Two Halves of a Whole: Part 1

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There are two women that have defined my life as a seventeen-year-old boy: my twin sister, Ally, and Patricia. Ally and I have known each other since we were in the womb, sharing heartbeats and kicking rambunctiously into our pregnant mother’s insides. Everyone knows how close identical twins can get, and Ally and I were no exception. Those twins you see on TV that finish each other’s sentences? Yeah, we’re one of those sets. The insufferably adorable, and kind of creepy pair of look-alikes that seem to share a single mind. But we don’t share a single mind; at least, not Ally and I. No, my mind is shared with another: Patricia. And Patricia is closer to me than Ally ever will be, because Patricia is me.

That’s right folks, I’m a schizophrenic. Half of me is Jake Bronston, shy and average, and the other half is Patricia (Trish for brevity’s sake), adventurous and bold. When we were children, Trish and I were a symbiotic organism. I’d be in the driver’s seat during most of our conscious state, and Trish would take the wheel when daring action was required. I, Jake Bronston, would never stand up for myself, but Trish…Trish would kick Jordon Christianson square in the balls. Ally loved Trish and I equally during our youth. She’d share adventures with Trish, and then confide in Jake when she was feeling the need for a softer friend. It was all great, and my duality never posed a serious problem. That was, until puberty hit.

I am a man, goddamn it! A red-blooded, American piece of testosterone-driven violence and insecurity! But, I share this hormone-fueled body with a woman that is (to put it nicely) a complete slut. Trish hit puberty like Wiley Cayote hit a brick wall painted as a tunnel. One night, she’s planning an adventure of a lifetime through the Michigan backwoods, the next, she’s finger-fucking my asshole and moaning the names of the middle-school basketball players! One hour, I’m chatting up Jenny Laughton on messenger, the next, she’s looking up sex-change operations in Mexico! Do you see my predicament?! The symbiosis stopped, and my mind became a battleground for the two personalities that desired control of it. We were no longer partners, but rivals.

Ally, bless her heart, has always taken my side of things. Ally pulled Trish back from the brink of a lot of situations that would have ruined me. She stopped Trish from going to a gay bar glory-hole stall, she stopped her from asking out boys in school, she even stopped Trish from doing the unthinkable with a paring knife in the garage. Yeah…it’s been a rough couple of years. I finally had to cave to my unknowing parents and seek help. I didn’t want to do it, I didn’t want to betray Trish, but this horny bitch wanted my genitals gone, and I’m very much attached to them. With extensive shock therapy, daily meds, and the threat of a lobotomy, me, and a team of psychiatrists, managed to lock Trish up in the back of my mind. I’m the only one in control now, but I can feel her testing my defenses. Not only is Trish relentlessly daring, she’s cunning as hell. And now, she’s pissed off. All it will take is one slip-up by me, one missed dose, one missed session, and Trish will be out of the box.

This is the story of Trish coming out of that fucking box.


Yeah, Ally’s a witch. I didn’t mention that in the prologue, because a skitzo boy with a self-mutilating counter-personality seemed like enough of a pill to swallow in four paragraphs. Speaking of which, I need to take my meds.

Anyway, in my modern-day America, magic is rare, but not unheard of. In my America, the Salem Witch Trials were justified, the Spanish Inquisition was legitimate, and burning at the stake was practiced regularly in the nineteenth century, (mostly in Alabama). Witches managed to latch themselves to the feminist movement of the fifties, and became a protected class in the late half of the twentieth century. Ally was fortunate to be born during the open-minded year of 2000, where being magical didn’t automatically mark you as a freak.

Ally’s power is transformation; she can alter the structure and appearance of organic life. One day, when we were eleven, a drunk BMW driver almost hit me. Were it not for Ally’s quick reflexes and magical powers, I would have died. Ally trimmed the legs off the driver, sending him skidding to the side of the road and into a nearby tree, killing him. Using magic against another person is a serious crime, even if it’s self-defense, or the defense of another. Our parents had enough clout to get a great lawyer and a sympathetic judge, but it wasn’t enough to exonerate her completely. Ally was forced to put on regulators, which are magical inhibitors. She was crushed when they did it. Her identity as a sorceress was stripped from her, and she became just another person. She never admitted it, but I always got the sense she resented me for it. I didn’t know how much it had driven a wedge between us until that fateful August morning, when the regulators came off…

“Oh, fuck.” Ally said in a dismayed murmur.

The regulators fell from her temples and dropped with a metallic ping on the kitchen floor. The wired devices cracked upon their downward impact, sending valuable government property spraying its circuit board-guts all over the white tiles.

“I was just adjusting my headband,” Ally said as she stared at the pieces of her court-ordered mental handicap, “I didn’t do it on purpose! Jake; they’ll think I tore them off!”

“Just sit tight and we’ll call your parole officer,” I said calmingly as I picked up the pieces, “I’m sure this kind of stuff happens all the time; they’ll understand.”

“I need to get out of here!” Ally cried, her panic rising as her mind ran through the consequences for regulator removal, “Only a specialist is supposed to be able to take them off. They’ll think I did it on purpose! Jake, you gotta get me the fuck out of here!”

“Ally, calm the fuck down,” I said, laughing, “if they came off from just adjusting your headband, then they’re definitely bullshitting you when they said it’s that hard to take them off.”

The house phone blared out its obnoxious ringing tune. Ally and I both jolted upright, a sense of dread filling the air as the speaker announced the incoming caller: Federal Bureau of Sorcery. Ally’s already pale face grew paler. I put a calming hand on her shoulder and gave her a confident smile before picking up the phone.

“Hey,” I said in my best everything-is-fine voice, “this is Jake Bronston, I bet you guys are calling about the-”

“Ally Bronston, you are charged with the tampering and sabotaging of Class B Inhibitor Regulators,” the authoritative automated voice said, “this is a felony with a mandatory twenty-year sentence. Remain in your home while local authorities secure the premises. Local and federal personnel have been issued an auto-warrant to search and seize any and all property and/or persons pertaining to your violation. Nonviolent compliance will be met with leniency. I repeat: nonviolent compliance will be met with leniency.”

“Let me talk to a person, please,” I said, my voice still calm but my eyes darting nervously to Ally, “can I talk to Parole Office Shanahan?”

The phone speaker droned a dial tone for a few seconds, and then the clicking sound of someone picking up.

“Sergeant Carrie Shanahan speaking.” Ally’s parole office spoke.

“Sergeant Shanahan,” I said, “I just wanted to say that Ally’s regulators came off on their own, and she’s freaking out. I told her this must happen all the time, and I’m assuming the automated voice message is just-”

“Jake, I suggest you leave the premises immediately,” Shanahan said sternly, “we don’t want a hostage situation on our hands.”

“A hostage situation?!” I laughed, “Look, Officer, Ally’s regulators just came off, I was there when it happened.”

“Is Ally Bronston with you now?” Shanahan asked, a hint of concern filtering through her stoic voice.

“Yeah,” I said, glancing at Ally, “she’s here right now, and she’s scared shitless. I’m telling you, Shanahan, she didn’t-”

“Jake, listen to me, and do not react at all to what I am telling you,” Shanahan said through the phone, the concern in her voice now readily apparent, “our diagnostic team tells us that Ally has been subtly tweaking her regulators for months now. This was not an accident, this was premeditated. I don’t know how she knew how to do it, but-”

But I know how, the sultry, seductive voice of my counter personality spoke in the back of my mind, how ya doin’, Jake?

I hadn’t heard that voice in four years, and it chilled me to the bone.

Hey, Trish, I replied nervously, nice to hear from you. Long time, no see.

You’re always so good at hiding your fear, Jake, Trish smirked in my mind, but you can’t hide it from me.

How did you…how the fuck did you…

“Trish is a telepath, Jake,” my sister’s voice said behind me as I felt the cold rim of my dad’s pistol pressed against the nape of my neck, “she’s magic, like me.”

But you’re not, Trish laughed, I truly am, your better half.

“Turn around, Jake,” Ally said gently, but sternly, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

I slowly turned around, the sound of Sergeant Shanahan’s voice still crackling from the phone speaker. Ally stood before me, her straight blonde hair brushed behind her ears, her pale face flushed at the cheeks, her pointed nose dotted with a few freckles, her big, blue eyes staring steadily at me, and her full, pouting lips pursed together, with the hint of a frown creeping from the corner. Her chest heaved beneath her t-shirt in adrenaline-induced breaths, her amble bosom expanding with each inhale. Her legs were spread in the stance our father taught us when we were aiming a gun, and her thick thighs flexed in preparation, forcing her supple glutes to protrude vulgarly from the outline of her figure. The barrel of the gun stared into my right eye, unwavering in its regard for me. Ally meant fucking business.

“Ally,” I said, trying to keep my composure, “what are you doing?”

“Trish can explain it all to you,” Ally said, “get in the car.”

“They’ll catch us,” I said, “Ally, there’s no way we’re getting out of this.”

“Jake,” Ally said as she hammered back the slide, “you know me better than anyone, so you know when I’m not fucking around. Get in the fucking car.”

I stared at my sister for a long moment. The look in her eyes was telling me she was right, she wasn’t fucking around. Did I think she’d kill me? No, but I suspected she wasn’t opposed to putting one in my shoulder. With her regulators off, she could put hole after hole in me, and then just change the molecular composition of my bullet wounds until they were healed.

“I’ll get in the car, Ally,” I said as I slowly backed up and took the keys off the counter, “I’ll drive you to where you want to go, but I want you to put the gun down. I love you more than anyone, and if running away is what you think you need to do, then I’ll help you escape.”

Oh, Jake, Trish laughed, You’re coming with us, you know that, right?

What the fuck!

I jolted upright in surprise and was blinded by the muzzle flash before the bullet plowed into my shoulder. Blood splattered against my face and I went down in a scream of agony.

“Why the fuck did you do that?!” Ally yelled at me, “You knew he would freak out! Why the fuck did you tell him!”

I couldn’t resist, Trish howled in pain and mirth in my mind, I wanted him to get a taste of the hell he put me through over the past four years. How does it feel, Jake?! Do you feel helpless and alone? Are you scared and in pain?! How do you think it felt to be stuck in the darkest corner of your mind for four years?!

“C’mon,” Ally said as she pressed her hand to my wound and helped me to my feet, “you still need to drive us.”

“You fucking shot me!” I screamed, welcoming the sounds of approaching sirens.

“Trish made me do it!” Ally yelled back, “I told you I wasn’t fucking around, and then all of the sudden you jumped up…no sudden movements, Jake! Haven’t you watched television?!”

All I could do was groan as Ally’s hand healed the hole in my shoulder. She dragged my limping body out to the driveway and half-shoved me into the driver’s seat. She wheeled into the passenger’s seat and leveled the gun to my shoulder.

“I don’t want to shoot you again, Jake,” Ally said, “but right now, we’ve got the cops, and soon the feds rushing toward us. I’m not spending twenty years in Baraga Maximum, so put your foot on the gas and become an accomplice.”

“I’m your hostage!” I spat.

“Half of you is,” Ally smiled back, “but I’m hoping you’ll come around with Trish and I.”

“You know this is the end of us,” I snarled as I put the car in reverse, “you know I’ll never forgive you.”

“Yes, you will,” Ally said, “you’ll fucking thank me when it’s all over. Explain it to him, Trish.”

Are you ready for an exposition dump? Trish asked me as I floored it down our cul-de-sac.

Give it to me. I grunted mentally as I screeched around the corner and through a nearby alleyway.

When you put me through hell by casting me back here, Trish said with a venomous tenor, I was lost and alone. I was left in the darkest corner of your mind, where only the truly strange, violent, and perverse thoughts you carried dwelt. Needless to say, it changed me. The only glimpses of our mind that I caught were the feelings you kept locked away. Feelings about murderous revenge, feelings about nihilistic indifference, feelings about your twin sister, you perverted little boy, you…

What the fuck are you talking about? I yelled back at her as I swerved past a tan coupe and merged onto the county road.

Oh, just the occasional thought of bending your twin sister over and shoving it into her ass, Trish said nonchalantly, Sometimes, it’s a little romantic diversion, but most of the time, it’s an anal rape fantasy. Maybe you get these late at night when you’re watching that BDSM shit on your laptop. Maybe it’s the fact that you’re frustrated with women because they pay you no heed. Whatever it is, you can’t handle these thoughts, so you stick them back here, where you think they’re forgotten. But they’re not forgotten, Jake, you had these thoughts, and now I have them. They’ve manifested themselves as part of who I am, and it’s corrupted me.

Look, Trish-

Don’t worry about that now, Trish said, the point is, you fucked me. I used to be just a horny little schoolgirl, but now, I’m a perverted psychopath with murderous tendencies and a sadistic disposition. If you take a wrong turn on Garfield Lane, I’ll know you’re going to the precinct. I’ll tell Ally to put one in your balls, and she’ll do it. We’ve gotten very close, her and I.

I locked anadolu yakası rus escort you up! I screamed mentally as I veered off my course to the precinct and continued passed Garfield Lane, You shouldn’t be able to talk to anyone! Not even me! Tell me how you did it!

One drunk night in April, you forgot to take your pills, Jake. Trish laughed, You were blacked-out, but I wasn’t. The shock therapy kept me in my cage, as it does now, but I was able to see through your eyes for the first time in years. And what did I see, Jake? Connections. Billions and billions of streaming connections burning from the tendrils of your irises. That’s when I knew I was special. That’s when I knew I was a telepath, a witch, like your sister. I don’t know what caused it, or how I could have this power and you couldn’t, but I seized the opportunity (something you never seem to do, you useless coward), and sent out a message to Ally. Ally was shocked when she heard my voice in her head, but that shock soon turned to euphoria. You see, Jake, Ally loved us both equally, and when you put me away, she lost half the person that she loved. And when she lost her powers to save you, she resented you for it.

I stole a glance at my sister and wondered if Trish was broadcasting this to her. God, I hoped not. I didn’t recall any of the fantasies, but I knew Trish wasn’t lying. You can’t lie to someone who shares your mind, and Trish was beginning to seep back into mine. My pills were sitting idly on my dresser right now, and my shock therapy session was due tomorrow. It was only a matter of time before Trish finally got out.

So, Ally and I made a little deal that night, Trish continued, I told her I’d figure out a way to take off her regulators, and she’d shave off a few milligrams from your pills. This gave me a one-hour window where I could talk to her while you were asleep. She was so glad to have me back, Jake. She apologized for taking your side all the times I tried to express myself. She said it was wrong that you should lay claim to a body we shared equally. She agreed to help me come back, if I helped her find a place we could be safe.

But how did you do all this? I asked as I merged onto the interstate, How did you find out about taking off regulators, and where the fuck are we going?

I’m a bit more resourceful than you are, Jake. Trish laughed cruelly, You can find any number of things on the dark web. As for where we’re going…don’t worry about it just yet. All you need to know, is that we’ll be safe. Take exit 171 for Ann Arbor, and then a left on South Street. Pull into the public storage lot, and then put it in park.

I did as Trish asked. The sounds of sirens still blared, and the metallic patter of a chopper cut through the Michigan air, but these sounds were distant and fading in the direction of our house. Trish had guided us to safety, but I was afraid to what end. This was the woman who deemed my genitals too useless to keep when she was sane. Now, she was infected with the waste of my subconscious, and more dangerous and unhinged than ever.

Don’t worry about that pathetic thing you call a cock, Trish said, I’ve decided to keep it.

Despite everything else, a sense of relief washed over me. I was certain that Trish’s first order of business was to remove the symbol of my masculinity…of our masculinity.

Ok, Trish, I said as I put the car in park at the storage lot, You’re the one in charge, what now?

Ally’s going to show you where to go from here, Trish said, and you better fucking do as she says.

If it means anything to you, Trish, I replied, I’m sorry for what I did to you.

To us, Jake. Trish replied coldly, it wasn’t just me you hurt. You’re an introverted pussy who’s too afraid to take what he wants. All the daring and excitement left your life the moment you shut me out. But that’s all going to change now. Like Ally said: you’ll thank us when we’re done.

Trish’s voice faded into the dark recesses of my mind as Ally’s voice grew louder in my ear.

“Jake, get out of the car and follow me. I don’t have to keep this gun on you, do I?”

“No,” I said to Ally as I got out of the car, Trish’s stinging words still etching their way into my soul, “no, Ally, I’m in this shit with you now.”

“Good,” Ally smiled for the first time, “I didn’t mean to shoot you; it was just reflexes. I don’t think I could do it again, no matter what Trish says.”

“You still pulled a gun on me and shot me,” I replied, shaking my head, “you forced me into a car and made me a fucking fugitive. If you think for one moment I can forgive this-”

“I saved your life!” Ally yelled angrily, “I sacrificed so much of who I was for you, because you matter that much to me. Can you sacrifice anything for me, Jake?!”

I stared at her rage-contorted face with a level expression. Her upper lip trembled in a half-snarl, setting her flushed cheek into a protruding oval baring a cute dimple. God, she looked hot when she was mad. Oh fuck, that wasn’t a subconscious thought. Oh shit…

“Ally,” I asked nervously, my level expression falling in shame, “did you hear any of that little conversation between Trish and I?”

“Every bit,” Ally smiled coyly, “but I already knew about all that other shit. Trish told me about your…darker thoughts a while ago.”

My face flushed red and beads of stinging sweat formed at my scalp.

“Ally, I don’t remember having those thoughts, it was just my stupid brain making connections with stimuli and relationships and…”

“We don’t have time to worry about it,” Ally said as she took my hand, “if someone dissected my thoughts, I’m sure there’d be all kinds of weird shit in there. The brain makes connections we can’t control. C’mon, let’s get to the wardrobe.”

“The wardrobe?” I asked as Ally led me across the storage parking lot.

“Trish made contact with a transporter on the dark web,” Ally explained as we neared the orange door to a storage unit, “She’s apparently a C.S. Lewis fan, and put a portal inside a wardrobe. She left it here for us so that we could beat the heat.”

“And it goes…where?” I asked nervously as Ally punched in the locker code.

“Vegas, Baby.” Ally smiled back.

The metal garage door creaked up and stopped in a clang of rusted metal. Ally and I ducked beneath the door before she clanged it shut behind us. I pawed for the light switch and flipped it when my blind hand found it. Fluorescent lights crudely illuminated the room in a white glow. Behind boxes of junk and old car parts, stood a wooden wardrobe that looked ancient and out of place. The dark oak monolith loomed over everything else, its doors beckoning and warning simultaneously.

“Alright,” Ally said, her fingers linking with mine in a shaking grasp, “let’s do this.”

“Are you scared?” I asked her.

“Terrified,” she smiled, “but terror is better than boredom.”

“You really have been talking to Trish,” I grumbled as we stepped toward the wardrobe, “she’s a corrupting influence.”

“Yeah, she is.” Ally agreed with a chuckle, “But she’s so much fun.”

We opened the door to the wardrobe and stepped in, hand in hand. The door closed behind us without our doing, and I caught the last glimpse of Michigan I’d see for the rest of my life.


The wardrobe opened to a well-lit hallway. Deep red paint covered high walls, with a faux-marble trimming decorating the bottom. A sign with a clown hovering over a large tent read: ‘Slots-o-Fun at Circus Circus Hotel and Casino.”

“Jesus,” I said as I examined the inside of the corridor, “whoever your meeting could have at least set us up in Caesar’s Palace.”

“I never said we were meeting anyone.” Ally replied.


“…bullshit a bullshitter, I know, Jake.” Ally laughed, “We’re going to a convention here, but we’ll be meeting only a select few.”

“This cryptic bullshit is wearing me thin, Ally.” I said, “Just tell me why the fuck we’re here, and what Trish has to do with it all.”

“Let’s wait until we get to our hotel room,” Ally said as she rummaged through her purse and pulled out a keycard, “where prying ears can’t hear us.”

“If the feds were on to you,” I said as I pushed the ‘up’ button on the elevator, “they’d have the room bugged.”

“I’m not worried about the feds anymore.” Ally said in a half-whisper. Her grave expression worried me, but I kept my mouth shut. The elevator door dinged, and we stepped inside.

Ally pressed the twenty-fourth floor on the west tower elevator, and pushed the ‘shut’ button as a flustered Chinese man tried to race to the closing doors.

“That wasn’t very nice.” I frowned down at her.

“I don’t want to be in a confined place with strangers,” Ally said, “Jake, the people I’m afraid of…they’re everywhere.”

“You have some filling in to do,” I said to her, “I’m being left in the dark, and Trish has receded to her cage for now. I need some information, Ally, or I’m taking a Greyhound, and you can shoot me in the back as I leave.”

“Hotel room,” Ally reaffirmed, “hotel room, and I tell you everything.”

I looked at a sign that advertised the events at this once-great Vegas hotel. “August 30th 2017: Witches Convention, all magic beings of all classes mingle and seminar about the future of our kind.” That explained the convention at least, but who were we meeting, and why? The elevator door opened with a ding, and we stepped onto the twenty-fourth floor of the west tower.

“She couldn’t afford a two-bed room,” Ally said as we walked passed the vending machines and turned to the corridor, “so we’ll be in the same bed.”

“Does that bother you?” I asked, obviously thinking about the fantasies of my subconscious.

“No,” Ally said, “we used to sleep in the same bed when we were kids, I don’t see how it could be different now.”

She slipped the card into the slot of our room and opened the door. It occurred to me as she closed it, that we didn’t have any traveling supplies with us. Fortunately, someone had stocked the room with bags of clothes.

“We’ll be staying here for the duration of the convention,” Ally said as she pawed through the clothes left for us, “and we’ll be doing it under assumed names. I’m Becky Larson, and you’re Brian Larson.”

“We’re in the hotel room, Becky,” I said with an impatient twirl of my fingers, “explain what this is all about.”

