Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Merhaba, ben İzmirden Aysel, 38 yaşındayım ve evliyim. Çevremde herkes tarafından beğenilen bir bayanım. Almanya München doğumluyum ve 18 yaşıma kadar Almanyada yaşadım. 18 yaşıma geldiğimde ailemin Türkiyeye kesin dönüş yapmasıyla İzmire yerleştik. 19 yaşıma geldiğimde şimdiki kocam ile tanıştım ve sevişerek evlendik. 32 yaşıma kadar kocam ile dopdolu bir sex yaşantımız oldu. Kocam ile sexs konusunda her türlü fantaziyi yaşadım. Sadece kocamla olmak şartıyla, sexste herşeyi denedim. Buna ağzıma almak ve götten sikişmek de dahil. Ama son 6 yıldır eskiye nazaran daha az seks yapıyoruz kocamla.

Kocam Almanyaya daha hiç gitmemişti ve Almanca da bilmiyordu, yinede Almanyayı çok merak ediyordu. Bayram tatilinde kocam Almanyaya seyhate gidelim dedi. Bende uzun süredir gitmediğim ama dilini de unutmadığım Almanyayı yeniden göreceğim için, büyük bir mutluluk duydum. Pasaportları, biletleri ve oteli ayarladık. Ertesi hafta genç kızlığımı yaşadığım Almanyada München’de idik. Kocam hep otelde kalmak istemiyordu, çıkıp biryerleri gezelim deyince, çıktık, önce güzel bir restaurantda yemek yedik, kafaları bir güzel bulduk, ondan sonra discoya gittik. Discoda biraz eğlendikten sonra kocam, “Farklı bir yerler yok mu, daha heyecanlı biryerlere gidelim.” dedi. Benim aklıma Fin Hamamı geldi. Orada değişik fantazi yaşayabilirdik.

Bir taxi çevirip, taxiciden bizi Fin Hamamına götürmesini rica ettik. Taxici bizi Münchenin biraz dışında bir yere götürdü. Hamama geldik, receptionda girişi ödedik, bize bir kabin anahtarı verdiler, soyunmaya gittik. Soyunduk, kabindeki havlulara sarınıp çıktık. Hamam kısmına geçince kocam şaşırdı, çünkü herkes mal mülk ortada çırıl çıplak dolaşıyordu. Kocam “Ne yani, şimdi bizde mi bunlar gibi dal taşak, am göt açık dolaşacağız? Ben utanırım!” dedi. Ben “Boş ver utanma, buranın adeti böyle, hem sen demedin mi farklı bir yere gidelim diye.” dedim, çıkıştım kocama. Kabine döndük, anadan doğma soyunup geri geldik. Önce soğuk suda yıkandık, ardından sıcak su olan bölüme girdik, sonra tekrar soğuk su bölümüne. Sadece bizim oramız buramız traşlıydı, bizim dışımızda herkeste bir karış kıl vardı. Kocam yıkanan Alman kadınların kıllı amlarına bakarken, bende kıllı yaraklarını sallandıra sallandıra dolaşan Alman erkeklerine bakıyordum.

Yarım saat falan yıkandıktan sonra, baktık yıkanan çıplak bir şekilde, kapıda ‘Club’ yazan yere giriyor. Merak edip biz de girmeye karar verdik. İçeriye girince birkez daha şaşırdık, Club denilen yer meğerse grup sexs yapılan ‘Swinger Club’ imiş. Geçtik bara oturduk. Zaten yabancı olduğumuzu anlıyan kadınlar ve erkekler hemen bize yanaştılar. Ben kocamın Almanca bilmediğini anlattım. “Önemli değil.” deyip iki sarışın Alman kadın kocamı aldılar ve bir odaya doğru sürüklediler. Kadınlara kocamı mümkün olduğu kadar oyalamalarını söyledim. Alman kadın da “Sen merak etme, enaz 1 saat sikişiriz kocanla.” dedi. Kocam Almanca anlamadığı için yüzüme “Noluyoruz ya?” gibisinden garip garip bakınca, “Keyfine bak kocacım, 1 saat sonra barda görüşürüz.” dedim.

Kocam kadınlarla gidince, 3 tane Alman erkek de beni başka bir odaya götürdüler. Artık rüyalarımı süsleyen grup sexsi yapabilecektim, hemde kocam yanımda olmadan. Odaya girince 3 erkek tarafından her yerim ellenmeye başladı. Müthiş tahrik olmuştum. Birisi amımı yalamaya başlayınca kendimi salıverdim. Biri sikini ağzıma verdi, diğeri de göt deliğimi yalamaya başladı. Aman tanrım ne müthiş bir duyguydu bu. Bugüne kadar sadece kocamın ellediği vücudum şu an 3 Alman erkek tarafından yeniden keşfediliyordu. Müthiş bir orgazm yaşamaya başladım, ardı ardına boşalmaya başladım. Çok değişik bir duyguydu bu, daha önceden hiç tatmadığım bir duygu. Sikini kaldıran ağzıma vermeye başladı. Sırayla üçüde ağzıma boşaldılar, ağzım yüzüm sperm ile dolmuştu.

Ağızıma ilk boşalan sönmüş sikini tekrar ağzıma verdi, ötekisi kocaman bir dildo getirip amıma sokmaya başladı. Üçüncüsü de arkama geçmiş götümü parmaklıyordu. Tarifi imkansız müthiş bir zevk alıyordum. Az sonra arkamdakinin siki yeniden kalkmıştı ve sikiyle götümü zorlamaya başladı. Götüm biraz acıdı ama yarısına kadar içime alabildim, yavaş olmasını söylediğim halde kalanını birden kökledi. O anda gözlerimde şimşek çaktı, fakat az sonra alıştım, zevkten kendimden geçtim. O üç Alman sırayla hem amımı hem götümü, yarım saatten fazla siktiler. Sikilmekten dermanım kalmadı. Tam bitti dediğim anda içeriye, bornoz giymiş, iri kıyım bir Alman geldi, elinde esrarlı bir sigara vardı. Clübün sahibiymiş. Sigarayı yaktı bana ikram etti, “Çok kaliteli bir ot, dene.” dedi. Gençlik yıllarımdan biliyordum, esrarlı sigarayı aldım, bir kaç fırt çektim, bir anda kafam full oldu, her tarafım uyuştu.

Az önce beni sikenler kenara çekildiler esrar içmeye başladılar. O yeni gelen Clübün sahibi, tam çam yarması gibiydi, zebellah gibi, benim enaz iki mislim biri. Benimle sevişmeye başladı. Her tarafımı yalıyordu. Üzerindeki bornozu çıkarınca şok oldum, siki kalkık değildi sallanıyordu, fakat çok büyüktü. Sikinin gövdesi abartısız bileğim kadar kalındı, kafası ise aynı büyük bir mantara benziyordu. Bu hali üstelik sönük hali idi. Biran kalkık halini düşündüm, o an korktum ve titremeye başladım. O ise beni yalamaya devam ediyor, dilini her tarafıma sokuyordu. Ama ben hala gergindim. Sonra sikini ağzıma vermeye çalıştıysa da ağzıma girmiyordu. Telaşlanmıştım, ağzıma girmeyen bu büyük sik amıma nasıl girecekti. Sakin olmaya çalıştım ve sikinin kafasını bir süre yaladım. Siki elimde daha da büyümeye ve kalınlaşmaya başladı, resmen sikinin damarları çıktı. Bir yandan da düşünüyordum, böyle bir yarağı birdaha nerde bulacaktım?

O bu arada amımı yalamaya ve emmeye başladı. Amıma dilini sokup çıkardıkça biraz da olsa rahatladım. Amım sulanmaya başlamıştı, orgazm öncesi gibi zevk alıyordum. Ne olursa olsun o büyük yarağı içimde hissetmek istiyordum, “Los fick mich!” diye inleyerek yalvarıyordum Almana. Beni dört ayak, köpekleme pozisyonuna getirdi, bacaklarımı ayırdı, arkadan sikini ağır ağır amıma sokmaya başladı. Sikinin mantar gibi kafası amımın içinde biryerlerimi genişlete genişlete ilerliyordu. Sanırım yarısına kadar anca girmişti, çünkü vücudu kalçalarıma değmiyordu. Bir süre gelip gittikten sonra, birden tamamını soktu. Yarağı amımı boşluk bırakmadan doldurmuştu. Müthiş bir duyguydu, üst üste orgazm oluyordum. Amımdan akan sıvılar sayesinde Almanın o koca yarağı amıma rahat rahat girip çıkıyordu artık.

Ben boşalmıştım, onunda boşalmasını beklerken, birden kenarda duran dildoyu aldı, dildonun ucuna ve götümün deliğine kaydırıcı sürdükten sonra, dildoyu ağır ağır götüme soktu. Dildo bildiğimiz normal dildolara benzemiyordu, ucu inceydi fakat arkasına doğru boğum boğum kalınlaşıyordu. Her boğum girdiğinde biraz bekliyor, sonra dildoyu götümün içinde döndürerek diğer boğuma kadar sokuyordu. Her boğum girdiğinde büzüğüm biraz daha genişliyor ve uyuşuyordu. Son boğumu da götüme sokup, içimde biraz dönderdikten sonra, dildoyu yavaş yavaş çekmeye başladı. Dildo çıktıktan sonra büzüğümün kapanmadığını hissettim. Amımdan sikini çıkardı ve götümün deliğine dayadı. Kocam ile de götten sikişirdim, ama kocamla hiç böylesine değişik bir sikiş yapmamıştık. Çok tahrik olmuştum, heyecanla Almanın bilek gibi yarağıyla götümü sikmesini bekliyordum.

Yüklenip birden bütün kuvveti ile bastırdığında sanki bacaklarım ikiye ayrılmıştı, kımıldayamadım, nefes bile alamadım. Nasıl oldu anlayamadım, o koca yarak bir seferde yarısına kadar girmişti. Az sonra hepsini götüme sokmaya çalışırken ben acıdan ağlıyordum ve “Nein! Nein! Stop!” diyordum. Dinlemedi, biraz daha yüklendi ve geriside girdi götüme. Her nekadar kıpırdamamasını, canımın çok yandığını söylediysem de, bir süre bekledikten sonra insafsızca gelip gitmeye başladı. Gittikçe de hızlanıyordu, acıdan nerdeyse bayılmak üzereydim, bu işin bir an önce bitmesi için dua ediyordum. Bir süre daha gelip gittikten sonra götüme öyle bir boşaldı ki anlatamam. Boşalması rahat iki dakika sürdü. Sikini götümden çıkardığında götümde resmen bir boşluk hissettim. Beni ayağa kaldırdığında ise göt deliğim tam kapanmıyordu ve spermler bacaklarıma doğru süzülüyordu.

Bana temiz bir havlu verdiler, havluya sarındım ve direk banyoya gittim. Yıkanıp çıktım ve bara gittim. Kocam çoktan gelmiştir ve barda beni bekliyordur diye tahmin ediyordum, fakat yoktu. Nihayet onbeş dakika sonra göründü. Kocam o iki Alman kadının ortasında, ikisine de sarılmış, keyfine diyecek yoktu. Alman kadınlar kocamı bana teslim edip gittiler. Kocamı hiç böyle mutlu görmemiştim. Hemen anlatmaya başladı, “Ya bu Alman karıları müthiş sikişiyorlar, bitirdiler beni valla. Eee, sen ne yaptın karıcığım, anlat.” dedi. Kocamın keyfine limon sıkmak istemedim ve yalan söyledim, “Yok yaa, Alman erkeklerinde iş yokmuş, zaten ufak tefek bir tanesiyle sikiştim. O’da doğru dürüst sikemedi bile, çabucak boşaldı, birşey anlamadım. Nerdeyse bir saattir barda seni bekliyordum.” dedim. Kocamın göğsü kabardı, “Herkes benim gibi sikemez ki karıcığım.” dedi.

Zavallı bilmiyor ki, üç Alman beni aynı anda nasıl sikti, hele dördüncüsünde bilek gibi bir yarak olduğunu ve amımı götümü nasıl dağıttı. “Haklısın kocacığım, herkes senin gibi sikemez!” dedim. Ordan ayrıldık, otele gittik ve yattık. Ertesi gün kocama, “Alışverişe çıkıyorum.” deyip kendisini otelde bıraktım ve doktora gittim. Doktor, enaz yedi sekiz hafta anal ilişkiye giremeyeceğimi söyledi. Türkiyeye dönünce, tam iki ay doktorun verdiği kremleri sürdüm götüm öyle iyileşti. Şu anda kocam ile tekrar anal ilişkiye giriyorum, fakat biryandan kocamın sikinin normal boyutlarda olmasına seviniyorum, öte yandan da Almanyadaki olay aklıma geldikçe, yine o yediğim Alman yarağı gibi, mantar başlı, kalın, damarlı yarak yemek istiyorum!

