sa culotte…

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sa culotte……une fois ma belle mere sortie de la salle de bain toute fraiche et bien preparée,je fonce vers le bac a linge sale….stupeur je ne vois pas sa culotte!!exité kadıköy üsküdar escort escort comme un fou je me mets tuzla escort a retourner sans vergogne le bac a linge et decouvre enfin un string fraichement souillée de sa liqueur vaginale…hummmm il ne me fallut pas lomgtemps pour porter l ettoffe sous mes narines et att****r une trique comme c est pas permis!!!… sentais son regard a travers la porte outrouverte…ca m exite encore plus!! je me tourne soudain vers elle et commence a me branler fortement …je vois clairement glisser sa main vers l interieur de sa culotte….

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Qui a le plus beau cul ?

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Qui a le plus beau cul ?Un jour j’étais parti à une exposition avec des stands de vêtements et tout ça, celà durait 3 jours, j’étais parti avec des amis mais pas très proche donc j’avais un peu quartier libre et pouvait me faire de nouvelles rencontres. J’étais attiré physiquement par 3 femmes : Brenda une jeune chinoise mais rien ne se passa elle avait la peau très métissé et était vraiment jolie.Marie : une belle femme à la peau bien blanche mais un peu de chair bien bonne de 18 ans et Coralie une grande aussi plus que Marie un peu blonde yeux verts à la peau très mate en pantacourt et basket. J’avais sympathisé avec les 2 qui d’ailleurs ne se connaissaient pas du tout, il faut dire qu’il n’y avait pas non plus des masses de jeunes de notre âge ce qui facilita les attirances amicales.Nous avions tout les 3 des chambres individuelles.Il y avait plusieurs bâtiments. Coralie était une chaudasse et celà se voyait, elle se changea 3 fois le 1er jour, tantôt en basket, tantôt en talon…Le soir même je finis dans son lit, celà se passa très vite, on parlait tard puis elle me demanda de la raccompagner dans sa petite chambre, elle me fit rentrer puis kadıköy escort après avoir bien fermé la porte, elle me dit je te fais visiter, les chambres faisaient à peine 10m2 donc vite fait le tour avec un petit coin toilette et lavabo. Elle touchait ses seins et du coin de l’oeil regardait si je regardai puis me dit ils sont beaux hein ? je lui dis oui, elle me dis t’aimerai bien les toucher, puis elle me les tendit, ensuite elle me dit et les lécher, j’exécuta aussitôt, pendant que je la léché, elle me prenait la bite et commença à me branler, elle me dit prends moi dans le creux de l’oreille, je la démonta sur le lit par devant, derrière grosse sodomie puis elle me suca et je lui ai fait une éjac faciale, elle était vraiment bonne avec sa belle peau mate je lui lécha les pieds, les jambes, les bras, le visage comme un petit chien. Puis nous avons passé la nuit ensemble dans le même lit.Le lendemain la journée se passa bien, pleins de rencontres mais rien de sexuelles et la nuit tombé je tenta ma chance avec Marie, en fait j’allais aller chez Coralie puis üsküdar escort elle était dans le même batiment, nous nous croisames par hasard dans le couloir, elle avait l’air d’avoir déja bien bu, elle était avec ses talons noirs et un pyjama un peu moulant le bas un peu remonté, elle me proposa d’aller dans sa chambre, je dis oui surtout que Coralie ne m’attendait pas spécialement, elle continua de boire, je commençait à la tripoter elle rigolait me repoussait un peu puis finit par se laisser faire completement, elle rentrait même les bouteilles dans son cul, je lui dit attends j’ai mieux puis je l’ai enculé sec, puis défoncé sa petite chatte pleins de positions, j’ai essayé à faire en sorte qu’elle me suce mais elle était trop à l’ouest pour ça et me faisait mal donc j’ai arrêté.Elle savait que j’avais baisé Coralie la nuit dernière et je lui dis qu’elle était mieux.Je l’ai quitté environ 1h après avoir pris mon pied pour retrouver Coralie mais aie elle sentit du parfum féminin et mit sa main normale dans mon calecon et vit que j’étais humide, elle me demanda des explications bien qu’on ne sortait pas tuzla escort ensemble et que je n’avais pas de compte à lui rendre, je lui dit que Marie m’avait chauffé et que s’était ensuivi une petite partie de jambe en l’air sans grande importance par rapport à elle.Le dernier jour, Coralie alla parler à Marie en essayant de tirer au clair les choses et elles ont mijotés un plan ensemble, Marie me donna rendez vous dans sa chambre à 12h je trouvais ça bizarre sur l’heure du déjeuner mais bon j’y alla je rentra dans la chambre et tomba nez à nez avec Marie mais aussi Coralie, elles me disent : à chacune de nous tu as dit que l’autre était un meilleur coup c’est le moment de choisir on lance la compétition, tu es le jury tu as 2 belles femmes devant toi : il y a 3 disciplines pour nous départager : la fellation, la chatte et la sodomie, j’accepta et je découvris 2 grosses salopes qui ne se connaissaient pas avant ce weekend et était comme 2 complices.A la fellation Coralie l’emporta sans trop de mal, Marie suca mieux que la veille il n’y a pas de mal car elle était net mais ce n’était pas à la hauteur de Coralie et sa bonne bouche de salope.A la chatte je préférais encore Coralie plus énergique et sportive.Et à la sodomie Coralie gagna 3-0 des fesses plus foncés un bon gros cul à claquer bien que celui de Marie me fit presque autant kiffer.Marie à été bonne joueuse et a accepté la défaite même qu’à la fin nous avons fini à 3 ensemble à se léché et rentre dedans.Super weekend de folie

