İş için gittim kocamı Aldattım

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İş için gittim kocamı Aldattım
Selam. Ben Sertap. Bu hikayemi evli olan kadınlara, bu büyük tadı kaçırmamaları ve hayatlarında alabilecekleri en büyük mutluluğa ulaşabilmeleri için yazıyorum. Mutlu bir evliliği olan bir çiftiz. İzmirde oturuyoruz ve 3 yaşında bir kızımız var. Ben bir şirkette üst düzey yöneticiyim, eşim de bir reklam firmasında iyi bir mevk**edir. Evliliğimizin ilk 5 yılı boyunca çok güzel bir ilişkimiz vardı ve seks hayatımızda da gayet iyi bir birlikteliğimiz olduğunu düşünüyordum. Bunu düşünmemdeki sebeb, işlerimizin yoğun olmasına rağmen haftada bir gün sevişmemiz, seks yapmamız ve bunun bana yetmesi ve her sevişmemizde, seks yapmamızda orgazm olabilmem, eşimi sevmemdi.

Geçen yıl bir toplantı için İstanbula gitmem gerekiyordu. İstanbula gittiğimde toplantı gayet iyi geçti, ama oldukça da yorgundum. Otele gittim ve bir duş aldıktan sonra yatakta biraz uzandım. Birkaç saat uyumuşum, uyandığımda saatin 22 olduğunu fark ettim. Oldukça da acıkmıştım, bu saatte ne yiyebilirim diye düşündüm, üzerime yaz olduğu için ince bir bluz ve mini etek geçirdim, makyajımı yaptıktan sonra aşağıya otelin lobisine indim ve resepsiyona neler yiyebileceğimi sordum. O anda saat 23 olmuştu ve resepsiyondaki görevli otelin barında içecek ve yiyecek bir şeyler bulabileceğimi söyledi. Otelin barına doğru giderken o kapıdan girdiğimde hayatımda çok yeni ve güzel bir şeylerin başlayacağını nereden bilebilirdim. Bara gittim oturdum ve barmen bir sandviç hazırlayabileceğini söyledi. Barda 6-7 çift ve 5-6 yalnız erkek ve ben vardım.
Sandviçim geldi, yedim ve bir kadeh şarap içtikten sonra tam kalkacaktım ki, yalnız erkeklerden biri gözüme ilişti. Çok yakışıklı bir erkekti ve 35 -36 yaşlarındaydı, gözlerimi ondan alamıyordum. Bir kadeh daha şarap içtim, sonra bir kadeh daha istedim. O sırada beklemediğim bir şey oldu, o yakışıklı genç bana doğru yaklaştı ve bana yanıma oturup oturamayacağını sordu. Çok heyecanlanmıştım, “Tabii buyurun!” dedim. Tanıştık, oturdu. Adı Hakandı. Biraz konuştuk. Gerçekten çok yakışıklıydı, kumraldı, saçları oldukça kısa kesilmişti ve ona çok yakışıyordu. Birden sıcak bir ortam oluştu, çok iyi espriler yapıyor, beni güldürüyordu. Saat bu arada gece 1 olmuştu ve bar iyice hareketlenmişti. Romantik bir şarkı çalıyordu ve çiftler dans ediyorlardı. Hakan, “Dans edelim mi?” dediğinde, hemen, “Olur! Böylesine yakışlıklı bir erkekle dans edilmez mi hiç?” dedim. Ve bunu ona nasıl söylediğime ben de şaşırdım, biraz yüzümün kızardığını hissettim.
Dans etmeye başladık ve ona dokununca bacakaramda bir sıcaklık hissetim. Sanki birden bütün kan amıma hareket etmişti. Bir süre sonra daha yakından dans etmeye başladık. Bu arada konuşuyorduk da. Aklıma birden eşim ve kızım geldi, doğru bir şey yapıyor muydum, ama ondan çok hoşlanmıştım, suçluluk duygusu hissediyor ama kendimi alamıyordum. Bu arada Hakan beni iyice kendine doğru çekmişti, vücutlarımız birbirine iyice değiyordu. İnce bluzumun altında sert ve sıcak bir şeyin bana değdiğini hissediyordum, Hakanın penisi kalkmıştı ve bu sıcaklık kanımı hareketlendirmişti. Ben daha da sarıldım. Yarım saat kadar dans ettikten sonra tekrar oturduğumuzda, Hakanın, “Daha fazla vakit kaybetmeyelim istersen!” dediğinde ne demek istediğini anlamıştım. Ama bunu yapabileceğimi hiç düşünememiştim. Eşimi düşünüyordum. Eşim beni bir keresinde aldatmıştı, ama ne de olsa o erkekti. Kızıma karşı sorumluluklarım, Hakan güvenilir bir erkek mi, hastalık kapar mıyım soruları ard arda geliyordu.
Üstelik daha önce hiç bir erkeğe bu gözle bakmamıştım. Benim için tek bir erkek vardı, o da eşimdi. Elime eşimden başka erkek eli değmemişti diyebilirim. Eşimi çok seviyordum, ona aşıktım ve hiç aklımda böyle bir fikir bile yoktu. Nedense buna benim de hakkım vardı diye düşündüm, ama yine de cesaret edemiyordum, hiç tanımadığım bir erkekle nasıl birlikte olabilirdim, daha sonra beni ve ailemi rahatsız eder miydi, beni başkalarına anlatır mıydı acaba. Büyük bir ikilemin içindeydim, ne diyeceğimi bilemiyordum, denemeli miydim bilmiyordum. Siz olsaydınız ne yapardınız acaba? Ama içimde öyle bir his vardı ki, canım seks istiyordu, yabancı bir erkekle bunu konuşuyor olmak da bana ayrı bir heyecan veriyordu. Hakan çok iyi niyetle, “Boş ver, teklifimi unut, özür dilerim, bir an seni çok istedim, cesaretim için affet!” dedi. Bir anda cesaretimi toplayıp dudaklarını öptüm. Ve o tad hala içimi kıpırdatır, harikaydı, bütün vücudum ateşler içindeydi sanki. Hemen, “Nereye gideceğiz?” dedim. “İster senin odana çıkalım, istersen benim evime gidelim, çok hoş bir evim var, nasıl rahat edersen. İstersen bize gidelim sadece uyuyalım, her şey sana bağlı!” dedi.
Beraber çıktık ve otelin park yerindeki Lüx bir Jeepin kapısını açtığında, kendi kendime ne yaptığımı sorguluyordum, sarhoş değildim ve çok heyecanlıydım, ağzımın kuruduğunu hissetim. İstanbulu pek bilmiyordum, ama Sarıyere doğru giderken konuşuyorduk. Eşimden ve kızımdan bahsettim. Hakan bekarmış. Evi müstakil bir evdi ve çok güzeldi. Ne iş yaptığını sorduğumda iş adamı olduğunu söyledi. Evin içi de çok güzeldi ve zevkle döşenmişti. Salonda oturduk, karnımın acıktığını söyledim ve beni mutfağa davet etti, dolapta bir şeyler olabileceğini, bakmamı söyledi. Dolabı açtığımda çok sevdiğim o çikolatalı pastayı gördüm ve bir parça alarak salona geçtik. “Televizyon seyredelim mi?” dedim, hala çok tedirgindim. Ve bana hiç sarkıntılık etmeden konuşuyorduk. Televizyonu açtı, kumandayı bana verdi. Onun bu sakin hali beni rahatlatmıştı, huzursuz değildim artık ve TV’nin kanallarını zaplamaya başladım, paralı yayınların birinin Erotik kanalı çıktı birden karşıma. Bir kadın ve iki erkek sevişiyorlardı, paralı yayınlarda bu kadar açık porno gösterdiğini bilmiyordum. Kadın erkeklerden birinin penisini ağzına almıştı, diğeri de kadını sikiyordu. Çok heyecanlandım, ama Hakana da bakamıyordum. Hakan, “Seyretmek istersen porno CD’ler de var, bak istersen.” dedi ve televizyonun yanındaki kütüphaneyi gösterdi.
Ayağa kalktım ama bacaklarım resmen titriyordu. Kütüphanenin yanına gittiğimde en az 100 tane porno CD den oluşan porno kolleksiyonu vardı. Üzerlerinde resimler de vardı. Hepsine tek tek baktım ve Hakana, “Ne çok CD’in var!” dedim, güldü. Üzerinde Big Dicks (Büyük Yarraklar) yazan CD’yi Hakana uzattım, seçtiğim CD’yi görünce gülüştük. Hakan CD’yi Playere taktı ve “Ben bir duş almak istiyorum, olur mu? Sen seyret!” dedi, ben de başımı salladım. Hakan gitti ve ben seyretmeye başladım. Daha önce pek porno film seyretmemiştim, eşimle 1 veya 2 kez seyretmiştik, evliliğimizin ilk yıllarında. Eşimle seyrettiğimiz filmdeki erkeklerin penisleri öyle büyüktü ki, kocamınki onların yanında küçücük kalıyordu. Eşimle Penis boyları hakkında biraz yorum yapmış ve sonra da eşimin Penisini ölçmüştük, eşiminki 16 cm idi. Ama Hakanın CD’sindekiler, eşimle seyrettiğim filmdekilerden çok dah büyük ve kalındı.
Yaklaşık 20 dakika sonra Hakan banyodan geldi, üzerinde bornoz vardı ve yeni yıkanmış hali çok hoştu. “Nasıl gidiyor?” dedi. Ben de filmdeki Penislerin ne kadar büyük olduğunu söyleyerek, “Baksana, bunlar gerçek değil herhalde?” dedim. Güldü. “Neden gülüyorsun?” dediğimde, “Benimki onlardan daha büyük ki!” dedi. İnanmadım, “Yalan söylüyorsun!” dedim. Yanıma geldi, “İnanamıyorsan bornozun altına bak!” dedi. Ben de, “Yalan, kesin yalan!” dedim. Bu arada, hem izlediğim filmden, hem de Hakanla bunları konuşmaktan amımın suyu akmaya başlamış ve oldukça ıslanmıştı, külodum bile sırılsıklamdı. Hakanın Penisi bornozun altında ve burnumun önünde duruyordu. Ben oturuyordum, Hakan ayakta duruyordu. Hakanın gözlerine bakarak bornozunu aralamak için ellerimi uzattım. Bornozunu açtığımda gözlerim aşağıya kaydırdım ve kocamdan başka ilk defa bir erkeğin Penisi ile karşı karşıyaydım. Okadar heyecanlanmıştım ki onu çıplak görünce, amımın ısındığını hissediyordum. Üstelik dediği gibi, Penisi inik haliyle bile öyle büyük ve kalındı ki, inik hali kocamın penisinin kalkmış halinden çok daha büyüktü. Çok şaşırmıştım ve öylece bir kaç saniye dona kalmıştım. Gözlerimi ondan alamıyordum, çok büyük ve kalın olmasının yanında çok da güzel bir penisti. Bir penisin bu kadar güzel olabileceğini hiç düşünmemiştim.
Tam ona dokunacaktım ki, Hakan beni kollarımdan tutarak kaldırdı ve bornozunu çıkardı. Tamamen çıplaktı ve vücudu çok güzeldi. Dudaklarımdan öpmeye başladı, ben de kollarımı boynuna dolayıp sarıldım. Kocamdan başka bir erkeğe çırılçıplakken ilk defa sarılıyordum, çok güzel bir histi. Sonra o beni öperken poposunu elledim, öyle güzel ve değişik bir duyguydu ki anlatamam. İki elimle poposunu sıkıca sıktım ve bana doğru çektim onu. Sonra heyecanla Penisine baktım, ki ben ona yarrak diyeceğim, yarrağı gittikçe büyüyor ve devleşiyordu adeta. Bir elimle yarrağını tuttum ve bir elimle poposunu tutuyordum. Hakan elleriyle eteğimi kaldırarak popomu ellemeye başladı. Hakanın yarrağını öpmek istedim, normalde Penisi ağzıma almayı çok sevmezdim, kocamın penisini de mümkün olduğunca öpmezdim, yani benim midemi bulandırırdı genelde, kocam istediği halde ben öpmezdim. Ama Hakanın yarrağını öpmek için içimde dayanılmaz bir istek duyuyordum. Zorlukla dudaklarımı Hakanıın dudaklarından ayırdım ve önüne eğildim. O harika yarrak karşımda duruyordu, iki elimle onu ellerime aldım, büyüklüğünü nasıl tarif etsem, bir büyük salam kadardı. Elimde dünyanın en güzel yarrağı vardı.
Hakanın yarrağının başından öpmeye başladım, tadı çok güzeldi, kocamın Penisini öperken hiç böyle hissetmemiştim. Demek ki yarrakların tadı da farklı olabiliyormuş, bu sefer hiç midem bulanmıyordu, dudaklarımı yarrağından uzaklaştıramıyordum, her milimetrekaresini öpmek, yalamak istiyordum. Hakan beni kaldırdı ve bluzumü çıkardı. Göğüslerim büyük sayılmazdı ve hafif sarkıktır diyebilirim, ama heyecandan göğüs uçlarım dimdik olmuştu. Hakan dudaklarını meme uçlarıma değdirdiğinde adeta zevkten çıldırdım. Hakan biraz sonra eteğimi de çıkardığında sadece külodum kalmıştı üzerimde. Kocamdan başka bir erkeğin karşısında sadece küldumlaydım. Aslında başka bir erkeğin karşısında soyunamıyacağımı, vücudumdan utanacağımı düşünüyordum. Kendimi pek güzel bulmuyordum, ama Hakandan hiç utanmadım, onun karşısında çıplak olmak hissi, onun benim göğüslerime, küloduma bakıyor olması hissi ve benim onu çırılçıplak görüyor olmam kadar harika bir şey olamazdı.
Hakan külodumun üstünden popomu, amımı okşuyordu, “Külodun ne kadar ıslanmış!” dedi. Ben de, “Bu yarrağın karşısında ıslanmasın da ne yapsın, harika bir yarrağın var, kocamın Penisinin iki katından bile büyük, kocamınkini öpmeyi pek sevmezdim ama senin yarrağını ağzıma almak istiyorum, yatar mısın?” dedim. Hakan beni tutarak yatak odasına çıkardı. Yatağı oldukça büyüktü ve çarşaflar tertemizdi. Yatağa yattı, yarrağı dimdik bir abide gibi duruyordu. Hemen yarrağını öpmeye başladım. Harika kokuyordu, derin bir nefes aldım, kokusunu içime çektim. Hakan popomdan tutarak beni çevirdi ve amımı külodumun üzerinden öpmeye başladı. Harika öpüyordu. Gerçi kocamın da amımı öpmesinden hep hoşlanmışımdır. Ama evli bir kadın olarak, başka bir erkeğin dudaklarının, dilinin amının dudaklarında gezmesinin çok daha başka güzel hisler uyandırdığını fark ettim.
Külodumu çıkarıp amımı yalamaya devam ederken, ben de hayatımda gördüğüm ve o anda elimde tuttuğum en güzel yarrağı öpüyor, yalıyor, kokluyor, içime sindire sindire emiyordum. Bu arada taşaklarını da yalamayı ihmal etmiyordum, onları yalamak ayrı bir zevkti. Amım yalanırken, başka bir erkeğin o güzel yarrağını yalamak ne harika bir şey, anlatamam. Burada bir şey çok önemli, kocamı seviyordum ve onunla iyi seks yapardık, ama başka bir erkeğin kollarında olmak, başka bir erkeğin yarrağının yanında olmak, ona dokunmak öpmek, onu hissetmek öyle bir şey ki anlatamam, normalde ben böyle şeyleri hiç tasvip etmezdim ve eşini aldatan kadınlara çok kızardım. Herhalde en az yarım saat ben onun yarrağını, o da benim amını yaladı, doyamıyordum ona. Ama artık onu içime sokmak istiyordum, ancak acaba içime girer miydi, o kadar büyüktü ki, asla içime girmez bu dedim kendi kendime. Sonra Hakana dönüp, “Bu benim amıma girmez, çok büyük!” dedim. Hakan, “Merak etme, kadınların Vajinası genişleyebilir, bir de çok heyecanlanınca daha da büyüyebilir!” dedi. Beni sırtüstü yatağa yatırdı ve üzerime doğru geldi, çok korkuyordum, çünkü acıdan çok korkarım.
Hakan yarrağının başını sırılsıklam olmuş amımın dudaklarına sürtmeye başladı. Ben, “Hadi ama, sik beni!” diye yalvarıyordum artık. Yarağını amıma sokarken acıyla bağırdım, çok büyüktü ve girmiyordu. Hakan, “Acıyorsa girmeyeyim!” dedi. Ben, “Hayır, deli misin? Sik beni! Onu içimde istiyorum!” diye bağırıyordum. Bir kaç kez yarrağının başını sokup çıkardıktan sonra amım genişlemeye başladı ve artık hemen hemen yarısını sokuyordu. Ve ben çok mutluydum, çünkü dünyanın en harika şeyi beni sikiyordu. Ama onun hepsini içime almak istiyordum, Hakanıın poposundan tutarak kendime çekiyor, onu daha çok hissetmek istiyordum. Artık iyice çıldırmıştım, “Beni daha hızlı sik erkeğim, benim sikicim ol!” gibi birçok şey söyledim. Yaklaşık 30-40 dakika beni hiç durmadan her pozisyonda sikti. Bu kadar uzun sikebilmesi de harika bir şeydi. Amım acıyor, ama çok büyük de zevk alıyordum, artık üst üste orgazm oluyordum. O beni sikerken en az 5 kez boşaldım. Herhalde filmlerde gördüğümüz o mükemmel sikişme sahnelerinden çok daha güzel bir şeydi ve sanki bulutlar üzerinde uçuyordum.
5 yıl boyunca kocamın beni çok iyi becerdiğini düşünmüştüm, ama şimdi fikrim tamamen değişmişti. Kocamdan aldığım zevk bunun yanında hemen hemen hiçbir şey değil gibiydi. Böyle bir şeyi yaşayacağımı hayal bile dahi edememiştim, hiç de düşünmemiştim. Bence bu genelde Türk kadınının aptallığı gibi geliyor. Erkekler aldatabilir, biz aldatamayız, erkekler kadınlara bakabilir, her kadını sikmek ister gibi bakar, benim kocam gibi, biz kadınlar bakamayız, biz hiç bir erkeğe bu beni ne güzel siker diye bakamayız, ben de böyleydim, hiç böyle bir şey düşünemezdim. Ancak şu bir gerçek ki, sokakta gördüğümüz erkeklerin bir kısmı hem yakışıklı ve hem de güzel penisleri, yarrakları vardır ve bizi aslında şimdi sikildiğimizden çok daha güzel sikebilirler, bunları hiç düşünmeyiz. Kocam seviştikten sonra genelde, “Zevk aldın mı? Orgazm oldun mu?” diye sorardı, “Penisim küçük mü?” diye sorardı. Ve ben de, “Deli misin, ben çok memnunum!” derdim, gerçekten de öyle sanırdım. Ama Hakanın mükemmel yarrağı ve onun mükemmel sikişi ve aldatmanın harika hissi benim fikirlerimi değiştirdi. Bunun üzerinde çok düşündüm ve yaşadıklarımı yazmaya karar verdim.
Bana çılgın diyebilirsiniz. Esk**en ben de çoğu kadınlar gibi düşünüyordum. Oysa şimdi evliliğimiz de halen güzelce devam ediyor. Artık İstanbula gitmeyi çok seviyorum ve artık çevremdeki erkeklere bakarken onların yarraklarını düşünüyorum, hayal ediyorum. Artık eşimle daha çok porno film seyrediyoruz. Eşime özellikle, “Büyük yarraklı erkeklerin filmlerinden getir!” diyebildim ve eşim de bana, “Tabi ki tatlım, yeter ki sen iste!” diyerek dudaklarıma bir öpücük kondurdu. Bu olay bizi birbirimize daha çok bağlasa da, ben kadınlığımın tadını doyasıya çıkarmaya devam ediyorum açıkçası.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ali ve Orospuları-5

