La soumission d’Anne -4-

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La soumission d’Anne -4-Anne se dirige vers la salle de bain qui, heureusement pour elle, jouxte les toilettes. Des travaux très récents la rendent agréable. Elle est destinée aux invités. A son attention, serviette, gant de toilette et savon sont déjà sortis. Rapidement elle saisi le savon et entre dans la grande cabine de douche vitrée. Le mitigeur actionné, elle attend quelques secondes que la température lui convienne et se glisse sous la pluie tiède et apaisante. Le ruissellement lui fait comme une caresse qu’elle accentue par le mouvement du gant imprégné de savon. Elle frotte tout son corps pour se retrouvée couverte de mousse. Pour plus de confort, elle abandonne le tissus éponge pour se concentrer de ses doigts nus sur son entre jambe. Elle s’applique entre ses lèvres ourlées de ses fins poils puis s’occupe avec délectation entre ses fesses de son anus qu’elle pénètre d’une phalange habile pour en assurer une propreté sans faille. Elle se rinça longtemps, profitant pleinement de cet instant, s’assurant discrètement que je ne la quittais pas du regardDe l’autre côté de la vitre, je l’observe avec plaisir. Sa sensualité n’était pas feinte. Le l’avais bien jugée. Je me trouvais en présence d’une femme d’exception dont je me devais de révéler tout le potentiel érotique. La barre était haute, gâcher un tel bijou serait criminel. J’avais réussi avec Angela, je comptais bien réitérer avec Anne.Pendant qu’elle essuyait consciencieusement chaque centimètre de peau, Angela m’apporta des menottes de cuir, deux pour les poignets, deux pour les chevilles. Sans attendre, je les tendis à Anne.-Attache-les en commençant par tes chevilles.Les pièces de cuir changèrent de mains et elle se pencha avec élégance. Sa pudeur des débuts avait disparue et elle m’offrait sans vergogne la vue de sa fente poilue. Ses jambes ornées des deux larges bracelets de cuir, elle répéta l’opération sur ses poignets. Ceci fait, je m’assurais que tout était bien en place et nous sortîmes de la pièce embuée.-Nous allons maintenant déjeuner mais avant tu vas aller chercher ta valise.-Nue ?-Bien sûr.-Mais elle est dehors…-Tu ne comptais pas entrer avec. Tu vas mettre ces sabots pour ne pas abîmer tes pieds sur le gravier et aller chercher tes affaires. Dépêche toi, on ne va pas y passer la journée.-Bien monsieur.Elle traverse la cour, ouvre le portail et se retrouve devant la ferme, nue comme un ver. La petite route d’accès est peu fréquentée mais en cette fin de printemps les tracteurs en tout genre ne sont pas rare. Elle regarde des deux c^tés, écoute, à l’affût du moindre son de moteur. Par chance personne en vue. Elle sort du coffre une grosse valise à roulette. A croire qu’elle s’installe pour l’été. La valise à du mal à rouler dans le gravier, la forçant à se déhancher sous l’effort, entraînant ses seins dans un mouvement des plus gracieux. Enfin dans la maison, je lui montre sa chambre où, après un ultime mouvement du bassin et hisse la valise sur le lit.-Ouvre la.Le bagage ouvert laisse apparaître sous vêtements, bas, chaussures, vêtements divers, le tout de grande marques.-Je ne savais pas trop quoi prendre…-Tu t’es chargée pour rien. Ici tu n’auras besoin d’aucune chose que tu as eu tant de mal à porter.Elle me regarde sans comprendre.-Tes bracelets et ton collier seront les seules choses que tu bakırköy escort porteras tant que tu seras ici.-Si j’ai froid ?Je ne prends pas la peine de répondre.-Allons déjeuner.Pendant le déballage inutile, Angela avait préparé le repas. Plutôt un apéritif dînatoire. Elle était à présent dans un fauteuil, un livre en mains, indifférente à la présence de notre invitée. Je m’assois en face d’elle de l’autre côté de la table, non sans regarder son entre jambe que sa petite robe laisse apercevoir dans l’ombre. Anne attend, nue, ne sachant pas quelle attitude avoir. -Va chercher les plateaux et pose les sur la table.La cuisine ouverte, visible de ma place me permet de suivre ses mouvements. Ses pieds nus ne font aucun bruit, lorsqu’elle revient tenant un premier plateau garni de divers toasts et autres amuse- bouche. Elle se penche pour le déposer sur la table, exposant de nouveau sa croupe et ses seins aux tétons tendus. Ses tétons pointent douloureusement depuis le matin. Le froid relatif, l’excitation, peu importe la raison. Ils sont là, arrogants tendus vers moi comme une offrande. Une deuxième rotation ramène une bouteille de champagne et trois flûtes.-Ouvre la bouteille et sers nous. Ensuite tu viendras à ta place. Ta place, c’est à genoux, les fesses posées sur tes talons et contre ma jambe gauche. Cela vaut pour maintenant et pour toujours. Lorsque je dirais « à ta place » c’est comme ça que tu devras agir. Est-ce clair ?-Oui Monsieur.Elle ouvre la bouteille dans un bruit caractéristique, remplit les verres. Un peu de mousse coule sur le plateau.-Fais attention. Tout ce que tu feras doit être fait à la perfection.-Oui Monsieur, veuillez m’excuser.Elle me tend la flûte au liquide doré, puis à Angela.-Viens à ta place. Tu peux te servir. Tu peux boire et manger en toute quiétude. Nous portons tous les trois le verre à notre bouche pour laisser le liquide pétillant nous rafraîchir. Nous ne trinquons pas. Notre éducation nous a appris que seuls les blaireaux font tinter le cristal, comme si c’était une vulgaire chope dans un pub anglais.Anne grignote peu, posée posée à mes pieds sur le tapis, telle une geisha débarrassée de son kimono. Elle remplit de nouveau nos verres puis reprend sa place.Avec Angela, nous discutons, échangeons quelques phrases de tous les jours, à la fois banales et rassurantes, sur nos chevaux, les derniers films sur Netflix, la maison, le boulot, comme si la situation était naturelle, tandis que je caresse la nuque d’Anne dont la tête est appuyée contre ma cuisse. Le repas se termine dans une ambiance parfaitement détendue.-Débarrasse, et apporte nous le café.Anne se lève, les jambes ankylosées par la position inhabituelle, enlève rapidement les plateaux pour revenir avec nos cafés.-Pendant qu’on boit notre café, tu vas aller te maquiller et te préparer. -Oui monsieur.Se sachant observée, elle quitte le salon pour la salle de bain, d’un démarche qu’elle veut assurée, mais qui trahit cependant son trouble. Pendant le repas elle avait presque oublié sa condition.-Tu en penses quoi ?Angela réfléchit rapidement.-Je pense que tu as fait un bon choix. Elle demande à être travaillée mais je crois qu’elle en a envie. Elle est encore coincée dans son côté petit bourgeois, mais le vernis ne demande qu’a craquer. Tu sais, elle me beşiktaş escort fais vraiment penser à moi. Tu te souviens comment j’étais avant que tu t’occupes de moi. Il a fallut le déclic dans cet hôtel d’Orléans, quand tu m’as attaché les mains avec ta cravate. C’était notre première fois. Je ne sais pas comment, mais tu avais ressentis qu’inconsciemment, j’étais prête. On connaît la suite. J’avais du mal à faire une simple pipe et personne n’avait touché mon cul et maintenant…C’est vrai qu’elle était peu portée sur l’exubérance. Mais j’avais des doutes sur sa retenue. Lui attacher les mains avait été une inspiration bienvenue.De son côté, Anne s’appliquait à son maquillage ; Face au miroir, elle finissait de poser un dernier trait de crayon noir sur ses yeux avant d’appliquer son rouge à lèvre avec précision. Une dernière pulvérisation de parfum et elle prit quelques instants pour constater le résultat. Cela lui sembla correct. Elle se mit de profil pour voir sa silhouette au ventre plat et aux seins à la tenue acceptable.A l’entée du salon, elle marqua un temps d’arrêt, comme un acteur qui entre en scène, pour juger de son effet sur le public. C’est vrai que ses efforts étaient payants. Elle était là, nue, avec seulement ses bracelets aux mains et aux chevilles ainsi que son collier au cadenas brillant. Elle avait un peu forcé sur le maquillage mais cela resté très élégant. Je n’aurais de toute façon pas toléré un maquillage de pouffe. La vulgarité n’a pas sa place ici. -C’est bien. Nous allons maintenant monter au grenier.Cette phrase, même si elle ravive un peu son anxiété, elle l’attend depuis son arrivée. Jusqu’à présent, tout avait été plutôt soft, poli, urbain. On passait aux choses sérieuses.Angela ouvrit la montée dans l’escalier, Anne lui emboîta le pas et je fermais la marche de notre petite caravane. Je ne me serais pas privé de la vue de ces deux créatures superbes dont les fesses au niveau de mes yeux étaient simplement une invitation au voyage. Alors qu’elle suit Angela, Anne sent la pression monter à chaque pas jusqu’à l’entrée du grenier.Elle est un peu déçue. Elle avait imaginé un donjon comme dans les films, avec des pierres, une croix, des murs rouges avec une collection d’objets à la fois mystérieux et sans équivoque. Là, rien de tout cela. La pièce est grande, les murs parés de bois, des tapis au sol, un grand tableau contemporain sur le mur du fond, un éclairage doux. Le mobilier aussi lui semble aussi habituel à part une chaise haute à l’assise séparé en deux, avec les reposes pieds. En étant plus attentive, le lit recouvert d’un drap de satin noir a des anneaux aux quatre coins, cette chaise est vraiment spéciale, un banc à l’assise moelleuse recouverte de cuir noir, un palan électrique au plafond et surtout, une grande malle de voyage en bois, qu’elle imaginait avoir trimballé par les porteurs de l’Orient Express. Elle devait renfermer des tas de choses. Comme un enfant essaie de deviner ce qui se cache sous le papier des cadeaux de Noël, son imagination se mit à s’emballer.Je ne lui laisse pas le loisir de continuer ses rêveries.-C’est ici que tout ce passe.La simplicité des lieux l’inquiète. C’est voulu. Il est en effet plus inquiétant de se retrouver avec des inconnus dans une cave où se trouve juste une chaise beylikdüzü escort sous une ampoule crue que dans une suite cinq étoiles d’un palace. La rigueur de la pièce est un atout. La soumise ne peut se raccrocher à rien. Son imagination fait le travail. Et c’est le cas-Il est temps que tu reçoive la punition pour tes manquements constatés par Angela.Elle l’avait presque oubliée. Elle avale avec difficulté.En réalité, cette punition était prévue bien avant qu’elle arrive. J’aurais de toute façon trouvé une raison. Cette première épreuve est nécessaire pour juger de son obéissance et de son endurance.Angela a ouvert la malle. Une collection de godes, des cordes, des cravaches et des martinets sont bien rangés. Une laisse, des barres d’écartement sont là, en attente de servir mes envies. Anne regarde ce contenu plein de promesses exquises. Et toujours cette sensation dans son ventre, toujours ses tétons tendus à lui faire mal. Elle sent à peine quand Angela accroche la laisse à son collier et qu’elle me la tend.-Tu es prête ?-Oui monsieur, je suis prête.-Angela…Je n’ai pas besoin d’en dire plus, Angela s’allonge, les fesses au bord du lit, les pieds par terre. Elle écarte les jambes, largement, faisant remonter sa robe et offrant sa toison dorée. Sa respiration a changé. Elle est plus courte. C’est à peine perceptible mais je la connais tellement bien. En prévision de cette situation, je lui ai interdit toute toilette intime depuis deux jours…Je tire doucement sur la laisse pour attirer Anne face à ce sexe ouvert.-A genoux, tu vas la lécher et applique toi.Elle hésite, c’est nouveau pour elle. C’est un peu humiliant et inattendu.Je tire plus fort en appuyant au creux de ses genoux pour qu’elle se retrouve en position entre les jambes d’Angela qui se cambre un peu pour s’ouvrir d’avantage. Je pousse la tête d’Anne jusqu’au contact de la toison. L’odeur est puissante et suave, a****le mais pas désagréable. Comme un parfum musqué et entêtant. J’accentue ma pression, elle a le visage en contact, elle fait mine de résister, mais cela n’est que façade. Elle ouvre sa bouche, sa langue d’abord hésitante, se fraye un chemin vers la fente ouverte. Elle entre dans cette chatte ruisselante et elle se met à laper d’abord lentement puis plus vite le miel qui ruisselle. Elle s’applique sans que j’ai besoin d’intervenir. Lorsqu’elle s’attaque au petit capuchon du clitoris et qu’elle découvre le petit gorgé de désir, Angela se raidit et laisse échapper un soupir d’aise. Anne prend cela pour un encouragement. Elle est surprise du plaisir qu’elle ressent. Je la laisse encore un instant profiter.Mes deux joueuses s’emballent un peu. Je dois reprendre la main avant que la situation ne m’échappe. Je tire sur la laisse et je dégage la tête d’Anne de ce nid humide. Son visage est luisant et humide, son regard trouble. Elle se redresse, j’en profite pour passer mes doigts entre ses fesses pour rejoindre son sexe. Il est trempé. Angela se redresse, en appui sur ses coudes, les yeux voilés à la fois de plaisir et de reproche. Elle aurait aimé que cela dure encore. Je réglerai ça plus tard. Je suis le maître du jeu, pas elle. Sans attendre, j’attire Anne vers la malle où je choisis la cravache destinée aux punitions. Je l’ai fabriquée moi-même, avec du bambou. Elle est sur mesure, à la bonne longueur pour être parfaitement équilibrée. Elle doit être le prolongement de mon bras, je dois pouvoir parfaitement doser la force des coups. Je prends aussi une barre d’écartement que je tends à Angela. Je positionne Anne sous le palan, je fais descendre le câble pour finir par accrocher le mousque

