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Selam Kaymak Gibi Sikilen Amlar Sitesi okuyucuları.
Adım Ertan, 23 yaşındayım ve Siirt’te oturmaktayım.
Bu siteyi aylardır takip ediyorum ve hemen hemen bütün hikayeleri okumuşumdur.
Buradaki bazı hikayeleri okudukça yengeme olan ilgim katlanmaya başladı.
Bu arada dayımın karısı olan yengem 38 yaşında, 1.
70 boyunda, 85 kiloda, etine buduna dolgun bir ev han ımıdır.
Yengemi düşündükçe tüm erkeklik damarlarım şişer.
Bir gün bizimkiler evde yokken, ben odamda yine herzamanki gibi internetten erotik hikayeler okumaya başladım.
Tam da kalkmış sikimi eşofmanımdan çıkarmışım, sıvazlayarak, dayısının karısını siken birinin hikayesini okuyordum ki, kapı çaldı.
Hay am ına koyayım, sikim de öyle bir zonkluyordu, tuvalete gidip 31 çekmeyi düşünüyordum.
Arkadaşlardan biridir diye, sikimi tekrar yerine sokarak ve tişörtümle gizleyerek gittim kapıyı açtım.
Fakat gelen yengem idi! Yengem, “Annenler evdeler mi Ertan?” diye sordu.
Ben de, “Teyzemlere gittiler, buyur gel içeri yenge, birazdan gelirler.
” dedim .
Yengem geçti salona.
Sikim de hala kazık gibi, yengeme belli etmemeye çalışıyorum, “Yenge sen otur, ben bir lavaboya gireceğim.
” dedim.
Yengem, “Tamam.
” dedi.
Girdim tuvalete 31 çekerek indirdim sikimi.
Tuvaletten çıktığımda yengemi salonda göremedim.
Aklıma okuduğum hikayeyi açık bıraktığım geldi ve telaşla hemen bilgisayarın olduğu odama gittim.
İçeri girdiğimde yengem bilgisayarın başındaydı (Google’dan yemek tarifi aramak istemiş) ve benim okuduğum o dayısının karısını siken adamın hikayesini görünce, hikayeyi okumaya başlamış! Nasıl utandım anlatamam.
Yengem, “Ertan bu ne be? Sen bunları mı okuyorsun?” dedi.
Ben sadece kafamı önüme eğdim ve cevap veremedim.
Yengem, “Vaay beee!” diyerek okumaya devam edince, “Yenge okma!” dyerek bigisayarı kapatmak istedim.
Fakat yengem, “Dur kapatma, çok ilginç şeyler anlatıyor, okumak istiyorum!” diyerek kapatmama engel oldu.
Ben de mecburen bilgisayarın yanındaki kanepeye geçip oturdum.
Yengem, “Oha bee, yok artık, vay anasına!” diye diye hikayeyi okuyup bitirdi.
Sonra da kanepeye yanıma oturdu ve beni süzmeye Escort başladı.
Ben tabi kafamı kaldırıp yengemin yüzüne bakamıyorum.
Üstelik o okuduğu hikayedeki çocuk da yengesini düşünerek tuvalete gidip 31 çekiyordu, rezil olmuştum, yerin dibine girmiştim.
Yengem bacak bacak üstüne atarak, çenemi tutup kafamı yukarı kaldırdı ve “Ertan baksana bana, sen de mi demin tuvalete girip beni düşünerek 31 çektin yoksa?” dedi.
Ne cevap vereceğimi bilmediğim gibi, birde yengemin giydiği etek dar olduğu için diz kapağının üstüne kadar açılmıştı ve gözüm yengemin pürüzsüz bacaklarına kayıyordu.
Yengem bacaklarına baktığımı farkedip, “Nereye bakıyorsun?” diye sordu.
Benden yine cevap yok tabii, zorla yutkunuyorum zaten, o anda beynimden vurulmuşa döndüm.
Sikim yine kalkmaya başlamış, kasıklarımda ağrılar oluşmuştu… Benim elim yüzüm pancar gibi kızarıyordu, fakat yengem gayet sakin ve serin tavırlarla, “Eee, başka yengesini sikenlerin hikayeleri var mı? Aç ta okuyalım!” dedi.
Utana sıkıla geçtim bilgisayarın başına, fakat sikimin kalkıklığını gizleyemedim tabi.
Açtım yengeme bir hikaye ve birlikte okumaya başladık.
O hikaye de bitince, yengem, “Dur bir tane de ben seçeyim!” diyerek, hikayelerin başlıklarına baktıktan sonra bir tane açtı, ve beraber okumaya başladık.
Yengem özellikle bizim durumumuza benzer bir hikaye seçmişti.
Hikayeyi okudukça yengemin nefes alıp verişi değişmeye başladı.
O sırada yengeme, “İyimisin yenge?” diye sorduğumda, yengemden sadece, “Hı hı!” diye bir cevap geldi.
O zaman anladım ki yengem zevk alıyordu.
Bende bunu fırsat bilip, “Canlısını seyretmek istersen film açayım mı yenge?” diye sordum.
Yengem de, “Aç bakalım ne açmak istiyorsan!” dedi… Ben hemen güzel bir pornofilm açtım.
Yengem kalın yarrakları görünce, “Bu ne yaaaa, ne büyük şeyler bunlar!” diye şaşkına döndü.
Biraz izledikten sonra yengem, “Sıcak bastı valla! Çok kötü oldum!” diyerek başörtüsünü çıkardı ve önüme bakarak, “Sen iyimisin?” diye güldü.
Benden ses çıkmayınca bacağını bacağıma değdirmeye başladı.
Ben yengemin bu hareketinden cesaretle elimi yengemin bacağına koydum ve biraz okşamaya Escort Bayan başladım.
Yengem bana bakıp gülümseyerek, “Hoop, kendine gel!” dedi.
Yengemingülümsemesinden ve rahat tavırlarından cesaret alarak, “Dayanamıyorum yenge çok güzelsin, filmdeki karılardan bile güzelsin valla!” dedim.
Yengem gülerek, “Benim nerem güzel be, ben kendimi güzel bulmuyorum!” ?? dedi.
“Olur mu yenge, şu dudaklarına, göğüslerine, kalçana baksana, harikalar!” dedim.
Yengem de, “Gerçekten güzel miyim?” deyince, ben, “Tabii yenge! Hele şu göğüslerin yok mu, beni öldürüyor valla!” diyerek göğüslerine dokunmaya başladım.
Yengem hiçbir şey demiyor sadece şaşkın şaşkın bana bakıyordu… Elimi biraz daha aşağılara indirip kalçasına dokunduğumda yengem gözüme dik dik bakarak, “Kolay gelsin Ertan, ne yapıyorsun?” dedi.
“Hiiç yenge, sadece güzel olan yerlerini gösteriyorum!” dedim.
Yengem gülerek, “Yaa öyle mii? Başka nerem güzelmiş göster bakalım!” ?? dedi.
Elimi kalçasından çekip öne getirdim, eteğinin altına sokarak, “Burası!” dedim ve külodunun üzerinden yengemin amını avuçladım.
Yengemin amını okşarken dudaklarına yapıştım ve öpmeye başladım.
Önce hiç tepkisiz duran yengem sonradan öpmeme karşılık vermeye başladı.
Bir çırpıda yengemin üstünü çıkararak o muhteşem memelerini südyeninden kurtardım ve ağzıma aldım.
Ben memelerini yalayıp emdikçe yengem inlemeye başladı.
Yengem o kadar zevke gelmişti ki, artık elleriyle başımı aşağılara itmeye başladı.
Anladım ki okuduğumuz hikayede olduğu gibi amını yalamamı istiyordu.
Yengemin de yardımıyla eteğini ve ıslanmış külodunu çıkardım.
Ve hiç zaman kaybetmeden hemen yengemin kaymak gibi amını yalamaya başladım.
Ben amını yaladıkça yengem inliyor, saçlarımı koparırcasına çekiyordu.
Az sonra yengem çığlık atarak orgazm oldu… Bende de dayanacak güç kalmamıştı, hemen eşofmanımı külodumla birlikte çıkarıp, kazık gibi olmuş yarağımı yengemin ağzına vermeye çalıştım.
Yengem gözlerini kocaman açarak, “Ohaaa! Bu ne lan? At yarağı mı bu?” dedi.
Ben de, “Ne oldu yenge, korktun mu? Bu işte birazdan köküne kadar sana girecek!” ?? deyip, yengemin başını yarağıma Bayan Escort bastırdım.
Yengem ağzını açınca gırtlağına kadar soktum.
Ben yengemin ağzını abanarak siktikçe, yengem boğulacak gibi oluyor ve gözlerinden yaşlar akıyordu.
Birkaç git gelden sonra fazla dayanamayıp midesine tüm spermlerimi boşalttım.
Yengemin ilk defa spermin tadına baktığı her halinden belli idi.
Yengemin ağzını yüzünü başörtüsüne sildikten sonra birer sigara yaktık.
Sigaralarımızı içtikten sonra kanepeye uzanıp tekrar öpüşmeye başladık.
Yengemle öpüştükçe yarağım yeniden kalkmaya ve sertleşmeye başladı… Göğüslerini öperek tekrar yengemin kaymak gibi amına indim ve yalamaya başladım.
Yengemin amını yalarken aynı zamanda da parmaklıyor ve klitorisini oynuyordum.
Amından sular akmaya başlayan yengem, “Yeter artık sokkkk şunu içime! Bittim!” diye bağırdı.
Yengemin bacak arasına geçip yarağımla ıslanmış amına fırça çekmeye başladım.
Yengemin gözleri kapalı, zevkten ayakları titriyor, “Sookkk ulan! Geçir içime! Yalvarıyorum sok artık! Öldürdün beni Pezevenk! Sokkkk!” diye bağırıyordu.
Zaten bende de dayanacak güç kalmamıştı, yengemin bacaklarını iyice açtım, yarağımın başını ıslattıktan sonra amına dayayıp, bir hamlede sokmamla yengemin inanılmaz bir çığlık atarak altımdan kaçması bir oldu.
Ne biçim korkmuştum valla, “Noldu yenge?” dedim.
Yengem, “Hayvan herif! Orospu çocuğu! O ne biçim sokma öyle, yavaş olsana, amımı parçaladın!” diye bağırdı… “Tamam anladık orospu, bağırma!” deyip yengemi tekrar çektim altıma, yarağımı yeniden soktum amına ve yavaş yavaş girip çıkmaya başladım.
Yengem altımda çığlık çığlığa sikilmenin zevkini çıkarıyordu.
Yaklaşık 10 dakika o tempoda siktikten sonra yengem belimden çekerek, “Hızlı hızlı sik!” demeye başladı.
Ben iyice hızlandım ve sert sert sokup çıkarmaya başladım.
Yengem o sırada çığlık atarak ikinci kez orgazma ulaşmıştı.
Benim de ayaklarımın bağı çözülmüştü, “Yenge boşalacam!” dedim.
Yengemin, “İçime boşal, korunuyorum!” demesiyle öyle bir boşaldım ki yengemin amına, döllerim yarağımın kenarından dışarı çıkmaya başladı.
Ama ben durmayıp pompalamaya devam ediyordum.
Amından çıkmadan bir kez daha boşalana kadar siktim yengemi.
Sonra beraber banyoya girip, yengeme bir postada duşun altında kaydım.
Yıkanıp kurulandık giyindik ve yengem annemleri beklemeden evine gitti… Herkese bol sikişler!