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ali ve Orospuları-5
Aradan 1 hafta geçmişti. Ali bizim evde kalıyordu. Bizim evde olmadığı zamanlarda ise ben veya kızım ona gidiyor ona hizmet ediyorduk. Ali’nin o koca siki ya amımda ya ağzımdan ya amımdan ya da götümden sikiyordu. Amım onun penisine alışmış gibiydi. Ali’nin emriyle 3 defa kocamla birlikte oldum ama aynı zevki vermiyordu. Kocam ise Ali bizi siktikten sonra ya kızımın amını ya da benim amımı yalar temizlerdi. Kızımı ise sadece ağzından veya amından kullanıyordu. Göt deliğini Emrah açacak daha önce bir tecrübesi olmadı o yapsın istiyorum dedi.
Ali bize emirler veriyordu. Bu emirlere göre herşeyi yapıyorduk. Evde giydiğimiz kıyafetler dışarı çıkarken giydiğimiz kıyafetler hep değişti. Kızım ise Ali’yi arkadaşlarıyla tanıştırıyor ve onlara sevgilim diyordu. Evde bize verdiği cezalara göre yemeğimize spermini koyuyor, yüzümüzü onun sidiğiyle yıkıyordu. Bu hayatımızın değişen durumundan biz de zevk alıyorduk. Buna karşı gelemiyorduk, çünkü bu durumda olmayı biz istiyorduk.
Sabah uyanıp kahvaltı hazırlığından sonra herkesin tabaklarını yerleştirdim. Masada dört kişi yemeğimizi yedik. Kızım hemen kıyafetlerini giyip çıktı. Okula giderken çok kısa bir elbise giymişti. Babasına dönüp “Baba bu nasıl erkekler bana bakar mı?” diye sordu. Babası evet dedikten hemen sonra kızım çıktı. Kocamda gidince. Ali ile baş başa kaldık, oturduğumuz yerde hemen önüne diz çöktüm. Sikini emmeye başladım.
“Azra köleciğim, bugün Emrah geliyor. Havaalanından sen alacaksın, ben işe gidecem. Akşam burda buluşuruz. Unutma..” bu esnada hepsini soktu ve kafamdan bastırıyordu “o da senin efendin ve ona iyi hizmet et” başımdan tutup hızlıca ağzımdan sikmeye başladı. Bir müddet sonra yüzüme ve ağzıma boşaldı. “Şimdi git giyin ve tekrardan unutma o ne isterse yapacaksın, sana Emrahın fotoğrafını sana atacam. 11.30’ta uçak inmiş olur”
Ben ise saatte baktım, daha saat 8.45’di. Duşa girdim temizlendim, duştan sonra siyah bir elbise tercih ettim, göğüs dekoltesi iyice belirgindi. Alttanda kısa eteği özenle hemen kalçamın altındaydı. Sütyen giymemiştim bu yüzden göğüs uçlarım belirgindi, dahası yürürken göğüslerim sallanıyordu. Ayna karşısında biraz makyaj ve Ali için alınmış olan parfüm. O parfüm alinin söylediği üzere daha çok arzulandırıyormuş beni. Bu şekilde evden çıktım. Apartman girişinde alt komşumun oğlu ile karşılaşmıştık. Ona annesini sordum. Iyi dedi. Onun bakışlarını çekmiştim, resemn gözleriyle bana bakıyordu. Bir anda ıslanmıştım. Giderken annene selam söyle dedim. “Aliye’ye söyle yakın bir zamanda kahveye gelecem” dedim. Sonrasında yürümeye devam ettim arakdan beni süzdüğünden o kadar emindim ki, bu beni çok azdırıyordu.
Havaalanındaydım, uçak inmişti, dışarda bekliyordum. Ali bana Emrahın fotoğrafını atmıştı. 18 yaşında beyaz tenli, biraz tombul bir erkek bekliyordum. Kapı açıldı dışarı iki genç çıktı. Biri Emrah’tı, diğeri ise normal yapılı bir gençti. Yanıma doğru geldi, beni tanımıştı. Azra merhaba, dedi sarılıp yanağımdan öptü. Bende merhaba dedikten sonra onları arabaya götürdüm. Emrah yanıma oturdu, adı Kemal olan diğer genç ise arkaya geçti.
“Azra, Kemal ile yolda karşılaştık. Kendisi uzun zamandır karşılaşmadığım bir arkadaşım, onu bırakmadan önce birlikte bir yerlere gidip bir şeyler içelim dedik. Sen bizi güzel bir yere götürürmüsün?”
“Tabi Emrah, nereye istersen, senin için hazırlandım, nasıl buldun, güzel olmuşmuyum” Emrahın hava atabilmesi için bu şekilde davranmıştım
“Evet, taş gibisin Azra. Kemal ben buraya Azra’yı sikmeye geldim. Sen ne diyorsun, tam sikmelik değil mi?”
“Evet kanka, çok güzel”
“Geldik, Emrah canım. Buradan sonra arkadaşını bırakıp hemen beni sikmen için sabırsızlanıyorum”
Geldiğimiz kafede kahveleri aldık, masaya geçtik oturduk. Kafenin diğer ucunda kocam, biriyle oturuyordu. Beni farketti, hemen yanımıza gelmek için ayağa kalktı. Yanımıza gelince, “Aşkım, seni burda görmeyi beklemiyordum. Bu gençler kim karıcığım?” dedikten sonra hem Emrah hem Kemal korkmaya ve kekelemeye başladı.
“Bebeğim bak bu Emrah, kendisi Ali’nin akrabası, bu da arkadaşı. Birer kahve içip, arkadaşını bıraktıktan sonra Emrahı bize götürecem”
“Emrah hoşgeldin, karım seninle ilgilenecektir. Onun ilgisinden memnun kalacağından eminim, kahvenin ve eşimin tadını çıkarın” gençlerde biraz şaşırmış şekilde gülümsediler.
Kocam yanımızdan ayrıldı. Emrah ise hadi kalkalım dedi. Dediğini yaptık, arabaya bindik, sürmeden önce bizi tenha bir yere götür dedi. Arabayı tenha bir yere çektim. Hepimiz arabadan indikten sonra Emrah ile Kemal’in yanına gittim. Emrah, yüzümü okşamaya başladı, dudaklarımız yapıştı. Emrah gerçekten tecrübesiz olsa gerek çünkü öpüşmeyi dahi bilmiyordu. Saçlarımdan tuttu, beni Kemal’e döndür. İlginç olan Ali ona bana nasıl davranacağını söylemiş ve Emrah’ta dersine iyi çalışmıştı. Kemal ile öpüşmeye başladım. Arkamda Emrahın elleri, kalçalarımı sıkıyordu. Emrah arkadan göğüslerimi serbest bırakmıştı. Tangamı indirdi ve penisini iki kalçamın arasına koydu. Bana sürtünürken, elleriyle de göğüslerimi sıkıyordu.
İki genç erkek, Kemal kafamdan tuttu ve aşağı doğru itti. Bu şekilde domaldığımı ve direk amım ve götüm, Emrahın önündeydi. Ah gençler keşke temizlenseydiniz dedim içimden, hiç birşey yapamadım sadece Kemal kafamı tuttu ve am siker gibi ağzımı sikmeye başladı. Bu da benim boğazıma kadar sokmasına sebeb oldu. Emrah ise amıma soktu. Amımdan sikilmeye başladım, bu şekilde sikilerek ikisi de kısa sürede boşaldı. Kemalin spermlerini yuttum. Emrah ise amımın derinliklerine boşaldı. Bu şekilde giyndik ve Kemal’i kaldığı yere götürdük. Oradan da bize geçtik.

