Bu Kadar Olmaz

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Selam arkadaşlar ben 23 yaşında esmer atletik vucutlu yakışıklı bir erkeğim.Yaşadığım köyde çiftçilik yapıyorum.Haftanın her günüSelam arkadaşlar ben 23 yaşında esmer atletik vucutlu yakışıklı bir erkeğim.Yaşadığım köyde çiftçilik yapıyorum.Haftanın her günü tarladayım.Tarlamızın karşısında 10 haneli gecekondu mahallesi var.Osene tarlada mahsul olarak patlıcan vardı.Geceleri tarlamızdan patlıcan çalındığının farkındaydım.Bir gün tarlada beklemeye karar verdim.Gecenin geç bi vaktinde patlıcanların güncel olan bahis siteleri oynadığını farkettim.Elimde sopayla olay maaline yaklaştım.İki tane kadın eğilmiş elindeki çuvallara patlıcanları dolduruyorlardı.Ben bunları kıskıvrak yakaladım.Çok korkmuslardı.Ellerindeki çuvalı alıp bunların üzerlerine yürümeye başladım.Kadın bana çuvalı geri vermem karşılığında ve bu olanları kimseye anlatmam için benimle ilişkiye gireceklerini söylediler.Ben çok şaşırmıştım.Kadınların biri en çok aranan bahis siteleri daha çok gençti.Öbürü ise 35 yaş civvarındaydı.Ben bu fırsatı kaçırmak istemedim.Kadınlar soyunmaya başladı.Ama öyle bi soyunuyorlardı ki sanki mecbur kalmış gibiydiler.Benim umurumda bile değildi.Ben oğlanı çıkarım genç olanın ağzına verdim.Sanki kıtlıktan çıkmış gibiydi.Sömürdükçe sömürüyordu.Bir yandanda ben öbürünün göğüslerini yalıyordum.Sonra yer değişin dedim.Öbürüde ilkinden farksız https://bahismrt.com benim oğlanı dondurma niyetine yedi yuttu tam o sırada kadının yüzüne boşaldım.Bizden bu kadar dediler.Salarmıydım hiç hemen yatın biriniz dedim 35 yaşlarında olan önümde domaldı bende ilk önce amını yalamaya başladım sanki sehirin gobeginde yasıyomus gibi her tarafı tıraslıydı.benim oglan hazırol pozisyonundayken kokune kadar dayadım amının icine yerlestirdim.Hizli sekilde gitgel yapıyordum kadın artık zevkten topragı tırmalıyordu bi yandan da ben oburunun memelerini yalıyordum sıranın kendisinde oldugunu soleyip bende daha bosalmadan onume gecti.Okadar genc ve guzeldiki sikmeye doyamıyordum .Ucumuzde aynı anda bosalmıstık.Ne zaman tarlaya gitsem ille orda olluyorlar.İkisini birden becermek benim icin artık alıskanlık oldu…

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okulda cemalle

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Big Cock

cocuklıktan başladı kucukken kendime her seyı sokar zevk alırdım orta okulda cemalle once sexten konusmaya başladık daha sonra kararlaştırdık ve evde buluştuk once o beni soydu opuştük daha sonra memelerimi yaladı iddaa daha sonra kalın penisini ağzıma aldım ve harika bir saksodan sonra boşaldı ağzıma harikaydı yuttum hepsini daha sonra yatağa bacak arası pozisyonunda canlı iddaa yattım kremleyim harika bir şekilde soktu ve o kadar acı veriyoduki dayanamayıp bağırdım inletiyodu beni ve titreyerek boşaldı daha sonra https://bahismrt.com tekrar öpüştük ve her tarafını yaladım o bana harika bir sakso çekti ve boşaldım ben busefer onu domaltıp soktum çok dardı krem zoruyla soktum ona 5 dakika yaptım ve boşaldım ama daha çok siklmek istiyodum ve üstüne oturdum çok zevk aldım ama harika bir pozisyon ama doymadım bu sefer banyo ya gittim bu sefer suyun altında yaptık aktif pasifler nosunu yazsın istanbul

