Kocamdan ilgi göremeyince arkalı önlü kardeşime verdim

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Kocamdan ilgi göremeyince arkalı önlü kardeşime verdim

Selam seks hastası okurları ben evli bir bayanım 36 yaşındayım ve çok azgın bir bayanım. Neden mi dersiniz her gün seks yapma isteğime yıllardır karşılık alamamam yüzünden bu hale geldim. Kocam evliliğin ilk yılları gerekli değeri bana verse de sonrasında çok ilgisiz davrandı. Sonunda beni bu hale getirdi. Kocam işteyken eve erkek kardeşim geldi ve onunla birlikte tv izliyordum. Dekoltelerime bakıp durduğunu fark ettim. Ne oldu sana böyle daha önce hiç göğüs görmedin mi dedim. Çok utanıp kızardı sonuçta ablasıyım ama üzerimi çıkartıp kafasını göğüslerimin arasına alınca nefes nefese kaldı.Kardeşim 3 ay once askerliğini bitirip izmire dondu ve bu bizi çok mutlu etmişti askerliğini sırnakta yaptı ne kadarda komando olmasa bizi korkutuyordu ama sonunda korkumuz bitmişti kardeşim gelmişti geldiği gece sabaha kadar uyumadık sohbet ettik ertesi gun eşim gece vardiyasına gidecekti ve kardeşime gel bende kal eniştende yok konusuruz seni çok özledim dedim .kardeşim tamam ablacım dedi ve o aksam bize geçtik zaten annemlerle aramız dolmusla 45 dakkadı eşim saat 10 hazırlandı. 12-8 vardiyasına gitmek için evden çıktı biz kardeşimle oturuyorduk kızımda uyumustu sohbet sohbeti açtı saat 2 olmustu birer kahve yaptım birde sigara yaktık devam ediyorduk ogun üstümde mavi eşortman takımı vardı ama dardı butun vucut hatlarım belli oluyordu kardeşimi birkaç kez kalçalarıma bakarken gordum ve normal karşıladım adam 15 aydır askerdi ve normaldı ses etmedim ama içimde endise ve istek vardı kardeşime hos geldin hediyesi vermek istiyordum.Zaten adamken bir kaç kez anne babamızı izlemiş ve birbirimize dokunmuş ve bakmıstık içimdeki istek iyice buyumustu ve kardeşime eeee askerlik bitti okadar erkeğin arasındadın gelince kutladını dedim. nasıl dedi bende açıkca soyledim çoğu erkek askerden gelince yaaa bir genel eve gider yada sevgilisinin yanına dedim kardeşimde nerde ablaaaaaa dedi ama oyle bir dediki içim acıdı dertli dertli soyledi bende canım benim kıyamam dedim ve sohbete devam ettik ama gozum durmadan kardeşimin penisine kayıyordu ve artık kardeşimle birlikte olmak hem ona yardımcı olmak istiyordum saat 4 de geliyordu ben kardeşime hdi yat geç oldu yarın konusuruz dedim ve odalarımıza çekildik sakarya escort yattık sabah olmustu eşim simit alıp gelmiş kavaltı yaptık eşim yattı kardeşim ben gidiyorum dedi bende nereye dedim çarşıda arkadaslarla bulusacağım dedi.Bende akşam gel dedim kardeşim yok abla gelmem deyince gel gel sana bir sürprizim var dedim nasıl olduysa birden bu çıktı ağzımdan neyse kardeşim gitti aksam oldu saat 9 gibi kardeşim geldi eşimle biraz sohbet ettiler asker anıları falan derken eşim işe gitmek için evden çıktı biraz kardeşimle oturduk kızımı uyuttum ve kardeşime ablacım sen otur ben dus alacağım dedim ve dusa girdim çıktım odama gittim giyindim üstüme südyen giymedim ve bir tişort giydim ev sıcak olduğundan dardı meme uçlarım belli oluyordu siyah bir kilot ve bir etek giydim ve saç kurutma makinasını alıp kardeşimin olduğu oda geldim ve kardeşimin karşısına oturup saçlarımı kurutmaya basladım ve bacak bacak üstüne attım üstümde etek olduğundan bacaklarım kardeşim gozlerinin onundedi arada saçlarımın arasından bakıyordum kardeşim bacaklarıma bakıyordu. yani benim bacaklarımda bakılmıcak gibi değil: ve saclarımı kurutup kardesimin karşısına oturdum ona durmadan frikik veriyordum oda hiçbir frikiği kaçırmıyordu benim vucudumu ateş basmıstı yanamıyacak hale gelmişti mutfağa gittim ve kardeşime gel sigara içelim dedim.Bakire Liseli Porno. kardeşim geldi sandalyelere oturduk kardeşim onu kabarıktı sigara içerken birden aklıma birsey geldi sigaradan faydalanacaktım kardeşimi mutlu etmek ve bende mutlu olmak istiyordum ve sigaranın kulunu uzun sure kulluğe dokmedim ve yanlışlıklar kardeşimin eşortmanın üstüne doktum.Aaa canım özur dilerim dedim ve kulu alma bahanesi ile penisinede dokundum hissetmistim ve sertti güldüm ama hepsini almadım kardeşim sadece bakıyordu .kalan kısmınıda elimle süpürmek için dokundum ve iki defa oksadım üstünde kul kalmayınca kardeşim gozune baktım oda benim bacaklarıma bakıyordu gülerek sigarayı bir daha onun üzerine dokerek kulunu üstüne doktum kardeşim abla ben kullukmuyum dedi bende gülerek ne olacak ablan için kulluk olmak zormu dedim. olurum dedi ben kulu temizleme bahanesi ile yine iyice dokundum resen oksadım ve bir kaç saniye sonra kerdeşim kendi kulunu üzerine doktu. ben kulluğum ben kulluğum dedi sakarya escort bayan ve gülüştük ben temizlerm bitanem dedim ve temizledim ama elimi kardeşimin penisinden çekmedim elim ordadı kardeşim bacaklarıma bakıyor du ben yavas avas elimi hareket ettirmeye basladım.Ve uuuf canım bu nee al buyumus dedim kardeşimde eski günleri hatırlatarak eee ablacım eskiden adamtuk şimdi buyuduk oda buyudu dedi bende onu kızdırmak için oğlum eşkiden bamyadı simdi olsa olsa sigara kadar olmustur dedim. kardeşim kızarar guldu goster gorelim boyunu ozaman dedim oda kendin bak madem dedi bende bunun üzerine kardeşimin penisini çıkardım ve avuçladım kazık gibidi ve dediği gibi baya buyuktu bende buyumus buyumus dedim ama bırakmıyordum. elimi asağı yukarı hareket ettirdim kardeşim geriye doğru yaslandı ben harekete devam ediyordum kardeşim abla kusacak şimdi dedi bende masadan peçete verdim ve devam ettim ve fazla geçmeden kardeşim elimi çekip penisini pecete ile kapattı ona bosaldı ve resmen baygın hal aldı bende gulerek ne oldu dedim kardesim abla 15 ay sonra ilk defa bir kadın dokundu dedi bende güldüm. iyi bakalım dedim o arada kızım ağladı ona mama yedirdim ve oturma odasına geldim.Kardeşim tv izliyordu direk onun yanına oturdum güldüm neden güldüğümü sordu ben 15 ay sonra ilk dokunan ben olduğum geldi aklıma ondan dedim ve devamını getirdim istersen bir daha dokunayımda kussun bidesi temizlensin dedim oda tamam temizlensin dedi ve pijamasının üstünden bir daha dokunmaya basladım. bu sefer kendi pijamasını ve baksını dizine kadar sıvadı oturdu ben iyice oksuyordum ve onu artık oksamak değil içimde hissetmek istiyordum kardeşimin elini tutarak bacağıma koydum bu hareketten sonra kardeşim bacağımı oksamaya basladı ve yavas yavas yukarı çıkarak kilodumun üstünden kadınlığıma dokunmaya basladı bende bacaklarımı biraz araladım daha rahat dokunması için kardeşim beni ben onu oksuyordum istediğim oluyordu kardeşim kilodumu yana doğru biraz çekip kadınlığıma ulastı ve dudakları arasında parmağını gezdirmeye basladı.Bende sulanmıstım ve orta parmağını içme sokar gibi yapıyordu bu beni iyice heyacanlandırdı tam ilersi olacaktı ki kızım ağladı onun yanına gittim geldiğimde kardeşim toplanmıstı ama daha penisi dimdikti bellidi kardeşime goz adapazarı escort kırparak elinden tuttum ayağa kaldırdım onden giderek kardeşimi çektim ve yatak odasına girince kardeşim arkamdan sarıldı ve penisini kalçama değirerek memelerimi sıkarak ensemi opmeye basladı ve beni bu sekilde yatağa iktirdi eteğimi kaldırdı ben yatakta yatık pozisyondadım kalcalarımı yalamaya emmeye basladı kilodumu çıkardı ve yere diz çokerek her yerimi yaladı kalçalarımı eli ile ayırdı kadinliğimi yaladı dilini içime sokuyordu çıldıracaktım bende dondum onu kendime üzerime çektip opüşmeye basladık opüsürken birbirimizi soyuyorduk ve kardeşim bas ucuma gelerek sikini ağzıma verdi ilk defa yalıyordum eşimin kini bile yalamadım ama kardeşime hayır diyemedim acemi gibi yaladığım bellidi kardeşim ağzımda hareket edince bende ağzıma açık tuttum ve kardeşim gidip gelmeye basladı.Sonra ağzımdan çıkarak bacak arama geçti ve içime girmeye basladı çıldırıyordum gidip gelmeye baslayınce kendimden geçtim -sik ablanı bitane daha hızlı ooooooo diye cümleler soylemeye basladım kardeşim daha da hızlandı sonra üzerimden kalktı ve yatıp beni üstüne çekti ben de kardeşimin sikini içime alır almaz deliler gibi zıplamaya basladım. kardeşim memelerimi sıkıyordu ve fazla geçmeden ben bosaldım ve kardeşimin üzerine yığıldım kardeşim altımda git gel yapıyordu ve oda içime bosaldı ikimizde yığılıp kaldık sonra kalktık temizlendik ve odaya geçtik mutfağa gidip birer sigara içtik ama hiç konusmuyorduk sigaralar bitince ben kul tablasını yıkamak için bangoya doğru yoneldim kardeşimde arkamdan geldi ve beni mangoya yasladı.Sikini gotume surtmeye basladı abla bu benim en buyuk fantazım dedi bende gerçekleştirelim bitanem değince eteğimi sıyırdi kilodumu indirdi ve beni domalttı sikini amıma sokmaya basladı — ohhhhhh -ohhhh – evetttt evet harikasın ablacım ohhhhhhh ben inlemeye basladım kardeşim iyice hızlanıyordu saclarımı oksuyor çekiyor memelerimi sıkıyordu. bu sekilde uzun sure gidip geldi sonra sandalyeye oturdu ve benide kucağına aldı ve ben kardeşimin sikinin üstünde deli gibi zıplıyordu oda kalçalarımı tutup destek veriyordu ilk kardeşim bosaldı arkasıdan ben bvosaldı ve ayağa kalktım bacaklarımdan kardeşimin dolleri akıyordu biraz opustuk ve sıra ile dus aldık saat 4 geliyordu ve yataklarımıza geçip yattık. o gunden beri kardeşimle musait olduğumuz zamanlar ve eşimin gece vardiyasında olduğu zamanlar kardeşim bana kocalık yapıyor bende ona karılık şimdi nişanlı ama devam ediyoruz beni çok iyi sikiyor.porno iskiş hikayeleri

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


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Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

A Rough Encounter

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Hey Slut!

If you want a hot email that’s what your going to get you horny little slut. Now take off your clothes and get something to ram in your pussy because I want you to cum reading this.

I’m on my way over to your apartment; you don’t know that I’m coming over. I’m wearing a tight T-shirt and jeans. You open the door stunned to see me, I burst In the Door and say,

“Well slut you ready for a fucking?”

You’re still in shock, your standing there with your mouth open so I decide to put it to good use. I grab you by the hair and shove you to your knees. I order you by saying,

“Suck on my cock you dirty whore!” You slowly begin undoing my belt and you open my jeans.

Seeing my cock you quickly shove it into your hungry mouth. It feels so good, so warm and hot I gasp in pleasure. I’m still holding your hair and shove my cock deep into your throat making you gag before you get used to my shaft down your hot throat. I humiliate you saying,

“Suck my hard cock bitch and fucking like it”

I get fed up of your slurping and I pull you to you feet. I rip off your top and bra while shoving you towards your bedroom. I fuck you onto the bed before completely taking off my jeans and T-shirt. I tell you to lie there and play with your tits. I sit on top of you and shove my cock between your warm breasts. You shove them together and I begin fucking. I tell you to lick the top of my hard cock as it brushes your lips with every thrust. You’re squealing and moaning like a whore now. It makes me hornier and hotter. Your tongue and tits feel so good on my cock and your smooth skin feels so good against my ass. I can feel you bucking your pussy in the air, desperately looking for some stimulation.

I roll off your hot body and I tell you to get escort ataşehir your ass in the air. You’re now not being a very obedient whore so you need to be punished. I lift your skirt and pull off your drenched thong. I begin spanking your dirty whore ass hard, you scream and sob in pain at first but with every swat your scream turns to more of a moan. You feel your pussy begin to tingle in pleasure. You sound like such dirty slut moaning and groaning because you’re being spanked. I humiliate you further, I know it really makes you feel like the slut you are;

“You like that don’t you bitch? You like being treated like a horny slut!? Its fucking filling your pussy with juices isn’t it!?”.”I bet you want something to shove in that slick cunt of yours don’t you bitch?? Don’t you bitch!!??”