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My first taste of another mans cock

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Big Dicks

My first taste of another mans cockI was continuing to explore my feminine side of me, under the wonderful direction of my wife, and her friend Susan, when one night next door at Susans house, we decided to play strip poker….. and Susan said …no this is not fair. you have trousers shirt etc and Gilly and me are in Basque stockings the lot ….we have to dress the same to make this game fair and fun.So Gilly quick as a flash said ….. I know what you can wear darling ….my wedding outfit (I was slim in those days) and ran to our house to grab all her gear (the only thing that wouldnt fit was her shoes) and 5 minutes later returned….right then get those trousers off …not that I had much choice both of them stripping me off ….till is was absolutely naked, thank fuck I had kurtköy escort shaved that morning, legs, pubic mound chest so i kinda looked femmish…but then they started dressing me… both on my legs each rolling a white stocking up to my thighs, then my arms through the bra straps of the basque and them both taking turns clasping an eyelet up the length of my back….my horniness becoming evident by the moment ….till I was rock hard …. not yet darling said Gilly we have to play cards …oh and here are my white satin panties for you to wear ….pulling them up and just not caring whether they hid my rampant cock or not …. we all sat around the coffee table and started to play cards …. I lost the 1st two hands and obviously lost my panties and had maltepe escort to undo 2 suspender straps …but started winning and had them both knickerless and kissing one another as forfeits, things were hotting up when ………fucking hell …the door opens and Susans husband is standing there…with a quick look around he unzipped and flopped out his hardening manhood …waving it around and just said ….. Well Hello Ladies ….one of you has got to suck this Now !!!! …the pair of them sat back and looked at me …..fuck ….never done this before but I crawled across …my limpness flopping between my thighs and just took hold of his manhood and popped it between my lips ….. immediately feeling myself grow harder as I did …..he grabbed the kartal escort back of my head and rammed his cock down my throat … (thank fuck I have no gag reflex) and just let him have his fun ….a couple of thrusts and he started pouring his creammy cumm down my throat ,,, grunt grunt take it all bitch he roared ….. and I did……….with pleasure actually…. I dont think I tasted a lot of it coz it poured down my throat at a fantastic rate ….and both wives came over and cleaned him up and kissed me too ….. Oh u pair of bitches set this up didnt you …. but no it was a complete surprise to him coming home a day early ….. we had many a repetition over the years but he refused to dress in any sexy lingerie so he had his 3 special gurls to satisfy him and I had my special ladies to help me dressing and having a lot of fun ……. we lost contact about 10 years ago and we both still miss them ….so Susan and Gavin if you are reading this ………get back in contact please …our phone number has not changed at all xx kisses Gilly and Kaye

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Sheena’s wild brutal punishment

