throat. She was being taken at both ends by a couple of young college studs and she was delirious with pleasure. She thought about how this would surpass Lucas’s wildest expectations.

“Hell yeah, bro,” the curly-haired guy said, raising his hand in the air for a high-five.

The blond guy laughed and high-fived his friend above Madison’s sweaty body. Then he reached down and gripped her butt with both hands so he could fuck her harder and faster. “Goddamn, this is some nice pussy,” he groaned.

He brought his hand up and started spanking her firmly.

“Fuck yeah, leave a handprint on this bitch,” the curly-haired guy said with a laugh. Madison whimpered and moaned, but her sounds were muffled by the cock in her mouth. The curly-haired guy gripped her head, keeping it in place so he could fuck her face. “Shut the fuck up and take this dick, slut,” he growled at her.

She happily complied, bobbing her head back and forth on his cock while at the same time backing her ass up on the blond guy’s dick as he continued spanking her. She knew her ass must be turning red, but she loved it.

“Let’s switch,” the curly-haired guy said.

The blond guy pulled out and they quickly traded places. Madison felt like she was in heaven. She couldn’t believe how long she’d gone having boring, vanilla sex with Lucas when this is what she could have been doing the whole time. As the curly-haired guy gripped her waist and pounded her pussy, she felt a third orgasm building.

“Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmmmmmm!” she moaned around the blond guy’s thick cock.

“That’s it, cum for us again, slut,” the blond guy said. He looked at the curly-haired guy and said, “Spank that ass some more, show her what a bad little girl she’s being.”

The curly-haired guy laughed and slapped her ass several times. The blond guy pulled his cock out of her mouth, allowing her to cry out in pleasure as she came again. Her head collapsed into the sheets and her body went limp again as the curly-haired guy fucked her straight through the entire orgasm.

“Fuck yeah,” the curly-haired guy said, slapping her ass one last time triumphantly, then pulling out. “Let’s paint this bitch with our loads, dude.”

“Hell yeah,” the blond guy said.

He rolled Madison over onto her back. She lay there in a state of complete bliss as both guys stroked their big dicks, aiming them straight at her sweaty, limp body.

“Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuuck,” the curly-haired guy groaned, blowing a huge load onto her flat stomach and shaved pussy.

“Fuuuuuuuuck,” the blond guy groaned, blowing his own load onto her face and tits.

By the end, she was a complete mess, covered in sweat and thick, sticky cum.

“That’s how you fucking do it, bro,” the blond guy said, high-fiving the curly-haired guy one more time.

“Fuck yeah,” the curly-haired guy agreed, then smirked down at Madison. “Give us a call when you want some more, slut.”

“Wait, one more thing,” Madison said. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and handed it to the blond guy. “Take a picture of me, I want to show my husband.”

The guys burst out laughing. “Goddamn, girl, you’re crazy,” the blond guy said.

“It’s okay, he’ll probably just get off on it,” she giggled.

The guys exchanged a look, shaking their heads and laughing. The blond guy held Madison’s phone up, snapping a few pictures of her used body. “Jesus, he sounds like a complete fucking loser,” the curly-haired guy said.

“I know, right?” Madison said. “Thanks for your help, I really needed this.”

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Short Erotic Stories 01

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Editor’s note: this fictional work contains scenes of fictional incest or fictional incest content.


They will always be short sex stories, several, loose, just the essentials in each one, without elaborate plots and developed characters, for dynamic and quick reading. I hope you enjoy them.


We went for a ten day beach holiday, two couples, friends in the work. I (Myke) and Jason, with our wives, Sila and Gelda.

In the small flat we occupied together, they soon put on their small, exciting bikinis, showing off their beautiful bodies. They were almost the same age, 32 and 34, my Sila blonde and Gelda with black hair. Both beautiful, thick legs, firm breasts, magnificent asses. Great for fucking.

And that’s what we intended to do there. Lying in the sun, drinking beers and fucking. Fuck a lot. Every night. Ten days of fucking.

Each with his wife, it seemed like the obvious.

Did it?

Well, Jason didn’t think so.

In the living room of the flat, when we were chatting and drinking beer, before leaving for the beach, we in our swimwear, the women in daring bikinis, Jason made an erotic joke.

He brought his hand to Sila’s panties, at the front, lowering them a little. The gesture, unexpected, daring, exposed my wife’s pussy.

We all looked at my wife’s sex.

– Delightful! Beautiful pussy! And totally hairless. That’s the way I like it, Jason exclaimed with pleasure.

Sila really did have her vagina totally shaved, she had removed her intimate hair, eliminated the blonde bush from there, so she could wear the İzmit Escort small bikini panties with more comfort and safety, as women always do. After all, we don’t like, nor do they like, voluminous tufts of hair sticking out of their panties.

Jason looked, fascinated and full of interest, at her pussy.

– Hairless is normal. Gelda will have shaved her pussy too, I said, in the same cheeky way as him, challenging him.

– Yes. She did and I saw it, in the bedroom, when she was getting dressed.

– Show us then. I want to see if it’s the same as my wife’s – I insisted, teasing him.

Just as he had done with my wife, Jason took his hand to his wife’s panties and pulled them all down in the front.

The two women stood in front of us with their bikinis down, letting us see their beautiful pussies.

Gelda’s pussy was just as beautiful as my wife’s. And also hairless.

They closed the erotic show, suspending their panties and told us to go soon to the beach.

We left, Jason and I, with the spectacular and exciting images of our wives’ pussies firmly fixed in our minds. Thinking about sex. Wanting sex.

Me excited to have seen Gelda’s pussy, Jason excited to have seen Sila’s.

After many beers on the beach, talking about the sex we would have when we got to the flat, Jason was the most excited. So he remained audacious.

It was of him the suggestion:

– We let’s fuck a lot on this holiday. We have our lovely partners, with their beautiful, hairless pussies. We can do barter, and have a double advantage. Each one will have İzmit Escort Bayan two pussies to enjoy, the men, and two cocks inside themselves, the women. Today, I fuck Sila, you can fuck Gelda.

The suggestion stirred us up. We were horny, all four of us wanting sex. The possibility of each of us having two male and two female partners was exciting.

We didn’t say anything, but in our hearts it was already decided. We were going to swap wives. Each of us would fuck the other’s wife. And they would spread their legs for the other’s husband.

When we left the beach, Jason was embraced with Sila and I with Gelda.

We went to take showers together. With no clothes on. The men with hard sticks. The women, with shaved pussies.

We kissed a lot, they grabbed our dicks.

We went to bed like swapped couples. Gelda sucked my cock; Sila gave Jason a blowjob. I fucked Gelda, put my entire cock inside her pussy; Jason used his hard cock on Sila’s pussy.

We both craved it and the swapped wives let us put our dicks in their little asses.

Ten days of sex, horniness and pleasure. Jason and I fucking Gelda and Sila.

When we returned home at the end of the vacations, Jason asked if we were going to continue the play. I told him they could visit us, so we could have continuous sexual exchanges.

We are two friends and happy couples.


Maíra, our only daughter, turned 18 and the next morning she left her room entirely naked for the coffee table, where I and her mother were waiting for her. Insinuating and beautiful, sensual, Escort İzmit slender body, beautiful conical breasts, with thick beaks, well-defined waist, flat belly, pert little ass and pussy, closed, full, with a small tuft of black hair in the form of a narrow vertical strip, so faint and delicate that it didn’t cover up the slit at all, leaving a glimpse of the cracked tear..

It was the first time we had seen her like this. Before our surprise, asking why she had forgotten to put on her clothes, she said that this was how it would be now. She would always walk around naked in the house. Opted for freedom and wanted us to accept her nakedness.

And we soon got used to the slender and beautiful figure of the our beautiful girl who was always naked. She only dressed when we had visitors and to receive her boyfriend.

As for her boyfriend, however, her modesty lasted only a short time. At first, after the greetings and a brief conversation with us, she would take him to her room and there they would stay for a few hours. We heard indistinct sounds, moans and whispers, indications that they were screwing.

But soon she left the room naked when she came to get more beer and things to eat. Making sure for us that she was naked in the room with the man she was dating.

And she evolved, leaving her modesty aside, passing to receive him naked, all undressed, at the apartment door. She only dressed when they were going out, never to stay at home.

One night, it was late, we went to bed, he hadn’t left, he was still in the bedroom with her.

In the morning, Maira came without clothes for breakfast with us, and warned us that her boyfriend was still in bed, sleeping. She carried him cake and toast.

Today, at 21 and on her third boyfriend, her way of life remains the same.

Is our daughter and we love her.

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Jennifer’s Breeding

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It was Friday night, and Jennifer was out on a date.

She was a pretty, pouty-lipped former cheerleader, her bouncy blonde hair falling just beneath a large rack that made men glance over appreciatively.

As she sat at the bar waiting, she was all dressed up in high heels and a short skirt, her sexy pert body packaged nicely so men could drink in the sight of the nubile 25-year old. Tonight was her first date with Ted, a very eligible lawyer she had been set up with by one of her sorority sisters. He smiled as he walked up to greet her.

Ted had an impeccable preppy style – crisp shirt, pleated trousers, leather shoes, fresh hair cut. He was a bit older, mid 30s – more mature, at the height of his profession. She felt pleased to be seen with such a respectable and handsome bachelor as they were seated for their reservation at the exclusive little bistro uptown.

“So, Jen,” Ted smiled at her warmly. “Melissa tells me you’re working in sales?” The waiter had poured their wine. Jennifer adjusted the strap of her dress. Her large perky breasts were beautifully displayed in her trendy low-cut top.

“Well, I work for a customer relations management consultancy. I’m actually moving toward a regional director position, but yes, ultimately I guess you could say I’m in sales.” She smiled obligingly at Ted. She didn’t want him to think she was too much of a ball-busting career woman — although at heart, she loved the challenge and competitiveness of her job.

Ted was nodding. They talked about his firm, where he had recently become partner. They talked about life in the city, where Ted currently owned a condo in a luxury development and Jennifer was renting.

They discussed their shared interest in the American dream — a big wedding, a happy marriage and parenthood, a large home with backyard, a young happy family, a Golden Retriever and all the trimmings. They were both from large families, both had grown up going to the best Catholic schools in the area. They seemed to have so much in common.

As the evening went on, Jennifer felt closer to Ted, to the upwardly mobile, traditional values that they both cherished. She also felt closer to him physically. He had insinuated his hands up her thigh under the white linen table setting, his hand shifting discreetly under her silky skirt to grope her soft, toned leg.

She gazed in his eyes coyly as his hand played gently across her lap. She liked seeing how interested he was. She didn’t intend to give it up on the first date, but she appreciated his direct style. His confident groping had teased her into a state of neediness. Her pussy was swollen and juicing expectantly as his manly fingers grazed her soft skin. The little bit of wine didn’t hurt either to make her more receptive to him.

At the end of the night, Ted brought her home to her doorstep, just like a storybook. He was a little taller than her, and as she gazed up into his eyes, she felt like she was melting and they shared a gentle kiss. He gripped her hand meaningfully, smiled, and said goodnight.

Inside, Jennifer’s heart melted. Such a gentleman! Her pussy was on fire for him. The way he had looked at her like she was a juicy piece of meat; and yet had been so respectful. It drove her wild. She immediately texted her sorority sister that the date had been a success, then she lay down on her bed to rub her dripping pussy. She came quickly, imagining Ted’s hands all over body. He had really worked her up!

Their next few dates were equally perfect. Ted was like a fantasy of an eligible bachelor. Jennifer was a respectable and sheltered young woman, successful at school, college, and career. Now the lovely young woman was feeling possibly ready for marriage. With her romantic nature, she was primed to fall in love. Ted had stability and security; his charm and caring were evident. They went slowly with physical stuff, but Jennifer wanted him to set the pace – she didn’t want him to think she was a wanton slut.