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A very good view 3 :-P

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A very good view 3 :-PIt was a late morning before the lunch, we were in autumn and not did more much hot it was started the cold, but in the house … and when you have the sister hottie 😛 (but anyway a good girl :-P), at a certain point i hear the voice of my sister from inside her room that she talks to the cellular and i don’t know of who it was or a friend or a bf or a lover :-P, anyway seemed me that she was talking with a bf (a bf lucky i had thinked in that moment :-P) :-P, and so she was herself preparing for to go out also because she was saying it :-P, at least from what i had understood :-P, and therefore in that moment i think of to remain from the parts of the room of my sister thinking at some her nice apparel 😛 or at halfs-clothes 😛 given she was telling that she was preparing herself :-P, then when she comes out from her room for go at to take something in the bathroom, i’ve had the luck :-P, in that moment, of to find myself in this her route :-P, i must say luck because i’ve caught her, both frontal that laterally :-P, and she had a t-shirt, white and enough adherent 😛 and that ended more or less on the hips and bare legs 😛 and feet Escort nude namely she walked to bare feet :-P, and so given that end of her t-shirt 😛 i’ve could to see a nice panties of her in that moment, of type triangular and of size medium :-P, and the color nice white and dense :-P, she, while she crosses me, doesn’t look at me :-P, because she was in a hurry or she was a bit angry because she was caught by me in that nice situation? :-P, i don’t know :-P, sure that at that moment i was right away impressed :-P, impressed in the positive sense of course :-P, because it was already from a bit of time as i have already recounted in the my previously stories :-P, that you can read if you make like it :-P, that my sister provoked me strongs senses of desire inside me : -P, leading me to peek her in way substantial :-P, and then in that nice moment i could not know what expression i did at that moment because i couldn’t looked at myself in the mirror :-P, but anyway, as i said before, i was left really very good impressioned for that nice shot on my sister for her beautiful body :-P, anyway then when she comes out from bathroom, she covers herself a bit Escort Bayan of more :-P, i, of course, i was still from those parts with the excuse to make services for the home, wandering for the house, for to continue at scrutinize her, for to see still that nice panties, and also a bit the behind of she, and her beautiful thighs and hips both nide and fleshy :-P, in particular in that moment (happy for me :-P) seemed me her hips beautiful fleshy and wide 😛 both in the first view of her in front and lateral and then in the next one from behind 😛 but also the thighs and femorals 😛 nice fleshy and wide :-P, and naturally i was really glad for have caught my sister in another nice situation 😛 also if i not thinked in that moment happy for me of to going right away at shoot myself a nice handjob for that beautiful view of an apparel enough intim in that moment of my sister :-P, but obviously 😛 subsequently i had maked myself nice handjobs also for this other nice episode with my sister :-P. Bayan Escort

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A black stranger fucks my sweeet wife

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A black stranger fucks my sweeet wifeThat afternoon I could get off work early so I thought I could hurry home and surprise Anita by inviting her going a night out. It was a nice day, a bit warm; so I was in a good mood.I pulled into the driveway and barely noticed the car parked alongside my wife’s car. It was just a friend of her I guessed, so I paid it no further attention and headed inside, opening the front door slowly.I gently set my keys down and made my way through the dimly lit house. As I got closer to the bedroom I could start to hear voices from within. Those voices sounded a bit strange as I got closer.“Beg for it, you filthy little bitch!” I suddenly heard.I stopped dead in my tracks. It was a man’s voice. A complete strange one.“Do it, you bastard! Stick your big black cock up my ass!”.The sound of my sweet Ana’s voice struck like a dagger in my heart. She sounded as she was fucking some guy in our own bedroom…Part of me wanted to run in there and beat the fuck of the guy and throw both him and my wife out of the house, but another part of me wanted nothing more than to sneak a peek at my sweet Anita getting fucked.As I crept closer, the voices became loud and clear. The bedroom door was open slightly and there was a faint glow coming from within the lit Escort room. I peered through the opening into the bedroom.I saw my sexy wife on her hands and knees onto our marital bed.Kneeling behind Ana was some strange black guy trying to work his huge thick dick into my wife’s tight asshole. Ana’s head was dipped low, her curly blond hair hanging about her face in a sweaty tangled mess. One of her delicate hands was feverishly at work between her legs rubbing her clit, like she always does when I fuck her ass. Judging from her sweaty and messy appearance, I guessed that she and this black bastard had been at it for quite a while.She was fully naked, only wearing the thigh high black boots I had bought her for last Valentine’s Day. She hardly ever wore those boots for me.“Put it in my asshole! Fuck me, I needed it so badly…” “Oh, fuck…!!”Ana was screaming loud and fighting through the pain of having a huge black cock planted deep in her ass; but she loved every minute of it.The guy had a satisfied grin on his face, as his cock slipped past Ana’s muscular ring and it slid deep into her tight anus. With that, he lifted his hand, only to bring it down heavily on my wife’s ass with a sickening slap. The other hand grabbed her hair, making Ana lift her sweaty Escort Bayan nice face. She gritted her teeth through a sexy smile as he sodomized her.“Oh, fuck…!” she moaned, increasing the speed of her hand rubbing her clit.The guy was thrusting in and out faster now. I was actually watching his cock appear and disappear into my sweet Ana’s tender asshole.“You love it, don’t you slut? You love my black dick buried in your ass!”“Oh yeah baby, do not stop fucking my ass…!” Anita cried out loud.With that, the guy grabbed again a handful of Ana’s hair and yanked her head back as he shoved his dick into her with all his mighty energy. I could not believe the look in my wife’s face. It was one that I had never seen before. My beloved sweet Ana was really lost in pure lust.“Ohhh, fuck, I am coming right now.” She said suddenly in a deep moan.“Do it slut! Make yourself cum with my cock up your little tight ass…! This was apparently too much for Ana to handle and she let loose the most savage orgasm I had ever witnessed. As it subsided, her black lover relented in his anal pounding and slowed to a rhythmic thrust. He seemed to enjoy that pounding.She turned and looked him, begging to suck this hard black cock.Just when I thought I could not be more surprised, Bayan Escort I watched as this black bastard withdrew his still rigid black cock from Ana’s stretched asshole.Turning her around, he fed his dick into Ana’s waiting mouth. She immediately began sucking like a depraved wild woman, bobbing her head up and down on his black cock. “You are a good little cocksucker, bitch” The man said smiling. “Your husband must be proud and happy of having such a whore at home.”Ana released his cock only enough to reply:“You know I am a whore only for you…”I then watched as this nigger arched his back, spurting his seed inside of my wife’s hungry mouth. He then held still as Anita licked him clean.“Good bitch… Same time tomorrow?”. The black stranger asked Ana.Ana stretched out on the bed, looking slutty, with cum smeared face.“Not tomorrow… may be on Tuesday”. She said with a sad look in her face.“Tuesday sounds good.” The black man said.Ana got up from the bed and walked over to the VCR, ejecting a tape. She then deposited it into the drawer on her side of the bed. I was confused. I had always thought that she kept just some innocent pictures of our trips outside together; surely she knew I had never been that interested. I was interested now though, as Ana closed the drawer and locked it with a key.My mind was a mess as I quietly left the house. I had a lot to think. I had just witnessed my loving wife performing a hot sexual porn star act. I knew one thing though. I had to watch those tapes hidden in the drawe

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My New Family. Angie’s A.