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


merhaba ben cemal.18 yasında bir lise ogrencisiyim.size anlatacagım anım bu yaz basımdan gecti. bir ay önce karsı dairemize 3 kişilik bir aile tasındı.ahmet abi,karısı melahat teyze ve kızları ceren.ceren 19 yasında mavi gözlü,siyah saçlı,super vucutlu bir kızdı.liseden sonra okumamıstı.sanırım guzelliğini melahat teyzeden almıstı.melahat teyze 40 yasında olmasına ragmen taş gibi bir hatundu. tasındıkları ilk gun ahmet abiyi gormustum.ama o gunden sonra bi daha gormedim.annemden öğrendigime gore ahmet abi gemi kaptanıymış.bu yuzden 3 ayda bir eve gelirmiş.bi gun carsıdan geldigimde bizim kapıda bi not gordum.annem yazmıstı.notta pazara gittiği.anahtarı da melahat teyzelere bıraktıgı yazıyordu.hemen kapılarını caldım.kapıyı melahat teyze actı.melahat teyzenin ustunde bir bluz ve altında geniş bir etek vardı.anahtarı istedim.bana çay içtiklerini içeri geçip biraz oturmamı soyledi.ben de hemen kabul ettim.salonda ceren oturuyordu.ustunde beyaz bir bady ve altında da siyah daracık bir tayt vardı.vucudunun butun kıvrımları belliydi.merhaba deyip kanepeye otrudum.ve oturmamla.soru yagmuru basladı.melahat teyze durmaksızın soru soruyordu bana.once okulu sordu.sonra neler yaptıgımı,boyumu,kilomu ve en son da kız arkadasım olup olmadıgını.ben yok deyince.aaa senin gibi yakısıklı bir cocugun kız arkadası olmadan olur mu?dedi.ben biraz utanmıştım.bunu goren ceren gulumsedi.bu arada melahat abla can alıcı soruyu sordu.Hiç sex yaptın mı?ben eşekten düsmüs gibi olmustum.bir cerene bir melahat teyzeye baktım.basımı öne egip hayır dedim.melahat teyze ay yazık o da olur inşaallah diye beni teselli etmeye calıstı.bu arada yanıma gelmiş oturmustu.hem teselli etmeye devam ediyor hem de sırtımı sıvazlıyordu.bu arada ceren ayaga kalkıp odasına dogru yurudu.ayaga kalkınca o guzel poposu kabak gibi ortaya cıktı.ben o guzel küfeye bakarken melahat abla elini sırtımdan bacagıma indirdi ve resmen okşamaya basladı.bi an gözlerinin içine baktım.bana gulumsedi.sikimin kalktıgını hissediyordum.birkaç sanıye içinde kol gibi olacaktı.eger bi kalkarsa da bi daha inmezdi.bu yuzden hemen indirmem gerekiyordu. lavaboya gitmem gerektiğini soyledim.beni banyoya götürdü ve suraları toplayım bari deyip basladı banyoda oyalanmaya.yanımdan ayrılmak istemiyordu.sanırım ne yapacagımı anlamıstı.ben bozuntuya vermeden.ellerimi yıkamaya basladım.bi yandan da onu seyrediyordum.bir sandalyenin ustune cıkıp köşelerdeki örümcek aglarını almaya calısıyordu.ellerimi yıkayıp kurulamıştım ama alet hala dimdikti.bana cemal su sandalyeyi tutsana.dedi.hemen yanına gittim.ve sandalyeyi tutmaya basladım.bir an düşer gibi https://bahismrt.com oldu.düşmesin diye bacaklarına sarıldım.melahat teyze bana hah tamam cemal bacaklarımdan tut.o zaman daha guvenli olur dedi ve işine devam etti.bense artık iyice azmıştım.ellerimin arasında ki bu iki bacagı okşamaya başlamıstım.melahat teyzeden hiç ses gelmediğini görünce elimi eteğin altından yukarılara dogru uzattım.bacakları puruzsuzdu. okşadıkça yukarı cıkıyordum. artık parmaklarım onun gotundeydi.ve bir anda iki elimle gotunun iki yanını avucladım.ilk defa bir kadına böyle şeyler yapıyordum.melahat teyzeden hala ses yoktu.poposu yumusacıktı.mıncıklamaya basladım.bir an inler gibi cemal ilk cinsel ilişkini benimle yapmak ister misin?dedi.ben de okşamayı bırakmadan tabi melahat teyze dedim. teyze yok sadece melahat de bana deyince onu sandalyeden indirdim.bu arada aklıma ceren geldi ya ceren gorurse? diye sordum.cerenin saatlerce odasından cıkmayacagını soyledi.banyonun kapısını kilitlemek için kapıya yoneldiginde zil çaldı.bekle biraz şimdi geliyorum bi yere ayrılma deyip kapıya bakmaya gitti.iki dakka sonra geldi.gelenin annem oldugunu ve anahtarı ona verdiğini soyledi.artık hiç bi sorun kalmamıştı.bir anda ona saldırdım.her yerini mıncıklıyordum.memelerini bacaklarını götünü ve en önemlisi amını her yerini istiyordum.bir hamlede bluzunu cıkardım.sutyeni yoktu.biraz sarkmış olan memeleri karsımdaydı.onları sıkmaya basladım.sarkmıştı ama hala kıvamındaydı.karnım acıktı sende süt var mı?die sordum.bana em bakalım belki kalmıştır.dedi.ve memelerini emmeye basladım.bu arada ellerimle etegimi cıkarmıstım.sadece siyah dantelli tangasıyla kalmıştı.birden eğilip sikimin baskısından yırtılmak uzere olan pantolonumun fermuarını actı ve pantolonumu indirdi.boxerımın arasından zor da olsa 20 cmlik dikilmiş yaragımı cıkardı.ve aletin yaşına göre cok buyuk neden benimle paylaşmıyorsun dedi.ben de al hepsi senin olsun deyince.sikimin kafasını ağzına aldı ve emmeye başladı.kendimden geçmiştim.tarifsiz zevkler alıyordum.ama ilk ilişkimde ilk postamı derin bir amcığa yollamak istiyordum.onu ayaga kaldırıp tangasını yavasça cıkardım ve yeni traş edilmiş amını okşamaya başladım.amının dudakları dışarı cıkmıştı.artık dayanamıyordum. onu yere yatırdım ve bacaklarını omzuma aldım.tertemiz amcığı sikimin ucundaydı.sıkı dur melahat başlıyorum vurmaya deyip.bir anda yılların yorgunluğu ve bir cocuktan sonra gayet az genişlemiş ama hala bakire bir kızın ki gibi alev alev yanan kaygan amına giriverdim.benim ilk darbeyi vurmamla o da ateşlenmiş ve altımda kıvranmaya başlamıstı.hadi durma vur diyordu.bu canlı kaçak iddaa lafı duyunca bir anda hızlandım.gidip geldikçe bulutların üstüne cıkıp geri ınıyordum.o altımda inledikçe ben daha da hızlanıyordum.bir an bana dur iyice kökle ve içimde kal dedi.dedigini yaptım.ve bir anda amının içindeki sikimin sıkılıp bırakıldıgını hissetmeye başladım.bunu amıyla yapıyordu ve bana acaip zevk vermişti.ama durmak istemiyordum.yeniden başladım pompaya.abandıkça abanıyor daha da derinlere inmeye çalısıyordum.bir an gelecegimi anladım ve melahat içine boşalıyorum hazırmısın yavrum? dedim. altımda inlerken hayır dısarı bosal dısarı, bosal die yalvarıyordu.ama ben döllerimin ziyan olmasını istemiyordum .bu yuzden melahatin yalvarışlarına bakmadan kan ter içinde onun yıllanmış amına boşaldım.hepsini bırakmak için bekliyordum ki melahat demin yaptıgı am içi masajına yeniden başladı.am kaslarını cok iyi kullanıyordu.sanki 31 cektirir gibi.hepsini içine bıraktıktan sonra içinden cıktım ve uzerine yıgıldım.son kalan gücümle memelerini okşuyor emiyordum.melahat ise cok iyiydin erkeğim mahvettin beni die kulagıma fısıldıyordu.melahat hadi bu kadar cabuk pes etmek yok içeri gecelim dedi ve salona geçtik.cırılcıplaktık.ben kanepeye uzandım.aletim sönük bir şekilde yığılmış kalmıştı.melahat bi dakka bekle deyip içeri gitti.yorgunluktan tam uykuya dalacaktım ki birinin sikimi okşadıgını hissettim.gözümü açtıgımda bunun ceren oldugunu gördüm ve sıra sende mi yavrum dedim.o da beni de ucursana cemal nolur diordu.o zaman iyi yala da seni de bi güzel sikiyim bebek dedim ve benim oğlanı dillemesini seyretmeye başladım.annesi de kapının kenarından süt dökmüş kedi gibi bakıyordu.onu görünce yanımıza cagırıp kızına paylaşmayı öğretmedin mi melahat?dedim.bunun üzerine ceren aletimi bırakmadan taşşaklarımı yalaması için annesine yer verdi.anne kız yaragımı dilleyip yalayarak amcıklarına girecek sertliğe getirmeye calısıyorlardı.ikisi de cok iyiydi.ama ceren gençliğin de verdiği zindelikle daha bi hızlı ve istekli yalıyordu. anne kızın ağzındaki aletim kalkmaya başlamıştı.ama ceren hala giyinikti.onu ayaga kaldırıp badysini cıkarttım.o da annesi gibi sutyen giymemişti. annesininkilerden daha büyük ve diri olan göğüsleri cok tahrik ediciydi ve meme uçları sertleşmişti.memelerini okşayıp emmeye başladım.bu arada melahat sikimi ağzına almış saksoya başlamıştı.cerenın memelerinden sonra sıra alt taraftaydı.vucudunun altını sımsıkı sarmış olan siyah taytını yavasca aşagı indirdikçe bembeyaz kilotu ortaya cıkıyordu.taytını cıkardıgımda onun da annesi gibi dantelli bir tanga giydigini gordum tek canlı bahis şirketleri farkı onun ki beyazdı.arkasını cevirip yuvarlak poposunu ellemeye başladım.pamuk gibiydi.ben onun etini okşarken o da kalçasını saga sola sallıyordu.iyice kıvama gelen sikimi melahatın agzından cıkarıp cereni domalttım.tangasını kenara sıyırıp bembeyaz kaymak gibi amcıgına surtmeye başladım.sikimle amına masaj yapıyordum.ceren bana cemalim aslan cemalim hadi gir içime!seni içimde istiyorum!die yalvarıyordu.bunu duyan melahat sikimi tuttu ve başını yavaşça kızının tertemiz amına soktu ve bana hadi parcala onu da zevkten ucur cemal erkegimizsin sen bizim deyip dudaklarımdan bir öpücük verdi.ben birden cerenin daracık amcıgını sikmeye başladım.melahatın amından cıkınca cereninkinin kıymeti cok belli oluyordu.cereni pompalarken ellerimle önden memelerini kavrayıp destek alarak daha da hızlandım.bu arada melahat bacaklarımın arasına kafasını uzatmış dilini cıkarmış taşşaklarımı yalamaya calışıyordu.bunu görünce kanapeye oturup cereni kucagıma aldım ve sabit durarak melahatin de istediğini yapmasını sagladım.ceren çoktan sikimin tepesine oturmuş zıplamaya başlamıştı.taşşaklarımsa melahatin agzındaydı.cerenin yüzü bana dönüktü.birden dudaklarına yapışıp dilimle de ağzını pompalamaya başladım.derken cereni kalkıp yerine annesi oturacak oldu.bunu görünce melahate cerenin daracık amcığının ustune senin amın olmaz başka neyin var? dedim. oda göt deliğim var ama hiç ordan vermedim dedi.o zaman ceren gel devam edelim deyince melahat bi vazelin bulup sikimi iyice kayganlaştırdı.aletim parıl parıl parlıyordu.ve melahat domalmıştı bile.cemal bak nolur acıtma die söyleniyordu.ama ben hiç oralı değildim.20lik yaragımının başını dar deliğe yerleştirip birden abandım.melahat can havliyle avazı cıktıgı kadar bagırdı.hayvan hani acıtmayacaktın parçaladın beni diyordu.ama aletin yarısı coktan girmişti.abandıkca biraz daha giriyor girdikçe melahat bagırıyordu.derken köklemiştim ve gidip gelmeye başlamıştım.bagırışların yerini zevk sesleri almıştı.ahlayıp ohluyor bu sefer de hızlanmamı soyluyordu.ama benim aklım cerenin amındaydı.ve annesinin amından cıkıp cerenin amına geri girdim.bi kaç geliş gidişten sonra gelecegimi anlamıştım.aklıma koymuştum bu anne kızın ikisini de bi guzel dölleyecektim.sonunda cerenin amına da boşalıyordum ceren de aynı anda cıglık cıglıga orgazm oluyordu.bosalınca cerenin içinden cıkıp melahatin amına henüz tamamen inmemiş olan yaragımı soktum ve hadi melahat yap numaranı dedim.melahat anlamıştı ve am içi masajına başlamıştı.son damlalarda onun içine gömülmüştü.daha sonra toparlanıp eve gittim.ama bu anne kızdan ayrılmadım.2 gune bir grup yada teketek partilere devam ettik.dün ki sikilişlerinde bana mutlu haberler verdiler.melahat de ceren de hamileydi.hatta melahat ikiz bekliyordu.8 ay sonra baba olacagım.ama en cok ahmet abi duyunca napacak onu merak ediyorum.

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Tecavüz`den Zararlı Çıktım

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Big Dicks

Merhaba arkadaşlar ben başımdan geçen bir olayı sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum… Bizim bir komsumuzun kızı var. Inanırmısınız bir içim su. Tam 2 senedir gözüme kestirmişim. Ben bu bikere siksem diye 2 yıl bayunca bekledim. Bir gün bizimkiler evde yoktu. Bende televizyon seyrediyordum. Birden kapı çalındı. Pencereden baktım o yani komsumuzun kızı. Ahmet dedi kapıyı açarmısın. Ben de hemen kapıyı açtım evet ne oldu dedim bizim evin suyu kesilmiş şu bidonu https://bahismrt.com doldurabilirmiyim dedi. Ben de tamam tabiki dedim. Içime bir tilkilik düştü. Benim buna tecavüz etmam gerek dedim içimden. Neyse banyoya gönderdim kızı kapı açık hemen yanına gittim bana nasılsın felen diye sordu iyidir hoştur demeden hemen kıza saldırdım. Ya ne yapıyorsun felan dedi ama daha dururmuyum. Elimi eteginin altından attım, duvara yasladım bacaklarını en güvenilir bahis sitesi okşamaya başladım. Neyse bu bagırmaya devam edince şamarı patlattım.Ağzına sürtmeye başladım…Bayıldı banyonun içine yatırdım. Üstündeki elbiseleri çıkarttım. Ben de soyundum. Benim yavruyu agzına sütmeye başladım. Içim bir hoş olmuştu. Ondan sonra amını yalamaya başladım ve birden amına gidip gelmeye başladım. Ben bitmiştim amına boşaldıktan sonra online bahis arkasını çevirdim. Bu sefer göte sokmak istedim ama olmuyuordu. Daracık götü vardı. Sikimi sabunla köpükledim götüne sütmeye başladım. Yavaş yavaş irkildim ve sonunda o da girmişti. göte boşalatıktan sonra onu ayıltmaya çalıştım kolanya döktüm ve ayıldı aglamaya başladı. Bana ne yaptın felan annem gile diyecem felan dyince içime korku düştü. Ya yapma dedimse ikna olmadı. Ardan 1 gün geçtikten sonra annnesine durumu açıklamış. Annesi geldi durumu deyince namus meselesidir dedi ya kızı alcan yada seni yaşatmam dedi ve tabiki kizdan önce ben yemiştim yarağı. 3. Gün kızla evlendik 2 tane piçi var ve tabiki ben hala başka kızlala yatıp kalkıyorum… Gönderen: Ahmet

