Amcamın Kızının Amı Karpuz Gibi

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Slm benim adım berk. Anlatacağım olay bir hafta önce başımdan geçti bende hemen yazayım dedim. Olay amcam kızı ile benim aramda geçti. Amcam kızı 18 yaşında 1.65 boylarında tam bir lolita.Bende 18 yaşında 1.75 boyunda sportik vücudu olan biriyim. fazla yakışıklı sayılmam.Neyse meseleye geçeyim…Amcam kızı bir doktor`un yanında sekreter olarak çalışıyor. Benim sürekli takıldığım internet cafenin hemen yan tarafında. Bir gün elektrikler gidince bende dur bunu bir ziyaret edeyim dedim. Gittiğimde o da ne karşımda tam bir afet, askılı bir tişört,dar bir kot pantolon.. Normalde bizim yanımızda öyle giyinmez babam ve amcalarım çok ılımlı ama onlar bizden baya uzakta oturdukları için babasıda fazla takmadığı için böylr giyinmiş. Neyse yanına gittim kucağıma bir atıldı yanaklardan bir öpüyor benkafayı yedim. Oturduk konuşmaya başladık bana nerden geliyorsun dedi bende internetten dedim. Bana sen oralarda kötü sitelere girmiyorsun değil mi diye sordu bende ara sıra dedim. Bana vay terbiyesiz utanmadan söylüyor birde dedi bende ne utanacağım yalan mı söylüyeyim dedim. Neyse kalktım tekrar internete geldim bahis sitelerine bakıyorum baktım yanıma geldi oturdu. biraz konuştuktan sonra bana o girdiğin kötü izmir escort sitelere girde bizde görelim dedi. Hemen anladım orospunun niyetini. Bende hemen girdim açtım bu siteyi bu ne dedi bende millet sex hayatını burada anlatıyor dedim. açtım ensest hikayeleri buna bir kaç tane amca kızını siken meseleeleri okuttum. Maksadım bunu sikmek. Baktım okudukça ağzı açılıyor bende yapıştırdım lafı bak millet ne yapıyor biz ne yapıyoruz dedim o da saçmalama bu hikayeler hepsi yalan dedi bende biz yapalımda gerçeğini yazalım dedim. Yüzüme garip garip bakıyordu. Ben elimi amının üzerine attım ve nedersin dedim. Elimi amının üstünden çekti ve senle cafede biraz konuşalım dedi. Cafeye gittik (Ha bu arada ben öğrenci evinde kalıyorum) oturduk konuşuyoruz ben bunu ikna etmeye çalışıyorum. En sonda ikna oldu. Ben arkadaşlara telefon ettim ve gelmeyin dedim oda eve telefon etti arkadaşında kalacağını söyledi. Eve girdik girer girmez ben bunun dudaklarına yapıştım bu da karşılık verdi birbirimizi resmen emiyorduk. Elimi bunun kalçalarına attım kendime doğru bastırmaya başladım. Sonra bir elimle bunun kotunun düğmelerini açmaya başladım o da benim kotumun dümelerini açıyor yavaş yavaş çırılçıplak kaldık. Tabi ki izmir escort bayan benim ufaklık dimdik buna ağzına almasını söyledim o da bana 69 pozisyonuna geçelim dedi meğer orospu internetten önceden porno sitelerine çok girmiş. 69 pozisyonuna geçtik ben bunun amının derinliklerine kadar dilimi sokuyorum bir parmağımıda göt deliğine tabiki. O da benim ufaklığı öyle bir emiyorki koparacak zannetim ben daha fazla dayanamayıp bunun ağzına boşaldım. Ben yutacak zannetim ama o hepsini tükürdü meğer ilk defa ağzına alıyormuş. Buda benden 5 dakika sonra boşaldı. biraz öpüştükten sonra ben sikimi bunun amına doğru itirdim bu kendisini kanepenin üzerine yatırarak bacaklarını açtı ben bakireliğini bozmak istemediğimi söyledim o da bana amcamın yani babasının benden önce onu siktiğini açıkladı. Vay orospu dedim içimden sonra dayadım sikimi amına amı daracıktı belli ki amcam sadece bir kez geçirmiş bu orospuya ben itirdikçe bu inliyor sikim ıslak olduğu için yüklendiğimiçin hepsi birden girdi amı karpuz gibi açılmıştı bir çığlık bastı bütün apartman başımıza toplanacak zannetim. Neyse ben hızlı hızlı gidip gelmeye başladım. Boşalacağımı anladığım zaman sikimi dışarı çıkardım ve yüzüne fışkıttım. Ama escort izmir o bana tekrar sok bende boşalmak istiyorum dedi bende inmek üzere olan sikimi bunun amına dayadım. Ama küçüldüğü için zevk alamıyordu sikimi elime aldım bunun ağzına verdim biraz ağzında gidip geldikten sonra sikim tekrar kalktı ve dayadım bunun amına biraz gidip geldikten sonra buda kasıla kasıla boşaldı. Ben şahlandım afedermiyim hiç dön arkanı dedim döndü domal ldedim beni götten mi sikeceksin dedi evet dedim. sikimi götüne dayadım o kadar dardıki sikimin başı bile girmedi. Gittim benim jöleyi aldım kendi sikime ve onun götüne sürdüm bir elimle kendi sikimi kaldırıyorum diğer elimle onun göt deliğini parmaklıyorum. Tam kıvamına geldiği zaman sikimi dayadım bunun göt deliğine. Başını zar zor soktum bir çığlık bastı bense ona fantazi yeni başlıyor dedim gerçi benim sikimin ucuda çok ağrıyordu çünkü bu üçüncü boşaltışım olacaktı. Ben git gel git gel yavaş yavaş götüne sikimin hepsini soktum o ise çıkar çok acıyo diye inliyordu. Biraz gitgelden sonra oda alıştı. Çok zevk alıyordum. Boşaldıktan sonra yanına oturdum öpüşmeye başladık üstümüz başımız batmıştı beraber banyo yaptık banyoda da o da bende birer posta boşaldık artık hal kalmamıştı. İki kişilik bir yatak hazırladım beraber yattık sabaha kadar öpüştük. sabah birkaç saat uyuyup kalktık o işe gitti giderken bana teşekkür etmeyide unutmadı. Ve bana söz verdi fırsat buldukça beni çağıracağına dairGönderen: blackface

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Amca Kızının Sonu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


SLM ben 21 yasında yapılı ve yakışıklı biriyim. olay 2 yıl Önce başladı, bırgun evde arkadaşlarla toplandık ve sex muhabbetı açıldı bende başladım anlatmaya tam o arada, amcamın kızı içeri geldı ve tum arkadaşlarımın gözü ona takıldı benım de halıyle o an aklıma koydum onu sikecem diye birgün evde yannızdım bizimkınler dışarıdadı bende canım sıkıldı porno izliyodum çok samimi oldugumuz istanbul anal escort için kapıçalmadıye bir adetı yoktu hemen daaldı içeri bende artık azgınlıktan patlamak üzereydim yaragımı çıkarmıştım ve amca kızı yarragımı gördu sen ne yapıyosun dedı bende gel sana da ögreteyım dedım hadı be saçmalama dedı kaçmaya çalıştı ama ben izin vermedım aglamaya başladı bahçelievler escort ama sonra altıma katladım .ve onun o güzel gögüslerini yalamaya başladım, aglaması kesıldı artık oda istiyodu bende yaragımı verdım agzına delıler gibi emiyodu delircektım zevkten.öyle bir içine çekıyodukı kopartacakmış gıbı. sonra bende onun ooooo yalamaya doyamadıgım o güzel istanbul tesettürlü escort amını yalamaya başladım artık altımda çıldırıyodu. bende 20 santımlık yarragımı onun o daha önce yarak yememiş amına girdiginde çıkan ses hala kulaklarımda daha içine kakıtmamla kanın boşalması bir oldu artık delılergıbı bagırıyodu zevten çıkan seslerı süperdı obağardı ben daha hızlı vurdum o bağardı ben daha hızlı vurdu…bır sure sonra sonra içine boşaldım ama durmak yoktu hemen yapıştı yarrağıma yine emıyodu ve yıne kaldırdı artık çıldırmıştık ıkımızde delılergıbı sikisiyoduk denemedıgım pozisyon kalmamıştı ensonra baktıgımımda heryerı delık desık olmuş kan içinde her tarafı bunu sık sık tekrarlayalım dıyodu.Gönderen: efe

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Teyzemin Kızı Arzu Şehvet Ve Sex

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Merbaba, ben 25 yaşındayım ve yaşadığım olay hayatımın en güzel anlarından birisiydi. 27 yaşında güzel mi güzel bombamı bomba, afet bir teyzemin kızı var. Beni deli ediyordu. 1,70 boyunda, göğüsleri dimdik, kalçaları bir içim su… Onu elde etmeyi hep istedim, hatta bir çok kızı siktim ama hep onu hayal ettim. Bir gün teyzelerime gittim. Kapıyı teyzemin kızı, benim düşlerimin sex bombası açtı. Üzerinde mini bir şort ve askılı bir t-shırt vardı. Beni öperek karşıladı ve de sarıldı. Büyük göğüsleri beni çıldırttı, sütyenini giymemişti. Hepsi açıktaydı. İçeri girdiğim de teyzelerimin evde olmadığını ve bu gece gelmeyeceklerini söyledi. “çok üzüldüm” desemde çok sevindim. işte aradığım fırsat. Neyse bol bol sohbet ettik, gülüdük, şakalaştık. gece 1 olmuştu istanbul anal escort ve ben içecek bir şey daha istedim, o da bana “bira içermisin” dedi, ben de “neden olmasın” dedim. biraları içtikten sonra kafası epey hoş oldu, sallana sallana mutfağa gitti. ben de arkasından gittim. Arkasına geçtim ve gözlerini kapattım, tabi ki bu arada bilerek ona sımsıkı sarıldım. sikimi götüne bir sürtüyordum, boşalacak gibi oldum. O da gülerek kurtulmaya çalışırken yiyce götünü bana sürtüyordu. Sonra birden bana dönüp dudaklarıma yapıştım. oofffffff… Harikaydı. Bende dudaklarına yapıştım, onu her yerinden öpmeye başladım, bu arada elimi şortunun içine geçirmiştim ve ammını okşamaya başladım, o da inliyor, beni seviyor, okşuyor, elini sikime götürdü. bahçelievler escort OOOFFFF… Onu soymaya başladım, o da beni. Hiç konuşmuyorduk, ortamda sadece onun zevk iniltileri. Onu mutfakta yere yatırdım, arkanı dön dedim ve de sikimi arkasından amına koymaya başladım. ooooohhhhhhhh…… sesleri ortalığı kapladı. Birden ters dönüp benim üstüme geldi, amını sikime sürüyordu, ben de onun göğüslerini sıkıyor, ısırıyor, öpüyor ve de emiyordum… Dakikalarca üsütmde zıpladı, sonra 69 pozisyonunda dakikaları geçirdik, harikaydı, inanamıyordum. Çılgınlar gibi sex yapıp, seviştikten sonra patlayacak gibi olan sikimi ağzına aldı, resmen beni yiyordu, diliyle okşuyor, dişleriyle küçük ısırıcıklar atıyordu. Offffffffffff…. diye bağırasım geliyordu… istanbul tesettürlü escort Sonra ben onun amını dilimle okşamaya başladım ve dilimi içine kadar sokuyordum, ammının suyunu içtim. Oysa çıldıracak gibiydi. Ammını yalarken ellerim göğüslerindeydi, onu okşuyor, sıkıyor ve doyasıya sikiyordum… Artık dayanamacak gibiydim ve onu altıma aldım ve sert bir şekilde amınıa girdim, öyle bir çığlık attı ki… Harikaydı, hızlandıkça hızlandım ve içine öyle bir boşaldım ki, elim ayağım titriyordu, o ise yüzünde ki mutluluk gülücükleriyle, ohhhhhhhhh, oofffff kelimelriyle uçuyordu… O da o an orgazm oldu ve ikimiz çıldıracak gibiydik… İkimizde boşalırken sevişmeye başladık, onun dudaklarını, göğüslerini parçalarcasına öptüm, okşadım…sonra dşa girdik ve orda da onu dakikalarca siktim, her pozisyonu denedim….Duştan çıktıktan sonra birbirimize sarılıp yattık, ve sabah tekrar siktim onu… sonra teyzelerim geldi… onlarla güzel bir kahvaltı yaptık ve ben akşam üstü evime geldim. Ve o geceden sonra teyzemin kızını yani sevgilimi hafta da 3-4 gün sikmeye başladım… Gönderen: [email protected]