Truthfully his slow and careful exploration of her body made her as horny as a cat in heat. She dressed very sexy for each date they had. Their courtship began in the winter and as summer approached, she was wearing the tightest and most slutty clothes she could get away with in the context of their WASP-y social group. Ted relished the sight of her succulent figure in tight dresses at the charity fundraiser, or her loose breasts inviting his gaze under her gown at a society gala. They were a handsome couple and frequently were seen in affluent circles, establishing themselves as a well-heeled couple.

There was no doubt about it; Jennifer was now deeply in love. Ted was everything she wanted in a man — a future husband and father, a good provider. And she could tell he was a force to be reckoned with in the bedroom even if they hadn’t fully consummated their love yet. He had let Jennifer play with his big prick after several dates, watching contentedly as she licked and sucked his swollen member to orgasm Bornova Escort before taking his cum down her throat. He had opened her legs and licked and fingered her needy little pussy, especially after a long night of social events when she was all worked up by his teasing. But they had not yet started fucking. Jennifer needed it. But she had to be patient. She knew Ted was setting the pace because he took their relationship so seriously.

After several months of chaste encounters, Jennifer introduced Ted to her parents and her friends. He fit into the well-heeled, whitebread set perfectly; everyone was charmed by the handsome new love interest. Jennifer’s Mom couldn’t stop egging Jennifer on. “When’s my future son-in-law coming over again?” It began to feel inevitable that Jen and Ted would officially become a couple. Jennifer didn’t know when, but she felt increasingly sure that marriage was in their future.

So when Ted proposed on a weekend getaway to a beach house, Jennifer was not surprised but was deeply pleased. That night, they finally consummated their love, Ted playing with her big perky tits thoughtfully before wrapping his long cock in a rubber. “We don’t want any accidents before the wedding,” he said decisively as Jennifer watched him sheath his large, delectable member. Jen nodded. She knew at some point, children might be in their future – but certainly no time soon.

Months went by blissfully for the engaged couple. Jennifer enjoyed all aspects of wedding planning — her dream come true was to be a beautiful bride! The destination wedding was held at an exclusive resort. Jennifer had been working out and her curvy figure was sleek, toned, and tanned in time for the ceremony. Ted was handsome and commanding. Their wedding party was full of attractive friends from college, from the office, everyone celebrating together. The reception was decadent and luxurious.

That night in the honeymoon suite, Ted and Jennifer kissed urgently. She sensed something new and different in his manner. Now that they were married, he was more forceful, more eager. They kissed passionately, their tongues tangling. Ted undid her dress, now removing her bra and panties.

Her heavy tits flopped out. Ted began sucking at her nipples eagerly. Jen moaned, seating herself down against his swollen cock, the head rubbing her slick wet folds. She didn’t typically rub her bare pussy against his bare cock– it seemed a bit taboo, in case he accidentally entered her. Now there was no accident about their closeness. Ted seemed to sense how near her hot wet hole was to his swollen head, and to desire more contact.

He inched forward and began stretching her on his naked purple cockhead, oozing rich precum against her cunt. Jennifer was gasping with need, her hot wet puss spreading eagerly for this large, luscious invader.

She juiced wetly, realizing they weren’t protected. He began fucking her energetically, his cock nestled as deeply inside her as he could enter. She reciprocated in wanton desire, her body seeking to get him deeper, a little deeper, grinding her pussy lips and clit against him. She was now his wife, and was so eager to come on her husband’s cock.

As their movements quickened, Ted’s grunts were forceful, his pace more brutal. Jennifer could feel him swelling inside her and her body responded instinctively, pleasure cresting. She cried out in orgasm, her tight juicy pussy cumming on his big cock. His bare cock now exploded inside of her, and a wet gush of his cum invaded her throbbing pussy, flooding her cervix and bathing every inch of her fertile insides with thick, white spooge. Ted stayed in place as his cum flooded her deeply, his body commanding hers as he knelt above her. Her new husband now owned and had inseminated her fertile body, breeding Jennifer.

Jennifer gasped as she came down from cumming. “Oh fuck, baby,” she said a little worriedly. “You came in me!” Ted’s hand grasped her and pulled her close.

“That’s right, Jennifer, you’re my wife now,” he said as if this explained it all away. “We don’t need to use protection anymore.” Her mouth was open as she began to protest, and he leaned over and tongued her deeply, his hands fondling her swollen nipples. He leaned her back against the bed and positioned a pillow beneath her hips.

“Just relax for a little while, my love. We’ll do that again soon,” he said softly, kissing her. Jennifer felt a thrill of concern about his little swimmers coursing through her reproductive tract; her period had been two weeks earlier, and she knew this was not a good time to take chances. But Ted’s manner was so calming and commanding. She didn’t feel she could possibly contradict him. She loved her new husband so much. She began to drift away to sleep.


Every morning and night of their honeymoon in Hawaii, Ted fucked and came in Jennifer. At first she felt he was just being intimate and informal, but it became quickly clear that he wasnt bothered if be impregnated Bornova Escort Bayan his new wife. She was newly married and didn’t want to create a conflict with Ted, but felt uncertain about his behavior. When she protested about their unprotected sex, he suggested she begin taking prenatal vitamins. He teasingly elevated her hips after each time they fucked. At least, she thought he was teasing.

Jennifer was a little overwhelmed and not sure how to react. She knew that marrying Ted meant embarking eventually on the adventure of parenthood. But she hadn’t expected him to become this cavalier about it so quickly. Yet she loved the new attention from him and how deep and lovingly he fucked her. She would ooze his cum later in the day and be reminded how much her new husband loved fucking her; and it made her hot.

The two weeks on the island finished only too quickly. Back stateside, the newlyweds had moved in together into a brand new home purchased only weeks before the wedding. They spent time unpacking their wedding presents, Jennifer writing gushing thank-you notes as Ted took care of things around the house. The adoring couple left for work together each morning, kissing each other goodbye lovingly, Ted smacking her on the ass of her skirt suit as she tucked her lean legs into the car and drove to the office.

Lately, she noticed the epxneisce tailored skirt suits she wore to the office had been digging into her waist a bit. One morning not long after the honeymoon, Jennifer was at her desk feeling somewhat bloated against the tightness of her clothing when a wave of nausea seized her. She hurried to the nearby ladies room, only just in time to be sick.

“Oh fuck” she thought, as she wiped her mouth primly. I might be pregnant, she realized. She had noticed how tight her underwear had become lately, but thought little of it. Now she suspected why she her wobbling tits had begun overflowing the cups of her bras.

She went during her lunch hour to the nearest drugstore and got a test. In the office bathroom 10 minutes later, she found out the truth: she was with child. She was going to be a mother.

She immediately texted Ted with the news. “Oh honey! I’m so excited!” He wrote back. “Can’t wait to see you tonight and talk about it more.”

Jen’s eyes were watering. She loved her job and wasn’t ready to change course to the mommy-track. What if she didn’t get her promotion once her hips were spreading wide with the baby? She felt squeamish. What if she couldn’t lose the baby weight?

That night, Ted brought home a huge dinner and lovingly spoon fed Jennifer while massaging her slightly bloated belly. He had brought her a pair of maternity pajamas from an exclusive boutique – her first maternity clothing – and although she felt uncomfortable about his seeming insistence that she become a mother, she was distracted by the silky garments and the large meal made her sleepy. The newly expectant mother was out early, leaving Ted to think about their plans: the baby announcement, the shower, the nursery and all the other things that would soon occupy Jennifer, his loving wife and future mother of his child.


The pregnant young wife chose not to tell anyone at the office about her condition until she could no longer hide it under shapeless and flowy blouses. As her skirts tightened, Jennifer yearned for soft, elastic waists. Ted spared no expense providing her with a stylish maternity wardrobe. Her abs softened early, and her swollen breasts seemed to take on a life of their own. Before she was 12 weeks along, Jennifer’s weight gain was evident. By 16 weeks her round belly was showing.

Jennifer’s mother watched these changes with a gimlet eye. Before eight weeks were out, she said, “Jen honey, you’ve never had such a large bust. Are you sure you’re not pregnant? I hope you know how much I am expecting a grandchild soon from you and Ted!!” Jennifer blushed. She felt embarrassed by how quickly she had fallen pregnant–practically the night of the wedding.

Nonetheless, the truth could not be concealed long. Soon her clothes were too tight; the sleek skirt suits were out and bulky maternity bras were in, her growing waistline stretching against newly purchased maternity dresses and pants. As her waist thickened and her bustline increased, Jennifer became a vision of expectant motherhood. Every part of her was becoming rounder, each large breast slowly growing heavier and rounder as her belly began to protrude and stretch her tops out around its new gentle roundness. Soon she didn’t have to tell anyone: everyone already knew.

The weeks passed quickly. Wherever she went, Jennifer was following her growing belly, her clothing tight, her swollen round breasts heavily sagging against her growing middle. Always buxom, her chest now took on expansive proportions. Her heavy rounded breasts were very sensitive, and she strained to work her long office hours as her swollen breasts ached tenderly, straining Escort Bornova her back. Her thick middle made it gradually more difficult to type at her desk. She was filling out rapidly, and she felt embarrassed by the prominence of her rapidly rounding belly as she waddled around the office. The former perky and sleek office star was getting very big; a heavily pregnant wife, ready to become a mother.

In her seventh month of pregnancy, Ted insisted she begin her maternity leave. She protested, since her team was in the midst of a major sales launch. “Jen, you’re so big you can hardly work at a computer!” He smiled. “You know it’s time to focus on motherhood. You’ll return to work when you’re ready. Besides,” he smiled, rubbing her enormous round belly in a proprietary way, “once the baby comes, you might not be so focused on the office anymore. I know you’re going to fall in love with being a mother.”

Ted’s paternalistic manner upset Jennifer, but it also made her feel safe, protected and eager to fulfill his expectations. She knew she could be just as capable of a mother as she had been at the office, but she wasn’t ready for it to become her sole identity.

Jennifer’s mother had other ideas. She held multiple showers for Jen, bringing all of her college and childhood friends, church friends and even work colleagues together for brunches and afternoon tea. Jen received so many baby gifts that she was forced to begin working on the nursery simply to have a place to store all the lovely pastel packages and boxes.

Jennifer’s growing bulk seemed to excite her mother, who was only too eager to become a grandmother. The young woman’s enormous breasts, wide hips and bulging belly were nearly a fetish for the soon-to-be grandmother, who bought floral maternity dresses and baby clothes by the dozen for her heavily pregnant daughter. She signed Jennifer up for a wide variety of mommy groups and activities.

“Such a beautiful future mom,” the salesgirls at the maternity shops would say, admiring her belly. “Always happy to help a soon-to-be mother,” a man said as he held the door for her. “You’ll be a mommy soon,” Ted would say affectionately as Jennifer began to engage half-heartedly in nesting activities.

Jennifer felt she was less a person than a role: a home for a future baby, a loving wife, an expectant, soon-to-be mommy. She felt like she was no longer Jennifer. She was now a pregnant wife and would become a mommy. She would spend the coming years breastfeeding and parenting her baby, living life as a mommy from now on once the baby arrived.

If she expressed reservations about her new identity, both her husband and her mother would shush her gently and let her know it was just her pregnancy hormones talking, and they would offer a nice yummy snack to help the baby grow.

“Shhh,” her Mom would soothe, “baby’s coming soon!” Jennifer’s weight shot up precipitously as she grew to accommodate the baby and indulged in new heights of comfort eating. As her belly and breasts grew heavy and round, so did her cheeks and gentle double chin. Long gone was the sleek former cheerleader in their wedding photos.

Ted seemed only to find her more attractive. He constantly photographed her pregnancy progression, and initiated sex more often than ever before. After a long day of doing housework and errands – waddling around the grocery store or post office with her swollen belly and breasts leading her way, Jennifer would be helpless as Ted unhooked her massive maternity bra and began rubbing and suckling her aching, leaking breasts.