You moan in approval. “What do you want whore!?”

You softly whimper “Your cock!”

I begin stroking my cock in front of your face, taunting you, you can smell my and see my precum covered dick just inches from your face!

“Well if that’s what you want bitch that’s not what you’re going to get!”

I pull open your drawer, taking out the biggest the dildo you own, the one that you could never really use because it was more pain than pleasure! I grab it; you’re rubbing your clit furiously, moaning like a whore! You’re dying to cum. I order you to take your hand from your big clit. You slowly comply because you love being ordered around and treated like a dirty whore.

You whimper, “No I can’t take it.”

You then feel me cover the dildo in your juices which are now running down the inside of your legs. I ignore this pitiful request. Instead of slowly shoving this monster dildo inside you I ram it in as far as your slick pussy can take it. You kadıköy escort bayan scream like virgin as you take your dildo deeper than you ever could have imagined. I start fucking your pussy, showing you no mercy, your screams continue but I keep fucking you. Your begging me to stop but I smack your already raw ass, you stop your whining and I then begin to hear you softly groan out the words,

“Yes treat me like a whore, stretch me like I’ve never was stretched before!” You’re a good whore and I reward you by slightly easing down on the speed of my ramming.

My cock is now about to explode, I need release so badly and I’m going to use your body any fucking way I want in order to make sure me cum. You’re now screaming loudly in orgasm after orgasm, you’ve never ever cum like this before and your pussy feels like its going to explode, you can feel your juices running down your legs. You feel like such a horny whore and you love it.

I taunt you, “I know how to treat you don’t I bitch!?” You don’t respond, so I give your ass the smack it deserves. “Answer me whore!”

I hear you murmur the words “I fucking love it!”

I let you recover by letting you lie on your stomach though I never remove the giant rubber dildo from your over stretched cunt. As I let you recover I cover my rock hard cock in lube. You don’t realise how I’m going to stretch you even further and I love it. I order you onto your hands and knees again. You now realise who’s in charge and you quickly do as ordered. I tell you to grab the dildo and fuck yourself with it. Your being a much better slut now and you do as told.

I grab your hips with both hands. You already sense what I have in mind and obstinately shout “No, I can’t take it”

“You going to pay for that escort bostancı bitch” I tell you and I smack your raw ass harder that ever. I pull your ass in the air and begin slowly shoving my cock into your vice-tight ass. You’re moaning again, trying to pull your ass away but I continue to shove my cock into your tight ass until my shaft is completely lost inside you.

You’re moaning in pain and you’re slowly pulling out the dildo out of your pussy to try and give yourself some relief. I quickly remind you who’s the slut and who’s the master by saying,

“Take that out or stop fucking yourself with it whore and you’ll regret it!”

You instantly obey and restart fucking the dildo. My cock is now dying for release and your constant moaning is almost bringing me over the edge. I slowly begin fucking your ass, it’s so tight I can hardly move, your filled cunt making it even tighter. As your ass begins to loosen I feel you begin to buck slightly on my cock even if your moans are still of pain.

All I want now is to shoot my hot load deep inside your ass and I don’t give a fuck how your slut body feels, you’ve cum enough already. I grab your hips hard and I thrust inside you roughly, the tightness of your ass feels so good. I can feel the dildo in your pussy being pumped faster and faster. You’re now moaning so loud both in pleasure and in pain we’re ramming each other like the horny fucks we are. Everything now becomes hazy; all I can feel is my cock and your ass gripping it. Good whore! We’re both screaming, your loving it more than you ever imagined, you never thought you could be stretched this much and love it. We ram each other hard and I feel your ass squeeze my cock as your pussy explodes like never before just as my balls erupt shooting my cum deep inside you. I’ve ever felt so good; we collapse in a panting sweating heap. Both too exhausted to talk but both smiling from ear to ear in pleasure.

“Good Whore.”

This is my first attempt at writing a story and if you think it’s good or bad feel free to comment.

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A Little Fantasy

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The lock snicks back and I push the door open, already your hands are on my ass, squeezing, slipping up the back of my dress to touch bare skin. I smile and reach back to grab your hand, turning as I pull you into the room so you’re pressed against me. I drop my bag on the bed as my own hands reach back to grab your ass, smacking you lightly.

“You’re always a naughty boy.” I wink at you as your hands slide into my hair, pulling me close as your lips touch mine. The kiss is deep and urgent. We haven’t been alone together in so long and I’ve missed having your hands on me. I spin round and give you a shove, you take the hint and lie back on the large bed behind you. I stand at the foot of the bed and slowly pull my dress from my shoulders and let it pool at my feet leaving me standing in nothing but a black bra and a scrap of lace that passes for underwear. I straddle your hips on the bed, your hands reaching for me, cupping my breasts before reaching round to unsnap my bra. I pull it free from my arms and toss it on the floor, my own hands grasping the ends of your t-shirt and pulling it up. You finish taking it off and I lean down to kiss and nibble your chest, my tongue teasing your nipples, tracing a line of kisses up over your neck. My mouth finds yours again as I begin to grind my hips over the roughness of your jeans, the tiny thong covering my pussy giving it no protection against the friction.

Teeth sink into my lip and I moan, spreading my legs wider to press against you as much as possible. In one quick movement you turn us over so I’m lying beneath you, my legs splayed wide. You push against me and I quickly undo your jeans, pushing them and your underwear down your hips so your cock springs free. Your breath catches as I run my tongue over your sensitive head, already feeling the first drops of your precum coating it.

Pushing my thong aside you press your cock against me and I gasp as it brushes my clit, already throbbing before you’ve even touched it. Thrusting your hips softly drags you over me and I arch my hips toward you, already wanting you inside me. Instead you pull back from me and I moan softly with longing.

“Please.” My whisper can barely be heard above our heavy breaths.

This time you straddle me, over my chest and bring your cock to my lips. My tongue flicks out to catch the bead of precum about to drip from you and I feel my pussy contracts at the first taste of you. You lean forward a little so I can wrap my mouth around your tip, sucking gently and swirling my tongue around. Wrapping my hand around the rest of your cock I begin to stroke you firmly, working you harder and faster, my mouth keeping pace.

Fisting your hands in my hair you draw yourself slowly from my mouth. I lift my head to run my tongue over you one last time. You move down my body, kissing and licking here and there. Stopping to suck my nipples into your mouth one at time, grazing your teeth over the sensitive buds. Feather light touches over pendik escort my sides have me writhing on the bed, trying to escape you, I’ve always been so ticklish. You pull off my underwear, throwing it to the floor along with your jeans. Kneeling between my thighs you spread them wide, exposing my glistening pussy to your gaze. You trace your fingers over me, gathering my wetness to rub over my clit.

Without warning you plunge two fingers deep inside me, my hips buck on the bed as I let out a small scream at the sudden intrusion, feeling so full and stretched so unexpectedly. The slight sting of pain only seems to heighten the pleasure as your thumb begins to sweep small circles around my clit. Thrusting my hips back at you, you begin to finger-fuck me hard. Gasps and moans escape my throat, I don’t even try to hide them. Here in an anonymous hotel room I can be as loud as I want, as loud as you can make me be.

It doesn’t take long until I’m cumming, my juices soaking your hand and the bed beneath me. My pussy contracts hard, pulsing over and over again. My hands fist in the pillows above my head as I moan loudly. Finally it becomes too much and I push your hand away from me, needing a moment to rest and recover. I reach for you and bring you to lie next to me, my lips seeking yours, my hand reaching for your cock. I wrap my hand around you, feeling you hot and hard in my palm, it’s one of my favourite things, knowing I cause that kind of reaction in you. I let my fingers stroke you slowly, using your precum as lube to make the movements smooth, paying particular attention to the sensitive underside of your cock.

You grip my thigh and pull me over so I’m straddling you again, directing your cock towards my slick entrance. I let the tip of you slide inside me, even though I’m soaked and desperate to have you in me it’s a tight fit. I sink down slowly. My hands pressing down on your hips to stop you thrusting your entire length into me. Finally you’re inside me as far as possible.

“You always feel so big inside me.” I gasp this out to you, you feel so big inside me I’m not sure I can stand it. If I had taken you before I’m not sure I could’ve stayed there with you pressed inside me as deep as you could go, so deep I could feel the tip of your cock pressed hard against the very end of me. I lean down to kiss you, our tongues flicking together, letting my teeth nip you gently. I give a small thrust of my hips and you moan, gripping them hard, urging me to ride you. I comply, thrusting my hips hard and fast, the way you like me to. Your thumb touches my clit, thrumming it quickly, bringing me close, tipping me over the edge before I even realise I’m at it. I link our fingers and press your hands back to the bed, gripping tightly as I cum, my hips still moving in an uneven rhythm as waves of pleasure wrack my body, causing my pussy to spasm around your cock.

I find myself on my back, you’ve turned us over, your cock still buried in me giving maltepe escort long, slow, deep thrusts. I wrap my legs around you, bringing my hands down to grip tour ass and pull you deeper into me. Occasionally I give your ass a sharp spank, every one drawing a moan from you. I don’t know who likes a spanking better, me or you but I always love your reaction to it. You draw away from me and I know what you want. I get on my hands and knees, wiggling my ass in the air. Your hand smacks me, leaving a red mark I know you’ll enjoy seeing as you slide inside me. You go slow, you always feel so much bigger from this position and I need to time for my pussy to adjust. Once your entire cock is seated deep inside me you ait, your hands running soothingly down my back and sides as you lean over and kiss me neck. The waiting is for me, the signal is to be mine and I push my hips back hard on you, a cry being forced from my throat.

Bruising force grip my hips as you begin to thrust hard and deep into me over and over, I slip one hand underneath me and play with my clit, occasionally reaching to give your balls a fondle. You push me so my chest is lying flat on the bed and you can thrust as deep as possible. Loud slapping noises fill the room mingling with the pants and gasps forced from me with every thrust you give. I reach over the bed for my discarded bag and turn it upside down. I grasp the bottle of lube and hold it behind me, looking around to give you a smile.

Cold lube touches me as I feel you coat the small pucker of my ass. Pressure lets me know you’re pressing your finger into me. I try to relax and concentrate on the feel of you inside my pussy, thrusting slowly now. I see your hand grab a small toy from the pile of stuff on the bed and I turn to watch you as you push it into my ass. I bite my lip and you stop moving, leaning over to kiss me, waiting again for me to adjust to this extra feeling of fullness. My pussy feels like it grips you tighter, like there’s even less room for you inside my tight channel now. You grip the small plug and begin to move it in and out of my ass in the smallest moments. My hips follow these moments, feeling the toy moving in and out of me at the same time your cock is.

More lube joins what’s already there, the small toy slipping in and out of me easily now. You withdraw your cock from me and the toy from my ass. I grip the sheets in apprehension, waiting to feel the broad head of your cock pressing against my ass. Finally I feel you, slippery with lube pressing against my unused opening. Small movements, back and forth, has you easing into me, my ass accepting you little by little. The head of your cocks pops fully into me and I throw my head back in a scream, the suddenness of it catching me by surprise. This time you don’t wait for me to adjust, just continue to press inside me, the lube making your entry inevitable. Soon your entire cock is in my ass. I can do nothing but stay still, adjusting to your invasion. kartal escort I’m surprised by how little it hurts, just that full stretched feeling that always accompanies your cock, no matter where it’s filling me.

You begin to move, drawing yourself out of me until only the tip remains before pressing back inside fully. Pulling away from me you draw me up off the bed. One of the hotel room walls has a full length mirror and you sit yourself down in front of it, pulling me down with you so we’re both facing it. I lift up so I’m holding myself over your cock and you steady me as I sink down onto your cock, feeling it filling my ass again. You spread your legs, mine on the outside of yours, forcing them wide so my pussy is exposed to the mirror and both of our gazes. I notice then you’ve brought a toy down onto the floor with us.

It’s a small dildo I bought especially for tonight. Watching you press it into my pussy while your cock fills my ass was something I had thought about for months. You reach around us to press the tip to my opening, still dripping with my juices. It presses inside me and I grip your wrist, forcing you to go slow, stopping you every time another part slides inside me. I watch your face in the mirror as you watch what you’re doing to me, I can feel your cock twitching and know how desperate you are to thrust into me. Slowly the dildo slides to the hilt inside me. I’m past the point of full now. I can see my filled pussy in the mirror, your cock deep in my ass.

Using my hair as a handle you tip me forward onto my knees. You begin to fuck me. There’s no other word for it. Your thrusts are hard and rough inside me, I can feel the toy begin to slip from me and I reach down to press it back inside my pussy.

“Fuck yourself.” Your lips are against my ear as we both watch our reflections in the mirror. I listen to you and begin to move the dildo inside me. My pussy providing plenty of lubrication. I alternate, trying to time my thrusts with yours so my pussy and ass are filled at the same time, knowing how tight it must make my ass around you. Then I try filling my pussy at the same time your cock leaves my ass, ensuring I’m never empty. I can’t think of anything, The only thought in my head is the feel of being doubly fucked. Your thrusts get harder, more out of control. I let go of the toy and brace my hand against the mirror, holding myself still for you, letting you use my ass. I feel you thicken inside me, I know you’re close as I push back onto you, urging you to cum deep in my ass.