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Abimin Koca Yarrağı

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben hatice(bu tabiki takma adım)16 yaşındayım bu olay 3 yıl önce oldu.hemen konuya girmek istiyorum. abime oldum olası ilgi duymuşumdur.fakat bi türlü ona söyleyemiyordum.ama canıma tak etmişti,kendimi ona siktirecektim. onu her gördüğm yerde onunal şakalaşıyordum yanlız kaldığımız zamanlarda el şakaları yapıp kaçıyordum.tabi oda beni kovalıyor du yakaladığı zamanda kızım bak rahat dur sonra kötü olur diyordu.tabi dinleyen kim ben devam ediyordum.bir gün yine aynı şekilde ona vurup kaçtım,peşimden geldi beni yakalad,ve esenyurt escort dizinin üstüne yatırıp kıçımı tokatlamaya başladı.kısa bir süre sonra siki kalkmıştı ve memelerime değiyordu. demekki onunda hoşuna gitmişti.sonra beini doğrultup kaşınma dedi ve bıraktı.ne olduysa bundan sonra başladı.beni her gördügü yerde bana sarkıntılık yapıyordu.buda benim çok hoşuma gittiği için sesimi çıkarmıyordum.gün geçtikçe daha fazla cesaret alıyordu.bir gün herkes evdeyken mutfakta çay yapıyordum abim yanıma kadıköy escort geldi ve kusura bakma dayanamıyorum dedi ve bana saldırmaya başladı başta korktum ama sonra zaten istediğim buydu nedn karşı geleyim dedim ve kendimi ona bıraktım bi güzel öptü okşadı ve aşağıya eğilip amını öpeyimmi diye sordu tamam dedim ve amımı yalayıp somurmaya başladı sonra pantolonu daha üzerindeydi.sikini işaret edip bunu amına sokayımmı dedibende sok dedim.yüzünü dönüp sikini çıkardı tükürükledi ve eliyle gizlemeye çalışıyordubana avcılar escort yaklaştı eteğimi kaldırdım sikini amıma sürttü ve kafasını içime soktu. ama sadeçe kafası girmesine rağmen amım balon gibi olmuştu çünkü yarrağı çok büyüktü.oda farketmiştibeni zorlamak istemedi.sikini çıokarıp arkana sokayımmı dedievet dedim ve arkama sokmaya çalıştı ,ama sokmuyordusikini yine tükürükleyip götümün arasında sürtmeye başladıyaklaşık 5 dakika sonra bayağı hızlanmıştı birden götümde öyle büyük bi acı hissettimki sanki ağaçsoktular bana.birden bağırarak kaçtım sonraki gün abim istemaden oldu zevke gelince sikim sana girdi hem ne olacakki eninde sonunda o yarrağı birinden yiyeceksin dedi. bugece yarım kalan işi tamamlayacağımızı söyledi bende bende tamam dedim devamı bi daha ki hikayeme byeGönderen: mahmut

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Yegemle Dayım Uyurken

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam ben 26 yaşında bir gencim ve bu sitede yayınlananlar gerçekmi değilmi bilmiyorum ama bende başımdan geçen bir maceramı yazmak istedim.Bu olay dha yeni başımdan geçti.Bir hafta önce dayımlardaydım ve akşam eve dönecektim ama içkiyi biraz fazla kaçırdığımdan dolayı eve gitmemi istemediler ve orada kaldım.Akşam herkes yattı bende kuzenimin odasında yattım. Kuzenimde salonda. Bi ara tuvalete kalktım ama tuvalette dayım vardı odaya dönecektimki dayımların odasının önünden geçerken gözüm içeriye takıldı. Yengem üstündeki pikeyi sıcaktan olsa gerek atmış ve geceliği kalçalarına kadar sıyrılmıştı. Yengem 50 yaşında olamasına rağmen hala çok alımlı bir bayandır. Nasıl cesaret ettim bilemiyorum ama yanına kadar gittim ve bacaklarını okşamaya başladım biraz sonra yengem irkildi ve göz göze geldik. Çok utanmıştım çünkü beni çok severlerdi ve ellerine doğmuştum. esenyurt escort Hemen kalkıp odama gittim. Aradan bir saat kadar geçmedi yengem odama geldi ve beni uyunanık görünce seninle konuşmamız lazım dedi. Çok utanıyordum.Bana nasıl böyle bir şey yaptığımı sordu bende bilmediğimi ama o anda onu çok istediğimi söyledim güldü ve bunu kimseye söylemeyeceğini ve bir daha böyle birşey yapmamamı söyledi. Tam yataktan kalkıp odasına gidecektiki kolundan tutup kendime çektim ve onu öpmeye başladım. Direniyordu ama kimse duymasın diye fazla seste çıkaramıyordu. Kulağına fısıldıyarak ona yalvardım ne olur gitme diye ona söz verdim bu ilk ve son olacak dedim. Biliyordum dayım ona kadınlığını fazla hissettirememişti. Hiçbirşey söylemedi ve kendisini benim kollarıma bıraktı. Onu yatağa yatırdım ve geceliğini üstten çıkartmadan göbeğine kadar indirdim kadıköy escort ve içinde sütyen yoktu. Yaşından dolayı biraz sarkmış göğüslerini öpmeye yalamaya başladım oda elleri ile kafamı okşuyordu. Bacaklarını ayırıp geceliğinin altından külodunu çıkarttım. Yengemin külotları ile bu yaşıma kadar çok 31 çekmiştim. Külodunu kokladım hala aynı kokuyordu ama bu sefer yengem altımdaydı ve beni bekliyordu. Yavaş yavaş içene girmeye başladım Allahım çok sıcaktı ve senelerdir sex yapmış olsa gerek hemen zevk suları gelmeye başlamıştı. Yavaş yavaş git gel yapıyordum ve her seferinde hızımı arttırıyordum. Oda bana ayak uydurur şekilde altımda kalçalarını ileriye geriye haraket ettiriyordu ve fısıldıyarak allahım bitmesin diyordu. Beni iyice tahrik etmişti yengemin durumu çok zevk alıyordu. Bir ara nerdeyse zevkten bağıracaktı ama sessiz olmalıydık avcılar escort nede olsa bir odada dayım salondada kuzenim uyordu onun için sadece ufak iniltiler çıkarabiliyorduk. Çok geçmeden hem ben hemde o boşalmıştık. Menilerim yengemin kasıklarından aşağı doğru akıyordu. İkimizde ter içinde kalmıştık. Yengem yataktan kalkarak üstünü toparladı ve bana ona tekrar kadınlığını hissettirdiğim için ona tekrar kadınmış gibi davrandığım için teşekkür etti. Odadan çıkarken benim ona ilk ve son dememe karşın bu son olmamalı dedi ve sabah ev boşaldığı zaman gelmemi rica etti. Allahım kendime inanamıyordum Dayımların evinde hemde dayım uyurken Yengemi sikmiştim ve daha sonrası içinde bana kendisi teklif etmişti. Bu yaşadıklarım sanki rüya gibiydi taa ki ertesi gün olana kadar. Evden hem dayım hende kuzenimin çıkmasından sonra geri gittim Yengem beni bekliyordu ve üzerinde hala akşamki geceliği vardı. O gecelik ona çok yakışıyor ve seksi gösteriyor. Dışarıda o kadar genç kız varken ben 50 yaşında bir kadının hemde yengemin müptelası oldum. Artık bu olay nereye kadar gider bilmiyorum ama şu anda onunla olamak bana mütiş zevk veriyor.Gönderen: Yok

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Female Sexual Response: Subject 334

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


This is Part Two of this series. If you haven’t already, please read Part One “Female Sexual Response: Subject 326” first. This is written from the perspective of another girl in the story, Subject 334.


I was mad at my roommate Kinsey. But then I wasn’t. I was so confused. I don’t know how I let her talk me into doing this. She was the one who saw the notice first. She didn’t want to do it by herself, she was too chicken. And I find it hard to believe that I agreed to do it for something as stupid as vacuuming. She said she would vacuum our dorm room for the entire month if I went with her. Vacuuming! How could I be so stupid?

It seemed like an easy $500, but nothing was worth that. The humiliation, the shame, the embarrassment, the pleasure. The intense, overwhelming pleasure. But for some reason, I didn’t drop out of the study. For some unknown reason, I decided to wear the home monitoring device for the second week. I had been forced into having orgasm after orgasm in front of complete strangers, I had let a woman fondle and then suck my nipples, I had been teased and tormented until I cried, and yet I still continued the study. I had it figured out by now. As long as I only wore the device when I knew Kinsey was in class or at work, I could bear it. I could bear the frustration of not being allowed to orgasm because I knew at the end of the week, I would get to experience it again. They would hook me up to that thing and I would be experiencing nirvana in its purest form. I was good at blocking things out, and as I lay there, naked and exposed, I could block out the doctors and the nurses as they watched me orgasm again and again until I was begging for them to stop.