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Big Tits

déflorationEvidemment, je me doutais que ce titre allait bien rameuter quelques personnes ,pas forcément des mecs eh bien,non il ne s’agit pas ici de “comment j’ai perdu ma virginité”,mais plutot de “comment j’ai raté ma 1ere fois”! je suis étonnée de voir que chaque texte ici est beau et rose, voir comme dans les films X,mais enfin…C’éta it il y a quelques mois, ca faisait 5 mois que j’étais avec mon jules.j’étais amoureuse, enfin à l’époque,j’e n étais persuadée.on faisait beaucoup de calins,mais on était jamais allé jusqu’au bout,pas par manque d’envie, mais simplement je pense,car nous etions tous les 2 vierges et le manque d’experience aide pas forcement a “approfondir “.Cet aprèm là,sa maison était vide,comme souvent d’ailleurs. Après une baignade rapide dans sa piscine ou les mains étaient bakırköy escort dejà baladeuses, nous nous sommes dit ke nous serions toujours mieux dans sa sur son lit.mais finalement, nous avons fait un detour par la douche (perso,je prefère nettement l’eau chaude!).C’étai t pas la 1erer fois que nous nous voyons nus tout les 2,mais pour moi, en pleine lumière oui,car j’étais assez peu sure de mon mains glissaient sur moi,s’aventurai ent tendrement,il me caressait avec son sexe..a vrai dire, je ne l’avais jamais vu autant excité,ce que j’explique par la “vue” en lumière,justement. De retour dans la chambre,les choses sont devenues plus “serieuse”.N ous étions dejà nus, il m’avait ordonné de fermer les yeux,allongée,et de me laisser faire.Ce ke j’exécutais beşiktaş escort volontiers. ses lèvres,sa bouche,ses mains, j’avais l’impression qu’il me caressait partout a la fois. sa langue s’est glissée de plus en plus bas,jusqu’a toucher mon sexe,le fouiller.j’étai s de plus en plus excitée et il le ressentais bout d’un moment, je me suis mise sur lui,mais de cette position si particulière qui fait que chacun peut manger l’intimité de l’autre.. je n’avais jamais voulu faire de fellation,pour moi,c’était assez vulgaire et c’était quelque chose dont les “mecs” se vantaient facilement et qui faisait assez vite reputation.mais j’étais en totale confiance,j’éta is excitée,j’étais bien,j’avais envie de lui faire plaisir.autant qu’il m’en faisait.là il beylikdüzü escort m’a murmuré à l’oreille ” j’en ai envie… est ce ke tu es prete, est ce ke tu as envie de moi?”. mon corps c’est mis à trembler et j’ai peniblement hoché de la tete. Premier rompage de charme.preservatif .c’est moi qui à été chargée de le mettre.c’était pas tellement un probleme sauf que j’avais les mains qui tremblaient si fort que ca a été plus difficile et plus long que prévu..là,il c’est mis au dessus de moi,son sexe “posé” sur le mien.j’ai écarté les cuisses,entièremen t confiante de nouveau… et là, là…il n’a pas réussi a me pénétrer!! J’ai essayé de l’aider ,de le guider.mais ne sais toujours pas ce qui c’est passé exactement.sauf qu’après j’ai été prise d’un fou rire nerveux et que lui était rouge de honte.Superbe conclusion,nan? alors si l’un de vous peut decrypter et dire ce qu’il en pense… (sur le forum par exemple)Maintena nt j’en souris,mais sur le moment,c’était pas quelque chose de facile a gérer,et j’ai a présent peur que ca ne se renouvelle… j’ai un peu de mal avec les garcons ..

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Memories of Mom

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Memories of MomThis story will have no great structure to it, nor does it end in a mind blowing sex finale. This is because it is all truth. However, it dangerously flirts with excitement of different encounters and happenings with my sexy mother. Im sure you will find enjoyment in it. Please comment.At the age of 15, I became intrigued by the beauty of my mother. I don’t remember how it came about but I did accidentally find a video tape my father had made of her posing naked around that time. So Im not sure if the video made me interested or if I had already has indecent thoughts of her and the video was just a blessing. All I do remember is watching the video over and over. I had been watching one of his porn tapes one afternoon when all of a sudden it went to snow and boom, there was my mother in the bathroom fresh out of a shower. She was built better than anyone could ever fictitiously put together a woman. Short curvaceous woman at 5’2”, 38 DD and sexy moderately hairy vagina. Moderately as in she trimmed its shape but not so much the length. It was long enough to gently protrude kadıköy escort from her panties. I know because she used to change out of her work clothes in front of me. It was like my own personal strip show every night. I made sure to always have a question or comment that would bring me into her bedroom when it was time each night for her to get into pajamas. She would dress down to her panties and bra. On most occasions she would not take her bra off until I was gone or she’d leave the room to take it off in my absence. A few times she faced away from me taking it off so I could not see. However, her boobs were big enough that you could see them protruding out on the sides from behind. My mother tanned often but always with a bikini on so she had a beautiful caramel tan with white tan lines on her breasts and waistline. She had very proportionate areolas. Not huge but not tiny. They fit her breasts magnificently. Her body was very comparable to Christy Canyon then. I also would mention that üsküdar escort although she did not take her bra completely off in my presence, shed unclasp it from the back allowing her breasts much more wiggle room in their cups as she exchanged general small talk with me and I watched her removing clothing and looking through drawers. She was clueless to the level of tease she was providing. On her days off in the summer on weekends she almost always sat in the sun on the back deck. She did so in a nice bikini. I would always take the opportunity to sit at the patio table near her lawn chair just soaking up her beauty. She laid there most times with her eyes closed so that allowed me to examine ALL areas of her body. Like I said, she had a decent bush that would protrude from the sides of her panties and bikini. Im sure she was aware of it and that it was noticeable. It was as if she considered it somewhat normal for women of that decade so it was no big thing if it was noticed. So I would stare at her sexy dark hair peeking out from the sides tuzla escort of her bikini and her breasts as they fell to the sides considering their size. She also would leave the neck straps of her bikini untied so that not to get tan lines. The only fasten was the clip in the back much like the clip on a bra. When she would stand up to go refill her drink or wet herself with the hose I swore on many occasions that her breasts were going to fall out. They were barely contained by that one strap. Its like they were dancing in front of my eyes. On one day, she had fallen asleep and her one breast had become exposed. I sat there for 10 mins with my heart racing just enjoying what I had longed to see for so long. When she awoke she began to talk to me not knowing her breast was exposed, nor did I say anything. When she finally noticed she said “oops” and chuckled with embarrassment as she tucked her breast back in her top. She did not say anything but clearly she knew that I had seen her exposed breast the entire time. I guess she was too embarrassed to confront me with a question. I wonder what she was thinking in her mind… It was so sexy to be talking to her for a few minutes with her big luscious breast staring at me. Unfortunately this was in the mid 90s before cell phones existed. So disappointing because this instance and many others as you will read provided me many great photo opportunities. Damn it!! More to come….