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



Merhabalar,adım Ozan.27 yaşındayım ve şuan Muğla’da oturuyorum.Size anlatacağım olay bundan 4 yıl önce ben 23 yaşımdayken başımdan geçmeye başladı.Turizm bölümünü bitirmiştim ve bitirene kadar da dışarıdan aldığım kurslar ile İngilizce,Fransızca ve Rusça öğrenip 3 yabancı dili öğrenmiştim.En sonunda herkesin yaptığı gibi bende bir otele başvurmuştum.İstanbul’da okumama rağmen otelim Antalya’da çıkmıştı ve otele alınmıştım.İlk olarak bir gemiye verilecektim ve seyahat gemilerinde hizmet edecek daha sonra da beğenilirsem otele alınacak veya tekrardan daha büyük gemiler ile devam edecektim çalışmaya.Mayıs ayının son haftasındaydık ve benim ilk işim olacaktı,sabahın çok erken saatlerinde bindik gemiye.

Geminin sorumlu müdürü bizi önüne dizdi ve toplam 4 kişi olduğumuzu gördüm.Sorumlu müdür konuşmaya başladı “Arkadaşlar,birkaç arkadaşımız son anda çıkan pürüzler yüzünden aramıza katılamayacağından bu sefer ki turu birkaç kişi daha az yürüteceğiz.O yüzden size burada büyük iş düşüyor. “ dedikten sonra herkese görevlerini dağıtmaya başladı.Bana geldiğinde “Sen,geminin en üst katından ve masaj salonundan sorumlusun.Eğer masaj isteyen birden fazla kişi olursa telefon ile bana ulaşıyorsun ben hemen oraya birini göndereceğim. “ dedi.Herkese görevi dağıtıldıktan sonra “İlk defa gemide çalışacak kim var?” diye sordu.Bende “Ben varım efendim. “

Müdür,diğerlerine dönerek “Siz gidebilirsiniz. “ dedi.Bana yaklaştı ve “Seninle konuşalım biraz,takip et beni. “ dedi.Kendi odasına gelmiştik.O masasına geçti ve bende önünde ki koltuğa oturdum.Bana “Bak evlat,gençsin ve kanın kaynıyor olabilir ama asla müşterileri rahatsız edecek hareketler yapma. Onlara sulanma,olacağı varsa olur ama asla yavşama. “ dedi.Bende “Tamam efendim. “ dedim.Müdür “Senin gemide yeni olduğunu biliyordum zaten o yüzden masaj bölümünü sana verdim.Orada işini hakkınla yaparsan çok güzel bahşiş alırsın. “ dedi.Teşekkür ederek kalktım ve en üst kata kendi bölümüme çıktım.En üst katta ki odalar suit odalardı ve sadece 2 tane vardı.Az odaya bakacaktım ama odalarda ki insanlar daha zengin olacaklardı.

Saat 11.00 gibi gemiye yavaş yavaş gelmeye başladılar yolcular ve bende kendi bölümüme gelecekleri bekliyordum.En sonunda bir çift geldi bizim kata,hemen bavullarını aldım ve taşımaya başladım.Genç bir çifte benziyorlardı ve büyük ihtimal daha yeni evlenmişlerdi.Bavullarını odalarına bıraktıktan sonra “Başka bir isteğiniz var mı?” dedim.Erkek olan elime 20 lira sıkıştırıp “Yok kardeşim sağol. “ dedi ve bende odadan çıktım.Biz aylık üzerinden değil çıktığımız gemi seyahati üzerinden para alıyorduk.Bende ilk seferimde tam 2 hafta çalışacaktım ve 2 hafta boyunca 800 TL alacaktım.Odadan çıktıktan sonra hemen dosyadan kayıtlara baktım merak ettiğim için.Gelenler daha yeni evli çiftmiş ve özel balayı için yer ayırtmışlar.Erkek olanın ismi Mehmetmiş ve 23 yaşındaymış,kızın ismi ise Ecem ve 22 yaşındaymış.

Odaya çok hızlı girip çıktığım için kızı tam süzme fırsatım olmamıştı.Diğer odada yatacak kişiler gelememişler ve o oda bu seferlik boş kalacakmış.Çok sevinmiştim çünkü boş kalan odalarda o katın görevlisi kalabiliyordu o yüzden o odada bana kalmıştı.Öğlen yemeğinden sonra aşağıya masaj salonuna indim ve beklemeye başladım.Birkaç saat geçmişti aradan ki kapı açıldı ve “Kimse var mı?” diye bir ses duydum.Hemen kapıya yöneldim ve “Hoş geldiniz. “ dedim.Kapıda yaşı en fazla 16-17 olan genç bir kız duruyordu.Kız “Ben masaj yaptırmak istiyorum. “ dedi.Bende “Tabi,buyrun.Önce isminizi almam gerekiyor. “ dedim.Gülümseyerek “Ceren. “ dedi.Bende “Buyrun Ceren hanım 3 numaralı odaya geçin. “ dedim.Ceren geçti odaya ve bende hazırlanıp havlumu ve yağlarımı aldıktan sonra 3 numaralı odaya girdim.

İçeriye girdiğimde Ceren çıplak bir şekilde yatıyordu ve sadece kalçalarını kapatacak bir havlu örtülüydü.İçeriye girdim,yağı elime sürdükten sonra vücuduna masajımı yapmaya başladım.Öncelikle sırtından başladım.Ceren ile konuşmaya başladık,kendisi sürekli bana sorular soruyordu ve kendisini anlatıyordu. erkek arkadaşı ile gelmiş buraya.1.70 boylarında,buğday tenli,kumral saçlı,çıkık ve yusyuvarlak kalçaları olan bir kızdı.Havlunun arasından amı ortam loş bir ışıkta olduğu için görünmese bile onun vücuduna dokunmak yetiyordu bana.

45 dakikalık bir masajdan sonra bitirmiştim.Ceren çok teşekkür etti.Bende hemen odadan çıktım ve ellerimi yıkadıktan sonra Ceren masaj salonunun duşuna girdi.Yıkandıktan sonra teşekkür etti ve elime bir para sıkıştırıp “Parmaklarını harika kullanıyorsun.Çok rahatladım teşekkürler. “ dedi.Daha sonra gülerek masaj salonundan çıktı gitti.Bıraktığı para da 50 TL gibi bir paraydı.Oturmuş dinleniyordum ki 20 dakika geçmeden bir telefon daha çaldı.Özel olarak odada masaj istediğini söyleyen bir kadın vardı.Oda numarasını aldığımda bu benim kat görevlisi olduğum yere gelen daha yeni evli çiftti.Birazdan geleceğimi söyleyerek kapattım ve yine hazırlığımı yapıp odanın önüne gittim.Kapıyı tıklattım ve kapıyı Mehmet açtı.

Beni görünce “Geç. “ dedi.İçeriye geçtiğimde Mehmet,Ecem’e “Ben duşa giriyorum. “ diye seslendi ve duşa girdi.Büyük ihtimal ben gelmeden önce seks yapmışlardı ki zaten odanın içerisine girdiğimde anlamıştım.Yerde boxer vardı ve çarşaflar dağılmıştı resmen.Ecem yatakta sırt üstü yatıyordu apar topar giyindiği belliydi.Altında mini kırmızı bir etek üzerinde ise askılı bir body vardı.Bana bakarak “Hemen başlayabilir misin masaja?” dedi.Bende “Tabii ki. “ dedim.Bacaklarının birini kaldırdım ve altına havlu koyarken gördüğüm manzara müthişti.Apar topar hazırlandığı için altına külot giymemişti ve bacaklarını ayırınca hafiften amını tamamen gördüm.Hafif kızarıklık vardı ve daha tam kapanmamıştı şimdi seks yaptıklarından emindim.Mehmet bey bir süre sonra dışarıya çıktı ve yanımıza gelip eşini dudağından öpüp “Hayatım ben havuza gidiyorum. “ dedi ve çıktı odadan.

Eşini benimle odada yalnız bırakabilmişti.Ya gerçekten çok güveniyordu ya da eşinin başkasıyla birlikte olması onun umrunda değildi.Artık odada ikimiz baş başa kalmıştık ve ben masajıma devam ediyordum.Yorgunluk,seks ve rahatlatıcı masaj birleşince bir süre sonra Ecem hanım uyumuştu ve bende bunu fark edince aklıma birkaç şey geldi.Öncelikle omzundan sarsarak “Ecem hanım,Ecem hanım. “ diye seslendim fakat ses gelmeyince işime koyuldum.Öncelikle eteğini beline kadar sıyırdım ve kalçalarını tamamen çıplak bıraktıktan sonra okşamaya başladım.Kalçalarını ayırarak göt deliğine ve amına bakmaya başladım.Hafifçe okşuyordum fakat uyanır diye çok ileriye de gitmek istemiyordum.Biraz okşadıktan sonra tekrardan mini eteğini indirdim ve çekmecesini açtım.

Külotları karşımdaydı ve biraz baktıktan sonra kırmızı dantelli külot ile siyah bir tanga alarak odadan toparlanıp çıktım. Tangayı hemen kendi odama bıraktıktan sonra masaj salonuna inerek malzemeleri oraya bıraktım.O gün başka bir olay olmamıştı.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

A Tangled Web

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



A beautiful young wife misses her husband

Thirty one year old Charla Sedona was awakened from another dream, as she reached for her husband in the dark she realized he wasn’t there. Sitting up in bed she turned on the lamp and collected her thoughts, another dream just like before. Awake now she looked at the picture by the lamp, it was from last summer in Hawaii, she and her husband on vacation.

It’s been a year and three months since the plane crash that took Tim’s life. Charla was still waking up at night hoping to find him lying next to her, that the whole thing was just a bad dream. Maybe if they had at least been able to recover his remains she would be able to let him go. Instead his funeral service contained an empty casket and she had held on to some hope that it was all a mistake. That somehow Tim was not on that flight.

Charla picked up her watch and looked at the time; it was six o’clock in the morning. She got up from bed and walked across the large bedroom and into the adjoining bathroom. A few minutes later she returned, after selecting some clothes from her wardrobe she stood in front of the full length mirror.

She picked up her hairbrush from the vanity and began brushing her shoulder length brown hair. A beautiful young woman of medium height she stands at 5′-7″ with long slender legs that join at her small but nicely rounded rear end. Her 34 D-cup breasts stand predominately in contrast to her slender waist.

Still wearing her white silk pajamas she left her bedroom and headed towards the stairway. Reaching the bottom of the stairs she could see the door to her teenage son’s room slightly open.

He wasn’t actually her son, biologically anyway. Alex is Tim’s son from his first marriage, but she and the boy were very close. Charla had attended all of his important events as he was growing up and tried to make up for his father not being there for him.

It really wasn’t Tim’s fault; he had wished he could spend more time with the boy. As the owner of a large construction company he was busy twenty four seven. He worked hard and had become very successful but at a price, and that price eventually turned out to be his life.

When Charla looked in on Alex, he was lying nude on his bed. The bed sheet was covering one of his legs and his genital area, barely.

Quietly she closed his bedroom door before going into the kitchen and starting the coffee maker. A few minutes later she stepped out onto the large back patio with a cup of coffee, she sat down at a table by the swimming pool. The cool early morning breeze blowing through her thin silk pajamas gave her a slight chill. She sipped on her coffee and thought about how she and Tim had met.

She was only nineteen years old when she accepted the position at Sadona Construction, basically just running errands. The company was much smaller back then and the work was always fun for her. Sometimes the men would intentionally forget something at the shop so they could have her bring it out to the job site. Then they would do their best to keep her there, one time hiding the keys to the company truck.

Tim Sedona was a tall good looking man and Charla found herself attracted to him from the first time she met him. He was quite a bit older than her at the age of thirty four and even though he occasionally teased and flirted with her he was very committed to his marriage.

Charla had gotten to know Tim’s wife, Alison, from seeing her at the office and occasionally at their home. One Time Alison had held her up from getting back for an extra hour while talking her into babysitting six year old Alex.

When she returned to the shop that day and tried to explain why it took her so long Tim just laughed. He would tell her, “Alison really thinks a lot of you, and when she likes someone pendik escort its hard to get away, she can really do some talking.”