Finally you do, gripping my ass tight in your hands and sinking yourself deep and hard inside me. I feel your cum splash inside me, hot and thick. I rise up off my hands and wrap my hands around your neck, your arms come around my waist, clutching at me as you shudder and try to recover from your orgasm. I pull the toy from my dripping throbbing pussy and let it drop on the floor. Your cock slips from my ass, I feel your cum drip from me, joining my own juices in running down my thighs.

Somehow I make it to my feet and walk over to collapse on the bed, waiting for you to join me and slip your arm around me. No words are needed, I know you enjoyed the little fantasy I planned for you.

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My Lucky Day

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My computer has this filming app. An application you can use to create small videos right on your lap top. That’s important to the story. This great story. It turned out to be my lucky day when I answered that knocking at my door.

I was working on a poem. My desk was in the front room. It was small. I had the desk against the wall, a sofa just opposite flush to another wall, and a small dining table under the one window. I lived in a one-bedroom walk-up on the fourth floor of a brownstone on the Lower East Side. I got up to answer the tapping.

It was a young girl, or woman. She was Asian and I couldn’t really tell her age. Young looking, but dressed in a sexy outfit. She wore an extremely short skirt. Her shirt, or blouse, was tight, showing off her taut, perky breasts. I could see her nipples because they were hard. No bra, I guessed. She was in high heels that showed of her legs. I was checking it all out. I mean, she came to me, right?

“Okay, I’m here. I hope I’m not too late. The damned subway. Anyway, you want me to sit down?”

She didn’t wait for an answer. Just walked quickly over to the sofa with her round ass making some nice patterns. She plopped herself down on the sofa and put her bag to the side. I hadn’t moved from the door.

“So, pendik escort I’m Mandy. I’m eighteen. You wanna see my ID? Here, I got it right here.”

She held out a driver’s license. I stepped over, took it, and saw her picture and name. Mandy Tong. She was eighteen alright.

“I would love to model and act. I think I’d be good at. I know I need to show you that I can do what you need me to do, right? Okay, so let’s start then. Were you gonna film this?”

I looked at her and then went over to my desk. My laptop was open. I clicked on the video app, got it set up to record, made sure it was positioned properly, and hit record.

“There, that’s set up.”

I had turned around. She was un-bottoning her top. She revealed her breasts. She was smiling at the camera. Slowly she took it off and laid it aside, then pushed down the little skirt. Her panties were revealing. I was getting hard. I knew she could see that. I didn’t care. She sat down again and stretched out her hands. Okay.

I got closer and she started pushing down the sweatpants I was wearing. I didn’t bother with underwear in the apartment. My prick sprang up and she giggled. Her delicate hand was now stroking it as she smiled up at me. I stepped out of the pants and pulled maltepe escort my top off over my head. I was stripped now.

“I’m really good at this. I love cock. I’ll show you.”

That was when she placed her lips around the tip and licked up the pre-cum. My hands went to her long black hair. My fingers grabbed her tresses and I began to thrust my prick into her mouth. Her hand was pulling my nuts down as I groaned.

“You’re good at this. I’m impressed. Now see if you can take me down your throat. Hold your breath. That’s a good girl. Oh, fuck. You are good at this.”

She was making gagging sounds and I could see tears trickling down her face. But she was taking it. And enjoying it, it would seem. Holding her head, I kept jamming my cock into her slobbering mouth. I wondered if she would do something else. I pulled my prick out and she moaned.

“I’d love to see how well you fuck. Are you up for that, Mandy?”

“Of course. Please, fuck me now. I want it. I’m so good at this. Fuck me, baby.”

She was on her back now, on the sofa, and I reached down and pulled her panties to the side. I got above her and slipped my prick into her shaved pussy. She was really ready, I could tell. She was slick and slimy with pussy juice and kartal escort my cock slid in like a runner on first base. I began ramming that wet slit.

“Yes, yes. I love it. Screw me. Fuck me. Am I good? Do you love it? Oh, damn, fuck my pussy, baby.”

“Mandy, you’re the best. Ah. Yeah. Fuck, fuck. Ummm…fuck.”

“You make me cum big man. Oh fuck. I’m cumming good for you.”

I kept pumping her pussy with hard, deep thrusts and she kept moaning and whimpering. What a great fuck.

“That’s it. I gotta cum now. Oh, shit.”

I jerked my prick out and started shooting sperm on her pussy and belly. She was rubbing it into her soft flesh. I was moaning as I kept jacking. Until there was no more. I rose up, and she did to. Her mouth was on my cock again as she sucked me dry. I caressed her hair. That was nice.

She was smiling now as I went to get her a damp towel. I brought it back and helped her clean up. I was putting on my sweats again and she was getting dressed, chattering away about how I was great, and she loved it.

“So that was good. I’ll be waiting for your call. Oh, do you want my number again? Here, I got these cards now. I wanna be a star someday. I can be, I know that. Okay, it was great. You sure you got it all recorded? I gotta run now, baby. Talk to you later.”

She was heading to the door and passed through, waving goodbye. I looked at her card. It said ‘Mandy Tong’ and ‘Actress” on it. Plus her number.

I wondered who she was and who she thought I was.

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My Life as a Wittol Ch. 09

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CJ fucks our neighbor Pat while we were just living together, but not yet married

By: CJ’s Hubby

A special thank you to Sexy-Geek for his editorial assistance

This story contains themes of cuckold and wittol and takes place a few years before CJ’s marriage and while she was living with her current husband.


CJ and I had been dating for a few months when her living situation changed. She had been living with a widow Aunt who tried to put conditions on her while she lived there. So CJ moved in with a couple that she had become friends with, but it didn’t work out as they wanted her to date one of their friends. She did date him for a few weeks and then ended it.

Eventually, she moved in with me and my two roommates. CJ was in her early twenties and the rest of us were mid-twenties. It didn’t take long to figure out that CJ living with me and my roommates was not going to work. So CJ and I decided to move on and get our own place.

We rented a small two-bedroom house that was partially furnished. There was a small guest house behind it that was also rented out. We got to know the tenant, Pat, fairly well. He was about six foot tall with a slender build and long blondish hair past his shoulders. He drove a van that had Budweiser logos on the side and it carried two professional model foosball tables.

In the evenings Pat would put on foosball tournaments sponsored by Budweiser at the local bars and clubs. He had several friends who would come to his home during the day and they partied as they smoked weed and played foosball. CJ and I became regular visitors to these impromptu parties when work and life allowed.

It was not uncommon to see young women leaving Pat’s home in the morning after spending the night. Rumors had it that Pat was pretty well endowed and was a very good lover. On the nights the weather was good, Pat would leave his windows open and on a few occasions CJ and I could hear Pat and the girls he had brought home from the club or bar.

CJ worked for a popular department store at the time and was required to work one day each weekend, but was given a day off during the week. Often CJ would go and play foosball with Pat and the guys on her day off while I was at work.

As was the fashion of those days, she would wear tube tops most of the time. Her small breasts had a hard time holding the top in place as she moved and jumped around as they played and she was constantly tugging the top back up. Her shorts were usually cutoff jeans that had been washed so many times the edges had frayed, and a pair of slip on sandals. Her blond hair at the time was long and she generally kept it in a braid that came down to the middle of her back.

As CJ got to know Pat and his friends better she started to go back to Pat’s home and play foosball with the guys and party with them during the week on her day off more often. CJ had gotten pretty good at foosball and could hold her own with the guys. The guys liked playing with CJ, but sometimes she became a distraction when her top would work its way down and the tops of her small breasts would be become exposed to them. Occasionally one, or even both, of her tiny nipples would peek out over the top of her tube top and the guys would accuse her of doing it on purpose to throw them off their game.

On this day CJ had been cleaning around the house and had pretty much finished and was bored. As she glanced out the window she saw two of Pat’s friends go to his home and figured Pat was up and he would soon be partying with his friends. After about fifteen minutes she decided to go to Pat’s home to see if they needed another partner to play. They were sharing a joint and were glad to see her as they needed a fourth person to play. Pat was glad to see CJ and handed her a joint as she walked in and she gladly took a big hit to catch up with them. They all sat down to get high before they started to play.

Pat went to the refrigerator and got them all long neck bottles of Budweiser beer as he got it for free from his sponsor. As they gathered around the game table, Pat took CJ’s arm and pulled her to his side and said, “I want you on my team today.”

This particular day, CJ was teasing and flirting with Pat as they played. They were on the same team and she stood next to Pat. She was giving all of them a nice view of the tops of her small but firm breasts. Her cutoff jeans had been washed so often they had become very short and the cheeks of her ass peeked out the bottom as she would bend forward to play. None of this went unnoticed by Pat or his friends.

CJ and Pat would high five when one would make a good play and Pat would pull her to him and give her a tight hug when they would win a game. She could feel his cock press against her as they hugged. It seemed to grow larger with each hug.

He would make pendik escort sure that he pressed his cock just hard enough against CJ so that she could feel it. Her tiny nipples grew harder every time he pressed against her. She had heard the rumors of Pat’s prowess and size and had often wondered about how good he would be in bed. CJ looked up at Pat after one of his hugs and saw his knowing smile and she realized he had intentionally been pressing his rod against her.

They stopped after a few games to refresh their beers and to smoke some more pot. After they finished the joint, CJ took a break to go to the bathroom. When she came out, Pat’s friends were walking out the door. CJ gave them both a hug as she said her goodbyes, then turned to Pat and said, “I guess I should be going, too.”

“Aw,” Pat said, “why don’t you stay and smoke another joint.” CJ accepted, wondering what else Pat had in mind. They sat on the couch and passed the joint between them. CJ was relaxing from the high and lying back with her head resting back on the sofa.

Pat regarded the way her boobs pressed out against the tank top as she lay back. He said with a leer, “You sure were showing a lot of cleavage today. Those guys couldn’t take their eyes off your boobs.” He turned sideways on the sofa and brought his knee up to rest in front of him

She smiled and laughed as she told him, “I noticed you were looking… a lot…” She chuckled as she told him, “And from the feel of that thing you were pressing against me, it seemed like you were enjoying the view too.” She emphasized with a motion of her eyes and a nod of her head down to his cock. She paused for a moment as she realized the head of his uncircumcised cock was sticking out of his shorts.

Pat saw her looking at his cock and that made it grow even more. He reached and took her by the back of her head and pulled her to him and kissed her. As they kissed, her lips parted and she softly moaned as she felt his tongue slip between her lips. His hand slowly slid up over her bare abdomen and over her tank top. She responded again as she felt his hand cup her small breast.

Pat’s hand slid down inside her tube top and he started to softly caress her bare breast, gently tweaking her tiny nipples. She writhed as Pat pinched them harder. He slowly pulled her tube top down, exposing her petite round tits. He took one of her nipples between his lips and gently sucked it into his mouth.

CJ held his head and made soft little noises as his tongue tenderly circled her sensitive nipple. She leaned over and slid her hand down between his thighs and lightly caressed his hardening cock. CJ smiled and chuckled as she said, “I guess all those rumors are true.”

CJ was very impressed with the size of Pat’s dick and wondered how big it would be when it was completely hard. She pulled his belt to loosen it, and unfastened it, then slowly pulled the zipper down. She pulled his shorts open and could see his blond bush and realized he had not been wearing anything under his shorts. She reached inside his shorts and felt his bare cock for the first time. She looked him in the eyes and gently bit her lip as she raised her eyebrows in a surprised gesture, and she pulled his hardening rod out of his pants and started to slowly stroke its length.

As her hand slid slowly up and down his shaft she felt it grow harder and larger, so much that her hand now barely fit around its root. The head stood proudly up from her hand that wrapped around this impressive rod. She looked up into his eyes and smiled just before Pat put his hand on her head and gently pushed it down. She took the hint and leaned over and her lips slowly slipped down over the swollen head. Pat moaned softly as she took it in her mouth.

Pat lay back and relaxed, his head leaning back on the sofa and he let out a long gentle moan. He rested his hand on the top of her head and he started a slow gentle up and down motion. He asked her, “Do you like my cock?” CJ moaned and nodded her approval as she continued to suck.

CJ dropped to her knees between his thighs and she grabbed the side of Pat’s shorts and pulled them down as Pat pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it. She took his hard shaft back in her hands and slowly stroked it. “You have such a beautiful cock.” And she chuckled, “And big too…”

Pat guided her head back to his cock and said, “Well… if you like it so much then show me.” She leaned forward and took it back into her mouth. Now they both moaned as the head and several inches slid into the wet warmth. He started to guide her head up and down as he forced more of its length into her mouth. She could feel the head swell as he pushed her head faster up and down, his hips thrust upward as he forced it in deeper. She could taste his pre-cum as it started to leak into her mouth and she knew he was maltepe escort close to coming.

CJ let Pat’s dick slip from her mouth. She looked up at Pat and smiled suggestively as she held the shaft and ran her tongue around the head. “We had better take this fine-looking cock to your bedroom before one of your friends stop by.” She stood and walked over to the door and closed it then smiled at Pat as she twisted the lock. She pulled her tube top over her head and she stared slyly at him as she walked bare breasted toward him on her way to his bedroom. She dropped her top in his lap as she walked past, then looked over her shoulder and smiled seductively as she led him into his bedroom.

Pat walked up behind her and cupped her tiny breasts in his hands and bent forward to kiss her neck. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and whimpered as he squeezed her little nipples. His hand slid down her abdomen and he skillfully unbuttoned her jeans. She unzipped the tight cutoff jeans and slowly wiggled her ass as she forced the jeans down over her hips. Pat cupped and caressed her breasts as the cutoff jeans slid down her legs. CJ stepped out of them and pushed them aside.