But I was still mad at Kinsey because she always wore her device when I was there. She forced me to listen to her while she moaned and cursed, instructing it where to lick and kiss and suck, as if it could hear her. I would always leave, sometimes for hours but when I came back, she would still be wearing it. By then she wouldn’t even notice me in the room. I would put on my headphones and try to ignore her. But I couldn’t ignore the smell. Her smell. She was a true exhibitionist, I found out. She was the only one who walked around the showers naked. She even brushed her teeth naked. We’ve had full political discussions while she was naked as I tried to keep my gaze above the neck. She was beautiful. If I had her body, I would flaunt it too. If she was taller, she easily could’ve been one of those Sports Illustrated swimsuit models, although her breasts were probably too large. But after this week, I didn’t want to talk to her. Or look at her. At all.

But she always wanted to talk about it. When we came back from that first exam, I couldn’t tell if she was more in love with Dr. Matthias, or the nurse who had fitted her device, or if she was actually in love with the machine. “Wasn’t that amazing?” she gushed. “That was sexiest experience of my life!” But I didn’t want to talk about it. “Did the nurse use her mouth on you?” I told her I didn’t want to talk about it. “Did you think you were going to die when you came in front of all the other girls in the waiting room?” Silence. “Could you hear me screaming down the hall? Because I could totally hear you.” Mortification.

We were both freshman psychology majors. It was a requirement that all psych majors participate as a subject in a certain number of research studies to graduate. I knew I should have chosen one of the studies where you watch a short movie and then you have to list 50 round objects that you saw, or do some simple geometric puzzles while heavy metal music blared in the background. That would have been easy. But somehow I let her talk me into doing the Female Sexual Response study with her.

As I left the lab after the second appointment where I was forced to have 10 orgasms in front of about 20 doctors, I was handed a sheet with instructions for this next week but I just stuffed it into my backpack as I walked back to the dorm. It wasn’t until later that night that I saw it and decided to read it. Immediately, my heart started racing.

This week, please wear your device in a public setting where there are other people within 20 feet. Your device will be able to pick up ambient heat that other people will emit. For example, you cannot be in your car sitting in traffic, or at a park where people are too far away. You can wear the device at your home as long as there is someone else there. You must wear your device for at least one hour at 3 of the following: restaurant or cafeteria, class, a store or work. Please log the location you have chosen for each day. As usual, wear your device for your next appointment and put it on 30 minutes before your scheduled time. Thank you again for your participation.

Oh, crap. If only I had a boyfriend. I could wear it in front of him and be done with it, but that was one of the qualifiers. You couldn’t be in a relationship canlı bahis şirketleri if you were going to participate in this study.

The next day I left early without the device and went to class. I was gone pretty much the whole day. When I got home, Kinsey was just taking her device off. I heard a pop as her nipples came loose from the suction cup inside the bra. “Have you done it yet?” she asked. Her body was covered in sweat.

“No,” I answered.

“It’s wild! It actually–“

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I cut her off.

She just smiled. “Where are you going to wear yours? Are you going to stay here?” She seemed really excited about that.

“No, I’m going to the movies,” I answered without looking at her. It seemed safe to wear it there. It would be dark, I could sit in the back row and not be noticed.

She laughed. “Have fun! Make sure it’s a loud one.”

I took the box and took it to the bathroom with me so she wouldn’t see me put it on. I was very modest, although I’ve been told that I’m pretty and have a great body. I always thought I was pretty average-looking but Kinsey always commented on how great my hair was, or how pretty my eyes were. She even once told me how much she liked my breasts, especially how perky they were. At the time I just brushed it off, but after these past few weeks, I really think she had a thing for me, which made me very uncomfortable. I scoffed at her comment to me. Make sure it’s a loud one. Ha! I was proud of my self control. At the weekly appointment when everyone was orgasming in the lobby, all the other girls were moaning, but I just sat there quietly. I was proud that I was able to climax without making a noise, although I couldn’t keep quiet while I was in the exam room as Kinsey had joyfully pointed out to me.

I put the device on in the bathroom stall, making sure my nipples were hard enough and that the phallus fit snugly in my pussy and the clitoral stimulator was in the right place. I was already wet, but I ignored it. I would do this, and I would not let it frustrate me like last week. This thing wasn’t going to beat me. I wouldn’t let it.

As I walked towards the movie theater, it turned on. Slowly at first. Walking was difficult but I managed as the phallus fucked me and the mechanical mouths were licking and sucking my nipples. The vibrations on my clit and my g-spot were slow and deep at this point, which were leading me where I didn’t want to go, but I knew I didn’t have a choice. I started conjugating French verbs in my head to keep my mind off the delightful ministrations that were happening under my clothes.

The sidewalk was crowded and I kept getting bumped by someone. Everytime someone bumped me, a jolt of electricity went through me, concentrating on my clitoris. Someone from my dorm stopped to talk for a little bit, but I have no idea what I said back. But he didn’t look at me funny so I think I fooled him. By the time I arrived at the theater, I was at a high state of arousal. Probably an 8, but nowhere near an orgasm. I kept waiting for it to turn off, but it just kept going. It would slow down, always at a moment when I wanted more pressure, or faster fucking, or more vibration. Like it knew what my body wanted and it was going to deny me.

I bought my ticket and entered the crowded theater. I was counting on an emptier theater, especially since it was in the middle of the afternoon, but almost every row was filled up. I took a seat on the right side in an aisle seat towards the back while I was being fucked and sucked and licked, almost to a point of no return. But I realized that everyone on the other side of the aisle could see me, so I moved over two seats, hoping to blend in to the dark velveteen seats. I knew I was breathing erratically and suddenly I felt like I was too hot, but I didn’t want to take off my jacket. I sat still, trying not to move because any slight movement would bring a tongue or a finger closer to a pleasure point. It was quiet in the theater, and not as dark as I would have liked. People were whispering to each other, eating their popcorn and drinking their sodas while I sat there, tortured.

The lights dimmed and the previews started as I was taken closer and closer to the edge. I was breathing quickly now, taking short little gasps. I closed my eyes, concentrating on my breathing. When was it going to shut off? It would shut off soon, I knew it would. This was always the point when it shut off. Wait, it was taking me farther now. Even if it did stop, I wasn’t sure I would. I started to panic. It felt so delicious. Oh, so delicious. And then everything stopped, just as the preview came to an end. It was quiet in the theater. Too quiet. I could only hear my heavy breathing. I was certain everyone could hear it. It took everything I had not to make a sound. I slowly eased my grip on the armrest as I felt my orgasm back off, relieved and yet tormented at the same time.

Someone sat canlı kaçak iddaa down next to me and I looked to see if they were looking at me with a weird or concerned look, but he just smiled and sat down. Shit. I recognized him from my dorm, and he was really cute. I cringed. I’d seen him at a party a few weeks ago, instantly feeling attracted to him, but I was too shy to talk to him. And now he was sitting right next to me. I thought about getting up and leaving, but then it started again. Hard. I felt like I was being punished somehow. “How dare you feel attracted to him?” it seemed to be saying as it pounded into my wet pussy, over and over again. “He can’t fuck you as good as this.” I slunk lower into my seat, hot and ashamed as it started biting my nipples and my clit as it tortured my g-spot. “I’m sorry,” I thought to myself. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” But it was still punishing me as it continued fucking me, relentlessly dragging me higher and higher. I closed my eyes as I felt the inevitable come closer. I could see the cliff rising above me, but I was no longer holding back now. I was running towards it. I wanted to fly off the edge and soar above myself. But just as I reached it, it held me back as I tried desperately to free myself and jump.

No! I was so close! Both times, it had taken me just a millimeter to the point of no return. It was testing me. Seeing how close I could get without release. The movie started with soft piano music playing. At least I thought it was piano music. Images flashed before me on the screen. Blues, and greens, and then yellows back to blues and grays. I couldn’t make anything out. It was just an abstract movement to me as I just sat there and stared.

Then it started again. It was softer this time, slower. Almost remorseful. It apologetically swirled magical tongues up and down my wet slit, circling my clitoris lovingly. Mouths sucked my nipples, softly. Tenderly. By the time the gentle fucking started, the images on the screen had started to take shape for me. There were trees, and sky. A little house by the water. Two people were sitting in a boat, talking, laughing, kissing. Then slowly, so slowly that I didn’t realize it had started, it started rubbing my g-spot. I started to get confused about the characters in the movie, the images started to blur again, and then I realized that I was being led closer to the edge. This time it was enticing me to follow, and I did, willingly.

I was no longer watching the movie now. I concentrated on the caresses on my nipples, my clitoris, my g-spot. I freely followed wherever it wanted me to go, letting it take control. I was climbing higher and higher, but so slowly, that I didn’t even realize how far I’d gone until it was almost too late. I watched the colors on the screen go by, I listened to the sounds of voices, although I didn’t understand what they were saying. All I could hear was it coaxing me higher, leading me farther, encouraging me to let go. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t let go. I couldn’t moan or cry out or scream. I couldn’t even move. I was a prisoner now. It had tricked me into presenting my wrists and then it had tied me up. I hadn’t even struggled as it seduced me to lie on the bed. And now as it was torturing me, forcing me to reveal all my secrets, I wasn’t sure I could hold out. I was taking short little gasps, concentrating on the feeling of my breath against my lips as I breathed in and out, trying to ignore the sweet torture.

But it was unyielding. It wouldn’t stop. It knew me. It knew how long I could hold out. It knew how much I needed before I would surrender. The mouths were eagerly lapping up everything it could, my hard nipples, first the left and the right, then the left and right, faster and faster until it was licking both at the same time. The phallus was fucking me hard, knowing how fast and deep I liked it, needed it. Oh, how I needed it. The tongues were swirling on my clitoris, moving in expert circles around my secret pearl, coaxing it out to play. I didn’t think I’d be able to hold out much longer before giving it what it asked of me. I didn’t want to surrender. Not here, not like this, but I knew I was weak. And it knew I was weak. Finally, I gave up. I let it all go. My orgasm hit and I felt the ground shake. Over and over it rocked me, drowning me, but I didn’t care. I had finally arrived, I had finished the race.

But there was more. It knew exactly what to do as it took me to a second peak, and a third, fourth, fifth, rising higher and higher with each one. As I slowly came down, I came to my senses. It was loud. There was an explosion on the screen, and sirens and people yelling and screaming. Running. Now I knew what Kinsey had been trying to tell me. I looked around and no one was looking at me, pointing, laughing. I glanced to my left and the cute guy was looking at me, concern on his face.

“Are you allright?”

