Holy Father Pt. 01

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I looked in the mirror as I adjusted the knot of my tie. My light brown eyes and scruffy, college-kid beard flashed back at me. I couldn’t believe my life had really reached this point⁠– getting ready for church on a Sunday morning? Voluntarily? I’d never have imagined it back in high school.

But recently I had been feeling… confused. About my sexuality, if I was being honest, though I could barely admit it to myself. Religion seemed like the answer, a way to nip things in the bud and get back on the right path.

And I’d kind of been looking forward to going to church. It was a quiet, contemplative way to spend the morning, and the idea of hearing a thought-provoking sermon was appealing.

Intellectually I knew that religion was for chumps, but sometimes it’s nice to be a chump.

I was already wearing a tie, so all I had to do was throw on a blazer and I was set. The blazer was a little warm for the early May morning, but it felt good to look nice. I was a little concerned that it made me look younger than my 19 years, but I figured I would try to dress up a little while I was at it.

I made it out of my dorm room and jogged down the stairs before I had a chance to change my mind. I was going to church. For the first time in my life, I was a little excited about it.

I arrived at the church a few minutes early. It was a small parish on the edge of town, and the building was more of a sanctuary than a church. I had to walk down a few steps to get inside. There was a small podium and a large crucifix at the back of the room. On the walls were the standard tacky and useless religious posters and paintings. The whole room was dim and quiet and smelled like cinnamon and pine.

I was still early, and the place was empty. I took a seat on one of the pews and waited for the mass to start.

Not long after, I heard the faint sound of footsteps. I turned to see a young man coming down the stairs. He was wearing a black cassock with a purple stole around his neck.

I watched him get closer. He was very handsome, with dark hair and deep, brooding eyes. Everything about him was intense, from his intense gaze to his intense body. His shoulders were broad, his waist trim, his hair short and messy.

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked around, a benign smile on his face. He was a little older than me, maybe not more than a few years, but there was no doubt that he was in charge. His entire demeanor was confident and imposing.

“Good morning!” he called out. “Welcome to Mass!”

I smiled as he approached. He was wearing a thin gold chain around his neck, with a tiny cross hanging from it.

“Thank you,” I said with a little bow of my head. “I hope I’m not too early.”

“Not at all,” he said. “You’re a little early, but I’m glad you’re here. What’s your name?”

“My name is… Marcus.”

“Marcus?” the priest said.

“Yes, sir.” I looked at him, suddenly feeling nervous. His eyes were unnerving.

“I’m Father Brennan,” he said. “It’s very nice to meet you, Marcus.”

He held out his hand, and I shook it. It was strong, but his grip wasn’t too tight. He was in control, but in a way that was gentle and kind. I liked that about him.

“So, Marcus,” he said. “You’re new to church?”

“Yes, sir,” I replied. “But I’ve been meaning to get to church more than ever lately. I… uh… I think I’m dealing with some things.”

“I understand,” Father Brennan said. “I’m here to help in any way I can.”

“Well, I don’t know if you can or not,” I said, laughing nervously.

“If you need someone to talk to, I’m here,” he said.

“I… I don’t think I want to talk about it,” I said.

Father Brennan smiled and shrugged.

“That’s fine,” he said. “But I’m sitting right there by the podium, and this is my church. If you need anything, just let me know.”

There was a pause as we looked at each other for a moment.

“Alright,” I said.

“Good.” He smiled. “I’m glad you’re here.”

He turned around and walked back to the podium, sitting on one of the stools that were behind it. He picked up his bible and began to read. It was a good sign that he was so engrossed in the book. It showed that he was interested in the service more than in making small talk or trying to get me to open up.

I looked at him for a moment more, then I turned back towards the front of the room. I felt a little more confident now that the handsome priest was around. I was here for a reason, and I wanted to hear what he had to say.

I didn’t have to wait long before the doors of the church opened. A few more parishioners walked into the room, all of them dressed up in their Sunday finest. I turned around to look at them, but they all were too busy greeting Father Brennan to notice me.

When the door was finally closed, everyone turned to face the front of the sanctuary. Father Brennan cleared his throat and began to speak.

“Good morning, brothers and sisters,” he said. “Today, we are learning more about God’s manisa escort word. We are studying the book of John. For those of you who are new, welcome to Christ Tabernacle. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us today. Let us pray.”

I knelt down and crossed myself. I couldn’t help but notice that the priest’s cassock made him look like he had a huge bulge running down the length of his leg.

I kept my eyes on the floor as the priest began the prayers. There was something about his voice that was oddly soothing, and I could feel the stress leaving my body as it entered his.

After the prayer, Father Brennan began to preach. The words were like music, like a song I’d never heard before. I’d always heard sermons, but this was different. He spoke directly to me, and I felt that he was speaking directly to me.

“John’s gospel tells us that Jesus was God’s perfect love made flesh,” he said. “And the only reason that Jesus could be God’s perfect love was because he was born of God’s perfect love. God’s love cannot be divided. It is infinite. And so, if Jesus was born of God’s perfect love, it means that he was not born of a mere man. He was also born of a woman.

“We tend to think that the birth of Jesus to Mary is an insignificant part of the gospel,” he continued. “After all, it is not a story of sex and seduction. It’s just a story of a mother and a son. But there is something very ancient and very powerful in this story. There is a kind of magic in this story.”

I leaned forward and listened closely. I was finding it difficult to keep my eyes off the bulge in the priest’s cassock. I looked at it, and I felt like I didn’t want to look away.

