Acting out Fantasies Ch. 05: After Work

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About 2 ½ years ago, my wife Shar and I started to have sex with our divorced neighbor, Jill, her 18 year old daughter Dian. About 2 years in, we added a young 20 year old girl named Linda. I have met and had sex with Linda’s mother, Sarah. For the last few months every I kissed my wife Shar, I would think that her lips tasted like wet pussy. I think that she is secretly having sex with an another woman. I don’t know who but I don’t care, the sex between Shar and I have never been better. Who ever she is fucking it’s doing wonderful things to us…

Walking into work, busy looking at my schedule to see what I had on my agenda today, I accidently ran into an knocked down a woman. As I helped her up and gathered her papers and files and handed them to her I expressed how sorry I was. I took out a note pad and wrote down my personal contact information and handed to her offering to pay for any dry cleaning of her expansive suit. She smiled and introduced herself as Heather, and accepted my offer to pay for the dry cleaning. As we parted ways I couldn’t help it to think how nice her ass was. I couldn’t focus at work because I could stop fantasying about her. As lunch came around I went to a good Chinese restaurant and as I entered, I noticed Heather waiting in the waiting room. I asked her if she was waiting long and offered her to join me if she’s not meeting anybody. As she accepted, she told me that she too couldn’t focus at work because of our run in this morning. As we ate lunch, we started talking, and then started flirting; soon we were holding hands despite Heather and I both being married. As we left the restaurant Heather gave me a kiss but immediately pulled away say that she was sorry and that we were both married. I told her that it was ok and pull her towards me and gave her another kiss. She told me that she would call me later and we both went back illegal bahis to work.

A few hours later I get a text message from an unknown number telling me to meet them at an address. I snuck out of work an hour early and head to the given address which is a nice house just outside of town. I knock on the door and Heather opened the door and pulled me in and closing the door behind me. She told me that she keeps this rent house in good shape since the real owners live across the country and thought it would be a nice place to ‘meet’.

We started to kiss as she led me to couch where she took off my suit jacket and untied my tie. I took off her suit jacket and blouse. I can see Heather’s nipples through her bra. Heather then took off her bra and I immediately one of her breasts in my mouth sucking on one of her nipples making her moan and beg for more. After a minute she pulls her breast away and got on her knees in front of me and pull off my pants and underwear and started to suck my cock. As she was sucking my cock I was unable to talk it felt so good. After a minute of Heather sucking my cock I pick her up and took off her skirt exposing her panties that were soaked with her wet pussy juices.

Heather then got up and started to lead me to the bedroom but I stop her in the hall way where I pin her up ageist the wall kissing her, as I slip off her panties. She then whispered into my ear that she can’t wait anymore. So I lifted her up and put my cock into her pussy and started to fuck her catapulting her into a frenetic orgasm. I came seconds later, my creamy semen gushing into Heather’s pussy.

I put her down and she leads me the rest of the way to the bedroom where she threw me onto the bed as she jumped onto my cock and started fucking me again which made her cum again. I rolled her over onto her back and started fucking again, making her cum illegal bahis siteleri almost instantly I came shortly later.

As we laid back and talked, Heather told me that this was the first time that she had cheated on her husband and that she a little confused. She explained that she felt guilty cheating on the man she loved but at the same time I gave her a thrill that he never could and she thanked me, I interrupted her and told her not to thank me yet and rolled over so I’m on top of her and started fucking her again going a little faster every time she moaned. Soon I was fucking her as fast as I can making her cum in a massive power orgasm squirting out of her stuffed pussy. I keep fucking her so hard she is forced to grab a pillow and bite it to keep from screaming so loud until I came seconds later.

Heather rolled over onto her side and gave me a long passionate kiss and asked if I was hungry. I told her that I was a little hungry, so she got out of be and headed to the kitchen to cook some dinner. I followed shortly later to find her in the kitchen cooking dinner. I sneak up behind her and start kissing her cheek and licking the side of her neck. Once dinner was ready we ate fast since all of the fucking made us both really hungry. After eating I thanked her for a wonderful night and gave her a kiss. She told me that I wasn’t leaving yet, pulled me back to the bedroom, and threw me back onto the bed where she jumped onto the bed and started to suck my cock.

While Heather was sucking my cock I started to rub her pussy making her instantly wet. I told her that I wanted to eat her pussy so she maneuvered herself into a sixty-nine so I can eat her pussy at the same time as she sucked my cock. After about a minute I made Heather cum, squirting her cum and juices into my mouth. Heather then told me that she wanted to have me fuck her canlı bahis siteleri in her ass. I told her ok so I maneuvered her onto all fours and licked my index finger and stuck it into her asshole before putting in my cock. I started to fuck her slowly so she can get used to the feeling of my cock in her ass. After a while I start to fuck her a little faster making her moan, which made me go a little faster, then a little faster. While fucking Heather’s asshole, Heather started to play with her pussy and is biting a pillow to keep her from screaming. After a few moments Heather has the most powerful orgasm I have ever seen, her cum and juices flowing out of her pussy like a sink that lasted for what seemed like a good 5 long seconds making a puddle on the bed. I came seconds later, as I pulled my cock out of her ass I can see my cum flow out of her ass she turned over and lifted her hips off the bed, offering up her pretty pussy within seconds I was tonguing her pussy, and lapping up her cum and tasty juices.

After fucking Heather’s ass, Heather and I go back to the living room where we talk about a possible future together. She told me that she had fallen in love with me and but she also loved her husband and explained that she didn’t want to leave him. I suggested that we can keep this affair a secret from both her husband and my wife (who I knew was fucking another woman for some time now). She thought about a minute and accepted. After a moment of silence I told her that I loved her too and we started to make out for what felt like a good 5 minutes. Then got dressed and got ready to go home to my wife Shar. And Heather got dressed and changed the sheets of the bed since they were soaked with her cum and pussy juices. As I left I kissed her good bye and saying “I Love you, Baby!!” She smiled and replied “Love you too!!”

Heather and I started to meet almost everyday. I would pick her up from work for lunch often fucking her in a back alley. One night Heather and I were looking for new thrills, so we went to a bar where we got a little drunk and had sex on the bar counter in front of everybody.

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Benim Küçük Haremim 4. böl&u

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Benim Küçük Haremim 4. böl&u

Artık Zeynep ile ilişkimiz rahatlığa kavuşmuştu. İSa’nın da anlayış göstermesi nedeni ile çoğu gece birlikte kalıyorduk, fakat itiraf edeyim ki bu sıkıcı bir durumdu. Zira Zeynep’in bana karşı olan duygularına karşılık vermiyor onu sadece yatak da bir paçavra gibi sikip bırakıyordum. O da bunun farkındaydı elbet fakat yine de gönül ferman dinlemiyor kuzu kuzu altıma yatıyordu. Bazen İsa bizi seyretmekle yetiniyor, bazen sikimi ağzına alıp şapru şupur yalıyordu. Çoğu zaman ise Zeynep ile yalnız kalıyorduk

İş çıkışı bir akşam eve dönerken yolda Aylin’i gördüm, durakta otobüs bekliyordu yavaşça yanaşıp onu içeri davet ettim.

– Sağ ol Enişte

Deyince garip garip baktığımı fark edince

– Biz Zeynep ile çocukluk arkadaşıyız baştan beri ilişkinizi biliyoruz onun mutlu olması bizi de mutlu eder, üstelik İsa’da onay vermiş ilişkinize bak enişte onu üzme yoksa çükünü kopartırım senin deyip sikimi avuçlayıp sıktı…

Fettan, şakacı bir kadındı ama bu hareketi beklemiyordum doğrusu. Bir anda sertleşince

– Ne o enişte bizede mi kaldırıyorsun artık hahahaha

diye kahkaha attı bir şey demedim yol boyu şakalaşıp durduk yakınlığımız giderek artmıştı hali ile ben arkadaş grubunun yeni damadı, eniştesi idim.

Akşam olan biteni Zeynep’e anlattım. Sinirlenmedi aksine keyif alır gibi..

– Bekar o biliyorsun üstelik bakire yaraksızlıktan kırılıyor kaltak deyip güldü sonra açıkca onu ister misin diye sordu o esnada ben Zeynep’in göğüslerini okşuyor, boynunu öpüyor, meme uçlarını yalıyordum ciddi miydi yoksa beni mi deniyorlardı bu kadın milletinden her şey beklenirdi doğrusu.

sessiz kaldığımı görünce, hıımmm yala beni kocacığım amımı yala erkeğim diye inledi..

Dilimi hemen sürekli traşlı amcığına getirip emmeye başladım, gül gibi kaçılmış dudakları öpüyor dilimi bütünce kuvvetim ile içine sokup çekiyor ellerim ile memelerini avuçluyordum. Memelerini patlatır gibi sıktırıyordum.

– hımmm azmış mı benim sikicim aylin orospusu da böyle mi tuttu sikini…
-evet, benim senin memelerini avuçladığım gibi..
– ohhh kaltak azdırmış benim kocamı, patla bana erkeğim..

69 pozisyonuna geçtik, ben durmadan amına götüne kasıklarına dil atarken Zeynep de sikime yumulmuş çork çork sesleri arasında emiyordu. Öteden beri göt tokatlamayı seven ben hali ile Zeynep’e sertçe tokatlar atıyor onu daha da azdırıyordum.

– ohhh….
– hımmm vur kocacım karının götüne…

düzgün fiziği ile Aylin aklımdan çıkmıyor sanki onun bir avuç olan götünü tokatlıyordum giderek sertleşiyor bazen vahşi bir hayvan gibi götünü avuçluyordum..tırnaklarım, parmak izlerim arasında yavaşça süzülüp sikimin üzerine oturdu zeynep..

yarağım amının dibini bulunca oturup kalkmaya bileklerimden tutarak içindeki sikin zevkini almaya başladı. Bir el arabası gibi sürüyordu beni memelerini sürtüyor, ayak parmaklarımı ağzının içine alıp yalıyor bir taraftanda

– seni seviyorum aşkım, erkeğim…diye inliyordu.

götünü tutup daha sert vuruyordum kasıklarıma üzerimde inleyen Zeynep değil de sanki Aylin’di onun o beyaz, prüsüz teni, küçük memeleri…uzun saçları…ohhhh dedikçe Zeynep onun sesi aklımı çınlatıyor çükünü keserim deyişi aklımdan çıkmıyordu.

Zeynep’i domaltıp belinden tutarak hayvan gibi sikiyordum ben vurdukça memeleri sağa sola savruluyor çılgınca bağırıp çağırıyordu.

– Çok azmışsın aşkım Aylin orospusu azdırmış seni
-Evet, azdırdı kaltak dedim..
– ohhh Mertim devam et sik o orospuyu diyerek beni gaza getiriyor aldığı zevki kalıyordu
-sikeceğim orospuyu amını götünü dağıtacağım

Zeynep’i altıma alıp tam gaz pompalamaya devam ettim. Kah memelerine tokat atıyor kah onları okşuyor onun aşkım, seni seviyorum, offf yavaş, hımmm tam bir hayvansın, ohhhh vur kocacığım inleyişleri arasında amına sokup sokup çekiyordum

omuzlarıma yapışıp yatak ile benim aramda deli gibi titremeye küçücük amı açılıp kapanmaya ağlar gibi inleyeme başlayarak boşaldı, onun bu hareketleri beni de tahrik etmiş ben de deli gibi bir kere daha amını döllerim ile doldurdum…

üzerine çekip beni sımsıkı sarıldı…kulağımı öpüyor nefes alış verişini düzenliyordu
– Sikmek ister misin onu..
– Kimi
-Aylin’i tabi ki..
– Bakire değil mi
– Öyle ister misin onu bozmayı
– Beni mi deniyorsun sen
– Hayır…ciddiyim..

sohbetimiz başka konulara dönüşmüş birer kahve ve sigara içmiştik.

Yanımdan ayrılırken gülümsedi..

– O kaltağı senin altına yatıracağım görsün benim olana asılmak neymiş götünü boru gibi açacaksın o sürtüğün..

