Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Onunla nette tanışmıştık.45 yaşlarında hoş bir erkekti.Full aktifti.Buluşmaya tanışmaya karar verdik.Randevu günü beklediğim yere arabası ile geldi.Arabaya bindik ve daglara doğru sürdü arabayı.Orman yolunda gidiyorduk.Bir yandanda konuşarak birbirimizi tanımaya çalışıyorduk.Göz ucu ile onu inceliyordum.Dudakları etli idi.Vücudu dolgun,kot patlonundan önündeki kabaraklığa bakıyordum.Etkilenmiş içim bir tuhaf olmuştu.Orman yolundan asfalttan çıkıp patika bir yoldan agır agır ileryerek bir tepede durduk.Aşagıda deniz uzanıyordu.Etrafımızsa sık bir bitki örtüsü ve agaçlarla kaplıydı.Birer sigara yakıp sohbete daldık.Tabi ki konumuz seksti.Ara sıra göz göze geliyorduk.O an için kendimi zor tutuyordum.Sarılıp öpmek istiyordum.Ama ilk hareketi bir türlü yapamıyordum.Neden sonra elini uzatıp ensemi saçlarımı okşamaya başladığında cesaretimi toplayıp dudaklarından öptüm.Oda karşılık verdi.Artık şevhetle öpüşüyor,dudaklarımı emiyor,ara sıra dilini agzıma sokuyordu.Elini kazagımın altına sokmuş gögüsleri okşayıp sıkıyordu.Elimi pantolunun önündeki kabarıklaga götürdüm.Sert yaragı elimde hissettiğimde ne kadar büyük olduğunu farketmiştim.Femuarını açtım.Külotundan zar zor çıkardığım yaragı adeta hapsolmuş yerinden fırlamış dikilmişti.Muhteşem yaragı vardı.18 cm kadar kalın damarlıydı.Harika bir kafası vardı.Okşuyor oynuyordum.Er suları elime bulaşıyordu.
Daha fazla kendime hakim olmamayıp,egilip yaragının kafasını öptüm.Suları dudaklarımda idi.Dilimle tattım önce o suları.Sonra kafasını yalamaya başladım.Kafasını yalıyor emiyordum artık.O ise kafamı bastırıyor derin derin nefes alıp ohhh çekiyordu.
-Harika yalıyorsun aşkım dedi.
Başından gövdesine indim yalıyarak.Oradanda taşaklarına.Toplarını emiyor agzıma alıyordum.
O ise elini pantolunumun içine sokmuş hafif uzanarak bana doğru kalçaları okşuyor sıkıyordu.Kalın orta parmagını deliğimde hissettim bir an.Elini çıkarıp orta parmagını ıslatıp tekrar soktu pantolonumun içine.Deliğimde ıslaklığını hissettim parmagının.Zorluyordu deliğimi.İçimdeydi artıl parmagı.Hafif hafif sokup çıkarıyordu.Birden doğruldum.
-Nolur yeter çok kötü oldum dedim.
Gülerek kemerini çözüp pantolunun dizlerine kadar sıyırdı.
-Hadi gel aşkım dedi.
-Buradamı yapacagız dedim.
-Neden olmasın dedi.
Ok yaydan çıkmıştı artık.Gözüm hiç bir şey görmüyordu.Pantolumu çıkardım külotumla beraber.Oturduğu koltuğu sonuna kadar geriye itti.Kalkıp bacagımı üzerine atıp yüzüm ona dönük kucagına oturdum.Göz göze idik.Elini tükürükleyip götüme götürdü.Deliğime sürdü iyice.Orta parmagını soktu hafifçe.Bunu bir kez daha yaptı.Son kez tükürüp bu kez yaragına sürdü.Yaragının kafasına oturdum yavaşça elimle tutup.Yavaş yavaş oturdum.Kafası sonra gövdesi derken yarıya kadar girmişti.Canım yanmıştı ama çok istediğim için devam ettim oturmaya.Sonra durup bekledim.Öpüştük bu arada.Sonra ritmik hareketlerle oturup kalmaya başladım.Her defasında biraz daha giriyor götümde acıya alışıp zevke dönüşmüştü.Ve köküne kadar almıştım artık.Müthiş bir zevkti.İçimde yaragının damarlarını hissettiğimde sıcak dölleri akıyordu içime.
-Ne yaptın ya hemen mi dedim.
-Ya ilkinde çabuk gelirim korkma 10 dk sonra gene sikecegim seni dedi.
Gelmesi bitince üzerinden götümü tutarak kalktım.Döllerin bir kısmı avucuma aktı.Yan koltuğa oturdum.Aldığım bir kagıt mendille götümü sildim.Gözüm yaragının kökündeki ve taşaklarında ki döllere ilişti.Egilip onları özenle yalıyarak temizledim.
-Harikasın aşkım senden hiç beklemzdim dedi.
-Dölü çok severim dedim gülerek.
-Üzülme seni döle doyuracagım bundan böyle dedi.
Kalkıp arabadan çıktı.Körfezr doğru işemeye başladı.Uzun uzun işedi.İşemesi bile müthişti.
Bende pantolunumu ve külotumu giyip çıktım arabadan.Hala dölleri akıyordu içimden.Külotum ıslanmıştı zira.Birer sigara yaktık.Bitince gelip ayakları dışarda koltuğa oturdu.Bana gel diyerek fermuarını çözdü.Anlamıştım.Çömelip yaragı yalamaya başladım tekrar.Kazık gibi olmuştu yine.Kalkıp benden arabaya girip domalmamı istedi.Pantolonumu sıyırıp koltukta domaldım dışarıya doğru.Gelip arkamdan yaragını dayayıp deliğime soktu.Kolay girmişti bu kez.İçimdeki dölleri ile rahat girmişti.Belimden tutup gidip gelmeye başladığında aldığım zevkten arabanın içinde inlemelerimi duyuyordum.Ara sıra “sik ne olur daha sert sik “diyordum.Oda ser sert vuruyordu yaragını.Ara sıra kalçalarımı tokatlıyor “ibnem benim harika götün var”diyordu.Uzun uzun siktikten sonra çıktı içimden.”Dön” dedi.Döndüm sırt üstü yatırdı beni koltuğa.Pantolunumun bir paçasını çıkarıp kollarına aldı bacaklarımı.Ve soktu içime.Sikerken ara sıra durup uzanıyor dudaklarımı emiyordu.Sonra gene sikiyordu.
-Geleyim mi artık istermisin dedi.
-Olur ama agzıma isterim dedim.
Gülerek olur dedi.
İçimden çıkıp “hadi” dediğinde süratle doğrulup agzımı açıp dilimi çıkardım.Dilimin üstüne uzun uzun boşaldı.Ne kadar çok ve koyu idi dölü.Gelmesi bitince uzun uzun emdim yaragı.Agzımdaki dölleri ise çoktan yutmuştum.Elime tükürdüm,yaragı yalarken 31 çekmeye başladım.Agzımda yarak inliyerek boşaldım.Ne boşalmaydı ama.Doğrulup pantolonumu çektim.
-Yarım saat geçsin gene sikerim seni dedi.
-Ya yeter inan götüm agrıyor artık dedim.İçim zonkluyordu.
-Aşkım benim sen nasıl istersen dedi.
-Teşekkür ederim anlayışın için dedim.
-Ne demek rahat bir ortamda bak seni nasıl sikecegim.Seni iyiki tanımışım ibnem dedi.Çok tatlısın inan.
-Bende erkegim dedim.
Toparlanıp geldiğimiz yoldan döndük.Tekrar buluşmak dilgiyle ayrıldık.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Çınarın Hikayesi. Bölüm – 8

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Çınarın Hikayesi. Bölüm – 8

Arkadaşlar hikayeme gösterdiğiniz ilgiden dolayı tsk.ederim. Dediğim gibi bu ilk hikayem.
Gerçektende iki günde binlerce kişinin okumasına rağmen, yanlızca birkaç kişinin begendim
butonuna basması bi okadarda hayal kiriklığı. Bu hikayeleri yazmak için saatlerimi pc başında
geçiren ben., Birkaç yüz yada binlerce beğeniyi hak etmiyormuyum. Buna sizler karar verin
istiyorum. Hemide bu gün. Sekizinci bölüm Son olabilir.
Yola devam edebilecek, yetenekli bir yazar potansiyelimin olup olmadığına sizlerin yorum ve
beğenileri karar verecek… Yorum ve Beğenilerinizi merakla bekliyeceğim..!

Çınarın Hikayesi.

Çınarın Hikayesi 7 Kardeş, Ablam Nalan (8)

Filiz kırıtarak giderken, okul üniformasının kısacık eteği havalandıkça, benimde nabız
atışlarım hızlanmış., Sikimin dikilmesiylede kasıklarıma saplanan ağrı dahada

Asaf amcanın gelmesiyle tokalaşmak için ayağa kalkınca , Pantolonumun önünün
kabarıklığı asaf amcanın gözünden kaçmadı. Önce annemle tokalaşmış, sonra bana
dönerek yüzümdeki acıyı fark etmişti. Anneme dönerek hoş geldin ayşe., buyurun odama
geçelelim. Kahveler söylenmişti .Onlar kahvelerini içerken ben meyva suyumu içiyordum.

Asaf amca bana dönerek zannedersem çınarın rahatsızlığı var. Ben evet ama özel dedim.
Annem sen sus bakıyım ne özeliymiş deyince. Asaf amca ayşecim olabilir, artık çınar
yetişkin genç bir delikanlı deyince., Annem anladı ha evet anlıyorum. Ben sekreter hanımın
yanında bekliyorum diyerek çıktı.

Asaf amca çınarcım nedir şikayetin. Ben asaf amca benim şeyim diyerek parmağımla
göstererek. Asaf amca gayet sakin bir şekilde penisin dedi. Ben evet penisim akşam kalktı,
dedim. Baktım annem çıkarken kapıyı zannedersem aralık bırakmış. Ordan bizi dinliyo
çünkü ayakkabısının ucu görünüyordu kapı aralığından.

Ben ne anlatacağımı şaşırdım. Aceleyle dedim benim kız arkadaşım sema beni aldatıyo.
Asaf amca gayet sakin koltuğunu arkaya yatırarak devam et çınarcım. Benimde dün gece
onunla sevişmelerimiz gözümün önüne geldi. Tabi o düşüncelerde otomatikman şeyimi
kaldırdı. Ama ne kadar uğraştıysam bir türlü boşalamadım. Sonra uyuya kalmışım diye
yalan söyledim. Gerci sabaha kadar kalkık sikle uyuya kalmam doğruydu.Ama gerisi
yalandı. Semanın elini tutmakdan başka bi halt geçmemişti aramızda.

Asaf amca sen geç uzan, kıçının üst tarafı açta sana bi ağrı kesici iğne yapalım, dedi.
Eldivenlerini giyerken bana. Sen kız arkasaşınla hiç birlikte oluyomusun.,Yani sex
yapiyormusunuz ? Diye sorunca.,Ben yok hayır yanlızca sevişiyorduk, karşılıklı olarak
birbirimizi elliyorduk. Ama asaf amaca çok azgın bir kız sema, her seferinde ağzıyla
beni boşaltmadan bırakmazdı. dedim.. Sonra kıçıma saplanan iğneyle ah deyiverdim.

Asaf amca masasına geçerken, bende pantolonumu yukarı çekiyordum. Otur çınarcım.
Bu boşalamama durumu ne zamandır devam ediyo diyerek hala kalkmış olduğu belli olan
sikime doğru bakarak. Geceden beridir devam ediyo, bütün pisikolojim bozuldu. Ben
bütün gün böylemi gezecem asaf amca dedim. Oysa zor ve acıylada olsa sabahleyin

Çınarcım iyiki hemen gelmişsiniz. Bu durumlar hemen tedbir alınmazssa ileride çok
kötü ve geri dönülemez sonuçlar doğurabilir. Özellikle genç yaşlardaki çiftler böyle
problemlere, deneyimsiz oldukları için sebep olabiliyor.

Genelde genç ergen kızlarımız okullarında yada partilerde gizli gizli seviştikleri erkek
arkadaşlarını, tam sevişmenin hararetli yerinde biri geliyo diye bırakıp gidince., sizin
tabirinizle, Piç gibi ortada bırakınca. Erkek o anki reflex ile orayı kaçarak terkeder.

Ama aradan geçen zaman boyunca, bu durum erkeğin sancı çekmesine sebep olur.
Bu ağrıya tahrik olmuş boşalmaya hazırlanan erkeğin testislerde, üretilen meni’nin
döllemeye hazır olması ve bir an önce penisten çıkma isteği yol açar.

Ben o an kendimi biyoloji dersinde gibi hissettim.

Eğer bu durum kesilirse,erkeğin menileri geri gitmeye zorlanır. Buda basınç meydana
gelmesine ve şişmeye sebep olur. Böyle oluncada, sancıya sebep olur. Bu da senin
şu andaki durumunla tam olarak aynı. Çınarcım daha önce bu sancıyı çekmedikleri
için hiç bir kız yada kadın bunu bilmez. Çünkü bu çekmedikleri bir sancıdır.

Şimdi beni iyi dinlemeni istiyorum. Bu boşalamama durumları çok ciddiye alınması
gereken bir durumdur. Eğer üretilen meniler erkeğin testislerden atılmazsa,
ileriki zamanlarda prostat veya penis kanserine ve daha birçok sağlık problemlerine
sebep olacak nedenler yaratabilir..!