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anılarım 8-namık bey

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Tekrar merhaba,ben Sevay.Daha önce okuldan tayinimi istediğimi yazmıştım.Bu anlatacağım olay;yeni tayin olduğum okulda başıma geldi.Namık bey,okulun Türkçe öğretmeniydi;siyah saçlı,gür saçlı,bıyıklı,35-40 yaşındaydı,benim gibi evliydi.Dersim boşken öğretmenler odasında oturmuş kitap okuyordum,bacak bacak üstüne atmıştım,toparlandım,eteğimi düzelttim.Altımda siyah mini etek,şeffaf kilotlu çorap,üstümde beyaz boğazlı badi ve siyah ceket vardı.Benim eski okulumdan Fuat beyin arkadaşıymış,kısa bir hoşbeşten sonra yanıma usulca yaklaşmaya başladı,bacaklarımı okşadı.Namık bey ne yapıyorsunuz yapmayın,çekin elinizi lütfen dedim.Off yavrum https://bahismrt.com Sevay bayılıyorum seniin bacaklarına,popona,memelerine ,gözlerine,dudaklarına,her yerine,kaç gündür hayallerime giriyorsun dedi.Sevay:Yapmayın Namık bey lütfen dedim.Badimin üstünden memelerimi okşadı,badimi çıkardı,beyaz sütyenimin üstünden okşamaya devam etti,sütyenimi çıkardı memelerimi hızla okşayıp sıkmaya başladı.Yeni doğum yaptığım,doğum izninden yeni döndüğüm için memelerimden süt geliyordu.Süte aç bebekler gibi memelerime saldırdı,defalarca emdi,çok hızlanmıştı.Namık bey ben evliyim bebeğim var lütfen yapmayın ne olur memelerimi bahis siteleri canlı sıkmayın acıyor,bebeğimi emziremem… Önce ben emeyim,bebeğin sonra emer,taze süt,dolgun göğüs bulmuşum kaçırır mıyım,hem ben de evliyim ne olmuş yani,her gün aynı kişiyle sevişmek sıkar insanı,değişik fanteziler yaşamak gerek dedi.Her tarafımı yaladı,önden becerdi,bacaklarımı kaldırdı,yaladı,okşadı,çorabmı sıyırdı.Namık bey bir gelen,bir gören olacak.Beni domaltıp arkadan hızla gidip gelmeye başladı,çok sertti,aleti çok büyüktü,canım çok yanıyordu.Namık,Namık bey seslerim birbirine karışmıştı.Ahh yapma Namık Bey ah çok acıyor bahis lütfen ah Namık bey,Namık beyciğim ah yapma,ah vurma popoma,çekmeyin saçımı ah acıyor yapma ah sizinki çok büyük, çok acıyor arkadan yapmayın,ah kocama bile yaptırmıyorum.Kocan malsa maldan anlamıyorsa ne yapayım dedi.Okulda olduğum için bağıramıyordum,ama canım çok yanıyordu.Eteğimi,beyaz kilodumu,çorabımı yırtarcasına sıyırıp üzerime boşaldı,bir yandan da kemerini çıkarıp popoma hızla vuruyordu.Hüngür hüngür,için için ağlıyordum.Saçımı yüzümü okşayıp,öpüp beni teskin etmeye çalışıyordu.Memelerin harika,ben bu kadar büyük ve güzel meme görmedim,acıkınca yine emerim onları dedi gülerek.Eve gidince bu olayı eşime anlatamadım,eşimin kızgınlıkla gidip ona saldırmasından korktum. Hiç bir tecavüzde canım bu kadar yanmamıştı.Popomun acısı geçmek bilmedi, bir kaç gün zor oturdum.Memelerim kızımı emzirirken çok acıdı. [email protected]

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Cleaning Girl Ch. 02

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I pushed my hand into Sandra’s shiny black leggings and cupped her big, beautiful arse. I had to bend over a bit to get it down there, but that was fine because it allowed me to squeeze those beautiful tits hard up against me at the same time.

I nibbled her ear and whispered: “I think we should start upstairs. It can sometimes get really dirty up there.”

“Er…okay,” she said.

If you’ve just joined us, I’d better give you a quick rundown on what happened in Chapter 1 after my wife decided to take the kids away for a fortnight in Spain then called from the airport to say that a girl called Sandra was coming to see us about a cleaning job.

Sandra duly arrived, all sopping wet from the English rain. She was short and plump with lank, blonde hair and large, very pointy breasts – and by chance I was feeling horny as hell. I interviewed her carefully, gave her the job, showed her round the house, cleverly managed to soak her again with the shower, helped her dab down those tits, and gave her the smallest T-shirt I could find to cover her up.

Then I came clean and told her that maybe it wasn’t going to work out: how could she come and work in our house if she had this kind of effect on me? All I really wanted to do, I said, was touch her, kiss her, take her in my arms…

And, luckily for me, she didn’t say no, which was why I was standing in the kitchen groping a chubby 20-year-old who’d thought only 45 minutes earlier that she was just applying for a job cleaning up after me and my kids.

I took Sandra’s hand and rushed her up the stairs, eager not to lose momentum from that masterful seduction in the kitchen. What would happen if she worked out I was just a sad old fuck having a horny day? Maybe she wouldn’t care, but I decided it was best to move fast, just in case…

I dragged her straight into the master bedroom, sat down on the bed and pulled that wonderful sharp chest in towards me. My hands moved up underneath the tight, flimsy T-shirt, explored around her back and then came back round under her breasts. I inhaled deeply – there was some kind of cheap perfume still hanging around her despite the soaking. Then I lifted up the shirt and began to kiss and lick her right breast. It was smooth and pale and very pert for its size with a stiff pink nipple shooting out from a puffy areola.

“Jesus. Your breasts bomonti escort are just perfect,” I told her, and pulled her head down to me for another long, but increasingly passionate kiss. Weirdly enough, I started to imagine that I was kissing Jennifer, the girl I’d sat next to in geography 20 years earlier, the one who’d first given me a taste for pointy tits. I had once sucked on Jennifer’s tits at her house and today I felt like I was 15 again, my cock bursting against my jeans, my heart beating extra-fast in case her parents came home early or her brother walked in and spoiled the party.

Anyway, it was time to unveil those tits properly. As we moved back over the bed, I pulled the shirt up over Sandra’s head to leave her sitting half-naked beside me, a top-heavy little marble cherub.

But she wasn’t just a pair of tits, I reminded myself. I undressed quickly, in just a few seconds, and as we laid down widthways across the bed I slid Sandra’s leggings over her ass and down a pair of surprisingly curvaceous little legs. I took her in with a single glance from her tiny feet, past her smooth calves and thighs, belly, large pointy breasts and little piggy face, which was already covered in a thin layer of sweat.

“You’re even more lovely than I imagined when you walked into my house today,” I told her, kissing her gently. And I meant it.

All that was left was to take off her pink flowered knickers and unveil her treasure. She was no looker, as I’ve already said, but I knew that she’d have the most marvellous little pussy — and once again I was proved right..

Covering her in light kisses as I went, and grasping her big buttocks for grip, I moved down to her crotch, where I continued the light kisses. For a fat girl, her knickers were nicely thin and dainty. They were also pleasingly wet and I started to suck her juices up through the pink cotton. If I played my cards right Sandra could be my fuck-slut for the next fortnight, so I’d better make sure she enjoyed herself.

Her hand reached down to the back of my head. “You don’t have to do that, you know,” she murmured. I looked up at her and replied: “I know I don’t have to, Sandra, but I want to. I want to explore every single inch of you.”

And I grabbed the waistline of her knickers and pulled them firmly over her buttocks osmanbey escort and on past her knees before settling back down to enjoy her pussy.

It was fantastic, bulging lightly from her chunky thighs, lightly covered in a strawberry blonde fur. Maybe she shaved, I thought, but she didn’t quite seem the type and I didn’t want to ask her now. My tongue came out and I worked it slowly round her slit, savouring the sexiest pussy I’d been down on in years. I licked her, kissed her, gently nibbled her lips, before pushing my tongue further into her shell and working it up to her clit.

“Uuhh,” she grunted, and her hips began to buck against me.

Her juices were warm, almost hot, and pleasantly pungent as they trickled into my mouth, forcing me to swallow and lick at the same time. My hands explored her breasts and buttocks as I upped the tempo down below. When I felt her orgasm was approaching, after just a minute or two of sucking, I worked one hand between the cheeks of her magnificent arse and began to prod her arsehole. It felt promisingly tight – any luck, I thought, and I’ll be the first man to enjoy it.

Her bucking increased and her little grunts became more and more frequent. I pushed my middle finger slowly but firmly into her arse and pushed her over the edge into a convulsive orgasm that left me swallowing what felt like half a pint of her pussy cum and her squealing like a sow at the abattoir.