diyerek gitti…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32




Merhaba syn. okuyucularım, şimdi 60 yaşımda, 40 yıllık oldukca mutlu evliliği olan bir bayanım.
2010 yılının sonu idi. Ben 54 yaşımdaydım. (Daha önce ki yazım da, utandığım için yaşlarını 23/25 yazmıştım. Özür dilerim.).. Yeğenim Fatma 21, kocası Cengiz 23 yaşında, 3 yıllık evlilerdi. Bir gün yeğenim bana geldiğinde, ağlayarak evliliğinin bitmek üzere olduğunu, anlattı. Eşi kendisini hiç orgazm etmediğinden, sadece kendi zevkini yapıp bıraktığından, başka arkadaşlarının çok büyük zevkler yaşadığını anlattıklarını, böyle giderse evliliğini bitireceğinden bahsederek, ne yapabileceğini sordu bana. Ben de, “Bekle kızım acele etme. Gerekirse, doktora gidersiniz” dedim. Ama eşinin dr. gitmeye yaklaşmadığını, anlattı. Ben de “Biraz daha sabret. Her derdin bir çaresi vardır” diyerek teselli etmeye çalıştım. Aradan 15 gün kadar bir zaman geçti. Cengizin, Bursada ki amcasının çok hasta olduğunu söylediler. Eşim ” Amcamın oğlu, çok hasta imiş. Ben, izin alamıyorum. Cengizle Fatma gidiyor. Sen de, beni temsilen git” dedi. Ben, Fatma ve Cengiz Bursa yoluna girdik.. 31 aralık 2010 sabahı, Bursaya vardık. Hastayı hastanede kısa bir ziyaret ettik, evlerine geldik. Ev 3 katlı. Alt katın sahibi Almanya da olduğu için boş. O katı, bize tahsis ettiler. Üst iki katlar, babasına ve hastaya aitmiş.. O gün, biraz uyuduk. O gece yıl başı.. Uyandığımız da, Cengize, “Oğlum, biraz içecek al. Bu gece yıl başı gecesi” dedim..100 lük rakı, bir şişe şarap ve meyve alarak, geldi. Önce üst katta yemekler yendi. Biraz sohbetten sonra, biz katımıza çekildik.. Fatma masayı hazırladı. Sohbet ederek içeceklerimizi de, içmeye başladık. İkinci bardaklardan sonra, Fatma ile Cengize “Çocuklarım, evlilik nasıl gidiyor” diyerek başladım irdelemeye. Fatma başladı gene ağlamaya ve anlatmaya. Cengiz bozuluyor, Fatma anlattıkca. Ben de “Oğlum, bu kız benim yeğenim, kızım sayılır. Sen de, kocamın yeğenisin. Haliyle sen de, hem damadım, hem oğlumsun. Utanmanın gereği yok.. Mutlu olmak istemiyormusunuz” … “İsitiyoruz halacığım ama Fatma memnun olmuyor bir türlü” … “İsterseniz, ben size yardımcı olabilirim, bu gece. Ama utanmak yok. İtiraz yok. Yalan yok.. Her şey, açık açık, konuşulacak ve ben ne dersem yapacaksınız. Eğer söz verip, dediklerimi yaparsanız, ben sizin mutlu olmanızı sağlarım. Size yardım ederim” dedim. Oğlan “Ama yengecim. Ben elimden geleni yapıyorum” diyerek, itiraz edecek gibi oldu.. Fatma “Aşkım, beni seviyorsan lütfen evet, de.. Yoksa, böyle giderse, ben senden ayrılacağım” diyerek oğlanı (“Tamam halacım. Sen nasıl istersen. Tamam yengecim. Seni dinliyorum” dedirterek,) evet demek zorunda bıraktı.. Bu arada üçüncü bardakları da döktük. Ben ve Cengiz rakı, Fatma şarap, içiyoruz.. “Anlatın bakalım. Nasıl bir seks yaşamınız var” dedim. Fatma olduğu gibi anlattı. “Oğlum. Doğrumu?” … “Evet Yengecim. Ama Fatma olmuyor. Olamıyor” … “Peki oğlum. Sen, bazı yöntemleri bilmiyor, olabilirmisin… Biliyorum, halacım.. Demek ki, tam bilmiyorsun o zaman. Bir yerler de, eksiklik var demektir bu” dedim.. Herkes de, çakır oldu bu arada. Rahatlar yani. “Çocuklarım. Size bu gece yardımcı olacağım. Ama, bu gece burada, ne yaşanırsa yaşansın, burada kalacak. Tamam mı” dedim. Fatma “Tamam, halacık” dedi. Cengiz durdu. “Evet oğlum. Tamam mı?” … “Tamam halacım. Sen nasıl istersen öyle olsun, yengecim” dedi, istemeyerekde olsa. Ben başladım anlatmaya. Nasıl sevişilir, nasıl oral yapılır. Kadın zevke, nasıl hazırlanır gibi anlatıyorum. Daha çok kız olmak kaydı ile onlar soruyorlar, ben cevaplıyorum. Dikkatle dinliyorlar. Epey zaman geçti, anlatırken.. “Çocuklarım. Anlattıklarımı uygulamak istermisiniz” dedim. Bana baktılar.. “Bu gece, ben öğretmen, siz öğrenci olacaksınız. Ders gibi düşünün. Her şey açık açık, adı, şekli ve olması gerektiği gibi konuşulacak ve yaşanacak. Açık olarak uygulanacak. Yani açık olarak, benim talimatım ve öğretimim doğrultusunda, yanımda sikişeceksiniz. Utanmayı üçümüz de, unutacağız. İkinizde elimde büyüdünüz. İkinizin de, hem halanız, hem yengeniz, hem de anneniz sayılırım” dedim. Kız “Evet halacık. Ben hazırım” dedi. Ama oğlan “Ben utanırım yengecim. Olmaz öyle şey. Seni annemden daha çok sayarım. Olmaz. Ben yapamam” … “Oğlum, kız utanmıyor. Erkek olarak, sen mi utanacaksın. Sendekinden, amcan da ve oğlumda da, var. 36 yıldır, sendekinden olanla oynuyorum, ben. Senin sikini de, elimle büyüttüm, çok sevdim, çok temizledim, çocukken. Bilmediğim görmedim sik, değil. Sadece büyümüş halini görmedim, o kadar. Şimdi de, büyümüş halini görmüş olurum, o kadar. Mutlu olmak istiyorsan, karından ayrılmak istemiyorsan, dediğimi kabul etmelisin. Yoksa, çok sevdiğin Fatmayı, başkasının koynun da, görürsün. Böyle devam edersen, “Ayrılacağım” diyor, kız. Anlamıyormusun. Halen neye itiraz ediyorsun, oğlum” dedim. Çekinerek “Beni çok yıkadın, çocukken. Biliyorum yengecim. Senden çok çekiniyordum. Annem yıkayamazdı. Sen yıkar, banyo yaptırırdın bana. O zaman çocukdum. Ama şimdi utanıyorum işte. Eyvallah yengecim. Tamam. Tamam halacım. Nasıl istiyorsan öyle olsun. Ben de kabul ediyorum. Tamam. Ama beni çok utandırma. Ne olur yengem” dedi. Alkolünde etkisi var elbette. Teklifimi, kolay kabul etmedi, damadım. “Teşekkür ederim çocuklarım. Umarım, pişman olmazsınız. Umarım başarılı ve mutlu olursunuz.. Fatmacım. Sen başla, kızım. Ben ne dersem yapacaksınız, ikiniz de. Kalk kızım. Oğlumu yavaş yavaş, soy. Oğlum sen de, kıza aynısını yap. Ama bu arada öpüşerek, sevişerek, bir birinizi okşayarak, acele etmeden, yapın dediklerimi” dedim.. Biraz tereddütten sonra rahatladılar. Kız oğlandan daha cesaretli ve istekli. Oğlan biraz mahcup ve utangaç. Kız ve oğlan kilotlarla kalıncaya kadar birbirlerini, öpüşerek ,okşayarak, soymaya devam ettiler. “Şimdi sevişin” diyerek, ben tarif ediyorum onlar yapıyor. Bir zaman, bunları seviştirdim. İkisi de, zevk almaya başladılar. Sonra, kıza “Kızım. Oğlumun sikini, okşayarak çıkart ve yavaaaş yavaş, dondurma yalar gibi, yala” dedim. Cengiz “Yengecim yaa. Çok utanıyorum. Yatak odasında biz kendimiz yapsak olmaz mı” … “Hayır oğlum. Olmaz. Olsaydı, biz burada bunları yapıyor olmazdık. Sen çocukken gördüğüm, ellediğim, sevdiğim, elimle büyüttüğüm küçük sikinin, büyümüş halini göreceğim, sadece. Bunda utanacak ne var. Hadi kızım. Dediğimi yap” dedim. Kız, oğlanın yarağını çıkardı. İnanın çelik gibiydi oğlan da, yarak. Elimle büyüttüğüm, yarağının büyümüş halini ilkkez görüyordum. 14 -15 cm civarı ama sert. Baştan dibe doğru kalınlaşan, harika bir yarakdı. Eşimin yarağı gibi düzgün ama daha da yakışıklı, bir yarak. Kız, yarak yalamayı bilmediği için, tarifimle daşşakdan başına, başından daşşağa kadar, yalatıyorum. Oğlanın gözleri, yumulup yumulup, açılıyor. Kız acemide olsa, dediğimi yaptıkca, çabuk kavrıyor. Yarak elinde, harika görüntüsü var. İnanın, içim gitti yarağa. Kız yaladıkca, oğlan inliyor. Oğlum zevki yaşadıkca, utancı bitti. Yerini zevk aldı, sanırım ki. Yarağını benden saklamıyordu, artık. Bir zaman sonra “Oğlum. Şimdi sıra sen de.. Kızım, otur kanepeye.. Oğlum, kızın kilotunu çıkart, şimdi. Memelerini, kulak memelerini yalayarak, amını okaşayarak, kızı iyice sev, okşa ve sekse hazırla. Bunun adı, ön sevişmedir” dedim. Dediğimi o da, yapıyor. “Yalaya yalaya, şimdi amına, in. Orayı da, yala” dedim. Oğlan da, ne dersem yapıyor, artık. Ama amını yalamaya gelince sıra, am dudaklarını yaladığını gördüm. Yaklaştım. Kızın klotoristini göstererek, “Daha çok, amın burasını yalamalısın, oğlum. Kadın en büyük zevki burası ile yaşar” dedim. Dediğim gibi kızın klotorsitini de, yalamaya başladı. Bu sefer kız, gözleri kapalı inlemeye, başladı. Ben hem tarif ediyor, hem izliyorum.. Sonra “Şimdi 69 olun, çocuklarım” dedim. Kız “Halacık. Biz bu dediklerini, ilk kez yapıyoruz. 69 nedir kiii” dedi. Baktım ki, gerçekden bilmiyorlar. Oğlan da, yüzüme bakıyor. “Tamam. Ben yardım edeyim, o zaman” dedim. Oğlanı sırt üstü yatırdım. Yarak öyle sertki. Tabanca namlusu gibi, tavana bakıyor. Kızı da üzerine, yüzüstü yatırdım. “Ben, bırakın deyinceye kadar, amcıkla yarağı, dediğim gibi yalayın” dedim. İkisi de, birbirini yalmaya başladı. Kızın başı ve oğlanın yarağı, benden taraf da. Harika bir manzara var karşım da. Yarak çelik gibi oldu, yalandıkca. Kız, amının aldığı zevkle, delirircesine yalıyor, oğlumun yarağını. Oğlana “Sakın boşalma, oğlum. Boşalacağın zaman, kızın ağzından yarağını çek, dışarı çıkart. Ama kızın amını yalamaya da, devam et” dedim. Alkolün etkisi nedeni ile biraz daha dayanacağını düşünüyorum. Utancı da var, elbette.. Bir zaman, yalaştıkdan sonra “Tamam. Kalkın, çocuklarım” dedim. Kızı kanepeye yatırdım. Oğlana “Gel bakalım, oğlum. Kızın bacaklarının arasında yerini al” dedim. Cengiz kızın önünde diz çökerek, o harika yarağını, kızın amına doğrulttu. “Hiiiç, acele etme. Şimdi yarağının başını, kızın amının yalağında, sulu deresinde yüzdür, biraz” dedim. Yüzüme baktı. “Yengecim. O da, ne? Nasıl yani” … “Oğlum. Sikinin başını, kızın amının dudakları arasında, içine girmeden, yüzdür” dedim. Gene anlamadı.. “Bir dakika. Kusura bakma, oğlum. Anlaşıldı. Ben yardım edeceğim, gene” diyerek, yarağı tutmak için yakınlaştığım da, oğlan kendisini, geri çekecek, oldu. “Oğlum. Bu gece utanmak yok, demedim mi” diye azarlayarak, oğlanın yarağını, aldım elime.. O an, heyecandan ölecektim. Çok güzel ve ateş gibi sıcak, çelik gibi sertti, yarak. Eşim ve oğlumun sikinden başka, ilk kez yabancı bir sert yarak, tutuyordum.. Ama şeytan içimi öyle dürtüyordu ki, anlatamam.. Neyse, ben yarağın başını elimle, amın dudakları arasında ki, sulu deresinde, biraz yüzdürdüm. Başı iyice ıslandı, yağlandı.. Elimle, kızın amına, yarağın başını, amın dudakları arasında kayboluncaya kadar, yavaaşca soktum. Oğlanın kalçasını diğer elimle, yavaaaşca iterek, kızın içine, dibine kadar, sikini sokturdum. Kız derin bir “ooohh” çekti ki, anlatamam. Ama ben anladım. Sonra oğlana “Bir zaman hareketsiz bekle, oğlum. Sikinin başı, am sıcaklığına alışsın” diyerek beklettim. Sonra “Kendini bana bırak” diyerek oğlanın kalçalarını ve hatta zaman zaman daşşağından tutarak, kızın içine, giriş çıkışlarını, idare edip, yavaş yavaş, kızı siktirmeye başladım. “Ben nasıl hareket ettiriyorum seni, iyi ezberle. Böyle sikersen erken boşalmazsın. Hiçbir zaman acele etme, oğlum” diyorum, sık sık.. “Boşalma durumun olursa, dur” diyerek, yavaaş yavaş, kızı 10 dk kadar, siktirdim. Bu ara da, Fatma iki kez, evet hiç olmayan kız, ağlayarak, kasılarak, iki kez orgazm, yaşadı.. “Oğlum, gösterdiğim gibi, sikmeye devam et” diyerek, ben geçtim karşılarına, canlı porno izliyorum. İzlerken, içimde sikilme isteği kabarmaya başladı, birden. Hatta içimden, müthiş bir şekilde, bu yarağa sikilme arzusu doğdu ki, delireceğim nerdeyse.. Eşimden başkasına sikilmeyen ben, delirircesine o yarağı, arzulamaya başladım. Bilmiyorum; belki görselliğin, belki alkolün, belki yasak arzunun, dürtüsü vardı içim de, o an. Bilmiyorum ama müthiş şekilde, hiç bir değeri düşünemeden, o yarağa sikilmek istiyordum. Elbette bu isteğim yüzünden, hem kendime çok kızıyor, hemde için için, utanıyordum.. Bu arada, oğlanda hızlanmaya başladı. Anladım ki, direnci bitti. Daha müdahele etmedim. Bir zaman sonra Cengiz de, kasıla kasıla, boşalmaya başladı. Fatma da, onun peşinden ağlayarak, “Ne olur aşkım. Sikmeye devam eeettt” diye inleyerek, bir daha orgazm oldu ve ikisi de yığılıp, kaldılar..
Ben içiyordum, onları izlerken.. “Çocuklarım. Çok iyiydiniz. Başarılı oldunuz, işte. Umarım hep böyle, güzellikleri yaşar ve mutlu olursunuz. Kalkın duş alın” dedim. Kalkıp, duşa gittiler. Ama içimdeki fırtınayı, durduramıyordum. Kendime de, çok kızıyordum. “Bana ne oluyor, böyle. Yeğenimin kocasına, yani damadıma, elimle büyüttüğüm, oğlum dediğim bir erkeğe, sikilmek istiyorum. Ne utanmaz bir nefis bu. Ne rezil istek. Ama yinede, bu yarağa sikilmek istiyorum. Bu utanca nasıl katlanırım” diye, düşünüyor ve utanıyordum.. Çocuklar yıkanıp geldiler. “Üzerinizdekileri, atın. Çıplak kalın çocuklarım. Bir birinizin vücutlarını izleyerek yudumlayın, içkilerinizi. Böylece nefsiniz hep uyanık kalır. Tahrik olursunuz. Sekse, her zaman hazır olursunuz” dedim. Üzerlerindeki havluları attılar. Çıplak kaldılar. Onlar da, kadehlerini içiyorlar. Hiç kimsede ses yok.. Bir zaman sonra gene sessizliği ben bozdum.. “Çocuklarım. Bu gece, çok utandınız. Özellikle oğlum, çok utandı. Farkındayım. Ama başardınız da” dedim.. Fatma kucakladı beni, hem ağlıyor, hem beni öpüyor “Allah razı olsun halacık, senden. Kocamı çok seviyordum ama. Bana zevki yaşatamıyordu. Yuvamı yıkmayı göze, almıştım.. Ben bu zevki ilk kez yaşadım. Bu senin başarın. Hem yuvamı, hem zevkimi bağışladın, bana” diyerek, bir zaman daha beni kucaklayarak, ağladı. Biraz sonra gitti, Cengizi öptü, kucakladı, ağladı. Teşekkür etti. Bu manzara bir zaman devam etti. Birer kadeh daha döktük. Kadehlerimizi içerken. Yıl bitmek üzereydi. Yeni yıla, girdik. Üçümüz de birbirimizi kutladık. “Çocuklarım. Yeni yıla, size, mutluluğunuza ve zevkinize, içiyorum” diyerek, kadeh kaldırdık hep beraber. Bir kaç yudumdan sonra, “Ne dersiniz, çocuklarım. 2011 in, ilk zevkini de, yaşamak istermisiniz” … “Eğer Cengizim de isterse, ben çok isterim halacık” … “Küçük oğlumun durumu nasıl, Cengiz. İstermisin zevk yaşamak, oğlum” … “Beni utandırma yengecim yaa. Kocan benim amcam. Sence durumum nasıldır” … “Eğer amcanın yeğeni isen, her zaman am sikmeye hazırdır sikin. Öylemi?. Bakim mi?” … “Evet yengecim. Ben amcamın yeğeniyim. Küçük oğlun hazır. Bakabilirsin” diyerek, ayağa kalkdı. Kafa çakır. Utanması kaybolmuş. Arzulu bir erkek görüntüsü içinde, sikini bana gösterdi. Hakikaten siki baş kaldırmış. Az okşanma ile çelik vaziyetini alacak durumdaydı. “Evet. Haklısın oğlum. Sen amcanın yeğenisin. Sikin, am sikmeye hazırlanmış, görünüyor. O halde, yatağınıza gidin, çocuklarım. Işığı kapatmadan, bir birinizi ve sikişmenizi izleyerek, sevişin. Sikişin. Uzun ön sevişme, oral seks, zevkle sikişme ve orgazm olarak boşalma. Her zaman metot budur. Hadi çocuklarım. Sikişiniz uzun ve zevkiniz bol olsun” dedim. Kalktılar. Giderken “Dediklerimi unutmayın. Her dediğimi uygulayın, mutlaka. Oğlum, hiç acele etmeden sik, kızımı” dedim. Ve gittiler.. Ben, yudum yudum, rakımı içerken, saat 00,30 gibi. Fatma “Halacııık. Lütfen gelirmisiiin” diye seslendi. Bir aksilik var galiba, diyerek gittim.. Baktım. Kız, oğlanı sırtüstü yatırmış. Yarağın üzerin de, kalkıp kalkıp, iniyor. Cengiz, yaşadığı zevkle, inliyor. Oğlum da yarak, gene çelik gibi olmuş. Kız her kalktıkca, yarak meydan çıkıyor. Am sıvısının ıslaklığı ve ışığın şavkı ile parıl parıl, parlıyor yarak. Ben içeri girince, kız yarağın üzerin de birkaç kez daha oturup kalktı. Sonra tam oturdu, kaldı. Belli ki, önemli bişey söyleyecek gibiydi. “Sikişiniz uzun, zevkiniz bol olsun, çocuklarım. Hayrola. Ne oldu, kızım. Bir sorun mu var” … “Halacııık. Senden, bişey daha, istiyoruuum”… “Söyle kızım” … “Halacııık. Sen bizim evliliğimizi kurtardın ya, bu geceee” … “Eee. Ne olmuş, kurtardımsa. Siz mutlu olun, bu bana yeter. Başka bir sorun mu, var? kızım” … “Damadın için, benim için, bir fedakarlık daha, yapabilirmisiiin?” … “Nedir kızım, söyle. Nasıl bir fedakarlık, istiyorsun. Hem, ben sizin için fedakarlık yapmadım. Sadece size yardımcı oldum. O kadar. Siz başardınız. Bunun başka anlamı yok, kızım” … “Senden bişey daha isteyeceğim. Ama kızmayacaksın, halacııık” … “Yok kızım. Siz mutlu olun, yeter ki. Ben ne isterseniz, yaparım. Neden kızayım ki. Sen kızımsın, Cengiz oğlum ve damadım. Siz benim için de, enişten için de, çok değerlisiniz” … “Evet halacık. Yardım ettin, doğru. Senin yaptığın yardımı, annem yapmazdı. Bu da, büyük fedakarlıktır. Daha ne olsun. Ama şimdi” dedi ve sustu. Düşündü. Oğlan, kızın altında. Ben karşısındayım. İkimiz de, ona bakıyoruz. Sonra “Halacık.. Senden, başkasından isteyemeyeceğim bir fedakarlık daha, istiyorum. Ne oluuur. Önce, beni anlamaya çalış, lütfen. Düşün. Öyle karar ver. Kırma beniii. Ne olur halacıııık” … “Tamam kızım. Kırmayacağım. Söyle. Neymiş bu fedakarlık” dedim. Kız biraz daha düşündü. Sonra