Die Zeitungsannonce – Teil 3

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Die Zeitungsannonce – Teil 3Die Zeitungsannonce(Teil 3)Vorwort:Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser. Meine Geschichte “Die Zeitungsannonce” erscheint nun mit ihrem 3. Teil.Die Teile 1 und 2 erschienen zuvor im November und Dezember 2018 auf xHamster.com.Wenn ihr Nadine’s Geschichte noch nicht kennt, lest ihr vielleicht besser zunächst die ersten beiden Teile, denn dann seid ihr sicher besser in der Lage, gedanklich in den dritten Teil der Geschichte einzutauchen. Allen anderen wünsch’ ich viel Spaß und Geilheit beim Weiterlesen.Der Autor.Einführung:Diese Geschichte erzählt die dunklen, sexuellen Erfahrungen der Teenagerin Nadine, die sie vor ca. 1 Jahr erlebte. Nadine lebt bei ihren Eltern in Norddeutschland und besucht noch die Schule. Sie hat langes, blondes Haar, blaue Augen, einen wunderschönen und schlanken, rasierten Körper und kleidet sich gern sexy, z. B. mit High Heels, sehr kurzen Röcken, bauchfreien Tops und manchmal findet sie es auch sehr erregend, darunter keine Unterwäsche zu tragen. Nadine ist zwar 18 Jahre alt, wegen ihres sehr schlanken und zierlichen Körpers wirkt sie aber jünger. Schon seit Jahren empfindet Nadine starke, sexuelle Gefühle, die sie weder richtig versteht, noch zufriedenstellend ausleben kann. So lebt Nadine einerseits das gutbürgerliche, geordnete Leben einer Schülerin und Tochter, andererseits stylt sich Nadine oft ganz bewußt sehr sexy und achtet genau auf die Reaktionen von Jungs, Mädchen, Männern und auch Frauen, wenn diese Nadine erblicken, denn sie empfindet es als wichtig und erregend von anderen Menschen lüsternd angeschaut und beobachtet zu werden. Nadine besucht regelmäßig die Webseite “xhamster.com” und schaut dort Pornos. Sie bewundert die Porno-Darstellerinnen und stellt oft heimlich ihr erotisches Posing vor dem Spiegel im Schlafzimmer ihrer Eltern nach. Manchmal, wenn sich Nadine gespreizt und nackt im Spiegel betrachtet, überkommt sie der Wunsch sich mit ihrem Smartphone zu fotografieren und die Bilder auf “xhamster.com” online zu stellen. Bislang traute sie sich das aber nicht. Nadine war bislang nicht klar, dass ihre sexuellen Gefühle sie an die Grenze zu einer anderen Welt geführt haben …aber in der vorangegangenen Nacht ist sie plötzlich und ungewollt mit einem Fuß in diese andere Welt abgerutscht. Wieder zuhause, stellt sich ihr nun Frage: “Ist es vorbei? …hoffentlich ist es vorbei …und es darf niemend etwas von der letzten Nacht erfahren, oder?”…oder rutscht Nadine von nun an immer tiefer in diese Welt ab?Kapitel 4 – Ein Clip von xHamster.comIch erwachte erst am frühen Nachmittag nach einem sehr unruhigen Schlaf, weshalb ich mich müde und verkatert fühlte. Über längere Zeit befand ich mich nur im “Halbschlaf” und dachte wie in einem Wachtraum pausenlos an meine Erlebnisse des vorangegangenen Tages. Dabei überkam mich das Gefühl einer tiefen, beklemmenden Angst, als ich mich daran erinnerte, dass ich den Security-Männern in den rückwärtigen Räumen des Clubs völlig ausgeliefert war. Sie waren soviel größer und kräftiger als ich, …sie machten die ganze Zeit mit mir, was sie wollten, …ich selbst bin aber sehr zierlich und hätte nichts gegen sie tun können.Ich konnte nicht einfach gehen, als ich es wollte.Ich konnte nicht verhindern, dass sie mich quasi entkleideten.Sie berührten mit ihren kräftigen Händen meinen zierlichen Körper, meine weiche Haut, überall und solange und so intensiv, wie sie es wollten. Was ich dabei dachte und was ich wollte, interessierte sie nicht. 2 großgewachsene Männer, aufgegeilt auf mich und meinen Körper, mit einem starken Willen, kräftig und viel älter als ich, denen ich eine Zeit lang regelrecht gehörte und ausgeliefert war, …als wäre ich ihr Sexspielzeug.Sie fotografierten und filmten mich, …sie kennen nun meinen Namen und meine Adresse …und: Ausgerechnet in dieser Situation sahen sie einen langen Faden Scheidensaft aus mir heraustreten und halten mich nun für eine junge, geile Teeni-Schlampe, die sie nur deshalb von Geschlechtsverkehr verschonten, weil sie ihnen augenscheinlich noch viel zu jung war. Das war das einzige, was mich in dieser Situation beschützt hatte… mein mädchenhaftes Aussehen. Ich blieb noch im Bett liegen…lang, …sehr lang. Ich lag auf der Seite und starrte an die Wand neben meinem Bett. Aber ich sah gar nicht die Wand, sondern blickte durch die Wand hindurch, zurück in den vergangenen Tag und in die letzte Nacht.Ich bekam eine Gänsehaut und mein Bauch krampfte sich zusammmen, als ich mich daran erinnerte, dass mein Vater mir im Einkaufszentrum sehr nahe kam, genüsslich an mir roch und meinen Körperduft sichtbar genoss.Ich begriff, dass er meinen pheromonhaltigen Scheidensaft riechen konnte, der zu diesem Zeitpunkt ein Stück WC-Papier in meinem Tanga durchnäßt hatte. Als mein Vater sich von mir wünschte, dass ich gern öfter so riechen dürfte, blickte ich kurz zu meiner Mutter, die mich verschmitzt anlächelte und offenbar genau wußte, welchen Duft mein Vater meinte. Schlagartig stieg mir in dieser Situation ein Gefühl von Hitze zu Kopf und mein ganzes Gesicht kribbelte. Vermutlich färbte sich mein Gesicht in dieser Situation knallrot und meine Mutter wußte genau weshalb.Bei meinen Gedanken daran wurde mir erneut einwenig übel……aber dann dachte ich an die Tanzfläche im Dance-Palast.Da war dieser fremde Mann, den ich vor der Öffentlichkeit der Clubbesucher alles an mir machen ließ. ICH ließ ihn einfach ran… Oder war es doch ganz anders? Ließ ICH das alles zu? Hatte ICH wirklich die Kontrolle? Nein, denn eigentlich bestimmte er doch eher die Situation über mich.ICH gab gar nicht vor, was passieren sollte, dachte ich ehrlich zu mir, sondern der Fremde und die Zuschauer bestimmten vielmehr die Situation. Ich wehrte mich nur lediglich nicht dagegen, vielleicht auch, weil ich zunächst einwenig schockiert darüber war, dass mich dieser fremde Mann mit seinen fremden Händen plötzlich überall berührte, mein Top hochschob, meine Scheide massierte, seine Finger in mich eindrangen. Seine Hände hatten ein leichtes Spiel…, ich war nur spärlich bekleidet und trug keine Unterwäsche. Ich wirkte vermutlich, wie eines dieser wunderschönen Pornomodells auf xHamster.com. Ich stand weit gespreizt auf High-Heels, mit entblößten Brüsten und einer fremden Hand in meinem Rock und fremden Fingern in meiner Scheide vor einer Zuschauermenge, die begeistert johlte und meinen Orgasmus herbeiapplaudierte. Und… und… und irgendwann wollte ich diesen Orgasmus sogar, … direkt auf die Hand dieses Fremden, …vor allen Leuten, …mich ihnen präsentieren, …ihnen meinen Orgasmus zur Schau stellen… und ich wollte meinen Körper, meine Gefühle, meinen Willen, meine Scheide völlig in die kontrollierenden Hände dieses Fremden übergeben, …mich seinem Willen und dem der Menge ausliefern. Niemals zuvor hatte ich die Kontrolle durch einen anderen Menschen so sehr genossen, wie in diesem Moment auf der Tanzfläche in den Händen des Fremden. Und niemals zuvor hatte mich das Gefühl von Kontrollverlust so sehr erregt, …fast nackt und überall begrabscht vor den Augen der Zuschauer. Mir war klar, dass diese Gefühle verboten sind und auch alles, was ich auf dieser Tanzfläche mit mir machen ließ. Aber meine Gedanken daran erregten mich, denn mein Kitzler, meine Schamlippen und mein Scheideneingang wurden warm. Und danach auch mein ganzer Körper. Gedankenversunken streichelte ich mich mit den Fingern sanft rund um meinen Bauchnabel und dachte plötzlich, dass ich jetzt gern ein Nabelpiercing dort spüren würde, aber leider hatte meine Mutter mir das verboten. Meine Hand glitt runter bis zu meinen angewinkelten Beinen und dann zwischen meine Oberschenkel, während ich in Gedanken meinen Körper wieder den Zuschauern im Dance-Palast präsentierte……breitbeinig auf High-Heels, mit nach hinten überstrecktem Körper und hervorstehenden Rippen, meine Arme hinter dem Kopf des Fremden verschränkt, damit mein Körper für alle gut sichtbar ist und seine Hände mich überall ungehindert berühren können.Meine Hand erreichte nun meine Scheide und ich drückte mit meiner flachen Hand sanft auf meine Schamlippen und meinen Kitzler. Dieser leichte Druck meiner warmen Hand erzeugte ein Reiz, der blitzartig meinen ganzen Körper durchströmte, wodurch sich kurz alle Muskeln in mir anspannten und ich spürte, wie ich eine Gänsehaut bekam. Meine Scheide fühlte sich nach wenigen Sekunden heiß an. Als meine Finger meinen Kitzler berührten und ihn sanft und kreisförmig streichlten, breitete sich von dort ein Muskelflattern in meinem Bauch aus und mein Scheideneingang zog sich zusammen. Da war es wieder… dieses Gefühl… mein Scheideneingang begann zu jucken und zu kribbeln. Wieder verspürte ich das Verlangen, dass dort etwas in mich eindringt. Ich wollte unbedingt etwas in mir spüren und es in mir festhalten. Ein intensives Verlangen in mir, welches Kontraktionen meiner Scheidenmuskulatur verursachte, als wäre tatsächlich etwas in mich eingedrungen und müßte nun in mir festgehalten, oder tiefer in mich hineinsaugt werden. Meine Finger glitten nun tiefer zwischen meine Schamlippen und stießen dort auf warmen Scheidensaft, der, immer wenn ich sehr erregt bin, ziemlich flüssig wird. Nur wenn ich weniger erregt bin, fühlt es sich dort eher schleimig an. Ich drehte mich auf den Rücken und öffnete einwenig meine Schenkel. Sofort konnte ich spüren, dass ein Tropfen Scheidensaft von meinem Scheideneingang runter zu meinem Po auf meinen Schließmuskel lief. …und dann gleich noch ein Tropfen. Ich verrieb meinen Scheidensaft auf meinen Schamlippen, bis diese naß und glitschig waren. Dadurch spürte ich auch das Brennen der drei Kratzer wieder, welche die Fingernägel des Fremden auf meinen zarten, enthaarten Schamlippen hinterlassen hatten. Allerdings erregten mich diese schmerzlichen Erinnerungen seiner Berührungen an meiner Scheide eher.Vor einigen Stunden hatten mich dort…, an meiner intimsten Körperstelle, die Hände von mehreren Männern berührt, deren Namen ich nichtmal kenne… …und ich weiß, das war alles verboten… und es ist ganz sicher auch gefährlich. Niemand darf je davon erfahren.Bei diesen Gedanken bekam ich wieder eine Gänsehaut und mir wurde heiß und ich spürte weitere Tropfen, die aus meinem Scheideneingang runter zu meinem Schließmuskel und dann weiter auf mein Bett liefen.Dann dachte ich an meinen Freund Sascha. Ich brauchte ihn jetzt. Seine Nähe, seine Stärke, seinen warmen, gebräunten und rasierten Körper. Ich wünschte mir, dass er mich jetzt ganz fest umarmt und dachte so intensiv an ihn, dass ich glaubte in diesem Moment sogar seine Körperwärme auf meiner Haut zu spüren und seinen Körperduft riechen zu können. …ich brauchte jetzt körperliche Nähe, Wärme und Zärtlichkeit. Ich träumte davon mit Sascha nackt im Bett zu liegen. Von ihm fest umarmt zu werden. Nur wir zwei unter unserer Decke. Die Welt um uns herum könnte uns einfach egal sein.Diese Gedanken erzeugten in mir das Gefühl beschützt zu werden. Beschützt von Sascha. Ich brauchte Sascha jetzt.Ich stand aus meinem Bett auf und sofort lief ein Tropfen meines Scheidensaftes an meinem rechten Innenschenkel herab, den ich sofort mit meiner Hand dort verwischte. Auf dem Tisch in meinem Zimmer lag noch mein mit Scheidensaft verschmiertes Top und auch mein Minirock, auf dem zusätzlich einige Flecken meines Erbrochenen hafteten. Ich nahm mein Smartphone und bemerkte, dass im Browser noch meine Lieblingspornoseite xhamster.com geöffnet war. Ich hatte zuletzt Gangbang-Clips geschaut, die jeweils zierliche, junge Modells zeigen, die von einer Gruppe kräftiger, farbiger Männer gefickt wurden. Der noch geöffnete Clip zeigte ein wunderschönes, zierliches, junges , blondes Teen-Modell mit samtiger weißer haut, welches auf dem Rücken liegend von 4 durchtrainierten, farbigen Männern an Armen und Beinen festgehalten und gespreizt wurde, damit weitere Männer nacheinander und ungehindert, mit ihren ungewöhnlich großen Geschlechtsteilen, in sie eindringen konnten. Ich liebe den Anblick kräftiger, farbiger Männer und ihre wunderschöne, tiefbraune hautfarbe, …insbesondere, wenn sie beim Sex verschwitzt glänzen.Und weiße Teen-Modells sehen in keinem Moment schöner aus, als gespreizt und präsentiert in einer Gruppe farbiger Männer, die nacheinander in sie eindringen. Jeder der Männer fickte das Teen-Modell sehr lang, kräftig und tief. Ihre Fickstöße führten sie meistens bis zum “Anschlag” aus, so dass der Körper des Teen-Modells, ihre kleinen Brüste und ihre blonden Haare bei jedem Stoß erzitterten.Ich finde, dass ein zarter Frauenkörper, der von Fickstößen erschüttert wird, unglaublich ästhetisch und erotisch wirkt. Die Lenden der Männer stießen immer wieder kraftvoll gegen den Unterleib des Teen-Modells und erzeugten ein feuchtklatschendes Geräusch, unterlegt von einem kehligen, stöhnenden Ausatmen des Teen-Modells, vermutlich, weil sie mit jedem Stoß vollständig ausgefüllt und die Innenwände ihrer Scheide und ihres Unterleibs überall von dem großen Eindringling berührt und stimuliert wurden.Weil das Teen-Modell makellos weißhäutig war, konnte man in den Nahaufnahmen extrem gut erkennen, wenn die Männer mit ihren wunderschönen, großen, dunkelfarbigen Penissen die zarten, weißen Schamlippen des Teens auseinander drückten und wegen ihrer Größe weit spreizten. Bedingt durch die Spreizung ihrer Schamlippen trat ihr Kitzler aus dem Schutz seiner Hautfalte weit hervor und wurde von den eindringenden Penissen immer direkt berührt und gerieben. Sie spürte mit ihrem Kitzler und ihrem Scheideneingang vermutlich jede Ader und jede Unebenheit der großen, dunklen Eindringlinge.Am Anfang drang jeder erstmal langsam und cm für cm immer tiefer in das Teen ein, wobei ich mir vorzustellen versuchte, was sie in diesem Moment fühlte. Wie es wohl sein mochte, wenn so ein großer Penis in mich selbst eindringen würde…? …wenn mein Scheideneingang den Eindringling vollständig und fest umschließen würde und ich zwar sein langsames, aber doch kraftvolles und unaufhaltsames Inmichhineingleiten ganz genau fühlen könnte…? …wenn ich jede Ader am Penis und jede Hautfalte der Penishaut in mir spüren würde…? …wenn ich das Gleiten des Eindringlings entlang der Innenwände meiner Scheide, ja in meinem gesamten Unterleib bis zum Eingang meiner Gebärmutter spüren könnte…? …während mein Kitzler und meine Schamlippen am Schaft des Penis entlanggleiten würden, bis runter zu den Lenden des Mannes und bis sich unsere Körper schließlich direkt berührten und ich seine Hoden an meinem Damm und vielleicht auch an meinem Poloch fühlen könnte…?…und wenn mir in diesem Moment absolut klar werden würde, dass sich der Eindringling in diesem Moment in seiner vollen vorher gezeigten Größe nun vollständig und tief in mir befände…? …also das Körperteil eines anderen Menschen tief in meinem Körper steckt…?…und dann dieses Körperteil mich durch schnelles, kraftvolles Raus- und Hineingleiten stimulieren und aufgeilen würde…?…und mir klar würde, dass der Eindringling am Schluß unweigerlich seine Samenflüssigkeit tief in mich reinspritzen würde…?Wie würde sich das Abspritzen in mir wohl anfühlen…? Ob sich Sperma heiß anfühlt, wenn ein Mann in mir explodiert und in mich spritzt…? …oder ist es nur angenehm lauwarm…? Fühlt es sich danach naß und glitschig in mir an…? …oder absorbiert mein Unterleib das Sperma einfach…?Würde ich die Menge der fremden Körperflüssigkeit, die er in mich spritzt, überhaupt wahrnehmen können…?Und würde ich eigentlich den Druck spüren können, mit welchem der Eindringling in mir abspritzt…?Der bloße Gedanke daran, dass ein Mann, also ein anderer Mensch, mit seinem Penis tief in mich eindringt, sich in meinem Körper befriedigt und am Schluß seine Körpersäfte in mich hineinspritzt, erregte mich so sehr, dass ich mein Smartphone mit zitternden Händen festhielt, während ich den Clip weiterschaute, in welchem das Teen-Modell von diesen wunderschönen, kräftigen, farbigen Männern pausenlos penetriert wurde.Sie sah so makellos dabei aus, weil sie von vier Männern festgehalten, weit gespreizt und damit allen anderen Männern perfekt präsentiert wurde. Ich fand sie wunderschön und sie hatte sogar einen Hauch von Anmut, als sie von diesen kräftigen, farbigen Männern gefickt wurde und ihre großen dunklen Penisse tief in ihre samtige, zarte, weiße Scheide glitten. In solchen Clips sehen weiße Modells am schönsten aus und oft wünsche ich mich an die Stelle dieser Modells. Die anderen Männer in dem Clip traten nacheinander an das auf dem Rücken fixierte Teen-Modell heran und drangen nacheinander, übergangslos tief und kraftvoll in sie ein. Keine Pause. Kein Streicheln. Kein Kuss. Kein Wort. Keine Zärtlichkeit. Sie konnte nichts verhindern. Sie konnte nicht weggehen. Sie wurde festgehalten. Sie mußte jeden in sich eindringen lassen. Es war unausweichlich für sie. Sie mußte es einfach passieren lassen und konnte nur ihre Orgasmen nacheinander herausstöhnen.Ich dachte, vermutlich wird Sie die Eindringlinge leichter in sich aufnehmen, indem sie ihre Scheidenmuskulatur beim Eindringen kurz entspannt und sie dadurch leicht in sich hineingleiten läßt. Erst danach könnte sie den Eindringling fest umschließen, während er beginnt seine Fickstöße in ihr auszuführen. Der Gangbang würde für das Modell jedenfalls so lange dauern, bis sich alle Männer in ihr befriedigt und in sie reingespritzt haben. Zwischendurch konnte sie ihre Scheide nicht mehr vollständig schließen, wenn sich ein Mann aus ihr zurückzog. Und weil ihre Scheide daher bis zum Eindringen des nächsten Penis kurzzeitig offen stand, rann immer einwenig Sperma aus ihr heraus und floß über ihr Poloch. Dann drang der nächste große Penis in sie ein, wobei jedesmal einwenig Sperma zwischen ihren zarten Schamlippen und dem Penisschaft aus ihr herausgedrückt wurde. Sofort nach dem Eindringen begannen die Männer mit ihren harten Fickstößen. Beim Herausgleiten glänzten ihre dunklen Penisse wunderschön im Licht der Kamera durch die Mischung von Sperma mehrerer Männer und dem Scheidensaft des Teen-Modells. Ab und zu entstanden Spermafäden zwischen dem Poloch des Teen-Modells und den dunklen Hodensäcken der Männer, die manchmal mehrere Fickstöße lang sichtbar waren, um sich dann wieder als glänzende Feuchtigkeit auf der Scheide und dem Po des Teens und an den Hodensäcken der Männer abzusetzen. In dem Clip war gut erkennbar, wenn die Männer ihren Orgasmuns in ihr bekamen. Fast alle Männer stießen im Moment ihres Orgasmusses ein letztes Mal heftig gegen ihren Unterleib des Teens und verharrten tief in ihr, während sie das Teen an ihren Haaren oder Schultern zeitgleich zu sich heranzogen, um ihre Eindringtiefe in ihr zu fixieren. Gleichzeitig spannten sich Nacken- und Rückenmuskulatur der Männer deutlich sichtbar an und dann stöhnten schließlich auch die Männer tiefkehlig ihre Lust heraus. Da war er… der männliche Orgasmus. Durch diesen letzten harten Fickstoß, die sichtbar angespannte Muskulatur an Rücken, Nacken, Beinen, Oberarmen und Po der Männer, ihr rauher Griff an den Hals, die Schultern oder in die Haare des Teens, ihr tiefes, lautes Stöhnen und manchmal ein ruckartiges zurückwerfen ihres Kopfes mit einem gleichzeitigen kraftvollen, einzelnen, letzten Fickstoß, so als könnten sie noch tiefer in das Teen eindringen, das ließ den männlichen Orgasmus so viel kraftvoller und gewalttätiger erscheinen, als der weibliche Orgasmus des zierlichen Teens.In diesen Momenten filmte der Kameramann die vereinigten Geschlechtsteile manchmal aus der Nähe. Die großen Penisse der Männer steckten bis zum Anschlag in der Scheide des Teens und ihre glänzenden Schamlippen waren weit gespreizt. Die großen dunklen Hodensäcke der Männer hingen direkt vor dem Poloch des Teens und ich erkannte, wie sich die Hoden darin pumpartig hoben und sich wieder senkten, um sich gleich danach erneut zu heben, während sich die Hodensackhaut dazu im gleichen Rythmus zusammenzog und wieder entspannte, vermutlich, um das Herauspumpen der Samenflüssigkeit zu unterstützen. Das war er… der Moment, in welchem der Mann seinen Samen tief in das Teen spritzte. Jedesmal, wenn ich in dem Clip das Heben der Hoden sah, würde sie einen Spritzstoß in sich wahrnehmen. Und je nachdem wie oft sich die Hoden hoben, genau soviele Spritzstöße erhielt das Teen in ihren Körper. Bei manchen Männern hoben sich die Hoden 6 bis 7 Male… ich hab’ erregt mitgezählt. Das Teen quittierte jeden Spritzstoß mit einem sanften Stöhnen und bewegte zusätzlich ihr Becken, als wollte sie den Mann dazu animieren, wirklich restlos alles in sie reinzuspritzen. Wie mochte sich dieser Moment für eine Frau wohl anfühlen, überlegte ich? Ich hatte schon oft darüber nachgedacht. Ich hatte diesen Gangbang-Clip auf xhamster.com bereits unzählige Male angeschaut. Ich wurde jedesmal unglaublich heiß, wenn ich mich selbst an die Stelle dieses Teen-Modells träumte. Manchmal beneidete dieses Modell. Manchmal bewunderte ihre großartige Sexleistung. …aber mir war auch genauso oft wie ich diesen Clip geschaut hatte vollkommen klar, dass niemend meine Gedanken darüber verstehen würde. Nichtmal mein Freund Sascha. Ich selbst dachte ja schließlich auch, dass dieses Teen-Modell eine Schlampe ist… aber ich bewunderte und beneidete sie… nein, ….ich wünschte ich wäre sie!Aber das wird nie passieren… nein, …das darf niemals mit mir passieren!Immer direkt nach dem Abpumpen zogen die Männer schlagartig ihren Penis aus der Scheide des Teens. Ihre geröteten, inneren Schamlippen schlossen sich nicht mehr, sondern ließen für die Kamera einen Blick in ihren Unterleib zu, aus dem sofort Spermaflüssigkeit rann. Ihre samtige, rasierte Scheide, ihr Poloch und ihr Unterleib bis hoch zu ihrem Bauchnabel, glänzten von ihrem Scheidensaft und dem Sperma der Männer.Ihre Schenkel waren schweißnaß. Das zeigte mir, dass dieser Gangbang auch für das Modell eine körperliche Höchstleistung bedeutete, denn ihre Becken- und Scheidenmuskulatur wurden ununterbrochen beansprucht und sie bekam einen Orgasmus nach dem anderen. Sie war völlig außer Atem.Dem Kameramann blieben für die Nahaufnahmen ihrer Scheide nur wenige Sekunden, denn dann drang schon der nächste Mann tief in das Teen-Modell ein und alles begann erneut.Kapitel 5 – Endlich mein OrgasmusIch unterbrach den Gangbang-Clip an dieser Stelle, denn ich wußte, dass noch mehrere Männer folgen und das Teen-Modell ebenfalls hart ficken würden. Ich verließ die WebSite von xhamster.com, sah gedankenversunken aus dem Fenster und versuchte mir die Situation vorzustellen, wenn noch weitere Sicherheitsleute des Clubs in das Hinterzimmer dazugekommen wären, …wenn sie mich auch hemmungslos und überall berührt hätten, …wenn sie alle mit ihrem Fingern, ohne mich zu fragen, in meinen Mund und in meine Scheide eingedrungen wären…Mir machte dieser Gedanke Angst, denn DAS was in der letzten Nacht passierte, war KEIN Clip! Es war alles Realität! Ich saß nicht als Zuschauerin an einem Smartphone-Bildschirm…, das war alles echt! Es gab kein Drehbuch, …niemanden der “Film halt” gerufen hätte, …niemand, der auf mich aufgepaßt hätte. Trotzdem faszinierte mich dieser Gedanke irgendwie, weshalb ich nicht ausschließlich Abscheu dafür empfand.Ich saß immernoch nackt auf dem Stuhl an dem Tisch in meinem Zimmer. Meine Scheidenflüssigkeit war während des Gangbang-Clips auf die Sitzfläche unter mir getropft. Ich lehnte mich zurück, öffnete einwenig meine Schenkel und wischte meine Scheide und die Sitzfläche unter mir mit einem Taschentuch trocken. In meinem Zimmer roch es vermutlich nach verbrauchter Atemluft und meinem Scheidensaft, weshalb ich nackt ans Fenster trat und es einwenig öffnete. Auf dem Gehweg vor unserem Haus, sah ich dabei einen kleinen Fleck, genau an jener Stelle, an der ich letzte Nacht gesessen, geweint und Magensaft erbrochen hatte. Nun überfielen mich wieder Angstgefühle. Nicht wenige hatten gestern gesehen, was ich getan habe und auch das, was man mit mir getan hat. Irgendwo existieren jetzt sogar Fotos und Filme von mir. Ich war nackt, erregt und in eindeutigen Positionen. Niemand würde mich verstehen, wenn das bekannt wäre, alle würden mich als Nutte und Schlampe abstempeln, alle würden hinter meinem Rücken schlecht über mich reden. Sollten diese Filme und Bilder von mir irgendwie öffentlich werden, würde sie ganz sicher bald jeder auf sein Smartphone downloaden, weil es für alle die mich kennen eine Sensation wäre. Alle würden sie mich kopfschüttelnd anschauen und die Bilder von mir mit weiteren Freunden und Bekannten teilen. Es wäre nicht mehr aufzuhalten. Mein Leben würde sich dann total verändern und wahrscheinlich wäre es einfacher für mich, nach der Schule in der Anonymität einer anderen Stadt zu studieren oder zu arbeiten. Vielleicht pendik escort in Hamburg, was nicht all zu weit weg von hier wäre.Bis dahin aber würden mich Freunde, Bekannte, Verwandte, Lehrer und alle anderen mit anderen Augen ansehen und wahrscheinlich auch ihr Verhalten mir gegenüber verändern. Während ich über meine Probleme nachdachte, trat ein Mann unten auf dem Gehweg in mein Blickfeld. Er gehörte nicht zu unserer Nachbarschaft und führte einen wirklich schönen und gepflegten, sehr großen Rottweiler spazieren. An der Art, wie der Hund pinkelte, konnte ich erkennen, dass es ein Rüde war. Der Mann war mit einem hautengen, gelben T-Shirt und einer schwarzen Armeehose, sowie mit schwarzen Sneakern bekleidet. Unter seinem engen T-Shirt zeichnete sich ein muskulöser, trainierter Oberkörper ab. Er hatte einen blonden Stoppelhaarschnitt und trug eine eine schmale, schwarze Sonnenbrille , die seinen Gesichtsausdruck böse erscheinen ließ. Vor dem kleinen Fleck, den ich in der Nacht zuvor auf dem Gehweg hinterlassen hatte, blieben beide stehen und der Hund schnüffelte intensiv daran. Plötzlich schaute der Hund zu mir hoch und bellte zweimal mit tiefer Stimme, woraufhin auch sein Herrchen in meine Richtung schaute. Mich traf der Schlag und mein Herzschlag pochte bis in meinen Hals. Ich stand steif am Fenster wie eine griechische Statue.In meine Gedanken versunken hatte ich völlig vergessen, dass ich immernoch vollkommen nackt am albgeöffneten Fenster stand.Der Mann grinste mich direkt an, während sein Hund bellte und in Richtung unseres Hauseingangs laufen wollte, aber sein Herrchen hielt ihn zurück und befahl laut “”. Der Hund gehorchte ihm sofort. Dann schaute der Mann wieder zu mir hoch, hob eine Hand und ich konnte durch mein geöffnetes Fenster deutlich die Worte “ und “” hören. Seine Stimme traf mich wie ein Blitz…, denn ich kannte diese Stimme, …ich hatte diese Stimme erst kürzlich irgendwo gehört…Steif wie eine Marionette hob ich ebenfalls eine Hand und wollte zurücklächeln, aber es gelang mir nicht. Mit versteinerter Mine nickte ich nur zurück. Danach standen wir drei uns noch einige Sekunden gegenüber und sahen uns an, ehe ich vom Fenster zurücktrat und unsere Blicke trennte.Ich wartete einige Sekunden lang und schaute erneut, diesmal aber geduckt, aus dem Fenster. Beide, der Mann und sein Rottweiler, standen immernoch da und schauten zu mir hoch. Schließlich nickte der Mann mehrmals langsam und gedankenversunken, wandte seinen Blick wieder auf meinen Fleck auf dem Gehweg und nahm seine Sonnenbrille ab. Danach schaute er ein letztes Mal hoch zu meinem Fenster und setzte schließlich seinen Weg langsam fort.Ich beobachtete ihn, bis er schließlich aus meinem Blickfeld verschwand. Danach sank ich vor meinem Fenster zu Boden. Ich hatte das Gefühl keine mehr Luft zu bekommen und mein Kopf fühlte sich taub an. Geschockt und nackt saß ich unter meinem Fenster auf dem Fußboden und starrte vor mich hin. Ich war mir absolut sicher: Der Mann dort unten auf dem Gehweg vor unserem Haus war der Chef der Scurity-Männer aus dem Dance-Palast. Ich war vor Angst wie gelähmt, …er war ganz dicht vor unserem Haus, …es war also nicht vorbei, …ich werde nicht in Ruhe gelassen…Aber warum?Wollte er überprüfen, ob ich wirklich hier wohne? Wollte er wissen ob es mir gut geht? Wollte er sich für das Verhalten seiner Männer bei mir entschuldigen? Oder…wollte er etwa mit meinen Eltern sprechen? Oh Gott, hoffentlich tut er das nicht! Hoffentlich will er nicht mit meinen Eltern sprechen, dachte ich.Andererseits… er hätte eben die Gelegenheit und alle Zeit der Welt dazu gehabt, … aber er tat es nicht, er betrachtete stattdessen interessiert meinen nackten Körper…Das passierte mir nun schon zum zweiten Mal…Das war ungewollt, ungeplant und es ist einfach passiert. Und als er mich ansah, konnte ich meinen nackten Körper nicht sofort seinen Blicken entziehen, sondern habe mich von ihm und seinem Hund anblicken lassen, denn ich war wie erstarrt, als ich ihn erkannte… Und noch etwas machte mir Angst……denn sein Hund erschnüffelte zunächst meine weiblichen Geruchsstoffe an meinem Fleck auf dem Gehweg und schaute danach zielgerichtet zu meinen halb geöffneten Zimmerfenster und bellte. Er zeigte dadurch seinem Herrchen an, wohin er blicken mußte. Das empfand ich als gruselig.Was dachte dieser Mann jetzt? Was hatte sein Nicken zu bedeuten? Wird er wiederkommen? Will er nochmal Kontakt zu mir aufnehmen?In meinem Kopf überschlugen sich die Gedanken und die Unterleibsschmerzen vom Vortag kehrten auch allmählich zurück und ich spürte wieder das Jucken in meinem Scheideneingang. Ich setzte mich zurück an den Tisch in meinem Zimmer und dachte an Sascha. Ich brauchte ihn jetzt, seine starken Arme, seinen Geruch, seine warme Haut. Am Smartphone öffnete ich What’s App und schrieb an Sascha: “Überraschend prompt kam die Antwort: “Ich antwortete ihm: Er schrieb zurück: Dazu sandte er mir ein Selfie von sich auf seinem Motorrad und einem Strandabschnitt an der Nordsee im Hintergrund, zu dem wir mit Freunden öfter mal fahren. Darauf ich: Abschließend antwortete er: Jetzt hatte ich vor Freude Herzklopfen. Ich hätte Sascha jetzt sofort an den Hals fallen können und ihn überall küssen, streicheln und spüren wollen. Ich schaute nochmals sein Selfie an und küßte es, dann legte ich mein Smartphone zurück auf den Tisch. In diesem Moment entdeckte ich die Visitenkarte der Taxi-Fahrerin, die von meinem Minirock halb verdeckt auf dem Tisch lag. Die Karte wirkte zwar edel, aber es war dennoch sofort erkennbar, dass sich auf ihr Informationen über das sexuelle Nachtleben unserer Stadt befanden. Sie war hochglanzlaminiert und in komplett schwarzer Grundfarbe. Die Schrift war in Glanzweiß abgedruckt und umrahmt von roten Piktogrammen wie Herzen, Kusslippen, Rosen, Masken und Handschellen. Ihr Text lautete: Auf der Rückseite war das Foto eines wunderschönen, schlanken Teen-Modells abgedruckt. Sie war bis auf schwarze High-Heels völlig unbekleidet und ihr Gesicht war unkenntlich verpixelt. Sie hatte lange, blonde Haare und ihre Scheide war rasiert und gut sichtbar, weil sie einwenig gespreizt auf ihren High-Heels stand. Aber das Besondere an ihr war… sie trug Handschellen…! Ich schaute einige Minuten lang auf dieses gefesselte Mädchen und dachte darüber nach, wie sie dort hingekommen sein mochte. Was war wohl mit ihr passiert, dass ihr Foto, auf dem sie nackt und mit Handschellen gesselt zu sehen war, auf der Rückseite der Visitenkarte eines Escortservice abgedruckt ist. War das in ihrem Sinne? Tut sie das freiwillig? Macht ihr das Spaß? Oder ist es ihr einfach passiert und ihr blieb keine Wahl? Ich selbst hatte erlebt, dass ich in der vorangegangenen Nacht in eine Situation geriet, die ich nicht mehr steuern und kontrollieren konnte. Was mochte sie dabei fühlen, dass andere Menschen darüber bestimmen, wann, mit wem und wie oft sie Sex hatte? Und was, wenn ein Kunde sexuelle Sonderwünsche äußert, würde sie wirklich NIEMALS nein sagen?Es fiel mir schwer mich in eine solche Welt hineinzudenken. Dem Anschein nach war dieses Mädchen kaum älter als ich und arbeitete bereits für einen Escortservice, während ich sogar noch Jungfrau war. Ich legte die Karte in meinen Nachtschrank, zog mir meinen kurzen, weißen Kimono an und ging nach unten in die Küche. Dort lag ein kleiner Zettel, den meine Mutter für mich hinterlassen hatte. Ihre Nachricht lautete:Diese Nachricht kam mir sehr entgegen. So würde ich später mit Sascha völlig ungestört sein. Ich holte eine Gießkanne aus dem Keller, füllte sie mit Wasser und ging nach draußen zum Gehweg vor unser Haus. Ich schaute vorher links und rechts, ob sich jemand nähert, weil mein Kimono einwenig durchsichtig ist und ich nackt darunter war. Als niemand kam spülte ich meinen bereits angetrockneten Fleck mit Wasser zumindest einweig weg. Der Fleck war danach zwar noch sichtbar, aber nicht mehr so offensichtlich. Den Rest würde der nächste Regen, den wir hier an der See sehr häufig haben, schon wegwaschen. Nun bemerkte ich, dass vorüberfahrende Autos in Höhe unseres Hauses langsamer fuhren. Die Insassen, egal welchen Geschlechts, starrten mich an. Mir war sofort klar, dass ich in meinem Kimono wohl sehr sexy aussah, zumal die Silouette meines Körpers durchschimmern dürfte. Diese Aufmerksamkeit anderer Menschen empfand ich eigentlich immer als