I didn’t let up with my tongue and her hips continued to buck as her squeals died down slowly. I climbed up on to all fours, licking her in one long movement from pussy to mouth. “I’ve never been with anyone as sexy as you,” I told her.

“I’ve never done that before” she replied. “I’ve only been with one boy, and that was only for a few minutes…”

“Well we’ve got all the time in the world, and I intend to use every second of it,” I said, and I lifted myself on to my knees so that, for the first time, she could see my cock.

I’ve not got a massive cock, not if you believe all the braggers on this site. But I’ve had my share of compliments and today, for some reason, it seemed bigger and harder than ever. And Sandra’s gasp as she saw it – her chubby little mouth just seemed to drop open – made it that extra bit harder.

“You won’t hurt me?” she asked.

“Don’t kurtuluş escort worry,” I said. “It’s going to fit perfectly inside you.”

I put my hands inside her knees and gently pushed them apart as I sank down to kiss her. My cock found its entry immediately and pushed into the warmest, tightest, most perfect cunt I’ve ever known. My strokes were long and slow as I gradually worked my way into her.

Her eyes, their expression unreadable, looked straight into mine as I took her. Her tits, those beautiful big, pointy tits that had first attracted me, lay as two perfect white mounds topped with pink.

“Does that feel good?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Do you think you’re going to enjoy it here, working under me?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said. “Thank you.”

As my strokes gathered length and pace our kissing grew more furious, her sweet little tongue lapping up against mine. I reached back and pulled her wide-open legs round up and around my back. She began to grip me with them as I slowly pushed further and further into her. I could feel her arse, large but surprisingly firm, wobble beneath me.

An hour or so before, when she’d rung my doorbell in the pouring rain, she was just a chubby young girl hoping to earn a few quid washing up, dusting and ironing. Now she was lying on her back with a man whose first name she probably wasn’t even sure of ploughing into her pussy. She was having the first proper fuck of her young life and was building up to what would be only her second proper orgasm.

I saw her eyes close and felt her arse-muscles clench beneath me. My cock was pushed all the way against her womb and I kept it there, just quivering. Then, after just a few seconds, I started to thrust again, pushing my prick deeper and deeper into her while pulling her mouth hard against mine in a non-stop kiss.

I can’t tell you much about her explosion when it came because I was in the middle of the biggest orgasm I’d ever had. My backbone felt like it was going to break as I arched my head up, screaming out loud in the empty house, this fat little beauty clinging on to me for dear life. The aftershocks seemed to carry on for ever before we collapsed in exhaustion, my body completely covering hers.

When I finally lifted up my head and looked at my piggy little lover, she didn’t just have a layer of sweat over her face but tears running softly down her cheeks. I leant down and kissed one or two away.

“I told you we’d be a perfect fit, Sandra,” I said. “I just knew it from the moment I saw you.”

“Yes. I knew it too,” she said.

And I still had two weeks left before my wife got back.

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Coffee Shop

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I was on my lunch break and a mere 5 minute walk from my office as I pushed the door open. When I walked into the coffee shop I immediately started to scan the room. There were a couple of businessmen to my left, an older group of ladies next to them and a young couple sharing little cakes to my right. In the corner is where I spotted you, you were already watching me and as soon as I looked at you our eyes locked.

I made my way between the tables never breaking eye contact. When I reached you, you broke eye contact briefly to look me up and down. As instructed I was wearing a white blouse, my very long hair pinned up into a bun, Pencil knee length skirt and black heels. I could have easily fitted in with the business men that were now behind me.

Underneath however I was wearing a matching lace bra and panties and black stockings and suspender belt. You gave me an approving look and stood to give me a chase kiss on the cheek.

“Coffee.” you asked with a smile.


As you walked off to the counter I tried to find a comfortable position to sit in so that I could face you in the corner feriköy escort booth. The seat was the bench sort that went around in an L shape, with the table placed adjacent to both sides. I tried crossing my legs but could feel the skirt rise up and the top of my stockings on display. So instead I put my knees together and pulled on the edge of my skirt.

As you returned the smirk on your face indicated that you had been watching my little struggle. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as you placed the two cups of coffee on the table and then walked around to resume your seat.

Both of us were sat near to the corner but I had my back to the room whereas you could see everything going on over my shoulder.

We sipped our coffee and chatted about everyday things for a few minutes — just as I was starting to relax I felt you place your hand on my leg just above the knee. This movement was hidden from the rest of the room by the fact that I had my back to the room and the table was slightly overlapping the seats but it didn’t stop me from having a quick look over gülbağ escort my shoulder.

You rubbed your fingers very gently back and forth while still chatting. It took me a second but I managed to get my thoughts back on track and joined back in the conversation.

As your fingers moved back and forth they gradually made their way underneath the hem of my skirt and up towards my thigh. Your hand slipped between my legs and nudged them slightly indicating that I needed to open them. I did so and was very conscious that my skirt rose up slightly.

When the back of your hand touched the front of my panties I stopped mid sentence and held my breath.

“You were saying?”

“I, umm ..yes…”

We carried on talking while you gently rubbed me through my panties — I could already feel them getting wet and yet I knew there was more to come.

Your hand came back around to my thigh and found the edge of my panties, amazingly as you slipped your hand inside and found your way between my lips you still managed to keep the conversation going.

I think kağıthane escort it was at this point as you slipped a finger inside me that I gave up trying to talk or listen, I could feel my heart beating faster and as much as I tried I could not control my breathing. Your finger trust in and out and you quickly added a second. An involuntary moan escaped my mouth and I saw you quickly look over my shoulder to see if anyone had heard.

You moved your fingers up to my clit and you used your fingers to make small circles. The feeling was amazing and I could already feel that familiar stir in the pit of my stomach. You quickly replaced your fingers with your thumb and while your thumb was busy teasing my clit you trust two fingers inside of me …teasing me, fucking me.

You leant forward and whisper in my ear “Come for me” — My eyes widen as I realised I am about to do just that — Your month is quickly on my mine to mask the moan as the orgasm takes over and I come with a shudder that reaches from head to toe.

It takes a minute for me to come back down to earth and I feel a sudden lost as you remove your hand …but you kiss me gently on the lips and whisper “Thank you.”

You give me a minute to recover and then we both stand and make our way to the door — I take a brief look around and realise that amazingly nobody was aware of what had just happened.

What an amazing way to spend a lunch break.

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Co-Teacher Ch. 02

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Big Tits

After several years of working together, Stephanie left our school to work at a magazine. We didn’t see each other much, but kept in touch through Facebook and the occasional text. She had a new boyfriend (huge surprise!) and things were going well, so I didn’t expect to hear from her until things went wrong. Steph being Steph, that took about four months…

I was at school when she texted me, asking me to help her collect a big chair she wanted from her ex-boyfriend’s house. Physically, this sounded easy enough, but the situation sounded like a bad idea from the start. I’ve always been a sucker, though, so I said yes. I met her at Starbucks, and she explained that they broke up the previous week and she wanted her chair back-he was OK with her getting it, but it was too big to manage alone. OK…

Needless to say, there was immediate drama. The boyfriend was at the apartment, and he wanted to play “Who the fuck is this guy?” and act all tough. Steph got pissed, and they argued the whole time we cleared a path for moving the offending chair. I kept things calm, and with some backing and filling, we got the damn thing downstairs and into the back of my SUV.

With a final “Fuck off!” hanging in the air, we left the uncomfortable scene behind and made our way back toward the highway. I followed her to her new house, thinking of how to bitch her out for putting me in such an uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situation. I was also kicking myself for saying yes. I kept my comments to myself as we unloaded the chair and got it up the small flight of steps and into her living room.

Finally, I turned to her and said, “Well, that was some bullshit! Why didn’t you tell me he was going to be there?”

She knew I was pissed, and some part of her knew how fucked up the situation was. How was it OK to get a married friend into a fight with her ex over a chair? Why was I even there? No doubt the hook-up a few months back played a part, but still…

“I know that was fucked up, and I’m sorry I got you into it. I just really wanted the chair back.”

“Yeah, I got that part,” I said. “I don’t even know why I said yes, though.”

She smiled. “I do,” she said. “You were hoping I’d pay you back.”

“Now that you mention it…” I said with a smirk.

True to form, she didn’t waste any time. She dropped fulya escort immediately to her knees, rubbing her hands across the front of my khakis, looking up at me with lust in her eyes. When she pulled out my stiffening cock, I grabbed her hair and pushed it into her mouth, wanting to punish her a little bit. She flinched when my cock hit the back of her throat, but let me hold her head and fuck her mouth. Her hands went to my ass and urged me on. After a few minutes, I slowed my pace, not wanting to finish that way.

I pulled all the way out, and her hands wrapped enticingly around my shaft, stroking my spit-slickened cock while her tongue swirled around the head. I was still pissed at her, so as good as her treatment felt, I wanted to push things a little bit. Pulling her head back into position, I slid back into her mouth. When I was at her tonsils, I paused. Her tongue snaked out to lick the bottom of my cock. “Take a deep breath,” I said. She did, but her eyes widened a little. The widened more when I pushed deeper into her throat, feeling her swallow to fight her gag reflex. Fuck that felt good! I held myself in place for a few long moments, savoring the tight rippling of her throat before pulling back to let her breathe.

“Holy shit…” she gasped, tears sparkling in the corners of her eyes…”you are pissed at me, aren’t you?”

“A little bit,” I said, pushing back into her mouth.