It wasn’t long after that when Alison became ill and ended up in the hospital for an extended period of time. Often, she watched over Alex while Tim spent most of his time at work or at the hospital.

Charla was dating a law student at the time but was always willing to break a date if Tim needed her. Then things became worst for Alison and an emergency surgery couldn’t save her. Tim kind of buried himself in his work and Charla’s job changed from running company errands to helping with young Alex. Often she would be responsible for taking him to school and other activities, along with helping to take care of household duties.

Charla stood up, crossed the patio, and returned to the kitchen where she refilled her coffee cup. Leaving it on the counter she walked through the hallway and into the living room to find a cigarette. Tim didn’t like for her to smoke so she didn’t indulge in it very often, but recently she found herself lighting up more often. She found an almost empty pack setting on the coffee table and returned to the kitchen.

After retrieving her coffee cup and a book of matches she stepped back out onto the patio, her hand was slightly shaking as she lit the cigarette and took a deep drag. As the smoke filled her lungs she felt a little light headed for a second, Charla exhaled the smoke and took a drink from her cup.

Alex had just graduated from high school a week ago and was now trying to decide on a college. He had scholarship offers from schools all over the country and was free to go anywhere he desired. His father had left him and Charla very well off. As the majority owner of Sedona Construction, Alex had a planned future.

There is however one stipulation, he needs an advanced college degree in construction and engineering with an emphasis in business. He also needed to learn the business from the ground up. Until that time comes, Charla, along with the board of directors, were in complete control of the company and its finances.

Alex got up from bed and picked up his pajama bottoms from where they were lying on the floor. He pulled them up over his legs and tied the draw strings in front. He then wandered into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took out carton of orange juice. As he filled the glass he looked outside through the window and noticed Charla sitting at the table. He had always been infatuated with her, ever since she used to watch him when he was little. Now at eighteen years of age he fantasized about her in ways that she would never have expected.

Charla heard the patio door; she used her hand to shield her eyes from the low morning sun as Alex stepped outside. Images of Tim flashed through her mind as the tall attractive young man walked towards her. The shadows from the morning sun highlighted his lean muscular build; his dark tan was accentuated by the contrast of his lighter colored pajama bottoms.

Charla greeted him, “Good morning Alex, you’re up early.”

“I heard you moving around and thought I better get up,” Alex replied. He sat down at the table, took a drink from his glass and said, “Mom? What would you think if I took a year off before I start back to school?”

Charla looked at him kind of funny and said, “I thought you were really looking forward to getting started?”

Alex replied, “I was just thinking maybe I should stay around and watch over you for a while, you know, with Dad gone and all.”

Charla looked down at her empty coffee cup, a tear started down her cheek which she brushed away with her hand. She looked up at Alex and smiled, in some ways he made her feel like Tim was still with her.

Glancing briefly at his bare chest she thought about all of the kağıthane escort athletics he was active in through school. Always the fastest swimmer on his team, he took state three years in a row. Charla enjoyed the swim meets and was an avid supporter. She had been encouraging him to accept one of the scholarships offers so he could continue.

“I’m going to be just fine Alex, and you know I was really looking forward to you being on the swim team at one of the colleges this year.”

Alex replied, “I know Mom, I just haven’t really made up my mind where I want to go yet.”

Charla asked, “Have you heard anything back from the recruiters from this school? It seems to me that you and Jenny planned to meet up there this year.”

“I’m not so sure I still want to go there, I want to check out my options,” Alex answered. “I guess I never told you this… Jenny has a boyfriend she met there last year. I haven’t talked to her in months.”

Jenny is the oldest of the Kucera girls living in the house next door; a year ahead of Alex, she graduated from high school last year. Jenny and Alex spent a lot of time together growing up and had been dating for the last three years. He would never let on that their relationship was anything serious. Alex never had a problem with the girls; they seem to come out of the woodwork trying to get his attention. Still, Charla always thought that he and Jenny would go to college together and maybe become serious at some point.

“Really, I can hardly believe that,” Charla replied. “All she ever talked about was how she couldn’t wait for you to meet up with her at the school.”

“It’s no big deal Mom… it’s not like we we’re promised to each other. Her sister Julie said she’s coming home for a week after spring break in Cancun. I’m sure she’ll be over for a visit.”

Charla got up from her chair and placed her hand on his shoulder, “You’re not as good at hiding your feelings as you think you are. If she is seeing someone else at the college just remember… whatever happens sometimes it turns out for the best. Look, I’m going to go take a bath and get dressed honey, you should go put on some clothes too.”

“I will, but I think I’ll go for a swim first,” Alex replied.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” Charla said as she excused herself and walked towards the house.

Alex had taken the bedroom at the bottom of the stairway a couple of months ago. It’s the smallest bedroom in the house and the only one without a bathroom. Charla had wondered why he wanted the room; it would be more suitable as a den. Alex had always been very protective over her. With Tim gone now, she figured he took the room so he could protect her, he was her guard at the bottom of the staircase.

Charla closed the door after entering her room; she walked over to the window and looked out at the pool. She could see Alex had gone into the control room and the pool cover beginning to open. She walked over to the bathroom and turned the faucet to fill the large Jacuzzi tub. She unfastened the buttons down the front of her pajama top as she walked back through the bedroom. Looking out the window again she didn’t see Alex, he was out of her range of vision. She thought maybe he had gone in to change into his swim trunks.

As Charla soaked and relaxed in the Jacuzzi her thoughts drifted back to an earlier time. She had broken it off with her law student boyfriend so she would be free to take care of Alex. At times she stayed at the house while Tim was away on business; it was nice to get out of her apartment.

She enjoyed the pool and other luxuries that the residence had to offer. The property, located close to a steep cliff off the side of the mountain, allowed for a spectacular view. She found that sitting on the patio at night was very maltepe escort relaxing and peaceful; she would stay out for hours looking at the lights of the city below.

Charla leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes as she began to relive that night ten from years ago. She had celebrated her twenty first birthday and Tim had thrown her a surprise birthday party. This was to be the night that she had planned on telling Tim that she had fallen in love with him.

As circumstances would have it, and before she could get him alone to talk, he told her that he had to leave for two weeks on business. She had agreed to stay at the house and take care of things while he was away.

Two weeks later Tim had caught an early flight and arrived home late that night. Alex was in bed sleeping and she was in the large family room watching a movie. Not expecting Tim until the next day she was sitting on the floor in front of the sofa wearing only a loose tank top and her underpants. She remembered being embarrassed and apologizing when Tim entered the room unexpectedly.

He had just laughed and said, “No don’t apologize, You know to be at home here, just pretend that I’m not even here while I fix myself a drink.”

Charla got up and walked to the guest room where she had been keeping her clothes and some of her things. She could sense his eyes watching her, taking in every movement of her sexy young body as she walked away from him. In the bedroom she put on a pair of worn out cut off jeans that she had been wearing earlier in the day. Even though they were cut very short at least she wouldn’t be sitting around in her underwear.

Upon her return she resumed sitting on floor and watching the movie. Tim soon stretched out on the floor next to her with his drink. He couldn’t help steeling glances at her smooth golden tanned legs. Charla was aware of this and as she bent one knee and ran her hand enticingly over her thigh.

After taking a drink from his glass Tim rolled over so he was lying on his back and asked, “Did you have any problems with Alex or anything?”

“No, everything was fine Tim. I took him to the beach this morning; I guess I wore him out today. So… how was your trip? Oh, are you hungry? I could fix you something to eat.”

“No thanks I’m fine, just a little jet lag,” Tim replied. “I feel a little stiff from sitting in the plane.”

Charla took a pillow from the sofa and climbed on top of his stomach, “Poor baby, here let me make you more comfy.” Although the teasing and playing wasn’t unusual, there was also an undeniable physical attraction between the two of them. However, in all this time, neither had ever let it be known to the other.

After pausing for a moment and squinting her eyes she said, “Did you meet any pretty girls in Ohio?”

Tim laughed and replied, “Oh yeah, hey I had this hot looking maid that came into my room one morning when I was in the shower and….”

Charla pressed the pillow into his face as if to suffocate him while Tim began to tickle her sides. They were both laughing while he let her think she was winning some kind of wrestling match.

“Okay okay, I give,” Tim laughed. “I was just kidding. Hey… there aren’t any girls in Ohio as pretty as you, seriously, if I was ten years younger.”

Charla was still sitting on his stomach, Tim noticed she had stopped laughing and had a serious look on her face. She leaned forward putting the sofa pillow under his head allowing him to glance down her top as she did.

Charla placed her hands on his chest and said, “You don’t need to be ten years younger Tim.”

She began to massage his masculine chest and shoulders giving him another chance to look down her loose fitting top. He watched as the shoulder strap fell off her shoulder dropping the top even lower and exposing a good portion of her bare breast. “I have a confession to make Tim. I didn’t sleep in the guest room while you were gone.”

Leaning forward she kissed him lightly on his lips and continued, “I slept in your room every night you were away. I kept hoping you would come home early and find me in your bed, what do you think about that?”

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Passion Under the Stars

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My love I was just daydreaming:
And thought I would share my thoughts with you.

I would so very much like to be laying on a blanket with you along side a high mountain lake on a warm summer’s night. The moonlit night sky would be filled with the beauty of millions of brightly shining stars. As an occasional shooting star crosses the velvet darkness we are viewing. I hold you in my arms, I hear you whisper seductively how very much you would love to feel the touch of my body against yours.

As I feel the warmth of your soft body against mine, as my lips brush ever so gently across yours, I whisper how very much I desire you, how sexy you look and how wonderfully seductive every movement of your beautiful body makes you look in the star light, especially when caressing mine. Kissing you softly along your neck, lightly taking my time exploring your sweet mouth with my tongue, Occasionally slipping back across your cheek and back to your neck and tenderly biting the lobes of your ears hinting at how very much I desire to devour all of you. But resisting so as to prolong this wonderful passion filled time experiencing the intimate side of each other’s love.

As I look deeply into your eyes I lift your hand and tenderly trace a path across its palm with my finger that reads” you are so very beautiful” and “I want you desperately.” As I slowly lick, nibble and softly kiss my way down to your breasts my breathing seems as if to be timed with their rise and fall my mouth takes a nipple now swollen with excitement deeply inside sucking, licking and tenderly biting it, lustfully yet tenderly. I feel their warmth brought on by your now building desire, which in turn is causing a feeling of warmth and swelling rising from my balls up into my hard cock. I find myself hardly able to contain my growing desire and lust for your wetness of which I am now so very much aware.

The scent of your excitement is filling the night air and definitely is having a marked effect on me. As I tenderly taste my way down to your beautiful little belly button I feel your hips beginning to move upwards to greet my mouth. Your scent is now so strong, fueling my desire to rush down and let my tongue, my mouth, fill with all your sweet hot juices. But no! I must resist, as I want so very much to prolong this wonderful excitement we share. My hands grasp you hips as my tongue traces a path softly, slowly, teasingly, along your stomach down along the crease of where your legs part. But only just teasingly brushing my lips and the tip of my tongue softly along the edges of your pussy, touching your inner thigh and down the inside of your leg to the very tips of your toes, stopping long enough to sensuously lick and suck each precious toe. Licking between each toe while one of my hands is kneading your left breast and the other is tenderly but passionately pinching your right swollen nipple. As I sensuously kiss my way back up the inside of your leg I whisper how much I want to be inside you, how badly I desire for us to be as one.

As I reach your inner thigh my hands are now kneading both of your beautiful breasts. My fingertips surrounding and massaging your swollen nipples, twisting and pinching them, causing just the right amount of exciting pain that does not cause you discomfort, only heightens your sensitivity to my passionate touch. As my tongue reaches the outer edge of your now hot, wet, dripping pussy my senses are overwhelmed with burning hot desire. Desire to taste your sweetness, desire to consume every last precious drop of your wonderful sweet wetness, which is now beginning to run down between your now trembling and parted legs. I do not let a single drop escape me as I catch every wonderful drop quickly with my tongue. Licking up every drop and then rising to lick at the edges kadıköy escort of your sweet pussy lips, sucking them into my mouth and nibbling gently on them. As my tongue slides to the top of where your soft pussy lips meet the hood now protecting your throbbing, swollen clit my fingers slide down from your breasts, down over the softness of your stomach. Finally I carefully pull your lips apart and your hood up exposing your so very sensitive hot swollen clit which is anticipating the touch of my tongue, my mouth, and my lust.