I smiled, tentatively. “I’m fine. I don’t like movies like this,” I whispered.

He canlı kaçak bahis looked away, satisfied with my answer.

I wanted to get up and leave, but he was blocking my way to the aisle. And I was too sensitive to move, and I was scared it would turn back on right when I was in front of him. I no longer had any confidence in my self control. What if I sat in his lap, grinding myself to an orgasm right there? No, it would be better if I stayed in my seat. I glanced at my watch. Wow, almost two hours had gone by. The movie was almost over. And then it ended. By the time the credits rolled, my breathing had returned to normal, but I was covered in a slight sheen of sweat. The cute boy got up and walked out and I noticed he was by himself. As the lights came back on, I knew I had to finally leave. I hoped my legs would be able to support me as I walked back to my dorm.

At first I thought it was just a fluke. It would certainly recalibrate itself and not allow me to orgasm anymore. But everyday I wore the device, it was the same. It would tease me for awhile and then take me to places I didn’t think existed in my small world. I wore it to the cafeteria, I wore it to class, I wore it to work. And each time, I was able to control myself more. I was proud of the fact that I could now climax without anyone seeming to take notice.

Kinsey had named hers Veronica. And she loved to wear it when I was in the room with her. The first time I saw her take it out of the box, it was late. I thought she had already worn hers that day, but I guess I was wrong. I got up to leave.

“No, please stay,” she begged me.

“Why don’t you take it to the lounge? Or the cafeteria – it’s still open for another hour.”

“No, please. This is the only time I have today. Please.”

“Fine,” I said and took out my headphones and a book. But I couldn’t completely ignore her. She lay prone on her bed, her hips gyrating and grinding. I was ashamed of the wetness that seeped onto my panties as I watched her out of the corner of my eye. Pretty soon, I couldn’t concentrate on my book anymore. Her face was so obvious, her hands were pressed down on her breasts, and I knew how that intensified the sucking on her nipples. Every orgasm rocked her hard and I envied her freedom, her lack of inhibitions. After the second orgasm, I could hear her screaming and cursing through my headphones and I cringed, knowing that everyone in the dorms could hear her too. I hoped no one knew I was in the room with her, otherwise they would be thinking we were doing things together.

She wore it three more times with me in the room that week. Each time, it didn’t get easier for me. Each time, I wanted to bring it out and fly with her as we each climaxed side by side. But I couldn’t. It was normal for me to come in front of strangers or acquaintances now, but I couldn’t in front of Kinsey. That would leave me too exposed.

Day 6 had been a busy day and I had left in the morning, not returning to my room until after 10:00 pm. I had to hurry and put on the device to log my one hour. I put on a loose t-shirt and baggy sweats over it. Just as Kinsey walked in, I said bye and left before she could ask any questions. I took a book with me and walked down to the lounge, but it was empty. As I turned to leave, I saw him. The cute boy from the movies was sitting in a chair in the corner near the fireplace. He looked up and smiled and waved me over. I had no choice but to walk up to him as the fucking started.

“So, you survived the movie, huh?”

I smiled as my nipples were being licked and sucked, expertly bringing me there. He introduced himself as I sat down in a chair next to him. His name was Logan and he was from Oregon. He was undeclared but thinking about biology or chemistry. And then I couldn’t hear him anymore. I could only feel the hum on my clitoris as it got louder and louder as I was being fucked harder and harder, taking me to nirvana, and then pulling me back. Taking me closer and then pulling me back. I saw his lips move and smile that gorgeous smile. I think I nodded and spoke at the appropriate times. At least I think I did. He seemed happy with my answers. And then he closed his book and got up. I think he said he hoped to see me around. I smiled back. At least I think I smiled.

I sat there, unable to move. Unable to think about anything except how much I loved being fucked by this thing. No one would be able to fuck me as hard or as good. Not even what’s-his-name. What was his name again? Logan? Oh, yes. Logan. That feels so good. Yes, right there, Logan. Yes. Yes! YES!!! YYEEESSSSSSS!!!!!! As I came, all I could think about was Logan. Not the Logan I had just met, but the Logan that was fucking me just the way I liked it. Just the way I needed it. I was alone so I moved my hips back and forth in the chair, enjoying every last syrupy drop.

Crap, I was alone. I needed to find someone within 20 feet. I couldn’t walk around hoping to run into someone, following them until I climaxed. I had no choice but to go back to my room. I looked at my clock. I only had 30 minutes left. I could endure 30 minutes of utter humiliation. Maybe Kinsey wouldn’t suspect anything. I could be quiet.

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My First Orgasm

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I had my first orgasm when I was 18 years old. Bit of a late learner I guess. I was sitting on my Mother’s bed one afternoon a few years ago, watching TV. She was folding laundry and I was supposed to be helping but instead I had turned on her television and sat on her bed watching some teen-trash show.

I remember that my little brother, who was probably about 3 years old, was playing on the carpet whilst my mum was folding towels and putting them in a closet. My brother was just pottering around, fiddling with bits and bobs on my Mum and Stepdad’s dresser. I wasn’t really paying attention or listening to either of them, my eyes were on the TV.

Suddenly I heard my Mum scold my little brother,

“You can’t have that!” She said.

I saw her snatch what looked like a colourful comic book of out his hands. Her face was a hot pink and she looked very flustered.

“What’s that?” I asked, interested in her reaction.

“It’s nothing,” She replied, looking embarrassed.

She opened her closet and quickly stuffed the tatty magazine inside.

For the rest of the day, I could think of nothing except my Mother’s reaction to whatever my little brother had found. I was so curious, and I was determined to know what she had hidden in her closet.

Later that evening, we were eating dinner at the table. I finished my food quickly, and excused myself under the pretence of having lots of homework to finish.

I ran up the stairs and into my room. I set some Maths books, pens and pencils out on my desk in an untidy clutter. I was planning on sneaking into my parents room, and figured that if they caught me I could pretend I was looking for a ruler as I had lost mine.

I crept out on to the landing way outside my parent’s room. I listened carefully to their actions downstairs. I could hear my Mum clinking the dishes in the sink and I could hear the noisy din of the TV.

Satisfied that they wouldn’t suspect anything, I pushed open the door to their bedroom. I walked quickly and quietly to my Mother’s closet and illegal bahis swung open the door. I rummaged around between the towels for a couple of moments before I found the tatty, slightly ripped magazine that had made my Mum blush furiously earlier that day.

I stared at the cover of the magazine, my eyes bulging, and read the bold, red lettering: “XXX TEEN SLUTS.” The cover featured a naked girl who I guessed was around 18-19 years old. Her hands covered her pussy and two cartoon stars covered her nipples.

Suddenly, I heard a creak on the stairs. Without thinking I shoved the magazine up my top and quickly closed the closet door. I walked carefully out on the landing and stared nervously down the stairs. Nobody was there. I put it down to paranoia and went back into my room, closing the door behind me.

I sat on my bed and pulled the magazine out from under my top. I had heard of porn magazines before. They were just something you gossiped about with your friends in the playground, or caught a sneaky peek at in the top rows of the Newsagent shelves.

I flipped through the pages before I found an article that caught my attention. I stared at a large image of a young woman in a tiny cheerleader skirt, bent over on all fours. She had a penis in her mouth. I couldn’t see the man to who the penis belonged as he was out of the shot, but he was slim and tanned. Kneeling behind her was another man, equally slim and tanned, with his penis buried inside her pussy. The girl was wearing a cheerleading whistle around her neck and the whistle was buried in her huge cleavage. She had no underwear on, and her breasts and pussy were completely exposed. The title read “VIRGIN TEEN GETS DOUBLE TEAMED!”

I gazed intently at the pictures. There was a whole series of images showing the girl sucking both of the men’s cocks and taking them both in her pussy also. I had never seen anything so slutty or wanton. My knowledge of sex was very limited – I hadn’t even kissed a boy! I had only heard of sex and oral sex. I had no idea that more than two people illegal bahis siteleri could have sex at the same time! The idea seemed alien to me.

I looked and re-looked at all the pictures before reading the story that was printed below the title. The girl’s name was apparently Jennifer and she had been teasing the two frat bro’s, Mario and Luke, for months. The two friends had decided to plot revenge on the little cock-tease and planned to fuck her in the changing rooms after practice.

It was obvious that the story was very contrived, this girl certainly wasn’t a virgin, but nevertheless it wasn’t long before I was feeling the familiar pressure in my panties. I had been turned on before, but nothing like this! I had never seen anything so raw and sexy and my pussy seemed to be on fire.

My clitoris was throbbing and I slid my hand into my underwear whilst I continued to read the story and gawk at the photos. I had never felt myself this wet before. I began to circle the small, hard bud of my clit as I proceeded to read about how Mario and Luke pinned Jennifer up against the lockers and took turns licking her pussy.

My heart rate was quickening and I felt flushed and red in the face. I gazed, transfixed at Jennifer’s face, her eyes wide and mouth contorted as Mario tongued her clit. I could almost feel her pleasure. I rubbed my clit harder and harder, faster and faster, pretending it was Mario or Luke’s tongue.

I flipped the page and found yet more images of the sexy trio. The main photo was a close up of one of the young men’s cocks entering Jennifer’s wet pussy. I longed to have one of their hard shafts pushed deep inside me. I tentatively moved my fingers south to my small, pink pussy and carefully pushed one finger inside me. My chest was hammering. I had never had anything inside me before. I was very wet but wanted to lube up my fingers even more, to ensure I would feel no pain.

I removed my fingers from my panties and slid two of them in my mouth. I sucked my fingers, enjoying the strange new taste canlı bahis siteleri of my own pussy juices. I slid my two fingers in and out of my mouth, pretending I was Jennifer sucking on Mario and Luke’s hard, thick cocks. I coated my fingers thickly in my saliva before returning them to my underwear.

I pushed the tip of my two fingers inside my tiny pussy, gasping at the shock of this new sensation. I fixed my eyes on Jennifer’s pussy and I pushed my fingers slowly deeper inside my own wet hole. I slid my fingers in all the way, and felt my whole body tingle and stiffen.

I felt wave after wave of tingles sweep over my young body. My eyes grew wide and my breathing became quick and heavy. I began pumping and thrusting my fingers in and out of my pussy, just how it described in the story. I found that it felt better if I made my fingers stiff and tight, and curved them ever so slightly. I wiggled them around inside me each time I thrust in.

I began to grind myself against my hand, trying to get more of my fingers inside of me. I pushed harder, harder and started to frantically pump my sore, wet slit.

I dropped the porn magazine to the floor feeling I could take no more.

“OH YES!” I whispered.

I started to pinch and pull at my nipples as my fingers cleverly found the sweet spot inside of me.

“Mmmmmm, oooohhh,” I panted noisily.