“The story of the birth of Jesus is not a story about a man and a woman,” Father Brennan said. “It is the story of a man and a goddess. What we know as the birth of Jesus was really the birth of Jehovah to a woman named Mary. Jesus was not a man. Jesus was a god, and he was born of a woman, by a goddess.”

The congregation nodded as he spoke. I stared at the priest as he lectured, as his eyes were ablaze with a heavenly fire. He was a prophet, a holy man, a messenger from the divine.

“God came to earth as a man, and that is because we are nothing but men,” Father Brennan said. “God is perfect, and so the only way that we could ever know God is if God were to come to us in human form. But when God came to us in human form, it was not an equal exchange. There was still a difference in power and status. God was still in control. God was still in charge.

“This is an important and often overlooked fact,” he continued. “When God came to earth in human form, we were in no way equal to him. He was an infinitely powerful god. We were little more than ants. In any true sense of the word, Jesus was never a man. He was always a god, and he has been a god for thousands of years before coming to the Earth. Only in human form was he one of us. So, when we stand in front of Jesus, we are not standing in front of a man, but a god. It is only right that we kneel.”

Father Brennan started to kneel, and everyone in the congregation followed suit. I was kneeling, too.

“We are not equal to our savior,” he said. “We are not equal to God. We are nothing more than ants in the magnificence of the universe. We are nothing but dirt in the eyes of God. And so, it is right that we kneel. For the only thing that we can do is lie prostrate before the divine. For the only thing that we can do is fall prostrate before the king. For the only thing that we can do is fall prostrate before god.”

Everyone started to fall to the floor, and it didn’t take me long to do the same. I felt something building inside of me, something that was bigger than me, something that was bigger than everything.

I was kneeling towards the front of the sanctuary, and I looked up at the priest. He was holding his bible up in front of him like a shield in front of a warrior. He was staring down the congregation, and he almost looked like he was in a trance.

Father Brennan closed his eyes tightly, and he began to recite the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I just wanted to lie there on the floor and listen to him speak. I could feel myself slipping into a trance, into a waking dream.

I could feel the slightest bit of drool coming out of my mouth. It was running down my cheek towards the floor, but I didn’t care. I wanted to be there with Father Brennan. I wanted to be with him forever.

“Our Father in heaven,” he said, reciting the prayer in Aramaic. “Holy is your name. Your kingdom comes. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

The words were like magic, like a spell, like a fairy tale. And I believed them, even though I didn’t understand them. I believed in the magic of the Lord’s prayer.

“Give us this day our daily bread,” Father Brennan said. “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

The words were washing over my body, and I was feeling relaxed escort manisa and relaxed and relaxed. I wanted to stay in that position for the rest of my life. I wanted to feel that trance forever.

“And lead us not into temptation,” the priest said. “But deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”

“Amen,” we said.

I opened my eyes and looked in front of me. Father Brennan was standing up in his cassock, and he was smiling. Everyone else in the room was getting back to their feet.

“And now, I want to introduce a new member of the congregation,” Father Brennan said. “It is good to have him here with us, and it is good to have him among us.”

My stomach dropped, and my entire body froze. I was going to have to stand up in front of the entire church. I was going to have to introduce myself to everybody.

I felt a shiver run down my spine. I began to panic.

“Please help us welcome Marcus,” the priest said, pointing directly at me. “Please welcome our brother Marcus.”

I walked slowly to the front of the sanctuary, feeling like I was walking on eggshells. I was shaking, and my entire body was vibrating. I walked past the pews, and I could feel the eyes of the entire congregation on me. I felt like I was going to pass out.

I walked up to the priest, and he looked me in the eyes.

“Tell us a bit about yourself,” he smiled. “We want to learn more about you.”

I glanced at the congregation, and then I looked back at Father Brennan. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I had to talk. I had to say something. I had no idea what I was going to say, but I knew that I had to say something.

“I don’t know,” I said. “I’m nineteen, and I go to college here in town. I’m working at a coffee shop. I like to read and write, and I like to play the guitar.”

I stopped talking, and I felt like I had nothing more to say. I wanted to keep talking, and I wanted to keep explaining myself. But I couldn’t remember anything else. And I didn’t know what else to say.

“There is nothing else?” Father Brennan asked. “There is no other form of self-expression? No other part of you that you have to offer?”

I paused, but I didn’t have an answer. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t think of anything to say.

“There is something else,” Father Brennan said. “There is something more. And you will find it. You will find it in time. And when it comes, you will be able to stand in front of this congregation.”

I nodded, and then I stared at the floor. I didn’t know what else to say.

“And I know that you will be able to stand in front of this congregation,” the priest continued. “Because the right thing will happen.”

I nodded again, and then I walked back to my seat. nobody was watching me. Everyone was facing forward, and everyone was looking forward. I was still shaking, and I was still vibrating, but it didn’t matter. I had done it. Everyone had immersed themselves in the mass, and I had been accepted for who I was.

When the mass was over, I waited for everyone to exit the church, and then I walked out of the sanctuary. I was excited and felt every moment deeply. I felt like I was sleeping and dreaming, but everything around me was real, and I could feel it. I was breathing in life, and I was breathing to the fullest. The dialects of English and the songs of the church were all running through my mind. I was a part of it all, and I was a new member of the congregation.

I walked down the steps, and I left the church without saying anything. And that was okay. I didn’t need to say anything. The doors were wide open, and the sunlight was bright outside.

After church, I went back to my dorm and took a long nap. Far from being exhausted from having gotten up early, I was feeling rejuvenated, and I wanted to lie in bed for a while. I was still thinking about the mass, and I was still thinking about Father Brennan. I wanted to think about him more. I wanted to think about him forever.