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Anal Fingering

My New Family. Angie’s A.So, I had now been living at Donna and Tom Max’s house for a couple of weeks now, and with their very enjoyable encouragement I was really beginning to turn my life around.I was no longer a drop out, and a teenage waster, I was now getting a college education and obeying all the rules, and my future seemed very bright indeed, although not as good as my foster sister’s though.Angie my hot slim brunette Foster sister, who was just a year above me, was doing really well, she was studying really hard and that afternoon when we got home from college she announced she had just got an A on her course work.”Fantastic!” cried our foster mother Donna, before she jumped up off the sofa and quickly hugged Angie happily.”See, all that hard work and studying really paid off!” she then added.”Now! I think someone deserves a reward!” Donna then said with a grin.Before she lowered herself down Angie’s slim body, placed her hands on her foster daughters slim legs, and then moved them upwards under her short skirt.I watched eagerly as my foster sisters clothes then lifted up, until they were up around her waist, and we could see she wasn’t wearing any panties, and her perfectly smooth bald pussy was fully on display.”You didn’t wear any knickers to school?” Donna then said mockingly “How naughty of you! But i’ll let you off just this once!”Then she moved her head forwards, stuck out her tongue, and began licking at her foster daughters little pussy.Angie moaned softly as she felt Donna’s wet tongue begin to run up and down her pussy mound, while Donna’s fingers squeezed and fondled the teen girls, little round soft arse.For the next few minutes I watched happily as my foster mother tongued and licked my foster sisters pussy, while giving my cock a good squeeze through my jeans as it grew to attention, then Donna glanced over at me and said “Get in here Leo, you should be rewarding your foster sister too!”And eagerly I moved forwards, dropped to my knees next to Donna, and together we both started to tongue and finger my foster sisters moist pussy.”Oh yes! oh yes!” muttered Angie as she stood with her bare legs slightly apart, while her foster mother and brother knelt between them licking her eagerly.Fairly quickly Angie was moaning louder and breathing heavier, until my foster mother suggested she sit down before she fell down, and happily Angie moved towards one of the comfy seats in the living room, and as she did, she unbuttoned her short little dress, and let it fall to the floor.Now completely naked, she sat down in the comfy seat and then opened her legs wide for us to see her perfectly smooth wet pink pussy, and eagerly Donna got back between her legs and began to lick at her pussy.I however had the biggest aching cock I had had in a long time, and eagerly began to pull off my clothes until I was naked as well, and holding my extra hard cock, I strolled over to Angie, and eagerly she reached over and began stroking my length.For a few seconds she ran her little warm hand up and down my length, before she guided it to her mouth, and eagerly began sucking on it, and I moaned happily as she did, while our foster mother continued to lick her pussy.Angie’s lips ran back and forth along my hard member, gobbling happily on my hard and ready cock, while Donna continued to lick and finger Angie’s pussy, until finally my foster sister needed more than a good tongue and a couple of fingers.”Fuck me Leo! Fuck me hard!” she said to me, after removing my cock from her lips.I eagerly moved around to where Donna was kneeling, and seeing me naked with my hard cock ready for action, my foster mother turned, took hold of my cock, and for a minute Escort or so, began sucking on it.Just like Angie had, Donna slid her wet lips back and forth along my length, sucking on my whole member eagerly, until finally she pulled her head away, and then still holding my cock, she guided me towards my target.My round cockhead butted up against Angie’s sweet little pussy, and then with a thrust, I slipped between her soft pink lips and slid into her inner hole.My foster sister moaned loudly as I entered her, and then more as I sunk deeper and deeper into her pussy, until I was nearly balls deep inside of her, and as she lifted and wrapped her slim little legs around my waist, I began to thrust into her over and over again, steadily but firm.”Oh yes! oh yes!” groaned Angie “Fuck me! Fuck me! I earned a good fucking!””Yes you did!” agreed Donna as she peeled off her clothes and got as naked as we were.Then Donna perched herself on the side of the chair, before she leant over and began fondling and sucking on Angie’s little perky tits, and with me fucking her pussy still, Angie moaned louder, clearly getting more excited by the minute.For a good few minutes I pumped away at my foster sisters little wet pussy, while our foster mother sucked on her titties, and Angie moaned louder and louder, as her breathing got heavier and more excited.”You going to cum, young lady? are you?” asked Donna after another minute.”Yes! Nearly!” replied Angie between breaths.”Well, lets get you there!” Donna then said.Then she reached down, placed her fingers over Angie’s little clit and began rubbing firmly as I continued to fuck her little wet pussy.”Oh god! Oh yes!” exclaimed Angie quickly getting more excited by what Donna was doing.”Oh fuck! That’s it! That’s it!” Angie then cried getting louder and louder.Donna continued to rub away at her little pink clit, I continued to pump into her pussy and fill it with my hard cock, and Angie clearly got more and more excited, until finally she began to buck in the seat and cry out constantly.”Oh! Oh! oh! OOOOHHHHH! OOOHHH! OOOOOOOOOOHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” she then cried as her first orgasm swept through her.”OOOOOOOOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” she cried again as she twitched wildly on my cock.Her whole little body jerked and shook uncontrollably, as my cock buried itself in her wet cunt, and Donna continued to rub at her clit, until we both then stopped as Angie cried out loudly and then with a heavy sigh, collapsed in the seat, before lying their trying to catch her breath.”Oh, what a huge orgasm!” Donna exclaimed excitedly “Was that good for you, my little star?” she then asked.”Yeah!” replied Angie still breathing heavily.Then the front door opened, and in walked Tom, our foster father, and seeing us all naked and hot and sweaty, he asked curiously “Hello, what did I miss?””Angie got an A on her course work today!” replied Donna, getting up and moving towards him.”And we’ve just been rewarding her!” she then added.”Is it too late to add my own congratulations?” he then asked cheekily.Donna then reached down and took hold of his clearly growing bulge and replied “Its never to late to reward good behaviour!”And then she began to undo his trousers, before pulling them down to the floor, and as our foster father stepped out of them, his hard ready cock bobbed eagerly about in front of him.”Wow! You are ready to reward her!” Donna then said eyeing her husbands big member up, before she took hold of it and gave it a good jerking.”Yes I am!” replied Tom keenly, as he smiled eagerly at Angie.I then turned back around, and pulled my cock free from her wet pussy, before stepping aside, and as soon as Tom Escort Bayan had his shirt off, he moved towards Angie, and she smiled at him eager to take his hard large member.My foster father placed his cockhead at her wet smooth entrance, and then with a firm thrust slipped inside of her, stretching those pink little pussy lips around his shaft, before he began firmly and steadily fucking her.”Yes that’s it honey! Take your fathers reward! You’ve earned it!” encouraged Donna, as she stepped over to me, and then took hold of my teen cock.As Tom continued to thrust away happily in his foster daughters little willing pussy, Donna ran her soft hand back and forth along my length, before lifting her fingers to her mouth and sucking off the pussy juices that were clearly still smothered over it.Then she moved in front of me, bent over slightly, resting her hands on the comfy chairs arm, and eagerly I got up behind her, placed my hard teen cock against her MILF trimmed pussy, and slipped inside.Donna moaned as I entered her, and then holding onto her slim tanned hips, I began thrusting in and out of her pussy as we both watched Tom fucking Angie.”How am I doing honey? You liking your reward?” Tom asked as he continued to pump into his foster daughters pussy.”Yes daddy! I love it!” replied Angie smiling “Give me more, please! Give me more!””You got it, super star!” replied Tom, and eagerly he began thrusting into her harder and faster, and instantly Angie began moaning louder.For another few minutes we all stayed like that, just fucking away and watching each other happily, until Tom began to thrust hard and deep and a lot slower into Angie’s little pussy, and she moaned louder but in short bursts.”Yeah, baby! That’s my whole length! Do you feel it?” asked our foster father eagerly.”Oh yes daddy! yes!” replied Angie between gasps.Then after a few more of those, he with drew his cock completely, and with it glistening in her pussy juices, he offered it to Angie, and eagerly she took hold of it, and began to give it a good suck.Tom moaned happily as his foster daughter sucked on his large wet member, before glanced over at me and said “Hey Leo, why don’t you sit down on the sofa, and let your sister ride your cock for a bit?””Okay” I replied, and eagerly I pulled my cock from Donna’s pussy, and moved to the sofa.And as I sat down, Tom pulled his cock from Angie’s mouth and encouraged her to go sit on mine.Eagerly my foster sister got up and moved towards me, before she straddled my lap, and staring into my eyes, she lowered herself onto my hard teen cock, and her little pussy slipped straight down over it, and we both moaned happily, before she began to ride me.I held onto her little slim hips, and happily watched her perky little boobs bob up and down as she bounced on top of me, before I then noticed Donna and Tom move up behind her, and then crouch down, and to my amazement, they pulled her soft little cheeks apart, leaned in and began licking at her arse ring.”Oh daddy! Mommy!” moaned Angie as she continued to ride my cock.”Just relax dear!” said Donna looking up for a moment “Were just getting you ready for your father’s ultimate reward! he thinks you deserve it!”Then she went back to licking her foster daughters ass ring, and I continued to just sit there and watch, not sure what was exciting me more, my foster sister riding my cock or my foster parents licking her little arse.After another minute or so, I saw Donna stand up and move aside, before Tom then stood with an eager look in his eye as he gripped his large member, and then he said “Okay honey, just don’t tense up!” Angie then leant towards me, obscuring my view more, Bayan Escort but I could imagine Tom was placing his big round cockhead at her little pink entrance, and then with a little effort, he nudged his way in getting her little ring to open up, and that’s when Angie moaned loudly and I knew our foster father was sinking his cock into her arsehole.For a moment Angie just leant on me as Tom slid further into her back passage, and then we both had our cocks in her, and slowly Tom began to fuck her arse, and I began to fuck her pussy.”Oh god mommy! oh god!” groaned Angie loudly.”They’re filling both my holes! They’re filling them so much!” she then moaned.”I know dear! I can see! Are you liking it?” Donna asked.”Yes! I love it! I love it!” groaned Angie, as both Tom and me began to steadily fuck her at the same time.For the next few minutes Tom thrust happily into her arsehole and I thrust happily into her pussy, and Angie sat between us, trapped but loving it, and soon was begging for more.”Fuck me harder Leo! Fuck me harder daddy!” she moaned beginning to move against us.”I want to feel you deeper, fill me up with your cocks!” she then moaned, and we did.Soon Tom was pounding into her arse, and I thrusting harder and faster into her pussy, and Angie was getting louder and louder by the second.”Oh god yes! oh god yes! oh god yes! oh god yes! oh god yes!” she kept repeating as pounded her holes.”Are you going to cum again?” asked Donna kneeling beside us “Are you going to cum on your daddy’s and brother’s big hard cocks?””Yes mommy yes!” cried Angie, as we continued to fuck her hard.On hearing Angie was almost ready to explode again, and feeling the excitement of the whole situation, I felt my excitement begin to build, and moaned “Oh god! I’m going to cum too!””Not until your sister does!” Donna replied “Its her reward! Then when you do, remember to pull out! We don’t want any accidents! You both have very bright futures ahead of you!”So, with that encouragement I continued to pound into my foster sisters pussy, Tom was still pounding into her arse, and Donna knelt beside us urging us on, while Angie continued to moan and groan as her second orgasm grew ever closer.”I can feel it! I can feel it!” groaned Angie loudly.”You going to cum?” asked Donna.”Yes! Yes! yes!” replied Angie, and then she tensed up, before crying out “YES! YES! YES! YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!” and her whole body began to shake and quiver between us, and as her orgasm rushed through her, and she screamed the place down.Then I felt her pussy tighten up and my cock, and that was it for me, and with a mighty groan I cried out “Oh GOD, I’M CUMMING!” and as quick as I could I pulled my cock from her pussy and began firing my load all over her smooth wet mound.As I began unloading my balls all over her pussy, and she was still bucking and crying out through her orgasm, Tom then tensed up, and with a mighty cry cried out “OH FUCK YEAH!” and he pulled his big hard member out of her arsehole, and then began drenching it in his load, as his cock began pumping out his sticky goo.All three of us groaned and cried as our orgasms swept through us, and then as Angie began to calm and take deep breaths, I began to finish shooting my load, and so did our foster father.”Oh boy! What a fuck that was!” he sighed and breathing heavily.”Wow!” look at the mess you all made!” Donna then said looking at all the cum that covered Angie’s arsehole and pussy.”Well, we need to clean that up, before you get it all over my carpets!” she then added, before she moved in and began licking and sucking it all up, and cleaning Angie’s little arse and pussy at the same time.”Was that good for you?” I then asked looking at my hot, sweaty, naked foster sister, as she lay on top of me, pressing her little perky boobs into my chest.”That was amazing!” she replied with a smile, before lowering her head onto mine and sighing happily.I do love being a max!