I could feel a huge pressure rising in my belly. With one swift, firm push with my fingers deep inside of me, I knew I had reached orgasm – just like Jennifer.

“OH FUCK!” I heard myself shriek.

I thrashed roughly around on my bed as my pussy tingled sharply and I climaxed explosively over my hand.

I lay on my bed, my breathing slowing gently as I tried to recover from that new and extraordinary experience.

“Everything all right dear?” I heard my Mum’s inquisitive tone called up the stairs?

She must have heard me shouting.

“Err… yes,” I called back. “Just some trouble with a Maths problem, all OK now though.”

“OK love,” she called back.

I stood up and quickly made my bed. I lifted my mattress, and picked up the porno magazine from the floor.

I placed it carefully under my mattress, storing it away for the next time I wished to try out my naughty, new hobby.

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My Fantasy

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(I felt the need to come today so I went into the bathroom, my favorite place to fantasize. I pulled my jeans and panties down around my ankles and placed my finger against my engorged clit. Leaning against the wall, the side of my face cool against its surface, I fantasized about you.)

I gently rubbed my clit back and forth. It was hard yet warm, and the sensation of my finger rubbing it was delicious. At one point I removed my finger and brought it to my nose, inhaling the essence and muskiness of my sex before putting it into my mouth to taste its sweetness.

My imagination, behind closed eyes, envisioned being lovingly restrained by you, arms raised gently above my head, silk ties binding my wrists to the bed frame, knees up with my feet planted firmly on the mattress. You placed a wide band with ties on the end around one knee and its twin around the other knee, spreading them wide, tightly securing the ends of the ties to the sides of the bed frame, rendering me helpless and at your mercy. Next you blindfolded me and kissed me roughly, demanding entrance to my mouth with your tongue. I sucked your tongue as if it was your cock and you moaned before withdrawing it from my mouth.

“Did I say you could do that?” you demanded!

Even though I knew this was just a game, the tone of your voice startled me.

‘No Sir.”

“You will soon have something to suck, my little toy.”

Having said that, you squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples, twisting them slightly. I knew you would never deliberately cause me intense pain, but never the less I begged you to stop, because if you continued, I would come from the wonderful sensations I was feeling.

“You are not allowed to do anything unless I tell you to. Do you understand?”

There was that unfamiliar tone again and I began to worry.

“Yes, Sir.”

I heard you walk away from the bed and then all I heard was your breathing for what seemed like a very long time. The room was cold and I knew my pretty pink nipples must be hard and at full attention. ‘What a sight I must be’, I thought. ‘My legs spread wide and my pussy exposed to you, waiting for — for what?’

“You have a beautiful pussy, my dear. I’ve been standing at the foot of the bed admiring every inch of your body and deciding how best to use you for my pleasure. Before this night is over you will know who your master is and what you were made for.”

The tone of your voice was gentler now, but you had never said words like that to me before, and I began to wonder if this game was a good idea.

I felt the mattress give as you climbed into bed between my legs, your knees against my pussy. You lay on top of me and took both breasts into your hands and kneaded them, before pulling hard on my nipples over and over again, lifting my breasts into the air by them, then letting go, allowing my heavy orbs to fall. I moaned loudly.

You pinched them and pulled them over and over and over and over pulling them to full length before taking them into your mouth and sucking them hard and fast. Your mouth felt warm against my cold hard nipples, but the pleasure of the warmth gave way to discomfort as you began nibbling on them.

Suddenly you stopped and using just the ends of your fingernails scratched across the tips, quickly scratching them back and forth and up and down. I tried to pull away from the ceaseless irritation but to no avail, you held me motionless with your body. I love when you do that to me and my pussy was dripping wet, needing to be filled.

“Do you know how much I love to ravish your breasts, my Darling? Do you know how much I love to see you squirm when I sweetly torture your nipples? It gives me immense pleasure to know I can do anything to them and you are helpless to stop me. All you can do is moan and beg me to stop and I can even take that from you if I choose to, but tonight I choose to allow you to use your voice without fear of punishment.”

Allow me? You had never used that word before when we played this game. What was happening here?

You pinched my nipples and twisted them almost to the point of pain, as white hot lightning radiated directly to my engorged pussy.

“Please güvenilir bahis stop!” I begged through my frustration, and yes, now my fear. “You’re frightening me.”

“That’s it, my love, beg me. I love to hear you beg, but you have to learn that they’re not your nipples, they’re mine! They’re not your breasts, they’re mine!”

You grabbed my pussy with your hand and squeezed. “This pussy isn’t yours. It’s mine! All of you belongs to me! I will use you as I desire. I will use you anytime and any place. Is that understood?”

“Yes Sir.”

What was happening to me? We had played the bondage game before but never like this. You had never been this masterful before, never frightened me before, yet I found myself responding. I had never been this turned on, ever!

A long thick finger delved into my wetness and I gasped.

“Oh, my sweet pussy, you like this, don’t you? So nice and wet you are for me.”

I felt your hard cock against my stomach as you fucked my pussy with your finger and sucked my nipples. My pussy lips were swollen with need and throbbing. Your finger left my pussy and teased my hard little clit. I whimpered and you laughed.

“You want to come, don’t you my sweet one?”

“Yes Sir. I want to come. Please make me come.”

“I am not here for your pleasure! You’re here for my pleasure and right now it gives me pleasure to know you’re wet and want to come.”

(I was still in the bathroom, against the wall, rubbing my clit, and pinching my nipples, and trying not to come., trying to prolong this searing feeling as long as possible)

You got out of bed and walked across the room. I heard a zipper opening and items being put aside, and then I heard nothing.

I lay there, spread open to your gaze, nipples hard, pussy dripping, needing to come so badly it was everything I could do not to give in to it, taking deep breaths, knowing my breasts were lifting and falling, knowing you were watching. I could feel your eyes on me and knew you were grinning. You loved me this way, at your mercy, turned on, and fighting not to come. I can endure this because I love you, but not sure now if I can trust you.

A soft buzz floated on the air and it was getting closer. Without a word you placed the source of the buzz on my swollen clit and my hips tried to pull away from it by pressing into the mattress.

“Lay still! Don’t you move a muscle unless I give you permission.”

The object was placed in my slit and rubbed up and down, over my clit and down to my anus before it was shoved into my wet pussy. You know my body well and it was placed so it rested and vibrated against my G-spot.

‘Oh, no,’ I thought, how am I not going to come with that on my G-spot? It feels so good! This is torture!” The sensation was so exquisite I began to cry.

“Grab onto that egg with your pussy muscles and don’t let it slip out.”

“Yes Sir.”

I felt you get into bed and place your knees at either side of my shoulders as you grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back, face up.

“I promised you something to suck. Remember?”

“Yes Sir, I remember.”

You placed the head of your hard cock against my lips, tracing them as if applying lipstick, coating them with the slickness of pre-come.

“Open up, here it is.”

You didn’t wait until I opened my mouth. You pinched my nose shut so I had to open my mouth to breath and your cock filled it.

“Suck this, my beautiful one!”

You cock was big and hard and thick and hitting the back of my throat demanding entrance with each thrust of your hips. I tried to suck, but it was too big. You let go of my nose, still it was hard to breath. You pulled almost all your cock out of my mouth except for the head and told me to lick and suck it.

Pre-come was flowing freely as you held my head back with your hands, thrusting your hips so your cock was slipping part way in, then back out. You kept fucking my mouth with varying speed for what seemed an eternity. I thought you would never stop.

At one point you let go of my head and reached around to play with my nipples and I moaned. The vibrating egg was still torturing my G-spot. I was thankful türkçe bahis it was turned on the low setting, but it was becoming harder and harder not to come. I could feel my juices running out my pussy, down my slit to my anus and onto the sheet.

Suddenly you withdrew your cock completely and rubbed your balls all over my face telling me to lick them and suck them, one at a time. You moaned when you felt the flat of my hot tongue against your shaved balls. They were smooth and warm and tasted good, but they were so big!

I didn’t think I could get one of them into my mouth to suck, and knew I’d better not hurt you, so I licked them real good and got them real wet so one would slip into my mouth easier. Once in, it filled my mouth, but I was still able to gently suck it and rub the tip of my tongue over it. Your cock twitched where it was laying on my nose and forehead.

“Now the other one, my lovely cock and ball sucker.”

I gave the same careful attention to your other ball as you leaned against the headboard with outstretched arms and enjoyed the sweet sensations of your balls being sucked. You’re breathing increased and you moaned, encouraging me to continue making love to your balls with my mouth. You’ve always had endurance and I wondered how long it would take before you squirted all over my face.

I didn’t have to wait long. Your balls grew harder and drew up closer to your body. I felt you pull away, your ball falling out of my mouth, replacing it with your steel hard cock. Grabbing my head again you fucked my mouth hard and fast, the head of it entering my throat cutting off my air. Three hard thrusts and you emptied into my mouth, hot come exploding into my throat. I had no choice but to swallow. Each time I swallowed, my throat muscles squeezed your cock, eliciting another eruption.

You leaned into the headboard until your heavy breathing returned to normal and your heartbeat slowed. Sweat from your balls ran down my chin. You had instructed me to not let your cock slip from my mouth until you gave me permission. You enjoyed letting it go flaccid in warmth, while my tongue danced around the sensitive head.

“Oh, my beauty, I didn’t want to come yet. I have other things in store for you —and for me, but no matter, we have all night. That’s it, my sweet, keep circling my cock with your tongue. Make it squeaky clean.”

My tongue worked furiously, giving you the pleasure you crave. When it began to grow hard again, you pulled away and stood up.

The vibrating egg was turned to the high position. I sucked in a deep breath and began to weep from the sheer joy of the sensations. I heard you walk away and then return to the head of the bed. You leaned down and sucked each nipple drawing each to full length, then placed a vibrating clamp on each one. The clamps were just on the verge of being tight, and the sensations were maddening. I cried out in anguish, my hips undulating.

“You are not allowed to come yet. I told you to lay still. You will pay for moving without permission.”

I felt you sit down at the end of the bed between my legs and pull the egg out of my pussy, then heard a squirt of lube. You stuck your finger all the way into my anus, then another finger, and began to stretch my sphincter. When it was stretched to your satisfaction, you replaced your fingers with the vibrating egg. My nipples were vibrating, my anus vibrating and my pussy was dripping, but I had to concentrate on not moving.

I told myself I had to think of something else, think of anything else, anything so I wouldn’t come, but I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the sensations my body was feeling. Oh god, this was pure agony!

Another buzzing in the distance and suddenly there was a vibrating sensation against my pussy lips.

“I’m going to love watching you try not to come with this baby inside you.”