I woke up a few hours later, and I felt a twinge of hunger in my stomach. I wasn’t hungry for food. I was hungry for something else. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. A burning desire, a confusing desire, was inside of me. I couldn’t articulate it but I felt its power. I needed to see Father Brennan, and I needed to see him now. I googled the phone number for the church office and called, not sure exactly what I was doing. I was just following my instinct and feeling the burning desire inside of me.

After a few rings, a woman picked up the phone. She sounded friendly and professional.

“This is Father Brennan’s office,” she said. “This is Sister Ann. How can I help you?”

I paused, and I swallowed hard. I took a deep breath, and then I closed my eyes.

“I’m Marcus,” I said. “Marcus Walker. I was at the mass this morning.”

“Yes, I remember you,” Sister Ann said. “Nice to talk to you again. Father Brennan and I were wondering if you manisa escort bayan would like to come by and chat. If you like, we can make you lunch, and we can catch up.”

“That sounds great,” I said. “That sounds amazing. I would love to come over. When should I come over?”

“How does right now sound?” Sister Ann asked. “You’re only a few minutes away, aren’t you?”

“I live on campus, but I can come over now,” I said. “I can walk over now.”

“That sounds great,” Sister Ann said. “Father Brennan will be so happy to see you again. He’s so happy to have you here at the church. This is a happy time for everybody.”

I walked over to the church, and it didn’t even feel like I was walking. I felt like I was flying. My feet were barely touching the ground, and I was feeling light as a feather. I didn’t understand what was happening, but I understood that it was all okay.

I knocked on the door to the rectory. The door was made of dark wood with old carved designs. I saw the doorknob turn, and then the door opened. Sister Ann looked into my eyes, and then she smiled.

“Come on in, Marcus,” she said. “Father Brennan is upstairs, and he’ll be pleased to see you. He’s very happy that you’re here.”

I walked into the rectory, and I gave a smile back to Sister Ann. I wasn’t sure what to do next. I was standing in a small foyer, and there were a few pictures of Jesus on the walls. I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. I was clearly in a beautiful old building that had a lot of history.

I walked down a hallway with a gorgeous pattern of wallpaper. It looked kind of like a water color, and I felt a sense of peace. I knew that Father Brennan was waiting for me, and I knew that everything was going to be okay. I knew that Father Brennan knew exactly what to do, and I knew that I would be happy with him.

I knocked on the door to his private room, and I heard footsteps on the other side. He opened the door and welcomed me in with a smile.

“Marcus,” he said. “How wonderful to see you again. I’m glad that you were able to come over.”

“I’m glad to be here,” I said. “I’m glad that Sister Ann invited me. I didn’t know if you’d be free or not.”

“I’m always free for you,” he said. “I’m always happy to see you.”

I walked into the living room, and Sister Ann was already setting up a tray with a few slices of bread and some cheese. She smiled, and she started pouring me a glass of wine. I could see tiny particles floating in the wine, shimmering in the light like tiny red diamonds.

“You can sit down,” Sister Ann said. “You can help yourself to a glass of wine, and we’ll all eat together. I think we’re going to have a very nice visit.”

I took a bite of bread and cheese, and I looked at Father Brennan across the table. I didn’t know exactly what to say, but I knew that everything was going to be okay. There was still a burning desire inside of me, and I didn’t think I would ever feel completely satisfied, but I knew that Father Brennan was right. It would come to me, and it would happen in the right way.

“You were so inspiring this morning,” I said. “I was so glad to see you up there. I went up to you afterwards and talked to you, but I didn’t know what to do. I don’t really know what to say to you.”

“Nothing needs to be said,” Father Brennan said. “Witches have been burned for telling the truth, and here we are telling the world the truth. And the truth will set us free. The truth will release us from all of our burdens.”

“It’s so confusing,” I said. “I don’t know how it all works, but I want to know more. I want to know everything. I didn’t think I would ever feel this way.”

“You’re a brave fellow,” Father Brennan said. “You’re a good person, and you’re a good man. You’re a strong man, Marcus.”

Sister Ann handed me a glass of wine, and I took a sip from the glass. I looked at the wine, and it was a deep color with a rich taste. I felt a slight buzz in my head, and I felt a slight warmth in my body. I felt a connection to Father Brennan, and I felt a connection to Sister Ann. I suddenly loved them both with everything that was inside of me.

“I’m feeling it,” I said. “I’m feeling a connection to everything. I’m feeling a connection to you two.”

“That’s a good feeling, isn’t it?” Father Brennan asked. “And it comes from a good place.”

“It feels so good,” I said.

“Father Brennan is a great teacher,” Sister Ann said. “He’s a great teacher of the mysteries, and of the spirit. He’s been my teacher, and he’s been my friend. I couldn’t have done it without him.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I came here last year,” Sister Ann said. “to learn how to be a nun. I’m a nun now, and I’m going to start teaching next year. This is my home. This is my family. I couldn’t say it better than that.”

“Everybody has to start somewhere,” Father Brennan said. “Everybody has to learn how to take care of our temple. Our bodies are sacred. We need to be nice to our bodies, and we need to love our bodies.”

“I want to learn more,” I said. “I want to learn everything.”

“You’re the type of person who is meant to be here,” Sister Ann said. “Vehicle of light. I can tell when I see you. You’re a good man with a good heart. You’re a good soul. You’re here because you’re supposed to be here, Marcus.”

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The Allure

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A consistent theme in life is being uncomfortable. With the hole I’ve dug, let’s call it luck that the dirt isn’t being dusted on top of me.