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Nuit divine , nuit caline

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Nuit divine , nuit calineAprès m’avoir allongée sur le lit , tes mains commencent à me caresser au travers de mes vêtements, ta bouche à m’embrasser ,je sens tes lèvres ds mon cou ,ta main se glisse sur mon chemisier ,s’empare d’un de mes seins que tu malaxes doucement ,je ferme les yeux de plaisir ,je sens que tu te déplaces , j’ouvre les yeux de surprise et tu viens te placer à califourchon au dessus de moi ,tes deux mains viennent me déboutonner , un à un tu détaches mes boutons ,tu fais durer le plaisir de me découvrir , lorsque mon chemisier est déboutonné ,tes mains viennent s’emparer de mes seins au travers de mon soutien qui te semble si doux sous tes paumes , tu sens les pointes de mes seins durcir sous tes mains , tu n’y tiens plus , tu glisses tes mains sous mon dos et me dégraphe , tu en profites pour retirer complètement mon chemisier et tu m’ôtes mon soutien ,maintenant s’offre à ta vue ,ma poitrine qui se soulève un peu plus rapidement , tes mains s’emparent chacune de mes seins ,tu les caresses avec délice,les malaxes à nouveau , mes pointes sont toutes dures sous tes caresses , tu te penches et commence à poser ta bouche dessus ,de ta langue tu les titilles passant de l’un à l’autre sans savoir lequel choisir ,j’en gémis de plaisir ,tu commences à les mordiller ,ma main se glisse ds tes cheveux comme pour t’inciter à continuer bakırköy escort ce dont tu ne te prives pas , je sens quelque chose durcir sur mon ventre … Ton envie de moi est évidente , mais tu ne veux pas aller trop vite ,ta bouche descend vers mon ventre ,se glisse entre mes cuisses que j’écartes pour toi , de tes deux pouces tu écartes mes grandes lèvres et tu y glisse ta langue , je remonte un peu ma chatte vers toi pour te faire savoir que j’appécie , ta langue se glisse ds tout les recoins de mon sexe , j’en gémis de plaisir ,tu continues c’est trop bon , je sens que tu glisses ton index en moi ,puis ton majeur ,mmmhhhhh , quelle délicieuse sensation ,tu les fais aller et venir en moi comme un petit sexe ,au bout d’un moment je suis trempée de désir , tu te redresses et veux glisser ta queue toute raide en moi mais je te fais signe que non j’ai envie de l’avoir ds ma bouche aussi , je te fais allonger sur le lit et me glisse à mon tour entre tes jambes ,ma main droite s’empare de ton membre viril pendant que ma main gauche caresse doucement tes testicules, ma langue commence à te titiller le bout du gland tout rosi de désir , je le gobe , le goûte ,le tête , lui fait subir mille douces tortures que tu as l’ai de beaucoup apprécier,ensuite je le glisse ds ma bouche ,, ma langue entortille beşiktaş escort ta queue comme une liane , je t’avale ,te suce , te retire pour te reprendre encore plus fort et plus loin , tu me regardes et je lis ds tes yeux toute ton envie de moi et le plaisir que je te procures , je continue , t’absorbe jusqu’au fond de ma gorge , je continue à te sucer de plus belle mais tu ne veux pas jouir ds ma bouche , tu prends ma tête et me fais remonter sur toi , ta verge n’a aucun mal à retrouver le chemin de ma petite grotte , je m’empale sur ta belle queue toute humide de mes lèvres ,tu t’empares de mes seins que tu recommences à sucer de plus belle , je monte et descend sur ton phallus gorgé de désir, je sens ton sexe racler le fond de ma chatte , je stoppe mes allées et venue pour rester bien empalée sur toi , j’imprime un mouvement de frottement de mon sexe sur le tien et le bout de ta queue trouve le déclenceur à mon plaisir , je me raidis sur toi tu réalises que je vais jouir tu laches mes seins et tes mains m’empalent encore plus fort sur toi , je commence à gémir plus fort ,tu me tiens tu veux que je te sente encore plus fort , mais ma jouissance est imminente , je jouis ds un grand cri et m’affale sur toi , tu me laisses reprendre mes esprits et viens te regisser entre mes jambes pour toi boire ma beylikdüzü escort jouissance , tu te remontes et m’embrasse pour que je puisse y goûter aussi , ensuite tu te retires et me fais placer en levrette , ta queue toujours bien tendue tu viens te glisser entre les lèvres de ma chatte toujours toute mouillée , tu y entres très facilement mais que c’est bon de te sentir en moi , ma chatte en mouille encore plus ,après quelques va et vients très intenses je te demande de me prendre autrement … ta queue vient alors se placer sur ma petite rosace et d’un coup sec tu me pénètres ouille ca fait mal au début mais la douleur a vite fait place au plaisir que tu me procures , tu m’aggrippes de nouveau par les hanches et me pilonnes encore plus fort , je te sens butter et cogner tout au fond de mon petit trou , de plus en plus vite , mais tu ralentis pour ne pas jouir tout de suite tu as encore envie de me sodomiser , ma main se glisse entre mes jambes pour m’emparer de tes bourses que je malaxe doucement , tu continues tes vas et vients lentement et puis de plus en plus rapidement ma main a quitté tes bourses et je me caresse le clito , la chatte , mes doigts se glissent en moi et ta queue le ressent ce qui a pour effet de déclencer ta jouissance , tu te raidis et je sens ton sperme se répandre tout au fond de moi , tu restes en moi jusqu’à ce que tu te sois vidé de toute ta semence , ensuite doucement tu te retires de ma petite rosace toute ouverte d’où s’écoule la trace de ton plaisir , je me lève ,vais me rafraîchir un peu , je viens me lover entre tes bras et nous nous endormons , heureux et repus de nos jouissances … Aline