As I blow my hot breath across your clit I feel your sweet ass tense as all your muscles tighten in anticipation of the feel of my tongue on your clit. You arch your back to greet my waiting mouth and tongue but I only lightly brush along the tops and inner edges of your exposed sensitive lips and the underside of your hood but not touching your clit, but coming so very teasingly close. I blow softly across your clit so that you arch your back even more, crying out for the feel of my tongue and mouth, which you now so desperately lust passionately for. You drop back onto the blanket and the stars come back into view as your muscles relax, though your breathing and desire does not. You find me softly licking and kissing my way down the inside of your other leg. You wonder how much longer you must wait to feel my tongue plunge deeply inside you as well as feel my cock slide deep into your wetness.

But then as you begin to relax, about the time I finish treating your other toes and feet, I rise rather quickly up to the level of putting my face just above your aching with desire pussy. You think thank God, as you could not imagine not feeling my full passion applied to your womanhood that now cries out to be satisfied. But no! You are surprised as I roll you over onto your stomach and slide the full length of my naked body up against yours. You feel my now fully erect cock slide up between your slightly open legs. You open up, inviting me to slide into your wetness, gasping slightly, feeling the touch of the head of my cock at the opening of your so very wet beautiful pussy. But once again you are denied what you now ache for as I begin to kiss and lick my way down once again. You reach out to pull me back up and inside but I resist and whisper softly “be patient my love the best is yet to come.” And though you feel as if you are going to explode with the passionate desire that now fills every part of your body, mind and soul, you allow me to continue.

I again begin to kiss and lick my way down to the small of your back while occasionally whispering how beautiful you are, and how very much I love and desire you. As I reach the beginning of the crease created by your soft lovely ass cheeks I grasp both and gently spread them apart, exposing both your pink little ass and your sweet dripping wet pussy. As my tongue finally finds its way to the edges of your little asshole I only lick softly around its edges as I feel you tense with every touch of the tip of my tongue. I slide my tongue, which is now wet and slippery from your own sweet juices that had ran down between your legs earlier, to the very edge of your sweet pussy. I tease you even more by sliding my tongue alone its edges, stopping occasionally to suck on your sweet lips. As my tongue finally slides deeply into your wonderfully wet pussy I feel your muscles tense and hear a slight gasp of delight. Finally you feel the start of the intense pleasure of my tongue plunging deeply into your aching pussy that you have been literally almost dying for. As my tongue slides the full length of your pussy, collecting every drop of your wonderful sweet juices, sliding between your swollen pussy lips trapping üsküdar escort every drop, you feel your heart race.

Now even more wetness flows down between your pussy lips and collects in a small puddle surrounding your clit. This excites you even more as you feel your own wetness running out of you and onto your clit. You feel how hot you are by the very warmth of your own hot sweet juices as it touches your clit. I flatten my tongue out and lap up this sweet little puddle and slide forward just enough to turn your head sideways and give you a wonderfully deep passionate kiss, sharing your own sweetness. This allows you to taste and smell the same essence of your womanhood that is driving me beyond control. But again I resist sliding my cock into your sweet hot pussy. Though during this kiss it was laying lengthwise between your pussy lips. I could not help but to move my hips back and forth slowly to spread your wetness over the length of my burning cock. I even let my head slowly slide into you just until reaching its shaft and then very very slowly sliding it back out while finishing our kiss.

You think you are going to lose your mind, as I do not allow myself to slide the full length of my cock into you but instead again slide back down again over your soft lower back and kiss my way across your sweet ass. The first touch you feel is the tip of my tongue teasing the area between your beautiful wet pussy and your sweet pink asshole. As my tongue teases the area between these two intimate spots, my hands slip around in front so that one hand can stimulate your swollen clit by rubbing its hood back and forth and around in circles over it, and the other hand slides three fingers into your wet, hot open inviting pussy. My fingers glide into you easily as your pussy muscles are relaxed and you are so wet. Your sweet pussy is very well lubricated by your desire. As my tongue tenderly licks around the edges of your sweet little asshole I feel it contract and then relax with every little touch of the tip of my tongue. As I feel it begin to relax more and more I softly allow my tongue to slightly enter, you tense but only slightly. As I feel you relax I allow my tongue to slide deeper in. You moan quietly and as you feel the warmth of my tongue sliding deeply into you and my fingers stimulating your clit and slide deep into your pussy your moans grow louder.

As my fingers do their sensual work on your clit and also begin to slowly pump in and out of your wet pussy, you arch your back up to push my tongue in as deep as possible. You also begin to rotate your hips in rhythm with my three fingers, which are beginning to hand fuck your pussy faster, and with more passion. As I begin to feel your pleasure reaching an extreme level I let my fingers push deeply into your pussy so that their tips push back against the spot deep inside you, touching the back wall of your hot pussy, reaching just under your cervix. The combination of my tongue now sliding in and out of your sweet ass and the uncontrollable pleasure of my fingers fucking you deeply and stimulating that wonderfully exciting spot just under your cervix causes you to cry out, not from pain but extreme pleasure. You try to not cry out loudly but must as your passionate desire is becoming too much to hold back.
I tell you to let go! Please do not hold back as that is how I can truly get my biggest pleasure, by knowing you are feeling such wonderful pleasure yourself is my ultimate turn on.

As you feel the waves building inside, you let go and they begin to come one right after the other, stronger and stronger. You feel a wonderful wetness flooding out of you with every wave. For a moment, but only a moment, you are shocked to think you have lost control to the point tuzla escort of urinating. But then you realize that I have slid my tongue out of your ass and am lapping up every drop. Not only am I consuming all of this wonderful wetness but you can actually feel my cock throbbing rhythmically against the soft under side of your foot as I am moaning with sheer delight and my hips are involuntarily rotating causing my cock to stroke the softness of your foot. You cannot believe your senses could be so acute that you could be riding this unbelievably and incredibly strong wave of maxi orgasms but still be aware that not only was my cock touching your foot but to also be able to feel it throbbing. But then you realize that is not all. For you are also aware that my other had has left your clit and a finger has replaced my tongue in your ass and is giving you an incredible feeling of pleasure by gently sliding in and out, and in combination with my thumb is massaging the thin skin lining between your asshole and your pussy. You never knew it possible to feel so much pleasure from everywhere all at the same time. You realize for the very first time you are with a lover who makes you feel like the truly beautiful, sensual, sexy woman you are. You feel complete, as a woman should feel with her man, knowing that he desires you more than any other woman on earth.

Just when your orgasms are coming so fast, one right after the other they almost seem to be just one very long intense orgasm and you feel like you might pass out, your only thought is that this cannot possibly get any better. You could not endure anything more. The level of pleasure is overwhelmingly intense. Just then I slide up and grasp your hips lifting you to your knees. I stand with one knee on the ground and the other foot flat on the ground. I slide my now unbelievably erect and throbbing cock into your convulsing sweet wet pussy as deeply as I can. Our position allows my cock to enter deeper that you can imagine, with each deep thrust its head pushes hard against that same spot under your cervix as my fingers did to start you cumming uncontrollably before, and allowing you to continue riding this wave of intense orgasms. As I too approach my own orgasm I begin to fuck you harder and harder as I cannot contain my passionate desire, my lust for you, any longer. You feel my hands pulling your hips into me with a force you would have thought to be to harsh before this time, but you find yourself thrusting your hips in unison with mine. We both have completely let go and are letting our true animalistic lusts drive our passion. We cannot get enough of each other. It is, as we believe, if we try hard enough we can become as one. But we realize we do not even have to try, as we both are shuddering and driving our bodies together uncontrollably, our bodies have taken control and are joined in the union of true lovemaking.

When I can no longer hold back I slide out of you and turn you over onto your back. You lift your legs open to greet me as my cock slides back into your sweet pussy. I do not resist as I feel you convulsing still with unbridled passionate orgasms. I feel how wonderful it feels to have my cock so very deep inside you, your hot wetness, the rhythmic convulsing of your orgasms, how soft the inner walls are of your pussy caress my cock so wonderfully. As I begin to come stronger than ever before I look deep into your eyes. We both cum together, so wonderfully intense, so wonderfully passionate, so full of desire and love. We cum and at the moment of pure ecstasy without saying a word, we know through looking so deeply into each others eyes how very very much we love each other and want this moment to last through all eternity, and know it will.

We collapse into each other arms with me still inside you. I take you into my arms, holding you tenderly. We feel a contentedness beyond compare. We look up together at all the millions of brightly shining stars in the velvet darkness above us. And know that we have just outshined them all. Then I softly kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear……..”I LOVE YOU…. WITH ALL MY HEART, MIND, BODY AND SOUL”………BWL

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Outdoor Service

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I knew I was working too much that summer, but a divorce and taking over a mortgage alone kept me busy. Memorial Day became the Fourth of July, and what social life I had was spent at a little restaurant in my town.

Tammy waited tables there, the proverbial cute girl between semesters. She was smart, a bit lanky, almost coltish in the skirts they made her wear that teased without revealing.

If I ate at a table, she would serve me. If I ate at the bar, we talked as she got drinks for her tables.

I liked her thin lipped smiles, the tight frame of her body, and the way she brushed wisps of hair over her earlobes.

I found myself waking in the middle of the night and seeing her. It was easy enough to think about her as I jerked off, but even as we flirted more, it was hard to imagine actually bringing her home.

Like everything else in our town, the restaurant closed early. One Saturday night in early August, I was headed for the door as she was untying her apron.

“Another exciting night done,” I said.

“Oh no, the night is still young. It’s just around here there ain’t a damn thing to do with it,” Tammy answered.

“Well, maybe we should do nothing together,” I said. “Come up and have a drink when you are done here.”

I expected her to say no. I expected to hear about a boyfriend, a party, anything but something at my house as what she wanted to do.

“You live right up the road, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I got a nice bottle of pinot noir we could open.”

“Sounds like a plan. I have to get cashed out here, though. Give me a few minutes.”

“No problem. I’m young enough to stay up late,” I said before almost sprinting tot the parking lot for my car.

It was not long after I got home that I heard her Saab pulling into my driveway. I’ll admit I was a bit jittery, why someone at least 15 years younger than me had agreed to stop by still seemed a mystery.

I opened the wine as I heard her footsteps crunching the gravel in the driveway. She was still in her work uniform – the half-thigh black skirt, white blouse, her brown hair still pulled back in a scrunchy.

“You look like you need an after work drink,” I said as I opened the door for her.

“Oh yeah, I could go for that,” she said, looking around at my house.

“Well,” I said, grabbing the bottle and two glasses, “let’s not waste the night in here. Grab that blanket there.”

Tammy picked up the quilt sitting on the couch and followed me outside. We walked anadolu yakası escort down a small hill under a moon-splashed sky while a soft breeze teased us.

“Set that down there,” I said as I put the wine and glasses on a flat spot on the lawn.

“I think you have done this before,” Tammy said as she spread out the blanket. She knelt down as I handed her a glass of pinot noir.

“Maybe once or twice,” I said as I sat next to her. “I like to enjoy the evenings here.”

We clinked glasses and Tammy straightened out to sit next to me, her bare lower thigh within reach of my left hand. I already had the urge to tease her skin with my fingertips, but drank my wine slowly instead.

“I hope I don’t smell like the kitchen,” Tammy said as I poured her second glass.

I leaned in closer to her neck and sniffed.

“Mmmmm, prime rib,” I said. With my lips so close, I could not resist a small kiss on her soft skin.

“I said smell, not taste,” Tammy said with a giggle. But she did not pull away, and sighed as I kissed and traced my tongue over her skin.

We were both holding our wineglasses as Tammy turned her head to kiss me. It began with a slow, nibbling kiss that increased to our tongues touching. Tammy broke the kiss and set her wine glass on the lawn before taking mine and setting it next to it.

As she leaned over, her cotton blouse pulled up, exposing the small of her back. I caressed it until she turned back to me.

Our makeout session must have lasted 10 minutes, sitting on the blanket French kissing as I told myself to take it slow. Finally I held her a-cup sized breast with my left hand, feeling it sculpted into my palm.

Her nipple perked to attention at the touch of my thumb, and as I felt her up, I kissed Tammy’s neck. Then I reached down and tugged her blouse up. With a shrug, she raised her arms as I pulled, and popped the clasp on her bra as I tossed the shirt aside.

She was turned to me fully now, kneeling as I pressed at her breasts.

“Wait a minute, fair is fair,” she said, taking off my polo shirt. I tossed over her blouse and pulled Tammy close again. She gave me a gentle shove, then pressed over top of me as I lay back on the blanket.

Our kisses were almost all tongue now, and slowly but surely I pushed Tammy on to her side, then her back. I kissed her nipples as they pointed up, almost sharp on the tip of my tongue.