The local ‘Mob’ recruited me as the unfortunate sap that needed debts paid. I barely had enough for the bus to my shit job, being hounded by two hospitals for medical stays from identity theft, and having everything but a mattress and mini fridge taken by ‘repo’ men. When they’d found me, I said I’d do whatever they asked. Wished I hadn’t said that.

After selling some shoddy products, I caught the eye of one of the head bosses, one that loved boys young and eager to please a sugar daddy. If it had less of a chance of me getting shot, I took it. Then I met him, and he was essentially a toad. Not much taller than me, stress wrinkles, sores, yellow teeth… and he was so round in the belly that he looked six months pregnant. I was only allowed to call him Mr. Gable.

I had to parade around in whatever he asked, wherever he needed me to be. That meant from his apartment, office, bathhouse, club, and meetings. He at least had the courtesy of clothing me in front of bosses at meetings, but anywhere else meant silk undies in pinks, purples, reds, and blues. Sometimes a thong, sometimes a chastity or apron, but more often than not, naked with a full face of make up.

I won’t lie… the make up made my knees weak…

Until this point, I hadn’t let myself feel good about who called out to me inside. Dressing up was something I wanted to do privately… Before my life went downhill and I was sold to a toad that made me push the thoughts of being pretty away… Though with the money Mr. Gable had given me, the people and places I owed were less things to worry about. That was unless I refuse something he wanted to do.

Mr. Gable promised he’d listen to what I liked or didn’t, promising that my body was still mine. Six months went by and he crept over the line of what he wanted, way past what we’d talked about. He held my balls in a vice, threatening to cut my throat and keep my limp body as a sex toy. One thing I hated was voyeurism, something that crept out from him day one. When I refused at his bathhouse, he stood up, looked back at his associates as he held up a finger, then smacked the fuck out of me with his ham of a fist.

Not a second later, he tore off the apron I’d had on, took a handful of my hair, and asked me to repeat myself. I did, my answer not changing. I heard the air of his arm reeling back but not for the swing at me. Only a voice that addressed him sternly.

“Hit him again and I’ll show you what happens.”

“You stay out of this.” Mr. Gable grumbled at the mystery man. “This territory is mine, as is this bitch. I own her and do as I please.”

“Your business is just that. In my presence, we do things in a civil manner. Not like animals. Because upstairs would have a lot to say.”

When mystery man said that, Mr. Gable let go of my hair and sent me home for the night. I was used to what he’d do by that point… but someone stopping it was a shock to me. Who was the guy that stopped him? And would I feel the backlash of it when I was called to him again?


I found out later that night when Mr. Gable messaged me to come to his apartment. Entering, there were three men in the lobby, carefully directing me to a private elevator. On the way up, I was escorted by an armed guard to Mr. Gable’s door, then let in by one of the higher ups I’d seen before. He smiled warmly, and it was… weird. These guys never smiled. Ever. Rounding the corner, more ranked members stood posted, another man in front of a draped chair.

He was in a red suit, black shirt, and white tie, trimmed grey beard and hair. When he started talking, a knot tied itself in my stomach when I realized it was the mystery man. Though it was the wrong time to acknowledge this, he was hot as fuck…

“Hi there dear. We haven’t officially met but I wanted to do this in person. The man you were charged to has been relieved of that task. Consider it a gift…” He said with a gentle grin.

“But… why?” I finally said, mouth dry and body shaking.

Keeping his subtle smile, the man stepped forward. “Mr. Gable’s been a problem for some time under our operations. He let some of the details on how you can into his ownership slip. Being the man I am, you seem better suited for myself and not a ‘toad’, I think his subordinates called him.”

I bit my lip to not laugh. Even Mr. Gable’s loyal crew thought he was a slimy toad. And that was an insult to toads. The sheet covering the chair wriggled around, making one of the posted higher ups smack what was moving, saying to shut the fuck up. Lifting a hand, mystery man took the sheet and pulled to reveal Mr. Gable, dressed in a little of everything he forced me to wear. Even the make up didn’t make him look better.

Ripping the tape off of his mouth, mystery man addressed him.

“Got something to say Mr. Gable?”

“Fuck you and that pixie whore. He’ll muş escort bend the knee to escape how good I was to him. With you, he’ll be worse than dead.”

Raising an eyebrow, mystery man reached a thumb under Mr. Gable’s tongue, hooking the jaw and yanking forward. “Tsk tsk. And I thought you’d keep your mouth shut.”

The mystery man started snapping his fingers, someone pulling out a gun and walking over to me. I flinched, thinking I would get shot. But I turned to see mystery man holding out a pair of silk gloves, pink and stitched with revenge on the palms. Frozen, he slipped them on my hands, his eyes seemed to glitter, showing hints of green though they were solid brown. Feeling the perfect fit of the gloves, I also could tell they were lined… As the gun was put in my hand, mystery man’s smile made me shiver.

“Show him what he’s worth.”

“But Mister…” I said shyly.

“Shh. No more of that.” He spoke reassuringly. “We’ll sort things as you clean your past.”

As he said that, it hit me. I was being given a chance to fuck with the pig that hurt me for almost eight months… And be taken in by a handsome stranger… But was there any truth to what Mr. Gable said about this guy? If he was dangerous. No matter how clouded my mind ended up, I was given a choice for the first time in what turned out to be forever. Killing meant I would be bound to whoever mystery man was… Yet even for a while, it was better than a lifetime with Mr. Gable.

