Aus der Schulzeit: Kapitel 3 – Dorle

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Aus der Schulzeit: Kapitel 3 – DorleAus der Schulzeit: Kapitel 3 – DorleSeit diesem Tag besorgte ich es Eva-Marie (jetzt nur noch kurz Evi) ein bis zwei Mal im Monat. Das verrückte war, dass sie sich in Mathe um zwei Notenstufen verbesserte. Evi hatte inzwischen einen festen Freund, aber auf ihre Mathenachhilfe wollte sie nicht verzichten. Mit ihrer Mutter Dorle war ich zwischenzeitlich per Du. Und das passierte so: Wir trafen uns einmal zufällig in der Stadt und sie lud mich zum Kaffee in eine Espressobar ein. Ein Plätzchen am Rand war wie für uns gemacht. Wir unterhielten uns prächtig und wir stiegen auf Grappa um. „Noch einen Grappa und ich habe mich nicht mehr so richtig im Griff“, gestand mir Dorle. – „Und was passiert dann?“ fragte ich sie neugierig.“ – „Wenn ich zu viel Alkohol trinke bekomme ich Lust.“ – „Kann ich Dir da helfen?“ – „In 15 Minuten bei mir zu Hause. Evi ist heute auswärts, sie schläft bei ihrem Freund. Und einen Mann habe ich nicht, wie Du bestimmt weist.“ Ohne ein weiteres Wort stand sie auf und ging voraus. Ich zahlte und folgte ihr langsam. Hoffentlich hatte ich meine Klappe nicht zu voll genommen.Liebe Freunde: Vergesst nicht, ich war noch ein junger Mann und die Zeiten waren Andere. Es gab kein Internet und kein „xhamster“, von wo man aus mit Verführ- und Bumstechniken versorgt wurde. Ich hatte zwar schon das eine oder andere gleichaltrige Mädchen verführt und beglückt aber eine erfahrene Frau war etwas Anderes. Da träumt man davon, aber wenn es soweit ist, sieht alles ganz anders aus.Pünktlich klingelte ich an ihrer Haustür. Sie bat mich herein. Kaum war die Tür geschlossen begrüßte sich mich mit einem nassen Kuss, mit einem sehr nassen Kuss. „Ich möchte mit Dir duschen, magst Du das?“ Ich nickte: Sie nahm mich an die Hand und zog mich Richtung Badezimmer. Dort angekommen, drehte sie sich um ihre eigene Achse und rief: „Bitte bediene Dich und ziehe mich aus. Und dann mache mit mir was Du willst!“Ich stand vor Dorle und schaute sie von oben bis unten an. Sie war 1,75 groß und geschätzte 62 Kilo schwer. Ihr blondes, gelocktes Haar fiel auf ihre Schultern. Geschminkt war sie dezent. Um ihren zarten Hals trug sie ein Goldkettchen. Ihre weite Bluse kaschierte nicht wirklich ihren großen Busen und ihre runden Hüften mit dem leichten Bauch. Ein weißer BH schimmerte durch die Bluse. Ihr lindgrüner Rock war der damaligen Mode nach kurz und zeigte mir ein tolles Fahrgestell. Das durfte ich ja schon bei meinem ersten Besuch bewundern. Sie trug eine Strumpfhose und nicht zu hohe Sandaletten. Und diese tolle Frau durfte ich jetzt ausziehen!„Du schaust mich so an, gefalle ich Dir nicht?“ – „Oh doch, Du bist wunderschön“, Escort antwortete ich ehrlich. In diesem Augenblick war sie die schönste Frau der Welt für mich. „Hast Du schon einmal mit einer älteren Frau geschlafen?“ – Peng! Was jetzt? „Nein noch nie“, mit Ehrlichkeit kommt man weiter. „Bist Du nervös?“ Ich schaute sie an und nickte. „Alles andere hätte ich Dir auch nicht geglaubt. Komm, zieh mich jetzt aus! Ich bin genauso gebaut wie Evi, bei mir ist alles an der gleichen Stelle. Und ich mag es, wenn ich langsam entblättert werde. Du darfst mich auch gerne ganz genau, mit allem was Du hast, untersuchen.“Ich legte meine Arme auf ihre runden Hüften und küsste sie. Sie umarmte mich fest und führte meine Hand an ihre Brust. „Streichle meine Brüste“, wies sie mich an. Zärtlich strich ich durch Bluse und BH über ihre Brust. Ich fühlte, dass ihre Brustwarze hart wurde. Meine andere Hand ging auf Wanderschaft zu ihrem Hintern. Ein gestöhntes „Ja, mach weiter“, gab mir Sicherheit. Ich knöpfte ihre Bluse auf und genoss jeden kleinen Flecken Haut, den ich sah. Ich zog die Bluse aus ihren Rock und öffnete auch die letzten beiden Knöpfe. Sie präsentierte mir stolz ihr großen Brüste, die noch von einem BH gehalten wurden. Ich bedeckte ihre Brust mit meinen Küssen. Die Bluse ließ Dorle nach hinten herunterfallen. Ich versuchte mich an ihrem BH-Verschluss und war überrascht, dass ich die drei Haken so schnell aufbekam. Sie hielt die beiden Körbchen fest und schaute mich verschmitzt an. „Wieviel BHs hast Du schon aufgemacht?“ – „Nicht viele“, war meine Antwort, „die meisten Mädchen haben kleinere Brust und tragen keinen!“ Sie zog die Körbchen von ihren Brüsten: „Deine Belohnung!“ Ihre Titten waren umwerfend. Groß und fest und die Erdanziehung hatte noch nicht richtig zugeschlagen. Und diese Möpse waren echt, nicht so wie heute! Ich vergrub mein Gesicht zwischen den Titten und küsste und knetete sie. Als ich sie ansah, lächelte sie mich an. „Es ist schön, von Dir so gierig geküsst zu werden“, war ihr Kommentar.Den Reißverschluss ihres Rockes hatte ich gleich heruntergezogen und ich half ihr den Rock auszuziehen. Sie stieg aus ihren Sandaletten und zog die Strumpfhose selbst aus. Jetzt stand sie nur noch im Slip vor mir. Ich fiel auf die Knie und zog die Konturen ihres Slips nach. Als ich die Innenseite ihrer Oberschenkel hochfuhr, hielt sie kurz den Atem an. Mit meinem Mund näherte ich mich ihrer Möse. Ich küsste sie durch ihren Slip, meine Zunge schob ich ab und zu vor, um ihre Spalte zu lecken. Meine Hände lagen auf ihrem Hintern und massierten ihn. Sie presste ihre Möse ganz fest an mein Gesicht. „Leck bitte meine Muschi“, hörte Escort Bayan ich sie sagen. Ich zog ihren Slip herunter und meine Lippen küssten ihre blonde, leicht behaarte Möse. Sie war sehr, sehr nass. Eine Hand lag weiterhin auf ihrem Hintern und verwöhnte ihre Kerbe und das Poloch. Die zweite Hand wichste abwechselnd ihre Schamlippen oder ihren Kitzler. Wie in Trance hörte ich sie sagen: „Jetzt will ich Dich ausziehen!“ Ich erhob mich und sie ging mehrmals um mich herum. „Zieh Deine Schuhe und Strümpfe aus“, wies sie mich an. Mit ihren Fingern fuhr sie verschiedene Konturen von mir nach. Haare, Kopf, Hals und Schultern, Brustkorb, Bauch, Hintern und zum Schluss den Schwanz. Sie fühlte die Länge und die Dicke und sie hob ihre Augenbrauen an. Sie stellte sich hinter mich und sie schob ihre Hände unter mein T-Shirt. Der Bauch und die Brustwarzen wurden besonders bedacht. Dann griff sie schnell zu und mein T-Shirt flog in die Ecke.Sie kniete hinter mir und ich sollte die Beine leicht spreizen. Ihre Hände durchsuchten meine Hose von unten nach oben wie bei einer Polizeikontrolle, nur macht die nicht so viel Spaß. Zwischen den Beinen angekommen, gingen Ihre Hände erst nach hinten und massierten jede einzelne Arschbacke von mir. Ganz langsam suchten ihre Hände den Weg nach vorn. Sie packte mich an den Hüften und drehte mich um. Vorsichtig fuhren ihre Finger die Form meines Schwanzes ab. Sie öffnete die Knöpfe meiner 501 und drehte mich wieder um. Dann half sie mir, meine Jeans auszuziehen. Meine Unterhose zog sie gleich mit aus. Mein Steifer war aus der Unterhose herauskatapultiert und er stand kerzengerade ab. Sie schlug mir zwei Mal auf den Hintern und bat mich, mich umzudrehen. Langsam drehte ich meinen Schwanz zu ihr hin. „Nicht schlecht, wirklich nicht schlecht. Jetzt verstehe ich. Das macht also meine Evi so scharf auf Dich!“ Mein Schwanz stand genau auf der Höhe ihres Gesichtes. Ihre Hände umfassten den Schaft und ihre Zunge leckte über die Eichel. Gedankenverloren wichste sie meinen Riemen. Mein „Komm, wir wollten doch duschen“, brachte sie wieder in die Gegenwart. Sie erhob sich und zog mich unter die Dusche. Wir seiften uns gegenseitig ein und wir vergaßen keinen Quadratzentimeter unserer Körper. Immer wieder küsste sie mich heiß und innig. Wir trockneten uns notdürftig ab und sie zog mich in ihr Schlafzimmer. Sie schubste mich auf das Bett und begann meine Eichel zu reizen. Sie brachte uns in die 69-Position, so konnte ich sie auch verwöhnen. Mit Lippen, Zähnen, Zunge und Finger bereitete ich ihr zärtliche Lust. Als ich mit einem Daumen ihren Kitzler stimulierte und mit dem anderen ihr Poloch fickte, kam sie Bayan Escort das erste Mal. Hatte ihre Tochter dabei noch fast das Haus zusammen geschrien, kam sie still. Wir legten uns nebeneinander, streichelten und küssten uns, bis sie mich auf sich zog. „Und jetzt fick mich bitte“, sagte sie zärtlich, während sie meinen Kopf neben ihren zog. Sie umarmte mich fest und ich stieß immer wieder meinen harten Riemen in ihre Fotze. Ich wollte zwischendurch einmal die Stellung wechseln, aber sie wollte nicht. Sie wollte einfach nur gevögelt werden. Diesmal kam sie gewaltig. Sie stöhnte so laut, da hatte die Nachbarschaft bestimmt auch etwas davon.Nach einiger Zeit standen wir auf und holten uns etwas zu trinken. Als sie so nackt vor mir herlief, bekam ich schon wieder einen Ständer. Sie bemerkte das, nahm sie mich fest in ihre Arme, drückte mich und sagte: „Vielen Dank, das ist übrigens das schönste Kompliment, das Du einer Frau machen kannst!“Sie legte sich auf das Sofa im Wohnzimmer, ich setzte mich zu ihren Füßen. Ich schaute sie wieder von oben bis unten an. Sie rekelte sich unter meinem Blick. „Du machst mich nur durch Dein Gucken schon wieder geil“, meinte sie. „Du kannst noch einmal, oder?“ Ich antwortete nicht darauf, sondern küsste ihre Füße und dann jeden einzelnen Zeh. Sie waren rot lackiert und in dem Moment die geilsten Zehen der Welt. Ich kniete mich neben das Sofa und ließ meine Lippen und meine Zunge von den Füßen in Richtung Oberschenkel wandern.Kaum dort angekommen, spreizte sie ihre Beine und gab mir den Zugriff auf ihre Möse. Mit meinen Fingern streichelte ich über die Spalte und drang das eine oder andere Mal in ihr Loch ein. „Möchtest Du Dich auf mich setzten und mich ficken?“ fragte ich Dorle. Sie erhob sich von dem Sofa und stellte sich vor mich hin. Ich setzte mich auf das Sofa und zog sie zu mir herunter. Sie kletterte auf meinen Schoß und nahm meinen Schwanz in ihre Hand. Langsam führte sie ihn in ihre Möse ein. Ich beschäftigte mich mit ihren herrlichen Brüsten. Ich saugte an ihren Nippeln und knetete die ganze Brust. Das machte mich so geil, das ich aufpassen musste, nicht schon zu kommen. Mit ihrer Hand wichste sie sich selbst ihren Kitzler. Als sie mit einem lauten Stöhnen kam, brauchte ich mich auch nicht mehr beherrschen. Ich drückte mich ganz fest an Dorle und spritzte meine ganze Ladung in ihre Möse. Wir blieben engumschlungen noch eine ganze Weile sitzen.Später lagen wir nebeneinander und sie spielte mit ihren Fingern an meinen Brustwarzen. Ich merkte, dass ihr eine Frage keine Ruhe lies: „War es schön für Dich, mit einer älteren Frau zu schlafen?“ – „Es war noch nie so schön wie mit Dir,“ antwortete ich wahrheitsgemäß. „So zärtlich und gleichzeitig geil können das junge Mädchen oder junge Frauen nicht“.Gegen Abend verlies ich Sie. Beim Abschied sagte sie zu mir: „Hoffentlich hatte Evi heute auch so viel Spaß mit ihrem Freund wie ich mit Dir“.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Chat room love….