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The Debauching of Grandma

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I still had two of the bedrooms in my Gran’s house, one for working and studying in and one as my bedroom. Since the Saturday I had caught her with a dildo in her pussy and she had come to my room to have sex with me, I had shared her bed. I still had work to do for my university course and i still had my summer job so we would often leave the house at breakfast and not meet up again until late in the afternoon.

One Sunday, after a lazy morning in bed we were sat in the lounge, reading. Gran was carefully dressed and made up, as she always was during the day and I had dressed in smart slacks and a clean white shirt. We were all going for a family meal at a local bar-cum-restaurant and Gran insisted that everyone should be smartly dressed when, as she said, we were on show. Suddenly, Gran leaned forward.

“Will you do something for me?” she asked, her face reddening.

“Of course, if I can. What is it?” I answered her, puzzled.

“I can’t say, it’s, nasty and dirty.” Gran carried on, “Watch this and you’ll see.”

Gran handed me a video in a plain case and almost scurried out of the room. I opened the case and saw that it had been played or wound forward until it was about half way through. I slid it into the player and switched the television on. A close up of a young woman filled the screen, sliding a hugely erect cock to the back of her throat and covering it in her slippery spit. As I watched, she pulled her head away and allowed the swollen knob to slide out from between her lips. Then she turned around lowered her self onto all fours, with her naked bottom lifted high in the air. The man positioned himself behind her and used his fingers to spread the cheeks of her arse, leaning over and spitting into the tight brown hole. Then he took hold of his cock at the base and rubbed his shiny knob in the spit, making it wet and slippery.

I watched, transfixed, as he pressed the head of his cock into the girl’s arsehole, pushing slowly but firmly. The girl squealed in pain, but he just pushed a little harder. The camera drew back so that her face appeared on screen, twisted in a grimace of pain, before zooming in for a close shot of the rim of his knob as it slipped into her arse. She screamed as the head of his cock passed her ring and he slid right inside her, pulling her hips back, so that the whole length of his erect cock slid into her arse. Slowly he eased his cock in and out of her arse, the only sounds on the video being the slap of his balls against the cheeks of her arse and her animal grunts as he rammed the hard rod of his cock deep inside her. I could feel the swelling of my cock in my pants as I watched him thrusting his cock deep inside the girl’s arse and listened to her screams turning to groans of lust.

The whole scene can only have taken a few minutes, until I saw a shudder ripple through the man’s legs and heard him grunt as his cock jerked in the girls arse. He slowly pulled it out, revealing streaks of his cum mingled with brown matter from deep inside her arse. Stepping back he moved away from her to let the camera zoom in on her arsehole, as it slowly closed, with his cum oozing out. The screen dissolved to black and then the snow that signalled the end of the recording.

Turning illegal bahis the television and video off, I stood up and went into the hallway. The kitchen and dining room doors were wide open and I could see that she was in neither of those rooms. Turning to the stairs, I mounted them quietly. Both of the doors to my rooms were wide open and it was obvious that Gran was not in either of them. Her, or perhaps I should more accurately say our, bedroom door was closed and I quietly pushed it open.

Gran was sat at the dressing table, carefully applying a layer of glossy, bright red, lipstick. It was a much brighter, tartier, shade than she usually wore and the thought of her on her knees with my cock in her mouth and the lipstick smudged and smeared over the two of us escited me, making my cock jerk in my pants. I stood behind her and rested my hands on her shoulders as I leaned over her to whisper in her ear.

“I’ve never done that before,” I told her, “put my cock in a woman’s arse, I mean.”

“I haven’t been done like that, ” she admitted, “your Granddad wanted to, he said it was called buggering, nut I wouldn’t let him.”

“So why now?” I asked.

“Two things, ” she confessed, “I never tried it and now I wonder what it would be like and the other thing is I don’t want to lose you to some young student who’s prettier and younger than I am. So I thought if I would do whatever you want, you would stay with me.”

“That’s daft, Gran, ” I laughed, “I love you and I’ll stay for as long as you want me.”

I straightened up and unfastened the button at the back of her neck, then the next one down and the next, until her dress was open to her waist. She stood up, holding the material to her chest and stepped around the stool. Gently I took the material from between her fingers and let her dress fall to the floor. Gran stood there, in front of me her dress in a heap at her feet. She shuffled her feet nervously in her high heels as I let my eyes slowly travel along her legs, and up her body.

The white corset was tightly laced and made her breasts balloon a little over the edges of the cups. The suspenders were fastened to black sheer silk stockings that contrasted with the milky whiteness of the tops of her thighs. A tiny pair of silk panties covered the neatly trimmed bush that hid her pussy. I pulled her towards me and thrust my tongue into her mouth, pressing her against me so that I could feel the rods in her corset against my belly and chest. She moaned into my mouth as I dropped my hands to the cheeks of her bottom and squeezed as I ground her pussy against the front of my trousers.

She reached down and rested her hands on the front of my trousers, feeling the heat of my cock through the material. Pinching the tag of the zipper, she pulled it slowly down, feeling my thick cock straining against the white cotton of my briefs. Then she unfastened the button and pushed my trousers down, so that they fell around my ankles. Her hands felt cool as she cupped them over my taut sac and ran her fingers along the length of my cock. She eased the waist of my briefs over the swollen head of my cock and pulled them down to free my cock and balls.

Gran knelt down in front of illegal bahis siteleri me, pushing my briefs all the way to the ground, as I struggled out of my shirt. She took hold of my balls and circled the base of my cock with her finger and thumb, guiding my swollen knob between her bright red lips. Her mouth was hot and her lips soft and slippery as she took my swollen cock into her mouth. She slid her head forward on my cock until her lips formed a bright red ring against my heavy balls, then drew back, smearing the greasy lipstick along my cock until it looked as though I had dipped it in blood.

I clenched my fists tight, fighting my urge to grab her head and hold her still as I pumped my cock into the back of her throat. Gran rocked back on her heels and put her hand over her mouth for a moment, then darted her head forward, sliding my cock deep inside her mouth. Her mouth seemed bigger and her tongue swirled around my cock. I felt my cock gripped by smooth hard ridges and realised that she had taken her dentures out and was sucking me between her gums. I could feel her gripping me tightly and caressing the head of my cock as she slurped and slobbered all over my manhood. She drew back leaving my cock red and slimy, then stood up and sucked hard on my nipples, first one, then the other.

I reached down and tugged on the waist of her panties, snapping the elastic and tugging them away to expose her neatly trimmed pussy hairs. The soft bush was dripping with her juices and I could sell her excitement as she rubbed her dripping pussy against my cock. Reaching between us, I loosened the laces of her corset, freeing her large, springy breasts. I took her nipples between my fingers and thumbs and pinched them, pulling and twisting until she moaned against my chest. A flick of my fingers undid the suspenders and I unwrapped the corset from around her waist, leaving her naked, apart from her shoes and stockings and her pearls.

Pushing gently, I spread Gran across our bed and knelt between her outspread legs. Leaning forward I ran the tip of my tongue through her closely cropped bush and along the lips of her pussy, pressing it between them to tease the tip of her swollen clit. Gran moaned in the back of her throat almost growling as I played the tip of my tongue along and between the lips of her pussy. I slid my hands along her thighs, over the tops of her stockings, and used my fingertips to open the cleft of her bottom. I ran the tip of my finger back and forth along her pussy until it was wet and glistening, then slowly pressed it against her arsehole, pushing and twisting a little. Gran’s deep moan reached a higher pitch as my finger slipped into her bottom and stretched it ever so slightly. I stopped pressing for a moment, until she reached down and pressed my hand against her, pushing my finger deeper.

Her clit was swollen and hot against my tongue and I lapped at her, lashing the hard bud and sucking her into my mouth. She arched her back, pushing her juicy pussy against my mouth and her hot, tight arse harder onto my probing finger. Her pussy gushed over my finger, making it slippery and wet, helping it to slide in and out. My cock was hard and throbbing as I tasted her and lapped at her pussy, canlı bahis siteleri I moved my mouth away and lay beside her.

“Are you ready? Do you still want to try it? ” I asked, as gently as I could, trying to keep my voice even and controlled.

“Yess, ” she hissed, “I want you to do it to me, I want you to bugger me.”

Even as she told me that she wanted me to bugger her, she was turning onto her belly and lifting her arse into the air. I slid off the bed and stood behind her, between her legs as she bent over the edge. Holding the base of my cock, I used my hand to spread the cheeks of her bottom and pressed the head of my cock against the tightly puckered ring. She moaned as I pushed against the rim of her arsehole. I could see her anus stretching as I pushed against it and see beads of sweat on her back as she tried to relax and accept my hard swollen knob. I eased off a little, with the head of my cock almost inside her arse, and let her get used to the feeling of my cock pressing against her back passage. The head of my cock was pressed into her bottom but the rim of my helmet had not gone inside yet. I pushed a little harder and watched as her arse opened and the whole of my knob slipped into Gran’s bottom.

“Aaaaaaah!” Gran cried as the head of my cock slipped into her arse, followed by; “Oooooh” as she felt her tight ring gripping my cock behind the rim of my knob.

Even if she had begged me to, I could not stop now and I just leaned forward feeling my cock sliding into the heat of her arse. I could see her hands clenching into fists as she gripped the sheets. Her crimson lipstick stained the pillow, where she had bitten into it to muffle the scream as I broke her in. I gripped her hips, feeling the trembling of her thighs as I pushed my cock all the way into her. She turned her head to look at me, over her shoulder, and I could see her mascara streaked down her cheek and her lipstick smeared across her mouth.

I began to thrust into her, pulling my cock back until it almost slipped out from between her cheeks and then pushing it back in, feeling it filling her arse. She began to relax and push back at me, forcing herself back onto my cock. I looked down to see my hard cock buried between her cheeks and the tender ring of her arsehole dragging along my cock as it slid in and out. Gran’s cries had changed to grunts interspersed with quiet mutterings. I leaned over her so I could hear what she was saying, between grunts.

“Oh God, I’m a dirty whore!” she mumbled, “Fuck my bum, bugger my arse! Aaaaah!”

Her mutter became a shriek as I rammed harder into her bottom and then pulled her against me so that she could feel the swelling of my cock as I spurted into her bottom, filling her until my cum oozed around my cock and smeared across her cheeks. I could feel my cock softening and shrinking as it slipped out from her bottom and flopped out against my thigh.

Standing, I left the bedroom and showered quickly, realising we were supposed to be going for lunch in half an hour. By the time I had dressed, Gran was in a fresh dress, with a tightly laced corset and her face freshly made up. We walked down to the pub to meet Mum and the rest of the family. Gran was very restless and fidgety, and Mum kept asking her if she was alright. Gran just smiled but we both knew the reason she was having trouble sitting still was that she still had my cum oozing out of her arsehole and her anus was still tender and sensitive.

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Cello Master class XTC Nymphette

I have been playing the cello since I was eight, I played violin from 3 until I was 6 years old. I have always loved the sensuous feel of the neck and fingerboard beneath my touch, the beautiful feminine shape and the exquisite wood and craftsmanship of the instrument. I adore the exquisite shape and feel of the curvaceous and elegantly designed wood between my legs. it is as sensuous as any man. The vibrations I feel when I play well, send shivers down my spine and tingles through my body. For many years now I have adopted the habit of playing in the dark to maximise the sensitivity of touch and sound without looking at my fingers. I normally do this before bedtime and so I am either dressed in my nightie or my underwear and sometimes nothing at all. As I have been doing this since I was about 8 I think nothing of it and never imagined it would be remotely sexy, just sensuous. This story is about a time when my sensuous explorations turned to fantasy and then how that fantasy became a reality.

I was working in the summer as a cello tutor at a music camp for girls.

Every year the organisers would arrange for guest conductors and Virtuoso musicians to visit and give master classes. This particular year a sensational cellist from Eastern Europe was the guest. Stanislow was about 34 and ruggedly handsome. Just under six feet tall, dark hair, sad dark eyes and the kind of romantic passion for music that was usually associated with the clichZ of moody European’ sensitive artists’.