Taking firm hold of the gun, mystery man stepped aside, letting me see Mr. Gable in his full toad pig glory. He went to say something but I didn’t hear it over the sound of my first shot at his wrinkly pig dick. Following it up, his stomach bled and leaked, then it was the last to the head. Had I ever killed before? No. But this was a dream come true.

Lowering the gun, one of the men nearby took it from my hand and sealed it in a case, mystery man saying to melt the metal down. Another associate took the gloves off of me and mystery man put his jacket over my shoulders. Looking up at him, he kissed my forehead, making my trick knee tremble a bit.

“Ready to go home?” He whispered.

“Yes…” I whispered back while leaning into him.

Cradling my head, we walked out of the apartment and down the hall to another elevator. Leading me out the back way, we sat in a car, having him get me in first then himself. Being held in his arms during the ride, it felt natural to cuddle up to him. Partially due to how comforting I found him and how excited I was from what happened. Traumatic, slightly. But overall, my heart was running laps. Listening to his heart, my body relaxed and his hand petting my head set the calm in deeper.

Hearing the dividing window close between us and the driver, mystery man spoke freely.

“Now that you’ve had a bit to cool off, ready to introduce yourself?”

Clearing my throat, I stared up at him. “My name’s Yuris… Yuris Kirkland.”

“Beautiful name.” He expressed in a low voice.

“Can… I know your name?” I dared to ask.

Smiling, he laughed, kind of a deep bubbling laugh. Dragging his fingertips along my cheek, his head nodded. “I don’t usually. But to earn your trust, I’ll tell you. It’s Unik. Unik Terrence.”

Reaching carefully, I brushed his beard with my fingers. How soft it was… “I can get used to that over Mr. Gable.”

His arms wrapped around me, petting my head as he held me. “Good… Because you’re home now Yuris.”

Lulled by the warmth of freedom, I kept quiet and didn’t deny his touch. Half asleep, we reached where we needed to be. Not wanting me to wake up, Unik carried me from the car and inside, the driver opening the door for him and leaving the keys. In the welcoming dark, he ascended the stairs and took me to his room. Blushing, I felt somewhat like a mob bride, my groom killing for me to be sure no one could have me but him.

Laying me down, I squirmed, smiling sleepily up at him and biting my lip. Horniness and sleepiness fought in my head when anyone else might have screamed at the chaos or dropped into a PTSD fit after killing someone. This was bliss… and I wanted an eternal night with Unik. Sitting beside me, his large hand rested on my stomach, rubbing like I was a kitten.

“Comfortable dear?” He asked.

“Yes.” I replied simply.

“Heh glad to hear. It’s rather late now. I have some work that still needs doing. So you get acquainted with the house, freshen up, fill that belly of yours.”



“You gonna take me everywhere?”

Shaking his head, his free hand traced my face. “No no. You’ll be free to do as you like. Whether finding work, being entertained, maybe enjoying a lavish taste of what’s available.”

“Are… there rules?” I asked nervously.

Tilting his head a bit, he leaned down, lips hovering close to mine. “Only a few. Will you be a good pet and listen?”

Nodding automatically, he spoke low against my escort muş lips but enough for me to hear.

“One, your loyalty is to me. No stepping out on me. Unless you want a ticket to hell, along with whoever. Two, matters of my business stay in this house. What I share with you is no one else’s. Three, we’re partners. No secrets.”

“And four?”

With a soft peck to my lips, his hand wandered from my stomach down to between the legs. Rubbing lightly, I felt drippy and wet. “Just be my sweet sissy… And I’ll be your older stud. Got me?”

“I got you.” I managed weakly.

Moving my arms, they wrapped around his neck and shoulders, begging for another kiss. Obliging, his lips parted with mine, tongue swirling slightly as we gripped and kissed more. If my panties weren’t wet before, they were drenched at how tender Unik had been to me. I wanted more, craved it even. Feeling him pull away, I whimpered for him to come in for another kiss.

“Now now Yuris. Let’s not overexcite you.”

“I want everything… right now… give it to me… please.”

“Shh shh. I told you there’s business I need to attend to. I’ll be back soon.”

“Such a tease daddy…”

Smirking, he gave me one more kiss, rubbing my belly again. “Just a touch. Now, do as I ordered.”

“Yes daddy.”

Releasing my grip, I gently cupped his cheek and chin, his soft grey feeling a bit scruffy despite being neat. A kiss to my hand and he stood up, winking as he slipped his jacket away from me and fit it onto his body and left out the front door. As my body stopped tingling long enough, I pulled my clothes off bit by bit, leaving just the black lace panties. Moving from my back, I leaned beside the bed, imagining Unik behind me, and moved the string covering my asshole aside.

Slipping one finger in, I easily came, leaving a splatter of cum on the rosewood floor. Not stopping, I paced faster until I came again, more so than the first time. The thought of him… pulling me in so quickly… I wondered what was up in my head. Then again, whether it was lust, love, or survival, I wondered what else Unik could do to me.


Not wanting to start off on the wrong foot, I cleaned up the mess I made first, wiped off any excess mess that was left from my overeager cock, and put the towels in the hamper. Washing my hands in the huge bathroom, which was black marble with gold and green adornments, I dressed again and snooped around. I wished there was a drawer for me picked out already… then I could get prim and ready for Unik when he gets back.

Leaving that for the moment, I browsed the house. The living room was bigger than my old apartment, dining room looked like a restaurant, and the kitchen was a restaurant… with a cook in it? Waving at her, she waved back, saying that Unik requested I was given a little bit of everything. There was a vegetarian quiche, a steak salad, and a chicken entree with a dessert… Christ, if I wasn’t gonna die from gunshots, I’d die of high blood pressure. Pulling up a chair for me, she said everything was taken care of and to enjoy the meal.