erregend. Ich ließ mich sonst gern beobachten, aber nach der letzten Nacht, fühlte ich mich jetzt unwohl und entblößt, weshalb ich zügig ins Haus zurückkehrte. Ich hatte immernoch keinen Hunger und ging sofort ins Bad, um mich für Sascha vorzubereiten. Ich wollte ihm gefallen und er sollte mir nicht wiederstehen können. Ich wünschte mir, dass er mich sofort in seine Arme schließt. Ich wollte seine Nähe spüren und seinen Körper fühlen. Ich duschte sehr lang und wusch mir intensiv mein Poloch und meine Scheide. Die Kratzer auf meinen Schamlippen brannten nicht mehr. Zusammen mit einwenig Seifenschaum drang ich mit meinen Fingern immer wieder in mein Poloch und in meinen Scheideneingang ein. Dadurch wurde ich zwar erregt, gönnte mir aber dennoch keine Fingermassage meiner Scheide, weil ich keine Zeit verlieren wollte. Alles an mir sollte sauber sein und ich wollte auch in meinen Körperöffnungen wunderschön durften. Ich rasierte meine Achseln langsam vom Ansatz meines zarten Trizeps, über meine Achselhöhle bis runter zum Ansatz meiner Brüste. Kein Haar, keine Stoppel sollte stören. Ich wollte eine samtige Haut. Danach rasierte ich meine Beine vom Fußrücken zum Knöchel, dann hoch bis zum Knie und anschließend über meine Schenkel bis zur Lende und zum Po. Meine Scheide brauchte ich nicht rasieren. Sie war nach der Laserhaarentfernung immer absolut haarlos und samtweich. Ich feilte meine Finger- und Fußnägel, zupfte meine Augenbrauen und hatte dabei die ganze Zeit ein Zahnweissmundwasser im Mund. Dann bürstete ich mir während des Föhnens meine langen Haare glatt, die sich durch die Spülung davor nun wunderschön weich anfühlten. Abschließend trug ich eine Bodylotion der Marke Playboy auf, die meine Haut weich und duftend machte und schminkte mich mit meinem pinken Lippgloss und mit Eyeliner. Ich zog mein Bauchkettchen an, sowie meine Halskette mit Playboyanhänger und passend dazu meine goldenen Ohrringe in Form kleiner Kettchen. Als Kleidung wählte ich meinen schwarzen Minirock, ein hautenges, schwarzes , ärmelloses Top, welches kurz unterhalb meiner Brüste endete und meine schwarzen High-Heels. Auf Unterwäsche verzichtete ich. Als ich mich so im Spiegel im Schlafzimmer meiner Eltern betrachtete, war mir eines sofort klar, nämlich dass Sascha und ich sehr schnell Sex haben würden. Kein Junge, kein Mädchen, kein Mann, keine Frau kann diesem Anblick lange widerstehen, dachte ich. Und dann war es wieder da. Mein Scheideneingang kribbelte und juckte. Wieder dieses Gefühl, dass mich dort etwas berühren und in mich eindringen müsse. Dieses Gefühl breitete sich wieder bis in meinen Unterleib aus. Dazu empfand ich ein flattern und zittern in der Magengegend, welches sich von dort in meinem Körper soweit ausbreitete, dass ich Gänsehaut bekam und zu zittern begann. Als ich dann aber meine Arme hob und mich vor dem Spiegel streckte, nahm das Flattern und Zittern in mir deutlich ab. Aber durch die Streckung konnte ich im Spiegel beobachten, wie mein Mini-Rock und mein Top hochgerutscht waren. Diesen Anblick fand ich selbst derart erotisch, dass ich spürte, wie sich an meinem Scheideneingang wieder Tropfen bildeten. Ich ging schnell ins Bad und wischte mir meine Scheide mit WC-Papier trocken. Wieder konnte ich es riechen… meine Scheide verströmte wieder ihren Geruch, den mein Vater so betörend an mir findet…Dann hörte ich endlich Saschas Motorrad vor dem Haus. Es war das typisch hochfrequente Drehzahlgeräusch seiner Straßenmaschine eines japanischen Herstellers. Ich rückte meinen Mini-Rock wieder zurecht und ging zügig ins Erdgeschoß und als ich mit meinen High-Heels noch auf der Treppe war, klingelte es auch schon.Und endlich, nach dem Öffnen der Haustür stand Sascha vor mir, größer als ich, kräftiger als ich und er trug seine schwarz-weiße Motorradkombination, die ihn durch die Protektoren noch impulsanter erscheinen ließ. Er musterte mich mit hochgezogenen Augenbrauen und weit geöffneten Augen von oben bis unten und sagte: Ich ließ ihn seinen Satz nicht beenden, sondern umklammerte sofort mit beiden Armen seinen Hals und küßte ihn auf den Mund. Da er noch seinen Helm in der einen Hand hielt, konnte er mich nur mit einem Arm umfassen. Dennoch hob er mich scheinbar mühelos hoch und trug mich durch den Türrahmen nach drinnen, während wir uns weiter küßten. Mit dem Fuß stieß er die Haustür hinter sich zu. Ich konnte fühlen, dass mein Top hochgerutscht war und meine zarte Haut nun direkt den derben Stoff seiner Motorradkombination berührte. Dann löste sich Sascha von meinem Mund und schaute mir mit entzücktem Gesichtsausdruck tief und schweigend in die Augen, woraufhin ich flüsterte: “Danach schaute er mir einige Sekunden lang mit ernster Mine in die Augen, um dann seinen Blick langsam an mir runter wandern zu lassen. Zuerst verharrte sein Blick auf meinem lasziv geöffneten Mund, danach auf meinen Hals und dann, während er vor mir langsam in die Knie ging und seine freie Hand sanft meinen Rücken hinunterglitt, auf meinem hochgerutschten Top, meinen Brüsten, meinem Bauch, bis sein Blick schließlich auf meinem Minirock direkt in Höhe meiner Scheide stoppte, während seine Hand zeitgleich auf meinem Po anhielt. Er legte seinen Helm auf dem Fufboden neben mir ab und drückte mit seiner nun freigewordenen, zweiten Hand gegen die Innenseite meines linken Oberschenkels. Ich verstand sofort und stellte meine Beine etwas auseinander. Dabei schaute ich an mir herunter und empfand mein eigenes Aussehen unglaublich erotisch.Durch meine High-Heels stand ich wie auf Zehenspitzen vor Sascha und das auch noch mit leicht gespreizten Beinen. Mein Minirock war einwenig hochgerutscht und der obere Saum hatte dadurch eine Fingerbreite Abstand zu meinem Bauch bekommen, weshalb ich noch schlanker wirkte. Darüber ruhte mein Bauchkettchen locker auf meinen Beckenknochen. Meine Rippen drückten durch meine samtige Haut und waren gut sichtbar geworden und der untere Saum meines hochgerutschten Tops befand sich kurz unterhalb meiner Brustwarzen. Links und rechts hingen meine langen, blonden Haare über meinen Schultern. Der gesamte Anblick meines Körpers, also mit gespreizten Beinen auf High Heels stehend und meinem hochgerutschten Top und meinem hochgerutschten Mini, wodurch längst erkennbar war, dass ich keine Unterwäsche trug, ließ mich ganz sicher in den Augen jedes Mannes absolut ungeschützt und leicht zu überwältigen erscheinen. Kein Mann könnte solch einem Anblick widerstehen…kein Mann und vielleicht auch keine Frau, dachte ich.Ich fühlte mich als stünde ich völlig unbekleidet vor Sascha, während er in seiner Motorradkombination vor mir hockte. Dieser Umstand erregte mich zusätzlich so sehr, dass mein Scheideneingang zu brennen begann. Meine Schamlippen fühlten sich kribbelnd-kitzelnd an, so dass ich den Wunsch verspürte, dass Sascha mich dort berührt. Sascha näherte sich mit seinem Gesicht meiner Scheide und atmete tief ein. Zwischen seinem Gesicht und meiner Scheide war nur noch der untere Rand meines hochgerutschten Mini-Rocks. Ich verschränkte meine Arme hinter meinem Kopf und atmete dabei tief und leicht zitternd ein, wodurch mein Top nun vollständig hochrutschte und den Blick auf meine Brüste freigab. Damit signalisierte ich Sascha, dass ich ihm meine Scheide, meine Brüste und meinen ganzen Körper zu seiner freien Verfügung übergab. Seine Hände sollten mit mir tun dürfen, was immer er will. Ich fühlte mich in diesem Moment ausschließlich seinem Willen untergeordnet und meine Erwartungen dessen, was er nun mit mir tun würde, verstärkte das Kribbeln und Jucken in meinem Scheideneingang.Dann zog er meinen Unterleib näher zu sich, indem er mit einer Hand sanft und bestimmt gegen meinen Po drückte, wodurch ich meine Scheide seinem Gesicht quasi entgegenstreckte. Sascha atmete abermals den Duft meiner Scheide tief ein, während seine andere Hand meinen linken Oberschenkel hinaufglitt und meinen Mini-Rock gänzlich hochschob. Gespreizt befand sich nun meine nackte Scheide unmittelbar vor seinem Gesicht. Ich fühlte mich ungeschützt, unterlegen und zitterte vor Erregung.“” hörte ich ihn flüstern und dann gab er mir einen innigen Kuss auf meinen flachen Bauch direkt oberhalb meiner Scheide.In diesem Moment spürte ich, wie sich ein Tropfen meiner Scheidenflüssigkeit von mir löste und vermutlich auf Saschas Motorradkombination tropfte, denn er hatte mich soweit zu sich gezogen, dass ich gespreizt über seinen Knieen stand. Dann griff er mit der rechten Hand an die Unterseite meines linken Oberschenkels und dirigierte mein linkes Bein über seine rechte Schulter, während er mit der anderen Hand meinen Unterleib noch weiter zu sich heran zog. Nun befand sich meine Scheide unmittelbar vor Saschas Mund und ich fühlte seinen warmen Atem auf meinem Unterleib und an meinen Schamlippen. Ich bekam eine Gänsehaut, atmete tief ein, so dass meine Rippen hervortraten und hielt vor Erregung meinen Atem an. Ich ließ meine Arme hinter meinem Kopf verschränkt und schaute nach oben an die Decke. Dann schloß ich meine Augen und bettelte den Himmel förmlich darum an, dass Sascha nun meine Schamlippen und meinen Kitzler berührt. Er atmete abermals meinen Scheidenduft ein und dann spürte ich einen Kuss auf der Innenseite meines linken Oberschenkel, direkt neben meiner Scheide. Danach folgte ein Kuss auf meinen Venushügel. Ein Druckgefühl und Kribbeln strahlten von meinem Kitzler und meinem Scheideneingang aus in meinen ganzen Unterleib. Meine Magengegend begann zu flattern und zu zittern und ich atmete stöhnend aus.Danach blieb ich kurzatmig. Meine Gänsehaut fühlte sich am ganzen Körper brennend heiß an und ich glaubte das Aufstellen meiner Körperhärchen überall spüren zu können. Dann konnte ich fühlen wie sich weitere Tropfen von meinem Scheideneingang lösten und herabtropften. Ich streckte meine Scheide Saschas Mund nun entgegen, woraufhin Sascha die Haut über meinem Kitzler mehrmals kräftig ansaugte und dann mit einem Schmatzgeräusch wieder aus aus seinem Mund entließ. Dann schaute er zu mir hoch sagte grinsend: Danach stellte er mein linkes Bein wieder auf den Boden und zog meinen Mini-Rock runter bis zu meinen High-Heels. Ich stützte mich auf Saschas Schulter ab und stieg aus meinem Rock. Dabei konnte ich sehen, dass ich das linke Bein seiner Motorradkombination naßgetropft hatte, die nun an dieser Stelle glänzte. Beim Aufstehen glitten Saschas Hände beidseitig an meinen Körper hoch und schoben dabei den Stoff meines Tops hoch und über meinen Kopf. Meine langen Haare verfingen sich einwenig in diesem zarten Kleidungsstück, weshalb ich mit beiden Armen über meinem Kopf meine Haare aus dem Stoff zu lösen versuchte, während Saschas Hände dabei beidseitig an meinem Körper nach unten glitten und fest meine Po-Backen ergriffen. Noch während ich mit der Entwirrung meiner Haare zu tun hatte, zog mich Sascha an sich und hob mich an meinen Pobacken spielend leicht hoch, während ich gleichzeitig seinen Körper mit meinen Beinen umklammerte. Als ich meine Haare befreit hatte, ließ ich mein Top fallen und umklammerte Saschas Hals. Wir küssten uns lang und derart heftig, dass sich nicht nur unsere Zungen, sondern auch unsere Zähne berührten und einige Tropfen unseres vermischten Speichels über mein Kinn und meinen Hals, bis zu meinen Brüsten herablief.Dann setzte er mich wieder ab. Von meinem Scheidensaft glänzte seine Motorradkombination nun auch im Bereich seines Bauches. Sascha bemerkte meinen Scheidensaft auf seiner Kombi und wischte mit seinem Zeige- und Mittelfinger durch den Fleck, den meine Scheide hinterlassen hatte. Dann führte er die Finger mit meinem Scheidensaft unter seine Nase, schloß die Augen und atmete tief und genüßlich meinen Duft ein. Danach öffnete er seine Augen, stellte Blickkontakt zu mir her, um dann langsam und genüßlich seine Finger sauber zu lutschen… und dass, während er mir dabei tief in die Augen sah. Dieser Anblick brachte meinen Unterleib wieder zum Flattern und mein Scheideneingang kribbelte unaufhörlich. Ich spürte auch wieder Scheidenflüssigkeit, die aus meiner Scheide rann und weil ich nicht mehr gespreizt stand, lief mir ein Teil meines Saftes an meinen Innenschenkeln entlang. Sascha drehte mich ruckartig an meinen Schultern um und schlug mit der flachen Hand auf meinen Po, wobei er laut und im Befehlston sagte: “Ich beugte mich einwenig vor und streckte Sascha frech meinen Po entgegen und antwortete lächelnd: und prompt bekam ich einen zweiten, sanften Schlag von Sascha auf meinen Po und danach gleich noch einen dritten, sehr fest ausgeführten Schlag. Durch die drei Schläge spürte ich mein Herz schneller schlagen und obwohl ich äußerlich frech und vergnügt zu wirken versuchte, war ich innerlich doch einwenig erschrocken, denn ich konnte mich nicht erinnern, wann ich je von jemanden geschlagen wurde. Dann ging ich auf meinen High-Heels und ansonsten splitternackt vor Sascha her und die Treppe hinauf. Es fühlte sich schmutzig und erniedrigend an, so nackt und nur mit High-Heels bekleidet den Befehlen von Sascha zu folgen, der seinerseits immernoch seine schwere Motorradkombination trug und mir nochmal einige, leichte Schläge mit der Hand auf meinen Po gab. Nach jedem seiner Schläge führte ich einen kurzen, aber schnelleren Schritt aus, auch weil ich bei jedem Schlag einwenig erschrak.Aber diese Situation erregte mich auch, dieses Gefühl der Unterlegenheit und der Auslieferung. Er, der einen freien Blick selbst auf meine intimsten Körperstellen hatte und mich überall ohne Rücksicht und Scham berühren durfte, während ich einem überlegenden, vollständig bekleideten Mann, zierlich und nackt gegenüber stand. Durch das Treppensteigen verteilte sich mein Scheidensaft einwenig auf den Innenseiten meiner Beine, aber ich konnte den Saft nicht mit meinen Händen verwischen, weil ich mich wegen meiner High-Heels am Geländer festhalten mußte, während Sascha dicht hinter mir in seinen Motorradstiefeln, anders als ich, feste und sichere Schritte auf der Treppe vollzog. Sascha griff mir auf der Treppe wiederholt von hinten zwischen meine Beine, an meine Schenkel und an meinen Po. Dazu sagte er frech und weiterhin in einem lauten Befehlston: “antwortete ich, während Saschas Hand erneut auf der Innenseite meiner Schenkel aufwärts in Richtung meiner Scheide glitt.Und dann sagte er in einem ernst gemeinten Ton zu mir: ”Ich behielt meine Rolle bei und antwortete kühl: “In meinem Zimmer angekommen stieß mich Sascha direkt auf mein Bett. Ich drehte mich sofort um und setzte mich ihm zugewandt und breitbeinig an den Rand meines Bettes. Diese Sitzposition fühlte sich erregend und erniedrigend für mich an, denn ich ich präsentierte mich abermals völlig nackt, weit gespreizt und durch meine High-Heels quasi auf Zehenspitzen, während er mich von oben herab genüßlich betrachtete. Ich hörte mich unterwürfig sagen: woraufhin Sascha vor mir niederkniete, mit beiden Händen meinen Kopf ergriff und mich zu sich heranzog.Während wir uns tief und wieder intensiv küßten, streichelten Saschas Hände sanft meine Oberarme und meine Schultern. Als Sascha meine nackten Brüste berührte und streichelte, explodierte ich innerlich vor Erregung. Meine Brüste erzeugten im ersten Moment ganz kurz ein Gefühl, als würde ich gekitzelt und sofort darauf spannten meine Brüste und meine Brustwarzen wurden hart und prall. Ich zuckte wegen dieses schönen Gefühls in meinen Brüsten zusammen und atmete leicht stöhnend aus, woraufhin Sascha kurz innehielt und mich anlächelte. Dann glitten seine Hände auf meinen Rücken und im weiteren Verlauf hinunter zu meinem Po. Mit einem festen Griff zog Sascha meinen Körper ruckartig und kraftvoll zu sich, direkt an seine Motorradkombi, so dass ich nun noch breitbeiniger vor ihm saß und Sascha sich nun zwischen meinen gespreizten Beinen befand. Mein nackter Körper, meine Brüste, meine Scheide und meine Schenkel berührten nun direkt seine Motorradkombi. Durch die weite Spreizung meiner Beine in dieser Sitzposition, verbunden mit dem hohen Anstellwinkel meiner Füße, natürlich verursacht durch meine hohen Absätze, fühlte ich mich jetzt nicht nur präsentiert, unterwürfig und ausgeliefert, sondern, bezogen auf die Körperkraft von Sascha, wie sein zierliches Sexspielzeug. Dieses Gefühl ähnelte irgendwie meinen Empfindungen, die ich im Dance-Palast hatte, als ich von den beiden Männern der Securitiy breitbeinig an der Wand fixiert und dann entblößt, begrabscht escort pendik und fotografiert wurde. Aber jetzt hier auf meinem Bett war es anders…, ich wollte alles was hier passierte und ich mochte dieses Gefühl der Auslieferung.Aber ich wollte noch mehr…, ich wünschte mir geradezu, dass mein Körper Sascha zur Verfügung steht und ich glaube, er hätte in diesem Moment wirklich alles mit mir tun können, …was immer er wollte.Ich war ihm also tatsächlich irgendwie ausgeliefert, aber ich traute mich nicht, ihm das noch deutlicher zu signalisieren.Fest an ihn gedrückt, küßten wir uns immer wilder. Unsere Zungen umspielten einander und versuchten die jeweils andere Zunge zu umschlingen, einzuhaken und festzuhalten. Die weiche Haut meiner Schenkel, meiner Brüste, meiner Arme, ja nahezu meines ganzen Körpers, spürte bei jeder unserer Bewegungen den rauhen, kräftigen Stoff der Motorradkombination. Auch dies erregte mich, weil ich mich schutzlos fühlte, während Sascha einen gepolstertem Schutzanzug trug. Ich zog den Reißverschluß seiner Kombi langsam von oben herunter, was er sichtlich genoß, sich einwenig zurücklehnte und meine Hände beobachtete, bis sie mit dem Zipper in Höhe seiner Lenden ankamen. Von dort drang ich beidhändig tief in seine Kombi ein und spürte sofort seine enorme Körperwärme. Er trug kein T-Shirt drunter. Seine weiche, rasierte Haut fühlte sich so wundervoll an. Meine Hände zitterten vor Aufregung. Er schwitzte… kein Wunder, denn es war ja ein warmer Sommertag. Da Sascha frisch geduscht roch, empfand ich seinen Schweißgeruch als sehr angenehm. Immer, wenn ich Saschas frischen Schweiß rieche, bekomme ich zunächst ein Kribbeln in der Nase, danach verteilt sich dieses Kribbeln meistens über meinen ganzen Rücken, ich bekomme eine Gänsehaut, friere sogar manchmal und mein Scheideneingang zieht sich spürbar zusammen. Ich zog meine Hände aus seiner Kombi zurück und führte sie vor mein Gesicht, um seinen Geruch einzuatmen… und ja, da war es sofort…genau dieses Gefühl…mein Rücken kribbelte und meine Scheide zog sich zusammen. Während ich Sascha tief in die Augen sah, leckte ich seinen Schweiß von meiner rechten Handfläche ab, während ich mit der linken Hand meinen Scheidensaft auf meinen Schamlippen verrieb und das verstärkte meine Erregung noch. Sascha schmeckt so geil…dachte ich.Meine Hände fuhren weiter an seinem Körper abwärts und öffneten dabei immer weiter den Reißverschluß seiner Kombi. Immer mehr seines wundervollen rasierten, gebräunten, straffen Körpers wurde für mich sichtbar und ich spürte mehr und mehr den Druck und dieses Kribbeln an meinem Kitzler, meinem Scheideneingang und im Inneren meines Unterleibs. Ich streichlte seinen Oberkörper und fühlte seine Muskeln und seine Anspannung und ich bemerkte, dass auch er vor Erregung einwenig zitterte. Im Gegenzug fuhren seine Hände beidseitig und ausgehend von meinen Knieen, meine gespreizten Oberschenkel hinauf und glitten schließlich streichelnd auf deren Innenseite. Diese Berührung meiner Innenschenkel erzeugte in mir einen heftigen Reiz, so als bekäme ich einen elektrischen Schlag. Das Gefühl war derart intensiv, dass ich refelxartig meine Beine zu schließen versuchte und Saschas Körper und seine Hände dadurch zwischen meinen Schenkeln einklemmte und festhielt.Als würde er mich um Einlaß bitten, küßte er mich sofort wieder auf meinen Mund und als sich unsere Zungen erneut berührten, öffnete ich für ihn wieder meine Schenkel und gewährte ihm Zugang zu meiner Scheide. Seine Finger glitten nun beidseitig, jeweils auf den Innenseiten meiner Schenkel, langsam und zärtlich nach oben in Richtung meiner Schamlippen, während ich mich aufs Bett zurückfallen ließ und meine Arme über meinen Kopf legte, um zu genießen, was jetzt folgte. Sascha legte seine warme Hand auf meine Schamlippen und begann sanft meine Scheide zu streicheln. Ich spürte das Verlangen mich ihm ganz hinzugeben, mich ihm auszuliefern und spreizte meine Beine soweit ich es nur konnte.Dann glitt einer seiner Finger zwischen meine inneren Schamlippen und streichelte dort hin und her. Ich konnte in diesem Moment nur noch einmal ausstöhnen, biß mir auf meine Lippen, atmete tief durch die Nase ein und hielt schließlich meinen Atem an. Ganz kurz drang ein Finger in mich ein rutschte sofort wieder aus mir heraus. Der Eindringling kam und ging so schnell und überraschend, dass ich einmal laut stöhnte und sich mein Scheideneingang zusammenzog und pulsierte, bevor ich wieder tief einatmete und erneut meinen Atem anhielt. Dann beugte sich Sascha direkt über meine Scheide und begann mich dort mit beiden Händen zu verwöhnen. Ich spürte, dass er erneut mit einem Finger in mich eindrang und dabei gleichzeitig meinen Kitzler reizte, indem er mit den Fingern der anderen Hand immer wieder sanft über ihn striff. Die Berührungen an meinem Kitzler waren zunächst sehr langsam und zärtlich, dann etwas schneller und dann mit mehr Druck. Diesen Druck spürte ich in meinem ganzen Unterleib und als dieser Finger in mir im Takt tiefer in mich vordrang und wieder aus mir herausglitt, bewegte ich mein Becken im gleichen Takt mit und atmete stöhnend dazu.Es fühlte sich erleichternd und irgendwie befreiend an, dass endlich etwas in mich eingedrungen war.Während ein Finger weiter meinen Kitzler streichelte, umkreiste und ab und zu leicht drückte, ruhte der Finger der anderen Hand plötzlich ganz still in meinem Scheideneingang. Ich spannte meinen Scheideneingang und die Muskulatur meines ganzen Unterleibs an, um diesen Finger fest zu umschließen, in mir festzuhalten und zu Bewegungen in mir zu animieren. Ich sehnte mich danach, dass dieser Finger damit begann, sich in mir zu bewegen. Schließlich “verstand der Finger” die Signale meiner Scheide und antwortete endlich wieder mit Bewegungen. Zunächst krümmte sich der Finger nach unten und berührte meine untere Scheidenwand, in Höhe meines Damms. Weiterhin gekrümmt drehte sich der Finger nach oben und rieb meine obere Scheidenwand, direkt hinter meinem Kitzler.Von dort aus breitete sich blitzartig eine Hitzewelle in meinem ganzen Körper aus, während sich gleichzeitig meine Scheiden-, Becken- und Bauchmuskulatur krampfartig anspannte. Ich schaffte es nicht mehr meine Augen zu öffnen und wie von selbst hob sich mein ganzer Oberkörper an. Stöhnend atmete ich tief und lang aus, bis meine Lunge vollständig entleert war und ich schaffte es nicht, erneut einzuatmen.Saschas Fingerbewegungen an meinem Kitzler und in meiner Scheide wurden schneller und ich spürte, wie sich das brennende Kribbeln in einen wunderschönen, muskulären Druck in meiner Scheide und in meinem Unterleib verwandelte.Ich hatte immernoch nicht eingeamtet und mußte mich schließlich aufrichten. Erst danach konnte ich einmal tief einatmen, um mit einem lauten Stöhnen wieder auszuatmen.Nun war ich soweit… mein ganzer Körper bebte… ich bekam einen wunderschönen Orgasmus. In einem weiteren, tiefen und langem Atemzug holte ich wieder Luft, um meinen Atem erneut und mit gefülltem Brustkorb anzuhalten, während mein Oberkörper zurück aufs Bett fiel.Meine Beinmuskulatur verhärtete sich, weshalb sich meine Beine wie von selbst ausgestreckten und weit gespreizt vom Boden in die Luft erhoben. Gleichzeitig streckten sich auch meine Füße in eine Spitzfußstellung. Meine Arme, die ich zuvor lasziv über meinem Kopf auf dem Bett abgelegt hatte, um Sascha zu signalisieren, dass mein Körper ihm frei zur Verfügung steht, spannten sich nun ebenfalls an und verschränkten sich mit geballten Fäusten vor meinen Brüsten. Meine Muskulatur in Bauch und Unterleib vollzogen heftige Kontraktionen und genau im Rythmus dieser Kontraktionen nickte ich mit meinem Kopf, wodurch ich rythmisch mit dem Kinn gegen meinen Brustkorb stieß. Wahrscheinlich sah ich in diesem Moment aus, als würde ich völlig verkrampfen.Tatsächlich breitete sich in mir aber ein unbeschreibliches Wohlgefühl aus, so dass ich die Anspannung meiner Muskulatur gar nicht wahrnahm, sondern nur eine Leichtigkeit empfand und ich mich glücklich fühlte. Sascha hatte meinen Orgasmus natürlich bemerkt und rieb davon motiviert meinen Kitzler fester und schneller, während er mit zwei Fingern seiner anderen Hand tief in mir meine obere Scheidenwand massierte. Dadurch klang mein Orgasmus viele Sekunden lang nicht ab, sondern blieb auf hohem Level. Ich hielt meine Augen geschlossen. Auf dem schwarzen Hintergrund meiner Augenlieder, sah ich rote, violette und gelbe Punkte und Flächen, die fließend ineinander waberten. Dazu fühlte ich die Muskulatur meines Scheideneingangs, wie sie Saschas Finger in mir ganz fest umschloß, wodurch ich seine Fingernägel, Hautfältchen und Fingergelenke ganz deutlich in mir fühlen konnte. Als mein Orgasmus dann abklang, entspannten sich meine Muskeln ziemlich schnell wieder. Gleichzeitig wurden Saschas Berührungen meiner Scheide wieder langsamer und zärtlicher.Erst jetzt, viele Sekunden später, setzte meine Atmung tief und kraftvoll wieder ein, mein Kopf sank zurück aufs Bett, ich legte meine Arme wieder über meinen Kopf, stellte meine Beine wieder auf den Boden, blieb aber weit gespreizt und mit geschlossenen Augen vor Sascha liegen. Sascha streichelte meine Scheide nun sehr sanft und küßte und leckte zärtlich meine Schamlippen, während ich mich dabei erholte und langsam wieder zu Atem kam.Ich empfand eine tiefe Zufriedenheit und fühlte mich in den Händen von Sascha unglaublich wohl und sicher. Das aufdringliche Kribbeln und Jucken in meinem Scheideneingang war plötzlich verschwunden.Gedanklich und mit geschlossenen Augen folgte ich nun den zarten Berührungen von Saschas Zunge, die plötzlich meine Scheide berührte und sich dort warm und feucht anfühlte und quasi die Arbeit einer sanften Entspannungsmassage verrichtete.Er leckte mit der Zungenspitze meinen Damm und dann mit der gesamten Fläche seiner Zungenoberseite meine linke Schamlippe entlang bis zu meinem Kitzler.Dann erreichte sein Mund den Übergang zwischen meiner linken Schamlippe und meinem linken Innenschenkel und saugte sich dort fest, um dann schmatzend wieder loszulassen. Danach saugte er meine linke Schamlippe fest an und zog an ihr, um abermals schmatzend loszulassen. Seine Zunge glitt hoch zu meinen Venushügel, den er mit seiner gesamten Zungenfläche intensiv leckte. Danach formte sich seine Zunge wieder spitz und tastete sich zu meinem offen geformten Kitzler vor, der, das konnte ich sogar spüren, durch die Spreizung meiner Beine etwas hervorstand. Zuerst drückte seine Zungenspitze direkt auf meinen Kitzler und weil ich dort durch meinen Orgasmus noch empfindlich war, mußte ich einmal laut stöhnen und meine Bauchmuskulatur spannte sich sofort an. Sofort unterbrach die Zungenspitze ihre Berührungen an dieser Stelle, um dann etwas unterhalb meines Kitzlers zwischen meine Schamlippen vorzudringen und von dort nach oben, zurück in Richtung meines Kitzlers, zu gleiten. Mir blieb der Atem stehen. Meine Bauchmuskulatur spannte sich erneut an. Ich spürte diesen fast schmerzenhaften Druck, der von meiner empfindlichen Kitzlerzone in meine Schamlippen, meinen Bauch und sogar bis in meine Beine ausstrahlte. Dann erreichte die Zungenspitze vorsichtig und einwenig zitternd wieder meinen Kitzler und drückte nochmal direkt auf diese meine empfindlichste Stelle. Mit geballten Fäusten verschränkte ich wieder ruckartig meine Arme vor meiner Brust, hob wie ferngesteuert meinen Kopf, mußte laut Ausstöhnen und preßte meine Beine zusammen. Da ich zuvor vom Wichsen meines Scheideneingangs durch die beiden Finger von Sascha wohl etwas Luft in meinem Unterleib bekommen hatte, entwich mir versehentlich in diesem Moment ein kleiner Muschifurz und ich fühlte, dass auch einwenig von meinem Scheidensaft nach draußen gedrückt wurde und mir über meinen Damm auf mein Poloch lief. Entsetzt öffnete ich meine Augen und sah Sascha direkt an, der sich seinerseits sofort aufrichtete und meinen Blick direkt und frech lächelnd erwiderte. Ich hörte mich stottern:Diese Situataion war mir unglaublich peinlich, aber Sascha antwortete frech grinsend: ““Kaum hatte ich meine Beine wieder weit geöffnet, beugte sich Sascha mit frechem Gesichtsausdruck wieder runter zwischen Beine und biß mit sanften Druck auf meine Scheide, so dass ich einwenig schmerzhaft fühlen konnte, wie seine Unterkieferzähne über meine Schamlippen nach oben glitten und die Zähne seines Oberkiefers ihnen über meinen Venushügel entgegenkamen. Die 3 Kratzer, die die Fingernägel des Fremden im Club auf meinen Schamlippen hinterlassen hatten, erzeugten plötzlich einen ziehenden, brennenden Schmerz und als sich seine Zähne meinem Kitzler näherten, wurde das Schmerz- und Druckgefühl derart intensiv, dass ich schmerzerfüllt lachen mußte, meine Beine anwinkelte und Saschas Kopf mit beiden Händen von meiner Scheide wegschieben wollte. Sofort richtete sich Sascha mit frechem Blick auf, während ich lachend meine Beine vor ihm zusammenzog um meine Scheide vor ihm zu schützen. Während ich noch lachen mußte reagierte Sascha mit einem Befehlston und sagte laut: “ Ich gehorchte ihm, jedoch imernoch lachend und präsentierte ihm erneut meine Scheide. Sofort setzte er sein Werk fort und biß zart in meine linke Schamlippe, danach in meine rechte. Danach folgte ein sanfter Biß in meinen Kitzler, gefolgt von einem kräftigen Einsaugen meines Kitzlers. Mühevoll, mit zusammengepreßten Zähnen, geschlossenen Augen und weiterhin lachend, versuchte seine Bisse auszuhalten und gespreizt zu bleiben.Wieder glitten und kratzten seine Zähne rythmisch über meine Schamlippen und meinen Kitzler. Meine Atmung wurde heftiger und paßte sich seinem Beißrythmus an. Ich fühlte Hitze in meinen Schamlippen und meinem Scheideneingang aufkommen. In meinen Brüsten und in meinem Unterleib kam erneut jenes Druckgefühl auf, dass sich wie vor meinem vorherigen Orgasmus sehr angenehm anfühlte und ein Verlangen nach Befriedigung in mir erzeugte. Ich spürte wieder ganz bewußt meinen Scheideneingang und das Verlangen, dass dort etwas in mich eindringt. Mir blieb die Luft weg, als ich Saschas Zunge auf meinem Poloch spürte, die dort meinen Scheidensaft aufleckte. Danach glitt seine Zunge über meinen Damm zu meinem Scheidengang, wischte zunächst ein paar Male flächig über meine beiden Schamlippen und drang dann spitz geformt einige cm tief in mich ein. Die Zunge bewegte sich geschmeidig in meinem Scheideneingang hin und her und drang dann spitz noch etwas tiefer in mich ein. Dann fuhr die Zunge hoch direkt auf meinen Kitzler und begann diesen zu massieren. In diesem Moment konnte ich ganz deutlich meine Brüste, meine Brustwarzen, meinen Unterleib, die Innenwände meiner Scheide und meinen Magen spüren. Alles in mir fühlte sich zwar angespannt aber auch irgendwie leicht und schwebend an, so als würde ich fliegen.Ich sah wieder die Farben vor meinen geschlossenen Augen und dann hörte ich mich selbst laut und tief stöhnen. …mein zweiter Orgasmus…Dieses “zweite Mal” stöhnte und atmete ich meine Gefühle einfach frei und hemmungslos heraus. Ich verschränkte nicht mehr meine Arme schützend vor meinem Körper, meine Muskulatur spannte sich nicht mehr krampfartig an, ich zeigte keine Reflexe mehr durch die sich meine Beine anzuwinkeln und zu schließen versuchten um meine Scheide zu schützen, sondern ich stöhnte Sascha hemmungslos und laut an, präsentierte ihm weiter gespreizt Scheide und ließ ihn alles an mir machen… massieren, lecken, saugen, beißen, eindringen… und ich stöhnte dazu laut.Sascha bemerkte es offenbar, als mein Orgasmus schließlich wieder abklang, denn seine Zunge leckte allmählich wieder sanfter und flächig, anstatt druckvoll mit der Zungenspitze. Wiederholt küßte er zwischendurch sanft meine Schamlippen, meinen Venushügel und ganz sanft und zart auch meinen Kitzler, um gleich danach wieder sanft zwischen meinen Schamlippen hindurch zu lecken. So hat Sascha meine gereizte Scheide noch einige Zeit lang sanft massiert, während ich mich dabei von meinen beiden Orgasmen erholen konnte. Wie lang dies dauerte, kann ich unmöglich nachvollziehen, denn ich hatte zwischenzeitlich jegliches Zeitgefühl verloren. Kapitel 6 – Mein erster BlowjobIrgendwann bekam ich jedenfalls Lust etwas zu tun, von dem ich schon als junge Teenagerin immer geträumt hatte. Ich hatte es schon oft in Pornofilmen auf xHamster.com gesehen und schaue mir dort speziell diese Sexpraktiken regelmäßig an, um anschließend davon zu träumen und mir vorzustellen, wie es wäre, wenn ich so etwas anstelle des Modells tun dürfte. Sehr oft sehe ich mir nämlich Pornos mit hübschen Teenager-Modells an, wenn sie z. B. von einer Gang oder von wesentlich älteren Männern regelrecht benutzt werden und dabei nahezu in jedem dieser Clips mehrere Blowsjobs vollziehen, um schlußendlich