“I was hoping Trish would tell you,” Ally (now Becky) frowned, “but it seemed all she did was rant at you for a while.”

“She had a lot to get off her chest,” I sighed, “and I suppose I deserved some of it. Get to the point.”

“We’re both witches, you and I,” Ally said, “well, at least the female half of you is. But we’re not normal witches. There are three classes-”

“And you and Trish are Class Three,” I said, finishing her thought, “which means people want you; I’ve seen this movie before.”

“Actually, Jake,” Ally said, looking up at me gravely, “it’s you they want.”

“Because…?” I asked, feeling my nerves stand on edge.

“You’re a male witch,” Ally replied, “the first ever wizard.”

“Trish is the witch,” I replied, “I’m nothing special.”

“You have a dick and balls, and the sperm that carries magic DNA,” Ally said, “and that makes you worth billions. Trish is female, but she’s stuck in a man’s body. For all intents and purposes, she’s a male witch, and so are you.”

The pieces started to fall into place as my mind made the connections.

“All of this,” I said, gesturing to the hotel room, but meaning the entire situation, “our escape from home, our transportation to Vegas, the assumed names and the cheap hotel room, all of this wasn’t to get your regulators off, was it?”

“No,” Ally said, “I wanted them off like nothing else, but I had excepted my situation in Michigan. Once Trish spoke in my mind for the first time, everything changed. No government protection, no military, could save you if word got out that there was a wizard. We needed to get you underground.”

“Couldn’t we have just…not told anyone?” I asked, “Wouldn’t that’ve been easier?”

“Until you took a drug test, or a blood test, or someone swabbed your cheek,” Ally said, “and then everyone would know, and you’d be fucked.”

“Literally,” I smiled, “they’d have an assembly line of witches just waiting for me to breed. Shit, Ally, I could have just contracted myself out and become the richest gigolo in the world!”

“They would have sedated you, extracted your semen and cloned your DNA,” Ally said, not returning my smile, “and then put a bullet in your head so that another company couldn’t have you.”

“Do these companies know about me?” I asked, my smile fading.

“Not yet,” Ally frowned, “not that I know of, but we can’t be too careful. We’ll be meeting some other class threes tomorrow, and then we’ll get you even deeper underground.”

“Is this going to be my life now?” I asked, “Running from place to place, looking over my shoulder, picking up my tissues so that I don’t leave DNA evidence?”

“Yeah,” Ally said, giving me a sad look, “it’s only a matter of time before someone sniffs you out, Jake. They’ll hunt you forever, and we need to stay three steps ahead of them at all times.”

“You didn’t have to put yourself into this situation,” I said, “you could have just told me what was going on. I’d stop my meds, let Trish out of the box, and then use her cunning and my caution to stay off the trail of those that would hunt me.”

“Bullshit,” Ally laughed without humor, “Jake, I mean no offense, but your caution would never let you free Trish. You’re…kind of a pussy.”


“It’s true!” Ally giggled, this time with humor in her voice, “I don’t mean it in a bad way, but ever since you locked up Trish, all of your daring and bravery disappeared. I still love you, Jake, but let’s be honest: you’re a pussy. I had to shoot you just to make you get in a car.”

I didn’t have a retort for that, and I knew Ally was right. Even if I had believed a word she said, I would have simply barricaded myself in my room, popped my pills, and hoped nothing bad would happen. At least, I knew that much about myself.

“You’re right,” I sighed, and sat down on the bed next to Ally, “I’m a pussy. That’s what happens when you let someone else take control of you when things get hairy. I let Trish take the wheel in every adverse moment of my life, and I never learned how to do anything myself.”

“Well, Jake,” Ally said, putting her arm around me, “you’re in the deep end now, and it’s either sink or swim. How long until your shock therapy and the pills wear off?”

“A few days at the most,” I said, “and then Trish will be back with a vengeance. I’m afraid she’ll try to take complete control.”

“We won’t anadolu yakası sevişen escort let that happen,” Ally said, “you two can work out your differences. I’ll be the mediator for our little group therapy session, and you and Trish will find common ground.”

“She made you shoot me out of spite,” I grumbled, “I don’t think she’s looking for negotiation. I put her in the darkest corner of my mind, and let her fester for years. She’s not the same Trish we used to know.”

“Give her time,” Ally said, “let her detox from all the shit you shoved back there, and she’ll come around to her normal self.”

“Maybe.” I said, not believing for a second that Trish would be merciful on her return. And that night, I found out I was right.


Hey reader, it’s Trish. Guess what I’m looking at right now? Ally Bronston, in her bra and panties, sleeping right next to me. Every dark fantasy Jake had about his sister is flying through my head right now, and it’s making me randy. This is what you came for, isn’t it? I mean, you’ve been reading this far, waiting for Jake to finally plow is hot, curvy, blonde, teen sister, haven’t you? Well, Jake is too much of a pussy to fuck his twin sister, even if he subconsciously wants to. He thinks it’s too depraved, too disgusting, too taboo, and it is. And all those reasons he won’t do it, are the exact reasons I’m going to.

Do I still identify as a woman? Yeah…mostly, I guess. I want tits that will give me back problems, I want an ass that causes distracted driving fatalities, I want lips that were made for sucking, eyes that only beckon, and cheeks flush with color and life, but I also very much like this cock. All those thoughts Jake had, all those dark, disgusting thoughts that have become a part of who I am, all revolve around his precious penis. And now it’s our precious penis. So yeah, I want to be a woman with a dong. I want a cock eight inches up my ass, while I’m balls deep in some pussy. And what do we have here? Some prime, virgin, incestual pussy.

I can feel myself gaining control of Jake’s sleeping body. The nerves are dull now, but every second they become more alert. His breathing becomes my breathing, his heartbeat becomes my heartbeat. I feel the muscles gaining strength between their tendons. I can feel blood rushing through me. Just a little bit more…there it is. Hello, world. Hello, Ally.

“Ally,” I whisper in her ear, “Ally…”

“What?” she groans back, her narrow shoulders shifting sleepily.

“It’s me, Ally; it’s Trish.”

Ally’s body jerks in surprise. Her shoulders pinch together for a moment, and then she whirls around in flurry of blonde hair. She faces me, her face smiling excitedly, her eyes gleaming.

“Holy shit, Trish!” she squeals.

“I’m back.” I smile, but not Jake’s awkward, nervous smile. No, my smile is warm and confident, and full of the wickedness that soaks teenage panties.

“How do you feel?” Ally asks me.

“Honestly?” I chuckle, “Jake’s got morning wood right now, so I’m feeling a little frisky.”

“Oh, my god!” Ally laughs, not at all getting the implication, “Trish, promise me you won’t go to a gay bar. Jake would never forgive me!”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I smile, and shift myself closer to her, “c’mon, Ally; you know about all the thoughts Jake infected me with.”

Ally still holds her smile, but I can see the hint of fear behind her eyes. That’s what I was looking for. Reader, you can thank Jake for having rape fantasies; it’s not my fault this is what gets me off now, it’s his.

“Trish,” Ally whispers, “you need to just…bathe in Jake’s purer brain for a while. Let all those thoughts detoxify.”

“Ally,” I whisper back, “you’re still a virgin, and I’m still a virgin, and we’re not getting any younger.”

“Channing Tatum could’ve said that to me and it wouldn’t work,” Ally laughs, “Trish, this isn’t you; take some time to let yourself return to normal.”

“This is me,” I say with my smile still stretched across my cheeks, but my eyes leveling in a threatening stare, “this will be me forever, Ally. There’s no detoxing your soul; you are who you are, and you are the sum of your experiences. And for the past four years, all of my experiences have been the sickness of Jake’s mind. Ally, I’m going to fuck you.”

“Trish,” Ally smiles back, now her eyes full of threat, “you’ll have a hard time doing that as a quadriplegic.”

I see the telepathic connection between us. I see the line that draws her mind to my own. What’s this thought she’s having? This is interesting: ‘oh my god, please just take me.’ Well, if you insist.

I shoot up from beneath the covers, my body whipping in a feat of athleticism Jake could never have mustered. My cock protrudes from the cloth of Jake’s boxers, staring rigidly into Ally’s widening eyes. I see the gears in her mind start up, the incantation she’s concocting to send a concussion blasting through my skull. Sorry, honey; too slow. I send a mental wrench into the mechanizations of her arcane mind. I see the expression of pain strewn across her face. She’s dazed for a moment, and I seize the opportunity. My hands clench around her wrists, the knuckles whitening as I push my weight forward. Ally’s face twists in a mixture of fear and defiance, but there’s something else: arousal.

“You know,” I pant as I wrestle with her, blocking her testicle-kick with my right thigh, “I can see part of you wants this. You thought Jake was fucked up, Ally, but when I told you of his little rape fantasy, I saw you perk up just a bit.”

“Get the fuck off me, Trish, or I’ll finally perform that surgery you so desperately wanted.” Ally growls as she twists beneath me.

“Ally, you want to fuck your brother, you little slut.” I sneer at her as I pivoted my knees together between her legs.

“Just a passing thought,” she grunts as she breaks her wrist free and plants a punch into my groin, “a little ‘what-if’ fantasy; nothing more.”

I reel back from the pain in my testicles, but manage to stay in control, and grasp the flailing fist that was looking for pay dirt. Ally twists beneath me, but I keep her hands sealed in my fists, allowing her to rotate freely onto her belly in her attempt to wriggle free. Her hands crisscross behind her, her wrists locking together in the cuffs of my straining fingers. Her shoulder blades protrude in protests, her glutes flex about my cock in defiance. I got her, and I can tell part of her hoped I would.

“Ally,” I whisper in her ear, “did you just get on your belly for me?”

“Fuck you, Trish!” Ally screams. There are tears in her eyes. I can hear the panting nature of her breathing. I can see the flush of her cheeks and the mess of her blonde hair in the moonlight. Her skinny arms flex against my fixing grasp. I manage to secure both her wrists in one palm, and then briskly rope them together with Jake’s leather belt. She protests, her arms straining to free themselves, but to no avail. The strap of her bra is tight around the soft flesh of her back. I relieve her of it. Ally whimpers beneath me, realizing what’s about to happen, knowing Jake was right about me the whole time. Despite the domineering nature of our foreplay, I want Ally to enjoy this as much as I will. Jake’s incestual rape fantasies always ended with Ally begging for it, her mind corrupted with lust, her body bending to his prowess. Fortunately for Jake, I am a woman, and I know exactly how to please one.

“Don’t worry, babe,” I whisper to my restrained twin sister, “I’m going to make you feel so good.”

“I’ll kill you, Trish,” Ally whispers hoarsely through her tears, “I’ll kill you slow.”

“Such threats, such rage,” I taunt gently as my fingers caress the line of her spine, “but I believe you, Ally. I can see the thoughts burning in your mind. But what’s this thought right here, hmmm? ‘Eat my pussy?’ Ally, is that a request?”

“No,” Ally cries, her face a mosaic of fear, shame and a hint of approval, “it’s just my body; it’s not me.”

“So, it’s your body that wants your brother’s tongue inside you,” I coo to her as my knuckles curl and my fingertips find the elastic waistband of her panties, “there’s some duality to you, it seems. Glad it’s not just Jake and I that have conflicting voices in our head.”

I drag my fingers down, bringing my sister’s panties with them. My knuckles dig gently into the soft flesh of Ally’s ass, her supple glutes welcoming me with their warmth and give. I reveal the divide of my sister’s backside, and stare unabashedly at the prize beneath her cloth. Jake had watched a lot of porn in his time, but he’d never laid eyes on an ass like this before. Pale, soft skin formed over two perfect domes, their bottoms creasing delectably at the thigh, forming the protrusion of her womanly apple. My greed takes me, and I hurriedly rip Ally’s panties down to her knees. She cries a muffled sob into the pillow, but then she looks back. I meet her gaze and smile. Her face is still a portrait of loathing and fear, but the curiosity and desire is gaining traction. Part of her wants to see what I’ll do. Part of her is begging me to go further.

My fingers sink into the soft domes; her pale, warm skin protruding from my gripping knuckles. I spread her wide, and my heart races at the sight of her. She gasps, sobs, and cries out her protest, but her body can’t lie to me. Beneath the perfect, puckered rim of her anus, Ally has prepared herself with a waxing job. Not a single hair can be seen along the tight petals of her womanhood. Her folds are neat and orderly, forming two pale lips that barely reveal the flush bud between them. And it’s soaking for me. Her nectar is running through her crease and spoiling the sheets. I lick my lips, and give my sister one last look. Her eyes are wide and trembling, her blue irises baring dilated pupils in the dark. Her pointed, freckled nose gleams with her rosy cheeks in the moonlight, and her luscious lips are parted in a panting, frightened gape.

“Please,” she begs, her eyebrows raising in her sorrowful plea, “Trish, don’t do this to me.”

I just smile back, and lower my face between her spread cheeks.

Her warmth encloses about my face as I dip my nose against the bottom of her slit. My tongue snakes from my mouth and tests the dripping fluid of my sister. I hear her gasp as she’s touched for the first time by another. The gasp is followed by a sob, but nothing else. She’s waiting for more. My tongue moves again, this time parting her petals, and sliding along the sweet crevasse. She froths in response, her nectar flowing freely from her. Another gasp slips from her lips, but the sob does not follow. My tongue lingers along her folds, exploring her every crease, gently parting the tender flesh of her. She tastes delicious. My movements become more deliberate and less tentative. I slide my tongue through her with confidence, ever teasing the bottom of her clit, but not quite reaching it. I’m listening for her while I’m savoring her flavor, listening for the crack in her defenses. A gasp, a whimper, and then…a moan. Muffled; she tried to hide it in the pillow, but it escaped her virgin mouth nonetheless. I reward her for her unwilling tenor of approval. My tongue reaches the engorged bump of her erogeneity. I curl it about her, and then flick once across. Her legs tremor slightly, and another sobbing moan seeps into the pillow. Another flick, and a similar reaction. I smile at the responsiveness of her body, and then step things up. Playtime’s over, honey.

My lips wrap around my sister’s clit. My fingers slide between her cheeks, stopping for a moment to graze her rim, before creeping to her oozing womanhood. Two digits glide into the tight depths of my sister, and my wrapping lips suck and rotate. She can’t help herself. Her head flings up from the pillow, her blonde hair flailing in an arc. Her mouth trembles for a moment, and then opens to yield a moan of pure delectability. No more pretense is left in her voice, only the carnal sound of her pleasure. My fingers slide deeper into her, gently parting the tightness of her womanhood. I feel the clenching resistance of her depths, and push through her chastity. She cries out in pain and pleasure as the blood of her purity flows onto my invasion. I soothe her pain with the ardent sucking of my lips; pulling her clit all the way into my mouth and stretching the loose skin of her vulgar lips. Another tremor runs through her thighs, this one stronger than before. Her glutes clench around my face, hugging me in a welcoming embrace. My fingers search her depths until they find what they’re looking for: the spot on her ceiling that drives a woman crazy. I press against it and slowly slide my prying members back and forth. My lips seal and rotate, my spit leaking from my mouth and onto her stretched vaginal flesh. Ally can’t hide it, can’t stop herself from singing out. A soft, desperate cry comes from her mouth, and her restrained arms tremble in gratitude.

I play with my twin sister like this, increasing the depth of my invading fingers, increasing the ardency of my sucking lips. She isn’t just moaning anymore; she’s squirming in delight and crying out. Her mouth is curled at the corners in a pleasure-stricken smile, and though the tears still flow from her eyes, the windows to her soul are gleaming with ravenous want. She looks back at me, and I look up at her. I pull my lips from her nectar-soaked slit and smile.

“You’re enjoying this!” I tease softly, my fingers placating her blooming defiance, and replacing it with subservient pleasure, “You like having your brother eat your pussy, don’t you?”

“N-n-no!” she manages to stammer out, though her back is twisting in in response my invading hand.

“In Jake’s fantasy,” I continue, the pace of my fingers still forcing my sister to reel in delight, “he eats you out, he fingers you; do you remember what I told you he wants after that?”

Ally’s eyes widen in fear. Her pleasure-stricken mouth still parts in gaping awe, but the luscious lips that rim it, are quivering.

“That’s right, Ally,” I muse with a smile, “Jake takes his cock,” my other hand joins in and begins caressing her taint, “and he forces it into your virgin asshole.”

Another incantation forms in Ally’s mind. This one isn’t a knock-out shot; this one is lethal. I stop the hemorrhaging spell in its tracks, sending a blast of pain into my sister’ skull.

“You just tried to kill me!” I laugh cruelly, “All that effort you made to get me here, and you were going to throw it all away for some rape?!”

“If you…” Ally pants, “If you touch me again-”

“You’ll do what?” I smirk, “Ally, I’m going to fuck your asshole now.”

Ally thrashes and screams for help. I silence her with her own panties, and revel in her humiliated anadolu yakası escort expression. Her pale face is flush with rage, her blue eyes staring their fear into my own, her mouth puffed at the cheeks as she’s forced to taste the contents of her womanhood. I grin down at her, and once again, part the soft, pale cheeks that are making Jake hard as a rock. I straddle Ally’s thighs, and slide my counter-part’s rigid member between his sister’s glutes, relishing the feeling of her warm softness surrounding me. Her juices froth from her slit without her permission, her body betraying the defiance of her mind. Her asshole is puckered, pink and clean, and it twitches as my shaft glides over it. Through the muffled sobs and pleas of my sister, I hear the murmur of an approving moan escape from her chest. I push down on my throbbing cock, pressing the tip against Ally’s tight, perfect sphincter. She whips her head around, her eyes giving me one last pleading look. I smirk at her fear, getting even harder in its expression. I spread her wider, force my way in.

It’s difficult to describe this feeling. Ally’s sphincter resists me for every inch, clinging desperately closed as I drive harder. Her neck is twisted unnaturally, her head shaking fervently in the final pleas for mercy. I’m not in yet, but I can feel her beginning to expand. I give her a courtesy spit, and watch as the string of saliva descends perfectly to her opening rim. My head eventually breaks through, and Ally’s back begins to flex concavely, her stomach pressing into the bed as her ribs and breasts lift from it. I push deeper, and then…I’m in. Her rim encloses about the crease of shaft, sucking me into her greedily. A muffled scream erupts from Ally’s occupied mouth, her eyes widening, pain mixing with the fear that’s already written across them. I push deeper, savoring the feeling of her tight, warm insides enveloping me, twitching around me, hugging every curve of my girth. Ally’s thrashing beneath me, her back twisting and her legs kicking. Her spine continues to arch with every inch I push into her, as though my cock were a lever for back. Slowly, gradually, I continue my descent, watching in amazement as her shit-hole gapes about me, as her rim thins to a white circle, as her glutes flex and twitch around what remains of my exposed shaft. I push the last inches of myself all the way in, and marvel at the feeling of her gripping asshole clinging to every bit of me. God, it’s the best feeling in the world.

“The hard part’s over, Sweetie,” I tease my screaming sister as I caress her arching back, “it’s all good from here. You did so well.”

Ally isn’t listening to me. She’s thrashing and screaming in agony, her restrained arms flexing to be freed, her wet eyes writhing in their sockets, looking back at her anal penetration in horror. I smile into those eyes and slowly withdraw, laughing at her expression as she sees her inner-flesh come out with me, her anal skin sheathed to my cock. She almost prolapses right there, but I push back in before she does. Ally jerks forward, her head whipping upward in a painful wretch, her back flexing so that every muscle stands up. I pull out, and push in again, increasing my pace and force with each thrust, marveling at the feeling of her tight insides constantly constricting about me.

I shift myself backward and push Ally’s ass up. Her thighs slide out from beneath me as her knees bend. I take a grip of my sister’s blonde hair and force her upward, making her bound arms and back press against my torso. She looks back at me, her eyes still wide in pain and fear, but the pleasure is beginning to show. The pleading stare no longer begs for reprieve, but for continuation. I can see the stream of thought seeping from her mind. ‘Rape me harder, Trish; break me open.’

“Ally,” I smile at her as I begin to thrust deeper into her defiled gape, “do you like this?”

Ally shakes her head.

“Don’t lie to me, Ally,” I whisper in her ear, and then lick the side of her face, “I can taste the truth on you.”

Ally turns her face from me, but I grip her chin and force her gaze back to mine. Her face is contorting deeper into the throes of her ecstasy. The wide-eyed stare she gives me is now seeped in pleasure. Her muffled tones no longer bare the screams of protest, but the ardent pants and moans of a woman in the jaws of ecstasy.

“I’ll stop if you want me to.” I smile, knowing the lines of her mind, “I’ll pull out, untie you, and we can pretend it never happened. Do you want me to do that?”

Ally nods her head; she thinks I’m bluffing.

“Ok,” I say, and pull out of her ass, her exhausted sphincter prolapsing, and forcing a sharp cry of delight from my sister, “we’ll stop.”

Ally’s face falls in dismay. Her eyes look at me pleadingly. She bows her head and muffles something.

“I’m sorry,” I smile, and pull her panties from her mouth, “I didn’t catch that.”

“I…” Ally says, her voice soft and faint, “I…don’t want you to stop.”

“What was that?” I smile.

“I want you to rape my ass.” She grumbles.

“Come again?” I tease.

“I WANT YOU TO RAPE MY ASS!” she screams, her voice etched in desperation, her eyes pleading-no-begging me to do so.

“Ally,” I laugh, “I was wondering about something: was I supposed to wake up tonight?”

“No,” Ally confesses, a coy smile forming across her lips, “you were supposed to stay dormant for two more days.”


“But I shaved off fifteen more milligrams from Jake’s doses,” Ally grins, “so that you’d wake up tonight.”

“How long have you wanted to fuck your brother?” I ask her.

“Jake? I wanted to fuck Jake since we were fifteen. You? A bit longer than that.”