Pat lay on the bed on his back, legs spread, and hands clasped behind his head, his hard cock sticking straight up, smiling as he asked, “Now where were we?” She stood at the foot of the bed in only her tiny black satin panties.

Pat looked at the panties and smiled as CJ said, “I figured you would want to take those off yourself.” She crawled up on his bed and lay beside him.

She leaned over him and took his hard cock in her hand and slowly stroked it as she started to kiss him. She started to kiss his neck, then moved down to his nipples and kissed and gently sucked, first one then the other. She continued to kiss her way lower and finally took his huge dick in her mouth again. She felt his hand grab her head tightly and then he started to push the rod in a bit deeper and began to slowly fuck her mouth. Eventually, she moved back up and slowly stroked his cock with her hand as she whispered in his ear, “Please fuck me.”

He opened his night stand drawer and took out another joint and lit it. He turned it around and put the burning end in his mouth and leaned over her face, she inhaled the smoke as he blew the smoke into her face. They finished the joint and he started to kiss her again and she felt his hand slide down between her legs and start to rub her pussy. He hooked his finger in the panties and pulled them aside. She groaned as she felt him start to work his finger into her wet slit. Their lips parted and he kissed her neck, then her ear and he whispered, more of a command than a request, “Now… tell me what you want.”

CJ quietly moaned as she whispered back, “I want you to fuck me… I want to feel your big cock stretching my pussy… it’s been a long time since I’ve had such a nice big cock.”

Pat knelt between her legs and lifted them onto his shoulders, she lifted her ass off the bed as he slid her panties down over her ass, then slowly up her legs and off her feet. He held them to his nose and took a big breath as he inhaled her scent. He tossed the panties onto his dresser and he chuckled as he told her, “I think I will be keeping those.”

Pat held his cock and started to slowly rub the head up and down between her pussy lips. She felt the pressure as he pressed it harder against her, and then she felt her lips open and she whimpered as the hard rod stretched her cunt. Then he slipped inside her and began to work his shaft gently in and out of her wet pussy. He worked maybe half of his cock in then paused and just gently rotated his hips and asked her, “You doing ok?”

CJ wrapped her legs around his thighs and slowly rotated her hips, she moaned and said, “Just go slow for a bit.” She smiled as she told him, “It’s been a while since I have had a cock this big.”

“Maybe this might help,” he told her. He then took a small bottle off of his bedside table and held it to his nose. He covered one nostril and inhaled deeply, then he repeated the process with the other nostril. He then held it to CJ’s nose and he pushed against one side and told her to inhale, then he repeated it with the other side of CJ’s nose. He started to move his cock in her again but not going any deeper as he held the bottle to her nose again and told her, “One more time.”

She felt his cock pulling out and whimpered as she grabbed his hips and pulled him back to her. CJ felt the effects as her body flushed as the heat from the strong aroma moved through her body. She felt relaxed and her head fell back on the bed and her hips rose up to meet his cock as he pushed it gently deeper. She wrapped her hands around his neck and she pulled him down to her and moaned as she pleaded, “Please fuck me.”

Pat moved kartal escort up on his arms as he smiled down at her as he gradually started to thrust his cock faster and deeper as CJ’s hips moved up to meet his thrust. He moved up on his knees and grabbed her ankles and held her legs up and apart as he started to fuck her harder. She felt his body pressing against her crotch and she realized she had taken all of his length. She screamed out as she began to shake as her first orgasm roared through her body. She cried out, “Oh God… fuck me… don’t stop now… OH GOD… your big cock feels so good.”

It had been a long time since CJ had been fucked so long and oh so good. CJ could only lie there, her hands above her head, pushing against the head board as Pat rammed her hard. Before her orgasm was over Pat pulled his cock out and she pleaded, “Please don’t stop now.”

Pat replied, “I’m not stopping. Get on your hands and knees now.” He grabbed her and roughly turned her over.

He moved up behind her and CJ grunted really loudly as he thrust his cock hard all the way back inside her. She felt it go even deeper than before and wondered how she was taking all of it. He grabbed her hair braid and yanked her back hard against his throbbing shaft as he held it deep in her and told her, “Now it’s your turn to fuck me… show me how much you appreciate my cock.”

CJ rocked and rotated her hips, she could feel his hard rod as it moved around deep in her. He asked, “Does my cock feel good?”

CJ was sweating profusely and panting as she fucked Pat. “Oh God yes… your big cock feels so good…”

Pat moaned as he told her, “I’m going enjoy having such a sweet young piece of ass to fuck me when I tell her to… I’m going to own your pussy now.” He began to moan louder and he started to thrust into her harder. He grabbed her hips and held her tight against him and she felt his cock swell as he began to explode inside her.

She cried out as another orgasm ripped through her body as she felt Pat’s cum shooting deep inside her. Somewhere in the back of her mind she hoped the birth control would stop his seed from reaching her fertile area. After their orgasms, CJ fell face first on the bed. As Pat’s cock slipped out of her she felt empty, but too exhausted. Pat lay beside her and gently caressed her tiny bare ass. His dick still felt big as it pressed against her leg.

They lay naked on Pat’s bed as they tried to catch their breath. Pat was on his back and smiled as he asked her how she felt. CJ just moaned and smiled at him. Then he guided her hand back to his cock. It was not hard but still swollen from all the sex. He moaned as she took the soft shaft in her hand and as her hand slid up and down it he told her, “Umm… that feels good…”

CJ could feel his cock starting to grow again, but she chuckled as she told him, “I don’t think my sore pussy can handle that thing again so soon.” It started to grow hard and she looked up at him with a questioning look. He smiled at her just as she felt his hand on the back of her head, pushing it down, back to his hardening rod, slick with their joined juices.

CJ told him, “My boyfriend will be home from work soon. I don’t think I will have time to finish if I start it.”

He laughed and said, “It won’t take long this time.” He pushed her head down and she took his cock back in her mouth.

After stroking it a little, she let it slip from her mouth and looked at the clock on the dresser She told Pat, “I would need to leave in fifteen minutes to get home in time to shower.” She wanted to clean up before I got home. But then she took his cock back in her mouth and it felt good as her lips started to slide faster up and down the hard rod.

CJ kept glancing at the clock, wondering if he would even be able to cum anytime soon since he had just climaxed a few minutes earlier. At the fifteen minute mark she tried to get up to go and Pat held her head down and told her, “Not yet… I am really close… just keep sucking…” At the eighteen minute mark he filled her mouth with his cum. She was surprised at how much he sent into her mouth, especially after shooting his wad so recently. She hurried home and jumped in the shower just before I got home.

That next Saturday CJ and I had been invited to play some foosball and party with Pat and a few of his friends. When CJ and I entered the house I noticed a pair of tiny black panties hanging from the light above the foosball table. I laughed out loud as I asked Pat if he had a new conquest. I noticed CJ blushing as Pat told me he gotten a new sweet piece of ass to fuck.

Several years later as we were having sex, I asked CJ to tell me about someone she had fucked and had not yet told me about. CJ told me a story of how she fucked Pat and how he hung her panties above the foosball table so everyone would know. Apparently, I was about the only one that didn’t know. After sex she told me it was just a fantasy story, but the panties hanging from the light had stuck in my mind and it was a good clue that it was a bit more than just her vivid imagination…

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My Lost Love

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“Why do you think that your wife agreed to marry you?” This seemed to be a strange question to ask a suspect in a murder investigation, but it was one that I had asked myself many times over the past three years.

“I guess that she loved me as much as I loved her.” That was the best that I could do under the circumstances, after all we had expressed out mutual love every day for all of that time. I looked at the woman seated across from me, she was the ‘good cop’ of the team and I guess that it was her way of softening the process, of searching for a reason why I could have killed my wife rather than bludgeoning a confession out of me like the other half of the team.

I know a thing or two about interview techniques having had to conduct many of them in my time as Human Resources Director of Bramford Technologies, the company of which my wife was the Managing Director and owner. Jessica had started out as one of many secretaries and had, by hard work and diligence, worked her way up to being the Personal Assistant to Harold Bramford the company founder.

A year after his wife had died she married him and helped him run the company, and as his health began to fail him, assumed more and more responsibility for its running until, following his death, she took over completely. We had met on a regular basis over the years to discuss the company direction and institute a program that focused on staff development and promotion from within rather than go outside to meet our needs.

It was my task to conduct the selection process and I had developed a procedure that was guaranteed to appoint the right person for the position. This revolved around establishing a two part selection criteria and the primary selection was based purely on the CV and how well the applicant addressed these criteria. If all of the mandatory criteria weren’t met then that was as far as that person got in the selection process. The desirable criteria were not as set in concrete and we could overlook it if not all of these were met.

The next part of the process was to evaluate how well the CV addressed the criteria. If they were met with clear concise statements that provided quantitative examples of previous experience we would proceed and check with the referees. It was only then that a decision was made whether to interview or not. Because we knew that the applicant was able to do the job that we required, the interview was so that we could ascertain whether that person would fit into our organization. I had found that the best interview technique was to start a conversation and, by careful prompts, steer the conversation to get the answers that I sought. It was a successful procedure and, as a result we had a staff that worked well in teams within the umbrella of our company.

One of the many procedures that I introduced was that HR section made sure that each staff member received a small present on his or her birthday and at Christmas. The sections were encouraged to hold regular lunches, we would provide cover for them for two hours while they either took over a section of the staff dining room or a restaurant was booked for the occasion. It was incumbent on each team not to abuse the privilege and none of them did.

I guess that Jessica and I sort of grew closer as time went on. During Harold’s illness and after he died I was the person that she turned to for comfort. She had no family to call on for advice, she couldn’t call on his, and because she had focused on her career, she had no close friends. His family didn’t take to her at all, especially his brother William (don’t you dare call me Will or Bill) Bramford who was a nominal director but who was less interested in the company than the money he received from it in dividends and director’s fees. He viewed Jessica as an intruder into his domain and took advantage of every opportunity of damage what little reputation she had with the family. Behind her back he referred to her as the ‘slut’ and insisted that she had fucked her way into Harold’s life and fortune.

It was a Friday evening, about three months after Harold’s death and the week that Jessica had formally taken control of the company, that she came into my office. “Michael. Tell me, what do you do to relax and unwind after a trying week at the office?”

“Jessica, you can call me Mike.”

“No, I’d better stick to Michael, I don’t want the staff to think that we’re getting too close.”

“To answer your question, I have a motor cycle and I ride up to a cabin I have in the hills.”

“I can’t quite see you in your leathers riding a Harley.”

“Neither can I, I ride a BMW R100, I’ve had it for years.”

“What do you do up at this cabin of yours?”

“I just mooch around, go for walks in the forest, sit on the back porch and watch the animals and birds, some of them are quite tame and come up to me for hand-outs.”

“That sounds positively idyllic. I wish I could do something like that, I feel so alone in my big house.” She had a new look on her face pendik escort as if she was jealous of me.

“Would you like to join me?”

“I’d love to, but I can’t.”

“Why ever not? Surely your social calendar isn’t that full that you can’t make room for some ‘me time’?”

She looked at me for some time, and then her expression changed in a flash. She smiled at me. “All right, I’ll do it! What do I do, what do I wear, how will I get there, I can hardly have my driver drive me up there?”

“Tell your driver to go home and that you won’t need him until Monday, then you can come home with me and I’ll see if I can rustle up some clothes for you, then we’re off on our weekend of doing nothing.”

She seemed amazed that a person could live in such a small apartment as mine with so few possessions. I explained that I was comfortable in my space and didn’t miss not having all the latest gadgets, I had enough of computers at work and had few friends and didn’t see the need for any social networking type technology. I grabbed some clothes and shoved them into a backpack and found some clothes for her to wear on the bike, they didn’t fit but they would keep her warm until we got there.

“Wow, is this yours?” She stood next to the shiny black BMW her mouth open.

“That my lady, is our steed for the weekend. Climb aboard.” I strapped the backpack on the tank and she straddled the pillion seat as I fired it up. It settled into the typical lumpy BMW idle. “Ready? Hold on tight.” I kicked it into gear and we were off. When I told her to hold on tight I didn’t mean that tight but as we rode I could feel her begin to relax and allow me to breathe more comfortably. I was in no hurry, content to cruise up the winding road and she soon got the hang of leaning into the corners with me. About an hour later we stopped outside my cabin and she got off. I got off and placed it on its stand. “Did you enjoy that?”

“I didn’t think that I would, but once I got used to leaning in the corners it was great, now I can understand why you like it.”

“The ride is the first part of the relaxation process, come.” I led her into the cabin. I switched on the lights and she looked around the single room. Her puzzled look prompted an explanation, I pointed to the ceiling. “Solar panels on the roof and storage batteries, I can leave the lights on all night and not run out of electricity.”

“Okay, but there’s only one bed and no bathroom, you don’t think that I’m going to spend the weekend without having a bath do you?” I noticed that she hadn’t actually questioned the sleeping arrangements.

“The bathroom is outside and the bed is yours, I’ll sleep on the floor.”

“We’ll see.” I filled the kettle with water and got out some mugs for coffee. “I’m sorry I can’t come to percolated coffee, here I rough it with instant. If you look in that cupboard you’ll find some long life milk and sugar. Tonight we’ll have to make do with nibbles, tomorrow we’ll have fresh bread and hopefully some freshly caught fish.” Coffee made and cheese and crackers on a table in front of us we settled on the over-stuffed sofa.