Sperma ins Gesicht oder in den Mund gespritzt zu bekommen.Diese Szenen habe ich ständig in meinem Kopf und oft bin ich durch meine Gedanken daran sehr erregt. Ich hatte noch nie einen echten Penis in meinem Mund und frage mich ständig, wie sich ein steifer Penis in meinem Mund wohl anfühlt? Wie schmeckt er? Wie fühlt es sich wohl für mich an, wenn ein Mann durch meinen Blowjob einen Orgasmus in meinem Mund bekommt?Jetzt…genau jetzt… wollte ich sowas mal real erleben. Ich richtete mich auf und blickte Sascha direkt in die Augen. Dann, ohne dass wir irgendwelche Worte wechselten, beugte ich mich vor in Richtung von Saschas Schoß.Er verstand sofort und lehnte sich nahezu synchron zu meinen Bewegungen zurück und spreizte seine Beine für mich, um Raum zu schaffen, damit ich mich vor ihm niederknieen konnte.Ich küßte sanft seinen Bauch und leckte seinen Nabel. Er roch wunderschön nach seinem süßlichen Duschgel.Seine Haut fühlte sich warm und weich an. Durch seine Motorradkombi, die er nochimmer trug, war seine Hautoberfläche leicht verschwitzt, aber sein Schweißgeruch war nicht eklig, sondern erregte mich. Ich bemerkte die Erregung von Sascha, denn aus dem Augenwinkel konnte ich trotz seiner Motorradkombi klar erkennen, dass er einen steifen Penis hatte. Außerdem klang sein Atem zitternd und unregelmäßig und zwar immer genau dann, wenn ich mit meiner Zungenspitze seinen Bauch entlang bis zu seinen Brustwarzen leckte, um sie dann mit meinen Lippen zu umschließen und an ihnen zu saugen. Einige Male zwickte ich seine Brustwarzen, indem ich sie mit meinen Schneidezähnen einklemmte und sanft an ihnen zog, wobei jedesmal Saschas Bauchdecke erzitterte, er seinen Kopf zurück in den Nacken legte und tief ausatmete. Dann streichelte ich Sascha sanft vom Bauch ausgehend über seine Rippen bis hoch zur Brust und ließ meine Hände beidseitig unter seine Schulterpolster gleiten, während ich ihm tief in die Augen schaute und ihm andeutete, dass er seine Motorradkombi ausziehen solle. Ohne unseren direkten Augenkontakt zu lösen, stand Sascha vor mir auf, während meine Hände dabei von seinen Schultern über seine Brust und seinen Bauch und schließlich aus seiner Motorradkombi herausglitten.Dann zog er seine Stiefel, seine Motorradkombi und seinen Herrenslip vor mir stehend aus, während ich vor ihm kniete und sich mein Gesicht direkt vor seinem Schritt befand.Sascha war jetzt vollständig nackt. Er sah wunderschön aus. Ich liebe den Anblick nackter Männer, wenn diese athletisch geformt, rasiert und gebräunt sind. Es mußte in der Motorradkombi wirklich sehr warm gewesen sein, denn seine Hautoberfläche glänzte ein wenig verschwitzt, aber Sascha verströmte einen wundervollen, männlichen Körpergeruch. Sein Geruch und sein glänzender Körper weckte in mir den Wunsch mich an ihm zu reiben, mich anzukuscheln und seine Haut zu lecken.Ich kniete etwas gespreizt vor Sascha, woraufhin er sich ganz nah vor mich, zwischen meine Beine, stellte.Ich umfasste seine Beine und streichelte sanft seine Waden, seine Kniekehlen und die Rückseite seiner Oberschenkel, wobei ich ein leichtes Vibrieren in seinen Beinen wahrnahm. Sascha war sehr erregt und sein Körper zitterte einwenig in Erwartung meiner Berührungen. Sein schönstes Körperteil befand sich aber direkt vor meinem Gesicht… sein wunderschöner Penis. …und weil ich dieses wunderschöne Körperteil ununterbrochen und wie hypnotisiert betrachtete und nicht in der Lage war, meinen Blick auch nur eine Sekunde lang davon abzuwenden, nahm ich alles andere um uns herum nur noch peripher war. Sein Penis war bereits zu ¾ steif und befand sich auf Höhe meiner Augen. Da Sascha sich offenbar vollständig nackt gebräunt hatte, zeigte sein Penis eine Bräunung ohne Unterbrechung zum Rest seiner Körperbräunung. Sogar sein Hodensack war gebräunt. Rückblickend betrachtet würde ich heute schätzen, dass sein Glied etwa 15 – 16 cm lang und 4 – 4,5 cm dick war… also nicht zu groß, aber auch nicht zu klein. Und da sein Glied absolut gerade gewachsen und sein Hodensack straff geformt war, empfand ich Saschas Geschlechtsteil als wunderschön. Durch die Versteifung war seine Vorhaut bereits halb zurückgezogen. Saschas Penis stand wunderschön präsentiert vor meinen Augen und glänzte, ganz anders als der Rest seines Körpers, komischerweise nicht verschwitzt, sondern zeigte eine scheinbar weiche, samtige Hautoberfläche.Ich beugte mich nur wenige cm vor und befand mich mit meinem Gesicht schon an Saschas Lende und schaute mir sein Geschlecht nun ganz nah von der Seite an. Dann berührte ich seinen Penisschaft mit meiner Nase, direkt am Ansatz oberhalb seines Hodensacks und atmete seien Geruch tief in mich ein. Dieser Duft war eine wunderbare Mischung aus seinem süßlichem Duschgel, einwenig Schweiß und der Eigengeruch seines Penisses und weil ich noch einige weitere Atemzüge dieses Duftes einsog, bemerkte ich an mir, dass das Kribbeln und Jucken in meinem Scheideneingang dadurch zurückkehrte.Ich folgte mit meiner Nase dem Verlauf des Penisschafts bis zur Eichel und atmete dabei weiter tief seinen Geruch ein, wobei meine langen, genüsslichen Atemzüge für Sascha deutlich hörbar waren. Als ich die Eichel erreicht hatte, schaute ich kurz hoch und bemerkte, dass Sascha seine Augen geschlossen hatte und seinen Atem anhielt. Gleichzeitig war sein Penis nun voll ausgesteift und stand in voller Größe schräg aufwärts. Seine Vorhaut hatte sich nun bis zum Eichelsaum zurückgezogen und vorn aus seinem Pissloch quoll ein Tropfen eines klaren Saftes, der nach wenigen Sekunden zwar einen Faden abwärts bildete, so als würde er nun herabtropfen, aber dennoch am Pissloch der Eichel hängenblieb und nicht auf meinen Körper oder zu Boden tropfte. In solchen Momenten sieht das männliche Geschlecht einfach am schönsten aus. Ich liebe ohnehin den Anblick von Penissen und Hodensäcken über alles und schaue oft Clips auf xhamster.com, die die männliche Ejakulation zeigen und denke, dass es kein schöneres oder perfekteres Körperteil an den Menschen gibt. Aber wenn darüber hinaus ein Penis steif ist, mit zurückgezogener Vorhaut und aufgepumpter Eichel aus der auch noch ein Saftfaden vor Geilheit heraushängt und wenn der Penis dazu so wunderbar duftet wie jetzt Saschas, erregt das bestimmt jede Frau und jede Frau wünscht sich dann den Penis ganz sicher tief in sich.Dieses Gefühl hatte ich genau in diesem Moment. Aber ich wollte diesen Penis auch mit meinem ganzen Körper spüren, berühren, streicheln, mich an ihm reiben, lecken und seinen Geschmack aufnehmen. Ich beugte mich wieder vor und küßte Sascha sanft auf seine Lende, woraufhin er tief ausatmete. Dann wandte ich mein Gesicht seinem Penis zu und kuschlte sanft mein Gesicht und meine Haare an ihm. Die weiche Haut des steifen Penisschafts und des Hodensacks fühlte sich wunderschön in meinem Gesicht an.Nun streichelte ich Saschas Geschlecht mit meinem ganzen Gesicht, indem zunächst meine Stirm, dann meine linke Wange, meine Nase und letztlich mein Mund an ihm entlangrieben und dann wieder zurück bis zu meiner Stirn, um schließlich die gleiche Streichelbewegung erneut auszuführen. Sascha atmete dabei heftig. Diesen Moment nahm ich wie einen Traum war. Noch nie war ich einem männlichen Penis so nah, konnte ihn so intensiv berühren, seinen Geruch aufnehmen, mich an ihm reiben, seine Weichheit spüren. Während mir das bewußt wurde, vollzog ich immer heftigere Kopfbewegungen. Ich wälzte mich regelrecht an Saschas Penis und Hodensack, bis ich schließlich begann, Saschas Geschlechtsteil mit meinem Kopf anzubocken, woraufhin er einen halben Schritt zurückgehen mußte, um die Situation zu unterbrechen.Erschrocken sah ich zu ihm auf. Sascha lächelte mich frech an, trat wieder direkt vor mein Gesicht, ergriff einhändig meine langen, blonden Haare und drehte seine Hand in meinen Haaren so ein, so das er einen festen Griff und Kontrolle über meinen Kopf bekam. Schließlich preßte er sein Geschlechtsteil gegen mein Gesicht und mit kreisenden Hüftbewegungen streichelte er nun seinerseits mein Gesicht mit pendik escort bayan seinem Penis und seinem Hodensack. Dabei atmete Sascha erneut tief und laut ein.Den Faden aus seiner Penisflüssigkeit und weitere Tropfen, die aus seinem Pissloch nachquollen, verschmierte er nun durch seine Bewegungen auf meiner Stirn und in meinen Haaren. Plötzlich unterbrach Sascha seine Hüftbewegungen und trennte mein Gesicht von seinem Penis.Durch noch festeres Drehen meiner Haare, wandte er mein Gesicht aufwärts, so dass ich Sascha zwangsläufig direkt ins Gesicht schaute. Ich konnte seinen Penissaft auf meiner Stirn und auf meiner Nase fühlen.Er lächelte nicht mehr, sondern schaute mir mit versteinerter Mine sekundenlang in die Augen. Ohne meine Haare aus seinem Griff zu entlassen, trat er um mich herum, wodurch ich mich knieend mit ihm mitdrehen mußte, während er mich wie ein Spielzeug, bis zu meinem Bett, hinter sich her zog.Er setzte sich aufs Bett und zog mich an meinen Haaren an sich heran, zwischen seine gespreizten Beine. Dann sagte er leise, aber in einem Befehlston:“Dann zog er meinen Kopf zu sich und drückte mein Gesicht gegen seinen Hodensack, der sich wunderschön weich anfühlte.Sascha entließ meine Haare aus seinem Griff und fügte hinzu:und ließ sich schließlich zurück aufs Bett fallen, während ich ihm antwortete: Sascha war ein wunderschöner Anblick. Er lag jetzt genauso da, wie ich wenige Minuten zuvor.Er lag mit geschlossenen Augen und gespreizten Beinen vor mir und sein steifer Penis und sein Hodensack, die ich nun von unten betrachten konnte, befanden sich wieder direkt und ganz nah vor meinem Gesicht. Ich konnte dadurch genau die Konturen seiner Hoden erkennen, die sich unter der Haut seines Hodensacks abzeichneten. Ich betrachtete die Adern an seinem Penis und seine glänzende, aufgepumpte Eichel aus deren Pissloch wieder ein klarer Saft quoll und am Penisschaft herablief. An Saschas Innenschenkeln erkannte ich ein leichtes zittern, so erregt war er. Ich wollte ihn spüren und berührte seine Innenschenkel mit meinen Lippen und meinem Gesicht. Sascha zuckte schlagartig zusammen. Wie zur Beruhigung küßte ich seine Innenschenkel und rieb wieder mein Gesicht sanft an ihm, allerdings ohne seinen Penis dabei zu berühren. In diesem Moment kam in mir wieder das Verlangen auf, Sascha vollständig zu spüren, seinen Körperduft zu riechen, seine Körperwärme zu fühlen. Bei allem was ich tat, ließ ich Saschas Penis keinen Moment aus den Augen. Dieser Anblick ließ mich selbst wieder feucht werden und erneut spürte ich ein Flattern und Kribbeln in meiner Scheide und in meinem Bauch.Während meiner Liebkosungen konnte ich deutlich sehen, wie sich Saschas Penis pulsierend aufpumpte.Beim Gucken von Pornoclips ist dies immer genau jener Anblick, in welchem ich diese unglaubliche Geilheit in mir verspüre und mir wünsche, dass der gezeigte Penis in mich eindringt und ich ihn in mir spüre. Genauso war es auch jetzt. Am liebsten hätte ich Sascha gebeten tief in mich einzudringen, andererseits wollte ich unbedingt meine Fantasie von einem Blowjob ausleben. …jetzt! …hier in meinem Zimmer!Saschas Penis zeigte seine wunderschönste Stellung, die ein Penis haben kann. Steif, aufgerichtet, prall.Seine Vorhaut war nun vollständig zurückgezogen und gab den vollständigen Blick auf diese wunderschöne pralle, glänzende Eichel frei, auf deren Pissloch wieder ein dicker Tropfen zitterte. Die Adern seiner Vorhaut waren ebenfalls prall und traten deutlich sichtbar hervor. Dieser wunderschöne Anblick hatte etwas magisches für mich. Zuerst berührte ich Saschas zitternden Penis mit meiner Nasenspitze am Hodenansatz und glitt sanft und zärtlich am Schaft nach oben bis zur Eichel. Nochmal nahm ich seinen Penisduft in tiefen Atemzügen in mich auf. Durch meine Atemzüge hauchte ich Saschas Penis unweigerlich lauwarm an, woraufhin ich hörte, dass Sascha nun viel tiefer und erregter atmete und sich seine Bauchdecke heftig hob und senkte. Er bebte vor Lust. Dann rieb ich erneut meine Wange sanft an Saschas Penis. Dabei spürte ich wie sich sein Penis kurz anspannte und sich dadurch kurzzeitig auch dicker anfühlte. Sofort danach trat noch mehr Saft aus seinem Pissloch aus. Der Saft lief mir auf meine Nase und Wange. Der Gedanke daran, dass ich noch mehr von Saschas Penissaft auf meinem Gesicht verschmiert hatte, ließ nun bei mir fühlbar Scheidenflüssigkeit austreten. Schließlich küßte ich Saschas Penis sanft und stupste ihn mit meiner Zunge an, wodurch ich ein erneutes Anspannen und Aufpumpen seiner Eichel beobachten konnte und weiterer Saft an ihm herunterlief. Ich leckte einwenig herabfließenden Saft am Penisschaft mit meiner Zunge auf. Saschas Saft schmeckte wie leicht gesalzenes Wasser und war nicht ganz so flüssig, aber trotzdem sehr angenehm auf der Zunge. Nicht nur mit meiner Wange, sondern auch mit meiner Zunge nahm ich diesen unbeschreiblichen Gegensatz war: Saschas Penis war bretthart aufgepumpt, aber seine Penishaut fühlte sich auf meiner Zunge und an meiner Wange samtweich an.Ich setzte die zärtliche Erkundung mit meiner Zungenspitze fort und erreichte seinen Hodensack, dessen einwenig faltige, weiche und warme Haut ich mit meiner Zungenspitze sanft leckte. Ausgehend von seiner Eichel, lief nun erneut Flüssigkeit am Penis herunter, die ich frech und mit der kompletten Breite meiner Zunge, nach oben hin ableckte. Dann saugte ich etwas Sackhaut ein und Sascha stöhnte sofort auf. Als ich seinen Sack etwas fester leckte, fühlte ich mit meiner Zunge und meinen Lippen seine beiden Hoden. Zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben fühlte ich die Hoden eines Mannes, die etwas kleiner als Hühnereier waren. Ich saugte durch die Sackhaut einen der Hoden vorsichtig an und entließ ihn wieder, so wie ich es in Pornoclips oft beobachtet hatte. Ich konnte nicht anders und mußte seine Sackhaut auch mit meinen Zähnen spüren. Ich empfand einen unerklärlichen Drang Sascha dort einwenig zu beißen. Also saugte ich erneut etwas Sackhaut an und biß leicht zu, ohne die Haut zu verletzen, um gleich danach mit sanften Kaubewegungen fortzufahren. Dabei ließ ich mir Zeit und erforschte auf diese Weise seinen gesamten Hodensack. Und dann traute ich mich auch einen seiner Hoden in meinen Mund einzusaugen und mit meinen Zähnen sanft zu umschließen. Nun war einer von Saschas Hoden in meinem Mund gefangen. Das fühlte sich unglaublich an und ich dachte daran, dass sich in diesem Hoden gerade ein Teil des Spermas befindet, welches er mir nachher vielleicht in meinen Mund spritzen würde. Sascha hielt sofort seinen Atem an, als ich mein Gebiß etwas fester um seinen Hoden schloß. Dann saugte ich an dem Hoden in meinem Mund und Sascha stöhnte plötzlich laut auf. Ich vermute, dass ihm mein Saugen an seinem Hoden einwenig weh tat. Von dieser Situation wurde ich total aufgegeilt, denn ich hatte den Hoden eines Mannes fest und vollständig mit meinen Zähnen umschlossen. Er erfuhr dadurch Schmerzen und er konnte nichts dagegen tun, außer sich still zu verhalten. Sascha spreizte sogar seine Beine noch einwenig weiter, als wollte er sich mir ergeben. Dabei atmete er flach und angestrengt weiter. Dann entließ ich den Hoden aus meinem Mund und saugte den anderen ein, um ihn ebenfalls mit meinen Zähnen sanft zu umschließen. Nach einigen Sekunden erhöhte ich meinen Beißdruck einwenig. Das mußte Sascha deutlich und schmerzhaft gespürt haben, denn er stellte wieder seine Atmung ein und öffnete seine Beine noch weiter. Dadurch schienen wir miteinander zu interagieren, denn ich steuerte Saschas Körper in diesem Moment einwenig mit meinen Zähnen. Ich konnte aus meiner Position wunderbar über Saschas nackten Körper schauen und seine Bauchdecke beobachten. An ihr sah ich, wann Sascha große Erregung und Anspannung fühlte. Er hatte zwischenzeitlich seine Arme über seinem Kopf abgelegt und überließ mir seinen Körper.Nachdem ich Saschas Hoden noch ein paar Mal mit meinen Zähnen und auch meiner Zunge zart gequetscht und dabei interessiert seine Schmerzreaktionen beobachtet hatte, entließ ich seinen Hoden wieder aus meinem Mund und leckte meinen eigenen Speichel, vermischt mit Saschas Penissaft, von seinem Hodensack ab.Danach biß ich erneut zärtlich in die Haut seines Hodensacks und dann auch weiter oberhalb in seinen Penisschaft. Mit Beiß- und Kaubewegungen arbeitete ich mich an seinem Penis bis nach oben zur Eichel vor, aus deren Pissloch weiterer Saft floß. Sascha spannte seinen Penis an und unterbrach wieder seine Atmung, als ich mit meinen Zähnen an seiner Eichel nagte. Dann leckte ich mit gespitzter Zunge den Saft aus seinem Pissloch und biß mehrere Male hinter den Saum seiner Eichel und zog dann mit leichtem Beißdruck meine Zähne auf der Eichel bis zum Pissloch zurück. Dabei quoll immer neuer Saft aus seinem Pissloch, den ich sofort ablutschte. Es gefiel mir mit Saschas Penis verspielt umzugehen und ihn dadurch bis zum Platzen aufzugeilen. Auch den Saft aus Saschas Pissloch zu lecken, fühlte sich für mich so an, als wäre ich gerade ein Modell in einem Pornofilm. Schließlich ergriff ich Saschas Penis mit meiner rechten Hand und nahm ihn in einen festen Griff.Sascha hatte zwar keinen Monsterpenis, aber die Finger meiner Hand konnten seinen Penis dennoch nicht komplett umschließen. Er war irgendwie wie mein neues Spielzeug in meinem Leben und fühlte sich wunderschön in meiner Hand an. Endlich und zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben hielt ich einen steifen Penis in meinen Händen. Ein Penis, der in seiner königlichsten Stellung vor mir stand und mir von seinem Besitzer vollständig zur Erkundung und Benutzung überlassen wurde, …erregt, …pulsierend, …zitternd …und permanent drang Geilsaft aus seinem Pissloch hervor. Dieser Anblick war so überwältigend. Ich werde diesen Moment nie vergessen. Ich nahm die Eichel von oben vollständig in meinen Mund auf und saugte nun fest daran. Sofort stöhnte Sascha auf und weiterer Saft trat aus dem Pissloch aus und floß in meinen Mund. Ich saugte so fest ich konnte und begann rythmisch meinen Kopf vor- und zurück zu bewegen, woraufhin Saschas Atemzüge tief und schwer wurden. Dann leckte ich sanft seine Eichel, um sie gleich darauf wieder fest zu saugen und seinen Saft erneut aufzunehmen, während ich gleichzeitig mit meiner rechten Hand seine beiden Hoden umfaßte und sanft knetete.Während ich seine Eichel saugte kratzte ich mit meinen Fingernägeln seinen Schaft entlang bis ganz nach unten, um meine Fingernägel abschließend in die Hodensackhaut zu drücken, woraufhin Sascha die Luft anhielt und seinen Bauch vorstülpte.Ich probierte einige Minuten lang alles an Saschas Penis aus, was mir so einfiel und lernte dabei irgendwie auch den Umgang mit dem männlichen Geschlecht.Mir wurde dabei klar, dass ich gar nicht so besonders vorsichtig mit einem Penis umgehen muß, sondern eigentlich alles damit machen darf. ….es ist tatsächlich genauso, wie mit meiner Scheide.Dann machte ich weiter und leckte Saschas Eichel wieder und begann seinen Penis langsam und mit sanftem Griff auf und ab zu wichsen. Ab und zu saugte ich seine Eichel kurz an und leckte sie danach weiter. Sascha stöhnte tief und spannte seinen Penis wieder an. Dass konnte ich in meiner Hand deutlich spüren. Während des Wichsens hielt er komplett die Spannung in seinem Penis aufrecht und seine Eichel sah dadurch die ganze Zeit wunderschön glänzend und voll aufgepumpt aus. Instinktiv wichste ich schneller und leckte mit gespitzter Zunge immer wieder in sein Pissloch aus.Ich war total aufgeregt, weil ich unbedingt wissen wollte wie es ist, wenn Sascha seinen Orgasmus hat und Sperma aus seinem Pissloch spritzt. Ich hatte diesen geilen Moment bislang immer nur in Pornos bei xhamster.com gesehen und schaute beim Wichsen gebannt auf das Pissloch.Dann positionierte ich meinen Mund direkt über dem Pissloch und wichste Saschas Penis nun erheblich schneller. Und ich wichste seinen Penis nun auch komplett durch, also nach unten bis zum Hodenansatz und nach oben über seine Eichel hinaus, indem ich seine Vorhaut mit einigermaßen festem Griff über seine Eichel hinausschob, um danach kraftvoll sofort wieder in die Gegenrichtung nach unten zu wichsen usw..Durch die Spannung, die Sascha in seinem Penis aufrecht hielt und durch meinen festen Griff, fühlte ich in meiner Handinnenfläche nun auch die Adern der Penishaut und die Struktur der Schwellkörper darunter. Das ist ein wunderschönes Gefühl einen Penis so komplett zu erfühlen. Dann stöhnte Sascha auf einmal etwas lauter auf, atmete tief ein und hielt schließlich seinen Atem an. Seine Bauchmuskulatur versteifte sich und er drückte mir sein Becken entgegen, so als wollte er mir seinen Penis in meinen Mund schieben. Kein Zweifel, Sascha führte vor Lust instinktiv einen Fickstoß aus. Dieses Verhalten hatte ich in Pornoclips oft beobachtet, wenn Männer ihren Orgasmus bekommen. Gespannt wichste ich nun noch schneller und konnte sehen, wie die Hoden nach oben und etwas nach innen gezogen wurden. Ich begriff, dass Sascha gerade seinen Orgasmus bekam. Wie im Pornofilm umschloß ich zunächst mit meinen Lippen seine Eichel, nahm mein Gesicht dann aber doch wieder zurück, weil ich eigentlich zuschauen wollte, wie das Sperma aus seinem Penis herausspritzt. Etwas nervös und durcheinander führte ich dann doch wieder schnell meinen geöffneten Mund über das Pissloch, während ich kräftig weiterwichste. Alles ging plötzlich viel zu schnell. Ich konnte keine klaren Gedanken mehr fassen, doch als er nicht sofort losspritzte, nahm ich mein Gesicht gerade zurück, um nochmal einen Blick auf diese glänzende, aufgepumpte Eichel zu haben, als Sascha tief stöhnte und mir der erste Spritzer Sperma aus seinem Pissloch entgegenschoß. Er traf mich am Kinn und unter meiner Nase und war offensichtlich nur sowas wie ein “Vorspritzer” und daher nicht so viel. Aber ich nahm zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben den Geruch von Sperma war, …diesen Geruch habe ich nie wieder vergessen, …schwer zu beschreiben, …vielleicht als etwas muffig, …aber nicht ekelig. Sperma hat eben seinen eigenen unvergleichlichen Geruch. Weil dieser erste Spritzer aber regelrecht aus dem Pissloch herausgeschossen kam und mich auch noch im Gesicht traf, erschrak ich mich und zuckte zunächst mit meinem Kopf heftig zurück, um dann doch mit geschlossenen Augen schnellstmöglich Saschas Eichel erneut mit meinen Lippen zu umschließen. Dann hielt Sascha erneut die Luft an, stieß mir wieder sein Becken entgegen und damit auch seinen Penis tiefer in meinen Mund und spritzte erneut. Aber diesmal direkt in meinem Mund. Ich fühlte genau, wie dieser Spritzer gegen meinen Gaumen und in meinen Rachen traf. Und dieser zweite Spritzer bestand aus viel mehr Sperma. Das Sperma lief mir sofort vom Rachen über die Zunge nach vorn zu meinen Schneidezähnen und fühlte sich wohlig warm an. Dann der dritte, ebenso heftige Spritzer, mit ebenso viel Sperma. Dieser Spritzer traf mich in meinen hinteren Rachen und am Zäpfchen und löste dadurch beinahe einen Schluckreflex in mir aus. Sofort spürte ich wieder die Wärme des Spermas in meinem Mund und Rachen. Der vierte Spritzer traf meine linken Backenzähne, weil ich meinen Kopf etwas nach rechts geneigt hatte, um Saschas Gesicht zu sehen und vielleicht Augenkontakt mit ihm zu haben, während er in meinem Mund spritzt. Aber seine Augen waren geschlossen und er hatte seine Lippen zusammengepreßt. Das Sperma des vierten Spritzers lief auch sofort runter zu meinen Schneidezähnen, während ich Saschas Eichel weiter fest mit meinen Lippen umschloß.Mit meiner Zungenspitze suchte ich Kontakt zum Pissloch und fühlte noch zwei weitere, kleinere Spritzer, die meine Zungenspitze trafen. Danach sank Saschas Becken aufs Bett zurück und er atmete tief aus. Sein Körper erschlaffte und er stöhnte entspannt. Ich sah nach oben in Saschas Gesicht, der nun meinen Blick erwiderte und mir lächelnd direkt in die Augen sah, während ich noch seine Eichel mit meinen Lippen umschlossen hielt und mein Mund mit seinem Sperma gefüllt war. Er lächelte wohl auch, weil sein Sperma an meinem Kinn und unterhalb meiner Nase klebte. Vermutlich sah ich in diesem Moment sehr geil und benutzt aus. Dann ließ ich Saschas immernoch steifen Penis vorsichtig aus meinem Mund gleiten, fest von meinen Lippen umschlossen, so dass sein Sperma nicht daneben lief. Und jetzt erst machte ich mir bewußt, dass ich gerade warmes, männliches Sperma in meinem Mund hatte. Es war gar nicht so dickflüssig und schleimig, wie es in den Pornofilmen immer aussieht. Es fühlte sich in meinem Mund sogar eher dünnflüssig an. Bei geschlossenem Mund rührte ich Saschas Sperma mit meiner Zunge um und nahm seinen Geschmack auf. Irgendwie schmeckte Saschas Sperma überraschend neutral, aber trotzdem gut und vielleicht einwenig salzig. Geschmack und Konsestenz des Spermas gefielen mir, hatte ich es mir doch zuvor eher einwenig ekelig vorgestellt, …dennoch behielt ich immer meine Neugierde und meine geheimen Blowjob-Träume bei mir. Ich dachte, dass es mich Überwindung kosten würde, mir von einem Mann in meinen Mund spritzen zu lassen, aber jetzt machte mich dieses Erlebnis richtig geil. Ich spürte wieder Hitze in Schamlippen aufkommen und mein Unterleib begann vor Erregung zu flattern. Mein Mund war etwa zur Hälfte mit warmen, männlichem Sperma gefüllt und ich neigte meinen Kopf hin und her, damit sich das Sperma in meinem Mund bewegt. Es fühlte sich herrlich schmutzig an und Sascha schaute mir dabei grinsend zu. Dann schaute auf Saschas immernoch steifen Penis, aus dessen Pissloch noch einzelne Tropfen Sperma nachflossen und mir über die Finger meiner rechten Hand liefen, mit der ich seinen Penis immernoch festhielt. Das empfand ich als einen wunderschönen Anblick. Dieser steife, abgespritzte Penis in meinem Griff mit kleinen Spermaflüsschen auf dem Handrücken meiner zierlichen Hand. …was für schöner Anblick, …was für ein schöner Moment. Und ich fühlte mich selbst auch einwenig nuttig, was mich jedoch erregte. Sascha schaute mich immernoch vergnügt an, der entspannt vor mir lag und dessen Sperma in meinem Mund war. Meine Hand war von seinem Sperma bedeckt und die Luft in meinem Zimmer roch auch nach Sperma. Ein wunderschöner Duft, den ich nie vergessen werde und der mich noch heute sofort feucht werden läßt, wenn ich ihn irgendwo wahrnehme.Sascha richte sich schließlich auf und setzte sich vor mich auf den Bettrand, vor dem ich kniete. Er faßte mir sanft mit beiden Händen an meine Wangen und richtete meinen Kopf vorsichtig nach oben, so dass ich in sein Gesicht aufschaute. Dann sagte er leise: “Ich schob meinen Unterkiefer einwenig vor und öffnete langsam meinen Mund. Trotz meiner Vorsicht beim Öffnen meiner Lippen, liefen mir ein Paar Tropfen Sperma links und rechts aus meinen Mundwinkeln runter zu meinen Kinn und tropften auf meine Brüste und meine Oberschenkel. Sascha lächelte wieder liebelvoll und schaute kurz an mir runter. Dann schaute er mir wieder ins Gesicht und sagte: “Und ich gehorchte ihm sofort. Nun kniete ich nackt vor Sascha. Es fühlte sich an, als wären meine Hände auf meinem Rücken gefesselt. Ich schaute Sascha direkt ins Gesicht, dessen Sperma ich im Mund hatte, welches ich ihm mit offenen Mund präsentierte. In den Pornoclips zeigen eigentlich nur die Sklavinnen ein solches Verhalten. …komisches Gefühl….Sascha lächelte die ganze Zeit und sah begeistert aus. Dann sagte er:Vorsichtig streckte ich ihm meine Zunge entgegen. Dabei floß mir wieder etwas Sperma aus meinem Mund und tropfte auf meinen Körper. Ein Teil davon lief aber auch über mein Kinn an meinem Hals entlang und schließlich zwischen meinen Brüsten hindurch, bis zu meinem Bauchnabel und in meinen Schoß.Mit seinem Zeigefinger tippte Sascha ein paar Male auf meine spermabedeckte Zungenspitze und zog von ihr aus verspielt Spermafäden, die nach wenigen cm “zerrissen” und wieder in sich zusammenfielen. “” befahl er mir.Unter seiner Beobachtung rührte ich langsam sein Sperma mit meiner Zunge um, als er mir weiter befahl: “Auch das tat ich wie befohlen, indem ich mit meiner spermabedeckten Zunge ganz langsam auf meiner Oberlippe entlangfuhr. Saschas Blick folgte wie gebannt den Bewegungen meiner Zunge, während wieder einige Tropfen aus meinen Mundwinkeln flossen. Dann befahl er mit ernster Mine: “Ich zog meine Zunge zurück und schaute Sascha mit geöffnetem Mund an, der nun seinen Zeigefinger in das Sperma in meinem Mund eintauschte. Dann zog er mit seinem Zeigefinger einen Spermastrich entlang meines Nasenrückens. Er tauchte seinen Zeigefinger erneut in meinem Mund ein und zeichnete mir danach zwei senkrechte Spermastriche auf meine Stirn. Auf die gleiche Art und Weise erhielt ich auch je drei horizontale Spermastriche links und rechts auf meine Wangen. Abschließend tauchte er Zeige- und Mittelfinger gleichzeitig in meinen Mund ein und zog jeweils einen breiten Spermastrich über meine Schultern bis auf meine Oberarme.Nun war ich völlig mit Sperma verschmiert und Sascha betrachtete mich mit großen Augen gedankenversunken. Dann flüsterte er leise: “Über diesen Satz von Sascha würde ich später noch häufig nachdenken. Schließlich wurde Saschas Gesichtsausdruck wieder klar und er befahl mir:“Ich schluckte Saschas Sperma wie befohlen runter, allerdings mußte ich zweimal schlucken, da die Menge an Flüssigkeit in meinem Mund durch meinen eigenen Speichelfluß deutlich angewachsen war.Danach hatte ich einen Nachgeschmack von Saschas Sperma in meinem Mund und scheinbar roch die Luft jetzt noch intensiver nach Sperma. Kein Zweifel, mein geöffneter Mund, durch welchen ich jetzt wieder atmete, verströmte Saschas Spermageruch im Raum.Mit meinen Händen auf dem Rücken näherte mich mit meinen Lippen Saschas Penis und roch an ihm. Auch er roch nun streng nach Sperma. Sascha wischte mir seine Eichel über meine Lippen und verschmierte nachquellendes Sperma auf meinen Mund und über mein Gesicht. Ich ließ mir alles gefallen und wollte Saschas Sperma und dessen Geruch vollständig aufnehmen und erleben.Klingt zwar komisch, aber zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte ich in Saschas Penis verliebt. Er war der erste, der mir in meinen Mund gespritzt hat.Ich leckte nun Saschas Finger und seine Hand sauber und arbeitete mich dabei vor, bis runter zu Saschas Hoden. Ich leckte die Spermatropfen sanft von seiner Sackhaut, so wie ich es in Pornofilmen gesehen habe. Sascha schaute mir dabei genau zu und atmete zeitweise auch etwas erregter, wegen diese Anblicks.Dann nahm ich nochmal einen Hoden komplett in meinem Mund auf und deutete frech grinsend an, zubeißen zu wollen, woraufhin Sascha seinen Atem anhielt. Aber gleich darauf leckte ich wieder zärtlich nach oben in Richtung der Eichel, aus der nun einige, restliche Tropfen eines dickflüssigeren Spermas hervorquollen und meiner Zunge entgegenflossen. Ich leckte alles auf und wurde dabei immer geiler, auch wegen dem Spermageruch, den Saschas Penis verströmte.Der Geruch von Sperma löste in mir unterbewußt sexuelle Erregung aus, das war mir nun klar.Immer wieder küste ich zärtlich Saschas Eichelspitze und leckte sein Pissloch, aus dem immer wieder Sperma nachfloß, welches von meiner Zunge direkt empfangen wurde. Da ich oft davon gehört hatte, dass man einen Penis aussaugen kann, umschloß ich Saschas Eichel erneut mit meinen Lippen und saugte einmal kräftig daran. Sofort quoll ein dickerer Tropfen Restsperma aus dem Pissloch in meinem Mund. Gleichzeitig stöhnte Sascha jedoch laut auf, warf seinen Oberkörper zurück aufs Bett und quetschte meinen Kopf zwischen seinen Schenkeln ein. “ stöhnte er laut heraus.Dann öffnete er wieder seine Beine und ich saugte und leckte sehr viel sanfter weiter. Sein Penis war durch das Wichsen und meinem Blowjob wohl etwas empfindlich geworden und schmerzte ihm wohl einwenig, wie er mir später sagte. Das kenne ich von meiner Scheide übrigens auch, wenn ich heftig masturbiert habe. An jenem Nachmittag leckte ich noch eine ganze Weile an Saschas Penis und an seinen Hoden. Er genoss das sehr und ich durfte dadurch das männliche Geschlecht ausführlich kennenlernen, nämlich wie es sich genau anfühlt, seinen Geruch, seinen Geschmack, seine Steifheit und seine Empfindlichkeit. Ich knetete und quetschte Saschas Hoden sogar und er sagte mir währenddessen, ab welchem Druck es ihm Schmerzen bereitet, oder ab welcher Druckstärke er es nicht mehr aushalten konnte. Sascha ließ mich einfach alles mit seinem Geschlecht machen und ich durfte alles ausprobieren.Irgendwann sagte Sascha zu mir:“Auch ich kehrte nun in meine kleine Rolle zurück und antwortete ihm:…nun kehrte sie plötzlich zurück, meine Angst. Dieses kurze, spielerische Gespräch mit Sascha erinnerte mich an die letzte Nacht. Ist es wirklich vorbei? …ist die letzte Nacht im Dance-Palast vergessen? …läßt mich der Chef der Security in Ruhe? Immerhin stand er vorhin persönlich vor unserem Haus…Und was passiert mit all den Bildern und Filmen von mir, die jetzt auf so vielen Smartphones gespeichert sind? Ich fühle Übelkeit in mir aufsteigen…Fortsetzung folgt…© by Katze3 auf xHamster.com, 2019

