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Aradan bir yada iki hafta gecmisti ve Burak yine bize gelmisti.Sabirsizlikla gece olmasini bekliyordum.Agbimin benim Burak ile konusmamizdan haberi yoktu.Bence oda sabirsizlikla geceyi bekliyordu.Neyse gece oldu yataklar hazirlandi.Agbim her zamanki gibi Burak ile yatmayi beklerken Burak agbime ben bu gece Bahri ile yatacagim dedi.Agbim itiraz etti bende hep seninle yatiyor bir seferde benim ile yatsin dedim.10 dk süren bir tartismadan sonra benle yatmasina razi oldu.Ben heyecandan uyuyamiyordum yaklasik bir saat kadar sonra Burak elini sikime atip oksamaya basladi.Benim yarrak hemen tas gibi oldu heyecandan titriyordum ve neler olacagini sabirsizlikla bekliyordum.Burak bir süre sonra benim elimden tutarak kendi sikinin ´üstüne koydu.Bende onun sikini oksamaya basladim.12-13cm ince bir siki vardi oksadikca hosuma gitmeye basladi.Cok degisik heyacan verici bir duyguydu.Burak kafasini yorganin altina sokarak benim sikimi öpmeye ve yalamaya basladi.Kücükken yasadigim duyguya hic benzemiyordu cok acayip zevk aliyordum.Bosalmamak icin kendimi zor tutuyordum.Bir süre sonra kafasini cikartti yorgandan ve eli ile benim kafami asagi bastiriyordu aynisini yapmami bekliyordu.Büyük bir heyecanla kafami yorganin altina soktum ve elimdeki siki opmeye basladim ucundan zevk sulari akiyordu tuzlu bir tadi vardi.Kafami iyice bastirarak yalamami istiyordu bende her seyi oluruna birakip agzimi acarak dil darbeleri ile yalamaya basladim.Ilk basta cekinirken iyice kaptirdim kendimi.Komple agzimin icine alabiliyordum.O zevk suyunun tuzlu ve kaygan tadi cok hosuma gitmisti.Ne kadar yaladim bilemiyorum beni yukari dogru cekti elleri ile götümü oksamaya basladi.Benimde ellerimi tutarak kendi götünü oksattirdi.Birbirimizin götünü oksamaya basladik Burak elini sikine götürerek sikmaya basladi ve sikinin ucundaki zevk sularini alarak göt deligime sürüyordu bende aynisini yapara zevk sularimi onun götüne sürüyordum.Zevk sularim ile götü iyice islanmis ve kayganlasmisti.Ayni sekilde benim delikte kayganlasmisti.Burak yavas yavas bir parmagi ile göt deligime baski yapiyordu ama benim canim aciyordu ben elini cekmek istedim elimi sert bir sekilde tuttu vve geri itti,elimi tutarak kendi götüne götürdü.O aci ile bende ona parmagimi sokmayaa basladim parmagim rahtlikla götüne giriyordu o alisik olmaliydi.
Benim götümde alismisti parmagina ve zevk almaya basladim.Bir süre sonra arkasini dönerek bana dogru domaldi bende sikimi götüne sürrtmeye basladim ve deligine baski yapmaya basladim anlatilmaz bir zevkti ama deligi dar oldugu icin giremiyordum oda aci cektigi icin herhalde sadece sürt dedi bende sadece sürttüm.Gelmek üzereydim sanki kasiklarim patlayacakti.Bir süre sonra bana dönmemi istedi bende onun gibi ayni sekilde döndüm.Büyük bir heyecanla olacaklari bekliyor korku ve heyecanla olacaklari titrreyerek bekliyordum..Sikinin götüme degdigi ani hic unutamiyorum sicacik ver tas gibiydi.Götüme sürtmeye basladi inanilmaz bir zevkti.Inanin su an bile icim ürperiyor o an aklima gelince.Ince ve kücük siki göt deligime degdikce zevkten ucuyordum.Inanin böyle bir zevki halen yasamadim.Sikini deligime bastirmaya basladi ama sokamiyordu bir türlü ya ben kendimi siktigim icin yada deligimin dar olmasindan dolayi giremedi.Bir süre sonra göt deligimin üstüne titreyerek bosaldi.Sicacik dölleri deligimden asagi süzülüyordu.Elime sikime atmamla birlikte bende sarsilarak hayatimin en zevkli bosalmasini yasadim.
Inanin arkadaslar bunlarin hepsi gercek yasanmistir.Sonraki bölümlerde nasil beni deldigini anlatacagim.Hepinize bol sikisli günler diliyorum……..

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Muratın Kümesi – Spor Salonu 1

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Muratın Kümesi – Spor Salonu 1

yer: İstanbul / Kadıköy

Üniversiteyi yeni kazanmış Deniz… Gurbet yoluna düşmüş kalkmış okumak için İstanbul’a gelmiş, Marmara Üniversitesi yakınlarında zor biriktiği parası ile bir harabe kiralamıştır. Hem İstanbul’a alışmak, hem iş düzenini oturtmak için erken geldiği 1.5 aylık süreçte şansı yaver gitmiş; işini bulmuş, mahallede arkadaşlar edinmiş ve harabe eve biraz çeki düzen vermiştir. Ha unutmadan, spor salonu kaydı… Spor onun için vazgeçilmez bir tutkuya dönüşmüştür. Burada kısa zamanda popüler olan Deniz, erkekliğini de kullanarak bir çok kadını evine atıp siken sonrasını umursamayan bir tipe dönüşür. İstanbul Kadıköy der her sahile inişinde, hayatım nasıl da güzelleşti, nasıl değişti. Özgürlüğü hisseder.

Murat’ın kulağına bu durum gitse de pek önemsemez. Murat mı kim? Salonun sahibi, baş hocası… Tam bir alfa. Bütün erkekler o gelince bir çeki düzene girer. Deniz hariç. Çünkü yapabileceklerini bilmiyor, esk**en yaptıklarını. Mesela bar kavgasında 4 kişiyi bıçakla yaralayıp sakat bırakmak belki sabıkasında ki en hafif suç. Ama biraz Kadıköy onuda anlayışlı yapmış. Misafir diye hiç ses etmez haraketlerine.

Olay Denizin, Murat’ın kümesinden bir kızı düşürmesi, sikmesi ile patlak bulur ve entrika dolu hikaye daha yeni başlar.

– Deniz, baksana bir buraya.
– Efendim hocam.
– Oğlum daha fazla gelişmek istemiyor musun? 3 aydır aynı vücud, aynı istikrarsız sen?
– Haklısın hocam. Öneriniz ne protein mi almalıyım? Gerçi o kadar bütçemde yok açıkçası.
– Sana benim kürü yapalım, kas yapınca bir şekilde ödersin dert etme. olunca verirsin yani.
– Araştırayım hocam zararları neler felan, siz isimleri verin beni de yanlış anlamayın.
– Yok oğlum bende kullandım, bak karşındayım. ama için rahat etsin der. / ve ilaçların isimlerini yazar.

Aradan 3-4 gün geçer. Deniz araştırır, okur herşey ile ilgili bilgi sahibi olur ve yaptırmaya karar verir.

Ama Muratın hain planı; onu kas sahibi yapmak mı? Kümesinde olan kızlara daha iyi yürüsün diye hemde… Tabii ki hayır. Denizin hormon dengesini bozma niyetinde… kadınlık hormonu ve bir sürü ekstra ilaç ile erkeklik hormon üretimini de kesmenin araştırmasını yapmış ve kusursuz kürü hazır hale getirmiştir. Eğer deniz karar değiştirmez kabul ederse; ilk 1 haftada erkekliğini, 3 haftada erkeksi göğüslerini, 1.5 ayda kalçalarını ve belini kaybedicek… kaybedicek dediğime bakmayın, kadınlaşıcak ve ne kadar geri erkeklik hormonu alsada vucut östrajeni atamayacak. sadece sesi onun olacak. ve bu hormonlardan sonra ilk halinize baktığınızda inanın kendinizi tanıyamazsınız.

//dönüşeceği şey

// tam olarak budur.

– Hocam.
– Hoşgeldin Deniz. Ne var ne yok?
– İyilik hocam. Dediğinizi düşündüm, sonra ödeme koşuluyla veriyorsanız kürü, olmak istiyorum.
– Geç ofise geliyorum.

Murat hocanın yüzünde alaycı bir gülümseme belirir. Ama kimse nedenini bilmiyor. Kendinden başka. Ofiste o gün ilk iğnesini olan Deniz. 1 hafta boyunca 3 kürü tamamlamıştır. Güle güle deniz. Salonda durulmuş şekilde sporunu yapar. Kızlara eskisi gibi yürümez. Kızlar çekici gelmiyor mu? Geliyor bitmedi herşey, istekler alışkanlıklar. ama kalkmayınca oraya kan gitmeyince istemiyormuşsun demek. koşmuyorsun peşinden. ama sohbeti kesmeyenlerle konuşur tabi, ve bir teklif alır.

– Pşt. Göçmen.
– OOO barbii çağla. ne o bana mı gelicen.
– (Kulağına eğilir) sen bana gelsene, sevgilim iş toplantısına il dışında, sik onun yatağında beni. (diye uzun bir cümle kurar)
– (Aleti kıpırdamayan Deniz alışkanlıklarıyla) süper o zaman. akşam çıkarken buluşup geçelim sana.

Spor salonundan çıkınca Çağla’nın arabası ile yolculuk başlar ve eve varırlar. Ateşli bir sevişme bekleyen Çağla; direk kapıyı kapatır kapatmaz yapışır dudaklarına Denizin. Birbirlerini duvardan duvara vura vura salona kadar getirirler.aynı zamanda da soyunurlardır. sadece baksır ile kalmış Deniz. ve sütyen ile kalmış Çağla. Denizi koltuğa iter itmez baksırını indirir. Aman tanrım o da ne? 19’cmlik yılan ereksiyon olmamış. Bu ne der gibi Denizin yüzüne bakar, ilgisini çekemedim mi diye düşünür ve hemen erekte etmek için alır ağzına. ama parmak emmekten farksız bir duygudur bu. yaklaşık 5 dakikalık saksosu, solucanı kıpırdatmamıştır. bu hali serçe parmak gibi resmen…

– Bir sorun mu var Deniz?
– Yok. Ohhh çok güzel devam et. (Hiç bişi hissetmiyorum lan!)
– Neye devam et, kan ter içinde kaldım 10 dakika olacak nerdeyse. Tık yok. (2 parmağı ile konuşurken 31 çektirir)
– Gel kucağıma, sevişelim, ben kaldırırım onu. (2 parmak ile 31 çekme işini deniz devralır)

Çağla, denizin kucağında sevişmeye başlar. Deniz dudaklarından aldığı ısı, 31 çekerken harcadığı enerji ile kan ter içinde kalır. Boğulur, bunalır. Zoraki seviştiği Çağla yanıyordur artık. ara ara elini atıp yokladığında orta bir şey yoktur. hiç bir şey hemde. deniz nefes alamaz hale gelir ve çağlayı iter üstünden.

– Ben gidiyorum. (Rezil olduk, nefes almam lazım)
– Sorun değil arada olur. (ohaaaaaaaaaa abi!!!!! git siktir git, wp grubundan kızlara olayı anlatmak için yanıyor tutuşuyor. tabi birde dildosu için)
– Özür dilerim gerçekten. Telafi edicem söz.
– sorun değil gerçekten.

Çağla, salondaki kızların wp grubunda olduça popüler olan, deniz ile alakalı öyle aşağılayıcı şeyler yazar… grupta sikiş fantazileri dönen, beni öyle sikti, burda sikti, tekrar sikseli popüler Deniz. Ne hale düşmüştür.

– 30 dakika 2 parmak 31 çektik, tık yok. dasdafa
– ciddi olamazsın, şaka!
– valla! çıktı gitti.
– dur bende yarın alayım merak ettim hahahahahaahah
– mgmtkgtg
– kızlar belki sorunları vardır. büyütmeyin.
– var var belli diyip sırıtıyorlar.

Çağlanın tüm bu tavrı sorun bende değildiyi ilk söylemektir. Başka hiç bir şey yoktur aklında ve dildosuyla tatmin olur o gece.

Günler birbirini kovalarken, yüzü bir tatlılaşır Denizin. Kızlar teker teker çağırıp şanslarını denemişler, hatta artık aşağılama ve kabullenme evresini tamamlamışlardır. artık deniz friend zone ve onlara göre erkek değildir. ilk anlayan onlardır. kızlarla sohbet dedi kodu, sırf onlara yakın olabilmek için, artık çünkü hiç biri sevişmez denizle. zaten zevkte almıyor ki deniz. kızlarda almıyorlar. lose-lose.

2. haftanın sonun doğru memeleri çilek kıvamına gelmiş, tatlı yüzlü oğlanımız hocasını ofiste görür ve girer.

– Hocam. (der ve kapıyı kapatır)
– Hoş geldin deniz. (saçları hafif uzamış denize bakar değişim yolundadır)
– Bu kürde bir sorun var erkekliğimi aldı elimden, vucudum değişir. sanki afedersiniz isteklerim değişiyor. (Hocanın umursamaz gülüşünü yakalasa da aklıdna kötü bir şey yoktur.)
– Olur öyle, az kaldı tamamlamamız lazım. yarı kesmek kalıcı hasara yol açar biliyorsun. ve aynı zamanda da saçını kesme. (saç ne alakaydı? hormonla hiç bi alakası yoktu. ne streoid ne östrojen. kişisel zevk olmalıydı heralde)
– neden hocam?
– dökülür, çıkmaz. bilemeyiz tedavi bitene kadar kesme.
– peki hocam.