His approach was interesting, he would play through a piece with great passion and at the end, he would say in his thick accent ‘now for the second movement’. What he meant was that he would take important passionate critical moments in the piece and improvise with them until he understood dozens of ways to play the segments more expressively. It seemed to work and I enjoyed his playing as much as I did his master classes. His approach to teaching was equally as wild and uncompromising and with none of the prim political correctness of western society. At times he would come up behind a player and encircle them with his long arms pressing against them, guiding their fingers, wrapping his hand around theirs to demonstrate how he wanted the bow to move. There wasn’t a girl in the orchestra amongst the students or the tutors that didn’t swoon when he gave a class. When he did this to me one day I felt him press against my back his strong hands guiding mine as he whispered tenderly to me ‘We only have control so we can lose it, no?’ and together we attacked the phrase wildly. ‘You have a beautiful instrument’ he said as he moved to the next student ‘ I would love to play with it again.’ I was weak at the knees and I didn’t care whether he was referring to my 300 year-old French cello or my 20 year old body, I was more than a bit damp for the rest of the day. I guessed that with only one decent man amongst dozens of illegal bahis women and girls I suspected he was giving more than a few master classes after hours especially judging by the dreamy looks on the faces of some of the prettier tutors at breakfast each morning.

The music camp was on a remote rural property and the students slept in dormitories, whilst the tutors and organisers generally shared quite comfortable cabins. I was quite lucky and had a cabin to myself. Stan’s cabin was not far from mine and sometimes at night or in the early morning, I could hear him practicing what he preached and improvising through some complex passages of music with a passionate interpretation. On the night before the end of the camp, some of the organisers and tutors had a party. I didn’t feel in the mood for the kind of adolescent fun they were planning and excused myself for an early night. Stan was at the party surrounded by a gaggle of adoring women and girls and I could see that his capacity for drinking vodka was as big as his reputation for music. I bade them all good night and returned to my cabin.

I showered, undressed and slipped into my favourite white silk crop-top and V string panties. I loved wearing them because the soft shiny silk made me feel sexy and as it was a hot night I wanted to wear something cool. I opened my cello case and switched out the light to do some practice. I sat on the bed and played through a piece Stan had focused on in the last class. It was a little known 20th century work but incredibly moving and difficult. As I played, I started to fantasise about him and found myself feeling quite horny. I imagined the neck and fingerboard of the cello was his cock, my fingers danced up and down it lingering on notes with vibrato and sensuously sliding up and down the neck, all the time firmly gripping it as if I was giving the best hand-job on earth. Next, I focused on my bowing as if this was his cock sliding inside me, thrusting hard on the double and triple stops and sensuously through the sweet melodic passages. I found myself hot and horny, the dampness between my thighs increasing as I played. I gripped the cello between my knees and felt the sensuous tingle of the music vibrating through my knees, I was almost going to cum without touching myself, I was on the edge of orgasm and unbelievably hot.

As I finished the piece, I thought about masturbating and then I could hear Stan’s voice in the back of my head ‘The second movement is the improvisation’. I pulled the head of the cello to my face and slid my tongue around the scroll, imagining his cock once again. I guided it to my left breast and teased my nipple with it. The pizzicato passage was a part I enjoyed but instead of plucking the strings with my right hand I touched my panties and as I fingered the cello’s neck silently. I plucked at my pussy as the tune unfolded in my mind as an improvisation. I repeated passages that gave me most pleasure and illegal bahis siteleri began to shiver and moan as I began to sing the tune aloud. The next passage was bowed, so I slid my bow between my legs and pressed it against my panties. I slid it up and down as I continued to sing the tune, moan and shiver, my fingers moving on the neck. I was so excited my panties were soaked with my juices but I continued to bow myself on the edge of orgasm, I was saving that for the finale. I began the wild double-stopping finale and dug my bow hard against me until I was sobbing out the notes, shouting and cumming.

As I recovered, I heard clapping from outside my window. Stan was out there applauding and shouting ‘Bravo’. He had obviously been there for a while and in the light of the full moon, he could see me in detail and I him. There was a definite lump in his shorts. He was only wearing shorts and his muscular chest was uncovered, probably because of the heat. He walked towards my open window and climbed in. ‘You have a beautiful instrument, I would like to play with it.’ He was looking through my cello at my wet panties. ‘But first I would like you to show me your fingering again with me as your instrument’. He walked towards me and unzipped his pants letting them drop to the floor, he wasn’t wearing any underpants and his thick cock fell out in front of him.

He walked towards me put my cello to one side and guided my hand to his cock. ‘Again just like before but with more passion’ he began to sing the tune and as he did I slid my fingers up and down his long cock just like I had done with the cello. His singing was only interrupted by the fast vibrato and dramatic slides, which made him, grunt and pant breathlessly. My right hand played the piz passage on his swollen balls and I leaned forward and kissed the head, like I had done in my earlier version, running my tongue around the tip and breathing warm air on it through moist lips until the tune disappeared under his moans and heavy breathing.

‘Enough’ He shouted. ‘ Now pick up your cello and play.’ I silently let his now throbbing cock drop and resumed sitting on the edge of the bed to play. I placed the cello between my legs, he came up behind me as I began, his legs straddling me from behind, his cock firmly pressed against my back. As I played, he fondled my pert breasts through the soft silk his left hand mimicking my fingering his right my plucking on the front of my panties. I orgasmed almost immediately my nipples were almost screaming to be pinched, my pussy flooded with wetness, I was so hot and horny I squealed but didn’t miss a note played.

He commanded me to stand and then slid my panties aside and positioned his cock at my wet entrance. I shivered in anticipation. ‘Sit’ he commanded, ‘Now I will play your beautiful instrument.’ I sat down as his cock stretched my pussy lips apart and drizzles of wetness ran down his thick long shaft as he buried it canlı bahis siteleri deep inside me. I shivered as he took the cello neck in his powerful hand and the bow in the other. I leant back, put my hands behind me on the bed, and used them so I could move up and down on him. He began to play and I moved up and down to his tempo, when the intensity increase I clamped my pelvic floor muscles around his shaft and gyrated with his vibrato trying to match his every nuance with my pussy playing on his delicious cock. He matched his bowing with his thrusts and I almost passed out with the pleasure cumming repeatedly in crescendos, teetering on the edge in quieter, gentler passages. I could feel as he approached the final cadence his cock began to swell, with each throb closer together. I clamped down on him and felt his breathy moans in my ear he bit my neck hard and then kissed my earlobe and licked my nape. He stopped just before the end and I rose up almost pulling him from me, the tip of his cock firmly positioned a few millimetres inside me. My pussy pulsing around it floods of wetness rolling down his engorged shaft.

He played the finale and thrust into me roughly deeper than deep and his cock erupted in spurts of hot cum that shot inside me triggering a new wave of pleasure for me. I shivered and shook moaning and squealing as his cock spent itself in me. I was over come with pleasure floods of wetness flowed down my inner thighs and he kissed me tenderly on the lips for the first time. ‘And now for the improvisation.’ I couldn’t believe it; he laid the cello aside, put the bow between my legs, and slid his hand under my top. He began to sing in my ear while his left hand slid from my belly to my neck tantalising my tits, teasing my nipples tickling my neck. The bow found the spot on my panties with unbelievable accuracy and I was sobbing and begging him to go on and on. His cock was still inside me and I felt it stir as he played. I summoned all my strength to lift up off him and bend forward and he rammed me hard matching his bow strokes as I came wildly like never before. Waves after wave of orgasm passed over me for what seemed like an eternity.

When we had finished, he said ‘ Give me those, he motioned toward my panties, they were sopping wet with rosin stains down the centre of the crotch.’ I want to keep them in my cello case to remind me how to play with real passion and energy.’ I slid them off and wiped myself with them his hot sticky cum oozing from me mingled with my own wetness, and placed them in his open hand. He put on his shorts, kissed me and put the panties in his pocket. ‘ Thank you for letting me enjoy your beautiful playing and your exquisite instrument, we must do this again.’ He turned and climbed out the window to return to his cabin and I could hear him improvising into the night. I stripped off my perspiration soaked crop top, and felt the sticky product of our music making dribbling from my now naked pussy and reached down to scoop a handful to my mouth. It tasted as delicious as our music and I lapped at it like a greedy kitten, laying in bed my head filled with the taste, smell, touch and sound of music and fell into a blissful sleep.

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The Dating Site Ch. 02

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Gina Valentina

Warning: This sequel contains deviant, public acts of illicit incest between a 31-year-old brother, and his 22-year-old college aged sister in Central Park; including graphically depicted anal sex of an incestuous nature as well as consensual BDSM spanking and panty fetish play. Do not read this if you are offended by first-blood incest between a sister and a brother, or amateur corporal punishment. Obviously, everyone involved in this interlude is over 21 years of age. Sincerely, Leonard

“What happened between you and mom?” Jessica asked her brother inquisitively, and her softly-spoken question, delivered like a statement, fell through Rick like a dark echo as they strolled together on a cold, wintry pathway in Central Park.

Rick, whose suave and gentlemanly approach to women, convincingly hid the ruthless attorney underneath, often gave his cherished little sis, Jessica, time to meet up on her days off school. Blossomed into a swan at 22, Jessica’s beauty was alluring. The young woman was in her final year of majoring with honors as a Fine Art undergraduate at NYU, and like her brother, was as talented as she was wild.

Wild; without regret.

Wild enough to have a male roommate like Ivan, who regularly brought rough trade back to the apartment she shared with the gigolo in the city, while Jess made her tuition, and rent contributions, not by selling her body, but her hugs. The seductive college girl ran a professional cuddling business from the apartment, where on weekends she advertised clothed cuddles to guys on Craigslist, mostly white collar types who craved a cuddle, and a soft female touch.

It was a good relationship. While Ivan fucked every man-hole with a pulse on campus, and reveled in gay bondage with his political studies lecturer; Jess turned a blind eye, in return for some lines of cocaine, and Ivan’s services as a makeshift security guard during cuddling sessions from their Greenwich dorm.

Pro cuddling in New York can pay well, if you’re a girl like Rick’s little sister, Jessica.

Usually before the close of business every Monday, her afternoon sessions with lonely forty- and fifty- something men passing through her bed, had more than paid next week’s rent contribution in full.

And shopping trips from sugardaddies.

With no sex asked for, and none given.

Meanwhile Rick, who was beginning to develop a taste for burying struggling homeowners for his corrupt banking employer, as his own bank balance rapidly expanded, knew all about Jessica’s cuddling sessions.

A man who had little time for chivalry, his uncharming response to Jessica’s paid dalliances was every bit as provocative as his sister’s cuddling ads.

Instead of chiding his wayward sister, Rick, a legal wordsmith, in fact derived a sick pleasure from helping his sexually attractive sibling weave invitations for her cuddling services into her dating profile on Todd and Clare, the dating site that put Rick’s cock into his mother’s cunt; and so many needy, older male clients into Jessica’s bed.

The memory of receiving a message from his mommy’s pseudonym, Susan, on Todd and Clare—the dating site where she pretended to be that younger woman, bound Rick to his sexual experiences with his mother, and his own sister’s edgy sexual excursions.

Her undeterred zest for life.

Rick truly treasured Jessica as one his dearest friends. Jessica’s continual positivity radiated from every part of her glowing soul. And his affection for her was reciprocated, implicitly, with the trust she’d formed with her darling brother.

An unusual closeness in both Jess and Rick’s childhood; the extended time they spent together when they were young, sealed their relationship with a rare level of trust, and confiding privacy, that many siblings would envy.

For a start—they never fought, and barely ever remembered having an argument.

This brother and sister’s profoundly deep connection of adult sexual intimacy found its first fruition 2 years ago, when at the tender age of 20, Jessica, presented unannounced at Rick’s apartment door, near the Javits, at 10pm at night, asking the only man who she knew how to trust, to do something for her that many wives would find difficult asking of their own spouses in the marital bedroom.

Jess asked for Rick to be more than a brother and best friend. To be, more than a boyfriend, more than a surrogate father, more than a shoulder to cry on—but the loving, authoritarian male figure in her life who would cater to her intensely deep and emotional need to explore consensual, domestic bare-bottom spanking play with a man who cherished her and didn’t misunderstand her, like so many men did.

Jessica craved to be punished. She craved to be spanked, hard, ever since her dad first warmed her seat, for lying. And the punishment became a dark, intimate, fetish that sated her brain chemistry even more relievingly than full vaginal intercourse.

Knowing how dangerous the New York Rick knew could be for a young woman, out on the streets illegal bahis trying to find that kind of solace from a stranger, Rick agreed to his little sister’s wish. He loved her too much, and couldn’t have his precious sister, Jessica, taken advantage of or abused while she inevitably tried to seek a spanking partner outside the home.

He didn’t want her to be, for example, exposed to the ridicule of a jilted college boyfriend, after the cruel rumor of a young woman craving such a childish punishment spread on campus, potentially affecting the degree for which she had worked so hard.

9 years older than his sister, Rick formulated and gave safe passage to Jessica’s stunning request, and as a result, every Thursday night, found himself postponing even dates he knew would end in sex, to find the naked contour of Jessica’s lower back as she positioned her exposed bare bottom across his seated knee.

Rick smacked hard, and as their spanking relationship grew, rarely did he not break a sweat with the spanks that resounded through his apartment walls on a Thursday night.

His consenting adult sister’s bare bottom across his knee every week, him having lowered her delicate, fragrant pantyhose and thong panties to the oval grooves of her milky thighs. A sadomasochistic routine that made him feel more of a man.

And, with time, the duo made their sexually charged routine, that didn’t include any sex, run like clockwork.

At 8pm, on the dot, every Thursday, Rick would interrupt his work for the bank, to await the soft knocking sound of a young woman’s knuckles, tapping on his apartment door.