“This is nice.” Jessica said through a mouthful of cracker. “How long have you had this?”

“My grandfather built it a thousand years ago, longevity runs in the family, and I inherited it from my father about ten years ago. I come up here whenever I can or need to, it’s my recharge space when life gets too much.”

“You’re referring to last year when you had to take time off because of your wife.”

“Ex-wife you mean, how did you know about that? I never told anyone about my problems with her.”

“You didn’t think that you could keep a secret did you, after all it was you that encouraged HR to keep track of employees and their problems so that we could help out where possible. If you hadn’t requested time off I would have told you to take it.”

I was humbled by her words. I knew that she took an interest in the program that I had introduced, but I was impressed that she should take such an interest, given her other problems with Harold’s illness. I sat there staring at the floor thinking that she was a special woman, and so far different from my ex, when I felt her hand on my arm. “Mike, here I can call you Mike and you must call me Jess, I came to your office for a reason tonight. I need your help in dealing with Harold’s family.”

“In particular one William Bramford, right?” I knew that William had been a thorn in her side ever since she and Harold had married. He made no attempt to hide his contempt for the young woman that he called a ‘gold-digging slut’ who had married her way into the business. He would oppose every proposal she put before the board despite the fact that every one of them was well planned and would benefit the company.

“I don’t know how long I can put up with his continual opposition to me before I explode and tell him exactly what I think of him.”

“There’s no way that he can be dismissed from the board?”

“No, maltepe escort he is the family representative and he has poisoned them against me to the extent that they will not consider replacing him.”

“Okay listen to me, tonight we are going to forget all about William, he doesn’t exist, expunge him from your mind and think about other things like what a great time we’re going to have together, can I confess something to you?”

“Yes.” They way that she was looking at me told me that she knew what I was going to say, even before I said it.

‘I have dreamed of this moment for some time, even before Harold died, may I?” She nodded, her eyes misting up. I took her face in my hands and kissed her gently on the lips. What happened next exceeded my wildest dreams, she flung her arms around my neck and kissed me with an unexpected passion.

When we eventually separated she rested her head on my chest and in a barely audible voice she said, “Mike, do you know that if I had gotten to know you before I fell in love with Harold I wouldn’t be in the situation I currently find myself. You are a wonderful man that I have come to rely upon for advice and support when I needed it most. Sure we’ve had our differences at times but at least we’ve been able to work our way through any problems we’ve had, just as Harold and I were able to work together. We three, you, Harold and I have the same vision, the same goal for our company and I’m sure that he’s up there, looking down on us at this very moment and giving us his blessing for whatever it is that you plan to do to me tonight.”

“I don’t plan to do anything to you tonight, or any other night for that matter.” A look of uncertainty came over her. “What I have planned is not to do to you, but to do with you. Anything that we do tonight and into the future will be a joint venture, not just two individuals moving in similar directions.” We approached our love making as mature adults, not rushing into things but taking our time and savoring every moment of it, my cock enjoying the feeling of her pussy caressing him as he moved slowly in and out of her, and when she came, we came, her muscles tightened their grip on him refusing permission for him to leave her body, even after he had subsided.

“I knew that it would be like this.” Jessica whispered to me as I caressed her breasts. “I knew that you would be a gentle lover. I don’t want to continually compare you with Harold but you make love exactly like he did. I never thought that I would meet another kind and considerate lover like him, but I have. Right at this very moment in my life I am extremely happy. Now can we get some sleep?” I held her to me and kissed her eyes and cheek and mouth until she was asleep.

I woke early and was preparing breakfast for us. I found the ingredients for pancakes and dug some honey and butter from the larder and was setting the table when I heard her stir. She emerged from the sheets like a Botticelli Venus, naked and not hiding it. She walked gracefully and slowly towards me so that I was able to take in the vision before me, and when she reached me her arms wound around my neck and she kissed me. “Good morning my love.” I would have replied but it was difficult for me to talk with two tongues in my mouth. “This must be the most wonderful experience of my life, to wake from a love inspired sleep to find that my lover is preparing to feed me, what bliss.”

We ate, still naked, and, when we finished, we stacked the dishes in the sink and stood on the back porch letting the sun warm our bodies. After a while the usual animals and birds approached, warily at first and then realizing that Jessica was a part of me, they came closer. I put seed in the bird feeder and soon there were six or seven birds fluttering around and eating when a space became available. I took some feed from a bin on the porch and tossed it on the ground for the animals.

“Have you ever made bread?” I asked as we walked back inside.

“No, I get mine from the supermarket already sliced and in a plastic bag.”

“That stuff isn’t bread, its blotting paper.” I got the flour and dried yeast from the larder and put it in a mixing bowl. I added warm water and proceeded to mix it together to form dough. Tipping it out onto a floured board I began to knead the dough, pushing it away from me with the ball of my hand, folding it back and pushing it, stretching the dough until it had reached the required consistency. I placed the ball of dough back into the bowl, covered it with a cloth and placed it in a warm place to rise. “Come. We have about an hour, I want to show you something, but I think maybe we should put on some clothes.”

We must have looked weird because, while my clothes fitted, my clothes didn’t fit her, the shorts which were snug on me came down past her knees and were pulled tight at the waist, my tee-shirt hung loosely from her shoulders and, apart from her breasts, didn’t touch until it reached her hips. As she slipped into the shirt she kartal escort looked at me. “I am not going anywhere near a bra until Monday.”

“That’s good because you don’t need one and I want to be able to fondle you whenever I feel like it without being hindered by anything other than the shirt.” She came into my arms and turned so that she was facing away from me. My hands slipped under the hem of the shirt and cupped her.

“Enough of this, you had something that you wanted to show me.” She stepped out of my arms and we left the cabin. It was only a short walk to a clearing through which gurgled a stream. At the centre of the clearing the stream widened into a large pond of deep, clear, water. I stripped off and dived in, luxuriating in the coolness of the water. Jess followed me in and surfaced next to me. The smile on her face warned me of her intentions. Slipping under the water she swam to me and the sensation of her taking him into her warm mouth was the most amazing thing that I had ever experienced. She held him for almost a minute before having to release him and surface. Her arms came around my neck. “Did you enjoy that?”

I was pushing my finger into her pussy as she clung to me. When the moment was right I put my hands under her arse cheeks and lifted her onto me. Instinctively her legs wrapped themselves around me and we began to make love. As our bodies moved together we drifted down stream until my feet touched the bottom. I waded to the shore and carrying her out of the water, I lowered her to the grass, still moving in and out of her. She sobbed as she came. “Mike, This moment has been a long time coming, too long. For almost a year Harold and I didn’t make love, oh he used his finger to bring me to a climax, but it just wasn’t the same as him being inside me. Now you are inside me and I feel so contented and so complete that, if I were to die right now I would die happy. Please, will you do this to me as often as you can?”

“We have so much in common that it isn’t funny. I have not made love to a woman for nearly three years. My ex and I had sex, but it was hard to have any enthusiasm for the act knowing that only a few hours earlier another guy’s cock had been inside her cunt. She so demeaned the act that I don’t feel bad about using the term cunt to describe what on you is a pussy; your contribution to our physical joining together.” We scrambled into our clothes and headed back to the cabin.

The bread dough had risen up and was lifting the covering cloth. I tipped it back out onto the board and punched it down and began kneading it again before putting it back in the bowl to rise once more. While I was waiting for that to happen I put on the kettle and made us both a cup of Moroccan tea. It was a first for Jess and she found it strange that a man would have such esoteric tastes. We sat on the sofa and sipped our tea and discussed our future and how we would proceed from here. The one thing that definitely agreed on was that this relationship was strictly between us, not to be revealed to anyone and at work we would be just good friends. Care would have to be taken around William because we didn’t bear thinking about how he would react, especially if he thought that marriage might be in the offing.

There was enough dough for two loaves of bread and the first was still warm when I sliced into it and spread butter on it. There is something about warm bread and butter that would be lost if anything else was added.

After lunch I gathered together some fishing gear and we walked back down to the stream. Jess was a natural at fly fishing and after some basic lessons she was casting almost as well as me. We worked the stream for about half an hour before I got my first strike, it fought hard and when I landed it I saw that it was a good sized rainbow trout. Jess looked at as if the thought of cooking such a fine fish was a sacrilege. I explained that if we didn’t do this we would have nothing to eat. Her ideas changed when she hooked her first fish. By the way that it was fighting I would think that it was a bigger fish than mine and so it proved. I had to urge her not to pull too hard or it would break off so she worked it like an expert and was over the moon when she finally had it on dry land. “I think we have enough with these two.” I said as I started to pack up my gear.

“No, I want to catch another one.” She cast the line across the stream to a place some thirty yards from where she had hooked the last one. She only had to wait a short time, there was a ripple in the water as she retrieved her line and she dropped the fly on the spot. The fish that took the fly leapt out of the water, twisting in the air before splashing back down. It was bigger than her first and she had to work it away from a fallen tree into clear water before she could start her retrieve.

“Okay smarty, that’s definitely enough for one day. Tomorrow, if you want, we’ll come back and see if we can catch a few more to take back to town with us.”

“You’re a sore loser, you can’t get over the fact that I caught bigger fish than you when you’re supposed to be the expert and I’m the amateur.” Her voice was almost like a little girl in the schoolyard, you know that one, “I’m better than you are, na, na, nana, na.”

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My Lady Branch Manager Pt. 01

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Abhi took his bag off of his back and took the stairs to get to his office. It was already 10 a.m. on the clock.

“She might get angry,” he whispered to himself.

This was the third time this week that he had got late to the office.

“Abhishek this is not done. Try to be in office by at least quarter to ten.” She had said the other day, “It doesn’t look good when you login while customers are standing in the queue, does it?”

“No mam, I’ll be on time from now.”

And here he is, late again.

He exhaled and pushed the branch door and walked in. His gaze inadvertently went to BM Mam’s cabin. Her seat was empty. He gulped and almost dashed to his seat.

“Where is mam?” He enquired with the staff sitting next his cubicle and pressed the CPU button.

“I don’t know. Maybe inside server room.”

He wiped the sweat off of is forehead, pulling his chair forward and pressing some keys on the keyboard.

He took the pending loan files and opened the one on top when he heard the bell BM mam presses to call the messenger.

“Sir, Mam is calling you.”

“Ohh okay I’m coming.”

Abhi pushed the door of her plush cabin and wished her. She was wrapped in a beautiful violet saree with polka dots. Her thick, curly hair were pulled in a gentle ponytail. His eyes lingered around her supple lips.

“Good morning Abhishek. Sit.” She ordered turning the pages of a file.

His felt a bit nervous, taking the seat. Abhi had joined two weeks back as a PO for his advances training. He had heard a lot about his current branch manager regarding her professionalism and work ethics. The information had made him a bit nervous but she had come across as a very reasonable and intelligent lady.

“See this application from the government teacher for loan is pending for sometime,” she looked up at him, “There is an issue with the CIBIL. Draft a deviation approval. We will hand it over to our Head Office in the evening.”

“Sure mam. I’ll do it right away.”

Moments later he was walking out of her cabin with the file. His gait was relaxed as she didn’t bring up his late arrival issue. He took his seat and looked at her from the corner of his eyes. She was in her early thirties. He had found her beautiful and attractive, with her body curvaceous at the required places.

Day passed by as the loan customers came to his counter in twos and threes. He had gained a decent knowledge under her and was able to treat the customer at his counter itself. At times if some new thing comes up, he would walk to her cabin and wait till she calls in and enquire about his doubts. She had always been very helpful and supportive.

He yawned and stretched his arms looking at the watch. It read 5:30 p.m. The day passes without your realisation in banks. He scratched his beard when his thoughts were disturbed BM Mam’s bell.

“Mam is calling you.”

He stood up and rushed in.

“Yes ma’am?”

“Abhishek did you prepare that deviation approval?”.

“Yes mam it’s ready.”

“What are you doing now?”

“Nothing much mam.”

“Take that proposal then. I’ll drop you to the Rbo. Then you can proceed to your home.”

“Sure mam.”

Abhi switched off his computer and pushed the proposal in his bag and came out. She was already picking her handbag and walked out of her cabin.

“Do you know how to drive?”

“No mam,” he replied sheepishly.

She smiled back.

He took the seat next to her as she pulled back the car from the parking area and turned it to exit gate. He shifted in his seat holding on to his bag. She seemed a good driver, smoothly taking the curves.

“How did you like the bank?”

“It’s good Mam.”

“Mhmm,” she nods.

The dark clouds were taking a cover and were hovering around.

“It might rain mam.”

“Yeah. You do one thing. Give the proposal in the Rbo and come back. I’ll drop you home.”

Abhi gave the affirmation and almost ran inside rbo as it had already started raining. By the time he came back, it was pouring heavily. He covered his head with his bag and rushed towards the car.

“Where do you live Abhishek?” She enquired as he pulled the door shut.

“Mam it’s some 4km from here. If you go straight and take left at the next crossroads.”

She switched on the windscreen wipers and started moving slowly. The wipers were almost of no use. Rain was heavy and visibility had reduced too much.

She stopped the car along the side of the road, “We will wait for sometime. I can’t see anything.”

“Sure mam.”

Rain was accompanied by heavy wind now. Abhi was looking in the opposite direction, trying to appear to be busy noticing the rain and not knowing what else to do. He felt some movement and turned to see her reaching out for her handbag kept on the back seat. She had turned and had stretched her arm fully and her big, womanly breast was visible from the side of her blouse. Her hand was not reaching to the bag.

“Mam let me.”

“Yeah please.”