Ben bir an oturduğum koltukta öylece kalakaldım. Sonra neyseki benim böyle
problemlerim yoktu.

Baktım annem hala kapının orda bizi dinliyo. Ağlamaklı bir sesle asaf amca ben şimdi
prostat kanserimi olacam dedim. Asaf amca yerinden kalkarak yanıma geldi., yok
evladım öyle bi kereyle bişey olamaz. Sen şimdi evine git dinlen. Düzelmez ise
önce seni bir pisikoloğa yönlediririz.

Ben o zaman gideyim deyince, Annemin kapıdan uzaklaştığını gördüm.

Annemin yanına gittiğimizde eee asaf bey nedir durum. Sanki sabahtan berli bizi
dinleyen o deyil gibi.

Yok önemli bi durum, ergenlik meseleleri, ama biz çınarla hallettik. Deyilmi çınarcım.
Annem madem öyle , çınarcım hazır gelmişken bende bi asaf beye görüneyim,
kaç gündür çarpıntım var. Bende tamam ben seni bekliyorum deyince.

Onlar içeri doğru gidince bende arkalarından gittim. Şimdi annemin beni dinlediği
yerden ben onları dinliyordum. Kapı kapalıydı ama modern ve alengirli bir kapıydı.
Kapını üst köşeleri ve alt köşeleri, kırpılmış gibi açık olduğundan, zorda olsa

Annem asaf bey nedir çınarın durumu. Asaf amca ayşecim hasta mahremiyeti
diye lafa girmeye başlamıştıki. Bana bak asaf abi bana anlatma şu hasta
mahremiyeti zırvalıklarını. Bu hayatta oğlumdan daha değerli bir şey yok benim
için. Şimdi söyle kısaca neyi var oğlumun.

Ayşecim biraz psikolojisi bozulmuş. Zannedersem kız arkaşımı ne terk ettmiş.
Oda fiziksel olarak çınarı etkilemiş. Tabi ergenlik cağındaki cocuklarda sıkça
görülen bir durum deyil açıkcası.

Annem asaf abi açıkca anlatsana şunu. ”Çınar boşalamıyor”. Annem, peki çözümü
nedir. Birkaç gün sonra bidaha getir. Düzelmezse, bir psikolog arkadaşıma
yönledireyim. Annem hepsi bumu yani..!

Ne söyleyim ayşe sana git kız arkadaşını bul geri getir cocuk rahatlasın mı
diyeyim. Konuşturma beni ayşe. Bu yaşlardaki cocuklar günde kaç kere
masturbasyon yapıyorlar senin hiç haberin varmı ? Ama bu durum çınarda
tamamen ters işliyo. Umarım birkaç güne psikolojisi düzelir.

Sen yinede ters bi durum olursa hemen beni ara. Tamam asaf abi ben gideyim
o zaman. Tamam cemale selam söyle. Tamam abi söylerim. Asaf abi sakın
cemale bir şey söyleme, biliyosun cemalin huyunu. Söz konusu Çınar olunca
gözü bir şey görmez. Tamam tamam söylemem şimdilik.

Eve giderken arabada hiç konuşmuyorduk. Anneme umarım kötötü birşeyin
yoktur dedim. Annem önce afalladı, sonra ne aşkım anlamadım. Asaf amcaya
muayene oldunya., umarım kötü bir hastalığın yoktur. Annem gülerek yok yok.
Maşallah turp gibiyim diyerek . Bana tebessüm etti.

Eve girince ben anneme, ben biraz uzanacam, ne olur kimse beni rahatsız etmesin
dedim. Annem tamam aşkım kızlar zaten okuldalar. Sultan zaten öğlen yemeğini
hazırlıyodur, mutfaktan çıkmaz. Şirinle selviyede ben söylerim. Tamam mı …

Filizin verdiği notu çıkardım cebimden, sonra telefonumu çıkarıp numarasını
kaydettim. Notu tekrar okudum… Kendi kendime, nasıl manyak bir afetsin sen.,
Sonrada numarayı aradım, gerci şimdi derste olma ihtimali çok yüksek,ama ben
yinede aradım.

İkinci çalmada açtı. Dedim kızım telefonun başındamı bekliyodun aramam için,,
Afedersiniz kimsiniz deyince. lan dedim yanlış numaramı kaydettim yoksa.
Tereddütle Filiz senmisin dedim. Benim telefonumdan arıyorsun tabiki ben olacam
başka kim olacak, deyince, dedim ben Çınar…

Umarım derste aramadım. Yok zaten ders boş. Sana verdiğim notu iyice okumadın
galiba dedi. Ben yoo kaç kere okudum iyicede anladım. Filiz yok senin şansının
olabilmesi için, 3 gün sonra beni saat 16’da araman gerekiyodu. Bir saat sonra
deyil. Bende, kızım ben o götü gördükten sonra üç gün bekleseydim, millet bana
kesin ibne derdi. Deyince bi gülmeye başladı. Sonra terbiyesiz dedi.

Bende ne yani kızım yalanmı söyliyecem. Bizim orda göte, göt derler dedim.
Bu tekrar gülmeye başladı. Dedim hafta sonu ne yapıyosun. Dedi bilmiyorum
daha program yapmadım. Bende iyi o zaman yapınca beni ara, Özlettirme
kendini bana deyip, pat diye kapattım telefonu kızın yüzüne.

Kapatıp gözlerimi, kendimi yasladım geriye doğru , Şirin ablanın harika amını
düşünerek pantolunun üstünden okşamaya başladım sikimi. Hemen dikilmişti
bütün heybetiyle. Kemerimi çözüp pantoloumu kilotumla beraber aşağıya

Bolca tükürdüm elime sonra sikimin üstüne sürerek sıvazlamaya başladım.
Yavaş yavaş. Terasın ordan bişeyler düştü yere gürültüyle. Kafamı kaldırıp
baktım bi şey göremyince , devam ettim sikimi sıvazlamaya. Sonra gözlerimi
hafifce aralıyarak gizli gizli baktım, balkonterasa doğru. Evet biri beni dikizliyo
ama kim. Evde dört kişi vardı. Annem, sultan, şirin, selvi…

Hafif hareketlerle önce doğruldum. Sonra pantolonumu olduğu gibi çıkardım.
Şimdi ayakta duruyordum. Yatağın üzerinde döndüm hafifce, yana doğru
şimdi tam olarak benim sikimi görüyor olmalıydı.

İyice meraklanmıştım. Sonra iç çamasırlarımın olduğu çekmeceye giderek
açtım ve kilot giymeden bir şort geçirip balkon terasına doğru koştum.

Ben onun olduğu yere geldiğimde oda diğer tarafa doğru kaçmıştı. Ama
odasına girerken gördüm son anda. Nalan ablam..! Bu saatte evde ne işi
vardı. Terasta yürüyerek tek tek geçtim odaları. Nalan ablamın odasına
gelip camdan bakınca bişey göremedim. Diğer tarafdaki kısım kismen
perde ile kapalıydı. Teras camlarımız sürgülü büyük fiberglaslarla kaplıydı.

Cam sürgü tam kapanmadığı için hafif aralık kalmıştı. Baktım kimse yok.
Tam içeri girmek için hazırlanıyodumki ablam göründü. Hemen eğildim.

Ablam büyük boy aynasının karşısına geçti kendini şöyle bir süzdü. Sonra
üzerindekileri çıkarmaya başladı. Sütyen kilot kalmıştı. Siyah sütyeni ama
kırmızı dantelli kilotu vardı üzerinde. Takım giymemişti iç çamaşırlarını,
Ama yinede çok sexi olmuştu. Ablamı kaç kere görmüştüm saunada,
hamamda veya yüzerken. Ama gözüme hiç bu kadar sexi ve çekici
gelmemişti. Acaba iç çamaşırları dantelli olduğu içinmi diye düşündüm.
Nede olsa hep bikiniyle görmüştüm.

Nalan ablamın sütyenini çıkamasıyla benim gözlerim nerdeyse yuvalarından
çıkacaktı. Aman allahım kilotunuda çıkardı. Burdan görebildiğim kadar
Amının bir kaç günlük kılları cıkmıştI. Çok güzeldi. Ve harika göğüsleri
vardı. Ne büyük nede küçük. Göğüs başları fındık kadardı ve dikti.

Ablam çekmecesinden haylu alınca duşa gireceğini anladım bu benim için
tarifsiz bir duyguydu. Çünkü olduğum yer ablamdan en az 10 metre uzaktaydı.
Ama duşa girince 2 veya 3 metreden izleyebilirdim bu muhteşem vücudu.
Yerimde duramıyor, ablamın duşa gitmesini bekliyordum.

Ablalarım bütün güzelliklerini annemden almışlardı. Her biri başka güzeldi.
Nalan duşa gidince bende hemen camı biraz daha aralayıp girdim içeri.

Duşa doğru giderken heyecandan bacaklarım titremeye başlamış, korkumla
heyacanım birbiriyle yarış halindeydi sanki. Vücumdaki adranalin tavan
yapmıştı. O anda birisi Hööt dese, kesin kalpten giderceğmi hissediyordum.
Duşa yaklaştıkca dermanım kesiliyor, bacaklarım adeta beni taşıyamaz hale

Odanın diğer başına ulaşabilmiş, bir kaç adım daha atarsam, köşede kirişin
ordan rahatlıkla duşu görebileceğimi biliyordum. O bir kaç adım gözümde
büyüdükçe büyüdü. Köşeye geldiğimde bacaklarım iflas etmiş yere sırtımı

Duştan su sesleri gelmeye başlamıştı. Kalbimin gümbürtüsünü ablam duyar
diye korkar hale gelmiştim. O güne kadar yanlızca bir kere, benden bir yaş
büyük olan ablam aylinin odasına dalınca tam o sırada aylin üstündeki kazağını
çıkarmıştı. Portakal büyüklüğündeki memelerini bir anlığina görmüştüm. Öyleki
bu güne kadar ablamın göğüslerini düşünmeden bir otuzbir çekmemiştim.
Ama şimdi Nalan ablamı çok yakınımda duşun altında çırılçıplaktı…

Kafamı uzatıp baktıgımda ablam duşun ayarlarını yağmur moduna getirmiş
saçlarına gelen suları kenera çekiyor. Göğüslerine vuran damlalardan iyice
dikleşen göğüs uçlarını iki parmağının arasına alıyor hafifce sıkıyor sonra
elini apış arasına götürerek amın avuçluyordu.

O ilk an sessizce dillerimden dükülen kelimeler, aman allahın benim ablam
ne kadar harika ne kadar muazzam.

Bir erkeğin böyle bir güzellik karşısında ne kadar aciz kalabileceğine iyice

Bütün evimizin duşları cok muazzam bir sekilde tasarlanmış olduğundan
havalandırma buharları direk çekip aldığından, ablamın her hareketini 4K
gibi net ve parlak görebiliyordum.

Ablam önce şampuanla saçlarını yıkadı. Sonra şampuanladığı lifi göğüs
ve baçaklarınıa, apış arsına sürerek yıkadıktan sonra durulandı. Sonra tekrar
lifi köpürtüp bütün vucüduna sürdükten sonra lifi yerine koyup kendini
okşamaya başladı.

Aman yarabbim bu nasıl olabilir ablam bir eliyle göğüslerini okşayıp uçlarını
sıkarken,diğer elini apış erasına sokmuş amını okşuyordu. Okşadıkça ahhhh
ohhh sesleri iyice yükselmişti. Bense olduğum yere adeta çivilenmiştim.

Sikim resmen zonklamaya başlamış, oda kasıklarıma sabahki gibi ağrı
yapmaya başlamıştı. Daha fazla dayanamadım, şortumun altından sikimi
dışarı çıkararak sıvazlamaya başladım.

Ablam gözlerini kapatmış duşun yan kısmında oturmak ve sampuanları
koymak için yapılan kısma bacağının birini atmış, böylece amının her tarafını
rahatlıkla elleriyle oksayabiliyordu.

Nalan iyice tahrik olmuş bir yandan amını hızlı hızlı okşarken bir yandanda
göğüslerini sıkıyordu. Öyle bir tahrik olmuştuki, kendi kıçına sert sert şaplaklar
atmaya başlamıştı.

Ben artık dayanamaz halde elime bolca tükrüklerimi boca ettim ve sikimi daha
hızlı okşamaya başladım.

Ablam gözleri hala kapalı, çıldırmış gibi amını avuçluyordu. Kıçına vurduğu
şaplakların dozunu artırmaya başlamış, hızlı ve sert hareketlerle adeta
kendinden geçmişti. Vurduğu şaplaklardan kıçı resmen kıpkırmızı olmuştu.

Bende asılmaktan mahvolmuş dayanacak halim kalmadmıştı. Ablam beni
öyle yükseltmiştiki onsuz boşalmamak için adeta savaş veriyodum. hadi ablam
birlikte boşalmak istiyorum bekletme kardeşini derken..!

Nalan ağzında gevelediği laflardan anladığim ilk kelime Çınar hadi o koca sikini
sok ablanın amına diyerek öyle sert bir sekilde kıçına vurmaya başladıki…

Herşey film şeridi gibi birkaç saniyede, gözümün önünden geçmişti, demekki
ablam o günü unutamamış. O yüzden biraz önce benim odamın oraya geldiğinde,
beni öyle görünce izlemeye başlamış,sonra bana yakalanacağını anlayınca hızlıca

O an ben bir boşalmaya başladım menilerim oluk oluk ablamın odasının her
yerine resmen fışkırıyordu.