çilek memeli oğlanımız salonda antreman yaparken artık erkeklerin ilgi odağıydı. birbirlerinin kulağına konuşuyordu herkes. bench yatamıyordu. hoca antreman değiştirmişti zaten. squat ağırlıklı bir çok siktiri boktan bacak haraketi, kalça haraketi ve bel haraketleri. adonis için katlanan deniz hiç bir şeyin farkında değildi. ara ara murat hoca gelip yokluyordu salonun ortasında. normal bi erkeğe yapsan noluyor amk diyeceğin haraketleri normal karşılar oldu. squat desteklerinde arkadan sarılmalar, gizlice okşamalar. aynadan haraketi izlerken muratın kasları, arkasındaki heybetli duruşu, güven veriyordu. liman olarak görmeye başlıyordu, erkek olarak bir erkeği… squat sonrası sık diyip şaplak atmalar (sanki mide kasına yumruk attırıyor gibi rahattı). bir şeyi o an farketti. mutluydu ve bu mutluluk doğal değildi.

devam etmesini istiyorsanız beğenin ve yorum yapın, hikayeye dokunmak istiyorsanız özel mesaj.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kısa Bir Tekbaşına Tatil , Yeni Bir Macera..

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Kısa Bir Tekbaşına Tatil , Yeni Bir Macera..
Merhaba uzun ara vermısım yenı farkına vardım.

aklıma geldıkce yazarım yıne fakat bu en son yasadıgım olay spontene gelısen keyıflı anlarla dolu bır hıkaye.

gectıgımız yaz atladım motora dustum yollara, nereden dersenız şimdi merak eden profılıme bakar 🙂

bır planım yok yıne fakat çeşmede aldım solugu ıkı gun kaldım eylendım fakat pek sarmadı çıktım yola ,
muğladayım, datça yaptım 2 gün , marmaris , bodrum yalıkavak derken dönüş yoluna gecmeden ,

bu saydıgım yerlerde konaklamalarım bölgelerın en temız ve adından söz ettıren pansıyonları ve oda kahvaltı şeklınde falan , devam edıyorum arkadaşlar…

birisi var ortada pıtır pıtır dolanıyor tatlı ben yaşlarda bakımlı, ufak tefek bır hatun , ismimiii,,,siz koyarsınız olay gercek ve yasadıgım bır hıkayedır , okuduktan sonra ısmı koyar keyfınıze bakarsınız.

bu hatun bıldınız taş , kahvaltıya son saatte gıdıorum herkez dagılmıs oluo konusuyor laflıyor aslında bıldıgın cılvelesıyoruz ayak ustu.

kısaca tanımı. 1,55 boyların da kısa ve küt , kahve kzıl saç , kahve gözlü buğday tenli , yuksek tupuk ama rahat terlıklı kot pantalon ve body aynı zaman da dar bunlar , böyle gıyınen bır afet..

ıkıncı gün bahcede kahvaltıda bayagı sohbetten sonra yenı havlu ısteyıp ıstemedıgımı sordu, ısterım dedım kurnazca 🙂 odalar cıft kısılık aslında vardı bır takım daha , fakat fırsatı ve sunulanı kaçırmamıstım, ıstedım ,

kapınız acıkmı bırakırım dedı …

hayır kilitli zaten bende inicem odaya getirdiğinizde odada olurum dedim , pekı dedı ve heyecanla gitti , azcık başa sararsak..
sohbete ilk basladıgımızda bana bakısını gordum , parıldıyordu gözlerı , gercekten parıldıyordu , bunun ne anlama geldıgı aslında benı tanımıs olsa ask dıyecegım ama , bu bence ıcındekı arzuyu tatmın edecek bırısının ben olabılecegımın heyecanıydı dıye dusundum.

konusurken de tatlı bır gulumsemeyle sankı kosarak hareket edıyor ve pervane oluyordu.
aslında bunu pansıyon sahıplerı de anlamıstı. tuhaf davranısları bellı edıordu daha once tanımadıgım bırısı olmasına ragmen.

fakat bır aksılık cıkmadı.
ben odama indim , ve beklemeye basladım plan yapıordum, kapıyı açıyor bır adım gerı cekılıyor, içeri bır adım atması saglanıyor.perde dısardan kımse gormesın dıye ayarlanmıs hersey mukemmel.

kapı çaldı , ayaga kalktım kapıyı actım bır adım gerı attım karsımda kucagında vucut bas ve ayak havlularıyla katlı duran bır taşşş…

gerı gıdınce bır adım geldı ve ıstenılen olmustu elıne uzandım ve bılegınden tutup yavasca kendıme cektım
kapı acık perde ayarlı korudora paralel o anda gorecek kımse yok ve dudaklarına yapıstım , şaçlarıma yapıştı :))) ama yolmaya deil :))
hatun bende baktım öpüşüyoruz.

kestim hemen havluları aldım ve saat üçte nescafeye bahceye gelırım telını alırım dedım yolladım.


dısarı cıktım oglen bırseyler atıstırdım falan , saat 3 geldim bahceye ve bır nescafe istedım getırdı işine bakıo falan o arada konusuoruz dıgerlerı falan derken , bir grup söyledi face de onu dur bu bizim grubumuz gösterıyım derken telimi aldı .. arkadasları da hatta amma grubunuz varmıs herkezı grubunuza eklıonuz dedı , halbukı benım tele telını yazıordu.

kahveyı ıctım kalktım odaya gıttım banyoda dusu acıp penceresını actım, kendımde gectım odadan yazısmaya basladık, dıgerlerı şüphelenmesi ses ortada duştayım 🙂 konustuk bıraz aksam yazmamamı ıstedı sebebı tahmın ettınız

malum eşi.

ertesı gun kahvaltı kucuk cılveler , odama gectım yazdım falan derken , ben motorla bıyerlere gıdıcem gezıcem erken cıkıcam o da saat 2 de ızın alcak hastayıp deyıp evıne gıdecek sonra yolda bır yerden alıcam motorla bıryerlere gıdecegız.

aynen de böyle oldu bındık motora taklasık 20 km onun tarıf ettıgı bır yere gıttık bır daın ormanın başı muhtesem manzarılı bır yer motoru bıraktık , yoldan asagı ındık donanımlı gitmişim motorla yola cıkıorsan bir dekatlon mınderın olacak:) bıraz asagılarda agac aralarında bır yere serdık ve oturduk

bu kadarmı hızlı olunur çılgın ,sanki hiç sikilmemiş bir dişi kısrak gibi,
kucagıma bır anda oturdu yuzume dogru boynuma sarılıp dudaklarıma yapıstı, yiyişiyoruz deli gibi . farkettimki öyle bir kaptırmısız kı kendımızı , günü sanki kucagımda yıyişerek tamamlıcaz. hemen bıraktım sarılmayı ve kendımı gerıye dogru bıraktım..

uzandım üzerime kapandı ve dudaklarıma yapıstı yenıden , belınden tutarak bır an da yerde dondum ve altıma almıstım, hemen actı bacaklarını dar kotu body si bıraz kaymıs sütyen i görünüyor boynunu öpmeye dilimi sürtmeye başladım içi gıcıklanıyor ama kasılıyor , kaçmıyordu, kulak memelerını dudaklarımın arasına alıp , o arada küçük fısıltılar mırıldanmalar, kendınden gecmeye basladı, ve durakladım thshırt ümü cıkarttım uzerınden ben oturur vazıyetteyken , ve kemerımı pantalon dugmelerımı actım , sonra ayaga kalkıp pantalonumu cıkartırdan yerden kıvrılıp bacaklarıma sarıldı ve kilodumun ıcıne yandan elını soktu.

film kopmus yuvarlanmıs gidiyordu.

ben dayanamadım oynamasına cıkarttım kılodumu , çılgın aslında işi çok ıyı bilen acemi gorunumlu proff :))

bana bacaklarını ac dedı ben ayakta ,kendısı onumde dız cokmus

ve bacaklarımı actıgımda , tassaklarımın altından basladı , dıyorum ya cılgın işte
ve erkeğe nasıl kadınlık yapacagını çok ıyı bılıyor.

yaklasık 15 dk ağzına aldı emdı sevdi yaladı yuttu.

elınden tutup ayağa kaldırdım body i çıkarttım ve ters dondurup sütyenınıde , o sırada omuzlarından boynun dan opuyor sırt bolgelerınde ellerımı gezdırıp gögüslerını avuclarımın ıcınde oksuyordum , kendı ellerını tutup göguslerıne cektım ve kendı goguslerı ıle oynamasını saglayı ben arkasında ayakta one uzanıp pantalonunun dugmesını fermuarını actım.
ve asagı sıyırıp terlıklerınıde cıkararak hepsını cıkarttım , iç çamasını onu domaltıp arkasına gecip onun heryerını öpüp oksadıktan sonra cıkarttım ve tam yalıyacakken hiçde hos olmayan bır koku geldi. sanırım idrar yolu iltihabı … gercekten berbat bir koku bıttım ben o an da ve herseyı soyledım ben bunu yapamam bırlıktede olamayız hersey bitti dedim.
belkı tepkı gosterenınızde olabılır bana , fakat

böyle bır durum varsa , kiii kendısı bılmemesi mumkun değil. böyle bır durumda kendınden ıyrendırmek yerıne musait olmadıgını regl oldugunu falan soyle.


o oyle bır an kı zevk yasanmalı , oldu yada olsun dıye yapılmamalı keyıfle ısteyerek karsılıklı zevklerle yasanmalı…

kötü kokan bırısıyle erkek yada bayan olarak her kımsenız okuyan , birlikte olmak istermısınız….? hatun şok,, şu anda okuyanlar şok gözler kapalı hayaller ıflas.. :))

ama durum bu. gercekten. ızah ettım anlattım kırmadan , ve hassas bır mıgdeye sahıp oldugumu hemen ogurdugumu falan derken bındık motora uygun bır yerde bıraktım o aksam da orada kalıp sabah kahvaltıdan sonra da vedalaşıp ayrıldım 🙂

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Nasıl yarrak yenir öğrettiler !! 4 bl.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Nasıl yarrak yenir öğrettiler !! 4 bl.
Öğleden sonraya kadar kasabadaydık. Durmuş ağa beni el üstünde tutuyor, bu da benim çok hoşuma gidiyordu. Fırsat buldukça kulağıma, “Sen beni memnu et dediklerimi yap, ben seni hep böyle mutlu edeceğim!” gibi sözler fısıldıyordu. Tabi bulmuş cahil körpe kızı, siki bayram ediyor. Ben o zamanlar yaptığım hatanın, kararan geleceğimin farkında değildim. Nereden bilecektim ki o yaşlarda sex bağımlısı bir sikişme manyağı olacağımı?

Öğleden sonra kahya ve diğer adamlarla buluştuk. Yine bir lokantada birşeyler yeyip köye döndük. Köye varınca Durmuş ağa, “Ben seni eve bırakayım. Pazartesi sabah kahya alır seni çiftliğe getirir, işe başlarsın. Akşamları da eve bırakırız!” diye, hem beni, hem kahyayı tembihledi. Sonra adamları çiftlik yolunda indirip, ikimiz yola devam ettik. Biraz uzaklaşınca Durmuş ağa sikini çıkartıp elime tutuşturuverdi. Bir yandan yavaş yavaş arabayı kullanıyor, bir yandanda bana sikini okşatıyordu.

Köye girmeden tenha bir köşeye arabayı çekip, “Hadi bakalım minik yosmam, ağanı bir boşaltıver!” dedi. Artık alışmıştım, hemen eğilip sikini emip yalamaya başladım. O an aklımda onu memnun etmekten başka bir şey yoktu. Beni kullandığının körpeliğimden küçük bedenimden faydalandığının farkında bile değildim. Deli gibi sikini emiyor ucunu dilliyor ellerimle gövdesini okşayıp duruyordum. Kısa bir süre sonra Durmuş ağa, “Ohhhh iç ağanın döllerini, hepsini yut!” dedikten sonra saçlarımdan kavrayıp sikine bastırması ile ağzıma boşalmaya başladı. Gırtlağımdan aşağı döllerinin akışını hissederken yutkunmaya çalışıyordum.

Boşalması bitince ağzımdan çıkarttı. Bu sırada ben halen sikinin gövdesini iki elimle kavramış okşuyordum, ben sıkıp okşadıkça sikin ucundan biraz döl süzülmüştü. Durmuş ağa iyice arkasına yaslanıp, “Hadi bakalım yalayıp temizle erkeğinin sikini!” diye talimatı verince, ben küçücük ağımla yalaya yalaya temizledim sikini. Onun mutlu olduğunu görmek çok hoşuma gidiyordu. (Halen de erkeğimin sikini emip yalamaktan, döllerini yutup sikini yalaya yalaya temizlemekten zevk alırım, alışkanlıklarım çok eskilere dayanıyor nede olsa.)

“Aferin sana küçük kaltak, çok iyi yapıyorsun bu işi!” dedikten sonra toparlanıp yola çıktık. Tam köy girişinde babamı görünce Durmuş ağa durdu, “Senin kızı eve götürüyorum, gel seni de atayım!” diyerek babamı da arabaya aldı. Yol boyunca, “Senin kız çok iyi, bir dediğimi iki etmiyor, çok akıllı uslu, çiftlikte beni çok memnun ederse, ben de onu çok memnu ederim!” gibi iltifatlar ediyor, babam da mutlu bir ifadeyle onu dinliyordu. Ne bilsin küçük kızının Durmuş ağanın seks oyuncağı haline geldiğini.

Eve gelince anneme yeni aldıklarımı gösterdim, “Durmuş ağa çiftlikte temiz ve yeni elbiseler giymemi istiyor!” dedim. Babam da anneme, Durmuş amcanın beni nasıl met ettiğini anlatıp duruyordu. Hem annem hem babam, iki gün boyunca, “Kızım Durmuş beyi mutlu et, dediklerinden dışarı çıkma!” diye sürekli söyleyip durdular.

Pazartesi günü kahya sabah erkenden beni alıp çiftliğe götürdü. Durmuş ağanın çifliğine daha önce birkaç kez bayram için gitmiştik, ama bu sefer faklıydı. Sabah iş bölümü yapılırken, Durmuş ağa, “Nilüfer, kızım sen benimle gel, ben sana yapacağın işleri anlatacağım!” diye, beni alıp çiftliği gezdirdi. Fırsat buldukça tenha yerlerde kalçalarımı yoğurup, göğüslerimi sıkıştırıyordu. Ben de sikine elimi atıyordum, artık bu bende alışkanlık olmuştu. Durmuş ağa ise, “Şimdi olmaz!” diye elimi uzaklaştırıyordu. Çiflikte yapacağım fazla bir iş yoktu, kasaların etiketlerini yazıyor, toplanacak mahsülün listesini yapıyordum. Herkesin yapacağı işlerdi aslında.