He was fascinated by their growth, the aureoles darkening and stretching, subtle stretch marks expanding on the side of each large globe. His lips would gently trace to her stiff, leaking nipples and he would nurse tentatively, Jennifer moaning as she exuded colostrum into her husband’s eager mouth. As he rubbed lotion on her enormous belly, she couldn’t help but juice wetly for him when his hands slipped down between her legs. He only too often impaled his gravid wife from behind, her large round belly wobbling as he thrust passionately–her moans mingling with his.

She loved coming on her husband’s cock. Toward the end of her nine months, Ted began introducing new dirty talk during their lovemaking. He began to tell her how soon she would be birthing their son, and that she would be growing a new baby before she knew it.

“I’m going to keep you big and pregnant,” he would grunt into her ear as they came together cataclysmically, his rich white cum bathing the insides of her birth canal. “We’re going to have a large family together. You’ll be giving birth again and again.” Jennifer didn’t know what to think of Ted’s enthusiasm. She expected that she would have a second or even third child down the road, but she hoped to wait at least a couple of years after this pregnancy. It was all so overwhelming!

Finally the day came. Jennifer was ready to give birth. Ted drove his heavily pregnant wife to the hospital as she groaned in labor pains. She was panting and holding her enormous stomach as she entered the delivery area, where other women were visibly laboring too, their large bellies tenting out the pale blue hospital gowns. Cries of childbirth filled the air.

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Peter Goes Gay Sub for Daddy Ch. 02

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Part 2 Peter Really Learns the Rules

After my ex-wife had been summarily fucked and dispatched from my apartment, her face painted with cum, by my new Dom, I lay in my office chair tied by a belt waiting for him to come play with me. I was elated by his treatment of her; though also jealous, I was happy with how he had abused and humiliated her, though I think she enjoyed it too.

But I was also glad he had dispatched her, so I could revel in his attentions all by myself. The door slammed shut, and I was sure he would be back with me momentarily. I tried to make myself as enticing as I could belted in my chair. I still had the dildo jammed up my ass. I held it in and wriggled my ass around hoping he’d be coming through the door to finish using me.

I heard the front door open and close and then silence. It was another twenty minutes before I heard the door open and close again, and him walking in my bedroom, where I still knelt tied to my chair. My ass filled by the big dildo, which I occasionally moved in and out slowly, but kept mostly pushed all the way in, as I waited, near-sobbing at the thought he may not return.

The time I waited was oddly extremely frustrating and wildly erotic. He’d said nothing before leaving me in this precarious position. It felt humiliating and exhilarating. I shivered with anticipation, as he walked back in. I half expected and desperately desired that he would pull the dildo out of my ass and shove that gorgeous cock back where it belonged. But he had just covered my ex-wife’s face with a massive amount of cum, so may have needed recovery time.

I was facing away from the door; I didn’t see him come into the room. He walked over to me with a confident stride carrying a tote bag.

“Aaah, my little faggot pet, Petey. Are you eager for me to finish using you tonight?”

“Oooh, yes, please, Noah!”

“That’s one nasty fuckin’ whore, your… uhm… wife!?”

“Uh, EX-wife…”

“Oh Yeah, that’s right. You saw what that nasty cunt was ready to do for my cock, faggot? What will you let me do to you to get my big dick in you again, bitch?!”

“Huhmm… umm, anything… please!”

“I was going to wait to abuse you like this. But after coming so hard with your nasty wife, I’m gonna need to get a little rough with you; is that okay? would you like that?”

I couldn’t explain it, but since the encounter in the gym and his apartment. I had felt a need to submit to this man. To cede control to him and let him take me, so I could please him. I had certainly been no ladies’ man, but still thought of myself as straight. But now this behemoth of a man with his equally huge cock was driving me crazy with arousal. I wanted to be his… all his! I thought about it all the time, as I shoved a dildo in my mouth or ass.

Though he had been so gentle and tender with me the first time, the energy from him I felt most was connected to the fear I had always had of “real” men. I would do anything for him; for his pleasure, in fact, wanted him to abuse me. Not just that, but I felt I desperately needed it. I wanted to surrender my body to him, knowing how good he had already made me feel.


“Yes, please! I want to feel whatever you want me to feel and give you pleasure.”

He leaned over and kissed me with his bristly moustache tickling my nose, reminding me a real man was kissing me.

“Baby… I have to say… but you must already know… I like inflicting pain on my bitches. It pleases me. Do you want to please me like that, bitch?!”

He smacked my face sharply, but not very hard. I was mad with desire. It felt like a caress, and I wanted more of it. He pulled the belt strap behind me making me choke, holding my head up. I nodded and turned my face, so he could slap my other cheek. Doing so cost me a great deal of discomfort, but I wanted to accentuate my submission to him.

“Yes! Thank you!” I croaked with what little breath I had.

He slapped me, harder than before, and I nodded and turned my face again and thanked him. I slowly slithered the dildo in and out of my hole by rolling my hips. As he slapped me, I felt a shudder, like an electric shock that coursed through my body down to my genitals and asshole. He traced my red cheeks with his large fingers and kissed me tenderly.

“That’s a good little bitch! Now, I know you are having trouble throating my cock. We need to work on that.”

Out of the tote, he pulled what looked like a heavy-duty, stainless-steel dental retainer. He brought it up to my face for inspection.

“This spring-loaded spreader will open your mouth past your maximum, keep your teeth out of the way, and over time stretch out the jaw, so you can get more of my cock into your mouth and down your throat, faggot.”

I was delighted to hear this. He demonstrated its force by pinching the ends together. It budged slightly, as he squeezed with his massive fingers. He pulled out a tiny screwdriver and turned first one side than İzmir Escort the other and squeeze the device together. Now, it easily folded in half; he forced my mouth open and pushed it in flush with my teeth.

I could feel the pressure of the device. It had some give, but it was hard to close my mouth. He had me open wide as possible and turned the screws in my mouth, and I felt the device actively push my mouth further open and the give was minimal.

“Ahh, my pretty little Petey, what a good little faggot bitch you are going to be. I’m going to enjoy training and shaping you to fit my needs.” He tenderly caressed my aching cheeks and kissed them.

“uuuhhhh, hhhuuu.”

His praise filled my heart with pride and joy. I felt warm all over and I felt my reddened cheeks glowed radiantly, as I looked up at him making my eyes soft to show my subservience. I wanted more of that feeling of making him gratified with me and having him praise me.

“I know, I know, my pet. You want to be a good little bitch for me, yes?”

“Yeeaghh,” I drooled and nodded eagerly to show my enthusiasm.

“To be my proper bitch, I am going to have to train you. That will include pain… which I will enjoy causing you, humiliation, and access. I’ll train your ass to be always ready for my big cock, your mouth to deep throat me. Your will to follow my every command and your body to fit my needs. Do you understand?”

“Yeghh,” I nodded enthusiastically.

What he said frightened me, but it felt right and fit in with the feelings I had been having about him since our first encounter. I wanted to give him pleasure and was eager for him to abuse me to get it. Even as I eagerly agreed, I could see how bizarre it seemed, but I wanted it bad. I probably wanted it more than he did. He was nonchalant, patiently explaining my submission; all I wanted was for him to hurry up and start taking his pleasure from me.

I wanted to shout: “Do whatever you want to me, but hurry up and fuck me, please!” But with my jaw gaped wide, I was down to monosyllabic grunts.

“I’m going to turn you into my perfect little faggot bitch whore. Would you like that?”

“Yghh, gurgh!” I grunted and nodded.

He reached again in the bag and brought out another shiny metal implement. It was a ring with pegs and smooth shiny balls on the ends and wingnuts all around looked kind of like a snare drum.

“This, my little bitch, is a spreader that does for your anus what that gag is doing to your jaw.”

If I could have moved my mouth, I would have gasped. The outer rim of this thing was huge, about four inches in diameter. He demonstrated by fitting one of his coned hands through it. He moved behind and pulled out the dildo; I pulled my asscheeks apart to give him access. I felt a dab of numbing lube, then the icy cold steel prongs of the device. All six prongs started together forming a bundle of no more than an inch in diameter.

Again, I felt that spark of electricity; this time it went straight to prostate and my tiny peenie spasmed. He turned the first wingnut, and I felt slight pressure as the pegs moved apart. He proceeded to turn one then the next nut a few turns and I began to feel an odd empty/full feeling. My sphincter distended and my hole opened, but there was little penetration.

It felt nothing like his great big cock opening my hole driving that burning feeling into me, massaging my ass walls, poking my prostate. The spread was so gradual that by the time I was wide open I had not really felt much pain at all. He was now massaging a few fingers into the inner cavity with about the first two inches of my hole gaping wide.

His warm fingers felt delicious in there especially after the cold metal had numbed me out. He moved back to my face and removed the sweatpants and t-shirt he had on. His fat cock plopped out in front me making me salivate, adding to the long streak of slobber oozing out my mouth. I was dying to feel that cock inside me hoping I could please him with my mouth and get him further down my throat.

“Let’s see how much humiliation the little faggot bitch can take, eh?”

“Ggrrggrrr, gth.” I grunted trying to agree.

He moved over with his semi-hardened monster, and I stuck my tongue out of the ring trying to get a taste of it. But he pulled my head back sharply. He leaned down hit the lever to lower the chair, so that now my neck craned up toward the ceiling. He put just the tip of his beautiful cock at my mouth entrance; I wanted to swallow it whole to take him into me and let him ravage my throat with it, but I could just reach it.

“Would you let me piss in your mouth, to be my nasty bitch?”

“Yesss, yesss!” I wanted to shout.

The thought had never once occurred to me, but it instantly aroused me. This would make me nasty; and… I wanted to be nasty for him. I wanted to give him all access, to submit my will to his. This act was so submissive, so humiliating, for a man to drink another man’s piss. I was eager İzmir Escort to show him the depths to which I was willing to be despoiled, to demonstrate my submission. I nodded and grunted animalistically and stuck out my tongue to make a cradle between his cock and the hard cold metal holding my mouth open.

“Don’t you fuckin’ spill a goddamned drop, bitch!!” He snarled and slapped at my cheek.

Multiple factors of my predicament made this demand impracticable. With the belt around my neck and his craning it, I had a limited airway (or pissway). Even with the craning, this was not the most efficient angle to serve as a urinal. And the ring made it so I could barely control my swallowing.

Nonetheless, I groaned in agreement to the command, knowing failure was most likely, but I would try as hard as I could and brave the discipline. He began his stream, and at first my very eagerness was almost my downfall. I tried to swallow hard and it almost went down the wrong way, but I managed to right it with only a slight hiccup. Luckily, in his semi-hard and he wasn’t pissing at full bore. He also seemed to have mastered the art of piss-control.

He pissed in spurts, giving me just enough time to swallow before beginning another stream. In between he used that massive sausage to beat my face. I was too busy trying to swallow his piss, to really enjoy this, but enjoyed feeling weight of it. As I got used to conditions, I tried to swallow as fast as possible to see if I could take more of his cock in my mouth. I tried to capture it as he slapped me with it, fighting against his grip on the belt.

I was beginning to think I would make it all the way through, but just then, he let go of the belt and another stream burst out of him and caught me unready, pissing all over my face as I lurched forward.

“I told you not to spill, bitch. I’m gonna have to punish you for that, whore!” He snarled, but I could tell he was happy for the excuse to discipline me further.

I nodded, as finally was able to get his fat cock into my mouth. I just pushed forward and there it was. I could do nothing with my lips to please him, so it was all about my throat. He got to the entrance to my throat, and I gagged, but less badly than before. My practice with the dildo helped me overcome it. I relaxed all my muscles, which had been tensed up during the pissing. I just let the cock live in my throat, knowing I could go a long time without air.

He seemed pleased with my efforts and took over from me. He was fucking my face, but gently. In fact, his whole affect seemed to suddenly change from the tough taskmaster to the gentle lover he had been the first time.

“What a nasty fucking faggot you turned out to be, huh, little Petey?”

“Ummmm, hmmph” I grunted onto his cock.