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It would take far too long for me to explain how I got in the situation in the first place so I’m not going to dwell on that. Just say that I went to my bedroom with my husband’s friend while my husband was watching a football game just a room away with a requirement that I let him fuck me.

“Okay, baby. How do you want it?” Randy said as I turned to him when we arrived. My hands had gone to his heavy, rock hard chest as I looked up at him. He’s a very big man and was nearly looking straight down at me.

“Listen, Randy. Can’t we just stay here a while and say we did it?”

“I would never get away with telling Ted a lie like that. Besides, I want to do you, baby,” he answered with a grin.

“But Randy there’s something you don’t know. I haven’t even told Ted yet,” I said, hoping on hope that it would make the difference. “I know I’m ovulating right now. If you do it, there’s a super chance I’d have your baby. You know what that means.”

“You’re not sticking me with child support,” he said simply.

“No. I would never do that anyway,” I said. “But just think. You’d never know if there was your baby running around. And you are so much bigger than Ted, we’d all know it was yours.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” I thought I was winning.

“If you absolutely have to do it, I guess you could go out and get a condom,” I said, presenting an alternative that would probably prevent the problem of getting pregnant but do anything about being with him. I thought it was a pretty bad compromise but at least a little better.

“No. Rubbers suck. Can’t feel a damned thing. Besides what do I say going all the way to the drugstore this time of night. Shit, it would take an hour.”

I took a deep breath before I even offered the alternative.

“I guess, if I have to, I could suck it but …”

“Yeah. But …” he said. “I know you hate doing that and it’s no damned fun at all when a woman isn’t really into it. Besides, it’s nowhere close to as good for me.

“I mean, some guys get off on seeing a woman on her knees like that even if they are just taking the head of their cock. I know you wouldn’t take more than just the head and it just doesn’t do it for me.”

He isn’t a monster and seemed to really be thinking about what I’d said. He was rubbing my back and shoulders as I leaned my head against him.

“I know it’s super dangerous,” I sighed. “But if you pulled out before you cum, there’d at least be a chance …”

“Problems with that, too,” he said. “I have a lot of pre-cum and they say it’s as full of sperm as anything. But the biggest problem is that when I’m fucking a woman, there’s no way I can stop in the middle that way.”

It seemed like there was nothing I could suggest that he would accept. I was worried, frustrated, and just plain scared. I could almost feel another man’s baby growing in my stomach and what my husband would think of that when it happened. bursa escort I wondered if I would end up divorced and trying to raise this man’s child by myself. I couldn’t even think of an abortion.

“There is one thing we could do,” he said but he didn’t sound very confident.

“Anything,” I said.

“Have you ever been butt fucked?” he asked. I gasped.


“My god no!” I said quickly. “That’s disgusting!”

“It really isn’t,” he said simply with a shrug. “I enjoy it a lot and women I’ve talked to about it say it’s different but feels great.”

“But isn’t it dirty?”