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A weekend in the Life-style

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A weekend in the Life-styleJust like every couple, who enters the life style, April and I made a ton or rules at the beginning. We had a laundry list of things we would not do and things we agreed not to ask each other. And, just like every other couple in the life-style, we broke almost every rule. Every person and every situation is different, so willingness to try different things and relax enough to enjoy different things depends on the people and the situation. Every couple that stays in the life-style explores new things.My list included, no cock to cock touching, sword fighting, cream pies, cock sucking, being sucked, no playing with my ass or toys near it, no kissing and no staying away from home over night. I can honestly say that we broke every one of my rules.Nothing happens all at once. No one waves a wand or sprinkles magic dust on you to get you to change. It is a gradual process of exposure to new things and witnessing other people enjoying something you swore you would never try or being so satisfied by someone that you are willing to do almost anything to return the favor and pleasure.I am no prude, I have played with toys and experimented with just about everything imaginable, but something about my pride and ego causes me to want to do most things one on one and behind closed doors. To my surprise, there are couples and groups who can get me to relax and release my fears. There are also couples who can get me so aroused that nothing is off limits.One thing I quickly discovered is that the gorgeous and physically perfect couples are typically the most boring. They usually want to be served and are use to people just being happy to be with them, so they do very little and are the most uptight. It seems that average and just above average looking couples are the most adventurous and exciting. Just speaking for myself, and this does not mean ALL, but the not so attractive couples seem to be pushy and on edge. The slightest comment or suggestion can set off a bad situation with the unattractive couples.When April and I met Biff and Buffy, we had a good laugh at their names. They both told us that they had assumed names for the weekend, but laughed right along with us as we made fun. They are our age and good looking but not perfect. They were so laid back and fun that we spent a whole day together and never talked about sex or the life style. It was not until we were going back to our separate rooms to retire for the night, and Buffy kissed me good night and told me she could not wait to see me at the gathering tomorrow, that I remember we were on the island for sex adventures.When April and I got back to our room, she told me that she is not attracted to many white men, but she wanted to fuck the hell out of Biff. “Fuckin white boy turns me on.” She said. We had a really quick fuck and just fell to sleep.The next morning, April put on a yellow sun dress that was so thin, I could almost see through it. She wore flat sandals and no underwear. She was definitely ready to get out of her clothes and fuck.Biff and Buffy were in the lobby when we got downstairs, so we all went to breakfast together. Just like the day before, we talked about everything but sex. We had so much in common that we just gabbed on and on. It was four o’clock before we knew it and we were on the other side of the island, so there was no way to get back in time for the five o’clock gather. We decided to eat dinner and relax, and that is when and where it all started.April sat close to Biff and Buffy sat next to me, like we were a couple. We ate and paid attention to each other like we were on a date. When we were finished eating, Buffy told April and Biff that we were bakırköy escort going for a walk and then back to my room. I kissed April and she kissed Biff and that was it. As soon as I closed the door behind us, Buffy kissed me deeply. I felt her tongue explore my mouth as her hand slid down my pants and grabbed by balls. I kissed her back as I felt the unusual sensation of having my balls tugged, squeezed and rolled around in her hands. I kiss and bit her neck, ears and shoulders as she unbuckled my pants and went back to massaging my balls. It felt great but I felt a little weird because I was doing all the typical everyday stuff and she was doing something new and different to me.When we were completely naked and I inserted a wet finger in her dripping white pussy, she inserted a wet finger in my ass. I was doing my best to find her g-spot and clit, but she had no trouble getting right to my prostate. When she went down to suck my cock, she was twirling her finger around inside of me and making me squirm and buck. As I was pumping her face with my dick and telling her to suck my cock, I was humping her finger trying to get it in deeper. She bit my tail bone in a way that made me want to cum.She continued to finger fuck and play with my ass, but started sucking on something on the inside part of my thigh that I call my groin. The feeling was sensational. Everything she did was different and felt great. My entire body was tingling when she started sucking just the head of my cock. I could feel her long blonde hair tickle my chest, thighs and stomach and squirmed all over the bed because it felt so damn good. She grabbed my thighs, pushed them back to my chest, dove down, and ate my ass. Up to this point, I had women lick my ass, but never had anyone ate my ass like her. I was in sex heaven. My dick was as hard as it has ever been, but strangely enough I did not want to cum. I just wanted to please her.After she ate my ass and teased me with her hair, for what seemed like days of pleasure, I turned her over on her back and started trying to do to her, some of those things that she did to me. As I was eating her pussy, I felt her hand pushing down on the back of my head. I let her push me and guide me to her ass. As many times as I have had my ass licked, I had never earnestly licked anyone’s ass. I had flicked my tongue on a few, just to get it over with, but never had I fully committed to tongue fuck an ass. Tonight, I had my tongue so deep in Buffy’s ass that my jaws hurt. I licked, sucked and kissed every inch of her body before I slid my bare cock in her soaked pussy. I started by fucking her in a missionary position and sucking on her tits. When she pushed my mouth away and said “let me show you how to suck titties baby.” I held her head up so she could get her mouth on my nipples. She pushed the tip of her tongue against my nipple really hard and then surrounded it with her teeth. When she withdrew her tongue, I could feel the firm grip of her teeth, and a little sting. I guess the sting was her bring blood to the area because when she started licking and sucking my nipple, it stood erect and was ultra sensitive. I started pounding her white pussy and slamming her into the mattress. My balls were smashing against her wet ass and she was alternating sucking my nipples. I was so use to filling the room with dirty talk and fantasy talk while fucking that I was amazed by how sexually stimulating the lack of words and sounds of fucking can be.We fucked in every position that I could imagine and completely wore out each other. I don’t know how many time she had an orgasm, but I had not shot one load. However, I felt beşiktaş escort more completely satisfied than I ever had before, after sex. The sun was actually coming up when I drifted off to sleep.A breeze knocking the shutters around woke me up. It was sunny and Buffy was cuddled up to me, holding my balls, almost the same way she grabbed them when we first began. I always asked April to hold my cock at night, but she prefers to spoon with me behind her, so it never happens. As I moved a little to get comfortable, Buffy adjusted and started massaging my balls in her sleep. My cock was rock hard and I remembered that I did not cum last night. Unlike the previous night, when I woke up, I was ready to bust my nut and spray cum all over Buffy’s white face and tits.She played with my balls and tickled my ass a little before she gave the head of my cock a little suck and lick. It was a lazy good morning blowjob and it did not last long. She slid out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I heard her fumbling through her purse and moving stuff around in the bathroom, I was sure she was preparing a kinky surprise for me, but she came out fully dressed and said “Get up lazy, let’s go eat and see if your wife likes Biff as much as I like you.” Her voice was sexy and she had a wonderful look in her eyes. I knew I smelled like sex, but I put on shorts and a shirt and off we went.We searched the hotel but April and Biff were no where to be found. We went parasailing, swimming, took a shower and had lunch, but still no April of Biff. Neither of them answered their phones or left any messages. At about three that afternoon, they showed up for the boat ride scheduled by our host. They looked like teenagers in love. April had huge hickeys on her neck and Biff looked like his clothes came out of a wringer. I am not sure how Buffy felt, but I was a little jealous.The boat took us to a smaller island and we all got on a bus. Biff and April went to the back row of the bus. Before we even took off, April’s head went down in Biff’s lap and feverishly bobbed up and down. I was unsure how I felt until Buffy burst into laughter and said, “You need to feed her before you bring her out, next time.” We both laughed and did a little bit of discrete petting of our own.The bus took us to a huge tent where there were beds, blankets, pillows, drinks, and everything necessary to have small groups, big groups or individual couples enjoying new partners. As soon as April got off the bus, she ran over to me and kissed me forcefully. She held my head tight as she pushed warm cum in my mouth with her tongue. I am not sure if it was because I did not cum the night before or if it was because I wanted my wife to reassure me that I was king or what the reason, but I still got rock hard, even after I realized she was passing another man’s load from her mouth to my mouth. “I love his fucking dick.” Is all she said as she took my hand and walked in the tent.Most of the rooms were occupied, so we went in one of the large rooms toward the back and tied off the door strings, so the four of us could be alone. We quickly undressed and I noticed that Biff’s cock just hung limp. My cock was already fully erect and ready to go. The women were whispering and lightly playing with our cocks. They pulled and tugged until Biff and I were standing on the bed face to face, and they were taking turns sucking and licking our cocks. April pulled the dicks together and tried sucking both at one time. Biff became hard instantly and moaned while he held on to my shoulders. The more April rubbed together the cock heads, the more he moaned and the harder he got. He was holding my beylikdüzü escort shoulders as if he was getting weak from it.“Damn that’s hot.” Buff said as she stood up behind me. “God that turns me on.” She continued. “Play with them April. Make some precum come out.” She said.“Wanna suck it baby. Wanna feel this cock in your mouth baby.” April asked. Before I could say no and back away, Biff fell to his knees and gulped down my cock. April held my dick, Buffy held me and Biff sucked and slurped like he was eating a popsicle in the dessert.I couldn’t tell who was saying what, but the women were talking over each other as they told him what to do and told him how hot it was or how much they liked it.“That’s it. Suck it baby. Take it deep. Move your tongue over the head. You gonna drink his cum? Suck his balls baby. You like that cock? Oh, suck that dick. Damn that shit looks good. Fuck you gonna make me cum baby. I love watching you suck another man’s cock. Play with your cock while you suck it…” Their words were coming from everywhere and I was getting so fucking turned on.Then I heard April clearly say. “Let me get some of that dick baby.” I felt her pull me down by my wrist and then guide my cock in her sloppy wet pussy that felt silky smooth and warm. April started whispering in my ear as I felt Buffy’s mouth dive in my ass. “He fucked me all night baby.” She started. “That big fat dick white boy murdered this lil pussy all fuckin night. He fucked my ass and pussy like I have never been fucked before. He made me tell him that it was his pussy and I am his bitch.”The tongue in my ass, the soft velvet pussy and the visual from her words were just too much for my cock that was over due to cum. I told April I am going to cum and she pushed back my forehead and said “Now.”As I closed my eyes and opened my mouth so I could let out a loud scream in ecstasy, I felt Biff’s fat warm cock enter my mouth. I was too far gone to care and to stop. “Suck that dick baby.” I heard April say. “Is he sucking it?” I heard Buffy scream as I felt cool air replace her warm mouth on my ass. “Fuck, I wanna see. God damn, he is sucking his dick. Damn, I didn’t think he would do it.” Buffy pushed my head down and made my head bob. “Fuck yeah, suck it baby. Suck that fuckin big dick.”My whole body stiffened as and explosion raced through my body and exploded out of the head of my dick. The fat cock in my mouth muffled my yells and screams, but I groaned and yelled anyway. Biff’s cock grew in my mouth and he started fucking my mouth so his nuts hit my chin. The girls were cheering him on, cheering me on, and talking to each other at the same time. At some point, Buffy pulled my face off his cock and kissed me so she could taste his cock from my mouth. April moved from beneath me and started sucking Biff’s cock.“Damn she loves his cock.” Buffy said as we watched April work it with her mouth again. April spread her legs wide and told Biff to pound her pussy while I watched. Watching April’s feet hang in the air as Biff slammed in and out of her was so hot that I got a boner in no time. I got behind Buffy and fucked her, as we both watched Biff ram April and make her scream.Even though we tide the door string, couples made there way in our room and gathered around the bed to watch. Some got on floor pillows and fucked and others stood and masturbated as the enjoyed the show. A guy who had to be no more than twenty stood by the edge of the bed and stroked himself really close to Buffy’s face. As I was about to tell him to get loss, Buffy surprised me by reaching out and stroking his dick with her hand. She pulled him down in front of her and started sucking his cock and balls. I some how, some way forgot that Buffy was not my woman or private property and that she was on the island to fuck and get fucked. For some stupid reason, I had started to think that this weekend was just two couples swapping. Buffy sucking the strangers dick was just the start of our wild weekend.