“And this whole thing…”

“I got a bikini wax and a bleaching two days ago,” Ally said, “just for this occasion. Ever since you told me about Jake’s anal rape fantasy, Trish, about how you wanted to do it so bad…I’ve been fingering my asshole every night thinking about it, about how I would react, how I should stay submissive, what thoughts I should let you see.”

“Let me see?!” I asked, completely dumbfounded.

“I learned how to block you out almost instantly,” Ally laughs, “I just drop a few hints, a few subtle inklings of my mind. Lead you on a bit.”

“Ally,” I laugh, shaking my head, “you’re just as-if not more-fucked up than me.”

“I know,” Ally smirks, “Tomorrow, Jake’s going to take my pussy virginity; I knew he couldn’t handle this fantasy.”

“But I could,” I smile as I press my cock between her glutes, “and I played right into your hand, didn’t I?”

“Does it make you angry that I manipulated you?” Ally smirks at me, “Do I need to be punished for it?”

“You’ve been such a naughty little slut.” I whisper in her ear.

“Yesssssss,” she hisses, “demean me, degrade me.”

“You’re a sick little whore,” I snarl as my hands reach around her and grip her full, pale breasts, “who wants to fuck her brother.”

“I am!” she moans, “I’m a shameless skank who wants to be raped in the ass!”

“I’m going to have to hurt you, Ally,” I say as my thumb and forefinger pinch a nipple in each hand, “I’m going to have to teach my new whore a lesson.”

“Teach me, Master!” she cries, “Punish me for being such a little slut!”

I angle my cock against her puckered sphincter and give her what she wants. She cries out in delight, her eyes still brimming with tears, her lips agape in part of ecstasy. Her warm insides welcome me with their clinging embrace, her prolapse internalizing as I push back in. Her head whips back until it’s resting on my chest, her panting mouth breathing her breath into my nostrils, her begging eyes staring her pleasure into my face. I grin down at her as I pump harder and harder in her destroyed anus, my fingers stretching her nipples from her body, her ample, pale bosom deforming to conical spheres. Her brow furrows, her mouth screams, her back arches and her glutes flex about my cock. Her ass presses against my pelvis as I drive in, and her rim stretches from her pelvic floor as I pull out. Her body gyrates; her bound arms struggling behind her back, her thighs contracting, her hips grinding, her chest heaving as her breasts bounce in my pinching hands.

“Oh god, Trish,” Ally screams, “I’m coming!”

I let her breasts fall from my hands. They bounce in delightful jiggle, and then bob to the increasing cadence of our lust. I grip my sister’s thick, pale thighs, and push them forward. Her legs fall out from beneath her as I lean back into a sitting position. I continue pulling her legs up until her knees are in line with her ears. I slide my elbows beneath the backs of her knees and lock my fingers together behind her head, forcing her face to look down at what I’m doing to her. She squeals in delight, her anus contracting and convulsing, her abs flexing as her ankles dangle helplessly above her head. Her pelvic floor stretches from her body with each pull; my girth bringing her insides out of her, sending spasms shooting up her spine. She’s screaming now, an endless, unbroken note that fluctuates to the chaotic cadence of my thrusts. Her entire body is shaking with the speed of our sex; her breasts jiggling wildly, her ass rippling in delicious waves of flesh, her hair flailing in a mess of blonde. Her scream turns to hoarse sobs, “oh, my god, oh my god,” is all her mouth can say.

I turn my sister’s face to my own. Her lips are quivering and agape, a permanent expression of shocked euphoria strewn across her pretty face. I gaze into her pleasure-warped eyes and bring her mouth to my own. It’s the first time either of us has been kissed. Somehow, I know exactly what to do, but Ally is obviously a novice. I guide her through it, opening her mouth and sharing her tongue with my own. Her flavor permeates inside me, her wet member entangling and wrestling with my own. Our lips suck gently about each other as we express the pleasure of our bodies. She breaks from the kiss to yield another screech. Her anus convulsing wildly, her pelvis shooting contracting spasms up her spine. She stares at me, her eyes wide and brimming, her brow furrowed, her lips parted wide, her cheeks flushed and her skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. Then she flings her head back and screams louder than ever before. The muscles in her abdomen flex and twitch wildly, her asshole clenches around me in a lusty vice. Lecherous tones erupt from her chest as her chaotic breath mingles with her soprano note. I feel the quaking in Jake’s nethers, the tell-tale sign that the end is near. Ally’s head wrenches forward, her shoulders pinning back, digging their blades into my chest. A stream of feminine juices erupts from her pussy, showering us with her sweet stink. Her back arches in a violent return, sending her head flailing back, and jutting her breasts forward. My hands leave the back of my sister’s head, and greedily sink their fingers into her flailing breasts. She’s no longer screaming, but mouthing soundlessly to me, her mind completely gone in the wake of her first sexual orgasm. I feel the last of me give way to the building sensation, and I roar out in Jake’s voice, thrusting my sister into the air as I unload into her ruined gape. She finds her voice and joins my own in a harmony of lust, our bodies rising in crescendo as the last beats of our sex smack skin-to-skin.

We fade down together, our breathing heavy and panting, our bodies wet with the strain of our lust. I fall backward, and she collapses on top of me. We lay there for a while, recovering from the intensity, regaining control of our minds. The dopamine rush kicks in; evolution telling me that I did good. I finally find the strength to unbind my sister, and she rotates on top of me and plants a passionate, thankful kiss on my lips. I tangle a hand in her blonde hair and return it. We part, a string of saliva bridging our mouths, and we stare into one another’s eyes.

“That’s a hell of a way to lose your virginity.” I laugh.

“I’m still a virgin,” Ally smiles, “the ol’ poop-hole loophole.”

“You’re saving it for Jake, huh?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Ally says, rolling to her side and nestling her head on my chest, “a romantic, gentle first time.”

“Mmm, I don’t think that’s how you really like it,” I smirk, “you little anal slut.”

“Shut up, Trish,” Ally giggles, “there’s more to my sexuality than just a hard fuck. With you, I want to be violent and aggressive, but with Jake, I want to be loving and tender.”

“Jake still thinks of you as his sister,” I say, “you’ll have a hard time convincing him to do anything.”

“And you?” I ask, “Are you not my sister, and am I not yours?”

“Well, yeah, I see you as a sister, but that just makes it hotter for me,” I laugh, and fill my hand with her supple ass, “you and I are a set of depraved twins. I didn’t know how fucked up you were though.”

“I spent too much time in my own head after they put the regulators on me,” Ally says, “I had…a lot of dark thoughts go through me; mostly aimed at Jake for stepping off the side of that curb without looking. I killed a man, Trish; that changes you.”

“And somehow, murder turned you into a masochistic, incestuous deviant,” I smirked, “who planned out her own rape days in advance.”

“I’m a mess, I know,” Ally sighs, “but I think we’ll need a couple of damaged women in the days and weeks to come. Things are going to get bad, Trish; people are going to die.”

“And we’re going to kill them,” I say, bringing her close, “we’re going to kill them all.”

“Have you made contact with Sydney?” Ally asks me.

“I have,” I say, “we’ll meet her and Ashley at the convention tomorrow.”

We were silent for a moment, and then Ally spoke what we were both thinking.

“How the fuck are we going to tell Jake about this?” she asks me, “I told him I’d mediate between you two when you were supposed to come out. He’s going to wake up tomorrow with memories of anally fucking his sister!”

“Eh,” I shrugged indifferently, “he should just be happy I didn’t try a complete take-over.”

“Would you?” Ally asked.

“Not if you live up to your side of the bargain.” I reply.

“That…” Ally trails off, “I have no idea how to tell him.”

“It’s easy: ‘hey, Jake, you know how I saved your life that one time, and how I’m currently saving your life now? Well, in exchange for saving your life, you have to become a she-male.'”

“And then Jake tucks his dick between his legs, and high-tails it to Michigan.” Ally responds.

“Where they’ll catch him, experiment on him, and kill him…kill us.” I reply.

“Do they know about you yet?” Ally asks, referring to the companies that would pursue us, “Can you see them?”

“Representatives from Enhanced Engineering are at our house right now,” I say gravely, “they suspected Jake and I for a while, but now they’ve got government clearance to enter a crime scene. Ally, I can spy on them for a while, but once they find out what I am, they’ll put jammers on, and then we won’t see them coming.”

“Time is short,” Ally says, “we’ll need to get out of here soon.”

“After we meet up with Sydney and Ashley,” I say, “then we’ll go deeper.”

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Tranny in Toronto – Chapter 3

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I stood outside Tim Hortons with a small coffee in my hand, sipping away on a cool windy day. I looked at the cars driving by me, just waiting for the white van to show up. Two men from Craigslist messaged me and asked me for a Sunday afternoon fuck. I agreed to my first MMF threesome. They called it a MMT threesome and were really excited to fuck a prostitute, and not only that but they wanted a “shemale” really badly. They told me to come to Scarborough, an area where I’ve been to a lot now for some “fun.”

There were lots of Indian people at the intersection of Brimley and Lawrence walking by shopping at the nearby stores. I wondered how their lives were doing. It was almost Winter 2012, snow would be falling soon. I watched as a white Dodge Caravan pulled up towards the Tim Hortons. I quickly took out my phone and wrote down their plate number as they parked in the small parking lot beside the Tim Hortons. Two men came out, both brown males, around 30 years old, short black hair and brown eyes. They were both skinny and clean shaven. They both wore jeans and a long sleeved shirt as they approached me.

The difference I guess between them was their height. One man had a much deeper voice, he was 5’8. The other guy had a quiet voice and was only 5’6. Both of them stared at me as they approached me.

“Hi, my name is Shirag.” The quiet man said as he shook my hand.

The other guy just waved as he said, “I’m Kumar.”

I shook Shirag’s hand and introduced myself, “My name’s Lizzie, you can call me Liz if you like.” Shirag smiled after I said that. Kumar headed back to the van while Shirag and I stood and talked.

“So how much do you charge?” Shirag asked me while smiling.

I thought about what to say but I already knew my decision.

“Why don’t we discuss money once we get there,” I suggested. I knew that if we discussed in public, there was also a chance we could be seen and caught by the cops which is the last of my worry. I haven’t seen one police car so far in Scarborough, but it was better to be safe than sorry. I placed my coffee on the floor, then Shirag and I walked towards their parked white van.

“We’re gonna head to my apartment,” Shirag said as he opened the back seat door for the van. He motioned for me to enter which I did and sat in the backseat. Kumar had already started his the van and we watched as Shirag got in the shotgun seat and put on his seat belt.

“Hey Liz,” Shirag said as he took out something from his vehicle compartment. “Put his on, just until we get there.” He held out a blindfold and handed it to me. They both watched me as I put it on to cover my eyes. I’ve never worn a blindfold before, so it was kind of scary and also exciting; the fact that anadolu yakası sevgili tadında escort they had me to themselves was a turn-on. They began to drive the van, if I knew the area of Scarborough well, I probably could have imagined myself knowing where they were taking me. But I didn’t so I was basically hoping that these guys weren’t rapists or killers or whatever. It was a 5 minute car ride until I felt the van begin to back up and park.

When we arrived, the two men exited the van and opened the back door and held my hand to have me exit, “Watch your step,” was what I thought Shirag had said. They held my hand as I walked blindly and led me inside some sort of lobby. I was first in the parking lot, then I think I was in the lobby of the building, then I felt my heels hit something soft, most likely some sort of carpet and next thing I know, Shirag says, “You can take your blindfold off.”

I took out my blindfold and found myself in a bedroom. There was one big bed with a colorful blanket and white sheets on it. There was a computer, t.v, cabinets, fans, clothes basically it was someone’s room. Shirag took out his wallet, “How much do you charge?” He asked again, this time inside a building instead of outside.

I thought to myself very quickly of the situation. I was inside their home already, that should bump up the price. I was a transgender woman which they wanted to fuck, that increased the price as well. They seemed to like my co-operation, my body, and the way I looked and acted. This would increase the price even more. “$200.00 per person would be fair.” I said aloud. Shirag nodded and opened his wallet full of large stacks of bills. He counted $200.00 for himself, then he counted $200.00 again for his friend. I took the money after thanking him and put it in my purse. When Kumar entered the bedroom, closed and locked the door, I knew it had begun.

Kumar came up, held my face very gently and began to kiss me on the lips. He then began to put his hands around my boobs and began to squeeze them through my shirt. Shirag came over and began to lick my face all over.He slowly began to bite my ear very tenderly. I was feeling so much pleasure right away from these two dudes, even before we had gotten nude. They began to remove my clothes and kissing me all over my body, making sure to kiss my nipples and stomach as they went further down. Shirag pulled down my skirt and then my panties exposing my 7 inch hard cock to them. Kumar continued to kiss my lips and Shirag began to suck my cock until it was erect. They then laid me on the bed and hopped on top of me.

Both men began to suck my cock, licking it and spitting it, anadolu yakası oral yapan escort and drooling all over it. They were working very well together to make me cum. Kumar then put his mouth over my cock and began to deep throat it, I could feel my cock going all the way inside his mouth towards his throat, feeling the sensational feelings of his tongue all the way through. Shirag raised my left knee and began to massage and suck my balls. They were doing it so tenderly and quickly I felt my balls about to burst. I could feel the rush of semen from my balls ejaculate mixing with the sperms and cumming out right into Kumar’s mouth.

“Oh Fuck, Oh Shit, I’m Cumming!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, grabbing the blanket below me and squeezing it as tight as I could while I had the biggest orgasm of my life. I shot stream after stream, load after load of white sperm into Kumar’s mouth. He tried to swallow but a lot of my sperm came out from his mouth and onto the bed in between my legs. It was such an amazing sight.

“Now our turn.” Kumar said smiling with sperm in his mouth.

I went on my knees in a doggy position and Kumar and Shirag went around me. Kumar was in front of me taking off his clothing exposing his hairy body and 5′ circumcised dick. I didn’t really care who I was fucking, they paid for a fuck, and I would try my best to have fun. I began to suck Kumar’s cock stroking it while sucking his exposed head. This was the first time I sucked a circumcised cock, it was much more harder to stroke the foreskin but I knew it meant he was cleaner compared to an uncircumcised. I spit, rolled my tongue around, and used as much spit over his cock sucking it while he held the back of my head and slowly pushed his cock in my mouth. I thought Shirag would remove his clothes and fuck me from behind but he actually went behind me towards a cabinet and began looking for something. I sucked Kumar’s dick harder and harder, faster and faster, rolling my tongue around the head of his cock vigorously and rapidly. His groans began to get louder and louder and I felt his dick twitch.

“Shit, stop, I don’t wanna cum.” Kumar said. I opened my mouth and backed my head away from his cock. His dick was erect, staring right at me, shaking. Then all of a sudden, “Oh FUCK!” Kumar shouted as his dick shook, then shot his sperm right onto my face. It went on my blonde hair, my forehead, and my nose. The feeling of cum on my face felt so nice, like applying warm lotion on my face. It was really warm. “Fuck Me!” Kumar said. I grabbed a napkin from beside the bed and wiped off the cum off my face. Kumar laid back on his bed and breathed heavily with his eyes closed, anadolu yakası escort his dick was slowly becoming limp but was still having spasms.

I turned around looking at Chirag as he was looking in the cabinet for something. “Dam, I think I forgot to buy condoms.” He said turning around and seeing the mess Kumar made on me. He smiled but when he saw Kumar’s limp dick, he said, “What the fuck man, why did you cum?”

“I’ve got a condom,” I said to Shirag. I got off the bed and headed over to his cabinet and opened my purse. I took out a condom and began to open it.

“Fuck my life,” Kumar said looking disappointed, “I couldn’t fucking hold my cum in, can I fuck you afterwards?”

“Nope, you cum, and the fun is done.” I said. Shirag nodded and took the opened condom from my hand and then placed it on the bed. He then began stripping off his clothes. He was a skinny guy like Kumar, but he had a lot more body hair than Kumar, a big turn off. Luckily, he was already hard and horny. His dick was like Kumar’s, circumcised and about 5′ long. He laid down on his bed beside Kumar and put on the condom on his dick. I went on the bed and in between his legs. Kumar watched in a disgusted view, sadly he would have no fun tonight as his limp dick sat there.

I held Shirag’s dick and guided it in my asshole very slowly. The lubrication from the condom helped push it in. “Oh fuck!” Shirag and I moaned as his dick went further into my asshole. I slowly began to ride his dick very slowly as Shirag put his hands and rubbed my stomach. Kumar also got on his knees and began to suck my now erect dick. We created a rhythm together as Kumar would suck my dick while I stood still on my knees, leaving Shirag to fuck me at whatever rate he chose. He chose to fuck me faster and faster, harder and harder until his dick completely fit into my asshole. The feelings of sensations were running throughout my body, I couldn’t breath at some points. I could feel my balls tightening as I heard Shirag scream, “I’m Cumming!”

“Oh, fuck, I’m cumming also!” I said aloud with Kumar trying to deep-throat my dick once again. Shirag squeezed my boobs as hard as possible as he froze, pumping sperm right into the condom in my asshole. Kumar pulled his mouth away and gave me a hand-job until my wet dick began to twitch. I felt my balls tighten and I shot wads and wads of sperm right onto Kumar’s face just like he did to me. He was smiling as the shots landed on his nose, mouth, and then his chest. He came up and kissed me on the lips, a small kiss which sealed the deal.


“It was our first time fucking a prostitute.” Shirag said as he and Kumar were driving me back to Tim Hortons. I was again blindfolded but they said I could remove it a few minutes after the car ride had begun, knowing I was not a cop, just a normal girl. “Kumar’s an idiot for cumming so fast, I think he needs to get a Viagra pill or something.” Shirag teased. Kumar was not happy however, he seemed pissed off that he came so quickly. But rules are rules, and you’ve got to follow them.


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Three Granddaughters – part 2- Mickey

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Three Granddaughters- Part 2-Mickey

Dusty, the oldest of my three granddaughters, and her husband, Andy, lived in my small rent house across the street from me.
Just before they married, Dusty had shared with me that she was already pregnant. Pregnancy made her life a continuous state of sexual desire. The same day she gave me the news, she also gave me the first blow job I’d had since her Granny had died.
I’m happy to say that my lovely granddaughter and I have had a very active sexual relationship since that day.
Some days, we don’t fuck. Some days we don’t eat each other. Some days we even wear clothes in each other’s presence… but those occasions are rare.

During the last month of Dusty’s pregnancy, we had less interaction. The changes the baby was making in her system made it less comfortable for her… plus the fact that Andy was around a lot more, making it harder for us to make fuck time.

With two weeks to go, before she delivered her little boy, I had just been the recipient of a fantastic, deep throat, blow job when Dusty asked me, “Grandad, how would you feel about fucking Mickey?”

Needless to say, Dusty had already rid me of all hesitations about sex with my granddaughters. As Mickey’s body (especially her fine ass) was even nicer than Dusty’s, I replied, “Shit, Honey, I’d fuck her in a second. I’d love to have this old cock stuck in her, doggy style. I’d stare straight down at her wide ass as I filled her up. I’m not sure she’d think much of fucking her ol’ Grandad, though.”

“I already talked to her. She’s considering it. She’ll be home from college this weekend and she’s supposed to stay with Andy and me… maybe she can stay here, with you, instead… and you’re 58, Grandad. That’s not old.”

My dick was getting hard again, thinking about Mickey. I could just see her naked body getting out of my shower, dripping wet. Her long arms sliding the towel under and over those D-cup tits, dwelling for a few minutes on her nipples, which I assumed were dark, like Dusty’s.
As she would move to her ass cheeks, I could visualize her looking over her shoulder, carefully drying one side at a time… proud of her ASSets.
Her pussy would be next; squatting a little as she dried between each luscious fold of skin.
She would rub her clit in a circular motion, not necessarily to dry the area, but because of the feeling it gave her.


I didn’t realize was almost in a trance. Dusty now had another grip on my stiff cock, stroking it slowly.

“Oh, sorry, Darlin’. I was thinking about your sister.”

“Seeing how quickly this got hard again, you must have been thinking about it being inside her.”

I kissed my precious Dusty and told her about my daydream, “I sure wish you weren’t so close to this baby getting’ here, I would really like to have some of your sweet, sweet pussy right about now.”

“Me, too, Grandad. I love you so much, and I know my butt isn’t as nice as Mickey’s, but if you want, you can fill up my butthole. Just please take it easy, I’ll have this big ol’ belly underneath me and I don’t want to go into early labor.”

“Lay on your back, Honey, I want to love on your big fat belly, suck your big fat tits and eat your big fat cunt first.”

I was sitting at the dining room table when I glanced through the front window toward Dusty and Andy’s house. I watched Mickey’s Nissan pull up and saw her ass bounce slightly as she ran up the steps and hugged her big sister. They disappeared into the house for about fifteen minutes; then reappeared and walked, arm-in-arm, toward my house. anadolu yakası kendi evinde görüşen escort

“HI GRANDAD!” Mickey wrapped her arms around me and smashed her tits into my chest. She kissed me on the cheek, smiled and looked into my eyes, “I sure have missed my favorite Grandad. You’re my favorite man in the whole world… but don’t tell Dad; he thinks he’s my favorite.”

She kissed me again and asked if I had any Coke, Pepsi or ‘whatever’. I snatched a Pepsi from the fridge and handed it to her. Dusty was about to sit down at the table in ‘her’ chair, the one with a pillow for her back. I suggested we sit on the back deck, since the day was beautiful and the light October breeze was warm.

We started with trivial talk; Mickey’s college classes… Dusty’s false alarm labor… Bri’s upcoming graduation… what kind of pizza we would order for supper, and so on.
Finally, Dusty stood and said, “Okay, you two need to decide when and where you’re gonna start fucking. Talk about it while I get ready for Andy to come home. Once he gets his shower, we’ll be over for that Pizza.
“Don’t even hesitate, Mick, Grandad is the BEST.”