And she pulled back. Abhi stretched pendik escort and grabbed her handbag.

“Thanks Abhishek.” She took out her phone and checked the signals.

“Mam there are no signals in my phone as well.”

“Yeah mine too.”

Another thunder rang through the noise of the rain.

“Are you hungry?”

“No it’s fine mam.”

“It’s already past 8 Abhishek. We will see if there is some place where we can eat.”

She movee the car slowly, anticipating traffic through the headlights. Wipers were running up and down to no vain. The sides of the road were mostly dark with shops having half of there shutters down. The chances of an eatery were bleak in the heavy rain.

“You don’t carry any eatables in your bag?” She asked jokingly.

“Haha no mam nothing is there at the moment.” She took a gentle left turn.

A red, neon board reading Hamlet’s lounge appeaed through the raindrops.

“Arre how come I have never seen this?” She quipped excitedly and turned the car around the corner and slowed it down. Both of us ran hurriedly towards the lounge. She was giggling happily and ran through the pool of water.

Abhi cleaned the water from his face and looked up. She was dripping with water. Her saree was clinging to her hourly shaped body. She pulled her damp hair back and his eyes lingered around her visible waist and cute naval button.

“Ooh I didn’t realise it was so far or I would have parked the car closer.” She wiped her face and shook her saree, forcing the droplets to fall down.

“Yeah haha,” I opened the gate for her. We walked in. It was almost empty. We took a table in the corner, away from the direct AC. She was a bit cold.

“We will have hot soup,” she quipped.

I founded her to be an extremely jolly person. She was chit chatting with me as if we had been friends for sometime. I also felt a bit more relaxed and frank and discussed about my college life and ex-girlfriends and future plans. Many a times, my eyes went haywire looking at her moist, smooth skin.

Her lips were luscious as they moved. My mind was extrapolating the same lusciousness to her more intimate parts and imagining them in my mind’s eyes. I felt guilty of thinking that way but somehow my boyhood was overtaking my guilty conscience. She noticed my eyes lingering around her damp neck and immediately pulled her saree up. I was taken aback for a moment and could not meet her eyes.

She asked for the bill. My mouth went dry. I didn’t know what to say. I was cursing myself. How can I be so stupid, I wondered.

“We will go Abhishek. It’s getting late.” She pushed the chair back and stood up.

“Yes ma’am.” I almost mumbled and followed her like an obedient boy.

Rain had slowed down. We rushed to her car and within minutes we were standing outside my house.

“Mam…umm thank you.”

“No problem Abhishek.”

“And I’m sorry. It’s not what you think it is.” I couldn’t look into her eyes as I apologized.

“Good night Abhishek. Try to be on time tomorrow.”

“Yes mam.”

I walked out and she drove past.

Next one month in the branch was horrible. I had become punctual and did not leave any stone unturned to get BM Mam’s attention but she was behaving as if I don’t work in her branch. Her conversation with me had turned totally professional with frequent yeses and nos.

She would hardly look at me and not a word from her would be about something other than work. I have had dreams of kissing her. I would dream of her wearing a skimpy saree with deep cleavage and I would ravish her juicy mouth till I quench my thirst. But in morning I would call myself bad words for seeing such a dream. With days passing like this I grew too impatient and decided to talk to her.


She didn’t say anything.

“Mam… actually…can I have a word with you?”

“Tell me Abhishek.” She didn’t even look up from her file.

“Are… are you angry with me?”

Her pen stopped writing but her gaze stayed down.

“No Abhishek.”

“Then why are you not talking to me?” I felt more confident.

“I am talking to you Abhishek.” She looked up for the first time.

I felt timid as she looked at me with her black, beautiful eyes.

“No. I mean yes. You are.” I cleared my throat,” but not the way you used to.”

She remained silent for a moment.

“Because I don’t want you to get any fancy ideas.”

“There are no fancy ideas ma’am.”

“Do you think I’m blind? Tens of men ogle at me throughout the day. You think I don’t understand what goes in your mind?”

My mouth went dry. I could feel goosebumps on the back of my neck.

“No mam…umm…it’s nothing like that mam…you…I,”

“Carry on with your work Abhishek.”

I felt even worse after the conversation. Now even the regular day to day work in her cabin felt awkward. I tried not to make any eye-contact with her, though I would watch her walk and do her work without making her aware of it. I made a habit of going to the lunch maltepe escort once she had finished hers. The possibility of any awkward situations were nullified. I started counting the days remaining for my next posting. My general banking training was about to end in another week. Then one fateful day we received the information about the incoming Audit in the branch. BM mam called for a meeting in the evening and briefed the staff about the Audit. She was a bit apprehensive because she wasn’t expecting the Audit so soon and a lot of work was pending on many fronts. Roles were divided for the staff. Target was set and the whole branch started preparing and finish the pending works.

“Sir? BM madam is calling you to her cabin.”

This was a first in months that she had called me to her cabin. I immediately jumped out of my seat, straightening my shirt and strode toward her cabin.

“May I come in mam?”

“Yes Abhishek.” She closed the file she was looking into, “You are already aware that the Audit is due for our branch.”

I responded with a nod.

“You have to take care of the advances section. Is this your first audit?”

“Yes mam.”

“Stop new sanctions for some time. And make sure that all the existing loan documents are complete in all respects. Signatures, stamps, forms are properly filled etc.”

“Sure mam I’ll take care.”

She briefed me about the registers to be maintained and other documents auditor might ask. It was a longest conversation with her for months. I felt better as she even smiled recalling her Audit experience when she had joined the bank. I immediately swept aside the new applications and started arranging the old applications. I started putting the stamps on the documents. Her smiling face flashed across my mind and it made me smile unknowingly. I leaned on my chair and tried to look in her cabin. She was comfortably sitting in her chair, looking at some paper, her curly hair were pulled back but few stray hair were hanging by the side of her face. I looked at her pinkish brown lips and felt my heartbeat getting audible.

“And did you tally the stamp register?”

“It’s done mam. It’s tallying. Only these are the files where you have to put your signature,” I placed the bundle on her table,” Other applications are already complete. Tomorrow I’ll get the registers ready.”

“Good,” she smiled picking up the first application and stroked her signature, “Ill sign these. You can proceed.”

“Thank you mam. When will you leave? It’s already late. I’ll wait till you finish.”

“No. Please proceed. I can take care of myself.” Her voice turned stern and I turned to walk away.

“What are you doing this Sunday?”

“Nothing much ma’am.”

“Will it be possible for you to come to branch?”

“Yes, sure mam.”

“We still have some work pending in the operations area. I could use some help.”

“No problem at all ma’am. I’ll be here. Good night ma’am.”

“Good night Abhishek.”

I stepped out of the branch. It was drizzling. I walked to the nearest auto.

“No sir not possible. There are no passengers on return from there.”

I took shelter under a tree and waited for the next bus or auto. Clouds were dark and hinting towards a heavy downpour. I was almost praying for something to come so I can atleast get inside a vehicle. I looked at my watch. It was already reading five past eight. I yawned and couldn’t see a single vehicle down the road. Rain was already pouring now and the tree was unable to hold the heavy drops of water. I lifted my bag above the head but it was raining heavily. I looked around for some shelter but couldn’t find any. The pitter patter of raindrops filled the evening silence and I looked at the water drops bombarding the concrete road.

I heard a car horn blaring and turned to see BM ma’am’s car parked near the branch gate. She was waving at me to come in. I rushed to her.

“Idiot, you should have come back to branch na!”

My shirt was all wet and pants smudged and damp.

“I’m sorry mam,” I shifted uneasily, realising the mess I was making in her car. The raindrops on the roof were making a huge ruckus now.

“We will go to my place. I’m not taking my car towards your house. The road is not good,” she turned the wheel and took a left turn.

“Once the rain stops, we will hire an auto for you and you can go to your house.”

“Sure mam. I’m sorry that I’m troubling you.”

“It’s alright.”

I could feel my teeth clicking with cold.

“You can take off your shirt. It’s all wet. You will fall sick.”

“No it’s okay ma’am.”

She turned her face towards me with flaring nostrils and I immediately started unbuttoning.

“Ahem. Mam?”

“What?” She was concentrating on the road.

“I’m not wearing any vest.”

She inhaled irritatingly.

“It’s alright. It’s more of a reason that you shouldn’t wear a wet shirt. You’ll get fever.”

I unbuttoned and parted my shirt, pulling it back and removing it off. The warm air of the car made kartal escort a soothing contact with my skin. I took the shirt to wipe the water from my forearm and chest.

“We are almost there,” Her voice was monotonous and low pitched. She was also feeling the presence of a semi-naked male sitting next to her. I could sense her deliberate efforts of not looking at me. She looked at the wing mirror while making a left turn towards the main gate of her house and got a glimpse of my naked chest. She pulled the gear and looked at my strong, forearms and wished immediately that she wouldn’t have.

She parked the car inside the main gate. I got down with my wet shirt held infront of my chest. She walked back to close the main gate and turned and took out the keys to open the wooden door.

“I’ll give you something to wear. I don’t have any shirts and all.”

“Okay mam.”

I held the pink towel in front. It had a picture of a fairy holding her wand. I looked at it and smiled, bringing it close to my face and smelled. I was disappointed as I could not find any special aroma.


“Yes mam, ” the towel tumbled in my hands as she knocked the door.

“Umm see if you can wear this. I don’t have anything bigger than this.”

“Yes mam I’ll try it.”

I held it in front of me. It was a lose maroon top. I lifted it over my head and pulled down. It was skin fit and short. Fortunately, I did not take my damp pants off. Neither mam said anything about removing them.

The sound of rain outside the window was still substantial. I pushed the door open and walked out.

“Ma’am?” I looked around.

“Ma’am?” I walked into the main hall looking for her. She was nowhere to be seen or heard. I saw a cup of coffee kept on the table.


“Yes ma’am?” I looked in the direction of her voice.

“Have some coffee. Take some biscuits from the kitchen.”

“Yes ma’am. Thank you.” I took the cup and walked towards the kitchen when I got a glimpse of the light from her room adjacent to the kitchen. I stood outside the kitchen, looking at the biscuits plate and the little gap in the window.

Why did she left the biscuits in the kitchen? I took a step towards the window and my mouth fell open at the sight. A pink towel was wrapped around her body, covering her breasts and hanging till her upper thighs. She was busy drying her hair with another towel. She was facing a tall mirror and her shapely back and bottom were facing my lusty eyes. I glared at her heavy breasts in the mirror and wondered if they would fit in my hands if I try to grope them. I could make the outline of her hard, big nipples protruding. The towel ended just below the junction of her smooth thighs and I stooped low to see if I can get a glimpse inside her towel. My heart almost came to my mouth when she bent forward, throwing her hair infront and drying them off. The towel rose a bit from behind. She was not wearing any panties but her thighs were squeezed together from behind, not giving any peeking sight of her womanhood, although her bulging hips inside the towel gave a good idea of her fleshy butts. For a few moments I forgot that she was my ma’am. My hand went down infront of my pants as I adjusted my hardening wood, poking uncomfortably against my briefs. I imagined myself standing behind her and pushing her in front forcefully and pulling her towel off, holding her back by her hair and ravishing her naked flesh with my strong, bare manhood. I licked my lips.


I was distracted from my daydream and almost dropped the cup from my hand. “Ye…Yess mam!”

I reluctantly but hurriedly walked inside the kitchen.

Did she see me?? My heart was pumping harder. The strong hardness in my pants was making a tent and my mind was overtaken by guilt and shame.

“She’s my ma’am, for God’s sake,” I almost spilled the coffee and mumbled.

“Had biscuits?”

“Ye…Yes mam. Taken.”

I quietly walked in to the main hall. My heart was beating fast and the hardness fizzled out. I took deep breaths calming my nerves and took a seat.

She busrt out laughing looking at me.

“Oh my God, I’m sorry but I didn’t have anything bigger than this,” she was suppressing her laugh and giggle.

“Haha it’s alright ma’am.” She was in a lose white top and PJs. I looked at my skin tight top and tried to pull back the bared stomach.

“Where is your coffee ma’am,”

“I have taken my tea.”

“Okay,” I took a sip and looked around. I could feel her eyes sneaking glances at me. I felt a bit nervous.

“You go to gym?”

“Yes mam.”

“I have been trying to lose some belly fat. I have treadmill, dumbells but it’s all biting dust.”

“Ma’am these are not needed at all. You just do 15 crunches a day. More than enough.”

“I need a mat for that?”

“Yeah, do you want me show you how to?”

“Umm…yeah sure why not.”

I placed the cup aside and went down on floor, “You have to lie on your back, and place your legs like this, bending at the knees. Put your hands behind your head,” my top rose even further as I raised my arms, “And lift your body. One.”

She was looking at me with an inquisitive look as I demonstrated the crunches.

“Nice,” she mumbled quietly.

“Try it ma’am.”

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The Tableau That is Lisa Ch. 07

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All sexual activity described in this true story occurs between persons 18 or older at the time of the described activity.



Eva perplexed her father the Pastor. He did not really see children as being much different than adults. It was a continuum, analog, not digital. And so he never treated his three daughters as being other than shorter, less physical adults with shorter attention spans.

Being a preacher was a lot like going to high school permanently. Lots of things you just had to do to prepare. Lots of reading and study and discussion. With Sunday morning services being the final exam.

Before they were of school age the Pastor took his girls with him to his church every day. His wife, their mother, worked there as well, she was kept very busy making appointments, managing his schedule, finding things, organizing things, cooking.