başını kaldırıp, yalvaran gözlerle, gözlerime bakarak” … “Halacııık. O anlattıkların gibi, Cengizle sikişerek, örnek bir sikişme de, gösterebilirmisin? Bizeee” … “Anlamadım kızım. Sen, ne dediğinin farkındamısın?. Ne saçmalıyorsun sen. Ne demek şimdi bu. Bu kadarı da, fazla” diye kızdım. Ama içimi de, müthiş bir heyecan sardı.. Cengiz de, “Hayır. Hayır. Hayır. Asla olmaz. Ne demek şimdi bu. Manyaklaştın sen, kızım” dedi ve kızı üstünden attı.. Hemen kalktı.. “Yaa aşkım, lütfen amaaa. Hem halam daha iyi öğretir. Biz daha iyi anlarız. Hem de, halama borcumuzu öderiz. O da, nihayet etten kemikten bir kadın.. Bizim gibi onunda arzuları ve nefsi var. Bu gece bizi izlerken, halamın da canı istemiş, olamazmı?. Olabilir tabiki . Eniştemde yok ki, bura da. Hem halam da, zevkini yaşar. Hem de, biz onu izleyerek, daha güzel öğreniriz.. Ne olur beni kırma halacııık.. Ne olur beni kırma Cengiiiz. Ne olur, aşkııım.. Kırmayın beni halacııııkk. Ne oluuur” gibi.. Yalvararak saçmalamaya, devam etti kız, bir zaman. Ama hem ben, hem Cengiz, kıza karşı çıkıyoruz. Cengiz “Olmaaaz. Ben amcamın yüzüne bakamam. Yengeme el süremem. Utanırım. Olmaaaz. Yapamaaam” diyor da, başka bişey demiyor. Ama benim içim de, volkan kaynıyor. Alkol ve zaman nedeni ile içime gömdüğüm, sikilme arzusu ve dürtülerim tekrar uyanmaya ve kabarmaya başladı. Fatma ise ikimize bir yalvarıyor, sürekli. Oğlanın yarağında da, aklım kalmışdı, açıkcası.. Kız yalvardıkca, içimde sikilme duygusu, daha da ağır basmaya başladı. Kafam karmakarışıkdı. Onlar dilleşiyor, tartışıyorken. Ben kendimle mücadele ediyordum. Cengizle Fatma, sert sözlerle tartışıyorlar.. Bir an, içimden “Ne olursa olsun. Ben de, sikileyim. Bu tartışma da, son bulsun. Hem sikilme merakımı gideririm. Hem de, zevkimi yaşarım” diye düşünerek, “Bir Dakka, çocuklarım. Bırakın tartışmayı. Beni dinleyin. Tamam Fatmacım. Haklısın. Benim de canım istiyor, elbette. istememesi gerekirdi. Ama bende bir insanım, nihayet. Sizle uğraşırken, bende etkilendim, sanırım. Bu fedakarlığı da yapıcam, size.. Bak Cengiz. Biliyorum ki. Çok terbiyeli, çok saygılı, çok namuslu, bir çocuksun. Ben, amcanın karısıyım. Seni anlıyorum. Bu güne kadar hep oğlum gibiydin. Sanırım sende beni annen gibi gördün, hep. Ama bu geceye özgü, bir istisna yapalım. Sizin mutluluğunuzu, benim sikilmem, perçinleyecekse, eyvallah. Sana sikileyim. Hem size bir kez daha yardımcı olmuş olayım. Hem de, bu geceye özgü, ben de zevkimi yaşayayım. 36 yıl boyunca, sadece amcan sikdi, beni. Amcandan sonra, ilk erkeğim sen olacaksın, bu gece. Bunun da, değerini bil, oğlum. Amcanla, birbirinizi çok seviyorsunuz. Bunu biliyorum.. Sen bizim için çok değerlisin. Karın da, sana sikilmemi istiyor ki. Yuvanı kurtarmak için sikilicem de, bu gece.. Kocamın yeğeni olmasaydın, bu denli yardımcı olmaz, karın istese de, sikilmezdim sana.. Amcan duyarsa, elbette yüzüne bakamazsın. Ben de, bakamam. Biz söylemezsek, amcan da bilmez. Sen de, ben de, ona karşı vicdan azabı yaşarız elbette. Ama biliyor diye de, korkmayız.. Bu gece, burada olanlar, sadece üçümüzün arasında kalacak. Bu sırrı, gerekirse ölümüne, saklayacağız. Unutacağız. Sanırım, anlaşıldı.. Şimdi, ben de katılayım size, çocuklarım. Kaderde, elimle büyüttüğüm, oğlum dediğim bir erkeğe, sikilmekde varmış. Ama yarın hiç bir şey olmamış gibi olacak. Bu gece yaşanılanları unutacağız. Yarın, bu gece yaşanmamış olacak” … “Ama halacım, nasıl olur. Sen yengemsin. Amcamın karısısın. Karımın halasısın. Seni hem annemden üstün gördüm. Annem gibi gördüm. Olmaz. Yapamam” diyerek itiraz edecek oldu, Cengiz. “Tamam oğlum. Yengenim, tabi ki. Annen gibiyim elbette. Sen de, benim oğlumsun. Damadımsın. Kocamın yeğenisin. Ama bu gece, başka bir kadın olarak, düşün beni. Ben de seni, başka erkek olarak düşüneceğim. Daha itiraz istemiyorum. Kendini bana bırak, oğlum” dedim. Yaklaşdım. Cengize, daha fazla söz bırakmadan, utancından solmuş olan yarağını, elime aldım. Usta bir yalayıcı olarak, dil darbeleri ile o muhteşem yarağı yalamaya başladım. Cengiz yarağını geri çekecek gibi oldu. Sert bir bakışla “Oğlum. Fazla nazlanma. Yarak, sadece sende yok. Sikişmenizi izlemek yetmezmiş gibi karının teklifi, beni iyice azdırdı. Canımı sıkma. Gecenin bu saatinde, yarak aratma bana. Bulurum birini. Gözünün önünde sikilirm. Amcanın karısını sen sikmezsen, el nasıl sikiyormuş, görürsün o zaman. Karın istiyor sikilmemi. Ben de, istiyorum. Anlamıyormusun. Karın beni çağırmasaydı, ben öylece yatar uyurdum. Aklımda bile yokdu, sikilmek. Ama beni çağırdı, amıma ateşi düşürdü, orosbu karın. Ok yaydan çıkdı. Amımın ateşini söndürmek, amcan burada olmadığına göre, sana düşer. Bir de, yengeni sik bakalım. Nasıl erkek oldun, bu gece. Görelim. Hem kötümü olur. Daha iyi öğrenirsiniz. Ben de, zevkimi yaşamış olurum, karının dediği gibi. Bakalım bana da, zevkimi yaşatabilecekmisin, görelim” diyerek, ona daha konuşma fırsatı bırakmadan devam ettim, yarağını okşamaya ve yalamaya.. Ben, okşayıp yaladıkca, solmuş yarak, tekrar sertleşmeye başladı.. Zevki yaşadıkca da, Cengizin gözleri sönmeye başladı.. Kız da, benim üzerimi soyuyor.. Ben Cengize muamele çekiyorum. Ama çok hoş bir yarak. Yalamaya bile bayılıyorum.. Kız beni çıplak bırakacak şekilde, tam soydu. Memelerimi yalamaya ve amımı okşamaya başladı. Meğer Cengizden zevk alamadığı için, bir kaç lez denemesi olmuş, zillinin. Sonra söylüyor bunu. Ben Cengizin yarağını, kız benim göğüslerimi, yalıyoruz. Ben, yavaş yavaş oğlana, açıklamalı ve uygulamalı; sevmeyi, okşamayı, sevişmeyi, öğretmeye başladım. Hem, ne yaptığımı söyleyerek yapıyorum. Bir zaman yaladım. Ben yarağını yaladıkca, oğlum inliyor, sessiz sessiz. Bir ara, saçlarımı okşayarak. “Yengeeem. Muhteşemsiiiin. Çok güzeeeeelll” diyerek inledi. Anladım ki, yalamamdan çok zevk alıyordu. Utanması azalmış, zevke dönmüşdü, artık.. Yarak, iyice sertleştiken sonra, “Şimdi, sen yala amımı, oğlum” diyerek, başını amıma çektim. Başladı yalamaya. Harika bir duyguydu, bir başka erkek tarafından yalanmak.. Eşimden sonra, ilk kez, başka bir erkek tarafından yalanıyordu, amım. Deliriyorum zevkden. Heyecandan kalbim duracak, sankii.. Kaldı ki, çok çabuk orgazm olan biriyim ben.. Yalanırken, sessizce ilk orgazmımı oldum, kasıla kasıla. Amımı oğlanın, ağzına burnuna, sürte sürte.. Sonra 69 pozisyonu aldık. Bir zamanda öyle yalaştık. Oğlanın yarağını, zevkle yalıyorum. Çok hoş bir yarak. Yalamaya çok müsit bir yarak. Amımın, ilkkez başka bir erkek tarafından yalanması, amımda zevk fırtınalarını peşpeşe estiriyor, sürekli. Dayanamicamı anladım, “ııııhhh, ıııııhhhhh, ıııııımmm, ııııımm, ııııııhhhhh” iniltileri ile yarak ağzımda, belli etmeden çok hoş bir orgazm daha, yaşadım.. Sonra, “Gel oğlum. Yengeni nasıl sikeceksin, görelim” diyerek bacaklarımı açtım. Şimdi o muhteşem yarağı içime almaktaydı sıra.. Kıza “Fatma. Kızım. Çok iyi ve dikkatle, izle.. İkiniz de, söylediklerimi, yaptıklarımı, çok dikkatli izleyin. İzlediklerinizi, beyninize kazıyın. Tekrarı yok bunun, olmayacak” dedim. Ve oğlanın kalçalarını elimle kontrol ederek, yarağı amımın oluğu içinde yüzdürdüm biraz. Oğlum, yarağının başı amıma dokundukca, hem izliyor hem de, heyecandan titriyordu. Çaktırmıyordum ama bende titriyordum heyecandan. Zira ikinci bir yarağa sikilmenin heyecanıydı bu. Çelik gibi sert, ateş gibi sıcak olan, iyice ıslanan, yarağın başını, amımın deliğinden içeri soktum, elimle. Yarağın başı, yabancı am sıcaklığına alışsın diye, bir zaman öyle durdurdum. Sonra yavaaaşca, kalçalarını kendime çekerek, o harika yarağı am derinliklerime, yılanın deliğine süzülürek girmesi gibi, dibine kadar sokturdum. İnanın, çoook harikaydı. Kalbim sanki fırlayacakdı, heyecandan. Çok heyecan yaşıyor ve çok zevk alıyordum. İlk kez eşimin yarağından başka, yarak giriyordu, amıma. (Ve bu yarak; hem yeğenimi siken, hem oğlum dediğim ve oğlum gibi gördüğüm, damadım ve eşimin yeğeninin yarağı idi.) Kalçalarını bastırdım. Bir zaman öyle kalakaldık. Yarak am sıcaklığına iyice alışsın, diye. Oğlumun kalp atışının sesini duyabiliyordum. O da, çok heyecanlıydı. O da, benim gibi ilk kez, ikinci bir am sikiyordu. Sikdiği bu am, anası gibi gördüğü, çok sevdiği amcasının karısı, yengesinin amıydı. Onun içinde kolay değildi elbette. Mutlaka onun içinde çok heyecanlı olmalıydı. Yarağının başı içim de, tık tık, atıyor. Bu ara da, oğlanla, öpüşüyorum. Kulak memelerimi, boyun bölgelerimi, memelerimi, yalattırıyorum. Dudakları ıslak, öpüştürüyorum. Elleri ile de, muhtelif bölgelerimi okşatıyor, aynı anda, hem sikişmeyi, hem sevişmeyi, nasıl yapacağını, uygulayarak ve anlatarak, öğretiyorum.. İkisi de, çok dikkatliler. “Bak oğlum. Beni sikmekden utanma. Bu yaşanacakmış. Ve yaşıyoruz. Bu bir kez olacak. O zaman ikimiz de, hiçbir değeri düşünmeden, zevkimizi tam yaşamalıyız.. Şimdi, çok yavaş, sokup çekeceksin sikini, amıma” diyerek bir elim kalçasında, kontrol ederek, yarağın başı gözükene kadar çıkarttırıyorum. Sonra, çoook yavaş, dibine kadar, tekrar sokturuyorum. Her girişin de, klotoristimi değirmen hareketi yaptırararak, sikinin kökü ile ezdiriyorum. Bu hareketleri ile kilotoristim zevkden yanıyor. Bir zaman böyle sikildim. Sonra bir çok pozisyon denemesi öğrettim, sikilerek. Cengizin, aldığı alkol, Fatmaya yeni boşalmış olması, az da olsa devam eden utancı ve benim kontrolüm nedenleri ile erken boşalmayacağını düşünerek, rahatım. Öyle de, oldu. Uzun bir süre sikilerek, bir çok orgazm yaşadım, sessizce ve çaktırmadan “Yavaş yavaş finale geçelim. Bacaklarımı omzuna al. Biraz da, böyle sik amımı, oğlum” diyerek, bacaklarımı omzuna verdim.. Gene bir elimle kontrol ederek, bir zamanda öyle siktirdim, amımı.. Bir orgazm daha yaşadım. Ama orgazmlarımı, belli edemiyordum. Sadece zevk yaşıyormuş gibi geçiştiriyordum. Hem utanıyordum. Hem de, peşime takılmasın, uzun uzun sikmeyi öğensin, istiyordum. Sadece sessizce “ııııhhh, ııımm, ııııhhh, ıııııııhhhh, ııhhhhh, ııımmm” gibi inlemerimle, orgazmlarımı geçiştiriyordum. Oğlum da, dengesiz ritimlerin başlaması, derin ve iniltili zevk sesleri, zaman zaman kasılmaları ve içimdeki yarağın daha da, sert ve sıcak olmasından, zevk dalgalarının arttığını farkettim.. Oğlanı üzerime tam yatırarak “Hadi oğlum. Finali yaşayalım artık. Rahat ol, oğlum. Bırak kendini, sıkma artık. İstediğin gibi sik” … “Halacııııımm. Halaaaam. Halacığığığıııım.. aaaaahhhhh. Yengeciiiiiiimm. Offff. Yengeeeeemm. Daha dayanamıyorum, yengeciiiiiimm” diyerek, hızlanmaya başladı. “Tamam, oğlum. İstediğin gibi sik. Boşal, oğlum. Amımın içine fışkırt, menilerini. Kökleye kökleye, sik. Beni sikmeni karın istedi. Sik karının halasının amını. Sik oğlum. Sik amcanın karısını. Rahat ol. Amcan burada değil. Görmez bizi. Karısını siktiğin için kızmaz sana. İstediğin gibi boşalt, yarağını. Hadi oğlum. Sik yengenin amını. Sik oğluuum” dedim. Tam o ara da, am kaslarımı sıkarak, yarağın giriş çıkışında, adeta inek memesini elle sıkarak, sağar gibi, am kaslarım ve dudaklarıyla, sıkı sıkı sıvazlayarak, yarağını sağmaya başladım. Cengiz, adeta öküz gibi böğürerek ve müthiş bir kasılma ile “oooohhhh. Ahhhhhhh. Offfffff. Yengeciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm. aaaaaaaahhhhhh. Yengeeeeeeeeeeee. Öldüm. Öldüm. Öldüm. Halacııııııııııııııııııııııımm. Ahhhhhhhh. Yengeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemm. Anaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamm” diyerek, öyle bir boşalmaya başladı ki, adeta içime fıskıye gibi fışkırtarak, “Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhh. Hıııhhh. Hıııhhh. Hıhhh. Hıhhh. Hıhhh. Hıhhh. Hıhhh” diye diye, uzun süre boşaldı içime. Her “ahhh, ıııhhh, hııhhh. Hıhhhh” dedikce içime bütün vücudunu sokacakmış gibi, nasıl basıtırıp bastırıp fışkırtıyor, menilerini.. Bir zaman devam etti bu kasılarak, bastırarak, bağırarak, inleyerek boşalma. Ve oğlanın bu amansız zevki, kasılmaları ve delice boşalması, zevkinin yüzüne yansıması, zevkinin yüzünü değiştirmesi, ona yaşattığım zevk ve içime fışkıran menilerinin içimdeki hazzı, en önemlisi de, değişik bir yarağın amıma zevk pompalaması ile bende de, müthiş bir tahrik, muhteşem bir zevk fırtınası başlattı ki, delireceğim zevkden. Bütün bedenim yanıyor sanki zevk ateşi ile. Boşalmamı, inleyerek mi, utançla mı, zevkle mi bitirmeliydim. Bunu düşünürken saniyeler içinde. “Nasıl olursa olsun. Buraya kadar olan oldu. Zevkimi doya doya yaşamalıyım” diye düşündüm. Kendimi son kez, ben de teslim ettim, Cengizin bu zevk fırtınasına. Utanmayı attım, artık. Zevk cümleleri kendiliğinden dökülmeye başladı ağzımdan. “Harikasın oğluuum.. Harikasıııııınn.. ııııııhhh. Ayyyy. Ohh. Ohh. Ohh. Sikmeye devam et, oğluuuum. Sik sik sik sik. Sik sik sik sik. Sik oğlum, siiiiiiiiiiiikkkk. Daha hızlı. Daha hızlı. Daha hızlı, siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkk.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh. Anaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamm.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh” inleme ve sessiz çığlıklarımla “Ahhhhh.. Ahhhhh.. Ahhhhh.. Ahhhhh. Ahhhhh. Ohhhh. Ohhhh. Ohhhh. Ohhhh. Ohhhh” gibi inleye inleye, bir kez daha, müthiş bir kasılma ile oğlanın altında sikilerek, uzun ve harika bir final orgazmı yaşadım. Cengiz de sikmeyi, birkaç kez daha sokup çekip, dibine kadar sokup, üzerime yatarak, bitirdi. “aaaaahhhhh. Bu neydi yengeeeeeem. Nasıl zevkdi, buuuuu” dedi. Cengizle kucak kucağa, yığıldık kaldık bir zaman.. Kendime geldiğimde, kız bize bakıyor, şaşkın şaşkın “Hayrola kızım. Neye şaşırdın öyle. Hiç mi, sikişen yenge yeğen, görmedin” dedim gülerek. “Halacııııkk. Aaaa. Bu nasıl boşalmaydı, kıııızz. Ay, aklım durdu ya, halacııık. Ayyy, ben de böyle zevk yaşayabilecekmiyim, acabaaa. Ay, harikaydı, yaaa. İyi ki, sikişerek ugyulamanı istemişim senden, halacık. Yoksa biz zevk yaşıyoruz sanırdık, yaaa. Kocam da, çok güzel zevk yaşadı. Çok da, güzel boşaldı, amına. Hiç benim amıma, böyle boşalmıyordu. Bunu nasıl yaptın, halacık” gibi şaşkınlığını anlatmaya çalışıyordu.. Yarak içimde halen atıyor. Sanki gene boşalmak istiyor gibiydi.. “Oğlum. Sikin halen çok sert, içim de. Hadi bakalım. İçimden çıkmadan devam ediyorsun, sikmeye. Birkaç orgazm daha, istiyorum.. Ama bu sefer sen idare edeceksin kendini. Taa ki, yarak soluncaya kadar, sikeceksin amımı” … “Tamam halacığım. Zevkle sikerim. Sikmeye başladım nasılsa. Bir siktimse, iki de sikerim” diyerek oğlan bir daha başladı, sikmeye. O utanç kayboldu, nasıl sikiyor anlatamam. Çoşku ve arzu ile sikiyor, amımı. Çelik gibi yarak. Sanki boşalan o değilmiş gibi. İnanın, bir kaç orgazm daha yaşadım. Ben de, bittim ama.. “Tamam oğlum. Yeter bu kadar yenge amı sikmek sana. Mahfoldum.. Çıkart şu yarağını. Öpücem.. Bu gece harikaydı. Öpülmeyi hak etti. Çok güzel siktin, yengeni. Kızımı da, hep böyle sik, bundan sonra” dedim. İçimden çıkan yarağı başından öperek. “Teşekkür ederim zevk ağacım. Teşekkür ederim çocuklarım. Harika bir gece yaşattınız halanıza. Eniştenizi aratmadınız, bana, bu gece” dedim. Hem kızım, hem oğlum. “Biz tşk ederiz halacım. Biz sikişmiyormuşuz ki. Bu gece onu anladık sayen de” dediler.. Halen çelik gibiydi, yarak. eşimden sonra ilkkez bir yabancı yarağa sikilmiştim. Bu yarak, kocamın yeğeninin, yeğenimin sikildiği ve yediği yarakdı. YEĞENİMLE KOCASINA SEKS DERSİ VERDİM. Ben de sikilmişdim.. Pişman değilim. Zira, zaman zaman merak ediyordum yabacı yarağın zevkini.. Çok güzel zevk yaşadım. Tesadüfle başladı, zevkli bitti. O gece sabaha kadar ben iki, Fatma bir kez daha, sikildik.. Üçümüz de, harika bir giriş yaşadık, yeni yıla. 2011 in, ilk günün de.. Üçümüz aynı yatak da, uyuya kalmışız.. Geç vakitde, uyandık. Kahvaltı sonrası, hastayı bir kez daha ziyaret ettik ve Bursadan ayrıldık. Halen, hiç bir şey olmamış gibi hayatımıza saygı ve sevgi içinde devam ediyoruz. Adını bile etmedik bir daha o gecenin… Elbette, herkesin beyninde kalmıştır. Silinmez. Benim silinmedi. O geceyi hep özledim, açıkcası. Tek sıkıntım, eşime söyleyemedim. Bu güne kadar hiç bir şey gizlememiştik bir birimizden. Umarım bir gün anlatır rahatlarım.. Bu hikaye hayal ürünü değil. İster inanın, ister inanmayın. Saygı duyarım [/b]