O saniye kafamı kaldırıp ablama baktığımda ablamında titreyerek ve kasılarak
müthiş bir orgazm yaşadığına şahit oluyordum.

Ablam hala ismimi sayıklıyodu resmen.

İkimizde boşalmıştık. Ablam duşta oturmuş kalmış. Bense ourduğum yere adeta
çivilenmiştim. Ablam duşu tekrar açıp durulanmaya başlayınca. ben hemen
ablamın cekmecelerinden birini açıp bir tişörtünü alıp yerleri silmeye başladım.
Duşun sesi kesilince hızlıca kaçmaya başladım.

Tam camdan dışarı çıktığım anda, tişört camın kapama koluna takılıp yere düştü.
Ablam duştan çıkmıştı.kim var orda..! Tişörtü orda bırakarak son sürat odama
doğru kaçmaya başladım.,, Odama girip kendimi yatağımın üzerine attığımda,
heyacandan ölmek üzereydim.

İnanamıyordum ben ablalarımı düşünerek 31 çekerken., Nalan ablamın beni
düşünerek masturbasyon yapması beni uçurmuştu resmen..

Kapım çalınmaya başlayınca kalbim yeniden hızlı hızlı atmaya başladı. Ben evet
deyince ., Annem kapıyı açarak gelebilirmiyim?

Devammı tamammı.

Yorum ve beğenileriniz karar verecek..

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You Know You’re A True cuck when…

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You Know You’re A True cuck when…You look through the window as you walk up to your front door and see your wife in the kitchen with two men. She kisses one and you notice he has her blouse unbuttoned and open and he is, apparently, playing with her breasts.Her skirt drops to the floor and she turns to kiss the other man. You see his hand caressing her ass and she wraps her arm around his neck as she’s kissing him.Trembling, you hurry to the door, but not sure if you should enter or not, you stand at the door for awhile, before mustering the courage to turn the knob and walk in. During your hesitation, you have decided to enter loudly, so they will know you are there and nobody will be startled by your sudden appearance.As the door opens you look toward the kitchen and your wife is on her knees with one hand wrapped around each cock – or as much as Escort she can get around them, as the men are very thick! Startled, she turns her head and looks at you. “My husband!!…” she loudly declares, but is quickly muffled by the big man in front of her stuffing his dick back into her mouth. “Shut up and keep suckin’ bitch!”You are surprised to see that she is completely naked now! You watch and see she is not timidly sucking or even acting like she is doing it reluctantly – she is enthusiastically sucking and stroking his cock and play with his balls as he holds her head and is soon cumming in her mouth.She is still swallowing his load when the other man turns her head and stuffs his cock into her mouth – and with both hands on her head – starts working his cock into her mouth until she seems to gag on it; then he pulls back out. She Escort Bayan plunges her mouth back onto his cock and sucks him like that for several minutes before he holds her head and thrusts his cock into her mouth for several strokes and finally holds it deep in her mouth and throws his head back and is obviously cumming in your wife’s mouth, as she gags and does her best to swallow it all, but it ends up dripping down her chin and onto her breasts.He instructs her to clean it off before he stuffs it back into his pants, zips up, puts on his hat and both of the men walk toward you. Clearly intimidated, you open the door for them. The first one looks at you directly.”Got any beer?”You nod your head and he keeps staring at you. Suddenly you realize he is waiting for you to get the beer and you head for the kitchen. When you look into Bayan Escort the refrigerator, you decide to just give them the entire six pack and you turn back towards the door.When you look down at your wife, you see she is naked, except for her blouse hanging uselessly around her waist and there are red marks on her breasts and ass where they had apparently been handling her roughly. She smiles and blows you a kiss, so you know she enjoyed it!You reach the men by the door and hand them the six pack. They both reach in and take one beer and one of them turns to your wife. “Well be back tomorrow, slut. Same time!” The both laugh as the walk out the door…Suddenly your wife starts in on you. “You miserable son of a bitch! You walk into your own house and two men are treating your wife like a whore and you just stand there and watch?!!!”You look at her, startled, then suddenly burst out laughing, and she joins you! “Yep, honey, that’s pretty much what happened. You got any complaints?”She smiles at you.”Not a single one, honey, those two were incredible – I can’t wait for tomorrow!”deleted

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No Regrets Pt. 03

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Reading parts 1 and 2 first will give you the proper context for the events in this chapter.



“Kate!” I repeated, but a little louder this time.

Then I heard the shower through the bathroom door.

Later. What did that mean? Like, later in life? Later as in later today? Kate was in the shower now, and I was standing naked with a limp dick in my room, wondering what my sister meant by later. Life can be so unfair.

“Oh, well. Nothing to be done about it now,” I told myself.

I couldn’t shower unless I went into my parent’s room, not that I needed to. So, I decided to kill some time by returning to the original crime scene, the pool. I’d never been swimming in the nude, and now seemed as good a time as any, so why not try that.

I walked into the hall to the closet where the towels were kept, grabbed a

beach-size towel and wrapped it around my midsection on my way to the pool. I’m not sure why I grabbed the towel, maybe by force of habit, but there definitely wasn’t anyone around to see me that hadn’t already seen me. I went down the stairs and out the sliding glass door to the backyard, where the swimming pool and its cool, clear water awaited me. I stripped off the towel and dived in. It was still hotter than hell outside, so I was instantly refreshed when I hit the water.

“Kate may have a point; swimming without clothes does feel good,” I thought as the water touched every part of my body; I enjoyed my newfound freedom.

So, after paddling around for several minutes, I traced Kate’s path from earlier to the shallow end and then out and over the chase where my sister had pleasured herself, cock swinging in the breeze in its benign condition. Then, finally, I sat on the lounger, pivoted to throw my legs up, and lay back, looking up at my window.

“Yep,” I mused, “this is where It all happened.”

It felt good laying there, the sun beating down on my still-naked body. I thought about the day so far and what had happened. It was a lot to take in. First, I watched my sister masturbating while jerking off, then she and I jacked off together, and I came on her tits. I’d say I had accomplished a lot in one day, and it was barely 2 o’clock. I lay back and closed my eyes to rest, relax, and recover. There was still another half a day to go, and there was no telling what that might hold.

I opened my eyes as if coming out of a daze. I had apparently fallen asleep. I sat up and looked around. I didn’t have my watch or phone with me, so I had no idea what time it was, but guessing from the sun’s position, it had to be four or five. I hopped up, grabbed the towel, and headed into the house.

I saw no signs of Kate downstairs, so I headed to my room. I walked into my bedroom and opened the door to the bathroom. Not a soul in sight. I picked up my phone to see what time it was. It was four o’clock. I had been asleep for two hours? I noticed there were a few texts. I scrolled through them one by one. One was Lamar wondering if we were playing Basketball tomorrow. There was also one from Kate. She had attached a picture of me lying by the pool, asleep and naked. The text said, “It was much more interesting when I was on the chase. I’ll be home at 8 o’clock. You will be, too, I bet.”

I jumped in the shower, threw on shorts and a T-shirt, and went downstairs to get something to eat. I turned on the TV to see what was on. Hundreds of channels, and always the same old shit. I decided on “Twister,” a movie that was always on. Even though I had to have seen it fifty times, I never got tired of it. It was six or so as I settled into the chair to wait.

The clock struck eight, and in waltzed my sister, dressed in jeans, a white sleeveless T-shirt, and tennis shoes, an informal look that gave no clues about where she had been.

“What’s up, little brother!”

“Not much,” I replied. “Didn’t you hear me knocking at the door after you

left my room earlier?”

“I did, but I was getting to the shower and didn’t want to get into a long,

drawn-out conversation. I wanted to wash the cum off, if you know what I mean,” she laughed.

She fell into one of the easy chairs across from me, reclined it back, and kicked up her legs.

“Oh, OK,” I said as I tried to play it off as no big deal. “Can I ask you

a question?”

“Yeah, sure, shoot,” she said.

“What we did earlier, can we do that again?”

“I don’t see why not. Did you like that? Was it fun for you, cumming all over your sister’s tits?”

I didn’t want to seem too eager, but it was all I could do to not rush the


“It was. You have the best body I have ever seen naked. Did you enjoy it too?”

“I did, but I think I’m going to like tonight more,” she grinned. “I think you will too.”

I didn’t know what to say next. Kate obviously had something in mind, but I wasn’t privy to it yet. If it ended in me cumming, did I really care what her plan was? So far, my sister Escort has been in the driver’s seat. From what I could tell, she was into this as much as I was, and maybe even more. So, it was time to flip the script.

“Kate, I want you to stand up.”

“Oh, you do?” she giggled.

What the fuck was so funny? I was trying to be serious, commanding, or whatever, and she was laughing at me.

“Yes, I do,” I said a little more forcefully. “Now.”

“You are cute when you try to boss me around. I like it, but I have a better idea. Why don’t you follow me upstairs? I have something for you.”

My sister got up, walked over to the stairs, looked over her shoulder, and

beckoned me with one finger to follow.

OK, that didn’t go so well. So, I was back to square one, and Kate was still

running the show, and that show was moving upstairs.

We climbed the stairs, with me three or four stairs behind her. Once we had both reached the top, she turned around and smiled.

“Steve, I’m going to go into my room now, and you are going to go into yours,” she said, pointing to my door. “I want you to wait two minutes, then walk through the bathroom, and into my room, without knocking. Can you do that for me?”

“Sure, but I don’t understand.”

“You will, little brother; just follow my lead,” she insisted in a playful tone. “Remember, no knocking.”

I felt like Kate enjoyed the whole brother-sister aspect, which might be why she did it. I must admit I did too. What we had done earlier was forbidden, there was no doubt about that, but it added to the whole aura calling each other brother and sister. It made my dick hard as hell just thinking about the taboo.

We went our separate ways, she into her room and me into mine, and I started to count. I couldn’t help but wonder what awaited me on the other side of the door. I always hated the unknown of a surprise, but in this case, I was almost sure that whatever was forthcoming had to be something good with my sister. I paced nervously for the rest of the time, although I’m unsure why, as I counted in my head. I’d seen her naked twice in one day while she masturbated, and then I came on her tits. I could handle whatever was coming my way, I told myself.

I took an extra thirty seconds once the two minutes were over just to be a rebel. Then, finally, I walked into the bathroom and over to the door, grasped the knob, turned it, and pushed it open.

Kate was facing the mirror in front of the make-up table, in just a bra and panties. A pile of clothes was next to the table on the floor. It looked like she was putting on lipstick, but she quickly turned, gasped, and lifted an arm across her chest.

“Fuck, Steve, don’t you ever knock? I’m not dressed,” sounding somewhat annoyed.

OK, I wasn’t sure what was happening here, but she just fucking told me not to knock, twice even.

“I’m sorry,” I said, a little confused.

But then, it hit me. This was role-playing. After all, Kate did say to follow my lead. So, I scrambled to find the words that would fit the situation.

“I should have knocked. I didn’t see anything, really.”

“I’m glad I still had these on,” she said, motioning to the bra and panties

still covering her. “What do you want, or were you just trying to walk in

here hoping to catch me naked?”

“You’re my sister; I would never do that.”

The arm slowly lowered from her chest.

“You wouldn’t? Don’t you think I’m pretty, Steve?” she teased, standing up from her chair and facing me.

She had on a lacy half-bra and panties that were black in color. The tops of her breasts were visible, the rest of the bra covering the nipples just barely. The panties were some sort of T-back or G-string, I wasn’t an expert on such things, but you could clearly see most of her ass when she had stood up and turned around.

“Of course, you’re pretty, Kate. All my friends always tell me how hot you are.”

“All of your friends? Can you be more specific? Our neighbors? Like Johnny, Lamar, DeSean, or maybe some of the guys at school? Do they want to fuck me?” she said rather matter-of-fact, her eyes moving to my crotch.

“Um…..yes, they do. Who wouldn’t want to fuck you? Look at you; you are hot,” I replied, playing it up a little.

It wasn’t like I had to lie. All my friends had alluded to Kate’s hotness at some point. I was still unsure where this was going, but the pulsing in my groin didn’t care; my dick knew. It was hard as a rock, and since my sister was looking at my shorts, she probably had divined that too.

“That is very interesting, indeed,” she noted. “Can I ask you a question,

little brother?”

Kate moved slowly across the room towards me, her eyes not leaving the bulge in my shorts.

“Sure, go ahead,” I shrugged, a slight nervousness returning as she closed in.

“It’s a simple question that just needs a simple answer,” she inquired, finally reaching me. She leaned over, brushing a bra-covered breast against my arm, Escort Bayan moving her mouth closer till I could feel the warm breath on my ear.

“Do you want to fuck me?” she whispered.

Was this all part of whatever game my older sister was playing? Was this a serious question? When I didn’t immediately answer, she moved her head back directly before me and leaned in and kissed me. It was a short kiss, but it lingered longer than any brother-sister kiss should have. She looked into my eyes and kissed me again, tongue darting into my mouth so there was no mistaking her intentions. I intertwined my tongue with hers and kissed back, probing her mouth.

After a few seconds had passed, she broke the kiss and drew back to see my reaction.

“That was nice, little brother,” Kate said, reaching down and grabbing my cock through my pants and massaging it. “What do you want?”

“Oh God, I want you so bad,” the words burst out of my mouth.

“Oh, so you want to fuck your sister?” she hissed. “I want to hear you say it.”