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Sheena’s wild brutal punishmentFriday afternoon I joined Camilla at Laura’s home. Our good girlfriend had invited us to have tea and to kiss and tell for a while.There we found Sheena, a blonde bimbo with perfect curves and a very slutty smiling face. We were all around our late thirties; but the stupid bimbo was just barely legal.After having some drinks, the whole conversation centered around sex toys and sexy outfits or anything that had to do with sex. A week ago Laura and me had done some good purchase at the mall, picking up all kind of revealing underwear and lingerie along with several sex toys. I saw the dumb bimbo stared at us while we talked about it; she seemed she could not even understand us…Naughty Camilla insisted she wanted to see all the stuff; so Laura got up and soon she returned with two large bags. She held up a few of sexy teddies and Camilla and I urged her to model them for us. Our bitchy girlfriend did not waste any time; she stripped off right in front of us, so allowing us to get a glimpse of her nice tanned body.She tried on a black corset that seemed to make her gorgeous boobs look even bigger. Laura commented she could not wait to wear it for her husband; who really loved sexy lingerie.As she bent over to pick another outfit, Camilla reached out and ran her fingers across the fabric, tugging on her bust line, giving it good once over. The bitch laughed, saying that it may have been a couple sizes too small, as she tugged on a few more spots and gave Laura a pat on her fleshy exposed perfect butt cheeks.Laura also laughed, calling Camilla a “bitch” and she kept putting other sexy outfits…Sheena then asked authorization to try one of the outfits. Laura was not in a sharing mood; but the stupid bimbo had a knack of getting her way. Sheena took one of the bags and grabbed Camilla to join her in another room to change. The shy girl promised to surprise us…As we stood there alone, Laura kissed me passionately and asked me if she was fat. I laughed and told her she looked great and pendik escort sexy as always had been. Her tanned body was amazing.We could hear Camilla and Sheena laughing in the bedroom; so Laura got paranoid that she was the butt of the joke. She glanced at the door, asking me what was taking them so long…?Finally, she could not wait any longer and we both went to the bedroom to check on them.We found both bitches lying naked onto the bed; giggling at the very huge black strap on dildo that they found in her nightstand. Sheena waved the black sex toy at our host, saying they had found it there…Laura got red in anger, yelling at the bimbo that it was her personal property. She stood for a moment with her arms folded staring darts into the stupid girl… It was obvious she was not happy with their discovery. Sheena got serious and she apologized, adding they were just having fun…She dropped the huge toy and reached for her clothes to get dressed. She was putting on a sexy red corset, when Laura abruptly stopped her, grabbing her by arm.”You want to play with my dildo so bad, bitch…? So let’s play…” She sounded angry and her little friend then looked a bit scared…Laura unzipped the red corset and got Sheena fully naked again; just wearing high heels.She then grabbed the sex toy and very confidently stated how she was going to fuck Sheena in front of us. She stared at the bimbo’s eyes as she strapped the device to her own tiny waist…“I am going to fuck you really good and really hard…” She hissed.Sheena never protested, as she was obviously intrigued by the chance of being fucked by such a huge thing. Laura got some lube from the nightstand as she crawled up on the bed…She then coated the rubber piece, waving it around, teasing how good it was going to be.Camilla suddenly laughed and recommended Sheena to get on all fours, saying it was the best position to be penetrated by such a huge dildo. She then backed away and joined me over by the dresser. We could watch every detail from this kağıthane escort closer position…Laura smiled at us, while she poured some lube on her fingers and spread it over Sheena’s shaved pussy, getting it nice and wet. Our tanned goddess girlfriend showed no mercy as she shoved her slick fake cock into Sheena’s moist vagina. The shy bimbo beauty let out a couple of breathy moans and some loud screams as she was getting fucked doggy style.I was getting a little moist myself and stripped down also. I then straddled Camilla’s lap to take in the show. My sweet Camilla looked mesmerized by our girlfriend’s sexual act; she whispered in my ear how turned on she was. It was awkward sitting there on a small chair; but we managed to do a little mutual masturbation, gently stroking each other’s pussy.Laura was now really working up a sweat as she pounded her dumb blonde friend from behind. Her hips were thrusting like crazy and I could only imagine being on the receiving end of her amazing strap on sex. If only I had found this rubber dildo first, Laura could be taking out her frustrations on me. Something told me she knew what she was doing, as she pressed Sheena’s buttons, as she was in ecstasy taking her dildo hard punishment.Laura let up just a bit as Sheena had a screaming orgasm, making the bimbo roll back and then reinserting the dildo as she hovered over her. Our girlfriend enjoyed her position of power as she taunted her lover, mere inches from her face. “How do you like my cock, stupid bitch…?” She asked Sheena as she squeezed her ass cheeks and kept slowly fucking her.Laura smashed her nice tanned boobs against Sheena’s jiggling breasts as she continued with her pelvic thrusts, giving the hot blonde the good hard fucking as promised and deserved…They both maintained eye contact, now nearing another orgasm. As the silly dumb blonde had a real tremendous orgasm, Laura defiantly announced that she was going to fuck Sheena in the ass.The maltepe escort girl’s eyes bugged out at the possibility, but I guessed that she would like anal for sure…Laura teased her friend about the taboo sex act, bragging how she going to stretch out and destroy her tight asshole so badly with this huge rubber cock.She kept teasing by turning to us to get our opinion. “What do you think, my girls? Do you want to see me fuck this shy bimbo in the ass…?” It was just a rhetorical question but my sexy friend Camilla looked still mesmerized by the action and quietly muttered yes, unaware that her answer was out loud.“I want you to put it in her slutty tight butt…” Camilla yelled out, smiling like a nasty bitch…Laura suddenly pulled out the rubber and brushed it up against her blonde friend’s tight asshole. Sheena clutched the bed sheets and sank her head back on the pillow, bracing herself and waiting to take the thick huge piece in the ass. Our sexy host poured a little more lubricant on the tight sensitive hole before pushing the head of her sex toy inside. Sheena let out a loud howl as Laura insisted and shoved the slick dildo all the way in that little puckered asshole. Laura reached under the bimbo hot body and played with those glistening pussy, as she kept butt fucking her. Sheena cried in pain as the huge thick dildo was shoved with no mercy up her tight anus.Naughty Laura stared at us and she laughed, as she pumped the girl with more enthusiasm. We saw that Sheena could barely catch her breath as she was wildly pumped from behind.But the little bitch was not the only one screaming ; as Camilla suddenly had a gushing orgasm under my naughty fingers. I could feel her wetness running through my fingers as I kept tickling her juicy pussy.Meanwhile, Laura grabbed Sheena by her arms and gave her several more long slow powerful thrusts, coaxing a sexy wild squeal with each final thrust. Her stupid bimbo friend buried her head in the sheets as Laura mercifully brought the brutal strap on session to an end. Camilla and I joined her on the bed as we comforted her with a group hug.Laura was truly excited. She pulled out her shiny lubed rubber cock from Sheena’s stretched asshole and looked at us with a triumphant smile in her sweaty red face.“Who is next, bitches…? She just asked us, signaling this huge rubber thing…

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The Lake House (2)

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The Lake House (2)[ For Megan…I was happy to have Megan back home again, of course (I’d missed her very much), but I could tell by the exhausted look on her lovely face, and in her equally beautiful and arresting eyes, that she and William, our next door neighbor, had had some very good sex; and seeing that sent a shiver of excitement (and not jealousy!) coursing through me as I let her in through the front door.My heart was pounding as she stepped past me. As she did, I inhaled her body fragrance (which I found almost intoxicating), and my cock responded by stirring and beginning to become erect.She headed towards our bedroom, and I followed behind her; admiring her fabulous figure, that, despite the fact that William had ‘had’ her over the last 48 hours, I loved knowing that, in the end, when all was said and done, she was still my wife; and that she always came back to me.”You must be very tired,” I said, helping her undress.”I am,” she said with noticeably happy agreement.”How was the lake house?””It was nice,” Megan replied, as the last of her already skimpy clothing fell onto either the bed, or onto the floor. I’d pick it up as she showered. “It wasn’t, like, big, but it was nice. Secluded, too, by some shrubs and trees.”She turned around and smiled up at me. “How were you?””I was fine. I did some stuff in the yard. And kept busy with that. But,” I added, “I missed you!”She smiled at that, and kissed me. The feel of her lips, and the taste of her mouth as our tongues slid across one another’s, sent a fire through my loins; and my cock got even stiffer!”Your very sweet,” she said. “I’m lucky your my husband.””Perhaps, but I think pendik escort I’m even more lucky to have you as my wife!” I replied with all earnestness.She kissed me again, and then went to take her shower; while I waited.When she came out, toweling off as she did, her nakedness seemed all the more glorious. She’d trimmed her pubic hair before going with William, and it made a slightly narrow, down-pointing wedge shape, which made my eyes follow it’s direction to her lovely pussy. My pulse surged at the knowledge that William had enjoyed exploring that. There was a slight ache in my heart thinking of that, but it wasn’t jealousy; more like…envy perhaps; but nothing remotely like resentment!Megan didn’t get dressed. Instead, she pulled the covers back and crawled into bed; and I laid down beside her and we cuddled for a long time. I was so sexually excited by then, but I knew Megan was tired, and needed so rest after the fuck-fest she and William had had together; and so I let her drift off to sleep. For a long time I laid there feeling her breathing on my face, and I studied her face, smiling to myself that this young woman was in my life! She could have had any man as a husband, but she’d married me, instead! Of course, our marriage was an unconventional one, because she had the freedom to have sex with any man she wanted, and with black men, who she preferred above all else, including me!I eventually got up out of bed and let Megan have as much sleep as she needed. Knowing her, neither she, nor William, had gotten much sleep, and I was setting in the living room when she came in, with çekmeköy escort nothing but a sheet around her.”Come here,” she said, and I got up and followed her back to our bedroom. She let the sheet drop as she climbed back onto the bed, and as she turned over onto her back, and spread her lovely legs apart, I knew instantly what was going to transpire next!There was no need for her to say anything else, and I came up and lowered my face to her beautiful pussy, and I inhaled that marvelous womanly aroma, which made my cock stir again, and my heart to begin beating faster; and I immediately began kissing her her labia; which then evolved into licking my tongue between those fabulous folds of pale pinkish flesh, which I knew William’s big black cock shaft had spread apart as he’d entered her, repeatedly over those passion-filled 48 hours at the lake house!As my tongue slipped between Megan’s pussy lips, she let out a long sigh of pleasure, and hearing that made me all the more excited; and I took turns delving between her labia as well as flicking the tip of my tongue over her protruding clitoris; and that made her react even more passionately than before.As I continued to lick my tongue between Megan’s labia, and over and around her clit, she squirmed and groaned, and I found it hard to stop. She had several orgasms, too; her unmistakable shuddering inspired me to keep going; and the fact that I knew that there was probably still some of William’s sperm still inside my young wife’s pussy, that also kept urging me on, and on—but eventually, Megan had me lay down along side of her, and maltepe escort she took my erection (such as it was) in her hand, and she knelt next to me and stroked it till I had a rather intense orgasm, myself! It felt so very wonderful, too; and the fact that I wasn’t having intercourse with her, as William, and the other black men she’d been with had, didn’t matter to me. I loved Megan so very much, that any sort of physical affection from her was multiplied many times over!After I’d come, she smiled down at me so very tenderly. “There. How’s that?””It was wonderful,” I said truthfully. “Thank you so much.”She leaned down and kissed me on the mouth again; our tongues lashing across each others with a thrilling, and genuine vigor on both our parts.”I love you so much,” I said quietly.”I know you do,” she said, kissing me on the forehead. “I love you, too, you know.””I do know that,” I said, and I meant it. I meant every word of it. Sure, our ages were considerably different, but to me love was almost without age categories, or limits. I loved Megan with all my heart and soul, and I’d do nearly anything to see that she was happy. That was the least I could do, and I was determined to do my best to see that she was happy.She got up and fetched me some toilet paper and I cleaned myself up.We went out onto the patio for awhile, and setting together in the warm evening darkness, I could see William’s light on in his house, which was right next door to ours, and seeing the light made me feel that strangely exhilarating sensation that being Megan’s cuckold always made me feel. “I love you,” I said after a moment had passed.She smiled at that.”Do I make you happy, Megan?” I asked. “I mean, are you glad that we’re married? Am I a good cuckold-husband for you?””Oh yes,” she said. “Your a great husband, and a wonderful cuckold, too!””Good,” I said, and I felt so incredibly happy. So much so that it ached, but it was a good ache. A very good ache.The End