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Good Girls Don’t Fuck

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I never thought I’d have any fun at a wedding.  The food is bad, the conversation is worse and the only thing to do is drink.  And to make matters worse, all the available good looking females were religious.  It was turning out to be a real nightmare.  At least I looked good in a tux.

I was wandering around, trying desperately to avoid a few people that I knew would launch into the whole “what are you doing these days” talk.

Then I saw her.

She was about my height, with shoulder length honey blonde hair.  She had dark eyes and a smile that could light up a room.  Her skin was flawless and smooth.  She was wearing a knee length skirt that was conservative and alluring at the same time.  It came down just to her knees, allowing me a view of her perfect legs.  I knew she was the bride’s sister, but I had not met her.  I planned to change that in a hurry.

I walked over, smiling, to where she was standing.

“Hi,” I said, suddenly feeling very nervous. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m…”

“Damon,” she finished. “I know.”

I was a little surprised.

“I’m Jill.”

Her smile was warm and inviting.  My nerves settled down quickly and we launched into a conversation.  I learned that she was visiting from far away just for the wedding and that she would be leaving the next day.  I also learned that she had just turned nineteen.  We ended up talking for a long time and we really hit it off.  She also let it slip that her family was quite religious, which was a sore spot for me.  I wanted this girl!

I asked her to dance, but she suggested that we take a walk instead.  I happily agreed.  The wedding was at a relative’s house and the property was quite large so there was lots of places to go.  As we walked, we made small talk but I couldn’t help steal glimpses of her body.  She was flawless!

Soon we came to a guest house that was infrequently used.  Jill said her feet hurt and asked if I would mind if we sat inside for a while.
If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that this little goody-goody girl was trying to seduce me.

I walked over and half heartedly tried the door, fully expecting it to be locked.  To my surprise, however, it opened easily and we walked in.
It looked as if it hadn’t been used for a while, except maybe as storage.  The place was filled with boxes, so I cleared a few off of a sofa in the middle of the room and Jill sat down.  I made my way over to the fridge to see if there was anything to drink inside.

The fridge was emtpy so I tried the freezer.  Inside was a half box of popsicles and a can of frozen marguerita mix.  I offered Jill a popsicle, which she accepted happily.

I took a seat on the sofa with her and watched as she sucked the popsicle, secretly wishing it was my dick she had in her mouth instead. As we sat talking, I offered to massage her sore feet.  She gave me a huge smile, kicked off her shoes and swung her feet around to me.

I don’t have a foot fetish or anything, but I couldn’t help but notice that her feet were as perfect as the rest of her.  I took one into my hands and started to rub as Jill closed her eyes and sucked her popsicle.  As she relaxed, she started to sink down on the sofa.  I gazed down her smooth tanned legs and caught a few glimpses of the white fabric that comprised her panties.  I began to feel my cock grow as I continued to massage her pretty feet.  I soon noticed she was getting a little too relaxed, so I gave her baby toe a playful tug.

“Oww,” she said in mock hurt staring down at me with her gorgeous blue eyes.

“Sorry.” I smiled back her.

“Kiss it better,” she demanded, her lips forming a cute little pout.

I leaned down and touched my lips to her toe, kissing it gently.  As I did this, she closed her eyes once again and moaned softly.  She obviously loved having her toes kissed so I decided to get a little more brazen.  I closed my lips around her toe, sucking softly.  As I expected, she moaned a little louder.  I moved to the next toe, nibbling it as well.

“Mmmmmm,” she purred.

I left her toes and moved up her foot, planting soft kisses on her tender skin.  As I reached her calf, I fully expected Jill to stop me, but her moans of pleasure only increased, enticing me further.

I continued my journey, kissing and licking my way tuzla escort up her leg.  As I reached her knee, Jill reached down and pulled the hem of her dress up out of the way, exposing more of her flesh to my eager mouth.  As I worked my way up her leg, her dress continued it’s retreat along her smooth tanned skin.  Her body started to writhe when she felt my hot breath on her inner thigh.  Her legs opened wider and I moved in on my prize.  Jill moaned around the popsicle in her mouth, as I pressed my mouth against the thin white fabric separating my lips from her sweet little pussy.

Suddenly she reached down and pushed my head away.  I knew that was coming so I wasn’t surprised.  I was, however, surprised when she stood up and started to take her dress off.  I just stared as she let her clothing fall to the cluttered floor leaving her standing there in just her bra and panties.  Jill then popped the popsicle back into her mouth and sat back of the sofa.

“It was getting hot in here,” she said smiling at me.

I smiled back before crawling up beside her and pressing my lips into hers.  She tasted so sweet, and she opened her mouth to suck my tongue between her soft lips.  I could taste the cherry popsicle on her tongue as my hands found her full round breasts and began to caress.  A few seconds later the bra was off and my hands were touching her bare flesh.

As our tongues continued their intimate dance, I dropped my hand down between her legs.  As I took one of her hands in mine, I could feel the the melting popsicle drip down onto my fingers.  As she took one of my fingers and put it into her mouth, she began to suck in gently.  My hand slipped into her panties and touched her soft folds as she stared into my eyes.

“Take them off,” she whispered.

I quickly slipped her underwear off her hips and slid them down her legs.  She had the most perfect pussy I had ever seen! Delicate, pink folds free of hair with the exception of a small tuft of blonde reaching in an inverted v above her clit.

I reached out and took the melting popsicle from her hand and let a few drops fall to the sensitive skin on her inner thighs.  She shivered, then sighed as my mouth sucked up the bright pink drops.  Tentatively I reached out and touched her clit with the popsicle, causing her to gasp from the cold.  Slowly I ran the frozen treat over her lips and even poked the tip into her hole.  As I withdrew the popsicle, I replaced it with my tongue, pushing it deep into her pussy.  The mixed sensations of hot and cold sent her over the edge and she grabbed the back of my head, clutching at my hair.

“Bend over!” I said quietly, pulling my mouth from her.

Submissively, Jill did as I asked, moving to a position on her hands and knees.  I brushed a hand over her flawless skin, then held out the popsicle, letting a few drops fall down to her ass.  I noticed her pretty little pink asshole pucker up as the cold syrupy liquid dripped down her crack.  Becoming more and more courageous, I placed the popsicle between her pussy lips and ran it up to her ass, circling her rim with the icy stick. Jill giggled and lurched forward to escape the clod feeling.

Lowering my head, I licked the sticky pink liquid as it dripped down her pussy lips.  Working my way up, I removed the popsicle from her ass and surrounded her tight pink asshole with my lips, breathing hot air onto her frozen butt hole.

“Oh my God!!!” she moaned loudly.

I smiled to myself as I pushed my tongue out against her ass, tasting more of the sweet sugary flavor.  A few minutes later the popsicle had completely melted, and Jill was ready to return the favor.

“My turn,” she said standing up. “Take off your clothes.”

I would have preferred her to undress me, but I was content stripping down as I watched her walk across the room naked.  She made her way to the fridge and retrieved another popsicle.  This time it was orange. She took it out of the paper wrapping and put it into her mouth, sucking seductively as she made her way back towards me.

I was now completely naked, sitting on the sofa with my dick fully erect.  Jill dropped to her knees in front of me and engulphed my swollen cock in her mouth.  Her mouth was cold from the popsicle, and the sensation was incredible.  As her lips closed around me, her icy tongue began to swirl tuzla escort bayan around my shaft.

I almost jumped when I felt the freezing cold popsicle touch my exposed balls.  Jill let out a quiet giggle as she continued to suck my dick.  After she had coated my balls in the sticky, orange liquid she dropped her head down and took them into her mouth as her hand pumped away at my shaft.  I was ready to fuck this girl!

I gently pushed her head away, as I took the popsicle from her and tossed it across the room.  I then grabbed her and pushed her down onto the couch.  Climbing onto Jill’s prone body, I kissed her deeply as my hands roamed her body.  She moaned as I sank two fingers into her wet little pussy.

Just as I was about to slide my throbbing cock into her little wet hole, Jill stopped me.

“I can’t,” she said apologetically.

I was dumbfounded.


“I’m a virgin.  I can’t do that until I’m married. It’s against my religion.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  It was okay for me to lick her pussy and stick popsicles up her asshole, but sex was out of the question!?

I slumped back on the couch and started to get dressed.

“What are you doing?” Jill asked, cocking her head to the side.  “We can still do other stuff.”

“I think we’ve pretty much done everything without fucking,” I answered.

“Not everything.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I still have one hole left.”

“You mean…?”

“My ass.”

Again, I was amazed.

“So I can’t fuck your pussy, I can have your ass?”

“Yeah, it doesn’t count if it’s in the butt.  Why? Is that a problem? Do you not like it?”

“Are you kidding?! I’d love to fuck you there!”

“Well hurry up then and do it!” she said with a cute little smile.