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Chat room love….This is a REAL chat I had with a girl I met on an anonymous chat board. Enjoy… ;)You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Stranger: wanna fightYou: sureStranger: r u a guy or girlYou: guyYou: I dont bitchfightStranger: ok *pushes u*You: *hands up in classic defence position*Stranger: *giggles and punches u in the nose*You: *mutters ow and kicks you in the balls*Stranger: im a girlYou: well shitYou: lolStranger: *kicks u in the balls and runs to the bedroom and crawls under the bed*You: *curls up in pain and whimpers*You: *gets up*Stranger: *giggles under the bed *You: *gets out chainsaw*You: *pulls chain*Stranger: *holds my breath*You: *engine starts*You: *at bedroom door*Stranger: *gulps and holds my breath*You: *brings down chainsaw onto bed, but rug catches on the blade and wraps around it, making it useless*You: *curses*Stranger: *lets a long breath out happily*You: *jumps on the bed*Stranger: *lays flat on the floor*You: *starts bouncing up and down*Stranger: *crawls out and gets in a sitting position and glares at you*You: *hits you in the face w/ a guitar*Stranger: *rubs my cheek and whimpers*You: *gets out chaincuffs*Stranger: *gets up and backs against the wall* go awayYou: *throws away cuffs*Stranger: *huffs and stares at you* i said go awayYou: *leaves room*You: *makes fort out of the couches in living room*You: *sign on entrance*Stranger: *walks over to the cuffs and swear and throws them in the closet*You: “no gurlz allowedYou: *makes joke about you being in the closet*Stranger: *walks to the bathroom and slams the door then strips getting in the shower*You: lolwut?Stranger: *turns the hot water on to try and calm myself down*You: *sneaks to the door of the bathroom*You: *peeks in*You: (thru keyhole)Stranger: *starts soaping up my body*You: *gets hard*You: *opens door slowly, stealthily*Stranger: *shampoos my hair and starts singing loudly and off jey*You: *sneaks to shower*Stranger: *starts rinsing my hair closing my eyes because its soothing*You: *drops pants to reveal 7and a half inch dick*Stranger: *shakes my head under the water and runs my fingers through my hair*You: *can no longer resist*You: *gets into shoret and grabs your arms, pinning them to your sides*You: *showerStranger: *screams and squirms* what the fuck are you doing !You: *grins*what Ive wanted to do for a looong timeStranger: *stomps on your foot* let go of me !You: *holds fast* If you agree to fuck me right here right nowStranger: *makes a digusted sound* no !You: *shrugs* then I’ll **** you!Stranger: *frowns and starts to tear up* please dontYou: y not? your so hot, but your always mean to me… you deserve it, bitch!Stranger: *shakes my wet head and whimpers* no please stopYou: Never! *pulls your arms above your head, and holds them there with one hand*Stranger: *starts to cry* please dont do this to meYou: *starts to stroke your tits*Stranger: *brings my knee up quick and conects with your balls and shoves u out of the shower and runs into the hall*You: Aaaah! *falls to the floor of the shower, cracking head on floor*You: *passes out*Stranger: *slips in the hall but quickly gets up running to the bedroom*You: *slowly comes to, groggily*You: bitch, ill kill u!Stranger: *screams and slams the bedroom room door locking it*You: *gets up, slips on soap, falls over again*You: *gets up again*Stranger: *quickly pulls on baggy shirt and underwear and searches for pants*You: *stumbles to bedroom door, find it locked screams* come out here bitchStranger: no! *pulls on track pants and puts my hair into a quick pony tail*You: Arrgh! *slams palm Escort onto the dooom in frustration*You: *doorStranger: *breaths heavily and sits down on the floor looking at the door*You: *tries to kick down door*Stranger: *screams and covers my ears rocking my self back and forth*You: backs off to take a run up to break down doorYou: *slips on pants*Stranger: *gets up and trys to open the window*You: Falls backwards, hits head on floor, passes out, blood on floor*Stranger: *pries to window open and looks down scared*You: *blood now flowing freely from head woundStranger: *quickly walks to the closet and grabs the chain cuffs*You: *still out cold*You: *possible c***, def. concussion*Stranger: *grabs a blanket and ties it to the bed*Stranger: *realizes you havent made any noises and stops*You: *blood reaches door and goes under it*Stranger: *runs to the door and opens it and screams ear pieceringly loud*You: *faint groan*Stranger: *takes to the blanket in my hand and sits next to you putting it around your head*You: *bleeding stemmed*Stranger: *taps your face* wake up, wake up !You: *faint groan* whu….Stranger: *kisses your cheek and stroaks your face* please wake upYou: *slightly more awake* wha…who….Stranger: *strokes your face and rocks back and forth* please be okYou: wh…where am i?Stranger: in the hallYou: wait, why am I naked..?Stranger: *looks at your pants* your notYou: *looks down* Oh… I thought…..Is all the blood real?Stranger: *nods* yesYou: h….how?Stranger: *shrugs* i was in the bedroom but i assume u hit your headYou: oh. so the blood’s mine?You: yikesStranger: *nods slowly and grins realizing you dont remember the fight*You: I can’t remember a lot of the last half hour….Stranger: *smiles widely* i knowYou: I…I remember….things. Like, the sound of rushing water. Were we on a boat?Stranger: *stiffens* noYou: *looks confused* no, that makes no senseStranger: *gulps* you’re fineYou: It may have been a dream I guess…*shrugs*Stranger: *scratches my arm nervously* can you standYou: could you help me up? I need to get to my room I think…You: I need to lie down.Stranger: *stands up and taps my foot* the couch is fine right ?You: yeah, sure. Thanks, you’re a real friend! *smiles weakly*Stranger: *looks at the bathroom still a mess and helps you up taking you the long way to the couch*You: Urgh. *I feel so woozy* I’m in quite a lot of pain, actually…Stranger: *lays you on the couch* just lay down and i-i-ill be right backYou: OK, thanks!You: you’re one of my only real friends. I’d never want to lose you…..Stranger: *goes to the bedroom and throws the chain cuffs in the closet and slams the window down locking it*You: *drifts off, alseep*Stranger: *grabs a towel and cleans up your blood and walks by you and runs down stairs to put it in the dryer*You: *moans gently*Stranger: *comes back up stairs and slowly walks to the bathroom*You: Urgh *starts to wakes up*Stranger: *puts the curtain back up and wipes all the water off the floor and grabs your clothes throwing them in the room and walks back to you and sits on the counter infront of you* do you remember anything ?You: I..I remember little things…. images. flashes. Like, a scream, warm water. A chainsaw, great pain in my balls…but nothing that makes sense…Stranger: *nods slowly and stares at you* do you have sexual thoughts about me?You: Wait, what!?Stranger: *stares at you* yes or noYou: I mean, … we’ve known each other so long, its like wierd…..Stranger: *glares at you* yes or no .. and dont lie to meYou: erm, well, you’re my best friend. I don’t Escort Bayan want to lose that. Besides, you’ve had boyfriends in the past…Stranger: *balls my hands into fists getting angry* yes or noYou: *sighs* yes, I do have feelings for you. Ever since we first met I was blown away. But I never had the balls to do anything about it…Stranger: *stares at you longer* would you eve **** me?Stranger: ever*You: What! No! Never! God, why would you ask that?Stranger: *scowls at you* liarYou: *shocked*You: Look, I don’t know what you meanStranger: *grips the table hard* you tried to earlierYou: WHAT!!?You: Oh my god are you all right?You: what the hell did I do?Stranger: *glares at you* shut uStranger: up*You: *scared* but…Stranger: *wipes my eyes*You: Oh my god. I am a twisted fuck.Stranger: *gets up and walks away from you alittle*You: I mean, I’ve always fancied you, but that…shit.Stranger: *turns around and stares at you* well you didnt get to .. and thats why your head and balls hurtYou: shit…You: What can I do to prove I’m sorry *sits up* I’ll do anything!Stranger: you cantYou: Please *tears up*Stranger: you showed me who you really areYou: But I’m not a r****t! I’m a normal guy!1 hell, I’m just a software deseigner, that’s all! I can’t even remember doing anything….*cries* I can’t believe I’ve lost everything todayStranger: *looks at you* well atleast you dont remember me nakedYou: The last thing I remember is my company calling, telling me that I was sacked! *starts* I saw you naked!? *mutters* shit, I hate my memoryStranger: *crosses my arms over my chest* and you touched my boobiesYou: I did WHAT!?You: Oh gods…Stranger: *nods slowly*You: I guess I deserve whatever you’re planning to do to me. Call the cops, anyone. I deserve any punishment you want to hand out…Stranger: im not gonna do anythingYou: *thinks fuck, I touched THOSE and I can’t remember? wow, my luck is so shit..*You: Wait you won’t?Stranger: *shakes my head* no .. you cant remember anything *smirks looking down at my boobs* and i think thats torchering youYou: but…You: I guess that it is, but still, I need to do something to apologise!Stranger: *bites my lip softly*You: I’m guessing you want me to move out, or what?Stranger: *looks at you* just promise you wont do it againYou: I promise!!Stranger: you lost your temper and didnt care that you hurt meYou: I don’t know what came over me….Stranger: *shrugs* i heard someone call you an a****l once and i didnt know what they were talking about til nowYou: I’m so sorry.Stranger: *huffs* ill get over itYou: wait, who called me an a****l?Stranger: *smirks* its not importantYou: I guess…..You: *curious* why were you naked?Stranger: i was in the showerYou: oh. *crosses legs*Stranger: *gives a tight smile* yaYou: *thinks of you all naked in the shower* Erm…so… what’s our next move from here?Stranger: *gulps and rubs my arms* can i ask you something?You: Yeah, what? *tries to ignore your heaveanly touch*Stranger: how long have you thought of me like that ? and why’d you never tell me ?You: I thought of you ever since I first saw you at that party. At first I never told you because I thought you’d laugh at me, and then when we became freinds, I thought that it was too good to lose….Stranger: *bites my bottom lip*You: I thought you’d just laught at me, your pathetic nerdy friendStranger: *smiles slighty* nerds arent usually as strong as you areYou: I mean, you’ve been out with atheletes and whatever. What could I offer you, exept free programs and stuffStranger: *rolls my eyes*You: thanks, don’t know Bayan Escort where the strength came from…You: what?Stranger: nothingStranger: you know you could have told me you liked me like thatYou: but then we’d have never been friends, and I’d never had ended up with you, sharing this house!You: If I’d told you then, we’d have lost all the good timed we’ve had together…You: *timesStranger: *looks at you* if you had told me we might still have been sharing a house .. just for other reasonsYou: you mean..?Stranger: *glares at you* you know what i meanYou: *thinks this is a dream! wake up!*You: but…you never wanted me…Stranger: *continues to stare at you* you dont know thatYou: you mean…all this time….Stranger: *shrugs* you were always so sweet to meYou: *shakes head* but all those other guys..?Stranger: you never made a moveYou: oh…You: And I guess the one time I make a move, I end up trying to **** you!Stranger: *nods* and cut me with a chainsawYou: Huh.Stranger: never mindYou: This sounds really odd, but do you want to make a fresh start?Stranger: *rubs my arms* what do you meanYou: Well, now we both know our true feelings for each other….Stranger: *bites my lip* you know throught everything that happened earlier… you never kissed meYou: oh…I guess I just….*pulls myself together* do you want me to kiss you now?Stranger: *rolls my eyes* well i dont want you to ask cuz then it feels like you dont actually want toYou: Oh gods but I…*trails off* *pulls you down for a long kiss*Stranger: *makes a suprised noise and kisses you back*You: *thinks oh gods if this is a dream I never want to wake up!*Stranger: *wraps my arms around your neck*You: *the soft taste of honey on your lips, your hair, tumbling down your shoulders*Stranger: *pulls away from you blushing*You: Oh god, I wish we HAD done this sooner!Stranger: *giggles* do your balls still hurt?You: A little, but I forgot about itStranger: *nods and nuzzles my face into your neck*You: *rubs hands up and down your back slowlyStranger: *kisses your adams apple softly* have you gotten your memmory back?You: *rubs your neck* not entirely… I wish I remembered what you look like naked, though..!Stranger: *lifts my shirt up alittle* how bad?You: oh my god I wish sooo bad…You: *rund hands down to you lower back*You: *runsStranger: *takes my shirt off slowly remembering i forgot a bra*You: oh my god… *lifts up hand to cup left breast*Stranger: *gasps because your hand is cold*You: slowly starts to stroke the nipple…Stranger: *feels my nipples get hard*You: *licks my thumb and gently rubs your nipplesStranger: *gasps softly*You: *leans in close and delicately likcks your nipplesStranger: *cups the back of your head closing my eyes*You: *sets to work on your nipples, licking them, sucking them ever so gently, and stroking themStranger: *kisses you head and runs my nails along the back of your neck*You: *lets my right hand slowly start stroking your tummy, getting lower and lower with each strokeStranger: *moans softly and watches you suck my tits*You: *by this time my hand it teasing at your waistline, gently slipping under your skirtYou: *isStranger: *stands up*You: *looks at you quizzically*Stranger: *wags my finger at you skipping to the bedroom*You: *chuckles and follows you,*Stranger: *slips my track pants off in the hall and walks into the bedroom*You: *takes off shirt and follows*Stranger: *lays down in the very middle of the bed with just my pink panties on*You: * I gaze in awe of your beauty, your lovely shape, your perfect tits, those little panties*Stranger: *giggles and rubs my thighs*You: *crosses over to you and slowly starts stroking you all over*Stranger: *pulls at you belt*You: *takes hold of your panties at the hip and slowly starts teasing them down*We then switched to Skype, and cybered merrily away!