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Etre une ponygirl

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Etre une ponygirlPar Michelemimi le 28 Février 2017La ponygirl ou comment ménager sa monture.Si vous nourrissez un goût fétichiste pour le cuir, que vous collectionnez les cravaches, aimez les ballades au grand air et les jeux de rôles sportifs, et, si domination et soumission sont les mots clef de votre sexualité, alors chaussez vos bottes cavalières et coiffez votre queue de cheval, vous avez peut-être l’étoffe d’une ponygirl.Se transformer en ponygirl, c’est pratiquer un jeu sexuel à mi-chemin entre le bondage, le SM et la pantomime équestre. Les ponygirls se transforment littéralement en montures, pour leur plaisir et celui de leur maître dresseur. En pleine nature, des attelages humains, se livrent ainsi à des séances de dressage et de promenade, ponctuées par des récompenses et des punitions administrées avec une plus ou moins forte connotation sexuelle. Cette pratique est la réalisation d’un fantasme de domination assez classique, qui a la particularité d’être excessivement sophistiquée et codifiée, faisant ainsi le bonheur des fétichistes et des amateurs de SM. Avec le goût croissant pour le fétichisme et le BDSM depuis 15 ans, les ponygirls, sont à la mode. C’est dans cet environnement, cette terre qui répand ses odeurs d’humus, d’écurie et d’effort, qu’entrent en action ces femelles pouliches. Ces créatures nous confient qu’elles deviennent vraiment une autre. Je ne suis plus une femme, je suis un a****l. Ce n’est pas du déguisement, mais une totale transformation, physique et mentale. Les origines de cette activité sont diverses. Géographiquement, elles se fixeraient dans les terres anglo-saxonnes, tant propices à l’hippisme qu’aux dérives sexuelles. Historiquement, la ponygirl est héritière d’un imaginaire mythologique qui remonte à notre attachement atavique avec l’a****l cheval, dont témoignent nos premiers jeux sur le mode « hue ! dada ». Le goût des attelages humains va chercher aussi loin que cette Escort ancestrale et féconde fantasmagorie au centre de laquelle le cheval incarne « la plus noble conquête de l’homme ». Ainsi à l’instar du centaure, du sagittaire et de l’amazone, Athéna, déesse de la guerre dans la mythologie grecque, est parfois associée à un cheval. Un de ses noms est d’ailleurs “femme-cheval”. Cette paraphilie joue à la fois sur l’esthétique hippique, mimant le corps, se réappropriant la gestuelle et l’équipement du destrier, et sur la relation de soumission-domination qui unit le cheval et son dresseur, son jockey ou son cocher. Précisons que les attelages humains peuvent être conduits autant par des femmes que par des hommes. Mais le ponyboy est moins représenté, question d’esthétique peut-être.Amazone, Ecurie humaine, Servitude, La Reine cravache, Dressage… autant de titres nés sous la plume d’écrivains et illustrateurs britanniques comme Eneg (Gene Bilbrew) ou John Willie, ou français usant de pseudonymes anglophones, tels Jim Galding, Alan Mc Clyde ou J. Van Styk. Aujourd’hui la plus célèbre des ponygirls est sans doute Gwendoline. D’abord héroïne de la bande dessinée de John Willie, père spirituel du bondage dans les années 50, la jolie blonde surgit sur les écrans de cinéma en 1984, grâce à une adaptation de Just Jaeckin, réalisateur d’Emmanuelle. C’est en faisant des recherches pour son film qu’il découvre des planches de dessin représentant une course de chars humains que Jaeckin a l’idée de mettre en scène des pony girls dans le royaume souterrain de Yik-Yak, une cité féminine interdite dirigée par une reine (B. Lafont). « Ce char tiré par trois filles nues menait subitement vers le fantastique. C’est ce climat qui m’a fait accepter de tourner Gwendoline » raconte Jaeckin. La scène de la course menée par des amazones emplumées donne une bonne idée du matériel et des costumes indispensables aux attelages Escort Bayan humains. Être ou avoir une ponygirl nécessite de fait certains investissements. t: « On côtoie l’aristocratie du SM et même l’aristocratie tout court. L’harnachement, est le moment que je préfère. Le déclenchement du fantasme, le début de l’évasion. L’équipement de base comprend, des pieds à la tête : – Des botte équipées de sabots. – Une selle ou un corset agrémenté de sangles qui auront soin d’encercler seins, fesses et pubis de manière aussi suggestive que contraignante. Mais la selle ne sert pas toujours, car on ne monte que rarement une ponygirl. – Une queue de cheval, forcément. On choisira soit un modèle de plug anal terminé par une longue crinière, soit une postiche que l’on fixe au corset. – Enfin, le harnais de tête auquel se fixe le mords, qui vient se loger entre les dents, permettant de guider la ponygirl et interdisant physiquement la parole. Un seul mot prononcé constitue une faute grave. L’autre intérêt du mors est de faire abondamment saliver, humiliation particulièrement appréciée des soumises et des maîtres. Enfin, la ponygirl est prête. Ne peuvent se réclamer de la vraie famille des ponygirls, les femelles en en appartement. C’est à l’air libre, frissonnant et suant à ciel ouvert, que l’on atteint le sommet de cet art, où la domination se mêle à l’exhibition. Hormis le harnais, le corps de la ponygirl est toujours nu, offert à la vue et à la main qui récompense ou punit. Assis dans le sulky, le maître quant à lui est un voyeur actif, fier de son équidé et du joug qu’il exerce. Son autorité est indiscutable, alors parfois le fouet claque et mord la chair de l’indocile.J’avoue parfois faire la rebelle exprès, pour être punie mais aussi pour inverser le pouvoir. En Angleterre dans les clubs, on laisse en général ce genre d’opération à la discrétion de quelques grooms et palefreniers, souvent passionnés, Bayan Escort qui traitent la ponygirl comme ils auraient traité une jument au paddock avant de la monter. La relation entre la jument et son maître est basée sur la confiance. Entravée et réduite au silence, la femelle doit se sentir en sécurité pour obéir sereinement. Obéir c’est à dire ramper à quatre pattes, les reins cambrés, la taille creusée et la croupe offerte à l’œil et à la main du maître. Tendre tous ses muscles dans un formidable élan, et mettre en branle cette voiture, transpirer, souffler et baver… d’effort et mais encore d’excitation. Pour ces femmes qui, des heures durant, sont en position de soumission, seins, fesses et sexe en parade, orifices prisonniers et disponibles, la moindre pression sur les rênes circulant à travers le réseau de cuir du savant harnachement, transforme chaque mouvement en aiguillon de désir. Les relations sexuelles ne sont jamais totalement exclues, mais elles ne constituent, en aucun cas, un préalable ou une condition. A partir du moment où le jeu commence, les femmes sont des ponygirls. Entre hommes, ils parlent de nous en décrivant notre anatomie avec des mots tels que croupe, gueule, mamelles, panse, etc. Un étranger peut lui flatter la croupe, le haut des cuisses, palper ses mamelles, mais cela s’arrêtera là.Il s‘agit avant tout d’une sexualité mise en scène, d’une forme d’exhibitionnisme très stylisée. Les ponygirls semblent précisément éprouver une fierté liée à leur corps, mais aussi à leur performance physique, qui en font une catégorie de soumises à part. Elles se sentent de fait moins esclaves qu’a****les, entretenant un rapport mystérieusement complice avec leur partenaire. Je trouve cela très esthétique, très gracieux. J’aimerais faire partager ma passion au plus grand nombre, et trouver d’autres ponygirls pour composer un attelage multiple. Cependant si certains adeptes de l’attelage humain se prennent très au sérieux, rien n’empêche quiconque d’expérimenter cette pratique avec le recul du second degré, dans le but ludique de varier les plaisirs de soumission ou de domination. A défaut de brider nos fantasmes, prenons la bride. Michelemimi –