I think my dick grew two sizes that moment, as Jill turned around and bent over, offering me her ass.

She licked her fingers and proceeded to rub them over her puckered rim, as I did the same with my cock.  I warned her that it might hurt without proper lubricant, but she dismissed it, explaining that she had done it many times.

I pressed my cock against Jill’s wet butt hole as she held her own cheeks apart.  I had always enjoyed seeing my dick as it slips inside a girl’s asshole, but this was extra special. Her tiny pink ring began to stretch around my invading cock, opening for further penetration as a quiet squeal escaped her lips.  As the head slipped in, I could feel her anus tighten reflexively.  I stopped for a brief moment before pushing my cock in further.  Soon I was up to my balls in her ass, my hands gripping her taut hips.  She started to moan louder as I began to withdraw.  I moved my cock only about an inch, back and forth as I spit down onto her ass.  I rubbed the new lubricant along my shaft, and then pushed forward again.

“Mmmm, I love it!” Jill moaned, pushing her ass back to meet my cock.

I began to build up speed, moving in and out in a steady rhythm, watching my cock disappear into her tight asshole.  As I bottomed out, I grabbed her shoulders, forcing my hips against her ass.  My balls were pressed against her wet pussy lips as my dick traveled up her ass.  I gave her a few quick little thrusts before pulling out almost all the way.  Jill gasped as I plunged back in, causing her hips to lurch forward.

“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Just like that! Fuck me hard!”

I gave her a few more thrusts, each one causing her body to sink down a little more until her face was pressed into the sofa.  Her moans became muffled by the cushion as I continued pounding her ass.  Reaching down I grabbed her hips, pulling her body back up to meet my cock.  When she was fully impaled, I fell onto my back, taking her with me, my dick still surrounded by her ass.  As we fell back, Jill sank down farther on my dick.  I let her body rest on mine as I reached around and grabbed her tits.  I kissed at her neck, and rotated my pelvis, working my cock around in her butt.

“Wait, stop,” she said, placing her hands on my hips.

I stopped as Jill slowly pulled herself off my dick.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“It was getting a little dry.  We need some lube.”

“But we don’t have any…”

Before I could finished, Jill took my cock and stuffed it into escort tuzla her mouth.  I just stared in amazement as she sucked me down her throat.  When she pulled out, she started licking my shaft with abandon, coating it with saliva.  When it was nice and wet, she looked up at me and smiled.

Without a word she climbed back up and crouched over my erect cock.  I sat back as she reached down, taking my dick into her delicate hand and placing back at the entrance to her ass.  As she lowered herself down, my cock slid in easier, lubricated with Jill’s spit.  Her ass cheeks came to rest on my hips as she exhaled.

Then she began to bounce.  Up and down, her little hips rose and fell, filling, then emptying her asshole.  I looped my arms around her waist, pulling her down to me as I fucked her.  I started to go faster as she moaned and ground her ass into me.  Like a piston, my cock worked it’s way in and out.

Suddenly I rolled to the side, sending both of us to the floor. My dick remained buried inside her the entire time, and I continued fucking her as we lay there.  Harder and harder I slammed her ass.  I felt the cum rising in my balls but just continued fucking her.

I quickened the pace, as the cum began to shoot from my cock.  I was going to pull out, but it just felt too good.  The creamy jism coated Jill’s asshole.

“Oooooo, that feels good!” Jill exclaimed.  “I can feel your cum in my ass.  It’s so warm.”

I rested my body on top of hers as my dick began to shrink.   As I started to pull out, Jill reached around grabbing my ass.

“No! Keep it in. I want you to fuck me more!”

I moved back up to my knees, taking her with me.  As she sat on her hands and knees, she started to wiggle her ass back and forth on my flaccid dick.  I could feel my cum inside her, further coating my shaft.

“I can feel it inside me,” she squealed. “So hot and slippery.”

I started to get hard again.

“I want it good!” she continued. “I want you to fuck my ass really hard and then give me another load of hot cum.”

My dick inflated before my eyes, filling her anal cavity once more.  I remained still, however, as Jill bucked herself back and forth on my cock.  My dick was going in and out easier than before, sliding on a river of cum.

“Let’s change positions,” Jill offered, pulling free of my glistening cock.

She then sat back on the sofa and spread her legs wide.  She must have been a dancer or something because she was damn flexible.  I moved over and started to push my cock back into her inviting asshole.  I looked into her face as I entered her.  Her sweet lips were pursed together and her eyes were closed.  She then opened them and stared into my eyes with a lustful glare.  My dick slid on a river of cum up her sweet ass pipe as I placed my hands on her thighs, holding her legs wide open.

As I fucked her, I leaned forward and we shared a deep, wet kiss. She bit her bottom lip as I pulled my face back and pushed my cock up inside her. I looked down and saw my cum, leaking out from around my dick as I pumped her tight asshole.

“Oh yeah,” she moaned. “Fill me up. Fill my ass with your cock.”

It was a little strange hearing that sweet girl talk that way, but at that point, nothing was going to surprise me. I resumed, fucking her even harder than before.

I grabbed her ankles and pushed them up beside her head, as I slid in even deeper.  She squealed in both pain and pleasure as I fed my cock to her tight young butt hole.  Beads of sweat were forming on my head from the frantic fucking and my pulsing dick was being gripped even tighter by Jill’s ass.

“I’m going to cum soon,” I said between gasps. “Where do you want it?”

“You can cum anywhere you want.”

“I want to cum in your mouth!”

“Then do it! Cum in my mouth!”

With a wet “pop” I pulled my cock from Jill’s asshole and stepped up onto the couch.  I started jerking my cock, eager to fill her mouth with my cum, but she brushed my hand away.

“Allow me,” she said.

I almost fainted as she took my cock in her delicate hand and started stroking. After the first stream of cum fired out, Jill locked her lips around my dick and sucked down the rest.  I then fell down onto the bed in a tired sweaty heap.

Jill immediately got up and started to dress.

“I have to get going. My parents will wonder where I am.”

She gave me one last kiss before running off.  That was the last I ever saw of Jill.

The End.
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Ex Wife Wants More

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So, like many couples, my wife and I had drifted apart. Personal tragedies had strained our marriage, and my taste for others hadn’t helped. So, we parted ways, as amicably as 2 people can, and both moved on.

I have decided to stay single, and “play the field” again as I just don’t fancy being in a relationship again.

After moving out of the matrimonial home, I moved on to a small boat in the local Marina, cosy but adequate for my needs, and big enough if I wanted to entertain a guest or 2.

So, some time had passed since we separated, but we kept in touch almost weekly.

One evening, we were exchanging messages on iPad when I got “I haven’t done that for ages, my ex used to love that” – ummm, was that supposed to be sent to me?

There was a long pause, before a message came back, simply saying “sorry, wrong chat”.

I wasn’t going to push it, but it was obvious that she was chatting to another guy, and they had been up to something.

A couple of days later, we were chatting via iPad messages again, and I asked the question “Who did you mean to send that message to the other day?”

There seemed to be some hesitation, but eventually the message came back “a friend “.

“I gathered that!” I replied, “A male friend?”

Again a long pause…

So after a long wait, she finally replied “yes, I have been seeing him a few weeks”.

“Good for you, pleased for you,” I replied, then after a suitable pause, “So what was it that you were talking about?”

“None of your business!” she replied.

I wasn’t going to push the subject any further, but was severely intrigued.

A few days later, I was on my boat, doing some paperwork for my business, when my iPad pinged “Are you at the Marina? I am in town. Can I pop down for a cuppa?” I was a little surprised, as she hadn’t visited the boat since I moved on to it, and each time I had invited her, she had found a way of declining.

“Sure, see you in 5 mins” and sent her the security code for the gate.

Soon after, I saw her walking down the pontoon, wearing a short skirt, tight low cut blouse and her long blonde hair down. I couldn’t help but notice her lovely 38G tits were swaying with the rhythm of her walk.

She climbed aboard and I showed her in to the main cabin.

“Tea or Coffee?” I asked casually.

“Tea please” she replied.

I put the kettle on and started making the tea. She was stood next to the fridge, and I had to bend down to get the milk out. As I did, my face was very close to the front of her skirt, and I couldn’t help but notice a very distinct and sexy fragrance.

It was the unmistakable smell of sex. She had been fucked, and very recently.

There was no doubt in my mind.

I just looked up at her and smiled. She knew why, and smirked.

I finished making the tea and handed her the mug. She took a seat opposite me, and as she did, her skirt rode up slightly, showing me that she wasn’t wearing any knickers.

There was a definite glistening between her legs. I was hard as hell now.

I decided to just say what was on my mind – after all, she couldn’t divorce me again!

“So, what was it that you haven’t done for pendik escort ages, and that your ex used to like?”

She blushed very slightly, but she wasn’t surprised that I asked.

“Well, I sat on Brian’s face after he fucked me,” she replied, matter of factly.

I was a little surprised, she wasn’t usually as blunt about sex.

“Ah, I see, yes I did love that.” I said with a sigh.

“Unfortunately, he doesn’t!” she said. “but I have re-discovered my taste for it!”

“That must be hard for you,” I said, deliberately emphasising the work “hard”.

“Not as HARD as it is for you, I see!” she said, nodding towards my obvious bulge.

Then, putting her tea down, and standing up, she brushed past me saying, “So whats the bed like on this thing?” and pulled her blouse off as she stepped in to my cabin.

She lay back on the bed, and hoisted her skirt up, exposing her freshly shaved, and apparently freshly fucked cunt.

I started towards her, she put her hand up and said “Simple rules: you wont fuck my pussy, but you can lick it as much as you want. Understand?”

I nodded my agreement, and went straight down between her silky thighs.

Her pussy was dripping, unmistakably with fresh spunk. I was straight in there with my tongue, lapping away at it. drawing out as much of the cum as I could, and sucking on her hard, glistening clit.

I felt like I was lapping at her pussy for hours, working my tongue around her clit, in between her lips, and at one point, slipping down and rimming her puckered arsehole.

She, in turn, was breathing heavily, moaning and making noises she hadn’t made in bed with me for a few years.

By this point, I had pulled my cock free from my shorts, and was desperate to fuck her, but I knew I couldn’t screw this up if I wanted any more. She said no, so I had to accept that.

Eventually, her moaning got louder, the wriggling and writhing increased and her body started to shake. She had grabbed one of her tits, and pulled the nipple to her own mouth and was licking and sucking on it. Something she always used to do when she was getting close to cumming.

I plunged my tongue deep up inside her, to get the very last trace of cum from her, as she shuddered and screamed out with an almighty orgasm.

I slowed down my licking, and gently kissed the lips and upper thighs, as I leant back to admire her half naked, quivering body, sweat dripping off both of us, and a definite puddle on the bedsheets.

“You didn’t drink your tea” I said cheekily.

“Mmmmm,” she mused, “better have another one then.”

Standing at the sink and filling the kettle up, my brain was whizzing with “What the fuck was that all about???”

This time, I managed to finish making the tea, and we managed to drink it, during which we talked a little about what had happened, and what was going on with us.

She told me that the sex wither new guy was ok, but he wasn’t very adventurous and didn’t go down on her much, especially after sex which is when she liked it most.

So, the simple solution came to mind. As he lived less than 5 minutes from the marina, I was more than happy for her to come and see me after she has a fuck escort pendik with him.

“Don’t be daft” she said, “thats hardly a way to have a meaningful relationship with anyone is it?”

“I wasn’t talking about meaningful, I was just offering to satisfy your urges. The offer is there, its up to you”

We chatted a bit more for half an hour, before she got up and said that she had to leave.

As she left the boat, I went to give her a little peck on the cheek, but she turned her face, and gave me a full-on deep kiss, the likes of which she hadn’t given me for a very long time.

“See you tomorrow night” she said with a wink. Off she went, still with that sway to her hips, as I watched her arse disappear.

The next 24 hours were filled with intrigue and sexual suspense.

A couple of messages between my ex and I, hinting at all sorts of possibilities.

I had also started seeing a woman casually, someone I had known for over 20 years, and who had met my ex on several occasions, and knew exactly what I was like sexually. I sent her a text message telling her what had happened the day before, and what could be happening again that night. Her reply didn’t surprise me, but did get me instantly hard.

“Pity I cant watch the pair of you,” she said.

Hmmmmm now that would be fun.

Ping, from my iPad, “Be there in 5 minutes” from my ex.

This time, I wasn’t going to make a cuppa, I was waiting, naked, in my bed. She knew the gate code, she knew how to get on to the boat, and the door was open for her.

Within a few minutes, there was a slight rocking of the boat as she stepped aboard.

She came through to the cabin, and I watched as she stripped out of the summer dress she was wearing, with no bra and no knickers underneath.

She didn’t say a word, she just climbed on to the bed, and crawled slowly up my body, brushing her magnificent tits against my legs, my hard cock and over my chest, allowing me only enough time to briefly lick a nipple as it passed me by.

The gorgeous scent of her beautiful cunt got stronger as she positioned herself over my face and lowered down on to my waiting tongue.

The cum inside her this time was much more plentiful than before, and her red and swollen labia indicated that it was a lot fresher too.

I lapped away and within only a few minutes, she was cumming hard on my face. For the first time in the 15 years we had been together, she squirted as she came. Not just a little, but what felt like gallons!

The noise she was making was also more than she had ever done in our time together.

I carried on lapping away at her, but she lifted herself up, turned round, and lowered herself back down, and now in the perfect 69, took my throbbing cock in her mouth.

My cock was deep in her mouth and her tongue was working its magic around the tip and shaft.

She had never been really keen on sucking cock, but was really making up for missed time now.

Her cunt was dripping and twitching as I lapped at her, and again, that puckered bumhole of hers was inviting me to slip my tongue around the rim and venture in when I could.

As I did so, she stopped and abruptly rolled off me.

Oh pendik escort bayan shit! obviously over stepped the mark now. She turned round and lay down beside me, kissed me hard, then straddled me, so her cunt was pressed against my aching cock.

“I thought you said I couldn’t fuck your pussy, don’t tease” I said. She smiled, and said “Shut up”.

She was grinding her pussy against me more and more. She lifted herself up slightly, wriggled and guided the tip of my cock, firstly to her pussy, so it was coated with all of the juices still dripping out, then, to my utter surprise, she guided it further back to her bum.

A little note of history here. In the 15 years we were together, I had made several attempts to bugger her beautiful arse, and the closest I had ever got was slipping a finger in once.

She pushed down on my cock, slowly allowing the tip to delve in to her tight, virgin arse.

She took her time, and slowly pushed down and down, taking me in her arse a little at a time. A couple of times she stopped and lifted slightly, to allow her tight bum to get used to the invasion that it had never experienced before.

After a couple of minutes, she had pushed down to the point where I could feel the very tight ring. She took a deep breath and pushed down firmly, with that lovely distinctive pop of my cock pushing through her ring.

She stopped to allow her arse to get used to my entire length being in her. She opened her eyes and looked down at me, giving a little smile.

I let her control the pace, even though I desperately wanted to pound that beautiful arse that I had been denied all these years.

She slowly built up, lifting herself upright, holding her own tits, and throwing her head back with each thrust.

I knew I wasn’t going to last long like this, and told her so. Abruptly, she stopped. “Don’t cum yet, I want more of this”

Was I hearing this coming from her lips? She had been so “anti-anal” throughout our relationship, it had been one of the reasons that I had strayed from home and found fun with others, to quench my anal lusts.

She rested for a few minutes, still with my cock buried deep in her arse. She could sense that I was calming slightly, before she then started to build the pace up again.

This time, I raised my hips to meet her thrusts, we both started getting more and more vocal, and the pace built up to a frenzied fuck.

I reached up and massaged those glorious tits that I had enjoyed many a tit-wank with. Her eyes were wide, almost wild.

I knew it had to happen, as much as I didn’t want it to end, but that unmistakable feeling of my cum rising was creeping up on me.

With one almighty thrust upwards, I pumped my load deep inside her arse. She screamed loudly, and slumped down on me, our sweaty bodies tangled around each other.

“I should have let you do that years ago.” she gasped.

My head was spinning, my cock was still throbbing, heart pounding. The ink wasn’t even dry on our divorce and we had just had the best sex of our time together.

“I am sorry I never let you do that before honey. That was incredible.” she said at last.

I was a bit lost for words really.