Eva loved the church, the building, its contents. The way there was a story behind everything. Especially the library and the hundreds of interesting books within. The Pastor’s BA was in Textual Criticism, literally disassembling a work and examining it critically to unlock it’s original meaning.

Original meaning was so important to Eva. If you believe that scripture exists to guide you, well isn’t it really important to get the instructions right. She was reading at the second or third grade level when she went off to Kindergarten. All three days of it.


The teacher had said “don’t you want to do this” when what she meant was “would you please do this”. Whatever it was, Eva did not ‘want’ to and she said no, and then kept doing whatever she had been doing.

It was an ugly teacher parent conference where the teacher lost a logical argument with a five year old in front of her boss and the Pastor. Then persisted, until she made her blatant idiocy clear to all present.

It was an epiphany for Eva. Unlike the other people in the room she was actively listening to the words being spoken. In so doing, she frequently caught three adults disseminating. They were not interested in teaching her. They were interested in breaking her and subjugating her to their will. Their arbitrary whims. No thank you.

The State of Texas did not require Kindergarten attendance, so she did not go back. Eva had a one year reprieve from the mundane reality of modern public education. A year of reading texts typically given to freshman seminarians. A year of shadowing the Pastor and his wife, of learning how to organize and run a church. Eva’s little sisters, Lillian and Claire would just start school at the first grade.

MAY 1982

Eva perplexed her father the Pastor. So it did not come as a tremendous surprise when Eva arrived for Claire’s high school graduation unmarried, in the eyes of the State at least, and in a very pregnant state. Her toddler in tow, accompanied by Lillian and Punch and his other grandchild, Lisa and Jamie, and George and Kristin and their child.

Eva studied, Eva knew what the text said, Eva constantly butted heads with the folks who just barely skimmed the ‘Cliff’s Notes’ edition of the Bible and who semi-diligently attended services only on Easter and Christmas, when they could locate the church. Folks who couldn’t differentiate Methodist from Episcopalian.

He knew she was doing good works at Azusa, her mission, although it was a tad Pentecostal for his church’s governing body. He just wished she could see what it took him years to figure out. That people have serious flaws, pendik escort like cracks in their character. To move them you have to get into their cracks from the oblique, pushing on the front door just closes the cracks.

He wished she would get a real diploma from a real seminary so that people would see her as a real minister of God. He didn’t have to agree with her, or all of the choices she made in life. He just wanted others to respect her.

He admitted he was biased but still he couldn’t find one ‘wrong’ thing she had done. One thing she hadn’t thought through or a thing she had done that could not be scripturally justified. Even if was not the majority opinion. He wondered to himself, did Saint Joseph feel this way as a parent.

Claire, on the other hand, was just simply furious at her sister, both her sisters, but mostly at Eva. Eva could get Lillian to strip naked and dance at the podium at Claire’s graduation if Eva wanted to. Eva could find some vague, obscure scriptural justification for anything. People talked, they talked about Eva and Lillian and Punch. And not in a nice way.

Claire had unkind thoughts. Eva was just there flaunting it, her belly bump. The never been married ordained Minister. Even that, it was a BS correspondence course ordination. Not from a seminary, even if it was legal. Flaunting the toddler she had in tow. The toddler fathered by Lillian’s husband, the bump Eva’s second child put there by Punch.

With Lillian’s knowledge and consent. Heck, Lillian had told Claire that she was there when Eva conceived. There! There, probably cheering. Rah, rah, rah, give her an ‘F’, give her a ‘U’, give her a ‘C’… Unbelievable, Lillian had told her she ‘assisted’. That she had ‘fluffed’ Punch. Until that day she had not known the term. Now she just wished she had never learned it. The image kept popping into her head. Why? She didn’t want to think of her sister doing that…

Lillian, what on her knees? Naked? All three of them naked probably. Lillian taking Punch’s penis into her mouth. Making it ‘erect’ as they said in health class. Even if he was her husband. Eva and Lillian had said Claire was sheltered. Just because she had never actually seen or touched a real penis, or even seen a picture of one. It was hard to visualize one from those text book drawings. Like blind men describing an elephant.

More than likely ALL of them were there. ALL of them naked. Lillian’s husband doing her sister. Putting a baby into her womb. Hey! Sell tickets, why don’t you. All of them. Naked, touching each other, kissing, touching each other’s things. Kissing them. Arghh.

If she asked, Lillian would probably ‘lend’ her Punch for the night.

“Oh Lillian dear, I seem to still be a virgin on the night of my high school graduation.” She imagined saying.

“No problem at all, little sis. My big stud of a man would be ever so eager to put his thing into your thing. Get rid of that whole hymen thing. That virginity thing. That ‘good daughter’ thing. Relieve you of all that pent up stress, angst and frustration. Oh, and as an added bonus, nine months from now you can present mom with a fourth grandchild fathered by Punch. Then she will finally notice you.”

There was just something wrong with that whole concept. And Eva would find some old book in Dad’s library that made some reference to Jacob marrying some previously unknown third sister. A third first cousin to justify it.

She had tried to explain to Eva and Lillian that what they had done just wasn’t done. At least not anymore. maltepe escort That people talked about them. But nobody could tell Eva anything.

She listened to input alright. She considered what was said to her. She was happy to discuss it. But the ‘truth’ was always paramount. In the end Eva did what Eva thought was right or justified, to heck with the consequences.

Eva, she was a force of nature. Claire could see Eva, like Jesus casting the money lenders out of the Temple. Eva she was so brilliant but so clueless. Like, well just like dad she thought. No wonder he did not ever seem to care what anybody said about her.

Just last month Eva had said that Punch was Jacob, she was Leah, and Lillian was Rachel. That if the State of Texas had allowed it, she Eva, would have married Punch first, FIRST, before Lillian, because that would have been the proper thing to do. THE PROPER THING TO DO? Calling Lisa and Jamie, Bilhah and Zilpah and explaining to Claire what a handmaid’s carnal duties consisted of. There was Eva, throwing gasoline instead of water on a fire again.

She thought back to Eva at thirteen, Claire was nine. Eva, attending the public meeting held to decide what to do with the public Nativity display that had always been put up in December. An atheist asked that it be removed. Ministers including their father asking that it remain. Eva, speaking, agreeing that it should remain.

But Eva not leaving well enough alone, there were twenty votes for, only one against.

There was Eva pointing out that the city had it all wrong. That the creche it was displaying was being displayed in the wrong month. That according to scripture… Handing out the little mimeographed sheet she prepared documenting her proof… Jesus was born in late September.

Dad tacitly encouraged her, again, by bringing her to the meeting, and by not stopping her. When dad was asked about her behavior, by the other ministers, he simply said “you know that she is right”.

Claire wished she was half as brave as her big sister. She wished she didn’t care what anyone else thought. But that was not her. She was the ‘good daughter’, never making waves. Always making the responsible decision.

It might be fun borrowing Punch for the night. He must be good at whatever perverted games they all played. He had his own little harem following him. Even a couple lesbians, all kissy face, smoochy, smoochy, with him. She liked Jamie and Lisa, they were pals. But you know what they say, love the sinner, hate the sin.

Claire had made the mistake of saying something similar to Eva last week, when she had asked them not to come. Eva, always analytical, asked which sin Claire was referring to. Claire said homosexuality of course. Eva, tenderly touched her sisters head, kissed her sweetly, and said that nowhere in the Bible was homosexuality labeled as a sin.

Claire had responded with the story of Sodom. Nope, said Eva. Back in the time of the Bible folks were living in an inhospitable desert. God told people to share, to be nice to guests. But the people living in Sodom did not listen to God. They were greedy, they were inhospitable. That’s why God destroyed Sodom.

Claire said Onan… Nope, Eva explained. Living in the desert was tough. God told his people to multiply. Onan offended God by choosing not to procreate. Onan’s brother had died. God told Onan to plant his seed in his dead brother’s wife. Onan chose not to listen to God. It did not end well for Onan.

Besides, said Eva, you don’t have kartal escort a penis. The fundamentalists who quote the whole Levidicus ‘not lying with a man as if he were a woman’ are completely inconsistent. One, it doesn’t apply to women lying with women at all.

Two, they also say anal and oral sex are wrong, between men and women. So, logically, if a man is prohibited from having anal or oral sex with a woman. Then when a man lies with another man and has anal or oral sex he is not lying with a man as if he were a woman. He would only be lying with a man as if he were a woman if he put his penis in another man’s vagina. Which is not possible.

When a man lies with another man and has sex, that man is lying with a man as if they were both ancient Greek warriors, like Alexander, or Irish poets like Wilde.

“Arghh.” Claire thought. Eva has a quote or a justification for everything.

And then Eva had to tell her how much fun it was to have someone, obviously Punch, put his thing in her ass. How much fun it was to have someone, obviously Punch, put his thing in her mouth. How much fun it was to have someone, obviously Punch, put his mouth on her thing. Ewww! She would DIE of embarrassment.

So, if Eva and Lillian were both doing Punch. If the Bible didn’t say that you can’t. Ewww! Were Eva, and Lillian, you know… Each other… Like Jamie and Lisa. Ewww! Maybe all seven of them, together, Ewww, at the same time. Because, well, it’s fun, and Eva says you won’t go to hell.

Eva, Eva, Eva, even now, on her day even she was thinking about Eva. Eva had ruined her graduation day. Eva and Lillian and Punch, and even Dad by not stopping them. Claire could barely remember the graduation ceremony. Nobody would even remember that she had walked because they were too busy staring at those people, those gosh darned polygamists.

So, she sat on the folding chair in the nearly empty gymnasium and sobbed softly to herself. Having her own little pity party, as her old friend Ethan approached. He was rather handsome in his Blue Uniform with its Corp of Cadets insignia. She rose as he approached her. He hugged her tightly.


“Thanks. Here for the summer?”

“No, I am here to see you graduate.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“I know. Half the summer anyway.”

“Well you made me smile, we should get together. Are you going to stay at the house of ill repute?”

“Yeah, but I understand it’s under new management.”

“Too bad, you college boys would have liked it better before.”

“I am deeply offended at your implication, Miss. I will have you know that those of us honored to attend the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University are of the highest moral character. Why we never even have so much as an impure thought.”

“Yeah, right. Now you are making me laugh.”

“Yeah, I saw you crying, what’s up.”

“Nothing new, just that I’m invisible.”

“Not to me, you aren’t.”

“But you like me.”

“Yeah, a lot… Claire. I have a thought… I mean to say, I have given this a lot of thought. I really was going to ask you this later. But seeing you, here, now it just seems like the right time… I mean, right now… So, Claire… What would you think about being an Army wife?”

“Gee… I… had… never thought about it, why”

“I think you should take a day or two and think about it. Think it through, it could be just right. I think you might like it.”

Through the lifting fog of her own self pity, rays of understanding were beginning to penetrate. Was Ethan… Her old buddy… No… Was he…

It became clear in a flash as Ethan dropped to a knee beside her and holding her left hand in both of his said.

“Claire Elisabeth Bordeaux, will you marry me?”

Lisa Ann

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The Sweet Taste of Honey

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Aria Skye

Author’s note: All sexual acts and situations depicted in this story are between legally consenting adults who are at least 18 years of age or older when the sexual encounters occur. No sexual situations involving persons under the age of 18 are included or depicted in any manner.


“Oh God yes Roger baby take me,” Honey panted as she gasped for breath. “I am your naughty little trashy slut to do with as you please.”

Roger was fucking Honey from behind as his hard pulsating 8 inch monster cock was thrusting in and out of Honey’s soaking wet pussy. Honey was upright on her knees and Roger had his arm around Honey’s neck holding her next to him while he continued to hammer her.

Roger was whispering naughty sayings in French into Honey’s ear as he nibbled and softly bit her on the neck. Roger was telling Honey how naughty she had been and that she had to be punished.

This only made Honey that much hotter and hornier and she responded by pleading that Roger spank her so he did, which only turned Honey on that much more.

Honey could feel the next wave of pleasure build deep inside of her and as it did, she tried her best to hold it off and keep her body in the upright position but it was a losing battle.

Honey’s body began to tremble and her knees became weak so Roger let her go and she fell back onto her hands and knees and braced herself for the next shockwave of pleasure that rippled through her body.

Honey arched back as the next wave of pleasure hit her with all the force of the world’s most powerful Tsunami as it crashed through her body sending torrents of pure inexplicable carnal pleasure coursing through her being.

Honey gasped for breath as she tried to cry out but she couldn’t; The pleasure was too intense and all she could manage to get out was a faint whimper.

Honey then dropped down to her elbows but she still had her knees the way they were. She grasped the king sized fleece throw that was lying on the floor in front of the fire place and buried her head biting the pillow as she braced herself for the next orgasm that had began to overcome her.

Suddenly, without warning, Honey’s orgasm overtook her and she cried out in pleasure as she climaxed flooding Roger’s soaking wet cock with more of her sweet cream.

Honey cried out in pleasure screaming at the top of her lungs wailing like the banshee.

“Gimme more,” Honey panted as she fought to get the words out. “I want you to cram your hard tool into my ass and butt fuck me.”

Roger was intrigued and turned on by that notion. He had never done that with any of the women he had been with before. He had wanted to but they had either been turned off by it or just too scared to try it.

Honey handed back a tube of KY gel and Roger smoothed it on his cock and around Honey’s tight little asshole. He then inserted his cock into her ass. It was a very tight fit at first and he had to make some effort to squeeze it in, but slowly and surely he continued until it went all the way in.