Remembering my phone, I popped it out, screen cracked, but watched YouTube as I tried to dig into the mountain of food. The first bite… my body smacked me with dopamine. Since he liked me readily available for his needs, I hadn’t done much eating with the toad or in general for the last seven months now. Real food I was obligated to try and eat… I was starting to question if I died and this was a twisted heaven.

Having my fill of food and wine, given courtesy of the meal, I started boxing everything up and put it in the fridge. That’s when I noticed not much was in there. Guess having a small stomach meant my new beau had a lot to eat. Strolling through some of the halls, everything was decorated with the best, making this sissy feel like they were in a castle. Rounding back toward the stairs, I saw a box tied in a bow. Nosy me pulled it open, and I almost dropped it realizing what was inside. An outfit for me.

Before digging through, I rushed back upstairs, placing the open box on the bed and started to run a bath. Trying to be patient, I said I’d only take out one thing. Feeling a bottle, I took it out to examine: rose oil for a bath. Magic… Pouring enough in, the scent tickled me a shade of pink and gave me butterflies. Say what you want, but I was a happy captive.

Taking off my shirt and pants, my hands ran over the lace panties I was wearing. It made excited again, the material stretching and making my cock almost too big for it. I had to calm down if I wanted to be a good boy for Unik’s arrival. Shimmying out of my panties, my hardness sprung loose, burning a bit just in the steamy air while waiting for the tub. Getting the temperature right, I dipped my toes in and eased into the sweet rose oil water.

Laying there, the bath pink and milky, I bit my lip and washed myself slowly, all the while trying not to get too excited. Being diligent, muş escort bayan I got every crease, line, fold, and private place, content that I’d be rewarded for my femininity. And for once, I embraced that soft, frilly side without stopping. Feeling I cleaned off everywhere, I took a towel and pat myself dry. The tiles were heated… but not too much. Going to the sink, I flossed, brushed my teeth, rinsed, then flossed again. A good sissy has a clean mouth after all.

Taking a robe off the wall, I inhaled, smelling Unik’s musk left behind. Holding it tighter, I finally dug through the box to see what else would be there waiting for me. Feeling like a cloud, I pulled out a red nightgown. Running my hand over, it was satin with silk. Curious of what else was there, I pulled out a bra of the same material, accented with black, with panties that were red and black. A smile tried not to surface but did anyhow.

Digging more, there was also a jockstrap, silk boxers, perfume, cologne, a razor and shaving cream. Shaking my head slightly, I thought of what was in the box. Unik wasn’t sure what I liked but left anything he could think of for me. It was oddly sweet, especially for just meeting me in passing for so long. I wasn’t sure what he liked, but decided to go full girly.

Thankfully, it was an electric razor and safe to put everywhere. Going back to the tub, I stood inside, and flipped the switch on. First went the stubble, then went the legs, armpits, around the cock and balls, ass, and other spots. With a happy rinse, I was entirely smooth… The feeling of my own skin gave me goosebumps, between feeling sexy and looking presentable as the lady I let come out. Slipping on the silk satin undies and bra, the feeling of them without body hair made me excited, the robe hoping to hide that.

I peeked in the box one more time, finding the perfume and… holy goddamn there’s make up in here. Here’s hoping I don’t cut my eye or mess up my lip. The only thing I couldn’t fix was my hair… I hope it doesn’t frizz up. I couldn’t linger on that thought for too long before looking at the mirror and seeing Unik staring back at me.

Either it was his smile, or that I was all pretty at the right time. But I clenched my legs together nervously, wondering what was on his mind.


“You look amazing…” He said warmly as he walked up behind me.

Blushing, I looked down, still clenching my thighs. “I… wasn’t sure if this is what you like… Or a cute boy in a jockstrap.”

His energy radiated behind me, making my stomach squeeze. Looking over, his strong hand was beside mine, while the other tilted my chin up to make me look at myself in the mirror.

“This… is you. Who you want to be is what I’ll like.”

“Daddy?” I asked with an inflection, my hand slipping over his.

“Yes dear?”

“I want… another name.”

“A girl name.”

“Not just a girl. Your girl.”

Turning my head, Unik stared me down, making my panties stretch to hold the burning erection I had in place. Leaning down, he kissed my lips, saying a name without another thought. “Natalia.”

“Someone you lost?”

Shaking his head, he kissed me again then answered. “The woman of my dreams.”

Letting go, I turned and jumped onto Unik, being caught and walked to the room. As much as I wanted words, neither of us had any to say. His hands laid me against the mattress, opening my robe and showing what he picked out. Our lips parted as hands explored, mine unzipping his belt and fishing for his cock, and mine easily popping from under stretched panties. Though I couldn’t see, Unik’s cock pulsed as I wrapped my fingers round, a decent length and even better thickness…

A mix of sweat and precum made the skin of his shaft slippery, making him growl with my light touches. In return, his hands were firm while grabbing at me, hand and fingers stroking quickly. I couldn’t help moaning into his mouth, not being able to take this long tease. I got bold and pulled his tie hard, our bodies shifting closer. So much that the head of him teased my shaved asshole.

“Does my girl want to be fucked?” He panted, hand wrapped gently around my throat.

“Until I scream to stop.” I blurted out.

Getting my wish, I was put on my stomach, ass toward Unik, panties being yanked off my legs and robe covering around me. Laying with his belly on my back not on his full weight, his arm gripped my waist, the other holding my torso. Secure in his hold, his cock head pushed in, legs twitching as felt him inching balls deep. With half of his length inside, he slammed the rest in to fill me, making me grip his tie again. Squeezed tight to him, mind blanking as Unik was pounding inside me, asshole tensing and relaxing as he took me, bodies clapping, rubbing and gushing wet sounds.