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Evening before Thanksgiving

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Evening before ThanksgivingFor those who want to jump to the sex part, I placed in capital letters “SEX PART” at that portion of the story.Brett, as any good employer, let everyone go as early as possible on the evening before we give thanks. He would remain late and close, so he would be late getting home. Agness and I left early enough to enjoy the deer, and turkeys feeding in the freshly cut corn fields. The pre-dawn sky displayed several hues of blue. To the west the light blue turned aqua just before streaks of violet, reds, oranges and eventually yellow where the sun touched the earth. Geese littered the sky as they too were descending on the grain fields for their evening meal. The most delightful scene was my exquisite wife Agness sitting next to me. She was holding my hand as always enjoying the hour long ride to Brett’s place. Tonight we would wait for Brett at a local restaurant. Agness and I orderd some whiskey; hers on the rocks, mine neat. About 30 minutes later Brett arrives. He looked out of place in his business suit as everyone else was in casual attire. The young attractive waitress escorted him to our table and looked astonished as Brett bent over and gave Agness a nice hello kiss. The kind a couple in love would share. I glanced around and noticed other patrons looking with disbelief stares. All the time we were there I could see others looking and whispering about what they saw. I could imagine they became either more assured, or confused as we left. With Brett escourting Agness out as I followed behind as a CUCKOLD hubby should. Brett seated my wife in his SUV and they departed for his place. I took my time, and stopped to pick up a few items at the store. I know that Brett and Agness enjoy being alone at times, if only for 30 minutes. If Brett wants more he will send me to a bar, or on occasion tell me to come back in the morning. Agness was sitting on the red couch (where Brett had first seduced her years ago) looking as lovely as possible, yet I noticed a disconcerting look on her face. I thought I felt and seen something during dinner. I asked how she was, knowing the answer, she confirmed she was feeling a little out-of-sorts. Agness had decided on wine this evening and was looking at Brett’s wine list as he excused himself to take a shower and get casual. About 10 minutes later he came out in the most casual Escort of outfits, naked except for a towel d****d over his shoulders like a cape. He definately had found his superhero (Commando Sausage) outfit. For those who are curious as to how to select your superhero name; the first is your underware you are presently wearing, the last is what you had for breakfast. By the way Agness is Bikini Muffin. Mine (Donald Cuck) is Boxer Coffee…….Brett, stood before us with his flaccid cock hanging at mouth level and informed Agness that the list did not contain his recent purchases. He rattled off about a dozen names which included Sailor’s Grave. He had picked up several bottles of Sailor’s Grave knowing it is one of my wife’s favorite. As he was talking, I noticed Agness glancing at his cock and it appeared to have a calming effect on her troubled face. She had confided while Brett was in the shower that she was not sure she felt good enough to be intimate tonight. The thought of disappointing Brett weighed heavy on her. “SEX PART”Brett poured us some wine and asked if she wanted her’s flavored. For mine, he does not ask, he just places his cock in the glass and swirls the glass around, coating his cock with wine. Before handing me my glass he allows me to lick and suck his cock clean. Agness said yes and Brett done the same for her. When he removed her wine glass he looked down at Agness and waited for her to decide which of us would clean his cock. My wife pulled herself to the edge of the couch and Brett got a smile on his face as his cock grew as Agness opened her mouth. My wife’s tongue came out as her MAN pushed his cock into her warm moist mouth. Brett let her enjoy his cock for about a minute before removing it telling Agness, “You got me clean enough for now, babe”. He then flavored mine and allowed me the privalage of cleaning him afterwards. Brett took a seat next to Agness and placed his arm around her. She cuddled up next to him and he kissed her as he told her he missed her last week (Brett was out of state all last week). As we sat talking I asked if I could push the coffee table back. Since our sexual relationship began, I have always had the privalage to take Brett’s cock in my mouth at any time if it is exposed. This does not apply when he is making love to her except when he is eating her. Brett said, “Later”. Escort Bayan They both looked comfortable sitting there, his right arm around my wife and her left hand exhibiting Brett’s ring (read and watch the Valentine’s story, pics, and video for an explanation) settled near his groin. I obediently sat back and listened as Brett relayed stories of his vacation with his family to my wife. Brett was showing Agness pictures from his vacation and Agness had her hand wrapped around his cock, as she listened to her lover’s stories.Brett finished and asked Agness if she wanted a show. She replied, “I always love your shows.” Brett motioned for me to take my seat beside my wife. He climbed on the sofa and pushed my head down, telling me to lick his balls. I did what he demanded and when he pushed me further, I found myself licking and kissing the area between his sack and anus. I heard a slight moan escape from my wife as she watched my friend dominate me. This has always turned her on. As soon as she moaned, Brett told her to remove her panties. Her slight illness was overcome by her excitement of watching her “SHOW”. At the same time he pulled back and directed his hard cock at my mouth. He forced it in me and then withdrew it. He did this several times. After each withdraw he would slap my face a few times with his prick. Agness was now watching and moaning as she played with Bretts balls. Brett asked if she wanted FUCKED, and my wife immediately said YES.Brett wasted no time and stepped off the couch and between my wife’s spread legs. Her pussy was covered in juices that had seeped from her tight little pussy. Her “SHOW” got her ready for some hard fucking. Brett spanked her clit with his prick rubbing his throbbing head around her lips occasionally coating his head with her juices. Then, he looked at my wife’s wanting face and drove his prick to the hilt. Agness let out a sound of both pain and pleassure. Brett waited a second and then slowly withdrew ’till almost out, then drove his cock deep again causing the pain and pleasure sound again. Brett repeated this procedure repeatedly until only the sounds of her pleassure were filling the air. As she became accustomed to the rythem and thrust, Brett quickened the pace. Within a few minutes my friend Brett was furiously fucking my wife Agness. She seemed to be in a Bayan Escort different world as her MAN claimed and used her as his. After Agness had several intense orgasms, Brett pulled his cock that was covered in my wife’s cum, from her soaking wet pussy. Her dress was soaked from the pussy juices that Brett had made gush from her tight pussy.Brett reached his arms out and Agness took his hands. He pulled her from her slumped position to sitting straight up. His cock was now inches from her face. She knew what he wanted and did so without hesitation. She belonged to Brett and would do anything to satisfy him. Brett leaned his head back, eyes closed and a smile on his face as my wife began licking and sucking his cum covered cock. As Agness sucked his vein rigid cock, Brett just about came several times. Each time he would pull his prick from Agness’ mouth as she sucked hard to keep it in. He would pull it out and Agness tongue would lap at the tip as he stoked his cock in front of Agness. He repeated this process several times. After edging and building up a HUGE LOAD, Brett told Agness not to swallow this time. He told her to keep all his cum in her mouth and to kiss Donald and share his cum with me. Agness nodded her head and Brett pushed his cock in her mouth. Agness was sucking hard and by the movements of her cheeks, I could tell her tongue was dancing under his mushroom head. Brett’s legs began to quiver and his breathing intensified. Agness had one hand tightly wrapped around his shaft and the other hand was lightly running her fingernails over Brett’s balls. Brett let out a loud moan as his legs began to wobble, I could see Agness’ cheeks swell up like a chipmunk. Cum was oozing out around Brett’s cock as he pulled it from her luscious lips, shooting one last spurt on my wife’s chin. Agness and I immediately kissed and she shoved several tablespoons of cum into my mouth. I swallowed most and pushed some back into my wife’s mouth. We danced our tongues around each others mouths coating them with this dominate MAN’s jucies. Both of us loving that he allows us to please him. After we finished including me licking her chin clean, we looked over at Brett. He was sitting on the loveseat, his legs still trembling as he watched us eagerly devour his seed. Agness and I both said, “Thank You” to Brett at the same time.We do hope all who read this, enjoy taking a look into our lives. And if Brett’s neighbors ever dared to look, they could easily watch. Because Brett left the blinds open and enough lights on that neighbors or anyone walking/driving by could watch a SHOW.

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Love hurts .. Yes I paint houses

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Love hurts .. Yes I paint housesI guess it was my own fault,she resisted at first but I was persistent.. Baby just once I want to watch you fuck a huge black cock while I watch. You love me don’t you? Yes she always replied. So one warm July night it happened. We were sitting on our porch after several drinks and he stood walking towards her she didn’t hesitate she reached for his zipper. One of our biggest requirements was a thick cock over 10 inches. She held his cock with both hands and it still had 6 inches for her to suck I was guessing it was close to 11 or 12 inches. She glanced at me often shoving as much of his black cock in her throat as she could . Daddy she said this bbc is gonna ruin your pussy.. Our thing was we do nothing alone! Meaning our decision we make as one. After a few months Escort I began to notice a change in her. We would fuck or some kinda kinky stuff several times a week. All she wanted to do now was just jerk me off a few times a week. I asked again.. is there something wrong? No baby she always replied. The affection wasn’t there like it use to be and I didn’t like it. Was she cheating I thought. No way I always told her she could have anything she liked man woman anything just will me first. So i sat my plan in motion. I told her I had to go to work for a few hours that I would return. Knowing I’m at work and can’t have my phone I had it all figured out. So Saturday morning came and I said baby I gotta gonin fir a few hours I won’t be long and when I return we can go to gym. Away I went.. I Escort Bayan waited about 45 minutes and pulled down our long drive way stopping around the corner not to be heard . My suspicion was confirmed. His car was in drive way .. I reached to open the front door which wasn’t even all the way closed and thought what the fuck. Walking towards our bedroom in the hall way was a big picture that I could see the reflection of our bed in. And before my eyes there it was.. He was pounding my wife’s Pussy her landless in his shoulders he was taking long deep hard strokes. She was moaning loudly telling him fuck me hard baby .. i entered the room and stood there . They didn’t even see me . I’m gonna cum on that big nigger dick she said… I left the room . I was numb hurt shocked and infuriated. Bayan Escort I went to my car and grabbed my pistol from under seat I kinda smiled knowing what was about to happen whistling i entered the house. A bullet is to goos for her i thought. So I stopped by kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I had. What if they are through I thought . Nope he was fucking her doggie style . He was holding her hips banging her hard her face buried in pillow . I’m pretty sure he didn’t feel the bullet enter the back of his head.. His head I had just about blowed completely off . Blood covered my whore and the walls.. well fuck I thought now I’m a murderer didn’t see that coming. I acted in a flash she turned over and said what the…. Fuck was the word she was about to say but that never happened. I slammed the knife in her face.. Her eye to be exact with such force it pinned her head to the bed . Her body lay motionless. My wife dead her liver dead my life over .. Careful what you wish for .. T Of course this is a story of fiction ..

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Wife milks me in my own mouth – A true story