“I want to fuck my sister,” I crowed, “But can we?”

“We can do anything we both want,” she whispered, this time in a much more seductive tone.

I stepped forward, reached behind, and unclasped her bra. She grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head, simultaneously removing the bra at the same time. I looked down at those gorgeous tits I had just cum on earlier. The nipples were hard, areolas slightly retracted in size, signaling heightened arousal. I hadn’t touched them, except for the brushing up against me. I could only guess that this whole scenario was getting her turned on.

My shorts followed as I tugged them down to my ankles and stepped free of them. My cock swaying between us, Kate eyeing in like a dog in heat. She kissed my chest, tongued a nipple, and sank lower, panties still in place. This could only mean one thing. She took my cock in her hand and stroked it gently. It felt terrific, soft hands gripping the shaft, sliding slowly up and down. Then, after a few more light caresses, she turned me around and pushed me down on her bed, legs hanging off the side.

“Are you ready for this, little brother?” glancing up to meet my eyes to check my reaction thus far or make sure I was giving my undivided attention.

“Oh, God….” was all I got out as she lowered her mouth to my cock.

At first, my sister teased me, licking around the head, putting my cock in an inch or so, then backing it out. Then, she drew the tongue across the tip, licking what precum was accumulating from the head. I was a goner. Finally, she pulled my dick out, still working me with her hand.

“Do you like this? Do you like your sister sucking your cock?” she cooed.

“I can stop any time if you don’t.”

It would appear that she enjoyed this control thing immensely.

“Oh, Jesus, Kate, don’t stop. Please, don’t stop,” I moaned. Her warm, wet

mouth gave me a sensation I had never felt before. I’d never had a blowjob, but I wasn’t going to tell her that, not now.

“Well, it only gets better from here on out, so hold on, little brother,” she said.

She slid my cock back in as far as she could, pausing briefly. Four of my eight inches were now engulfed. Then, she began to bob up and down, trying to get even more cock down her throat. It was quite a sight, watching my sister licking, sucking, and drooling around my member, making progress, however slow. Finally, a hand moved to the base, maybe an admission that it would never entirely fit, and started jerking me while she blew me. I sat up and cradled her head with my arms, my new position giving me a different feeling. Then, I moved my hands down to play with her tits as she sucked me, which only made this hotter for me and added to her arousal, too, I was sure.

The sucking and jacking were taking their toll on me, coupled with the fact that this was all new to me, and it was my sister doing it. It wasn’t long until I felt myself beginning to near the peak, cum on the move as it slowly headed in the direction that spelled liberation from my cock.

“Oh God, sis, if you keep this up, I’m going to cum,” I groaned.

A series of muffled words came for Kate, and the pace quickened, which I took as a sign that she would continue until I burst.

Another few seconds passed, and I had reached the point of no return.

“I’m almost there,” I announced, partly because warning her seemed polite and partly because I just wanted to say it.

She quickly pulled my dick from her mouth.

“I want you to cum in my mouth, little brother,” she said with a devilish

grin and then returned to my cock to redouble her efforts. That was all it took.

I felt the first spurt of semen shoot from my dick, and while not nearly as big as those earlier in the day, it was still commendable. Kate persevered, bobbing up and down while my cum spewed into her waiting mouth. Finally, after four or five bursts, I was empty. It was my third orgasm of the day, and unless I misread Bayan Escort my current situation, I would still need a fourth.

Kate pulled my shrinking cock from her mouth and swallowed, and whatever had remained of my load was now gone.

“Whew. Did you enjoy that? It isn’t every day you get a blowjob from your sister, is it?” she teased as she got up to sit beside me on the bed.

“Jesus, that was amazing,” I said, receding from my bliss.

“Now, I’m going to need something from you,” Kate replied as she stood up, removing the panties and casually tossing them aside, exposing her bald mound.

“Anything,” I offered, “I’m in your debt.”

My sister snorted, laughing as she fell back onto the bed beside me.

“You’re in my debt? Who says that after getting their dick sucked? God, that sounds so business-like. I’m sure you can do better than that,” she said, sitting up on the bed, arms outstretched, wrapping them around her knees, and pressing those beautiful tits against the legs as if cannon balling into the pool.

“OK. What can I do for you, dear sister, after the fabulous blowjob you just gave me?” I said with a hint of sarcasm.

“That was much better, little brother,” she began, “and I do want you to do something for me,” leaning back, letting go of her legs and extending them over the edge of the bed, putting both feet on the floor. They spread apart slightly to unveil the hidden treasure between them.

“I want you to eat my pussy,” Kate said provocatively as she moved a hand to her nether regions, finger extended, grazing it across her lips and then clit.

I looked over from my vantage point, taking in the sight.

“Steve, you’ve seen me do this before,” she said, drawing a finger back and forth over her wet cunt. “I want you to taste it.”

I moved from the bed to kneel between her knees and pulled them apart. Eating a girl out, again, something I had never done. This time, her intuition took over.

“Have you ever done this before?” she asked.

“Um,……no, I haven’t,” I replied.

“OK, I’m going to teach you what to do. Are you ready?”

I nodded. “Like this?” I said as I moved closer, extending my tongue.

“That’s it,'” Kate instructed, “You’ll want to flatten out that tongue and

move in. The little thing at the top sticking out is my clit. Touch below that

with your tongue, and then using your neck and head, move your tongue up to the clit and over it, rinse, and repeat.”

I continued to move forward, making contact, tongue extended and flat, and followed her instructions. I wasn’t sure what to expect. My first taste of pussy was slightly acidic, tangy, maybe even like faint battery acid or something metallic; I couldn’t put my finger on it. I moved my head up and down and let my tongue do the work.

“That’s it, baby, I like that…..You are a quick learner…You can stop every

once……. in a while and give my clit a little extra attention….. with your

tongue.” she said, her breathing a mixture of talking and moaning.

I continued for about a minute, and it all seemed pretty straightforward. I

licked around, probed inside, sped up, slowed down, and returned to my earlier established pace. As things heated up, Kate grabbed my head, pulling me in, probably to try to control things as she progressed toward her peak.

“Oh, fuck, you are doing wonderful. This feels so fucking good; there is just one more thing I need for you to do. I need you to get that dick hard and fuck me.”

I wasn’t surprised or shocked this time, but rather anticipating that this was coming. I was no longer nervous or shy but ready for what came next. My cock was probably three-quarters hard again from the excitement of our current activities, so I reached down with a hand to jostle my junk and make sure it would be in prime form, giving it that last little nudge to the hardness it needed.

I stood up, my cock now erect and leading the way. I looked down at Kate, lying on the bed with her legs spread, the curves of that perfect body accented by the dim lights. It was a beautiful sight. I was about to fuck my sister, and the fact that she was my sister only made it much hotter. I couldn’t have imagined a week ago I’d be standing where I was now, and yet, here I was, and it was about to become a reality.

She reached up with both hands, mauling her tits and tweaking the nipples as her head rolled from side to side.

“Little brother, are you going to fuck me?” she purred.

I moved closer. The bed was at the perfect height. I grasped my sister’s ankles, hoisting her legs and letting them rest on my shoulders. My cock was a mere four inches from that soaking wet cunt. I looked up at her, and she at me.

“Kate,” I said, contacting her outer lips.


I pushed forward, parting the inner lips with my cock head, sliding it into her waiting cunt.

“I’m inside you.” And with that, I started to move my cock in and out, deeper with each thrust.

“Fuck me, little brother, fuck me harder, she moaned.

She was pretty wet and felt incredible, like warm corduroy gelatin. I watched as I disappeared and reappeared, repeatedly, a little more cock buried in her with each stroke until I was all the way in.

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Harriet’s Bum Ch. 02

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“Andrew? I’m home.”

“Shit!” Andrew pulled his cock out of Harriet’s mouth and awkwardly stuffed it back in his pants. Harriet grabbed a hand towel and gave her face a quick pat. Andrew rushed out of the bedroom, silently grateful that the bedrooms were far from the front door.

“I was just working out in the bedroom, I’ll be down in a second.”

Harriet pulled her bra back down over her breasts, then her shirt. She gave herself a quick once-over in Bronwyn’s vanity. Did she look like she was just sucking a cock? She smoothed her hair and walked quickly and very quietly out of Andrew and Bronwyn’s bedroom and ducked into the upstairs bathroom. She waited a moment, then flushed and ran the tap. She could hear Andrew and his wife talking downstairs. She didn’t think Bronwyn suspected anything was up, but she had been coming home at unpredictable times during the day when Andrew was “working” from home. So far she’d almost caught them fucking in the laundry room, had come home literal seconds after Andrew had jizzed all over Harriet’s tits. She also interrupted a very intense analingus session; Andrew’s phone luckily alerted him to the front door being opened. Harriet was moments from cumming hard with his tongue inside her. The excuses were running thin.

She washed her face with cold water (gagging on a big cock made her face flush), dried off, and came out. Bronwyn and Andrew were talking in the foyer. It didn’t sound heated, it sounded hushed and perhaps that was worse. Harriet looked down from the upstairs and said a confident, “Oh hi Bronwyn,” because sounding quiet and guilty would make her appear guilty. She would just be a boss bitch and act normal.

“Hi Harriet,” Bronwyn smiled weakly.

“Everything ok? The photo shoot go ok today?” Harriet came down the stairs. She felt Andrew’s hand brush her hip gently as she walked by.

“It was amazing, thank you.” Bronwyn had done some paid-fucking-partnetship photos with some coffee replacement company. It was so stupid. So… yuppy mom. Very Bronwyn.

“The kids are down for their nap. They were so good today, Bronwyn, you’ve raised amazing kids.” Harriet was deflecting, and she knew Bronwyn was… well, vapid, self-centered, and eager, so eager, for praise. Andrew had told her that when she sucked cock he had to praise her constantly, even if she was doing a bad job, because otherwise she would lose interest and stop. Well, that’s not entirely true. He also told her if he called her names she loved that, perhaps even more. Stupid whore. Useless slut. Fuckbag. In stark contrast to being praised, Bronwyn loved being degraded. Harriet smiled secretly to herself when she thought about this. She would imagine the three of them in a threesome, Harriet calling her employer a dumb cunt, slapping her, making her beg for Andrew’s cock. She fantasized about riding her face and making her eat her out. That made her feel powerful. She loved it.

“Oh good, I’m so glad.” Bronwyn smiled, a practiced, social media smile. “Can you excuse us a moment?”

Harriet smiled and made herself scarce, retreating to the kitchen. She drank some tea she’d made earlier. She could still almost hear them talking. Then silence, and footsteps approaching.

It was Andrew. Harriet heard the front door open again.

Harriet smiled and sipped her tea. Andrew came and stood behind her. He gave her ass a good squeeze.

“I have an amazing idea,” he kissed her ear, and reached around and squeezed her breast. She could tell how horny he still was.

“I’m going to give you a couple days off next week, I’m going to book a hotel room for you, for one night I’m going to come over and fuck. Your. Brains. Out.”

“I’d like that,” Harriet cooed. There was something extra dirty about a hotel hook-up. There was something extra dirty about fucking in a married man’s bed, too, but a hotel made her feel… used. Debased. Like a slut. Fuck.

His hand lingered on her breast, giving it a playful squeeze.

“Good girl. I’ll text you the info.”


You going to do it?

You think I shouldn’t?

I didn’t say that. I definitely think you should. I love thinking about other guys fucking you, that other guys find you as sexy as I do. I love thinking about you making them cum, that they can’t help themselves around you…

Stop. You’re making me wet.

I want you to cum for me. Tell me about how you want to fuck Andrew.

Mmmm… ok.

Send pics 😉


Sure enough, Andrew sent her a message a few days later. She wouldn’t be needed on the Tuesday and Wednesday as Bronwyn would be home for the kids. Andrew, the message said, would be out of town on business. Harriet smiled. That liar. A few hours later he texted again, informing her to check into the Homewood Suites. He would get the room sorted beforehand – giving them the credit card and whatnot, though leaving the key for her. Harriet felt her pussy get a little damp. Monday was going to be sweet torture.


Monday was nothing Escort short of excruciating; Andrew made of a point of being home most of the day, drifting close while the kids were out of the room, skirting away when Bronwyn would come home unexpectedly. Though not wholly unexpectedly at this point, her sudden arrivals didn’t seem as unplanned as they had before. Andrew’s hands were all over Harriet as soon as she was out the door, though. He bent her over the kitchen island and lifted her long dress. She had taken off her panties earlier and hidden them in Andrew’s office’s desk drawer. He’d told her before he loved jerking off with her panties, so she’d left him a few pairs. Today’s panties were a cheeky pair of sheer, teal-coloured panties. She’d been wearing them since yesterday, and masturbated in them a lot. She imagined him stroking his hard shaft with her panties wrapped snugly around his cock. Cumming on them.

Harriet snapped back to reality; Andrew was between her legs now, kissing her ass cheeks, his finger slowly rubbing her pussy, slipping delicately inside. He kissed closer and closer to her anus. Harriet spread her cheeks for him and he teased her asshole with his tongue.


His tongue darted in and out, spiraling around, slipping inside. She knew he wasn’t going to let her cum. She was going to weak-kneed and trembling the rest of the day.


Tuesday couldn’t come fast enough. Showered and packed her bag. Check-in wasn’t until 3 – and she’d need time for Andrew to get there and get out. Ugh, it was so much time.

What do you think of this outfit?

It’s cute! I’d fuck you in it for sure! Actually, I think I have fucked you in it..