Öğle yemeğinde Durmuş ağa beni eve götürdü. Karısına durumu anlattıktan sonra, bana, “Boş zamanlarında yengene de yardım et!” dedi. Durmuş ağanın karısı yıllardır hastaydı. Tek çocukları da benle yaşıt olan kızları Hülya idi. Onu da okumaya devam etmesi için şehire mektebe göndereceklerdi.

Öğleden sonra bahçeye gideceğim sırada, Durmuş ağanın ileriden ‘Gel!’ işareti yaptığını gördüm, sonra evin bitişiğindeki kulübeye girdi. Ben de peşinden kulübeye gittim. İçeride geniş bir sedir ve birkaç eski koltuk vardı. (Burası benim durmuş ağaya karılık yapacağım yerdi!). Hemen kapıyı kapatıp, “Burası esk**en işçilerin gece kaldıkları yerdi. Bundan sonra öğle yemeğinden sonra buraya geleceksin, anahtar dışarıda asılı olur!” dedikten sonra aşağı eğilip dudaklarıma yapıştı. Kısacık boyumla ona yetişebilmek için parmak uçlarımda duruyordum.

Beni bir çırpıda soyup sedirin kenarına oturttu. Kendisi de soyunduktan sonra yanımda ayakta duruyordu. “Daha sana neler öğretecem küçük yosma, bundan sonra elimin altındasın, fırsat buldukça geçirecem o minik amına!” deyip sikini dudaklarıma yüzüme sürtmeye başladı. Ne yapmam gerektiğini artık çok iyi biliyordum, erkeğimin sikini yemeli, onu mutlu etmeliydim. Hemen sikinin gövdesini kavrayıp, ağzıma aldım. Bir süre bu şekilde sikini yalattıktan sonra Durmuş ağa sedire sırt üstü uzandı. “Şimdi üzerime gel bakalım, sana 69 olmayı öğretecem!” dedi ve beni üzerine ters olarak çekti. Şimdi onun üzerinde yatıyordum, amım tam ağzının üstünde idi.

“Hadi bakalım yosma, devam et!” dedi. Ancak ben üzerinde ufacık kalmıştım, sikini kavrayıp kendime çektiğimde ucu ağzıma zor yetişiyordu. Bu sırada durmuş ağa amımı yalamaya başlamıştı. Kalçalarımı okşuyor, bazen dilini minik amıma kokup çıkarıyordu. Vücudumu ateş basmaya başladı, öylesine zevk alıyordum ki, sikinin ucunu dilimle deli gibi yalıyordum. Durmuş ağa, “Gel bakalım, amına geçirme zamanı!” deyip, beni kendine çevirdi. Kucağında o kadar ufacık kalıyordum ki, benimle oyuncak gibi oynuyordu. Bir süre öpüştükten sonra, “Şimdi yarağımın üzerine otur!” deyip sikini gövdesinden tuttu.

Ellerimi göğsüne koyup kalçamı kaldırarak amımın deliğini yarağın ucuna getirdim. Sikin kocaman kafasından amım gözükmüyordu. Yavaş yavaş üzerine oturmaya başladım, bu sırada bacak arama bakıyordum, amımın yanaklarının şişip ikiye ayrıldığını, amımın minik dudaklarının iki küçük yaprak gibi kıvrılıp esnediğini görebiliyordum. Biraz canım yanınca durdum. Durmuş ağa, “Devam et, alışırsın birazdan!” diyerek beni cesaretlendiriyordu. Kalçalarımı biraz daha indirince siki yarısına kadar yalanmaktan ıslanmış amıma kayıverdi. Bu sırada Durmuş ağa sürekli bedenimi okşuyor, küçük öpücükler konduruyordu.

“Şimdi yavaş yavaş otur kalk!” dedi, dediklerini yapmaktan kendimi alamıyordum. Bir süre sonra amım yarağa iyice alışmış, rahat oturup kalkmaya başlamıştım. Daha sonra Durmuş ağa kalçalarımdan aşağıya bastırmaya başladı, bir süre sonra yarağın tamamı artık içimde idi. Beni geriye doğru itip, dimdik üzerinde oturmamı sağladı. O anda sikinin içimde bir yerlere değdiğini hissedebiliyordum. “Harikasın meleğim, bayılıyorum sana, amın daracık, tüm sikimi mengene gibi sıkıp kavuruyor. Ohhh! Hadi şimdi kalçalarımı çalkala, hem beni mutlu et, hem de keyfini çıkar yediğin yarağın!” dedikten sonra minik göğüslerimi okşamaya başladı.

Ben hem kalçalarımı çalkalamaya, hem de minik hareketlerle oturup kalkmaya başladım. 5-6 dakika sonra durmuş ağa beni kendine doğru çekip, üzerinde zıplatmaya başladı. Zaten kucağınca küçücük kaldığımdan, her seferinde sikinin ucuna kadar geliyor, sonra tekrar dibine kadar otuyordum. Durmuş ağa ise sürekli kalçalarımı yoğuruyor, göğüslerimi öpüp, göğüslerimin Leblebi gibi olmuş başlarını kemiriyordu.

Minik bedenim daha fazla dayanamadı, amımın kasıldığını hissedebiliyordum. Bir anda boşalıp, durmuş ağanın üzerine yığıldım. Durmuş ağa halen seri hareketlere beni sikmeye devam ediyordu. Sonra bir çırpıda beni altına aldı, bacaklarımı omuzuna alıp üzerime yüklendi. Kalçam havada, iki büklüm olmuştum. Durmuş ağa ise delirmiş gibi dudaklarımı öpüp, boynumu yalıyor ve tüm gücü ile sikini dibine kadar amıma soka soka sikmeye devam ediyordu. Her sokuşunda kasıklarımda ve midemde müthiş bir baskı hissediyordum.

5 dakikaya yakın bu şekilde sikmeye devam etti, artık belim uyuşmaya başlamıştı. Durmuş ağa, “Daracıksın minik yosma, ohhhh orospuuuu, bu amcığa nasıl dayanılır!” diye inleyerek sikini dibine kadar amıma gömdü, yarağı kasılıp gevşemeye, sikin başı kalp gibi atmaya başladı. O anda yarağın tüm kıvrıklarını, kocaman başının her milimini amımın duvarlarının siki kavrayıp sarıldığını hissedebiliyordum. (O anı hiç unutmadım, inanın böyle bir şeyi hayatım boyunca 3-5 defa ancak yaşamışımdır!). Durmuş ağa sıcak döllerini içime akıtıyordu. Ben de bir kez daha tüm vücudum sarsılarak boşalmaya başladım.

Durmuş ağa yavaşça içimden çıkıp, sikini ağzıma getirdi ve “Yala orospu, daha senle işim bitmedi!” deyip yanıma uzandı. Minik bedenim iki kez boşalmanın etkisi ile uyuşmuş ve yorgun düşmüştü. Hafif inmiş siki, benim sularım ve döl artıkları ile kaplıydı. Başımı yana çevirip, sikinin gövdesini usulca kavradım, okşamaya ve yalamaya başladım. Bu sırada amımdan Durmuş ağanın döllerinin dışarı aktığını hissedebiliyordum. Kafamı kaldırıp amıma bakmaya çalıştım. Kasıklarım ve amımın yanakları kıpkırmızı olmuştu.

Durmuş ağanın siki, okşanmanın ve yalanmanın etkisiyle tekrar eski heybetli haline ulaştığında, beni sedirin ucunda dört ayak pozisyonuna getirip, ayakta arkama geçti. Yarağını amımın şişmiş dudaklarına ve minik kalçalarıma sürtmeye başladı. Bu sırada bir eli ile de küçük göğüslerimi okşayıp, uçlarını hafif hafif sıkıyordu. Vücudum bu hareketlere dayanamıyor, zevk duygusu bedenimi ele geçiriyordu. “Küçük yosmam benim harikasın, şimdi erkeğin yara yara sikecek o minik amını, sen de beni keyife getirmek için sana öğrettiğim gibi konuş, hiç susma, tamam mı?” dedi, ben de başımı çevirip evet anlamında salladım.

Durmuş Ağa yarağını başının amımın deliğime dayayıp, bir eli ile belimi sıkıca kavradı. Diğer eli halen göğüslerimde idi. Sırtıma öpücükler kondururken, “Sikeyim mi seni haaaa? Yarayım mı amını?” dedi. Ben de bana ne öğrettiyse söylüyor, onu mutlu etmeye çalışıyordum, “Yar erkeğim, geçir sikini küçük amıma!” diye cevap verdim. Durmuş Ağa sikini başını yavaşça amıma sokup çıkarıyor, ama tamamını sokmuyordu. “Hadi erkeğim sok hepsini, geçir bana yarağını!” diye söylenirken, bir anda dibine kadar girdi. Kasıkları kalçalarıma dayanmıştı, biraz canım yanmış ve “Durrr!” diye inlemiştim.

Durmuş Ağa, “Ohhhhh yardım amını yosmamm!” dedikten sonra yavaş yavaş girip çıkmaya başladı. “Nasıl iyi sikiyormuyum minik kaltak? Yarak yemek nasıl haaa?” dedi. “Harikasın, sik beni, seninim ağam, bulutlara çıkart beni!” dediğimde hızlanmaya başladı. O hızlandıkça bedenim kendinden geçiyor, zevkim arttıkça artıyordu. Kasıkları kalçalarıma çarparken sallanan taşakları amımın üstünü dövüyor, bu sırada çıkan ‘Şak, şak!’ sesleri kulübede yankılanıyordu. Birkaç dakika sonra deli gibi boşalmaya başladığımda, “Döşe ağam, döşeee sikicim, amım senin, ohhhhhh!” diye inlerken, Durmuş Ağa kalçalarıma tokatlar atıp, “Küçük orospu, tam orospu olacaksın sen, sike sike dağıtacam bu dar amını, sikimin kölesi olacaksın!” diye söyleniyordu.

Vücudum bu duruma daha fazla dayanamıyordu, dizlerim artık bedenimi taşıyamaz oldu. Kendimi yüz üstü sedire bırakınca ayaklarım hafif sedirden sarkık kaldı, ama Durmuş ağa halen amıma geçirmeye son sürat devam ediyordu. O an hatırladığım tek şey uyuşmuş olduğumdu. “Ne oldu, sikilmekten bayıldın mı? Çok mu hoşuna gidiyor?” dedi. “Evet, hep sik beni, heppp!” diye mırıldandım. Durmuş ağa bir kahkaha atıp, “Ben sana sikin tadını aldın mı vaz geçemezsin demedim mi minik yosma, söyle dölleyim mi amını haaa?” dedi. “Dölle, döllerini ver bana, boşal içime sikicim!” diye mırıldandım. Birkaç dakika geçmeden Durmuş ağa derin bir, “Ohhhhh!” çekip boşalmaya başladığında, bir kez daha sıcak döllerinin içime aktığını hissedebiliyordum.

Sonra öylece üzerime uzanıp kaldı. Altında kaybolmuştum, ağırlığından nefes alamıyordum. Sonra içimden çıkıp yanıma devriliverdi, soluk soluğa kalmıştı. Bir süre bedenimi okşamaya devam etti. Bense kendimde değildim. 5-10 dakika sonra ayağa kalktı, siki küçülmüş, önünde sallanıyordu. Beni yavaşça ayağa kaldırıp, boynumu memelerimi birkaç kez öpüp okşadı. Ancak küçük bedenim öyle uyuşmuştu ki, ayaklarım beni zor taşıyordu. “Harikasın!” dedikten sonra kenarda duran bir poşetten 3 tane gofretli büyük çikolata çıkarıp bana uzattı. Hemen alıp sedire oturacakken, “Yok, orada ayakta ye!” dedi ve sedire oturup bir sigara yaktı. Ayakta durmuş çikolatanın birini açmış yiyordum, o an duyduğum mutluluğun tarifi yoktu.

Durmuş ağa karşımda, suratında tebessümle, sedire yayılmış, beni izliyordu. “Bacaklarını biraz aç!” dediğinde, ayaklarımı hafif açıp, aşağıya doğru baktım. Amımdan ayak bileklerime doğru döller süzülmüş, amımsa mosmor olmuştu. Ben halen çikolatamı yemeye devam ediyordum. O an başıma gelenlerin, gelecekte bana nelere mal olacağının farkında bile değildim. Sonuçta genç kızlığı bile yaşamadan kadın olmuştum. Durmuş ağanın karşısında çırılçıplak durmuş, amımdan dölleri süzülürken, minik bedenimi ona sergiliyordum. Bana göre çok iyi bir iş yapmış, bir erkeği mutlu etmiştim, kendimi inanılmaz değerli hissediyordum. Durmuş ağanın, zevkleri için beni kullandığının, beni seks bağımlısına çevirip, geleceğimi çaldığının farkında bile değildim.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