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Playing with Paper

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Playing with PaperWith HIV and all the other diseases out there I didn’t understand how the guys in films could allow all the bareback stuff. I knew it was less safe than sex with condoms, but I always felt the danger level was just too much. Then one day I read a guy’s ad in Craig’s List titled “Play with Paper”It read, “I enjoy bareback sex with a few select males, I have a thick 8” dick and I want you to suck it, then rim my ass before I fuck you with my dick, Goliath. You will need to have a recent AIDS test and show me the paper. I will show you mine and then we can play. Any takers?”My email response read “I am interested in Playing with Paper. I love big dicks and if you are looking for me to service you, I will. Do you like to suck and rim?” I waited for two days for Paper to respond. “Yes, I love to suck and I love to rim even more. Do you think you’ve got a place to stick Goliath after we’re done with the preliminaries?” Paper replied. Less than a minute later I responded “I hope so – I think he will fit.”With that I went to the local clinic and got tested, all negative, thank God. Once I had the news I scanned a copy and sent it to Paper to prove I was the man he was looking for. When we met that weekend he showed me his paper and I let him look at mine. Then we got down to playtime.We rented a room at the local motel with two double beds and made ourselves at home. A bottle of bourbon, some ice and those awful hotel plastic cups went a long way towards relaxing us for some games. Before Paper could finish his first drink I had my hand in his lap playing with Goliath through his blue jeans. Goliath was hard and had been for a while because when I pulled the bad boy out of his unzippered jeans there was a touch of pre-cum on the tip. I bent over and flicked the head of Paper’s dick with my tongue, scooping up the moisture oozing from Goliath and swallowing it to demonstrate my willingness to please.Paper’s dick was beautiful. It was not only eight inches long it also had a good deal of girth. I could only take it part way into my mouth at first because we were sitting in chairs. I stood up and took my shirt off, then dropped to my knees to concentrate on sucking Paper’s manhood. Paper was actually kind of a small guy to have such a great dick. He probably stood no more than 5’8” and was thin so when Goliath was out he seemed to be Paper’s defining attribute. The other feature that stood out was his lips, wide and fat like his dick and moist like mine were. I guess he was already thinking about sucking my cock. From my kneeling position I could see that only the head and maybe an inch of Goliath’s shaft was wet. After a few minutes of working his cock into my mouth while I was kneeling I was getting most of his dick passed my wet lips. After a couple Escort of tries taking Paper’s dick as deeply as possible I stopped again and looked to see how much of Goliath was moist and dammed if he didn’t have some that wasn’t getting wet. After trying not to gag while his dick went down my throat I finally got all 8″ into my mouth. I can’t tell you how great it was sucking that dick, swallowing pre-cum when it lubricated Goliath and thinking about how it would feel in my ass.I worked on Goliath for more than 10 minutes, then I moved down to Paper’s balls, working them from front to back, which Paper seemed to enjoy. I got tired of kneeling and set my ass on the floor while I continued working Paper’s now soaking balls. My tongue explored the recesses of Paper’s sack and traced lines on his inner thigh. After a couple of minutes working Paper’s balls my right hand grasped Goliath and I moved my left hand to explore the ridge behind his balls. A couple of minutes later my left hand came to rest on his asshole. His low moan told me to continue.I inserted my index finger into his ass, then took it out and brought to my mouth. Since I was going to rim him, and both he and I knew it, I thought it would be fun for him to watch me lick his ass-taste off my finger. I dropped his balls from my mouth, looked him in the eyes then stuck my index finger in my mouth. I had never done anything like this, but Paper obviously enjoyed it. This also served to wet the finger so I could insert it more deeply and playfully into Paper’s ass.Returning my index finger to his ass, I inserted it to the first knuckle, pulled it out and returned it to my mouth. Paper really seemed to enjoy watching me do this, so I did it a couple of more times as I alternately licked his dick and balls. As my tongue reached behind his balls Paper stopped me and had me stand up. He gave me a deep kiss, inserting his tongue well into my mouth and moving it around as if to get the final taste of his ass remaining in my mouth.The kiss had a dramatic effect on my dick, bringing it to a full upright position for the first time during our encounter. Paper reached down and began playing with it with his hand while we continued to kiss in a very sensual manner. This guy really knew how to kiss!Paper then broke our liplock and sat down in one of the chairs so that my now erect dick was even with his mouth. My lover explained this was easier for him because it was getting a little hard to roll around on the floor. I put a hand behind his head, pushing it towards my dick. He didn’t have to open as wide as I did to get my standard six inches into his mouth, but he was as good at cocksucking as he was at kissing.Pretty soon he had me saying “Oh my God, I’m cumming, but that pretty mouth didn’t flinch. Escort Bayan He swallowed my juice with gusto, only missing a small clump that looked sexy to the left side of his face below his mouth. Paper then said “I hope you can cum more than once!””Not a problem,” I replied energetically, but I wondered what he had in store for me. “I just need a couple of minutes to recover.” After finishing our second round of bourbon Paper asked me to lie face up on the bed. I got in position and from a standing position Paper began simply touching my body. He touched the sides of my head by the eyes, working his hands down to my lips, where he sensually inserted two fingers into my mouth, one from each hand. From there he lightly touched my neck and rubbed my chest. When his hands reached my stomach his balls were dangling over my mouth so I spontaneously sucked one in, making it wet with my saliva. As Paper caressed my inner thigh I released his first ball and grabbed the second one, also making it wet with my saliva. As his hands began working my manhood for the second time, Paper spread his legs and moved the area behind his sac over my face. I began softly licking it with my tongue and for the first time realized where this was going. He lifted my legs and spread them, first caressing the same area on my body that I was licking on his, then moving on to my asshole, sticking a single wet finger inside me.I was so turned on that I let out a kind of moaning scream that sort of freaked him out. He said, “You’re really getting into this, aren’t you?” I simply shook my head yes. I felt my asshole loosen under the diligent work of his finger, I went back to work on the sensitive ridge behind his balls, but now my tongue was moving purposely towards his ass. On my first lick I realized his asshole was pretty dry, so I worked up some spit to keep my tongue wet as I worked the tender outerfolds of his butthole. For some reason I could really feel the folds of skin with my tongue and, beleive or not, there was a good taste to his butt.I broke from my rimjob long enough to tell him to turn around and lower his butt on my mouth. I had seen this position in movies, but had never done it myself. I liked it because our only bodily contact was my tongue working on his butt. I began licking it around the anus, working slowly to the brown center. I made my tongue hard and stuck it into his ass, working the sides of his rectum as deep as possible. His moaning at this point was nearly constant and I knew I was turning him on. The rim of his asshole widened because of my tongue work and I could now easily insert my middle finger into his butt, and lick it off.Suddenly he stood up and I saw that Goliath was a raging hard-on. The head of his prick was darker than Bayan Escort it had been and the entire shaft was red with a single engorged blood vessel running the length of his penis. I could tell Goliath was ready to fuck me and that Paper rimming me would have to wait. To accommodate Paper I got in a doggy position and told him to fuck me. He grabbed some KY jelly off the nightstand and quickly covered the length of his shaft. When his bareback dick was lubed up I felt his left hand on the small of my back, then the head of his shaft in my butt, where is finger had been moments earlier. As Goliath’s head penetrated my asshole I mumbled “Slowly, please” but I don’t think Paper heard me. I felt his unprotected dick go probably four inches into my butt before I yelled. Paper stopped long enough for me to catch my breath and for him to add a little extra lube to his prick. “I want you to take the entire shaft for me,” he said, making a statement and not asking a question. This turned me on because I wanted to take the whole thing. Once again he inserted Goliath into my backside, this time slower and more deliberate. As rough as the first insertion had been, the second insertion went better, smoother in a way. I guess he got to about as deep as he’d been on the first try and then pressed onward slowly. The prick filled my asshole, spreading it wider than it hsd ever been spread before. I let out a couple “Oh my God’s,” but Paper’s steady onslaught continued. I figure he had gotten about 6 inches deep when he began a slow, rhymatic fucking motion.Paper pulled his dick out a couple of inches, then pushed it in again. At first I struggled to accommodate his penis, but after about ten strokes my asshole was accustomed to Goliath. The strokes were slowly getting both longer and deeper and I was furiously masterbating while he fucked me because I was so turned on. Somewhere in the middle I came a second time.At one point Paper withdrew and I took the opportunity to roll over on my back and Paper continued his great work. Now we had eye to eye contact and that always makes me feel closer to the guy who has his dick in my ass. While stroking that big guy deep into my ass, Paper leaned over and kissed me. I felt as though I would do anything to please this man and keep him happy. Anything.As the pace quickened I could tell Paper was going to cum. Goliath seemed to swell up in my ass as the rhythm intensified. Paper’s dick squirted deep into my bowels, filling me with liquid. As he pulled out some of his cum dropped on my ass. I looked at Paper standing over me and my eyes went down his body to the monster cock that had just been fucking me. It was wet with cum. Now I do swallow cum, but I had never “cleaned-up,” but that damned dick looked so exciting that I sat on the edge of the bed and took his soiled, dripping shaft into my mouth. I licked and sucked his member until he asked me to stop.Paper and I sat down in the chairs and enjoyed a second bourbon as we rested. I was hoping the night wasn’t over yet.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Wife arranges group fuck for hubby (Fantasy)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Wife arranges group fuck for hubby (Fantasy)Be nice, first attempt at writing a story.It had been a long, long day…actually, a long week! It was after 7pm on Friday and I was more than ready for a Jack Daniels and a relaxing, lazy night in front of the TV. As I opened the front door my wife was coming down the stairs into the hallway. My wife and I have been together for just over 10 years and we have had our ups and downs like any marriage I guess, but we loved each other and we always stuck it out. And we had an amazing sex life; we knew each others bodies like only two long term sexual partners could. We knew what made each other tick, when to push harder, when to slow it down, and when anything and everything was just what we needed! Having said that, we were having a bit of a dry patch, it had been nearly 2 weeks! (Shut up! For us that’s a dry patch! Lol)Anyway, down the stairs comes by beautiful wife, and she has a lovely new black ankle length dress on that clings and shifts on her just right! Just enough plunge at the neckline to show some fantastic cleavage and open across the back. And I can tell there isn’t much, if anything on underneath and that sexy glint in her eye that is a big part of what got us together in the first place! Make up fresh, hair done, nails long and painted, looking ready to head out on the town and tease all and sundry! “Hello husband! I was beginning to forget what you looked like!” she said. “How about a drink and a kiss?” as she comes in for what I expect to be a quick peck, but instead starts out slow and open mouthed and turns to a tongue dance inside my mouth, wet, hot and passionate, but reserved, getting an instant reaction from my nether regions! She breaks away and we head into the kitchen and she pours me a nice stiff drink, plenty of ice from the fridge and grabs a drink for herself. We move into the sunken lounge and flop down on the big wide luxuriously soft leather couch we had recently invested in and discussed our days, the ups and downs and the mundane. It was the most we had talked all week and was a great way to reconnect and chill out at the same time. Almost instantly I had forgotten the work week and relaxed into the start of what promised so far to be a great weekend. “Why don’t you head into the bathroom and have a nice hot shower. A nice, long, hot shower.” I looked at my wife quite surprised. You see for me, a long shower usually meant a precursor to some kinky ass play for yours truly, something only I initiated and my wife did on special occasions. It wasn’t really her thing, but she did it, because I loved it! I knew something was up when I came home, and now I thought I had figured it out…My wife was feeling horny and a little kinky to boot! Who was I to complain!I headed upstairs and as I went past the bathroom to our master bedroom, I glanced in to see everything already set up ready to go. Wow, she was organized, this never happens. As I go in and close the door I hear my wife on the phone, I can’t quite make out what is being said, but it’s probably just her mother or one of the k**s anyway, so I jump in and start getting prepared. I hadn’t had a chance to eat anything all day, and I knew I needed to be squeaky clean, so I took my time and sparing you any more details, was shaved and clean in all the right places and drying off, when I turned the fan off I thought I could hear voices from down stairs. And more than just my wife on the phone too. Curious, I hurried to finish up, get dressed, fix my hair and get down there to see what guests we had to mess with our plans!As I came down the stairs, I thought I could hear a couple of male voices from the lounge, but as I rounded the corner it was more like 5. “Hi honey, we have some visitors. This is the 3g’s.” I’d love to say I knew what was happening, but I was completely confused. I had no idea who these guys were or why they were in my lounge room, talking, drinking and laughing with my sexy wife like they were old pals! “Could you get us another round please honey, beers and bourbons in the drinks fridge.” I picked my jaw up from the ground and without more than a shy wave of hello to our guests, turned towards the kitchen. I was in a daze really and just grabbed a handful of drinks for the guys, one for my wife and poured a double for myself, grabbed a tray for everything and headed back to the lounge.I sat down next to my wife, between one of the guys and her actually, and just listened for a minute. The conversation was normal enough, jobs, hobbies, interests, sport, but there seemed to be electricity in the air, a sense of expectation of something more. I sat and talked and was feeling very comfortable, but still clueless. Then my wife looked at me. “Honey this is the 3G’s like I said earlier.” I had entirely forgotten about the name, more puzzling when I thought about it because there were 5 of them. “GGG,The Gangbang Group for Guys” I nearly fell off the couch! Did I just hear that correctly? “They are here to fuck you any way they like and for you to service their every need. They are clean and healthy with the paperwork to prove it and there will be no condoms. You will be filmed and I am only here to watch, for now. There are a couple more rules though.” I was in complete and total shock. We’d had a couple threesomes before, but nothing like this. I wasn’t even sure I was OK with it, but was too shocked to speak up.