A monster dildo was invading my pussy, an agonizing inch at a time. You kept pushing it slowly inside, turning the vibration up every few inches, until I was impaled all the way to my cervix, the head trying to enter my womb. Next you put in place a vibrating clit clamp, and a belt around my waist. You attached a wide strap güvenilir bahis siteleri to the front of it, then brought it down over my pussy and pulling it tightly over my anus, attached it to the back of the belt, thus holding the clit clamp and the dildo and the egg firmly in place.

“Please, Sir. This is maddening! Please don’t do this!

“You brought this on yourself, my beautiful one. I told you not to move. Now you face the consequences. All of these vibrators are remote controlled. I’m going to sit in the chair across the room and play with them, and with you. My dick is hard again and I’m going to masturbate while watching you struggle not to come.”

I heard you walk across the room and sit down, my body splayed open to your view. All the vibrations stopped. I sucked in a deep breath, and let it out slowly, grateful for the reprieve.

It didn’t last long. A jolt shot through my right nipple for a few seconds and I whimpered. It stopped. A few seconds later a jolt through my left nipple. It stopped. My clit was next, then my nipples and clit at the same time. I was going out of my mind and felt an orgasm building higher and higher. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold off. Suddenly all the vibrations stopped.

Oh, how you must be enjoying watching me suffer in sexual agony! I could almost see you sitting across the room, plotting what you’ll do to me next.

“Master, please stop this,” I cried “It’s torture trying not to come.”

“Exactly, sweetness, and I’m enjoying every minute watching your beautiful body tense and struggle not to move. Can you hear me slapping my meat?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Would you like to have it inside you, fucking you hard and fast?”

“Yes, Sir, I would.”

“Fucking you will have to wait for another time, my precious sex toy. Playing with you is too much fun right now. I love restraining you and teasing you and watching you squirm. It makes me hard as steel. The power I have over you is exhilarating! Yes, my sweet one, looking at you lying there helpless, needing to come, your nipples and clit squeezed with clamps, your pussy and ass filled, knowing your sexual agony is immense, is a turn on I will not give up. Ever. We will experience many nights like this one.”

I heard your breathing increase as you masturbated and played with the vibrators. I enjoyed this kind of sexual game too, but I needed to come. My whole body screamed for release. My poor swollen pussy and clit couldn’t take much more and my nipples had never felt this hard and sensitive. The vibrating egg in my rectum was driving me insane! My whole pelvic area was alive with sensation!!

“Sir, I’m going to come, I can’t control it any longer!”

You didn’t reply, but I heard your breathing increase as you masturbated and played with the vibrators. The sound of your hand beating your meat increased speed and I prayed you were close to coming.

“I’m getting close, sweet one. Your agony is almost over. After I come, you may come.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“You called me Master a little while ago. I like that. From now on you will address me as Master.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Here we go my sex slave. I’m going to give you the works now. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Master. I’m ready!”

All the vibrators turned on at the same time, slowly at first and then you gradually increased the speed and intensity. My ass was tingling; my pussy was being assaulted with vibrations and pounded with the undulating dildo, while my nipples and clit were being tortured with strong jolts and squeezes. I felt my orgasm rise and knew I could no longer stop it!

“No! No! I screamed!!

I heard you grunting and moaning and I had to wait for you to come before I could. You came to the side of the bed and shot your come all over my body from my face to my pussy.


My body tensed and pulled against the restraints, finger nails digging into the palms of my hands. My head pushed into the mattress and I screamed as an orgasm exploded inside me. My body jerked wildly, uncontrollably, stomach muscles clinching tight, and I continued to scream. I saw white behind my eyelids and then red and black and then — nothing, as I melted into the mattress and fainted.

(Leaning against the bathroom wall, my finger pushing in on my swollen clit and rubbing furiously in circles, I had a tremendous orgasm that I thought would never end.)

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Anal Fucking

The realisation of a lifelong dream was upon her.

Her gloved hands were moist with perspiration borne of anticipation. Her heart hammered wildly beneath her fireproof overalls. The veins in her temples throbbed sympathetically within the tight, restrictive confines of the crash helmet, a helmet that crushed her cheeks together and pushed them uncomfortably up toward her eyes. The hard seat pressed against the ridge of her spine and her pelvis, generating a dull ache already as she allowed the men around her to strap her in, reaching with some hesitancy and not a little care between her legs and her breasts to securely fasten her safety belts. If she hadn’t been so utterly consumed by the importance of the moment she might even have laughed at their bashfulness, but this was the day when her ambitions would either be fulfilled or, just as likely, shattered forever.

There was seldom a second chance in the game that she wished to play – you either cut it or you didn’t, and if you failed then your inadequacies would quickly become common knowledge and the few men who gifted these chances would cross your name off their shortlist, having learned at somebody else’s expense that you didn’t have what it takes to make the grade. Few women had ever made it this far, and the fact that she had should have given her some measure of pride and satisfaction, but her mind was set on something higher still, and this was just a stepping stone toward that goal – one of the last stones, admittedly, but swirling around these few remaining loose and wobbly rocks was a raging torrent fathoms deep that would sweep her downstream to obscurity should her footing falter. Hundreds had been washed away before her, seeking refuge in lesser formulae where the risks and the rewards and, hence, the satisfaction were significantly less, hundreds of ‘ wannabe somebodies’ who were now insignificant nobodies and were destined to remain that way forever.

Ivan, her thin, shaven headed engineer leaned over her, thrusting his head directly into her face and grinned broadly ‘ Ready, Sasha?’ He asked.

She nodded her head, but found herself unable to grin back, adrenaline flooding through her system in her bodies attempt to prepare her for what her brain was telling it was about to happen. Her eyes were huge within their sockets, looking like those of some Jim Bamber cartoon character within the narrow strip of the helmet’s opened visor, her scrunched up face further reinforcing that comical impression. The V12 roared into life behind her, the car immediately buzzing and throbbing with the vibrations as the power plant revved at a fast idle speed with the gearbox locked in neutral. Her engineer walked forward to the open garage doors and swept his hands in the universal ‘after you’ gesture.

Sasha selected first gear with the paddle switch mounted behind the steering wheel, the semi automatic gearbox engaging first, confirmation coming up as an illuminated ‘1’ on the cockpit display. Slowly she let out the clutch – yet another paddle switch mounted on the steering wheel – and gently depressed the throttle, keeping the engine revs high as the clutch began to engage. The car moved smoothly forward, surprising Sasha as she had expected it to jerk away or even stall as this was her first attempt at driving the car, but her engineers advice had been spot on and the car rolled out of the garage and into the pit lane like it was on rails. She gave a tentative jab on the throttle once she had straightened the car up and felt her head slammed back into the headrest as the car surged ahead, it’s tail end fishtailing to the right as the engine transmitted maximum torque to the wheels, those wheels spinning against the asphalt, sending up plumes of grey smoke as the car accelerated. Three red lights lit up on the display, telling her that the engine was at optimum rpm for upshift, and she flicked the gear selector paddle, engaging second gear, and the car surged forward yet again.

‘ Iiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh’

Nobody heard her as she gave voice to the sensations that inundated her as the car rocketed away on full power, and when asked afterward, she would deny even uttering a sound as the car rounded the corner near the end of the pit lane and accelerated onto the Northamptonshire circuit, but a track safety marshal on duty at this test session watched the car scream towards him, bracing himself for the ear splitting whine of the racing engine as it doppler shifted past, then looked on as it disappeared into the distance. For a moment he thought that it sounded as if the engine was going to let go big time and he’d finally get to use the fire extinguisher that he’d lugged around for the last five years he’d spent as a full time marshal at Silverstone, but in moments the car was gone, still running reliably, having disappeared around the corner at the top of the hill on her first lap of the 2.6 mile long race track.

* * * * *

Life does illegal bahis not get much better than this, Sven mused as he slowly undressed, his eyes locked on Inge, the tall, blonde Scandinavian beauty who lay sprawled across the bed in nothing but skimpy scarlet panties and a dangerously stretched bra. She stared back with hungry, come-hither eyes, her tongue idly sliding over her crimson painted lips, making them glisten and shine wetly, like a wolf sizing up a particularly succulent chicken the Dutchman thought, anticipation of what he hoped was about to transpire between them sending a chill rippling down his spine. This particular bitch was really hot stuff, her mannerisms convincing him that she was going to be an uncontrollable, uninhibited animal between the sheets, something that he hadn’t experienced in quite a while. Most girls that he bedded these days were quite staid and boring, awed by the fact that they were being screwed by a famous Formula 1 race car driver and ex-world champion into just experiencing the ride rather than actively participating in it, leaving the driving to the expert as he’d once described it to a friend.

‘ How long before your boyfriend gets back?’ Sven asked her.

‘ Ages.’ She breathed. ‘ So relax and come fuck me.’

He climbed onto the bed when he had undressed to his shorts, the woman disappointing him by rolling over onto her back in what he interpreted as submission, her large silicone enhanced breasts standing up from her chest, straining the bra to breaking point. Sven grinned down at her as he climbed on top, kneeling between her legs and forcing her thighs wider apart with his knees. She offered little resistance, her legs spreading eagerly to reveal thick blonde bush on either side of the gusset of the flimsy panties that she wore. He reached between her legs and pulled the gusset to one side to expose her damp hole, rubbing a finger gently between her engorged labia in search of the hard nub of her clitoris, making her groan and thrust her mound towards his hand, desperate for that finger to bury itself inside her. He teased her by caressing her cunt lips carefully, smearing her leaking oils over the exposed flesh but never inserting so much as a fingertip inside her as he explored her body.

‘ Shove it up me,’ she sighed.

‘ Not yet.’

‘ I’m wet enough to take half your hand!’ she moaned. ‘ Fuck me with your fingers.’

‘ Relax,’ Sven whispered, then climbed off her, forcing her legs closed again before tearing her panties off and tossing them onto the floor. He knelt beside her and kissed her stomach, running his tongue along her smooth, flat belly to her navel, where it probed and licked at the wrinkled depression for a few moments before her hands fastened upon his hair and pulled him upward. Their lips crashed hungrily together, tongue’s forcing into each other’s mouths, probing and licking and sucking as Sven’s fingers moved back down between her legs to play with her pussy again. She spread her legs wide apart on the bed, desperate to swallow his hand, and crushed his head tighter to hers with one hand while the other slid between her own thighs to find his, pushing it harder against her mound until Sven was virtually grinding it into the bed and it was almost inevitable that such pressure would eventually force a finger into such a damp, ready hole.