Mickey and I sat quiet for a few minutes after Dusty made her exit. Then, out of the blue, Mickey looked at me and spoke, “Let me see it.”

“What, Honey?”

“Your dick… Let me see it.”

“Excuse me?? Let me see your pussy.”

“I want to see your dick before I agree to anything.”

“I want to see your pussy before I agree to anything.”

“No, you don’t. You’re a man. It doesn’t matter what my pussy looks like, you’d fuck it anyway.”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right. Are sure you even want to do this?”

“No, I’m not sure. You’re my grandfather. You’ve been here for me all my life, especially when Mom died. I just can’t quite imagine seeing your naked body, much less having it on top of mine with your dick stuck in me. Dusty says you’re great at sex, but she’s always been horny and would fuck a power saw if it would give her an orgasm.”

I had to chuckle at that scenario, but I stood and unbuttoned the single button on my lounge pants, “You sure?”

She stood and took the couple of steps toward my chair. Once beside me, Mickey crossed her legs and sat on the floor, “Yep, let me see what I might be getting tonight.”

Instead of sliding my cock out of the fly, I just shoved my pants down to my ankles and kicked them aside. My meat was at her eye level, but only half hard. I eased forward until it was almost touching her beautiful face, “Can you see it yet?”

She took it in her hand and smiled up at me, “You know, I have two boyfriends that will graduate from high school this year. They’re legal age and hung pretty good, but they are just boys. They can fill my pussy with a fine cock, but they don’t last very long. Davey fucked me four times in an hour and a half, but he still dumped his fourth load in less than five minutes. Once I get my teaching certification, I won’t be able to fuck with students.
“ Hmmm…Granny must have liked this one pretty good; let’s see what it looks like at full size.”

She stroked me for a few minutes and kissed on, under and around the head. Once Ol’ Fat Boy was stiff and ready, Mickey grabbed a seat cushion, plopped it on the deck and raised to her knees, “Ronny likes a titty fuck, you want one?”

I smiled in anticipation as she lifted her tank top over her head. Sure enough, her dark aureoles and tit size were nearly identical to Dusty’s. She wrapped the length of my dick between her beautiful, anadolu yakası eve gelen escort smooth globes and began her ‘up and down’ motion. Seeing the pleasure in my eyes, she opened her mouth and snaked her tongue to the tip each time it popped up toward her chin.

“Mmmm…. I can sure understand why this Ronny guy likes it. You feel great, middle girl.”
She popped my cock head in and out of her mouth a couple times and grinned at me, “It’s been a long time since you called me ‘middle girl’. I used to not like it much, but it seems to be kinda special to me now.”

I stroked her brown hair and enjoyed the special attention for nearly twenty minutes before I warned her, my load was about to blow. She squeezed her tits tighter on my shaft but kept her head bowed and sucked harder on the bulb. It was far from the deep throat Dusty could give, but Mickey didn’t lose a drop of my cum. She swallowed, sucked and swallowed again, and again.

“God… I can’t believe I just did that to you, Grandad,” she gave my softening dick a small twist, “I’m sure there’s some sin involved; maybe even broke some laws. But… I do love my Grandad; and I’m glad I’m able to make you feel good.
“Uh… I think I heard Andy’s pickup. They’ll be coming for pizza before long.”

“You already made me cum for my pizza, middle girl. I guess I need to call the order in.”

When we finished supper, Mickey announced that she was going to visit her dad, Wayne, and stepmother, Tess, “I should be back by about 10:30-11:00. I’ll be staying here with Grandad, Dusty, but if you need me, I always have my cell phone on.”

Andy asked if he could bring Mickey’s bags in, but she told him she’d wait until the next morning, “There’s really not all that much. I’ll just bring my overnight bag in when I get back.”

She kissed all three of us and headed out the door. Andy said he needed to fix a dripping faucet that had kept him awake the night before. Dusty told him she’d be home as soon as she helped me tidy things up.


“Well, what?”

“Well, is she gonna take care of ‘Ol Fat Boy during fall break, while I’m out of commission with the baby?”

I smiled and told her we had already gotten off to a good start, “Well, I got off, anyway. Between my Viagra and cock pump, I’ll be willing to bet middle girl gets off before the night’s over. If you come for breakfast in the morning, be kinda quiet; we may be sleeping late… or something.”

She hugged me, soundly, and said, “I know this shit is so wrong on so many levels, but it always feel so right. I love my Grandad… see you in the morning.”

True to her word, Mickey came through the back door about 10:45. She gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, “I think I’ll get a shower… wanna wash my back… or my boobs?”

“I’ll be happy to get the water running, where’s your overnight bag…”

She waved her toothbrush at me and said, “this is all I need.”

I had already showered once, right after everybody finished supper and deserted me. But my walk-in, all-clear, glass shower was plenty big enough for two. Granny and I had sex inside that enclosure many times. Dusty and I had shared a few, too, over the last six or seven months. My Viagra had already done its job and I was ready for whatever Mickey wanted. The Lord may not have been looking down favorably on me, right about then, but I still took a few seconds to thank him for my health and my granddaughters.

Mickey walked in, naked as when her Granny and I used to bathe her. But twenty years later, she looked a whole, lot anadolu yakası escort different… make that a whole, lot better.
I questioned her shaven pussy and she explained that she’d made a trip to Mexico and had the hair removed, permanently, “I never have to worry about stubble, like Dusty does.”

When she questioned my stiffness, I explained about the Viagra. I told her that I never had the side effects of blurred vision, or headache, “The main problem I have is, I can fuck and empty a load, but the old son-of-a-bitch gets hard again every 1-1/2 to 2 hours for the next 18 or twenty hours. If I use it again, I might cum or I might just get a sensation of cumming. Doesn’t really matter, though; I’m hard again in a couple more hours.”

Both of us were soaped-up and rinsing off, “Dusty said you day-dreamed about doing me from behind. She says you think I have a nice butt, and would like to look at it when you screw me. Sounds like a plan to me.”

“Dusty needs to be a little more careful what she tells you. I don’t recall saying you have a nice butt. My words were, ‘fine ass’.”

She giggled and raised her tits with one arm, while she rinsed soap from under them. My mouth took advantage and took a quick pull on each nipple, “Besides, I’m just here to please my favorite middle girl. However you want it, it’ll be fine with me.”

“Here and now… doggy style. That way I can wash again before I get out of the shower.”

We turned the water off and Mickey turned her back to me, latched onto the rear towel rack and thrust her ass toward me, “Be gentle with me, I’m a virgin.”


She snickered and said, “That’s what I told Billy Dean Thomas about seven years ago.”
I slapped her gently on the right butt cheek and scolded her a little. We were plenty wet, so entering her was no problem. Once I was fully seated, her vaginal muscles went to work, “You’re gonna remember this one, Grandad.”

She was right. I still remember how her muscles worked my cock, like a farmer milks a cow’s tit. Somehow, her vagina gripped the base and squeezed down the length of my manhood, toward the light purple head.
About eight or nine minutes later, I dumped my nuts deep in her guts. I felt like it was even more than I’d planted inside Dusty’s bowels earlier that morning.

Mickey’s fall break ended way too soon, but she promised to spend Christmas break with me, too, “That’s about the same time Dusty can start fucking again… maybe we can figure out a threesome. Bri will be eighteen the day after Christmas, too. Do you think we should start talking to her about your giving her a little more… shall we say ‘experience’?”

“Remember when you told me that I was a man and I would fuck your pussy, regardless of what it looked like?”


“Cocks are made for fucking pussies. You have a fan-Goddamn-tastic pussy, middle girl. Dusty has so much pussy, she could keep six men drained. There’s absolutely no doubt in this old man’s mind that Brianna is, or will be, just as wonderful to fuck as either of you.
“But I’ll never push her to do it, just like I never pushed either of you. You girls are my entire life. Wayne would kill me deader than a fuckin’ mackerel if he knew I was having sex with you two.
“Once Bri hits eighteen, and IF she wants to include sex in her relationship with me, what can I say… I’d eat her young cunt and fuck her brains out. I may have to get a stronger dosage of Viagra to keep up… or keep IT up. My answer, sweetheart, is yes. I’d love to fuck Bri, but only if she initiates it.”

“Wonderful, Grandad! Now… I’ll be back in a couple months and I want to stay with you again, okay?”

“Of course.”

“How ‘bout we have one more go at it before I hit the highway? This one is totally your wish; how would you like to give me my ‘going away’ present?”

“Hmmm… how ‘bout a good sixty-nine?”

“Great, I’ll take the top.”

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Watch for Part 3- Brianna

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The spy and his villain

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It took a lot of planning, hard work and sleepless nights but I finally did it. I finally captured him.
For years the spy exposed and destroyed most of my plans, undermining my wealth and destroying many beneficial economical treaties I made with other high end criminals. No I don’t consider myself a villain even when the general public often calls me so, I merely think I am a business man and business is never a clean honest work. If anything I am more honest than most of my counterparts who portray themselves as good natured family men, the mere hypocrisy of it makes me laugh.
Soon when the spy is thoroughly dealt with I might even take the wolf in sheep clothing kind of mask, after all with him out of the way there will be no one else to expose me.
Truth be told, I am not necessarily planning to kill him, what I truly want is to take his spirit and break it in a million pieces only to rebuild him in a travesty of what it used to be. He will not only be my slave, he will be my bitch.
For three days I instructed my henchmen to give him a few moderate beatings and a few creative non traumatic torture maneuvers, nothing he can’t handle, because if I want to have my way with him I need to soften him up a bit. That bastard is tougher than a coffin nail and quite resourceful, one wrong move and he might escape.
But now he is ripe for the taking, a little bruised and battered but not too much, how thoughtful of my henchmen to hose him down first. My heart is drumming inside my chest, how long have I dreamed of seeing him like this: completely naked, tied down to a chair and helplessly shivering with cold.
His body is in fact perfect, slim yet muscular with not even an ounce of fat, skin pale like marble and black unruly hair. For someone who is considered the typical action hero there is something eerily feminine about him, maybe it his boyish looks or the fact that he has very little body hair.
“What do you want?” He says defiant, annoyed even, I think my men were a bit too gentle with this one.
I do not respond yet walk around him in silence; does he actually expect me to give him a monologue detailing my plans like a cartoon villain?
“The CIA will not come for you, not because they can’t or don’t know where you are but because they think you are not worth negotiating for” I say nonchalantly.
I see a flicker of hurt anadolu yakası escort in those baby blue eyes and know I hit a nerve, his bosses are pleased with his results but not with the collateral damage he causes. In this dark cold basement he is utterly alone and he knows it.
Poor thing, shaking from the cold he thinks I want to interrogate him but what I truly want is to fuck his brains out. By the time I’m done with him he’ll give me all I ask for in a gold platter.
I remove a syringe from my pocket and jab it in his neck, it’s so fast he can merely gasp in shock, the liquid flows fast down his veins carrying several muscle relaxers and a smidge of heroin. It’s a special concoction created to break his defenses and make him more responsive to my ministrations. By the time he feels my greedy hands running down his torso he is too drugged to do anything about it but not enough to lose consciousness. His half closed blue eyes look at me in confusion as my hands drift lower settling down on his cock.
The flesh in there is perfectly proportionate, nice seven inches when soft and incredibly beautiful, the shaft is flawless with no protruding veins and circumcised. I stroke it gently at first, my thumb paying special attention to the head.
I hear him murmur incoherent words that resemble protests but with enough friction and patience I notice how the blood begins to flow down the member as it swells, when it begins to drip pre cum I put it in my mouth and suck vigorously. At first my hands merely wonder in the soft skin between his thighs but as his hips begin to move in that ancestral motion my fingers manage to wiggle themselves into his tight anus. The movement is forced and difficult since he is still sitting while tied up to a chair but at the very first contact he explodes into my mouth, I sucked him dry.
I stand up now and see him, completely relaxed and malleable and I can’t decide whether now is the right moment to fuck him in the ass or make him suck me, for now I choose the latter because the first might be too uncomfortable with him in this position.
I am hard as wood as my cock enters his mouth, my hands put an iron grip on his jaw in case he wishes to bite me off, his warm mouth is a gateway to heaven. He is so shocked and spent by his orgasm that he barely puts up a fight, but as time passes anadolu yakası gecelik escort and my thrusts become more frantic he tries to gag and wreck me away, his resistance only heightens my arousal as now it is clear that I am owning him, dominating his whore mouth. My large hands make a crushing grip on each side of his head as I fuck his mouth with abandon and I don’t stop until his whole face is covered in my cum.
For the first time I see fear in his eyes, torture he might handle on daily basis but rape was something out of his league. I know that getting him lose from the restraints is a bad idea because he is so desperate he would do anything to escape but at the same time I cannot properly fuck him in that position so I drug him once more and this time he does pass out.
My henchmen place him in a small mattress on the other corner of the room, laying him on his stomach. Sturdy chains tie his ankles wide an apart while both his hands are tied above his head, now he is spread eagle in front of me, unable to stop my ruthless assault. For fun they hose him down with cold water once more, removing the traces of our previous activities, at the contact with the freezing water he only moans deliciously.
His anus is closed and tense at first but I take my sweet time making sure it opens up, first I tongue it a little gulping on his musky scent, then I cover my fingers in baby oil and one by one mi fingers manage to squeeze in. By the time the third one makes his entrance he wakes up, he tries desperately to shake me out but he is tied up so tightly he can barely move. I am relentless, my fingers go deeper and deeper only to reside and then get back in with force.
“Please stop” He manages to beg and that drives me crazy with lust, my index manages to rub his prostate and he gives me a sensuous manly moan that increases my lust even more. I attack that weak spot with no mercy until he is reduced to a blubbering incoherent mess, his hips dance in a rocking motion inviting me in and my left hand sneaks below him to reach for his hard cock.
Drunk with power I command “Beg for it my little bitch, beg for my cock” he manages to shake his head and mutter a forced “never”. Oh well, I am a very patient man and truth be told in spite of my arousal I can do this all day, seeing as anadolu yakası sınırsız escort my hands bring this brave once powerful man to its knees. My fingers in my right hand attack his prostate with no mercy while my left hand strokes his beautiful cock but as soon as he is about to climax I stop and begin to slap his tight little ass over and over again, by the eleventh time I do this he is crying in despair and frustration and begs “please do it”.
Do what?” I ask feigning innocence, I want him to say it right
“Please fuck me” he says crying ashamed
“Do you want me to fuck you like the little bitch you are?”
He doubts at first but shaking he finally concedes “Yes”
“Then say it” I say slapping his perfectly round buttocks
“Fuck me like the bitch I am!” He says still crying.
Now I can finally obey, his bruised worn entrance lets me in easily but as I go deeper he gets tighter and tighter. I have never experienced a joy like this, his body is extremely hot and slick with the baby oil, with every thrust he loosens up but just a bit. I take my cock all the way out just to shove it back in with force and I hear the musical sound of his moan of pain and pleasure, it doesn’t take long until my pace gets frantic his narrow hips meet me with force and I come inside of him.
It disappoints me that I came too soon, and the sight of him sprawled and spent in front of me with my cum leaking from his rectum is enough to get me back in. I hastily remove the chains around his ankles and he doesn’t even pretend he might fight back. I turn him around and see his cock still erect; until my own erection is recovered I suck him off with gusto, my saliva coating the lovely flesh. I am ready within minutes and I command him:
“Spread your legs for me you little slut”
He obeys without hesitation and I plunge myself in his depths again, now even slicker and accommodating; it is a beautiful trance that we fall into. I move slowly now, enjoying every inch of his tight inner passage, relishing in the little face of pain he has when I get deep inside of him and little by little the pace quickens once more. I masturbate him with abandon and witness him come, what a wonderful sight.
Now he is once more limp in my arms, his body is fluid as if he had melted away. I grab his bruised hips and fuck him with all the force I have to give, he bobs up and down like a ragdoll, I come inside of him once more it was by far the best orgasm of my life.
My henchmen surround us with tense expressions, their erections are noticeable even below their jeans. They saw our activities and now want a go with the beautiful spy as well.

The end.

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The Undead 2, Serial killers

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The world had greatly changed since the forties. More people own guns, police had better weapons and appeared more aggressive if not more restricted. Jerrod was more impressed with this world then the one he had left behind. The girl he had let live in the graveyard was his personal escourt. She lived like a queen and he loved the fact that he never overspent the money that he had which he actualy had buried in his last life. She wasn’t greedy, and only wanted whips, chains, and a gag or two. What could he say, he may have loved her. But he never was really sure of love. Last time he thought he lobed someone she stole from under his nose. He kept her alive for days chopping limps and eating them, the parts he didn’t eat he gave to her. She didn’t know what it was, she ate feriously. 
Stupid girl.
This girl seemed different. She had no real want for money. No real envy for shopping. She didn’t believe in the tradional god. Hallows was on his way on getting the town to fear him again. Not as a mobster though, a tactic that didn’t work to much the time before. But instead a legend. He would make everyone know who he was through his malicious actions. He wanted to be a symbol of fear. 
The first few victims were already found, the entire town was already nervous. It was time to make them scared. Carla love coming on this adventures, and was extremely excited for this one in particular.

Emma was walking home. An african american woman with long black hair, smooth skin, pink fingernails. She wore a deniem miniskirt and let her long legs tell people about her. She wore an almost see through black shirt. 
As she strutted in black clogs she sifted her left hand through her hair making sure it was just right. 
It was puffed up alittle bit wavy and coal black.
Her facial feature were soft and were her large breasts which hung tight in her bra. Her ass nearly hung out from the skirt. Mainly for it was too small for her. She carried a purse, it hung on her left arm, like royalty she lifted her left forarm keeping the purse from sliding away. 
She took out a small mirror and looked at her lips, they were red and plump. 
“Could I get a light?” a girl near the alley way asked holding out a cigar. She wore a black miniskirt and a Five Fingered Death Punch hoodie. She loved that band. Her nails were black and her face anadolu yakası escort was covered by a combination of her hair, sunglasses and a back hood. 
Emma pulled a lighter out from her purse Which was right next to her mace and her pistol. The girl put the cigar to her lips as she lit the rolled tobacco. 
The girl sucked hard creating a large line of ash quick. She suddenly twisted it over and blew all of the smoke out toward Emma also scattering ash at her. Emma cursed at her, sheilding her face. 
Carla grabbed the womans shoulders and forced her into the alley way as Emma made sure their was no ash in her eyes while Carla “Appologized” about how that happened. She walked her into the side door of a building saying she would help clean her up.
Emma finaly opened her eyes and looked around, she was in a kitchen. She turned around to see a rotting corpse with an outstanding grey suit in front of her. She screamed as Carla pushed her into the dead monster. The corpses hands rose and held her like steel. It’s dry face came in and licked her neck with a dry purple tongue. She cried out as his dry dead fingers slowly slid up her large suculant thighs. 
Emma opened her mouth to scream when suddenly something was shoved in.
Carla snapped the gag into place. The womans full lips pressed against the ball gag as she tried to scream. The fingers kept climbing and climbing until they reached her precious womanhood. Emma gasped as the fingers started rubbing her velvet pussy. Carla’s hands went under her shirt going up and gripped her breasts and licked her ear. 
“She tastes divine.” Carla gave.
Emma felt the cold dead hand grasp her panties and then yanked them off. She leaned back trying to get away crying. But her body only pressed into Carla more. 
Jerrod never had seen a woman lick another womans ear, or grab her breasts. He offere whores to do this for money back in his time, but they never did do it. This girl, his girl, was different for sure. He unzipped his pants pulling his large thick pride. He opened his mouth, the gaping hole in his cheek widened as he spoke.
“I am going to enjoy you.” he taunted spreading her legs apart. 
Gripping her by the thighs he lifted the woman and drove into her deep and fast. She tried to scream but the gag prevented it. He came forward and bit her neck anadolu yakası anal yapan escort hard. She tried to scream, Jerrod licked the small bit of blood from her delicate neck. One of his hands slid back grabbing her full round ass. He sqeezed again, then slid it further, he put a finger to her asshole and circled it with her finger. He plunged his bony finger into her ass. She screamed out as tears surged. 
Emma’s tits were still being molested by Carla’s cold delicate hands. 
Jerrod took his finger from the girls hole and beckoned Carla closer. She came in kissing Jerrod with her tongue flickering inside his dried out mouth. His hand grabbing carla’s round apple ass that he would so often crave for. Emma was so disgusted. He took his penis from her pussy and threw her over the metal kitchen table tearing her shirt from her body along with her bra. He spread her ass apart seeing her throbbing asshole. He put the tip of his penis on her hole and slowly circled her hole. She tried to scream but only a moan was made. 
Emma’s eyes bulged in horror when she suddenly her a loud crack. She looked over to see her female captor with a bullwhip. 
Carla strutted slowly to the sexy black captive whispering in her ear.
“You’re going to lick my pussy, or you’re gonna get the whip, understand?” the fearful woman nodded.
Carla took the gag off and then kissed her deeply, her tongue almost reached the back of her throat, licking the insides of her mouth. Carla sat on the table and spread her legs infront of Emma sliding in closer so Emma’s mouth was right over her pussy. 
Jerrod shoved himself into her asshole. Emma screamed as Carla grabbed her head and shoved her mouth onto her pussy. She moaned at the vibration of the scream. 
Emma had no choice, she started licking  the girls cunt as her ass was being thrashed. 
Jerrod’s dead hands grasped her ass and sqeezed it her ass cheeks together further increasing his pleasure. 
Carla whipped the whip from side to side moaning. Faster and harder as she came closer to an orgasm. Seconds later she gushed into Emma’s mouth and whipped her back so hard she started bleeding. Emma choked on the juices because of the complete and utter pain she felt. Jerrod bent over licking her wound crushing her ass between his anadolu yakası otele gelen escort fingers as he came inside her asshole. 
He pulled out. 
“What do you want to do with her now master?” Carla asked.
“I think she’s hungry, better let her meet the others.” 
Carla smirked as she lifted Emaa up and walked her to the lobby where there laid six dead bodies, most dismembered and chewed on. 
“Doesn’t that just get you soaking?” Carla whispered into her ear as her fingers slid to Emma’s pussy and started rubbing her clit while kissing her neck. Carla suddenly whipped her to the ground and pulled a flog from her purse. While sitting on her chest. Emma nearly screamed again realizing the wetness she was feeling all over her back with actually blood. 
Carla lifted her miniskirt and stood over her.
“You are going to lick my ass out, if you don’t I’ll flog you untill you passout. ” Carla threatened while her larger shapley hips came down upon Emma’s face. Emma grabbed the sides of her hips and started licking. 
Carla looked up and saw Jerrod Harrow standing before her. She moaned a bit and licked her top lip slowly. Jerrod approached her with his penis erect. She grasped thr phallus and put her lips around it starting to suck. 
Emma couldn’t believe what she was doing, her tongue swished around this girls ass hole as she moaned loudly. 
Carla loved the feeling of Jerrod’s cold hard dick in her mouth. Feeling the rough texture going down her throat and and her tongue circling around his head. Jerrod grasped her hair and shoved his dick inside her mouth and jizzed down her throat. She thankfully swallowed everylast drop cumming from her ass. She stood up and grabbed jerrod’s head and put it at her chest. 
Jerrod grasped the left one greedily and put the other one in his mouth, his tongue like sand paper licked her nipples. 
His dick started to rise again and she felt it. “Take me in the ass.” she begged.
Carla laid down on Emma kissing her deeply. Shs felt Jerrod on top of her and his phallus suddenly penetrated her asshole. She moaned loudly grasping Emma’s large tits. She licked Emma’s neck and her face. She bit hard on Emma’s bottom lip making her cringe in pain. But Carla didn’t care she loved it. She opened her mouth and screamed an orgasm in Emma’s face. Jerrod got off of her. Carla kissed Emma a few more times feeling her body. 
“Goodbye, you were fun for a while.” she teased.
The two left without a word. When the police found Emma she was in a corner with eyes wide with a story to tell. 
The next night the news were reporting the new serial killers/ rapists, 
“Mr. & Mistress Death”.