You have. Well, we started in this outfit, and then it came off. Mostly.

It’s a good one.

What if I just strip down to lingerie and am waiting for him like that? Just get straight to the point.

I like that idea, too. You can get dressed later.

Is it too whore-ish?

You’re such a good whore, though…

Harriet got a text from Andrew at 3:15 telling her to come over. He had to run some errands before coming to meet her; keep up the appearance of working anyhow. He didn’t say when he would be by, so Harriet packed a couple of books as well. Nothing smart, just some trash romance that she didn’t need to focus on. She didn’t think could focus on anything. It was… titillating.

She drove over to the hotel and checked in at the front counter. She gave her name and provided id; Andrew had put his credit card down for the room already, she just had to prove she was the other guest. She couldn’t tell if the hotel receptionist was giving her a knowing look or not; he had a sort of secret smirk. Maybe this was commonplace at this hotel? Couples meeting for afternoon liaisons. Or maybe he’d seen Andrew here before with other women.

Who cares? Harriet thought. She smiled sweetly at him and walked confidently to the elevator. Let his mind wander.

She keyed into her room and opened the door. It was a suite; the front door opened to a kitchen and living room area; there was a couch, a coffee table, as well as a chair. A little hall to her right went to a bathroom. There was a set of french doors which were closed. Dragging her suitcase behind her, she opened them, and caught her breath.

Andrew had been in the room already. Laying on the bed was blindfold, a ball-gag, and a buttplug. Rope. The buttplug was cute at least, one of those jeweled ones. There was a note as well.

I’ll text when I’m almost there. Put the blindfold on when I do.

Mysterious, she laughed to herself. She took a picture and sent it off in a text.


He says he’s going to text when he’s here and wants me to wear the blindfold.

Do it.

I want to be his perfect submissive slut today.

I’m going to jerk off thinking about this guy fucking the absolute shit out of you.


When you cum, think of me 😉

He’s texting me. I’ve got to get ready. I’ll let you know how it goes.


Harriet tied the blindfold around her eyes and lay on the bed. She’d opted for the lingerie look – just easier to get naked, really, and the thigh-high stockings were just for fun. She hoped by the end she’d have runs in them if he tossed her around the bedroom like she was hoping. With the blindfold securely in place, she lay down, facing away from the French doors; she turned her head so her profile would be visible.

A few minutes later she heard the door unlock. It shut with a loud thunk in the way that all hotel doors do. Andrew didn’t say anything, but she could hear him in the living area. The soft thud of his shoes coming off, the zip of a jacket. Then, the squeak of the doors to the bedroom opening and a short gasp. Damn she knew she looked good. Harriet ran her hand down her thigh. She hadn’t thought of anything to say, shit.

“Won’t you come in and make yourself.. comfortable?”

Hands touched her leg, ran down, then up to Escort Bayan her ass.

Then, she was grabbed by the shoulders and dragged to the head of the bed. Her right arm was held firmly in place. Seconds later, she felt the rope being tied around her wrist, then to the bedpost.

“I love being dominated by you,” Harriet purred. “We never get to have fun like this at your place..”

Her left arm was grabbed and tied next.

Andrew still hasn’t said anything. Harriet’s heart began to race.

She heard his fly go down, then his pants his the floor. He claimed up on top of the bed and straddled her. She heard a low mmmm escape his lips, then felt his hands on her small, pert breasts. Her nipples responded instantly to his touch, and he squeezed and pinched them gently. Harriet could feel his cock on her stomach, heavy and full.

He clamored up her body, his knees now resting on her outstretched arms. He raised himself up and thrust forwards with his cock; he slapped it on her face a couple of times. Harriet opened her mouth, and almost immediately, Andrew’s cock filled her mouth.

Only it wasn’t Andrew’s cock.

She’d sucked his dick enough times by now to know how it felt; the gentle curve to the right, the girth. The head was wrong, the shape was wrong. While Andrew’s cock filled her mouth perfectly, this one was… perhaps too thick. Her mind raced – whose cock was this anyhow? She couldn’t deny how turned on she was, though. She had been excited all day with anticipation – this… complicated her feelings somewhat. The head of this stranger’s cock pushed at the back of her throat. Harriet began to gag. The cock withdrew, Harriet sputtered to catch her breath.

“Fuck, suck that dick you little slut.”

Still gasping for air, her mouth was forced open again. Thick and musky, he fucked her face uncaringly. Using her.

Using her like the whore she was.

Harriet wished she could rub her wet pussy; she knew she would cum quickly if she could just reach her clit. He pulled out again and rubbed his saliva-drenched cock on her face some more. Harriet was breathless.

“Please, please,” Harriet begged, “Fuck me.”

He heard her, she knew, but he didn’t pay her any heed. His thick member violated her mouth again, with reckless abandon. She felt him push until his testicles were resting on her chin. He shuddered, let out a strangled “Fuck!” and came in her mouth. Harriet swallowed, but still felt semen escape out of her mouth and run down her chin.

“Fuck!” He said again. He slapped his dripping cock on her face and dismounted. Harriet squirmed a little against her restraints. She could hear him getting dressed, their encounter over. Harriet licked her cum-frosted lips and smiled.

After a short time, she heard him, whoever he was, exit. There was some talking outside the door, just beyond her hearing, then the door opened again.

Whoever was next didn’t even bother getting undressed. She heard him enter the bedroom and move to the side of the bed. He kissed her forehead, her lips, his tongue exploring her mouth. His smell was immediately recognizable.

“Andrew, what the fuck!”

“Mmm, I’m sorry, baby, I should have told you, but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.”

Harriet was torn between blind anger and unbelievable arousal.

“What is going on?”

“Shhh, baby, just relax.”

Andrew went between her legs and spread them. Harriet usually had a neat triangle of hair above her pussy, she’d shaved it down to a landing strip. Andrew kissed around her pussy, kissing it, teasing it, tasting it. Fuck, Harriet thought, fuck him and whatever fucking game this is he’s playing… And then his tongue licking her clit made fire run through her veins. Fuuuuck, Harriet purred, Fuck just like that…

Andrew’s slid one finger into her wet cunt and slowly fingered her with it while licking her sensitive little clit. After it was soaked with her juices he pulled it out and teased it against her asshole. Harriet smiled and relaxed. His finger poked inside her asshole, then he slowly inserted it deeper. She squeezed it tight as his tongue circled her clit.

“I’m going to cum,” She moaned breathlessly. Fucking Andrew.

And she did; her legs squeezed Andrew’s head, trying to push him away but also not wanting him to stop. Harriet moaned loudly, perhaps too loudly. Her stomach tightened and her whole body tensed and released.

Then there was a knock on the door.

“Perfect timing,” Andrew said. Harriet couldn’t see his face, but she knew he was smiling, that bastard.

Andrew left the room. The door opened again. She could hear Andrew talking to someone, then the door closing again.

“You can do whatever you want to do with her man, I don’t care.”


“You can shit on her tits for all I care. You paid the fifty bucks, you can do whatever you want.”


“I just get to watch.”


What the fuck? Harriet thought.

The French door’s Bayan Escort squeaked as they were pulled open, and Harriet could feel two sets of eyes on her. One, Andrew’s, burned with impossible desire. The other’s… burned with maybe something darker. She could hear some furniture being moved, brought into the room. The chair from the living area, she guessed. She heard Andrew sit in it.

The other person paused, maybe regarding the situation for a moment. He was looking at her; she felt immediately self-conscious. She had shaved her pussy, her legs, but had left her armpits. Would he mind? She worried he wouldn’t like it, that he would find her less desirable. She wanted him, whoever he was. She wanted him to desire her, to make him hard, to make him cum for her.

She felt him beside the bed. He kissed her stomach, then moved up her chest to her breasts. He fondled her right while kissing her left, then taking her nipple in his mouth and sucking on it. His tongue flicked and teased it, then suckled it, gently at first, then harder. His hand pinched her other nipple, hard. Harriet winced from pain and pleasure. He became gentler again, kissing her chest, her neck. Then her lips.

He kissed her for what felt like an eternity, his hand moving from her breast to her still very wet pussy. His fingers slipped inside her wet folds, and Harriet felt herself moving with them. She felt like a ship on the sea, helpless but to be thrown about, tossed by the waves. She felt him move onto the bed, kissing her neck again, her chest, down her stomach to her pussy. He knelt on the bed and lifted her legs, kissing first her clit, then her pussy where he lingered, tasting her, exploring with his lips and tongue. He pushed her legs up higher, her ass was now sticking up in the air. He kissed lower, his tongue darting in and out. Harriet stifled a laugh – it tickled! But also…

He buried his face in her; his tongue licking the rim of her asshole, pushing hard against the tight opening. He hmm’d and mmm’d as he licked her, savoring every second of it. Harriet was, too. In her heart, she knew she was an anal whore. She loved it. She’d loved it since her ex boyfriend teased it with his finger years ago. Then he became bolder, pushing his finger hard against her ass when she was about to cum. Finally, one day she said, “Well, what are you waiting for?” He’d wet his finger and pushed it inside. Then she’d sucked his cock, giving him the sloppiest blowjob she’d ever given. He fucked her ass that night – it lasted all of ten seconds but the feeling of him cumming in her was undescribable. She knew from that moment on a cock in her ass was the most perfect feeling in the world. It was so… raw and exhilarating. Forbidden and dirty. Powerful.

He licked her asshole, his tongue pushed inside. Harriet bit her lip, hard, to keep herself from moaning. She wanted his cock inside of her. She didn’t care who he was, she needed to feel him inside her.

Finally, her wish came true. He knelt in front of her on the bed and lifted her legs and rested them on his shoulders; she felt the head of his cock press against her tight anus; he rubbed it up and down her pussy, getting the head nice and wet, then he pressed it slowly against her asshole until finally, she relented.

He pushed in deep and hard; Harriet worried for a moment that she might rip in half. The exquisite balance of pleasure and pain consumed her. His thrusts were quick, shallow; he didn’t pull out very far but kept himself buried deep within her. Harriet felt a wave building inside her, cresting.

She let out an animalistic moan that shocked even herself; her arms strained at the ropes tied around her arms. She felt an incredible tightness inside her winding up. She moaned again and felt a hand cover her mouth. She struggled and moved her head from side to side trying to dislodge it. It knocked her blindfold loose; not entirely, but enough that she could see out of maybe half an eye. She caught a glimpse of the man on top of her; she saw her right leg up in the air, propped up on the shoulder of a young man; he was bracing himself on the bed with his left hand, his right was the one covering her mouth. She looked and saw Andrew sitting in one of the chairs from the living room, watching intently, stroking his cock as he watched.

The young man pitched forward, putting his weight on her, driving his member deep into her. He was saying “oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck” breathlessly. Harriet felt the explosion of cum inside her, felt his cock swell as he drained his balls in her wanton ass. She smiled to herself as she contracted her sphincter, drawing every last drop from him.

He lay on her, breathing hard, for a long moment. Andrew was still stroking himself; Harriet couldn’t tell what he was looking at specifically. The man stirred finally and she felt his cock slip out. It was a wild feeling – the sudden emptiness. Harriet bit her lip.

“Hey, can she pee on me?”

Andrew jolted, as though suddenly roused from some reverie.


“Can this bitch pee on me?”

“You paid, she’ll do whatever you want.”

“Alright.” The young man left the room. Andrew zipped up and busied himself untying the ropes around Harriet’s wrist.

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The Refuge Ch. 04

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Chapter 4


I had just reached the entrance to the kitchen when David burst from the stairwell and shouted at me, “ROSALINE! Stop right there!” I had never heard him talk to me that way before and the shock of it made me freeze in my tracks. “I will not let you leave me again, not like this. You will talk to me.”

“You can’t keep me here.” I said bravely, raising my chin, my jaw stubbornly set. He stalked toward me, a steely glint in his eye and I had to fight my natural instinct to run like prey before a hunter.

“No? You don’t think so? Go ahead and try me.” He stopped right before me, glaring down into my face and I had the sudden urge to giggle at his hopeless attempt to be hard and cold to me.

“What’s so funny?” and just like that, my sweet David was back.

“‘Try me’? Did you just say ‘try me’? What are you going to do, spank me?” his eyes widened.

“Now there’s a novel idea, let’s do that.” He bent at the waist and thrust a shoulder into my stomach, upending me over his shoulder. I gave a small ‘oof’ as the air was pushed from my lungs, my feet kicking in protest beneath his strong arm, while my eyes drank in the sight of his shapely ass.

“David! What are you doing, put me down right now!”

“Shush, or you’ll wake the kids.” He swatted my upturned behind with an open palm and I gasped. It actually stung! How dare he! He marched back the way we came, carrying me as easily as if I were nothing more than a blanket draped over his shoulder, but he didn’t take me back downstairs. Instead he stepped through the right hand door and into his office, shutting the door behind him. He flipped on a switch, turning on soft recessed lighting. He finally released me, and I slid the full length of his body, feeling every bulge and press of muscle on my way down.

“I can’t believe you just did that.”

“Yeah, well, you didn’t give me much of a choice did you? You can’t leave yet, Rosaline, you just can’t. If you left now…” he ducked his head, hiding his face for a moment. “I don’t know if I could handle you leaving like that again. You left that exact way the last time, remember? My last image of you in that Frankfurt airport was of you running away from me.”

“You left out that you were the reason I was in that airport. I didn’t ask to leave.” I said, feeling more than a little defensive.