“Yes, yes, what an even nastier fucking faggot whore, I am going to turn you into, sweetie.”

He leaned down to fetch something from the bag, taking his cock out of my mouth. I was so empty; I wanted it back. I was drooling out of my gaping mouth and could feel air circulating through the spreader in my ass. He harshly once again wrenched my head back and showed me a leather riding crop, and waved it around, making a whirring noise.

“I’m going to strike you for wasting my piss, whore!”

I nodded ascent without consideration, more concerned with getting that cock back in my mouth and trying to deepthroat it.

“Whack! Whack! Whack!” It went as he struck my buttocks.

The pain was intense. I was in a kind of sub haze, but it brought me out of it. It was very sharp and made me scream and grunt through spreader. It was really smart to strike me while his cock was out of my mouth. He now reintroduced that beast to the back of my throat; it was like pain medicine. I used my tongue and throat to lavish pleasure on his intruding cock. And this, made the pain, not disappear; but move far away to hazy bearable zone.

He pulled his cock out again, and I was wanting it back again.

“Shall I strike you again, my nasty bitch?!”

I nodded eagerly, wanting the cock back inside me. Suddenly, he wasn’t really happy with my just nodding. He reached for the screwdriver and wrenching my neck again, loosened the screws and pulled the device out my mouth. It was a very strange feeling having had my jaw opened beyond its usual capacity and now freed.


I looked up at him with sad puppy eyes, eager and anxious, and trembled. He must have seen the fear in my face and again turned soft and gentle.

“Aww, baby! It’s okay. You’ve been such a good little nasty bitch, for me.” He kissed me passionately, and I gave myself entirely to it. His tongue explored my aching mouth and seem to make it better.

“My sweet little Petey, I am going to strike a few more times, then I will fuck you just like I know you want, and make you feel really good. Is that okay, honey?”

“Yes, please… please strike me as you wish… uhm…, Daddy…?!”

“Yeah…? sure that’s Escort İzmir fine, baby. I’ll be your Daddy, my little faggot whore, why not?”

“Thank you, Daddy! Please, strike me as much as you’d like. I only want to please you, Sir. I want to be your good little bitch, Sir.”

He thrust his cock back in my mouth and let me help myself to it. I was having an easier time already getting it in my mouth, but my gag-reflex was still not letting me deep-throat him all the way. I was loving having my lips to work his cock and just worship it tip to balls, when I felt the first whack. I swallowed him and used it as gag to keep from screaming. My ass was on fire. He continued striking as he also took over face-fucking me.

He was ramming into me and whacking my behind until I thought he might cum. I was eager to taste him, but I was hoping to get fucked soon. He pulled himself back off the ledge, I think, just in time. I was glad for his restraint. He pulled out of me and took a moment to catch his breath.

“Ooooph, Petey, you are so much better already. What a great cocksucker you are going to be. But you really want me to fuck you, don’t you, dear?”

“Oooh, yes please, fuck me with your beautiful cock, Daddy.”

He moved behind me and softly caressed the welts and bruises left by the crop. He kissed the worst ones tenderly and undid the belt and had me move to the bed. It was hard to walk, my legs rubbery and the ring in my ass didn’t let my legs quite meet and the wingnuts pinched my cheeks. Once on my back on the bed, he lifted my legs behind me and had me hold them up and apart. He undid the bolts and pulled the ring out of my ass.

Holding my legs against my shoulders, he presented his massive cock to my asshole and just plunged it in. My sphincter having been stretched out did not register his entrance, but my ass muscles right behind it did. I had that now familiar full feeling that warmed me all over. I could feel, as his massive balls struck against some of the places he had cropped. I felt so proud to have been able to endure that for him; the pain dwarfed now by pleasure; my tiny dick pulsed against its cage.

He was now making love to my hole, fucking me deep, but going in gentle and slow letting me feel all of the veins and furrows of his big fat beast, my hole hungry to swallow it all. He pulled all the way out, then fed it to me again. I was in a frenzy of contradictory desires. I wanted him to keep fucking slowly and sensuously to build up slowly into an intense sissygasm. But I also wanted him to slam that fantastic tool into me with abandon and make me cum like a whore.

Meanwhile, he was fucking me and kissing me hard. Whispering nasty things in my ear as he continued destroying my hole.

“You love my big fuckin’ cock, you nasty faggot ass, whore!”

“Yes, yes, I love your big cock, Daddy, fuck me, fuck me!”

He had remarkable staying power. He fucked me like that for a while, then he had me get on top of him. I was still in that quandary about slow or fast. I kept the slow rhythm up for a while, but as I got more into it, I couldn’t hold back; I found myself bouncing up and down on his massive cock. I was going to cum, and I couldn’t really stop myself. I begged to cum, but he said nothing, just let me keep bouncing on his fat cock until I was too far gone.

“I’m coming, Daddy, I’m sorry, I’m can’t…. OOooph, ooooh, aaaah, fuuuuck!”

I ground down on him hard, feeling the bristly hair of his scrotum against the fresh bruises from the crop. That gave me an extra thrill. As I looked down at the little puddle of my seed on his belly. I instantly regretted losing control and coming without proper permission. He noticed both things at once: the little pool and my shame. He would, of course, use it to humiliate me further and show his dominance over me. I loved him for that.

“Faggot! Your such a nasty cockslut that you just came without permission. Don’t worry; I will punish you for that later. But now, I’m ready to cum up your faggot ass!”

He pushed me over and put me in the head down/ass up position. He got high up on my ass and pushed his big cock down into me. He leaned over me and grabbed my thin delicate neck with his giant right hand and began to choke me and tweaked my big nipples with his other hand, as he just pounded the beast into me at a superhuman speed. He was fucking me so hard and so fast that I could barely breath with his choking me.

It turned out that I got both my desires, as he started to build up to his big orgasm, it started me up again, and I was able “dry” cum with him as he gave me permission just before filling my guts with his precious spunk. He pulled out of me and let me quickly turn over and nurse on his fat cock and taste my creamy prize. I was still trembling from my own orgasm as I licked him clean.

He pushed me onto my back and again lifted my legs high over my shoulders, then pushed his cock back in hole drawing more of his sperm out my ass dripping it onto my face. I slurped up as much as I could and then finally licked his cock clean again when he let me up.

When he was done, he gathered up his clothes went into the bathroom for a few minutes, then walked out. He left the room saying:

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Aunt Ann’s Pony Life Ch. 07

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As my eyes fluttered open she was right there.

The kiss was warm and moist but not the drool of yesterday. It was a woman kissing me and Aunt Ann was all of the way back.

And demanding.

Her fingers fondled my cock, just coming erect, and her breath was warm in my ear as she said, “Good morning, sweet baby.”

“Mmmmmmmm, and good morning to you,” I said, my hands finding her back and caressing, tracing the little bumps of her spine down to her tailbone and probing there, making her squirm and giggle.

She swung her leg over me, straddled me, and took me into her body with a sigh.

“I love you, Davey,” she said, supporting herself on her arms and looking down at me, our eyes meeting.

My control almost failed. That was the first time she had said those words and they surprised me.

“I love you, Aunt Ann,” I replied and was just as surprised to realize that I meant it. Not that I loved her, I had known that since that first time years ago. What surprised me was that what I meant was “I’m in love with you.”

Her eyes got big.

“My insanity and all?” she asked, and there was no hint of a smile or a joke in her voice.

“Your beautiful, sexy, wonderful needs and all,” I said.

She breathed in through her nose, a long drawn out hiss of intaken air.

“You liked Dakota then?” she asked, surprising me again. I had kind of wondered if she even knew about her, well, her “other life” when she wasn’t in it.

I stroked her hair very softly, petting her really, and I liked the way her eyes closed in pure pleasure.

“Dakota is your beautiful other self,” I said, “and I love her too.”

The surreal aspect of this hit me suddenly. Here I was, professing my love, explaining how I liked her fetish, and, it seemed to me, on some level working out our future, while my erection was fully inside of her, surrounded by her warmth and her wetness.

But I didn’t have time to contemplate much. She was covering my face with kisses, talking but in short little phrases, some of them lost in the kisses. I caught snatches, and I understood that I was the first man she had shared so much with. Things like, “… understand me…,” and “… know I’m not crazy…,” and “… my Handler.”

This was an odd combination. On one level it was making love, and it was love, no doubt about that. On another level, it was pure animal sex, with me so hard I hurt and her so wet I could feel her running down the crack of my ass and soaking the sheet under us. On yet another level it was a merging beyond sex. When she said, “I am yours,” and I Karşıyaka Escort said, “I accept your gift,” we were more married than any fancy church wedding and license could join us.

The cliche is, “Time stopped.” But it wasn’t that it stopped that morning, it was that it didn’t matter. We lay like that, our bodies joined, her kind of babbling her surrender, me kind of babbling my acceptance, and neither of us feeling any urgency to finish our coupling.

But we were, after all, healthy mammals and her body took over. When she came it was a flood, a torrent of release making her entire body rigid, leaving her unable to breathe. I heard a quick intake of breath and felt her legs lock on mine, her fingers dig into my back, and then she was completely still.

“Again,” I said softly, my hands easing down to cup her ass and then squeezing, gently at first and then harder until I heard her soft moan.

Her second orgasm was as powerful as the first, but when her body relaxed I could tell she was done. So I stroked her back lightly, calling her my good girl, being careful not to use her name, either Aunt Ann or Dakota, just calling her my good girl over and over.

“Now relax,” I said, holding her, still inside of her, “and say it some more.”

“I love you,” she said, kissing me.

“I love you,” I said, kissing her back.

“Please, David,” she said, smiling down at me, “please baby, fill me up.”

And something about the way she said that, the pure, perfect need in her voice, the utter femaleness of her plea, took me over the top. My ejaculation was powerful, immediate, and surprising.

Her grin was feral, not a Pony, a wolf who had what she wanted finally.

“I am yours,” she said very softly as my body answered the demands of evolution, “but you are mine too.”

“I am yours,” I said, matching her tone, “and you are mine.”

The Wolf had overtaken the Pony and she licked my face.

I liked it.

I discovered that morning, well, I think we discovered together, that she didn’t need the Pony Milk to set the animal free. We licked each other’s faces, tasting each other’s sweat, and then she caught my right wrist in her hand and pushed my hand up until it was on the pillow beside my head. I wasn’t surprised, hell, by then I think I was beyond surprise, when she started licking my armpit.

It seemed natural to lick the breast that was right there. I wasn’t seeking her nipple or that wonderful intimacy of suckling, of nursing, but rather, I licked the boobsweat from the bottom of her tit where it normally Escort Karşıyaka lay against her body. It was salty with just a hint of bitterness and I could smell the first suggestion of unwashed body odor.

I liked it and licked greedily.

She nipped at the tender skin of my armpit and I yelped before biting down on the tender skin I was licking making her yell in return.

I didn’t release and she didn’t dare yank away.

“Owww, Jesus, Davey, please, honey, no more,” she said, laughing and groaning at the same time.

The image flashed into my mind’s eye, clear, almost a high-definition movie right there, superimposed over the bedroom, of the only time I had actually seen two dogs mating.

I released her teat, and at that point, that’s how I was thinking of it to the extent that I was having any thought at all. It wasn’t a breast, it was an animal’s teat.

I released her teat and squirmed away from her so I could get control. She watched, her eyes a little glassy, as I moved beside her and rolled her onto her belly. I got into position behind her, and grabbed her hips, my fingers digging in, deliberately hurting her a little, establishing my control.

“Up on all fours, my beautiful she-wolf,” I said, digging my fingers in more.

She groaned, and got up onto hands and knees.

There was that image again, in my mind’s eye, and I moved a little, on all fours too, and licked and nipped at her ass and pussy. It was running now, her arousal complete, thick white love nectar combined with my semen was hanging in a thick strand before a small movement stuck it to her thigh where it ran down, thick and inviting. So I licked it, rooting against her sex, the sound as I licked and slurped noisily getting to me, making my sudden and surprising erection throb.