They seemed hugely sensitive, ataşehir escort Tammy pressed my head to them as I sucked and flipped my tongue over them. As I teased them, I ran my fingers over her thigh, moving closer to the hem of her skirt.

She shifted her legs, opening them more as I reached under her denim skirt while moving my kisses back to her mouth.

Her panties were damp to the touch, I could feel a small mass of hair, lightly springy. As I pushed her panties to one side, Tammy began rubbing my stiff cock through my slacks.

“Fair is fair,” I said as she grasped me and my finger began to probe her.

“Why don’t we just get naked now?” she asked.

“Good question,” I said. I pulled my hand from her panties, licking the finger that had tested her tight pussy. Then I stood up, unbuckling my belt. As I tugged it through the loops, Tammy unzipped me.

She was standing now, and guided my pants down to my knees as I unzipped her skirt. I shook the pants to my ankles and stepped away from them as her skirt dropped to the blanket.

Standing in the field, we kissed again, I pulled her close as she ran her fingers over the bulge in my boxers.

I held her hips, feeling the lacey green panties cut high on her hips, then reached around to cup her ass. In the midst of a long French kiss, she pulled my cock through the slit in my shorts, and stroked against the silkiness of her panties.

I moaned at the sensation, my cock head rooting at her wet warmth as she stroked the shaft.

I moved my lips to Tammy’s neck, then down over her shoulders, stopping again to suck at her nipples. Dropping to my knees, I kissed her stomach, the tip of my tongue moving over her skin as I teased her pussy through her panties.

Both her hands were on the back of my head now, and her hips bucked slightly as I tongued her navel. I licked down her stomach to the lace of her panties and gripped them with my teeth.

I had never tried to pull anyone’s panties off with my mouth, and I only got them about a quarter of the way over her hips before she let go of my head and pushed them down. As I let go of them, I blew air over her pink pussy lips and the gentle tangle of light brown hair surrounding them.

“You need to be naked too,” she said, pushing me back by my shoulders and looking down at me.

Dropping to her knees, she tugged at my boxers, barely waiting for me to pull my hips up. She yanked them from my knees to ankles, ümraniye escort then tossed them on the lawn.

“Give me a number between 1 and 100,” Tammy said as she slowly stroked the base of my cock.

“Ummm, 69,” I said, feeling the warmth of her slender fingers and reaching for her apple-shaped breasts.

“Good job. You win,” Tammy said, spinning around on the blanket and straddling my face.

Even before I leaned up, I could smell her pussy, musky and warm. Our tongues found each other at the same time as she treated the head of my cock lice an ice cream cone and I tickled her pussy lips.

I’m not always a fan of 69, something about having my dick sucked distracts me from properly licking and eating pussy, but Tammy and I found a rhythm, letting each other lick and suck a bit before the other took over. Then her lips slipped over about a third of my seven-inch rod and I slurped at her soaking pussy.

Her light brown muff danced over my chin as it felt like her whole body was bobbing up and down. I clamped her ass cheeks with my hands, she was slender but nicely rounded there and began bucking over my mouth.

Each time she dropped her mouth over my cock, she got closer to the base. But her movements were calm, she took me in balanced on one hand while the other caressed my dick or cupped my balls.

I stopped sucking her pussy lips and slipped one finger, then two into her tight soppy pussy, probing inside her while rubbing her clit.

“More baby, oh god yes suck it,” I found myself moaning. My cum was surging, a steady feel of joy pulsing and pushing toward her mouth.

I pulled my fingers from her pussy and traced her clit with my fingertips. She was parted enough that the tip of my tongue moved inside her.

That’s when her humming began, the vibrations tingling over my dick as she sucked from just below the head to where she jerked the base with two fingers and her thumb.

I don’t know whose orgasm started first, but as I felt the first heaven spurt from my molten cock, Tammy bucked and her pussy spasmed. She collapsed over me as my dick erupted deep in her mouth.

Then she let it go, tugging it as she howled a string of gibberish into the night air, low then high pitched as her juices soaked my chin, my cheeks, even my nose. As she came, she tugged my rod, the cum landing all over our chests.

The night got quiet as the last of my cum seeped over her thumb and fingers. Suddenly, we were sweaty, I felt beads of it as I rubbed her back while she lay with her head near my cock.

Tammy kissed my dick once more, then rolled over. She spun around again, nuzzling in next to my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her. My dick flexed in the night air, even as the afterglow overtook us, I was thinking about fucking her tight hole…

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Only the Beginning Ch. 01

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She confidently walks into the bar. Her hair is long, sleek and jet-black. Her hazel eyes scan the room; quietly searching for him. Not too many faces in this dark, little dive bar. She locks eyes with him, recognizing him easily from his picture.

He sits alone at a table across the room. He’d been sitting there only long enough to get halfway through a glass of whiskey.

She is dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt. Cute, but curvy; curvy in all the right places. She gives him a quick smirk.

She runs her fingers through her hair. He takes notice that a couple of other patrons are staring at her and feels a little twinge of jealousy. It quickly passes because he knows that the only reason she would ever walk into a place like this, is to meet him for the first time.

He leans back in his chair expecting her to walk over. He’s a little surprised when she turns towards the bar. She hops up onto a barstool. She only 5′ 4¨, so her feet don’t even touch the floor. She waves the bartender over and orders a shot of vodka and an AMF.

While the bartender pours her drinks, she turns back towards the table he’s sitting at. Then all he gets is a sideways glance, a wink and another smirk before she turns back to the bar. She downs the shot before the barkeep finishes making the other drink, and slams the shot glass down.

Clearly, she had no intentions of coming over to where he sits.

She’s playing hard to get.

He is a little intrigued by her little game of cat and mouse, but really?

He was expecting a proper introduction with names and a handshake, maybe even a hug, if he was lucky.

He felt like he already knew her after the hours of online chatting. Then again, that also meant he knew she liked her little games.

He strokes his beard a few times waiting for pendik escort her to turn around again, but she doesn’t. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head a little as he stands. He strides up to the bar next to her as she pays the bartender.

The bartender is a little entranced by her as he accepts a fairly generous tip and smile from her. The bartender lingers for a moment too long in front of her; frozen with a dumbfounded smile on his face.

She giggles before turning her attention to the bright blue AMF in front of her.

She is doing it on purpose. She knows he’s standing beside her. She ignores him anyway.

She carefully fishes out a candy red cherry out of the top of her drink. She is holding it by the stem as she swirls her tongue once around the dangling piece of fruit. She gently uses her teeth to quickly pluck it away from the stem. She smiles to herself as she chews, knowing that he is watching her. She likes his attention and is purposefully not reciprocating it.

He clears his throat with a little impatience. He’s been waiting a while for this moment.

She turns and looks straight back into his deep blue eyes. He starts to say hello but stops mid word.

She gives him a little pout.

Wow. Her bow shaped lips make a sultry pout.

She licks her lips before holding up her hand telling him to wait.

He’s interrupting her little ritual.

She raises a brow and bites her lower lip before shooting him a mischievously wicked smile.

She pops the cherry stem in her mouth.

He watches carefully; a little confused but definitely curious.

Another moment passes before she gives him a big smile. Beaming. Between her teeth, the stem is tied into a neat, little knot.

He laughs because it’s the only thing he can kartal escort do to being a little caught off guard. He watches her remove it from her mouth and discard it on the cocktail napkin underneath her drink.


This is the moment.

She smiles with a sparkle in her eye, before saying,”Hey there, stranger.”

“Hey baby.”

She hops down from her barstool. She grabs her drink from the bar. Her ass gently brushes against him as she turns and reaches for his hand. Dumbfounded he follows. His only thought is wondering if she did that on purpose.

She is leading him back to the table where he was sitting when she came in. She turns her head to look at him, licks her lips and gives him a sly look.

Yup. That was definitely on purpose.

He pulls out her chair for her before sitting across the table from her.

They exchange the common niceties. But he is having a very difficult time concentrating on the conversation at hand. She keeps licking her lips and smiling.

He’s trying not to stare, but more like trying to steal glances but she keeps catching him. Looking at him, she blushes, looks down and looks back up at him from beneath her eyelashes. When he doesn’t know what to say, he fills the space with his nervous laughter. It puts her at ease. She smiles because she’s waited so long to witness this in person.

They speak freely as of they’ve known each other forever. No one listening in would ever guess this is their first meeting. Many hours of online conversations have taken them through their fantasies and friendship even to some of their darkest secrets, but here in this little bar there is a sense of tension. The reality of it all. Face to face.

Neither want this moment to end, but the unspoken is becoming too much maltepe escort to bear. Neither wants to be the first to admit it or much less say it out loud — the reason why they are both here.

He offers insistently, “I could have picked you up at the airport, you know.”

“I know. But then I wouldn’t have this air of mystery.” She says with a smirk.

“But with you coming in to town, I thought I’d be a tour guide of sorts.”

“You’re the only sight I came to see.”

His face brightens. He knows it’s true, but it’s nice to hear her say it.

She continues, “Plus I wanted time to check-in to the hotel and get ready. I didn’t want you to sit there and just wait for me.”

She looks unabashedly into his eyes. Both are so vulnerable to the moment. Not wanting to say the wrong thing, they just smile at each other. They are both taking risks to be there, for different reasons perhaps, but yet here they are.

She breaks the silence by saying, “Well, at least the flight was pretty good.”

They continue to talk about nothing; the weather, work, current events. She is enjoying taking in his little nuances as he speaks. The especially loves the sparkle in his eye when he is talking about things he’s passionate about. His music, his record collection, a pet project he’s been working on in his garage.

He keeps thinking to himself that she is so easy to talk to and how every time she nervously puts her hair behind her ear that he just wants to pull her close and breath her in deeply.

The conversation dies. Not to an awkward silence, but a familiar silence. Their thoughts have taken over the space of spoken words. Both their glasses are empty and an unmeasured amount of time has passed. Somewhere during this time their hands met in the middle of the table.

He’s fighting every ounce of his being to take her, right here, right now, on the table between them.

She can sense what he’s thinking; her breath deepens to sultry heave and says,”Hey, babe. I think we should get out of here.”

He nods in agreement.

She leads him out the bar.

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One Long Night

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The company I work for requires me to work very late to meet some of our clients deadlines. It was during one of these crunch times for a client that they put me up in a hotel close to the office to accommodate the 16 hour days. On this particular project they sprung for hotel rooms for everyone who lived too far away to drive safely hour after putting it too many hours at work. I can only assume this was all billed back to the clients.

Well after a long day of crunching codes I was finally released to head to the hotel and get some sleep. Problem is I hate hotel rooms unless I’m in them with my wife and we are fucking our brains out. Yea I’m married and I love my wife very much. We’ve been married for ten years and our sex life is still very good if not as frequent as we would like it. I’m 45 six foot tall and a little overweight but who isn’t. There just never seems to be as much time as either of us would like and lately these long days are really cramping our sex life.

Ok back to me not being able to sleep in a hotel room alone. So I found myself down in the hotel lounge nursing a beer and thinking about a whole lot of nothing. I hear someone arguing at the front desk yelling about a messed up reservation and think well at least someone else is having a bad day too.

I order another beer and begin to think this day needs to end. One of my coworkers comes into the lounge and orders a beer for herself. I see her and wave her over to join me. Let me take a minute to explain her. Teri is a nice looking lady about 38 very petite brunette with shoulder length hair and a small chest. She comes over and we sit drinking our beers in silence for a little while. Teri then tells me it was her in the lobby yelling. Apparently there was a mix up with the reservations and she did have a room reserved for her by the company and when she tried to book a room for herself she was told they didn’t have any more rooms available for her to rent for the night. I offer her a bed in my room as it has two queen size beds. She smiles and declines as I assumed she would with us both being married. We order another beer and continue to talk about work, our marriages and life in general. Before we know it we have shared many beers and talked for several hours. The lounge is now closing and it is way too late for her to drive home safely. This time she ask me if my offer still stands.

What’s a guy to say?

When we get in the room she ask if she can take a shower to relax. I say sure and let her know I’ll get ready for bed out in the room while she showers. While she is in the bathroom I change into some pajama pants and slide into my bed and try to fall asleep. After some time I do drift off with the TV istanbul escort on for noise and light for Teri. When Teri comes out of the bathroom I stir a little but don’t move from my comfortable spot in bed. She comes around into my line of sight wearing a man’s button down shirt. I assume it is her husbands as it’s not mine. Now almost every guy will tell you that any woman wearing a man’s shirt is damn sexy no matter what. I’m a guy so I take notice.