He would open that door, the same one, Chloe, his mommy, had led him by the hand when they had sex last week, to find Jessica standing there. Her meek, doey-blue eyes widening with baited breaths for Rick’s appearance.

He always noticed her neatly groomed long, dark hair. She was so beautiful and elegant. Her gracefully high cheek bones and curvaceous body, that craved to be held and cuddled, him falling for his sister with each new encounter.

The rush of oxygen as he unlatched the door.

For Jessica.

Just 22-years old.

Rick’s sensuous and voluptuous sister standing in her pink NYU hoody. Her sleeves rolled up to her elbows on both arms.

Hr white crepe skirt hugging her curvaceous, gym toned tummy, and, her dark Wolford pantyhose; lain bare against the white skin of her beautiful hips—a strap of her pink and white G-string thong that had crept, with her subway journey, out and above the brunette’s exposed naked left hip bone.

Jessica’s pinky, white flesh that Rick held so gently.

She was utterly delectable, and the reality of satisfying the disciplinary wishes of such a mature, sophisticated, and intelligent young woman as Jessica, blessed Rick emotionally; and, made his cock very, very hard.

Jess would step silently into his apartment, removing her elegant worn ballet shoes, without being told, and he’d smell the subtle fragrance of her femininity diffusing into his lounge, so much like mom’s, a loving glance at his submissive little sister’s countenance.

Rick wearing his work suit trousers.

His tie-less shirt portraying the authority Jess imagined. He was, more than fleetingly, the loving male authority that his sister had sought for her entire teens so ardently.

That made her feel submissive, in the mental place she needed to be.

Standing there, her wet nose, pink from the cold outside, pressed against the corner wall of her brother’s lounge room.

Jessica needed to stand like that for a whole hour, on her big brother’s carpeted floor, in pantyhose, and in silence.

Jess craved this.

Rick’s cuddling warmth, being bathed in his strong arms afterwards.

Afterwards, though…

After tears had streamed down her face, from the grueling session that always ended her hour of corner time, when he put her across his knee.

When he undressed her, lifting her skirt.

Her bare flesh lying exposed to the loving, hard spanks from the flat of her brother’s hand. His stings landing visible palm prints upon her buttocks, repeated until each of her soft butt cheeks were rosy pink.

In their weekly routine, Rick granted Jessica’s wish again and again, unlocking the emotionally complex Rubik’s cube of his little sister’s heart. Her need to cuddle, and be cuddled, in a way that only he could fulfil.

Jessica’s need to be held at the waist as her beautiful tummy found the curve of his lap; to struggle with all her might against him, and buck her legs, and kick, and scream blue murder, as each hard, uncompromising smack thrilled her bare bottom, her dress riding way above her crotch; her wrists clamped around the legs of her brother’s wooden chair as she cried real tears.

Rick had spanked Jessica horizontally across his knee, so many times, he had proved in her agony, that no college boyfriend or stranger could ever placate and nourish what his sister needed as much as he.

illegal bahis siteleri To be in the flow of her loving rhythm of pain.

To be gentle, but firm, as Jess struggled in the arranged violence—a consensual interlude—22 year old brat and sassy rebel, against Rick’s vice-like grip around her naked hips. She often called out for her mommy just before the tears came.

Jessica, his loving little sister, calling out for their mommy, in the apartment Rick had fucked Chloe. His burning, seething stings from unmetered hand spanks, searing into his sister’s need to be a good girl.

Spankings defined the changing relationship Rick enjoyed with Jessica. One that any psychiatrist would have a field day in clinical analysis.

Wave after wave of her brother’s spanking arm, reigning down control over his gorgeous little sister’s pert bottom.

Ironically resolving, with every hard full palmed spank, Rick’s own deep seated insecurity that their mommy had wanted a daughter, more than a son.

Jessica’s dribbling, wet oyster clam.

Her pink slit of fleshy labia pressed together between her legs, oozing in the vibrations of the incestuous spanking that engorged her tightening clit with endorphins from a magical place.

Then emerging through her thick, natural pubic haired bush like a horse’s mane, the orgasm that wasn’t. A cerebral turning, transcending Jessica’s womanhood and making her feel like the loved woman she sought through these spanking sessions to be.

Tears flowed naturally.

When she finally was allowed up to cry like a baby in his rocking arms, at her request, she felt the nurturing of her 31-year-old brother’s stability. An attorney. An independent, strong man, who could, as Rudyard Kipling’s poem goes, keep his head in a crisis, when all about him were losing theirs and blaming it on him.

Though however much Jessica deeply loved her brother, up until this day, the siblings had never felt ready to cross the line of vaginal intercourse.

Usually, after the tearful spankings ended every Thursday night, Jess would return home to her apartment with Ivan. Her very sore bottom, glowing red as it pressed onto the rough seat of a New York subway car.

Jessica outwardly, just like any other girl her age; but inwardly freed of the guilt and sorrow her spanking arrangement with her brother absolved.

Her emotional kaleidoscope of feelings that no psychiatrist or art teacher or anger management class could ever even begin to heal, totally resolved through being thoroughly spanked like a naughty brat across her brother’s suited knee.

Rick’s bare bottomed treatment like an ice pack crushing the throbbing excruciation of a badly bruised knee, hitting the core of all Jessica’s fears and problems, saving her from mental illness; stopping her from descending into a dark clinical depression.

Incest beckoning relief. Her creative passions as an artist saved from being stifled by the traditionalism of the course at NYU.

Jessica indeed attributed her good grades to the many spankings she’d received over her brother’s firm, strong knee, and Ivan’s coke.

Rick, her brother, who put aside law and judgmental neighbors, to collude in Jessica’s physical humiliations. Having her delicate skirt raised like her dad used to do. Having Rick expose the natural wetness of her anticipating, dark haired pussy to her brother, before his painful, bare-assed hand spanked the naughty 22 year-old in earnest.

Half naked over her big brother’s knee. It made her feel alive, and weep with joy as an artist of her own destiny. Brave enough to go out there and fulfil her edgiest fantasies. To ask those she trusted for what she really wanted and needed inside.

A college age girl and a submissive woman, taken in hand. The context with which Jessica’s curiosity, as she strolled down this cold, wintry Central Park gravel way, now delved into her brother Rick’s secret with his mother.

Events she needed to know, as a whiteout painted the sky above Central Park, in preparation for heavy snow.

“What do you mean, what’s happened between me and mom?” Rick repeated as they strolled together through the park’s trees.

He hadn’t told anyone about the secret.

That he’d bedded mom while she posed as the profile of a younger woman on the Todd and Clare dating site; mommy’s subterfuge, a maternal link to gain entry to her son’s perverted sex life.

“Well, clearly, something’s happened,” Jessica replied matter-of-factly, still feeling the glow of her naked bare ass flesh where she’d thoroughly enjoyed Rick’s hand burning her nude behind only hours ago.

“She won’t tell me,” Jess sighed, and she crossed her ballet shoes as they walked on the path, then continued.

“In fact, mom asked me to ask you,” Jessica said, looking over at Rick to see if he was ready to divulge all.

Above the siblings, the branches of overhanging oak trees, naked from Winter’s blessing, guarded the archway of their walk, and the shame canlı bahis siteleri Rick felt inside drew like entrenching waves from his sister’s inquiry.

“What do you, mean?” Rick replied quickly… too quickly… revealing the insecurity of the incestuous secret he was keeping from his little sister, Jessica. The uncomfortable trust that he had fucked their mother.

“You’re a really bad liar,” Jessica said, looking across at her spanking partner, barely suppressing the smirk that ignited her beautiful, blue eyes and lit up her face.

The prospect of making her older brother squirm.

“Did you know it’s a leap year this year?” Rick replied, with a tone that suggested someone trying to avoid a delicate question.

“Hey!” Jessica laughed, fingering her brother’s attempted diversion. “Don’t do that. Try and change the subject on me! I know something’s happened!” Jessica demanded, refusing to let the moment be platonic.

“Mom got goose bumps when I said your name yesterday,” Jess continued, and Rick stopped on the path.

“It’s something to do with that dating site. The Todd and Clare one that I told her about. Isn’t it?” Jessica replied nodding, and her words about that dating site in particular, that had started this whole ball rolling, made Rick draw a deep breath.

“Should I feel bad for telling her about it?” Jessica said looking daintily at his eyes on profile, trying to second guess Rick’s difficult-to-read expression.

“Oh, no. It’s not the site, this would have happened anyway,” Rick replied. “Besides, I deleted my Todd and Clare profile, too many college girls on that site, way too young for me,” Rick scoffed, trying to avoid the word, sex.

“Tell me then!” Jessica grinned playfully like an excited little girl. “I hate it when you and Chloe keep a secret from me,” Jess insisted, referring to their mom, Chloe, by her first name, and she put her arm inside her brother’s elbow as they walked, to ease the moment.

Rick stopped again on the path, a confession hanging in the open air, and the white snow coating the park’s fields baring the staccato in his hesitation. Sensitively, he gently turned to look at his little sister, noticing as he turned, how deserted the Ladies Pavilion looked up ahead in the distance.

Jessica’s flattering long, dark brunette hair falling subtly into her cashmere scarf as he stopped to look into his sister’s smirking eyes.

Her girlish charm, abound with excitement as Rick raised his arms to button up her coat at the neck.

“If I tell you,” Rick said, pausing solemnly as he hooked the top button of Jess’s brown coat. “You have to promise me that this will never be repeated.”

Jess’s face, her complexion imbued with her family’s freckled lineage, changed from one of frustrated excitement to that of the serious artist capable of winning awards at NYU and embracing deep, immense understanding, as she looked up into Rick’s troubled eyes.

“I agree,” she replied, in a graver tenor.

He paused, and the wintry isolation of Central Park’s expanse bought Rick the unapologetic space he needed now, to make this confession.

“The other night,” Rick replied, breaking gaze with his sister to slowly look down at the park’s pavement, and he drew a deep breath. Rick’s eyes catching the lined fabric of his sister’s dark pantyhose as it wrapped around the tops of her feet in ballet shoes, in the chilly outdoors.

“The other night,” Rick said again, this time meaning to finish his sentence, and he raised his head to engage his sister’s piercing blue eyes once more.

“Chloe contacted me on Todd and Clare again, under a pseudonym,” Rick said, and his first admission was palpable. Jessica’s eyes though, born of the same maternal intensity, reminded him at once of his mommy; her courageous daughter standing in front of him then.

“Mom sent me a Kik message through the site, and met me at the apartment last week,” Rick said, and he watched his sister’s brow crease in contemplation, wondering where this was going.

“This was the night of the court case I told you about with the mother Allison, the mother that made me think a lot,” Rick prompted, to give Jessica some context and ground his confession for her understanding.

“Yes,” Jessica whispered, remembering that difficult conversation about his employment for the bank, and she put both her arms up to her brother’s shoulders.

“Well,” Rick paused.

“We had sex.”

“I had sex with mom in my apartment,” Rick told his sister, and in the veiled balance of Jessica’s subtlety, he confronted his sister’s intuition as she raised her eyebrows; her face just inches from his delivery.

For Rick, a son and a brother, it was that confusing moment when a beautiful adult woman whom you know well does something you don’t expect.

Jessica’s intuition finding her brother’s guilt, then.

Rather than being dumbfounded, or disgusted, or angry, to Rick’s utter amazement; Jessica simply, smiled.

“I thought it was that,” Jessica replied, and she let it sink in enough to notice her brother’s stunned reaction. Her smile, bringing absolution to Rick’s admission as she turned her body on the Central Park pathway, and continued to walk toward the snow-caked pavilion ahead.

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Casey heard the rain starting. Only a few calm drops. She had just gotten out of a long hot shower and she grabbed for her robe. It was big, soft, and fluffy. Jake had bought it for her 25th birthday and she loved to feel wrapped up in it. She slipped on her white canvas shoes, and went out the front door for the barn. The water was running down the drive and it made it somewhat slippery, but she made it.

The horses were the first priority. Of course, they were waiting for her at the gate and the large stallion gave a snort when he saw her, a kind of “Happy to see you, now hurry” type of sound. She loved him with all her heart and he knew it. He was jet black and her head barely reached his shoulder. She had bought him the best mares in the state and he was kept happy. She loved his gentle way. He always wanted to rest his head on her shoulder and sniff her hair. But his power was staggering. He had a fierce way of him. He was possessive over her, and it had caused a few tense moments between her and him, but they always seemed to forgive each other and that is what he lived for.

One by one she lead the mares in, of course he would wait until they were all safe before he came in. Last one and proud of it. He strolled past her, only to give her a nudge and send her flying a little. She giggled and he knew she was ok. Sometimes he forgot his illegal bahis own strength with her.

She got out the grain and feed them all and with a flash and a loud crash the storm arrived in a burst. The rain was so heavy she couldn’t see the house, and she though…how funny will she look when Jake arrives home to find her stuck in the barn in nothing, but her robe. She sat on a bale in front of Majesty and stroked his nose. She thought it was funny she called him Her Majesty. He was sure the king of the stable. She leaned her head back against the hay and listened to the thunder, strong and fierce. Battling the night sky for room to breath. She didn’t realize how relaxed she was until she felt soft lips kissing hers and she smiled, Jake was home.

How long have I been out she asked him…Long enough in this damp barn in just your robe he responded. She felt his strong arms picking her up to carry her to the house. He was so good to her. She had everything she could have wanted as a little girl. The farm, the amazing life they had together, and Majesty. Jake felt Majesty snort at his back. Jake turned to him with Casey in his arms, sorry old boy she’s mine.