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The Professor_(3)

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Standing in the shower, a small wave of anxiety washed over me. My eyes shot open as I finally realized what it was I was showering for in the first place. This meeting, rendezvous, get-together, date, whatever you want to call it, was only a half hour away. I slowly washed my breasts and stomach with my loofa, trying to convince myself that the longer it took for me to get ready, the more time would slow down, and the more time I had until he arrived on my doorstep.

Usually, men don’t make me nervous. As a 26-year-old, I felt I knew what to expect from them, and I had a self esteem that tended to air on the side of arrogance when it came to dates that always kept me in control. I knew that I had a power over men, and I knew I could make them want me considerably more than I could ever want them without hardly any effort. I knew I could dominate them. But this man was the exception the rule. In my own way, I had worked at this. It felt like a fantasy of mine was finally coming true, and my emotions could hardly make sense of it. He had been something in my life I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to have, and it made me want him all the more. Now that it looked as if I had finally sunk my teeth into him, I was certain I did not want to mess it up.

I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off and looked at the outfit that was folded up on my toilet seat: blue and white pinstripe cotton frill-top pants that stopped just before the ankle and a white spaghetti strap top that I would wear without a bra, as to make my nipple piercing easily visible. Even if I was oddly nervous to see him, at least I knew I would look amazing.

Walking toward my bedroom, the juxtaposition of its coolness and the damp heat of the bathroom sent a chill down my spine. Examining the space, I determined that it looked acceptable enough to invite someone into for the night. My bed was uncharacteristically made, floor freshly vacuumed, and my desk was cleared of the heaps of useless papers, tampons, books, and half empty glasses of water that it typically hosted. I tossed my towel in my hamper near my desk and closed the door to get a good look at myself in the mirror. The sight of my own reflection sent another chill down my spine, but it wasn’t one of anxiety or nerves, thankfully. It was of confidence. I couldn’t remember ever having liked the way I looked so much before. My skin was truly radiant from head to toe. The box braids on my head cascaded down and framed my face perfectly, but didn’t take away from my favorite facial feature: my high cheekbones. Turning my head to the left, I peered at the strap on harness I had purchased specifically for the guest I had coming over. I looked back at myself in the mirror and watched as a devious smirk spread across my face.There couldn’t have been a better night to sleep with my former college professor.

Just as I’d dressed, turned on some mood music, and finished pouring one of the two glasses of pinot noir there was a knock on my door. He’d arrived. I took my time going over to let him in, as I wanted to make sure I left every trace of nerves behind me. I’d waited so long for the opportunity to do this On my way to greet him, I took an oversized sip of the wine I had in hand a deep breath, and slowly opened the door.

He had been my professor in my junior year British Literature course. I was a linguistics major, and I wanted to take as many courses related to words and language as I could, even if it meant choosing them as electives. When the time came to register, I was certain I wanted to take the course with the same woman who had taught my Semantics and Phonetics class the year prior, Professor Wesley. She was a remarkable woman whose influence over me was both professional and motherly, and I told her many times that if I ever finished the book I’d been working on, I wanted her to write its foreword. My respect for her was unmatched, and I wanted to absorb every bit of information from her as I could. Thus, I was nearly in a rage when I learned I would be taking the class not with her but with a Professor Stanley, some guy who’d transferred from a college upstate. I tried with all my might to change my class schedule and work schedule to make it possible for me to be taught by my one and only true role model, but to no avail. My whole summer leading up to that fall semester anadolu yakası rus escort was spent in frustration, wondering why my perfect plan had crumbled before me, that is, until I finally met my new instructor.


He stood in front of me, smiling that sexy smile of his, and I felt a massive rush of adrenaline. I wanted him right then, I could feel my body responding to his mere presence, but I kept my cool. I needed him to want me more. Professor Stanley, or Matthew, as I took to calling him, was gorgeous. He nearly towered over me, standing at a full 6’1” while I was 5’4”. He was muscular, had a full head of salt and pepper hair and wore thick rimmed glasses. Honestly, he could’ve been a GQ model if he was 20 years younger.

“Good evening, gorgeous”, he said in a low voice, still wearing that smile. His green eyes twinkled.

“Hey, Mister”, I replied, trying not to think too hard about how hot I’d become in the last ten seconds. Hesitantly, he leaned in for a hug, his left hand resting firmly but gently on my bare skin. The scent on Matthew’s black button up was intoxicating, and his strong, warm chest pushed up against my face sent my head reeling. He was a stereotypically manly man, and it made me want to take him for my own even more. The embrace eventually came to an end, and I moved to the side to let him in.

“Hey, so I hope you don’t mind, but I brought a little snack for us. I’ve been obsessed with this Vietnamese spot a couple miles away from the university, so I thought I’d bring some spring rolls. I also picked up some sake. You okay with that?”

I smiled, nodded. and decided to make a move. I wasn’t sure if he would, plus, I was unbelievably horny. I walked over to him and kissed him deeply. Pulling away, I looked into his eyes, and in an instant, his lips were on mine again. I felt his big hands on my hips. We were doing this now.

Panting and pushing our bodies into one another, we stumbled into my bedroom and slammed the door shut. Matthew grabbed my face like he owned me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My body was riddled with ecstasy and I noticed I was trembling as his hands slid down my face, back, and hips, picking me up by the back of my thighs, giving my ass a firm squeeze and slap on the way down. I whimpered as he began sucking on my breasts and neck, and I chuckled to myself, thinking about what I would end up saying to avoid explaining to friends and coworkers that my former college professor had given me a hickey.

“God, every bit of you tastes so fucking good”, Matthew sighed. His face looked completely different than it did when he first walked into my apartment hallway fifteen minutes ago. He looked completely different now, his glasses removed, small beads of sweat on his brow and chest, the dilation of his pupils. He looked completely carnal, like just being in the same room with me was all it really took to get him off. I realized that, in this moment, he felt like he needed me. This revelation sent adrenaline charging through every single inch of my body. I was full of power, strength and control.

“Put me down,” I whispered.

“What?” Matthew’s face dropped, his features reading confused.

“Put me down, now.” This time, my voice mimicked the power I felt inside. His hands reluctantly loosened its grip on my thighs, and after a moment my toes met the carpet. The atmosphere suddenly shifted. Matthew’s face was now confused, nervous and scared. It turned me on. I let the silence build for a few more seconds; I quite liked the uncomfortable look on Matthew’s pretty little face. When I was ready, I turned him around, pushing his face against the door with my hand and forced myself up against his back.

“Okay, you had it your way. You had your fun, Matthew Stanley.” Quickly, I reached into his briefs and tightly grabbed his cock, making him gasp. His erection began to fade when I took charge, but after a couple seconds, His boner was back. I stroked it slowly before whispering, “But now it’s my turn. This is my home, and you’ll do what I say.” He moaned deeply, passionately, and I could feel him trembling. Stepping back once, I moved my hand from the side of his face to his chin, forcing his head back. I kissed his back and shoulders tenderly, softly tracing anadolu yakası sevişen escort his spine with my fingers, and punctuated it quickly with a slap of his ass. It felt softer and bigger than I had anticipated.

“This ass is mine, you got that?”

“Mmm, yes ma’am. It’s all yours”, Matthew sighed. I was surprised to hear his voice had soften as much as it had, and I looked down to see pre-cum escaping his erection. He knew what I was ready to do to him, and he wanted it. I fucking loved it. Squeezing his ass again, I walked over to the bed and told him to follow me. We were closing to the light, and I could see his expression better than I could previously. He had completely submitted to me, and all it took was a couple sentences. The longer this went on, and the more he readily responded to my authority, the more aware I was of the moisture in my panties.

“Take those off,” I demanded, pointing to the only article of clothing he still had on: his pre-cum stained blue boxer briefs. Grabbing the waistband and avoiding eye contact with me, he began to slide his underwear off his hips, until I stopped him.

“No. Turn your back to me. I want see your little ass when you bent over. It’s mine, isn’t it?”

“Yes… yes ma’am, it is,” he replied. He turned around removed his underwear, and again, I was shocked at how big his ass was once there was nothing left to cover it up. His ass wasn’t hairy, and neither was his hole. I could see he’d also bleached it. He was ready. After a moment, he turned around and looked at me. His cock looked even harder. I smirked.

“Now, be a good boy and come lie on the bed with me.”

Matthew was excited, despite his demeanor. He crawled onto the bed and did more than I was expecting: he got down on all fours and arched his back, spreading his legs out to expose his tight asshole. Oh, fuck, I thought. This is so hot. I’d never been with a man like him before. So many men are afraid of their backdoor, and so despite my desire to play with a man’s ass, I’d never met one who wanted to not only give it a try, but who was positively obsessed with it. Matthew wanted me to do anything I wanted to that ass of his, and I knew it. It’d been awhile since he’d slept with a woman who wanted to do this with him, and his craving for a strap on in his asshole was so hot that I wanted to make him tell me exactly how he wanted this to go.

“Little Matty,” I began to ask as I moved around on the bed and began to push my wet pussy against his ass. It felt so good and soft. “I know you want me to fuck your little hole. I can tell how badly you want to bounce up and down on that didlo I bought just for you. But before you do, I need you to tell me in great detail exactly what you want.” Again, I leaned forward and pulled his head back toward me by his hair.

“Yes ma’am, I will.” He paused, cleared his throat, and spoke.

“I want you eat my ass. I’ve gotten off on the thought of your tongue around my hole while I use my hips to grind your face.I want you to spread my ass cheeks out so I can rub it against your tongue and lips. I love it when you squeeze and grab and slap my ass, it makes me feel owned. Like my body isn’t mine, but yours. I would love for you to lick my taint and play with my cock with one hand. I want to you fuck my ass so deep and hard, grabbing my hips and making my ass bounce against your sexy body. I do, I do want to bounce on your dildo. I want it so badly. I want you to do whatever you want to my ass. It’s yours.”

God, that was so fucking hot. I had to use everything in me to resist my temptation to moan right then. I didn’t wanna let him in on how much he’d turned me on quite yet. He could not have had a more perfect ass either: smooth skin, a little muscular but still soft enough that it jiggled when I slapped it, perfectly round. I just wanted to feel it against my clit for a while. I slid my hands slowly down his arched back and slapped his cheeks with both hands, then grabbed a handful of each, causing Matthew to jump, then moan. He arched his back even more, showing me his tight hole once again. I could not wait to have that pressed up against my tongue. But I wanted to make him wait.

My hands migrated from his soft ass to his hips, pulling him in anadolu yakası escort closer. Pointing my groin a little more upwards, I began moving my hips against his ass in a circular motion. I loved watching as his ass squished against my body. Steadily, I built a little speed, and his hips started twisting as well, rubbing his right cheek right up against my clit. It felt so good I couldn’t help but let out a moan, and he followed suit. My nipples were now hard and I noticed I was biting my lip. He was had me so fucking wet. Matthew’s excitement was building too, as he pushed his ass into me harder and harder. Suddenly, he stopped the sexy swirling of his hips and took to bouncing his ass back on my clit. I remained still, watching as his ass moved forward and backward, jiggling every time, making a slapping sound as his skin made contact with mine.

I had to have him, and I had to have him now. I slid back on the bed to lie on my stomach, reaching out to grab his hips and pull his ass down to meet me face. Pushing his ass cheeks apart, I buried my face into him, the musty scent sending a shockwave from my nipples to my swollen clit. I made circular motions with my tongue on his tight little asshole and felt his body tense from the intensity of the sensation. Matthew released the longest, most desperate moan I’d heard in all my years, and it sent me reeling. After lubricating his hole with my spit, I slapped his ass and went to town. I couldn’t fucking believe this was, how sexy it was to have my face between this man’s cheeks, and how much he fucking loved it. I bit his left cheek, then his right, then I tongue fucked him, with him moaning and sighing and panting all the while.

“Oh fuck yeah, eat that ass,” he said in a breathy voice, his head turned back to me and his right hand holding my head right where he liked it. Now he was bouncing his ass up and down, rubbing his wet hole on my eager tongue. I felt I could do this for hours. We continued for a while, me slapping and grabbing his ass, spitting on his hole, flicking my tongue this way and that way, sliding my tongue down periodically to lick his taint and suck on his balls; him humping my face, moaning and swearing with pleasure, tugging on his cock. After a moment, I sucked on my finger and slid it into his hole, and was surprised to feel him push himself into my hand. The moaning got louder as I moved now to using two fingers and he twisted and gyrated his hips. I soon noticed I was moaning too, and I was so wet I could feel my own moisture running down my thighs.

“God, I want to fuck you so bad,” I said, my fingers still inside his asshole. “I want that ass so bad.”

“Yes, please fuck me. Fuck my like you mean it,” he replied.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed the strap on and, fumbling all the while, I slipped it around my hips, adjusting it just so. The lube came next; once we started, I didn’t want there to be any reason for us to stop. Matthew looked at me longingly. I could see the anticipation in his eyes. He was so ready for me. Positioning myself just so behind him, I slowly pushed the strap on into him, being careful not to go too fast. He let out a sigh of satisfaction, so I sped up a touch. My hands were positioned on his hips, and the longer we went the more he arched his back, his ass bouncing against me again. I kept slapping it until it was red.

“You like that?” I asked him while trying to catch my breath.

“Fuck yes, fuck me harder baby. Ooh, yeah, fuck my ass.” His moans were growing louder, and much more effeminate. He was so fucking hot. I couldn’t wait to make him cum. I fucked him hard, really hard. He tugged on his cock, and I noticed a little pool of precum underneath him. Leaning forward and making his back arch even more, I pulled his hair, causing his head to fall backwards. I could hear his moans better this way.

“Oh God, I’m gonna cum. FUCK yeah, I’m gonna cum!” Matthew gasped, panted, and pushed his bouncing ass into me even harder. A whimper was released, and I knew that he had cum all over my comforter. I pulled the strap on out of him, and leaned back to catch my breath. We both giggled.


Later that night, after we had eaten the Vietnamese food, smoked weed and drank the sake, he fucked me and went home. I showered and opened my windows to rid it of the smell of sex when I heard my phone chime. He’d texted me. I opened the message to a picture of him, bent over with a finger in his little hole. I had no idea how he’d gotten that picture.

“No one has ever made me cum that hard before. Let’s do it again next week?” read his message.

“Hell yes ;)” I replied, and went to sleep.

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Big Tits

I had left Marie more than three months ago. It was clearly the biggest mistake of my young life—since I was sent back from the dead as a thirty-year-old. Eventually—a miserable wretch and desperate to see her again–I phoned from right outside her apartment. When she opened the door we stared at each other for almost a minute before she ran into my arms. We held each other so tightly for almost ten minutes and when we kissed I was positive I had made the right decision—it was the kiss of a lifetime. Marie had called my name and yelled, “YES! YES! YES!” when she answered the phone—the answers to any question I had for her. My last two questions were:

“Do you love me?”

“Oh, yes, George!”

On a roll, I played a hunch. Nervously I asked her, “Are you pregnant?”

Marie looked up at me, those marvelous violet eyes sparkling like never before. “Yes,” she whispered just before pulling me into yet another long sensational kiss.

Chapter 1

Eventually, I broke the kiss. I could have gone on forever, savoring her touch, but there were things we had to do, and there’d be plenty of time for kissing once we had returned to my home. I wanted Marie to come home with me in the worst way and she had said, “Yes!” I was thrilled but there was a lot to do and it was almost 10:30 in the morning so, if we wanted to be back at my place by this evening we had to begin soon.
Holding hands I walked Marie into her apartment, planning to organize the move, but Marie had it all under control. “I rented this apartment furnished so, other than a few personal items and the TV, it’s all staying here. I’ll need my clothes,” she started. Then, with that same evil smile forming on her face, she continued, “but, then again, maybe not! I have my pictures—they’re the only ones I have of my family—and, of course, my toys. We wouldn’t want to forget them, would we?” My grin matched hers.

Marie pulled her clothes from the closet and I carried them down to my SUV, a new BMW X5. I dropped the rear seats and then piled them in the back. Her clothes from her dresser were placed in bags—paper ones from the supermarket. Working together it took us almost two hours to get everything down, packed into the car, and the apartment cleaned.

“Do you have a car? “ I asked her. “Can you drive?”

Of course, I can drive. I have a license. Want to see it? I never needed to buy a car. Living here I’m only ten minutes from work by bus and everything I need is close by.”

“Well, you have a car now,” I told her, passing the spare keys to the Beemer into her hand.

“You mean this is mine? Can I drive now?” She was really excited, but I thought she should wait until we were on the open road before taking the wheel. I got in and we drove away.

Marie was checking out her key ring. “What are these other things?”

“The chrome-plated brass thing is to our house—it’s a special kind of key for the house and the security system both. The remote will open the gate and the garage, OK? I’ll show you how to do everything when we get there.”

“Am I going to like our house?”

“I hope so. Do you like noise or quiet and privacy?”

“I think that with you I’d like lots and lots of privacy—so we can fuck all day and go naked as much as possible. Will we be able to do that, George?”

“We’ll have plenty of privacy, Marie. I don’t think we’ll ever have to get dressed.” I pulled onto the interstate and soon we were hitting 70, heading northeast toward North Carolina and the beach. We had been driving for maybe an hour when Marie asked me, “How much did this car cost, George?”

“I don’t know, Marie—sixty-five, seventy, I think.”

“Wow,” then after a short pause she continued, “Are you really giving it to me?”

“Yes, Marie,” I replied, resting my hand reassuringly on her thigh. “I have a Ford pickup and a Porsche 911. I bought this especially for you. Don’t you like it?”

“I love it, George. It’s just that nobody ever gave me a present like this before. I’m having a hard time believing it.” Then after planting a kiss on my cheek, Marie whispered, “Thank you, George.” Even stopping for lunch we were home by six p.m. Marie drove the last hour, loving how nimble and responsive the X5’s twin turbo six was. I showed her how to open the gate and then the garage.

Hand in hand we walked into the house. Marie followed me into the bedroom. She pulled me into an embrace and a long hot kiss. Her long tongue wrapped around mine as her hands found my belt. In seconds my hard cock was out. Breaking the kiss she whispered, “Let’s take advantage of all that privacy, eh?” Then Marie literally ripped the clothes from my body before stripping herself—the shreds of my former clothes falling to the floor. She stepped out of her panties, her long slender legs, tight round ass, round firm breasts, and that delicious sweet pussy all just begging to be fucked, and pushed me back onto the bed. “Do you have any idea how many times I fantasized about this?” I shook my head “no,” overwhelmed with her beauty and sexiness. “Hundreds of times, at least, George–now I’m going to fuck you ‘till you drop.”

Marie fell on top of me, driving her hard nipples into my chest. She ran her wet slit up and down the sensitive underside of my erection making me harder and hotter. I had also prayed for this more times than I could count and now my dreams were coming true at last. Marie eased a bit forward, moving the head of my cock to her slit. She was oozing pussy juice at an incredible rate so when she moved back down I slid into her hot tight velvety tunnel with the greatest of ease. It was like we were made for each other! The muscles in her tight cunt gripped me like a circular vise, each squeeze delivering one incredible sensation after another.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…at…long…last,” sighed Marie. “You feel…so fucking good George—so very fucking good.”

“Yeah, well, you should feel it from my end. You feel…wonderful…fantastic…incredible. I could just remember how tight you are,” I replied breathlessly. Marie was on top so she was in control. Eyes closed, she remained remarkably still, breathing slowly, savoring the way I was filling and stretching her cunt. Slowly she began to move as her passion and her lust claimed reign over her body. Marie rocked, bending my cock within her muscular canal. I was in a playful mood so just after massaging her firm smooth breasts and rolling her hard nipples between my fingers I teased her, “I thought women always had to pee after a long ride.”