She inhaled deeply and took me back in her throat. This time, when I was buried all the way, I flexed my hips a little, fucking her throat for about twenty seconds. I let her breathe, then did it again. It crossed my mind that I was being pretty harsh, fucking her mouth like this, but I underestimated her! She stood up and pulled me over to stand next to the chair. She whipped her shirt off, unhooked her bra, and laid back with her head on the broad, cushioned arm.

Reaching over her head, she grabbed my cock and pulled me closer. Stroking me with one hand, she sucked one of my balls into her mouth, then the other. “If you want to really fuck my mouth,” she said, “do it like this…just let me breathe when I push on you!” With that, she tilted her head back and opened her mouth, making a straight line for me to follow.. I slipped back in, feeling her swallow again as I pushed past her gag bebek escort reflex. From this angle, I could see the head of my cock actually widen her throat just below her chin. I fucked her slowly but steadily like this, pulling back when she signaled. My hands reached down to brace myself on her chest, and I played with her tits, pinching and pulling her nipples. She moaned when I did that, so I kept this pattern going for a long while. I should have known she was an experienced deep-throater!

I was getting sweaty, so I paused to drop my pants and push my boxer briefs down to the floor. Steph sat up and did likewise, whipping her tight jeans and panties off and kneeling on the chair. She licked her way up my cock again, then nestled it between her tits, squeezing them together to form a slick, warm valley.

As I pumped gently against her soft skin, she looked up at me and asked if I was still pissed.

“I’m getting over it” I said with a smile.

“Good,” she said, “because I want to pay you back some more if you’re done with all the grudge-fucking.”

I nodded and asked, “What did you have in mind?”

“Have a seat,” she said, “and I’ll show you why I like this chair so much.”

I sat without hesitation. She climbed into my lap. There was room for both her knees beside my hips, and she knelt above me, rubbing her juicy slit along my cock as it lay against my stomach. Her juices were hot and slippery, and I could tell she was enjoying the friction on her clit and sensitive labia.

“There’s plenty of room for this…” she moaned.

“I get that,” I said as I closed my eyes in appreciation.

“Do you like the way my pussy feels?” she asked.

“Fuck yes,” I told her. “It feels so ready for my cock.”

“Do you like how smooth she is? I just got waxed thinking about how to pay you for helping me.”

“You’re such a slut,” I told her. “You knew I would do it even if your boyfriend was there, and you knew you were going to fuck me for helping, didn’t you?”

“I was counting on it,” she replied.

With that, she grabbed my cock and sank down all the way until her bare mound bumped against me. The breath hissed out of her, and she went to work immediately, rocking her hips back and forth so that I moved deep inside her. I could feel cihangir escort every inch of her pussy rippling and sliding against my sensitive shaft, and I wrapped my hands around her hips, letting her set the pace this time. I forgot everything else but the tight, wet pussy I was in and the lithe body in front of me.

Steph’s arms went around my head, and I found myself held tightly against her breasts. I sucked each nipple in turn, gently biting them and flicking my tongue across their tight little tips. She groaned with pleasure and worked harder on my cock, dropping herself all the way down and grinding herself against me.

She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. “Oh, man…I’m going to…cum all over…your cock,” she said a little breathily. She spoke in time with her rising and falling hips, changing the angle each time to stimulate different parts of both of us. I was breathing deeply myself, trying to hold back my own orgasm until she got off. As tight and sexy as she was, though, it wasn’t easy!

“I’m going to cum…on your cock…and I want to feel you…cum inside me. Cum inside my pussy. Cum inside me. Fuck me and cum in me, Steve. Fuck me and cum in me. I’m so close…I’m so fucking close…”

She was almost chanting now as she drove herself toward her orgasm.

I was getting there, too, and knew that whoever came first would set the other one off. I felt her stiffen suddenly and let myself go, grabbing her hips to pump frantically up into her as she arched back with one final “Oh, fuck yessss…”

I pulled her down hard on my lap and pumped load after load of sperm deep inside her pussy. As I did, she grabbed my head again and pulled me close again, whispering softly in my ear.

“I love that,” she said. “I love feeling you exploding inside me…”

She rocked her hips encouragingly, teasing the last spurts from my flagging hardness.

After a long, long time, she pulled off of me. My cock slapped limply against my stomach, and she moved down to take it back into her mouth. She knelt in front of the chair and I held her head while she savored the taste of our combined juices and worked on me with her lips, hands, and tongue. When I was clean, she turned and sat in my lap with her back against me. One of my hands curled down to cup her slick, smooth pussy and the other went around her waist. She leaned her head back on my shoulder and crossed her arms over my hand.

“That was amazing,” I said softly.

She just said, “Mmmm” and turned her head enough for me to see her smile.

“Now you see why I wanted this chair?”

“I totally understand.”

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Amanda , The Recruit

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Amanda sat anxiously on the hotel room bed, awaiting her lover for the evening. Clad in nothing but her matching bra and panties (in a color dubbed magenta by Victoria’s Secret) she was a vision to behold-her body was toned to feminine perfection, a fact that belied the fact that she had become a single mother at 19. At five-foot-seven and 115-pounds her pert A-cup breasts merged gracefully with her tight, washboard stomach, which in turn veered ever so slightly outward to her hips. She had gone through great lengths to look her best this evening, her blonde-highlighted brown hair styled to flow gracefully past her shoulders and her face painted in such a manner to best accentuate her sparkling blue-green eyes and full lips. She wore a pair of open-tow three-inch heels on her long, perfect legs, and a silver chain dangled from her navel, offering a stark contrast to her gently tanned skin.

Amanda thought to herself how she had gotten to this point, how she had come to the conclusion that her body was for sale at the age of 23. Her intentions seemed innocent enough a year earlier, when she and her friends began frequenting the clubs near the university with the stated hope of becoming a soon-to-be-star athlete’s wife. Amanda even seemed to succeed at this almost immediately as she found herself on the arm (and in the bed) of the team’s All-American quarterback. So close to her was her chance for redemption of a youth wasted she did things she previously wouldn’t have considered, like agreeing to a threesome with the quarterback’s best friend and favorite receiver. From there it didn’t take her long to dyke-out with an 18-year old sorority girl for the team’s entertainment, then became the team’s entertainment as she was passed around from player to player, punctuated when the entire starting offense ran a “train” on her one Thursday night. Before she knew what was happening her quarterback boyfriend had moved on to another conquest, and she was left as little more than another jock groupie.

What separated Amanda from similar girls was her staying power-she had managed to keep the team’s attention to the point where a fuck of Amanda Clark was the ultimate reward for a great game, and players who thought of each other as brothers would come to blows if a few minutes with the petite nymph were at stake. The university’s powerful booster club took notice of this and decided that she could be very advantageous to their goal of continued athletic dominance. It didn’t take much to convince Amanda that becoming an “employee” of the booster club was in her best interest-she’d be paid $10,000 up front in return for her first “job” (bedding the nation’s top quarterback recruit) and would receive $1,000 for each future recruit she slept with. She saw no downside to the proposition-at worst she’d not like it the first time and stop $10,000 thicker, and if she did like it her earning potential was unlimited during the school year. After a year she could virtually have a new life for her self.

As Amanda day-dreamed of this new life she heard the handle to the hotel room door turn. Her heart began to race as she quickly swung her long legs over the edge of the bed and crossed them demurely, doing what she could to belie the fact that she was about to become a prostitute. Part of her mind was filled with apprehension and questions like “Why are you doing this?,” while excitement and thrills ran through another part of her mind. Amanda had always loved sex, and the thought that people thought enough of her body that they’d pay her for sex filled her with a sense of pride. The hotel room door opened, and the young man that stepped through it looked exactly how a star quarterback was supposed to. He had a tall, slender-yet-muscular physique, with close-cropped blond hair on his head and a strong, confident jaw line. He’s young, Amanda thought to herself while gazing at him, but she was undoubtedly attracted to him. She shot a closed-mouth smile in his direction, expressing her approval.

“Hi there,” Amanda greeted her soon-to-be lover, seductively eyeing him with her sparkling aquamarine eyes. “I’m Amanda .”

“I’m Trent,” the quarterback said in response, his voice tinted with a slight sheepishness. “You’re really pretty.”

“Why thank you!” Amanda answered, giving her immaculate hair a slight, playful toss. “I bet you have a girlfriend back home.”

“Yeah,” Trent answered, sounding a little relieved now that the source of his apprehension had been revealed.

“I thought so,” the lingerie-clad beauty said, motioning for him to sit next to her on the bed. For all her flaws and poor choice in men Amanda had always had an innate ability to read the opposite sex, and Trent was no different. “I don’t want you to feel you have to do this, but I think you really like me and want to feel what it’s like to make love to me.”

Amanda reached up and gently kissed the quarterback with her full, lush lips, and she felt his tongue slip inside her mouth. As they released etiler escort from each other she smiled again at him, with Trent this time returning the smile.

“Don’t worry, no one’s ever going to know,” Amanda re-assured him. “Besides, I think we’re going to have a lot of fun tonight.”

Trent leaned in and kissed her once again, this time lengthening their embrace by several seconds. Amanda held her hair back and directed his lips towards her neck, and he promptly started to suckle on her neck as she gently cooed in delight. Trent’s sheepishness had disappeared completely by now, expertly covering Amanda’s exposed tan skin with expertly-delivered kisses. He reached a hand around her back and unfastened her bra, allowing Amanda to remove it from her small breasts. She leaned back until she was lying flat on the mattress, and the young man’s mouth followed her, running his tongue slowly around the pink areolas of her breasts. Starting with the left breast he made a circular motion with his tongue, resisting the urge to engulf her hardened nipple in his mouth, then did the same to her right breast, completing several circles on her sensitive flesh. Amanda’s breathing began to grow heavier, her coos grew louder and more intense, and she felt her magenta panties dampen slightly from her arousal.