Our hips were aligned just right, letting him thrust hard and fast as I bounced to keep his pace. Unik grunted and growled, being possessive as I tried to lay on my back to look at him yet he gripped tighter. When he did ease up, I held his legs where they were, sure that he wouldn’t stop ruining me. With a sort of sucking noise, his cock left me, turning me to the position I wanted, shoving himself in again, arms cradling me as I ground and bumped on him.

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Prison Bitch

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This story is fictional and contains gay male sex. Forced sex, Prison, corruption and the like. Please move on if this type of story is not to your liking. I hope the rest of you enjoy.

My birth name is Rhett Collins, and I am a 25-year-old male. I recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in finance from a well know University. I was living a carefree life, the good life, before things took a terrible turn for me.

After graduation I traveled abroad for over a year, partying, and womanizing like a true legend. I do not come from a wealth family, in fact just the opposite, my family is poor. I made money trading Crypto Currency, and through the stock market short selling stock and exchanging currency for currency. I have a way with numbers and making big chunks of cash quickly is relatively easy for me. I should be very wealthy by now and living the American dream, instead I am in a Prison cell, on my knees, with “Whitey’s” giant cock in my mouth.

Let me back up. My biggest problems in life is the fact that I am lazy, and I love to party. I didn’t really work, I supported myself by trading. When I ran low on cash, I would simply sit at a desk in a hotel room or wherever I happened to be at that moment and make a nice chunk using the stock and crypto markets. Sometimes I could accomplish this task in hours, other times it took a few days even up to a week. I would then go and blow the cash on pussy, traveling, partying and the like. I was having the time of my life, young and carefree.

The last good day I had was in Thailand, lounging on the most amazing beach, soft white sand, turquoise water, warm air with gentle trade winds blowing keeping the temp just right. I had my dick sucked twice that morning by the cutest and tightest little slut in the area named Boonsri. Boonsri was under the impression that I was a big-time stockbroker and that I was going to take her back to America with me, to get married and live a life of wealth and luxury.

I had become a master manipulator of women, and that trait afforded me as much pussy as I wanted; my motto was the Dire Straits song, “Get your Money for nothing and your chicks for free.”. I am very good-looking guy with a feminine facial structure, long eyelashes, blue eyes, big lips… I have drawn comparison to a young Brad Pitt. The problem is, I am only 5 foot 7 with a small dick. In order for me to hide my shame I became proficient at lying about my wealth, and I perfected this technique. I always made sure to have a thick stack of cash in my pocket to flash at unsuspecting women at just the right moment, this was a gift I possessed, I suppose.

I preferred to frequent the poorer countries and Thailand was my favorite, as the women are usually more than willing to hook up with a wealthy businessman and live the good life back in the states. My plan worked brilliantly; my strategy combined with my good looks gave me my pick of women from the local talent pool. I loved my life this way as I didn’t have to worry about disappointing women back home with my small cock anymore. Growing up with a small cock was a devastating experience to go through from the shame in the locker room to the unsatisfied women I bedded. I don’t know what was worse, the dissatisfied look or the look of amusement on the women’s faces when they saw my dick and I blew my load in a matter of seconds. This humiliation combined with my sense of adventure led to my overseas lifestyle.

The women I encountered overseas were hoping for a better life based on my false pretenses and they wouldn’t dare sneer at my inadequate cock and disappointing performance. Instead, they would enjoy their first orgasm complements of my talented tongue, then fake their way through a second orgasm when I “two pump chumped” them. They would then lie and tell me how good I was, and that I was the best they ever had. This was perfect for me, as I got to eat some pussy and got laid without all of the shame. I was lying to them just as they were lying to me, however I wouldn’t stick around long enough for them discover I was a fraud. My life was perfect.

Back to the beach in Thailand, I was admiring Boonsri’s ass, her pink bikini hugged her in all the right places and contrasted brilliantly with her brown skin, as she walked down to the water from our beach chairs to cool off. I was sipping on a “fufu” drink when I got a call informing me that my parents were killed in an automobile accident. I was devastated and made my way back to the states.

I have no siblings or friends to speak of except for a long-lost uncle. I was left a mess of an estate -my parents were in debt and that responsibility was passed on to me.

After a very emotionally draining funeral, I was sitting alone in my parents small living room, drunk and depressed. I opened the Will my parents left, I already knew they had left nothing to me but debt, but I read through it anyway.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I read the last of my fathers’ words:

“Don’t end up broke osmaniye escort and miserable like us son, you are much smarter than that. I beg of you to apply yourself and become a success, change our family name for the better. Make us proud son.”

Two weeks later I started working for a massive hedge fund company and we managed trillions in assets. This is where I met my fate.

I was too smart for my own good and my propensity for being lazy got me into hot water with SEC in record time. I was looking at Prison time when my boss approached me with an indecent proposal. He basically said that he could use his connections and power to get me off the hook with no prison time. My boss – Mr. North – is connected and extremely wealthy and powerful. All the wealthy people in this circle “play ball” with each other including some players inside the SEC, judges, prison officials, the FBI, politicians, etc. Anything can be had or accomplished for the right amount of money transferred into secret and untraceable crypto accounts. Add in few insider stocks market tips at just the right moment and you have powerful friends in powerful places at your disposal.