The Gift of Coffee

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The Gift of CoffeeMy fascination about an older man started with a glance and a smile. I seen him around my neighborhood and around the grocery store, but like never really noticed or paid any attention to him, until one day. I was keeling down in the aisle looking at the magazines and I noticed him standing behind me and he looked down at me and I noticed he was looking down my shirt. He kept looking and smiled at me. My mom and my little sister were next to me in the cart. I felt that he was looking at me and I never felt that kind of feeling before till then. It was creepy and exciting at the same time, and very hard to explain.A couple weeks later after grocery shopping, I helped bring in the bags out from the trunk and the man that was standing behind me at the grocery store was sitting outside on his front porch, two houses across the street from me. He glanced up and looked at me as I was walking out to the car for the second time to get the last of the bags. He looked up enough to see my coming as he tilted his head and smiled. It was weird, but also kinda nice too, as I looked too and smiled back and walked back into the house.After that day, whenever no one is around, I sometimes go and try to sneak a glance at him without him knowing, but just out on our sidewalk. I couldn’t get him out of my head for some reason. He was totally older, but it was weird because I didn’t mind that he was checking me out and his eyes. He seemed to have a mysterious attitude about him, and that smile too. It always seemed to make me smile back, even if I didn’t want to. Maybe his smile was just the way his personality is too, who knows. Then one day when I was walking down my street, I was about to pass his house when he was sitting on his porch steps. I walked by him and glanced quickly as I continued walking. After hearing his voice, I stopped in my tracks and built up enough courage to turn around and walk towards him some.”Hi,” he said, to me.”Hi,” I answered quietly.”I’ve seen you over there before. My name is Scott.””Hi, I’m Annabelle, I live over there.” as I pointed to my house.”Where you heading to now?” he asked.”Just down to the Center,” as I laughed, but was really feeling nervous and shy. My mind was going crazy now and I was wondering if he knew it was me he was checking out at the store. Then it happened just like that, so quick because at this point my mind was still trying to figure everything out, as he said, “Would you like to get a coffee? If you don’t mind as I was planning on going that way myself. Beats walking all alone, unless you want to be alone?”Ummmm . . . sure, I guess so” I said, blushing now and extremley confused too, and nervous and caught off-gurad by his question to me.”Ok, I’ll be right there,” he said, with a big smile, as he ran into his house to grab something and then came back out and locked his door.As we walked down the street it was awkward at first, because it was silent and I didn’t know what to say to him. I really didn’t know how to start a conversation where you are trying to get to know someone, especially someone a lot older than me.”So, you live alone?” I asked nervously.”No, I live here with my k**s and wife, but she’s on the road because she works a lot and has to travel.” he said.”Yeah, it’s nice though when I have the house to myself and the k**s are old enough to do their own thing, and I really like the location too. It’s great to see the weather finally starting to turn, zonguldak escort I think it’s gonna be a nice fall.” he said, as I listened to him as we walked down the street.”Oh cool, sounds like she has a good job then.” I said.”It pays the bills, right?” he said.I just shook my head agreeing to him as we walked into the coffee shop. We sat down with our coffees at the shop, and talked some more about my family. Told him about my older brother and younger sister and about my last year in junior high school and all the homework I been having and stuff. Told him about how my parents always seem to give me hard time about everything from gymnastics to school work. Our conversations continued as we both sipped slowly on our coffees. Somethings were similar, yet different too. There was something awkward about all this, being here with him, and my parents would probably kill me if they knew I was sitting here with him by myself, but it just kind of felt nice too. I knew I had to go soon, and I tried to think of a way to go.”I should probably get going soon, I need to go home and get ready for school tomorrow.” I said to him.”Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but would you like to meet somewhere? I could pick you up on your way home from school this Friday?””No, I don’t know and I appreciate you asking me, it is very nice. Maybe how about this. . .you can pay me back by taking breaks from your work to sit and have coffee and chat with me, I get bored by myself and it would just be nice to have a friend to chat with and I get so bored by myself, and it would be nice just to have a friend to chat with.” I said.”Really?” he said?”Yeah.” And so we agreed to start our weekend coffee club, just the two of us, and we met at the coffee shops with a friendly and simple handshake for the next two weekends, just talking and drinking some coffees. After spending our usually hour or so at the coffee shop that one Saturday, we grabbed another cup to go, and started walking back home. The sun had started to set, and the day was cooling off, but things were just heating up between us. As we approached his house he asked if I’d like to join him for dinner, unless I had any plans with my family. I didn’t even want to stop back home to ask if there were any plans going on and it was the weekend anyways, so I just smiled at him and answered, “I don’t think anything is going on, so I guess it’s ok, just for a lil bit.”We walked up to his place and he apologized for not cleaning before having any company over. He replied that his son has bachelor ways, so she was used to it. We walked into the kitchen, and he started picking up the groceries from earlier, and stuffing them into the little cabinets. He told me to have a seat, and started pulling out things for dinner.He cooked two little burgers and some veggie fries too. He slid around the kitchen, fixing things up, setting out plates and glasses. A few times as he moved around he brushed up against me, or bump into me, and I could feel the electricity passing back and forth. We still had conversations, and we joked about my teachers at my school, and people in the neighborhood. As he sat down to eat, he looked at me from across the table, and there was something in her eyes, something that I couldn’t recognize. We talked about things and laughed about how much we have in common, and things we disliked, and things that got us crazy, and we laughed so hard that it almost made escort zonguldak me pee myself. Other than that, it was one of the best dinners I have ever had. As we finished up, he got up and took the dishes to the sink, where he started washing them. He told me to stop, and not to worry about my parents and family, and how I have to deal with be middle c***d in the family. He insisted, so I got up to put my glass in the sink and I slipped behind him and he grabbed me with his wet hands out of the sink, not realized the position we were now in. I stopped breathing, then slow and was waiting for the next move. I sensed something was gonna happen, but wasn’t sure if he was on the same page. I never been in this situation, but something exciting was happening too and I know I shouldn’t be over here, it just felt funny, but in a good way, so I was just waiting for the next step.”I don’t need to do these now, I’ll take care of them later, so then what do we do now?” he said. He pulled a towel off the stove, and dried his hands. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I was wondering if something was going to happen.He leaned next to me and whispered in my ear and said softly: “I know that right now, I want to kiss you.”He spun me around in his arms, and glanced up at me. He knew I am a shy girl, but he knew now that glint in my eye was desire, and it was growing. I tilted my head up, and we kissed softly. There was passion and emotion and like crazy energy, and it wasn’t going away with one lil kiss. As we moved apart, I opened my eyes to see something changed in him, and he turned away quickly.”What’s wrong? What did I do?” I said.”Nothing, it’s not you.” he saidThen he pulled me back towards him, staring into my eyes. “I don’t know, I just can’t remember feeling like this before. It scares me. Not like that, not in a bad way, but…” “But what? Tell me.” I said, wanting to know more.”But, it’s like I know how you feel and how sometimes you get hurt and all the hard times with your family and friends. I just want you to enjoy this moment, which has been so perfect for you and also me too. It’s like a dream! But in my dream, when it’s all over, all of this will disappear back into dreamland, and then it would hurt me more then not letting go. It’s like I can see life without the all pain, but I don’t want to visit it because then I would have to come back to reality. Does that make sense?” he said to me, as I was totally listening and understanding what he meant.”Yeah, I get it, I totally know what you mean, cuz I wish and day dream about another world too, so I feel something too. What does that mean then?” I asked him.He paused, looking at my eyes, like the first time he looked at me at the grocery store when I was reading the magazine and it felt like he was looking into my soul. His hand reached up to pull me closer, and he kissed me again, this time longer and with opened mouths. I pulled away, and said, “Maybe it’s time for me to go.”He pulled me into his arms and leaned me back against the countertop, and we kissed longer, and as we did, the energy around us got stronger, and he started to caresses and touch me, which would later go and become groping me now. Our mouths still together, and he spun me away from the counter and towards the living room.We walked down the hall to the livingroom and we stopped into the darkened room and he turned into there. He pulled me down to the couch and he slid over to zonguldak escort bayan me. I bounced onto the couch to try to get comfortable and he turned to me and with his hand he touched my face with his fingers. He moved closer to me, and as we kissed more and I leaned on my back and he ran his fingers up and down my leg. He grabbed th side of my bum at her plump with his other hand, and squeezed it firmly. I giggled in his arms, and pulled back until he pulled me back to him. He lifted my hand and pulled it down on his jeans on his lap. He sat up, put my hand over his bulge and then put his hand over mine and then quickly began to move my hand up and down on my new find. He told me my hands are very small and delicate, and that my hand made him get tensed up at the slightest touch. I used my fingertips across it, and he shivered. He pulled me closer, kissing me as he pulled me even closer, and it felt like he was almost on top of me. The feeling of his bulge through his jeans in my lil hand and him rubbing my chest was so exciting and crazy, and our tongues kept finding their way together as we kissed. He traced his fingers across my chest from side to side. I felt his hand squeeze my left hand which was pushed onto his growing bulge through his jeans. He pushed up, and sat back again, this time his fingers and hand that was over mine were pulling at his pants, trying to tug them open. He reached down and unbuttoned his jeans and told me to unzip them. When I did, he pushed them down, and then moaned as my soft hand and fingers now held his hard penis , as I slid my hand down with his still on top of mine. My fingers moved up and down, making the muscles of his penis jump in my hand.After a few minutes of stroking his hard penis he pulled my hand away kissed me and rubbing my chest. I rolled over and quickly he began to pull his jeans and underwear down. I licked my lips as he put my hand back on his penis for me to touch him with my tiny hand to help him. My fingers moved up and down to the patch of hair and then up to the top where I could feel a stickiness on the tip. I did circles around that part, and felt how soft and round it is.Not knowing what was gonna happen next, he slid down my body, and began using his tongue and licking inside of my legs, I fell into a frozen frenzy. He pulled my leggings down to my feet , as I tried to catch my breath. He grinned at me, and slid his head up between my legs. I was feeling his wetness of his tongue and feeling tingly al over like crazy butterflies in my tummy.”Having fun yet?” he asked me.”Uh huh!” I moaned softly.I rocked my hips, feeling myself and my juices as he pushed my outer lips of my sweetness with his tongue. I pushed into him, and I felt my sweetness open up. So soft and steamy and wet, felt like heaven, and I gently pushed the back of his head into me and covered my mouth as I moaned and whimpered. He began to slowly rise back up to me more and again, he started kissing me harder and pushing his tongue deeper in my mouth. He pushed his hand down and rubbed my sweetness and then tried to push his finger in but he couldn’t put it in all the way and I was squirming cuz I never had a boy put a finger inside me so it was tight and kind of hurt when he tried to push hard. He pushed his tongue back in my mouth and grabbing my neck and I felt my tummy tingle when he kept rubbing my sweetness faster. As I squirted into his mouth he stayed down there and licked me all over and cleaned me up from my mess I did. I fell next to him, and he began to caress my face. He then told me that I’m a special delicate angel that had chosen him to share this experience, and he would do everything in his power to repay me for this gift.