“It’s a matter of priorities, George,” Marie gasped, ” I do have to pee pretty badly, but I need to fuck you even more. I’ve peed several times already today. I haven’t made love with you for more than one hundred days.” Staring at me with those fantastic violet eyes she continued, “I haven’t had sex in all that time. I really need you now!”

“What would you have done if I hadn’t come back?”

“Do you have to ask that just now?” she grunted, “I’m almost ready to cum…and…it’s going to be a…really…OH, GOD!” She humped me hard three times grinding her clit into me with tremendous force, arched her back, threw her head up and screamed non-stop for almost a minute as her climax raced through her body like a tsunami through an oceanfront town. About half-way I felt a familiar surge up from my balls—I shot a huge river of cum into her womb. Five more times I drove deep into her as I drowned her pussy in my seed—I was still cumming like Peter North! Drained, Marie fell onto my chest as buckets of cum leaked from her pussy.

Lying on my chest as she recovered, I caressed her head, running my fingers through her long black hair. It was several minutes before Marie spoke, “George, I cried all night when you left. I will never know why I made you go.”

I gently stroked her head and kissed her forehead as I replied, “Marie, I started crying before I even left your bedroom. Maybe it was something we had to go through so we would know how much we really love each other. I don’t know why I left, but I know now that I’ll never leave you again. I love you more than anything.”
Marie raised her head and I could see that she was crying again. “Don’t worry, my darling, these are tears of joy—of elation. I’ve never been happier. I don’t care one bit for the money you won. I only want you.”
She moved back down to kiss me tenderly—lovingly. It was long and soft, and hot, but after a minute or so I broke it.

“Just exactly how badly do you have to pee? Don’t forget—I’m on the bottom here.” My smile was ear-to-ear and when Marie saw it she laughed.

“I think I’d better get up. I could stay here with you all night, but right now nature calls.”

Chapter 2

Marie returned to my side right after I heard the toilet flush. She seemed relieved (no pun intended). Marie snuggled up close, her arm over my chest, her leg over mine. I wrapped my arm around her as she laid her head on my shoulder. Her pussy was still leaking my seed. “I still can’t believe you came back for me, George, but I’m so glad you did.” I didn’t say a word; I just pulled her closer, if possible, before leaning up to pull her into a long hot kiss. Marie pushed that long tongue of hers into my mouth to wrestle with mine. Damn, this woman could kiss! We went on like that for almost twenty minutes before we broke at the same time.

“Wow,” I was breathing heavily. “Is this what I have to look forward to?” Marie gave me that evil smile in reply. We lay silently for quite a while until I heard my stomach growl. Marie laughed; I was embarrassed; Marie laughed again. She pulled me from the bed. ‘Do you have any food here?” I shook my head “no” before explaining that I ate out a lot.

Marie rose and walked around the bedroom several times before she entered the bathroom again. “I love your bathroom, George, and this shower is great. We’ll be able to shower together all the time.” She left, walking down the hall to the other rooms. I followed a few steps behind. As she checked out every room—the other bedrooms, the guest bath, the living room, kitchen, dining room, and, finally, the family room—I was checking out her fantastic ass and the cum dripping down her legs. Suddenly, she turned, placed her hands on her naked hips, and asked, “George…don’t you have ANY furniture? I’ve never seen so many empty rooms in one place in my entire life.”

I was tongue-tied, unsure what to say, so I figured the truth was the best. “I…uh…wanted to wait for you, Marie, and I was…uh…afraid you wouldn’t want me after all this time, so I didn’t know what to do. So, I didn’t do anything.” I had my head down, ashamed of my indecision, but Marie didn’t see it that way.

“George that is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard. I guess if I hadn’t come with you you’d never have anything, would you?” I shook my head “no” again. “Well,” she continued with a look of determination on her face, “I am here so I guess I’d better get busy.” She rushed forward into a wonderful hug as her perfect smooth skin rubbed against mine. She ran her mound and her silky smooth pussy lips up and down my leg.

“Again?” I queried.

“Not yet, George. We can wait until later, OK? I’m kind of hungry, too and if I have to listen to that stomach much longer…. I think we should get dressed, don’t you?” We dressed and in five minutes Marie was driving us to a nearby Italian restaurant in her new SUV. We ordered a large sausage pizza to go, and while she was waiting for it I bought some Pepsi 2-liters at a neighboring market. I got back just as she was walking out with our pie. It was only a few moments later that we were back home again. We sat in front of the TV as we ate and drank our fill although we paid more attention to each other than to what was on the screen. I was just about to stretch out when I felt a tug at my elbow. “It’s later now, isn’t it, George?” Marie all but pulled me into the anadolu yakası sevgili tadında escort bedroom for an encore. I was barely there a few seconds when Marie suddenly dropped my shorts and boxers in a single motion. She removed my feet from my shoes and socks while she pulled my shirt over my head and pushed me back onto the bed. “Now, stay there, George! No moving, OK?” I nodded while she stripped before joining me on the bed. I reached out to massage her velvety smooth breasts, but Marie pushed my hands away as she moved down between my legs. “This one’s for you, George. I have something special in mind for you so lie back and enjoy it. You can pay me back later!”

Starting just above my asshole Marie licked up my balls to the underside of my stiff cock, over the top and down the other side; then she reversed, going back the other way. I groaned non-stop at what she was doing to me. When she came back to my helmet she swallowed me in a single gulp, taking all eight-plus inches into her mouth and throat. She didn’t stop until she was kissing my pubic hair. Using her mouth she fucked me hard, sucking and licking with that incredible tongue of hers. “Ohhhhh…Ma…rie,” I groaned after several minutes of this sweet torment. ”I’m getting close; I’m cumming.” I thought she would swallow as she had in the past, but at the last instant she pulled back, jerking me tightly with her surprisingly strong hand. My first rope of creamy cum shot more than two feet into the air before finding its way to my chest. Five more times I shot a thick arc of cum that landed on my stomach, abdomen, thighs, or chest. I was a mess by the time my orgasm had ebbed—my torso looked as though it had been covered with white frosting, like a toaster strudel, or a pop-tart.

Marie batted her eyes coyly. “Oh…George…I’ve been so naughty; just look what I’ve done. I think I should clean up this mess, don’t you? Maybe you should punish me if I don’t do a good job—a good spanking, perhaps.” She batted those long lashes at me, her violet eyes dancing. She stuck her tongue out and licked and licked and licked. She began on my thighs and moved her way north. When she had cleaned my legs and torso she turned her attentions to my withering cock. Using her tongue again she licked all around my helmet and, once she was sure it was spotless, she moved down to the shaft. Just to make sure she sucked me deep into her mouth. I say deep because by now all her attentions had made me hard again. Marie rubbed my ball sack while she slowly stroked my organ.

I was in ecstasy, but I had a job to do. I pulled her up and flipped her onto her back. I levered her long legs onto my shoulders as I leaned forward, pushing her ankles behind her head. My cock was poised just above Marie’s slit. I reached down, rubbing it into her, moistening it with her natural lubricant. It was only a second later that I eased into her satiny smooth tunnel. Marie moaned in her rapture as I pounded her pussy, driving my cock deep into her love canal, rubbing her G-spot going in and out, as I bottomed out on every stroke against her cervix. I was afraid of hurting Marie until she begged me, “Harder, George. Fuck me harder, please. I love it hard.” I pulled out until only my helmet was within her before driving into her. Again and again I rammed home, forcing my cock into that delicate rough spot just inside her tight pussy. I tweaked her nipples and massaged her mammoth firm breasts until Marie could take no more. She drove her hips up to meet me when her first spasm hit. She twitched and shook as her orgasm took over her body. On and on she went—one convulsion after another—until, finally, it passed. Marie was bathed in sweat; it pooled between her magnificent breasts. Marie panted and panted as she came down from her ordeal. I released her legs; she wrapped them around my waist; I fell to lie atop her chest as I engaged her in a long deep kiss.

“I want you to cum, George. Use me to cum. Make me your cum bucket, George. Drown my pussy in your cum.” On and on Marie encouraged me. First with her words, then with her body, she drove me to an incredible orgasm. Using her legs as levers, Marie pulled her hips up with my every thrust, creating the friction I would need to reach my orgasm. Faster and faster she moved with me until I was there. “Put it into my mouth, George; I want to feel your hot cum explode into my mouth.” She released her legs; I pulled out, moved forward, and shoved my slimy cock into her mouth. She swallowed my rod, tasting herself, just as I blasted my first river of baby cream into her throat. Marie jerked me with her long strong tongue as I shot repeatedly into her mouth. It was all she could do to keep up with my deposits, but, in the end, she swallowed every single drop. I fell beside her, pulling her into a hug and a long tender kiss.

I was thinking as we rested, loving the touch of her sensational skin against mine. “You know, Marie,” I began, “there’s a lot we don’t know about each other. I’ve told you everything I know, and it’s not much. It’s not going to make any difference to me, but I realized that I don’t even know your last name, or your birthday, or a lot of other things about you—like where you grew up, where you went to school….” I would have continued, but Marie shushed me by putting her finger to my lips.

“George, you obviously weren’t paying much attention to my name badge when you claimed your prize.”

“No,“ I responded with a smile, “I was checking out your hot body. Why?”

“Well, for one thing you would have seen that my name is Marie…Shaw—the same last name you have. I grew up right there in Columbia. I’m a home-grown South Carolina girl, although I had to take a lot of flak for leaving Columbia, the home of USC, to attend Clemson. I majored in business admin. I was born on June 25, 1986. I’m 25—almost 26. You know I have a sister—she’s four years older, married to an accountant, with two girls, so I’m an aunt. We’ve never been close; I told you she was in California—in Modesto. I went there once. I hated it, so I came back here to Columbia and I’m very happy I did. Otherwise, I would never have met you, George. Oh, one more thing, George—I’m a big Atlanta Braves fan.” I kissed her cheek, pulled up the blanket, and prepared for our first night together in our house.

Just before falling asleep I whispered, “I’m a big Yankees fan.” Now how did I remember that?

Chapter 3

We woke the following morning when the sun shone brightly into the bedroom. In our haste to make love we had completely forgotten to draw the drapes across the glass wall leading to our screened porch, the back yard, and the marsh beyond. Still spooning together, my arms around Marie, my hands caressing her hardening nipples and her satiny smooth breasts, Marie turned for a wake-up kiss. I protested mildly, claiming “morning breath,” but Marie was not to be deterred. She gripped my head, locked her fingers into my hair, pressed her lips to mine, and thrust her tongue into my mouth. There was no way to resist; I rolled her over to face me—to once again have those glorious breasts pressing against me, to feel that gooey sticky cunt against my thigh.

We kissed nonstop for almost fifteen minutes when I had to break it. “I gotta go,” I whispered into her ear. “Me, too,” Marie responded with a smile on her face. I pulled her from the bed and, being a gentleman, allowed her to use the toilet first. When I left the commode room I led Marie to the shower. This was something I loved about the house. The shower is 6 by 8 tiled on the walls, ceiling, and floor with an open doorway at one end. There are spray heads overhead on either side of a small opening skylight, at chest level, and again at leg level—fourteen in all. I set the thermostatic control by the doorway and a moment later we stepped into the hot spray. I pulled Marie into an embrace while the hot water ran over our bodies. We laughed as we rubbed our slippery skin against skin. I grabbed a bar of soap, turned Marie around and began to wash her back. Moving down I massaged her sensational butt, tickling her when I pushed my soapy finger up and down her crack. She stopped laughing when I gently slipped a soapy finger into her butt. “Ohhhh, George that feels so good. I love it when you do that to me.” She was getting pretty excited which was good, but, being pregnant, I didn’t want her to fall which would have been bad, so I stopped. She gave me a quizzical look, but nodded her understanding once I had explained. I kissed her tummy lovingly—the health of our child was much more important than fooling around–as we got back to the business of washing each other. Once I had cleaned her—the first time I had ever washed a beautiful hot pussy, Marie took over and washed me. I felt she took an awful long time washing my cock and balls, but I’d never complain.

I carefully led her back into the bathroom, making her stand on the rug while I lovingly dried her fantastic body. Once dry she wrapped a towel around her hair and pulled another from the rack to dry me. Still naked we walked to the living room, through the French doors to the screen porch, and sat taking in the beauty of the marsh and the dunes beyond. “Is that your dock?” Marie asked.

“Yes, it runs all the way into the ICW—the Intracoastal Waterway—and I have two boats out there in addition to a covered area where we can fish or just sit and enjoy the sunset.”

“Can we swim there, George?”

“Well, we probably could but I don’t recommend it. There can be a really fast current when the tide starts to ebb. A swimmer could wind up a mile away in no time at all, plus I hear there’s all kinds of debris on the bottom. I think it’s too dangerous, but we can go to lots of beaches, either in the SUV or boat.”

“Can we go out there now, George? I started to say, “Sure,” when I realized that we were still naked. We could easily be seen from a passing boat, or even by my neighbors. When I looked at Marie I could see she was thinking as I was—all her stuff was still in the X5. We began laughing at the very same instant. I gave her a quick peck as we walked into the garage to retrieve her clothes. Carrying them in I showed Marie “her closet”—a spacious walk-in with more than twenty feet of hanger space along three walls and shelves, drawers, and shoe racks along the other. Marie took one look and stood there in awe. “Uh, George, where are your clothes? Is all this just for me?”

I hung up the clothes I had carried in and showed her my closet a few feet away. Mine was by far the smaller and when Marie saw it she had to pull me in for another sensational kiss. I let her put her stuff away while I did the grunt work, knowing that she’d probably rearrange everything several times, at least. We put on shorts, tees, and sandals and walked hand-in-hand through the yard and out along the dock. We sat on the bench and talked—real stuff, not love or sex stuff. We agreed that Marie would hire a decorator to furnish most of our rooms; we would work on our baby’s room ourselves. That was a joy we wanted to share. I also insisted that she see a top-notch OB/GYN; I’d get some recommendations from the neighbor wives—one of whom had three teenage daughters. I knew there would be lots of questions about Marie, but I had thought all this out before I had brought her home.

We spent almost three hours there before we decided to take the Robalo—an 18-foot center console– for a ride. I returned to the house, filled a cooler with sodas—no alcohol for my pregnant lover—sandwiches, and snacks. I lowered the boat into the water. Having hydraulic hoists installed had been a great idea. The boats were kept out of the water where they couldn’t be damaged by wakes from boats—some of them quite large– that sped by. I carefully handed Marie into the seat next to the helm. I was going to ask her how anadolu yakası oral yapan escort well she could swim, but instead I just handed her a PFD. She gave me a questioning look until I explained that our safety was a primary concern and there was always the chance of an accident. Just the previous week, I explained, a boater had struck a submerged log and been thrown from his boat. Even if she could swim I’d want her to wear a personal flotation device, just like the one I would wear. Fortunately, I had bought several that inflated automatically when they got wet. They were cooler and much more comfortable than the typical bulky life preserver. I cranked the engine and it started immediately. I stood at the helm while we cruised down the ICW at more than 30 miles per hour. The wind wrapped around the windshield, whipping Marie’s hair as she laughed from the exhilarating feeling. It took us about fifteen minutes to reach the inlet and another ten to reach Bird Island, not really an island any more, just the southern end of Sunset Beach which really is an island. I double anchored–one on shore, the other fifty feet out and let the boat drift on the current.

Cooler in one hand I took Marie by the other, and we went exploring. We walked barefoot through the shallow water at the shore from the inlet side out to the deserted ocean beach where we sat alone, ate our lunch and relaxed. I was lying back, digesting my sandwich, and taking in the sun when something blotted out the light. I looked up into Marie’s beautiful face. I grinned as I pulled her down for a fantastic kiss. Her long strong tongue explored my mouth as mine explored hers. I sucked on her lower lip, pulling it between my teeth. I felt rather than heard Marie groan as I slid my hands under her top. I was surprised, but pleased, to find that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I moved around to cup each breast, loving the firmness and weight. My hands adored the satiny smooth feel of her skin as I massaged each globe, teasing her areolas and nipples. Marie broke the kiss, pulled back looking at me lustfully.

She wanted me and wasn’t taking “no” for an answer. Seconds later my hard cock was in her hand as she stroked me slowly, just enough to drive me wild with desire. She lifted her hips to pull down her shorts and panties. I could see the tiny droplets of pussy juice glistening on her labia. Marie grabbed my cock again, brought the tip to her cunt and sat down, engulfing me in that torrid tunnel. Marie closed her eyes, held her breath, and arched her back. “Oh, George, I can’t believe how good you feel inside me. I love the way you fill me up.” She leaned down to show her appreciation; she pressed her lips against mine, forcing her tongue deep into my mouth. I massaged her breasts again, pinching her nipples. Soon she was so hot she had to move on my cock—so hot she craved release. Marie rocked like a woman possessed. Faster and faster; harder and harder she rammed her hot hard clit into me. Marie was breathing hard, panting from her exertions, so much did she want and need this orgasm. Marie was getting closer; so was I. I could see her eyes glass over. She was in another place mentally and physically. Her whole being was into the sex and the rising sensations of her orgasm. Suddenly the rocking—the gyrations—stopped. Marie’s breathing quieted. It was the lull before the storm. Just as suddenly she started to shake, small tremors at first, but growing with every second. Marie opened her mouth for a silent scream, remembering at the last instant that we were only yards from a public beach as her climax hit her hard. She convulsed repeatedly for almost a minute, shaking uncontrollably. She collapsed onto my body exhausted.

We lay there for almost thirty minutes while Marie recovered, my hard cock still slithering in and out of her pussy slowly. Eventually, she was able to dress and we walked back to the boat hand-in-hand. Minutes later we were on our way back through the inlet to our home.

Chapter 4

Ever look at something without actually seeing it, without recognizing it for what it really was? It came to me on about the fourth or fifth time that someone was sending me signals. The first time was when Marie and I went to the Hope School to make my donation. It was a cloudy day, but when we walked out of the school I noticed the clouds part, the sun shining down upon us. The second time was when I left Marie’s apartment. There was supposed to be a full moon, or close to it. Walking to my car I saw the clouds form in a cloudless sky and cover the moon. The next day clouds covered the sun all during my drive home—no matter which direction I drove in those clouds followed me. When I walked out with Marie en route to our home the clouds had parted and they had stayed away for the entire weekend. That’s when I knew that God was sending me a message—Marie and I were meant to be together. Someone much more powerful than me was controlling my destiny. I don’t know why I would be surprised; my entire life—my second chance at love and happiness—was due to divine intervention.

I couldn’t remember whether I was religious or not in my prior life, but after all that had happened to me so far in this one I knew that I definitely believed in a higher power. I resolved to live my life the right way—taking the absolute best care of Marie and our family.

Marie amazed me almost every day. She learned all the technological concepts dealing with our house, the security system, and her car in less than a week. She hired a decorator and coordinated all the work of buying furniture, carpets, and all the things that go into making a house a home. She employed a cleaning company, did our laundry, bought and cooked our food, and still found time to look beautiful and sexy every minute. The sex continued as it had been that first time together. We fucked and sucked each other several times every single day.

Marie also showed me her determination and perserverance in several ways. One night we had been too tired for sex so I went to bed in a T-shirt and gym shorts, my usual sleepwear prior to bringing Marie home with me. She climbed into bed with me, spooning in front. “Uh, what’s this I’m feeling with my butt?”

“Well,” I replied, “since we didn’t have sex tonight I thought I’d wear pajamas—my version of pajamas, anyway.”

“George, just because we didn’t have sex doesn’t mean we won’t, does it? If I reach out for you during the night what am I going to touch—you or some stupid cloth?” I got the hint, rose from the bed, and stripped quickly. Marie rewarded me by gently stroking my cock.

“Much better, George,” she whispered just before falling asleep, my cock still in her hand, “…much better.” She spooned against me and, just before we were ready for sleep she spread her butt cheeks apart and pulled my cock into the space. “If it’s still there in the morning I may have something special for you.”

“Unfortunately, it’ll almost certainly go soft by then and we’ll wind up on opposite sides of the bed,” I whispered as I wrapped my arm around her, just below her breasts. Marie immediately moved my hand—onto the breast and touching her nipple. “Now, that IS much better, George.” We fell promptly asleep.

I woke the following morning to a tongue pushing its way into my mouth. I opened my eyes to see a pair of beautiful violet eyes. “Guess where your cock was this morning? I’ll give you a hint—it was nice and hard and right where I wanted it to be. I think I owe you something.” With that she kissed me, her tongue exploring every part of my mouth. I had realized early in our relationship that even the worst morning breath was no deterrent to Marie so I moved into the kiss eagerly. Suddenly, Marie broke the kiss and pulled away, leaning toward her night stand. She returned a moment later with a bottle of lube. “I’ll do you. You get me ready, OK?”

She squeezed a big dollop on her hand and slathered it all over my cock. Then she turned away, presenting her rosebud for my attention. I lubed a finger, pressing it into her. A second followed a minute later. In another minute Marie had three fingers probing her butt. “I think I’m ready, George. Put it in me…please. Please, George…I need you now!” I rose and positioned behind her sphincter. I aimed for the small hole I knew would be there and pushed. Slowly and steadily I gained entrance—“popping” as my helmet passed the sphincter. Marie turned and nodded. She mouthed the words, “Hard—do me hard.” I reared back and drove deep into her bowel. Over and over I punched into her and when I reached under to tease her clit I thought Marie would jump through the ceiling. I rubbed in tiny circles as Marie pushed back, shuddered repeatedly, and fell forward, my cock ready to explode in her butt. Marie was completely drained but still she encouraged me to cum and I didn’t need much. She reached back to massage my balls. A gentle squeeze of her hand and butt sent me over the top. Hot white semen poured into her ass. It was over all too soon; I fell on top of Marie. Afraid of hurting her I started to slide off, but she stopped me, “Don’t you dare! I’m not made of glass, you know. Stay where you are. I love having you on top of me.”