“Mmmm,” Amanda whimpered as she felt herself inch closer and closer to the state of pleasure she was often engulfed by during sex. “I’d love it if you sucked on my nipples.”

After completing a few more circles around each areola Trent hesitated in fulfilling Amanda’s request, giving the tips of her nipples slight kisses in between the circles he had been sketching with his tongue. Though it wasn’t what she had requested Amanda’s coos had erupted into moans, as the pleasure she was feeling took its grip on her body and mind. In spite of his initial sheepishness and hesitation it was clear that Trent was an experienced lover, as he seemed to have a better sense of what Amanda wanted than even she did. During one of his kisses he stopped and slid his tongue out of his mouth, quickly meeting the tip of the beautiful girl’s nipple with the tip of his tongue. The quarterback’s teasing and refusal to engulf her breasts fully was enraging Amanda’s hormones, and she soon realized that this 18-year old had taught her something new sexually that she couldn’t imagine doing without. She ran her manicured fingers through the young man’s blond hair, though it was more like a grasp as she focused on his tongue work. Now Trent allowed his lips to part and embrace Amanda’s right nipple, then sucked in for several seconds to bring it further in his mouth.

“OOOOHHHH!!!” Amanda cried out in pleasure. “Oh god that’s good…I need more.”

Trent moved on to the other breast and repeated what he had done before, then began alternating between his licks, kisses, and suckling. He had nearly brought Amanda to orgasm without even touching her beneath the waist, and he decided to complete the job. He placed his hand firmly on top of Amanda’s panties and between her parted legs, starting to rub her pussy through the magenta lace. Amanda responded accordingly, flexing her pelvis in order to grind against his hand, and she felt an overflow of her arousal fluids release from inside her. Trent responded to Amanda’s grinding by increasing the pace of his rubbing, and Amanda moans gave way to loud, passionate screams.

“UH! UH!! UH!!!” Amanda grunted as the inching towards orgasm that had been taking place now sped up to an uncontrollable. “THAT’S IT BABY, RUB ME, RUB MY WET PUSSY!”

With the two lovers working feverishly towards Amanda’s orgasm she felt a tingle stir from the depths of her womanhood, reverberating throughout her body and frantically searching for an outlet. Trent steadied his hand as he sensed her body tense up, and allowed Amanda to grind her way through her final climax. She worked her pussy frantically against her lover’s still hand, and Amanda erupted with a primal cry of passion, a guttural “OH” that was surely heard by nearly every hotel guest, releasing her pleasure out upon the world. As his petite lover halted her grinding Trent lay by Amanda’s side, and every muscle in her body seemed to loosen and relax in exhaustion from the heights it had reached.

“Oh wow,” Amanda said as her breathing began to slow again, her limp, topless torso glistening with sweat and the remnants of her lover’s saliva. “That was fun!”

Resting his head on his hand Trent looked at the teal-eyed beauty with a sly grin, hinting at what he was looking for next.

“I take it you want some fun now,” Amanda said to the quarterback, expending the small amount of energy she had built up since her orgasm to stand to her feet. “I guess that’s what I’m here for.”

Trent jumped to his feet, leaning in to allow his lips to embrace with Amanda’s. Following several seconds of passionate kissing Amanda tugged the bottom of Trent’s nişantaşı escort shirt, running her soft, tiny hands up his chiseled torso as each worked towards removing his shirt. Amanda gazed in awe for a moment at the etched rips that constituted Trent’s body, making a mental note of each and every muscle above his waist. Her luscious lips suckled at his neck as his had at hers earlier, and she proceeded to gently kiss his broad chest and marble-sculpted stomach, slowly making her way down his body. Soon she found herself on her knees and slightly above eye level of his belt line. Amanda leaned back slightly, allowing her round bottom to rest on the back of her heels, then smiled and looked longingly up at Trent. She expertly unfastened the buckle of the black belt that wrapped around his jeans, then undid the button and zipper near the top of his pants. She reached around the back of his jeans and slowly removed them as she had his shirt, paying careful attention to embrace his muscled buttocks and the back of his ripped thighs. Trent stepped out of the jeans as they fell to his ankles, and Amanda stared intently at the beast she could see rising in his boxers. With her hands on his waist she quickly slid the underwear down his body and found herself facing eight-inches of semi-aroused maleness. Amanda was pleased at this development, looking forward to getting impaled by the distinguished member.

Tenderly holding his still flaccid cock with her thumb and pointer finger, Amanda adjusted the angle of her head and took a long, slow lick along the underbelly of Trent’s manhood, which instinctively grew slightly more rigid in response. With her lover gently running his fingers through her hair Amanda engulfed his half-hard cock between her thick pink lips, bobbing her head back and forth so that his member slid effortlessly inside her warm, wet mouth. As Trent became fully aroused Amanda would release him from her mouth, using her tongue to navigate the entirety of his rigid maleness. She repeated the move she had originally performed, the long caress on his cock’s underside. Then, in a fluid motion she swirled the tip of her tongue completely around the ridge that connected his hardened shaft to its semi-round tip, mimicking almost perfectly the same movements that Trent had performed on her nipples. The young quarterback now had both hands entangled in Amanda’s blonde-accented locks, nearly massaging her scalp between pleasured groans as she meticulously worked him over with her mouth and tongue. With his cock still jutting outward from his pelvis Amanda took a long stroke along the top of his shaft, moving in towards his body and then back out. This was followed by the fluid circular caress of his manhood’s crown, then another loving lick of the shaft’s sensitive bottom portion. Even though she had sucked a fair share of cocks in her sexual life Amanda was determined not to give head like the high-priced whore she had become-the fact that Trent had delivered her such an earth-shattering climax made that task all the more easy.

Amanda continued to perform amazing acts of satisfaction with her savvy tongue, flicking the tip of Trent’s cock with it followed by a corkscrew motion down his shaft, eventually engulfing him completely for a brief moment. She was sure not to hold it in her mouth for any longer, since she knew that his climax would be infinitely more enjoyable the longer he delayed his final release. Amanda had a nearly exact rhythm established for the hardened cock-the popsicle-esque licks along the underside of the shaft. The circular caress of his dick head. The mirror motion of those popsicle licks, this time along the top side of his shaft. The playful flicks at the pre-cum soaked tip of his manhood, and finally the corkscrew-to-oral embrace of his member. Amanda’s mouth teasingly made love to Trent’s cock, and he expressed his satisfaction vocally.

With her tongue playfully pleasing her lover Amanda felt her loins grow warmer, and once again she could feel the damp magenta lace fabric on her pussy. Whether or not he was ready for her to finish him off was irrelevant by now; Amanda was once again in need of climax and knew she had to fully embrace Trent’s maleness with those luscious pink-painted lips and hope that he’d be able to perform in her pussy. Amanda hungrily smothered the eight-inch rod with her mouth, holding still for a moment as Trent moaned something about her re-defining the term “dick-sucking lips.” Now she was bobbing her head up and down his cock, alternating between a rapid motion and drawn-out savoring of his shaft. Trent could also feel Amanda’s tongue tricks at work even with her mouth stuffed, and seemed almost paralyzed from the pleasure she was delivering.

“Oh yeah, that’s it, I’m right there,” Trent groaned as he shifted his hands to the side of Amanda’s head. “Suck me dry whore.”

Amanda increased her pace one last time, then felt Trent explode inside her mouth. She beşiktaş escort struggled to break free in hopes of not having to swallow his seed, but the young quarterback would have nothing of it as Amanda gulped down stream after stream of his seed. Trent helped Amanda stand to her feet, then reached around her and placed his cusped her tiny round butt in his hands. He felt her nipples harden again as she was pulled into his body, indicating that she was ready for their next interaction.

“I want you to fuck me,” Amanda cooed at Trent, erasing any question in the matter. “I want to feel your big cock in my tight pussy.”

Amanda squatted down on the bed directly behind her, leaning back and spreading her legs slightly. Trent gave her body a quick glance-over, reaching for her visibly dampened panties as his gaze settled over her pelvis. With the help of Amanda’s squirming he quickly removed the lingerie from her petite frame, leaving her completely unprotected to his eyes. The scent of Amanda’s arousal permeated the entire hotel room, and Trent was fixated on her neatly trimmed pussy; he grabbed hold of her slender legs and dragged her towards the edge of the bed. Again Amanda’s heart began to race, as the young quarterback pulled her up towards his loins. Trent expertly navigated his cock into Amanda’s waiting pussy, slowly easing his rigid eight-inches inside her warm, moist body. Amanda let out a slight gasp as she was entered, something she seemed to do instinctively every time she got fucked, and Trent paused for a moment after he had fully immersed himself inside Amanda, feeling her pussy tighten around his hard shaft. He started with slow, rocking thrusts inside her, with Amanda grinding along with him. As her breathing grew heavier Amanda began to gently moan in pleasure, and Trent’s pace increased as he felt himself slip and slide between her legs. He could feel the damp, trimmed hairs around Amanda’s pussy rubbing against his cock, and Trent now alternated between his rapid-fire thrusts and the rocking chair motions he had started with.

“You are so tight,” Trent said whilst ravaging Amanda ‘s sopping pussy. “That pussy’s milking my dick for everything I’ve got.”

The young quarterback pulled out of Amanda momentarily, enabling the two lovers to re-position themselves. Trent lay down on the bed, his hardened maleness protruding upwards, and not long after was straddled by the petite whore, her hungry pussy swallowing his cock as she slowly slid down his rod. Amanda’s sliding quickly gave way to full-on bouncing, while Trent bucked his hips in response to the young woman’s enthusiastic love-making. Amanda threw her head back while working her body closer to another orgasm, screaming out in delight as she rode the throbbing monster inside her pussy.