“You are not allowed to cum, and you will take every load in your mouth. You have always talked about it, so now’s the time to put your talk to the test! I expect you to fuck me when the guys are done with you, and I may or may not join in at times myself, Escort I am undecided. I am going to grab the cameras and tripods I hired, don’t start till I get back!” As she left the room all eyes were on her sexy frame as she sauntered away. Mine went straight to the floor as she went out of sight; I didn’t know where to look! I tried to be cool and looked around the room at the guys. Most of them now had a grin, and I couldn’t help but feel like the lamb thrown into the lion’s den! Around the room we had all different guys really, no Greek Adonis or anything, but all pretty decent looking. Some seemed to be my height, one a bit shorter, and one nearly 6’5” or so and quite solid looking, muscle not fat. I was excited, but nervous, this was way outside anything we’d ever discussed before, but I loved that my wife had taken control. It was incredibly sexy!In the nervous wait, we chatted a little more, but the conversation was more about their little group. Been together nearly 3 years, 15 members in total (Thank God she didn’t get them all!) and they got together probably 10 or 12 times a year like this. Special order and fairly exclusive as well, how on earth did my wife find these guys?! Again…not complaining!My wife returns with two small cameras on tripods and a handheld. She positions one camera behind the couch up above the sunken lounge looking down on the whole scene and one over facing the couch. The other she sits for the moment over on a side table, still facing the couch. One of the guys stands up and comes and sits the other side of me. Now I have a guy either side of me and my wife sits at the end of the couch where she can see everyone clearly. The electricity in the room is practically sparking, the tension building, is this really happening?? “Action!” my wife says, and everyone laughs, me a little nervously.The taller guy now stands, “OK boys, let’s get this party started, I’m ready to burst and I want that mouth around my cock. Get over here!” He directs me to come to the edge of the couch and just stands in front of me. ”He’s clever, but he hasn’t figured out how to undo a zip yet…” I take my cue and reach for his zipper, my hands shaking so much I feel like I might miss the small tab. I manage to get it all the way down and reach inside to find he’s not wearing any underwear and I can feel a nice solid cock and balls just waiting to be freed from their confines. As I pull it free a good size cock appears in front of me, about 6” soft, a small wink of precum sitting at the end of his uncut knob. I take in a sharp breath, and tentatively stick my tongue out to lick the droplet away. I get a confidence boosting soft sigh as I lick some more and then swallow the soft length all the way in to his large hanging balls. I just stay there for a moment, and feel the blood start to make its way through the veins to engorge his cock in my mouth, breathing through my nose until he’s just getting too big to keep breathing. I come up for air and he’s grown to a decent 8” and about 2” across. Very nice indeed, but as I continue to suck and lick and attempt to deep throat, he grows even more and is probably a touch over 9” long standing proudly facing the ceiling up out of his zipper.I hadn’t even noticed the other guys removing clothing, but as the tall guy took a step back he was quickly replaced by another guy sporting a hard on around 6” and a good size across, I lent forward and took him into my mouth and he grabbed me by the ears and proceeded to firmly force his cock all the way into my mouth and down the entrance to my throat, forcing me to gag a little. He didn’t really let up, and I gasped for air as he slowly but forcefully fucked my face. I could feel the guys on either side move in closer, and as one started to remove my shirt and tie, the other was undoing my belt and lowering my zipper. The second guy fucking my face steeped back a little and started pulling me to my feet. My shirt was pulled away from me, drawing my arms backwards, and my pants fell to the ground. I had my shoes, socks and bunched up pants removed all together and thrown to the side, and I hadn’t realized, but my arms were still pulled to the back and I was forcibly turned and shown to both cameras and my wife in just my underwear, tented out for all to see. “I think he likes it! And we’re only getting warmed up!” “Take off the rest!” my wife chimed in and no sooner had the words left her lips than hands on either side lowered my underwear to the ground and I was standing there stark naked.I had two guys holding my arms back another right in front of me and two guys kicking back on the couch rubbing their cocks, and my wife just smiling at the end of the couch taking it all in. It was going to be a long evening! The two guys holding my arms gently pulled me back until I fell back onto the couch. The second guy stepped aside and a third stepped in for his turn at my mouth. The guys either side took a hand each and placed them on two very nice stiff cocks and I had no trouble finding a nice rhythm stroking up and down while the third guy was having his turn with my mouth. He was only about 5” long, but as he grew he just kept getting fatter! He was easily bigger than the first guy, and was probably as round as a bourbon can he was swigging on earlier! It was completely filling my mouth and stretching me out. There was no way this was going to fit anywhere else! Just then he pulls back and a loud plop echo’s from my mouth as it slaps back to a more normal shape. He calls in another guy, “Your turn” and takes a seat on my right as the guy there stands for his turn. Cock number four is about 7” Escort Bayan and a nice size across again, with a slight upwards bend and I continue to stroke him as I had when he was sitting next to me. I take in just the head of his cut cock and about 2” more and stroke the rest as I suck as if my life depends on it. I’m getting horny as hell thinking about my wife watching, the cameras and five cocks ready to use me! Guy number four steps back and before he’s really even moved far, number five to my left has jumped up and taken his place. About the same size as number four, but straight as an arrow! He doesn’t fuck my mouth like the other guys though and actually spins me around a bit and says “Legs over the back of the couch and hang your head over the edge!” I don’t need to be told twice and I’m barely in place when he bends his knees and leans forward to place his cock in my mouth and push forward. He places his hands on the back of the couch near my legs and leans forward. I can actually feel his hot breath on my cock, and I realize we’re about to 69! He sucks me in to his mouth and bobs up and down for about 30 seconds. “Don’t forget you’re not allowed to cum honey!” I hear my wife say, and the guys all chuckle at my predicament! Here I am horny as hell, sucking and being sucked, but having to muster up a whole bunch of self-control! It must have been part of the deal with the guys, because he stopped sucking and all of a sudden stood up. “Get on your knees on the floor here” the tall guy says. I do as I’m told and move close to the center of the room and get on my knees. All five guys move around in front of me and my wife appears behind me over my shoulder carrying the third camera, still running. She hands it to the outside guy, the one with the fat cock, and says “Film for a sec” She then leans in and kisses me passionately, sticking her tongue in and down my throat, “Having fun so far?” I can’t really begin to say what I’m feeling, so I just say “Thank you baby” and she smiles and kisses me again. She then reach’s for the camera and says, “Righto boys, where were we?” I now have five cocks standing to attention in front of me with fists pumping them up and down, and I reach forward and remove the fist from guy number four I think, the bendy 7” cock and take him into my mouth, I then reach up with both hands and grab whichever cocks are closest! I then proceed to suck and wank furiously and move my way around the five guys spending just a little time on each, not wanting to restrict myself to just one for any length of time. I can sense the bendy 7” guy getting a bit twitchy and I really want to swallow some cum, and have it captured on film, my wife standing behind me getting all the action. She leans down to my ear, and says. “Don’t swallow yet.” I’m a little confused, and turn and look at her and as I turn back I see all five guys wanking now. “I want you all to come in his mouth, every last drop and he will hold it there until I say otherwise!”I looked back at my wife, a look of “Are you serious??” but she certainly was! She was filming away, waiting for the flood of cum I was expected to not only swallow, but hold and swallow all at once! Who was this woman I had married? I was worried, but strangely excited at the same time. As I turned back around to the waiting cocks, bendy 7” stepped forward and as I suspected was a bit closer than the others. I swallowed the end of his knob, just as the first shot went flying into the back of my throat, and I swallowed reflexively, but managed to catch the next shot on the back of my tongue, and a third and fourth, gradually losing power. As I thought he was done, he pulled out of my mouth, and squeezed a large amount out onto my outstretched cummy tongue. One down, four to go, damn! I’ve seen this in videos on xhamster before, so I guess I know it can be done, but I feel like I’ve got my mouth half full already. Next to come forward is the fat cock, and if he tries to get that in my mouth, my throat will be forced open, I won’t even need to worry about swallowing! Thankfully he just tells me “Slide your tongue out!” so I’m head back, tongue slid forward and he rests his fat helmet head on my tongue and with a loud grunt, cum seems to flow from his knob, not spurt like the first guy, but he just keeps going…my mouth must be full now! I lick as best as I can the last drops from his head, and close my mouth. I can actually move the slightly salty, creamy mixture around in my mouth and realize there’s plenty more room in there, I just have to get over the natural feeling of wanting to swallow. Before I over-think it anymore I reach for the next cock, and the nice 6” cocked guy steps forward, his hand moving in a blur up and down his shaft. “Open wide!” he says, easier said than done, but I open my mouth and he sticks his cock head in and I seal my lips around him as he explodes! I feel it hit the roof of my mouth and can tell my back teeth are going to be floating for sure! He groans and pulls his cock from between my lips and I try and maintain the seal not wanting to lose a drop from my mouth. My wife stands over me from behind, “Lean your head back and open wide, I want this on camera!” she says as she pans around the cocks and down into my open mouth. “Holy shit, you have a load and a half in there now! Do you think you can take the next two?” I feel like I’m at the dentist, when they ask you a question with hoses and tools hanging out of your mouth…lol, so I simply shrug my shoulders, as if to say ”Who knows, but I’ll give it a try!” The big guy says “You better let him swallow, he might take this load, but he’ll never Bayan Escort fit in the last one!” Guy number four, doesn’t wait for a decision on that front, he’s ready to go, and pushes his way in and with his hand on my forehead, pushes his straight 7” cock forward and me back a little and forces his cock head into my pursed lips. As I open up a small gap, still not wanting to disappoint my wife and have to swallow, he groans loudly and with his head thrown back blows his load into my nearly overflowing mouth! I can feel it brimming at the edges of my lips, and the big guy is right, there’s no way I can take another load, and I look at my wife and she says “Swallow it down, but open wide again.” She brings the camera forward again, and stands over me, “Go on then!” she says and I gulp and half goes sliding down the back of my throat coating it as it goes, I snort in air through my nose, open wide for the camera again, and then let the rest slide down my throat. I’m breathing a little hard, short of breath nearly and gasp out “Wow, I can’t believe you guys have so much cum!” “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Someone says from the couch, where they have all sat to relax and stroke their deflated cocks, and the guys all chuckle again.The big guy is the only one left standing and he says “That’s right, it’s my turn, and you’ll soon realize you had no choice but to swallow. We’ve been saving up for weeks, and my balls are particularly ready to burst! I don’t remember ever going more than 2 days without coming!” “And even then he puts all of us to shame buddy, so you’re in for a spraying here!” Another round of outright laughter comes from the guys and my wife this time. What have I got to look forward to I wonder? He holds out his hand and pulls me to my feet, then leads me over to the couch next to where my wife is now sitting, camera in hand still catching all the action. My erection is bursting and swings from side to side as I’m lead over, and my wife reaches out and gives it a little squeeze, “My my, you really are loving this aren’t you, you little cock slut!” Where I’m directed to sit, the cameras on tripods both have a good angle and my wife is right there with the third in close. I can’t wait to watch these back! The big guy perches me on the edge of the couch and I notice he has lost a bit of his hard on, but sticks straight out, still nearly 7” long. I love the fact I will get to feel him harden again in my mouth and eagerly lean forward and reach out to pull him by his cock into my gooey hot mouth!I really savor the job this time as he stands there with one hand on his hip and the other pulling on my hair and pushing me into his cock, then just resting there. I lick up and down the shaft, play with his foreskin and lick the knob as it pokes out as I stroke down on his shaft. I suck it in, deep throating before he regains his full size, and feel him stretch my throat. I even go down to his big hanging balls and gently suck each one into my mouth and run my tongue all around them. Now he’s getting back to full size and I can feel his long thick cock starting to twitch a little. He’s getting close surely, and I can’t wait to see if his and his buddies bragging about having a big load is true. I go back to his balls again and I can feel them starting to retract upwards and he’s making a lot more noises now. “I’m getting close, get your mouth up here and suck my cock! Don’t you swallow either; you take it all and show the camera!” I suck him down again as far as I can and he sucks in his breath then groans out “Here it comes!” as the first thick shot actually goes down my throat before I can pull back. I quickly move up so just the thick head and first inch or so is in my mouth and I suck and lick as shot after shot sprays into my mouth and hits the roof of my mouth, even after 4 or 5 spurts, he has more force than most guys first shot! My mouth is filling up, and he’s not stopping, cum is flooding out of his cock, and I can feel it almost constantly flowing out onto my outstretched tongue and rolling down into my mouth. Some is starting to leak out of the corners of my mouth so I lean my head further back as he continues to buck and groan and stroke his length, squeezing more fluid down into my mouth. My mouth is completely full and starting to leak out the corners and onto my cheek. My wife reaches over, camera in one hand and the other hand snakes out and scoops the dribbles of come running down my cheeks and slides them back into my mouth. She then takes her finger and loudly kicks them clean, and I don’t think I’m the only one enjoying myself. Finally I think he’s done, and honestly there’s no way I can hold from swallowing any longer. My throat simply opens up, not really a swallow, and the load slides down my throat in one gooey, hot, salty mess. I gasp for air and can’t believe how full I feel, like I’ve just had a three course meal! More like five courses I guess! He still stands in front of me, head back, and I lean forward and gently suck him some more, squeezing every last drop out the end of his foreskin, licking it clean, and playing with his balls before he finally pulls away, “Hmm, too sensitive man, you’ll get another chance in a little while, you greedy little slut!” With the promise of more to come I sit back on the couch to catch my breath and survey the scene around me, a spent cock in front of me, four on the couch around me, and a slightly flushed wife sitting back at the end of the couch. My cock is practically bursting and I am absent mindedly stroking it slowly up and down. My wife leans over and playfully slaps my hand away, “Oh no you don’t…go grab another round of drinks for everyone. We’re not done yet!” It feels like it’s been ages and I wander to the kitchen trying not to touch myself some more, and see its only 10pm and the night is very very young!Let me know if I should start working on part 2!