Another example occurred one evening when I told her I wanted to watch a Yankee game on TV so she shooed me out of the kitchen right after dinner, explaining that she’d handle the clean-up on her own. She joined me about a half hour later, fresh from the shower, and wearing only her robe. Sitting on the other end of the couch she wriggled her feet in my crotch. When I glanced her way her neatly trimmed pussy glistened between her legs. I returned my attention to baseball but Marie wasn’t having any of it. She stood on the couch right in front of me, her dripping pussy inches from my mouth. I couldn’t miss her intoxicating aroma; I couldn’t resist just a taste. And that was it for the ballgame! One lick led to a slurp and one slurp led to another—and another and another. In seconds I was attacking that hot wet pussy with a passion. I would have licked her to an orgasm eagerly, but, to my surprise, Marie stopped me, flipped over, her head at my zipper. She turned to me for only a second, “Please hold me, George, so I can open this.” I held her hips while she exposed my cock. I got hard so fast it was throbbing with my pulse at almost a hundred beats a minute.

She held herself with her arms as my cock disappeared into her mouth. I attacked her cunt which was seeping juice now. Marie used her tongue to great advantage; running it around my helmet was driving me crazy with want and need. When she tickled my pee hole I was done—hot creamy semen erupted into her mouth. Over and over in a seemingly never ending river cum poured into her mouth and throat. Meanwhile I laid siege to her clit with my tongue and teeth. I sucked it between my teeth and tickled it with the tip of my tongue—it ignited an explosion within her body. Marie shook and trembled in my arms as she came repeatedly. I continued to suck as long as she continued to shake and I sucked for several minutes, at least.

Eventually Marie groaned, “Enough, George. Please stop. You’ll kill me with pleasure if you go on.” I released her clit, pulled her up, and took her into a long loving embrace. We rose some time later and headed for the shower. We were enjoying the hot water when I told her I had to pee. She grabbed my cock before I could turn to leave. Marie kneeled, directing my stream to her breasts. She rubbed the hot pungent liquid over her chest. When I was done she told me, “My turn, George.” I wasn’t crazy about it either way, but fair is fair. I kneeled to allow Marie to tinkle on my shoulder. Her pee ran down my chest and back. I had to admit her heat was pleasurable, but it wasn’t something I’d want to do every day. When Marie wanted something, she anadolu yakası escort really, really wanted it. That was the kind of determination I would always admire.

Chapter 6

As I had promised I did speak to our neighbors about finding Marie a top doctor. It took several weeks to get an appointment and we only got that because Marie was now four months pregnant. Of course, I took Marie, feeling uneasy as almost the only male in a waiting room full of women, many very obviously pregnant. I was sure that Marie sensed my uneasiness; she squeezed my hand, pulled me close, and promised me many wonderful things once we got home as she kissed my cheek. Of course, there was paperwork to be completed—Marie’s name, mine, our address, insurance information, medications she was taking (none, thank God), and a whole host of other questions I considered mostly irrelevant.

Eventually, after almost an hour’s wait we went in to see the doctor—or so I thought. We saw a nurse who weighed Marie, took her blood pressure, pulse, and temperature, and had her change into one of those horrible hospital gowns. I helped her fasten those unreachable ties—didn’t these people ever hear about Velcro? We laughed when she asked if we knew the date of conception—“January 8 or 9,” we responded simultaneously. When the doctor finally arrived she went through the same questions that were on the form we had completed for what seemed an eternity before the exam finally started. In time we got to the ultrasound—the chance to actually see our growing child.

“What are you hoping for, Mrs. Shaw?” the doctor asked, making the obvious mistake since we had the same surname.

“I think I’d like to have a boy,” Marie responded as she smiled at me, surprising me because while we had not discussed this I assumed she’d want a girl.

“And you, Mr. Shaw?

I hesitated only a second before answering, “No doubt about it, I want a daughter!” Dr. Jonnson moved the device over Marie’s abdomen going, “Hmmmm…hmmm” several times. I thought it was like looking at ink blots or an old black and white TV with barely working rabbit ears as an antenna. When she rotated the screen to us she turned to me. “Well, Mr. Shaw, it looks like you’re getting your wish.” I was beaming until she continued, “And, Mrs. Shaw, it looks like you’re getting your wish, too. You’re going to have fraternal twins.” That’s when the room started swimming and everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I was lying on the floor, my head in Marie’s naked lap. She was stroking my face; I could see the concern etched on her face as the doctor waved smelling salts under my nose. I was still groggy as they helped me to a chair and the nurse brought me a cup of water. “Did I hear…?” I asked. “Did you say…twins?” I looked at Marie and she was nodding happily. I was still unsteady as I walked from the office.

“George,” Marie asked once she was again behind the wheel of her X5, “did you hear my last question to Dr. Jonnson?”


“I didn’t think so. I asked her how long we’d be able to have vaginal sex. She said it will depend on how the pregnancy goes, but as long as I don’t have any pain we can go almost until I’m ready to give birth. Isn’t that great? We can continue to fuck as often as we want, and I can always take care of you with my mouth, or ass, or even my hands, if necessary.”

“Marie, have I told you lately how much I love you? Here you are having twins and all you’re concerned about is taking care of me. I’m so lucky to have you. I feel like celebrating; let’s go out to lunch.”

“Well, George, I feel like celebrating, too, that’s why we’re headed home.” When I looked at her she had that fabulously evil smile on her face. Thirty minutes later we were pulling into the garage. Marie led me into the house and then to the bedroom. “George, you were so cute when you fainted. I wasn’t too worried until you fell and hit your head. Are you OK now?”

“Yes,” I replied with a grin of my own, “but I think I’d better lie down and get out of these tight clothes.” I took off my loose golf shirt and my baggy shorts to lie naked on the bed. I extended a hand to Marie. That was all it took. She had most of her clothes off by the time she reached me. In bra and panties she joined me on the bed. I pulled her into a long deep kiss as I ran my fingers through her long black hair. I broke the kiss and moved my attentions to her long graceful neck, and then to her shoulders, and then to her breasts. Like the rank amateur I was I struggled to remove her bra until Marie took pity on me, shrugging it off with a giggle in only a second. I took one of her hard hot nipples into my mouth. “I’m already envious of our children,” I whispered. “I’m going to miss suckling you.”

“I’m going to miss you doing it, too, but I’m sure you can find something else to suck. You can, can’t you?

“I think I’m headed there right now,” I told her as I moved farther down her body. I slipped her panties from her legs and found my objective—her delicious moist pussy. I moved between her long strong legs to stroke her silky thighs. I inhaled deeply, savoring her musky scent until I leaned forward to run my tongue up one side of her labia and down the other. Marie moaned and gasped repeatedly under my ministrations. Changing tactics I moved my tongue to the center of her slit to drink the pussy juice from her fountain. Over and over I slurped up her fluids. Moving up I teased her clit. It was hard as a pebble and oh so hot. I nibbled and sucked it between my teeth bringing Marie to a long and strong orgasm.

“Come up here and kiss me,” she ordered. I obeyed instantly. She kissed and licked herself from my sodden face. “George,” she cooed, “that was great but right now I need you to stick that great big cock into my tiny tight pussy. Lie on your back so I can climb on top of you. I did, and she did. Very slowly she lowered herself onto my erection. When she bottomed out she leaned forward, stopping inches above my face. Looking straight into my eyes she told me how much she loved me, and then she showed it by fucking me for more than an hour. She used her vaginal muscles to squeeze my cock as she milked me over and over. All told, I came five times—once for every one she gave herself.

“Enough, Marie, I love you and I love making love with you, but you’re going to kill me. I’d like to live long enough to see our children.” Marie stopped moving on my cock, but not removing it from her pussy as she laid her head on my shoulder. Not surprisingly, we fell asleep almost immediately.

Chapter 7

We had a lot of re-planning to do. One of the problems with twins is that when one wakes up he/she wakes up the other. Should we have them in separate rooms, or together in one? Should we keep our carriage and get another like it, or get a tandem? We would need another crib and all the supplies that go with it. How many additional blankets and outfits would we need? Oh—the joy of having twins! It turned out that I worried too much. Marie took all this in stride and in only a week or so she had it all straightened out.

Meanwhile I was making plans of my own. I took Marie with me when I went to get fitted for new golf clubs. She told me that she had never played, but she had been a successful softball and volleyball player in high school and she was incredibly coordinated and limber so I thought she might enjoy learning the game. Besides, it would give me the opportunity to show off my lover. I’d seen plenty of men’s eyes follow her at restaurants and shows. I loved being seen with Marie almost as much as I loved her, and that was with all my heart. I knew I’d never have anything to be jealous of. Marie loved me as much as I loved her—probably more!

Marie had once told me that she didn’t care about the money I had won and when I showed her credit cards in her name she proved it. She could have spent thousands on clothes, cosmetics, perfume—whatever she wanted. She used the cards to buy groceries, gas for the X5, and supplies for the babies—nothing for herself, even though she obviously was going to need almost a whole new wardrobe. If I hadn’t taken her shopping for these things I think she would have gone naked all the time. I loved seeing her body, especially her swelling belly, but there were times we had to go out in public. One of the things I insisted she buy was a swimsuit. We lived near the beach and I wanted to take advantage as often as possible.

In mid-May I suggested we plan to go to the local beach for the Memorial Day weekend—the official start of the season. Marie asked to wait to see how the weather would be. On Saturday morning I packed the car even though the skies were overcast. Marie balked until I told her I was pretty sure it would clear up after we got there. “That’s not what the weatherman says,” Marie countered.

“I have my own weatherman,” I told her, “and my weatherman reports to a higher authority!” Marie rolled her eyes, but nodded saying, “I can always read a book on my Kindle, George. If you really want to go it’s OK with me.”

We left for the municipal beach around 10:30, arriving about fifteen minutes later. The municipal lot was jammed so I went next door to the fishing pier, paying $10 for the privilege of using their lot. I carried our stuff over the dunes searching for an open spot. We eventually found one in front of a large group of women in their 30’s and 40’s. Golf widows, I guessed. Once I had set up the umbrella and chairs Marie applied lotion to my body and then invited me to do the same to her. Just touching her sensuous skin was usually enough to give me a raging erection and today was no exception. Marie laughed when she saw the tent in my suit. “Oh, George, if we were home I could do something about that. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to wait until we get back there.”

“You’re well worth the wait, Marie. Now, at least, I have something to look forward to, don’t I?” I kissed her and we sat back to enjoy the day. We were relaxing and reading when Marie asked me, “What’s that, George?” pointing to a small plane pulling a large banner.

“Oh, that’s how a lot of restaurants and tourist attractions advertise around here. I remember that, don’t ask me how, from my prior life—you know, when I visited the area.” We sat in silence at the plane passed us, towing a banner for the Ripley’s Aquarium in Myrtle Beach. We went back to our reading until maybe a half hour later. “Here comes another one, Marie. I can’t quite make out what it says. Can you read it?”

Marie leaned forward, placing her Kindle into her bag. She stared at the banner for almost thirty seconds then she looked at me. She returned to the banner that everyone could clearly see read “MARIE, WILL YOU MARRY ME?” and when she turned to me again I was on one knee. “Well, Marie, am I going to have to ask you twice?” I could see tears come to her eyes.

“No, George, I mean yes. Oh, you know what I mean.” Marie dug her long slender fingers into my hair and pulled me into a long kiss as the women behind us started to cheer and applaud. It was at that exact moment that the clouds disappeared, bathing the beach in bright sunlight. We both noticed it and nodded at each other. Our marriage would be blessed in Heaven!

When Marie broke the kiss I dug into my pocket, retrieving a blue velvet-covered box. I pulled out a ring, her ring—a 2.5 carat solitaire in a platinum setting. I don’t know whose hand was shaking more—hers or mine—as I slowly slipped it onto her finger. “I hope you like it Marie. If you don’t I can get you another.”

“Don’t you dare, George Shaw; I love it and I love you.” The ring was just the right size, thanks to one I had recently “borrowed” for the jeweler. Of course, our new fan club had to see it, kiss Marie, and congratulate me. Being women they had immediately recognized that Marie was pregnant, but were thrilled when they learned she would have twins. Marie just had to tell them how I had fainted in the doctor’s office when I got the news—they laughed; I turned red until Marie leaned over to give me another sweet kiss.

On Tuesday morning we went to the town hall for our license and, after lunch, we returned to be married. It was by far the happiest day of my young life.

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the new dark lord

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the new dark lord
it had finally happened. after years of abuse at the hands of his relatives and the constant stress of being threatened by a dark wizard every year had finally caused harry potter to go dark himself. as with all dark wizards, he felt the power course through him. almost unbidden, new spells and ideas filled his mind. seventh year would be eventful indeed…

the daily prophet headline the next day was astounding and caused widespread uproar
the dark wizard lord voldemort was found crucified in front of the ministry headquarters
the most feared wizard of our age reportedly begged for death and was gibbering in fear before finally succumbing to his quite extensive injuries. mediwitches are mystified as to the marks as no known curses, jinxes or hexes….
harry read the headlines and his face was cracked by a decidedly evil smile. “soon it will be my turn. but first, i have some business to take care of concerning a few girls i know.” the intervening months flew by, and before he quite knew it, harry was back at hogwarts for his final year. after checking his courses, and finding them laughably easy, he went up to the gryffindor common room and relaxed. ron came up and they made small talk, harry laughing and carrying on much as he normally would. before long the sun went down and students went filing out to their rooms. fairly soon the only ones left were harry and hermione. standing up quietly, harry walked around and stood behind hermione. raising his wand, he spoke aloud one of his incantations. “ablsoluta uentri!” hermione shrieked with shock as the spell waved over her. her eyes filled with horror as she realized that her body, mind and soul now belonged to the dark young man.
“h- harry, wh- what have you done? what is this?” her heart was starting to race, but she was unable to scream. “quite simple my beautiful servant, i have utterly anadolu yakası kendi evinde görüşen escort and completely taken possession of one, hermione granger. to put it bluntly, you belong to me now. now strip. we are going to make it official.” numbly, and quite against her will, hermione’s hands went to the buttons of her blouse, undoing them one by one, slowly revealing the firm, bra-clad mounds beneath. after undoing the final button, she shrugged her shoulders, letting the blouse fall to the floor. she shucked off her shoes and socks, then undid her belt, unsnapped her jeans and wiggled out of them. kicking them off, she reached behind her and undid the snaps to her bra, before letting it fall to the floor. finally, she hooked the waistband of her cotton schoolgirl panties, and slowly peeled them off. with a shock, she noticed her pussy was starting to drip. she stood, goosebumps sweeping over her skin, and watched harry’s eyes inspect every inch of her nakedness.
harry’s dick immediately lengthened and hardened at the sight of his longtime crush, finally naked before him. his eyes traveled the length of her body, from her tearfilled, scared doe eyes, down to her graceful neck, down to her full, ripe, c cup breasts, milky white, capped with two ruby red nipples, which, harry was amused to note, were currently hard and pebbled. his eyes continued down past her flat tummy, her flared hips, down to her shapely legs, tight calves, then up to the junction of her legs, where her tightlipped pussy was protected by a thick, neatly trimmed bush. “turn around, i wish to see the rest of you.” trembling, she obeyed her new master. harry’s breath went out with a rush as he caught sight of her firm, glorious ass. shucking his own clothes, harry walked up to his new property. taking out his wand, anadolu yakası eve gelen escort he imagined a suitable symbol to mark her as his, then he uttered another of his new spells, “scripto indelibile!” instantly a tattoo was branded onto hermione’s otherwise flawless lower back. it was an HP symbol surrounded by lightning bolts. hermione sobbed from the pain of the mark, but bore it silently. “turn around and get on your knees, but close your eyes,” said harry. as she did so, he silently fisted his 10 inch thick, 2 inch wide monster. “open your eyes, then open your mouth.” hermione gasped in shock and a little fear “h-harry i had no idea… glrmph!” the monstrous organ had been unceremoniously shoved past her lips. she lost herself to the immense fucklust that suddenly gripped her, swirling her tongue around the massive head, sucking and licking the mammoth meatspike. unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, who can tell?, for her, her ministrations only served to make harry harder and bigger.
finally pushed her away, grabbed her by the neck and threw her onto a couch. kicking her legs apart, he positioned himself against the entrance to her sopping wet flower. slowly, the monstrous head of harry’s dick started to spread her lips open. slowly, one inch went in, then, with no small amount of surprise, he encountered a barrier. “you are still a virgin?” “yes! i was s-saving it for m-marriage, p-please, it hurts, take it out?” “hmm, if you behave yourself, i might make you my wife. one of them anyway, hahahah.” and with the look of abject terror in her eyes, harry thrust forward, tearing the hyman away, and sinking balls deep inside the tight pussy. hermione’s screams would have shaken the rafters, were it not for the imperturbable charm harry had cast earlier in the evening. holding himself inside her, harry cast anadolu yakası escort yet another of his new charms, “virgo scutum” the maidens’ shield. a warm blanket of energy washed over hermione, and she wondered at what the spell would do. her musings were then interrupted by harry’s cock withdrawing from her, the raw nerve endings screaming with the pain, before it slammed home again.
each time he thrust into her, harry could feel her cunt muscles pulse and contract around him, straining to accept the massive invader. and with every withdrawal, her pussy created a vacuum around him, sucking him back in. soon they had a rythm going, their pelvises rising to meet each other, their slim bodies softly clapping together, his balls slapping against her ass cheeks. she looked away from him in shame as he raped her to an orgasm, her nails leaving deep scratches on his back. half an hour, and several orgasms, later, harry grunted, a primal savage sound, and unloaded shot after shot after shot of spunk into hermione’s ravaged pussy. any hope of her ordeal being over was dashed when after 2 minutes he was hard again. he flipped her over, doggy style, and proceeded to absolutely dominate her formerly virgin pussy. half an hour later, she had two thick loads deposited directly in her womb. when harry pulled out and set the tip of his once again hard cock at hermione’s crinkled asshole, she was too hoarse to scream, she merely accepted the painful invasion, her tight, hot ass milking his dick for every drop.
when he finally collapsed on top of her, she had three loads in her pussy, two in her ass, and she had swallowed another. almost gingerly, harry picked up his slave in his arms, and holding her close, whispered in her ear, “hermione… you are mine now… you will break off whatever you had with ron, no one will ever touch you again, besides me.” and with a sadly contented sigh, and a sniffle, she said, “yes master”. “good girl. now rest, sleep well, over the rest of the school year, you will help me ‘recruit’ new girls. i think luna will do nicely, dont you?” and with an airy smile, she agreed. after putting her in her bed, he went back to the common room, and with a flick of his wand, tidied up the room. he then went to bed and slept like a lord.

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The Interview_(0)

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The door was opened on the 2nd knock.

‘Yes?” inquired the man who answered.
She felt a sudden shyness creeping in, but sensing he wouldn’t be one to tolerate weakness in any form, cleared her throat, and said “I’m here about the position, sir.”

He casually looked her up and down, knowing all the while that the longer he took to let her in, the more she would squirm. But if this was going to happen, he needed to let her know up front that he was calling the shots.

“Come in,” he said finally.

She entered the villa and found herself immediately in the dining area. A small table and 2 chairs were set up in the small space that served as a kitchen. He took a seat in the farthest chair and continued looking her over. Not sure if this was an invitation or not, she started towards the other chair.

“I didn’t say you could sit,” he interjected.

She could feel herself blushing, and wasn’t quite sure what he expected. Fortunately, he didn’t make her wait long before continuing.

“You can either stand or kneel while I conduct the interview.”

“Yes, sir” she said, opting to kneel. At least then she didn’t feel like she was on display towering over him.

“I’m going to ask you some questions. If I feel like you aren’t being truthful, or giving me as much information as you should, the interview will be terminated and you will be escorted out. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied, afraid to look him in the face.

“Do you understand what it is you are interviewing for?” he asked.

“I think so, sir. You’re looking for someone to become your servant…..sexually.” She risked taking a peek at him for confirmation.

“That’s right. Have you ever been submissive to someone before?”

“To some degree, sir. I mean, I’ve done some role playing with various boyfriends, but never really where it was expected 24/7.”

“Tell me what they would have you do,” he demanded

“Usual stuff, I guess…..” she started, then remembered his earlier warning. “Most often, I would let them tell me what to do. Like they would order me to kneel and suck their cocks. Sometimes they would spank me. One liked to fuck me in the ass-but he only did that once.”

“And did you like it?”

“It was a little awkward, sir….it hurt a little at first, but then I liked it once he got going….” She trailed off, hoping that was enough information.

It seemed to be, because his next question was: “And how would you say you are at sucking cock?”

“I’ve never had any complaints, sir.” She answered, hoping that wasn’t too insolent of a response.
He chuckled softly, so she was safe.

“I’m sure you haven’t. I’m sure you’re a good cock-sucking little whore.” He brought a bag up from underneath the table and started rummaging through it, pulling out a dildo that very realistically resembled a penis. “I want you to show me how you sucked them off” he said, passing it to her, and adding “while you’re at it, take your tits out. They look nice and big, but I want to see firsthand”

She pulled the top of her dress down, and worked her arms out of her bra-throwing it off to the side. Somehow, with just her tits hanging out, she felt more exposed than if she had been completely naked.