“I know, I know,” he said gently, raising his hands in supplication. “But you didn’t talk to me either about what was going on with you, which is one of the reasons why I sent you back home. Am I right?” I bit my lip, still feeling defiant, but unable to meet his eyes in the face of my guilt.

“Hey,” he gripped my chin and forced me to look up at him. “I need you to hear me loud and clear; I can’t take that again, you leaving without fucking talking to me. Please talk to me.” The look in his eyes sobered me and I gave in, angry with myself. He was right, I couldn’t leave like this. It wouldn’t be fair to him. I knew I was too much of a chicken shit that even if I said I’d call, the thought of confronting painful feelings would make me chicken out and I wouldn’t, just like fifteen years ago. I would hide rather than get things out in the open. I owed him an explanation, if not for why I wanted to leave now, then to make up for how I left things fifteen years ago.

My shoulders sagged and the fight went out of me. Seeing this, he led me to a plush wingback leather armchair in the far corner of the room. I marveled for a moment at the opulence, stroking the supple leather and breathing in the smell of the books stacked on the shelves behind me. He sat on the footstool, spreading his legs and resting his knees against either side of the chair, trapping my legs between his. We clasped hands and naturally leaned toward one another until our foreheads touched, breathing in each other’s scent. All of this had a calming effect on me, steadying my nerves. He pulled back and looked in my eyes. His brilliant blue eyes were glowing in the soft light, earnest and pleading.

“Now, tell me why you ran away.”

“Ok, ok… I guess I was feeling…” I searched for the right word, “um… overwhelmed.”

“With what? Jocelyn?” I nodded my head. “Ok, then let’s break this down and take a look at this one piece at a time. What part overwhelmed you? Her outlook on sexuality?” I shook my head.

“No, but that is a lot to take.” I looked at him shrewdly, “David, you know what was overwhelming,” I said firmly.

“Yes, I do know, but part of this thing, part of us being together again, if it’s going to work, is that we have to actually say the things that are bothering us out loud.” I sighed, even though he was right, it was still hard to do. I was raised to keep hurt feelings bottled up, to smile in the face of pain even though my heart was breaking. David took mercy on me, however, understanding this about me and didn’t force me.

“Ok, escort let me ask you something specific then if it’s so hard for you; did you like it? I mean, it looked like you liked it from where I was standing. Did you cum?” I nodded my head. “I see. I think I know what’s going on here, what you’re feeling.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I mean, we grew up in the same religion, went to the same church on Sundays, listened to the same talks from the Bishop, our parents raised us with the same set of scriptures that not only were read to us each family-home evening, but were also forced to study every morning during seminary school before going to actual school.

“I know you’re feeling ashamed and guilty for finding pleasure with a woman, am I right?” I nodded again, biting my lip. David chuckled and squeezed my hands.

“Oh, Rosie, you’re too adorable for words.”

“Don’t make fun of me.”

“I’m not making fun, I’m sorry, it’s just, I understand exactly what you’re going through and I find it so sweet.”

“Um, in case you didn’t know this David, you’re a man, and I’m not, so… how could you know exactly what I’m going through?” I dipped my head, feeling a little mocked no matter how sweet or adorable he said I was.

“Because I had all those same hateful feelings of shame and guilt the first time I was with another man.” My head shot up and I stared at him.

“What?” It was his turn to nod his head and he smirked at my incredulity. “No way, there is just no way that’s true.”

“Why? Why can’t it be true?”

“Because…. Uh, because… well, you’re you.” David laughed.

“Thank you, I think?” He smiled gently down at me. “Jocelyn and I have been with other couples, I think she told you that, right?” I nodded. “Well, we would pair off sometimes, she with the other husband, and I with the other wife, and once with a very close couple we know, she paired off with the other wife and I with the other husband.

“That first time with a man was really hard for me, just like it’s hard for you now, because I was fighting all of that crap our parents and their religion taught me about how love is sacred and only between a man and a woman, but Rosie, what Jocelyn said was true.

“Sexuality is based on what society tells us, it’s based on what our bodies want and need. We shouldn’t fight what feels right to us just because we fear reprisal from our parents or the society in which we live. As long as we are safe, of course. I’m not advocating rape or pedophilia or that shit; that kind of sexuality is ruled and governed by a diseased mind, not by the body’s sexuality.” I nodded my head in agreement to that, at least.

“All I’m trying to say is that God would not want us to hate who we are for any reason, especially for who we love with our mature, healthy mind and bodies, which, in His eyes, are our most sacred temples. That is not what God is about. That’s not what my God is about any way.”

This was a lot to take in and process. David with another man? It was forcing me to acknowledge the span of time between the David I used to know and love and this David in front of me. I did still love him, no question about that, but there were new things to discover and learn about him, about who he was as a person now, and this was the first time I began to really understand that. I felt a keen sense of loss all of a sudden, for the years spent apart, and I wanted more than anything to learn everything I could about him and those missing fifteen years.

“What was it like for you? Being with another man?” What I really wanted to ask was ‘what kinds of things did you do?’, but I wasn’t brave enough. David smiled and sat back, looking at me in that ‘I see through you’ way and I knew he knew what I hadn’t asked.

“It was scary, at first, like I said, but then… when I let go, when I just allowed myself to listen to what my body liked and what my body wanted, getting out of my head… it was not bad.”

“Meaning not good, right?” I asked with a hint of smirk that I just couldn’t keep from creeping into my voice.

“No, that’s not what I meant, miss sassy pants.” He tapped me on my nose with one of his long index fingers in mock scolding and I couldn’t help but giggle despite the still-present feelings of shame and guilt. David could just do that for me, make me smile and laugh no matter what I was feeling.

“All I’m trying to say is that when I let go of the social and religious trappings that attempted to hold me back from such an experience I learned more about my sexuality than before. I learned to enjoy the moment, to do what feels right despite those social and religious mores that previously demanded I do no such thing.” He gathered my hands in his and rubbed the palms of my hands with his strong thumbs in soothing circles. I felt so supported and cared for with just a simple act that the tension I hadn’t realized I was holding started escort bayan to melt away and my shoulders relaxed. David, observing this, smiled and continued.

“I’m not saying that I’d go out right now and find a random guy to fuck, quite the contrary. I’m just saying that I shouldn’t turn down the opportunity to engage in sexual play with another man if it felt right at that moment. Having experienced sex with another man I can confidently say that for me, it’s more than likely not going to feel right. Like you, I enjoy a strong commitment with my sexual partner because it enhances the enjoyment I get out of it, and I have never felt any kind of emotional attachment or romantic feelings for any man.”

I chewed my lip in contemplation and David’s gentle, soothing circles traveled out from my palms to my wrists and up my forearms while he let me think.

“So basically what you’re saying is ‘don’t knock it till you’ve tried it,’ right?”

David laughed. “If you wanted to put it so simply, that is. I guess it is that simple, when you think about it.” I nodded. “It’s just… how do you know that you couldn’t be with Joss if you don’t at least try? It’s all about what feels right. Don’t do anything your body wouldn’t want you to do. The tricky part, for me, and for you, is getting out of our heads. It is hard to step out from under the restricting shadow of our upbringing but unless we do, the question will always be if it’s your upbringing that is deciding who you love or if it is truly your choices, what you want for yourself.”

“You’re making more sense now.”

“Good. It was hard to get there but I’m glad I did.”

“There’s just one more thing.” It was hard to concentrate on what my problems were with those lovely magic hands now tracing gentle teasing patterns on my thighs, digging in to the taut muscles and then soothing the light sting, but I persisted and met his eyes to ask the truly tough question: “Do your parents know that you’ve been with a man, about your ‘swinger’ lifestyle?” David grinned and shook his head no.

“That would probably kill my mother; you remember her, right?”

“Oh yeah, I remember her. Miss Martha.”

“Yep, she would have an apoplectic fit.”

“What would she say about what you and Jocelyn want to do with me?”

“Man, you sure know how to ask the tough questions.”

“Well, it’s our reality. My mom would throw the same fit your mom would, and my mom means the world to me. There is no way she would be willing to accept this three-way marriage thing.”

“I know, but, well, all you need to care about is whether or not you can accept it. It’s what you and I want, Rosie that matters, not what they want for us.”

“I wish I could see it that way, but I don’t know if I can, Davey, I really don’t.” David sighed and leaned forward again. He ran one of his hands through my hair, trailing his fingers in the long blonde strands absentmindedly.

“In the end, the only advice I can really give you is this what this very sexy, very wise woman once said; ‘don’t knock it till you try it.'” I burst out laughing, pleased he could see the humor in all of this while paying homage to where it was due, and he joined in. When he had sobered he looked me in the eye, a hint of that earlier hunger I had glimpsed downstairs shining through. “But you did cum, right? You said that. Focus on those feelings. I want you do something for me; close your eyes right now.”


“Close them.” I did as he said and shut my eyes tight, trusting him implicitly.

“I want you to picture Jocelyn. Bring her face to mind. Do you see her?” His husky whisper rasped out in the still room and I nodded my head. Jocelyn’s face was there, her wide, but still faintly feminine jaw, her thin upper lip and lush bottom lip, her pert nose and wide set golden brown eyes framed with arched brows and a pixie cut.

“Think about her mouth on yours. Did it feel good, Rosie, her lips, her tongue? What about her hands as they caressed you, pulled you to her, were they strong? Did they feel good?”

“Yes,” I breathed, lost in the vision his words helped bloom before my closed lids.

“And when she kissed your gorgeous, supple breasts, pinched and sucked your nipple, did it feel good?”

I nodded, unable to speak. I felt my nipples tingle as they became erect with the memory of Jocelyn’s weak, soft lips and searching tongue. I was greatly aroused again, marveling at the fact that even though I had just cum, his simple, spell-binding words had me ready to cum again. I felt his hand slip beneath the v of my shirt, sliding under my bra and I started to open my eyes.

“Keep your eyes closed, baby, just listen… feel.” I shut my eyes tight again and focused on the play of his hand on my breast, pinching and rolling my left nipple, making it bead even more under his attention. He pulled me forward on the chair and spread my legs with his free bayan escort hand.

“And this,” he continued, now rubbing the damp front of my stretchy jeans right over my hungry pussy.

“When she rubbed you here, her hard thigh pressing into this hot, little mound…. Did it feel good?” His voice was so thick, his hands insistent. I whimpered in the back of my throat and nodded my head once again.

“Good,” he said and his breath fell against my lips, “that’s all that matters. If it feels good, if your body wants it, likes it, don’t fight it.”

He captured my mouth with his own and I threw my arms around him, pulling him to me. This felt right, this felt good, this felt needed in a way I could never truly understand. If I didn’t need to understand why this felt good, did I really need to understand why Jocelyn’s kiss and touch also felt good? Did it matter all that much in the grand scheme of things?

David was now kneeling between my spread thighs and I wrapped my legs around his hips, pulling him into me so that I could feel the thick press of his hard cock against my needy pussy. It ached to be filled, literally ached. I could feel my heart beating in those engorged folds and hard little clit. I ground my pussy against the hardness trapped in his jeans and he moaned into my mouth.

“Davey,” I pulled back and looked into his lust filled eyes, “please… please fuck me. I need your cock so badly, please.”

“Oh god, Rosie,” David unsnapped and unzipped his jeans, and fumbled around in the front of his pants. I stilled his hands and helped him by pulling down the front of his gray boxer briefs.

I reached in and pulled out his eight inch cock, feeling that throb of pleasure spasm through me from my pussy to my breasts at the sight of his swollen glans, purple now with prolonged need.

He yanked down my jeans and panties, not bothering to unbutton them, as it really wasn’t necessary thankfully because of the stretchy material. He pulled off my shoe and when one leg was finally free, he pulled me even further forward on the leather chair so that my pussy was presented at the edge.

“Oh, you are so beautiful. You have a perfect pussy, like a ripe peach, a fat little mound.” he breathed reverently down at the sight, stroking my bald pussy with his thumbs and parting my folds. I was beat red there and so wet that I could hear the trail his thumbs made through my juicy lips. I arched my back, gasping, when he found and teased my hard clit.

“Please, Davey, I can’t take much more. I need you.” He leaned forward then, his cock seared my pussy lips with its intense heat just before he plunged into my depths. I cried out, loudly, at the sudden fullness and stretch.

“You’re so wet, but still so tight,” he grunted, thrusting easily in and out of my dripping snatch.

“Yes, yes, you feel so good, so fucking good, I love your cock.” I panted back. He did feel so, so good, filling me up, then pulling nearly all the way out only to slam back in again. He pulled my face to his, latching our mouths together. How he had the presence of mind to tease and play with my lips and tongue while his cock teased and played with my g-spot, hitting that rough patch of pleasure just right with every varied thrust, I’ll never know. It was just one of those things about David, about the way our bodies seemed to effortlessly fit together that I didn’t have an explanation for. His cock felt so good, the subtle curve, the angle of my pussy perched so perfectly on the edge of the chair, the way his right hand gripped my hip, holding me steady to receive his expert pounding while his left held the back of my neck, keeping my mouth in place for his own, to swallow my moans and cries of pleasure… it was all too perfect and exactly what I needed, what I had been craving.

He picked up the pace, each thrust now focused on assaulting my clit with a stinging smack that felt so good after the earlier rubbing climax Jocelyn gave me. It didn’t take long until I was again at my peak and then tumbling over. I cried out, my legs stiffening and pulling David to me as I came on his cock, my hips rocking back and forth with each little pulse of my orgasm, my hot breath washing over his lips and neck.