“OH! OH!! OH!!!” Amanda squealed as she felt Trent’s strong hands cusp her round, tiny butt. She gyrated her hips whilst tightening the walls of her femininity around the phallus inside her, her lover unleashing a loud moan and growing still inside Amanda. “I want you to make me cum.”

Trent watched contently as Amanda lustfully rode his cock, her pussy sheathing him perfectly. Hot. Tight. Wet. Amanda used nearly a full range of motion on his rock-hard member, sliding from his pelvis to just at the crown of its rounded tip, and both of their bodies were visibly slick from sweat and Amanda’s feminine nectar. After several minutes of the tan-skinned beauty working over her lover’s cock Amanda took a pause, to which Trent responded by sliding his hands off her butt and around her waist. In one motion he slid Amanda off his rod and placed her on the bed, then stood up from the bed.

With her back turned towards Trent Amanda turned her head to see what he was doing, struggling to stay propped-up on her trembling knees on the mattress. The young man stepped towards her, wrapping his arms around her slender body and his erection jutting into the tattoo that adorned the small of Amanda’s back. Trent began kissing her neck as he had earlier in the evening, moving his hands up her toned stomach and engulfing her breasts in his hands. Amanda bent her arm so that she could cup Trent’s head as he kissed her neck, and she felt his muscled body come up behind her on the bed. Trent stopped his kisses and gently nudged Amanda on the shoulder, signaling for her to bend at the waist and sit on the bed on all fours. Amanda obliged, and was rewarded by the return of Trent’s hard cock to her pussy. The quarterback began to work inside Amanda’s slit, using firm, moderately-paced thrusts inside the soaking-wet pussy, his semen-filled balls bouncing off her tiny, round bottom. It only took a few seconds for Amanda to start vocalizing her pleasure once again, screaming out what she wanted Trent to do to her.

“Uh! Uh!! Uh!!! Fuck me with that cock!” Amanda screamed whilst her lover ravaged her pussy. “Fuck me ’til I cum!” Trent loved how Amanda felt, how her wet, moist pussy gripped his cock perfectly, how she snuggly hugged his member inside her yet still allowed him to slip around in her warm juices. He slid his hands down from the young woman’s pert breasts until they rested on her tiny waist, and he continued to masterfully penetrate Amanda , working towards the moment he would expel his seed deep inside her.

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Cindy’s Night Out

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Work for the last few months had been tough on both of us. We were going through the motions of day to day living, seemingly consumed by our daily ritual. We needed some excitement as a break from the mundane life of work and household. It was time to stretch our horizons. I decided that a special night out could spice up life for us, including life in the bedroom.

Step 1 was to plan an evening out. Maybe a night on the town would loosen Cindy up and allow us to live on the edge long enough to forget about work, bills, family situations, and all of the other mundane priorities that weigh you down?

I reached out to some friends of ours to see if they would join us. Mike and Marilyn were good friends who I could depend on to bring some excitement to the party. We made plans to go to one of the trendy hot spots in town.

Step 2 was to add some excitement for Cindy. Cindy still has a hot body, but was never the one to dress to risque, or show off just to be the center of attention. But, she also enjoyed having a good time when the situation presented itself. It was time to make sure it did.

It was a friend of a friend of a friend sort of deal that brought me to Tito. I was told he was a massage therapist, but I was pretty sure he was a male dancer. Either way, he would work for my plan.

It was a simple plan. Give Cindy some much needed attention. The plan was to have a fun evening with friends and then head home for a night of romance. Tito was a tool to make that happen. I was certain that some male attention during the evening would not only help her relax, but free up some inhibitions and the effects of a stressful few months. It would all be innocent enough, right?

We met our friends at the bar around eight and ordered the first round of drinks and some food. The first round went down too quick, so we ordered a second round. Cindy was dressed in one of her favorite blouses and a mid-thigh skirt that was tight on her ass. When she walked across the room, more than a few men took notice. That is when I got the text from Tito.

I politely excused myself and wandered to the corner of the bar, just out of sight of our table. That is where I met Tito. He was every bit of the tall, dark and handsome type with a bronze tan, dark hair, and a body that could win a contest. Oh boy.

I explained what I wanted. Nothing more than some attention for Cindy to make her feel special. That was worth $50 now and $50 on our way out the door, and I would buy him a drink. We agreed and devised a quick plan for the chance encounter.

The night continued with another round of drinks, some more appetizers, and a shot of tequila. Cindy was sitting close to me, our thighs rubbing occasionally, generating some electricity between us. I was growing more horny by the minute, to the point where I wanted to abandon the plan. Cindy continued talking with Marilyn. Over walks Tito.

“Hey Tito, how have you been?” I greeted him as if I had not seen him in months. I introduced him to the group as an old work acquaintance from a job-site. He exchanged pleasantries with Mike and Marilyn, and then took Cindy’s hand with a special touch of admiration.

“Is this your lovely wife that you told me about?” he asked through his latino accent.

“Yes, this is Cindy.” I replied.

He looked deep into Cindy’s eyes and I could see her gaze back at him. She looked him in the eye and then drifted down to check out the rest of him. We started chatting among the five of us for a few minutes.

I ordered another round of drinks, this time including one for Tito. By now the band was playing and people were on the dance floor. I am not much of the dancing type. Tito gave me the look and I responded with a very subtle nod of approval. The next song was perfect and he asked Cindy if she danced.

She politely declined, but I nudged her.

“Go ahead, you love to dance. Have a little fun!”

With that she and Tito hit the dance floor for what turned out to be two songs. The band took a break and Tito led her by the hand back to the table. Perfect.

We continued our drinks with some more small talk, a lot of laughing and I could tell we were all having a good time, including Cindy. She looked stunning and Tito was turning on his flirtatious side. Every once in a while Tito would brush against her, and she would brush against him. There was a certain excitement in her face and I knew she was enjoying the drinks, as well as, the attention.

The music fired up again and Tito led Cindy back to the dance floor. Marilyn joined them and the three of them were grooving to the beat like school girls. Tito was enjoying the attention while Mike and I enjoyed the show. It was then that I noticed that Marilyn had excused herself to the ladies’ room. Tito and Cindy stayed on the floor.

I knew Cindy was having a good time, so the plan was working perfectly. I figured another round of drinks and then time to exit. That is when I saw things heat up. I noticed Cindy was dancing with şişli escort her back to Tito. He was dancing with his body pressed against her, his arms wrapped around her midsection pulling her in tighter. They were moving as one with the beat. Cindy’s smile told me she was having fun. Tito’s hands told me there was more to come.

He slowly worked his hands up ever so slightly toward her chest. I noticed his thumbs were now working the underside of her tits as they continued to dance. Cindy’s eyes were closed, no doubt wondering what she should do. Does she stop this guy in his tracks, or is it innocent enough to let it go? The problem is that it felt so good, him gently caressing the underside of her tits through her blouse and bra. My eyes were glued to them. Was I jealous or excited? Or both?

They were lost in the song as they slowly turned away from me. I could not see what was going on, but I am sure Tito was pushing the envelope. As the music continued, they eventually rotated back into view. Tito was playing with Cindy, while she had her hands slightly behind her gripping his thighs swaying to the beat. It made my cock throb. By then Marilyn was back and I think Mike was pretending not to notice what was transpiring on the dance floor.

When Tito and Cindy got back to the table, Cindy excused herself to go to the ladies room. Marilyn joiner her for some girl talk. As Tito took a swig of his drink, I gave him a quick wink as if to say “nice, maybe one more dance and I will pay you the rest before you leave.” I am not sure Tito understood.

When Cindy and Marilyn came back from the ladies room, I noticed that something was different. It took me a minute to figure it out. Cindy had removed her bra and shoved it in her purse, and unbuttoned her blouse to show a little more cleavage. Wow. My cock throbbed again. As she sat down next to me I kissed her. She kissed me back as she said “this is so much fun, I am glad we did this tonight!”

She barely took 2 big sips from her drink before another great song came on. Tito grabbed Cindy and Marilyn and they headed back to the dance floor. Mike and I continued drinking while I stared at my wife’s tits bouncing under her blouse. By about the third song, I was starting to wonder, and I am sure Mike was too.

I could see Cindy and Tito dancing together. Her back to his stomach again grinding their way across the dance floor. His hands wrapped around her waist, this time with his thumbs brushing her tits. Her nipples poked through her blouse hard as a rock. I watched as his hands gently cupped her tits. Her head thrust back with the emotion of the moment, knowing she was crossing a line but unable to stop. Her mind was rambling. I am sure his cock was rock hard grinding into her ass. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom.

Cindy opened her eyes and caught a glimpse of me heading to the men’s room. I winked at her to say “it’s okay” giving her the ability to lose her guilt. Hopefully I did not go too far I thought to myself secretly wishing I was in Tito’s place right now.

As I came out of the men’s room, there was a slow song playing. Cindy was now facing Tito s they danced hand in hand. As the song finished, I saw her reach down and pull her hand across his cock. My dick throbbed again knowing she was now quite horny. Time to go.

We finished our drinks, and I slipped the final $50 to Tito expecting him to politely leave.

“Let’s have a night cap at our house” Cindy announced.

Mike and Marilyn were having fun, and our house happened to be on the way home. My first thought was “NO”, but Cindy was having none of that. They politely declined, but that was not an option. Tito did not know what to do, although I am pretty sure “no” was not his answer. He stood silently while Cindy persuaded everyone that one last drink would be fun.