‘ Yessss,’ Inge hissed, taking one finger in up to the knuckle, arching her back in breathless hunger for more. Sven moved it inside her, pushing it, pulling it, wriggling it as she moaned beneath him, her fingers releasing his hand and groping at his shorts for the erection that pressed against her hips. He tore his tongue away from her teeth and swiftly slithered down her body, leaving a wet trail of saliva down her chin and neck as he moved his hard on out of reach of her grasping fingers. He kissed her exposed boob flesh as his free hand wrenched impatiently at the clasp of her taut bra, seeking to release her huge tits from their straining confines. Eventually he succeeded and the satin support structure sprang open, spilling Inge’s breasts out for him to feast upon. He sucked a nipple into his mouth as her hands groped at his head, his finger still working feverishly inside her cunt, and bit down with his teeth, the woman crying out loud in pleasure and pain. Lower down her smooth, tanned body his tongue trawled, pausing to lick once more at her navel for a few fleeting moments before sliding it into the wispy matt of blonde hair that covered her mound. He withdrew his finger from her vagina and maneouvered himself into a more comfortable position, using the fingers of both his hands to open up her sex. He stared into the glistening, fleshy crack for a few moments, marvelling at the folds and creases and the fluids that bubbled within, breathing in her strong, musky odour, then lowered his head to her pussy and dipped his tongue inside.

” Ohhhh, that feels good.’ Inge gasped, the abrasive rasp of illegal bahis siteleri his five o’clock shadow against the insides of her thighs and his long hair brushing over her belly heightening the sensations as his warm, soft tongue plunged in deeper. ‘ Lick me out, you bastard.’ She moaned softly.

Sven forced his tongue as deep inside her as it would go and moved his fingers from her cunt lips to her ass cheeks, lifting her butt off the bed and spreading her wider apart. Inge grabbed at his hair again and thrust her pussy up at his face, wanting more of his stabbing tongue up there, and groaned long and loud as his fingers gently caressed around the damp, puckered entrance to her nether hole.

” You’re gonna make me come if you carry on doing that to me.” Inge moaned as Sven carried on regardless with his tongue and his fingers, licking hungrily at her dilated slit and pressing mercilessly at her asshole but holding just shy of actually penetrating that region. She began squirming beneath him, her moans louder and more breathless, her squirming mutating to an instinctive bucking of the hips as her climax approached, then it hit her with the force of a tidal wave, her legs hooking over his shoulders and clamping tightly against the side of Sven’s head, crying out loud in an orgasmic frenzy as he continued to lick and suck on her engorged, exposed clitoris, prolonging her ecstacy as long as possible, her hot, sticky juices spreading not only all over his mouth, but also smearing all over his cheeks and chin as she came hard and long, her gyrations rubbing her cunt all over his face.

Inge lay there for several moments as she recovered her breath and gathered her senses while Sven climbed off the bed and stepped out of his boxer shorts, kicking them across the parquet floor where they came to rest on top of her discarded panties. Inge rolled over onto her side and beckoned for him to come back to her with her fingers. Sven, standing, returned to her side, offering up his erection to her outstretched hand. She grasped it eagerly and pulled it towards her mouth, licking a dewy droplet of involuntarily emitted pre come from the swollen glans when it was close enough, but Sven continued moving towards her, forcing her to open up her mouth and take several inches of his fat cock inside. Her head began to move back and fore as she blew him, her hand gripping his shaft tightly near his full, taut balls as she concentrated on pleasuring him solely with her mouth, tongue and lips. He reached down and squeezed her tits as she sucked him off, pinching the nipples and kneading the heavy flesh with one hand while the other rested lightly upon her hair, moving back and fore along with her head as her painted lips left crimson smears all over the length of his rigid pole. ” I want you to fuck me.” She murmured, allowing him to slip out of her mouth.

” And I want you to suck my cock.” Sven countered as her tongue danced lightly over his prick, nibbling daintily down the ridged shaft to kiss his swollen testicles.

” Fuck me first and I’ll let you come in my mouth and I’ll swallow your spunk down.” Inge whispered, laying back down on the bed and spreading her thighs apart with her hands, her fingertips pulling the puffy folds of her labia wide open to expose her clitoris to him, showing him how hot, wet and wanton she was. She licked her ruby lips slowly with her tongue and smiled wickedly.

Sven rolled his eyes heavenward in mock resignation and climbed on top of her, grasping his dick firmly with his right hand and guiding it into her parted snatch. It slipped into her ribbed, velvetty tunnel easily, his hips driving the full length of his erect weapon in forcefully up to the neck of her womb, making her cry out in pleasure, her hands clutching tightly onto his back, fingernails digging into the taut, muscular flesh, drawing tiny beads of blood as he fucked her slowly. Their mouths crashed together hungrily and their tongues snaked around each other, sucking and slurping noisily as they kissed, drinking each other’s warm saliva as their hips moved rhythmically, hard penis urgently sundering soft vagina, and they danced that way for several minutes before Sven abruptly announced his impending ejaculation with a breathless ” Fuck, bitch – I’m coming.” and whipped his cock out of her wet cunt, hastily clambering up her body, straddling her tits then once again offering up his slickly gleaming prick to her slender hands and perfect white teeth. She stuffed his swollen knob between her scarlet lips and sucked on it hungrily, his taste and her own upon her tongue, staring up into his eyes as she waited patiently for his sperm to fill her mouth.

” Ahh, yes.” He groaned and began thrusting his hips lazily, pumping in and out, effectively fucking her mouth with his cock for several minutes before she finally wised up to him, moving her mouth away from his prick and now merely wanking him slowly and lightly, caressing him from the canlı bahis siteleri tip of his glans to the wiry pubic hairs at the base of his throbbing, vein lined shaft.

” You bastard,” She hissed. ” You were nowhere near coming, were you.”

” Got me what I wanted.” He grinned.

” Now give me what I want!” She begged.

Sven climbed off Inge’s body and grabbed hold of her hips, rolling her over onto her stomach before catching hold of her upper thighs and pulling her up into a kneeling position on the bed. He bent down and nuzzled her dripping gash with his face, licking lazily around her slit, and Inge pushed back with her hips involuntarily. ” It’s your cock I want, not your tongue.” She sighed..

Sven moved into position and rubbed his penis around the wet folds of her sex, teasing her mercilessly, thoroughly wetting the head of his prick before moving it up an inch and pressing it threateningly at the puckered and unyielding hole in her behind. Her eyes widened in alarm and her buttocks clenched tighter to deny him access, and just as she was about to warn him off that forbidden activity, he rammed his cock full force back into her cunt.

” I thought you were gonna butt fuck me, then” Inge gasped.

” No, that’s not the sort of thing you do on a first date.” Sven grunted as he rode her almost brutally, moving his hands from her flanks to pinch her aching nipples playfully and squeeze her hanging, jiggling breasts, inducing exquisite sensations within her that brought her own orgasm deliciously close. She returned the favour by reaching between their legs to fondle his swinging testes as his organ laboured fervently inside her, stretching her cunt so that each thrust generated a breathless panting for air and even – occasionally – a brief yelp of pleasure as they ground each other towards imminent climax.

” Harder, Sven.” She urged, and he somehow managed to increase the tempo and depth of his thrusts, pumping with almost manic speed as he pounded in and out of her slippery, engorged cunt. Her fingers clawed at the silken bed sheets, balling the smooth, white fabric up in her clenched fists, her mouth now wide open in a mute ‘O’ as her body juddered and shook with each smack of Sven’s frantic hips against her fleshy buttocks. Sven began to groan and she imagined that she could feel his cock swell within her, it’s head inflating as his balls forced creamy come into the organ. She cried out loud, her sudden orgasm demolishing what little self control still remained, her hips bucking lustily even as Sven’s slowed and his ejaculate poured forth in a half dozen rhythmic spurts that she could feel deep inside, what seemed like pints of it gushing in a warm, wet torrent into the depths of her spasming hole, until they both were still, still coupled, shuddering with the silent aftershocks of ecstacy that coursed through their fatigued but thoroughly sated bodies, semen oozing out around his softening prick from her flooded pussy, trickling lazily down the insides of her thighs.

In the silence Inge heard a car coming up the driveway, loose gravel crunching beneath the wheels of what she knew could only be her boyfriend’s Mercedes. ” Shit!” She exclaimed, extricating herself from Sven’s hold and scrambling to the window to see with her own eyes what her head knew to be true but didn’t want to admit. ” He’s back.”

“Oh, that’s just great.” Sven muttered, rolling off the bed to gather up his clothes. ” You said he’d be ages, you stupid…..”

” Just get dressed quickly, for fuck’s sake.” She cut him off. ” Go out on the veranda until I give you the all clear. I’ll get him to take a bath or something, then I’ll drive you back to town.” Inge hissed as she hurriedly dressed.

” It’s raining out there!” Sven objected.

” Okay, stay in here and get beaten to a bloody pulp, you moron.” She retorted acidly.

Sven held up his hands in acquiescence and did as she’d told him, shaking his head in disbelief as she locked the glass panelled doors behind him to leave him standing out on a second floor balcony in the pouring rain, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and one sock. He cursed Inge silently, cursed himself for allowing this ridiculous predicament to arise, then cursed her boyfriend for his unexpected and most inopportune arrival.

He busied himself with getting dressed, hopping on one leg as he tried to pull on his jeans. He failed to notice in his inept attempts at balancing on the wet tiles that he was coming dangerously close to the edge of the balcony. If the wrought iron fence that surrounded the veranda had been just six inches higher, high enough that it’s top would touch his buttocks and not just the upper half of his thighs, then things might have turned out differently. As it was, his two storey fall – accompanied by a particularly comical ” Whooaaaaa” as he tipped over the edge – was suddenly terminated by the crushing impact of his partially clad body against the roof of Inge’s BMW that broke one of his arms, fractured his skull and shattered three vertebrae in his spine. The shrill scream of the two seater’s anti-theft alarm shattered the peaceful suburban evening, then faded to nothing along with his consciousness.

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Forty Years Later

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If I wore a necktie — which I don’t — I would have straightened it.

Instead I simply swallowed dryly, checked the house number for the Nth time, rechecked my watch -09:30 precisely, per arrangements- and knocked. Five seconds later, the front door opened and Jodee stood there, her infectious grin exactly the same as forty years ago. We fell into one another’s arms for a huge full-body hug that seemed to erase the decades.

Way back when, we’d been lovers for eighteen months or so. I was her biology lab instructor, aged twenty-four and just out of the Marines, insanely and perpetually horny. She was a new freshman, barely eighteen.

When we met she had just three weeks earlier, literally on her arrival day, fallen into the clutches of an on-campus jackass Mormon preacher who convinced her to convert, and then explained to her that she was by virtue of conversion physically and spiritually a virgin once more. She later admitted it all smelt fishy.

She was a good student. Plus she was friendly and open – and extraordinarily cute! A lovely slender figure, and quite busty.