Jake carried her all the way to the house. He was dirty from work, but she didn’t care Casey loved his smell. He was passionate, adoring, and fervent. He was her lover.

The kitchen illegal bahis siteleri was as far as they made it. In one swoop Jake cleared the table off and laid Casey down. His eyes, deep and blue, were wanting and she knew she was his. He pulled open her robe only to find the sweetness he desired. He thought of her all day on the job. Sometimes his crew would call his name and he would be so deep in thought about her they would have to call many times. He was always surprised at how much he loved her. And now at the end of a hard day, he had his angle before him. Open to him. Wanting to be taken by him. He kissed her lips with all his built up obsession and he could feel her shiver from his passion. His tongue grazed hers and danced with hers. Casey started to strip him of his clothes. His wet t-shirt, and muddy jeans. There they lay naked on the kitchen table. Jake started to kiss Casey’s neck down to her wanting breasts. He felt her hard nipples with his lips and nipped her a little to watch her squirm. She moaned in ecstasy. He paid special attention to her breasts and nipples. Kissing, pinching, and biting them until she begged him to move down on her. He knew what she was asking and he was glad to give her this pleasure. He loved her smell and her taste was so sweet. His lips traced her smooth stomach, reaching her soft wet throbbing pussy.

She canlı bahis siteleri was so wet with anticipation. He loved how he could make her this excited. His tongue slipped into her slit and Casey screamed out in rapture. Jake loved to flick her clit until she begged him to take her. He so enjoyed this part of their lovemaking. Casey moaned and fought back the force inside to cum. Jake sensed she was close. He slowed his pace and inserted a finger into her wanting pussy. Casey arched her back from the invasion, and cried out in love. Jack licked and fucked Casey until he could feel her tighten around his finger. He pulled out and climbed on top of her so quickly she lost her breath. He kissed her deeply and whispered… I love you Baby. She could feel his cock finding it’s way to her. She inhaled deeply, he was big and it always a bit of a challenge at first. Jake found what he was looking for and thrust deep inside of Casey. She arched and let out a cry of passion and her body reacted to meet his. Was it she was so tight or he was so big? Please fuck me Jake, Casey cried out. Jake quickened his pace and rode her like a true stallion should. Deeper and harder. Wanting her so much. Fucking her hard and kissing her deeply. He could feel Casey’s body strain, and Jake knew it was time, with one last deep thrust both were sent over the edge.

Casey opened her eyes and realized the storm had let up and the rain was quieting. She looked around to see only Majesty in front of her. He was protecting her during her dream. She heard Jake’s truck pull into the driveway and shut her eyes once again…

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“en çok neyi yapmak isterdin?” diye sordum.
“Ağzıma alıp doyasıya yalamayı ve ağzıma boşaltmayı, dayın bunu hiç yaptırmadı bugüne kadar ” diye yanıt verdi.
Bende “önemli olan ağzına alıp boşaltmak değil, onu herkes yapıyor, imes escort mühim olan ağzına dolan dölleri yutabilmen” dedim.

Yanıma inip şortumu çıkardı, ve yarağımın başına bir öpücük kondurdu.
Daha sonra bana dönerek “Deneyelim” dedi ve deliler gibi oral seks yapmaya başladı.
Bugüne kadar çok aşırı kıza oral seks yaptırmıştım fakat hiç birisi bu kadar istekli yalamamıştı.
Deliler bunun gibi yalıyor ve eliyle de masturbasyon yaptırıyordu.
Az sonra ağzına boşaldım ve bütün döllerimi yuttu.
Birer sigara yaktık ve bitene kadar hiç konuşmadık.
Sigara biter bitmez bacak arasına daldırdım kafamı.
Pamuklu, beyaz, önünde çiçek şeklinde küçük bir danteli olan külotunun üstünden kadınlığını yalamaya başladım.
Yaklaşık 3-4 dakika böyle devam ettikten sonra külotunu diz kapaklarına kadar sıyırıp bacaklarını omzuma alıp amının tamamına süratli ve sert lisan darbeleri atmaya başladım.
Belini bir yılan gibi kullanıyor, kıvırıyordu.
Beyaz, sperm bu gibi akıntısı ağzıma gelmişti.
Ona göstererek bende onun akıntısını yuttum.
Daha sonra yukarı çıkıp geceliğinin yakasını sıyırıp göğüslerini öpüp okşamaya başladım.
1-2 dakika da böyle geçtikten sonra kasıklarım patlama noktasındaydı.
şortumu sıyırıp bir hamlede ve sertçe içine girdim.
nefes nefese ve son hızla içine girip çıkıyordum.
Ve aniden içine patladım.
üzerine yığıldım kaldım bir süre.
gebe kalabilirdi.
Akşam hallederim ben dedi ve gece yine ikna edip dayımla birlikte olmuş ve içine boşaltmış.
Tatilden sonra konuştuğumuzda kürtaj olduğunu söyledi lakin benden mi dayımdan mı göze çarpan değil.
Bize gelecekler bu sıralarda.
Bakalım o zaman ne olacak.
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Mary – The English Version

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The story, unfortunately, is true…

I hate it!

So, I’m in my very early twenties, full of energy and shit, thinking that I own this planet, that I can do whatever I please, fuck whatever and whoever I wish, just because it’s me,

Her body is wet, the sheets are wet too…

Her blue eyes keep on focusing against my eyes!

She’s fucking me with her eyes!

I love and hate it at the same time!…

She’s a jewel!

Call her at no matter what time, even in the middle of the night, and just tell her that you need her…

Although she is still living with her parents, she will do, whatever it takes, to come to your place and… let you fuck her holes, whenever and however you wish…

She’s slim, not tall, not beautiful, just pretty.

She’s got boobs, ass, a sucker’s mouth…

I would and have stayed the whole night with my dick into her mouth – not for pleasure, I just wanted to see if it really is possible!…

She tells me:

“Look, I really do love you!”…

“Honey, you know that I like you, a lot, but… I just don’t love you! We cannot become bahis firmaları husband and wife!”…

She takes my dick out of her cunt, and grabs it with her hand, guiding me to stick it into her mouth…

She sucks and caresses it like nobody else!…

No! I need to fuck!

So, I just go back down there, stick it in her cunt and start pushing – deep, strong, but slow strikes…

I push, and push, and push…

She starts moaning, and tells me that she’s gonna give me the best child a couple can get!

Waw! I stop!

I take it out from her cunt and, forcibly, take her by her legs and put them on my shoulders.

Both her cunt and ass are there, just in front of the head of my dick – I feel an itch and the rush to stick my dick in her!

I don’t know why, but I just need to stick my dick deep down inside her cunt.

I do it!

God! What a feeling! I feel her pulsing womb and the muscles of her cunt!

She’s spasming! She starts yelling:

“Take me! Fuck me! Give it to me! Hold me! Kick me! Love me! Make me yours!”…

I feel the urge, and let go…

Three kaçak iddaa months later, the door bell rings – it’s Mary!

“Hi, where have you been?!?”

She smiles, and silently lets herself fall on the arm chair…

“Ive been carrying your baby, but your cousin has convinced me to have an abortion”…

I take her by her hand, lay her in bed, and, with no other introduction, I just rip off her panties…

I have an instant hard on, and I stick my dick deep inside her cunt…

“You know that being my first, you will always do to me whatever pleases you – still, maybe the time is right to tell you that your cousin has asked me to marry him”…

I just take out my dick from her cunt and give it to her to suck me off…

I just cannot keep my hard on!

I get down from the bed and let myself fall on an arm chair…

“Honey, you know that you’re a tramp! I’ve introduced you to my cousin since, knowing that I will be far away for a while, you’ll have a good fucking buddy! You weren’t supposed to get married with him!”

“Yeah! I remember! But you’ll just have kaçak bahis to live with it – a girl is also entitled to have her personal choices!”…


I get dressed and go out as a rocket, almost letting myself killed in the traffic, going to have a chat with my cousin…

He’s at home, reading I don’t know what and listening to some crappy heavy me(n)tal music…

“Hi, cuz, howya?”

“Hi, grab a beer!”

I get the beer and get a sit on a couch.

Open it, take a sip, then get up and switch off the record player.

He looks at me, and, in a low, confused voice asks:

“What, why?”

“Cousin, we need to talk”

“So, go on!”

I tell him about Mary, how I’ve met her, how she’s been fucking three guys at the same time, how she has managed to insert, half deep, at a party, a bottle of champagne inside her pussy…

“Stop! That’s enough! I can deal with the fact that you don’t respect her, but I won’t accept to let you insult her in front of me!”

He’s yelling…

His face has turned red and I know him too well – either I let it go, either we’ll have a fight…

“OK cuz, so be it! Just don’t expect me to come and be, eventually, your best man…”

I find my way out of his home.

It’s been twenty years since we’ve never really spoken again…

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Marseille by Night

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It was two weeks after she’d left for France. We were talking on the phone as we usually did about 10pm. When Marie suggested that I high-tale my ass over there and come see her. Well what’s a Guy to do? Especially when your girlfriend’s the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen. 5ft 4 tall, Blue eyes, Blonde hair (she thinks is messy) that when its in tussles and you wake up next to her and its all about, wow! Plus a body and ass that’s so sexy you find it hard to control yourself about her (which can be a real pain when your at family do’s or restaurant) and coupled with that she’s my best friend. It’s a no brainer. So of course that night I was at my computer searching the Internet for a flight to Marseilles soon as possible.

Two days later its about 10 o’clock and IM on the plane to Marseilles. Having already had a connecting flight to Paris, Which flew at 6:50 in the morning. Finally I arrived in Marseilles, it was 1 o’clock and I had to make my way to the train station at St Charles.I rang Marie to let her know I was here. She was going to meet me but not taking into account the time difference I rang her thirty minutes late (which I actually thought was thirty minutes early), needless to say she wasn’t too impressed as she had lessons to get out of and meetings to be back for. So feeling like a pleb I hung up the phone, not the arrival call id wanted to make.

Still I was so excited at seeing my Marie I spent the rest of the bus journey on the edge of my seat. Pulling into the station there she was. She was dressed casual in jeans and a T-shirt but wore the sexiest rye smile, that said “your late you pleb” but at the same time didn’t hold back her excitement or joy. If id ever began to forget just how amazing she was I was quickly reminded. I got off the bus as fast as I could and went straight to her to give her a big hug and kiss. I missed her so much and didn’t want to let her go and it felt so good that she wasn’t letting me go either. We had to leave pretty soon and get a move on, as she had to be back at uni to get to meetings.

I remember getting the metro and bus service, all the way to her uni I was filled with sheer excitement and felt like a kid on his birthday. We met up with her friends who she lived with Sara and Alison. Then she went into a meeting whilst I grabbed a bite to eat in the canteen, I was so excited at seeing her and then shed had to leave me alone for a while till she was finished. I was pulling my hair out just wanted her to myself but had to wait a little yet. (Not told her this before but I wanted to pull her into one of the empty class rooms or into a store cupboard and take her every which way.)

Eventually she came out of her meeting and we were off back to the flat. Back at the flat Marie showed me round and then pulled me into the bedroom to get reacquainted with a big snog and a hug. Needles to say my hands were all over her feeling her bum and roaming over her hips and sides whilst kissing her deeply. It was fantastic and we both had big grins as we explored one another’s body. We stopped shortly because of the other girls being there in the flat. As it turned out though they were going to sleep for a while so we decided that we’d do the same. It didn’t turn out quiet like that and sooner rather than later we were pawing once more at each other’s cloths trying to get them off. Undressed and being as quiet as we could we got into bed and started to kiss with a real passion, hands all over each other just wanting to grab a piece of each other. I started to kiss her lower and worked my way over here body. Kissing my way over her neck and then down over her chest taking her nipples into my mouth and gently sucking and licking them until they became erect and full. I continued down over her belly and ran my hands up and down her sides, which tickled her, and she squirmed from the soft touch. Slowly going even lower I came to her pelvis and softly kissed over it before going to the inner of her thighs and gently kissing there.I could smell her aroma which was light and intoxicating, my cock began to twitch. It was time and I wanted more than anything to get to her pussy and nuzzle into her sex and then work her into a frenzy. I started by licking along the length of her slit and teased her with my tongue slowly slipping inside her before pulling out and planting a kiss on her sex.

I moved up to her clitoris and slowly began to lick away and manipulate it till it had become swollen; I looked up to see her face but she had covered herself with a pillow. I was hoping she was biting the pillow because it was too much for her. I love to know that Marie comes when I’m down on her. That gave me motivation enough, so I started to work her a little faster, applying a little more pressure as I went, soon she was very wet and I could hear the muffled moans from under the pillow. With that I inserted one then two fingers into her and whilst licking her clit slowly moved my fingers in and out of illegal bahis her sex. It felt tight and I couldn’t wait to get my cock inside her, which by this time was full to its capacity and bulging with anticipation of sliding into her hot moist box. I removed my fingers and worked her clit hard, with that I felt her hands clasp around my head and pull me into her.