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Katy Perry: The Skirt

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Katy Perry: The SkirtThis was going to be awkward. Here I was stuck in a lift with Katy Perry who was now missing a skirt. Hey Jacob, how does that happen? I hear you’re shouting from behind the screen, well I’ll tell you…Katy had walked into Radio 1’s main building to promote her latest album and had caught the elevator to the top floor. She had finished with the interview and her entourage had caught the first one down. As a worker in the building, I was forced into the second one, which just so happened to be with Katy. She had only just made it in when the skirt had torn.But, that wasn’t all she was wearing. Katy had on a tight electric blue top that had a delicious plunging neckline that showed off her fantastic double D breasts and made sure all the attention was on her. Just under that, she had on a very thin skirt that flowed down to her knees and seemed to float in the air’s breeze. Her waist wasn’t in a good position to show off her fantastic ass, hips and thighs, but she didn’t really need to as all the attention was on her fantastic tits.However, as she jogged into the lift, tits bouncing up and down and all, the doors had closed suddenly and caught her skirt. As we went down, it tore the thin fabric clean off of her sultry body and left her in her exotic black, satin panties.She had yelped, as you can imagine, and covered herself up while I put on my best chivalrous face and covered my face, saving her one little bit of embarrassment. A few seconds passed and eventually she started laughing. I turned back to face the room, she still had her hands over her crotch and she was red in the face but that was from all the laughing. Realizing how dumb the situation was, I joined in with a slow chuckle that eventually evolved into a full belly laugh. “That is something from fucking Penthouse!” The ‘California Girls’ starlet said with a big grin. Bending at her knee to pick up the tattered fabric, holding it out at arm’s length, she smiled and shook her head before dropping it onto her right fore arm.I laughed with her until the moment passed, the laughs slowed to a singular laugh before stopping completely. With a big grin on my face, I decided to look at the floor, ignoring that I could see Katy Perry’s unmentionables. Stealing quick glances at her, I could barely contain my erection. One of the most desired women on the planet was standing in front of me in her panties and practically just a bra too. This really was too good to be true.“Hey, listen. Once we get out of here, you can have my jacket. Wrap it around yourself and you should be OK.” I said, still focused on that delightful… What was that? A vomit stain? She was looking at me, that much I could tell and I think she was smiling, or rather a grin. “Thanks so much. I was having nightmares about the tabloids. Katy Perry in knickers shocker!” She said with an adorably terrible British accent.“Hey, no problem.” I said with a grin, looking to my left I had chance to admire myself. Yes, I’m that egotistical. I’m screaming towards my late twenties, currently sitting on the precipice at twenty five. I wasn’t dressed to impress today. Clad in my very favorite blue hoody (that was currently wrapped around my waist), long denim jeans and a Led Zeppelin shirt that showed off my adequately muscular arms. I stand at about six foot and my figure shows it, I’m well proportioned, I think is the right way of putting it. My short brown hair was gelled up in a selection of random spikes. Freshly shaven, thank you for asking and I have baby blue eyes which little old ladies take great pleasure in telling me that they are just lovely.Taking a risk, I tried to make eye contact with her. But she seemed to busy rummaging through her handbag for something. Her phone? I dunno. Looking up at the LED display I watched the numbers creep by. We were on the very top floor and heading down to the lobby.Suddenly, the lift shook, vibrated and finally lurched to a halt slamming me against the side wall. Katy wasn’t so lucky and lost her balance in her heels; she crashed to the floor and shook her head in disbelief. She was about to say something when the lights cut out, then they came back on again, only noticeably dimmer. It must be the emergency power.“What the fuck?” I cursed aloud, forgetting where I was. Casting a quick glance over at her, I quickly corrected myself. “Pardon me. Let me help you up.”Katy was on the floor on her side; her dainty hands were rubbing her sore ass through her panties. “What happened?” She asked. “Thank you.” She added, taking my overly large hand and gingerly regaining her feet. For the first time Katy’s eyes looked into mine. My God she was gorgeous.Rubbing her ass softly, Katy almost moaned her next speech pattern. “Ohhhh… My butt.”Smiling to myself, I made my way over to the panel and pressed the emergency contact button. There was a few second of silence before a worried man’s voice came on over the speaker.“Yes? Can I help you?” It asked, he sounded a bit like Frank Oz.“Yeah, we’re trapped in one of the lifts.” I said, casting a quick glance up to the row of lights that indicated the floor we were on. Sadly, they were all dark and typically I couldn’t remember how high up we were. “I’m not sure what floor we’re near.” “Ah yes.” Closer to Sir Ben as Gandhi now. “We’re having one of the floors remodeled on the fifteenth floor. That may have something to do with it. How many people are in your lift?”“Just two of us.” Rather stupidly, I looked back into the cart to check. Realizing how dumb I looked, I turned back to the speaker.“I’m sorry, but that makes you low priority. We have fifteen people trapped in lifts all over the building. You’ll just have to sit and wait. The power has been known to come back on. If not, you’re probably looking at an hour or so. Hit the button if you have any more questions.” Then the line went dead. Delightful.“OK, we sit tight and we’re low priority? I imagine we’ll probably have an hour or so to kill. Are you OK?” I asked, walking back to her.“A little sore.” Katy chuckled at least she wasn’t freaking out. She looked around for any form of entertainment before sighing and shaking her head. Looking over at me, she beamed with a big grin. “TGIF right?”Smiling, I nodded my head. “Yeah. I actually had plans tonight too.”“Girlfriend?” She asked, looking over at me. “Nah, we broke up a while ago now. It was going to be me and some of my buddies out for some drinks by the Thames. How can you not in this weather?” I asked, smiling politely.“It’s funny, is this warm over here? Because this is just another day back in L.A.”“Yeah, it’s been pretty warm all week but this has been a scorcher.” As Katy played around with the skirt in her hand, I couldn’t help myself. I had to look at her tits. They were imprisoned in that top she was wearing. It looked like it was too tight as her jugs pressed against the fabric. I couldn’t quite tell but I’d hazard a guess at her not wearing a bra and her tits being roughly double D’s. I was never good at guessing sizes but I was always more than willing to study pictures of naked ladies, to study. Yeah, that sounds plausible. Study.The air was cool in the lift, but with what little experience I had being trapped in a lift I would imagine it was going to get very hot very quickly. As my eyes danced down her cleavage I could see her two nipples pressing against the fabric, begging to be sucked. The young superstar didn’t seem to be aware of that fact as she looked around the small room.We were standing opposite each other, and the lift was nothing fancy. Well, it was fancy for the building we were in but not very fancy with some of the places I had stayed in before. It had a very sterile inside look to it, with handle bars that ran around the middle of the room, about waist high. There were also two mirrors on each side of the small room, to the left and the right of the doors if you were facing them from inside.I must’ve been staring because the ‘Hot n Cold’ singer coughed politely in a ‘Hey buddy, my eyes are up here!’ manner. I looked up and grinned in a ‘caught trying’ fashion, she smiled and waved it off. Smiling at each other again, our eyes seemed to dance away from each other as we tried to find something to do. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katy lick her lips, making the ruby red shine of her lips seem to shine even brighter. She pursed her lips as if blowing a kiss towards me, and whenever I took a quick glance she seemed to stop it. Was she trying to flirt with me?I glanced over again as she shifted in place. Putting both of her hands on the guard rail behind her, she bent over ever so slightly at the waist and let her tremendous cleavage fill my hungry eyes. My head had turned to the right ever so slightly, but my eyes could still see all of her actions. She smiled sexily and stood up, leaning on the guard rail she bent forward ever so slightly and pushed her impressive bosom together. She certainly knew what she was doing as she rolled her head in a circle, making me sweat. The things I would do to those tits. I smiled to myself, knowing full well I could really get my rocks off if I got to bone her. Of course, this was a very big hypothetical ‘if’ as I was, for lack of a better word, a common man. She was, quite possibly, a multi-millionaire why the fuck would she want to sleep with me? Maybe she was horny? Maybe she wasn’t getting any with her boyfriend, fiancé, husband whatever. She certainly was flirting with me, but was that just to pass the time? I know I would if I was her… Then again, if I was her I probably wouldn’t leave the house, I’d be too busy masturbating over how awesome my life was and how great it was to be me… If I was Escort her… That’s difficult to convey in writing, let’s get back to the lift shall we?“So you were just going to go get wasted after work?”She asked, breaking the silence of our naughty grins. Looking over at her, I had been struggling to keep my neck from snapping after spying on her from the corner of my eye. Being able to look at her was a welcome relief, she smiled as I nodded my head.“Yeah, I was looking forward to a nice cold beer too.”“But you’re stuck in here with me.” She said with a big grin on her face, offering me her hand to shake. “Katy Perry.”“Jacob Stewart.” I said with a matching smile, gladly shaking her hand. “I suppose there are worse places right?” I said with a grin. My God. Am I flirting with Katy Perry? She really is hot. Nice ass… A nice pair of legs and a fantastic, gift from the heavens in her tits. There was another stir in my trousers as I shifted from foot to foot. “Fuckin’ A right?” She said with a big cheesy grin, she didn’t seem all too bothered about the fact that she was just clad in her panties.“Right… Hey, how come you’re not more… I dunno? Trying to cover yourself up?”“I beg your pardon?” She asked, cocking her head to one side.I pointed at the fact that she was just clad in her panties. She smiled and nodded her head. “Oh, I got you! Yeah, it’s weird, I do all these Maxim or FHM shoots in barely anything that I just kind of get used to it. Sometimes, when I’m home alone I forget to wear anything!”Oh God take me now. I said to myself, which made her grin and grind her foot into the floor playfully.“Well, Jacob… Any ideas on what we can do for an hour?” She asked, smiling a flirty grin over at me. Was she flirting too?I laughed and looked at the floor. “I have a couple of ideas but I don’t want to get slapped. So… The only way I could touch that one would be with a ten-foot pole.”“Well… A ten-foot pole may be a bit much…” She said, a mischievous grin dancedacross her face. “What about a smaller pole? Say eight inches?” HOLY SHIT. She was flirting with me! A no good lower levels guy? Nearly a complete stranger?I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It had been a while since I had to flirt, so I desperately tried to think of something clever to say. Gunning to keep the conversation going in the direction that both I and apparently, she appeared to want it to go. Patting myself down, as if feeling for something I spoke up.“Never mind, don’t have either of those on me anyway.”Being the brash individual I am, I began patting down my pockets again. Not really certain of how she’d react, I patted down by my crotch, making sure to flatten the denim showing off my hard-on. Katy’s eyes locked straight on to the dick and didn’t waiver from it. She licked her ruby red lips, after getting a good look at its hardness. “Nope. No ten-foot pole here I’m afraid.”Katy was quiet for a few moments as she stared at my crotch. “You’re hard…” She whispered, her eyes not leaving my groin. “How did that happen?”How I answered this next question was probably going to change the entire mood of the lift.“Your tits. They made me hard.” I said, looking down her impressive cleavage, I grinned and nodded towards her melons. “It’s not like they’re hidden.”Katy looked down and realized that she had bent over and he could see down her magnificent valley. In a raspy whisper, she brought her arms forward and pushed them together. “And just what about my tits made you so hard?”Not being able to break my lock with her tits, I spoke softly. “Do you really want to know?”She nodded like a sultry demon. Slowly, my eyes drifted up to meet hers. Katy stepped forward, closing the gap between the two of us. She put her arms on either side of me and pushed her luscious body up against mine, her tits crushing against my chest.“Yes… Tell me…” Katy groaned, leaning up to my ear, her lips mere centimeters away from my ears. Her tongue snaked out from her lips and traced her soft, juicy lips, just grazing past my ear. “God, I want to fuck them.” I groaned as she brought her face around to meet mine. Her soft forehead rested on mine as a****l passion almost took over. “You want to fuck them?” She asked, her lips so close to mine, she seemed to get off on teasing me.Biting my lip, I nodded my head desperately.“Well… Not just anyone gets to fuck my nice, big titties. Can you handle a blowjob?” She asked, tracing my chest with her right index finger. Slowly, her finger made its way down to my belt buckle tracing the silver hold.Closing my eyes, I nodded my head. “Yes…” That came out a lot more serpent like than I had intended. Katy smiled and looked down at my crotch.“If I had a nickel for every time someone said that. Tell you what. It’s been a good long while since I’ve got laid. If you can handle a blowjob and a titfuck, you can do whatever you want with me. Deal?”“Uh… I… Define handle…” I wasn’t really sure what to say. My cock was begging for release and the sultry singer in front of me seemed willing to give it to me.“Just let me have my fun Jacob.” She said with a wicked smile, sinking to her knees, Katy unbuckled my trousers and tugged them to my knees. Undoing the knot on my sweater, she let it fall in a pool on the floor and put it in front of her. Kneeling on the soft top, Katy then reached in and pulled out my dick. “Uh… Ok…” I agreed, like I was going to do anything else. Bringing my seven inch member into the dimmed light of the lift, Katy seemed more than satisfied with it. “Very good… A lot bigger than some others I’ve seen.” The raven-headed superstar said, giving me a sexy wink. “You seriously think you can handle a blowjob?”“We’ll soon find out…” That was risky, but it was worth the pay-off as Katy laughed at my remark.Katy softly started to jerk my dick. Straightening the skin and then creasing it, jerking me off. She tilted her head to one side and then to the other as my dick bobbed up and down to her touch. Satisfied, she leant forward and opened her mouth.“God, you’re beautiful…” I sighed heavily as her warm, wet mouth engulfed my dick. She seemed to blush but that could be because she was sucking my dick. Wrapping her right hand around my dick, Katy took roughly half of my shaft into her mouth. Making a few bobs up and down, she flicked her tongue all over my shaft, making sure to liberally coat every part of my helmet.“Haven’t cum yet. That’s a good sign.” Katy grinned as she carried on jerking me off. I honestly couldn’t have cared less. Noticing my lack of interest, she took my dick back in her mouth and sucked heavily on my head. Her lips hooked under my mushroom of a dicks head, her tongue then flicking all over the soft, sensitive skin. Taking her lips off of my dick, she looked up at me and then back at my cock. Her hand carried on jerking me off as her lips wrapped around half of my dicks head. With each bob on my cock, she seemed to take less and less of my member in, probably part of her teasing angle.As she pulled her lips off of my dick again, she looked up at me, carrying on jerking my cock. “How’s it going stud? Ready to blow yet?” I looked down at her and shook my head. “I sincerely hope that isn’t it. I’m still ready for fucking those big tits.”Smiling to herself, Katy took my dick in her mouth again and started to bob up and down, taking more of my cock in as she went. As her lips bobbed up and down, she took more of my cock and had to brush past her hand. Putting it on my hip, she seemed more than content to suck my cock like that.Watching Katy go to work was almost enough for me to bust a nut there and then. However. If you got the chance to fuck the biggest… Natural? Tits in Hollywood you’d want to keep it under control right? Right. I watched her go to work with a renewed passion. Taking more and more of my dick in her mouth seemed to suit her nicely as she moaned.“Mmmmm…” She moaned through my shaft, looking up at me she flashed me a grin as she removed her mouth from my dick, then using her left hand she pressed it upwards against my shirt covered chest and licked from my nuts all the way up to my helmet. She made a few passes of that before changing her mind and moving back to deepthroating me.Taking her mouth off of my dick one more time, she looked up at me, jerking me off as she did.“You’re doing really well. Most guys have cum by now. I bet you’re not even getting close right?” She said with a big grin as she continued to stroke my cock. “I hope you’re not trying to distract me, because that really wouldn’t be fair.” Grinning, I looked down at her with a goofy smile.Shrugging, Katy closed her eyes and started to gently slide her sultry tonguealong the swollen head of my cock. She moved her left hand briskly against my shaft, her lips occasionally bumping into her fist as she did so. Grunting, I moved my right hand up and placed it on her raven haired head as she slid her tongue over and around the head of my dick.“Mmmmm Mmmmm…” Katy moaned seductively as she slid her tongue in acircular motion on the head of my cock, quickly jerking her hand back and forth on my shaft. Sighing heavily, I licked my lips and stroked her hair as she pumped her left hand on my cock while she worked her tongue over the head of my shaft in a perfect fashion. Katy seemed more than content with this as her soft, luscious lips were obscenely penetrated by my rock hard cock. It slid perfectly into her mouth and to accompany it, she pressed her lips together lightly, just below the head. With my cock effectively trapped, she started to bob her head back and forth ever so lightly sucking on my shaft, while working her hand on the lower half.