“Maybe a little but it washes off. Not dirty for you,” he explained. I wasn’t so sure of that but he seemed convinced.

“But it must hurt,” I noted. I’d had some bowel movements that were uncomfortable.

“Just a little when it first goes in,” he said with a shrug. It wasn’t his concern, after all. “But we’ll get you good and lubricated and relaxed so you might not even have that.”

“Okay, if you say so. But … be careful, okay?”

“Of course, honey.”

“What do I do?” I asked.

“Let’s get your panties off first,” he said and lifted the sides of the little skirt I was wearing to hook the sides of my thong. I helped by lifting one foot at a time as he got them to my ankles. “You sure you don’t want it in your cunt, right?”

“Yeah. I’m sure. So what position?”

“All the positions you usually get laid in work. But maybe butt fucking it’s a little easy for you doggy.” I know I grimaced. Of course Ted and I had done it doggy but I always felt like the name – a girl dog or something. Since he said it would be easier though, I decided it was as good as any. Besides, you can’t do a bunch of kissing when you’re fucking doggy style and that seemed like more infidelity than fucking. I said okay and crawled up on the bed and stayed on all fours.

“The K-Y is in the night stand,” I told him and he got it.

“Good girl. You’re gonna love this,” he said with a big self-satisfied grin.

I always thought the sound of the K-Y coming out of the tube was pretty gross. Ted and I used it mostly after my periods when I get pretty dry. He dropped the tube near my knee and tossed my skirt up on my back.

“Oh, yeah. That’s a gorgeous butt, honey. Beautiful little asshole,” he said as he touched it with his finger. Ted had touched it while we were fucking sometimes but that was it. When his other hand clasped my ass cheek rather roughly to open me further, his fingertip went into me a little and Ted hadn’t gone that far.

It didn’t hurt and wasn’t uncomfortable. It also didn’t feel like taking a shit or anything else I ever felt. Really, it felt pretty sexy when he pushed it further up me. He squeezed out some more K-Y and withdrew the finger enough he could put another finger against it. The two fingers were a little uncomfortable but it still didn’t hurt at all.

“You bursa escort bayan know some like to be fist fucked here,” he said as he got more K-Y and put another finger in me.

“Not … uh … me,” I gasped. I heard him undoing his pants and felt his distraction as the fingers in me stopped squirming around and around. Another squirt of K-Y he apparently put on his dick because he was still distracted for a minute. Then his attention returned to moving the fingers that were up my ass.

“Okay. We’re ready now,” he said and pulled the fingers out. It stung a little and I could distinctly feel the wetness of the K-Y back there. Then he pressed against me again, positioning himself. Holding my hip with one big hand, he pushed, let off a little, and then pushed hard.

I never felt anything close to that. I heard my scream of pain through a blank screen of bright red and yellow.

“Okay?” he said softly, not moving at all. It still hurt but it wasn’t that blinding pain.

“No! Stop okay? Please. That just hurts so …”

He pushed in again but easier than before and the pain intensified for a second but nothing like that first penetration. I heard my extended moan distantly.

“That’s it, baby. Relax,” he said. No way was he going to take it out. “If you make like you’re taking a shit, it’ll go easier.”

I tried that and was rewarded with another push of his cock into my guts. Now he was backing out a little and pushing in harder then repeating it. I knew I couldn’t take it when I felt his legs against my ass.

“Great. There we go. Now’s the really fun part,” he said. I could hear the smile in his voice even if I couldn’t open my eyes or say anything myself.

Both his hands were on my hips and alternated between holding tight and pulling me back onto him harder as he started a slow fucking motion. I know I was moaning and it was punctuated with louder squeals when he pumped in and hit my upturned ass with the front of his legs.

“Love it, don’cha, baby?” he said in spite of everything I’d said or my body language that had to tell him how much it still hurt. Well, okay. It didn’t hurt that much now but I was clenched up tight expecting it to anyway. As if to get some kind of response from me, he pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into my ass. I squealed loud then. Maybe it didn’t hurt that much but it sure as hell made itself known in a big way.

Loving that, he chuckled, and continued fucking me that way. Drawing it almost out and slamming back into me. Then faster. As the noisier sounds of our sweaty bodies hitting together took over with the squishy sounds of him going in and out, I still heard him grunting and panting from it.

“Oh, fuck,” he gasped, barely getting it out and speeded up again. I couldn’t hold myself up and apparently he didn’t want to any more because he let me fall forward flat. Unbelievably, his cock went up me escort bursa more than before. He was really fucking hard and fast and laying on me.

I was nearly distracted by his grunts and wild humping. But I still felt something almost like it was crawling up my spine, a little further up every time he slammed against my ass and the deepest inside me. Overwhelming enough to blank everything else, I was anticipating it getting wherever it was going when it suddenly broke like a massive wave.

I know my lower legs curled up against the sides of his and my head went back. I may have even partially lifted my shoulders on my arms with the totally outrageous feel of it. I was drooling and might have screamed again if I could breathe at all.

Then I felt him shoot his cum up my ass and all the feeling intensified. I was shivering and shaking with the feeling of it all, arched on just my front and arms.

He backed off and slammed back in to pour another bunch of cum into me with a loud moan before he did it again and again and a final time when he dropped like a rock onto me. I felt crushed by his heavy body as he panted against the side of my face.

“Get … off,” I moaned. I really couldn’t breathe. He chuckled and lifted himself onto his elbows. He pumped his ass against me a couple more times but I could tell he was getting soft.

Then he shifted up off me and slowly pulled it out of my ass. I could feel his cum leaking out of me first. Then I farted really loud and gross and wondered if I could keep the stuff in me long enough to clean up. He laughed out loud and smacked me on the butt hard enough to sting.

“See. I told you you’d love it,” he said chuckling as I tried to get the strength to get up to go to the bathroom. When I finally got to my feet, he was already out of the room and I heard him taking a piss in my bathroom. I bypassed it and went into the hall bathroom instead and barely made it to sitting down before it seemed a gallon of cum started flowing out of me punctuated by farts.

I used a lot of toilet paper and then wet a washcloth to do my butt and legs where it had gone. That definitely is not a turn on.

Strangely, my ass tingled really pleasantly and, when I checked my hair and make-up, I was glowing with the orgasm I had.

I was just leaving the bathroom to retrieve my panties when I heard Randy walk into the living room where Ted had been waiting.

“Okay, dude. I opened up her asshole like I told you I could,” he said in a boastful voice.

“Cool, man. How’d you talk her into it?”

“I just told her I’d knock her up if I fucked her cunt and she didn’t want that.”

“Yeah. Good. Okay. So you think she’ll let me now?”

“Fuck yeah. Why not? I mean you’re half the size of my cock and she’ll really love it.”

“Cool. Wow, thanks, man,” Ted bubbled.

“Hey, no sweat. It was a good time, you know,” he said. “Besides, you remember the payback, right?”


“Okay. So tomorrow night you get her ass and I get her cunt. I bet she’ll go out of her fucking mind,” Randy said with a chuckle.

I stood there in the hallway and shivered.

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Anya’s Raven Ch. 06

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Voices carried through her head as Anya fought her way to consciousness. Pain slashed through her head, but she felt urgency about something. She just couldn’t remember what.

Raven, she thought absently. She drifted away from the voices, floating further from the pain in her head, before the sounds came back into sharp focus.

“You aren’t going to touch her. Enough damage has already been done.”

The vehemence of the voice brought Anya closer to awareness, and she chanced opening her eyes just a little bit. Shutting them tightly on a groan, the voices faded in and out again as her mind protected itself from the pain.

A warm hand cupped the back of her neck as bitter brew was urged passed her lips. Anya’s brow wrinkled in distaste, but she swallowed reflexively before turning away.

“Come on, Anya. You must drink this.”

No doubt that time. It was him. Her body shivered with the knowledge.

He lifted her head again, and she forced herself to drink, hoping the pain and foul taste didn’t cause her to vomit. Allowing her stomach to quiet itself for a few moments, Anya lay back without urging her eyes open again.

There was only silence now, and after a time, the pain in her head began to dull. Anya was aware of Raven’s presence in the room, but the usual pull of him was gone. She was unreasonably distressed about its absence.

“Are you able to talk?” Raven asked her quietly.

Her eyes still closed, she responded with a question. “Did Syril send you?”

Raven didn’t answer for some moments. When he did, she was puzzled by his answer. “Yes. But perhaps not for the purpose you suspect. Regardless, I came for my own reasons.”

She looked at him now, and was relieved she could open her eyes without incident. Memories of the last weeks were erratic. She couldn’t recall at all how he came to be here, nor what had occurred to put her in this bed. Had he attacked her?

No. She wouldn’t be alive if he had meant to kill her. She studied his face, but could discern nothing from his expression. As usual. Raven, in turn, stared at her, so that they sat in silence, each one gazing upon the other.

Anya was surprised how similar her dream visions of him were to the reality. But it was still a shock to her senses to be in his physical proximity. His eyes were as shuttered as ever, the newer lines around them giving a character to the hardness of his face. He sat near her bed, his posture casual and watchful. Though less intense, his presence still dwarfed her own and Anya felt engulfed by him.

With steady voice, Anya asked him, “And what are your reasons, Raven?”

He didn’t answer, just continued to watch her, and when he finally spoke, it was on a different matter. “The Sisters have explained some things to me. What you attempted to do. Despite their…wariness of me, they would like to study us.”

Anya remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

“But I’m more curious about your father. What knows about the Kujheel, and from where. Aren’t you?” His eyes were intent, and she couldn’t help but nod, though her shock held her mute.

This was so far from the encounter she had anticipated, bursa escort Anya felt afloat in reality. Were they actually conversing? She couldn’t trust him, yet. Raven had been the tool of her father for too long. When she remained silent, he spoke again.

“There’s something between us, Anya. What you’ve done may have altered it, but I can still feel you.” He leaned closer so she could feel his breath on her face, and Anya’s heart picked up speed as her body felt the familiar yearning for him. His voice lowered to barely above a whisper. “Can you feel me?”

Her face flushed as she felt something stirring inside her. She couldn’t break his gaze, and her breath became shallow. Yes, she could feel him. Every fiber of her body was in tune with him, though altered bond or not. Her mind protested the feeling, but her body wanted him, as she had always wanted him, and she was a slave to the euphoria flooding her senses.

Raven reached a finger to her face, running a path along her jaw, and Anya shivered at the touch. Just the nearness of him caused heat to flood between her legs, and her nipples perked up in achy response.

Had Valdine’s death been for this? So she could just give in the next time Raven beckoned? Guilt at the Sister’s sacrifice washed through her. Despite that, she found it hard to summon a protest.

“It’s what he wants,” Anya whispered, hoping the thought of Syril would steer her away from this madness.

“But is it what you want, An?” Raven whispered back, and then his lips closed over her mouth, inhaling Anya’s gasp.

She felt as if she was drowning in him, and her sex throbbed as their tongues collided. The dam was suddenly breached, unleashing pent-up desires that had been suppressed for years. She moaned into his mouth as his hands clutched her hair, turning her head to his will. They shared breath, hearts beating in sync, and Anya melted under the onslaught of his lips.

Anya had the presence of mind to notice the difference in what they were experiencing. She was aware of her mind opening to Raven, but there was a wall between them now, and she wasn’t sure if there was a way, or even if she wanted, to tear it down.

Either way, her body glorified in being touched by him. When his hand came down to her breast, she arched up into him. He kneaded her breast and she groaned, her pussy aching and wet.

Raven came up suddenly, throwing the blankets aside. One of his knees knelt between her legs, and he grabbed the bottom of her bed gown, roughly pushing it up so that she was bared all the way above her breasts.

They were both heaving breaths, and his eyes darkened perceptibly as he stared at her naked form. Her nipples were dark and peaked, burning under his eyes, and the scent of her arousal filled the air around them.

Anya’s body felt like molten fire, and she ached for Raven to come back to her, but she couldn’t move under his stare. Couldn’t even speak.

And then he was on her, kissing her mouth, her jaw, her neck. He pushed the gown the remainder of the way off her body, lifting her shoulders to tear it from her head. Her eyes shut in bliss as his mouth closed on her breasts, bursa escort bayan sucking the tender skin around her nipples, and finally closing the hard tips into his mouth.

Anya was no longer aware of herself, or any of the reasons she had to protest this. Her mind was swimming in the sensations of Raven’s tongue, swirling delicate circles around her nipples before sucking them in hard, drawing pressure to the nerve endings before releasing them again.

She felt him probing at the edges of her mind, and they circled each other around the damaged edges of their bond. The barrier between them was a fluid thing, moving back and forth between with every touch.

His hand drifted to her cleft, sliding up and down her slit with tantalizing slowness. She pushed her hips into his hands, groans of pleasure escaping her throat. Her hands squeezed rhythmically on his shoulders, moving up and down his arms and back around his neck.

Without warning he thrust two fingers deep into her cunt, and she tossed her head aside as she bit her lip on a scream. She heard him groan at the tightness of her pussy, and her hips lifted as she felt his fingers moving.

Raven’s head moved down her abdomen, nipping her skin in sharp little bites, before soothing her with his tongue. Finally, his mouth stood level with her slit, and he blew softly on it, teasing her with the anticipation, while his fingers continued their slow assault from within her.

When his tongue finally touched to her clit, she nearly exploded, moaning his name as he slowly licked all along her folds. Before she knew what he was about, he had withdrawn one of his fingers from her cunt, and was pushing it against the tight bud of her anus.

She half raised herself, surprise blanking her features, and Raven thought she had never looked so beautiful as she did now, fully mature curves, skin flushed and heated.

“What are you…” But she never finished as her body fell back, succumbing to the working of his mouth on her cunt. He pushed his finger as far as it would go, feeling the clenching of her sphincter around his digit.

He was going to have her, but he couldn’t risk a child, not until he was certain about Syril’s intentions. But they could enjoy each other in every other way. His cock squeezed painfully at the thought of her ass tightening on his shaft the way it was clutching his finger. He eased second finger in when her moans grew more desperate.

“Raven,” she called throatily, and he gave her clit one last flick of his tongue before rising and quickly shedding his clothing.

The taste of her in his mouth was driving his desire to the bursting point, and he plunged his cock into her pussy for the first time ever.

Her beautiful eyes widened on her intake of breath, and he kissed her mouth hard as he thrust into her, the heat of her pussy nearly sending him over the edge.

She mewled in protest when he withdrew, and then she wriggled in shock when he started pressing the head of his erection into her ass.

“What are you doing?” she cried, futilely moving her hips away from his seeking shaft.

Raven pinned her with his body, holding escort bursa both her wrists above her head with one of his large hands.

“I can’t risk fathering a child on you An. Not if that’s what Syril wants. But I’m going to have you. Now.”

“No!” she gasped. “Not like that!”

“Yes Anya.”

And his other hand held her hip in place as he positioned his cock to the entrance of her ass. Her face was panicked now, and he pushed tentatively at her mind at the same time he pressed into her anus.

Raven broke through both at the same time, the bond finally surging to life as the head of his cock entered past the tight muscled ring of her anus. She sucked in a gulp of air, and he flooded the bond with his exaltation, watching as her eyes misted over, her features relaxing into an expression of intense arousal.

“Oh,” she breathed, and Raven felt the muscles of her rectum relaxing. He slid in further, and groaned at the tight heat gripping his cock.

He lifted her leg so her knee hung over his shoulder, and leaned down to capture her mouth again. His tongue thrust into her mouth as he sheathed his cock to the hilt, and they moaned into each other.

Raven unleashed everything he was feeling at her, and she reciprocated in kind. He felt the agonizing pleasure of her as he began to thrust into her ass, and at the same time, he felt the pleasure/pain of his cock violating her anus, her confusion at her pleasure, her elation at his pleasure, which in turn fed her own.

Reaching between them, he fingered her clit, circling around her nub in time with each steady thrust of his cock. Another groan burst from her throat, and her head turned aside, her brow furrowed as her mind reconciled the euphoric tension of her body. Raven dipped his head and licked the shell of her ear.

She strained against him now, reaching higher. She was moaning constantly, and he could barely tolerate the intensity of their linked minds with the incredible feeling of fucking her.

He increased the speed of his thrusts, rocking her body as he sank into her ass over and over. The force of his orgasm built in him, tightening his balls, and he grunted with the effort of holding himself back until she climaxed. He accelerated the movement of his fingers, driving her clit back and forth under his touch, plunging into her with his cock.

And then she exploded, biting into his shoulder and screaming as she came, her ass clenching him with the pulse of her orgasm.

Raven let loose, pummeling into her ass while her body squeezed spasmodically around his driving shaft. The intensity of her pleasure whipped through his body along the bond, pushing him to come with all the forces of nature. He unloaded into her, a hoarse shout emerging from his throat, energy seeming to shoot from every surface of his body. His mind floated with hers in oblivion as their bodies shuddered around and into each other.

He heard his name, her voice in his mind, and he could see her there suddenly—not her physical form, but it was her, nonetheless, and holy gods, he could see everything she felt. Not just the rush of ecstasy they had just shared, but the uncertainty, the distrust, fear for the future, and still something else. Something he had seen all those years before, but never acknowledged.

She loved him. Loved him helplessly, and feared it. And gods help them both, because he loved her back.

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Analholics Anonymous

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The RA’s jokingly call the bathrooms in my residence hall “gender blind”. In this case, I supposed that fits, because I never did see the girl. But in most cases, it just means that all the bathrooms are coed; don’t ask, don’t look, in other words. There are only 30 people in the whole hall making it more of a house, really, and 25 of them are girls. Yeah, a little lopsided, but who’s going to complain, huh? The guys? I’m the only male on my floor out of 15!

So, you can imagine my surprise when I was taking a sheezy one day, reading the graffiti that had accumulated over the years, when I came upon a passage of the type usually only written by men:

3 AM 3/25 $20

Blowjob + Anal

That last part raised my eyebrows a notch. I’m an ass man, and proud of it. I’ve poked my fair share of posterior, let me tell you. It’s actually how I choose my girlfriends. I checked my watch: 9 PM, 3/24. Hmm. Intriguing, and a little sketchy. But I decided to bite.

I bided my time in my room, studying and actually managing to finish a paper despite the fact that my thoughts were on the mystery ass I was slated to get that night. I went to the bathroom at 2:58 AM, so I would get in before the person got there. If anyone was going to come at all, anyway. So I sat there on the toilet seat, twiddling my thumbs. 3:03 AM passed, and I started kicking myself for getting my hopes up, when the door quietly opened and light feet padded into the stall next to mine. I could see the polished toenails and distinctly feminine shaved ankles and feet, so that assuaged one fear of mine. I heard her sit down on the toilet seat and wait a moment. My heart beat like a drum. Was this the girl? Or just some late-night studier taking a pee?

My questions were answered a half second later. There was a hole about as big around as a small soup can, where a toilet paper dispenser used to be (it had since been ripped off by an unruly past resident). Through it, a thumb and two fingers appeared. They rubbed together in the universal sign for “pay up, foo”, and opened to accept. I stuffed four 5-spots into the hand, all of which I had discreetly marked. Maybe I could identify the mystery girl at a later date! I heard the rustling of paper in the stall next door, and a small notebook hit the floor between the stalls. The front page said, “Put it through the hole, stud, and hang on”. I was flattered. She called me stud. And a fitting name, too. At 8 inches and as big around as a baby’s arm, some girls did say it was like being fucked by a horse.

I unzipped, letting my manhood spring free. I was already hard as a rock in anticipation. I slipped “Kong” through the hole, and smiled at the sudden gasp from the stall next door.

“Jesus…” the voice muttered in a low whisper. I felt a palm on my tip, pushing me back. Puzzled, I withdrew. The fingers came back. More money?! I rolled my eyes. I pulled out my wallet and stuffed a 10 into the hand. I guess that was enough, because her foot tapped on the notepad, and I put my cock bursa escort through again. Small, warm fingers wrapped around my shaft and slowly stroked me up and down. That was more like it! Lips…a warm, wet kiss on my tip, making me shudder…a long, slow lick from my balls to my head…then, suddenly, the head of my penis was enveloped by a warm, wet, experienced mouth. I gasp sharply.

“W-wow…” I stammered. A muffled giggle came from the opposite stall. Only 2 seconds in, and already the best blowjob of my life. This was shaping up to be a very good experience indeed. I took hold of the top of the stall divider as I hung on for dear life. I swear at some point she was swapped out for a Hoover. My eyes rolled back in my head as quiet slurping noises emanated from next door, her hand following her lips closely so that it got a little lubrication for her expertly-executed, lightly-twisting hand movements. Her tongue swirled around my tip, and though she could only take in about 3 inches at one time, that was plenty. Her tongue was small and agile, sliding and darting around every nerve, concentrating on the sensitive little ridge of my tip like only an experienced girl knows how to do.

“Awwwwgaaawwwddd…” I groaned. My hips began to move involuntarily with the bobs of her head, and my mouth hung open in rapture. The slurping sounds became louder as more saliva was added to the mix. This was too good. I was going to come soon!

As if hearing my thoughts, she slowed and stopped, reluctantly releasing my throbbing shaft and sitting back on the toilet. A hand quickly pulled back the notepad and I heard some scribbling. It came back down with, “You’ve got a minute to settle down while I lube up…” and a winking smiley face. I got goose bumps. I only wished I could see the booty I was about to plumb. I fought the urge to peek through the hole; that would have ruined the whole thing. I heard her unzip what must have been a purse, and the opening of a tube or jar of some sort. Probably Vaseline; doesn’t work with condoms, and the experts say don’t use it, but it just can’t be beat for rump-ridin’. I watched the floor of the other stall. A pair of flannel sleep pants hit the floor, closely followed by a pair of panties. She stepped out of them and hung them on the door (I’m guessing). I listened to her rustle as she got ready and pondered the case of blue balls I was going to be enduring if she left me hanging.

The notebook was snatched away again, and returned a couple seconds later with, “Please go slow and be gentle! I’m delicate” written on it. I stuck my fist under the divider and gave her the thumbs up. She giggled. I watched her bare feet turn around on the tile floor until her heels were facing me. She spread her feet until she was at the right height, and I was treated to a view of the world’s most perfect pucker. It was tiny and pink, like it had been washed with Clorox, and I could see half of a wet, thick-lipped shaved pussy to go with it. I swallowed hard. Her tiny little rosebud glistened with bursa escort bayan lube, half-hidden by slightly-tanned buns. This was going to be sweeter than sweet.

I took myself in hand and placed my tip on her pucker, listening to her tiny gasp with pride. That was a common reaction. Unable to hold on to her hips to guide myself inside her, I had to depend on her to keep still and make adjustments when needed; a girl’s rectum isn’t exactly a straight line sometimes.

As delicate as she claimed to be, from the get-go it was easy going; this girl was no virgin in the rear! I gently pushed my hips forward, listening to her groan and envisioning the grimace that always accompanies the initial penetration (God, I love that face). Her slick anus stretched generously with a quiet slurp, admitting inch after inch of my shaft like a greasy glove until I was buried in her bottom up to my balls.

“Ohhhh yeaahhh…” I sighed/moaned as I slowly withdrew and slid back in, completing the first thrust of the butt fuck.

“Uhhggh!…God!…” came her piteous whine from the opposite stall as I again sheathed myself in her booty as deep as I could go. The part about anal that I love the most is burying my bone; shallow-cheeked ladies need not apply.

I grabbed onto the top of the stall divider again, hanging on for dear life as the mystery girl’s sweet, sweet ass did a number on my cock. Despite letting me in with very little trouble, she was tight. I’m talking wring-the-blood-from-your-cock tight, and hot as a blazing furnace on top of that. Her choice of lube was exquisite, and my shaft glided easily in and out of the tight sleeve of her rectum. She held her sweet cheeks tight against the divider and let me do all the work, thrusting in and out, in and out, in and out of her tight tushie.

“Ooooo…Ooooooo!…Oooo!!” she squealed with a mix of sweet pain and utter delight. My mystery girl was loving it as much as I was! I thrust over and over, my shaft slipping past the slippery snug ring of her anus and deep into her bowels, welling up in her belly. It was as if I could feel the head of my cock poking her stomach with each thrust, making her yelp and groan. I quietly hoped no one needed to use the bathroom for the next 3 minutes!

“Oh God!” she moaned, her rectum flexing around my shaft as I thrust. “Ohhhh ffffuck!!I’mgonnacome! Don’t stop! Deeper!! Oh!Oh!Oh!Ohhhhhhhooo Jeeeeesssuuuusss!!” I could see her feet, and she was up on her tiptoes as she came. I could feel her entire body shaking and quaking through her ass, not to mention her heartbeat, which was going like the percussion section of a marching band. She may have come, but I wasn’t done yet. I drove my shaft in and out of her ass as fast as I could go while still using my entire 8 inches, listening to the quiet slurping sound it made in her well-stretched bumhole. Her ass squeezed my dick inside of her, her muscles convulsing and rippling as another orgasm lined up directly behind the first! I’d never known a girl who could come so easily escort bursa from getting it in the backside.

But all her rippling muscles up there were having an effect on me, and fast. Her rectum, clenched tight, was now not so much a sleeve I was sliding back and forth in, but a tunnel I had to blast open again with each thrust. By her cries, I could tell this was hurting her a bit, but by that time I was beyond caring. I was about to get my rocks off in a spectacular fashion, and this chick didn’t show any signs of pulling away when I did! All that extra flesh sliding past my sensitive tip was excruciatingly pleasurable, as was the picture I had in my mind of the face she had to making at this point! I watched her feet, still up on tiptoes, her calf muscles shaking and straining. She wailed with pleasure as her second consecutive orgasm hit her like a Mack truck. I think she nearly stumbled and fell, which would have destroyed the moment a bit.

I was about at the end of my rope! The muscles in my arms strained and bulged, pulling me up on the divider as I too went up on my tiptoes, my orgasm approaching fast. I judged I would last 3 more thrusts, and then I was going to come. Time to warn her.

“Uh! Oh fuck, I’m gonna come!” I rasped. I felt her anus clamp down on my cock and she let loose a high-pitched moan of pleasure. That was all the go-ahead I needed! I was going to come in her ass in…

One! (She squealed at the deep, hard thrust!)

Two! (A sharp yelp and growl as she fought back the pain!)


“Aaahhh!…Ga!!! Ahh!-Ahh!-Ahh!-Ahh!-Ahhhhh!” I moaned, my mouth gaping and my eyes shut tight. I kept thrusting slowly as I flooded her ass with my come, punctuating each spurt with it’s own groan of abject pleasure. I could hear her own moan of satisfaction as she felt me coming deep in her rear, filling her to brimming and painting her insides white. I couldn’t remember ever coming so much. Her ass just kept milking me for more, making my orgasm last for what seemed like an eternity!

Finally, after pumping a load up her butt big enough to fill a shot glass, I felt her give me a squeeze, pushing my softening cock out of her bottom with a soft “pop!”. I heard her sigh as she straightened up, and a couple of little splat’s as a little of my load leaked out of her booty and onto the floor. I imagined a good amount of it was running down her legs and over her pussy. I relished the thought. I sort of collapsed on the toilet seat and used some tissue to clean the lube off my dick. Next door, my mystery girl wiped the come off her legs and pussy and flushed it. Then I watched her feet as she stepped into her panties and sleep pants, pulled them up, picked up the notebook she had been leaving me notes on, and quickly left. My kind of relationship. Man that was a great assfuck! I stayed in the stall for a moment, catching my breath. I had considered going out to listen for a door closing and getting a clue as to who the girl might be, but decided against it. It was better this way; more mysterious, more exciting, and with no strings attached.

It was the right decision. Three days later, there was another invitation on the stall wall, and that night another 30 bucks was well spent!

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Anal Stories: Dr. Ana

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Dr. Ana Von Gaarten read all responses she had received so far and sighed. So many wonderful stories of people who enjoyed anal sex, people who had worked past the pain and perhaps the taboo associated with the practice and found enjoyment. Dr. Ana trembled. She had always enjoyed anal sex, probably more than most, but she’d never been able to find a man who would bypass her pussy to indulge in her asshole on every encounter. Many who had serviced her had grown tired of her request. They saw her ripe pussy, flush with juices and wanted to bury themselves in it. She didn’t want her pussy filled; she wanted her ass filled.

All this reading had made her horny and with haste, she stripped off her hose and skirt, got down on all fours and slid her favorite dildo up her ass, sitting down and grinding against it in ecstasy. Oh, it was so good! This was all she had to do. She rose up, pinched her butt cheeks together a bit, and frigged her clit, rocking back and forth and driving the plastic toy deeper. “Oh God! Yeah! Yeah! Fuck!”

She came hard and fast, gasping for breath at the sensations that rocketed through her body, her ass muscles clasping and her pussy pulsing in response.

Then, she suddenly felt her eyes sting and she fought back the tears as she shakily arose and sit at her desk, the dildo forgotten on the floor.

Her eyes fell on the letters and she could do nothing but cry.