She brought the cock up to her mouth. Her embarrassment was at a peak now. She had certainly sucked her share of men off, but there was always that intimate connection of actual contact to get her through it-not this disconnected sterility. He had called her a whore, and that was definitely what she felt like as she raised the fake cock to her mouth. Unsure of where to look, she decided to just close her eyes, and pretend as much as possible that she was sucking the real thing. The dildo was maybe 6 inches long, and fairly wide. She started by sucking the shaft, taking it into her mouth as deep as she could without gagging, and slowly pulling it back out…so the tip was just barely in her mouth still. In and out she went, getting more into the act as she imagined it being his cock she was pleasing. She moaned at that thought, and then took the cock out of her mouth, and holding it in place, ran her tongue up and down, all around, rubbing the tip on her lips. She had almost forgotten she was being watched and evaluated when his voice cut in.

“I think you’ll pass that part just fine. Now get up and bend over the table, but keep sucking that cock.”

She was relieved, because this meant he was going to fuck her now, and that horrible feeling of being on display would end. She could hear him rummaging around in his bag again, and a few seconds later, felt the cold lube being rubbed on her asshole. She was slightly nervous, being she was relatively anadolu yakası escort inexperienced “back there,” but she was determined to do the best she could. Instead of the zipper she expected to hear, she heard him bring yet another item out of the bag, and a moment later that item was being inserted without any preamble into her ass. The shock of this foreign object being shoved into her ass, most likely a butt plug judging from the feel, made her stop sucking her fake cock. She was punished for this lapse with a few sharp slaps to her ass.

“I didn’t tell you to quit,” he said.

“I’m sorry….sir” she said before going back to sucking, and thinking “what else is he going to pull out of that bag?” Plenty, as she soon found out. By the time he was done, she was still sucking on the dildo, her ass was filled with the plug, a collar had been attached around her neck, with a leash hanging from it, clamps were placed on her hard nipples, and a second dildo had been inserted into her dripping pussy.

“I think I’ve seen enough,” he said. “you’ll do just fine. Go wait for me in the corner while I prepare the things needed for your training.”

It felt like she had been in the corner for an eternity, though it had more likely been just 10 minutes or so. He had given her permission to stop sucking on the fake cock, and had mercifully removed the nipple clamps. Now she simply waited for his next instruction, the dildo and plug still filling her holes, and her nipples throbbing since being freed from the clamps.

He walked up behind her and picked up the leash. Without saying a word, he gave it a tug, indicating she was to follow him. Getting on all fours, she struggled to keep pace with him as he led her around the villa, and upstairs to the bedroom.

“You did a good job keeping that dildo and plug in place,” he said

“Thank you, sir”

“Regardless, I’m going to punish you now. Do you know why?”

“I don’t know, sir….” she replied, feeling a bit apprehensive.

“Because I want to,” he said, watching her reaction before adding “and I think it’s important for you to know what the consequences will be if you don’t please me. It’s only fair to give you an idea of what I expect out of you before you sign the paperwork accepting the position.”

He began taking off his belt. “I want you to bend over that desk. I’m going to give you 10 strokes with my belt, as hard as I can. You’re going to count them, and when I’m done you’re going to thank me. Then you’re going to go kneel in the corner, and when you are ready to accept the next 10, you’re going to crawl over to me and ask me to whip you again. Understand?”

“Yes, sir” she answered, and feeling more than a little shaky, got up and bent over the desk. She didn’t have long to wait before the first strike.


The force took her breath away, but she managed to get out “one, sir”

**WHACK** “two, sir”
**WHACK** “three, sir”
**WHACK** the fourth landed exactly where the third had, and her hands instinctively flew to her ass.

“Remove your hands-NOW. Next time you do that, we start over.”
“I’m s-sorry, sir” she stammered, placing her hands back on the desk and wondering how she could possibly make it through the next six, which reminded her to say “four, sir”

**WHACK** “five, sir” **WHACK** “six, sir” **WHACK** **WHACK** **WHACK**
**WHACK** “ten, sir. thank you, sir”

Her ass throbbing, she took her place in the corner while he sat in a chair, picking up a paper to read.

Her ass was on fire, and the throbbing only made her that much more aware of the plug still stuffed in her ass. It felt 10X bigger than it had before, and she could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter. In spite of the pain of the whipping, what she wanted more than anything was to take the dildo in her pussy, and move it in and out, fucking herself…or better yet, get him to fuck her. He still hadn’t laid a hand on her, and being so exposed and humiliated in front of him without the release of his contact was driving her crazy. She didn’t even care so much if he touched her right at this moment, if he would just let her suck on his cock…….

She couldn’t stand the suspense, and even though she wasn’t sure if she would be able to withstand another whipping so soon after the first, she couldn’t kneel in the corner anymore. She determined it would be best to get the pain out of the way, and then at least she would hopefully be closer to the pleasurable acts. She crawled over to him.

“May I please have the rest of my whipping, sir?” She asked

He put down the paper. “So soon? You are a naughty girl, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir” anadolu yakası gecelik escort she replied, not sure if she should risk voicing a question to him. Thankfully he seemed to sense that she wanted to say something else, and gave her permission to do so.

“I’m probably not supposed to ask, sir…..but may I please suck your cock? Please? It’s all I was thinking about when I was in the corner…..” she trailed off, thinking she’d probably said too much.

“You’re not just trying to get out of your whipping, are you-because that would upset me.”

“Oh, no sir, you can even give me extra if you want. I just really, really, want to taste your cock in my mouth”

He thought about it for a minute. “Let’s see how bad you want it. If you agree to take 15 this time, I’ll let you suck me off first”

“Oh yes, sir! Thank you, sir,” she said as he unzipped his fly and brought his cock out. She began sucking his thick shaft, working her tongue around it, and taking it deep when he pulled on her leash-almost gagging, but never stopping. She wanted to suck his cock all night, and was deeply disappointed when he pulled back on the leash, but he was ready to cum, and shot it all over her face.

“Lick it clean” he said, holding his cock in front of her. She ran her tongue up and down, getting every last bit of cum off of it, and not daring to make any attempt to clean the rest off of her face, where she could feel it already starting to dry.

Without being told, she returned to the desk to receive the second half of her whipping, wondering what else might be in store for her once that was done.

He ended up whipping her a bit harder than he had intended, but still, she handled it magnificently, even remembering to thank him when it was finally over.

Stepping out of character for a moment, he asked “Are you doing OK?” Her ass was beet red, with long angry welts striped across it. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She was a little surprised at his concern, but then, she really had no idea that he hadn’t intended her whipping to be so severe.

“Yes, sir. I’m fine” she replied, knowing that while she was going to feel this whipping for a long time, the worst of it was over. The heat that was radiating through her lower half now was only serving to heighten her arousal. Again, as if able to read her mind, he placed his hand on her crimson ass. The intensity of the heat aroused him as well, and before he knew it, he was removing the plug and probing with his cock to get inside. She let out a little gasp as he made his way in, then couldn’t help herself and moaned in pleasure when he finally got past that final resistance and began working his cock in and out.

“ooohh, thank you sir. God that feels so good”

“Only whores like to be fucked in the ass, you know” he taunted “are you a whore?”

“yes, sir” she replied

“yes, sir, what?”

“I’m a whore, sir”

“And what do whores like?”

“Whores like being fucked in the ass, sir”

“That’s right. And whose whore are you?” he asked

“I’m your whore, sir” she answered as his cock thrust in and out of her ass. As his pace intensified, he grabbed hold of her leash, and pulled, forcing her into an almost standing position, pumping his cock faster and faster into her ass. Her moans intensified and she felt herself getting completely lost in the sensation-by far the best she’d ever experienced.

“Keep it down whore, or I’ll have to find something to gag you with,” he warned, not wanting the guests in the next villa to hear. Not waiting to see if she would comply or not, he took the plug off the desk and forced it into her mouth.

“After I cum in your ass, you’re going to take that plug and put it back in. Make sure you’re quick about it. Any spills on the floor, and you’re going to be licking it up. Do you understand?”

Unable to speak, and barely able to move her head with the firm grip he had on her leash, she managed a small nod, and waited for his command. It wasn’t long in coming.

“Now” was all he said, letting up on her leash. She moved as quickly as she could removing the plug from her mouth and sliding it back into her ass, but she could feel some of his juice leaking out.

“I see you spilled some, whore. You know what to do”

She got down on her hands and knees, searching the carpet. She spied several small spots and tentatively stuck her tongue out to lick them up. Sensing her hesitation, he put his foot on the back of her head, forcing her face to be buried in the pile. She closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out as far as she could, licking the small drops of cum and getting anadolu yakası sınırsız escort a mouthful of dry carpet at the same time. He kept her head in place, and wasn’t satisfied until she had been at it for two or three minutes. Her mouth was dry, and she longed for a drink of water.

He picked up her leash again, and led her down the hall to the bathroom, where he filled a cup with water and placed it on the floor. She didn’t need any instruction from him to know he expected her to lap it up like a lowly dog, which she happily did. Anything was better than the dry, nasty taste of the carpet in her mouth. When she was done, he spoke.

“Seems to me you’re not very appreciative of receiving my cum. Not only did you spill some, but I practically had to force you to clean up what you spilled. I thi—”

“I tried sir! I didn’t mean to” she couldn’t help but interrupt. She hadn’t meant to displease him.

He regarded her coolly for a minute. “I didn’t ask a question, nor did I give you permission to speak. There will be punishment for that. Right now I think you need to taste some more of my cum.”

She was filled with relief thinking he just wanted another blow job. That was more pleasure than punishment. She was very far off, she discovered, when he gave his next order.

“Take the plug out of your ass, and lick all of my cum off of it.” Having learned from the last incident, she did not hesitate at all. She quickly pulled the cum-covered plug out of her ass and licked it clean, her cheeks red from the humiliation.
“Now for your punishment” he said when she was done.

Her stomach knotted, she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle another whipping like the one she had just received.

“I want you to go down to the kitchen, and find something I can spank you with. A spatula, wooden spoon, whatever. Make it quick”

She didn’t need to be told twice, and was in the kitchen in no time, rooting through the drawers, and settling on a rubber spatula.

He seemed to approve of her choice, and told her to bed over the bathroom sink. Her ass was still sore from the whipping, and she tensed up as she followed his command.

“Spread your legs. Take the dildo out.” he instructed, and without warning, brought the spatula up and made it land with a sharp “thwap” on her pussy. She was startled, but kept her position. Her pussy lips stung a bit, but it was no where near the pain inflicted on her ass, and she was grateful that her sore derri? was being spared. That sentiment changed a bit after the 9th and 10th slaps, and once he reached 20, she thought she was close to being in tears again. The hits were no where near as intense as her whipping, but her pussy lips were considerably more tender than her ass, and her clit was engorged from the confusing stimulation.

Mercifully, he stopped the attack and instructed her to turn around. “Hold your tits up for me” he told her. Then he began the assault on her erect nipples. Again, no single stroke in itself was enough to cause pain, but receiving one smaller hit after another collectively was beginning to have the same effect. Just when she thought she wouldn’t be able to handle any more, he would switch to the other nipple.

Before long, she felt that every sensitive area on her body: ass, pussy, tits, was pulsating. Standing there taking his continued abuse, she was acutely aware of her sexuality. Her face still carried his dried cum. There was cum drying in her ass, she could still feel the sting of his belt. Her pussy was throbbing, and her tits were aching.

“Do you think you’ve learned your lesson, slut?” he demanded

“Yes, sir! I won’t speak out of turn again. I’m sorry sir” she said, glad he had put the spatula down.

“And?” he asked. She was drawing a blank. What else had she done? His eyes were penetrating…demanding an answer that she just couldn’t form.

Seeing she was stumped, he continued: “You didn’t apologize for not appreciating my cum as much as you should. Maybe we need to go back a step, and I need to teach you to be thankful for whatever it is I am giving you. Take off your dress and kneel in the tub”

Her dress had been tucked up in back, revealing her ass, and the top was still down from his first instruction to expose her tits. She removed it now completely and got into the tub. Unsure of exactly what was coming, she faced him.

“Close the drain, and open your mouth” he ordered. “Maybe once you’ve tasted my piss, you’ll be more grateful for my cum”

After she did as instructed, he took his cock in hand, and let loose, spraying his hot piss on her face, in her mouth, and on her tits. She knelt there, taking it all, and feeling it pool in the tub around her knees. When he was done, he gave her yet more instructions.

“You can stay there until you think you’ve learned your lesson. Then clean yourself up and come find me. I’ll let you know then if I still want you as my slave.”

To be continued……………

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The Loving Family

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The pressure his cock was putting on Allison’s young virgin asshole was unbearable. Her uncle had been trying to ease it into her tight, pink hole for the last ten minutes. Allison was bent over, her pert bottom sticking high up in the air. She could feel a slight breeze from the open bedroom window between her gaping legs. Her pussy was so wet she wanted to start humping the air in frustration. She craned her head around the best she could to get a look at her favorite uncle Milo. In her eyes, he was the sweetest of all of her uncle’s. He was handsome, with soulful green eyes and a deliciously long nine inch cock. Unfortunately, it was that huge cock that was causing so much trouble now! He had lubed it up til it was wet and sloppy but her ass was so tight she whimpered uncontrollably when he would try to slide it in. He was too nice to just keep going so they had been in this hellish limbo for what seemed like forever.

Allison’s father finally said that he had seen enough. He stopped rubbing his very hard cock, he had been sitting in the corner jacking off, and told Milo to move. He leaned down and whispered into Allison’s ear.

“Baby, I know that I gave you a choice over who would be the first inside your ass but Milo is never gonna be able to do this.”

“Can I get you ready for him first? I won’t cum in your ass, I’ll let him be the first to do that.”

Allison took a deep breath and nodded yes. She knew her father’s cock well and although it wasn’t quite as big as Milo’s, he could fuck Allison’s pussy so good sometimes that she couldn’t even stand straight anymore.

Allison’s big crystal blue eyes looked on desperately as her father put some lube on his already rock hard cock. His cock glistened and bobbed as he walked over to the bed and got on his knees on the mattress to mount her from behind. He gripped her hips gently and even this small gesture sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She felt her pussy spasm and begin throbbing in anticipation. Her father’s hands were big and rough. He worked in construction and his large, muscled body had always made her feel tiny, safe and completely dominated.

At the first soft push she whimpered in fear of the pain. Her father’s cock was right at the hole and he was about to push his swollen head inside. She whimpered again and her father told her to whimper louder. Her sounds of pain turned him on. He pushed his head past her tight opening and she did not have to fake crying out loudly. It really, really hurt. It was an unbearable burning, stretching sensation. She tried to move forward so he would slip out but he grabbed her hips tightly and held her in place.

“Daddy please! It hurts. Take it out.” She cried desperately.

Her father ignored her pleas and simply told Milo to go around to her face and put his cock in her mouth to quiet her down. A tear rolled down Allison’s cheek as her father pushed in another half anadolu yakası escort inch. As her father did this Milo did as he was told and buried his cock deep in Allison’s mouth. He wiped at her tears and grabbed her hair in his fist so he could work her head slowly on his cock. Allison grunted as he pushed his length further and further down her throat.

At the same time her father was pushing further into her ass. He was slowly sliding his cock in inch by inch. He was trying to give her ass a chance to stretch to fit his cock before he rode her with any speed.
Her hole was so tight it felt like his cock was being squeezed to the point of pain but it also felt so good he wanted to start fucking her without any thought to her tender ass.

Finally her dad got himself buried deeply inside her. It took all his self control to stay still while her body adjusted to his cock. Allison felt the burning, stretching sensation ebbing with each passing moment. It still hurt and she still wanted to push him out but the pain was turning into more of a dull ache. As the pain ebbed she was able to better focus on Milo’s delicious dick in her mouth. She started to open her throat so he could force it down as far as possible. She heard him groaning his pleasure and pumping even harder in response to her sudden aggression. She was starting to get so carried away by the feel of Milo’s cock sliding down her throat that she had almost forgotten that her father was in her ass until he started moving in and out. He moved slowly at first and it was still painful but in a dull achy way. Then he started sliding in with wet slopping noises at almost the same speed that Allison was sucking Milo’s cock.

Milo gripped her hair tighter and held her head still while he matched her dad’s rhythm. At the same time, her father gripped her hips tightly in both hands to keep her still and began to slam in and out of her ferociously. Allison’s screams and moans were muffled as she choked on her uncle’s gigantic member.

Her dad knew that if he didn’t stop he was going to shoot his huge load in his baby’s ass so with a huge amount of self control he stopped himself and slowly slid his dick out of that tight, perfect little pink hole. He looked at Milo reluctantly who had his head thrown back and was groaning loudly and told him she was ready for him. Milo grinned and pulled his dick slowly out of Allison’s mouth, letting her lick and play with the head a little before taking it all the way out.

Allison’s uncle then positioned himself behind her and looked at her gaping glistening asshole. It was still tight but so much wider and it was bright red with use. Allison moaned as he slid his head in with ease.

“Oh… it hurts but feels so good this time too.” Allison groaned.

Milo wasted no time this time. He grabbed her hips and began to pull her further onto his cock. Allison was feeling wave after anadolu yakası anal yapan escort wave of pleasure and pain roll through her. The two sensations were mingling perfectly now. Finally her uncle got all nine inches of his meat buried inside her and started immediately pumping wildly and fast inside of her.

Through half shut eyes and moans she looked at her father in the corner rubbing his dick furiously as he watched them. She loved them both so much and at this moment she knew that she would fuck them for the rest of her life. She would fuck Milo and her dad and her other two uncles until her pussy and ass overflowed with their hot gushing cum. She would be their whore and let them fill all her holes for as long as they wanted her.

Milo was grunting and fucking her like an animal. His groans had devolved into something primal and uncontrolled. He was about to cum and she knew it so she started slamming into his cock with frantic force. She felt her ass stretching to it limits to take in his size. Finally she heard him moan loudly and felt his hot nasty juice flood her asshole. She felt it begin to gush out as he slid in and out slowly, making sure to give her all of his cum. Shortly after, she felt rather than saw, her father move in front of her face and he told her forcefully to open her mouth. She obediently opened it for him and he rubbed his cock fast and hard until he erupted onto her tongue. She loved his plain, slightly salty tasting cum and she swallowed all she could and then licked her lips to get whatever was left.

At the same time her father came, she felt Milo’s cock slide completely out of her ass. She felt sore and empty. Allison stayed with her ass in the air to catch her breath and she felt Milo’s soft hands rub up her spine. He leaned down and whispered how much he loved her in her ear and told her he would come back soon. Although her father and Milo left the room, Allison knew to stay in her position so she could be cleaned up and satisfied.

In the hallway, Allison’s younger sister Catelyn, had been listening intently at the door. She was naked and her pussy was throbbing and wet and sticky with need. She looked in awe as her father and uncle strolled out with just T shirts on and their cocks soft and glistening. Catelyn immediately stopped them and grabbed them both by their cocks. She got on her knees and did her duty joyfully. She sucked each of their cocks until it had lost all taste of Allison’s ass. Catelyn wasn’t worried about germs because she had helped Allison get ready for her first anal sex for the last two nights. They had cleaned her asshole thoroughly. Catelyn knew there was nothing but Milo’s tasty cum in her asshole.

After she was finished cleaning her father and uncle she went to do her favorite job. Allison was still on her knees with her ass in the air waiting for her sister. anadolu yakası otele gelen escort Catelyn looked at her gorgeous sister and wondered if she would ever be as beautiful as Allison. Her dark hair fell in luxurious waves down her sister’s slender tanned back and sides. Her large breast hung heavily, her nipples grazing the sheets with enough friction that they were hard and excited. Her sister turned and wearily faced her. Even when she was tired her perfect face with its small upturned nose and full rosebud lips looked camera ready.

Catelyn went to her sister’s mouth and kissed her softly and passionately. She swirled her tongue with hers gently and tasted her dads cum on her sister’s tongue. Catelyn pulled away a little and began to softly lick the rest of her father’s cum off her sister’s face. Allison sighed in pleasure and Catelyn could feel the tension slowly starting to ease from her sister’s body. Catelyn slowly moved down Allison’s body, kissing her gently and licking her salty sweat. When she got to her heavy breast she pulled one over enough to suck the nipple forcefully. Allison’s pussy began to throb in response. Little moans escaping her lips.

Catelyn knew she was ready so she moved behind her and examined her swollen, red, drenched asshole with fascination and more than a little jealousy. Allison spread her already wide legs even further and wiggled her ass with impatience at her sister. Catelyn smiled, stuck out her tongue and flattened it. In one smooth, unbroken motion Catelyn slowly licked Allison’s whole pussy starting from her clit to all the way to the top of her ass. Allison moaned her pleasure. Catelyn then made her tongue into a point and began to lick at the cum still dripping from Allison’s ass.

Allison’s legs almost gave out. Catelyn’s cool, wet and gentle tongue licking the inside of her swollen sore hole was almost too much to take. She swooned and felt her head swimming. Catelyn stuck her tongue further in her ass so she could taste some more of her uncle and then she wrapped her lips around the hole and began to suck the rest of the cum out.

When her sister’s ass had been completely licked and sucked clean Catelyn then slid under her sister in a practiced 69 position and pulled her sister’s pussy on her face. Catelyn loved the musky, delicious smell that her sister’s pussy had when she was turned on. Allison opened Catelyn’s legs wide and began to lick ravenously at her sister’s pussy. Catelyn matched her sisters pace and they both started sucking on each other’s clits.

After years of licking each other’s pussies they knew exactly how to make each other scream. Catelyn’s more patient and rhythmic tongue made Allison scream first. She pulled her sisters pussy firmly to her tongue so she could ride out her orgasm on her face. Catelyn licked all the juices that were coming out of her sisters throbbing pussy hole.

Once Allison had ridden out her orgasm she dove back into Catelyn’s pussy and brought her to a screaming, writhing orgasm. The two sisters were wet with sweat and exhausted and they just collapsed together on the bed. Allison fell asleep with her pussy still sitting inches from Catelyn’s mouth and Catelyn’s soft silky pussy hair as her pillow.

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