“Ohhhh… Oh shit…” Looking to the sky, I moaned to Escort Bayan whatever deity I trusted at the time, Thor for those playing at home, I didn’t dare look at her working on my cock for fear of cumming too soon. I could feel Katy on my dick as she pumped her left hand over the lower half.Katy was content, moaning through the entire blowjob as she pushed her lips tighter against the shaft. Lowering her head further down as she briskly bobbed her head. Groaning again, I tilted my head back as she sucked and slurped on my cock. Katy readjusted herself on my jumper and leant forward able to cram more and more of my dick into her mouth.The siren song of Katy’s moans filled the lift and bounced along neatly with mine as she lowered her hand to the base of my shaft as she rocked her head back and forth on my member, using smooth but quick head bobs.“Oh shit… You must have had your fun by now Katy… Surely?” I said with a smile, removing my hand from her head to wipe away the beads of sweat on my forehead. She didn’t reply immediately, looking up at me, she lustfully bobbed her head on my cock. She looked like she was about to stop sucking but opted against it. Continuing with her cock sucking Katy put her hands on my ass cheeks and squeezed through the fabric as she sucked my cock. Now, I’m aware I have a lot of stamina but if she carried on like this, I was going to lose it. Her eyes opened for the first time in a while, she looked up at me and then back down at my groin as she repeatedly took my cock deep into her moist mouth.Twisting her head, while still on her knees was a nice, erotic trick that certainly did what I thought it would. Holding my dick still with her right hand, Katy withdrew until just the head was left in her mouth and then suddenly twisted to the side and then to the other. Groaning out loud, I cursed at her antics. A thin film of sweat was developing on her as she brilliantly deep throated my cock while still performing tricks like that. She grinned and swiftly bobbed her head back and forth.Just as I expected death to take me, Katy surprised me. Removing her lips from my dick completely, she looked up at me as my eyes opened slowly. “Good job, that’s all of my tricks. Want to fuck these puppies then?” She asked, pushing her tits together. I nodded feverishly which made her smile.Moving up on her knees, Katy pulled her top up to just below her breasts and then pushed her massive tits against my crotch. Like a magician, Katy made a few passes up and down before she managed to get my cock inside of her top and into the valley of her cleavage.“That’s my other one.” She smiled, winking at me. “Cum whenever you want to.”It was incredibly tempting to just cum straight there and then but I wanted to savor the sensation of fucking Katy Perry’s tits. It truly was remarkable. Looking at the size of them, you’d think they were surgically enhanced in some way but they felt so real. Grunting, I looked to the sky as she pushed her tremendous jugs together and started to fuck my dick with them.She started off with slow rises and drops, watching how I reacted to her. My dick looked very snug in her impressive cleavage.She started off with very slow, deliberate rises and falls with her breasts. Probably so she’d know just how much I could take before I’d blow my load. A lot if my luck held out. She would press them together lightly and then with a bit more pressure to see if that affected me. It didn’t. Looking up at me, she bit her bottom lip and smirked.“Tough guy huh?”Grinning, I nodded and watched her get back to work. She put her hands on her top and pushed her breasts together, making the already tight canal a little bit tighter. She cupped her breasts in her hands and would make one rise up and the other one drop so they were effectively stroking my dick as she went.She seemed to be an expert at getting guys off with her tits. Maybe people had got her to do it before? Well, that was more than likely, why wouldn’t someone want to worship those gifts from the Heavens? Especially by putting their dick in between them! She settled with a new method of torturing my poor penis. She started moving her magnificent mammaries from one side to the other, bringing my dick with them. Once that bored her, she would lightly bring one away from my dick and let it playfully smack back against it. Giggling, this clearly amused her, looking up at me she bit her bottom lip sexily. “That’s not exactly getting you off is it?” When I shook my head, she smiled and took hold of my ass. Bringing me forward as she bent backwards, her ass resting on her legs as she folded. “Want to fuck these puppies? Go right for it.” I knew exactly what she wanted. Fortunately, after her brilliant blowjob and then her light taunting of my dick, my resilience had been brought back to full force. Like a madman, I started to mercilessly fuck her breasts. I wasn’t allowed to touch them it looked like, as she had pressed them together and was keeping them steady. Finding my new stance, I stepped over her, so I was effectively straddling her chest, however this gave me plenty of room to fuck her tits.“Much better…” I commented as I started to slide my member through her promised land. She nodded and looked up at me as I fucked her tits. Slowly licking her teeth, Katy then leant forward and started to playfully bat her tongue against my member as I fucked her tits.Sending shivers down my spine, I groaned and shook my head. “Shit Katy. You keep doing that and I’ll blow my load.”“Sorry.” She said with a grin, retracting her tongue before lightly sticking it out at me. Stepping up the pressure, I could feel the cum start to bubble up in my balls again and Katy looked up at me. She had a huge grin on her face as she saw me biting my bottom lip, eager to blow my load.“You want to cum baby? Give me a nice big load all over my big fat titties!” She said, encouraging me as she pressed her large melons together and kept the soft flesh against my member, it throbbed in her cleavage at all the attention it was getting.She then readjusted herself to a kneeling position but pushed me against the cold, steel doors. Pressing her beautiful boobs together, she started to bounce them up and down letting my dick know that her tits loved it.“Cum for me Jacob… Cum for me…” She cooed, commentating on my current state. I closed my eyes and let the orgasm take me.Groaning, I blew my load. Rope after rope shot into the air and then came back down, splattering against her large breasts. Katy cooed at the amount of cum that tore through the air only to settle on her large melons. She had continued to pump up and down as I came, and seemed determined to milk every last drop of my cum from them.Catching my breath, I watched as she let my dick slide from her tits and out from under her top. It bounced in the air playfully, still keeping some of its hardness as it did so. She playfully kissed it before scooping up what cum she could get with her fingers and licking up the cream.“Ready to fuck?” She asked, looking up at me with eager eyes.“You bet I fucking am!” I replied, a huge grin on my face. I slipped my shirt off and dumped it on the floor and watched in amazement as Katy did the same thing. She wasn’t wearing a bra and wasn’t wearing a top any more. Awesome! As I unbuckled my jeans and let them fall to the floor, I kicked them into a neat little pile in the middle with the rest of the clothing, my boxers went with them. Katy had slipped off her little panties and dunked them on with the clothes too. A fitting mattress for the evening I thought as she pointed for me to lie down.I complied and lay down on the neat pile, it was actually rather comfy… Or maybe my sense of pain had simply been dulled by the day’s events? Who cares, Katy Perry was about to mount me like she’d won me in a prize and I was grateful. Katy closed her eyes and hovered over my waist. Running her hands through her hair, Katy then slid her hands down to her pussy’s lips and parted her heavenly lips. Slowly, but surely, the Californian superstar firmly mounted her hot, tanned body on my dick. She then gritted her teeth and started to roughly rock backwards and forwards on my shaft, while she made sure to keep on rising and falling on my dick as well.In sheer awe of the fact that Katy fucking Perry was riding my dick, I licked my lips as Katy treated herself to a wild ride, lifting herself up and slamming herself down roughly on my cock. Playing a game with her, I looked up at her and smiled wickedly. “Is that all you’ve fucking got?” Raising my hands up, I put my hands on her wonderful breasts and squeezed the warm flesh in my hands. I could feel her hot little nipples pressing into my palms as she nodded her head feverishly. She bit on her bottom lip and grinned as she continued to ride on my cock. She tilted her head back and placed her hands on my now sweaty, yet pasty white chest as she roughly bucked her hips while rocking back and forth on my cock, grinding her pussy sharply against my shaft while she slammed down on my eight inch cock.“Come on! That’s it bitch! I bet you want to cum don’t you?” She said with a grin, opening her eyes and looking at me like I was a piece of meat. As I squeezed her soft fleshy tits, she took hold of them and moved them from her tits all the way down to her soft, amazingly tight ass cheeks. Groaning, Katy slammed herself up and down on my cock. Grunting with her, I started to thrust my cock upward into her hot soaking wet pussy. This seemed to take her by surprise as she grinned at being thrown off of her preferred riding pace.“Ohhhh fuck!” Katy moaned, reacting with my new change of fucking pace. Her pussy Bayan Escort was hugging my dick tightly as I slammed up into her tight pussy “Ohhhh you son of a bitch…” She groaned, her eyes shutting, her head rolled back as a thin film of sweat formed on her luscious body. Grinning, she started to jerk her body around on my cock. I’m not going to lie to you. It felt awesome to be inside Katy Perry and when she started to ride around on my shaft at a whiplash-inducing rate I couldn’t help but close my eyes too. I felt a soft pressure on my lips and felt Katy’s soft, delicate tongue slide into my mouth. It bumped against my teeth before I opened up, letting her fleshy organ bounce against mine. We playfully teased each other before I wrapped my larger tongue around hers. She moaned into my mouth as I cupped on fleshy ass. I felt her heavenly breasts push against my chest and, well I wanted to play with them again. I was about to break the kiss, but Katy did it for me. Pulling away from my lips, her mouth was hanging open slightly as she panted, moaning and groaning with each thrust or rise and fall from Katy.“Oh shit… Jacob… Shit!” Katy groaned as I continued to thrust my dick deeper inside the ‘I Kissed a Girl’s hot wet pussy. Her warm, wet lips hugged my shaft tightly as her head fell back and she started to cum on my cock. “Oh shit…” I groaned as her warm, wet fluids seeped down from her pussy and onto my shaft. Katy’s head was tilted backward as she came on my cock. That was pretty rewarding, not only had I got a blowjob AND a titfuck from Katy Perry, but I managed to fuck her and make her cum. Now, I just needed to make sure she was correctly satisfied. The air in the lift was warm and stuffy as we fornicated. There was sweat on both of our bodies as we fucked. “Oh shit… Jacob… So… So good…” She groaned, she seemed to be in a state of euphoric bliss as she came. Her hands fell on my chest and her fingernails, which were delicately painted in a royal blue color, they dug into my chest light as she started to gently move back and forth on my thick shaft, getting back into the groove.Her back straightened out and she put her hands on the floor behind her, giving herself a new base. Katy lifted her pussy up off of my shaft and then slammed her way back down onto my dick, she made sure to improve her rises and drops. Climbing up to her feet, Katy stood up pulling herself off of my shaft. Hovering over my dick, Katy took hold of my dick and pressed it against my lap. Pushing her pussy’s lips against my dick, her lips sucked on the organ lightly, she then started to rock forwards and backwards stroking the member lightly. She looked up at me and bit on her bottom lip lightly. “If you cum, can you fuck me again?” “Absolutely.” There was no doubt about that. I could feel my dick stiffening as she said that. Looking down at my dick, she smiled and nodded her head.“I see. As if you needed to speak.” She then climbed off of my dick and walked over to the doors of the lift. Spreading her legs and putting her hands on the cold steel doors, she spread her legs and looked over her shoulder, brushing her luscious hair over her ear.“Come and take me.” Licking my lips like a maniac, I got up off of the floor and climbed up behind her. Taking a quick tug of my dick, I made sure I was still good to go and then pressed into her folds. Katy groaned at the intrusion, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. Licking her lips slowly, she nodded and motioned for me to carry on.Taking hold of her hips, I pulled out of her pussy, up until my dick’s head and then pressed on again. Pushing my inside her, I had to shut my eyes in sheer bliss of how heavenly she felt. Katy seemed to be feeling something similar. Her throaty groans filled the lift and started to reach a crescendo with mine as her hips started to rock back to meet my thrusts. My hips started to smash against her ass, and then felt great too. I wonder, would it be bad to ask for anal? Probably… Maybe… Let’s settle on maybe for the time being hey?The ‘I Kissed a girl’ singer moaned out loud, her eyes half open as she looked back at me as I started to build up the pace working my member in and out of her heavenly tight, warm and wet snatch. Groaning, Katy pawed at her large breast as she kept herself bent over in front of me, feeling my cock thrusting into her at an already swift and firm pace that had her nicely curved body jolting suddenly with each movement into her. She groaned, biting down on her lipstick-covered lip for a moment as she watched my body slam towards and then away from her mighty fine backside as I nailed her.With my dick plowing in and out of her warm, snug love tunnel I was amazed at how much she could take. Now, I’m kind of big and girlfriends had always moaned that I was too big, so this was a treat to fuck her so deeply. Despite her initial tightness and my size, but we’d both got with the program quickly as we were able to fuck her with stiff, quick thrusts feeling her wet folds hugging my shaft.Katy was pushing her hips back against my thrusts; it was a good sign that she was enjoying it too. Her juices coated my cock as we fucked hard; I hugged her waist tightly, linking my arms around her waist. I cupped my hands on her tits and squeezed the soft, fleshy orbs making her moan. It was for the first time that I noticed that she had her eye shut tightly. There was a thin film of sweat on her body, matching mine as I rammed my dick balls deep into her. “Katy… You are so… Ugh… Fucking… Ugh ugh ugh… Fucking hot!” I complimented as my balls slapped against her skin. “Ah! Ah! Ah! You! Ah! You! Ah, ah ah! You too!” She replied, her voice rising with each thrust inside her. “Ugh… Ugh… Ugh… And your tits are amazing.” I added, complimenting the fantastic, fleshy orbs with a squeeze on each thrust.“Oh… Oh… Thank… Oh… Thank you… Oh!” Katy replied, her voice climbing higher as she started to run into a more rapid breathing pattern.“Going to cum?” I asked, putting one hand on her stomach, keeping one hand on her breast to play with the fleshy mountain. Using the index finger, I traced her areola and lightly flicked her hard nipple as she shook with an orgasm.Katy bit down on her bottom lip before her eyes opened and she let out a loud scream as she came over my dick. Her voice trailed off into a series of high pitched screams and wails. Her pussy’s walls hugged my shaft tightly as she came. Taking my hand off of her tit, I put both of them on her hips and fucked her straight through the orgasm. Observing in the reflective surface as he massive breasts swung in perfect synchronicity as I slammed in and out of her.Wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead, my pace slowed as she came back to reality. Panting heavily, she looked over her shoulder and smiled, sexily licking her lips into tracing her teeth. “One more position?” I asked, slapping her ass hopefully.“Haven’t taken it in the ass for a while… Want to take that cherry too?” She asked, slapping her ass too. Lightly squeezing the cheeks and parting them so I could see her tight little ass hole.“I certainly do.” I replied, squeezing her fleshy ass. “All fours?”“Certainly!” She said, grinning from ear to ear.” She got down on all fours in front of me, just above the pile of clothes we’d built up. I got down on all fours behind the gorgeous music star and tugged on my shaft. Her pussy’s juices were still slick on my shaft that should serve as a neat little lubricant. Pushing my dick against her hole, I took a deep breath and forced my shaft inside her.“Ohhhhhh! Mmmm that’s what I like! Nice and rough!” Katy moaned loudly, flicking her head up as she rocked back and forth on her knees.“Ahhh shit! Such a tight hole!” I simply grunted as I grabbed hold of Katy’s hips, pulling her back to meet my shaft as I hammered her asshole.Katy closed her eyes and moaned lowly as she rocked backwards and forwards on her knees as she pushed back against my shaft. I smirked; well you’d be pleased with yourself wouldn’t you? I took my shaft to the halfway point and then shoved it deeply into her asshole. Katy looked over her shoulder at me as I fucked her.“Harder… Fuck me harder!” She groaned as I continued to move back and forth on my knees when I pulled her back against my cock at a quick pace.“Whoa!” I moaned aloud, surprised at her reaction. Nodding, I continued to rock forwards and backwards on my knees as I forced my shaft deeper insider her asshole. Her ass responded in kind and squeezed my dick tightly as I fucked her. Katy’s fists were screwed up tightly as I fucked her, she was tearing at the carpet in the lift as we fucked. Eventually, she gave up supporting herself and slumped downwards. With her face planted in our clothes pile, I was free to fuck her as hard as I wanted.“Ahhh… Awww….” I groaned as I continued to pound her tight ass as hard as I could, a lone hand of hers made its way up to her cunt and she started to pleasure herself with her fingers.Mmmm Mmmm! Ohhhhhh yeah…Ohhhhhh!” Katy groaned, she leant her head back out of the pile to let me hear he moaning like a whore. She started to grind my cock against her ass as I pumped deep inside her.“Ahhh yeah… Katy! I‘m going to cum!” I reluctantly groaned as my cock started to throb as I drove into her asshole at a quickening rate.“In my ass!” She said, I nodded and fucked her as hard as I could. We shared a groan and I let loose a torrent of cum deep inside her bowels. Fucking her with each spurt, I was finished and pulled out of her ass hole. She was quiet as the cum dribbled from inside her. She smiled and looked up at me. “I can feel it coming down.” She then scooped up the cum and sucked her fingers clean. Coming around, she then sucked my dick again, getting every bit of cum from inside me. She quickly stroked my shaft and was satisfied that I had finished. We were quiet for a moment as we shared a look.Breaking the silence, I smiled.“Thank fuck it’s Friday.”