Matt Houseton heard Dr. Ana’s crying but didn’t enter the office. He knew she needed to be alone and his heart cried out to her. He had been Dr. Ana’s assistant for six years and knew her like the back of his hand. He’d listened to her take lovers in her office providing a shoulder to cry on. However, those relationships always went wrong.

He knew why they went wrong but he never told her why. He’d heard a couple of the guys complaining about “not getting the pussy” and saying that she was sick because she only wanted to be ass fucked. He didn’t know why she was like that but he knew that he was the man for her.

If she’d only give him a chance.

The intercom machine at his elbow buzzed and he answered it quickly. “Yes, Dr. Ana?”

Her voice was thin and filled with unshed tears. “I’m going to go home early, Matt.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. I just need some time off.”

“Wait. Let me come in.”


Matt heard her cry once again but chose to ignore it, sensing that there was something else wrong with his employer. He opened the door and walked into the room, astonished at the sight he saw. A shit-stained dildo sat on the floor. Her hose were half on her body and her lovely face averted in shame. He knew what had happened and he knew, deep in his heart, that he was the only person that could make it right and make Dr. Ana whole. Tears left wet tracks down her face as she sat silently, sobbing.

“Get your things. I’ll take you home,” he said.

But Dr. Ana just sat quietly, not bursa escort wanting to move. She heard Matt’s words but she couldn’t move. He had seen her in her worst moment and she was so embarrassed that she couldn’t move.

“Dr. Ana …”

“Matt, just go home. I’ll be fine.”

“No, you won’t.” He hissed angrily. He was tired of seeing her like this. It was time that someone took control, if she wouldn’t. “Now, get your purse and whatever else you need to take.”

“I need my laptop.”

“I’ll take care of that. Go into the bathroom and fix your clothes.”

Dr. Ana lifted herself from the chair and drifted toward her private bathroom door. She turned to look at Matt before going through and her brow furrowed. Why was he doing this? Matt had been her confidant for six long years and he had never once acted like this towards her. In fact, she thought he was a gay bottom. Now …

“Matt, I need to take the letters,” she said.

“No work. You’re taking vacation tomorrow.”

“Matt, I … “

“No. You haven’t taken a vacation in the time I’ve been here. When was your last vacation?”

She couldn’t answer. Oh yes how long had it been? Ten years? Fifteen?

“That’s what I thought. Fix yourself up and let’s get going,” said Matt, shaking his head.

He watched her as she disappeared into the bathroom, then turned to gather her purse and pack her laptop away, as he had on several occasions. Taking the items, he went back into his outer office and turned his computer off. And then, he grabbed his knapsack, making sure he had everything he needed.

She appeared a few minutes later, her hose replaced and her hair pulled back into her characteristic ponytail.

“Are you okay?” he asked. When she nodded silently, he added, “All right. Let’s go.”

Outside, he hailed a cab and helped Dr. Ana inside, keeping her tight against him. She tried to rebel a bit against his arm but relented when it became clear that he wasn’t planning to release her any time soon. He took her keys when they reached the brownstone and let them into her house, closing the door behind them with a ringing note.

“You may go home now, Matt.” She said hoping to dismiss him. When he didn’t all she could do was watched helplessly when Matt stride towards her, grasp her arm tightly and wrench her around to face him.

“I may go home? Is that what I may do? All these years of watching you suffer and taking care of you and I may go home?” His handsome face moved closer to hers. “Screw you!”

“Matt …”

“What?” he asked.

Dr. Ana gazed into his deep eyes, quivering over the control that he was exercising over her.

“Don’t you dare ask me to leave! You need me!”

She couldn’t deny his words but she didn’t want him, of all people, to be here for her. Why? Her heart asked the question even though she knew the answer. Because it was Matt. Because he knew all of her secrets. Because he was bursa escort bayan the person who could hurt her the most.

“I know,” she whispered.

“Then just do me a favor and shut the fuck up, will you?” He gave her a stern but gentle smile. “For once, I’m running the show. Now go upstairs and take a bath. I’ll fix dinner.”

Dr. Ana thought of a sharp retort but shrugged her shoulders, giving herself up to Matt. She trudged up the stairs, ran a bath and spent nearly an hour soaking. She cried, she worried, and fumed. In the end, she relented, promising herself to allow Matt to help her climb out of the hole she’d so deftly dug. She got out of the tub, dried and dressed in a thick, cotton robe and headed downstairs.

The most wonderful smell met her nostrils as she came around the corner and she stood stock-still, observing Matt in the kitchen. He had two pans on the top of the stove, one with chicken breasts, searing in olive oil and the other filled with chopped mushrooms, garlic and butter. He completely cut the heat under the mushrooms and covered it. Then, he turned the heat down under the chicken.

He grabbed a pair of mitts, pulled a golden brown pie shell out of the oven and set it out to cool. He was taking a second wine glass down from the cabinet when he noticed her standing in the shadows.

“Want a glass of wine, Dr. Ana?”

“Sure.” She felt so shy. He poured a glass and placed the glass in her hand, wrapping his warm hands around hers. His smile warmed her deeply. “Thanks.”

He served dinner and the entire time, Matt watched Dr. Ana’s face. At first, she picked at the food, then once she’d tasted it, she had ravenously devoured the entire chicken breast Matt had prepared for her. She praised the garlic/mushroom coating and ate a couple extra bites, washing it down with wine. He sent her to the couch and after cleaning the kitchen, he joined her there, placing an arm around her back.

“Now, tell me.” He spoke to her heart. “Tell me what you want.”

“I … “ Dr. Ana was haunted by the sincerity in Matt’s eyes and the confession that she was ready to give got stuck in her throat. “Matt, I…”

“Just tell me. You like it in the ass.”

Dr. Ana stared at him wide-eyed. How could he know what she liked? The dildo…she closed her eyes, hoping to erase the extreme embarrassment that she felt.

“Come on, Dr. Ana. Tell me,” he goaded.

Dr. Ana Von Gaarten swallowed a huge lump of pride, looked into the dark eyes of her best friend and spoke.

“It was my father. We first had sex when I was fourteen and several times a year after that. He never touched my pussy. I think he truly believed that it wasn’t sex if he didn’t cum in my pussy.”

“So he came in your ass instead?”

Dr. Ana nodded. She felt strange: confused, humiliated and uplifted all at once. “Yes.” She closed her eyes, the remembrance of the heat of her father’s first cum scalding her ass insides. escort bursa “And I’ve enjoyed anal sex ever since.”

“Do you ever let anyone cum in your pussy?”

Matt saw tears gather in her eyes. “No.”

“You don’t know how to enjoy it, do you?” His voice was soft and again, a shake of her head. Matt laid the trump card on the table and took a deep breath. “Would you let me show you?”

Dr. Ana thought she was dreaming. “As long as you fuck my ass raw.”

Matt didn’t wait. He turned her in his arms and matched his mouth with hers. Her mouth was needy under his, desperate to feel his taking of her, his complete and utter domination of her senses.

His large hand swept over her body, across her pebbled nipples and into the juncture of her legs, searching for and finding her wet core. She moaned against his mouth as he took no time to push past the folds of her robe and sank one long finger into her pussy. The welcome intrusion seemed to set her aflame and he began to move slowly inside her.

The first orgasm caught her completely off-guard. She had always only orgasmed from assplay and now … she could barely think as her overheated pussy spilled its juices onto his fingers. His finger stroked again and again, bringing her to the brink and crashing her into the rolling surf as his heel mashed against her clit. She had never felt anything so wonderful.

He released her mouth and stripped off her robe, moving behind her and pushing her onto all fours. His thick prick slowly pushed into her dripping pussy, stretching the little-used muscle as he gritted his teeth, willing himself not to cum.

She was so tight. He pumped into her quim until he heard her breath catch and knew she was cumming again, her muscles rippling against his hardness. Now nicely lubed, he removed his cock and entered her ass hole.

Dr. Ana groaned. Every nerve ending of her body was tingling and she thought she was going to go crazy. Matt was relentless, slamming his cock into her asshole and his fingers pumped into her pussy hole, wringing two orgasms from her pussy before taking her to the most intense orgasm she’d ever felt. His cock swelled and loaded her ass with his steaming cream just as her pussy exploded onto his fingers, ass muscles milking him dry. When he was finally able to stand on his feet, he took her upstairs and laid her on the bed, then quietly, reverently wiped her clean.

She watched him as he returned from the bathroom, his clean body wet against hers. She closed her eyes against unexpected tears as he put his arms around her. “I never knew it could be like that.”

Matt pressed a kiss to her ear. “Isn’t that why you wanted to do the study? To explore anal sex and the pleasures that could be derived from it?”

“Yes, but I didn’t expect it for myself.”

“You should, Dr. Ana. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.” Matt turned her so that he could see her eyes. “And I’ll be right here giving it to you if you let me.”

Dr. Ana smiled and accepted his kiss, whimpering as his thumb slid into her ass and fingers into her pussy.

No need to do any more research, she thought. She had found all the answers.

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My Bartender Ch. 02

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Author’s Note:

Hello everyone,

First let me say thank you to everyone who has left comments over the years. I had a few things happen that made writing hard. It was those comments that made me pick this story back up.

The tone has changed a bit, as their relationship evolved, but I think this story is true to them. Important note: Zeke’s name has been changed to Brian. I wanted him to seem more real and approachable…guess he’s changed in part because I have too.

Let me know what you think.

ps: I didn’t text him…vodka did, is currently in my editor’s hands.


The answer to the question ‘how many times he could make me come on the way home’, was none. It’s not his fault, between the cabby licking his lips in the rear view mirror and my growing panic at having this mind altering man in my personal space, I was suitably distracted.

“Close your eyes,” he whispered. Picking up on my struggle, Brian pulled me closer pulling one of my legs up onto his lap. His hand slid slowly up under my skirt, those deadly hands left a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

“I can’t do this.” My voice was so soft I wondered if he’d heard it at all. Those hands stopped briefly over my now soaked panties and he stiffened. He thought I meant all of it, me, him, my place. I did, kind of, but really I meant being watched by the creep in the front seat.

When I glanced to the front, he picked up on my meaning and relaxed a little. His hand slid back down, this time painting my thighs with our wetness. I sat up and slid into the crook of his arm, my heart felt like it was pounding beneath my rib cage.

“I want to taste you,” he whispered in my ear. “It’s been too long, you shouldn’t hide from me.”

“Is that what I’m doing?” I asked. “Hiding?”

“You tell me Vye?” Brian sounded hurt and it pulled at my heart. “You want this, you can’t tell me you don’t.”

“I want this,” I said.

“You want more than this.”

This time I didn’t answer, he was right, he had no idea how right he was. You’re asking yourself why, right? Why couldn’t I bring myself to turn this into more? The answer was complicated, so complicated I didn’t know where to start. Instead I turned to look at him, soaking in the sight of eyes I could drown in and lips I worshiped.

“I don’t do this you know,” I said. “I don’t take guys home.”

He smiled and my heart tripped over itself. “Good,” he said, “you need to forget those assholes anyway.” Brian leaned in and captured my lips in the sweetest kiss. “I’ve missed waking up next to you.”


I led the way up the stairs to my apartment, Brian’s hands never left my body. Whether he was caressing my back or holding my hand, he was constantly reminding me that he was there. Secretly I loved it. At the top of the stairs he wrapped his arms around my waist, I fumbled with the keys, and as the door swung open he kissed the back of my neck.

“Who is this,” Brian said with a smile in his voice. Leaning down he picked up the grey tabby cat waiting patiently by the door. “Aren’t you the cutest little kitten.”

“She’s eight,” I said. I smiled at the surprise on his face. “She was the runt of the litter.”

“She’s the tiniest cat I’ve ever seen.” He nuzzled her neck and I fell in love.

That hit me hard, I had been denying it for years but at that moment I couldn’t any more. This infuriating man who had me wrapped around his finger, who drove me crazy with lust, had my heart in his hand. That scared me to death. How on earth was I going to make this work?

“What’s her name?”

“George.” konyaaltı escort He laughed at me. I shrugged and kicked off my shoes. “I thought she was a boy for the first six days. The vet corrected me but I kept the name, she looks like a George.”

“Definitely.” Brian caught my hand and pulled me in for another kiss. “Go clean up, Beautiful, George will keep me company while we wait.”

I nodded, not too sure what to say. Part of me wanted to tell him to just stand there and not touch anything, but that would be weird. Brian and George made their way into the living room and with a shaking breath I headed into the bathroom.

I told myself I was going to be quick, in and out in time to keep him from digging too deeply into my life. That didn’t happen. By the time I got out of the shower I was 100 percent against facing him makeup-less. So I took an extra 20 minutes to put on my war paint.

I came out to find him looking through the pages on my drawing desk. Without looking back he said, “I didn’t know you could draw.”

“I illustrate children’s novels.” My reply was followed by a shrug he couldn’t see. “You’ve made a friend,” I said watching George attempting to climb up his legs.

“I guess you’re not the only one who has a thing for me.” He turned and the heat in his gaze lit my body on fire again. “You didn’t need to get dressed up for me.” Bran looked down at the simple silk nightgown and matching coat. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Again I shrugged. “No point in getting lingerie if no one is going to see it.”

Brian crooked his finger at me and obediently I moved closer. “It turns me on knowing this is just for me.” His hands slid around my waist and pulled me closer. “Kiss me Vye, it’s been too long.”

My laugh made him smile, that beautiful smile. “It’s been less than thirty minutes,” I said.

“Like I said, too long.”

His lips were soft and he eagerly pulled me out of my shell. My arms slid up around his neck and Brian’s hand brought me close enough to feel the hardness that promised me all the things I wanted.

“Take me to bed Vye. I have a list of nauty things I want to do to you.”

“Flirt.” I took his hand and moved to the bedroom, a little embarrassed that there were clothes on the floor and my bed wasn’t made. None of it seemed to bother him. As soon as the door closed behind us he was on me.

My housecoat hit the ground in seconds and his hands roamed my body like he was trying to memorize every curve and every patch of skin. I was just as frantic to feel him. Pulling at his shirt I had to push him away to get it up over his head.

“God I love it when you get worked up,” he said.

“Shut up and kiss me.”

I laughed when he picked me up and threw me on the bed. Seconds later he was on me, his mouth devouring every corner of mine. I couldn’t help but cling to him. It felt so good to be with him, not just physically, but emotionally. As much as I tried to fight it, this was where I wanted to be…more than anything I wanted to be here, like this, with him.

He braced himself over me, stradling one of my legs as I writhed against him. When he finally pulled away from our kiss his voice was rough. “See,” he said, reading my mind, “this is where you should be.”

“In my bed?” I teased.

“In bed with me.” My smile fell away at the seriousness painted on his face. “I’m serious Vye, this is too good to turn away from.”

I felt the mood slipping away and fought back and unwanted wave of tears. “Relationships are more than just great sex.”

“This is more than just great sex,” he said moving his kültür escort thigh until it was cradled against my soaking wet slit. With one hand he caressed the side of my face and followed the line of my neck to dance across my collar bone.

“Ok, mind blowing sex.”

“Don’t play dumb,” as if he could pick up on my fading passion he moved and started a trail of kisses from my mouth down to my breast. “We both know this is more than just sex.”

“How can it be,” I gasped when he slipped the nightgown down and claimed my nipple in a searing hot mouth. “We barely know each other.”

“It’s been five years,” he said, coming up for air. Our eyes met and I felt hypnotized, there was no way to look away. “I know you better than you think I do, and I’ve shown you everything.”

I thought back to our countless nights together, the late night conversations, early morning confessions. All the times I’d explored his apartment, learning about his music and the kids he taught during the day and the reason he still was bartending at the same place he’d been working at since college.

I remembered all our games of 20 questions, and the rare times he’d convinced me to stay over for a weekend. I knew his favourite movies, the music that had changed his life. I knew he loved pasta and hated eggs. I knew him, my heart knew him.

Why was this so hard?

I closed my eyes and lost myself in him. When he slid down my body and his tongue flicked at my most sensitive areas, I gasped. He knew what I liked, the soft licks on the underside of my clit. The feel of moustache against my most sensitive skin, his teeth biting at my lips, the harder bite marks that left bruises on the inside of my thighs. It felt sinful and a little dirty, like being devoured by the devil as I fell from heaven.

When he pulled back I whined making his smile widen. “Just a minute baby,” he said, “I can’t take this to the next level if I’m dressed.”

I rolled onto my side and watched him as he unbuttoned his pants and let them drop. As he stepped out of them and braced himself on the dresser so he could take off his socks, I drank him in. God, he was beautiful, from that ridiculous mohawk he’d had as long as I’d known him, the sleeves of tattoos on both arms, down to that gorgeous cock I dreamed of.

“Keep looking at me like that and you’ll be in bed until next weekend.” He climbed back over me, pulling the sheet up with him.

“Promises, promises,” I teased, opening my legs to welcome him. “Sometimes I think you’re all talk.”

He grinned and leaned down to bite my low lip. “You’re asking for it now. I love a challenge.”

“You love it all.”

“When it comes to you? Yeah I love it all.”

He slid into me and all the air left my body. My eyes rolled back into my head and I let out a breathy moan. Brian groaned and slowly moved inside me. He came down to lean on his elbows and wrapped a hand around the back of my neck.

“Have I mentioned how much I like how wet you get for me?”

“Not lately.”

“I need this Vye,” he whispered in my ear. “I need you.”

“I need you too.” My confession was met with another growl and his head dropped down to mine.

“You need to stop running.”

“I know.”

He moved inside me at a painstakingly slow pace that slowly sped up until he was pounding into me driving us both to the point of madness. His shout of release made my heart sing and I wrapped my arms around him pulling him down so I could feel his weight on me.

“That felt good,” he said after a little while. “It’s your turn baby.”

“It’s ok,” I said, “I’m fine.”

“You markantalya escort are fine but you’re going to cum for me.” Brian rolled onto his side and slid a hand down my less than flat stomach. “You know I love your body,” he told me. “You don’t need to wear things like this. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but you don’t need to cover up.”

I shrugged and fought back a wave of self consciousness. “It helps me get out of my head. I don’t feel comfortable naked.”

That wonderful hand slid down to the slick lips guarding my most sensitive spot. I closed my eyes and felt him move next to me, propping his head up on one hand so he could watch me. With one finger tip he traced a line around my clit, teasing but not touching it. He paused at the bottom and gently brought it up the underside, drawing a breathy gasp from me.

“God you’re good at that,” I said when he did it again. “You know all the right spots.”

“You’re beautiful,” He said. “I love how responsive you are.”

“That’s because you have magic fingers.”

He did it again, circling my clit then sliding up and down the underside. Then he slid back and forth on the top, dipping down to the left and then the right. It didn’t take me long and soon he was just holding his fingers there and I was doing all the work. I rubbed my body up and down his hand getting everything I needed and more to push me over the edge.

When he saw I was close, Brian slid his hand down and pushed two fingers inside me. He held them still as I fucked his hand using it to find my release. When my climax hit I shook, locking my legs around his hand and turning into him to bury my face in his neck.

“God you’re beautiful,” he said again. I was fighting tears, sensory overload for sure, but emotional overload too. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried out when he pulled his hand back. “Shhh, baby.” He whispered sweet words in my ears as tears rebelled and fell down my face.

Brian pulled away and sat up. Part of me panicked and grabbed him in an iron grip. “Don’t go, please don’t go,” I said.

He turned and gave me a bittersweet smile. Brushing a lock of hair back from my face he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “I need to use the washroom, I’ll be back.”

I didn’t want to let him go, but I did. In the time he was gone I struggled to control my emotions, fruitlessly struggled I might add. Why was this so hard this time? How many times had we done this and I’d been fine? It used to be so easy to just walk away.

I shook my head, it’d been getting harder and harder over the last few years. I wouldn’t ever tell him, but I hadn’t slept with anyone else in the five years we’d been playing this game. It had been easy at first, we saw each other three or four times in a month. Then it had gotten more intense and for a couple years we saw each other once or twice a week.

The last year had been hard. The more my mother pushed me to find a ‘good’ man, get married and settle down, the more I tried to distance myself. I told my self I’d never find someone else if I kept riding this runaway train.

Eleven times now I’d tried to go out on dates, six of those times I’d been awful and took the date to his bar. Everytime I’d end those dates in his bed begging for more. How fucked up was that.

“Don’t cry beautiful,” he said crawling back in bed. He held out a warm cloth for me, and I cried a little more because he was so damn thoughtful. When I’d cleaned up, Brian took the cloth, tossed it back towards the bathroom and pulled the blankets back up over us. “It can’t be all that bad. Didn’t it feel good?”

“So good,” I said between tears. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying.” Liar, I told myself.

He pulled me back against him and curved his body around me. “Close your eyes baby, it’ll be better in the morning.”

I prayed he was right.

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My Anniversary Gift

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I sat silently, in the corner of our bedroom, as I watched my wife snuggle up against her lover. He laid flat on his back, totally naked. She curled up against his muscled body and began to rub her long, slender fingers across his chest. His head turned towards her face. In response, his mouth was met by her awaiting lips. She moved her hand and placed it on his face and drew it closer so that their lips would meet without effort. I watched her tongue dart between his lips. Soon, they were in a deep, passionate kiss, totally oblivious to me and my growing erection. In the semi-darkness, I reached down between my legs and began to slowly rub my growing cock. Their hands began to explore each other’s bodies. Hers, traced his muscled chest, while his cupped her lingerie covered, perky breasts. Things began to heat up, as I flashed back to how this all came to be.

This was becoming a new normal for me. Liz and I had known each other since we were babies. Like many close friends, our relationship had turned romantic as we hit our teen years. During high school, we dated on and off. No matter how often we broke up, we would soon find ourselves back together again. As college approached, we found ourselves at the same school. We became roommates and our relationship finally became permanent. After we graduated, we got married, but I our marriage had a secret arrangement.

While we were in high school, Liz had an insatiable sex drive. Quite honestly, I couldn’t keep up. She would want to fuck before school, after school and even while I was at my after-school job. She was always up for the craziest and strangest sex. We did everything you can imagine. We tried anal, bondage, pissing on each other, threesomes, denial and at one point I wore a cock cage for a few weeks while she teased the shit out of me. I just couldn’t keep up with her constant need for sex. This desperate need, caused many of our break ups. During our break ups, she would fuck as many guys as she could. This would always make me jealous and she knew it. I would always beg her to come back to me and the sex would return to where we left off. She finally professed her undying love for me and told me that she wanted to be with me forever. Her only complaint about our relationship was my sex drive did not match hers. She said she could get passed that, but I knew she could not. By the time we went to college, we had come to an arrangement we could both live with. I got to be with the absolutely hottest woman, that I adored, and she got to have a fuck buddy to fill her insatiable sexual desires, when I couldn’t perform.

At first, our new arrangement seemed strange. We would fuck like rabbits for weeks, then my cock would just finally give up. She would take that as her sign to visit her fuck buddy and wear his cock out for a while. She knew that it usually took me a week or so to get my sex drive back. During that week, she would sleep with one of the guys that she met freshman year in her English class. He was a muscle-bound knuckle head with a big cock. He fancied himself a real ladies’ man and wanted no commitment to any woman. It was all sex to him and not much more. This arrangement fit our needs perfectly. The funny thing is, he thought that Liz was cheating on me, with him. Every time he’d see me, he would just smile and shake his head as if to say he had stolen something from me. Little did he know, he was being used as a tool and nothing more.

Senior year of college, Liz and I got engaged and after graduation, got married. Before we tied the knot, we set some rules we could both live with. The first was, she was my wife and sex with each other trumped sex with others. Second, during my sexual down time, she could fuck anyone she wanted. Her fuck sessions needed to be at home, when I was at the house. I did not need to watch, I just needed to be there and know she was safe. She loved that and told me that she had always wanted me close by while she made love to her other partners. She said that she had always loved me and that looking into my eyes while she fucked someone was her ultimate fantasy. She shyly admitted that she would cum just thinking about looking at me while she fucked other guys. Her one demand was that her lovers could only fuck her bareback. She hated the feeling of condoms and loved the feeling of a mans warm cum flowing inside her. I reluctantly agreed and asked that she only fuck men she knew were clean and that she stayed on birth control. We both agreed to this and began our married life together.

Today was our third anniversary. As it turned out my sex drive was totally gone. For the last few weeks, we have been having sex almost twice a day. Most mornings, I’d wake up to Liz slipping my morning wood into her dripping pussy. It was a hell of a way to wake up and usually it didn’t take long for me to pop one off, deep inside her. As I shoot my load into her, she usually grinds her clit as hard as she can, into me, until I feel her pussy grab my cock and pulse out a rocking konyaaltı escort orgasm. Before bed each evening, she teases me with her tight bubble butt and begs me to take her from behind. She loves when I pound her ass hard. We had spent weeks fucking like teenagers but now my balls were empty and my cock was sore.

A few days earlier, I told her that I was totally spent and doubted that I could to give her the fucking she so dearly wanted on our anniversary. When I told her this, I was met with a big pouty lip. She sadly said that she desperately wanted hot, hard, anniversary sex and that she had purchased some new lingerie for the occasion. I felt really stupid and bad. I told her that I was sorry. She seemed depressed and didn’t say much the rest of the evening. Right before bed, she told me that she had asked her lover to fuck her on our anniversary and that I was going to watch. She said that this was my gift to her. She was going to have her hard sex on our anniversary, with or without me. My heart skipped a beat, but I agreed.

However, there was one catch. She insisted that I sit in the comfy chair, by the bed and watch. My heart almost beat from my chest. I had never seen my wife fuck her lovers before. I had always been close by, but never there in the room. To my surprise, my cock began to get hard. Liz put one hand on my chest and one down my pants as she kissed me. Her long fingers gripped my growing cock as the other hand acted like a human EKG. She pulled back and giggled and told me that she wasn’t surprised I got excited at the thought. She said she had always thought that I had wanted to watch and even participate. She then said that she had a gift for me and that she would surprise me with it after her lover left. I was intrigued and anxious to see what she had gotten me.

The night of our anniversary, we went out for a nice dinner. All night, Liz teased me. She wore an amazingly tight dress, with some fuck me pumps that made her legs and ass really pop. At dinner, she slipped her foot out of her heel and rubber my cock with the sole of her foot, from beneath the table. The night was starting out pretty hot. As we returned home, she asked me if I was sure I didn’t want to fuck her. I told her that I desperately wanted to fuck her, but I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to go all the way, my cock just ached from overuse. She slyly smiled and grabbed her phone and sent a short text. She stripped out of her dress and revealed her new bra and panties. The bra was snow white in color, was totally seamless and very smooth. It looked like it was painted on her. Her panties were thong style and matched perfectly with her bra. She was a beautiful sight to behold.

As she strutted around in front of me, the doorbell rang. She turned to me and told me to go upstairs and get undressed. Liz then told me to put on a condom and then go sit in the chair and be totally quiet at all times. Just like a dog, I ran off and did as I was told. Almost immediately, I heard Liz open the front door. She greeted her guest and asked him if he wanted something to drink. He said he did and I heard them move off into the kitchen. I quickly threw my clothes off and fished in the nightstand for a condom. We never used them usually, so the package seemed old and brittle. I tore it open to find the little rubber disk waiting for me. I fiddled with it a bit as I tried to roll it down my semi-rigid shaft. Finally, it was on and I sat down in the chair and waited in the semi-darkness.

About ten minutes passed before a figure appeared in the door. It was him. Her lover had entered our bedroom. He did not acknowledge me and instead stripped off his clothes. He then pulled back the sheets and crawled into our bed. A moment later, Liz came in and made her way over the bed and climbed in next to him. It then struck me, my wife had just crawled into our marital bed with her lover. On our third anniversary, my wife was being taken by another man, while I watched, because I was unable to perform my husbandly duties.

As my mind came back to the scene unfolding in front of me, I focused on the two of them. After they passionately kissed each other, Liz climbed atop her lover and straddled his groin. She slowly stroked his impressive cock in an effort to make it rock hard. My wife then sat up as high as she could and pulled the thong to the side and began to rub the tip of his impressive tool on her wet pussy lips. Her lover moaned loudly. Liz smiled broadly and slowly impaled herself on his shaft. Again, he moaned in pleasure. She then placed her hands on her ankles and began to ride him, like a horse on a gentle trot. The room began to fill with the sound of her ass slapping down on his legs as she purred like a kitten. His strong hands grasped her tiny waist and he began to thrust himself upwards with each bounce. Liz threw her head back as she increased her rhythm. Her lover expressed how good she looked on his cock and how beautiful she was. This only encouraged her to ride kültür escort him harder.

Her lover moved his hands up to her breasts and squeezed them tightly. My wife moaned with pleasure at his touch. Her left hand moved down behind her back and began to massage his balls as she rode his hard stick. Every once in a while, I caught a glimpse of her wedding ring, as the diamond caught the soft light from the hallway. The ring I had given her as a sign of my commitment and devotion to her, was now touching another man’s balls. My heart raced at the thought. It seemed so very wrong, yet in some strange way, right. Liz was getting what she wanted, what she needed on our anniversary. Something that I knew I couldn’t do to either of our satisfaction.