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Uncut COCK

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Uncut COCKLiving in the USA, it’s amazing to see all the dick pics on Tumblr and Twitter (and XHamster and PornHub…) that are uncut. Way too much circumcision going on in this country. When I was growing up, I never saw an uncut cock until I began having sex with men in very different social circumstances than me. (I grew up in a VERY Protestant household in a VERY white area of the country. Didn’t go to school with any African American k**s — or other ethnicities, for that matter — until I was in High School and then only a very few.) My first experience with an uncut guy cemented my fascination with foreskin and I have loved and cherished the feel and taste of it ever since, but my most memorable experience of an uncut dick was with a guy in Nashville, Tennessee. I was visiting there overnight. We had met in a gay club and had hooked up for the night. I thought it was odd that he wanted me to go home with him, but he ALSO wanted to let me know that sometimes guys wouldn’t want to be with him and would leave because of the size of his cock. (??) I thought he must be joking.When we got to his place, he offered a joint and a drink. I had some of both. After we were pleasantly buzzed, we made out in his living room. He kissed me and led me into his bedroom. We started to undress each other, but he stopped me, turned away and finished undressing himself. He turned back to me naked. He had the biggest cock I had ever seen up to that time (OR since then), and it was uncut. It was huge, so large that he joked that it never could get full hard because all the blood racing to his junk would have made him pass out. It pendik escort was way too big for me to put up my ass (thank god he wanted to bottom) so I fucked him unmercifully for hours. We started out doggy style. I think it’s the easiest position to get into for both guys. Then he asked me to take him from the front; I quickly learned that his member was so big that I could easily fuck him and suck him at the same time. (I was pretty limber back then and even had taken the opportunity to practice sucking myself off several times in the past. [Another story, another time.]) Anyway, so we fucked and I sucked — he was giving me so much encouragement! He said (moaned!) he had never been with anyone who had ever tried to suck and fuck him at the same time before. I slowed down, took my mouth off his cock and kissed him. I was basically a k** and so was he, very early 20’s both of us. I suddenly felt “love” sprout for this young man. He seemed so appreciative of my efforts that I wanted to make sure he got as much out of this encounter as I did, if not more. I told him, as I kept slowly, gently rocking his world, that I wanted him to cum in my mouth and that I promised to give him my load in his ass in return. I told him to let me know when he was getting close to his orgasm so that I could be ready too.From then on, I went from hard pounding to stroking slowly, but deeply, and I kept my mouth on his cock, running my tongue around his head under the foreskin, timing my ass strokes to the depth of his cock in my mouth. We continued like this for a long time, getting into a rhythm kartal escort as I repeatedly hit his prostate with my cock strokes while his cock was deep in my throat. He moaned and asked me to stop. He wasn’t ready yet, he said, and he didn’t want to cum too soon. I stroked deep into his ass and held my position there, giving him all I had. I took my head off of his dick and, as I did, he leaned his face to mine and kissed me passionately. He said he knew we were just a one-nighter, but he wanted to thank me for trying so hard to give him pleasure. Then came tears. Tears! He told me how difficult it was for him to have dates because too many times when he would finally get together with someone he thought he liked, the guy would freak out at the size of his penis.(My thought was that I knew so many size queens, I couldn’t imagine not being able to find someone. At the same time, the guy was really upset!) I held him tight, still deep inside that sweet ass of his. We kissed again, gently. I kissed his face, his chest, the tip of his cock and back to his lips. I kissed him passionately for what seemed to be forever. I didn’t want to stop. We were completely in tune with each other, body and soul. It felt so good. He let out a sigh and whispered in my ear that he was ready to be inseminated. He wanted me to fill his ass with my load while he filled my mouth with his. I started deep fucking him again. He kissed me and then gently pushed my head down to his crotch. I sucked on that sweet skin, then opened my mouth wide, stretching to get all of him into my mouth and throat. We maltepe escort got the rhythm back very quickly this time — I had a goal and I was moving toward it with his moaning and his hips bucking against mine, cheering me on. He whispered he was very, very close. That was all it took for me to pull back, almost all the way out of his tight ass and then slam my cock against his prostate. He screamed in pleasure; I pounded harder, feeling my semen coursing its way to my destination: deep in his gut. I felt his nuts and cock contract, then spew his warm load against the back of my throat. I fucked and swallowed and fucked and swallowed until both of us were completely drained and I collapsed on top of him, sweat dripping from my body into a pool on his chest. He found my mouth with his and we kissed, gasping for air and feeling as if a single being.We slept entwined. My cock never left his hole. In the morning, I found myself swollen and deep inside him. We spent that morning gently making love again. We showered together, washing and soaping up all our sweaty, sticky, satisfied body parts. I carefully pulled his foreskin back and washed it, then got on my knees to take his cock gently into my mouth. I soaped his ass, then rinsed him off, bent him over and slowly slid my tongue in and out of that swollen hole. This was to make it real, to make a memory I would never forget. I toweled him off, dried myself, dressed and got ready to leave. He lay across the bed naked on his stomach, watching me. I bent over and kissed him one final time. I called him my fantasy lover — the one that every other going forward would be judged against. He smiled and thanked me, said he wouldn’t be forgetting me any time soon either. That was a long time ago and yet it is with great fondness that I remember my first truly intense, intimate human contact. Thank heaven for the boy, the cock and the foreskin. Ever and ever, amen.

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Yui’s Awakening. Part 12

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Yui’s Awakening. Part 12Yui and Emi were relaxing at Yui’s apartment.”Do you remember when we first met?” asked Yui. Emi laughed.”Oh yes, that was incredible! I was with Dina, and you called her. I was so shocked that Dina asked me if it was ok if her friend came to join us.”Yui blushed.”What did you think about it?””I was so high from the sex that I just said ‘ok’ and didn’t think about it. I had never been with more than one girl before, but I trusted Dina.””Yes, Dina is a very nice woman”, Yui said as they settled on the sofa and Emi snuggled into Yui’s warmth.”I was aware that she had other lovers, but I never talked with her much about it.””I actually enjoyed dressing up in the schoolgirl uniform, and role playing with her. How about you Yui chan?””Me too. I liked how she took control, and really appreciated us as school girls. She has a real Asian fetish, doesn’t she?”Emi giggled.”Yes! Shall we call her? Now?””OK!” said Yui searching for her phone.Luckily, Dina was at home, alone, and looking for something to do when Yui’s call came. Of course she would love to see them!An hour later, Yui and Emi were in Dina’s apartment and all were having a glass of wine.”I istanbul escort heard that you were seeing a lot of each other recently”, said Dina.”I’m so happy for you. I thought you didn’t like me anymore!””Oh, no! We were so busy with work and… well, each other. We’ve been talking about wanting to see you”, said Emi.”Well, I’m so glad you called. Would you like to join me on my bed?” whispered Dina, as she slowly removed her gown from her long, slender body, and lay naked in the middle of her big bed.Yui and Emi wasted no time in getting naked, and then both girls crawled up the bed. Their beautiful faces settled in front of Dina’s, and the three girls remained staring into each others’ eyes for a few seconds until Emi leaned to Yui and they kissed. Dina let out a slight moan as she watched these two gorgeous Japanese girls kissing each other so close to her face. She caressed their hair as their tongues danced with each other. She whispered to them as they sucked each others’ tongues.”So beautiful… so sexy… my beautiful Japanese girls kissing … so beautiful…”Emi broke off and avcılar escort began kissing and licking Dina’s face, and Yui did the same. The two girls, their jet black hair falling all over Dina’s body, kissed and licked her face, into her ears, which made her squirm with delight, all over her long beautiful neck.Dina had her eyes closed for a little while, lost in the soft deliciousness of two tongues exploring her, but now opened them, wanting to drink in the sight of these two adorable little Japanese girls’ naked bodies and black hair, loving her.Emi and Yui slowly moved their kissing and licking down, over Dina’s beautifully contoured shoulders, each girl then raising one of Dina’s arms and continuing their licking to her armpits, which again sent spasms of deliciousness through Dina’s body.Thieir tongues moved slowly towards Dina’s aching and erect nipples.”Oh yes, love my nipples… please, you beautiful girls”, she whispered.Simultaneously, Emi and Yui focussed on Dina’s beautiful nipples, their tongues dancing and flicking over her large areolae, and teasing the erect nub. Dina, with her arms still above her head, şirinevler escort leaned to one side and kissed and licked her own biceps, such was the lust and desire she was feeling.Dina’sWatching Dina do this, Emi and Yui increased their sensual licking to sucking on Dina’s aching nipples. They sucked them into their hot mouths, swirling their tongues around the nub, pulling their heads up to increase the pleasure and suction. Dina was now moaning, her long body squirming, her tongue loving her arms and shoulders, her wetness now on the bed.”Oooohhh, my beautiful little Japanese girls… feels so good…. mmm… feels amazing…”Now Emi had her hand between Dina’s thighs, getting soaked, and was flicking Dina’s aching swollen clit. Dina lifted her bottom off the bed to meet Emi’s stroking, her moaning increasing. Yui slipped her hand under Dina’s sexy bottom, kneading that delicious flesh, and caressing along that most intimate part of her body.With both her gorgeous little Japanese girls sucking her nipples, flicking her clit and pushing a slippery fingertip into into her anus, Dina exploded in a bed shaking orgasm, as she bit her biceps. Her sexy long legs were shaking, her flat stomach stretched and contracted as each wave of orgasm wracked her body.After some time, she realised that lying on either side of her were two almost sleeping, soft, naked, black haired, almond eyed, smooth, delicious little Japanese girls, lazily running their beautiful fingers over her body, and each others’.