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Wife milks me in my own mouth – A true storyBehind the curtainThe computer was on and my secret folder was open. She had found the videos I kept so preciously in my special folder – CEI. I knew exactly what those letters stood for. So did all those women, those voices I kept hidden in there, and the couple stories I had written over the years. But my wife didn’t know what CEI meant, she didn’t know what I wrote. Until now. My secret was out. Fuck.What did she think? How did she feel? Was she mad? Disgusted? Were we ok? Of course we were ok. We’d been together 15 years. We have good communication. We’re solid. But is this ok? Or is it out of bounds?I wanted to grab the phone, call her. Hear her voice, feel her tone. She was gone to her yoga class, she’d be back soon. I’d have to wait. What should I do? Delete? Deny? Come clean? Prepare supper, open a good bottle of wine, be loving. We hadn’t had sex in almost two weeks, too busy, too tired at the end of the day. Be gentle. Make love. Then talk.On the screen, thumbnails of dozens, and dozens of women saying exactly the same thing, an endless loop. CEI. And I wished I could listen to them all at the same time, do what they told me to do over, and over, and over again. An endless stream. And I wish I didn’t feel I needed them. I think I did.Blood rushed through. For a brief instant, I nearly forgot about my secret being out. My mind wanted to settle and sink in that singular place where these women brought me. Something between submission and control. A fragile balance. I didn’t submit to them, I chose them for what they would make me do. I wanted to do it. I was in control. But I wanted them to make things clear, to spell out exactly how things were going to happen. C. E. I. A place where I willingly embrace my unavoidable fate as they walk me through it. Conquering desire. Making it live on after the flesh is spent; a warm, thick, abundant puddle.Desire never lives through the uncontrollable contractions of climax. It vanishes like smoke. And all that’s left, a ridiculous, disgusting, foul, tepid, acrid puddle of sperm. An inconvenience. Desire never lives through. What inebriating thoughts were entertained, now shameful. What things were craved, now disgusting.But not with these sorceresses. CEI witchess. They walk me through the ruins of desire uns**thed. Whole. They protect that state of arousal from death. It’s not a tepid puddle, it’s a warm, thick load, a slutty mouthful. These sorceresses make me feel slutty, at the receiving end of male desire. Giver and taker. Complete in a fragile balance. With them, I do not fear the ruins of desire. What are you doing? Stop it. My mind toggled out of this endless loop where it wandered, back into the here and now. Make supper. Close the folder or leave it open? Leave it open.In the kitchen, preparing supper. Glass of wine to calm the nerves. Phone rings. A text from her.‘On my way! Should I grab anyhting?’She seems ok? I reply ‘Supper’s in the oven!’‘Aren’t you a darling. Let me take care of dessert, I think I know what you’d like 😉 xx’What does she mean? Does it mean what I think it does? What I hope it does?She got home. Nimble and relaxed from her yoga class. Calm. She kissed me deeply. ‘Smells good, what’s for supper?’I pour her a glass of wine. We talk, but not about IT. As though nothing had happened. Had she seen the Escort folder? Or maybe my mind was playing tricks? Had I just forgotten to close it last time I watched a few videos? It couldn’t be, it had been a while. No, she had to have seen it.At the dinner table, after a few glasses, she looks at me. Fixed gaze. ?‘So, CEI, eh? Hmm. I did not know.’I blush. Her eyes still on me. I was about to say something, I don’t know what, exactly. She stops me. ‘Shh. Don’t say anything. It’s ok. I get it. You’re a cumslut.’What did she call me? Oh fuck. ‘Yes’, I wanted to plead.‘I never knew. Were you too ashamed to tell me? You couldn’t bring yourself to ask your wife to do this. Feed you. No shame in that, my love. No shame in being a cumslut. You were afraid I would judge you. Hmmm. You do know you’re in for a treat tonight?**She rolls a joint. ‘Not for now. Bring it upstairs.’. Heart beating. A warm shower. Tensions releasing. Our naked, wet, warm bodies against one another. She takes me in her hand. Erect. Wait here. She leaves.A few minutes later: ‘Come’.She hung a sheer d**** around our baldaquin bed. The fireplace in the corner of the room radiates warmth throughout the room. Everything basked in an orange, flickering light. Bodies relaxed. ‘Lie on the bed. Here, smoke this. Then don’t you move. Fall into the dream. Don’t fear. Tonight, it’s going to happen. I’m going to make sure of it’.I obey. Take a first puff, another. She puts on a special music. Time. Slow, warped. Obsessions. She leans in. My ear, her mouth. Whispers. ‘I hope you’re still hungry. I’m going to whip up a dessert. A warm, creamy dessert. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?’ Whispering in my ear: ‘CEI Cumslut’.A shiver. She disappears behind the curtain, through the smoke a fantasy, mere silhouette. Real?I lay on the bed, completely naked, erect. The joint. I put it away. There’s disorientation, disbelief. What is happening, what is about to happen? I need to let go, complete surrender. Sink into the soft, warm bed. Letting go, knowing exactly what will happen.‘You see this d**** I placed around the bed?’Everything outside of the warm sheer, plush nest I’m in is distant, out of reach, hazy and vague. Out of focus. Glimpses of flesh. Evanescent details. She is slowly dressing up, lascive, caressing the music, the unreality of this moment floating in the air. What is she putting on?‘This d**** is there for a reason. It means something. Something very specific. When it’s up, and you’re lying in bed, you know we’re not going to make love. We won’t kiss and take our time, embrace for the sake of it. Embrace as an end in itself. No. When the d****s are up, we’re going to have one thing on our mind. One thing only. Cumsluts only have one thing on their mind. The d****s mean you’re going to indulge. And tonight, the d****s are up. I hope that’s ok with you.’I moan. ‘I’ll take that for a yes. Not that you have much choice. But how should I feel, that my husband wants this? Husband’s aren’t supposed to desire what is going to happen to you tonight. But you. You. You do want this. Oh don’t you ever. Little CEI pervert. You will willingly let your wife build up a nice, big load. You want your wife to edge you, slowly, to make sure you have a big, big mess. Am I right? As she’s talking, she slips in an open bust, crotchless bodystocking. Like in the Escort Bayan stories I wrote. Has she planned this? ‘Do you see what I’m wearing? Do you like it? I do.‘Oh, poor you. You must not know what this is, or you wouldn’t like it. This is my CEI cumslut outfit. When I’m wearing a cumslut outfit, you know I have a treat for you. Do you see, the open crotch. That’s for when I’m going to want to fuck. When I’m going to want you inside me. When I’m going to want you to take your wife, fuck her warm, wet pussy. When I’m going to want you to fill that well fucked pussy. Oh no. I’m a mess. Look what you did. Take a good look. Would you prefer a hairy mess, or a bald treat? I made this mess just for you. I’ll make those messes just for you. Eat me.‘And do you like how my heavy tits hang out? Wouldn’t it be nice to release all over them? Rope after rope of your thick seed? But then I’d be all dirty. Who would clean them up? And I think you know I don’t mean with a towel, right? Would you clean my cum drenched breasts with your cumslut mouth? Well, not that you’ll have a choice. ‘And if you look underneath the pillow, you’ll see something for you. A blindfold. For when I’m in need of a little indulging. When I’m going to want a big load in my mouth. Put the blindfold on the bed Friday night. Letting you know to keep it handy. That you’re going to need it next weekend. A whole week. And on Saturday night, I’m going to make you wear it. My mouth will slowly reach you and make love, slow, tender love, to your cock. Slowly teasing, building up the mess even more. You’ll moan and I’ll come up and kiss you. You’ll smell cock on my breath. Are you looking forward to it? What do you think is going to happen? Honey, you haven’t cum in a week, and I think I’ve been edging you. I thought I wanted you, all of you, but I think it’s going to be too much. Thank god you’re wearing the blindfold. I’m going to have to make you eat it. You’ll slowly go down on me and I’ll rarely have been so happy.‘But none of those things are for tonight, my sweet love. Tonight, I’m putting on my long, soft, silky smooth velvet gloves. Do you know how I call these gloves? My milking gloves. Do you know why? I think you can guess. Because these gloves are for milking your cock. I think you know how we’re going to make it happen. I think you’ve done it many times.’As she finishes putting on her elbow length gloves, she tilts her head back and brings her right hand above her mouth, simulating jerking a cock in her open mouth, tongue sticking out. She moans.‘In a little while, not yet, I’m going to get you to assume the cumslut position. You know the one. I just hope you won’t regret it.’I won’t.I was practically hyperventilating. Stoned, naked in bed. A voice coming from behind a mirror. Like a computer screen, distant, virtual, my wife. This was really happening.‘Look at how hard you are. I can see your heart beating in your cock. I haven’t seen you this hard in a long time. Is it my outfit that makes you this hard? Seeing my body like this. My heavy curves falling out of the bodystocking. Is it the gloves? You like seeing me wearing gloves? It must be that. Unless. No! It can’t be that. Is it? Unless it’s what I’ve just told you would happen? How I would milk you. Slowly build up a big messy load and milk your cock. Make you fill your mouth with Bayan Escort your warm, creamy, sweet load of cum. Is that what’s got you this excited? Honey, are you really a cumslut? Is my husband aroused by the thought of his wife milking his cock in his own mouth? Is this right? ‘Can you tell me how long it’s been since you came?Ten days. My mouth waters as it says it.‘Ten days. Oh fuck. I’m sorry. She is a little sorry. It does all feel dirty. I’m going to give you what you want. I’m so sorry. She’s teasing me.Tell me, would you be aroused if you fed me such a big load? Would you like it if I asked you to build a load, for me? Do you think I could be aroused by the idea of doing that? Do you think a can be a cumslut just like you?Do you remember that one time you gave me a facial? You almost never do it – only once or twice in all our years together -, but this one time, after the art opening, do you remember? When we got back home, you told me to get on my knees. We were all dressed up. I felt so submissive, your wife, your object. And you made me stay there as you finished yourself off, all over my face. I think about that time a lot. It makes me feel something. And I regret not letting you know I wanted it. Next time you do it, I’m going to make sure to let you know. I’m going to feed myself the cum on my face with your cock. I’m going to suck you clean. Does that make me a cumslut too? ‘But if you want all those things to happen, tonight and all the other, you have to do one thing. Delete the folder. Delete all the files. Get rid of those women. They cannot do a hundredth of what I can. Le me, your wife, be that woman. Be that man. If you want this, you do not have a choice.I will. All of them. In a heartbeat. We agree, and she comes in.A song ends. A new one begins. From behind the d****s, my wife, a spectral presence, crawls into bed. Shifts into focus. Touch. Becomes real.Gloved hands over my legs, up my thighs. Warmth of breath on my skin. A hand cusps my balls. Assessing. Imploring. Breath on my shaft. Please. Your mouth. Please. Up my torso. Kisses me.‘I love you so much.The d****s are hung and she is wearing her gloves. I’m going to get milked tonight. Her mouth engulfes my head. It’s inevitable.**It happened. She took off her gloves, took off her bodysuit. She looked at me, and asked me, lovingly, if I was ready, but it wasn’t a question, it was an instruction. And then she did it. I was looking straight at it. She was going to make it happen. For this I would become a better man. For this I would worship you.It happened slowly. I couldn’t stop it. My mind lost itself a little. A large inhale, and…. It was wet. Warm. An odor. She was completely naked. With me. Us. Her hand was milking me. Her skin was against mine. Her hand. In my mouth. My open mouth. One, two, eight, eleven ropes. Thick, abundant. In my mouth, on my face. On my face. The corners of my mouth, my lips all pearly white.The moment was passing. I was still flipped over. The sense were… different. The mind elsewhere. It had left where it had been. It was wet, warm. The odor. She was still there. Naked, still there, looking at me. Her eyes, her smile. The d****s. She made me lay down. A mouthful still. She didn’t need to say anything. I followed her obediently. Not as fervently as I had fantasized, but without remorse or disgust. Even with an honest pleasure. Complicity as you rune your fingers over my face, into my mouth. We kissed as the moment finally passed. She lay on me. We didn’t talk. I wanted to make love with you. You drew the curtains. I see you. With love.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Pilar und Claudia im fitness center