She was as into the image as I was. She growled, deep in her throat, and when she whipped her head around, teeth showing, snapping, a string of snot flew from her nose.

I moved forward, not quite entering her but my belly against the round firmness of her ass, and nipped at the skin of her shoulder blades. I deliberately made her take my weight. She let out a high-pitched yip and this time when her head turned, her teeth snapping, she was drooling and that thick string of silvery drool that swung as her head moved almost broke my control the image was so perfect.

In fact, it was too perfect. The mood was broken and I was suddenly laughing.

“What the fuck, Davey,” she yelled, rolling free, reminding me that she was still a damn good athlete, “am I a fucking joke?” The look on her face was beyond anger, the whipsaw of mood had her looking an odd combination of enraged and puzzled.

I held up my hand, still laughing softly.

“What we were doing just made me think of an old joke,” I managed before dissolving into laughter again.

She could not possibly have made it more clear that she did not share my hilarity. Her scowl was the very image of pissed off.

“I’m sorry,” I managed, “my mind is a very weird place and, well, this situation is getting to me in ways I can’t explain.”

Her face eased a little and she managed a little smile.

“So,” she said, “share.”

I laughed, well, sort of snorted a chuckle, and told her.

“The young Indian boy, or should I say ‘Native American lad?'” I started and broke up again.

“Okay, I’ve got it now,” I said and started over.

“The young Indian boy was sitting with his father, staring into the fire at night, belly full, when he turned to his father and asked, very seriously, ‘Why did you name me what you did, Father?'”

“You know, my son,” the father replied, “when my children were born I would go to the entrance to the tipi, and look out for my inspiration. When your older brother was born I went to the entrance, looked out, and saw a great eagle soaring above the trees and your brother became Great Eagle. When your sister was born I went to the entrance and saw a beautiful deer who was startled and ran away and your sister became Running Deer.”

“The father paused for a moment, looking into the fire, lost in thought and the memories of those important moments in his life. He turned to his son and asked, ‘Why do you ask Two Dogs Fucking?'”

I watched her face slowly start smiling and then she broke into a gale of laughter.

We laughed together then, both of us I think reacting to our uncompleted coupling, but both of us needing a break in the, well, the sheer animal sex.

Finally, the hilarity ended. Well, the uncontrolled, breath-robbing laughter ended. We were still snorting and chuckling as we kissed and touched.

“You’re really okay with, well,” and she giggled and blushed, “with my alter ego?”

“Aunt Ann,” I said, brushing an imaginary hair away from her forehead, “I’m in love with my human Aunt Ann,” and I kissed her, a gentle loving kiss, “but I also love Dakota,” and I kissed her again, another gentle loving kiss, “and that she-wolf I saw all too briefly this morning,” and I growled and bent quickly biting the big trapezius muscle at her neck, drawing a little startled yell.

She growled back, the sound deep in her throat. I would not have been surprised to hear her bark.

I released where I was biting, ran my tongue slowly up her neck to her ear, and then whispered, “I love ALL of you.”

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Cuckolded by a Sleepwalker Ch. 01

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If you’re coming to this coming from my other work, you may be hoping for another character driven story with lots of respect and affection underneath all the kinks. There is none of that here. This is pure smut.

Warnings: There is cuckolding, humiliation, cum play and (indirect?) cum eating in this story. There is no happy ending. You’ve been warned!


Scarlett entered her and Ben’s room, immediately looking in her closet.

Ben lay on the bed, cock in his hands. “Hey!” he said, with nervous energy.

“Oh! Hey,” she said, as if she was surprised he was there. “He wants the Tifa outfit again,” she said, pulling down her sweatpants.

Ben felt his own cock twitch as her big ass was revealed in lacy panties. “Oh. He really likes that one, huh,” he said, trying to sound casual.

“For sure,” she said with a smile. She pulled up the skirt that didn’t quite cover her ass- you could easily see the bottoms of each cheek below the skirt’s fabric.

“You, uh. You guys sure have been going at it hard today,” said Ben.

She laughed. “Yeah, he’s insatiable. I guess I am a bit too.” She was checking her makeup in the mirror.

“Uh, Scarlett?”


“Do you think you’d want to… spend the night here? In our room? Tonight?”

She looked over, her eyes surprised, then pitiful. “Aw, honey. You know I can’t. Besides, I already promised Ray a few things tonight.”

“A few things?”

“Mmhmm. You know. A few different outfits, a few different positions. And I told him I’d suck his dick while he played League of Legends tonight.”

Ben’s cock twitched several more times in his hands. He couldn’t help it, slowly giving his small shaft a couple of jerks.

Her eyes were still full of pity. She walked over to their bed, sitting next to him. “Besides, you don’t really want me to sleep here, do you?” she asked him mischievously, leaning down towards his face, enveloping him in her intoxicating smell. “Do you really want me here next to you? Or would you prefer to… listen?”

Ben undoubtedly felt conflicted, but he could feel his perverse, horny side winning out. He jerked faster.

“Do you want me to get fucked by you, my boyfriend, with your little dick, feeling your little taps against my big ass while you fuck me from behind… Or should I get fucked by your roommate, and you can hear me scream on his big dick? Hmm?” She leaned in, her big lips with perfect red lipstick only inches from his mouth, her big tits pressing against him. “Hmm? What do you really want? You want me all to yourself- seeing my bored face while you fuck me missionary, filling me with your little spurts of cum in two minutes? Or do you want to press your ear against the wall while you get to hear me scream? Having to just imagine what it looks like, seeing a big cock getting stuffed into my tight little pussy, seeing my big ass bounce on-“

Ben grunted, cumming shooting a couple small shots of cum over his own stomach.

She smiled, giggled. “I thought so.” She gave him a kiss- not sexy, just a peck of affection. She didn’t give him sexy kisses anymore. “I’ll see you soon!”

She walked out in her skimpy outfit- the one she wore for Ray.

Ben came down from the high of his orgasm, studying the ceiling of his room. How did this happen? How had he lost control like this? And why did it turn him on so much?

He thought back to that day when it all started- back when he and Scarlett were just a normal couple, with a dorky, shy roommate named Ray…


“I think,” said Scarlett, eyes shining with humor and pride, “I was a warrior queen in a past life or something.”

Ben laughed. They were in the elevator on the way up to their apartment. They had just gotten back from a date night together- this time, they had tried axe throwing. Scarlett had been almost frighteningly good at it. Ben had been… less so.

“Believe me,” replied Ben with a smirk, “Next time we’re chopping trees down together, I will avoid saying anything to piss you off.”

“Was that sass?”


Scarlett shook her head, smile still stuck to her face. “Be careful. I may buy an axe just to have around the apartment. Besides, you’re just mad you didn’t get a single bullseye.”

“I think my axes were broken, or something. You paid someone at that place to give me trick axes.”

Scarlett blinked, thinking back. “Weren’t we throwing the same axes?”

Ben only pretended to think. “No comment.”

Scarlett hit his arm playfully, snickering. Ben smiled back at her. He took a moment, as he often did, to appreciate his beautiful girlfriend. A brunette with hair just past her shoulders, she was usually almost as tall as he was- though in her heels tonight, she was exactly his height. Her blue eyes seem to always shine with a playful energy, and her full lips were often twisted in a smile. Her body drew the most attention, with a beautiful figure she kept hidden most of the time- except on date nights. Tonight, she wore a tight dress that easily showed Üçyol Escort off the shape of her full, heart shaped ass. And her dress was cut low to show off what most would say were her best assets: those large tits of hers, which the dress pressed together, creating a spectacular line of cleavage.

God bless date nights, thought Ben as his eyes traced down the v of her dress.

Scarlett caught his eyes, and smiled. “Something distracting you?”

“Let’s just say I’m eager to get home and in bed.”

She laughed, but this time, it was more soft and seductive. “What, tired from our big night out?”

“Hmm. If I say yes to that, can we go right to bed?”

The elevator reached the floor, opening for them. She took his hand, leading him down towards their door. “Only if you call me your warrior queen,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him. Her voice was still seductive, but held a bit of humor.

Ben took the opportunity to drink in that ass of hers as she led him down the hall. “I will call you whatever you want if you keep the dress on.”

She smiled as she put the key in the door, opening it. “You like it that much?”

“You seriously have no idea what you d–“

They walked in, and turned the corner to reveal their common room. Suddenly they found themselves face to face with the last thing they expected. It utterly and completely stopped their conversation in its tracks.

Lying on the couch was their roommate, Ray. Ray, who they often described to their friends as the gentle giant, was a large guy who worked in IT. He was reserved, nerdy and completely shy around Scarlett, and often spent most nights alone in his room on his computer.

Here he was, lying on the couch with his sweatpants pulled down to his thighs, jerking his cock at an almost alarming rate. Both Ben and Scarlett froze in their tracks, jaws dropping, completely shocked.

Three things hit them very quickly: first, sweet and shy Ray had a huge cock. Even for his large size and in his large hands, it was massive, drawing even more attention to it as it was glistening in precum. Ben only looked for a second before he forced his eyes elsewhere, but Scarlett’s eyes stayed glued to it.

The second thing they noticed very quickly was that Ray was clearly and obviously dead asleep. He did not react to their entering the room, even though they had done so quite loudly, and his eyes seemed glazed over as he pumped his big cock.

The last thing they both realized was that Ray was talking in his sleep while doing it. And it was the content of his speech that was, somehow, the most shocking of all.

“Take it, Scarlett, you slut, take it. Take my big fucking cock, take it all the way to the base, I’m going to make you fucking scream, I’m going to bounce your big ass on my cock until you can’t walk, I’m going to fuck those perfect tits until I cover you cum, I’m going to fucking wreck you in that little dress you fucking slut, I’m going to fucking wreck you, Scarlett, I’m going to…”

“Oh my god,” said Scarlett quietly, completely red in the face.

“Ray!” said Ben, trying to wake him up. His tone was half shocked, half offended.

“No, oh my god, don’t wake him up!” whispered Scarlett. “He’ll be mortified! …I’ll be mortified!”

They studied him once more in shock. Ray continued to mumble his uncharacteristically filthy dirty talk as he touched himself, still completely disconnected from the real world.

“Well, christ, then,” said Ben, grabbing Scarlett’s hand, pulling her towards their room. “Let’s at least give him some privacy.”

Scarlett’s eyes seemed glued to the scene before her, her lips still open in shock.

“Scarlett!” Ben hissed.

“Right, of course. Let’s go into our…”

Ray’s pumping somehow got faster. You could see his big balls start to jump as he grunted. “Here it comes, you fucking slut, get ready to taste my fucking cum. I’m going to fucking coat you in-” Ray turned his whole body, so his massive cock was sticking out towards the coffee table.

“Oh my god,” said Scarlett breathlessly.

“Babe-” sputtered Ben. “Jesus, we shouldn’t-!”

With a last grunt, Ray began his orgasm, shooting rope after rope of cum, landing on their glass coffee table, making an absolute mess. It made a dozen long lines of cum streaking out from the tip of his cock, before his orgasm began to subside, and his cock simply dripped cum onto the floor. Even just the amount at the end, thought Ben, was probably more cum than he had ever produced.

Ben looked at Scarlett. Her jaw had dropped again, shocked at the display before her. Her face had become even redder somehow.

And strangest of all, thought Ben, was how hard he was.


Ben and Scarlett escaped into their room. They now lay side by side in bed, over the covers, both looking at the ceiling. Both too overwhelmed with strange thoughts to talk yet. They still wore their date night clothes.

“Um. So,” said Scarlett finally.

“Yeah,” answered Ben simply.

“Yeah, Üçyol Escort Bayan that was crazy,” she said quietly. Ben noted her face was still pretty flush.

“Crazy is… one word for it.”

They both took a beat to study one another.

Scarlett chewed her lip, looking into Ben’s eyes, wondering how much they should acknowledge the situation. “Um, can you believe how… dirty… Ray is?”