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Köyde iki kız kardeşimi siktim

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Merhaba arkadaşlar sizlere başımdan geçen aile içi sikiş konusunda tecrübe ettiğim iki kız kardeşimin deliklerine nasıl girdiğimi anlattığım hikayemi seveceğinizi umuyorum.
Köyde yaşamıyoruz ama tesadüf eseri yazın bir araya gelince annemlerde uzak akrabaları ziyarete gidince iki kız kardeşimle ilgilenmek ve onlarla eskiden beri aramızda şakalaşmaları ilerletince olanlar oldu.
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Mom Saga (Weekend Alone Part 1)

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Mom Saga (Weekend Alone Part 1)Friday 2/28 10amMom was supposed to be at the gloryhole tomorrow night. I was very excited and was planning another secret incognito trip there. This time, I bought a “blue pill” to make sure I lasted a little longer.Mom sent me a text and said that she was on her way to Pittsburgh to see my Aunt who had the flu. It felt like a punch in the gut to me and I was extremely disappointed. My entire weekend was planned around dumping a load in her mouth without her knowing it was me.I decided to go to the cabin in West Virginia by myself and drink myself silly.I sent Mom a text “Have fun in PB. I think I am going to the cabin this weekend if that’s ok”.Mom replied “Sure Honey, go ahead. Have fun”!Friday 2/28 4pmI packed some stuff and headed to the cabin. Before getting there, I stopped and got a bottle of whiskey.I got there on 7pm or so. The first thing I did was pour some whiskey. I cranked some tunes on my phone and jumped in the hot tub naked.SaturdayI woke up, made breakfast and poured a whiskey.About 10am, I was there all alone so I figured I would make the best of it. I turned on my laptop, connected my portable hard drive and started watching my parents porn. There was still so very much that I haven’t seen because it spans over 37 years. I had a busy week at work so I didn’t have the chance to masturbate and start a collection of semen for Mom’s yogurt this upcoming week. I knew that the first load out of my balls was going to be very thick and alot of it! At the last minute, I decided that I was going to try “edging”. I had never done this before so I was curious. I sat at the kitchen table in nothing but a bathrobe and exposed my cock for my own jerking pleasure.I stumbled across a good movie of Mom and it actually took place here at the cabin. From the date on the movie, it was from 13 years ago when she was 50 years old. (Mom was still questionably fertile at the time)In the family room, there is a couch and two chairs. They are overstuffed brown leather and very comfortable to sit on. I briefly reminisced pendik escort about all the fun times the family would have here and how we would all watch movies together in this room while throwing popcorn at each other. The movie started with Dad filming Mom walking out of the bedroom. She was wearing a white, knee length,wedding dress and white high heels. Her make up was fully done and she had a white flower in her hair. My mother had never looked so breathtaking and beautiful.“Wow”, I said to myself.Dad handed her a blindfold which she put on.Dad then walked mom from the bedroom into the living room. Standing in the living room were two men. Both black and both naked. They were slowly stroking their cocks. One of the two men was average in all aspects and thin. Nothing really stood out about him other than he had alot of tattoo’s. He was a lighter skin black man and had an average size cock. The second guy was very dark black and he was short but big. He had a large fat belly but looked solid, almost like he could bench press a car. He was so heavy that when he walked, he almost waddled. His cock was average in length but had the widest girth I have ever seen. Dad left Mom standing in the middle of the men one stood in front of her and one in back. Dad said, “Honey, I have two friends here. They have both done work for us and you have seen them both before. Now you get to guess who they are. Have fun sweetie”.The fat guy, not much taller than Mom, approached her and roughly grabbed the back of her head, pulling her face to his. He started tongue kissing her. He then started licking her mouth and part of her face under the blindfold. This messed up her red glossy lipstick.Simultaneously, the thin guy, who was behind Mom, lifted her white dress and exposed her ass which was barely covered by white laced g-string panties. He started feeling up her ass.The fat guy, clearly the more dominant of the two, took Mom and bent her over the large arm rest of one of the overstuffed chairs. He lifted up her white dress and kartal escort grabbed her panties at the hips. He pulled down her panties over her high heels and flung her underwear across the room.Thin guy positioned himself at Mom’s head and forced his hard cock into her mouth. She wasn’t expecting it, but took it in.Fat guy spread Mom’s ass cheeks and was checking her out thoroughly as if he was buying a horse. He got his real close to her ass as he probed both her asshole and vagina with his fingers. He then had his four fingers in her twat and hand-fucking her pretty rough. He stopped and pushed his face in between her raised ass cheeks. I don’t know what he was licking, but Mom started moaning.Fat guy stood up quickly and placed his fat cock head against Moms pussy. Without any lube or easing it in slowly, he violently shoved his wide cock into her which caused her to pull her mouth off of thin guys cock and scream!The thin guy yelled at the fat guy “Yo fucker…this fucking ho’ almost bit my dick.”. He then slapped my Mom hard along the side of her head which caused to to cry. He then used his right hand and put his thumb in her mouth with his fingers resting under her chin. He raised her blindfolded face up. “Be careful you fucking cunt”!, he yelled.“I’m sorry”, my Mom sobbed.Where was my fucking Dad?????Fat guy started slapping the upper part of Mom’s thighs as he would, with extreme v******e, SLAM his cock into her tiny body. With every thrust, Mom would scream. Thin guy grabbed Mom by the throat and started spitting on her face and blindfold. He must have spit on her a dozen times or so, while calling her a “Nigger Whore” and “Dirty Cunt”.This must have been a “turn on” for the fat slob already in my Mom. He started yelling “Oh yeah…Oh yeah, you gonna get blasted bitch…You gonna get blasted”!On an inward thrust the fat guy held his position and grunted loudly.Fat guy got off of my Mom and stood up. Mom laid motionless across the arm of the chair, sobbing. Her wedding dress was still over her hips.Fat maltepe escort guy reached down and spread her cheeks again. He started digging around at her leaking pussy and got semen all over his hand. He then rubbed his slime on her already tear stained, lipstick smeared face.Thin guy didn’t miss a beat. He grabbed Mom by the throat again with both hands and pulled her off the chair, throwing her on to the couch.I was furious at this point. I will find these two fuckers and make them pay!Thin guy spread Moms legs open with force and sneaks his dick inside her. She didn’t make a sound which must have pissed him off.While trusting his penis inside my mother, he kept spitting on her face. He then used his one hand and held her mouth open. He started spitting INSIDE her mouth!!!!“Tell me how much you love nigger cock”, the thin guy demanded.Barely able to hear it, Mom muttered “No, I don’t like that word”.“You fucking whore”! he yelled…..”SAY IT”! he screamed. He then slapped her face twice very hard.Whimpering, my mother cried out “I love nigger cock” and she started crying heavily.The thin guy kept pumping in between her spread legs.“I’m gonna cum in your married white pussy”, the thin guy said.“OH YES”, Mom yelled. “Give me your baby”.The thin guy grunted twice and stopped pumping. He pulled his body from hers.Dad moved in for a close up of my mothers pussy. Semen was flowing out of her and smeared all over the outside of her swollen pussy lips.Dad then said “here”.The camera moved and focused on Dad who was standing beside the couch naked. One of the black guys was filming now.Dad was masturbating very close to Mom’s already messy face. He used his left hand and removed her mask. She looked in horror past him (at the black guys) and then looked at Dad. Glob after glob of jizz flew out of Dad’s cock and on to Mom’s face. Dad then took the video camera back.“Are you surprised Honey”?, Dad asked.With tears in her eyes still and make-up smeared, Mom smiled real big and said “Hi guys”!The black men both went over and helped her off of the couch. She hugged them both and started causal conversation after Dad reminded her that they are the guys that did the electrical work for them last year.The video ended.What the fuck did I just watch ??????????I was close to coming and decided to stop. I didn’t want to ruin my “edging” project.