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Pilar und Claudia im fitness center“Hast du den fitness trainer schon mal genauer angesehen?” fragte Claudia und machte ihre übungen wie jeden tag neben Pilar.„Ja, er hat irgendwas geiles und seit dem wir jeden tag kommen, beobachtet er uns,“ antwortete Pilar.„Mir kommt da so ein gedanke. Wir könnten ihn verführen. Der macht bestimmt mit,“ sagte Claudia kichernd.„Du, da kommt er und schau mal die hose an. Hi, herr trainer. Wir brauchen ihre hilfe,“ sagte Pilar gerade heraus.„Aber klar, dafür bin ich da,“ sagte er grinsend. Pilar die mehr erfahrung in sachen sex hatte machte den anfang.„Sie haben da was tolles in der hose,“ sagte sie gerade heraus und um es noch genauer zu unterstreichen, griff sie dem trainer an die hose. Der grinste sofort.„Und ihr beiden im t-shirt,“ sagte dieser und deutete auf die hemdchen die sie an hatten. Bei beiden zeichneten sich deutlich die nippel ab.Pilar gab Claudia ein zeichen und zog mit einem ruck ihr shirt nach oben und ihre titten sprangen hervor. Claudia machte es ihr nach.„Wir haben nichts zu verbergen und sie,“ sagte Pilar und streichelte sich über ihre Brüste. Der trainer hatte mit einer bewegung die hosen herunter und beide sahen den halb steifen schwanz.„Komm Claudia, den machen wir jetzt so richtig steif. Immer wenn sie nichts dagegen haben,“ sagte Pilar verschmitzt.„Ich stehe ihnen voll zur verfügung,“ sagte er lachend und Claudia und Pilar gingen in die knie und beide verwöhnten ihn abwechselnt mit dem mund.„Aaah, ihr macht das sehr gut. Und ich dachte ihr seit lesben, aaah,“ hab euch beim duschen zu gesehen,“ gestand er und sein schwanz stand jetzt steil in die höhe.„Du hast recht wir sind lesben, Escort aber wir brauchen auch schwänze,“ sagte Pilar und stand auf. Sie führte Claudia auf eine bank, zog ihr die hosen aus und kniete sich vor sie.„Eine kleine lesbenshow gefällig, Während dir meine freundin einen bläst?“ fragte Pilar und begann Claudia zu lecken. Der trainer war begeistert.„Das nenne ich spontan sex, aaah,“ sagte der trainer und kostete die mundarbeit von Claudia voll aus. Dabei sah er gierig zu wie Pilar ihr die muschi leckte.„Das ist nicht spontan sex,“ sagte Claudia und schob sich den schwanz wieder in den mund. „Das ist dauer geil, mmmpf.“„Ja, wir lieben sex, übrigens ich bin Pilar und sie ist Claudia,“ sagte Pilar und stand auf. „Willst du sie mal schmecken?“ fragte Pilar und schob dem trainer ihre zunge in den mund.„Mmmh, geiler geschmack nach mösensaft. Aber geiler wäre es diese saftige muschi zu ficken. Ich heisse Bernd,“ sagte er und leckte sich über die mit mösensaft verschmierten lippen.„Dann wollen wir mal. Knie dich auf die liege, mein schatz,“ sagte Pilar zu Claudia und Bernd begab sich in position. „Ich steck ihn dir in deine heisse muschi.“„Du scheinst ne tolle freundin zu sein, da du ihr den vortritt gibst,“ sagte Bernd und Pilar nahm seinen penis in die hand, sie konnte sich aber nicht verkneifen ihn noch mal zu lutschen bevor sie ihn in die muschi von Claudia einführte.„Klar, ich liebe Claudia. Wenn wir mit meinem mann ficken ist sie auch die erste. Aber ich komm nicht zu kurz. Also pass auf, du musst mich auch noch ficken bevor du spritzt,“ sagte Pilar und schob sich wieder den schwanz in den mund, der aus Claudias vagina rutschte.„Liebling, Escort Bayan steck ihn mir rein. Ich bin so geil, aaah, jaaa,“ bat Claudia und stöhnte sofort auf, als sie tief in ihr den steifen schwanz fühlte.„Ist das eine geile heisse möse, aaah. Da will man doch einfach reinspritzen,“ stöhnte Bernd und bei jeder bewegung klatschten seine hoden gegen Claudia´s pelvis. Genau dies löste bei Claudia den orgasmus aus. Die sanften berührungen der hoden auf ihrer klitoris.„Ich kommm, aah, jaa,“ stöhnte Claudia und vergrub ihre fingernägel in der liege. Pilar wartete bis Claudia sich beruhigte und stiess sanft Bernd zurück und sein penis schnelzte aus den schamlippen.„Denk ja nicht dran abzuspritzen, dir fehlt noch meine möse,“ sagte Pilar und wechselte mit Claudia die plätze. Nur das sie sich auf den rücken legte.„Komm über mich, liebling. Ich lass dich noch mal kommen. Und du denk nicht dran in mich reinzuspritzen. Wir wollen deinen saft trinken,“ sagte Pilar bestimmend und alle machten was sie wollten.„Aaah, du leckst mich schon wieder zum orgasmus. Ja tief reinstecken deine zunge, uuuuh,“ stöhnte Claudia und sah zu wie der schwanz von Jorge in deren muschi stiess.Pilar spürte wie es ihr langsam kam. Seit ihren zeiten als prostituierte passierte ihr das. Sie spürte den schwanz in sich und den geschmack und den duft nach einer möse. Sie konnte es nicht aufhalten und sie kam zum orgasmus.„Ich kommme,“ schrie sie und vergrub ihr gesicht zwischen Claudias schenkel. Ihre muschi zuckte so stark, das sie den penis von Bernd heraus stiess.„Warum hast du aufgehöhrt mich zu lecken. Ich wäre fast gekommen,“ klagte Claudia und ihre finger Bayan Escort wirbelten über ihre klitoris.„Ich hab gespritzt,“ sagte Pilar und sah wie Bernd um sie herum kam.„Ich kann noch, komm ich lass dich ab spritzen,“ sagte er und setzt sich Claudia auf seinen schwanz, der sofort in ihr verschwand.Claudia machte es sehr behutsam, sie liess nur die eichel in ihre muschi, damit Bernd länger aushielt.„Spritz mir nicht rein, Pilar und ich wollen deinen saft auf unsere titten,“ sagte Claudia und ritt langsam auf ihn.„Keine angst, noch kann ich mich beherrschen,“ antwortete Bernd und spürte wie Pilar seine eier massierte.„Ja, sie sind voll mit saft,“ sagte Pilar und leckte gleichzeitig am schaft des schwanze´s. Dann züngelte sie wieder an der rosette von Claudia.„Aaah, schön. Steck mir deine zungenspitze in meinen arsch, aaah,“ bat Claudia und spürte wie sie langsam wieder kam.„Jetzt bin ich gleich soweit, aaah. Wenn ihr es so wollt muss ich hier raus,“ stöhnte Bernd und zog rasch seinen penis aus Claudias Muschi.„Dann wichs uns voll,“ sagte Claudia und setzte sich neben Pilar auf den Boden. Bernd nahm seinen schwanz in die hand und fing über den beiden an zu wichsen.„Lass es spritzen,“ sagte Pilar und näherte sich dem schwanz. Claudia schmiegte sich an sie und beide bearbeiteten den steifen mit ihren zungen.„Aaah, jetzt, mmmh,“ schrie Bernd und in einigen strahlen schoss sein sperma auf die beiden.„Mmmh, schmeckt das gut,“ sagte Claudia, die einen strahl voll in den mund bekam„Ja, sehr gut. Geil einen schwanz zu lutschen, der nach muschi und sperma schmeckt,“ sagte Pilar und luschte und leckte am schwanz von Bernd.Claudia leckte an Pilar´s brüsten die voll mit sperma waren, den rest massierte sie ein und zum schluss leckte sie sich genüsslich die finger.Bernd zog sich an und die beiden verschwanden in der dusche. Es war nicht das letzte mal, das sie ihren trainer vernaschten.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Frau Doktor, Teil 2