“How soon do you reckon you can do that again?” she said, grinning at me.

“I’ll put the kettle on!” I replied, knowing that it would just give me enough time. But that, my Literotica-friends, is another story.

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Champagne Pussy and Sodomy Dreams

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Two of Nick’s fingers were entwined with two of Anne’s as he maneuvered them into her dripping wet core. The quartet thrust several times into the lubricating sheath before being withdrawn. Slowly, both hands moved in concert until they pressed firmly against the puckered skin of her anus. Astonished, Anne’s eyes popped open as she stared at their reflection in the mirror. Was Nick really about to plunge all four fingers into her ass?

That day started out like any other. Anne woke up well before Nick and silently crept out of the bedroom. Down to the basement she went, and spent an hour on the treadmill. As per her usual morning routine, she used the time to surf new stories on her favorite erotic literature website. The only down side to her standard practice was that it left her extremely horny, and morning sex was quite a challenge on workdays. Arriving late to the office was never a good way to start the day.

After her workout, she entered the bedroom a sweaty mess. Nick, she noted, was still sleeping peacefully. Tiptoeing into the bathroom, she started the shower and quickly stripped. The water felt refreshing as it cooled her down, not just from the exercise, but

also from thoughts of sex. Soaping up, she teased her clit briefly but decided to wait until later for satisfaction. Having sex with her husband was far better than masturbation.

Anne hadn’t seen or heard Nick approach but felt his body behind hers, while she finished rinsing. His arms gently wrapped around her small frame as he bent down to kiss her neck. He lingered, knowing it was an exquisitely sensitive erogenous zone for Anne.

Opening her eyes, Anne tilted her head and looked up at her beloved husband. Together for nearly thirty years, she still genuinely adored him. They kissed deeply and stood a moment longer, her back against his front, before she turned into his hug.

With her head against his chest, Anne glanced over to the mirror above the sinks and admired their profile. They fit together perfectly. He stood a full foot taller and draped his body almost entirely around hers, his chin resting on her head. Anne reveled in the security of his embrace and nestled her legs between his. Of course, evidence of Nick’s arousal lay between them like a lead pipe.

“Hey Babe, Happy Valentine’s Day. Ya got time for a quickie?” Anne knew the answer in advance. Yet being an eternal optimist, she held out hope.

Nick chuckled at her predictability and shook his head, “Probably not; I have a meeting in an hour and it’s going to be a long day at the office. But, the kids won’t be home tonight and I thought we would stay in for a quiet evening. We can open some champagne and just go old school romance.”

“Oh, that sounds…nice,” Anne answered, with a twinge of disappointment.

With teenagers still at home, having the house to themselves was quite a luxury. Usually, Nick made use of any opportunity to break out the toys, and Anne definitely liked to play. However, if he had a kinky plan for the evening, he surely would have dangled a hint. Teasing her was just his style.

Nick stared down at Anne with amusement and replied, “Come on now, don’t pout. Let’s just enjoy a low key night.”

Anne reached up and caressed his face, while smiling sincerely. Nick was right; conventional sex was fun. But, it had been a while since they had a chance to let loose with their deviant side. She mentally shrugged, letting it go.

Instead, Anne focused on the here and now. Feeling horny as hell, she changed tactics.

“You’re right, it sounds relaxing. But Babe, are you sure you don’t have time for some fun right now? I’m super horny and you are too, judging by your boner.” With that, she began to suggestively stroke his manhood, which rested above her waistline. “Pretty please? You could fuck my pussy, or ass. I just really need some action, and it IS Valentine’s Day. PLEEAASE??”

Since Nick had not yet had his morning coffee, he lacked the ability to resist Anne’s shameless begging. His morning erection demanded relief and, as usual, she was ready and wanting. If he was late to the meeting, so be it.

Leaning down, Nick kissed Anne before turning her around. They both faced the mirror through their glass shower door, Anne standing in front of Nick. Realizing Nick had relented, she raised her hands and clasped the sides of his face, which was above and behind her. As her body stretched to its full height it bowed slightly. Nick’s attention was drawn to her small but pert breasts as they stuck out proudly.

Anne’s hands were soon engulfed by Nick’s, and he guided them leisurely down her body. Their fingertips gently skimmed over her scalp, the wet skin of her face and down her neck. With his guidance, her left hand paused at the level of Anne’s breasts, while her right hand continued down towards the sweet spot between her legs.

Relinquishing control to Nick was fulfilling to Anne, both mentally and physically. He typically put a great bursa escort deal of thought into creative ways of having fun in the bedroom. And, after spending nearly three decades together, he had become an expert at eliciting pleasure from her body. She could not have asked for a better lover.

Now, as he literally took command of the morning tryst, Anne’s already raging libido kicked into an even higher gear.

Nick steered Anne’s right fingers along her taut abdomen, inching closer to her pussy. He purposely slowed the pace, as he noticed Anne’s breathing had become erratic. Sensing she was desperate for contact, he delayed to increase her level of arousal.

With her attention focused on the progress of the pussy bound digits, Anne had completely forgotten about her left hand. Adeptly, Nick manipulated Anne’s fingers around her tiny, raspberry shaped nipple and squeezed firmly. Anne’s focus immediately shifted to her breasts as Nick navigated her hand from one to the other.

The force of the pinch on Anne’s breast was enough to evoke a gasp, as her head was thrown back in delight. Anne’s nipples were incredibly sensitive and Nick twisted roughly, just as she preferred.

At the same time, he led Anne’s right hand down to her clit. The long awaited arrival brought forth an inadvertent cry from her lips. Nick ‘shushed’ her calmly, suspecting the kids were still home. At his direction, her fingers firmly circled the sensitive nub.

Looking at their incredibly erotic reflection in the mirror, Anne felt like a marionette. As Nick pulled her strings, she felt wonderfully wanton. He alternated one hand between her left and right breast, while strumming her clit with the other. Anne was utterly spellbound by the salacious sight.

Before long, Nick shifted her right hand even lower until it hovered over her cunt. She was quite certain the moisture that was apparent between her legs had come from her pussy and not the spray of the shower. Parting her legs slightly, she allowed better access. Nick took advantage, and plunged two of his fingers, along with two of hers, into the source of her secretions.

Anne was a bit stunned by his action. He had fucked her with many objects over the years: a portable phone, a banana, a beer bottle and a kitchen whisk, to name a few. However, in all their time together, he’d never used Anne’s own hand as a sex toy. The idea seemed thoroughly base, and she loved it.

The presence of his fingers, along with hers, stirred a tremendous reaction in her slippery slit. Nick’s show of force caused her pelvis to contract as it tried to grip the interlaced digits that pistoned in and out of her pussy. On the verge of an explosion, she bounced in order to augment the force of the finger fucking.

“That should do it,” whispered Nick.

Anne looked quizzically at his reflection in the mirror, not understanding his comment. At the same time, it dawned on her that their fingers were completely coated in pussy juice.

Suddenly, he removed their hands and pulled them behind her hip. Anne tensed as she felt the fingers against her anus, brushing it gently at first. Looking at each other in the mirror, she saw his devilish grin and returned it with pleasure. Now, she understood his game.

As the finger foursome rolled around the edge of her illicit hole, it quivered in anticipation. The crinkled skin was hypersensitive and needy, as if it had been waiting patiently for a turn at some fun. Without delay, Nick pushed her fingertips into the raunchy recess.

The initial entry was smooth; Anne was no anal virgin. However, her fingers had never dared breech this unmentionable threshold. The sensation was beyond thrilling, especially as Nick continued his breast ministrations.

When Nick forced all four fingers further inside her rectum, past the internal sphincter, Anne felt the rush that came from an abrupt intrusion. She loved a harsh entrance during anal sex. For her, a warm up ruined the moment.

Concentrating on her fingers as they pummeled her own ass, Anne’s eyes closed. The wall of her rectum was smooth and warm, just like her pussy. The most noticeable difference was the small caliber of the channel. At that moment, she gained a ‘first hand’ understanding of why Nick so loved sodomy.

There was no doubt; Anne also loved anal sex and the incredible orgasms it produced. The nerve endings in her anus seemed to come alive from the pressure of an incoming object. Even without motion, having her ass stuffed full with a dildo or Nick’s cock could almost induce an orgasm. When movement was added, the resulting push and pull always made her cum, hard. The taboo nature of the act only served to magnify the allure.

Now, standing in the shower, the friction from the thrusting fingers on Anne’s highly sensitive rim was overwhelming. Feeling sexually crazed, she wriggled, writhed and squatted, tying to increase the intoxicating stimulation of her rectum.

Then, just as she was about bursa escort bayan to reach the peak, the hands were suddenly withdrawn. Groaning, she turned as Nick stepped back with an expression of uncurbed craving on his face. Her frustration immediately turned to sympathy as she watched Nick stroke his engorged, pulsating cock.

“Fuck, you are such a Dirty Girl,” he crooned. Watching Anne grind her ass on the fingers, left Nick incapable of harnessing his own desire.

Anne managed to mumble, “Flattery will get you everywhere, Sir.” Bending forward just a bit, she pulled apart her ass cheeks.

Nick eyed her appealing anus, which gaped slightly from the recent assault. Bending at the knees, he lined his dick up with the target and ferociously shoved it in her ass.

The impact of his body against hers drove Anne forward so that her forehead lay against the glass door. Short on time, Nick dispensed with the niceties. Her hot ass welcomed him home as he pounded away at her tiny body.

Already primed for release, it was just a matter of moments before Anne’s explosive orgasm commenced. A long, low pitched moan escaped her lips as power gathered in the small of her back and ignited a series of spasms in her ass.

While her legs jerked, Anne’s pelvis was caught in the momentum, spiraling into a series of rhythmic convulsions. Thankfully, due to Nick’s support she managed not to fall to the ground from the force of her mighty climax.

Nick’s chest rumbled as her ass rippled around his dick. Before allowing himself to cum, he pulled out and released a torrent of semen on her back. Being a very considerate spouse, he generally didn’t like sending her to work with an ass full of cum. Pulling her back to him, Nick relished the feel of her body as it continued to flutter from the intense release of sexual tension.

When he was sure she was steady on her feet, Nick used soap to wash away the remnants of his love. Kissing her one last time on the neck, he quickly soaped off and exited the shower. Anne definitely required a few additional minutes of recovery.

They crossed paths again in the kitchen and quickly wolfed down breakfast. Their usually egocentric teens had both already left for school, but managed to tidy up after their morning meal.

Valentine’s Day cards were finally exchanged by the loving couple. Anne had written hers with heartfelt emotion. She thanked Nick for being a wonderful partner over the course of their many years together. He truly was the only man for her.

Nick’s card was more simple and direct.

“I look forward to fucking you tonight,” read the inscription. Anne nearly choked on her tea, enticed by the promise of her mate.

Anne’s face beamed as Nick smiled broadly. Unbeknownst to her, he actually did have kinky plans for the evening. A hint would be dropped, but later in the day. Parting ways, they headed off to work, both enjoying the satisfaction of their recent intercourse and excitement for a future union.


Anne and Nick were both physicians, having met early on in medical school. While Anne worked in a group setting, seeing well established patients on a schedule, Nick was heavily involved in administration. Consequently, he spent very little time doing clinical work.

Anne had a very enjoyable day at work and received several boxes of candy from patients, in honor of Valentine’s Day. Then, just before the end of her day, she drew in a sharp breath, having received a shocking text from her husband.

“Bring home a metal one.” Nick’s text caused an immediate reaction in Anne’s pussy, which suddenly felt sadly empty.

About a week before, Nick had texted Anne, asking that she bring home a speculum with which to play. After presenting him with the requested tool, he’d been befuddled by the fact that it was plastic, as opposed to metal. Patiently, she explained her group had converted to plastic as a cost saving measure. After removing the speculum from the bag, Nick tried to get the hang of the “new-fangled” gadget. Sixty seconds later, Anne heard a loud crack as the speculum broke apart in his hands. Since Anne hadn’t been sure of his intentions, she wasn’t too disappointed at the time.

Now, looking at her current text, Anne again wondered why Nick was suddenly interested in medical play. Mixing work and sex had never really appealed to either of them. In her opinion, work was best left at the office. But, she was admittedly impressed by his persistence. Well, if he wanted to ‘play doctor’, she would willingly go along for the ride.

However, there was one rather big problem with her kinky assignment. While grabbing a plastic speculum from an exam room was not a big deal. Getting her hands on a metal speculum without being noticed was more challenging.

Metal speculums were kept in a drawer that was in the middle of the nursing station. They were mostly unusual sizes, either very large or extra small, but in the mix were a few of escort bursa the regular size.

The main issue was that five support staff members sat in the nursing station. Because they were all extremely attentive and helpful, there was absolutely no chance that she would escape unnoticed. Having finished with patients for the day, a creative excuse was needed, and fast.

She looked back at her phone; perhaps she had been mistaken. No, sure enough the text was there, plain as day. She briefly considered blowing it off, but was intrigued to know exactly how Nick would put it to use.

“Fuck!” she thought to herself.

Looking skyward, she rolled her eyes and started to laugh at the preposterous predicament. With teenagers still at home, she was certainly used to maneuvering so that they remained in the dark about her proclivities. Trying to think of a way to explain her need for a metal speculum to her adult support staff was a bit more difficult.

She took a minute to come up with ideas, while she walked down the hall towards her destination. Panic set in as she rounded the corner. All five assistants looked at her expectantly as she moved into their territory.

Immediately, the staff members asked how they could help. Anne was uncharacteristically flustered. In her office, she was the team lead. The majority of her work day involved directing both patients and support staff. In the bedroom, however, she preferred a submissive role. It was an interesting contrast that culminated in a clashing together of her two identities at that very moment.

While rebuffing their offers for help, she walked towards the speculum cabinet. Nonchalantly, she leaned over while rummaging through the contents. The head nurse walked over to Anne, causing her face to blush bright red.

“I thought you were done with patients for the day,” said the nurse.

Anne’s heart raced now that she was truly on the spot. “Yes, well I’ve… decided… to keep a few metal speculums in my exam rooms because…,” she looked around wildly for divine inspiration, as she spoke slowly.

The God’s of Kink were surely smiling down upon her as she spied an ‘environmental hazard’ sign on the wall, next to the dirty specimen sink. Feeling suddenly emboldened, she continued. “After all, where are the plastic speculums sent when we’re done with them? I bet they’re just taking up space in a landfill.” Anne shook her head in disgust, for effect.

Quite sure that all people living in her area code could hear the pounding of her heart, Anne looked boldly at the nurse to see if her ruse was successful.

Pausing for a moment, the nurse raised her eyebrow. It seemed to take forever before she responded, “You’re probably right! I’ve never thought about that.”

Anne breathed a silent sigh of relief when she realized the excuse had passed muster.

“Don’t worry, I’ll have your room stocked with them by tomorrow,” replied the always efficient assistant.

Once again, Anne tensed. “Oh, um… don’t worry. I’ll just grab a few to… help… out.” She honestly couldn’t remember a recent occasion where she had sounded like such a bumbling idiot.

Summoning all her courage, she dug through the cabinet in front of the spectators. Anne tried to appear thoughtful in her selection. She took a few of each size, and placed them on the counter. After closing the cabinet door, she gathered them in her arms and made a bee line straight for one of her exam rooms. She stuffed the metal utensils in a drawer under the exam table and returned to her office.

Anne hastily packed up to leave, but was decidedly distracted, knowing that Nick had plans involving a speculum. Was this a red herring? He definitely indicated their evening would be conventional in nature. After mulling it over, she finally put it out of her head as she grabbed her coat and bag.

After donning her jacket, and with her bag in hand, she snuck back into the exam room closest to her office. Closing the door behind her, she reached down and grabbed the source of her very embarrassing afternoon. Briefly, she considered which size would be best. The large one definitely piqued her interest, but instead, she settled on the standard size.


It was dinner time when Anne arrived home and entered the kitchen. She definitely was not surprised to find Nick enjoying a glass of his favorite scotch while waiting for her. Leaning against the counter, he looked every bit as handsome as when they first met so many years ago. His smile was broad as he eyed the bag she carried on her arm.

Deciding to tease him a bit, she put the bag over the back of the counter stool closest to him. After walking closer, she pulled him down by his tie, until his face was just in front of hers. She kissed him gently and in return, he embraced her tightly.