I took that as a sign she was on the edge and with that I worked faster and harder to the point where my head threshed a little to ease the tongue fatigue. Her hips raised off the bed and she began to buck from the hips, she pulled me in harder and I was smothered by her but continued to lick away till she had finished. She lay back on the bed releasing her grip around me, I continued to gently work her but she grabbed the side s of my head and pulled me up to her, we kissed deeply and I could feel her heaving chest underneath me as we did. Her fingers ran through my hair and about my ears, I didn’t notice she had removed them as we kissed but was quickly aware of where they were when I felt her hands clasp around the shaft of my cock. She worked my member up and down getting me even harder if that was at all possible. She slowly parted her legs a little and the pulled on my member till it was at the entrance of her pussy. I moved up to accommodate her, then looked her in the eyes as I slid into her all the way.

With that I almost came as her wet hot pussy sheathed around my cock. I had to hold it there for a second till the moment passed and bury my head into her tussles to keep from going over the top. My cock became accustomed to its surroundings, with that I started to slowly work in and out of her. Everything about her was so beautiful from the way she looked as I slid my tool in to the hilt an pulled it back to the tip, to the smell of her body and the touch of her skin. I couldn’t help myself and with that I had to push into her hard and fast, picking up speed. I knew I wouldn’t last long but this was never going to be a long session any way. I pumped her as hard as I could and had to reach up and hold onto her shoulders so I could continue at such a pace. I felt my cock contract as I slid out. I thrust back into her with all I had, with that I felt my balls contract and my cock swell and become full to its brim, then with a moan as the feeling became to much I began to fill her with my cum and buck as I came.

It only lasted for a short time but I was breathing heavy and collapsed exhausted onto of her. I remained inside of her until my cock became limp and my breathing had calmed down. We kissed, hugged and told each other how we loved one another. Then laughed at the length of the session before se went to the bathroom to clean up, I watched her as she got up and walked away, she was so sexy her ass moving from side to side looked perfect and with that I felt my cock become hard again. She came back into the bedroom, god I wanted her again I and I was ready to. Once in bed and under the sheets she became aware of my rigid member and gave me a squeeze and rubbed me up and down. When she said

“Sorry hunny your gonna have to wait till later.” And gave me a sexy grin. Oh my life what a tease, I needed to be in her right now but it wasn’t to be and she was adamant about that. Ah well later it was then and in the mean time it was a good chance to snuggle up to her and fall asleep in one another’s arms for some much needed rest on my part.

I awoke some time later to the sight I loved so much, My baby sleepy eyed lay about me naked with her hair across me in that manner so befitting. She soon arose after me and we looked into one another’s eyes and smiled. “I love you,” she said. Which brought about a huge smile “I love you too” I replied. We snuggled up to each other and held on tightly as two people who are deeply in love doing.

It was getting time for dinner and the growls from my stomach let Marie know. “You hungry Babe” she asked. “Starving, need a big steak or something but if your offering id love to take a bite outta your sexy little ass. “I cheekily put forward. “Would you now you great hornball, well I’m not so there!” She retorted and got up threw her robe on and went to see what was going on for dinner but not before flashing me her backside and grinning smugly as she walked away.

When she came back she told me that her and the girls hadn’t been out on the town since they’d got there and so would I like to eat and then head out on a night out with them. I was shattered but knew how much it meant to her that we all go out get to know one another and see what Marseilles by night is all about. I agreed and spent the next hour pouring coffee down my neck so as to not fall asleep and be ready for what lay ahead. We ate soon after that and got ready to go out. I decided to wear dark jeans and my white short sleeve linen shirt, which I knew turned Marie on as she often told me how much she liked me in it. I was ready quite quickly and Adele sent illegal bahis siteleri me off to iron some cloths that she wanted to wear. Bloody typical, I fly thousands of miles to do house chores!

I didn’t mind really and really didn’t mind when she ammerged from her room ready. She wore her denim skirt which shows reaches down to the top of her knee and shows off all the curves of her sexy behind, then reveals just enough of her legs to get your pulse racing and yet still leave you guessing as to where they lead. The top she wore was nothing less as exciting as the skirt. Virtually see through except for the covering of her breasts. It was a very fine and light pink lace which came down over her shoulder revealing her soft and delicate skin, giving a hint as to what was beneath but leaving much to the imagination.

It seems to me that’s how Marie likes to show her self. She doesn’t make things so obvious that there’s no mystery but at the same time she gives you good starting point from which to wonder and boy does she pull it off. Talk about jaw dropping, I didn’t want to go out now just wanted to get those cloths slung about the room and her into a nice warm bed. Except that wasn’t to be.

We finally got onto the streets of Marseilles and one of the lively spots of the town. There were rows of cafes which had large seating areas put out onto the pavement infront of them, which were bustling with people. All about the place was a sense of life and good times. We were in and out of bars and cafes talking all night, taking in the atmosphere of the View Port. One thing I noticed was the number of men who stopped to stare at the girls. None more so than Marie, whether it was because she was the only blonde and stood out from the other two girls, who were dark skinned and brunette or simply because she was so hot, I don’t know.

It did get to me a little all these guys leering at her but then I felt rather smug cause all these guys wanted my baby and she was mine. I don’t need telling how gorgeous and sexy she is but when a whole host of guys cant take their eyes of her it’s a pretty good reminder. I took great pride in kissing her and pinching her bum, not because I was showing her off as a trophy or anything because I do that any way, just felt a bit more smug this time. I’m sure Marie likes it as well knowing that men find her desirable and gives her a certain confidence that’s irresistible. We ended up in a club for the rest of the night and after many more drinks and a bit of dancing it was time to be heading back home to the flat.

We all staggered in the flat and after a short chat wrapped things up and decided it was time for bed. Marie went into the kitchen and got us some drinks whilst I went into the bedroom. Her balcony windows were open and I stepped out to the view of Marseilles by night. It was gorgeous; all about us were hills, mountainous ranges and the hotels and apartment buildings that were set on them. Every buildings shape could be just made out by the few remaining lights which shone from the rooms and off in the distance was one of the more prestigious apartments lit up in all its glory by search lights at it foundation. I was relay taken in by the view and didn’t notice that Marie had come up behind me,

“You like that?” she asked, as she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me gently. I turned to face her and said, “not as much as I like you “. We the kissed deeply.

“I’ve missed you so much, “she said.”.

” I’ve missed you too, I love you so much”.

“I love you too” And with that we kissed again more deeply than before and embraced one another. Adele then whispered in my ear “The girls are all in bed, get undressed and wait for me. Be back in a second, I’ve got a surprise for you.” I certainly wasn’t going to be told twice and was undressed before shed left the room. She didn’t come back for a while so I decided to sit outside on one of the patio chairs and take in the view once more and relax. Marie came back in the room quietly as not to rouse me and with that she popped out on the balcony. Within an instant my cock sprang into life as I took in what was before me.

Marie had an ivory silk crop top nighty on and nothing else. I looked up and down in amazement as she stood there cross-legged biting her finger seductively. The silk top she wore lightly flowed over her breasts and revealed a little flesh at the bottom.I could also see her nipples poking through the shiny material, she looked amazing.

“So what do you think?” she asked, then stooping over to whisper in my ear said, “I see he likes it” she took my now throbbing member in hand and gave it a squeeze. I stammered and tried to tell her how mind blowing she looked but my words failed me and tapered of in to a jittery ramble of nothing. She stopped me there, her lips millimetres from my ear so that I could not only hear but feel hear heaving breath on me, “just relax hunny, I’ve wanted to do this since canlı bahis siteleri you got here.” And with that she removed her whispers from my ear and began to kiss me about the neck.

Her touch was fantastic and I began to notice she had put a perfume on id bought her. Her kisses roamed about me gradually working their way over my chest taking my nipples in mouth before moving over my stomach. She kissed about my sides whilst her hands explored my chest her nails occasionally digging into me. Slowly she worked lower and was at my pelvis. I couldn’t believe it; Marie wasn’t shy when it came to the bedroom. She enjoyed sex very much but was a little apprehensive when the re was a possibility of others being about and able to see. The balcony opened up to the view of many other hotels. Only had smoked glass screens blocking the next balcony along and one of the other girls was only inches away separated by a thin wall.My cock was rigid from all of the possibilities but non more so from the smouldering look Adele had.

She took it in hand and slowly worked it up and down. This is it I thought she’s gonna suck me off. I love it when Marie sucks my cock; she can be down there for ages and have me right on the verge off cumming for as long as she wants. She was now on her knees between my legs and was watching my cock as she stroked it along its full length. Marie looked up and smiled and then her face was turned downward, I closed my eyes and leaned back in anticipation of what was about to happen but instead she moved it to the side and took my balls into her mouth. I let out a gasp as she sucked and used her tongue on my balls and continued to pump my swelled member.

After a short time she released the hold on my balls and still holding the shaft of my cock licked up and down slowly teasing me. As she reached the top she swirled her tongue about the head, which had swelled and became purple.She did this again but as she swirled over my helmet she sealed around it with her lips and went down the length of my cock taking it into her mouth. I couldn’t hold back and let slip a very faint “oh Fuck, Yes”.

At first she went slowly taking my member gradually further into her mouth with each plunge. Her hair fell over the top of her and whether because it was in the way or because she wanted me to see, she pulled her hair back and ran it behind her ear. I was lost completely as the sound of her muffled breathing and occasional slurp rose into the air. Slowly she began to pick up the pace and the long slow strokes that enveloped my cock were replaced with the frantic bobbing of her head. I was squirming in my seat and thought I would blow my load at any time. She had taken the base of my cock in hand and began to pump vigorously as she sucked the head, all the time digging into my chest or legs with her nails before removing them to hold and squeeze my balls. I thought that was it, I couldn’t take any more and was going to come. At that moment though she slowed right down and went back to the long slow strokes she stayed like this for a moment and the pulled her self away kissed my head and then stood up.

“Did you like that?” she asked.

“Yeah” was all I could muster and sighed heavily as I said it.

“Well, its not over yet baby “and with that she pulled out another chair. She turned and faced it opposite to where I was sat and put my legs up on to it. Then turned back to face me and grinned “Oh boy are you in for the time, oops sorry, I mean ride of your life.”

Oh my word. I know its not much but those few words defiantly sent my pulse racing, brought a smile to my face and made me want her more than anything. She moved to the side of me so that her pussy was right in front of my face and I took in the aroma of her sweet smelling sex. Then placed her hands on my shoulders, leant down and gave me a long kiss whilst straddling over my out stretched legs. Still kissing me she reached down and took my cock into her hands and slowly began to pump me. I was as hard as hard as I had ever been and pleaded with her to put me inside her. With that she moved my member to the entrance of her pussy and slowly sank down. I twitched and moaned as the head of my cock touched her parted lips and sighed deeply as she applied pressure to break ground. She was wet but very tight and as my member was swelled beyond its limit, it was hard for her to take me in. She pulled up and I felt the head of my cock being released from her tight grasp.

“Do you want me to go down on you?” I asked

“No, I want that long fat cock inside me right now!” she replied mater of factly, to which she lent over me and from beneath my chair she pulled out a small tub of Vaseline. Marie had placed it there when she had first came into the room but I was too dumb struck by her beauty to even notice. She lifted the lid took a splooge of the Vaseline into her hands and then worked them together, spreading the slippery applicant evenly across her hands.

Once more she reached down and starting from the base worked the Vaseline up my length. For a minute one hand after another grabbed my cock and coated it all the way to the tip. I was horny as every and dying to get inside my baby.

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The Country Cottage Pt. 01

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(Part 1)



The lights of passing vehicles flickered across the ceiling, just the visible part of the unending background cacophony of the city. My breathing returned to normal as my dick softened after filling Lisa’s pussy for the first time in weeks.

I suppose it was a pretty normal situation in a long term relationship, but I really did miss the level of passion that slowly receded during our thirteen year marriage. It used to be Lisa and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Of course, the fucking two or three times a day routine faded pretty quickly but we still managed a healthy, active sex life for a long time.

Now it just seemed even that was vanishing quickly. We never seem to be interested at the same time and so only managed a quick, perfunctory fuck once every week or two at best.

That night was a perfect example. We sort of fooled around a few minutes after climbing into bed. I think she climaxed when I slipped my cock inside her. It was over so quickly, I can’t really be sure. Then she rolled to her side facing away from me as I stared at the ceiling.

I wished I had an answer.


I don’t know when or why things became so…well…dull. Dan’s cock still felt somewhat pleasant inside me, cumming in me, yet it hardly seemed worth the effort. I faked the orgasm to satisfy him but knew my own gratification would come later…alone..in the shower…on my own hand.

We were certainly comfortable enough in most ways…decent jobs, good incomes and all that…but it wasn’t enough. I could hear his ragged breathing becoming more measured and knew he would shortly drift off to sleep. The cooling trickle of his semen seeping down the inside of my thigh symbolized the emptiness I felt. I rolled over to face him.

“We really need to talk,” I said softly.

Dan looked at me and I realized he understood completely, maybe even felt much the same way.

“Yeah, we do,” he responded, “neither one of us wants to go on like this. We both need a new spark.”

The Talk


The next evening after dinner, I felt it was time to be honest, brutally so if necessary.

“When we were in bed last night Dan, you didn’t seem interested. You seemed miles away.”

He looked embarrassed.

“I am sorry Lisa. I had trouble keeping it up. I had to think of other things.”

I had guessed this and wanted it out in the open.

“What or who were you thinking about?”

Dan shook his head. “It would be better if we didn’t go there, Lisa. It may make us both more unhappy.”