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From Alex to Lexi

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From Alex to LexiFrom Alex to LexiBy oskarwild©The Chat RoomAlex was bored. In fact, he felt his life was pretty boring. At age twenty-seven, his career didn’t seem to be going anyplace and his social life was non-existent. Things had been brighter while he was married to Kathy, but she had dumped him for another guy. She told him that it wasn’t anything in particular that Alex had done; it was just that life with the new guy was more exciting. After Kathy had left, Alex fell into a dull routine of: work, come home and watch TV, sleep, and do the whole thing over again the next day.So tonight Alex decided to do something different. He decided to go into an internet chat room for the first time in his life. Maybe he could find someone to chat with; a bit of companionship. He selected a classical music chat room. He had a real interest in classical music and figured anyone in that kind of room should be relatively intelligent and hopefully interesting. After about an hour, he was just about ready to give up on it. There were eleven people in the room when he entered. There were eight in the room now, but no one was chatting. Alex had tried to IM a person whose profile indicated a twenty-two year old female, but she basically told him to buzz off. Alex was ready to sign off when it happened; the IM window popped open on his screen, a message from someone with the screen name “Max.”Max: Hi there! Max from Chicago here.Alex: Hi. I’m from Chicago too.Max: Cool! You don’t have any info in your screen profile. You female? male?Alex: Male.Max: Cool. How old?Alex: 27Max: 55, male here. Nice to see someone else in here who isn’t a teeny-bopper. lol.Alex: I was beginning to think no one was interested in chatting.Max: You got my interest. You married?Alex: Divorced.Max: Same here. But happy about my status.Alex: Really?Max: Yeah. She was terrible in bed. Lost interest in sex. How long you been divorced?Alex: About 9 months.Max: Dating?Alex: No. Not yet.Max: Really? What do you do to relieve the tension? lolAlex: Isn’t that why God invented the right hand? lolMax: Ugh! You need to get into the dating scene.Alex: Don’t have much luck with the girls.Max: Have you tried the boys?Alex: I’m not gay. Or bi-sexual.Max: You mean you’ve never done anything “naughty” with a guy?Alex: NoMax: I started fooling around with guys after my divorce. I had a regular boy for almost two years.Alex: Had? What happened to him?Max: He’s no longer with me. Long story. Now I’m prowling around for a new boy. Who knows? Maybe it’ll be you.Alex: Sorry, like I said, I’m not gay.Max: Neither was my other boy — till I turned him.Alex: What do you mean you turned him?Max: When I met him, he liked pussy; when I finished training him, all he wanted was my cock.Alex: That’s hard to believe.Max: Cause you don’t know me well enough – yet. You got a picture of you?Alex: Sorry, no.Max: What do you look like, honey?Alex: I’m 5′ 7″, 130 lbsMax: You athletic, ripped?Alex: No. I’m more of a couch potato.Max: You have a lot of body hair?Alex: I’m not very hairy. No chest or facial hair. I guess a normal amount of hair on my arms and legs.Max: How big is your cock, sweetie?Alex: It’s not that big. Maybe 6″ or a little under when it’s hard.Max: You sound like the type of boy I like, honey. When you have sex, do you like to be in control, or do you like your partner to take the lead.Alex: I guess it turned me on when my wife would take the lead.Max: Did you like when she was on top of you, baby?Alex: Yes.Max: You sound like a perfect sub.Alex: Sub?Max: Submissive. A boy who likes to submit to his lover. You need me to dominate you, sweetie.Alex: I’m not really into that.Max: Oh no? I’ll bet your little cock is nice and hard now, isn’t it, baby?Alex: [No response]Max: Are you hard now, honey?Alex: Yes.Max: Do you like when I call you little names, like honey, baby, sweetie?Alex: Yes. But it’s kind of strange. I mean, I’m not gay.Max: But you got hard chatting with a man, didn’t you, baby?Alex: Yes.Max: Just let yourself go, sweetie. Surrender to Max and I’ll make you feel good. Okay, honey?Alex: Okay.Max: Are you still hard, baby?Alex: Yes.Max: Are you rubbing yourself, baby?Alex: Yes.Max: That’s because deep down you’re a little slut, aren’t you, honey?Alex: Yes.Max: You’re Max’s chat room slut. Why don’t you call Max, “Daddy”Alex: Okay, Daddy.Max: That’s a good boy. Is Daddy’s little slut’s cock still hard?Alex: Yes, DaddyMax: Are you still playing with yourself, you little bitch?Alex: Yes, DaddyMax: That’s a good boy. Promise Daddy you won’t cum without permission.Alex: I promise, Daddy.Max: You like this chat, don’t you, you little whore?Alex: I like it, DaddyMax: Tell Daddy what you are, bitch.Alex: I’m a whore.Max: Good boy! What else?Alex: I’m a slutMax: Who makes you hard?Alex: Daddy makes me hard.Max: Whose slut are you?Alex: Daddy’s slut.Max: Good boy! Daddy wants to hear your voice. What’s your phone number, baby?Alex: I’m not sure I should do that, Daddy.Max: Of course you’re not sure. Subs can never make up their minds. That’s why they need a Daddy. Now, what’s your phone number, bitch!Alex: It’s 312.544.6767Max: Good boy! Daddy is going to call you now. Answer the phone on the first ring. Answer: “Hello, Daddy. It’s your slut, Alex.”[Before Alex could protest, Max signed off of chat.]The Phone CallAlex sat there stunned! He had never expected a hot sex chat in a music chat room. The nature of the chat was somewhat disturbing, but also strangely exciting. He would never have sought a chat with a gay guy on his own. But here he was, sitting in front of his computer, his cock hard and throbbing in his pants. He wanted more, but was afraid of getting more. And he had just given this guy his phone number! He was unsure of what to do next, when the phone rang. Well, maybe he would just play along a little bit more.”Hello, Daddy. It’s your slut, Alex.” He stammered into the receiver.”Hello, baby. This is your Daddy. Is that pretty little cock of yours still nice and hard?””Yes, Daddy.” Alex replied.”Good boy! Are you still rubbing yourself, baby?””Yes, Daddy.””Good boy. What are you wearing, sweetie?””Jeans and a t-shirt.””Are you wearing boxers or briefs, baby?””Briefs, Daddy.””Mmmm. It’s only a short step from briefs to panties. Unzip and unbuckle your jeans and put your hand in your pants. Are your briefs wet, honey?””Yes, Daddy.” Alex whispered üsküdar escort into the phone.”Good boy. Now pull your pants and your briefs down around your knees.” Max ordered.”They’re down, Daddy.””Good boy! Now start stroking your cock, you slut! Are you stroking?””Yes, Daddy.” Alex moaned into the phone.”Good boy! It’s going to feel even better when it’s Daddy’s hand stroking you. Right, bitch?””Yes, Daddy.” Alex replied.”Daddy likes the way you obey. You are a true submissive. You just need a Daddy to surrender yourself to. Don’t you, slut?””Yes, Daddy.” Alex gasped. “I’m close to cumming!””Back off, bitch. Don’t you cum until Daddy gives you permission. Understand?””Yes, Daddy.” I’m stopping.”Good boy. I like your mind and I like your attitude. I like the way you surrender to Daddy’s commands. Now I just need to see you in person to determine whether or not I want to take you for my own. I want to see you tomorrow, boy.””I . . . I don’t know, Daddy.” Alex stammered.”You still don’t understand, boy. I don’t care about your indecision. All subs are indecisive. I will make up your mind for you! Are you stroking, slut?””Yes, Daddy.””Let me know when you’re ready to cum.””Yes, Daddy.””You are to come to Daddy’s house tomorrow afternoon at four.””I . . . I want to Daddy, but I’m afraid. Could we meet someplace public?” Alex pleaded.”Alright; I can respect caution. There’s a large bookstore with a coffee house inside of it right near my house. Do you have text on this phone?””Yes, Daddy.””Good. I’ll text you the address when we hang up. Are you close to coming, sweetie?””Yes, Daddy.””Is your cock cut or uncut?””It’s uncut, Daddy.””Is your foreskin pulled back?””No, Daddy.””Pull it back, baby, and then stroke.”Alex pulled his foreskin back making the exposed head of his throbbing cock even more sensitive than before.”Oh, Daddy! I’m going to cum!””Yes, cum for Daddy, you little whore!” Max shouted into the phone.”Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I’m cumminnnnng!” Alex gasped.Max waited until Alex seemed to be settling down, then asked him, “Do you have cum on your hand, bitch?””Yes, Daddy.””Lick it off and swallow it, slut!” Max ordered. He smiled as he heard Alex licking his palm and fingers as ordered. “What time are you meeting Daddy tomorrow?:”Four.” Alex replied. “How will I recognize you, Daddy?””I’ll wait for you in the parking lot. I’m 6′ 2″, 220 pounds. I’ll be wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and a Cubs baseball cap. We can get a cup of coffee and talk. If I like your looks, we’ll go to my house where you’ll surrender to me and become my boy. See you tomorrow, boy.” And Max hung up.Alex sat there stunned. He had gone into the chat room hoping for a little diversion to pass away the time and instead he had just had one of the hottest experiences of his life! Here he sat, with his pants around his ankles, his cock still partially erect, and he had just agreed to meet a strange guy for sex tomorrow! Of course, he couldn’t meet Max. For all he knew, Max could be some sadistic monster who might beat him or rob him, or worse. And besides, Alex was not gay. He’d never been attracted to a man before. Until tonight, of course. There was no doubt that Max really had him going. No, he couldn’t meet Max tomorrow.But Max had his cell phone number! He could call Alex anytime he wanted. Maybe he could use it to get Alex’s address. Perhaps the smart thing to do would be to meet Max and end this once and for all. Alex had the strength to do that, right? Right?The BookstoreThe bookstore was located in a small strip mall. Alex arrived at the mall fifteen minutes early. He was nervous as hell. Instead of parking in the lot, he drove around the block trying to get up the courage to go through with this meeting. His third time around the block, he noticed Max’s pickup truck in the lot. His fourth time round, he noticed Max leaning against the truck. Alex’s emotions were conflicted. On one hand, he knew this was probably a stupid thing to do; meeting a strange man who was gay, aggressive, and twice his size. On the other, he wanted to experience more of the excitement and sexual fulfillment of last night. It couldn’t hurt just to talk to Max, could it? This was a public place, after all. What could possibly happen?Alex pulled into the lot, got out of his car and walked over to Max.”After the last time you drove around the block, I figured you probably chickened out.” Max smiled at him and offered his hand. “I’m Max.””Hi, I’m Alex.”Max grasped his hand firmly and shook it.”Why don’t we go inside, get a cup of coffee, and talk.” Max smiled.”Sure.” Alex smiled in reply. He was already beginning to feel better about this. Perhaps Max’s dominating ways were only part of his internet persona. Perhaps he was just a regular guy after all.Max grasped Alex’s arm above the elbow and led him towards the bookstore. He had a vice-like grip and his hand wrapped itself completely around Alex’s small bicep. Max opened the door for him and led him to the coffee shop counter. There weren’t many people in the store and no one was sitting in the coffee shop. There was only a mousy looking teenage girl serving at the counter. When they arrived at the counter, Max moved his hand from Alex’s arm and rested it against Alex’s back.”What’ll you have, gents?” The girl asked them.”I’ll have a regular coffee, black.” Max answered. “And my boy-friend will have a hot chocolate.””Comin’ right up.” The girl said.As she turned to get the drinks, Max’s hand drifted to Alex’s buttocks. He gently caressed and squeezed each ass-cheek, then slid his hand between Alex’s thighs and stroked Alex’s cock.”Someone might see.” Alex quietly exclaimed, stepping slightly to the side.”Then they’ll know you’re mine.” Max smiled and moved his hand back to Alex’s ass.The girl returned with their drinks and Max removed his hand so he could pay, but not before the girl had a chance to see the way Max had possessively held Alex’s ass.”I hope you and your boy-friend enjoy your drinks.” The girl giggled.Max smiled at her and, placing his hand around Alex’s waist, he led him to the table farthest from the counter.”I’m glad you came.” Max said as they sat down. “You are even more attractive than I’d hoped.””Thank you.” Alex blushed.”You have a nice girlish figure and the potential to be really pretty.” Max complimented him. “I’m going tuzla escort to enjoy training you.””Max, I haven’t agreed to anything, yet.” Alex responded.”Honey, you surrendered yourself to me the minute you got out of your car. But I agree that we probably need to go through the formalities, so you understand and accept your role.””What do you mean?” Alex asked.”It’s simple and straightforward.” Max said. “When we finish here, we’re going to walk over to my truck. I’m going to drive you to my house where I will seduce you and make love to you. I’m going to kiss your lips and lick the nipples on your little titties. I’m going to suck all of the juice out of that little cock of yours. Then I am going to slide my man-cock into your tight, little ass and fuck the manhood out of you. I’m going to turn you into my boy, my slut, my whore, my bitch.””I . . . I don’t know.” Alex stammered.”Look, son, this is real simple. You know. You’re just indecisive because you are a sub. You need to surrender to a real man who will make your decisions for you; who knows what’s best for you. You will not be truly happy until you surrender yourself to a man who will dominate and protect you; who will make your decisions for you. But you must make one definite decision to realize that happiness. You must consciously decide to surrender yourself to me.”Max took a paper bag out of his pocket and placed it on the table between them.”What’s in the bag?” Alex asked.”Panties.””Panties?” Alex asked.”They are a sign; a demonstration of your surrender to me.” Max said. “I want you to take them into the restroom. I want you to take off your briefs and toss them in the trash. Then I want you to put on your panties and your slacks. Then walk back to the table. Do not sit down. Look me in the eye and say, ‘Please take me home now, Daddy.’ From that moment on you will be completely mine.”Max paused to let what he said sink in as Alex stared at the bag.”You already know what this wants you to do.” Max said as he cupped his hand over Alex’s cock. The cock was hard and throbbing and immediately started doing ‘push-ups’ against Max’s hand.”Ooooooooh.” Alex groaned.Max smiled and removed his hand.”If you chicken out when you get in the restroom, throw the panties away and don’t come back to the table. Just walk to your car and drive away. You’ll never see me again.”Alex looked into Max’s eyes. Then he got up from his chair. His knees were weak and he stumbled to the restroom door. He locked it behind him and removed the pair of white, lace panties from the paper bag. His cock twitched as he ran his hand over the sexy fabric. What was he to do? How could he surrender himself to a man like Max? This was no game. Max was serious! He should walk out of here and never see Max again. But Max had made him so hard when he described what came next. And his hand had felt so good on his ass and on his cock. Maybe he should just try on the panties.Alex quickly removed his slacks and his briefs. He slowly slipped his legs into the panties and pulled them up to his waist. His cock grew even harder. Pre-cum leaked from his piss-slit, moistening the white lace. Alex moaned as he ran his hand over his crotch and squeezed his hardened cock. The panties felt so good, so right. Maybe Max could help him feel like this all the time. Alex pulled on his khaki slacks and slipped his shoes on. He hesitated momentarily, then put his briefs into the paper bag and tossed it in the trash. He exited the bathroom and walked up to Max.”Please take me home now, Daddy.” Alex murmured.Max smiled at his new boy. The pre-cum leaking from his panties had already stained his khakis. Max cupped Alex’s cock and balls, squeezing and rubbing, causing the wet stain to spread over his crotch.”Let’s go home, baby.” Max said as he rose and took Alex’s hand leading him out of the bookstore.As they passed the coffee counter, the sales-girl giggled.”Looks like your boy-friend can’t wait to get home, Mister.”Max laughed. Alex blushed as Max led him to his truck.Max’s HouseThe drive to Max’s house was brief; he lived only five blocks from the bookstore shopping center. Max kept his hand in Alex’s lap during the entire drive; petting his cock and keeping it hard and throbbing; the pre-cum stain spreading across his crotch. Max parked in front of his bungalow and walked around the truck to open the door for Alex. He took Alex by the hand and helped him out of the truck. Two of Max’s neighbors, Linda and Diane, were sitting on the steps of the bungalow next door. As Max led Alex to his bungalow, Diane spoke up.”Hey, Max, who you got there?””This is my new boy.” Max smiled proudly.”He’s a skinny, little thing.” Linda chimed in.”Just like I like ’em.” Max laughed as he led Alex to the front door.The second the door closed behind them, Max was all over Alex. He drew the young man into his arms and plunged his tongue into his boy’s mouth. His hands were all over Alex; squeezing and caressing his ass-cheeks; rubbing his arms and chest. Alex melted into him as Max devoured his mouth. Alex gasped as Max swept him into his arms and carried him into the front room. Max sat on a side chair and sat Alex on his lap. His tongue was still eagerly exploring the boy’s mouth as Max slid his hand between Alex’s legs and fondled and caressed his throbbing cock. Saliva began to leak down the side of Alex’s mouth as Max’s tongue plunged further. Then Max began to undress Alex. He quickly unbuttoned the boy’s shirt and unzipped his slacks. Max stopped the kiss and stood the boy up.”Let’s get these clothes off of you, baby. Max’s sluts don’t wear clothes in the house.”Max stripped him and Alex stood there with only his panties on. The panties were now soaked with pre-cum and Alex’s cock was straining to break free of them.”Dance for me, baby.” Max commanded.”I . . . I don’t know how to dance.””Dance like a little girl. Like the perverted little slut you want to be.” Max said.Alex began to move his hips, swaying back and forth as suggestively as he could. He closed his eyes and raised his arms over his head, swaying and moving as alluringly as he could. Max stared at him appreciatively as he removed his own clothes.”Open your eyes, baby, and look at your Daddy.” Max commanded.Alex gasped as he looked at the naked man seated in front of him. Max was large and hairy. pendik escort His eyes lustfully devoured Alex’s body as he stroked his growing manhood. Max’s cock was huge compared to Alex’s. It was thick and uncut with a large mushroom head. Pre-cum leaked out of the piss slit as Max stroked his nine-inch cock.”Come here, bitch.” Max ordered.Alex slowly approached. Max reached out his hand and covered Alex’s crotch. Then Max put his thumbs in the waistband of Alex’s panties and roughly pulled them down. Alex’s cock stood out straight and hard and throbbing now that it was free of the imprisoning cloth. Max smiled and wrapped his hand around Alex’s cock. He gently squeezed and stroked it as Alex closed his eyes and moaned softly.”Such a pretty, little cock.” Max said. “Not a real man’s cock, though. It’s just a boy’s cock. No wonder you couldn’t hang on to your woman. This would never satisfy her. You could never satisfy her. You’re not a man. You’re a twink, a faggot. “Then Max stood and swept Alex into his arms again. He carried him into the master bedroom and tossed him onto the bed. Max laid on top of Alex, completely trapping the boy beneath him. His lips and tongue were all over Alex; invading his mouth, licking and biting his ears and neck, licking and biting the boy’s nipples. And Max’s hand continued to explore the boy’s body; stroking his cock, caressing his thighs and finally playing with the boy’s ass.”Do you want to be my bitch?” Max demanded.”Yes, Daddy.””Say it!””I want to be your bitch.””Who do you belong to, slut?!””I belong to you, Daddy.””Yes, you do, you little whore.” Max smiled as he reached over to the nightstand and opened a jar of lube. He plunged his fuck-finger into the jar, coating it fully and then positioned on the boy’s ass.”Now let’s get that sweet pussy of yours lubed up, baby.” Max smiled deviously and slid his finger inside the boy.”Ooooh!” Alex gasped as Max’s finger explored him. Alex began to move his hips in time to Max’s finger-fucking.”Oh, you are a little slut, aren’t you, baby?” Max chuckled as Alex continued to squirm and writhe.Max slowly withdrew his finger from the boy and then took more lube from the jar and coated his hard, throbbing cock with the slippery substance.”Spread your legs, slut.” Max commanded.Alex did as ordered and Max knelt between his legs. Then Max grabbed Alex’s ankles and threw his legs over Max’s shoulders. Alex could feel the head of Max’s huge, throbbing organ against his asshole.”Now Daddy is going to fuck the manhood out of you and make you a little twink-faggot.” Max smiled devilishly. Then he slid the head of his cock into the boy.”No, please! It hurts!” Alex gasped.”It only hurts the first time, baby, when Daddy takes your cherry.” Max cajoled and slid a little further in.”Oh, please. No more.” Alex groaned.”Beg all you want, slut. But your ass belongs to Daddy now.” And Max slid further in.”Ahhhhh!” Alex moaned.”Almost in now, bitch.” Max said and then slid the rest of his cock into the boy beneath him.They lay there for a moment, Alex panting with fear and pain, Max panting with lust and desire. Then Max began to move; slowly pulling out of the boy and then sliding back in. It hurt Alex and he was sobbing softly. But gradually the pain began to lessen. It didn’t feel so bad now; it was actually starting to feel good! Alex’s cock had gone flaccid when Max had started to invade his ass, but now it was springing back to life again. It started to grow and throb as Max began fucking him faster. The pain was almost gone as Alex’s ass loosened up. Max was grunting with pleasure as he ravaged the boy’s virgin ass. And now Alex began to respond fully. He was overwhelmed by being enveloped by Max; the smell of Max’s body, now sweating as he fucked him; the feel of Max’s cock throbbing inside of his ass; Max’s lips on his neck, licking and biting.And then Alex lost control and surrendered completely. He wrapped his arms tightly around Max’s neck and wrapped his legs around Max’s ass and began to move in rhythm with Max. Alex’s cock was throbbing and moist with desire as Max fucked and fucked and fucked him. Then Max’s body tensed and Alex could feel Max’s cock squirt its first load of cum into his ass.”Yes, baby. Yes, baby. Take it bitch. Take it all.” Max panted as he shot load after load of hot cum into the boy.Alex was holding on for dear life and mumbling incoherently now as Max wildly fucked him. Then Max’s spasms subsided and Max collapsed on top of his boy. He slowly withdrew his cock from the boy’s ass and then slid down between the boy’s legs. Max wrapped his hand around the boy’s stiff, throbbing cock and licked pre-cum from the slit. Alex gasped with pleasure as Max drew the boy’s cock into his mouth and began to suck and lick on the little pleasure stick. It didn’t take long for Max to bring Alex to a raging orgasm. Alex writhed with uncontrollable lust as spasm after spasm shook him and his cock unloaded its cum into Max’s mouth.When Alex had finished cumming, Max laid down next to him . His mouth was still filled with the boy’s cum when he kissed Alex, depositing the cum into the boy’s welcoming mouth. Then Max lay next to the boy, spooning him. Alex’s body was quivering from the intense sexual experience. He did not protest as Max slid his still-hard cock back into his ass and wrapped his arms around him.”Mmmm. This is Daddy’s pussy now, right baby?””Yes, Daddy.” Alex shuddered.”Alex has no manhood left. Alex is a faggot. Right?” Max whispered into his ear and then licked the lobe and inside of the ear.”Yes, Daddy. Alex is a faggot.”Max started to slowly fuck the boy again. His cock was growing harder inside its new home.”Alex isn’t really a faggot name, boy. From now on, I’m going to call you ‘Lexi.’ Who are you, boy?””I’m Lexi.””Yes.” Max grunted as he fucked Lexi faster and harder. He was going to cum again.Lexi moaned with lustful pleasure as she felt her Daddy squirting his cum inside of her again. They lay there for awhile as Daddy’s cock began to soften in her pussy.”Get some rest now, baby.” Max whispered in her ear. “We have a more to do tonight and a big day tomorrow.”Lexi snuggled contentedly against Max, purring like a little kitten, and closed her eyes. She drifted off to sleep as Max’s now flaccid cock slipped out of her male pussy.** Please note, I am NOT the author of this story, nor do I claim any credit for writing it. The author is oskarwild and I am a fan of the stories. I simply appreciate the excellent story and thought I would share it with the community. That said, I would love to experience this, so if you are a Master that would enjoy inflicting this upon me, please get in touch. Thank you, Sir **