Teri slides into her bed and begins watching TV and I drift back off to sleep. I’m awoken again but this time I’m not sure why but I know the lights are out and the TV is off. So what woke me up this time? I notice the curtains are not quite pulled shut and there is some light coming in from the parking lot lights. As I look around I hear something that catches my attention. I can hear an ever so slight noise of sheets rustling. I assume it is Teri trying to get comfortable in her bed but it has a cadence to it that is unmistakable. She is rubbing one out right next to me. I’m instantly hard thinking about it and try to stroke myself without moving too much and drawing attention to myself.

She lets out a slight moan and I can see her bring her knees up but still under the covers. She is really getting into pleasuring herself but still trying to be quite. I’m stroking my cock with as much restraint as ever trying not to be noticed. Teri brings her hand up above the covers to cover her mouth. I can hear her moan into her own hand as she tries to muffle her own orgasm. This has got to be one of the hottest things I’ve seen in a long time. I’ve got my own live sex show going on just feet from me and my cock has never been harder. As Teri’s orgasm slows down some she rolls her head to the side and looks in my direction. Fuck I’m caught! I can she her smile faintly in the little bit of light that is in the room. Then I hear her voice “Do you need to finish too?”

“Yea I’m sorry but hearing you really got me going.”

“Go ahead, we all do it. But before you finish can I watch you?”


“Sure I guess so”

Teri begins to move in her bed to sit up and she turns on the bedside light just as I pull the covers back. Now I already admitted I’m a little overweight but I’m not that afraid to show my body but I didn’t think she was turning on a light either. So there I am now on my back cock in hand and she is sitting on the edge of her bed with her shirt unbuttoned looking at me. The first thing I see are her breast with look to be an A cup. My wife is a DD and I love playing with hers all the time. Teri’s nipples are the majority of her breast and they stand out so avcılar escort proud just begging to be sucked and played with. My eyes travel down her body and I admire her flat stomach and then her neatly trimmed bush. Just a tiny little triangle right above her otherwise bald pussy.

I continue to stroke my cock while looking at her and admiring her body. Teri smiles at me and then brings her feet up on the bed with her legs spread wide apart for me to see all of her. I pump myself a little faster with her added visual stimulation. Without breaking eye contact with my cock she leans back a little and begins to slowly play with her pussy for me. As she sinks her fingers in and out to match my rhythm I can smell her arousal. I’m a man who loves to eat pussy and can do it for hours so the smell of her is music to my nostrils. As our speed picks up she begins to talk dirty to me. “Yea, fuck that cock. Think about my pussy while you fuck your fist.” This brings me closer to the edge. Teri then pulls her fingers from her dripping pussy and licks them while telling how great she taste. That’s it, I let out a roar and cum. My first shot shoots up high and lands on my chest with a splat. The second shoots straight into her mouth as she jumps off her bed and wraps her lips around my cock as I continue to pump shot after shot of cum into her mouth. When I finally stop she pumps me a few more times just to make sure she got it all. When she finally takes my softening cock out of her mouth she shows me what she has caught then slowly swallows the entire load. I thank her as that is all my mind can think of doing after that performance. She replies, “My pleasure” and climbs back into her bed.

As we both now lay in our own prospective beds I ask her if she has ever done anything like that before. She tells not even once but she also admits she has never shared a hotel room with another man before either. She shuts off the lights and we both lay in the dark for a moment. After a brief time Teri ask me if she can ask a favor. “Sure at this point I don’t see why not.”

“Will you come over and lick my pussy? I came but it’s just not the same when you have to do it yourself.”

“Sure thing” Who was I to say no to that kind of request?

As I climb into her bed she pulls back the covers and takes her shirt off completely. I start on her hard nipples sucking on them and biting them a little. She starts moaning and sliding all over the bed. I decide to up the ante a little for her and slide two fingers deep into her and move then along her G spot. The next thing in know Teri arches her back and comes completely off the bed except for her head and the heels of her feet. şirinevler escort Her pussy clamps down on my fingers to a point I think she might break one of them. Her voice is a harsh grunt followed by a silent scream as her body thrashes around on the bed. As she comes down and slide lower on the bed and slide my tongue into her dripping pussy just to savor the juices. She grabs my hair and thrust her pussy into my face. I’ve never had a woman fuck my face with her pussy but we were both loving it. Her second orgasm with me hit just as I sucked her clit into my mouth. This time she screamed out in ecstasy while she flooded my mouth with her nectar. This time I came up for air and to let her calm down a little. As I slide up beside her she thanked me and then grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. Our tongues wrestled back and forth for a while as she collected as much of her juices off of me as she could.

When we both calmed down a little she asked if that was my hard cock on her thigh. I admitted that seeing her cum so hard was a huge turn on for me and that yes I was hard again. She then rolled over on top of me and slammed her soaked pussy on my cock. We both let out a very audible groan as I sank into her tight wet pussy.

She told me I was bigger than her husband and it felt good to be stretched a little. Her hips kept up a great rhythm on my shaft while she controlled the pressure on her clit. She asked if I was close to where I explained my second nut takes a while to come out. She just smiled and ground down on me as hard as she could. After keeping pace for so time she asked if I would fuck her from behind. As we switched positions I finally got to see her ass for the first time clearly. She had a very nice ass for being such a petite woman. As I slide into her from behind I smacked her ass and pulled her cheeks apart so I could see myself sliding into her. On a hunch I slide my thumb around her anus and she loved it. I slowly sank my thumb into her ass with the help of her pussy juice as lube. This send her over the edge and she screamed out as she came again. This time she clamped down on my cock holding it in place as she was sent over the edge. I told her I could hold out much more and she asked me to not come in her pussy as she was not on anything. I told her I had a vasectomy so there was no risk of pregnancy from me.

Teri screamed to fuck her harder and cream all over her married pussy. I pumped into her as hard and as fast as I could until I could take no more. I sank my cock into her as deep as it would go and unloaded my second load of the night into her.

We both were panting and trying to come back to reality when I realized when I came I drove her down into the bed and I was laying on top of her. We both rolled to our side with my cock still in her. As she looked over her shoulder she asked if I would just spend the rest of the night in her bed as it was senseless to jump back over to mine.

We fell asleep spooning with my hand on her breast and a satisfied smile on both of our faces.

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Old Friends, New Lovers Ch. 01

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I was born when my brother, Luke, was six, so there was always a gap between us in everything we did. We were distant enough for years that by the time we started having mutual interests, it was awkward to share with each other. When Luke entered high school, he made friends with Simon. They were inseparable. For a while I was jealous that this new person could so easily make a connection with someone I had lived with my entire life. I was angry at them both, and being younger, it was pretty obvious.

Simon took notice to my behaviors. Instead of harassing or poking fun at me like any other teenage boy would do to his friend’s kid sister, he would invite or try to include me in whatever they were doing. I didn’t accept at first, thinking it was all a big joke. After some time, however, I noticed he was genuine in his attempts to reach out. Once I swallowed my pride and accepted his invitations, a new world opened up. We three became thick as thieves, and it felt like Simon belonged with Luke and I.

Over the years Simon became just as much of a friend to me as he was to Luke. We stayed active in each other’s lives throughout school and college, and eventually turning to social media to keep in contact when we three would move away to follow our adult lives.

I now work for a digital marketing company that handles clients throughout the States. Part of my job is traveling to meet with clients to discuss their wants and needs for the projects they have commissioned. We go over the details, I stay for a few days to work on basic concepts, present the rough drafts and fly back when we have the groundwork sorted. I don’t keep a regular work schedule due to the nature of the job and the demand of the clients, so finding time for myself, friends, etc can be a challenge. That’s why when I learned my next destination would land me in the same city as Simon, I was ecstatic! The last time we saw each other was about four years previous when I was graduating from college.

Right after confirming my itinerary, I messaged Simon:

“Hey there! I wanted to let you know work is bringing me to your neck of the woods next week. Are you free to hang out? I’ll be flying in and have reservations with Oak Ridge.”

My phone alerted within a couple minutes:

“Lynn! That sounds wonderful. I haven’t seen you in ages. I would love to pick you up and get you settled in. If your hotel doesn’t work out, you can always stay with me, give us more time to catch up and hang out. Give me the details of your flight and I can’t wait to see you!”

I squealed with joy after I sent over my travel information. The next week could not come soon enough!


My luggage finally made its way around the carousel track. Picking up my suitcase, I made my way towards the arrivals pick up. The strip was pretty empty, so picking out the right car was easy. I hurried towards it. The trunk popped open and the driver’s side door opened. There he was! Oh it was too long since we last saw each other.

“Lynn!” He greeted ecstatically.

“Simon!” I dropped my bags and ran in for a hug. He was only an inch or two taller than my 5’7″, so our hot cheeks pressed against each others, his stubble poking just a bit.

We parted and took each other in, updating our images of each other from the years of separation. He was handsomely bald, eyes tired from too many hours at a computer, average build, wearing cargo pants and t shirt. I had my long brown hair in a loose ponytail, a few cute pieces of jewelry, and a flowery summer dress on for comfort. The dress, admittedly, was really great at showing off my large breasts, cinching in at my smaller waist, and accentuating my big hips and thighs.

“Well” Simon whistled after a thorough look-see. “Post college agrees with you! I can hardly believe this young woman is Lil Lynn.”

“Aw, you always know how to make a girl feel nice.” I giggled. “What say you take me to that coffee shop you’re always raving about? I need a little pick-me-up before I check in.”

With a quick salute and a click of his heels, Simon grabbed my bags and stowed them in the trunk. He was always a goof, though I feel that side of him would keep him young for many years. I climbed into the passenger seat. Simon slid in, started the car and we set off.

We chatted merrily in the car as we made our way downtown. As we turned a corner, I spotted a cute sign with a smiling mug over the door to a corner coffee shop. Simon parked right outside the door, and we walked in the cafe, the intense yet soothing smell of coffee mixed with warm milk welcoming us. Our coffees ordered, table secured and basic catch up already cleared, we began to really talk.

“Now, what brings you to town?” Simon asked.

“There’s a client here I’m meeting tomorrow. We’re anadolu yakası escort going over what their company wants for designs for logos, merchandise, business cards, your basic set up. I’ll be here through the week since it’s a larger project.” The barista came with our coffees.

Simon added some sweetener to his. “Well, I’m a little sad you kept your hotel reservation. It would have been fun to have a week long sleepover” He winked.

I don’t know why I blushed then, but I did. There was a short time during my senior year in high school and my freshman year of college that I had a bit of a crush on him, but I had resolved those feelings to the allure of the “older brother’s friend” attraction. I took a sip of my latte to hide my cheeks.

“Ha, that would be fun. I probably wouldn’t get anything done if I stayed with you, though.”

He sighed, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“Hmm… Sounds like you’re just feeling lonely.” We were getting into one of our teasing moods like the good old days.

“Excuse me for wanting to keep the attention of a beautiful young woman during such borrowed time.” Simon took one of my hands in his, giving me a shit-eating grin. Oh he really was in a mood. I needed to call his bluff.

I moved my chair closer to him, letting him keep my hand. The other I placed on his leg. “It would be the biggest shame if this borrowed time was wasted,” I slowly slid my hand up his inner thigh as I made eye contact. I gave him my best sensual gaze and sultry voice. “Tell me, Simon, what would you do with me if you had me for an entire week?”

He gulped and I think he was sweating. Good, he always had the upper hand before. Speaking of, my hand was mid thigh at this point and I leaned in to whisper in his ear. “It’s ok, Simon. You can tell me the truth. Do you want me?” His whole body shuddered. I licked his ear lobe ever so softly, then quickly pulled away and laughed.

Simon gave out a long breath. His face was a deep red and I think I caught a glimpse of a tented lap. He took a big gulp of his coffee, “What time can you check in?”

I look at my phone. “I’d say by the time it takes us to get there.”

“Then I think we should get you over there pronto. We don’t want you to miss out on any of your vacation time, now do we?” Simon grinned ruefully.

Once back in the car, I slumped in the seat and feel like what I did wasn’t the best. It was a few minutes into the drive that I was able to speak.

“Hey Simon?”


“I…uh… I didn’t mean to upset you. I wanted to tease you a bit like we do, but I feel like I crossed a line and I’m sorry” I fidgeted with the hem of my dress.

“What? No, not at all!” He sounded genuine, but he was also focusing on getting us to the hotel so I couldn’t be for sure at the time.

The car pulled up to the hotel parking lot. I checked in with the concierge, located the hot tub and pool, and we made our way to my room with Simon carrying my luggage. I always book a King size bed, and it looked glorious next to the view of the city.