“We both agreed we need to talk, Dan. By that I mean we both have to talk. When we are in bed, you are obviously thinking about something besides me, another woman or girl perhaps. I want to be honest with you. I often think about somebody else. It is obviously fantasy but we have to deal with it.”

I could see that my confession had shaken him. He thought for a moment before speaking.

“I want you to realize Lisa that I love you very much, and although I do think of other women and situations, I don’t want us to separate. You know that this would be devastating for us both, not to mention our parents.”

I nodded. Dan was a good, solid man and I certainly wanted to stay married. We both loved my parents who were well into their sixties and were quite religious. We were both brought up to be good Catholics and, although we no longer went every Sunday, we still attended on special occasions and went to Confession and Holy Communion at Christmas and Easter.

“Are you suggesting that we talk about each others fantasies, Lisa?”

“Yes. They are, after all, only fantasies. Everybody has them and they do no harm. I saw you look around today in the store at some of the women. Did you fancy any of them?”

He looked a bit shamefaced.

“I liked that young girl on her phone.”

I smiled. I was glad he was being honest.

“She did look nice, although she was a bit plump and appeared to be with her father and mother.”

Dan was relaxing more now and confessed.

“I do like women who are a bit plump and even a little older. Her mother was pretty nice looking as well.”

I chuckled. This was the most candid conversation I had in years with my husband. He was relaxing and some very interesting things were coming out into the open.

“What about you, Lisa? I have told you my thoughts. What about yours?”

I had no intention of avoiding the issue. I had so many fantasies over the years and it would be a relief to finally share some of them with Dan.

“I liked the look of that man with the women, the one in the dark suit and yellow tie.”

“The old man with glasses and the white hair and beard?”

“Yes. He looked like illegal bahis a Head Master.”

Dan looked at me quizzically.

“Do you have schoolgirl fantasies, Lisa?”

It was my turn to blush.

“Yes, Dan, but as a grown up schoolgirl.”

He was intrigued.

“A sort of adult schoolgirl?”

“Yes, and I had to go to the Head Master’s office because I was a naughty girl.” I responded and blushed again. I hadn’t meant to explain quite this much.

Dan was starting to really enjoy himself and get into the spirit of the conversation.

“So you want to have an old man pull your panties down and spank your bare bottom…and you like it”

I nodded. The talk was making my pussy tingle.

Dan pushed the conversation further.

“That guy looked quite old. Is that what you liked, Lisa, that he was an older man, one close to your father’s age, possibly a dirty old man?

“Lots of women have fantasies about their fathers…and dirty old men, Dan. They seem safer than most wild young men.” I said more defensively than I intended.

“Fantasies are strange things, Love, but I suppose we can just enjoy them as much as we can in whatever form they take,” Dan nodded

“Yes we can, Dan, and we should.”

I felt better and started to think about ways we might make some of these newly acknowledged fantasies come true…after I climaxed for the first time in quite a while on Dan’s dick when he shot his semen into my pussy.


I just marveled at the change in Lisa in the weeks following our talk. We began to openly discuss our attraction, or lack thereof, to people we encountered on the street or in a store. We even spent an afternoon at the nearby park people watching to speculate about some of them.

“Does she shave her pussy?”

“How big is his cock?”

“Does she suck his cock and swallow?”

“That one could pull my panties down and spank me!”

“I bet she likes to eat pussy.”

“I’d love to bury my face in those big soft tits.”

The more we discussed such things, the more comfortable I grew with further exploring our fantasies. The added bonus was our sex lives grew in intensity as we found out more and more about the things we liked but kept hidden from each other throughout the years.

Lisa seemed please to realize I liked soft curves that came with a little extra weight. I was turned on that she not only liked being spanked but was open to fulfilling one of my fantasies of playing with another woman or even a couple.

Then she totally surprised me one day with a proposition I could hardly refuse.

“We need a vacation and I found the perfect place,” Lisa said one evening as we cuddled in front of the TV. “It’s only about a three hour drive from the city so we can make it a long weekend, go there on a Friday morning and come home on the following Monday.”

With that she got up and brought her laptop over to the sofa. After a moment, she opened a website and showed me what she found.

“It’s called The Country Cottage,” she said, “it is limited to only five adult couples as guests at a time. Everything is included in the price and it seems very private and idyllic.”

The cover page of the website showed a large manor house. Standing in front of the house were a mid fifties looking couple identified as the owners, Bob and Carol, and their adult children, Ted and Alice.

I could see Lisa’s interest in Bob immediately. He was about my height, a bit stouter with short cropped gray hair and a closely trimmed gray beard. Carol was a good six inches shorter, somewhat matronly looking with large breasts.

I smiled slightly paging through the remaining pictures showing various parts of the grounds and facilities, realizing Lisa based her selection in part on one of her ongoing fantasies. I had no problem with that at all. In fact, it kind of excited me.

When I got to the last picture on the website, my mouth dropped open and my cock twitched. I looked over at Lisa, who smiled impishly at me, before returning my gaze to the picture of the sign at the entrance to the place.

The Cottage Inn

Family Run For Family Fun

(Since 1832)

The Arrival


When Dan stopped the car in the gravel courtyard outside the old manor house, I gazed out of the window and my heart thumped. The Country Cottage fit in so well with the idyllic rural countryside through which we had just driven. When I thought of the chats that Dan and I had over the last few weeks, seeing the words Family Run For Family Fun made my tummy tingle. Of course, it may all be quite innocent but by now Dan and I both thought there might be more to it…and desperately hoped so.

We had hardly exited the car when a nice looking man in his fifties walked illegal bahis siteleri cross the gravel to greet us.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. We have been waiting for you to arrive. I am the owner Bob Davies. Don’t worry about your luggage, I will get someone to bring it in for you. Come in and have a cup of tea or a glass of wine and meet my wife Carol.”

It was a lovely welcome and I could see that it pleased my husband. Bob Davies was a little stout but pleasant looking with short cropped gray hair and neat closely trimmed gray beard, exactly like the man in one of my fondest fantasies. He ushered us into the reception area where his wife Carol met us with a huge smile. She was so pleasant, with a warm maternal look about her.

I smiled to myself as I knew Dan would appreciate her ample breasts. His expression would be “Really motherly breasts”, one of his major fetishes, especially since I was not very well endowed in that way.

As we sat and relaxed, a young woman about thirty came in with a nice tray of steaming hot tea and a few biscuits. Carol introduced her daughter Alice who smiled shyly before she left.

Carol told us that Alice, as well as her brother Ted, were very caring, loving and helpful around the place. Ted was two years older than his sister and generally looked after the accounts and such of the Cottage.

Both Dan and I were really impressed. As Alice went up to our room to make sure everything was right for us, we spent a lovely half hour chatting with our hosts.

“Do you have many guests staying here at the moment, Mrs. Davies?” Dan asked

“Please call me Carol.” Carol laughed. “We are always very informal around here. The cottage is almost always full as some guests like yourselves without young children of their own come for long weekends or even extended stays.. We make sure that every need is catered for and this means that people come back time and time again. So yes, we will be complete filled up during your stay.”

“You say there are no children, Carol, but you advertise Family Fun?” I said picking up on that comment.

“Yes, Lisa, we do.” Bob chuckled ‘We encourage a more adult clientele as young children tend to be noisy and a bit disruptive. Quite often parents who are in their forties and fifties and sixties are accompanied by their married or adult children and their spouses. They have the freedom to do whatever they wish without any restriction whatsoever. It is a Family Fun establishment.”

“That sounds most intriguing, Bob, no restrictions whatsoever?” I laughed

“Our guests are usually professional people, Lisa, who want the freedom and privacy we offer without any problems or intrusions.” Carol added. “Usually they include business people of all kinds with some doctors and even a priest. Everyone wants security and privacy at times.”

I could see Dan looking at Carol with her very full blouse and imagining doing his ‘doctor fantasy’ with her, where he would have her in his examination room talking quite seriously…”Now then Mrs. Davies, just pull your top off for me so that I can check that your breasts are OK.”…Then adding something like…”My, my Mrs. Davies, they look and feel just fine, especially your big nipples. Have you always had such beautiful nipples?”…His ‘doctor fantasy’ could go on for a while with him asking all sorts of more and more intimate questions.

I felt my nipples stiffen against my bra when I looked down to see a small bulge in Dan’s pants as he ogled Carol’s sizable tits. All of this was exciting but we were still unsure how everything worked at the Cottage.

I was intrigued by her reference to “a priest” and queried it. She smiled and explained

“We have a Catholic priest with us at the moment Lisa. He and his wife are both in their sixties now and here with their grandchildren.”

“Isn’t that a contradiction, Carol? Catholic Priests don’t have wives and certainly not grandchildren?”

“It is a bit unusual I suppose,” Bob Davies laughed “From what I understand, Father John fell out with the orthodox Catholic church almost forty years ago over what is meant by chastity. At that time, he was a very popular young priest and many of his parishioners supported his views so he just broke away and formed his own parish and church. He has been a regular guest for years.”

“But it couldn’t then be a Catholic Church?”

“Perhaps not in the strictest sense but he follows all the Catholic doctrines and still has Confessions and Holy Communion. Over a hundred parishioners followed him at the time. Since then, his flock has grown to over three hundred very devout followers. He is a fascinating man, as you will see. You will like him. Everybody does.”

“What is his wife like?

“She is really lovely. Although she is sixty two now, I think, she is still so very attractive. She helps Father John canlı bahis siteleri with his parish duties and even gives Confession herself.”

“A woman giving Confession?” Dan chimed in.

“You men are all the same,” Carol Davies laughed. “Women are just as capable as men to dispense mercy and understanding and penance, perhaps even better in some cases. She always agreed with Father John’s beliefs. He, on the other hand, needed help so he appointed his Sister Rose as a Deacon.”

“So his wife is a nun?” I asked.

“She is a bit more than that but has a few novice nuns to help her. She is usually referred to as Mother Rose now. It is appropriate as she is so motherly.”

“But Mother Rose gives Confession to the parishioners?”

“Not only parishioners, Lisa. That is one difference to the normal church. She and Father John will give Confession to anyone in the ordinary public if they are asked. Usually all our guests take Confession at some time or other when they are here and they all say it is a wonderful, cathartic experience.”

I was astounded.

“Have you taken Confession, Carol? Are you Catholic?”

“No, I am not Catholic, Lisa,” Carol laughed, “but I regularly take Confession with both Father John and Sister Rose. It is wonderful to unload my sins and indiscretions, large and small. We have found that the secret of a good Confession is to tell everything and not to leave out any little secret.”

Bob Davies supported his wife.

“All the family likes going to Confession, Lisa. Carol and I, as well as our daughter Alice and our son Ted, sometimes go together when we feel we are guilty of joint sinning.”

The conversation had astonished Dan and me. It had also been quite arousing. I could see by his bulge it had affected Dan. It had certainly excited me. My panties were getting damp.

Just then Alice entered the room and spoke to her mother in a very quiet and respectful voice.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kelly’s bedroom is ready now, Mom.”

The way they looked at each other was palpably sensual. Nothing out of place was said or done, but I could almost feel the love…even lust…in her mother’s manner as she bent over and kissed her daughter on the forehead.

“Thank you, love. You can go and see to your brother’s needs now, if you like.”

The pleasure on Alice’s face was very plain as she giggled.

“Thanks, Mom.”

I looked at my husband staring at Alice and her mother, both of whom seemed momentarily oblivious of anyone else in the room. There was much more going on here than was apparent at first glance. I wondered what Dan was thinking and what we would discover during our stay.


For the most part, our drive to The Country Cottage was uneventful, other than getting lost a couple of times on the narrow winding back roads. The place sure was far out in the country. We stopped for lunch in a quaint little town before continuing on and finally found the entrance at the end of a long tree lined gravel lane.

My dick twitched a little as we passed the discrete sign announcing the turnoff, the same sign that got both of us so intrigued when Lisa first found out about this place. When we pulled to a stop and got out of the car, Lisa’s hand tightened slightly on my arm, a sharp intake of breath her only sound.

A stout man with short gray hair and a closely cropped gray beard approached us with a huge smile. I knew without looking that Lisa’s nipples were stiff and possibly her panties moist…the man coming out to greet us was the very embodiment of one of her dearest fantasies.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. We have been waiting for you to arrive. I am the owner Bob Davies. Don’t worry about your luggage, I will get someone to bring it in for you. Come in and have a cup of tea or a glass of wine and meet my wife Carol.”

After handshakes all around, Lisa’s hand gripped mine tightly while we followed Bob into the house. Even before I leaned in to whisper in her ear, I knew she was excited…and aroused.

“Looks like just the right man to pull down your panties and smack your bare ass,” I said softly enough that only she could hear.

She responded with a low moan and weak smile as we entered the house to meet Bob’s wife, Carol.

I stopped momentarily at the doorway seeing Carol for the first time in person. I was immediately in…if not love…very much in lust. She was a matronly woman with short gray hair and large, luscious billowing breasts that I instinctively knew were topped with big brown aureoles and little finger tip sized nipples, the “really motherly breasts” of my dreams and memories.

To make matters even better, Carol was the touchy type, eschewing a welcoming handshake for a warm tight hug. I wondered if she felt my dick hardening as she crushed her soft tits against my chest.

We had barely been seated when a woman about the same age as Lisa and me came in with tea and biscuits, Bob and Carol’s daughter Alice it turned out who, from my perspective, inherited all the right traits from her mother with her large breasts and nice round ass.

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