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My new neighbour 2

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My new neighbour 2My new neighbour who was in her late fifties had introduced herself to me by squeezing my cock the first time she saw me,then inviting me to fuck her when i popped round for some milk.This set her out as a horny milf and i was soon to witness more evidence.One day she was out in her garden reclining on her sun lounger.She had a skimpy top on which she had pulled down revealing her nice pert boobs and a pair of denim cut shorts.She was obviously feeling horny as she had pushed her shorts down to reveal her nicely trimmed pussy.She reached under her sunlounger and brought up a big black dildo.This she put between her legs and proceeded to work around her clit.Eventually she eased it into her pussy and began to bring herself off with it.She began to build a steady rhythm and was soon lost in the moment,moaning loudly as she did it.Just as she appeared to be reaching a climax i heard her backgate open.In to her garden walked a young black lad of about 18 years old carrying a package.When he turned the corner onto her patio he got a bit of a shock,being confronted kocaeli escort by my neighbour bringing herself off.She was obviously far gone as she didn’t look up when he walked up to her.She thrust the black dildo in harder and faster and began screaming out.’Oh fuck.Oh fuck.Oh fuck’.At this she began to arch her back and lifted herself off the sunlounger.Bucking wildly it was obvious she was about to come.As she came she pulled the black dildo from her pussy.As she did she screamed’Fuck.Fuck.Oh fuck’.And her pussy began to open up.She began spraying her juices in a wide arc all over the patio.This seemed to last for ages before she collapsed back onto her sunlounger.When she had finished the delivery boy(Who by now had a hardon)politely coughed and said ‘Excuse me madam.I have a package for you’.My neighbour looked up and said’It looks like you do’.Telling him to put the package down she sat up and pulling him towards her undid his trousers,revealing a cock that must have been at least 8 inches.’Oh my.You are a big boy.I see you already have precum on it. Let me taste it’.At this kocaeli escort bayan she took it in her hand and slowly began to take it in.She managed to get most of it in,which surprised me as it was so big,then began to suck hungrily on it,as if she hadn’t had any cock for a long time.The delivery boy was obviously enjoying this and i could see that he was soon about to come.She obviously noticed this as she took his cock out of her mouth and lay back on the sunlounger saying’Come here big boy and fuck me.I want you to fuck me with that big black cock of yours’.He climbed onto the sunlounger and knealing before her teased her pussy with his big black cock.’Stop teasing me you naughty boy.Give me that cock now.I want you to fuck me good and hard’.At this he rammed all 8 inches into her pussy which made her scream out.I could see that her pussy was being stretched to its limits but she was definitely not bothered.In fact she took the whole 8 inches into her.This made her scream loudly.partly in pain but mostly in pleasure.He took his cock out before ramming it in even harder.He izmit escort then spread her legs wide and began to pound her as if he was possessed.’Was this what you wanted?.All 8 inches of my big black cock in your mature pussy’.’Oh yes.I want every last inch of your black cock inside me.I feel like you are going to split me in two’.’Don’t worry.I am obviously not the first big cock you have had inside you as your mature pussy is taking me all in,right up to my big black spunk filled balls’.Oh god yes.Fuck me hard then.Fuck me till you come’.As he continued to pound her hard i by now had a stiff cock and was wanking myself.He pounded her for what seemed like ages before he shouted that he was going to come.’Come on then.Come for me big boy.Come in me.I want you to fill my mature white pussy with your black spunk’.He gave two more hard thrusts before letting go.After he had finished coming he pulled out of her pussy and it oozed loads of his spunk,soaking her sun lounger.As she fell back onto her sunlounger,he got dressed,picked up her parcel and managed to get enough sense out of her to get a signature then left.After a few minutes she looked up in my direction and said’Why don’t you come down and join me.I know you were watching me fucking that young lad.I am sure you were enjoying it as well’.