Ben felt a smile creep on his face. “Yeah, who would have thought sweet Ray had such a dominant side.”

She smiled back, and they felt the awkwardness creep away. “I know! You’d think he’d be such a softie in bed.”

“Yeah, this is definitely a case of Dr. Shy Nerd and Mr. Fucks your Girl.”

Scarlett put both her hands on her face before laughing at this. She sighed. “Oh fuck, Ben. How are we going to look at him tomorrow?”

“I have no idea. I’m going to pretend this never happened.”

Scarlett swallowed nervously before taking a chance. “Um. Are you?”

There was a little silence as Ben cocked his head at Scarlett. “Yeah. Uh- why?”

“It’s just… um. I can’t help but notice you’ve been hard since it happened.”

Now it was Ben’s turn to blush. He looked down- it’s true, he had been hard since the… event. “I’m sure it was more your dress…” he said. Even to him it didn’t sound right.

“Uhuh,” said Scarlett, not believing him. She reached down, expertly zipping down his jeans. She reached into pants, gripping his cock. Her eyes lit up. “Jesus, Ben! You’re, like, twitching!”

Ben’s blush deepend.

“You sure it was my slutty dress?” she asked him, her voice slowly gaining confidence and a seductive tone. Her hand slowly jerked his cock beneath his jeans. “You sure it wasn’t the idea of what… Ray was imagining?”

Ben felt his cock twitch.

Scarlett bit her lip, taking another chance. “You know… the idea of me getting fucked by his big cock?”

The moan escaped Ben’s lips before he could stop it.

Scarlett’s eyes lit up. “Holy shit, Ben. That is kinky as fuck.”

“No, it’s…!” Fuck. Ben couldn’t deny it. It was the idea of her and that cock that was driving him wild. “I mean, maybe it’s… a little bit that.”

“Yeah?” she said, her voice getting more teasing as she turned towards him. “You like the idea of your pretty girlfriend getting destroyed by a big cock? By your roommate’s big cock? Of big, shy Ray getting your girl? Nervous around me by day, and wrecking my pussy at night?”

Ben moaned and shivered, feeling slightly pathetic at how close he felt.

Scarlett took her hand off, revealing how covered in precum it was. She reached under her date night dress, pulling off her panties. “Get on top of me,” she demanded.

Ben looked at her quizzically. “You don’t want any foreplay?”

She shook her head. “I don’t need it,” she admitted with a blush.

Ben’s mouth opened a little bit. Whenever they had sex, he always gave her oral first. She loved it. The fact that she wanted to skip it was wild to him.

He slid off his jeans and underwear, mounting her in a missionary position. He pressed his cock head against her opening.

“You’re… you’re fucking soaked,” said Ben, shocked. More soaked than she had ever been after Ben gave her oral, he thought, slightly ashamed.

“I know,” she said, blushing.

He pressed against her, easily entering her. It even sounded different than usual- more wet. He felt a shiver go down his spine- he was insanely close. He pushed himself all the way inside, stopping to catch his breath.

“Holy shit,” she said, eyes filled with genuine shock. “You can’t even fuck me right now without cumming, can you? That’s how turned on you are!”

Ben opened his mouth but nothing came out.

“Mm,” she said again, a hand moving down to start playing with her clit. “Just imagine if it was Ray on top of me right now.”

Ben moaned, and his hips began to pump as if they were outside of his control.

“Just imagine it was his big dick inside me,” she continued, as her own orgasm began to build. “His big cock slamming me, those big balls against my ass. Imagine that, hmm? And now we know how rough Ray likes it. It wouldn’t be nice missionary like this, would it? I bet he’d have me bent over the couch, or riding him. I bet he’d throw me around and pin me down and treat me like a… what did he keep calling me? Oh yeah, a slut.”

“Oh my fucking god,” said Ben, feeling his orgasm build. Hearing this filthy concept while watching Scarlett’s big tits bounce in this tight dress was too much.

“You do like it, don’t you? Holy shit, you love it- and you know what, I love it too, Ben. Seeing him have that big orgasm for me, seeing him shoot all that cum for me was so fucking hot, it got my pussy so fucking wet. I thought about it too. I thought about that big dick inside me too!”

“Oh, fuck!” said Ben, unable to control himself, pathetically cumming before Scarlett was even close.

Still, though, she smiled warmly at him, Escort Üçyol feeling his cum fill her up.

Once he came down from his orgasm, they both studied one another, Ben’s cock still inside her, still rock hard.

Both of them were suddenly aware that their relationship had- at least sexually- changed.


The next morning, they woke up early together, walking out into the common room. Both were still in their pajamas.

They both instantly realized a problem. “Oh fuck,” said Scarlett. “The cum.”

They studied the coffee table- it was an absolute mess. Ray clearly sleepwalked back to his own bed- otherwise he would have cleaned it up. If Ray got up and saw it, he would realize both that he had probably done it, and that they might have seen him.

“Should we… um. Clean it up?” asked Ben, his face flushed.

“I’ll do it,” said Scarlett. Part of Ben was relieved that he didn’t have to do it himself. Another part of him felt bad that he was forcing his girlfriend to do it. But a final, strange part of himself was excited to see Scarlett clean up the cum.

His heart raced as she collected a bunch of paper towels from the kitchen, returning to the common room. She kneeled down slowly, beginning to wipe up the massive amount of cum. Ben wondered how many times he’d have to orgasm to get close to this amount- five times, maybe? Six?

Scarlett looked up at Ben, shame on her face for an instant before she read Ben’s expression. Her look immediately changed to one of excitement. “Holy shit,” she said, studying him on her knees next to the coffee table. “Is this turning you on?”

Yes, thought Ben. Holy fuck, yes it is. “It’s… yes. A bit,” he answered.

She slowed down her movements, slowly moving her hand back and forth on the table. Now she didn’t break eye contact with Ben as she cleaned. The only sound that filled the apartment was the wet sound of Ray’s cum being cleaned.

Ben was rock solid in his pajamas.

“You like me cleaning up all this cum, hmm?” Scarlett said softly. “All this cum Ray made… for me?”

“Yes,” breathed Ben, cock twitching in his pants.

An idea popped into her head. She pouted mischievously. “Seems like a waste of paper towels, though, doesn’t it?” She leaned her head down, though her eyes never left Ben’s. “I can think of an… easier way to clean this up.” She stuck out her tongue, threatening making contact with the cum on the table.

“Fuck,” breathed Ben.

“You actually want me to, don’t you?” she asked, her eyes full of genuine curiosity. Her hand returned to cleaning the cum with the paper towels. “You want me to taste another man’s cum? Your roommate’s cum?”

“I… I want…”

Without warning, Ray’s door opened. Scarlett blushed, and immediately ran the paper towels over the rest of the table, frantically cleaning it up.

“Hey, Ray,” said Ben, also feeling his blush.

“M-morning,” said Ray quietly, heading towards the kitchen. He stopped, turning towards Scarlett when he saw her on the floor. “Um…” he said, confused.

“Oh, um-” said Scarlett, trying to think quickly. “We got ice cream after our date last night and I guess we spilled some on the floor.”

“Oh, I see,” said Ray simply. “H-how, um, how was it?”

“Best date night in a while,” said Scarlett while looking at Ben. “Maybe the best ever.”

Ben felt his throat get tight. She was obviously not talking about the axe throwing.

“Oh, um, that’s cool,” said Ray simply.

“Yeah, you should join us next time,” said Scarlett, still looking at Ben. Her eyes were full of mischief, loving the double meanings meant just for Ben.

“Hah, um, on your date night?”

“Sure, Ray,” said Scarlett with just a hint of seduction to it. Enough for Ben to hear, but probably too little for Ray to read into. “We’d love for you to join us.”

“M- uhh, maybe.”

Scarlett stood up, holding her pointer finger out to Ben.

Holy shit.

Ben’s heart practically stopped as he realized that on her finger was the last bit of cum. It wasn’t in the paper towel like the rest of the cum- this was actually sitting on her skin of the tip of her finger.

“Looks like there’s a bit of ice cream left,” said Scarlett. “What do you think, Ben?” She brought her finger closer to her mouth. “Do you think it’s… still good?” She froze there, opening her mouth wide and sticking her tongue out, waiting.

Ben understood perfectly. She was asking him for permission to eat the cum.

Fuck, thought Ben. Fuck. A part of him was demanding he say no, that he get control back of this insane situation.

But the other part of him, led by his rock solid cock in his pants, was winning out.

“Yes,” he said slowly. “I bet it’s great.”

Scarlett looked shocked. She was certain he would call it off here- that it would be too much for him. But with his blessing, she slowly brought the finger to her mouth, and ate it in front of Ben.

Ray shrugged at this, heading towards the kitchen.

As soon as he was out of sight, Ben grabbed Scarlett by the hand, leading her back into their room and shutting the door behind them. He pulled down her PJ pants, revealing her sopping wet pussy, and fucked her bent over the bed for all of two minutes before cumming.

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Twisted Sister

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Editor’s note: this fictional work contains scenes of fictional incest or fictional incest content.


I was 20 and my younger stepsister was 18 at the time of this story. Looking back, it was all a little weird, but years later, we have a healthy relationship with each other and our respective partners, so it didn’t do any harm. We were both young and discovering sex but this isn’t a brother/sister incest story, so don’t worry. It is sort of about sibling love, in a kind of millennial way!

I was at university and for the first year, I stayed living at home, mainly to keep costs down. I was always a horny guy (aren’t we all?) so college was what Maverick in Top Gun referred to as “a target-rich environment”. There were so many hot girls to hook up with and they always seemed so willing to experiment. It was like in the college manual it said they have to leave after three years without their virginity intact. This suited me and my friends perfectly. After all, weren’t we just extending our ‘further education’ once the lectures had finished?

Anyway, without trying to brag, it meant that whenever the opportunity arose, I invited a willing young lady back to mine for dinner and extra study sessions. My mother knew damn well we weren’t studying when we alone in my room.

We’d had ‘the talk’ and the upshot was “Steve, wear condoms and be nice to the girls!”

Some of them didn’t want me to be ‘nice’ but that’s another story…

I was particularly smitten with a stunningly beautiful red-headed girl called Janine and once we’d started to have sex regularly, there was no stopping us. She loved coming over to my house and when we thought my Mum and my step-sister Kira were both out, we really let ourselves go.

Janine was, how shall we say, quite vocal and her shrieks of pleasure when she orgasmed could shatter glass! Funnily enough, as arousing as that was, I preferred it when we knew we weren’t alone in the house and we had to be a bit more circumspect. It was great that Mum was cool about us, but I didn’t want to rub her nose in it.

Janine and I enjoyed very passionate and erotic loving; I always teased her she’d make a great pornstar! I wonder what she’s doing now? I haven’t seen her pretty face and sexy body on Pornhub yet, so perhaps she did become a doctor after all!

One afternoon when we both had no lectures, we thought it was a good opportunity to go back to mine for some special time alone together. I knew Mum would be at work, but Kira might be home. She was studying for exams at the time, so we didn’t know if she’d be at school or in the house.

It turned out nobody was home and Janine and I practically ran up the stairs to my bedroom, desperate to get our clothes off and make love. I shooed the cat out of my bedroom — I must fix that damn door catch, I thought to myself at the time — and we wasted no time in getting naked and sweaty. I had one of those black-out blinds in my room which I kept drawn so it was fairly dark. I had the bedside lamp on so we could see what we doing, but the rest of the room was in darkness.

“What was that?” asked Janine when we heard a sound downstairs.

“It might be Kira or maybe the cat! Either way, keep the volume down Baby, would ya?” I teased.

Janine jumped on top of me and started to tickle me, saying “Oh yeah, and you’re so quiet, aren’t you? ‘Oh God, Oh God, I’m gonna blow!'” she mimicked me.

I tickled her back and copied her mocking “Oh fuck me hard you big stud, fuck me!”