Her massaging was working. Her lover began to get rougher with her. I could see that he was beginning to get into a sexual frenzy. Liz sensed that too and began riding him harder. She took the first two fingers on her right hand and slipped them into his mouth. This excited him. She pulled them out to the edge of his lips, at which point, his tongue began to dance on them as if he was licking her clit. She let out a very satisfied growl and began to ride him at a full gallop.

Liz’s breathing became louder and heavier as did her lovers. Like a Vegas poker shark, Liz had her “tells”. She could not hide her build up to orgasm. No, it was obvious to anyone when she was about to pop. She grabbed her breasts with both hands and squeezed them hard. Liz then bit her bottom lip as she threw her head as far back as she could. Then, she slammed herself down hard on his massive tool and let out a scream. She flung herself forward and fell on top of him in an effort to shove his cock inside her as deeply as possible. She ground her pussy hard into his groin. Her hands grabbed his head and she shoved her tongue down his throat, almost gagging him. All the while, her body shook as if it was in an earthquake. It was a sight to see. Surprisingly, her lover did not explode at the same time. No, instead he forced his manhood as deeply as he could inside of her and just allowed her to orgasm herself to ecstasy.

The whole scene was very erotic. To my amazement, my rubber clad cock was rock hard and standing at full attention. Liz had told me to wear a condom just in case I got hard and had an orgasm. She did not want me to make a mess on the comfy chair, I was sitting on. When she asked, I was sure that I was not going to come, fuck, I wasn’t even sure I would get it up. However, not only was I erect, my heart was racing like when I had sex with Liz. Without realizing it, I had been jerking my cock off pretty hard. I was actually pretty close to coming.

After a few minutes, Liz began to come down from her orgasmic high. She continued to kiss her lover intensely. Her passion made my heart beat even harder. She wasn’t just fucking her lover, no, she was making love to him. My body began to shiver slightly, not from cold but from the intensity of what I was seeing. After what seemed like forever, she slowly climbed off of him. She slid down between his legs and grabbed his cock with her left hand and guided it towards her sexy lips. His cock glistened with her juices. Slowly, she began to lick the shaft clean. It was incredibly sensual. Her lovers cock twitched with each lick. All the while, she looked deeply into his eyes. Her lover took her head into his strong hands and began guiding it up and down his shaft. Liz had no gag reflex and easily took his long cock across her warm, wet tongue and down into her throat. Her lover reacted with amazement. I watched intently as my wife sucked off another man, in our bed. Once again, my right hand was flying across my rigid pole.

Just before her lover was about to unload into her throat, she removed his cock from her mouth and gave him a sultry smile.

As she did, she spun around on the bed and looked back over her shoulder. Liz looked into his eyes and told him that she wanted him to fuck her hard from behind. She wanted him to “take” her, “use” her, like a cheap whore. Her lover sprang up off the bed and immediately positioned himself behind her perky ass. The sound of a hard slap rang through the bedroom. She howled in delight. He told her that she was fucking whore that needed to be put in her place. She responded with “take my ass Daddy”.

He slapped her ass hard again and impaled his weapon deep inside her. He shoved her face into the bed with one hand and grabbed her long hair with the other. Her lover then pounded her ass deeply and without mercy. Liz reacted with screams of YES, YES. Her lover then placed his hand on the small of her back and asked her if she was a slutty whore. She responded with a loud YES. As she did, he slid his large thumb deep inside her asshole. Liz let out a surprised yelp, a scream of FUCK, then began to shake violently. Her lover looked down at her and told her to cum for him. To my amazement, she did just that. Her body convulsed as if she markantalya escort was having a seizure. Her knees gave out, but she did not collapse to the bed, as her lover was holding her quivering body up with his hard cock and his thumb deep inside her ass.

I had never seen Liz come like this before. She seemed to be in a trance, unable to breathe normally or even have control of her body. She trembled uncontrollably for quite some time. Finally, her lover could not hold her up any longer. He lowered her spent body down to the bed and pummeled her pussy into submission. Our bed screamed and creaked like never before. Never, had sex been that severe in that bed. I was afraid it was just going to break apart and crash to the floor. Their love making did not resemble ours. Ours was slow, gentle and simple. Theirs was raw, passionate and brutal.

Liz’s amazing lover finally stopped plowing her ass long enough to ask her a question. He grabbed her hair and pulled her face up from the mattress and asked her what a little whore like her wanted. Breathlessly, she responded by telling him that she wanted his hot cum deep inside her womb. She then told him that she wanted him to “plant his seed” inside her. I nearly shit myself when I heard her say that. Cum inside me was one thing, but plant his seed, this comment brought it to a whole new level. Her lover laughed sinisterly and began to bang her ass hard again. He once again used her hair as a handle and jerked her head back hard. He then demanded that she tell him what she wanted, over and over again. She told him she wanted his seed inside her womb. He demanded that she say it louder. She said it again, this time much louder. Again, he demanded she continue. Soon, our bedroom echoed with the sounds of intense fucking and screams of “I want your seed in my womb”.

Her demands for his seed were rewarded as he blasted load after load of cum deep inside my wife. As he did, Liz slid off into another crushing orgasm. Her lover howled like a wolf, as he filled Liz’s womb with his potent seed. Liz screamed in a way I had never heard before. Her lover’s body was glistening in sweat and hard as a rock. He looked like a Greek god, with his sacrifice laying before him. My wife was that sacrifice, laying spent, in front of him with his sperm injected deep inside her. The room was filled with the smell of sex, sweat and cum. As he finished taking his prize, he fell down on top of her. They laid there together in our marital bed for about an hour before he finally removed his now flaccid cock from her pussy.

The sight of their mutual orgasm nearly sent me over the edge. I forced myself to release my grip from my cock and grab the arms of the chair. I desperately wanted to save my potential orgasm for Liz. My body trembled in a way it never had. My cock was as hard as it had ever been. It bounced up and down with each heart beat. I felt like I was going to pass out.

Liz’s lover flipped her over and kissed her as he crawled out of our bed. She reached over and grabbed my pillow and propped it up under her butt so that his cum would not leak out onto the bed. Her lover picked up his clothes and went into the bathroom to get dressed. Liz turned to me and asked me to join her in bed. I stood up and revealed my raging hard-on. She smiled broadly. As I crawled into bed next to her, she whispered to me that she needed some birth control. I didn’t know what she meant. She told me that she really did need some birth control. She then explained that she had wanted to get pregnant and had thought that we would have sex on our anniversary. She had stopped taking her birth control three months ago in anticipation.

I sat straight up in shock. She slyly smiled and pointed down to her freshly fucked pussy and again said she REALLY needed some birth control. Her hand grabbed the hair on the top of my head and guided my mouth to her gaping pussy. She told me that I needed to get busy and shoved my face into her sloppy hole. I nearly passed out as her lovers cum slid into my mouth. My body shook violently. Liz flipped me over on the bed and straddled my face with her pussy. Her lovers hot seed slowly slid out and into my mouth. She told me to suck hard, as she could still feel his warmth deep inside her. I grabbed her ass and sucked as hard as I could. I didn’t want another mans sperm attacking my wife’s eggs. The thought of another man’s baby growing inside my wife’s womb, was overwhelming. I was cleaning up her lovers’ mess without even thinking about it. I had never had any desire to do it, yet I was cleaning her pussy with zeal.

As her lover stepped from the bathroom, my sucking and darting tongue, set her off on a gentle rolling orgasm. He walked over to the bed and kissed her as she rode the waves. She moaned with pleasure. Her lover told her good night and then looked down to see my face totally covered with his messy gift. He smiled then looked to my crotch and laughed. He pointed to my cock and smiled and left. Liz looked down at my cock to discover that the tip of my condom was full of cum. My balls had released their contents without me even realizing. I had gotten so excited that I had filled the tip of the condom up without ever felling that I had an orgasm.

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My Adventures in Magaluf

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Trying to fight off the temptation to fall asleep, my tiredness was interrupted by the electronic shrill noise of the announcement “Easy Jet Flight number EZY8621 to Palma Majorca is now ready for boarding. Please approach the boarding gates with your passport and boarding card. We wish you a safe and happy flight and an enjoyable holiday.”

My holiday was about to start!

It was 5.30am at Gatwick airport. We had been here since just after 2.00am in the morning and I was exhausted, but incredibly excited. This was my first holiday without my parents and I was going to one of the flesh pots and sin cities of Europe. Magaluf, also known as Shag a Luf.

I was no innocent virgin, but neither at 19 years of age was I a total whore. I was curious as to what the next week would bring.

“Come on Elaine, let’s go.” My thoughts were disturbed by my best friend and travel companion Sue who was, like me, 19 and about to enjoy her first holiday without her parents.

Looking around us as we joined the queue to board the plane, unsurprisingly, most of the other would be holiday makers were similar to us. An equal mix of guys and girls, aged from our age to mid to late 20’s all intending to have a good time and making the best of the cheap food and drink, the good weather and the party atmosphere of Magaluf. Some were in pairs like us, some in bigger groups. One group looked like they were on a stag do. I wondered what the bride to be would be thinking of her fiancé going to Magaluf and the sexual antics that it was renowned for.

Good natured flirting had already started with banter going back and forth between the groups of holiday makers. Some of the guys in particular had clearly been enjoying a few drinks before boarding the plane and would I assume be totally off their face all holiday.

Sue and I were soon on the plane and I shut my eyes as we roared down the runway thinking what the week ahead had in store. My intention was to have fun, some drinks, not get hurt and come home with a nice sun tan. Sue and I had booked up the holiday very much last minute. We had both spilt up from our boyfriends within a week or so of each other and decided some girl time on holiday was required.

I smiled inwardly as I thought of Ross, my ex, who I had caught in bed with one of my so called friends. He had his head stuck between her legs and by the sound of things had been there some time as she was on the brink of cumming as I interrupted their activities.

My thoughts and dreams were interrupted by Sue nudging me awake.

“Elaine look at them!” she exclaimed pointing at the couple in the seats across the aisle from us.

“Talk about needing to get a room!”

The subject of her intrigue was a couple engrossed in a seriously passionate kiss, her sitting on his lap with his hands under her skimpy top massaging her breasts. Even above the roar of the jet engines and the general noise in the plan her moans of appreciation could be heard by people like us sitting near them.

“Welcome to Magaluf Sue,” I said smiling. “Just imagine what we might see there!”

“Or experience,” she said with a saucy smile.

Sue, like me was no innocent virgin but had probably had a few more experiences to reminisce about than I did. I lost my virginity just the right side of the legal age of consent to a boy I had dated for over 6 months. We split up a few months later. I then had a few, maybe 3 or 4, one night stands before starting a couple of more serious relationships, the last one to Ross.

The antics of the couple were stopped by the flight attendant who advised them, very nicely, that the captain had turned on the seatbelt signs and asked that all passengers return to their seats. I just caught sight of the guy removing his hands from under her shirt and the hard nipples poking through the shirt material. They tried to continue their performance sitting side by side, but soon gave up as the constraints of the seats and seatbelts hindered their wished for activity.

The plane landed without incident and we were soon disembarking, passing effortlessly through customs and looking for the coaches to transfer us to our various hotels.

Sue and I ended up sharing a minibus with 3 guys, about the same age as us, who were also enjoying their first holiday without parents. Not a lot was said on the short journey to our hotel but after checking in, one of them said to us that he hoped to see us around later and asked if we had any plans.

“No,” I answered. “Some catch up sleep by the pool is my first request.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” he answered stifling a yawn. “My name is Mike by the way. This is Ed and he is Sam,” pointing to the third guy still checking in.”

“Hi, I’m Elaine and this is Sue. See you later then.”

We picked up our bags and headed to our room. We made short work of unpacking, having a refreshing shower and were soon in our newly bought skimpy bikinis enjoying our first drink by the pool.

“There are worse ways of spending time,” Sue said as she shielded her eyes from the sun watching konyaaltı escort some guys splashing around in the pool.

They had visibly been here some time judging by their burnt shoulders.

We were soon splashed by one of the guys.

“Come on girls, join us in the pool, we don’t bite!” one shouted.

“Well I do, but nicely!” added another.

“Maybe in a bit,” I shouted back. “We have only just got here and are unwinding.”

“I know a nicer way of unwinding,” the first one shouted back saucily.

“We’ll bear that in mind” Sue replied. “But not just now. Thanks.”

The lads continued the fun in the pool and were soon joined by a group of girls.

We smiled as within seconds various bikini tops had been removed and were being thrown around amongst the lads amongst the squeals of fake, we assumed, anger.

Despite the noise I was soon starting to drift off, my lack of sleep catching up on me.

I don’t know how long I had been asleep but I was awoken by some cold water being dripped on my hot stomach.

“Wake up sleepy head, this town never sleeps!”

I looked up to see Mike looking down at me smiling. “Oh hi, it’s you.”

“Yeah, the other guys are swimming with Sue, or trying to as there seems to be a full on game of hide the bikini top going on at the moment.”

“What, Sue’s?”

“No,” he laughed. “Well not yet.”

“Oh, Ok I am sure she can look after herself,” I said sitting up.

“Can I sit down?” Mike asked.

“Sure,” I said moving my legs to give him some room on the sunbed.

“We were planning on hitting the strip early, about 8.00 tonight as it’s our first night and wondered if you and Sue would like to join us? Grab something to eat and few drinks and then see what’s what. Either party till dawn or crash out as we all missed a night’s sleep. What do you say?”

“I think that sounds like a plan.”

We were soon joined by Sue, still with bikini top in place and the two other guys. I did a quick check and all three of them looked fit in their swimming shorts and I could see that Sue and I were also being given the once over.

With arrangements made and agreed, the lads went off to cause more havoc in the pool as Sue and I continued dozing and topping up our tan.

As agreed, we met the lads in the hotel reception at 8.00pm. Sue and I were wearing short summer skirts and vests, the lads were looking smart in polo shirts and tailored shorts. We walked along the road hand in hand; Mike in the middle, Sue and I on either side of him and the other two on the outside, Ed holding my hand and Sam holding Sue’s.

We called in at one of the first bar / restaurants, sat outside on their terrace and ordered sausage and chips, wondering if this was soon to become our staple diet, and a round of beers.

The second round of beers was soon ordered as we got to know each other a bit better. The lads were all 20, came from just outside London and were all single. Mike had recently split up from a long term relationship when she emigrated with her parents. The other two making fun of his seriousness and maturity as they boasted of their singleness and of being stud material.

As the third round of beers arrived, I caught Sam taking a sneaky look down the top of my vest as I stood up to get my bottle that had been placed in the middle of the table.

I didn’t say anything but smiled at him as I sat down. He knew he had been caught but that I wasn’t offended.

Ed was not as restrained, laughing out “Come on Sue bend down a bit more!” as she stood up and leant over to get her beer.

“Hey!” she said smiling, “it’s rude to look!”

“Well if I can’t look, can I feel them?” Ed retorted to much laughter from all of us, Sue included.

“And I thought you were a nice boy,” Sue said looking flirtingly at him.

“No that’s me,” Sam said.

The banter continued as yet another round of beers arrived.

“Oh God,” Mike groaned. “I have to break the seal, the fatal first. I need a wee.”

“Want Sue or Elaine to hold it and shake it Mike?” Ed shouted.

“Yes, but not right now!” Mike quickly replied to much mirth as he headed off to the loo.

Ed and Sam had the same problem and soon joined him. The three of them were soon back.

“Fucking hell, excuse my language,” exclaimed Sam. “You should see what’s going on in there,” pointing to the inside of the bar.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I have never seen anything like it,” Ed answered. “It’s supposed to be a wet tee shirt competition but the girls don’t seem to be wearing any tee-shirts, just dancing naked being hosed down with a hose pipe.”

“Oh My God!” exclaimed Sue. “Let’s go in and see!”

We picked up our bottles and went into the bar. All our senses were then immediately hit by a wall of noise coming from music and shouting, flashing lights and the smell of booze.

Sam led us to the side where there was a platform with 6 girls dancing and cavorting naked, much as he described, as a bored looking man in a bar tee shirt proclaiming kültür escort him as “staff” squirted water at them Another guy with a microphone fought a battle with the music to encourage them to kiss each other and rub their boobs and pussy’s.

We couldn’t talk to each other as the noise was so loud, but soon the guy with the microphone was asking for applause as the girls were led off the platform, picking up their discarded clothing as they did so.

“Come on; let’s have some more girls on stage. Free drinks for all participants!” shouted the man with the mic.

“Go on, Sue, go on Elaine!” shouted Sam.

We both looked at each other and laughed.

“In your dreams Sam!” I shouted back.

Soon 6 more girls were on the platform and what started as a wet tee shirt competition soon ended in a wet strip show.

We all moved on as we heard a gigantic cheer come from the other side of bar. Wanting to know what the noise was all about, we soon found out. A topless girl was on her knees, surrounded by 10 guys with their dicks out. She went round sucking each one for a few seconds before moving on to the next one.

“Come on darling!” encouraged another man with a mic. “10 blow jobs in a minute and you get a free holiday!”

The minute was soon up, and one guy had yet to receive the benefit of a few seconds suck!

“Tough luck darling!” yelled the mic guy. “Better luck next time!”

She was helped up and handed her top, only to be replaced by another girl. She was told to remove her top and started the same process, completing the act with seconds to spare.

Loud cheers and clapping ensued as she stood up and put her top back on.

“And her is your free holiday!” the man with the mic said amid much laughter, handing her a cocktail. “The cocktail is called holiday! You didn’t expect to…you did didn’t you?” he said as the girl realised what she had subjected herself to.

“Come on let’s go somewhere else!” shouted Mike.

We all agreed and followed him out of the bar.

“Jesus, I couldn’t believe my eyes,” I said as we left the bar and the noise reduced so we didn’t have to shout to make ourselves heard.

“So where next?” Ed asked.

“I don’t know, but I am sorry to say I’m going to have one for the road and then turn in, I am exhausted,” I said. “I will never last the week otherwise.”

“Oh Elaine, don’t be a spoil sport,” whined Sue.

“I’m sorry, you stay out, and these guys will look after you and have a good time.”

“Oh OK,” Sue said a bit reluctantly as we went into another bar.

The beers were soon finished and I made my good byes, chastely kissing the guys on their cheeks as I bade them goodbye.

“Look, I’ll walk you back to the hotel,” Mike said as I went to leave.

“No, it’s fine. I will be OK; you stay here and enjoy the rest of the night.”

“I insist,” he said forcefully as he took my hand.

“Ok masterful one!” If the truth be known I was a bit concerned about walking back on my own.

I said my good nights again as we walked out of the bar. He didn’t let go of my hand and I felt very comfortable as we made small talk while walking through the busy strip back to our hotel.

“I know you said that was your nightcap, but could I persuade you to have one more, just you and me?” Mike said as we approached the hotel.

I looked at him, “Ok, on one condition.”

“Which is?”

“We have it in the pool, I need to cool off or have a shower!”

“Done, get your costume and I’ll see you in the pool.”

I quickly got to my room and changed, returning to the pool to see Mike standing in the pool with two beers in front of him.

“Thanks,” I said as he handed me one.

We crashed bottle. “Cheers,” we said together.

“We stood with our backs to the pool edge admiring the distant lights and enjoying the quietness after the madness of the strip.

There was another couple in the pool opposite to us. They were oblivious to what was going on as they were entwined and passionately kissing.

“They look like they are having fun,” I said.

“Are you?”

“Having fun?”


“Yes I am, thanks,” I said as I leant over and gave him a kiss on the lips. “Very much.”

“Good, so am I,” as he kissed me back, his lips lingering a bit longer on mine.

We looked at each other and there was a silent acknowledgment of what would happen next.

Mike put his beer bottle on the side and took mine out of my hand and placed it next to his. Moving around in front of me I felt his hands go around me as he pulled me close for a hug, swiftly followed by him looking deep in my eyes as he tilted his head and came in for a kiss.

I felt his tongue open my lips and we were soon in a deep passionate kiss as our tongues fought and he held me oh so tight.

I meanwhile was running my hands over his back as our kiss continued, moaning into his mouth as I grew more and more aroused.

Stopping to draw breath, Mike continued to hold me, now running his hands over my back from markantalya escort the top of my bikini bottoms, up and over the bikini top straps.

“I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you at reception,” he said quietly.

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” I replied.

“True,” he laughed, “But you were today’s girl!”

I playfully splashed him after which he resumed probably the most passionate kiss I had ever had. Boy, Mike knew how to kiss.

Breaking again to regain our breath I asked: “So what else did you want to do since you saw me at reception?”

Mike laughed as he replied, “well it’s very rude, very nice and probably something best not done in a public swimming pool.”

“I am intrigued. So should you show me in your room or mine?”

“Which one is closer?” he smiled.

“Yours, so let’s go so the other couple can have the pool to themselves.”

Mike and I looked over and while I couldn’t be certain I was sure they were actually having sex in the pool.

“I don’t think we bothered them!” Mike said as he helped me out of the pool.

We picked up some towels, dried ourselves and walked hand in hand to his room.

Once in the room, I was engulfed in his giant hug as we continued the kissing I had enjoyed in the pool.

In the sanctuary of his room I felt him stroke my body with one hand and he held me tight with the other. As he exploring hand roamed my back I felt my bikini bra strap being undone. We broke the kiss as I stepped back and removed it, allowing Mike to see my 34B breasts for the first time.

“Oh my god, “he sighed as he gently reached out and cupped them, running his thumbs over the hardening dark pink nipples.

Lowering his head, Mike took one nipple between his lips before taking as much of my boob in his mouth as he could and sucked gently, then a bit harder, then harder still until I indicated that it was a bit too much.

Mike led me towards his bed and I got to see his growing erection in his trucks.

“Shall we remove these”, I said as I gently reached out and touched the waist band.

He nodded.

Carefully I slipped the trunks down and as he stepped out of them I got to see his prick in all its glory.

I gently touched it and got on my knees and as I stroked it, marvelling at how it got harder, I licked the end, tasting his wetness and hearing him take a sharp breath.

“Oh God Elaine, yes!”

Needing no encouragement I took as much of his hard prick in my mouth as I could, licked and sucked him as best as I could. His moaning and the fact that he started thrusting, fucking my mouth, indicated he was enjoying my attention.

“Elaine, I won’t last long if you keep doing that!” Mike whispered.

I stopped and stood up, dirtily wiping my mouth that was covered in my saliva and his wetness.

He held me tight again and kissed me, if possibly, even more passionately than before.

I felt his hand wonder down my back and into my bikini bottoms, feeling his fingers go down the crack of my bum, approaching my pussy, which was now aching for attention.

We broke off our kiss.

“I think it’s time you lost these,” Mike said softly as he undid the ties of my bikini bottoms and dropped them to the floor.

He pushed me onto the bed and knelt down to see my sex for the first time. Freshly waxed, there was not a hair there.

“Oh sweet Jesus, that is beautiful,” he sighed as he gently opened my legs. I felt him gently open me up and his finger easily slid along my soaking wet crack. He slowly slid a finger in me as he lent forward and licked my hardening clit.

One finger was joined by another as the finger fucking quickened and his licking of my clit continued. He was as good at oral sex as he was at kissing and I knew that I would soon cum. Sensing that, he was soon looking for my G spot, something I had found myself but lovers had not yet found. That was it, that set the orgasm off and I was soon exploding as my muscles tightly grasped his fingers in my slick pussy and I had to stop him licking my oh so sensitive clit.

He slowly withdrew his fingers as my orgasm subsided.

“Ok?” he whispered as he joined me on the bed, gently kissing me. I could taste myself on him as he let me climb down from the peak and regain my breath.

“Yes, I am. You are very naughty making a girl cum like that. You could spoil her for life!”

Mike smiled in a self-satisfied glow.

I reached out and found his hard cock, feeling it harden even more as I gently stroked it.

“Mike, I hate to be practical, but I do hope you have a condom?”

“I do, but it won’t be needed if you keep doing that!”

I laughed as he got off the bed, soon returning ripping the top off the packet and putting the condom on his prick.

Lying down beside me, he then slid on top of me and I instinctively opened my legs. Hoisting himself up, I felt for his hardness and guided it into my pussy, holding my breath as I felt it slide all the way in.

“Oh yes Mike, fuck me!” I implored, as I felt him withdraw, then renter and started to build constant thrusting.

Lifting my bum, I tried to match him.

“Oh Mike, I am going to cum again!”

“Good, I can’t last long, sorry!” he cried as I felt his thrusting get faster and more urgent.

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The Price of Lust Ch. 04

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My drive home was mixed with emotions. Besides the girls, Bob Arnold was on my mind and I went from anger, to lustful yearning, to an almost passionate concern over what Bob might be going through. My problem was simple; I knew nothing and only had suspicions – unable to prove or disprove. I started to shiver. The warm evening breeze entering the car seemed as cold and calculating as my own daughter’s actions over the past few days.

By the time I reached home, I caught myself mentally reviewing just how I might strike up a conversation with ole Bob. Entering the house, I leaned against the front door and heard it click shut. The click ended my thinking. Given everything that had ran through my mind, I still had no idea on how to actually meet up with Bob and not tip him off about why. I sighed heavily and went off to bed. ‘Tomorrows another day Matt – let this thing go for now.’ I told myself.

It wasn’t that easy.


I woke from a dream involving Julie and myself. It seemed real enough to feel the warm summer breeze blowing through my hair, as we raced down a road in her new Miyata. Nothing too odd in that, except Julie was stark naked and waving at passing motorists.

I sat up with a jolt of adrenaline coursing through me, breathing rapid and wide eyed. I recognized the feeling immediately. It was fear. After a few minutes, I managed to compose myself and eased from the bed. Caught up in thought, my being alone didn’t register immediately. When it did, I turned slowly looking at Doreen’s side of the bed, finding it un-slept in.

The thoughts that didn’t go through my mind, at that point, unnerved me. Strangely, concern wasn’t one of them. In fact, it was nothing above mild curiosity and that’s what unnerved me most. The word affair entered my head, as I walked down to the kitchen, finding myself actually grinning over the thought. ‘Hell why not – everything else is topsy turvy any more, why not add that to the mix.’

I sat smoking the day’s first cigarette, waiting for the coffee to brew, when Julie walked in. She looked refreshed. It was obvious she’d showered, her hair was still damp. With a beaming smile she said good morning and headed off for her room. Nothing more, nothing less was said between us. An hour later, Julie walked through again, dressed for school, and waved good bye, leaving me to my thoughts.

I’d be lying if I said my thoughts weren’t dark, brooding almost in their intensity. Doreen came to mind first, as I wondered just what dramatic surprise her exploits might throw my way, divorce was always messy. Then Bob entered my mind again. I felt the aching pain of jealousy inside me wondering if Bob’s face had showed the same satisfied look that Julie’s had this morning. And finally, I smiled recalling the intense anal sex shared with Bob’s daughter. ‘If you only knew Bob…If you only knew.’ The final thought flashing through my head, as I got up and dumped the third cup of coffee out. It was cold and the mission today didn’t involve my lying around the house.

By noon I felt beat. I’d been to every car dealership in town and come up empty. No one had a red Miyata convertible. I cursed under my breath, leaving the last dealer, and headed for the nearest bar. A drink wasn’t going to solve my problem but, it’d damn sure help me feel better. And so, at 1:30 I found myself setting at the bar of Benny’s Pub. I had a strong suspicion that Benny wasn’t Irish, even though he tried to pass his establishment off as an Irish pub. His whiskey was good and that’s all I cared about.

Thirty minutes later Benny’s received another patron. Like me, he too took a seat at the bar, several chairs away. I paid him casual notion and continued with my drink. Something about him seemed familiar, when I over heard his drink request. I couldn’t place what it was and polished off my hi-ball. I held up my glass, indicating for the bartender to hit me again when he finished with his new customer.

Being closer, the bartender dropped off my drink first and then went to serve the new arrival, striking up a conversation with him. I sat sipping and eaves dropped. ‘That voice…I knew that voice but, from where?’ I thought, deciding to take another look at the man.

His physical appearance did nothing to jolt my memory. He was a mousey little man, with a taste for Vodka on the rocks, that’s all I knew. The out of pure happenstance, the little man posed a question to the bartender, obviously named Pete.

“Pete, is everything alright?” I heard him ask and a light bulb went on inside my head! I swiveled my head to the right and stared in fascination at the man I felt certain was Bob Arnold! It dawned on me, just then, that someone had peaked out of the living room curtain at Becky’s house last night – someone short! It was him!

‘Go figure – him? This meek little guy was the man having sex with my daughter? Holy Christ!’ I thought, taking another long hit from my drink, as I stared unable to take my eyes from him. I was about to get up and confront konyaaltı escort him when he noticed my staring.