Simon whistled as he closed the door. “Ok, I can forgive you for refusing my hospitality. This is much nicer.”

I laughed and unpacked a few things. “I’m going to take a quick shower to get the travel off me.” Simon waved his hand in the air towards me while he looked through the local delivery menus.

The shower felt amazing. It was a nice break to chill out and re-calibrate my thoughts, especially from the little encounter at the cafe.

I got out of the shower, dried off and slipped into clean under things, but kept the summer dress. When I opened the door, the blackout curtains were drain, and a soft light came from the bed.

“Simon?” I called out. When I got closer to the bed, I realized the soft light were a couple thick, scented candles.

“Right here” He replied behind me, and for the first time he sounded his age with a low and rumbling voice. I jumped a little and felt a thrill go through me, unsure if it was fear or arousal.

Before I could turn around, he put a hand on my waist and the other on my shoulder. His lips were close to my ear, as I had done to him before. “Yes. The answer is, and always has been, yes.” He blew into my ear like he knew I hated and detached from me, laughing.

I turned around to look at him, er, his dark silhouette, and pushed on his chest lightly. “No fair! You scared me” Wow, that sounded lame coming out.

He stopped laughing. “No, completely fair. You got me in the cafe in front of people and I got you in the dark. Seems Even Steven to me.”

I huffed, embarrassed “Sneaking up on a girl from behind isn’t the same.”

Simon shrugged his shoulders “Yeah, you do have a point.” Suddenly, ataşehir escort he grabbed my waist and shoulder again and pressed me up against the wall near the bed, my breath catching. “How’s this, then?” His lips were a hair away from my nose, again in the shape of that grin.

My mind was rushing with a hundred different thoughts. Was he joking or serious? Would he pull away again? Was he wanting to fool around? His warm breath smelled nice from the coffee, so much so I forgot what I was thinking about and wanted to lick away any traces from his lips and teeth.

What was I thinking?? This was Simon! I can’t have this crush on him, not anymore. He was a friend, almost a brother. He’s never made any indication he was into me. This must be his way of getting revenge, of keeping the upper hand.

“I like when you’re facing me but still like you behind me” I tried to say it light but my voice was soft and shakey.


“Yeah?” I squeaked.

“Do you want to fuck me?” He asked.

“You need to first answer my question for real”

“But I already did” He seemed to purr in his low voice. Damn that voice! My panties were fresh a couple minutes ago. When did he get so smooth?

I shook my head a bit “Not good enough! There was too much time after it was asked. It doesn’t count” I tried to sound confident while I stalled for time.

“Ok then.” He kissed the tip of my nose, then made a bee line for my ear, nibbling ever so softly on my lobe. “I want you, Lynn. The thought of you turns me on and has for a very long time. I’ve watched you grow up and blossom into the gorgeous woman you are now. I. Want. You.” He growled the last few words. I could feel the ever growing wetness between my legs. “Now it’s your turn to answer.”

I wasted no time. “I want you, Simon! I’ve had a crush on you for so long, and I-” Before I could finish, his mouth was already on mine. His experience flowed from his lips to mine while I soaked it all up. These were his lips. Simon’s lips were on mine.

I wound my arms around his neck while he pulled me against his body. We would take quick breaths between passionate kisses. Our tongues met, intertwining with each other when they weren’t exploring the others’ mouth. His hands wove into my hair, taking the band out to let my hair free.

Simon broke away first. He followed the same bee line to my ear lobe, rolling it over his tongue and between his lips. My fingers found the base of his shirt and I slowly pulled it up. Once it was off and before he could resume, I pushed him back onto the bed. His eyes were wide with anticipation.

His belt was next to go, then the button on his pants undone and zipper pulled. His erection was begging to be free, however I denied him the next steps. I straddled over his hips, keeping myself ever so close to that large tent, I could feel the heat coming from it.

My hands ran up his torso to his chest, only to dig my nails into his skin and make thin, red trails scratched all the way to his belly. Simon gasped and twitched. I laughed at his reaction. I think it was ultimately my laugh that made his nipples hard.

“I can’t let these go to waste, now can I?” I kissed from his navel to his chest, nipping along the way. When I came to his chest, I gave him the same treatment he gave my ear lobes. Simon moaned with every flick of my tongue. He tried to put his hands on my shoulders, but I promptly took his wrists and held them down until I was satisfied with my work. Little dark hickies were starting to form.

Sensing when I was finished, Simon freed his hands and unhooked my bra. We took it off with my dress still intact, and my panties came off next. I was about to take the dress off completely, however he stilled my hands.

“I would like it on, kind of kinky” He explained. I shrugged in agreement.

Simon switch positions with me. I felt the age difference again when I was under him, and it excited me. Or maybe it was him pulling my dress down enough to free my breasts. I’ll just say it was both. I’m easily excited.

For a few moments he just looked at them. “Uhm… everything ok?” I asked, starting to feel self conscious.

“What?” He snapped out of his daze. “Oh, yeah. It’s just, I’ve fantasized about this before but never have I thought this would happen. That, and you have amazing breasts.” He reached out for them as if they were the holy grail.

His hands were warm. They groped and caressed, kneaded and grabbed. He would pinch my nipples and roll them roughly between his thumb and pointer. This was one of my weaknesses and I expressed as much. My hips and my back arched the harder and rougher he was with me. I started to whimper. My thoughts turned to mush as all I knew in those moments were the intense pleasure ümraniye escort welling in my breasts, and the deep aching building between my legs.

“Oh my, that really does feel good, doesn’t it?” With one last, long and hard pinch, he stopped. I was both disappointed and relieved, letting out a howl to express this.

Panting, I started to move but he pushed me back down to the bed. Without a word, Simon started to suck on my nipples. He would alternate between them, like they both needed the same amount of love and I was grateful for it. Whatever tit didn’t have a mouth on it was groped and squeezed, keeping it ready. It wasn’t very long until he graduated to biting. Oh those teeth. Those perfect teeth. I tried to put my hands on him but his free hand grabbed my wrists and held them above my head, out of the way.

I was reaching my limit. Being held down under him while he made my tits his playthings made me crave his cock. My hips rolled, my knees quivered, I whimpered and cried out.

“Please, Simon” I begged softly.

“Please what?” He bit down. I squealed.

“Please. I want you to fuck me. I can’t stand it anymore” I panted and tried to keep my thoughts in order. “I really need you inside me, now.”

Simon released me. His hands ran over the shape of my body from shoulders to thighs. He pulled his pants and underwear to his knees. I was finally able to see his erection, long enough to reach the end of me, and thick. My mouth watered when I saw how thick he was.

A look of doubt crossed his face momentarily. He shook it away and guided himself to my drenched opening, rubbing his tip up and down my folds coating himself in my fluids. I felt like he was overthinking his decision to change our status. I understood the thoughts he was having, however we were far too gone. To help him stop doubting, I leaned up and kissed him hard.

That did it.

His erection was hot as it was slowly pushed into me. I welcomed every inch of this burrowing serpent. Simon was about halfway inside me before I truly grasped how thick he was. I let out a gasp, then a sigh, and finally a groan. Forget the serpent, this was a leviathan. My nails dug into his arms, the pressure welling.

“Holy fuck” Simon shuddered as his tip hit my end.

“Yes, please” I responded as he was pulling out. There was some relief that came from his absence, but it made me crave him more.

I didn’t have to wait long for him to come back. Simon bucked his hips back and forth, testing out our rhythm, then started with a modest pace. I sighed and panted out my pleasure. Since he was busy, I started to play with my breasts. This got his attention and he rather enjoyed watching the show I was putting on for him.

Once he was pleased with his basic “Ins and Outs”, Simon hooked an arm under my back to grab a shoulder while the other held on to my hip. I could feel his weight on me and my mind raced with what he would do to me.

With a very sudden intensity, Simon began to thrust himself hard and fast into me. He held me in place and used my chest to keep himself steady. I cried out and wrapped my arms around his back, holding him to me.

I could feel every bit of his cock, and the pressure turn to painful ecstasy. I loved that sensation above all else. The harder he pumped, the wetter I got, the more I moaned and cried and whimpered. After some time, all I could do was gasp in air and breathe out the occasional long moan.

Simon quickly pulled out. “I want you from behind” He panted. I obeyed.

I turned around, pressed my chest to the bed, stuck my ass in the air and braced myself against the headboard. My dress was pushed down to my waste and I felt Simon’s hands take strong hold of my hips seconds before he slammed into me. The ecstasy of pain was multiplied in this position and I let myself go as Simon plowed relentlessly. He was rutting like a dog in heat. I couldn’t tell which was louder, our moans or the sounds of our thighs smacking against each other, amplified by the juices flowing from me. My inner thighs glistened with my fluids.

Wanting to really push him over, I lowered my ass down to make the yoga child’s pose. He followed suit, and enveloped me with his body. Simon grabbed my breasts from under me while he made quick thrusts.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck get more and more ragged. This new position was doing it for the both of us, as my time was soon and his twitching was frequent. With my years of kegel exercises to my advantage, I tightened over him.

We cried out as we climaxed together, and I swear my eyes rolled back. He pumped each load into me with vigor. After a full minute of release, Simon pulled himself out. I turned over and he collapsed on me.

It was some time before we slowed our panting. I glanced at the table side radio clock and realized we had only been intimate for about half an hour.

Simon noticed where I was looking. “It seems like we have quite the night ahead of us.” He reached over me to turn the clock around and grabbed my breast.

“Yeah, I might have to reschedule a few things.”

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Office Affair

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Dating a coworker was never a good idea. Hank had learned this numerous times before, no matter how many times he’d tried it had blown up in his face. Mimi had cheated on him and then blamed him for pushing her away. Rachel kept saying she wanted more but shied away whenever he tried to kiss her and Heather wanted nothing but sex.

He didn’t know why all of these women blamed him, he was always nice to them and tried to treat them respectfully but it didn’t matter, once they had broken up work became unbearable until they inevitably quit or found a new man. So when Jess started to show interest in him he did everything to push her away. He tried to focus on work, openly hit on other women in front of her and even declined numerous offers to hang out. Hank was convinced if he kept on going it would get his point across but he couldn’t help being attracted to her.

Jess was funny, kind of a goof and beautiful, she was exactly his type and from what she had told him of her exes he was hers, a husky nerd. Jess must have realized that he was struggling to resist her because her shirts started to become lower cut and she went from always wearing jeans to wearing shorts and skirts.

Hank almost broke one night at a work party, the company had made a donation to a charity and had sent a number of representatives to the ceremony including Hank and Jess. Hank showed up in a suit and found Jess wearing a strapless red dress that showed as much cleavage as it could. The two of them spent the night together as they didn’t know anyone else at the event. When they were seated for dinner Jess took the spot next to him and spent the night telling jokes and constantly putting her hand on his thigh under the table. Hank tried his best to hide his erection but there wasn’t much he could do. Just when he thought he would break she got the call that her ride was there to get her. Hank breathed a sigh of relief and walked her to the door where she gave him a kiss on the cheek and they said goodnight.

Hank’s whole attempt to keep Jess at arm’s length came to a head about a week later after work. Hank always got out an hour after Jess once he’d closed up the office. Today he came out to find the parking lot empty except for their two cars and Jess standing by his car waiting for him.

“Hey,” said Hank, “what are you still doing here?”

“Waiting for you,” said Jess as she looked up at him, “do you have a minute?”

“Of course,” said Hank, “is everything ok?”

“I just wanted to,” said Jess as she walked up to him, “I can’t do this anymore.”

Jess pulled Hank’s face down to hers and pressed her lips to his.

“Tell me you haven’t been waiting istanbul escort for that,” said Jess desperately, “tell me you haven’t thought about me.”

He couldn’t lie, he had been thinking about her, he had been thinking about her as a friend, and as more than a friend and yes he’d also thought about her sexually. She was gorgeous but she never carried herself like that. He had been thinking about this for a while, and since the charity event it had become unbearable. But how could he express that, how could he say all of that without tripping over his words. He looked down at her begging him to say something and kissed her.

He pulled her to him as close as he could and pressed his tongue into her mouth and she greeted him with hers. After a kiss that seemed to go on forever but was over too soon Hank finally let her go and they caught their breath as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“That was exactly the answer I was looking for,” said Jess. “My place tonight,” she said handing him a slip of paper with her address on it.

Hank stood in disbelief as Jess got in her car and drove away. Hank finally got into his car and felt his pants struggling to hold his erection so alone in the empty parking lot he tugged one out and went home to get ready.

Hank went through outfits, what to wear, he finally decided on a button down shirt and jeans. Then he paced waiting until he psyched himself up enough to go, any thoughts about why he shouldn’t were completely forgotten.