She stopped tickling me and said “I’ve never said that!”.

I stroked my chin and said “Hmmm, someone did, I wonder who it was?”

Janine looked horrified, then realised I was teasing her again.

“Bastard!” she said and tried to suffocate me with a pillow.

As foreplay goes, it was fun, but we were both so damn horny, I stopped tickling her and pulled her close to me so I could kiss her. When I kiss a girl, she stays kissed. We were locked in a passionate embrace, exploring each other’s mouths with our tongues, me holding her face and not letting her go. It was incredibly erotic and along with the music playing in the background, it made for a perfect seduction.

Janine is such a beautiful girl, she doesn’t have to do much to turn me on. The kissing and fondling had me fully erect and I could feel Janine was aroused too. When I moved my hand in between her legs, she was already very wet and she moaned loudly when I pushed a finger inside her. She immediately apologised and I laughed, then immediately inserted another finger which made her cry out again.

Janine started to massage my erection and it was all going along nicely until I looked up and saw a pair of feline eyes gazing at us from the foot of the bed.

“Damn cat!” I hissed and shooed him off the bed.

He slinked out of the room like, well, a scolded cat and we continued as before. Janine is very fond of oral sex, both giving and receiving and fortunately for her, they are two of my favourite hobbies as well.

She positioned herself so she could suck me Side Escort and got stuck in like she had a popsicle on a hot day. For my part, I swung myself around so I could get my head between her legs. I remembered I hadn’t eaten yet that day, so I feasted on her sexy wet pussy instead.

We knew we had all afternoon to play, so there was need to make this last. We both needed a quick release and it would then be better for round two. I munched away for all I was worth, knowing exactly how Janine liked to be eaten. Plenty of tongue, lips and fingers slipping into dark recesses and lots of bum cheek squeezing.

She also knows which of my buttons to press and it didn’t take long before we were both writhing and moaning. We’ve always had the knack of timing our orgasms together and today was no different. As Janine let out a fearful moan of pleasure, I grunted loudly and filled her mouth with my hot, sticky cum, which she swallowed gratefully. I clasped my hands around her buttocks, feeling her body tense and relax as each convulsion seared through her body. When she stopped bucking and I had stopped throbbing, we untangled our bodies and lay next to each other, breathing hard and complimenting each other on how amazing we were.

I popped down to the kitchen to get some water while Janine straightened the bed out. I was relieved nobody was home, or so I thought and I scuttled back up the stairs, nearly falling over Tibby the cat on the way.

“What are you swearing at?” asked Janine as I jumped back on to the bed.

“That freaking voyeur cat of ours!” I replied with a grin.

“Aww, he’s only jealous cos you had his nuts chopped off,” she joked.

“Don’t blame me,” I replied, “it’s Kira’s cat!”

Janine looked at me with those beautiful eyes and said “Well, I’m glad she never had you done!” then kissed me passionately again.

We made love again in the semi-darkness of my room and the music played softly in the background. We always like to try different positions and on many occasions, I’ve had to use a second or third condom during a session.

When we get carried away, they can often unroll or come loose then you can never get them back on again properly.

But today, when I pulled one off me ready to put another on, Janine said “Wait. You won’t need a condom if, you know, if you, um..”

I grinned, knowing what she meant. “Spit it out, girl. You want it up the bum?” I asked.

“Mmmmmm,” was the reply and Janine got on all fours with her lovely ass pointing invitingly towards me.

Now, if giving and receiving oral are two of my favourite hobbies, I wonder if you can guess what the third is? Yep, you got it. Anal. I absolutely love the thrilling feeling of entering a girl’s forbidden hole. It feels so different from vaginal sex and, as long as both parties enjoy it, it feels to me like the ultimate expression of trust and even love for a girl to give herself to a man like this.

Plus, I get even better orgasms from anal and so does Janine! Even so, we don’t so it all that often, but a thrill always shoots through me when she suggests it. It means she’s extra horny and I know if I don’t move the glasses from the bedside table, they’ll shatter in a few minutes time when she cums!

I always take great care when we make love this way. In reality, like so many other things, anal isn’t like you see in the porn movies. There, it’s just whip it out of the puss and ram it in the ass. Whilst, at 20, I didn’t consider myself to be the sex god I am today (ha!), I knew enough to take things slowly and gently and build up to the stud-like thrusting. I joke about such things because I’m no stud, but I do my best!

So, today she wanted some butt-loving and that was just fine by me. I moved up behind her and softly kissed her sexy bum cheeks. I was very firm but gentle with my hands and moved my mouth and tongue to where the action would be taking place.

I massaged some oil into her bum hole and carefully opened her sphincter with gentle prods and pushes of my fingers. Janine was moaning as I did this as she’s very sensitive to anal stimulation. She was also rubbing her clit as I prepared her.

“Now, Baby, please.” she moaned, huskily.

I moved my very hard cock into position and slowly but firmly penetrated her anus, enjoying her muffled moans and gasps as she pushed her face into a pillow. The familiar thrill ran through me as the sensation of her anal muscles gripping my thrusting cock brought me close to a crescendo.

Another fallacy of the pornos is that you can ass-fuck a girl for hours. Well, I bloody well can’t. It’s just too damn horny. With Janine having such a sensitive anus and never letting up on the clit-rubbing as I fucked her, neither of us were going to last long and sure enough, as happens most of the time, our orgasms occurred at the same time.

Her ass muscles squeezed my cock even tighter and as we both moaned louder and louder, we hit the jackpot and almost fell off the bed, writhing around in collective bliss.

As I collapsed on top of Janine, Side Escort Bayan panting like a winner of the Grand National, she giggled and said “I was going to say don’t cum inside me, but I guess I was too late. As she said that, my dick flopped out of her bum with a satisfying squelch and we both laughed out loud.

We cleaned up and got dressed. When we got downstairs, Kira was sat at the kitchen table in front of her laptop.

“I think someone just got murdered in your bedroom, Stevie,” she said, without looking up. “I’ve called the police, they’ll be here in about 5 minutes.”

Poor Janine blushed and I closed the lid of Kira’s laptops on her fingers.

“Just cos you ain’t getting’ any!” I said, rather meanly.

“Hmm, well that’s where you’re wrong, Stevie. I’ve got a new boyfriend actually and he’s hot!”

Only Kira ever called me Stevie. I didn’t like anybody but her using that name for me, but with Kira, all rules tend to go out of the window.

“That’s cool,” I replied. “What’s his name?”

Kira grinned and said “It’s Eric.”

I was taken aback a little and asked “What, my mate Eric?”

“Yep!” came the reply.

Wow, he’s a dark horse, he never even mentioned that he liked my little step-sister. I knew they’d met a few times when he came to the house, but I had no clue. I was secretly quite pleased because Eric is a decent guy, but I didn’t miss the opportunity to tease her.

“But Eric is gay!” I declared.

Janine knew I was teasing and said

“Don’t be a bully, ‘Stevie’!”

I wasn’t having this, being ganged-up on by two hot girls in my own kitchen. Well, Mum’s kitchen, but you get what I mean.

“Hang on Janine, a minute ago she was calling you out for your screaming when we were upstairs! Oh, and don’t call me Stevie!”

“Oh yeah,” Janine said. “Kira, you’re on your own, kid!”

Kira picked up her laptop, stowed it under her arm and stormed off upstairs in dramatic fashion.

I knew she was only playing when halfway up the stairs, she shouted down, “Oh, Nina, did you get my text about that gig in town tomorrow night?”

Nina was Kira’s pet name for Janine,

“Yes, honey, I’ll be there.” shouted back Janine.

So no hard feelings about the ‘Eric is gay’ jibe. Janine kissed me as she left the house, insisting on walking back to her flat and leaving me to think up some more wicked teasing for Kira.

Eric, eh? He’s a bit nerdy but I can see he’s a good-looking guy. Good taste in girls too, it would seem.

I should tell you a bit more about Kira here. She became my step-sister when we were both quite young. I was only six and she was four, so we’ve grown up as close as any real brother and sister.

I absolutely adore her and would do anything she asked me to and I know she feels the same about me. Despite the teasing, we both know we’d never do anything to hurt each other.

I had got used to fending off boys who all took a great interest in my little sis. She’s totally stunning in an unconventional way. She’s facially very pretty with big blue eyes and slightly too-big-for-her-mouth lips, which seem to drive boys crazy. She has shortish hair, which is usually quite shaggy and unkempt and she never wears make-up. Her complexion is naturally very smooth and she has the softest skin.

Her boobs aren’t that big but below her slim waist, her hips are sensational and her bottom looks amazing in tight jeans, which she wears most of the time.

Now don’t misunderstand me here. I don’t have sexual feelings for Kira but I know what I see and what my friends tell me. She’s a hottie by any standards and the fact that she doesn’t acknowledge this the way hot girls tend to do makes her even more attractive.

Sure, we’ve teased each other a few times in recent years, like when she walked into the bathroom and I was playing submarines in the bath — “Up, periscope!”

Then a few days later, I caught her naked in my room. She was fumbling around trying to find my favourite black hoodie which she loves to ‘borrow’. I frightened the crap out of her that day and she stopped teasing me about jerking off in the bath tub. But other than that, there has been no inappropriate behaviour from either party.

This makes what happened a few weeks after she started dating Eric difficult for me to understand. Kira knocked on my bedroom door one afternoon when Mum was at work and I was actually doing some real studying.

“Stevie, can you spare me a few minutes?” she asked, politely. I looked up from my book inquisitively.

“Sure, Kiki, what’s on your mind?”

She liked me using my little pet name for her but she looked hesitant and I was a bit bewildered.

“Promise you won’t be mad?” she pleaded.

“Oh fuck, what have you done? You’re not pregnant already?” I joked.

“No, don’t be silly, that’s not what I mean. Promise you won’t be mad when I tell you I watched you and Janine having sex the other week!”

I was speechless. “Uh, what? When? What do you mean ‘watched’? You’re a voyeur now?”

“No, Escort Side bro,” she replied. “Well, I suppose I am but I was curious. And before you say anything, I’m not trying to fuck you, this isn’t a porn movie. Let me explain, OK?”

Aha, she’d seen those pornos too! I was relieved she wasn’t hitting on me though. I’m not saying I hadn’t fantasized about what sex with Kira would be like. I’m only human. But even at 20, I was wise enough to know that fantasies like that should stay in the head and to try and live them out would be a disaster, splitting the family and ending up with me losing my best friend, which I wouldn’t be able to bear.

“OK,” I said. “Explain away.”

Kira sat herself on the end of my bed and took a deep breath.

“Well,” she began, “Eric and I have started to have sex. Don’t tease me here, Stevie, cos I’m being serious, for once.”

I made a zipping motion across my lips with my fingers and allowed her to continue.

“He’s very nice and I like making love with him, but I’ve heard you and Janine, especially Janine, and I wondered if I was doing something wrong. I’ve never had an orgasm like she gets with you. So then, I thought maybe you were some kind of sex god who knew things about a woman that Eric doesn’t.”

I nodded, sagely, with a smug grin on my face.

“No, hear me out, please,” she continued. “I was going to ask you about this stuff anyway because we can talk to each other. Then, when I got back from school the other afternoon, the day when I teased that I’d called the police out, I realised I didn’t have to ask, I could see for myself.

I slipped in to your room while you were at it and sat in the corner to ‘observe’. I was wearing a dark top and covered my face so you couldn’t see me.”

The little devil was wearing my black hoodie again! At first, I thought this was quite amusing, if not slightly arousing. Then it dawned on me. Not only had she seen us make love, she watched us having anal sex as well! I wonder if she got aroused watching or if she’d been able to remain impassive.

“I have to tell you, it was well fucking horny, by the way!” she said, with a grin.

Well, that answers that question!

“And that was the other thing I was going to ask you about. Eric has suggested we try anal sex and I wasn’t sure. But watching you two guys at it, and Janine enjoying it so much, I think I’ve made up my mind already,”

Wow, I was still shaking my head, unsure how to reply.