“Hi Babe, did you miss me,” Anne asked as she brushed her lips along his.

Nick pulled back to peer into her eyes, “Of course, I always do.” Although quite a pervert, Nick was also a very thoughtful husband who always made her feel loved.

Anne sighed contentedly, “Well, should we head out to dinner?”

“We’ll be staying in tonight. Now, show me what you brought home?”

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Bratty Boss Pt. 04

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“Excuse me, just what do you think you’re doing?” She exclaimed with feigned surprise.

He was having none of this back-talk now.

“Quiet!” He commanded, making his point by roughly grabbing her hair and pulling her head back with one hand while spanking her pussy firmly with the other. The shock of the moist slap drew a yelp from her and caused her to buck involuntarily, pulling against his grasp of her hair. He held so tight that she could not bring her head back forward and instead relaxed into arching her back for him.

“I’m not coming in tomorrow. I’m going to have my way with you then I’m going to go home and sleep, and I’m not going to be waking up early to drag my ass in here”

His voice was powerful and deep, and his tone brooked no rebuke – and it also happened to turn her on like fuck. She had sensed his inner masculine self but she had never seen it come out… until tonight. ‘Thank fuck for these heels and this skirt’ she thought to herself.

“OK… Fine…” She said with her best buttery smooth voice. His finger resumed it’s teasing at her ass, circling the wet little hole and smoothly caressing the rough skin. He repeated his gentle pushes, testing the tightness, and gradually she relaxed and his explorations became easier. She was so horny that she wanted him inside her, any part of him and in any hole, it didn’t matter so long as he was penetrating her body as well as her mind. She grew impatient with his polite teasing, she was ready for more.

“… You’re going to fucking come in on Saturday to make up for tomorrow” She spat, with as much vitriol as she could muster, seeking to provoke him.

He had been losing himself in the moment, enjoying the light teasing and the sensations under his fingertip as he perused her beautiful body, so perfectly strewn before him on the desk. Despite the heat of the moment, he had been careful not to push too far too fast – but that had all flown out of the window the moment she chastised him.

He snarled and drove his finger forward into her, taking savage delight in her reactive gasp at the sudden intrusion. He felt the tightness of her slipping around his finger, clutching at him and almost feeling like she was swallowing him up. His knuckle pushed into her and he kept going, inserting his finger as far as it would go up her tight back entrace.

She couldn’t begin to fathom her thoughts as all sorts of feelings and emotions overcame her. She had never felt this sensation before, the unfamiliar discomfort combined with delicious stretching, with sweet pleasure combined with the breaking of a powerful taboo. Her mind melted at the thought of this powerful, feral man taking her virgin asshole with force because he simply couldn’t help himself, it was too fucking naughty.

She rewarded him with a slutty loud moan and waited patiently to see what he did next.

He was kind, he gave her a few moments to get used to what she was feeling. He even began massaging her clit with his other hand.

“Your ass is mine little brat. Do you really think you’re in a position to tell me what to do?”

His tone was mocking and he drew his finger out of her, as slowly as he could possibly manage, until none of him remained inside.

“I am…your… boss…” She said weakly between heavy breaths. He continued stimulating her already-engorged clit and she felt the orgasm he had denied earlier begin to well up within her body again.

“No, you aren’t. You’re my little slut” He said, pushing his finger deeply inside her ass again, noting that she was still very tight. The heat of her pressed against his finger and the pressure her body applied arose new lust in him as he imagined just what it feel like if he had his cock buried up to the hilt in her. He brought a second finger forward and slowly worked it inside of her, fucking her slowly with both fingers until her sloppy hole relaxed and accepted him.

“Mmpf…” She managed, her hair partly covering her bursa escort face and puffing outwards with her breath. Her hips couldn’t help but wriggle as he pleasured her, his fingers working incessently in and out, in and out. The combination of this new and nasty anal stimulation that made her feel so wonderfully naughty with his thumb expertly massaging her clit was creating waves of pleasure within her. Her mind was on fire with their deviant play, the wild excitement of submitting to his will lighting her brain up and causing her to soak her own legs beyond anything she had done before. Her body quickly caught up and she very soon drew close to orgasm.

Again her hips began bucking and her muscles flexed and relaxed. Her voice became louder as she moaned her pleasure, and she pushed back onto his finger with force, wanting him deeper inside her.

Just as she was about to come, to reach that exquisite climax and release all of the built tension, he stopped again. He somehow knew how to time it perfectly for maximum frustration. Pulling away, he stepped back to watch her.

She made a noise of great frustration and stood up, turning to stare at him with blazing eyes. She didn’t know what to do for a moment, she didn’t know why he had stopped. He was smirking!! The look on his face, knowing he had the power to give or take orgasms, was enraging!

“You’re just so badly behaved” He teased. She suddenly realised she was standing there, dressed for the office from the waist up but with her skirt up around her hips and her tights around her ankles. ‘FUCK IT’ she thought.

His expression turned to one of surprise as she kicked her shoes off at him and undressed hastily, throwing her clothes aside with abandon. She stood there, bare for him to see with her gorgeous curves drawing his eyes every which way – he didn’t know where to look first!

“Just fuck me already!” She scolded, standing in a sassy pose with her hands on her hips. She was used to getting her way and she knew how sexy she looked, there was no insecurity in her. No shame either.

“Are you trying to give me orders again?”

She didn’t respond but instead pulled her large leather office chair around to the front of the desk, climbed up into it on her knees and stuck her beautiful ass out in his direction, the cheeks still burning red from his earlier mistreatment.

“Wait.” He said. “First, put these back on”

She turned and saw him holding her heels. She gave him a wicked smile.

“Yes Sir.”

She pulled them on and resumed her position in the chair, trying to spread herself open for him. She heard him undress and her heart rate quickened once more with the anticipation of feeling him properly inside of her.

She couldn’t resist, she had to turn and have a look – he stood there, freeing his cock from his boxers and letting it bounce freely in the air. She saw a line of sticky clear precum seep from it’s tip and her throat ached with a sudden hunger.

Practically leaping down from the chair she fell to her knees and took his cock into her mouth before he even knew what was happening. She tasted the sweetness of his precum as it lined her mouth, and she pushed herself onto him with glee.

He let out a long, deep sigh of contentment and his eyes closed. He could feel her breasts softly pressing onto his legs, could feel her stiff nipples poking at him. He could feel his cock being suctioned into her throat in the most satisfying way. He opened his eyes and look down to see her, gazing up at him obediently.

“Mmm, good girl, that’s more like it”

Spurred by his praise, she bobbed her head back and forth, the sounds of his throbbing cock hitting the back of her throat turning her on even more – if that were possible.

He allowed her to pleasure him for a few moments before he took matters into his own hands. He grabbed either side of her head, fingers in her hair and held her. She went limp, her hands falling from his hips bursa escort bayan to rest in her lap. He began to fuck her mouth, shoving his cock as deeply into her as he could.

“Fuck yes, mmm who knew a brat like you could take dick so well?”

She obediently did not answer and instead calmly knelt, submitting to his control. Her eyes watered due to the throat pounding, but she did not care. If anything it just made this hotter.

He enjoyed himself for a few minutes before deciding enough was enough and pulled out, his cock now covered with slick wetness. Without a word, he lifted her and guided her back to her previous position in the office chair.

She knelt there, waiting for his cock to stretch out her eagerly waiting pussy but it never came… instead she felt the head of his shaft circling her virgin hole.

A thrill of excitement and nerves zapped up her spine. She was apprehensive, having never had anything bigger than his finger in there, but at this point she was so mindlessly aroused that she was ready to try anything. As long as he ended up inside of her, she was happy.

She mustered her courage.

“Go on then, fuck me in my tight arse hole. Teach me a lesson I dare you!”

He had no idea his boss was such an amazing woman. She had fire inside of her and an iron will – not to mention a killer body. He was seeing her in a whole new light tonight and … he was enthralled. He couldn’t believe his luck.

He spent a little while teasing the tip of his cock around her hole before he began to push gently against her, easing backwards and forwards with as little pressure as possible. She made sounds of enjoyment at the light play, so he stepped things up a notch and put more weight into his slow and controlled thrusting. Though his two fingers had warmed her up, his shaft was much thicker and it took some time before she began accommodating his girth. At first just the tip was breaking past her snug ring, then gradually more and more was able to enter her until his entire head suddenly popped inside.

“Wow…” He gasped involuntarily, her hole gripping him so tightly that he had to take a moment and control himself before he just let loose and fucked her to orgasm in thirty seconds.

“God I can feel you inside of me…”

“How does it feel? you’ve got the head of my dick in your ass little brat.”

She breathed with care, like an athlete steadying themselves.

“It’s… I’ve never felt anything like this… It’s not easy to take you Sir but thank you for penetrating me”

Her tone was much sweeter and more submissive than before, and it drove him wild. Where before she had been defiant and feisty, now she seemed truly feminine. He pushed his cock further into her, slowly filling more and more of her.

She was moaning away like a happy kitty and he took plenty of time, in no rush to end things. He eased out of her, giving her a little rest and admiring the small gape of her pink rosey hole before again plunging back for more, squeezing just a little more of his shaft in her ass.

“Work your clit” He said to her, knowing it would help. She obediently raised one hand to her pussy and began pleasuring herself.

“It’s so… tight… back there!” She breathed, her sentence broken up with moaning intakes of breath.

“Keep playing brat, you’re almost taking me all the way”

“Yes Sir” She said, rubbing herself with renewed energy. She was nothing if not goal driven.

Soon enough she was feeling the pleasurable waves again and her body instinctively began to flex and relax, spasm and buck. He felt intense sensations along the length of his cock as her body both gripped him and eased to accept him, and he began to slide in and out of her with a little more speed, taking long strokes. He stared at the gorgeous sight of her tight ring straining on his girth.

In almost no time at all she was loudly proclaiming her imminent orgasm and he encouraged her, slowly escort bursa fucking her ass with consistent rhythm that allowed her to manipulate her body to hit all the right spots. He felt the tell-tale tightness of her orgasm and this time he knew there’d be no stopping her – he was already hard pressed to stop himself from coming.

“Oh God… Oh God, Mmmm fuck yes! This feels… incredible… Ahhh!” She said with increasing urgency as she drew closer and closer to orgasm, her hand moving rapidly across her soaking wet pussy as she worked her clit to ecstasy.

At the moment of her orgasm he shoved himself as deep within her as he could and held on for dear life as she spasmed, her body wracked with intense pleasure. He thought that people, many floors below on the street level, must surely hear her screaming her enjoyment out but he didn’t care in the slightest. He gave her a few moment’s to recover before he began slowly fucking her again, squeezing her love handles for purchase.

“Mmm yes that’s fucking good, I want to hear more out of you!” He ordered. “Tell me how much you are loving my cock in your ass”

“I am Sir, it feels amazing, please fill me up” She responded, obliging his order with enthusiasm. Her hands now gripped her chair to give her stability and she began to push back at him so that his belly was colliding with her ass and his balls were slapping her pussy. The wet sounds of skin on skin was so naughty and so wonderful, and they both made sure that anyone in the vicinity knew it.

It didn’t take long before they were both feeling the beginnings of orgasm once more.

She reached down, pushing two fingers into her neglected pussy and allowing her palm to apply pressure to her clit, and began massaging her G-spot. She could feel his cock moving in and out through her own skin and this new, naughty sensation was so incredibly deviant that she decided then and there that she was definitely going to do this a lot more often.

As her moaning grew louder again he also felt her becoming tighter. He pumped away, fucking her hard now that she had fully accommodated him and taking pleasure in the way each thrust sent a ripple across her ass and shook her whole body. It felt amazing to powerfully dominate like this, it was intoxicating, it was everything he’d desperately fantasised about when sitting resentfully at his desk. The arousing thought caused the familiar wave of orgasm suddenly spring up within him and he continued fucking, unable to help himself.

“I’m going to fill you with a huge load of my hot cum little brat!” He said through gritted teeth.

“Thank you Sir, please give it all to me! Shoot it way up inside my ass! I’m going to come soon… I want you to fill me as I come!” She said in her soft, desperate feminine tone.

With enormous effort of will he staved off his impending orgasm long enough for her to reach hers and as she again started to spasm he let himself be free, his mind going blank and his body taking over as it thrust powerfully into her again and again. The blood coursed through his head so powerfully that he almost couldn’t hear her orgasmic screaming as he shot spurt after spurt of thick cum into her. The orgasm continued for what felt like forever and he roared his satisfaction at her when it finally subsided, returning him to normal conscious thought.

“Good girl” He said, giving her a playful spank. “Stay still”

She was silent, breathing heavily and shivering with the aftershocks of the orgasm every now and then.

He pulled himself out of her, leaving her no-longer-virgin ass gaping in the night air with his fresh cum oozing from it. It spilled from her, sliding down her soaked pussy lips and splattering on her smart leather chair, but still she did not move. She remained in position, letting him fully enjoy the sight of his conquest and feeling wonderfully naughty for doing so.

He stood there gazing, almost in a daze as his body recovered from the session they had just had. After a while of recovering his breath, she finally spoke – her voice returning to it’s usual power and surety.

“I’m going to need those reports by tomorrow night at the latest, or you’re fired.”

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Bianca’s Diary: The Party

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Dear Diary,

Okay – in all honesty, I masturbated in the shower Friday afternoon hoping I could take the edge off my horniness so as not to end up in some completely weird situation at the party. I wasn’t planning to, but there was something about feeling the warm water trickling down my ass that got me thinking; maybe if I take the edge off now, I won’t end up sucking some guy’s cock in a corner at the party and not remembering his name tomorrow! I like to consider myself proactive! So there I was, innocently touching up the shave job on my legs and pussy when I realized I was holding my pussy lips apart the same way I would when I find a guy who loves eating pussy as much as I love having mine eaten. I couldn’t help but take my other hand and start gently stroking my clit, imagining it was a tongue lapping at my sweet essence.

Before I knew it, I had my middle and ring fingers shoved deep inside my pussy: I was on my hands and knees in the tub feeling the hot water run down my pussy and ass like a hot load of come. It was then that I knew I had to fuck myself with something before this party – anything that would keep me from mounting the first guy that showed up at the door. The only thing I could find that even vaguely resembled a cock was the handle of my hairbrush – I couldn’t help it – I straddled it in the tub and furiously rubbed my pussy as I bounced up and down on bursa escort the hairbrush handle, feeling the hot water caressing my asshole and pussy lips. Against my better judgment, I decided to not let myself come….after all, I was hosting a party tonight where I could probably get whatever I wanted. I thought about this as the water lapped at my asshole the way I envisioned a tongue darting in and out of my tight rosebud, but I decided I wanted to save my screams of pleasure for the real thing.

More later…

As promised, here is the blow-by-blow (pun most definitely intended) replay of last night’s party.

So I arrived at the party at about 6:00pm. It was a party at a house that a sorority sister of mine rents. Her parties are always fun, so I figured that if I played my cards right, I could probably get laid without too much trouble. As it turned out, I was right. 🙂 I got to the party and someone almost immediately handed me a beer. So I made my way around the party, mingling, saying “hi,” and generally scoping out the possibilities. I took up position not too far from the beer keg, because I figured it would be sort of like staking out a game trail…all of the guys would come past this way eventually. By this time, I was so horny that I could hardly stand it. Just about the time that I thought I was going to have to leave the game trail and go hunting on my own, opportunity bursa escort bayan knocked, and I answered. I’d had a few beers by this time, so I was even a little more forward than usual.

So this guy slides up next to me and asks my name. “Bianca,” I told him.

“I’m Tony. You’re a friend of Emily?”

“Oh yeah, we’re sorority sisters,” I said. There was a moment of lag in the small talk, so I acted. I motioned for him to lean over so I could whisper in his year. “Listen,” I said. “I’m really horny and I need to get fucked. Interested?”

He looked a little surprised, which I expected. What I didn’t expect was what he said next. “I came here with my friend, Kevin…can he join us?”