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Chasing Mom

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Chasing MomGrowing up mom and dad never bothered with hiding their naked bodies from me or my younger sister. We were used to seeing everyone naked including grandma and grandpa and being a k** I never too much about that.But once I got close to puberty, things changed. Mom and granny started to cover up, and at first I thought nothing about it. But once puberty did hit, I wanted to what a woman looked like naked and that is when I noticed things had changed. I would do things like walk in mom’s room when I knew she was changing or when she just got of the shower. She would try to be cool about it and I would play it off as no big deal. Now my mom is no fashion queen or super model. She does have natural dirty blonde hair that she keeps short, like school teacher or library lady or like my granny. She is normal height with medium size boobs and she kind of plump. I have seen some of my friends moms and a couple of them are hot and a few are ugly, mom is just average. I have seen mom’s pussy many times over the years and it is not overly hairy and has a nice light brown bush with nice lips. During the summer mom was working part time so she was home alot druing the day. She would take us shopping and to the pool. I would stare at her as we changed into our suits. Mom told me to quit looking at her or I woukld have to change in the mens room. I took great pleasure showing off my man part as it was growing in nice and large with good covering of fur. I felt really manly and wanted mom to check which I did catch her doing from time to time. Things escalated as I was trying to see mom’s pussy more and more and then going to my room and jacking off. I even got mom to catch me a time or two as I was jacking off. One day, dad and sister were gone for the day and mom was in the shower. I walked into her bathroom several times and pulled open the curtain to ask her stupid questions. And then when she got out I went her room and caught her backside as she was bent over, her cute snatch peaking from underneath. Escort I almost lost it right then and there. Mom jumped up and said for me take a good look and get it out of my system. She laid on the bed with her legs open and told me to look her over, play with it or what ever I had to do to get this out of my system. I thought to my self that this is pretty cool. I started to look real close at mom’s body, her little pot belly, her small boobs, her wet hair, and of course her cute little pussy. Her lips were slightly open showing just small bit of pink. Mom said for me to take my time and look at everything real close, she even said for me to touch it-get it all out of my system. I touched mom’s boobs, they were firm yet soft. I had never touched boobs, I played with them in my hands. My cock was now hard as a rock and sticking straight out making a huge tent in my boxers. The smell of mom’s wet hair was not helping matters. Then I moved down to her pussy. I had my face right there, I could smell her sweet smell. I rubbed my hand over her soft bush and I loved the way her pussy hair felt. Then my hands brushed over her lips, mom kind of made a slight moan. I ran my fingers around her pussy lips and then pulled them open to get a good look. At that time I was not sure what was what nor did I know what I doing but I brushed her clit as I ran my finger up and down her slit. Mom jumped so I did it some more. Then I went to her vagina which seemed to rather wet and easy to push my finger into. I slid three fingers into there as far as I could get them. The smell had me getting so horny that I thought my dick was going break off. Mom seemed to be enjoying this but I was not sure what else to do. I wanted to put my cock inside her but was not sure if she would go for that. So I played with her bush and lips some more, then I asked mom if I could jack off and look at her naked while I did it. She said fine. I stood up and pulled down my boxers and started to play with my cock. Escort Bayan As I stroked i watched mom. My cock just hurt more and I found that I felt a little wierd doing this as mom just laid there and watched. So I rubbed her pussy with one hand as I stroked my knob with the other. Then I turned my cock towards her pussy, I figured I would try to get it as close to her pussy as I could and maybe I could cum all over her bush. Mom must have sensed what I was trying to do and she sat up on the bed and turned towards me facing her now open wet pussy right at on the edge of the bed. Mom said that now I can rub my cock all over her pussy if I wanted too. Then she said something that I will never forget-she said that I could even stick in if I wanted! I could not believe what she had just said! I tried to play it cool and like it was no big deal. My cock was dripping at the thought of getting into this pussy that was right in front of me. My balls were hurting so bad for some release. So I stroked my cock some more and then rubbed it around mom’s bush. Then I rubbed it in between her lips, I was afraid that any moment it was going to explode so I was trying to be careful. Then I rubbed it right at her hole and let the tip slip in just a little. Then I rubbed around the outside a little more then went back to her hole and pushed it in very slowly. It was the most amazing feeling as mom’s pussy welcomed my cock inside. I pushed a little way in and then pulled back almost all the way out and then pushed in further till I was in as far as I could go. I could not believe that I was inside my mom’s pussy, my cock was so hard. The warm tight wet feeling, mom then said something else that I will never forget-that feels so good! She liked what I was doing! Mom liked having me inside her pussy. Mom started to move hips slightly and the feeling on my cock was more than I could take. My cock exploded like it never had before, I thought I was going to pass out and I was trying not to fall Bayan Escort down as my cock pumped mom’s cunt full of cum. Mom moaned as this was happening. When everything stopped, I could feel that my cock was still hard and it was still deep inside mom’s wonderful pussy. I waited expecting mom to tell me to get out. Mom looked at me and told me that was amazing, she was not expecting that. Then she said I should pump her as my cock was still hard. Mom pulled me onto the bed without letting my cock slip out of her. I started to pump her as she held me, I kept getting harder and faster. Mom started to moan louder and louder. The slaping sound of bodies and the sloshing of my cock inside mom’s pussy made me cum another huge load deep inside mom but this time mom came too. She moaned really loud and held me deep inside her, I could feel her pussy convulsing around my cock. This time my cock went limp and I pulled out of her, her wondeerful cunt was leaking my jizz and jizz was all in her bush making it sticky and creamy white. I could not believe I just fucked my mom. Mom said that we should have some lunch and got up. She went to the kitchen, naked. She fixed a quick lunch. I sat there and watched her naked body as she worked. I thought that I had just filled that wonderful snatch with my cum, my sperm was swiming thru her womb as she prepared my lunch. After lunch mom said we should fuck again and we did. Mom laughed and said that she wanted to make sure that we get this out of my system. I laughed too and told mom that this may take several weeks. Mom told me that she was willing to do whatever it took to make sure I get over this hornyness. Mom and I fucked several more times that day. And then several times a day after that. I fucked her even after dad would get done with her but never when dad was in the house. Well a few times I would get up in the middle of the night or middle of the day and mom would be in the kitchen and I started to date I would tell mom about my dates and fucking the girls. Mom would get all horny and would want me to fuck her. She loved smelling the other girls on my hand and cock. To this day I still fuck my mom but not as often as I would like. But when ever I get back home to visit we always make some time to fuck.

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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz (Ch9/P4)

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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz (Ch9/P4)As Lord Omarion and Talika made the most of their time, Leandra and Dorothy sat in their cells silently. A gobkin guard, slumped over in his chair, asleep. Dorothy moved to the cell bars as quiet as she could. “Leandra, what do we do.”Leandra stood up and reached her hand through a hole in her robe, touching The Magic Belt. “Unlock the cell door.” With just those simple words her cell door unlocked. She slowly slide it open and walked to the sleeping guard. With quick reflexes she grabbed his knife and held it to his throat. His eyes jumped open feeling the sharp blade.”Where is The Broom.”The guard spat into Leandra face. She dug the knife into his throat drawing blood. “Ok, ok. Its in the room above the throne room.””How do I get there.”He lifted his hand to a spiral staircase. “The stairs will lead you to the room.” “Dorothy grab some rope and tie him to the chair.” Dorothy found some rope and tied the gobkins hands behind his back, to the chair. Leandra lead the way to the stairs and was going to go up first,”I forgot something in my cell Dorothy go up Escort and I’ll meet you at the top. Be careful.”Dorothy nodded her head with a ok and went up the stairs. Leandra watched her go up the stairs and walked back to the guard. “What traps are there. Come on I know there’s something around The Broom.” The gobkin snarled at her,”Go to hell bitch.” Still holding the knife in her hand she raised it up and drove it into the top of his skull. His body went limp as life left his body. Leandra twisted the knife and pulled it back out. She wiped off the blood on his clothes and grabbed the scabbard the knife was in. She put it around her waist and followed after Dorothy. The stairs seemed to go on forever until it opened to a large black room. The walls, floor and ceiling was mad of black marble. It was like glass, you could see your reflection in it. Dorothy was sitting on the top step looking into the room. Leandra got beside her,”Whats the matter.” Dorothy pointed at two gobkin guards and behind them there it was. The Broom was standing straight up, with the bristle end pointed to the Escort Bayan ground.It was encased in a bright white light. “Stay here, I’ll handle this.”Leandra got up off the steps and walked into the room. The two gobkin guards spotted her and drew their spears at her. She smiled and ran towards them. The one guard threw his spread at her and drew his knife. Leandra moved her body sideways, the spear buzzing past her face. He went to charge her but she threw her knife, it sank into his skull and he fell to the ground. The other guard looked down at his dead companion and looked up. Leandra had never stopped running, jumping in the air and kicking him in the face. He stumbled back trying to get his footing, but Leandra had grabbed hold of his spear and removed it from his hands. She sweep his legs from under him and he fell back hitting the hard marble. He went to get up but the spear was pointed right at his face. “Are there any traps or spells on The Broom.”He looked up at her and smiled,”Why should I tell you, your going to kill me anyway witch.” She smiled,”Your right” and drove Bayan Escort the spear down, into his mouth and through the back of his skull. “Its safe you can come up Dorothy.” Dorothy walked into the room and stood beside her, then she knelt down and closed the gobkin eyelids. “I’m sorry.” Leandra did not even notice this moment of sympathy, she had moved closer to The Broom. She stopped just at the edge of the light. She stuck out the gobkin spear into the light and nothing happened. Just then the tip of the spear touched the broom. The metal began to change into wood. Leandra dropped the spear and watched the metal spear turn into a stick of wood. Leandra stood there thinking to herself,”How do I remove that spell.” She thought of spells her mother had taught her and then it came to her. She turned and looked down at Dorothy who was still knelt down by the gobkin. “Dorothy I need your help.” Dorothy stood up and walked up to Leandra,”What do you ne……” Dorothy gasped for air as she felt the sharp pain in her side. She looked down and saw the knife jammed into her side. She fell down on her knees and looked up at Leandra. “Why?””Innocent blood must be spilled. I didn’t mean to do it but, I need The Broom.” She helped lay Dorothy down as the blood slowly spilled out onto the ground. Dorothy started to turn pale and closed her eyes.

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Pain and a Woman’s Pleasure (cont’d)

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Pain and a Woman’s Pleasure (cont’d)It had been some months since I had seen her. Of course, I had had other women including the lovely J whose smooth, silky skin and pert breats are more like those of a woman half her age. But as much as I enjoy the pleasure of holding her naked body in my arms (and even just gazing on her body), I always long to be the dominant male with a truly submissive woman ready to obey me entirely.So, it was a few days before Christmas when I at last was able to get to see her. By this time she had moved from her house into a small block of flats in the next town. I rang the bell at the outer door and she slipped out of her front door which opens on to the hallway Escort to let me in. To my surprise, she was clad in a full length black negligee – unusual for a December afternoon and the more unusual to be wearing it in the hallway where neighbours might suddenly appear. It was a good sign, though, it showed that she was eagerly awaiting me. Her eagerness was even more evident when we passed swiftly into the flat, closed the front door, and she let the black robe fall to the floor and revealed herself to be totally naked. So, there was I in my outdoor clothing, needed for a cold December day, and before me a naked, fully shaved woman wanting sex. Not a word had been Escort Bayan spoken. By way of silent greeting we kissed passionately and my hands wandered and I found her nipples. Those lovely, biteable nipples, were erect and rock hard like my cock. I pinched them between my fingers (she gave a little shudder) and led her by them into the bedroom.I removed my outer coat. Then I found her swiftly unbuttoning and removing my shirt. As I stood before her stripped to the waist, she dropped to her knees, unzipped me and started to suck me. As she sucked and after the first flush of mutual pleasure, and without letting her mouth leave my cock, she began to complete her Bayan Escort undressing of me: right shoe, left shoe (both cast aside), trousers dropped so I could step out of them, pants also. There I was naked apart from my socks. And I have always said that there is nothing less sexy than a man naked apart from his socks. So I told her to remove these too.By now, she had got me almost to the point of climax and I knew that however pleasurable it was for both of us with my cock deep in her mouth, it was too early for me to cum. I withdrew and lifted her to her feet and threw her back on the bed. She parted her legs and was on the point of masturbating when I stopped her. If I was to command and she to obey for the precious time ahead of us, I would decide what this slave for the afternoon would enjoy and when and how she would enjoy it. She knew that she was in the presence of her Master and would willingly obey.(More to follow)