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Sleepwalking Part 2

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Sleepwalking Part 2If you haven’t read part 1 I suggest you go back and start at the beginning. Lol My cousin Grace had dropped a bomb on me telling me what she and my sister Sue had done while I was sleepwalking when I was only 11. This was a couple decades later. We were drinking and smoking a bowl, and getting pretty fucked up. I asked her if they ever did anything else after that. I was really turned on by now and my cock was raging hard. She smiled mischievously, and told me that they started making plans for the next time I sleepwalked into their room. I listened intently to what she said. My hand was now on her thigh. “The next night you came back into our room, I guess you enjoyed the blow job the night before, and we were ready. You walked in and walked right up to my bed. You were just standing there swaying side to side. Sue was excited and pulled your underwear down. She laid down and sucked your cock as I watched. I was already wet seeing your bakırköy escort nice hard cock and your sister sucking it. I rubbed my clit I was so turned on. Sue said her jaw hurt, and I moved in. When she moved out of the way, I slid in front of your cock and slid my cunt onto that hard fuck stick. I groaned as it went into me.”As she is telling me her story her hand is now stroking my cock, and I am fingering her cunt. She is close to an orgasm and tells me more. “As soon as I slid onto your hard cock, you started fucking me. I was rubbing my clit as you fucked me deep. I came so hard and so fast, over and over again.”As she tells me that she is cumming on my fingers. Her orgasm is intense as her hips are bucking and she groaned “Yeeeessssss make me cum! FUUUUUUCK!!! I WANT YOUR COOOOOCK!!!””” She turned to look at me with passion and urgency says, “Fuck me right fucking now!!! GIVE ME YOUR COCK NOW!She ripped her beşiktaş escort shorts off and bends over as she peeled her shirt off and throws it across the room. I was right behind her with my clothes s**ttered around the room in the blink of an eye. My cock slipped into her cunt in one thrust, as I bottomed out. She screamed out in bliss! “Fuck me now! Fuck me hard! Fuck yeah! Big fucking cock! Yes fuck me ohhh GOOOOOOD! IM CUMMING YEAH CUMMING ON YOUR HARD FUCKING COCK!!!” I continued pound her cunt like a jack hammer! She was on a wave of orgasms, one after the other. We fucked hard and I was getting close. She could tell I was going to cum. She screamed “Yes! Cum in my cunt! Fill my cunt with your seed! You cousin fucking hot bastard! Big balls boiling with your cum! Fill me up!” I lost it and began erupting deep inside her cunt! Rope after rope flooded her cunt until it was splattering out with my thrusts. Her hips beylikdüzü escort were bucking like a wild horse. Suddenly she was silent but still twitching. Her face was beat red all the way down her chest. We slowly melted down on the couch. As we laid in a tangle of sloppy cum splattered bodies, we began laughing. She reached down to her cunt and scooped out a big glob of my cum mixed with hers, and popped it into her mouth. “You taste even better now. Yummy.” I was absent mindedly playing with her nipples and I asked her, “How many times did I sleepwalk in and have sex with you two?” She grins a naughty grin and blushes. We got fucked by you for years. I couldn’t count them all. Sue and I took turns on your cock so many times. We couldn’t believe how lucky we were. You fucked us for hours on end some nights. At 11 you could come 5 or 6 times and never get soft. You took my asshole cherry the third night we were playing with you, and your sisters asshole cherry the fifth night. I was amazed. All the sex I never knew I had!!! Now here’s the kicker… I have always had my women, who I was seeing for more than a one night stand, try to get me off in my sleep. I never knew why that was a thing for me, until my cousin told me all these crazy stories.

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