Kira added, “Oh, I sneaked out when you collapsed on top of Janine. You weren’t going to notice anything at that moment. My ears were splitting from Janine’s screams and I figured I want to feel like that too!”

OK, I’d recovered from the shock of discovering I’d put on a hardcore sex show for my little sis and said “So, you want my advice, my opinion, or my blessing?”

“Your advice, silly, Do you think I should try it. Do you think Eric is a nice guy? Why don’t I get to cum as hard as Janine? What…”

Whoa!” I stopped her. “One at a time, Kiki. Let me think for a second, this has been a bit of a bombshell!”

Kira nodded and sat cross-legged on my bed, saying nothing. I thought I should treat these questions seriously and try and be a good big brother. This obviously mattered to Kira very much. She wouldn’t intrude on my privacy on a whim and it must have taken a lot for her to pluck up the courage to talk to me about this in the first place.

“OK,” I began. “I’m not so sexually experienced that I have all the answers,”

Kira snorted.

“But,” I continued, trying to stay focused, “I guess I’m a bit more experienced than you. Also, I see things from a guy’s point of view. Here goes. Firstly, not every girl has massive orgasms like Janine does. I’d like to claim all the credit, but I think she’s just that kind of girl.”

Kira nodded and I continued. “Secondly, I do think Eric is a good guy, you could do a lot worse. For the record, he couldn’t do better in a million years.”

Kira smiled, almost blushed, in fact. She wasn’t used to compliments from me.

“Thirdly, if sex with him is just OK, not mind-blowing, it could be down to a number of things. Maybe you’re still nervous, or maybe he is. Maybe you need to get to know each other’s’ likes and dislikes. Don’t be scared to tell him what you like, by the way. Most guys appreciate a bit of direction.”

Kira nodded again, like she was taking mental notes. I chuckled at this point and Kira looked puzzled.

“Ha, no, I was just remembering once when I was with that girl from up north. I like to spank a cute bare ass and I gave this girl a real stinger across her cheeks just as she came. She fell forward, gritted her teeth and snarled at me, saying that if I ever did that again she’d kick me in the bollocks!”

We both laughed at the memory. “So you see, we can’t get it right every time. The next girl I was with practically begged me to spank her. We’re all different.”

I took a moment to reflect on how weird it felt talking to my sister about stuff I wouldn’t even mention to my guy friends. But Kira didn’t flinch or get embarrassed, so I went on, “Finally, if Eric wants to try anal, and why wouldn’t he,” I looked at her ass and Kira tilted her head and raised her eyebrows, “then as long as you fancy it too, I say go with it.”

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Finsub seeks Goddess

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***Note to readers: This is for those who are enjoying my other stories, I welcomed your feedback and I tried to use it in this one. Enjoy…


Christoph was an older tradesman, a hardworking man who had spent most of his life dedicated to his craft. With adult children who had moved on to build their own lives, he found himself yearning for a sense of purpose, something that would ignite a spark of excitement in his daily routine. Little did he know that he would embark on an unexpected journey that would fulfill his desires in a most unconventional way. When his children were younger, he worked hard to support them with all their needs and wants. Christoph’s wife was no longer in the picture, she split very early in the relationship leaving him the kids. His responsibilities that he had prior were no more, and now he just felt empty.

Curiosity piqued, Christoph turned to the internet, searching for something that would bring a new dimension to his life. He came across various websites and personal ads, each claiming to offer a unique experience. However, most seemed to be focused on selling pictures or seeking quick cash, which didn’t align with what Christoph was looking for. He didn’t want a long term relationship, or to merely pay for some NSFW images, he knew he wanted something deeper, something that made him want to work again.

Undeterred, Christoph continued his search, determined to find someone who shared his desires for a different kind of connection. He stumbled upon a few intriguing personal ads that caught his attention…


“Dominant Financial Goddess Seeks Loyal Submissive: Dive into the world of financial domination with me. I’ll show you the pleasure of surrendering control and embracing your inner submissive. Let’s explore the depths of your desires together.”


“Financial Mistress Seeking a Generous Human ATM: I am an experienced Domme looking for a loyal and obedient sub who understands the true nature of serving. Enter my realm, and your financial contributions will be rewarded with a glimpse into my lavish lifestyle.”


He wasn’t sure exactly about being a human ATM, or to what extent a financial domination entailed, but he did find that he wanted to know more. Christoph looked into some of the different terms he was seeing, and wanted to find someone who he could actually build a relationship with. This sounded like what he was looking for, but he wanted to take his time to find the right person who seemed to understand. Before he realized it, he had spent all night trying to find one that felt right.

Christoph’s patience and newness, had him on the edge of his seat, just staring at the screen in front of him for the next few days. He scrolled past ads, and was bombarded with ads that had feet pictures, pictures of young women showing off what they had to offer. None of this seemed to be what he was wanting though…It just felt off. As he continued his search, he found Alsancak Escort himself daydreaming of what he was wanting, until something caught his eye.

While idly scrolling, he spotted something that stood out to him. It was an advertisement titled “Melissa: Your Perfect Financial Muse.” Intrigued by the name and the promise of a genuine connection, he clicked on the ad, leading him to a well-crafted profile that detailed Melissa’s expectations and desires. As he started to read, he couldn’t help but lean closer, feeling his heart starting to beat more with excitement.


Melissa: Your Perfect Financial Muse.

Welcome to my realm, let me try to explain this as easily as I can so that you can follow along. I am Goddess Melissa, a formidable financial dominatrix who thrives on controlling the weak and exploiting their desire to serve. I possess a refined dominance style that transcends the physical realm, offering a unique experience focused solely on financial servitude. Prepare to surrender your will, mind, and wallet to my unrelenting desires.

My style is an irresistible fusion of elegance and cruelty. As a true Goddess, I demand unquestioning obedience and unwavering loyalty from my pay piggies. I excel in understanding and manipulating the psyche of submissive minds, finding pleasure in pushing boundaries and exploring the depths of financial domination.

Your purpose, little piggy, is to fund my luxurious lifestyle and fulfill my material desires. Tribute and financial contributions are non-negotiable, demonstrating your devotion and commitment to serving your Goddess. I expect my pay piggies to adhere to strict protocols, promptly obeying my commands and catering to my whims.

With years of experience, I have mastered the art of extracting every ounce of financial devotion from my submissive pets. Indulge in a range of services tailored to satisfy your desire for financial servitude from wallet draining, bill payment and even paying additional tributes to buy my attention.

To submit yourself to my dominance and initiate your journey as my pay piggy, contact me directly to see if I even think you’re worth my time. I am a responsible Domme and I will ensure that even though you have no spending money, your bills must be paid first. You can’t support my lifestyle if you can’t afford your own. Serious inquiries only, if I wanted a Simp, I would have just gone to OnlyFans.

Remember, my realm is strictly financial. If you seek a safe space to fulfill your financial servitude desires without explicit content, I await your tribute and complete surrender. Prepare to embrace the ultimate financial submission, we both know that I deserve the money more than you.


Mesmerized by Melissa’s words, Christoph felt a wave of excitement rush over him. He decided to send her a detailed email expressing his interest and intentions. He poured his heart out, explaining how he thought he wanted to be treated like an ATM, yearning Alsancak Escort Bayan to be summoned and expected to answer her messages promptly, accompanied by tributes, but admitted he didn’t know exactly what it entailed. He emphasized his desire for a strictly online relationship, where he could provide financial support in exchange for Melissa’s attention and the joy of observing how she spent his money.

Minutes seemed to pass at such a low rate, that it felt like hours. Ten minutes felt like it took weeks as Christoph anxiously awaited a response from Melissa. Doubts and uncertainties crept into his mind, questioning whether he had made the right decision by pursuing such an unconventional path. However, just as he began to lose hope, an email notification popped up on his screen. It was Melissa, expressing her enthusiasm for his proposal and acknowledging their mutual agreement for a strictly online arrangement.

She spoke of how this is something both of them should be able to benefit from, as his tributes and devotions to her would help give him the purpose he was seeking. Melissa acknowledged how she appreciated his honesty that he was new, and wanted to ensure that he understood some of the boundaries. She went on to explain to him that a good FinDom would always ensure that she wasn’t breaking her little pet, and that even though his bank account may be empty, his bills had to be paid.

As their conversations progressed, Christoph and Melissa worked out the details of their unique relationship. They set specific amounts for tributes and determined the level of attention Christoph would receive in return. Such as if he was wanting a short text conversation it would be $25, if he wanted to share an email back and forth, he would end up having to pay $30 for that. A side note was made, that for any typos in the email, or ‘short speak’ on the text, he would have to pay an additional $10 per. There was also a steeper price set for phone calls, but only when it was convenient for her or a time that was agreed upon before hand: $100.

Melissa added the typo stipulation, so that he could control if he wanted to be bad and have to pay more. She let him know that she likes to have fun, and this should be rewarding to both of them and not to just her. Melissa assured him that she would share tidbits of her life, revealing how his contributions helped fulfill her desires and whims. Each payday of his, he was expected to pay her a set amount. The first check of the month would be an additional $400 for her, and the next check would be $250. She set these amounts, based on the financial information he shared. Christoph found he was amazed at how she took into account the bills he had due, before setting the amounts. He felt as if he was actually excited to go to work again.

He had always loved working, and he had always enjoyed his trade, but after the kids were gone he felt he had no reason to. He owned his house out right, and had already put his kids through college, Escort Alsancak now he was just working to cover little things. Christoph wasn’t one who would want to vacation or travel, anything he did had to have a reason behind it. After all, he was always told he was a man of purpose by his coworkers so much that it just stuck.

Christoph found himself fully immersed in this newfound role. He worked even harder to please Melissa, taking on additional projects and putting in extra hours to ensure he could send her more money. The thought of fulfilling her wishes became a driving force in his life, motivating him to push his limits and achieve greater financial success. He found himself checking his phone, just in case he hadn’t heard it ding, he didn’t want to keep her waiting.

Occasionally, at first, he would send her the texting fee, then wait for her reply before just asking how her day was. He would hold short conversations with her but was always worried if he was bothering her. Christoph also wasn’t sure how long he could talk before having to pay more…she seemed very kind and flexible with his newness. In the evenings, he would pay the extra to be able to email her. He would write about how his day was, and how hard he worked. He would even share little details about jobs coming up, wanting to let her know that he was trying.

With the months going by, and the right weather coming up, Christoph had the chance to earn additional money. He had taken on a rather large job, and though it took up a lot of time it had been worth it. Christoph received a bonus for finishing early, he couldn’t wait to share the news with Melissa. He chuckled to himself, as he sent her $25, he waited for her to reply. When she responded, asking him what was on his mind, he shared the news of the bonus and how he wanted to celebrate the news with her. Without even thinking, or knowing what came over himself, he sent the entire bonus to his Goddess. $1250 instantly gone. He couldn’t sit still as he constantly shifted his weight in his seat. His excitement was building as he just stared down at his phone.

A chime came and it was just a single sentence from her, “Well done little piggie, you’ve made me proud.”

Melissa, true to her word, made sure to keep Christoph engaged. She sent him messages throughout the day, summoning him with a sense of urgency, demanding prompt responses accompanied by tributes. Christoph delighted in the attention he received from her, cherishing every moment as he lived vicariously through her experiences.

Over time, Christoph’s needs were met, and he found a deep sense of satisfaction in his role as Melissa’s devoted ATM. His life had transformed, and he relished the opportunity to contribute to her desires. Every additional dollar he earned went straight into Melissa’s hands, amplifying his sense of purpose and devotion.

Though their relationship remained strictly online, Christoph found solace in the connection he had forged with Melissa. He knew that as long as he continued to work hard and provide for her, he would always have a place in her world. For Christoph, being treated like an ATM was not merely an exchange of money; it was an avenue through which he discovered his true self and found fulfillment in the most unexpected of ways.

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