Well, in for a penny, in for a pound, that’s my motto. “Sure,” I said. The three of us quietly headed down to the guestroom. We barely hit the door when Tony and Kevin were all over me. I have to admit it…I like aggressive guys. I like it a little rough, and it looked like that was what Tony and Kevin were going to provide. Clothes were on the floor in no time and I dropped to my knees and took Tony’s cock in my mouth. Yum. Kevin went behind me and started rubbing my pussy. We went at it like this for a few minutes, and then Tony got on the floor and told me to sit on his face. Never one to disappoint, I did. OMG….his tongue darted in and out and I thought I was going to escort bursa explode. Kevin slid his cock into my mouth and I loved every second of it. I couldn’t take it any more, I had to have them inside me. I moved down Tony’s body and helped him slip on his condom. (Hey, no glove, no love, simple as that.) I mounted Tony and guided him into my puss. It felt soooooooo good. I stroked Kevin’s cock a little bit and took him into my mouth again. After a minute, I guided Kevin around behind me.

He put his finger in my ass as Tony continued to fuck me. At this point, I should mention something. I *love* anal sex. I came almost as soon as Kevin put his finger in my ass. For me, that was the point of no return. I got off Tony and told Kevin to fuck my ass. I removed Tony’s condom and put his cock in my mouth as Kevin put on a condom and moved into position behind me. I almost screamed as I felt Kevin slide into my ass. I took as much of Tony into my mouth as I could as Kevin started his slow, rhythmic motion. As Kevin started working me a little harder, I started working on Tony a little harder. Tony ran his fingers through my hair as I bobbed up and down. By this time, Kevin was fucking my ass *really* hard. Suddenly, Tony let out a loud moan as he shot his load into my mouth. I love that. Seriously, I really love that. At about this same time, Kevin yelps as he shoots his load deep into my ass. I swallowed Tony’s deposit (what wasn’t dripping down my chin, that is) and collapsed to the floor, feeling Kevin’s deposit slowly dripping out.

So there you have it. The Huntress and her prey. Last night was so very cool.

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A Spanking for a Bad Kitty

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Sometimes. . . I tease. Sometimes. . . I love to be teased.

He’s not at all the kind of man I fantasize about. Nothing of my dreams. Just a friend. A silly little virgin. So naive and clumsy. I adore an experienced man. Not a virgin.

After a couple bowls, we went back to my house. I stretched out on my bed to relax, while he perched on the edge. Like some people I know, he just loves my ass. Not that I mind. So the next thing I know, he’s pulling down my PJ bottoms to expose my milky white cheeks. Smack! to my right cheek. And smack! to the other. I moan and raise my hips slightly enticing him to punish me more. The one thing this boy knows how to do, is to spank my ass. I got off the bed to turn some music on, while he stared at my voluptuous derrière. Next thing I know, he’s pulling me down onto his lap, so I teasingly gyrate on his crotch to the music. Giggling, I stood back up and asked if he wanted to get something to eat. He agreed so I started to look for something to wear out in public. Before I can even find an article of clothing to wear, he’s behind me, gently bending me over the bed. Hand connecting with my ass again. Slap SLAP!

The humiliation I felt at being so turned on by this boy, made me cream. My thighs trembled with every slap on my ass cheeks. I was aching for him to kiss the round fullness of my body. I needed to feel a wet tongue sliding down my crack along with two strong hands pulling me apart to expose my lusty virgin asshole to him. Rational thought and lust were at odds in my body. At that illegal bahis moment in time, I craved having a thick, hard cock in my ass, but knew I couldn’t have it. He might’ve been able to provide me with a small butt plug and that’s about it. Then and there I decided two could play this game. Slowly I ground over and
over again into his crotch, thinking of your big strong hands gripping my hips, pulling me back onto your cock. Gently slipping up and down my wet slit. The head of this beautiful cock dipping into my hole to gather the sweet nectar, making me moan in pleasure.

Slap! Another smack to my ass.


Eyes closed, bathing in the simultaneous sensations of fact and fantasy. Gently and slowly entering me as my wetness allows full access. Crashing over and over again in waves of electricity. You build up speed with every trip into my tightness. Grunting and growling as you plunder your willing victim. You grab a handful of my hair and pull as you slam deeply into me.

“Oh FUCK me! HARDER!” I growl out as you ravage my tight little pussy.

SMACK! Smack!

I bite my lower lip as my pussy trembles, pierced by you. Four quick thrusts into my soaked little box and you grab my cheeks tightly. I cry out in pain as you stretch the tender flesh of my ass. A shocking blast of cool air hits my rosebud and my body tenses up. Next, I feel searing hot breath around my crinkled little hole as your lips plant little kisses all over. Your wet tongue darts out and rims my asshole.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh illegal bahis siteleri god,” I sigh out as I relax my body for your curiosities.

I rock back closer to you in animal hunger. Taking the hint, you push the tip of your tongue into my darkness. With a sharp tongue, you stab into my ass repeatedly. A raging fire sweeps through my being. You slide your hot tongue as far into my inner space as you can. Curling and wiggling around, while you press your finger to my dripping wet clit. I gasp as another wave ripples through my being. The way you rub
my clit and finger my pussy, while tasting my nether regions sets me ablaze. You decide it’s time for a little more and slip one of your fingers up to replace your tongue. Pushing your way into my ass and slowly retreating. Twisting your finger over and over, corkscrewing past my anal ring.

You breathe into my ear and tell me to relax. . . “I’m gonna get you ready for my cock. Okay, baby? You want my hard cock in your ass?”

I stretch and relax back down again moaning, “Mmmmmyes. . .”

You slather another finger in my cream and slowly slide it in next to the other. Slowly and gently gyrating and parting your fingers to loosen my ass a little for your throbbing cock. The sensations are so intense, my heart is racing and it feels so good it hurts. A few minutes later, I feel a draft as you move away. Your fingers teasingly move swiftly over and into my pussy, only to leave me wanting more. I whimper into the
bed. Then the burning tip of your raging canlı bahis siteleri cock. You melt my resistance with your power. You urge the moistened head of your cock to stretch my tiny opening for you. As I exhale, you slowly push your way past the anal ring. Quaking thighs and a tight virgin pussy, make it very difficult to retain composure. You begin to drive your cock deep into me. Stopping every inch or so to let me adjust to the new sensations. You’re just dying to drive yourself into me over and over again. Molten lust about to boil over. You rub more of
my juices on my ass and your cock, then slide back down to greet my clit. The way your fingers slip and slide feels so good as you push more of your thickness deep within my bowels. You begin to pump in and out of me building up speed and intensity. You grip my hips as you slam into me over and over again.

Smack! Smack! A kiss planted upon my left cheek. Another slap. A torrent of lust.

Muscles squeezing around your cock as you thrust. With every moan and growl you utter, I drip some more cream. Your balls slapping against my soaked pussy. The intensity of your cock plugging my ass and your fingers on my clit send me over the edge. My muscles spasm around your thickness as I cum all over your cock and fingers. That is enough to send you over the edge as you squeeze my hips and plow as deep as you can, squirting your seed deep inside me. There’s a popping sound as you pull the head of your cock out. You get a glimpse of my chute before it closes up tight again.

A squeeze of my ass cheeks before another two slaps. SMACK! SMACK!

Reality begins to take over again and I’m left horny as fuck and dying for some cock. Humiliated that I’m so easily turned on. Maybe someday you’ll pay me a visit.

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A History Of My Wife’s Anus

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I wasn’t the first person to get my cock inside my wife’s arse. No, by the time I got my hands on it it had been well trained to pucker in anticipation and ease around an incoming object.

Let me introduce my wife’s anus. My wife has a full round arse, in contrast to her slim body and humble little udders. Her sphincter is hidden in the tight valley of her arse cheeks so that, in all cases except for when she is, say, squatting, you have to manual prize her cheeks apart to get at it. She has a thin trail of long, dark-brown pubic growth from her pelt-like cunt, along her perineum to her anus so that in the midst of that pale flesh there are a few lone, long sleek hairs. Her anus is not as dark as others I have seen – rich brown or dark pink. It’s tone is a pale, softer pink than the skin around it. It has the usual wrinkles leading down into its warm dark depths, and when she allows it to open the sphincter parts to reveal the rich red cushion of her bowels, ready to lick at a finger, or a cock, or whatever else it is eager to take in.

When my wife was a teenager her arse got very little attention. An early boyfriend used to graze a finger along it now and then, on his way from holding her arse to a grope of her pussy. When she wasn’t looking he’d sniff his finger to get a whiff of that forbidden, primal odour.

In her wilder early twenties she got pissed in a nightclub and went home with some neanderthal who became her abusive boyfriend. On that first night, in the fully-lit lounge-room of a strange apartment, she was introduced to the brutality and excitement that anal sex so often involves. He was groping her, both fully clothed, from behind – one hand massaging a tit and the other cupping her crotch. Suddenly, both hands were under her skirt and through the elastic of her g-string. He forced those unsubstantial undies to the floor in one swift motion and, using his body weight, pushed her forward to lay splayed on the floor. Skirt thrown up over her arse, legs wrenched apart, two fingers holding her cheeks open, that horny beast was the first human to make a full and leisurely inspection of my wife’s arse-hole. What a sight it would have been, too. Tight young thighs spread wide, aluring bush of hair and protruding pussy lips grinding against the floor (she probably kept her bush a bit more trimmed back then), and that little pink eye staring, unblinking, up at him – unused to so much light – “Who are you? What are you going to do to me?”. She would have had her head turned to the side, eyes closed, breathing heavily, still pissed, and high on the danger and thrill, every nerve attentive for the slightest touch. “He’s looking right at my anus. I’m such a slut. What a whore I’ve turned out to be. What would dad think if he knew I was letting a stranger illegal bahis stare are my arsehole?”.

And then his hands were on her hips, lifting the flesh of her arse cheeks up and apart, and pinning her to the floor, and she yelped in surprise and uncontrolled pleasure as he licked from her perineum across her still-stinky hole and up her arse cheek. After a few more licks he made a spear of his tongue and worked it into her anus, forcing it to relent despite it’s surprise and defensiveness, to yield.

So picture it, here was my wife, prostrate, offering her sex organs to a misogynistic looser, and him kneeling behind her victoriously, taking her anal virginity with his tongue.

Soon enough he had a few fingers ramming in and out of her slurpy cunt, and thats how she came. Ever since that day, although she can come without anal-play, it is a sure-fire way to get her orgasming in no time.

To the best of my knowledge, anal sex was a regular part of her repertoire from that time onwards. If a partner was too shy or uncreative to initiate it himself, she would subtly guide a hand there, or shift her body to bring a cock-head up to her anus, or wag her arse in the air at him until he had no choice but to deal with it. I’m not sure if she ever used sex-aides like anal beads or a plug, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

One story that is worth mentioning, from just before I met her, happened when she was watching a band, pressed against the stage at the front of the crowd. Some women melt instantly in response to having their ears nibbled, or their neck stroked, or the small of their back. One sure way to get my wife’s pussy warmed up is to gently touch her arse cheeks, preferably lightly stroking up, with fingers or a tongue, from the fold where her arse meets her thighs, up to the top of her arse.

In the press of the crown, she didn’t notice at first that there was an outspread hand on her left arse-cheek. When it didn’t move she half turned her neck, but saw only faces staring intently at the band. The fingers moved slowly, maddeningly, to cup her cheek through her dress. Already the bolts of electricity were coursing through her. When they began to gently scratch, with smooth fingernails, against the lowest cleft of her arse cheek, just an inch from her crack, she exhaled sharply and almost buckled that the knees.

She was going out with somebody at the time – a gently and soft-spoken guy whom I am friends with today. I don’t know where he was during all of this. My wife is a faithful person – she would have felt terrible about allowing someone other than her partner to use her body – but at another level she is also a pervert and, lets face it, a slave to sensations aroused by certain types of touch.

When she looked around again she illegal bahis siteleri saw a tall man looking directly at her from over her shoulder. His cold, unfeeling stare was in keeping with his hard jaw-line, his close-cropped hair, his old acne-scars, and – was that a scar on his upper lip? All in all, the impression of an ex-prisoner. By no means attractive. As I have already said, my wife is slim, petite. She is very cute – sort of pixie-like. She was a waif compared to this man.

She felt instantly powerless – there was nothing she could do to prevent him from doing what he wanted to her, and the best she could do was resign herself and submit to the already mounting feelings. “Oh, I am a slut. I can’t believe I have let this ugly man make me horny. I’m letting him get his hands all over my private, secret parts, just because he wants to.”

His finger continued to work on her full flesh until, after what seemed like an eternity of pleasure, those fingertips inched the hem up her dress upwards until they touched bare skin. Again, she nearly buckled. Now the whole hand crept up under her skirt to lay gently on her bare arse-cheek.

Another hand landed on her elbow, and guided her trembling arm behind her. She had known that this would be coming. It opened her palm and placed it against the crotch of his jeans, guiding it up and down against his erection. When his hand left hers she continued to rub him, abandoning herself to the role of submissive bitch-in-heat.

Now his hand came to her arse cheeks. His forefinger slipped under her g-string and, thumb on one side, forefinger on the other, he parted her arse cheeks. His other hand left her cheek and – how she nearly cried out – stroked a finger across her arse-hole. The touch was so light – barely on the skin, just grazing the hairs. Then the finger sped up, tickling the hole in a fast, flicking motion. How could this man have known how crazy that makes my wife?

Next, the finger pressed against her sphincter, and then withdrew. She felt it come up to his face, and heard him sniffing. He wanted to know what her shit-hole smelt like. He was getting turned on by whiffing her little stinky anus. Feeling like a low-down slut, she continued to obediently stroke his cock.

A thumb reappeared at her anus, it was wet with his saliva. Now it was working around and around, easing her muscles for entry. Her horny arsehole, experienced in complying with such requests, expanded until the tips of the stranger’s stubby thumb was inside her bowels. Her sphincter gripped it tightly, like a hug – “Hi there, welcome. I’m loving the attention.”

The thinkness of his thumb worked inwards until it was through, and – pop – his entire thumb was in her arse. Giving her the thumbs up (so to speak), canlı bahis siteleri his other fingers petted her cunt as if it were a little rabbit (a wet rabbit). Then his hand was pumping up and down, and his pointing finger slipped between her labia and into her sloppy pussy.

How debased my wife was that night. She was reduced to a nameless, faceless, arse-whore, letting it be known that her body was available for use by anyone who had the initiate to give it a go.

She was crouching slightly to open up her vagina, and with a rhythm to match the music, she rode up and down on his thumb and finger.

What must he have been thinking? “What a catch! This bitch loves it. She is on automatic. I knew all women were sluts deep down, but this one takes the cake. “

Well, needless to say, my wife orgasmed that night, with a hundred strangers around her, and another stranger’s hand up her skirt, fingering her cunt and arse-hole. I don’t know if he came, but she dutifully masturbated him throughout the episode, speeding up as her own climax mounted.

When she was finished she collapsed into him, but her forced her back to her feet. There was movement behind her, and a hand on her ankle. He took her wet g-string. He parted her arse-cheeks again to rub them against her anus – a souvenir of her odour. She felt him withdraw back through the crowd and, when she turned to look, saw him grinning and holding a mobile-phone, taking a picture of the nameless girl whose odour he could smell whenever he wanted to.

How demeaning. How debasing. No matter what else she did in life, what else she achieved, she would forever be a picture (probably on the internet, who knows?), a pair of stinky, stained knickers, and a lewd story about the “anal-slut that rode my thumb ’till she came”.

Well, I can’t be sure, but if anything that episode made my wife even more of an anal-slut. She loves it when I kiss her ‘stinky lips’, or finger them, or bury my cock in her bowels.

Sometimes when we are caressing, and she tells me that the curve of my shoulder is her favorite part of me, I ask her “Do you know what my favorite part of you is?”

“No,” she teases.

I roll her over, pull down her panties, spread her cheeks, and touch my finger right to her hole, point as though I’m choosing something in a shop.

“There it is, your beautiful little arsehole.”

She doesn’t even laugh because she already has her eyes closed, inhaling.

When she straddles me with my cock inside her anus, she bounces up and down, flicking her own clitoris, asking me to tell her what a slut she is.

“Do you like my arse?” she asks.

“I love it. I love how warm and welcoming it is. You love having your arse fucked, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she replies meekly.

“All day you think about how you can get something inside your arse, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do. Is that bad?”

“You are a bad little slut,” I say, and then, as though I’m not speaking to her, “my wife is such an anal slut.”

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