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Adi Learns to Squirt

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Adi Learns to SquirtJohn unlocked the front door. He had had a busy day at work, and was ready to crash on the sofa, watch a bit of TV and, if he could be bothered, cook something later. More likely just shove something in the microwave. He lived in a house share with another guy and 2 girls. The guy was a little older, in his 40s, and his car had gone from outside. He was only around when he had work on nearby anyway, and went back to his home in the South pretty often. The 2 girls were Adi, a slim and pretty Asian girl in her early 20s, and Wendy, a confident girl a few years older with a cute button nose and curvy figure. John found both of them attractive, especially Adi, but they hadn’t socialised much in the house and John had never had much chance to get to know them.He walked towards the kitchen to put the kettle on, and heard an odd noise coming from Adi’s room. At first he thought it was giggling, but then it sounded more like screaming. He listened a little more closely- he thought he could hear Wendy’s voice “come on, nearly there”, then Adi’s, but sounding strained and more high pitched than normal, between gasps “it’s no good, I can’t do it”. Curious, he got closer to the door and noticed it was slightly ajar. Moaning and squealing noises were getting louder, mixed with heavy breathing and a kind of sloshing sound. He pushed the door open slightly- and the sight that greeted him made his heart skip a beat. Both of the girls were on the bed stark naked. He took in the shapes of their bodies- Adi, on the bed, legs spread wide apart, her beautiful shaved pussy swollen and spread open. Her breasts bouncing slightly as she writhed on the bed, nipples jutting out firmly from the shapely mounds. Her mouth open releasing the contorted sounds. Crouched in front of her was Wendy, her curvaceous body and shapely ass pointed up into the air, the gap between her legs revealing her puffy pussy lips, and her tits swaying with gravity. She was rapidly penetrating Adi in and out with a blue vibrator, the creamy juices sticking to the shaft of the plastic sex toy as it glided in and out of her swollen cunt. Wendy retracted the vibrator from her pussy at the same point as a loud squeal left Adi’s throat. Her pussy twitched and she shook a little, but her face looked disappointed “It’s no fucking good Wendy, I just can’t do it. My body won’t let me”. Just then, Adi turned round and saw John at the door. He had almost forgotten where he was, captured by the unbelievable sight that he was witnessing. Adi grabbed for a sheet “what the fuck! WHAT THE FUCK! John” she shouted. Wendy spun round to look at him too. “Shit I’m sivas escort so sorry” said John “I just heard a noise and came to see what was happening. I’ve only been there a second” he lied. “Well you’ve seen what you want to see, now fuck off” said Adi in an angry but slightly embarrassed tone. “And what the fuck is that in your pants anyway you dirty pervert?” John hadn’t realised how his boner had grown, but as he looked down he could see the swollen cock pressing against his trousers, giving a very obvious idea of what had been in his head. “Oh fuck sorry” he said, and turned to leave. “Wait” said Wendy “come here”. John stopped in his tracks. She was probably going to slap him or something. “come here and let me look at that” said Wendy. Adi was pulling her legs up the bed and covering herself with the sheet now. Wendy didn’t care about her nakedness, and hadn’t made any effort to cover up. John walked slowly towards her. She put her hand out and touched it through his trousers, then ran a finger down it. John stood, frozen to the spot. “Hmmm. hmmm. Maybe” She said “Take it out” “wha-what?” John stammered “You heard me” said Wendy. John unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers. The boner was pressing against the fabric of his boxers, the shape outlined starkly against the black fabric. Beads of precum were soaking through to the outside. Wendy ran a finger down the shaft again, and lifted the elastic to pull them down. The precum glistened as it formed a ribbon from the swollen bell end to the fabric of the shorts. His boner sprung out, rigid, the veins jutting out. “Yes” said Wendy “YES. It’s as I thought. It’s curved as fuck. In just the right place and angle too. This is EXACTLY what you need Adi!” “What?” said Adi “This is what you need to make you squirt” said Wendy. Adi frowned and looked unconvinced. “Take the rest of your clothes of John” said Wendy. John was now giddy with excitement at this turn of events. He got undressed and stripped naked in front of the pair of them. Adi was secretly impressed at his strong, toned body and actually quite fancied John anyway, not that she had ever let on. Wendy preferred girls to boys, but she knew what she liked, and she knew what gave her a good orgasm. “I’ll show you” said Wendy, seeing Adi’s unconvinced look. “John, lay on the bed”. John lay down flat, his boner pointing into the air. Wendy straddled him, her boobs swaying as she got her legs either side. Her puffy pussy opened up revealing her slightly swollen labia and hood of her clit. “I’m not ready to be fucked yet John- Adi has been getting all the fucking. You’ll need to eat me first for a bit”. John escort sivas was desperate to taste her- her pussy looked delicious. She shuffled up the bed to hold her pussy over his face, and lowered down. He started to tease her lips with his, then slowly extended his tongue and started swirling it round her clit. Wendy started moaning, and he could feel her clit swelling in his mouth. Adi, still wrapped in a sheet, had settled in a chair next to them. Wendy’s moans were starting to turn her on though, and she watched, sceptical but getting more relaxed by the minute. After a few minutes, Wendy declared herself ready. She wanked John’s cock up and down a couple of times and placed the head at her cunthole, then lowered herself down. She felt amazing. “Fuck John” said Wendy “that is exactly what I wanted”. She started to ride him, and he moved his hips to make sure she was fully penetrated every bounce. Her clit brushed against his shaved mons every time she reached the deepest part of his thrust. She adjusted her angle as her moans turned into shrieks, and then without warning let his cock pop out of her cunt and sprayed a shower of clear liquid across his chest. Breathing fast she said “see Adi, your turn”.John turned round, and hadn’t noticed that Adi had been so turned on watching them that she had opened up the sheet and spread her legs, fingering her pussy. She was breathing faster now, and didn’t seem to want to resist the idea of fucking John any more. In fact, she was looking forward to it. “OK John” said Wendy “remember this is for Adi, not you- I’ll direct you how to perform”. John agreed. “Adi, lay on the edge of the bed with your legs over the end. Good girl. John, you need to lift her legs backwards so her pelvis tilts into the air. That’s it. Penetrate her like that. I’ll provide any additional help- you just concentrate on fucking her how I tell you”. Adi obediently lay on the bed, her swollen pussy inviting him towards her. She was so wet and he couldn’t wait to be inside her. He lifted her legs up til they were bent back over, and Wendy held his cock and guided it into Adi’s open pussy hole. She was tight and he could feel every bit of her opening up as he slid in. He slowly entered her, opening up the entire length of her vagina. He could feel the spongy g spot as he slid in, the hard curved cock pressing up hard against it. Adi’s eyes closed and she let out a moan. He started slowly pumping her pussy, admiring her pretty breasts, toned tummy and slim legs. He could hear her wetness as his cock glided in and out. Wendy watched, then took out a small vibrator and placed it on Adi’s nipple. sivas escort bayan She started to circle it, and Adi moaned and twisted her chest. Wendy took out a disc-like vibrator and ran it from Adi’s other tit down her heaving stomach and laid it to rest just above her clit. Adi let out a shiver and a yelp. “Hold that just there John” said Wendy “and start pumping her harder now”. John obeyed, and holding her legs back with one arm and the vibrator in place with the other, started increasing the tempo of his thrusts. Wendy continued circling her nipples with the other vibrator, and looking on with a hungry and eager look in her eyes, had started fingering her own pussy. John flexed his cock up against Adi’s G spot with each slide as he fucked her in and out, and he could feel it getting more engorged and the he noises turning from those of slipping to splashing. Adi was squealing now, and Wendy put a couple of fingers in her mouth, covered in her own pussy juice. Adi sucked on them as she was repeatedly penetrated top the hilt of John’s rock hard cock. Adi started to shake slightly, and John began to fuck harder, unbelievably turned on that he had been allowed to fuck this beautiful girl. Wendy took the fingers out of Adi’s mouth and started to finger her own pussy more intensely than before. John slid the vibrator around Adi’s clit and then pressed it down right at the top of the hood. He pushed her legs back even further. Adi was screaming now, and her hips had started to lift from the bed. He felt her pussy clamping down on his cock. “take it out John” suddenly exclaimed Wendy. John could feel his own orgasm building with her tight pussy contractions, and thought Wendy must be worried he would cum inside her. He didn’t care- he was going to cum hard! He banged her so hard the bed was shaking, and Adi was starting to lift her whole body off the bed now in uncontrollable spasms. “Take that fucking cock out of her cunt NOW John” screamed Wendy, her eyes wide as she continued to finger herself vigorously. John felt the orgasm surge through him, and took his cock out of Adi’s spasming pussy, flexing hard against her g spot as he did. A shower of liquid shot out of her, in fact, several sprays of hot girl cum jetted from her orgasming vagina. John’s cock pumped streams of cum onto her chest, and as he swung round to watch Wendy finish herself off, several shots hit her body as she also had a very wet orgasm, dribbling her juices onto the bedroom floor. Wendy collapsed onto the floor, while Adi lay on the bed, still shaking and whimpering slightly, but touching her pussy as if she couldn’t believe the fountain of wetness had come from her.“I fucking did it” gasped Adi. John took a last look at their gorgeous, satisfied naked bodies, and went back to the kitchen to finish making that cup of tea. “One sugar. And a towel” shouted Wendy after him

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Jessie is pregnant (Jessie’s revenge)

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Jessie is pregnant (Jessie’s revenge)(5th in a series)I had by now excepted the fact that my wife, (Jessie) was going to get or already was pregnant with my bosses (Frank) baby. I was partially to blame for encouraging her to fuck other guys but I didn’t expect her to take their semen. Not only was she letting Frank fill her with his semen but Jessie wanted to have Frank’s baby. Jessie’s once tight pussy was now always gapped open her pussy lips stretched and loose from taking Frank’s BBC almost daily and sometimes multiple times a day. Jessie wanted a wedding with her family present since we had been married by the justice with Frank and Monica, the HR manager, as witnesses. It would be a simple backyard ceremony as soon as possible. Which was only 5 weeks after our official marriage. Jessie wanted to have a girls night out before and encouraged me to do a guys night. I really wasn’t excited about having a guys night, but wasn’t going to turn it down.Meanwhile at work Frank’s wife Terry came in every Wednesday and Monica and her would go to lunch. Monica would return 2-3 hours later. Terry called me sugar and seemed to make a point of flirting with me. Terry always had on a tight fitting dress and I liked watching her plump but firm ass as she walked away. I was thinking about how I’d like to fuck her to get some measure of revenge on Frank but it was just a fantasy. I was starring at her ass as she was leaving on the forth week when I realized she looked back and caught me. Terry was looking right at me before I realized it she smiled and wiggled her ass some more before she walked out. Terry came back with Monica a couple of hours later which she hadn’t done before. I tried not to notice her scared that she was going to cause me trouble for starring at her ass earlier. I tried to hide out in my office. I wasn’t sure what she was going to do. It was maybe 5 minutes when the door to my office opened and Terry slipped inside and closed the door. I was only slightly relieved that she had came alone. Terry said “hi there Sugar”. I said “hi” back not sure where this was headed. Terry then asked me if I liked looking at her ass. I had to think of a safe response but opted to say “I hate to see you go but love to watch you leave “. I was relieved when she smiled at my response. Terry was standing right in front of me now. She moved her finger across my lips then traced down to my chest as she seductively said “I could use some sugar”. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing my cock sprung to attention. Terry was looking at my bulge then she kissed me full on the mouth. The kiss only lasted for a second. Terry then stepped back from me and said “one of these days mmm”. Terry turned around and walked to the door, she wiggled her ass. Terry turned her head back toward me and said “I’m glad you love it” and left. I wasn’t sure how this was going to work with Terry. I did know that I was extremely turned on right now and needed some release. I pinged Frank and told him I needed to leave because I wasn’t feeling well. Frank responded “ok, see you in a bit…don’t be kissing on Jessie “. When I got home Jessie was surprised and told me I needed to let her know when I was coming home unexpected. What to hell I thought but didn’t say anything. I just went in and turned the hot water on in the shower. I stripped and got in my cock still semi hard from my encounter with Terry. I began stroking my cock in the warm shower and in seconds I started to cum. I continued cum to for a couple of minutes as imagined Terry’s ass as I fucked her from behind. The fact that I hadn’t came in over a week, since I had fucked Jessie’s ass which she assured me wasn’t happening again, and how turned on Terry had me made for an amazing experience. When I finally got out of the shower I noticed the home pregnancy test box in the trash can. I dug into the trash to find the test. Instead I found condom wrappers and used condoms. My mind was a blur who the hell did they belong to, surely not Frank or me. I wondered had Darin or Tyson came back to visit Jessie while I was at work. How could I ask her and what good would it do. I couldn’t do anything about it unless I was willing to give up my earnings for life. I decided not to even ask her but instead I’d install a camera to spy on her. I put on a pair of shorts and t-shirt and climbed into bed. Shortly Jessie asked what I was doing Frank will be here soon and we’ll need the bed. Great I thought as I got up and moved to the second bedroom. I heard Frank arrive a little while later. I soon heard him say “woohoo “. Shortly Frank came in to share the news that Jessie was pregnant. He was all smiles. I soon heard Jessie’s moans of pleasure as Frank was undoubtedly celebrating by fucking Jessie. Thursday evening Jessie told Frank and I about her plans for her girls night this Saturday night. Jessie intended to bring Sarah and Amy back to our apartment tekirdağ escort bayan drunk. Jessie told us that Amy was trying to get pregnant and wanted to us to help her along. Jessie also wanted the slut Sarah to get fucked hard in all her holes. Jessie reasoned that it would probably be up to me to try to get Amy pregnant since she more than likely wouldn’t let Frank fuck her. Frank and I could go out for a little while but needed to be sure and be back waiting for them Saturday night. Jessie wanted to pay them back for what they had done to her months ago. Friday after work I had picked up a tiny video camera to put in our bedroom so I could spy on Jessie. I’d be able to play back on my phone what went on for up to a week at a time. It was small enough to be unnoticed as well. Saturday after Jessie left I went about concealing the camera and making sure that I had it connected to my phone. Frank came over later and we went out to the strip club. Frank seemed to be a hit with all the dancers as one after another gave him lap dances. I soon realized it was because Frank was rather hard and the girls enjoyed rubbing their pussies against his large bulge. It was Frank that told the girls that it was my bachelor night. I soon had asses and tits pressed against my face. It was a rather fun night I have to admit. Frank though told me that we should get back to the apartment to wait for Jessie and her friends. Frank and I waited for a couple of hours at the apartment. Frank expressed his concern that Jessie shouldn’t be drinking, I didn’t share his concern but assured him that Jessie knew what she was doing and wouldn’t drink too much. Jessie, Sarah and Amy finally showed up and Jessie introduced them to Frank. Jessie turned the heat up in the apartment and turned on some music. Sarah and Amy were both pretty drunk but Jessie fixed them some more stuff drinks. Sarah and Amy were both trying to dance to the music. Amy took her shoes off, Being barely 5 feet tall she always wore 2-3 inch heels and was having trouble standing up. Frank seemed to be trying to rub up against Amy from behind as she danced. Leaving me with Sarah pushing her ass against me. I really didn’t like the idea of Amy possibly getting pregnant tonight. I felt it was a bit too much. Besides I liked Amy and if she was to get pregnant I wanted it to be with me. I finally got Amy into the kitchen to mix more drinks. I asked her how horny she was feeling. Amy said she was extremely horny since it had been a month since Joe her husband had fucked her, he wasn’t ready for a baby. I knew that they had been having problems but didn’t know the cause. I warned her to try and stay away from Frank unless she wanted a baby. Amy said that wanted a baby. I said “a black baby? “ Amy said “nooo”. I said fuck me then, Amy said she couldn’t do that to Jessie. Jessie came out into the kitchen to herd us back into the living room but not before filling Amy’s glass up with alcohol. Once back in the livingroom Jessie took her shirt off saying how hot it was. Sarah followed her example. Jessie asked Amy if she wasn’t warm as well. Amy agreed and took her top off also. Jessie soon removed her pants again Sarah copied her. Jessie then helped Amy out of her pants. Amy was reluctant and I saw why, she was wearing a thong. Amy’s round white ass was fully exposed. Frank moved closer to Amy rubbing against her exposed ass while they danced. Frank removed his pants as he stayed in contact with Amy’s ass. Sarah being the jealous slut she was removed her panties. Frank though paid her no mind. Sarah then pushed Amy aside to rub her ass against Frank. Sarah reached back and pulled Frank’s large cock out of his boxers. Amy seeing it as a competition now nearly fell over as she pushed herself back in front of Frank. Frank grabbed Amy’s hips and pulled her to him pinning his huge black cock against her ass. Sarah tried to push her way back in front of Frank to no avail. Jessie handed Amy another drink which she downed quickly. I was pretty sure the only thing holding her up now was Frank. Sarah seeing that Frank wasn’t letting go of Amy began dancing her ass up against me. I had been turned on by the thought of fucking Amy with her long blonde hair perky large breasts and round ass. But Sarah she was tall with short curly hair small breasts and no ass the only thing she had going for her was that she was a slut. Frank was leaning over Amy his hands now rubbing her pussy his cock fully hard wedging between Amy’s ass cheeks. Frank removed Amy’s thong as he stayed pressed against her. Jessie gave Amy another drink Amy drank part of it and spilled part of it on herself. Frank then picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. Sarah then went to work taking my pants off. I looked at Jessie who was watching as Sarah dropped to her knees and began to suck on my cock. Jessie walked over and whispered in my ear escort tekirdağ fuck her good for me. Jessie then went into the bedroom with Frank and Amy. I let Sarah suck on my cock as long as I could stand it before moving her to the couch. Sarah sat legs splayed open. I moved between them and she said “what, no condom “. I paid her comment no mind as I pushed my cock easily into her well used pussy. I pumped into her for quite some time but was unable to cum. I then had to start fantasizing, I thought about fucking Amy, Terry and the first times I saw Jessie fucking other men. I soon erupted inside of Sarah’s warm pussy. I pulled out and sat down on the couch next to her my cock still oozing cum. Sarah then swung around facing me and worked my spent cock into her pussy. I’d never experienced anything like it before. Her pussy seemed to be milking my cock as she rode me I could feel myself getting hard again. I knew I’d cum again soon as her pussy pulled on my cock. Before I did Jessie and Frank came back into the living room. Jessie was completely naked as she sat on the couch next to me. She began kissing and sucking Frank’s cock. Jessie stopped and told Sarah she should ride this, Amy has already tried it out. To my disappointment Sarah stopped fucking me. Jessie suggested we all go in the bedroom. We all did as Jessie wished. In the bedroom Amy was passed out naked in the fetal position at the head of the bed. Frank put Sarah on her back at the edge of the bed and positioned himself between her legs. Frank rubbed his huge cock against her pussy then spanked it against it. I took the opportunity to check out Amy’s pussy it was gapped open with Frank’s spunk running out. I wished it was mine not his. After teasing Sarah for several minutes Frank pushed the big black head of his cock between her pussy lips and inside of her. Sarah let out a loud groan. At first she seemed to struggle with the size of his cock but as Frank pushed it deeper inside of her Sarah started telling him to fuck her. Jessie stopped Frank and told him to let her ride him. Frank then laid back on the bed and Sarah immediately straddled him as she lowered her pussy onto his cock. Jessie began sucking and stroking my semi hard cock until I was fully hard. She handed me a bottle of lube and told me to fuck her ass. I quickly got on the bed and squirted a generous amount of lube onto Sarah’s back and ass. Sarah tried to get off of Frank’s cock but he pulled her fully down onto his cock. Sarah shrieked having the full length and thickness of Frank’s cock buried inside of her. Jessie rubbed the lube into Sarah’s ass and spread her cheeks. I rubbed my hard cock in the lube then pressed it against Sarah’s sphincter. It took a lot of force to get my cock started into her ass. Sarah shrieked again as the head of my cock broke into her ass. I pushed deeper and deeper into her I then felt Frank’s cock began to move back and forth as he pumped in and out of her. I began pumping in rhythm with Frank. Sarah was screaming in pain at least at first but I think she started to enjoy it. I came rather quickly between how tight her ass was and feeling Frank’s cock plowing in and out of her against mine. Sarah screamed again in pain as I thrust fully into her ass and stayed there until I finished cumming.Frank was still thrusting into Sarah as I pulled my shrinking cock out of her ass. Frank rolled over on top of Sarah. He pumped into her for a minute or two. Frank got off the bed pulling Sarah to the edge of the bed. He pushed his cock back into her pussy. Frank slammed against Sarah holding her legs up between his arms as he gripped her shoulders. I could hear there bodies slapping together and Sarah grunting with every thrust. After a few minutes Frank started to growl and his pace slowed. He then slowly slammed hard 3 or 4 times. Sarah was howling as he did and continued howling as Frank held his cock deep inside her his big balls twitching as he pumped his sperm into her. Amy had stirred from all the noises but didn’t move. Frank let go of Sarah’s shoulders and stood with his cock still in Sarah exclaimed “what a fuck “. Sarah was now quiet and motionless. Frank finally pulled his cock out, his balls covered in lube and my cum which was coming out of Sarah’s ass. Frank went in the bathroom to clean up saying he needed to get home before Terry came looking for him.Jessie, Frank and I left the bedroom and as Frank was getting dressed Jessie said that tonight went better than she had hoped. Jessie added she only wished that Frank would have fucked Sarah in the ass. Frank said he would never have fit. Jessie said that was ok because of the bonus of him seeding Amy. Frank said he couldn’t resist the chance of getting her pregnant and added too bad the other one is on birth control. Jessie still naked wrapped her arms around Frank’s neck giving him a long passionate kiss before he left. tekirdağ escort His hands moved down Jessie’s back and he groped her ass. Jessie broke the kiss and asked if he really had to go? Frank said he didn’t want to but he had to. Jessie gave his cock a good squeeze before he went out the door. Jessie gave me a long loving kiss and said I’m can start giving you some attention , before going into the second bedroom and closing the door. That left me three options go with Jessie and sleep in a twin bed with her, sleep in the big bed with Amy and Sarah or the couch. I seriously consider the second option before lying down on the couch. In spite of all the excitement of the night I fell asleep rather quickly. I was awoken at 5 a.m. by Amy stumbling around the livingroom and nearly falling on me. After waking up enough to know what was happening, I asked her if she was alright. I was sitting up now and Amy sat down next to me wrapped in a towel. Amy thought so but she was a little wobbly. I replied ok and after a minute she asked me what had happened. Amy said she could remember some things but that it couldn’t be right. I filled her in on what I had seen her do. Amy remembered dancing in her bra and panties and rubbing up against the big black guy. Amy didn’t remember him rubbing her pussy or carrying her into the bedroom. Amy asked if I thought that he had fucked her. I was pretty sure that he did. Amy started to cry, she said she remembers being on the bed and Jessie was lying next to her. “Then the black guy “ Frank “ I said interrupting her, Amy continued “Frank started fucking Jessie I think, … I’m sorry, then me” . She asked if I thought that could be right not trusting her memory. I told her that might very well be right. Amy then asked if I had asked her to fuck me. I said “yes I did “ Amy leaned her head on my shoulder and said “I should have….thank you “. “For what?” I asked. Amy said “I can’t have a black baby”. I didn’t know what to say, I stroked her hair as she sat with her head on my shoulder. Amy then said “can I have yours”. I could do that but not now, Frank’s sperm had already been planted. I simply murmured “mmmmhm”. We both fell asleep. When I woke up it was light, I was on the couch with Amy cuddled against me. Amy rubbed her hand on my chest and kissed my cheek. Then pulled the towel around herself as she got up. Amy picked up her clothes and got her overnight bag and went in the bathroom. It was then that I realized Jessie was already up and in the kitchen making coffee. It was 9:30 Jessie came and sat next to me dressed only in an almost see through robe. She asked if I had fucked Amy. I told her no, Amy just wanted to know what happened because all she could remember was lying on the bed next to you and Frank fucking you both. Jessie wanted to know what I had said. I said “I told her that it could have happened” and “I was pretty sure Frank had fucked her”. “Then we fell asleep “ I added. Jessie’s only response was “ok”.It was after 11 before Jessie left to take Amy and Sarah home. I couldn’t tell if Sarah was mad at me or thrilled about what had happened. Amy gave me a big hug before she left though. Once they were gone I got my phone to play back from the camera what had happened in the bedroom. I started playing back at about the time I thought that Frank had carried Amy into the bedroom and 2x’d until the door opened. It was pretty dark but I could make out Frank carrying Amy to the bed. He put her on the bed and moved between her legs. I couldn’t tell if he had gotten his cock into her or not but Amy scooted herself away from him. Frank pulled her back several times before he buried his head between her legs. Amy couldn’t scoot away then. The door opened and shut it looked like Amy was moaning. Jessie then appeared and took her panties and bra off. Amy rolled over slightly and Jessie removed her bra. Frank’s hands went immediately to Amy’s breasts. Jessie positioned herself on her back at the edge of the bed and Amy laid next to her. Frank moved between Jessie’s legs and appeared to start fucking her slowly. It was hard to tell but it looked like Frank had his hand between Amy’s legs as he slowly fucked Jessie. After a minute Frank stepped back from Jessie. Jessie moved above Amy’s head her hands pinning Amy’s shoulders to the bed. Frank held Amy’s legs in the air as he moved close behind her. Amy’s head was moving from side to side as if shaking no. Frank reached both hands to Amy’s breasts as his hips gyrated, her legs falling about his back. In less than a minute Frank was still as he stood up straight his hands holding Amy’s ankles wide apart. Amy’s mouth was opened wide. It was a couple more minutes before Frank backed away and let go of Amy’s ankles. Amy was motionless. Jessie jumped off the bed and knelt in front of Frank obviously sucking his cock. It was only a minute before Frank and Jessie left the room. When the door opened and the light came in I could see Amy still on her back knees pulled up. I could see Amy’s breasts though they looked smaller than I’d thought her nipples were huge. I wondered if they were always like that or simply from the sexual arousal.