Hank got to her apartment and ran up the walkway, got buzzed in and then ran up the stairs to her apartment. He didn’t like running and he wasn’t any good at it but he seemed to be flying. He had barely knocked on the door when it flew open. There she was, standing at about 5′ 5″ almost a foot shorter then him wearing a low cut black lace top under which was a black bra. She also wore a flowing skirt that came down to her knees and the knee high black combat boots she always wore, her curly blonde hair framing her face.

Nothing needed to be said, she was in his arms in not time and their lips were locked as Hank pushed the door shut behind him. They kissed for what seemed like hours their hands running up and down each other’s backs. Hank felt Jess begin to unbutton his shirt and he began to unbutton her top as they kept their lips locked. Jess pulled off Hank’s shirt before shrugging off hers and again she was in his arms, his hands running down the soft porcelain skin of her back. As they embraced he felt her bra pressed up against him and tried to unclasp avcılar escort it.

“It’s a front clasp,” said Jess between kisses as she reached up and undid the clasp.

The bra spread but stopped still covering the breasts he needed to see. Hank reached up and slid the cups off of her breasts and cupped them in his hands, they were perfect, and just big enough to fill his hands with small pink nipples. Hank leaned down and kissed the soft skin above her breasts, then in between them as he gave them a soft squeeze and one on each nipple before she pulled his face back up to hers and kissed him. Hank grabbed Jess’ small ass and lifted her into his arms as she wrapped her legs around him and carried her towards the bedroom.

He laid her down on the bed and kissed her neck as she sighed and ran her fingers through his hair. Hanks reached down and grabbed her hips as he kissed down her chest, between her breasts and down to her skirt. He slid his fingers into her skirt and slide it down off her tiny waist and tossed it off the floor. Hanks knelt at the edge of the bed and gently pushed Jess’ legs apart revealing the black satin panties she was wearing. He leaned in and kissed the wet spot on her panties and ran his hands up her legs to her panties and began to slowly pull them off. Jess lay on the bed staring at the ceiling as Hank leaned in and licked her wet pussy. Hank alternated between long slow sucking and quick licking on Jess who sighed and writhed on the bed. As Jess approached climax Hank held her waist in place so she couldn’t roll away from him. Hank slowly slid his hands up Jess’ sides and grasped her breasts as her back arch and she let out a long moan.

Hank got to his feet and Jess looked up at him through half opened eyes as she sat up. Jess reached for Hank’s waist and deftly undid his belt and pants. Hank pulled his pants and boxers off together and stood naked before Jess who reached up and grasped is dick stroking it softly. Jess leaned forward and took hank’s tip in her mouth and started to lick while she stroked him. As Hank’s erection grew to its full length Jess began to take more of him in her mouth. Jess looked up at Hank and locked eyes with him as she took him into her mouth as far as she could a few times before she took him out of her mouth and laid back on the bed spreading her legs.

Hank pressed his tip against her as she bit her lip looking up at him as he slowly entered her. Jess clung to the sheets and moaned as she took him all the way in the first time. As she wrapped her legs around him Hank pulled almost all the way out before pushing back in and leaned forward over Jess who şirinevler escort reached up and grasped his shoulders to pull him closer. Hank leaned in and buried his face in Jess’ neck and kissed her as he began to quicken his pace. He gave one of her breasts a squeeze and held on as she moaned into his ear. Hank used his free hand to rub Jess’ wet clit while he continued to pump into her and Hank felt her nails dig into his back as she moaned and mouthed incomprehensible words. He stood up and pulled out of Jess who laid catching her breath for a bit before she got on all fours and backed her small ass up to Hank.

Hank slid himself into back into Jess who wiggled her hips as she slid back and forth on his dick. Hanks grasped her waist with both hands and she stopped wiggling and held still as he started to push himself deep into her a few times. After a few slow thrusts Hank began to go faster and Jess’ breasts swayed back and forth. Hank reached forwards and cupped both of Jess’ breasts and pulled Jess up onto her knees so her back was against his chest. He grabbed her waist with one hand as he continued to hump her while squeezing one of her soft breasts while she reached back and pulled his head down into her neck. Hank humped Jess as quickly as she could and she moaned loudly before collapsing forward onto the bed her ass in the air.

Jess lay on the sheets he blonde locks matted against her face and her delicate breasts resting on the sheets, Hank still deep inside her. Hank was about to bust and seeing Jess like this only served to push him closer. After a few more thrusts he pulled out and Jess rolled over exposing herself to the blast of cum he shot on her breasts and stomach.

Jess got up and walked towards the bathroom in a daze as Hank laid down on the bed. A few moments later Jess emerged cleaned up and cuddled up next to him giving him a kiss before resting her head on his chest.

Sleep took Hank almost instantly and after a dreamless sleep he awoke to find Jess still cuddled up on him. What had he done, sure it was amazing but what now? Before Hank could make a move to leave Jess looked up at him.

“Jess,” he started but she put a finger to his mouth.

The small blonde girl climbed on top of him and slid down onto his morning wood. Hank looked up at this goddess and she took his hands and put them on her breasts as she gyrated her hips on him. Hank squeezed them gently and let her ride him as she wanted to, enjoying the sensation. Hank slid his hands down her body to her waist and held her as he started to thrust up into her. Jess closed her eyes and her mouth hung open as she let out soft moans. As Hank quickened his pace Jess leaned forward onto his chest. Jess looked up at him as she approached climax locking her eyes with his as she came.

“Jess,” moaned Hank.

Jess sat up and slid off of Hank giving him a few strokes before he busts all over her hand.

Jess laid back down next to him paying no attention to her jizz covered hand. Maybe this time would be different he thought.

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No Resistance To A Stiff Cock

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She could tell by the way he looked at her and casually touched her arm that he wanted her. The flirting and close dancing had her really horny. He had already asked if she wanted to get out of there. To her that was the same as asking her if she wanted to get laid. Both of them being a little drunk she wasn’t sure how far she wanted it to go. There was no denying her attraction to him. In the back of her mind she knew she wanted to have sex with him but her husband was picking her up in an hour or so.

When her cell phone rang she went to the ladies room so she could hear better. It was her husband telling her he couldn’t pick her up. As a matter of fact he would be home quite late and told her not to wait up for him. The sounds of women giggling in the background told her he probably wouldn’t be home at all tonight. She was used to it by now and it really didn’t bother her that much.

She went back to the party, picked up a bottle of wine and said to him “let’s go.” He drove with one hand on the wheel and the other on her thigh. She did nothing to dissuade him from feeling her pussy through her slacks. When they got to the motel she offered him some wine. He took the bottle from her hand and put it on the table. He had only one thing on his mind and wouldn’t be denied. He took her into his arms and kissed her passionately. Any hesitation she may have had faded away under his kisses. He pulled her close and when their bodies made contact they went into auto fucking motion. Their pelvises ground against each other, in search of the pleasure giving friction their aroused genitals craved.

He took her hand and placed it on the bulge in his jeans. Once she felt it she knew she was done for. She rubbed her hand over the length of the outline feeling it get harder and harder. Now she wanted it, she felt her nipples and clit react to her thoughts of having it in her mouth.

“Take it out” she said to him “I want to suck it.”

“Take it out for me” he panted.

She hastily fumbled with his belt buckle and zipper, slipped her hand into his shorts and wrapped it around his hard, throbbing prick. Soon she üsküdar escort had it out and fully erect. She dropped to her knees and, as if hypnotized by his manhood, became obsessed by her desire to pleasure it.

She knew she was an easy mark for a hard cock, with an overwhelming desire to get it in her mouth. She didn’t allow herself to think about it, but way down deep she knew, that at her present state of arousal if she were surrounded by stiff cocks she couldn’t stop until she sucked them all dry, one after another.

The thought almost made her cum as her concentration returned to the job at hand. She took the cap in just beyond her teeth, pushed it against the roof of her mouth with her tongue then closed her lips tight around the shaft and sucked hard.

His body stiffened and he let out a long groan as if she was torturing him. This was the part she liked best, the feeling of power and control. She knew now that there was nothing she could do to it, except biting it too hard, that he wouldn’t love. She also knew that he was watching her blow him, and the hornier she got doing it the better he liked it. Lucky for the both of them she didn’t have to fake it.

She was at the point where she couldn’t get enough and would seriously consider a second man to help satisfy her lust. Her pussy was dripping and her nipples and clit screamed for contact. She didn’t want to give in to her desires until she felt the big stiff cock, which she was sucking on, deep inside her hungry pussy.

She sucked, licked and jerked his cock in a frenzy of blind horniness. Suddenly the object of her desire was pulled from her mouth. Without speaking he got her to stand and led her to the bed. He tugged on her slacks while she unfastened them; soon they were around her ankles. He got her to lie down on the bed then slipped off her cream stained panties.

He watched her unbutton her blouse and free her tits from her bra. The look of unadulterated lust on his face, as his eyes scanned her, sent shivers of anticipation through her.

That look told her that he had reached tuzla escort his limit and that she was in for one hell of a fucking.

He hastily lined up his huge pecked between her pussy lips, paused for a moment, and then fucked her fast and hard. She shrieked with delight when he pierced her. The only thing that could have made it better was if she had a nice big stiff one to suck on while being drilled.

She didn’t remember enjoying being fucked more, but she wasn’t getting enough clitoral contact. “Let me get on top” she said. He pulled out of her and fell back. She straddled him and guided his cock into her insatiable pussy then rode it like she was riding a wild bronco.

He sucked her nipples and squeezed her ass while she fucked him. She placed her hand under his chin and removed his mouth from her tit. Then she replaced the nipple he was sucking on with her tongue. She pushed her pussy down hard and ground her clit into him setting off a monstrous orgasm.

Her thoughts returned to the big cock she was riding. “Let me know when you’re going to cum” she whispered in his ear. “I want you to cum in my mouth.”

What she said to him sent him over the edge. “I’m ready baby, aweeeee, I’m cuming right now” he groaned.

She quickly dismounted him and took his already discharging cock in her hand. She squeezed the shaft and quickly jammed it into her mouth, then hungrily sucked on it until his moaning ceased and his body went limp.

She cuddled up to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She knew he was done for the moment but she wanted more. While gently caressing his chest and belly she kept an eye on his cock for signs of life. She hoped that if she was patient enough she’d get to taste him once more before they leave.

She was disappointed when he kissed her and got up and went to the bathroom. That was it she thought, they’d shower, get dressed and be on their way, no more sex.

Lying there alone, listening to the sound of the shower running, she was still very horny. She imagined him thinking of her in the shower and jerking off. Her fingers pendik escort found her love bud while picturing him squeezing his big, stiff cock. Oh yeah, her dirty thoughts and clit stimulation were having their affect.

She spread her legs and planted her feet then moved her hips up and down as if she was being fucked. All her senses were overwhelmed by the rush of mounting pleasure so she didn’t notice that the sound of the shower had stopped.

Her orgy of self indulgence was interrupted by a single word, “wow.” She opened her eyes and saw him standing there watching her. Her surprise and disappointment over being interrupted were offset when she noticed his cock. Although it wasn’t rigid it was puffed up to twice its flaccid size. She knew a few sucks would have it as hard as a rock again.

She felt as though she should be embarrassed, but wasn’t, just extra horny. She smiled at him and beckoned for him to join her. He knelt on the bed and put a hand on each of her knees and pushed them apart.

He admired her sopping pussy for a moment then bent down and kissed it. This was an unexpected bonus. She raised her ass from the bed to meet his mouth. His tongue washed the length of her slit from bottom to top where her throbbing clit poked out from under its hood.

His tongue and lips made exquisite love to her receptive love button culminating in another massive climax for her. Now she wanted to reward him, she wanted that cock which was pointing straight at her from between her legs.

The way she yearningly looked at it caused it to twitch in anticipation and he felt his scrotum tighten. She started to move towards it. “Wait” he said “I just want to have a few pokes, then it’s all yours.

He slid his cock easily into her well lubricated pussy. He remained in the kneeling position between her thighs and slowly moved his hips back and forth as he fucked her.

While he was fucking she was thinking of how his cock will taste of pussy when she gets it in her mouth. She raked her fingernails over his chest as her lusty desire to suck his cock became more prevalent.

When he pulled it out and presented it to her it was as hard as steel and glistening with her pussy cream. “Mmmmm” she moaned as it slid into her mouth and she tasted the combination of cock and pussy. Truly content with a big stiff cock to suck on she knew, that by his hand or hers, she would cum once more before she was done.

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