Holly gasped as Roger’s cock filled her bun hole “Oh god yes baby give me all of it,” Holly crooned. “Treat me like the nasty little whore I am.”

Fucking Honey in the ass was slower than doing her pussy but soon her muscles relaxed and it got easier. Roger was still careful in that he didn’t want to damage her sphincter muscle and run the risk of making Honey incontinent.

Honey was thoroughly enjoying being taken in the ass. It made her feel like a dirty little filthy trashy whore and she loved it. Sure it was a painful but the pleasure made the pain worth it.

It wasn’t long until Honey was ready to cum again and she creamed her sweet nectar all over the place as it dripped out of her pussy and down her legs and on to the comforter.

Roger felt his cock swell with cum and he knew it wasn’t long until he was ready to cum. He grunted as he told Honey he was on the verge of cumming.

“Cum on my ass baby,” Honey crooned. “I wanna feel your hot spunk splatter on my butt cheeks.”

Roger did just what Honey asked. Just as he was on the verge of cumming, he withdrew his cock and placed the head of it next to Honey’s butt cheeks. Roger then took his hand and stroked his cock to cause himself to cum.

Seconds later Roger’s hot semen splattered on Honey’s butt cheeks and near her ass hole and the backside of her pussy. Honey just moaned with pleasure as she purred like a contented kitten.

Honey then laid over on her back and spread her legs inviting Roger to take her missionary style. Roger wasted no time and laid on top of Honey. Honey took her hand and guided Roger’s still hard cock into her soaking wet pussy It slid in like a hand into a glove.

Honey then wrapped her long luscious stocking clad legs around Roger’s back and locked her ankles as she pulled Roger close to her.

Roger and Honey slowly fucked as they began to move as one. Their bodies souls minds and spirits became as one and soon they were united in a mystical cosmic pendik escort bond beyond words.

Time and space slowly disappeared and soon our lovers were in their own little universe. They were only aware of each other as the physical universe seemed to have vanished.

Honey and Roger could feel each other’s pleasure hear each other’s thoughts and instinctively knew what to do and how to move to please the other. Their hearts also beat as one as they could feel them.

Time seemed to be at a stand still and they were consumed by each other. Little by little their pleasures rose like the ocean tide and building ever so slowly reaching its zenith in a crescendo of passion and lustful desires.

Eventually our lovers would cum in unison. Honey arched her back and cried out in pleasure at the top of her lungs and flooded Roger’s cock with her sweet honey dew nectar. Roger in turn released his massive load spunking his hot manhood deep into Honey’s carnivorous and insatiably hungry pussy.

Our lovers fell together as they slowly came down from their orgasmic high. Honey’s body was still trembling and shaking as the pleasure from her orgasm continued to ripple through her body.

Time and space slowly came back into view. Honey then rolled Roger over so that she was on top of him and they just held each other. Soon another desire just as primitive and powerful began to consume them. No matter how hard they tried to fight this desire, the feeling over took them and our lovers were unable to escape one of the most primitive and basil forces there is– sleep.

Sleep cradled our lovers in its bosom just as the sun peaked over the horizon bringing with it the new day. Roger and Honey were nestled together in each other’s arms. Honey was on top of Roger and Roger’s hard throbbing cock was still buried inside of Honey pussy.

Honey’s head was cradled in the crook of Roger’s arm somewhere between his chest and shoulder and Honey’s right had gently rested on Roger’s chest while her left hand was lying by her side Roger’s left arm was cradling Honey with his hand on the back of her shoulder.

Our lovers enjoyed a deep blissful and dreamless sleep and would awaken late in the afternoon, alert, refreshed and ready to go for another round of hot torrid unbridled sex.

This was only one of many intimate moments our lovers shared. They were already lovers and soulmates and were destined to enjoy a lifetime of lascivious carnal delights together. Let us turn back the clock to see how Roger and Honey became lovers, but in order to do that we need to start from the very beginning.

You see, Roger and Honey are not just lovers and soulmates but they are also blood relatives. Roger is Honey’s uncle. Honey was Roger’s oldest sister Miranda’s child and was born when Roger was eight years old.

Roger took to Honey immediately and acted like a big brother and protector for Honey. As Honey grew, she and Roger became closer and closer forming a unique intimate bond that words could not begin to describe.

Roger came from a very close knit family and all of his relatives lived close to each other in the moderate sized town of Ashville North Carolina. He lived just across the street from Honey so he saw her on a daily basis and spent most of his time with her.

Also Roger and Honey came from a large family but not in the sense of numbers but size. Roger’s father and mother were both big and tall. Roger’s father was built like a linebacker and actually played high school and college football.

Roger’s father David stood about 6’7″ weighed about 260 pounds and was very muscular with very little body fat. He had broad muscular shoulders, large muscular arms and a huge barrel chest which was muscular as well.

David also had six pack abs, large hands and large feet. He worked as a fireman and was an assistant chief at the time this story takes place. In college he got the nickname “Goliath” because he was so huge. He enjoyed the irony of the name seeing that the real David who slew Goliath was small in comparison.

Roger’s mother Anne was fairly large and tall herself. She stood about 6’2″ tall and weighed about 165 pounds. She was fairly muscular and played volleyball and girls basketball in high school. She also worked as a volleyball coach and PE coach at one of the local high schools.

Roger took on his parents height and build as well. When Roger reached his full height at 17 he stood 6’6″ weighed about 235 pounds. He had large muscular arms and chest like his father and large hands and feet as well. He also had very little body fat and was just as menacing looking as his father.

After Roger graduated high school, he attended the local university in the town which they lived in. Roger pursued a double major in Computer Information Systems and Construction Management with a minor in art and graphics design.

Roger then spent another 21 months pursuing his masters in Construction Management. After college, Roger landed a maltepe escort great paying career as a project designer for a large commercial construction company.

Roger was making about 80 thousand per year net after taxes so he was doing quite well for himself. Six months later Roger decided to launch his own sideline business known as Titan Information Systems.

His primary mission was developing web pages along with Inventory Tracking and Finance and Cash Flow accounting programs for businesses.

However, Since Roger also was into Science Fiction and fantasy art he created his own repertoire of pictures and published them.

He did very well for himself at both ventures in this new company so after a year or so after starting his own company(15 months after to be exact) he decided to leave the company he was working for and work on contract basis doing Construction design as a third part of his own business.

Roger was doing extremely well for himself and had built up a huge cliental. He was generating close to a million and a quarter dollars in revenues and by the time all the business expenses and taxes were paid(including income tax) Roger pulled in about 225K per year net income.

Roger used the money he had saved all his life as well as accrued since he graduated and purchased some land on a hillside out in the county close enough to have city services.

The land backed up to some woods which had a small river in and he didn’t have to worry about his neighbors being right on top of him. The closest house was about a quarter of a mile away which afforded him the privacy he desired.

Roger built him a spacious two story 5400 square foot log cabin house with all the modern creature comforts and amenities he could ever want. He built a smaller detached 1300 square foot log cabin that connected to the main house by an enclosed breezeway. This served as the office for his business.

During this time, Honey matured and emerged from puberty as a very desirable young woman who had all the boys in school knocking each other down to get to her.

Forget about Honey’s father being the one the boys would have to be careful about when trying to date Honey. Roger was far worse and much more overprotective of Honey than her father could have ever dreamed of being.

Roger was every teenage guy’s worse nightmare in the way that he acted. Honey’s prospective dates even had their own dubious and derogatory nickname for him. They called him “The High Inquisitor,” a name which Roger wore with pride and like a badge of honor. It meant he was doing his job as a protector.

Honey’s prospective suitors would much rather have had to face the stereotypical good ole boy redneck father who brought out his big sons on the porch each cleaning their shotguns in a menacing sort of fashion while the father interrogated the fellow wanting to take Honey out on a date, leaving the hint to the would be suitor that he better answer the questions to the father’s desired choice or else.

Looking at Honey one could see why Roger was so over protective Honey was an absolute knock out. Honey had also taken on some of her mother’s size. Now at 16 years old, Honey stood just over six feet tall, weighed 165-170 pounds and had a curvaceous voluptuous body measuring 36DD-26-37.

Honey also had luscious pouty and kissable ruby red lips that beckoned you to partake of their sweeter than wine nectar and piercing and mesmerizing crystal ice blue eyes that captivated your soul and held it hostage.

However Honey’s most striking feature was her long(shoulder length) naturally curly(wavy) Golden Honey blonde hair. It was this hair that gave Honey her name. Honey’s actual birth name was Cassandra Leann but when she was two her mother nick-named her Honey after her gorgeous honey blonde hair.

Picture the famous pornstar Danielle from the “Danielle FTV” Franchise Internet site( do a Google search if needed) but make her taller(six feet tall) and give her the looks of the famous country music star Carrie Underwood and you would have Honey.

Roger could not believe his eyes when he saw Honey in all of her glory. Roger had been so busy studying and attaining his degree he hadn’t noticed that Honey was maturing right in front of his eyes. It is likened to the case when a parent still sees their child as a “little one” until they wake up one day to find that he or she is no longer a child but a mature young adult.

That was the case with Roger and Honey. Honey had matured and blossomed into a young lady who and was no longer a little girl any more but a sexy succulent and desirable young woman with guys chasing her left and right and an overprotective uncle doing his best to chase them away.

You would most likely think that as a teenager Honey would have been embarrassed and even mortified to have her uncle treating her would be suitors that way and bringing what most would consider unwanted attention. However, Honey didn’t see it that kartal escort way. In fact, surprisingly enough, she was actually flattered and quite turned on by the fact that Roger was acting as her protector.

Honey had developed an almost school girl like crush on Roger and saw him as the one she wanted to spend her life with but was afraid to mention it or act on it out of fear of being ridiculed or made light of so she kept it to herself

Honey also knew that until she was 18, she couldn’t act on the feeling anyway because she was still underage and if anything was to happen, Roger could have been thrown in jail for rape. To her the idea of that was totally unfair and ludicrous but it was still a fact she couldn’t change. So, as a result, Honey would bide her time until she was 18 and then make her move.

Eventually the day came when Honey turned 18 and she was ready to make her move but how to do it. Roger loved her yes, but Honey was still afraid that he didn’t see her the same way she saw him. Unbeknownst to Honey however that wasn’t necessarily the case.

The night of Honey’s senior prom Roger saw her in her sexy prom dress and nearly creamed his pants. This was a month after Honey had turned 18 and about three weeks before her graduation.

Honey was wearing a sexy little light blue prom dress that showed lots of leg and had an plunging neck line that showed ample cleavage and Honey filled that dress out very nicely.

Anyone with a set of working eyes would have found her ravishing and attractive and a guy would have had to be either blind, dead have no sex drive at all not to have at least had the a fleeting thought.

Call this sacrilegious, but I dare say that even the Pope himself would have found it difficult to fight the lust to jump Honey’s bones even if it was just a split second thought.

Anyhow, Roger managed to keep his composure about him and complement Honey on how well she looked. Honey was now of legal age and nothing was stopping Roger from jumping her bones right then and there except for his own will power which Roger was doing his best to muster and keep strong, along with the fact that his sister, Honey’s mom was with them in the room.

Honey went to the prom and had a good time seeing that she went with a group of her girl friends but she was secretly wishing Roger could have been her date. A few weeks later Honey graduated high school and then the time came when she entered college.

While in college Honey studied art and graphics design. She was very good and a natural She also loved to model and did some shoots for some local agencies modeling dresses and formal wear It was here that she was given the opportunity to go overseas the next fall and study art as well as do some modeling.

Honey jumped at the chance. She would find out later that it would involve lingerie modeling as well as “adult content” but she didn’t mind Honey was proud of her body and loved to show it off and this was her chance to do just that.

Before Honey left to go overseas, Roger made sure he could stay in contact with her so he bought her a laptop(a 15 inch Mac Book Pro) with all the latest software and maximum memory plus a digital web cam. He also bought her an I pad and an I phone. Lastly, Roger would set Honey up with a Skype account so they could video chat and stay in touch.

The night before Honey was set to leave, her family had planned to take her out to dinner and throw her a going away party. They were all to meet at Roger’s house and leave from there. Honey saw this as her last chance to make her move on Roger before she was to leave so she decided she would arrive about an hour or so before hand.

She used her key she had to Roger’s house get in and found that Roger wasn’t in the main room. She walked through the house and then went upstairs towards his bedroom. She heard the water running in the shower and then it hit her. She would surprise him when he came out of the shower.

Honey stripped out of her clothes and undergarments and laid back on Roger’s bed in a very seductive pose. Roger finished his shower and walked out of the bathroom naked and wet drying his hair with the towel.

He lowered the towel and saw Honey lying naked on the bed with her legs spread wide smiling at him. He nearly spunked his load right then and there as he looked on Honey’s succulent body.

Honey’s sweet firm and supple breasts were sizable oh so round and inviting. Her nipples seemed to be calling to him beckoning him to suck them. Honey’s nicely shaven sweet and oh so perfectly pink pussy was equally inviting. It glistened as Honey’s sweet nectar seemed to be trickling from its lips.

“Hey handsome” Honey said in a sensual seductive purr with a wicked grin. “My oh my we are a big boy aren’t we,” Honey added as she noticed Roger’s nearly erect cock which was now growing in size.

“So do you like what you see,” Honey purred as she stretched her body out over the bed like a huge cat and ran her hands over her sweet inviting form.

“Uh huh,” was all Roger was able to get out. He swallowed hard and did his best to control his orgasm that was building inside of him. It was all he could do to keep from coming but was able to regain his composure.

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