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Step Jack Daddy: Part 4

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Step Jack Daddy: Part 4Me and My Step Daddy Jack: Part 4, The office party My step dad Jack and I, We’d fucked a lot, A lot seemed a little compared to how much Jack was fucking me day and night when ever he was free.. Tonight was his company’s party. He dressed me like his little cumslut for the party, I knew I’d have all eyes on me because of what I was wearing for tonights party.[wore this dress with black pumps]He didn’t let me cum all day today while he teased and fingered me, this was getting me even more horny and frustrated, Said he was saving me for the party tonight, I assumed he was trying to show me off to his partners. We reached the office’s conference room which was now set up for the party at sharp 7pm.. When we reached there the notice board read,Conference Room: Declaration of the promotion for Senior PartnerTime: 8:30pmI exactly knew why Jack had dressed me up for tonight and why exactly had be brought me here this early. We walked into the room, Only to find 2 of Jack’s senior partners waiting for us.”Ah, There he is,” One of the men exclaimed when we walked inside. The 2 of them looked like they must be around 40-42 years old. Jack greeted both of them and introduced me to them as his step daughter Ashley, He told me their names were Nathan and Tom. They both greeted me with a kiss on my lips.. “Its great to finally meet you Ashley” Nathan said.. “Jack keeps telling us how wonderful you are.. Well indeed you are” He then looks at Jack and winks “I can totally understand why you always reach the office late now” and the 3 of them giggle.. “You seem wonderful Ashley” Tom said and then told Jack that the deal was on while he eyed me. Jack took me to the side to give me instructions about tonight “Ashley, those are my senior bosses, If they are pleased with you.. I get a promotion tonight so you have to spend at least an hour with each of them tonight,or jointly 2 hours if they wish for that” he told me and also told me to put by best foot forward and do as and what they may for the next 2 hours, I was shocked.. He was now using me for his job Escort and letting his bosses use me for his betterment! “And why would I fuck those two? I dont even know them and I’m already fucking you keeping up with my end of the bargain.” I exclaimed “Well for starters, My deal said I’d share you with who I wish and secondly they are going to pay you a lot for tonight and should keep showering you wish presents after tonight if you put up a great show. So go on with them and DO AS THEY WISH” Jack’s voice raised, I got a bit scared and agreed.. I walked up to Nathan and Tom.. “So who’s first or are you both going to bang we well together.” I asked as I bit my lip and winked at them. “We both do you for 40mins each and then the share you for half an hour and 10mins to tidy up and we hit back this party at 9pm with a late entrance.” Nathan told me and then held his hand forward, Meaning he was going to ride me first and took me into the office and opened a room which looked like a store room but it was a normal room and had a comfy looking couch inside, Ah.. So this is where the bosses fucked every sexys staff member I tough to my self and walked in behind him. Nathan locked the door behind him and sat on the couch “Let’s see what you got that Jack keeps boasting about” He said with a wink and I slowly removed my dress and he was happy to discover no thongs or bra underneath my dress.. “Like what you see Nathan?” I winked at him and slowly came and sat on his lap and started to rub my pussy on his crouch and began to make moaning noises which instantly got him hard, I then undid his tie and removed his shirt, then undid his belt, unzipped his fly and pulled down his jeans and his underpants and spread his legs and went down on my knees and started to stroke his cock with my hands, Soon I began to kiss and lick his very this and long throbbing hard dick and started to play with his balls with my free hands, In no time I was sucking him fast.. His hands reached my head and he was now deep throating me, I could taste pre cum in my mouth and began blow Escort Bayan his faster and harder.. In no time, Nathan was shooting loads down my throat he was moaning and panting now “Ashley, that was one of the most amazing blowjobs anyone has every given me here” he then pulled me up and sat me on the couch and began kissing me deep and his free hands moved to press my bare exposed breasts, He was enjoying squeezing them hard, His kisses travelled down my lips to my neck to my boobs where he stopped to suck and nibble on them.. Nathan then travelled down to my belly then he spread my legs and began to kiss my pussy, he then started playing with my clit and starting eating it, in no time his tongue was down my vagina hole and his fingers on my Gspot, I was going to max out by how well he was eating my pussy, All I could moan was “Yes, Nathan just like that, ah haa, yesss.. yesss.. omgosh” and in no time he had me cumming and he drank every bit of my juices, He then came back up and adjusted me so that his dick could smoothly slide into my pussy without any problem as I was very very wet.He was teasing me with his cock and then suddenly rammed it inside me, “OUCH!!” I gasped and moaned with pleasure, He then started thrusting his cock in and out of me for a long time until we both were about the climax, Along side he kept kissing me and nibbling on my boobs and sucking them, We both them came, He came on my pussy and stomach. His 40 minutes were up, It was now Tom’s turn.. The same procedure was repeated until Tom’s 40minutes were over then Nathan came back in.. Tom had come all over my face and boobs, Before Nathan came back.. Tom asked me to rins off my body as there was cum and my juices all over..Now it was Tom and Nathan, 2 cocks 1 pussy 1 mouth 1 ass,They both were sucking on my boobs while I was shagging them off.. They then came in my mouth while I deep throated each of them.. I was then made to ride each of their cocks with my pussy.. Tom was not as thick as Nathan, but he was surely as long as him.. Both were around 8.5″ and Nathan Bayan Escort was very thick. Both kept ramming their cocks in and out of my pussy.. Now Tom rubbed some of my juices on my ass hole and I could slowly feel him try to slide his cock inside me, My ass was too tight, But soon he rammed the whole thing inside me with one go.. I yelped, Boy did it hurt really bad. I was feeling very sore, Nathan in my pussy, Tom in my ass, Both were moaning my name while I just kept begging for more and more.. They soon switched places and it was harder for Nathan to fit inside my ass now.. He tried and slowly fitted the whole thing inside. fuckkk it hurt to fucking badly.. “Oh my, Nathann.. Ouch…” was all I could yell out.. Now then both were rough and on fire and were banging me like there was no tomorrow… Soon Tom pulled out and came all over my tummy but Nathan stayed in and squirted thick hot cum inside my ass… Both the guys kissed me deep and we washed up.. Told me that I was wonderful and I could come visit Jack and them anytime I wanted in the near futureIt was 9pm.. We walked into the party.. I went by Jack’s side and gave his a kiss on his cheeks and he squeezed my ass hard and said “Thank you hun, You will be rewarded later tonight.. then from monday.. Your school starts.. That should be interesting”During the party, Nathan and Tom announced Jack as the new senior partner.. A lot during the party I had them groap me in the corners.. Some of my dad’s friends at the firm too pressed my boobs and bum when they came over to congratulate my dad.. Maybe Jack really did talk a lot about me here.. I was really famous here.. One of his friends even asked me to come over to his house when Jack was busy and He said he’d have a word with Jack about it, I loved being the center of attention and have everyone’s eyes on me.. with the lust of bending me over right now and fucking my brains on the desk any moment in them. One of Jack’s friend Louis, asked Jack for permission and took my into the mens bathroom and fingered me until I had juices flowing down my thighs, He then nibbled on my boobs for a bit longer.. He then thanked me and Jack and we enjoyed the rest of the party with cocktails, dinner and some yummy dessert which I later licked off Jack’s dick in the mens room…Part 5 coming up next 🙂

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The Massage

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Ava Addams

The MassageI went to get a hot oil massage. The man told me to strip and lay face up on the cot. I am not shy and was not bothered being naked in front of him. He only wore white shorts. He had a big muscle body type. Looked like he worked out a lot and I loved that. He ran his hands down my body from my neck to my feet. It felt good when his big hands went over my tits and stomach and close to my pussy. He then squirted the warm oil on his hands and across my chest and covered my tits. He began to massage the oil in taking care to not touch my tits which made me crazy. He rubbed my arms and before I knew it he had strapped them down. Then he rubbed the oil on my legs, spreading them wide. He rubbed up to my pussy but did not touch. Then I felt the straps around my ankles. I was now strapped down with my legs spread wide. He then said to me. “I have a great massage planned for you. You have a beautiful body with nice full tits and a sweet shaved pussy.” I was not sure when he had removed his shorts but he was there beside me naked. And he had a nice huge cock to match the rest of his muscled body. He rubbed oil on my tits and took time massaging them. He oiled each nipple making them hard and erect. He smiled and told me “You have nice big titties for such a young girl. He spent a long time massaging my tits and nipples. He told me “I am using a berry flavored oil on your body. I love to lick it off and taste it.” Then he began licking my tits and sucking my nipples. “Your tits are delicious. I bet the rest of you will be very enjoyable too.” He sucked my nipples pulling and stretching them with his teeth. He kissed down the sides and then back to the now hard nipples. As he sucked one and kissed it he rubbed and massaged the other with his fingers and hands. It was then he rubbed his cock across my tits. “Do you like to feel my cock on those tits?”Next he poured warm oil across my stomach. As he massaged my stomach he got close to my pussy spread wide for him but he was careful not to touch it. I could feel the oil run down between my pussy lips. This made me horny and wanting to feel his hands. He went to my legs and massaged up to my pussy. I felt his hand just brush against the pussy lips but not quite touching me. I began to breathe hard. He laughed then squirted oil on my pussy. “Do you want that sweet pussy massaged baby? It looks a little wet right now.” He then began to massage my horny pussy. Soon as he touched me I Escort came. I could see him smile. He took his fingers and spread my pussy lips. He massaged my pussy and spent a long time on my clit. I came over and over. Then I felt a finger go inside my hole. He pulled it out and squirted oil on his finger and returned it to the inside of my hole once again. He went in and out fucking as he massaged me. He quietly said “That is a nice tight wet cunt you have. Now it is filled with my berry oil mixed with your cum. I shall have to taste you.” He then put his mouth to my hole and stuck his tongue in me. “Yes, very good.” He kept tonguing my hole and licking the cum and oil from me and every so often added more oil. He went back and forth between my cunt and my clit and had me moaning and wanting cock.He then massaged back to my ass hole. He rubbed it with oil before he stuck a finger in me. “So how do you like that? Do you like that tight ass fucked? Do you like a finger or a cock?” I bet you like both.” I was so turned on I could not speak. He kept fingering and oiling my ass. Sometimes he would finger my cunt and then back to my ass. I had cum dripping down between my legs.He then got up on the table and straddled me rubbing his cock over my oiled body. He pushed his cock over my face and then into my mouth. He smiled and said “Taste that berry oil on my cock. Now open wide for my big cock. I love a good cock suck. Then I will let that cunt and ass feel my big cock slide inside them. I will give you a good hard fuck before I untie you.” He then began to push his cock in and out of my mouth. He was long and thick. Quite a mouth full even for my experienced mouth. I sucked and licked his huge cock and he made noises telling me to suck harder or lick deeper. I could taste the berry oil mixed with his precum. The more I sucked the deeper his cock went down to my throat. He moaned “Oh baby, suck that cock. Suck it hard. Suck harder. Yes take it deep. Open wide.” Then he grabbed my hair and pushed his cock balls deep and held it there as he fucked me. He would pull out then plunge back in deep watching me take the whole cock. Then he held his cock all the way for a few seconds as he filled my throat with his load of cum. “Oh baby, I could do that for hours. You suck cock better than any one I have ever known. I want to keep my cock down your throat for hours. Who taught you to suck cock like that.” I smiled thinking he would Escort Bayan be shocked to know it was my mother’s husband.He then moved down my body dragging his cock over my nipples and stomach and to my pussy. He rubbed oil on his cock and then over my pussy spreading my pussy lips. He said “If your cunt fucks like your mouth, I am in for a good ride.” He then covered his fingers with oil and shoved them in my cunt. He brought his oiled cock to my fuck hole and began to push his huge member inside me. He was big and hard once again and he felt so good going inside my cunt. I knew he would be a great cock fuck. He slowly pushed inside me balls deep. It felt great. His cock filled my tight hole. Then he began to first fuck me slowly in and out. Then he pushed harder and deeper really pounding my hole. I began to raise my hips to the big cock wanting more and more. I felt his balls slap against me as he fucked. He screamed out to me “I love that cunt. You feel so good. It is tight and warm and lets me go in deep and hard. I am going to fuck you till you beg me to stop.” Then he began to fuck me harder and harder. I lost count of how many times I came with his cock inside me. I loved that big thick rod. He then leaned forward and grabbed a nipple between his teeth as he fucked me deep. He sucked hard on the nipple as he pounded my cunt. I then screamed and thought I would pass out as I had never felt so good before. He had taken me way beyond the norm.He let go of my tit and kissed me sucking on my tongue which made me cum harder as if that was possible. “You are the hottest fuck I have ever had. Your mouth and your cunt beg for my cock. I have my cock so far up inside you and you just let me ride you. I am going to fuck you for hours. You are a fucking nympho and I love that. I never get enough sex. I can fuck for hours and days.” He would pull his cock out then ram it back in my hole. This went on for almost two hours before he was able to cum again. Once he came he really filled me full of his warm liquid. We were both exhausted.He laid beside me then he fucked my mouth and cunt again. Between fucks he rubbed my tits, clit and ass with the berry oil. He also covered his cock and balls with the oil for me to lick off. “You like a big cock don’t you baby? You like my big cock filling your mouth and cunt full of my warm cum. No other gal has ever been able to take all of my big cock and you did it and loved it. Bayan Escort Now I am going to fuck that tight ass.He then rubbed my ass with the lotion. He took two fingers and pushed it deep inside me. He then kissed my pucker and licked it pushing his tongue into my ass. He surprised me and began to suck my asshole. He would suck then tongue it and had me begging for cock. He said to me “Oh no baby girl. You have to wait for cock. I am going to work that ass over before you get the big prize. Then I am going to push my huge cock all the way in you and stretch you and fuck you like you have never had an ass fucking.” He then went back to my ass and licked and sucked kissing it too. I was beyond turned on. He kept adding more oil and pushing it with his fingers deep into my ass. He looked at my face and said “Are you ready for my monster cock? Want that ass fucked deep and hard? I want to hear you beg for mercy when this big stick goes deep into you. Now lift your hips to my big fucking machine.” He then oiled his cock and aimed it to my ass. He pushed the head in and I knew then it would be a tight fit but I wanted that big cock to fuck my ass till I could not walk. Slowly he pushed in till he had several inches in me. “Now that is a nice tight ass. My cock loves your sweet ass baby girl. Do you like my cock? Now hold on while I give you the hardest fuck of your life.” He then pushed every inch in my ass and began to fuck me. In and out he went and I was sure he was ripping me apart. It was a mix between pain and pleasure. And the pleasure was more than I had ever felt before. I loved that big cock stretching my ass and fucking it deep and hard. He kept fucking me ramming his cock in and out and shouting how good I felt.After a long fuck session he then filled me with his cum. It ran out my ass and down to the table. He then kissed me pushing his tongue deep into my mouth. “Baby, I just want to fuck you and fuck you. I can not get enough of your body. I am going to keep you tied and fuck you all night long. I have great stamina especially when I have a hot nympho with a sexy body to fuck.” he then slid down to my tits and began to suck and bite them. “Nice big titties and nipples. A big mouthful.”That night we fucked over and over. I sucked his cock and balls and he ate my pussy. We had cunt and ass fucking and I could not get enough of that huge monster of a cock. By the time I left the next day my tits, ass and cunt were raw. I was not sure I could even walk but I planned to come back the next day and start again with a wonderful hot massage. I was not going to let the man with the monster cock get away. The sex was too awesome. I think he was the nympho.

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