When I stood up, Bob turned away and started to rise. “Bob? Bob Arnold?” I called out, a little too loud. He stopped half way off the bar stool and turned back to me.

“Perhaps – who’s asking?”

“Matt Benson, Julie’s father. Your daughter and Julie are best friends – right?” I answered back and took a seat next to him. He nodded at my reply, slowly reseating himself with a curious look on his face.

“Nice to meet you, Bob.” I went on, holding out my hand and then quickly added, “Oh – I’m sorry, may I call you Bob? It’s funny our meeting this way…SO what’s got you out and around today?”

I was babbling and I knew it. Arnold was looking a bit skittish when I stopped talking but, took my hand and shook it. The shake was limp at best but, he did shake it and said,

“Yeah – yeah Bob’s fine. I’m out looking for a car.”

“No shit, me too! What are the chances? Time for a new ride huh?” I commented, taking a drink and looking away. I wanted to disarm this man and talk to him, not make him bolt and run. To that end, I laughed after my comment and offered him a cigarette.

“Don’t smoke, I quit but, thanks anyway and no – the car isn’t for me. I’m looking for Becky.”

I choked on my drink at his final words and spit out most of it. With a sheepish grin, I turned back to him and apologized, as I wiped up my mess. “For Becky? Really, that is strange. I’m out looking for a car for Julie. Any luck?”

Bob’s eyes widened a bit, as he sat staring at me. There was a nervous twitch in his hands when he raised his drink. I smiled, raised my glass in a salute and took another sip. ‘I knew it…He’s being blackmailed too!’ I thought, hoping my actions were being viewed as friendly. There was a great deal we needed to talk about.

“Mr. Benson…”

“Hey – Matt, please!”

“Matt then, I really must be going. I have a lot of looking to do. Perhaps we’ll talk again some time?” He remarked, standing up to finish his drink. “Until next time. Good luck on your search.”

“Yeah…Yeah the same to you, until next time Bob. Say hi to Becky for me!” I called out after him. I watched the meek man scurry out of the bar, in a nervous hurry. He paused only slightly when I mentioned Becky’s name and seemed to shiver before continuing his escape.

I recalled Becky’s comment about her father and shook my head in wonder. I found it nearly impossible to believe the little man could be involved at all. ‘He just didn’t seem the type.’ I thought, and then laughed, lifting my drink. ‘Shit, who was?’ I polished off my drink and paid the tab. Like Bob, I’d come up empty and the future seemed to hinge on one thing – a Miyata.


I arrived home to a dark house and disgusted at my lack of progress. I’d forgotten about the empty bed. The dark house brought the thought back to me. I actually expected Doreen to home, if for no other reason than to lay into me about Julie, our marriage or whatever she felt the need to. Somehow, the silence instilled a little gratitude in me, as it would give me time to think about what my next move would be.

Entering my room, I heard the front door slam shut. There was no way of telling who came in and I announced where I was at, before walking to the closet. The fact that half the closet was empty didn’t dawn on me until I heard a scream echo through the house. It was Julie! With sudden realization, I stared at the half empty closet and immediately understood what the scream was about. Doreen was gone.

I backed up, still staring at the empty closet and sat heavily on the bed. ‘What the hell?’ I mumbled just as Julie burst through the door. She came to a skidding stop, waving a sheet of paper in her hand.

“She’s gone! She was having an affair! Daddy we’re alone! Do you know what that means?”

“Julie, my God, calm down! Give me that.” I shouted over her joyous screaming and snatched the paper from her. Her jubilance died down as I sat reading the letter.

“Daddy? You’re okay right? I mean you guys weren’t really in love any more were you? Daddy?” Julie asked with some persistence, as she eased down on the bed next to me.

I remained silent, re-reading the “Dear John” letter. When I’d finished I let the letter fall from my hand and drift to the floor. ‘Nineteen years, fuck! Nineteen years down the shitter!’ My mind screamed out, even though I wasn’t entirely surprised.

“Daddy talk to me please.” Julie whispered, placing her hand on mine, giving it a small squeeze. “You’re okay right?”

“Aw Julie, you don’t understand – you really don’t. I’m alright. I just hope this doesn’t turn ugly – divorce can be very ugly Julie.” I replied, and stood to close the empty closet doors.

There was a real finality to the doors closing. I turned towards my daughter, with a question. Julie…Just what was between you two? I mean you seemed so down on Doreen for the longest time kültür escort and Doreen was always sticking up for you. What gives?” I asked.

In a rare display of maturity, Julie sat silent for a period thinking. Finally, she eased back on the bed pillows and explained her side of my question.

“I heard you guys, I mean I used to anyway. When I was growing up I heard you guys having sex. It was pretty loud at times.” She began.

“God Julie I didn’t know! And you hated it right?” I gasped out, cutting Julie off.

“No daddy. No not at all. I mean I really didn’t understand for the longest time. It didn’t sound like you guys were fighting and you both seemed so happy afterwards. I knew it must have been something you liked. It was later, when I really understood what you two were doing that things changed.”

Not understanding where my daughter was headed, I walked over and sat on the end of the bed. “Changed Julie, I don’t understand?” I asked softly, honestly concerned over what we may have done to our daughter. Julie took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly, before she went on.

“I watched you guys a few times. When you thought I was in bed – sleeping. I wanted to know what was so good about what you were doing. I saw the way Doreen treated your…Your penis daddy. She seemed to love it so much, it just blew me away! I was excited for you. I watched were you put it and what you did but, then it all changed…It hurt me when Doreen refused you. Then the arguments started.”

Julie’s words shocked me to the core. “Julie you were watching? My God Julie what made you do such a thing?” I replied knowing fair well she’d just said why.

“Daddy I think we’re way past that now…I knew when things were changing between you and Doreen. I heard the arguments and the cruel way she put you off. I hated her screaming at you to leave her alone. I didn’t understand at all and I started to hate her for it. I would have done anything to make you happy…Anything daddy and I wanted to so badly.”

“So the whole clothes thing was for me? The skimpy stuff that drove me nuts.”

“Oh daddy your so cute…But, the truth is no, not at first anyway. I was growing up, changing too. When I met Becky we got pretty tight. She started to show me what happened with her dad when she wore her little outfits. His wife died you know.” Julie commented.

I shook my head in wonder at her sudden change in direction. “Julie, where are you going with this? His wife died? Why would you bring that up now?”

“Well…Mr. Arnold would get hard every time we were around him. Becky and I used to laugh about it – a lot actually. His wife was gone and he was so lonely all the time, so we decided it would be okay to make him happy. You know show him a little skin every now and then.” Julie went on, placing her arms under her head to prop up some.

“Show him some skin? Were you two out of your minds? What if he…”

“Oh daddy that was the best part! He did! One day he couldn’t stand it any longer – I guess, because Becky told me he pulled his dick out, watching her undress!”

“Jesus Julie!”

“God relax okay! She used to do it all the time. Even when I came over she’d never shut her door. She got a real kick out of taking her clothes off while he was there…I mean he always seemed to show up when we were in the room and talk to us.”

I groaned loudly, slapping my hand to my face. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. ‘I knew it – I knew it was Becky!’ I thought as Julie went on, after shifting positions on the bed.

“Well, so anyway, that’s when the idea hit me. I thought maybe I could make you happy like Becky’s dad. Becky and I agreed to give you a show like him and tease you to see what would happen. Guess it worked pretty good huh?” She replied and giggled.

“Jesus, I need a cigarette.” I choked out and got off the bed. My mind raced with thoughts I didn’t care to think about as I made way to the living room.

Julie followed me, calling out for me to talk to her. Her voice registered concern and it was obvious she found nothing odd or wrong in the behavior she’d just described. I fumbled for the last cigarette in my pack and lit it, as she walked into the room.

“Daddy, I’m not done yet. You want to hear the rest or not?” She asked, sounding almost huffy.

I inhaled too deeply and coughed out the smoke, as I tried to talk. “Jesus (hack) why not (hack-hack) You’ve gone that (hack) Far, might as well go on.” And I plopped down on the sofa, with a giddy sort of sick laugh escaping my throat.

“Well, when Becky told me about it the next day, I asked her what happened. You know, when he pulled his dick out and she said nothing! He just stood there and got hard, watching her undress! I thought she was lying and told her so but, she said she could prove it.” Julie went on as if she was talking about anything but, what she was.

I took another drag from the cigarette and waved my hand in a circular motion, a sign to get on with markantalya escort it and come to the point, feeling that giddy sick laugh starting up again. Julie didn’t understand and beamed a big smile my way, telling me she’d be right back.

When she returned she carried a hi-ball in her hand, offering it to me! ‘Why not? Every father needs a drink listening to his daughter describe an incest event!’ I thought, and grabbed the drink from her.

“Now, where was I? Oh yeah…I went home with Becky after school that day. You know her dad works out of his house don’t you?” Julie went on, pausing as she searched my face for understanding and then started up again, “Well anyway, we went to her room and did the usual things. Becky was changing and almost naked, when Mr. Arnold showed up. He kinda scared me, coming out of nowhere and all. Becky just said hi to him and turned back to me. It was kinda eerie, you know?”

I tipped my hi-ball glass and drained it, while Julie happily continued to relate her story, taking a seat next to me.

“So there we were…Mr. Arnold leaning against the door, watching and Becky talking to me about her new clothes. I was a little nervous at first but, he just stood there not moving. Becky gives me a smile, unhooks her bra and throws it on the bed next to me. Before I could say a word, she was pushing her panties down and winked at me! Heck I didn’t know what was going on. I looked over at her dad and couldn’t believe it! He was pulling his dick out! She hadn’t lied at all!”

“Oh that’s a relief! I’d hate to think your girlfriend would lie to you!” I commented sarcastically and then added, “Hold that thought. I better have another drink!”

‘God if I was only a sleazy porno producer I’d have a best seller on my hands!’ I thought walking away. Incredibly, I was getting stiff listening to my daughters exploits. I made the hi-ball and returned with a firm bulge showing in my pants. It didn’t go unnoticed by Julie, who smiled at me and patted the couch, eager to go on.

“Well, Becky just ignores him, I couldn’t believe it! She’s talking to me like nothing was going on at all.” She began and I quickly interrupted her.

“Was that something you two did a lot? I mean getting naked in front of each other? No – no wait, don’t tell me!” I moaned out and nearly drained my second hi-ball.

“Oh daddy! Not a lot but, yeah sometimes we did…It’s a girl thing I guess. Anyway, Becky’s moving around talking and Mr. Arnold he’s getting bigger. Next thing I know Becky’s walking up to him! Mr. Arnold wasn’t breathing real good when she stopped in front him…Kinda shallow and short, like he was having a hard time. I was watching everything and it didn’t seem to be affecting his dick, cause it was sticking out pretty good. That’s when Becky grabbed it! She let out this squeal and begged me to touch it! God, her boobies were bouncing around and Mr. Arnold looked like he was going to have a heart attack!”

At that point, I groaned out and finished the hi-ball. “Julie, did you? Honey did you touch Mr. Arnold?” I asked feeling like I already knew the answer.

“No not that time but, I was really nervous – you know what I mean?” Julie responded twirling her hair and looking down. Slowly she raised her head and caught my eyes, staring deeply into mine. In a whisper she said,

“Becky held it for a while. I guess too long, with all her jumping around. I was pretty sure about that cause Mr. Arnold came. It really scared me but, Becky wouldn’t let go. She pulled on his dick until he was done! God Mr. Arnold’s face had the weirdest look! It was like shock, happiness and relief all rolled into one expression. Becky let him go when he got limp and he just walked away!”

I closed my eyes and laid back against the couch. My mind went to the meeting between Bob Arnold and myself, earlier that day. I couldn’t have had a clearer picture of what his face must have looked like.

“I kinda liked it daddy. It was so exciting and I liked watching what happened a lot. It was all Becky and I could talk about for a long while. Becky told me it took a few days but, it happened again. Guess he needed it and she said she let him play with her tits that time!” Julie commented, sounding as if she was ending her story.

That’s when Julie’s comment, about not touching his penis that time, hit me. “Julie, what did you mean – not that time – that’s what you said right?” I asked, curious as to just when my daughter decided having sex with Bob Arnold was something she wanted to do.

“DAddy!” Julie replied with a coy little look.

“Well, isn’t that what you said?”

“Well yeah…but, I didn’t think you’d want to hear about that…” She responded, holding on to the coy look and moved a bit closer to me, resting her hand on my leg.

“What? Why not? I mean Christ Julie, I’m having sex with your friend Becky and you; Doreen’s leaving me and I just met the man you admit to having sex with! Why wouldn’t I want to know?” I replied, growing a little exasperated over the entire conversation.

“It was an idea Becky had a few weeks later. Becky was giving him hand jobs pretty regular by then, and she finally admitted that she was going down on him too. You know, giving him blo…”

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The Power of Clothing Pt. 06

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Ok, now onto what are undoubtedly one of the biggest clothing turn-ons of all — stockings; and that counts for women as well as men.

Sammi is Amanda and Kevin’s daughter. Amanda is Kevin’s second wife. Gareth is Kevin’s son by his first marriage.

It’s not essential, but is preferable to read this series of tales on clothing and sex in the order I wrote them.


Chapter 1

Samantha, or Sammi as she insisted everyone other than her mother call her, didn’t lose her virginity until she was well into her nineteenth year. By her twenty-first birthday she had only had two lovers, both at university. Before she was twenty-three, she needed her toes as well as her ten fingers to count the men she had slept with.

Chapter 2

“Oh my, you sexy little thing,” he said as he slid his hand up Sammi’s skirt.


“Wearing stockings aren’t you,” he said pulling her long skirt to one side where the slit was up one side.

She felt good hearing him say that and even better seeing the look of desire and admiration on his face as he looked at the lacy tops of Sammi’s stocking on her left leg. He couldn’t see any more for the skirt was still covering her thong covered mound and her other leg.

They were at Sammi’s family and family friends twenty-first birthday party. She had already had her party for her close, young friends at a nearby restaurant and the one with the girls was arranged for later in the month at a club in London. This one was in a marquee attached to the large family house and was attended by family and friends who, in the main were much older than her. She hadn’t really wanted it, but her parents had insisted. As they had insisted on it being a posh, black tie and long gown do, ‘fucking snobs’ she often thought.

It was around two in the morning and the party was starting to wind down. Many of the older people had left, but the disco was still going and people were dancing and standing around drinking. Sammi had been dancing with Gareth, a friend of her brother. He was in investment banking, some sort of derivatives trader and earned, so the story went, around a million a year. He was in his early thirties, handsome, quick-witted, a bit of a bastard with women, a heavy drinker and drug taker and he was Sammi’s half brother, they shared Kevin as a father.

After dancing for some time they had strolled out of the marquee into the large garden. It was dark, but nice and warm, although everywhere was damp from the earlier downpour. From visiting with Sammi’s real brother, a corporate lawyer, before he bought a flat in Notting Hill, Gareth knew the house and gardens quite well. He also knew his half sister, his best friend’s full sister quite well and had always fancied her as, Sammi had to admit, she did him. She had, therefore, been flattered and quite excited at the attention Gareth had shown to her.

Sammi didn’t have now, and never really had had a regular boy friend. She had lost her virginity shortly after going to university to an almost total stranger. She met him at a very boozy and druggy party where the third and fourth year students welcomed the newcomers like her, or so they were told. In fact, it wasn’t really an opportunity for the older students to welcome the younger ones, it was them creating the opportunity to fuck the new girls, and that had worked with her. Not at the party, but less than a week later

She did well at uni and by the start of her third year she was set to get a 2:1 degree in English. She hadn’t done so well with men, though. After the brief fling with her virginity taker, they had been on a few dates, but they didn’t seem to work well. Yes, she snogged a few other guys and, of course one or two got their hands on her tits or up her skirt, well not literally for Sammi, like most of the female students almost never wore them, instead preferring jeans. A couple of guys had undressed her to her bra and panties and one or two had made her cum with their fingers as she had them with her hand, but until just before Christmas in her third year she still hadn’t ‘gone all the way’ again.

Carl was a post graduate and she fell for him. He was well off and had his own flat nearby where Sammi got herself shagged two or three times a week. Regular sex with an older attractive guy fancied by most of her friends, made her feel much better. It was also quite a relief for she was beginning to think there might be something wrong with her.

She readily admitted to herself and friends in chat rooms and other sites, to being bi-curious as the saying goes. She had never done anything with another girl, but had been propositioned a couple of times since being at uni: she didn’t, though, feel anything for the rather butch, cropped hair overweight uglies who made up the university’s lesbian fraternity.

However, as with many, probably most, university affairs, it began to end, amicably, with the onset of final exams and finished completely when Sammi came home. Neither of them had the will to try to make it work when shagging had the konyaaltı escort inconvenience of a hundred miles round trip.

Although, nothing serious had happened between Sammi and her half-brother, they had always been close, but they didn’t see each other very often. It was rather difficult for her mum, Amanda, Kevin’s second wife, to have too constant a reminder of the woman on whom Kevin had cheated with her. She felt terrible about that.

It was after Sammi’s eighteenth birthday party when Gareth was staying at their house that she and he first been intimate. She had cried in his arms as they kissed and he had undone her bra. She had sobbed more when they kissed more and he put his hand in her panties. And she had both sobbed and cried when he had made her cum and she had masturbated him. Between then and now they had met infrequently at family dos, but they had maintained an email contact in which they had discussed their incestuous relationship.

Knowing full well it would never go anywhere, other than Sammi, maybe becoming another conquest, Gareth didn’t give a fuck about that side of it. She had gorgeous, long blonde hair, a cute face, nice tits, a bit small, but a great arse and fabulous legs, that was all that mattered. ‘One day’, he would muse, particular after a line or two or a few smokes, thinking how clever he was at the rhyming, ‘She’ll make a great lay.’

It was different for Sammi and she agonised over the times she had any form of sex with him. She had to admit to herself, however, that there was some form of power or something directing her feelings towards him. She had never been promiscuous, he was the first boy to: remove her bra, suck her nipples and make her cum. He was the first boy she had wanked. Was she using him as trial runs, she often wondered or, was she in love with him? She had no real answers to such questions.

At her twenty first, Gareth first kissed her in a dark alleyway between the garage and the marquee. He first touched her tits when they were in the conservatory off the main dining room, which Sammi knew was locked from the inside so the only way in was the door they had just come through, which she had locked behind them.

They didn’t shag in the conservatory, although, he did play with her tits, get them out of her bra, put his hand up her skirt and he did find her secret, she was wearing self-support stockings. It was just after finding them, lifting her skirt up and looking at them when he said.

“Remind me of something Sammi.”

“What Gareth.”

“I don’t seem to remember where your bedroom is?”

Surprised and, with her inexperience of such situation, a little shocked Sammi stammered.

“And why would you want to know that Gareth?”

“Because my lovely, little, sexy, stocking-wearing, minx of a sister I think I need to fuck you and I don’t think you would want me to do that here would you?”

Chapter 3

Sammi had never owned a pair of stockings. She had never worn stockings and had never had the inclination to buy any. That is until she was shopping with her mum in Harvey Niks for her ball gown for her party.

She had tried on several dresses before deciding upon a deep blue, almost black, floor-length number.

“It sets off madam’s hair so beautifully,” the Sloany, plumb-voiced sales assistant said referring to Sammi’s almost natural long, shoulder-length, blonde hair.

Naturally, as youngsters’ posh frocks tend to be it was low cut. It had thin spaghetti straps and a plunging front that showed off just enough of her respectable B going on C cup boobs to be interesting, but not so much as to be crass or vulgar; something her mother would never condone. As she’d looked in the mirror she had thought for no reason at all, ‘A scoop them out easy’ job adding the extra thought of ‘Pity there’s no one to scoop them out.’

The dress was tight beneath her boobs, round her waist and over her pert bum and then flared out as it plunged down her, not as long as she wished they were, legs. It had what the assistant called, ‘erotically interesting’ slits up both sides, which ended over midway between her knees and hip bones.

“Yes I’ll have that,” Sammi said to the girl, as she looked at her mum. “Ok mum?” After all she was paying the six hundred quid for it.

“Yes dear, that will be fine.” She handed the girl her HN charge card saying. “Look I have to run, I’m meeting Marcia for lunch, so if you need anything else, any accessories just charge them to this.” Then she was gone.

“Is there anything else you need?” The assistant asked.

“I don’t know, such as?”

“Shoes, maybe a brooch or scarf, perhaps a shawl?”

“No I’m ok for those thanks.”

“Underwear to match?”

“That’s a good idea.”

Between them they chose a very dark blue, matching bra and panty set, more of a thong, well half-way between a thong and panties, all lacy and cutting right across the middle of her round, pert cheeks.

“Will you wear tights?”

“I usually do and my legs aren’t tanned kültür escort enough to go without.”

“How about stockings instead, they are very fashionable?”

“I’ve never worn them.”

“Why not try them,” the assistant, Pippa, said.


Pippa gave her a pair and said pop into the changing room, they are self-support.

Keeping her tee and vee-neck sweater on Sammi took her jeans off and slid the stockings up her legs. She thought they looked good and certainly they felt good. Standing looking in the mirror in her panties and the stockings, Sammi was surprised to hear a knock on the door. Pippa came in.

“Wow,” she said standing behind Sammi, maybe a little too close, and putting her hand on her shoulder, Pippa went on. “You look gorgeous,” as Sammi felt a squeeze on her shoulder and Pippa’s hip pressing against her bottom. “Do they feel good? Wearing them always makes me feel so sexy.”

Sammi gulped as she realised Pippa was making a move on her.

That had happened several times at uni and she had declined each time, she felt she had no interest in girls, but then realised, they had been real dykes at uni, not lipsticks, as she had read Pippa’s type were known.

She had to agree, though, that they felt good and did, indeed make her feel sexy. Not enough to make her respond to Pippa, who was indeed making a pass at the pretty young blonde, but she did think of her that night in bed when her hand crept between her legs.

Chapter 4.

Nobody had spoken to Sammi like that before. She had never been in quite such a position before and, certainly, she had never been with such an experienced man before; the rumours of Gareth’s conquests and lurid love life were legend among the girls in the London suburb where they both lived.

At first, she had been shocked and surprised when he had said about fucking her. Even at uni, few men used that phrase to a girl’s face. But after saying it, as he kissed her more, pinched her nipples and went on with. “Girls in stockings do it for me, so come on Sam, where’s the bedroom,” she started to feel more mature, wanted and, oddly, more feminine. ‘Amazing,’ she thought, ‘what your brother saying he wants to fuck you can do to a girl?’

That said, she knew she should resist. Gareth was a tart, really. This was purely sex on his part and she knew that was all he wanted. She guessed that he would ‘fuck her and forget her’ as the rumours said he had with so many others.

As it happened, she wasn’t quite right. True, he had slept with loads of girls, but then that’s part of the game, along with booze and drugs, with City boys. And true also that he didn’t want to go permanent with a girl. Sammi intrigued him, she appealed to his convoluted, licentious, wanton, no holds barred type of intellect; the type that can cope with taking enormous, financial risks at work, spending ten hours a day mainly screaming down a phone then going out boozing and dining with clients to the early hours and then doing it all over again the next day. Gareth rarely had more than six hours sleep a night and often had only three or four, and it was a rare, almost unknown night when he didn’t go to bed drunk, stoned or up to his eyeballs in coke or pills.

“We can’t,” she replied.

“Why not?”

Although Sammi was usually highly articulate and quick with words, she was out of her depth in this situation. Lying in the arms of a sexually sophisticated older man with the top of her ball gown rolled down, her breasts out of her bra and the skirt pushed up round her waist so he could see and stroke the lacy tops of her stockings, was totally new territory to her and made it difficult for her logical mind to frame a reasonable argument against his suggestion that they should fuck. He had added, “Now you’re twenty one and no longer a teenager and little girl, but a grown woman,” which served to reduce her areas for verbal manoeuvre.

That he had previously undressed her, sucked her nipples and made her cum with his fingers, served to make it even moer difficult for her to think of a reason to say no. She didn’t know how to handle the situation or Gareth. She knew she should try to stop him; all of her mind and social conditioning told her that. Her body and her female needs, though, told her something completely different. She was torn and confused.

“Well it’s my party, someone will miss us.” She said, trying to find a way out, but really just digging a deeper hole.

“So you do want to then?” He asked, slipping his hand further up her skirt. “And it’s only being missed that’s the problem?” He went on using his stock dealing, telephone techniques on her as his hand brushed against her lacy thong, right between her legs.

That made Sammi’s body jerk. Gareth noticed that, it was part of the chase, he left his hand there, his fingers resting on her lace covered mound, softly pressing against it.

“Yes, no, stop it Gareth.”

“Stop what? This?” He asked pressing more firmly with his fingers.

“No, trying to get me markantalya escort to bed.”

“So you want me to continue with this do you?” He asked slipping his finger inside the elastic of her thong.

“No, oh shit.” Sammi stammered totally confused.

“Tell you what,” Gareth suggested.


“Go and have a walk round the marquee, get a few people some drinks and have a chat to Mandy and Kevin,” he said, mentioning Sammi’s mum and dad. “Tell me which one is your bedroom, I’ll wait for you there and then you come there. Ok?”

“I can’t.”

“Yes you can,” he said wiggling his fingers between her legs as he bent his head and kissed her nipple. Feeling absolutely no resistance from her, he sucked her nipple, pressed harder on her pussy lips and said.

“You know you want to really, don’t you?”

The feelings were so good. Sammi felt so good. She was so aroused and she had thought of this for so long, in a forbidden fruit sort of way.

“Don’t you?” He repeated.

She felt slightly pathetic, but very grown up when she heard herself whimpering. “Yes.”

It was easier to do than she had expected. The remaining guests had broken into several smaller groups and were all either, chatting away or, were dancing. She could see that she would not be missed.

Her heart pounding and her pulse racing, Sammi climbed the stairs, and walked down the short corridor that linked the main house to the extension over the garage, which was Sammi’s self-contained apartment, following the route she had described to her half-brother.

She opened the door, slid inside and shut it behind her. There were no lights on, but some of the lights from the garden were shining through the window creating areas of light and dark.

“Gareth,” she whispered, expecting him to be sitting in the lounge.

“In here,” he replied from the adjoining bedroom.

She walked into that room. The lighting was similar to the lounge, patches of semi-light and dark.

“You made it then,” she heard him say from the direction of the bed, which was in almost complete


“Yes, yes I did,” Sammi stammered, feeling hugely nervous.

“Good, any problems?”

“No, not really,” she whispered, adding rather tactlessly. “But we need to be quick,”

Gareth chuckled. “Ten minutes ago you didn’t want to do anything and now you want it quickly.”

Feeling a little hurt, she replied. “You know what you mean.

“Of course, I do, I was just joking babe. Come over here.”

She walked towards her bed. Her eyes now accustomed to the dark, Sammi was amazed to see that Gareth was in her bed, that his clothes were strewn across the floor, he was drinking from a bottle of champagne and that the sheets were turned down to his waist. She saw his reasonably, well-defined, quite hairy chest. As he saw her looking, he smiled, pulled the sheet tight across his body and ran his hand down the outside.

She gulped when she saw his hand stop, right on a large mound. He was as clearly erect as he was clearly well-endowed. She didn’t remember that from three years ago.

“Drink?” Gareth asked holding out the champagne bottle.

For some reason, the sheer decadence of the situation appealed to Sammi. She was a romantic at heart. The situation instantly reminded her of scene from the book Brideshead Revisited. Imagining herself as Julia Flyte, she took the bottle, raised it to her lips and took a deep swig, coughing and spluttering when Gareth reached out and cupped her breast.

You realise I am naked under here don’t you?” He asked completely unnecessarily.

“Yes,” Sammi whispered.

“And you can see what you have done to me can’t you?” He asked taking her hand and placing it on the sheet, right on his erection.

It felt lovely to both of them.

“Can’t you?” He repeated, moving her hand up and down its length.

That made Sammi feel even more aroused.

“Yes, Gareth,” she whispered, any last vestige of resistance that may have been lurking in her vanishing as he slid her hand inside the sheet and placed it right on his cock.

It was big, it was hot, it was hard, it was throbbing and it felt fucking wonderful, to Sammi. Her natural female instincts took over and she wrapped her fingers round it. Although highly inexperienced, for she had only held a couple or three different pricks, she seemed to know exactly what to do. She moved her hand in little pumping movements as slowly Gareth pulled the sheet back. They both looked at his big cock in her little hand.

“Nice?” He asked. Well she thought it was a question, but realised it may have been a statement. Whatever, she again whispered.


He had another swig from the champagne bottle and held it up for her.

“It’s your turn now Sammi?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’ve shown you mine, it’s your turn to show me yours.”


He put her hand back on his erection and said. “I want to see those sexy stockings. Undress for me Sammi.”

The combination of the champagne, the sheer decadence of the scene, the sensations from his cock and, she realised with a jolt, the mention of her stockings, got to her. It excited her, it made her lose her inhibitions and made her feel bold.

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