“Holy fuck, Rosie, your pussy… ugh…” David said against my mouth as he thrust up into my orgasm, spending himself in my depths. I could feel his cock spasm and spurt his hot cum and I swelled with an intense joy at the feeling of it.

David rested his forehead on mine and dragged air into his lungs, bathing me with his breaths that cooled my overheated skin. I ran my fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp, then down over his back, tracing the thick muscles of his shoulders, down over his ribs and then around to the front, sliding my hand beneath his clinging tee and luxuriating in the feel of his skin, so warm and tight, his stomach tense to the point where I could trace the outline of each muscle before spreading my hands across his chest.

“I love you,” he whispered down at me when he had finally regained control of his breathing. I smiled up at him, drinking in his beautiful face.

“I love you too.”

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The Barbell Club Ch. 01

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The Barbell Club: 1

There are so many benefits and drawbacks about living in the big city. I never thought the best part would be living across from The Barbell Club. It’s an up-and-coming no frills free weight gym that oozes testosterone every time they lift the roll-up doors. Technically, I live kitty-corner from the gym and am constantly reminded of their presence with blaring music, grunting, shouting, and occasional cheers.

My favorite day is “PR Day.” They lift the door at 6AM the first Saturday of each month and support members trying to reach their “personal record”. Masculinity is on full display throughout PR Day. Guys show up, pump themselves up, and then shoot their shot. I mentally consume every inch of each guy setting their records on PR Day, cataloging my favorites for later.

Some guys bring their friends to help them get hyped. For example, I’ll hear a young guy shouting “Come on Rudy, come on Rudy! You got this baby. Wohooo!” as Rudy bends over, clenches his tight ass, flexes every hard muscle in his body, and screams as he moves the weight off the ground. He always wears tight training shorts that show off his athletic thighs. He’s nice to look at, but not my type. His scream still sounds like a dissatisfied adolescent, though he looks to be in his mid-20s.

The quiet guys are my type. Clay’s tall, quiet, and stoic. This man sets his sharp jaw, lifts with authority, and doesn’t break his face. His dark eyes are on a mission every time I see him in the gym. I hear his rhythmic breaths as see his muscles flair tighter and tighter throughout his workout. I relish the memories of this man and my arousal each time I experience his tight body pounding the metal.

My girlfriends think I’m crazy. They see the appeal of watching studs working out, but are worried that I’m missing an opportunity for a deep loving relationship. I’m not looking for a relationship right now, but I may be missing opportunities for hot sex.

The girls came over for brunch last Saturday. The weather was hot, the men were progressing through their routines, and our mimosas flowed generously.

Veronica surprised us all by bringing her binoculars. She said she wanted a better view.

She did have a better escort view. She gave us the play-by-play as she studied the god-like chests, firm asses, and thinly veiled bulges. She was especially talented at describing the outlines present between rock solid thighs. We had fun trying to conclusively determine if power lifting gave men a hard-on.

As usual, the conversation turned to me.

“So, when are you going to stop shopping and make a purchase?” said Carol.

“Never,” I laughed. “I’m happy right now as things are.”

“Oh, come on. You can’t stare at these hot guys all the time and never get off.”

“Who says I never get off?” I said and everybody laughed.

“I bet you do,” Veronica shared as she winked.

There was a pause.

“Seriously Mel, why don’t you go talk to these guys?” Veronica continued. “You can’t just sit here and watch them every weekend.

“I don’t want a relationship.”

“You don’t need a relationship. You need to talk to a man.”

“I…” I didn’t have a good response. I have been finding my way through each day, but I really do feel a gap in my life.

“I don’t know how,” I shared. “I mean, I don’t know how to start that conversation.”

“You don’t have to,” Veronica continued. “Make them do it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Setup a situation where they have to talk to you. For example, you could walk by and drop something. Then, the guy would pick it up and give it back to you. At that point it’s up to them to start a conversation.”

“No way, that would never work,” I said.

“Don’t knock it, ’til you tried it,” she said. “That’s how I ran into Dave and we all remember how good that was while it lasted.”

“Ok, I guess I could do that.”

“Good, go get your shoes on.”

“What?! Now? No way!” I said.

“Why not? You have to put yourself out there,” she said while the other girls quietly nodded.

“Ok, umm, what should I drop?”

“How about a pair of underwear?” Carol cheerfully chimed in.

“Are you kidding?”

“Absolutely not,” said Veronica. “Go get a clean pair of underwear. Make sure it’s sexy, but not too fancy.”

I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I was going to walk by The Barbell Club and drop escort bayan a pair of underwear to try to start up a conversation with a guy. I rummaged through my underwear drawer and picked out an everyday thong. I thought about the scenario and changed into my usual yoga sports bra and leggings. I grabbed my mat and a bag to make it look like I was going to a yoga class.

I touched up my lipstick, lifted my chest, and headed out the door.

“You got this Mel!” shouted Carol.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be watching,” Veronica teased.

I walked around the block in the opposite direction to gather my nerve. I positioned the thong on the edge of my bag so it would easily drop and moved toward The Barbell Club.

I saw a handful of guys lifting as I approached from the far side of the street. I was sure a pair of binoculars was trained on me right at this moment.

I confidently strode by and nudged my bag. I felt the thong drop as I walked a few paces.

“Excuse me, miss. You dropped something.” I heard, as a helpful young guy jogged out of the gym. He moved to pick up what I dropped.

“Oh shoot, thanks,” I said as I turned around and saw that it was Rudy.

He picked up my thong, looked at me, and gently folded it.

“Here you go,” he said as he handed me the underwear.

I saw the mass in his tiny shorts begin to swell. I blushed and thought that it was cute of him to fold my thong.

“Thank you,” I said as I turned around.

“Hey,” he said, “where do you do yoga?”

“The hot yoga studio down on second.”

“Oh cool, I live by there. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

I smiled, turned, and continued walking down the block. I swayed my hips as I felt Rudy’s eyes on me the entire time.

“Holy Shit! You did it!” Carol exclaimed when I got back in my apartment.

“What did he say?” she asked.

“He asked where I did yoga and I told him down on second. He said maybe he would see me around.” I couldn’t believe I went through with it and that it actually worked.

“He looked you up and down as you walked the entire block,” said Veronica, “and the man is hung.”

“Wait, what do you mean?” I said.

“He got a hard on as soon as he realized what he picked bayan escort up. Look, Carol got a few photos.”

Carol showed me her phone. She had taken half a dozen photos of our conversation zoomed in on Rudy. One of them was focused directly on his crotch. Those light grey training shorts showed everything. I could see the outline of his thick dick. His mushroom head reached to his left pocket.

“Fuck,” I exclaimed as I felt my nipples hardened and sensitively strained against my bra.

“That’s what we said while you were talking to him,” Veronica said in a lustful voice. “Do you mind sharing those photos with us Carol?”

“Absolutely!” she said as we all heard the chime of incoming messages on our phones.

We took a moment to look out the window as Rudy laid down on the weight bench with two large dumbbells. We got a peripheral view of him and saw that his erection was subsiding as he laid down. Rudy is an enthusiastic lifter. He breathes so hard as he strains to lift the weights. He does five reps and then begins to really push hard. We hear him forcefully exhale with a rush has he lifts the sixth rep. He takes a deep loud gulp of air as he arches his back and moans. His face reddens and he releases when he reaches the apex.

You could hear a pin drop in my apartment. I took a sip of my drink because my mouth was dry from watching him.

He grunted as he prepared for one more rep. He lowered the weight and screamed throughout. His body is arched from his firmly planted feet to his shoulder blades. His hips were thrust to their maximum. We could see the luscious lines of his front and back.

He eventually sat up completely spent, lowered the dumbbells to the ground and wiped the sweat off of his face. We were quiet for an eternity.

Veronica finally broke the silence. “Well, that’s all that I can handle for today,” she said as she let out a deep breath.

“Can you believe he folded my thong?” I exclaimed a little too loud.

“He what?!” someone said as everyone laughed breaking the tension.

“I know! I’m not sure if he’s kind or if he needed to compose himself before handing them over.”

We carried on conversations for a few more minutes. Eventually, everyone packed up and went on their way.

I couldn’t believe what I had done. The thought of Rudy ran through my mind throughout the day. I changed my mind and decided that I could get over his screaming if I was the one making him scream.

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Your First Pegging

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As soon as you walk into the bedroom after your shower, you can tell I’m up to something. I’m sat on the bed in my pjs, practically vibrating with excitement.

“Hey,” you say, smiling at how eager I clearly am to tell you something, “what’s up?”

“I bought us something,” I say, a big smile spreading across my face even as my cheeks turn pink. “Wanna see?”

“Okay,” you say, “show me what you got for us.”

I lean sideways and grab a bag off the floor. I pull out something in a box, keeping the front turned away from you so you can’t see what it is quite yet.

“First,” I say, “come sit on the bed with me.”

You wander over and climb onto the bed, wearing nothing but the towel that you wrapped around your waist after your shower. As soon as you’re sat down, I open the box and slide the contents into my hands.

You stare it it in confusion, not quite sure what you’re looking at. It kind of looks like a pink dildo, but a dildo with a smaller dildo at one end. As you watch, I start to play with it and you realise that both the larger length and the smaller one can be bent into different positions.

“Well?” I ask, clearly thinking you know what it is I’m holding. “What do you think? I was so excited when I spotted it in the sex toy store today!”

“Babe,” you start, not wanting to disappoint me, but with no clue what to say, “I…err…what…”

Before you can say anything else, I blurt out with excitement “you’ve wanted to try pegging for so long, and when I saw this strap on I just had to buy it for us.”

“Strap on?” Now you’re even more confused. “Baby, shouldn’t a strap on have, well, you know, straps?”

I giggle, momentarily distracting you with the way my breasts jump under my pyjama shirt as I do. “Silly, it’s a strapless strap on. They’re the latest in pegging technology.” The fact I pronounce this like I’m advertising them makes you giggle yourself.

“Look,” I say holding it up. “This short end goes inside me, and holds the dildo in place. The longer end goes inside you. We can adjust both ends so they fit perfectly. Best of all, it has an app controlled vibrator! The base of the longer bit rests right against my clit, so we both get to enjoy it at the same time!”

Well now you’re intrigued! So intrigued that your cock jumps under your towel, getting my attention. “Looks like someone loves the idea at least,” I say with a hungry look in my eyes. “So, wanna play?”

In answer, you lie back on the bed and pull open your towel, revealing your swelling cock. “Mmm,’ I say, licking my lips, “now that’s a gorgeous sight.”

I quickly strip off my pyjamas so I’m naked. You can see my nipples are hard, and between my legs you can just catch a glimpse of wetness. Clearly I’ve been getting turned on already thinking about what is about to happen.

“OK baby,” I say, I know we’ve done a bit of play with my fingers and butt plugs, but this thing has a girth of 5.5 inches, so I definitely need to open you up a bit first. Just relax and leave it all to me…”

I grab a pillow from Escort the bed and urge you to lift your hips up so that I can tuck it under you. This lifts you off the bed slightly and means when I lie on my front, your perfect cock and ass are nicely lined up with my mouth.

I start as I always do when I’m down here, by running my flat tongue up the length of your cock from base to tip, and giving the head a loving French kiss. Then I move down and gently suck your balls, before starting to lick a slow, wet line from your balls to your asshole and back again, pausing each time to give extra attention to your perineum. This drives you crazy and you start to squirm, trying to force my tongue down to your tight hole where you really want it to be.

“Patience baby,” I mutter against your skin, “good things come to those who wait.”

I don’t make you wait too long though. Soon enough you feel my tongue slipping down to tease your asshole, the tip just barely pushing inside. You’re already moaning, I’ve been doing this to you for a few months now, and I’ve learned the exact right pressure and movements to drive you mad.

With a little bit of force, my hot wet tongue slips inside you, and I start gently thrusting it in and out, using one hand to gently stroke your thigh at the same time, lightly scratching you, adding another layer of sensation to the experience. As your moans increase, so does the eagerness of my tongue, and soon I’m pushing it into you as far as I can. It feels so good that when I suddenly stop you moan with disappointment.

I quickly grab something else out of my bag, you don’t see what it is, but you recognise the familiar sound of a bottle of lube being popped open. The sound is quickly followed by the cool slickness of lube sliding down your crack towards your hole. Before it can drip, my fingers are there to stop it and massage it in. You feel my fingertip moving in slow circles, pressure gradually building until it suddenly slips inside you. I slide it in up to the first knuckle, which puts it at just the right position to rub gently against your prostate. I slowly move my finger in and out, never going too deep, just deep enough that my fingertip keeps grazing that ultra sensitive spot.

By now you are squirming with pleasure and moaning constantly. I realise I need to move things on, so I slide a second finger inside you, followed by a third, pushing them as deep as they can go, ignoring your prostate for now as I don’t want you to cum too soon. We’ve never done more than 2 fingers before, and you feel so stretched open and full, you have no idea what 5.5 inches of dildo will feel like.

You don’t have to wonder long though. After a minute or so I pull my fingers out of you. “OK,” I say, my breath catching slightly with my excitement, “I think you’re as ready as I can get you. I’ll go slow, and if it’s too much I will stop right away.”

I kneel on the bed next to you, legs slightly parted. You can see wetness shining on my inner thighs, and realise I’m just as excited about this as you are. Bayan Escort Grabbing the dildo, I take the shorter end and rub it gently against my pussy lips, exerting just enough pressure for it to spread them open and expose my slick pink pussy to you. I slide it up to my clit and briefly use it to rub the swollen nub, moaning as I do. Your hard cock twitches at the sound.