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First time with dad – Pt. 5

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First time with dad – Pt. 5I looked up again at dad who was still stroking himself although all the cum seemed to have gone and he asked me if it was as nice as it seemed.I told him that it felt a thousand times better that what it must have looked like and asked him if he enjoyed cumming as much as I did sharing it with him, he just replied, “Ohhhh, a thousand times more”.Whilst we were talking, I couldn’t take my eyes off his beautiful cock, standing so hard and straight out from his body. I put my arm out to try and reach it but couldn’t, I signalled him forward with my fingers so he sunk to his knees and was now not only in arms reach but mouth reach as well.He took his dressing gown off and lay over the top of me, he pulled my legs in the air, parted them and lowered his cock into my mouth as he lowered his mouth to my pussy. Do you know the best bit of that position for me was having his balls dangling in my face, as he moved forwards and backwards, all the lovely soft skin that holds them would slide across my cheek and across my nose.In that position, I could take more and more of his cock into my mouth, I could feel it at the back of my throat, but I found that if I swallowed just as it reached the back, I was able to take a little bit every time and although I got no-where near taking all of him, he was well and truly in my throat and he knew it too.His mouth was going wild on my pussy, he was literally sucking Chris’s juices out of me, he would take a mouthful, spit it out on my bum and then play around with the hole for a while before pushing the end of his finger into it, then back to my pussy.He would ask me to clench my muscles and of-course, kurtköy escort this pushed even more out. Finally, he pulled out of my mouth and spun round so that he was lying right on top of my open legs, I held my breath.I looked up into his eyes and all I could see was hesitation. Finally he looked down at me and said “Honey, do you think I can make love to you please?”I just burst out crying, I loved this man so much, I had waited three years for him to make love to me and here he was thinking he had to ask. I just nodded my head and he smiled, kissed me slowly, lovingly, and passionately on the lips and lowered himself into me.I can feel to this day, this minute, this second the feelings that went through my body at that moment. I couldn’t breath, I didn’t want to breath, I couldn’t move I just wanted to take in every single thing that I felt of him, from the heat of the fire on my legs, the rub of the carpet under my bum and shoulders, the feel of every muscle, bone and sinew in my body being tensed to the finest degree.His hairy arms and legs tickling me wherever they touched me, his lips just brushing mine, my tongue stuck so far out I must have looked silly, his eyes shut tight . . . . . . but most of all the feel of how relaxed my pussy was without even trying, she was open as far as I have ever known her to be and yet he was still stretching her.I could feel how first his glans worked their way past my outer lips, then his shaft, strong and wide. Inch after tremendous inch of him lowered itself so slowly inside of my body, he would pull out slightly and then sink twice as much as he had just pulled out, back inside, then aydıntepe escort again and again until finally, I could feel him pushing at my cervix, a feeling I had often felt with Chris but somehow this was different, this felt right, this didn’t feel as though I had to be careful of what else was still to come.The shaft of his wonderful weapon had now widened to stretch me to my limit and felt glorious. I held still to see what he wanted to do until I couldn’t take it anymore, I wrapped my legs round him, my arms round him, my lips round him and my pussy round him, I grabbed his bum and pushed him in even further, he stretched my cervix, I didn’t care.He started to pound my pussy, then rolled me over onto the top, then back again, he knelt up and pulled me into his lap, still we pounded into each other, onto his back again, this time he did give me time to settle on top so I could really lift up and down on him.He tweaked my nipples, he pulled them, he almost hurt them but not quite, he did the same to my clit, my bum, he pulled me forward so he could gently leaver his finger actually inside my bum, oh my God, I can’t describe what world I was on but it was an entire world of paradise.I had been cumming almost constantly for about fifteen minutes when he suddenly gasped at me that he was going to cum, he pulled me to him so close his cock was as far up inside me as it was ever going to get and started to shake, his hips were making that tiny almost not there movement backwards and forwards.He just kept going and going, I held him, I frantically kissed him, I squeezed him, I hurt myself clamping shut my pussy, I didn’t know what else tuzla içmeler escort to do to make it hopefully the best cum he had ever had.Slowly, very slowly, he started to relax but then suddenly would shudder again inside of me. His little aftershocks went on for about another three or four minutes until he let go of me enough for me to sit upright again and wipe some of the sweat off my face that had been dripping on him.He slid me to the side so that we were watching each other, he was still deep inside of me whilst he licked almost my entire top half of all the sweat, and he particularly loved the hairiness of the underneath of my arms for some reason.Finally, he fell out of me and rolled over onto his back, eyes closed, arm across his face.I couldn’t wait to get to his cock to let him know I didn’t think my job had finished just yet.I cleaned him up, I took my time, I cleaned his semi hard cock, lifted it out of the way and cleaned his lovely balls, then rolled him over and spread his cheeks for him and cleaned his bum all over for him. Once again, the one thing that sticks in my mind of that exact moment was ‘Wow, dad, what a hairy bum’, silly I know, but in amongst everything that had gone on, at that very moment, I remembered how hairy his bum was. We both stood up, hugged each other again and low and behold, I felt his flagging cock twitch again, I pushed myself away from him, took hold of his hands, looked down at his definitely twitching cock and looked up into his face.Sorry sweetheart, he said, little do you know what you’ve woken up in me tonight.I hugged him tight to me again and just whispered up to him, “Your bed or mine stud.”He slapped my bum and chased me upstairs, his cum was pumping out of me.Oh shit, my pussy’s quivering again, I’m sorry, I’ve got to go and take care of her, but it’s the end of my story anyway, hope you enjoyed how hot my first time with dad had truly been.