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Frau Doktor, Teil 2Frau Doktor, Teil 2Frau Doktor hielt den Stahldildo in Christinas nasser, gierige Pussy. Mit ihrer dunklen Stimme fragte die Ärztin Christina, ob sie bereit wäre für den ersten Behandlungsschritt. Eigentlich wollte Christina Sylvie einfach nur anfauchen, sie gefälligst weiter zu ficken – sie war so kurz vorm kommen gewesen, soooo kurz! Stattdessen nickte sie, fast schüchtern, und bejahte. Die schöne Rothaarige winkte ihre Assistentin zu sich. Die ging wortlos aber mit süßem Lächeln hinter dem Instrumentenwagen in die Hocke, legte eine Hand an einen Kasten, dessen Bedeutung Christina nicht verstand…noch nicht!„Yvonne, gurrte der Rotfuchs, wir beginnen mit Stufe 5. Auf meine Aufforderung hin, erhöhst du jeweils um eine Stufe!“ Yvonne schaute von untenher ihre Chefin an :“Stufe 5, dann jeweils um eine Stufe erhöhen – sehr gern!“ Christina hörte ein leises Summen und gleichzeitig begann der Stahlphallus leicht in ihr zu vibrieren. Aber da war noch etwas, ein unbekanntes Gefühl: es kribbelte in ihrer nassen Muschi. Das Gefühl war nicht unangenehm….aber warum das so war, verstand sie noch nicht ganz. Es war ihr auch egal, denn inzwischen bewegte sich der Dildo wieder langsam aber stetig hin und her. Nach einer Weile, in der Christina am liebsten darum gebettelt hätte, wieder härter gefickt zu werden, wandtes sich Sylvie an ihre Assistentin: „Weiter!“ Christina bemerkte das Kribbeln jetzt stärker, ein angenehmes Gefühl! Nach einiger Zeit langsamen Ficken dann das nächste „Weiter!“ Christina atmete erschrocken tief ein: das Kribbeln war jetzt kein angenehmer Hintergrund mehr, es war deutlich zu spüren. Doch nach einer Weile war das ein Gefühl, das ihr den Fick noch mehr versüßte! „Weiter!“ Christina schrie leise auf: das Kribbeln war jetzt sehr kräftig, es schmerzte sogar leicht … da der Dildo jedoch weiter in ihr bewegt wurde, mischte sich der leichte Schmerz mit dem trägen aber sehr sinnlichen Gefühl des poppens. „Weiter!“ Christina schrie auf: „Hee, das tut weh! Aufhören!“ Was aufhörte, war das Hin- und Herbewegen des Instrumentes – was blieb, war der Schmerz. Frau Doktor schaute Christina an: „Das hier ist als Teil der Behandlung leider unerlässlich! Am besten, du versuchst an etwas Angenehmes zu denken, ja?!“ Christina nickte nur, etwas in Sylvies Stimme machte ihr klar, das Widerworte bei der Ärztin kein Gehör finden würden. Der Stahlkolben bewegte sich wieder hin und her und raus, glänzend-nass von Christinas nasser Fotze. Wieder gewöhnte sich die triebhafte Patientin an den Schmerz, wieder vermischten sich Schmer und Lust zu einer Mischung die …ja, auch wenn sie es kaum glauben konnte: Christina war wieder kurz vor einem Orgasmus! „Weiter!“ Der Schmerz kam sofort und war sehr intensiv. Christina spürte, wie ihre zarte, enge Muschi sich verkrampfte. Nie vorher hatte sie ein solches Schmerzempfinden! Sie schrie, warf den Kopf hin und her, versuchte, um Gnade zu betteln. Durch die Krämpfe, durch den Schmerz spürte sie die Bewegungen des Dildos. Irgendwo in ihrem Verstand stellte sie fest, dass sie noch immer gefickt wurde – und dass es geil war! Ab einem gewissen Zeitpunkt hielten sich Schmerz und Lust wieder die Waage. Christina hatte konnte es nicht verstehen, wie sich Gefühle, Escort die sie nie vorher in Zusammenhang gebracht hatte, sie derartig geil machen konnten. Das war mehr als ein spielerisches Kneifen der Brustwarzen oder ein fester Klaps auf den Po beim Liebesspiel…sie kannte beides und mochte es! Aber das hier? Unglaublich! Sie kam – schreiend, zuckend, unkontrolliert…Nach diesem erschöpfenden Orgasmus lag Christina im GynStuhl, die Pussy schmerzte noch etwas, aber dieser leichte Schmerz war ihr angenehm, eine Erinnerung an den ersten unter Schmerzen erlebten Abgang den sie hatte…. Mit sanfte Fingerspitzen zeichnete Frau Doktor die Konturen der duftenden Muschi vor ihr nach, einer noch immer leicht zuckenden, zitternden Vagina. Trotz ihrer Erschöpfung riss Christina die Augen auf, als sich eine Zungenspitze zärtlich aber unglaublich gekonnt um ihre geschwollene Klitoris wand…nur ein, zwei Augenblicke lang, dann hörte die Ärztin wieder auf. Und Christina verstand, dass das ihre Belohnung dafür war, die Behandlung bis zum Ende ertragen zu haben. Yvonne kam zum Kopfende des Stuhls, vorsichtig tupfte sie Christinas schweißnasse Stirn trocken, Sie beugte sich vor, hauchte ihr einen zarten Kuss auf die Braue, auf die Nasenspitze…plötzlich war ihre kleine Zunge in Christinas Mund, ein Kuss, der zunehmend intensiver, gieriger wurde. Wie gern hätte sie Yvonne jetzt umarmt und gestreichelt – doch ihre Hände waren noch immer am Stuhl fixiert. Der Kuss endete abrupt mit einem kräftigen, doppelten Klatschen und dem gedämpften Aufschrei Yvonnes. Frau Doktor stand mit leichtem Kopfschütteln hinter Yvonne, der sie zwei schnelle aber kräftige Klapse auf den süßen kleinen Arsch gegeben hatte: „Nanana, Yvonnchen! Nicht geil werden, wir sind hier noch nicht fertig. Komm, mach dich nützlich. Das Rektum unsere Patientin erfordert deine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit!“ Yvonne huschte lächelnd zum anderen Ende des Behandlungsstuhl, schnappte sich einen Hocker…und brachte Christina in nicht einmal drei Minuten durch ein gekonntes, leidenschaftliches Zungenanal zum schnurren! Die schöne Ärztin indes verstellte mit einem Knopfdruck das Rückenteil des Stuhls, stellte es weiter nach unten, korrigierte dann noch einmal die Höhe…und stellte sich mit gespreizten Beinen über Christinas Gesicht. Die sah eine schöne, rasierte Pussy über sich, die einen perfekt getrimmte Landing Strip hatte, links und rechts von der Klit bis zum zarten Damm dicht an dicht mit kleinen, goldenen Ringen geschmückt war und die verführerisch duftete. Die langen, sehr langen Beine links und rechts von Christinas Kopf gingen ganz leicht in die Knie….und diese göttliche Fotze war in der richtigen Höhe, um von ihr leidenschaftlich geleckt zu werden. Gleichzeitig tanzte Yvonnes Zunge über Christinas Sternchen, leckte, drang ab und zu in sie ein….es war sehr geil! Christina gierte inzwischen unglaublich nach nem Arschfick, besonders, weil das ihre mit Abstand liebste Sexpraktik war, egal, ob sie nun mit Jungs, Mädels oder beiden Spaß hatte. Über Christinas Gesicht stöhnt leise die schöne Ärztin, rieb ab und an ihre beringte Muschi an Christians Mund…dann drückte Sylvie die Knie durch…die Muschi war für Christina jetzt unerreichbar, dabei wollte sie so gern Escort Bayan den Geschmack weiter genießen! Eine Zeit lang bewunderte sie die üppig gepiercte Pussy, schnupperte den herrlichen Duft, der sie einfach nur anmachte. Plötzlich bewegten sich die Schamlippen über ihr fast unmerklich und einige goldene Tropfen fielen auf Christinas Lippen, die sich wie von selbst öffneten. „Die piss mich an!“, schoß es ihr durch das hübsche Köpfchen. Sie leckte sich die nassen Lippen, spürte dem leicht herben, leicht salzigen Geschmack nach. Sie hatte noch nie Sektspielchen erlebt, sie hatte auch -trotz ihrer sehr tabuarmen Einstellung- nie einen Gedanken daran verschwendet. Und nun war sie nach ein paar Tropfen, einigen Spritzern so angefixt, dass sie kurz davor war, um mehr davon zu betteln. Längst war sie wieder so geil wie vor der Behandlung, was natürlich auch am perfektem Rimjob lag, den Yvonne machte.Sylvie schwang eines ihrer langen Beine über Christinas Kopf und ging zu Yvonne. „Und, alles vorbereitet?“ Yvonnes hübsches Gesicht erschien zwischen Christinas schlanken Schenkeln: „Ja, Frau Doktor, sie ist soweit!“ Frau Doktor nahm einen Plug mit Strassstein vom Tisch, hielt ihn in Richtung Christinas Hintern. Zufrieden nickte sie und führte das Teil mit geübter Bewegung in Christinas willigen Po ein. Unmittelbar danach löste Yvonne die Fixierung Christinas. Sylvie saß schon wieder auf ihrem Sessel, das viel zu kurze Latexkleid wieder zurechtgezupft. Mit etwas wackligen Knien stand ihre Patientin auf, Sylvie winkte sie mit dem Zeigfinger zu sich und bedeutete ihr, Platz zu nehmen. Wortlos stellte Yvonne zwei neue, gefüllte Cognacschwenker vor Ärztin und Patientin, dazu eine weiteres schwarzes, elegantes Cigarillo. Langsam stieß Sylvie den Rauch aus. Dann erklärte sie lächelnd: „Deine erste Behandlung war durchaus zufriedenstellend, doch es ist noch ein langer Weg…!“ Ein langer Weg wohin? Noch bevor Christina fragen konnte, fuhr Sylvie fort: „Wenn du weiter in meiner Behandlung sein möchtest, wirst du, wenn ich mit dir zufrieden bin, auch einen Nasenstecker tragen dürfen – und eine von allen langweiligen, störenden Hemmungen und sexuellen Tabus befreite Frau sein, eine Frau, die ihre Lust ohne Bedenken lebt und genießt! Wenn du diesen Weg gehen willst, erwarte ich, dass du dem, was ich fordere, ohne Widerworte Folge leistet. Tust du es nicht, fühlst du dich überfordert oder ungeduldig, endet deine Behandlung. Sage also jetzt nicht ja oder nein, melde dich morgen Mittag bei Yvonne oder Andrea. Du sagst nur deinen Namen und ja oder nein, alles andere folgt dann! Oh, was den Plug angeht, zwei Dinge: er ist ein Geschenk…und er bleibt bis Mitternacht, wo er ist …. Und morgen früh, bevor du zur Arbeit gehst, wirst du ihn wieder tragen! Nach deinem Anruf darfst du ihn dann rausnehmen…oder drin lassen, ganz wie du magst. Aber ich habe so das Gefühl, du wirst ihn drin lassen!“ Sylvie stand auf, küsste Christina auf die Stirn und verließ den Behandlungsraum.Christina stand auf, schaute etwas ratlos…und stellte fest, dass ihr der Plug ein merkwürdiges Gefühl gab, nicht direkt unangenehm aber eben unbekannt… Sie ging auf Yvonne zu, nahm sie in die Arme und fragte leise: „He, hast du Lust, mit mir Bayan Escort noch was trinken zu gehen…und vielleicht ein bisschen zu vögeln? Ich bin immer noch derartig geil … oder schon wieder, keine Ahnung!“Yvonne schaute sie an: „Das darf ich nicht, noch nicht, Süsse! Ich würde so gern aber es ist nicht gestattet!“ Sie küsste Christina sanft auf den Mund, drehte sich dann um und begann aufzuräumen. Dabei musste sie sich tief bücken, das Kleidchen rutschte über ihren kleinen, hübschen Hintern. Durch die gespreizten Beine konnte Christina Yvonne mit einer gewissen Gier beobachten. Auch im Po der niedlichen Brünetten steckte ein Plug, dessen Strasskopf funkelte. Ein Intimpiercing war ebenfalls zu sehen: nahe der Klit und nahe des Damms war je ein etwas größerer stählerner Ring zu sehen, zwischen diesen Ringen verlief diagonal eine kleine Kette, ebenfalls aus Stahl. Christina wunderte sich: sollte das so eine Art angedeuteter Keuschheitsgürtel sein? Sie zog sich an und verließ den Raum. Im Foyer saß die verführerische Andrea. Christina fragte aber gar nicht erst nach nem Date, da sie annahm, auch hier ein „Ich darf nicht!“ zu hören. Andrea stand auf, ging auf die neue Patientin zu: „War es sehr schlimm? Ich habe die jammern hören!“ Sie nahm Christina in die Arme, streichelte sie. Gerade als die Patientin antworte wollte, flüsterte Andrea „Dein Jammern hat mich ziemlich feucht gemacht! Schade, dass wir nicht ficken dürfen – noch nicht!“Andrea verpasste ihr einen Klaps auf den Po: „Sag ja morgen…du wirst es nicht bereuen! Sooooo viel wirklich geiles Vögeln, Wahnsinn!“Christina knurrte innerlich, erst hochgefahren, dann einen Orgasmus unter Qualen (auch wenn sie das Erlebnis nicht mehr missen wollte) dann „sektsüchtig“ gemacht und wieder viehisch geil aus der Behandlung entlassen – und drei zwar vom Typ her unterschiedliche Frauen, die aber erstens alle sehr sexy und zweitens offenbar alle mindestens bi waren, gaben ihr einen Korb?! Sie verließ die elegante Praxis, stieg, halb zornig, halb enttäuscht und ganz und gar geil, in ihr Auto…und stöhnte auf! Sie hatte gar nicht mehr an den Plug gedacht. Jetzt fiel er ihr wieder ein und ooohh, das fühlte sich gut an! Sie bewegte ihren Hintern leicht auf dem Autositz hin und her und spürte, wie ihre Nippel schon wieder hart wurden. Nur eins war ihr auch klar: kommen würde sie nur durch den Plug nicht. Stattdessen würde das Teil sie einfach nur permanent geil halten. Sie schaute auf die Uhr. Verdammt, erst kurz vor zwanzig Uhr! Noch vier Stunden mit dem Teil?? Sie würde durchdrehen!Sie schnappte sich ihr Handy….Denise! Die hatte ihr das hier „eingebrockt“ also sollte sie ihren hübschen runden Arsch und ihre großen Titten besser ganz flott zu Christinas Wohnung bewegen: Rotwein, Spielzeugkiste, Bett! Und eine Sekunde nach Mitternacht: Plug raus und Dildo rein! Sie rief Denise an, die konnte gerade mal „Hallo!“ sagen, da sprudelte es der notgeilen Christina heraus: „Du kleines geiles Miststück! Ich war bei deiner Ärztin! Eyy, ich derart heftig gekommen – aber jetzt bin ich schon wieder geil! In ner halben Stunde bin ich zuhause….und du solltest deinen süßen Arsch da besser auch hinbewegen….ich muss dringend geleckt, gefingert und gefickt werden, klar?!“Denise kam endlich dazu, zu antworten: „Süsse, ich komme gern auf nen Wein vorbei und wir können quatschen! Aber ich darf nicht mit dir ficken, sie hat es verboten! Bis du angerufen hast morgen, darf niemand aus ihrem Stall mit dir vögeln!“

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