You are about to mention that I’m probably meant to lube up the dildo when I slide it up to my opening and straight in. I’m so wet and ready my pussy eagerly swallows it up. I fidget around slightly and you realise I’m adjusting the bend of it so that it fits snugly inside me and is held in place. Now that it is in, you can see how it lies along the length of my pussy, sliding over my clit and then jutting out, just like an actual cock. You understand now how using it on you will bring me pleasure too, and you get even harder.

I move to kneel between your spread legs, glancing down at my new appendage, and judging the angle required to penetrate you. I fiddle around with it to change the bend slightly, moaning as I do. You realise even that small movement is stimulating my sensitive clit. You can’t wait to see how I react when I’m inside you, and being rubbed with every thrust.

Frowning, I move closer. You can’t help but smile, you know I take your pleasure very seriously, and that right now I will be thinking all about angles, and pressure and speed.

“You’re so freaking cute when you’re concentrating,” you tell me with a chuckle. My frown is briefly directed at you, and then I’m back to concentrating on what I’m doing.

I grab the lube, pour a pool of it into my hand and smear it all around the head and length of the dildo. Seeing my hand wrapped around it, you suddenly realise quite how wide it is. You feel a momentary sense of panic as you wonder if it will fit, but then I’m leaning forward and all you can concentrate on is me.

I brace one hand on your stomach, the other holding the dildo. Like I did with my tongue, I slide it up and down your crack a couple of times, heightening your sense of anticipation.

“Look at me baby,” I whisper, gazing at your face. You realise I want to look in your eyes as I penetrate you, just like I want when you do the same to me. I want to watch the feelings flitting across your face as we enjoy this new experience together.

You look into my eyes, seeing how dilated my pupils are, and how flushed my face is. My eyes widen slightly, as do yours, as I start to put pressure on your hole with the head of the dildo. I bite my lip in concentration as I push harder, clearly worried about hurting you.

“It’s OK baby, you manage through a strangled moan, “keep going. I want this so fucking badly.”

With a moan that is almost a sigh, I push a little harder, and suddenly the head breaches your tight ring of muscle. I immediately stop, worried it hurts, but you gesture me to continue. Leaning forward I slowly use my body to push the dildo further into you, inch by inch until I can’t get any Escort Bayan closer to you.

I pause, allowing you to savour the moment. You can’t believe how good it feels. Good because you feel spread open and packed full, but also good because you can see from my face how much this is turning me on. The flush on my cheeks has now spread all the way to my breasts, which are jumping with every heavy breath I take. If you look down you can see your swollen cock, and past it all you see is my body, plastered against yours.

Still looking in your eyes, I slowly slide back out of you, almost all the way, until just the head is lodged inside you, and then all the way back in. After a few seconds of gentle thrusting I speed up a little. You are moaning and squirming, it feels incredible but you feel like you need more, it doesn’t quite feel enough.

I take you by surprise by suddenly grabbing the bottle of lube, opening it up and dripping a line of it down your hard cock. You are briefly confused, but all becomes clear as I lean further forward, trapping your dick between our bodies. Now as I thrust, my body slides along you, stroking your cock back and forth between us.

You close your eyes and moan, only to quickly open them again as you feel a weird throbbing sensation inside your ass. It takes you a second to realise I’ve activated the app on my phone, and now the dildo is vibrating inside both of us.

I start to move again, pushing more and more of myself onto your body. You are pinned to the bed by the dildo inside you, and by me. You can feel the dildo pumping in and out of you, getting harder and faster as I get closer to cumming. Your hard cock is sandwiched between us, being jerked back and forth by my slick stomach gliding over it. I’m moaning almost constantly now, which turns you on at the best of times. Plus I’m digging my nails hard into your skin, little pin pricks of pain the perfect counterpoint to the pleasure.

“Oh fuck baby,” I moan, “I know this experience was mostly for you, but this feels so damn good. The dildo is vibrating inside me and against my clit, and pounding into you is so dirty and so arousing, I don’t think I can hold on. Fuck…”

With those words you realise I’m cumming. My thrusting inside you stops as my body spasms and I moan uncontrollably. The way I’ve stopped inside you, the dildo is lying along your prostate and you can feel the vibrations really strongly. That combined with my slippery body squirming on your hard cock is enough to tip you over the edge, and suddenly you are cumming hard, maybe harder than you’ve ever cum before, groaning my name and shooting thick ropes of jizz across both our bodies as they are plastered together.

I collapse forward onto you briefly, panting and giggling. You love how I always seem to get the giggles after I cum. Kneeling up I very gently slip out of you, causing you to wince slightly at the stretched, slightly sore feeling the dildo leaves behind. Reaching down I slide it out of me, turn it off and toss it to one side. I crawl up the bed and straight into your waiting arms.

“Hope that was as good for you as it was for me,” I mumble, already half asleep. You chuckle, kiss my forehead and tuck me up against your side.

“Baby,” you say with a grin, “it was fucking epic.”

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Lily’s Anal Initiation by Harry Ch. 02

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“Go for it, Harry my dear, keep going like that, I love what you’re doing to me with your tongue,” I told him.

Encouraged by my words, Harry now presses his mouth entirely against my anus. His lips, wide open, also work to massage the entire area of my opening. After a few minutes, he lifts his head to admire the result. This gentle massage has completely relaxed me. My anal opening is now completely relaxed, and the skin all around is perfectly dilated. I’m sure that now I am ready to receive, without any pain, any male organ, no matter how large! And I have never felt better than today.

“Lily darling, please don’t move… Stay in this position… I’ll be right back,” he said, rushing to a chest of drawers. He quickly returns holding an object I have never seen before. He places it on the bed, right in front of my eyes, and goes to get a bottle of massage oil from the nightstand drawer that I sometimes use to massage my legs. The object in question is made of transparent glass, in the shape of a large elongated egg, with one end pointed and the other narrowed into a neck that ends in a large pink pearl cut into a shape resembling a large diamond.”

”Lily, my dear, I’m going to insert this plug into your anus, it will keep it perfectly open and dilated… don’t be afraid… I won’t hurt you, my dear, I’ll put plenty of oil on it,” he tells me.

Seeing the size of this object, I admit I’m a bit scared of what he’s going to do to me, but I also know that if Harry does this to me, it’s solely for my well-being and to introduce me to new pleasures.

“Arch your back well, my dear Lily, just like earlier, and push your hips up… the oil is a bit cold, but it will do you a Escort lot of good,” he tells me.

He opens the bottle and lets a long stream of oil flow onto my widely open anal opening. I shudder at the contact of the cold liquid overflowing quickly from my anus onto my vulva, then running down my stomach. He also generously applies oil to the plug, and after making sure with his fingers that my anus is perfectly lubricated, he points the tip of the cold object at my opening, watching for my reactions, ready to stop if I show any resistance. I tremble a bit at the cold touch of the plug but I don’t pull away, because deep down, I am so eager to experience this new pleasure.

“Put it in me, my dear Harry… go ahead… put it deep in my ass please… I want it so much!” I say, moaning.

And, acting on my words, I make it clear by firmly grasping my buttocks with my hands and pushing them towards the delightful object, to spread them further apart. Encouraged by my gesture, he gently pushes the pointed end against my anus, still watching my reactions. Thanks to the oil, I feel the edges of my opening easily parting under the pressure to grip it firmly. Seeing that I don’t resist and that my anus seems to welcome this exquisite pleasure object, he presses it further until reaching the widest part. There, he stops pushing it and does not attempt anything more. My anal opening is now at its maximum dilation and I don’t think I can take it any more.

“My dear, don’t be afraid, I will push it in a bit more and you will now tighten your buttocks with all your strength to close your opening… the plug will then enter on its own all the way into your anus… don’t be afraid, my Escort Bayan dear, and trust me… thanks to the oil I applied, you won’t feel any pain, you’ll see,” he reassures me.

I am a bit scared at the thought of doing what he asks me, but still confident, I start tightening my buttocks with all my strength, but my opening is so dilated by the size of the plug that I can’t manage to close it. And to reassure me further, Harry leans over me to kiss my left buttock while caressing the lower part of my back with his other hand.

“I’ll help you a bit, my dear… try again to tighten your buttocks while I push it… there you go… you see, it’s starting to go in… you’re doing very well, my dear, it’s as if you’ve been doing this all your life,” he tells me, seeing the efforts I’m making to close my anus.

Feeling ashamed and confused by what he just said, I hide my face in the sheets and start doing what he asks of me. And then, as Harry pushes it with his hand… suddenly, overcome by my efforts and his patience with me, the plug quickly penetrates all the way into my anus, while my opening closes tightly around its narrow neck. The large pink heart-shaped bead, whose role I quickly understand, presses against my opening, preventing the plug from entering fully into my rectum. As Harry promised me, I feel no pain, on the contrary, I feel well-filled and happy to experience such a thing for the first time in my life.

“Well done my dear, I’m proud of you… you learn quickly… you will keep this plug until I remove it… it will keep your anus well dilated and prepare you for the penetration of my penis,” he said, lightly pulling on the pink bead to ensure it Bayan Escort hasn’t moved and is securely in place. Harry has finally revealed to me the purpose and role of these pleasure objects, and deep down I feel very lucky to know him. The idea of keeping this delightful object in my anus fills me with joy and happiness, but I am also very eager to be penetrated by his penis and finally experience the sensation of having my rectum filled by a male organ. However, I also believe that Harry, with all his experience and knowledge, must know the exact moment when I will be ready to receive his penis. Therefore, I decide to trust him and be patient.

“Lily darling, lie down on your back now… I will taste your other charms… you have many other treasures I would like to discover,” he said as if he had guessed my thoughts.

Impatient, I willingly obey Harry and lie back on my back, while he rises from the floor to position himself above me, kneeling between my legs. He lowers his head towards me, nuzzling into my neck. There, he starts kissing me gently behind my ears, whispering kind words. I tilt my neck towards his lips and place my hands on his back to pull him closer to me.

Her ample chest presses against mine as he continues to kiss me on the neck. After a while, his mouth leaves my neck and moves towards my mouth, his lips crushing mine in a passionate kiss. He uses his lips to make me open mine, and his tongue meets mine. We spend a long time kissing and playing with our respective tongues, mixing our saliva. My desire for Harry is now so strong that my legs rise in the air to wrap around his back and shoulders. I try to bring his belly closer to mine, seeking a more precise contact, the touch of his penis that sometimes brushes against my vulva, but he resists me.

-“Be patient, my darling… spread your thighs wide… lift your legs towards your neck and let me take over,” he says.

to be continued

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Evli kadınım…

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Evli kadınım…
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Sonunda evine davet etti bir gün. Sabah erken bir saatte evine gittim. Kapıyı çaldım.Komşuları görmesin diye eve bir girişim vardı evlere şenlik 🙂
Neyse çok samimi bir şekilde sarıldık. Oturma odasına davet etti. Oturduk sohbet ettik normal bir şekilde. Çok tedirgin olduğu her halinden belliydi. İlk adımı atmak istiyor ama tabuları, evliliği bir çok şey engelliyordu onu. Farkındaydım. Fakat onun dengesini bozmamak için eğer huzursuz ediyorsam gidebilirim dedim ona. Gitmemi istemedi fakat bir şey de yapamayacağım özür dilerim dedi.
Önemli değil o an için. Eğer üstüne gitseydim ters tepecekti. Çok sıcak ve samimi bir sohbet yaptık. Biliyorum bu okuduklarınız masal ya da hikaye gibi gelecek size ama bu birebir yaşanmış bir anı.
Hiç bir şey yapmasak da dudaklarını tatmak istediğimi söyledim. Çekinerek kabul etti. Sanki ilk kez öpüşüyormuş gibiydi. Acemice hareketleri vardı. Dİlini dudaklarımın arasına alıp emdim. İLk kez böyle bir şey yaşamış olmasının şokuyla öyle bir inledi ki boşaldığını zannettim nerdeyse 🙂
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Ben de yine dudaklarına yumuldum. Öpüşmek artık yetmeyecekti ikimize de. Elimden tuttu. Yatak odasına çekti beni.
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Uzun uzun emdi yaladı sikimi. Sıra bende dedim ve göğüslerinden yalamaya emmeye başladım. Uçları siyah üzüm tanesi gibiydi iri ve dik. Minicik göğüslerinin emmek çok zevkliydi. Yavaşça aşağılara indim. Amına geldiğimde sularına silimi daldırdım ilk önce. Yasak meyve çok lezzetliydi o an. Belki de dünya üstündeki en tatlı şeydi benim için. Yalamaya doyamadım. Ben yaladıkça her dil darbemde ayrı bir zevk dalgası sarıyordu bedenini. Titremeleri inlemeleri artık zaptedilemez bir hal almıştı. Artık zamanı geldi diyerek bacaklarının arasında yerimi aldım. Hedefi bulmam çok zor olmadı. Bir hamlede derinliklerine doğru dalışa geçtim.Sıcacık ve sırılsıklamdı. O kadar tatlıydı ki çine girip çıkmak. Hani anlatılmaz yaşanır derler ya. Aynen öyle.
Her pozisyonda uzun uzun siktimm o gün onu.
Kocasının hiç sikmediği götünden bile. Özellikle götünden sikerken çok müthiş zevk aldı. BUnu da bir sonraki yazımda paylaşırım.

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