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Well sucked by my husband’s son.

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Well sucked by my husband’s son.- How did you find out?- She told for Lilian.- A confidence like that, sóintimate? I thought it would be more discreet.- Nothing, it’s still the same person you knew. Lilian was shocked, she only told me after I promised she wouldn’t tell for anyone else.- So watch out for Tiago, if he knows that you know, we know, things will boil…. Look out! Don’t even tell for anyone- Do you want tô hear it or don’t you?- Speak.- What Lilian told was…***- I didn’t find Tiago for weeks, after that madness. After all, he was Ivan’s son, my husband. I was embarrassed, but you know! Just remembering! The flesh is weak.- He’s a handsome… That gray hair looks even more beautiful. He’s sóshy.- He got better with time, but at the time he was more shy, full of shame, moralism and jealousy thinking that I was the cause of the separation of the parents?- Ivan and the Livia.- Yeah, but I had nothing tô do with the breakup. I met Ivan a little later. And then that day that madness happened. It all started with him seeing Ivan fuck me. – You are crazy! – But it was good, I squirt it in his mouth. You never did?- With a stepc***d, imagine! And then what?- So, that’s what I told you, I didn’t see him for weeks, until one Saturday…###Ivan was outside packing his stuff in the garage. That’s when Tiago arrived, he came tô help his father. I only saw the boy when he was already in the kitchen. He saw me and stayed that way… Hard and best of all, embarrassed.- You here! It’s been a while, it’s gone! – Ivan called me.I looked at his pants. I looked like a cynic.- It’s outside, dear.He disappeared, only heard the voices of the two of them in the garage and the racket they were making in the closets. I took advantage and went tô the pool, thinking about him, thinking about them…. You know, it made me feel like it…. I remember… It was, it was that day, I felt like going tô bed with both of them. Imagine father and son fucking together with me.- Did you fuck?- That day? Not that.- Do you swear, did you fuck with they?- That’s another story. Maybe I’ll tell you one day.- Please tell, go!– Another day. Didn’t you want tô know about Tiago? – All right, all right, how’d you get the guy?- It was crazy, gal! Crazy. That was awesome, a delight.I was going tô masturbate, but I had something in the air, something that told me that was the day, I decided tô wait. Seeing how Tiago stayed in the kitchen, everything indicated that he was ready.I knew Ivan slept after lunch, especially after the work they were doing. Ivan was no longer young, he was almost the age of Tiago today.They finished, I heated lunch and put a wine tô season the climate. I took a shower, put on a short dress, leaving the legs and the volume of the breasts in plain sight, completed everything with high-heeled shoes. Just tô provoke. Ivan was stirred, really crazy, but I knew he could not stand, after lunch hibernated as a bear only woke up after 6. The wine was just a reinforcement tô ensure privacy.Ivan said goodbye tô us and went tô bed. The way I had imagined…- And then, how are things, how is Livia doing?- I’d better go, huh?- That it stays… Stays. What are you afraid of?I looked in his face, Tiago looked away, looked uncomfortable, really scared, while he covered himself tô not let me see how was, but I could imagine. The silence was embarrassing, but it was what I wanted. Make him uncomfortable, even more sówith me showing him the legs, thighs, shaking the high heels and laughing cynically for him. The way I liked it the most… Making the type ‘aunt bitch’ or better the ‘stepmother bitch’.- U disappeared, didn’t come here anymore. Why didn’t ? – You know why.- Shame or guilt?- What difference does make… That was an absurdity, a mistake. Imagine if Ivan knows.- Imagine if Livia knows.- U’re not going tô tell, are u?- Me! Because I would… Our business, even your father doesn’t need know. We are adults, people who like each other…- But you didn’t want anything, you just made me do that.- Only! Wasn’t that enough? And what did I do, u wanted more what?I looked him straight in the eye, Tiago was intimidated, was left with no way, scratching his pants, ready tô say, confess, I just waited, I love it when they get like that, that way almost overflowing, crazy tô tell u.- I asked you. I asked tô fuck.- And it wasn’t good? Good, just… Drink meeee, for starters.Tiago moved on the couch, uncomfortable, but it just made the temperature rise… He hardened in the act, it was a delight… Just the way I wanted it.- Was it tasty? He drank straight from the fountain, straight from me, from my….- Stop Vivian, doesn’t talk yozgat escort like that.- Why? You don’t like a perversion… Your father and I love it, too bad I don’t know if he’d like tô see me with you. I’d love to, both of you. Who knows one day, us? Say, tell me?- I masturbated there in the room after you left.- Swear it! Did u do, two in a row? I’m even proud. And then, how did it go?- U know how it was. U know.- Did I leave you like this, you pervert?He laughed embarrassed, just the way he is. That was all I wanted, I put aside the care with the Ivan. Today I sucked, sucked and gave… I had sex with the boy, my borrowed son.- It will show me… Let me see him… Again.- No Vivian, Dad’s in the bedroom.- U know how he stay on a Saturday, especially today. He goes tô sleep all afternoon. Show, let me see.I looked deep into his eyes, opened a smile and the button on his pants, Tiago lowered the zipper, the volume increased, and I began tô see his underwear stuffed. We crossed a bright gaze, mine in a more naughty look. Tiago breathed anxiously tense, hard, he put out that beautiful hose, stuck in his fingers, the little purple head, glowing stretched.- More beautiful than I remembered. – It’s a sin, Vivian!- It’s nice, Tiago. Tasty… Was a boner and I’m hungry.- Don’t talk like that… Dad… The mother!It happened, I knew it, we kissed, with him peeling his dick… I licked the bottom of my mouth, showed how I liked it, bit his tongue, feeling him jerk off hard. I didn’t even look, I let that forbidden kiss roll with my husband’s son, it was until I didn’t resist. Still kissing… I grabbed the dick and rubbed it hard, squeezed the boy’s cock, he moaned tasty at the bottom of my mouth, it even looked like had come it. A delight his goo was running down my hand and the tongue was becoming more and more loose, crazy.Tiago moved trying tô get his hand into my dress, I was out of panties, but didn’t want it that easy either, had tô value myself, just tô make the little a****l even more anxious… Really depraved.When the hand went into my legs I crossed my fingers and squeezed, I made him moan in my mouth, my tongue became even more agitated, I spat in the boy’s mouth, he freaked… The cock wet my fingers even more.- Wait, boy, calm down! There’s time…- Vivian! Then suck , suck…. Please!He didn’t even need tô ask, I was going, but it was good tô see a submissive man, even more one from the family, even more Tiago, all serious and who didn’t like me.- Then jerk off tô me… I loved watching u do it. I dreamt about it for days. AAAaaahhh!!! So cute, boy.He did, I took my hand off and he took control of the cock, he moved it sóhard. As it was in the day, beautiful, beautiful. I bit my lip laughing, unbuttoned the boy’s shirt, and smoothed his chest, his muscular little belly, until I licked his nipple… One after the other.- I’m gonna cum!! Aaaaaannhhh!!!!I was in doubt, wanted tô see him come, but also, I couldn’t stand that long, shiny hose anymore, it was calling, sending…. “Give me a blowjob, give a blowjob”.I couldn’t resist…I bent over until felt the heat of the cock, the strong smell, the goo. I held the base, just tô let it stand up, that hose of new boy. Tasted, wandered my lips on the glans, in a tongue-less kiss, felt the fleshy and soft texture of the purple head, only my lips. I did it the way conquered Ivan.I took it out and looked at his face, a smile the naughty bitch they love in those hours. Better… Of a escort I spit… It fell right on top and ran tô my fingers. Tiago breathed hard, even blinked. Okay, the way I wanted to, I went down more than crazy, I fell out of my mouth. I stretched my tongue and licked the tip, turning around, I tasted the honey, sweetie. Better than Dad’s. I opened my mouth and swallowed the guy’s stem at once. I worked the dick off sucking really tight, I licked it the way every man likes it… I did it tô conquer the father, now it was the son.Sucked a lot and turned my tongue around, I worked the bag in a mixture of hurting and caressing. The stick was getting hotter and hotter, sometimes I would play only at the head. Could see that it would come, I swallowed it and felt the stalk pulsating. The cum came, hot wetting my tongue, the cheek. I swallowed a little, the rest I let flow, run down the stem, down tô the balls, my fingers.A translucent white goo still connected us from the cock tô the mouth. I could still hear the boy’s last groans. He wheezing, still trembling a last drop came out of the top running down the shaft… I couldn’t let him! Sucked with the affection of a stepmother, almost a mother.When I got up, we escort yozgat looked. I laughed with my a stained face and he looked a boyfriend, wiped my face and sought a kiss. I let him lick me all over, feel the taste of cum, the taste of dick. I think it was his first time.Perverted kiss, frill, until he loses his breath.I was proud, satisfied with that beautiful son. Gave me the idea tô take him tô the room of pleasures that Ivan and I made, but I thought it was not the moment. Tiago needed another, softer approach, at least for now.- And now what?- Now? Didn’t your parents teach you tô be an educated boy, tô give back when someone gives you love?His hand came between my thighs. She walked without asking for permission, without stroking, was direct, touched my pubes. Felt my heat muffled, very wet, the fingers walked between my lips moistened of my cave. Tiago still had a lot tô learn.- It will be better there.- What? Where?- On the table, it comes.I pointed tô the pool table. I had already fucked with Ivan and some friends there, they até me by sticking in a pool cue. That day was crazy. But today I just wanted tô be well sucked by my husband’s son. Oh, if only Livia knew what we were doing!I let Tiago take off my dress, it was a way of teaching the young man tô have manners with the girls, future wives, lovers… I don’t know. I also like it when they undress me. I was shaken up, kissed him and lay on the table. I spread my legs, like the porn models. Only for Tiago tô be enchanted with the pussy, see it all, the pink meat, the bent lips. I supported the jumps on the edge of the table, showed the hard, fleshy vagina. Just tô get the boy’s attention.Tiago was drooling, with his eyes wide open….. He was funny, especially with his mouth open. I laughed, posing, walking my hands and smoothing my body, in a delicious massage. Whoa! I shivered, smoothing my breasts, the sides of my body, my belly, my thighs, until I reached my groins.I could feel my own warmth, the pussy was throbbing, sweating. That dominated me , it mistreated. I was crazy, crazy! I showed what I wanted. Tiago understood, lying down I admired the cock that was coming up again, his fingers wrapped around my pussy, they fingered me, smoothed. He tasted my meats, my pubes. His hand went up tô his belly button, walked through his body and came back again, wrapped my pussy.He grabbed me like a fruit, squeezed, pulled the hairs of the vagina… Stretched. AAaiiiii!! I lifted my legs, I held my knees. I was beautiful, beautiful, but I was really a whore, ready tô be eaten.He helped me tô hold one of the thighs and the other hand found my the clit, joked around, not very good, yet that was incredible, even more that it was my husband’s son.- Tiago, Tiaagooooooooo!!!!!!The fingers came in, rubbing me from the inside, waving my lips.- Son of a bitchhhhh!I told tô provoke… … He did as expected, sank his fingers more deeper… He opened me up and saw the pink meat. I lifted a naughty pussy, hard… An invitation tô sex. But Tiago came with his mouth, wet his face in my candy. He drank me again like a savage….He was screaming, groaning…. More than myself. He learned tô bite my lips, stick his tongue in. I grabbed the boy by the hair, rubbed his face in my pussy. I masturbated with his face. That got even better, I groaned in a long scream.I knew it was coming… It was time, timmmmeeeeee!I opened up, rubbed my pussy hard, I leaned on the heels of my shoe on the edge of the table and showed a wet pussy. I felt that tasty feeling…I vibrated and got the creeps…I cum like a whore, a bitch in heat. Again I filled the boy’s mouth and wet the table.- Tiaaago, Tiaaaagooo!!!He was still licking me, drinking me like someone dying of thirst. He began tô bite my thighs, my ass until it tickled me.- No Tiago, stop! No!!- Turn .- What?- Turn around.I did what he asked, I was crouched on the table, I raised my ass just tô make him even more fissured. Tiago stuck his face in, I felt his nose and mouth opening my ass until he got in the middle, in the middle between my little ass and the pussy….The tongue worked there, went down at the beginning of the lips, licked me again, then went up playing tô my little ass. He still vanished in the middle of my ass, the boy’s fingers opened until he revealed me, showed what he wanted most….What stepmother would do that tô her stepson? He spat…. I never imagined…. Daring Tiago, I took advantage and masturbated tô him, let him see my fingers working the clit. The boy spread the spit smoothring around the rounded entrance just tô make me even more anxious. He played with my little ass… yozgat escort bayan And stuck his fingertip in. I laughed satisfied, imagined him sticking me a plug and after then that hot stick. But that wasn’t the day, it was too much for Tiago tô fuck me like an aunt, a cousin. Better even… As a mother or stepmother. Without guilt without sin.- Come on, dear, eat me up here on the table.I showed my fingers in a “come here” gesture. He gave me two slaps… Noisy, tasty and bit me a hip. I thought of Ivan snoring there in the room. I got even hotter, excited… Finally a fuck with my stepson, my sweet and raw Tiago.I thought about the boy’s turtledove, spread my legs and left my feet in the air. I felt the tip of the rod make me affection on the top of my ass, that hot, hard, throbbing cock, sticking in my ass, my little ass…. Tiago forced his way in, but I didn’t let him, it wasn’t the day. Tiago still didn’t deserve it.- Not today, not today, Tiago. – Let… Go!- No, not my darling. Later, later, dear. I’m not ready, not today.- Leave me, please!- No, another day…. That’s good. Imagine one of your friends eating his own mother, imagine!- You’re not my mother, you’re just….- As if you were sweet, as if you were. Come on, I’ll let you cumming inside.- I can! You let? What if I get you pregnant?- No worries. I let, let.He held my hips, I lifted my ass. Tiago stay over me. It took a time, but he found his way, I felt him touching my lips, the heat of the stick entering the middle, I wet the boy’s cock, it kept coming in, I put my head in the felt, squeezing my fingers preparing myself…..The blows came as I expected: insane, heavy… Gross, without any affection, but I liked the rough, intense, almost raw way of Tiago. The boy still had a lot tô learn, but he had the potential tô become the kind of lover I liked. He became even more frantic, he até me like a hungry man… drive me crazy that his dick, and I imagined the thickness of the stalk, bigger than that of the father. What a dream if I could have both.Drops of sweat fell on my back, Tiago was sweating wetting my back, delighting himself with the moment, fucking me like a whore. I started touching myself, smoothing the pussy until he saw it….. Just tô provoke him!- AAaannhhhhh!!!!!! MMMMmmmmmmmm!!!!!!A orgasm that wouldn’t end anymore, I felt him pulsating, I imagined the sperma spit staining my cave…. A hot cumshot, cum of the son… I wish. Even so, I was more than proud, my Tiago had finally eaten me.The dick came out stainig my thighs, the table…It took me a while, but I turned around, and I lay on my back… I did it just tô make him crazier, I put my hand between my pussy lips, wet my fingers in his milky cream, sticking my fingers inside. Opened a smile the most obscene way, really slutty, just tô see the boy’s reaction, licked just at the tip, very slowly, just tô excite.I looked at his face and swallowed all my fingers and sucked… Tiago looked at me disgusted, with the face of someone he didn’t like.- What’s the matter?- You don’t need this, you look like a whore!!- Your father loves it, he goes crazy when I do it. He loves tô see me as a slut. Besides, your cum is still tasty, more sweet, more than his, just doesn’t count for him.- Stop Vivian, what’s that for?- What a foolish, after all we’ve done tô u with these scruples. We’re lovers here.He was getting uncomfortable, these boys, especially Tiago. Full of rules, but he became a a****l when he want. He came down from the table and I sat on the edge.- Come here, don’t do this, Tiago! What’s wrong with me licking your cum? I didn’t swallow, even you swallowed on the couch? I hugged him with my legs and hands around my neck, the smell of sex was still in the air, the sweat of the bodies… He was still bothered.- Fool, if I’d known you’d be like this…. – U’re my father’s wife. U’re not just any bitch. Not like that, not making this face of…. Of a whore.I laughed, laughed at the c***dish, young thing. Still barely out of his teens.- That’s foolish, k**, after all… Why these ideas? U’re still too green… Raw…-U don’t do that tô Dad, do u?- Of course I do! You have no idea what we’re doing, do u think it’s just Mom and Dad? What did u see that day? U don’t know your father… Him is a pervert, as perverted as you’ve gone now. Accept it, you’re like that too.- I didn’t want you tô stay like this…. I don’t know, maybe something else, but a whore, Vivian. You’re not a whore.- Only in bed, my dear, only in bed. The one who isn’t there won’t hold the man and won’t know what it’s like tô have pleasure. In bed we need tô be good…. Bitch. Give me a kiss.- No Vivian, leave me.- Tiago, come here. Go kiss me, a tongue kiss with your mother.- You not my mother, you’re my stepmother.- Almost mother…. Imagine that now you’ve eaten Livia, huh?- Don’t talk like that.- Fool.Give your vote. Leave your comment.