When we got home, Cindy kissed me hard, and then grabbed my cock as if to say “one more drink and then let’s have some fun”.

When the doorbell rang, it was Mike, Marilyn, and there was Tito. I guess he followed them. We sat in the kitchen sharing stories. Less than an hour later, Mike and Marilyn decided to call it a night. I was certain Tito was leaving too, but Cindy had other thoughts.

“Tito, please stay for one more drink. Marilyn and I had great fun tonight and it is too early for you to leave”. He agreed as we all said goodbye to Mike and Marilyn.

I had to use the bathroom which left Cindy and Tito alone in the kitchen. I was so freaking horny I could hardly contain myself. I stood in the bathroom wondering what I had done, but excited about what might happen. Any jealousy had turned to anticipation and excitement. I was rock hard stroking myself in front of the mirror thinking about making love to Cindy.

I tiptoed across the hallway only to see them in the kitchen. Cindy was rubbing Tito’s cock through his pants, her blouse open yet another button. As I walked in, she turned to me. Flush, she met me as I walked taksim escort toward them. She tried to play innocent as she kissed me deeply.

“What a fun evening this has been!”

“Was this the end?” I thought to myself, thinking maybe that Tito would be leaving and we would go fuck our brains out. Not quite.

“Drink up” Cindy said, tipping her glass high to get to the last drop. With that, she grabbed both of us by the hand and led us out of the kitchen. She led us to the couch in the living room. I sat on her left. Tito was on her right.

She leaned over and kissed me, turning her back to Tito. As we embraced, my hand went instantly to her tits to show her how excited I was. I was still thinking this might be the time to get rid of Tito. She had other plans.

She looked me deep in the eyes and said “tonight was awesome and I could not have a better husband!”

We kissed again, deeply, tongues intertwined for what seemed like minutes. I was playing with her tits through her blouse, her nipples clearly excited again. What I did not realize is that Tito was enjoying himself too. Her back was too him as we sat on the couch making out. But he decided to join in.

As Cindy kissed me, he was rubbing her thigh, his hands working their way inside of her skirt. While Cindy was kissing me, she was slowly opening her legs daring Tito to push further. She was wet, her pussy soaking with anticipation.

As we finished our kiss, I glanced down. Tito pulled his hand away. Cindy leaned over to him and kissed him, putting her hand on his thigh. With her left hand, she grabbed my hand and pulled it to her leg. While she kissed Tito, I rubbed her thigh much as Tito had. I pushed my hand to the top of her thigh. That is when I discovered how wet her pussy was.

She paused. She gave me a quick glance and a wink. Then she started to kiss Tito again.

I let my fingers explore her pussy. She spread her legs even more. My thumb slowly moved her panties to the side and I slid a finger between her wet pussy lips. She moaned just enough to let me know she was ready.

She stood up and said “this couch won’t work” and then took me by the hand. She did not say another word but led me upstairs to the bedroom. Tito followed. We stood by the bed and Cindy turned to me and unzipped my pants. My dick sprung to life while I removed her blouse. Her skirt dropped to the floor and she pulled off her panties as we kissed in a passionate embrace. Naked, we moved to the bed. Tito was now naked as well standing at the other side of the bed. His dick was huge. We both paused to gawk at his eight inch cock. Cindy gasped ever so slightly.

Cindy climbed on top of me, kissing me passionately as if the night could never end. Tito was not sure what to do. Cindy whispered in my ear “I love you, hold on.” She motioned for Tito to lay next to me.

With that, she spun around and shoved her pussy in my face. She loved 69 and having her pussy licked. I enjoyed making her feel good. Her pussy was sopping wet and tasted great as my tongue split her lips.

I too loved 69 because Cindy knew how to suck my cock. She was magnificent at oral sex, and my cock longed for her tongue. I waited, but there was no sensation of her lips on the head of my cock.

I devoured her pussy shoving my tongue deep inside her, flicking her clit, and making her squirm. I soon realized that her lips were latched onto Tito’s massive cock. Cindy straddled my face, but she was sucking his cock taking it deeply. The next ten minutes were heaven.

With every stroke of her tongue on Tito’s cock, she got more excited. She ground her crotch into my face as I licked deeply into her pussy. She pushed harder. She moaned louder. She wanted more.

She grabbed my cock and started stroking me. The idea of playing with two cocks at once was pushing her to new heights. She could feel me throbbing. She paused from Tito just long enough to deep throat my rock hard dick as if to say “go ahead and cum.”

That sent me over the edge and I had my first orgasm. Cindy swallowed every drop. I don’t know how because I felt like a came for a full minute. Cindy never missed a beat and quickly moved her attention back to Tito. He moaned as her soft supple mouth embraced the head of his dick again. He was enjoying her talents, running his fingers through her hair while I still slurped at her pussy.

My cock was spent, so I could totally focus on her pleasure. She was thrusting her hips on my face, begging for me to tongue her deeply. With her mouth wrapped on Tito’s cock, all she could utter was “ummmmm!’ to tell me how good this felt.

Her breathing grew shallow and I could feel her muscles contract. She tensed up, squeezed, and then screamed “oh fuck yes!”

With that, a trembling orgasm rolled through her body as she came in my mouth. Her pussy pulled my tongue deep inside of her while her juices spewed onto my face. For the next minute her hips bucked as I flicked mecidiyeköy escort my tongue across her clit. It was exhilarating, but she clearly wanted more. While relieved with a huge orgasm, her pussy wanted another.

She spun around again, still on top of me but now facing me. She placed her hands above my head and kissed me deeply, tasting her own juices that were covering my face. She looked up at me “I love you so much!”

Tito was still laying on the bed with a huge erection. Cindy slowly slid down my body, kissing me along the way. She stopped to kiss my nipples (I loved that). Then my stomach. And finally her lips found my limp cock. It would not be limp for long.

As she slid down my body, she slowly pulled herself up onto her knees, showing Tito her amazing ass. With her ass now up in the air and her gaping pussy exposed, Tito shoved his cock in her pussy from behind. “Oh God!’

She was kissing my cock, licking from my balls to the tip of the shaft making it hard again. Tito was pushing his cock inside her burning pussy. “Oh yes!” she exclaimed.

She paused while he fully mounted her. Her eyes rolled back in her head with the excitement from his large cock. It took no time for them to find a rhythm where he was pounding her to a new level of pleasure.

By now my dick was rock hard again, and she had it full into her mouth. She wanted to please me, but it was obvious she could not concentrate. Tito’s large cock filled her in ways that I never could.

“Deeper” she begged as his rhythm increased. “Fuck me!”

As much as she wanted to focus on my cock, the feeling was overwhelming. He was a total stud pounding her harder, faster, and deeper. I could not blame her for ignoring my cock because I could see how crazy he was making her feel.

She came again collapsing onto me as Tito fucked her hard. He came at the same time, spewing his love juice deep inside of her hot pussy. She collapsed pausing to collect herself. I squeezed her tight, seemingly to remind her that she is my wife.

As she drifted back to reality, my cock was rock hard pressed between us. She sucked me deep into her mouth to get my dick good and moist. Then she sat up. She spun around and straddled me, her back to me. She inched her way down onto my cock. She thrust gently a few times taking my cock deep inside her pussy. I was covered with her juices and Tito’s cum. She pulled off.

Before I could consider what was next, she lowered herself onto me again. This time it felt different. She went slower. I realized I was not in her pussy, but in her ass. Cindy was never a huge fan of anal sex, but this time was different. I could feel her tense up as I went deeper inside her. She was very gentle as she tried to relax. In, then out. In, then out. She was working my cock inside of her tight little asshole.

By now Tito was hard again and ready to join the party. He was playing with her tits and her rock hard nipples. Cindy was loving the attention of two men. That is when she leaned back.

I could feel Tito’s fingers on Cindy’s pussy. He brushed across my cock which was still buried in her ass. She leaned back more, seemingly giving him full access. Then she lay down on me. She moaned with my dick inside her. I thrust a few times which made her feel good. She reached down and grabbed my hips, seemingly trying to hold on.

Tito climbed on top and slowly worked his big dick into her pussy. Cindy was losing her mind. I could feel his cock slipping in and out of her wet cunt. Nothing had ever felt like this.

I cupped her tits squeezing her nipples. My dick was deep inside her. I tried to thrust, but with Cindy pressing me into the bed it was pointless. Tito was another story.

Tito straddled both of us and was enjoying every inch of Cindy. She moaned with every thrust of his cock. His dick stretched her pussy, and with me in her ass she was lost with the feeling of being ravished by two dicks. She could feel every inch of Tito slamming inside her, jammed against my cock deep in her ass. He was relentless, pushing harder, and deeper, and faster. He would pull almost all of the way out, and them slam his dick deep inside of her. She begged him not to stop. She begged him for more.

I squeezed harder on her nipples pulling her tits to the side. It was electric and I knew we were driving her crazy. She was in another world.

“Oh god yes!”

“Please don’t stop!”

“Harder! Oh yes, that’s it!”

And then she tensed, her entire body embracing the moment as if time had stopped. It was the most intense orgasm she has ever had. She could not move. She could barely breathe. She lay still locked in a series of convulsions for about 30 seconds. I froze. Tito froze with his dick buried as deep as it could go. We let her enjoy the moment totally. And then she came to life.

“Oh god! Oh god! Oh god please don’t stop!”

Tito continued for the next five minutes pounding her pussy quickening his pace until he came deep inside her again. I could feel every throb of his cock as he shot another load into her. She screamed as he filled her with hot latino semen. Her fingernails dug into the side of my body. Before he pulled out, I came too. I shot my load deep into her ass. Cindy shook with another aftershock orgasm. We all collapsed spent.

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