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Fucking A Friend 2

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Fucking A Friend 2Check out “Fucking A Friend 1” in case you can’t keep up with the storyline. Haha.She was sitting on the floor, wearing only her soaking wet white satin panties, which she’d already cum in who knows how many times before I got there. Her make up was streaked down her face and she was panting, still trying to catch her breath after I fed her throat my cum. Her small, perky tits heaved with each breath and her legs were spread open and I could perfectly see the outline of her pussy through her wet panties. She looked up at me through her watering eyes and she slowly licked her beautiful, puffy lips…her soft tongue leaving a trail of spit on her already moist mouth. Without saying a word I picked her up off the floor and she squealed with surprise as I threw her down on the couch. She landed spread eagle giving me an even better view of her pussy through her satin panties and I couldn’t take it anymore. I dropped to my knees in front of her and tore a hole in her panties finally exposing her smooth, dripping pussy to me. Her clit was a magnet for my tongue. I laid my tongue flat against her pussy and lapped up and down…then specifically worked her little clit while I slid two fingers inside of her. She grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face into her…panting and moaning with each kayseri escort flick of my tongue. I couldn’t believe how wet she was…or how hard I was getting. I reached up with my other hand and pinched her nipples which sent her grinding into my face harder and made her whimper louder. I lapped at her clit and fingered her pussy faster and faster…she wrapped her milky thighs around my head and pushed my face into her wet pussy and locked her ankles. “Keep…going…” she panted, “I’m…gonna….” Her voice trailed off as her legs locked my face between her thighs and her hips began tiny thrusts…”cumming…” All of this had made me so hard that I thought I was going to explode but she had me in a vice-like grip between her legs. I continued to lick her clit as I tasted her orgasm get unleashed over my face. She tried to suppress a scream but it escaped her lips and she moaned her way through another powerful orgasm. Slowly her legs began to loosen and I took the opportunity to take advantage of her cum-induced trance.I slid out from between her legs and pulled her soaking wet, ripped panties off as well. My cock was hard as a rock again and I needed to see that ass shake. I flipped her over and bent her over the couch in front of the window…she was still in an orgasm c*** and just moved as I pleased. I looked down at her ass…a perfect peach of an ass…big but not fat… round and supple. I walked up behind her being led by my hard on…her pussy was still dripping so I rubbed the head of my cock over her lips, soaking my cock. She looked over her shoulder at me and down at my throbbing dick…she arched her back and slowly pushed her ass towards me…the head of my cock was just resting on the edge of her ass…with one quick push backwards she wrapped her asshole around my cock and swallowed it. I fucked her slow at first…sliding my cock in and out of her, covering it with her cum…only going up to about halfway up my dick…but each time going deeper and deeper into her ass. She began to buck back against me forcing more and more of my cock into her until she was taking it all. I was fucking her with long, deliberate strokes…starting at my head and sinking all of my cock into her and pushing right up to my balls…then back again. Every time my cock would slide all the way in, her ass would bounce…which made me fuck her harder…watching her ass wiggle and bounce to the rhythm of my hard dick fucking her. I grabbed her arms and held them behind her back while I started to fuck her harder and harder. She began to moan in time with my fucking as I pulled her into me…my dick sinking into her ass…I slid my cock into her ass all the way up to my balls and just held her there while I allowed my cock to swell up inside her…forcing the blood into my head, stretching her asshole. She screamed with delight as I felt her ass tighten up around my cock. I knew it was time. “I’m going to cum on your face,” I told her as she held my throbbing cock in her ass. I slowly pulled my cock out of her ass, allowing every nerve ending on my cock to feel every inch of her. My cock was barely out of her ass before she had spun around and was jerking me off onto her beautiful, make up and tear stained face. She looked up at me, out of breath again, stoking my cock and looking into my eyes. “Please cum for me,” she begged, “please, I need your cum now.” She licked right underneath my head and I felt an orgasm grip me. I could feel it in my finger tips and toes…but I could see it in the ropes of thick white cum I shot all over her: the first few shot on her face and into her hair, making her make up run again, then into her mouth and on her lips and finally down onto her puffy, nipples. I squeezed out the last drops onto her waiting tongue as she rubbed the rest of it on her face and stomach. I gathered my things and left her on floor, cum in her hair and all over her face and tits, make up smeared down her cheeks, sitting beside torn, soaking panties. I wish I took a picture.