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Clay Parties and Gets Bred

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Clay Parties and Gets BredTodd gave the pair the low down on how things worked. It always started like this. Everyone sitting around the pool or deck or steam room etc. After a while Kym normally brought out some finger food, and his specialty cocktails made of quality, fresh letters of the alphabet. Mostly laced with Crystal and GHB, which normally got everyone aroused. The group would continue drinking Kym -tails—Kym’s special drink, everyone could drink as much as they wanted and Kym paid for the lot. Once everyone was good and horned up, the night would have descended and couples and more-somes would form. The group liked new guys, and most action took place in the porn theatre, and in the den around the hot tub. Todd said that there are cameras above the beds, in the showers, surrounding the hot tub and of the lounge area in the porn theatre.Clay then turned and asked Todd about his time as an adult video performer. Todd chuckled and confessed that he and Mark had met on a shoot for Chichi LaRue in Palm Springs, and both were tired of the crazy diets, steroids, recreational d**gs, and operating as If they weren’t in their 30’s. They saved some money, went to Treasure Island and a few other studios, and operate the online stores, merchandise, web sales, etc. for the studios, get paid handsomely, and give a nice profit sharing back to the studio owners. Todd said that he designed the TIMFuck Underwear he was wearing and the ‘Biohazard’ swimsuit that Mark had on. Josh and Paul had checked in and then said they heard the secret garden was cool, so they were going to check it out.Todd told us that this was the 10th speedo party he had been to, Mark was coming to them before they coupled, and that Kym was the only guy who had not fucked him at least once. He said that Zack was a good fuck but his dick might be too big for us at the moment. Jeremy informed us that he had taken big dicks before, but Todd challenged him, informing him that Zack was at least 10 inches fully hard and liked to fuck hard and deep, until he unloads deep in his victim’s bowels. Stewart was Mark and Todd’s boy-friend. He needed a place to live while he was going to City college, when he got cut off by his mum and dad when they found out he had sucked “a guy” off in the shopping centre toilet for money. Todd saw him trying to sell his things for money at the thrift store, and invited him for a sandwich. Stew was hungry for food first, then Todd’s beefy and muscular body, big cock, and full nut sack, so Todd fucked him in the car, and then brought him home for Mark. Todd had Stew walk in wearing a ‘Pump’ jockstrap with his load seeping from his’s hole. Stewart does the shopping, chores, laundry, gets fucked, fucks, run errands for the store, pack up orders, etc. whatever is needed. They have a strict jock, nude or string policy at their place. Once inside, everyone must get down to the basics. Todd confessed that they were falling for Stew, but do want the k** to go away to physical ther****t school. Stewart just found out that he was poz, so he was shaken, but they helped get him on meds. Todd said he didn’t know much about Matthew as this was the yalova escort first party he had been to but said Toby was a friend of Zach’s from school and had been to a couple of party’s before. Todd said he suspected Toby was in love with Zach and this was the only way he was able to get him into bed. All this talk of sex was working on Paul, Jeremy and Clay, and they were drinking down the Kym-tails, and were sporting wood. Todd leaned in and rubbed both cocks and kissed them on the cheek.He then told them about the guys in the pool. Scott and David were guys Kym had meet down at the esplanade while he was fishing. Fishing was what he called going out looking for guys with a speedo fetish. He would take Zach down to the beach and have him lay on a towel in his thong or sheer speedo, Kym (also in a speedo) would sit back up the back a little so he could see who would take notice of his little boy friend. He said both Scott and David had taken pictures of Zach laying there in his red Joe Snyder on the same day 2 hours apart. Then it was a simple matter of Zach and Kym approaching them and inviting them to the party. It was a good way to go fishing!About that time Kym appeared with the food. It was a light dinner with only fruit slices and sandwiches on the menu. Stewart stood up and came over and joined Mark, Todd, Jeremy and Clay. He was wearing a sheer FUKR brief in neon green and black on his cock. Stew started talking about how he and Todd had met. Stew had been in town visiting his mum and had decided to go to the public toilet in the car park near the airport, and this was at the time a well-known beat for gay men looking for a casual fling. Stew had been 15 at the time and all of this took place because a couple of fetish guys had been with a couple of guys at school, and even their gym teacher, but wanted more. Todd fucked Stewart in the park toilet and then took him back to his house for an afternoon of sex and sweat. Stewart had known Kym for a long time and had introduced Chris to the speedo / Lycra fetish early on and once indoctrinated into the club at the party as well.Once the drinks started flowing thick and fast Toby must have had some courage and pealed Matthew off him and walked over to Zach. He didn’t say anything but dropped to his knees in front of the boy and started kissing the front of his speedo. Until this point Zach had been deep in conversation with Kym but with the sudden change in events all other thoughts they went out the door and Zach stopped talking mid-sentence and looked down at his school mate and smiled. “I knew you couldn’t wait for my cock Toby. enjoy it, I know you love it” Toby stopped for a moment and looked up at him and smiled. “One thing Toby” Zach said “I don’t want you to touch my cock with your hands, only your mouth.” With that Zach bit the string on his speedo and pulled it down releasing the teen cock. Zachs cock sprung out of its lycra confines and slapped against his belly. Toby launched on it and sucked on it like it was providing him everything he needed to live.They all sat around watching the hot show taking place in front of us. just then Scott walked over escort yalova on his second Kym-tail, and sat with our little group. He sat next to Clay and whispered to him “fuck babe, that k** can suck cock, I might see if he will have a go on mine later” Clay nodded not being able to take his eyes off them. David looked deflated at first but then must have gotten caught up in the moment. Sitting there on the other side of the poolby himself he took his cock out of the top of his speedo and started to slow jerk. Paul, seeing this took it as an invitation and walked over and plonked himself down in front of him and took his entire cock in his mouth. David didn’t say anything but just slouched in the chair and put his head back.Clay couldn’t believe this. All these hot guys around me were going to fuck and as long as they didn’t go into a bed room, they could all watch. Josh was so horny he looked like he was going to burst so Clay looked at Jeremy who was already looking at his cock. He didn’t say a word but took his uncut cock out of his Speedos and smiled at me. Clay went over and got on his knees. Clay took his cock in one hand and started to wank it, but he wanted to have a good look at it before taking it all in his mouth. Kym was down on his knees licking Tobys arse getting it ready to be penetrated. Zach on the other hand was putting on a condom, but Toby pulled the condom off, winked and put Jeremy’s cock in Clay’s mouth. He worked the head for a while and played with his balls with his fingers. His balls were still in his speedo so there was that awesome feeling of lycra while sucking his cock.Looking at the fabric of Todd’s speedo straining against his hard cock made Stew hard too. He asked if he could kissJeremy, and before he could reply with “I ‘d love it,” his tongue was in Jeremy’s mouth. His hand snaked up Jeremy’s leg and rubbed his hard mound of his. Jeremy knew he had been fucked out by the pool and that wasn’t the first time but he really wanted him to really enjoy and look back on as a good moment not something he regret, so he let him take the lead. Jeremy pulled the front of his speedo down leaving his balls in there and put his cut cock in Stew’s mouth. Jeremy excitedly, to find that his dick was quite a bit bigger than Zach’s and Clay smiled about that. Scott, asked Clay if he wanted to try out the hot tub? It’s huge. The hot tub was in the rec room, through the doors covered in steam. He opened the door and there were four other guys in there. David, Paul, Zach and Matthew had massive shoulders, arms and their back muscles had back muscles. Clay couldn’t see below the foaming water, but could guess what was going on. Two pairs of square cut trunks and two speedos lay near the edge of the tub. They were paired off and no one could see their hands.”Hey guys, Please welcome Clay!” When they stood up, their hard cocks protruded every so slightly from the water. Clay’s Dance Speedo was pulled down and tossed aside, and his big beautiful 9 inch cock bobbed into view. Zach ‘s eyes widened, and Clay winked –You’ll get used to it,” “Yeah, it’s kinda different,” Said Zach. “But in a good way.” Clay yalova escort bayan said that the others needed to lose their suit too. Speedos and jockstrap were off and Clay stood in the middle of the guysDavid, Paul, Zach and Matthew were all over each other, and Clay turned to see Todd and Mark gliding over. Todd bent over and swallowed Clay’s entire cock in his mouth. His hands went to Clay’s balls and shaft and expertly began to go to work. Mark said to Todd “I told you he’d be a great fit!” while looking up at him.”Clay, would you feel comfortable fucking Todd?” asked Mark “Swimmers are the best lays. You guys have all those stomach muscles from doing all that butterfly and kicking. Your hip thrusts are so powerful,” he said. The door opened from the pool area. Jeremy and Josh walked in, both nude, towels over their shoulders. Their cocks were spent. They took in the sight before them. A threesome on one side of the hot tub and Clay fucking this Porn Star on the other.”Harder,” Todd said.Clay picked up the pace of his thrusts and was sweating in the humid wet area, and the chems in his perfect body. Jeremy and Josh had stopped and sat down on the edge of the tub, almost directly in front of Clay. Josh had never thought of himself as an exhibitionish before. He and Jeremy were now trading handjobs, their eyes fixed on Xlay’s raw cock sliding in and out Todd as Mark with his porn star 9 in PA cock slid behind Clay. Todd flipped to be bent over the edge of the tub with his face down, moaning. He arched his back and slid one hand under him, stroking his cock.Kym walked in from the pool, saw the action, smiled approvingly and Begged the men to pause for some clouds, shard booty bumps, and Clay, Mark, Todd slamming. Stew appeared and handcuffed Todd to the pipe above the tub, and pushed his sexy muscled hairy body between Clay and Todd. Stew slid onto Clay’s Cock and took his cock and changed his PA to a ring and slid into Todd. Clay was stunned, bever having seen a PA actually fuck a hole, when Mark, said you want that ring in you, and CLAY nodded slowly, and Mark leaned back and Clay straddled him. Clay loved the pain feeling Mark’s Cock and PA shred him, and Jeremy jumped up and entered Clay from behind. Clay was so turned up he begged for Mark’s load and Mark spasmed and yelled, “yeah, take my toxic load. I’ll convert you, babe!” Jeremy, said ‘Fuck that, Man. He is a convert from me” and blew up into Clay’s fuck chute, Then Stew jumped in and said ‘I’m helping bring the pig to the club!” And, Todd, took Jeremy’s place and with a few quick thrusts bust his tox load into Clay! Kym came over and kissed Clay as he shoved a butt plug into his shredded hole. Everyone gasped and slowly showered and met up in the theatre. Clay, Josh, Jeremy and Paul left their contact information, signed waivers,and asked for copies of all videos and photo for their personal enjoyment. The man servant appeared and showed the four to the door and handed his card, Paul Morris, to them. Cum back every second Friday.The car stank of sex and we put all the windows down. Paul complained his arse hurt because he had been fucked by 4 guys and Clay shifted in his seat enjoying the feeling of the four loads and plug in him. Paul dropped Josh and Clay off at Josh’s car and said goodbyes, promising to catch up. When Josh and Clay got in the car, Clay told josh to drop him off at Slammers.

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Twin Sisters

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Twin SistersSamantha looked up the length of her sisters, writhing body and smiled against the sopping warmth pressed to her face. Even in the gloom of her parked car, Samantha could tell Hannah was flushed. Her eyes were screwed shut, and one of Hannah’s hands tweaked at her exposed nipple while the other was hooked in Samantha’s long blonde hair. She was positively twitching with pleasure, and Samantha couldn’t have been more satisfied. She flicked her tongue sharply and was rewarded with an equally sharp kick of Hannah’s foot, perched up on the front seat’s headrest. “Ooh God!” Hannah gasped as she bucked her hips. “Samantha! Samantha! Oh Jess! Uugh…ah…! Fuck! Oh fuck! Oh! Oh! …yes! Jesus fucking…! Again, again!” Samantha did it again. “God! Aaaah! Ah! Ah!”Hannah was about to climax. Samantha knew the signs, craved them, and did the only reasonable thing once they showed…she slowed down. She worked her mouth carefully to maintain pleasure but quell Hannah’s storming reactions. Eventually she moved away from the target area entirely, and instead kissed and nibbled at her sister’s thighs and hips, at her naval, at the soft smooth mound just below it, at any place she could reach from her position on her knees save for the one that really mattered. Hannah’s chest was heaving, and her hand moved to massage herself where Samantha would not.”No, no,” Samantha muttered, and gently moved the hand away. She continued kissing strategic circles around Hannah’s legs, while Hannah played at her own breast all the more vigorously. She attempted to touch herself once more, and was again deflected by Samantha. So Hannah placed her hand in her mouth to still it. At last Samantha began playing between Hannah legs with her own fingers. Slowly, but the sensation of being touched again obviously had a strong effect on Hannah. She düzce escort began panting around the hand in her mouth, and her grip on Samantha’s hair tightened. Samantha nibbled methodically just next to her sister’s pelvic bone as she worked her fingers, and gazed up at Hannah’s face with passionate blue eyes. She began moving her hand faster against Hannah, and inside her. Hannah bit hard on her fist and moaned. Samantha could see sweat beginning to bead on Hannah’s cheeks and nose, and she made her move. With lightening quickness she moved her hand and replaced it with her mouth once more. She worked furiously and tactically, and the reaction from Hannah was a near-scream. “Oh fuck! Aah! Aah! Aah! Holy shit! Samantha! Ooh! Uuuuughoh god! Sam! I’m coming! I’m coming! I’m coming!”She came. Smiling broadly, Samantha sat up on the car seat next to Hannah. She wiped at her mouth the back of her hand, but when that proved inadequate she produced a laced handkerchief from the cleavage of her dress and dabbed at her face with it. Regarding the amount of wetness that came away onto the cloth, Samantha turned to Hannah and remarked, “Not bad, then?”Hannah had no answer other than to look at Samantha with wide, happy eyes. She was still somewhat sprawled, having failed to even lower her leg from the headrest. She was sweating, and what little clothing she still wore was bunched and damp. Hannah was an utter mess—and utterly content. “That was fantastic,” she breathed. “I have been practicing,” Samantha said, stuffing her handkerchief back into her bosom. “Oh really? Practicing with who, pray tell?””A very charming and lovely young woman. You know her well. She has gorgeous blonde hair and perfect, pale skin, not to mention the most alluring curves to ever fill out a black dress.””Our little sister, Katie?””Myself, you depraved escort düzce hussy!””Wow,” Hannah chuckled as she at last repositioned herself to sit normally. “You must be flexible.””I practiced the general concepts rather than the specific technique. Although truth to tell, I did indeed put my flexibility to the test, although the results were, of course, several inches short of remarkable.””Aww. Well, keep up the yoga, sis—you’ll get there someday. But in the meantime, I guess you’re just going to have to accept some outside help…”Hannah slinked her arms around Samantha’s neck and began kissing softly behind her ear. Samantha shuttered excitedly, and wriggled slightly on the seat as her body began to warm. Such heat was obvious to Hannah as she swung her leg around and straddled Samantha’s lap. Their lips met, and Samantha couldn’t help but to tweak at Hannah’s still bare nipple as their tongues danced together in a slippery tango. Hannah began unbuttoning the front of Samantha’s dress and exposed the creamy swell of her breasts, still bound by a black bra. Pulling back from their kiss, Hannah plucked Samantha’s handkerchief from the bra and, grinning devilishly, began sucking on the still-moist fabric. “Oh, you are depraved…” Samantha whispered. Hannah winked at her and slid downwards off her sister’s lap onto the floor of the car. Smacking her lips theatrically, she flipped up the skirt of Samantha’s dress and began kissing a path up the inside of her smooth thighs. Yet just as Hannah’s lips began to graze the crotch of her panties, Samantha reached down and lifted her chin. “What do you think you are doing?” Samantha said lightly.Hannah cocked her brow. “Unless I’m completely wrong about the little oral performance you just gave me, then I do believe it’s your turn, sweet sister.””No, I do not get a turn. düzce escort bayan What I did was a gift to you. A reward for your wonderful gymnastics moves earlier this evening.””Oh c’mon, it was just a little practice-“”That you were wonderful doing.””-and you already gave me flowers. Roses at that! Where’d you get that kind of cash?””I worked an extra chores for dad. I intended to buy you a necklace as well, but my funds ran dry. Hence the back seat, front door exuberance.””My point is, I hardly deserved the flowers, much less a good tongue lashing.””I will be the judge of you deserve, my dearest sister.” Samantha caressed Hannah’s cheek and strocked her long blonde hair. “And I say you deserve the Earth and the sky, and all the pleasures that they contain.”Hannah smiled warmly and crawled up from the floor to hug Samantha tight. She sniffled against Samantha’s shoulder as a pair of stray tears trickled from her eyes.”I love you, sis,” she said. “I really, really love you.””Mmm, and I love you sis, ” Samantha said. “You are my star…”After several moments, Hannah pulled away and began to reluctantly redress. Samantha fetched her handkerchief and stuffed it back inside her bra before buttoning her dress closed. Once Hannah was dressed, both girls slipped into the front seats of the car. Samantha started the engine and pulled back onto the main road nearby. As they drove through the night towards home, Hannah took her rose bouquet from the dashboard and breathed in the strong, sweet scent of the crimson flowers. She reached over and grasped Samantha’s hand.”Y’know,” she said, “you’re not getting out of getting fucked that easily.””I hope not,” Samantha replied. “I intended the roadside entertainment only as a generous precursor to the evening’s activities. Have no doubt that as soon as I get you in bed, I will be glad to accept any and all favors you wish to bestow upon me.” “You sure you can handle it? ‘Cause you better believe I’m gonna favor your brains out.””I would not have it any other way,” Samantha breathed as she pulled into the driveway.

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