After one class meeting early in the semester, she hung around until we were alone, then approached me without a trace of hesitation or embarrassment – she would like to talk about some things biological that she’d been told by a preacher, would I be interested in having her come over to my place sometime and cook dinner, we could talk, she would value my opinions, and besides that, she liked me!

I wasn’t used to being so boldly approached, and it worked perfectly: dinner happened that very night, a Friday. Both a motorcycle ride to my place and a pre-dinner banana daiquiri helped loosen her up — not that she needed much of that, she was extremely frank and open.

We quickly dismissed as specious claptrap the renewal of her virginity – she admitted somewhat shyly to having fucked widely since age twelve, and was greatly relieved to find I didn’t criticize. She even seemed surprised and a little awed when I told her I’d begun at age eleven myself.

The conversation veered off into things sexual, the mutual responsibility for one’s partner’s pleasure, and then particularly contraception, about which she knew little, but was aware of her ignorance and wanted to learn. I showed her my favorite — contraceptive foam which one emplaced against the cervix by using a little plastic injector. She thought it a marvelous invention.

Soon she suggested it was time for her to cook — which she did. Spaghetti, and quite good.

We lazed about after dinner, did a bit of necking (she was a delicious kisser) and mild through-the-clothing fondling whilst sprawled on my couch. I was being more gentlemanly (read ‘less pushy’) than I wished, mostly in light of her being my student and of that recent religious nonsense — despite the evening’s intense discussions I wasn’t sure yet how deeply she might have internalized the crapola and didn’t want to give hurt unnecessarily.

Anyhow, I was certainly horny enough for a whole pack of cub scouts by late evening, when I suggested (being gentlemanly as I was) that we should take her back to the dorm — via car, not bike, daiquiris considered. She looked at me with a wide-open, slightly gamine expression, then went shy in a way unique to her, a mannerism that popped up occasionally and simply, utterly melted me inside.

She shook her head, picked up the foam applicator, and said “I don’t have to go yet. I don’t WANT to, either. What I’d really canlı bahis şirketleri like is to try out some of this stuff.”

She watched my expression, read it correctly, and began unbuttoning her blouse. We left my house at about mid-afternoon next day, experienced but not sated. We were an item for a long time.

Forty-plus years can make a person hard to find. I’d tried — purely out of curiosity — to find her and about half a dozen other old flames. Now, I’m no dilettante on the internet, but I’d had zero luck, finally deciding that she must have married and changed her name, else died. Just about the time I gave up the occasional desultory search, I got an email from her! Admittedly, as a well-published scientist with a checkered, wildly variegated career, it’s easier to find me… but what a coincidence. She wrote that she, too, was just curious. The net result was a series of increasingly detailed and intimate emails, a couple of long phone calls, and finally this visit, which had my blood pressure slightly up, and my pulse elevated as well. It wasn’t clear what was supposed to transpire — after all, she admitted candidly to being near the end of her sixth marriage. No wonder I couldn’t find her!

I watched her as she headed for the kitchen to get coffee, asking over her shoulder “I suppose you still take it the same way — two sugars and extra cream?” Bingo! — a fine memory.

Fine body, too — over sixty now, she was still slender and looked to be in good shape. Nice legs — and she knew it, for they were on show beneath her shorts. Still busty, and barely contained by what had to be a little-nothing bra. Interesting!

She returned with the coffee, sat down on the sofa with me, turned so that she could study my face — and caught me looking at the mantel with its lineup of six portrait-style photos, all men. She laughed, patted me on the knee, said “Like my rogues’ gallery? That’s the six, in order left to right. Five divorces, and number six is final in about a week.” She looked at me as if waiting for disapproval — which I wasn’t about to give.”

Confronted with her string of husbands, I had compared her history to my own, describing us both as serial monogamists (with occasional flings strewn about despite the nominal monogamy). I had suggested that the only real difference between us was that she collected bits of paper along the way — licenses, divorce decrees, etc. Finally she sighed and then giggled: “I really do appreciate your analysis of my record, you know. I think it’s pretty accurate.

I shrugged, said “I never asked — six hubbies, but no kids?”

She shook her head, swirled her coffee and said “Nope. No kids. Do you remember our first night together, at your place?”

I admitted to having relived it dozens of times, told her with a grin that the memory always turned me on hugely.

She nodded, said “Me, too!” Then, “All that nonsense and trouble we went through with the foam! After all that, it turns out my fallopian tubes never developed properly and I’m sterile. Produced lots of eggs, but none of them ever got to where they could be fertilized. Wasn’t until number three husband that my doctor finally figured it out. Sort of too bad, I might have liked being a mommy.”

I shrugged again, said “Neither me — no kids, no desire for them. Never have felt the need to reproduce, my genes aren’t all that valuable or unique, and besides, my three sibs all have kids so my genes are still in the pool.”

She laughed, canlı kaçak iddaa said “Still the biologist, aren’t you!”

There followed a very long and pregnant pause through which we stared at one another without blinking, until finally she set her cup down and leaned towards me. From quite close, she said softly “You’re looking awfully good, Mister! Take care of yourself, don’t you? Bet you’re still a runner!”

I admitted it, then said “Ditto, Madam — I always did appreciate that body of yours, and it’s still enough to turn me on instantly!”

She glanced down at my crotch, smiled, and said “My! What a nice compliment. You at this age, and still carrying a teenager’s cock! You’re being so perpetually horny for my body is one of my favorite memories. And favorite fantasies, these days.” She sighed. “None of the six could fuck good. Not a candle to thee and me!” She watched my expression, clearly expecting a reaction. It was marvelous — she had remembered! I’m a nut on good English, and she used to intentionally twit me on occasion by purposely making such a minor blunder, waiting for me to catch it.

“Ooooo!” I said; “…the old ‘good versus well’ ploy! I should reward you for remembering… or maybe I should punish you for making the error!” Back at the U, reward = punishment = extended fucking.

We both grinned. She giggled, now very close, and said “If you don’t stop me, I’m afraid I’m going to have to check and see if you can still kiss decently, too.”

The kiss lasted, I suspect, well over five minutes. When finally we broke, she shook her head and said in a whisper, “Oh, my. Forty years, and here we go, instantly back to being horny teenagers again. GOD but you can kiss, Mister!” Then a second later it was “Your sexual preferences changed since then?”

I knew what she was hinting at, and said “Still the same.” The rank order was, then and now, bottom, mouth, pussy, hands. The ranks are hugely nonlinear, a great gap separates anal from the others. For lots of reasons in myself which I fully understand. Jodee had never been able to indulge me very well at my favorite — not for want of trying, and not due to fear or dislike of the idea — rather, for want of adequate opening. She owned absolutely the tightest bottom-sphincter I had ever tried to get through. We managed a couple of times, but when it became obvious that discomfort instead of pleasure was inevitable, and that it couldn’t become a favorite or common exercise, we concentrated on other things.

She slid her hands around my neck, pulled me to her and kissed me again: another several minutes passed delightfully. Finally she initiated a break. “Just in case you’re curious, I did eventually learn to use my butt the way you like. It took a lot of practice with a whole series of dildos… more time and patience than we had back then. But I did learn.”

She was studying me closely, expectantly. “I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when you got here….” She said. “But now I have a pretty good idea. Would you like to adjourn to my bedroom and fuck?” Not bad for frankness!

Then, as I nodded vigorously, she giggled and said “If you want, I still have one virginity left – well, it’s sort of a virginity, anyhow – and I’d love for you to help me get rid of it… it’s SUCH a burden at my advanced age!” I looked quizzical: she explained, “Yes, I’ve learned to buttfuck and I like it, but I haven’t ever been able to come with a man in there. So IF you’re up to trying and IF you think you can canlı kaçak bahis do it, – that’s a direct challenge, by the way! – you can have that cherry.” Then softly, “I’d really, truly like to have that happen. Here, today, now, and with YOU!”

It was my turn to initiate a kiss: I reminded her about breathing through one another, and the intimacy of it enveloped us in heat. Her nipples made themselves brilliantly available through the overlying thin cloth, and my fingers took full advantage. When we separated, I asked my own little preparatory question: “Foreplay as always?” That was from our old code – very early in our item-ness we had decided that at least for the two of us, the best foreplay was more fucking — we would launch straightaway as soon as clothing arrangements (or lack) permitted. But we did indulge in extended ‘after-play’ — great for its own sake, and especially nice because it so often led to more actual fucking, of which neither of us could ever get enough.

She grinned and nodded happily: “Absolutely! Shall we let the games begin, now that the ground rules have been established?”

We stood, she slid her hand down to fondle my hardon, gripped it through the cloth, muttering “Lovely teenager’s hardon on a lovely mid-sixties man, what a hoot!” as she used it to lead me bed-ward.

I goggled at the bedroom scene — laid out on the nightstand were superlube, a bottle of massage oil, two vibrators, and two dildos. Scattered about the room were half a dozen candles, all alight — in college, she’d been addicted to making love amidst candles. The shades were drawn, the bed was stripped for action already, down to sheets, and in the center lay a large solid-looking pillow covered with a huge, rough terrycloth towel.

I looked at her and said “So, as you said earlier, you had ABSOLUTELY no idea whatever as to what might happen at this reunion? I see your nipples still like terrycloth, don’t they?”

She guided me to bedside, plastered herself against me full-frontal and said from far too close to focus, “A girl can always HOPE, can’t she? You always used to say that luck favors the well-prepared! I hope you don’t find me pushy or anything, but now — quick – do we strip one another, or ourselves?”

It was a combination. She hopped into the bed, draped herself butt-upwards over the pillow, and said “I hope you don’t mind me being shaved — it’s something you and I never tried, but I really find I like it — and it makes things a LOT more intense, especially with mouths. But no mouths right now…. I want you to take that nice hard cock and –slowly now! — get it as deep into my bottom as you can go. Then when I’m warmed up, you can just wail away…. and IF you want that virginity you’re going to have to figure out how to get it. My own suggestion would involve one of those vibrators. It’s been over forty years, Mister, so let’s begin, dammit!”

It did take lube, a good back massage. the larger and more powerful vibrator, and perhaps twenty minutes “work”, but in the end Jodee lost that virginity. When finally she came, it was a phenomenal, drawn-out orgasm that bode well to cut off all circulation to my cock. As she was surfacing, I let myself go, too.

That was the start: the program lasted through the entire weekend, and involved extensive refresher courses in all varieties of approach and technique. Late on the afternoon of the first day, as we were engaged in slow-motion after-play, she nibbled on my nipples and then said into my chest “Think we’re still as good as way back then?”

I answered “Nope… not a chance!” as I rolled her onto her back and sent my mouth southwards again.

“We’re better. By far. Schedules for encores gladly entertained. Now lie back and let me play!”

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