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cheaterIts wednesday. Once more ur husband isnt gonna b home. Ur fucken tired of it now. Especialy cuz u know hes been cheating on u. U tried to b the good wife for the sake of the k**. But now ur done with it. U call me…i can hear by ur voice that ur emotional. I try to calm u down to prevent u from crying. Ill ask u if u allready had diner,on wich u answer with a no. Oki…u call the nanny. Ill b with u in 1hr. U agree and allready nervous hang up the phone. Imediatly u call ur nanny and ask her to watch the k**dy for one night. She knows whats goin on,since she knows about his affairs. He tried to seduce her too. But shes a loyal employee,so she didnt respond to his filthy avanches. Euhm Miss…r u gonna get back at him? She asks u..on wich u respond with a plain yes mari. U hang up to rush urself upstairs. The drawer with ur lingerie gets stalded out at the bed. U grab a bridal white corset with a tiny lil thong and fidhnets. U throw it on the bed,and hurry urself to the shower. While the room fills itself with steam,ur head will fill itself with ur most naugty thoughts….u giggle asa u think about the situations u could get into. In the meantime i prepared myself and my house for ur arival. The lights r dimmed. A few candles r burning. And preparations for the diner r made. U expect ill take u to a restaurant,but that would b too busy. I want u for myself. Noone can lay an eye on u as i seduce u. As u rub urself in with sum body lotion,u get butterflies in ur stomach. U know ur gonna get it from a real man tonight. Not ur husband….hes not capable of giving u what u need. U get turned on and gently rub btween ur lips…only just a lil and then stop. Im allready on my way,wich u know by my txt message. So ull get dressed. This corset suits u perfect. Slowely ull put on ur fishnets,*nd look in the mirror. Mmm i have beautifull legs u think..i bet hell love this . U walk to ur closet,picking a bloodred dress. U put it on together with matching high heels. U look like a true moviestar now,or a pin up model ready for her shoot. As ur putting on ur make up,u hear the door open. Its mari…she walks upstairs and stumbles as she sees u. Omg…Mss…i bet hell love this. U nod and smile. Gracious u walk to the k**dies bedroom giving him one kiss on his cheak. The doorbell rings…u grab ur handbag and ur coat and walk downstairs. As u open the kayseri escort door,i stand there. My hand comes from behind my back with a couple of red and black roses. U smile and take em.. Come on babe…we dont wanna b late ill say. U asume i have reserved a place uptown. While in fact ive got this scene waiting for us at my place ill hold the door open for yah as u get in my car.. OMfg she looks stunning!! Runs thru my head. Ill get in next to u,look at u.. And kiss u straight away. I couldnt help myself..ur eyes…ur lips…ur beautifull hair. As i start the car and drive off ill feel how u put ur hand on my knee. Gently rubbing it and slowely but surely going up. Dont get me turned on..i u do is smile and open my zipper..ur hand gos in while we drive on the highway. Ur hand starts to move up and down in my pants. And without hasitation u get it out. Omg…r u gonna?… Yes u r ..u look at me. And while we r driving on this busy road ur gonna suck on it! U bad girl. Ur beautifull red lips close around my cock…ur right hand around my balls while ur left one is massaging it. As we get off the highway ull stop. This was just a tease for whats cumming. It felt so damn good…shame i still have to cook.We have arived at my place. Ill open ur door and reach for ur hand. Ull grab it and get out of my car. As soon as i open the door,ill push u against the wall and start kissing u. I love the feeling of ur lips touching mine. But…u didnt have diner. Sooo il light up the oven. The filled courgette and greek rolls r allready in it. So all we have to do now is wait for 15mins. Ill poor us a glass of red wine and sit down across the table from u. I cant b too close,cuz i know i cant contain myself. Ur sooo damn beautifull in the lights of the candles. After a short talk and a glass of wine,the diner is ready. U follow me to the kitchen. As ur nose absorbs the smell of the delicious food. The 2 well filled plates in my hands,ull take the bottle of wine and walk back to the livingroom. U sit down as ill put the plate infront of u. It looks great..ull say… Taste it babe…it will match its appearence just like u do the knife cuts like thru butter while u pinch the roll down to ur plate. As u put it in ur mouth ull close ur eyes. The lovely taste of bacon,egg plant,fetta and fresh pesto almost make u moan.. Instead a sweet mhmhmhmm cums out. Ill look at u enjoying all this. In the background ull hear the sweet sound of sade…its the sweetest taboo…matches me. Its bad that ur here,but u love it. As we finnished our plates,and i took them to the kitchen uve secretly dropped ur thongs. And put em in ur handbag. Now u know ur an easy target…but as long as i dont know,ur safe. Ill go sit on the other side of the table once moar. U dont like this distance,and slowely open ur legs. Since its a glass table i can whitness all whats going on. Ur bloodred dress gets pulled up lil by first only revealing ur gorgeous legs..ill take a sip of whine as my heart beats like a drum..isnt she wearing… Nope shes not!!..u fucken bad girl..all this just in my head. U wont stop looking at my face as u wetten ur finger. U bring it btween ur thighs,and gently start rubbing ur clit. Ur other hand will start playing with ur hair…that never ending smile on ur face..and ur eyes on porn modus. In the lights of the candles i can c the shinnering of ur wetness thru my table. I cant resist and stand up. U turn to me,turning the back of the chair with u. Ill bend over to kiss u..and feel how ur breathing heavily. Gimme a fucken taste..ill whisper. And like a good girl u give me ur finger…ill clean it,and start sucking on it. Ill get down a lil more and kiss ur neck. Thru ur dress i can c ur nipples get hard. Ill tease em…rolling em btween my index finger and thumb. Gently uLl moan. My other hand will replace urs…gimme that tight wet pussy ull hear me say..both ur hands will grab the chair as ill start fucking ur pussy with 2fingers..first gently,cuz i want it to b wet enough for me. But after a min or so. Ull feel them fingers go faster and faster…while eventualy my handpalm is slapping against ur clit. I want ur cum all over my fingers,and on that chair….ull moan and say my name..ill feel ur pussy tighten round my finger..ill gently pull ur hair and kiss u…ur cum gushes out. Making me drop on my knees..i wanna taste u…badly. Ill spread ur lips with 2fingers an start roling over ur clit. Still shaking from ur orgasm,ur preparing urself for the nxt one. Without a warning ill spit on ur tight lil asshole and slide in a finger. Ur cumming straight away….2fingers deeply fucking that pussy..1up ur butt…and a warm wet tongue roling over ur clit..omgg. U got my whole chin wet! Ill get up while ur pussy is still contracting from ur orgasm and kiss u. Mmm ull love tha taste of ur own pussy. Ill take ur hand to help u get up…turn u around,unzip ur dress. And let it fall on the floor… Omg…the shape of ur body…this corset…ur hair..its perfect. But no delay..ill bend u over on my dinertable,put my hard cock btween ur lips. And in one hard thrust ull feel how ur pussy gets filled with cock. Ull moan as i gently start fucking u…grabing ur hips..letting my hands run up ur back. I wanna hold on to ur hair so u cant go annywhere. U love me to handle u rough..deep..and hard my smooth balls r slapping against ur clit,makin ur pussy tighten round my cock. My other hand will tease ur almost hurts,thats how sensitive they r. I cant take this too long bby..else ill allready cum inside u. So instantly ill stop. U bend over to lick my hard cock clean,but i will only give a u a lil taste. Ill push u back on that table. Now i wany u to. Put ur heels on the edge,and spread ur ass cheaks for me. Like a good girl ull do it…r u gonna fuck my???,, yes bby…ill give it to yah..u wanted to learn…well since ur here,i think its a good time to try it. Ill grab a chair and sit down infront of u. The lube nxt to me,to make my fingers a lil wet. Gently ill start teasing ur aSs with one finger..rub ur clit as i play bby..ull start rubbing it. And gently ull moan…its a lil taboo that gets lost here. At first its feels strange. But u enjoy it. And slowely starts moving ur ass over my finger. Ur fucking my finger bby…all the way…ill put another finger next to it. And with no problem what so ever it slides in. I think ur ready…ill say.. Ul look at me…ur eyes half close…gimme ur cock please. Ill wetten it with lube. And put it aganst ur ass..grabbing ur anckles,and pushing ur legs back…udd feel my dick slide inside yah…holding ur breath till u feel my balls touch ur ass. Ud moan as i start fucking u..rubbing ur clit…biting ur lip…u love the feeling of getting ur ass fucked!! Im the first one who ever gave u this experience…why oh why?! U love to get durty…even now…u know ur gonna cum…but not like b4. Go on bby…milk my cock.. Make me cum inside u. Ur moving ur ass up and down over that dick..moaning,sweating…even a lil tear runs down ur cheak…u cum…and as ur tight lil ass gets even tighter u hear and feel me cum deep inside of u…. Verzonden vanaf mijn BlackBerry®-toestel

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