Mr. North proposed that I become his personal cock sucker, his personal fuck toy in exchange for my freedom. I was devastated, disgusted, and terrified. I declined his “offer” thinking that I could outsmart him and the SEC, not fully underestimating the dire situation I was in. The last words he said to me were:

“Big, big mistake Rhett, you underestimate my power and your crime, you will surely get a minimum 5-year sentence, but I will make sure you get 25 years instead pretty boy. One way or another you will be sucking cock; I always get my way sweet lips. I would advise you to become my girl, you will be free and wealthy living in luxury. If you decline my generous offer, you will become a prison bitch and I will get to fuck you anyway. I can guarantee that your slutty lips will be locked around a big cock within 15 minutes of entering your cell. You may as well take my offer, sucking my cock while my driver takes us to a 5-star restaurant, or while traveling to many of my properties throughout the world sounds better than being a prison bitch, right?

I contemplated my disgusting boss’s proposal for 5 seconds before telling him to fuck off. I was not a fag and could beat these charges.

My trial went fast, I was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in Prison. I got sent upstate, not into the country club prison that is usually reserved for financial criminals like me. Mr. North wasn’t lying when he warned me of his power and influence. My crime should have been a 2 to 5-year sentence in a country club, but I didn’t have enough time to make enough money to pay for the type of lawyer that could have exposed Mr. North. Mr. North wouldn’t have allowed a good lawyer to defend me anyway so instead I got a public defender who I suspect got his own crypto account filled to the brim as he was useless.

So here I am in Prison, I just finished getting processed and am getting ready to be let into the cell block and to my new cell. I am terrified and shaking as the inmates started cat calling me as I walked.

“Shake that ass sweetheart.”

“Look at those cock sucking lips.”

“You’re going to be my bitch faggot.”

It went on and on as I finally made it to my cell. Leaning against the wall next to the door were a couple of tattooed white prisoners with bald heads, they were mad dogging me and licking their lips when the scariest looking of the two said:

“You better race up peckerwood or the black guerrilla family will make you their bitch before they kill you – white boy. Whitey has granted you a temporary protection for next few hours and you will have our temporary protection. This protection expires before lights out tonight, choose carefully.”

With that I entered my cell, sweaty and shaky, I felt nauseous. There were two bunks, one occupied someone’s belongings and the other was empty. I put my meager belongings on the empty one and sat down. I was trying not to cry, disgusted with the racist men outside when a very large and scary looking white man appeared at the door, he nodded for me to join him outside. The man was covered in tattoos, his head was shinny bald and his eyes were dark and evil looking. He was huge and chock full of muscle. This beast of a man would be able to squash me in one second if he wanted to. Being the coward that I am, I jumped up and scampered to his side like a bitch, this was my first mistake.

This man’s name is Whitey, and he runs the prison. He is the leader of the white prison gang and controls the drug trade, prostitution trade and just about all other trades inside of this prison. This was my first day and at that time I had no idea how powerful this thug was. I was about to find out though.

Whitey gave me an ultimatum, choose the whites and their protection or he would hand me over the black guerrilla osmaniye escort bayan family, and I was told they would use me then kill me. I am not racist, and I despise everything about racism, but I had no choice here. If I refused the AB’s protection, I wouldn’t be accepted into the black guerrilla family or the Asian gangs, or Latino gangs, I would be on my own and eaten alive. This is a hard truth about prison, it is dived along racial lines — either get in line with your group or you won’t survive.

Whitey was staring me down as he finished his ultimatum, there were three black gang members standing nearby and ready to pounce if Whitey withdrew his protection. Being the pussy that I am, I agreed to Whitey’s proposal and a big terrifying grin spread across his face. Whitey barked a few orders to his soldiers as the black gang members walked away with disappointing looks on their tatted-up faces. Whitey’s loyal soldiers immediately scrambled into action, and I saw one of them talking to a Prison guard who then disappeared through a locked door.

I was relieved that I wasn’t just beaten up, raped or worse, but I had a sick feeling about Whitey. He sounded ignorant, his vocabulary was terrible, and he smelled of sweat and BO from his weightlifting and exercise routine as he put his giant arm around me and led me to my cell.

“Get your shit and follow me” he barked.

I grabbed my bed roll and meager belongings from the bunk and followed Whitey to his cell. I couldn’t believe he had the power to move me like that, but he did. He let me put my things down and make my bed. I had just put my things away where Whitey had instructed me to when he told me to re-make his bed. Terrified, I did as I was told and made his bed, I noticed him looking at my ass as I did so, he then took me out to the yard with his arm around my shoulder.

All the cat calls had stopped, and nobody was mad dogging me, I felt safer, I think. He took me to a weight bench area and said:

“Sit here princess, in the shade and stay cool, I need to pump some more iron before chow.”

‘He just called me princess, what the fuck, oh my god I’m in deep shit.’ My hands wouldn’t stop trembling while I stared at the ground like a coward.

“Look at my arms princess while I bench this stack.”

I looked up and heard a chuckle in the distance. I watched his huge biceps flex as I was instructed while he pumped out 5 sets of 15. I didn’t dare disobey this scary man even though every ounce of my being told me to bolt, to sprint to the wall and try to scale it. Instead, I sat perfectly still like a fucking coward and watched Whitey pump iron.

After chow and the cell door shut I almost fainted. I went to my bunk and buried my head in the corner as Whitey’s massive frame stood before me.

“Listen up pussy, we are going to go over the rules and there are going to be a lot of them, but first things first. I need a fucking nut, so take off your clothes and kneel before me. My cock has been throbbing all day in anticipation of your sweet mouth.”

I froze for a full minute; I was terrified and in shock when suddenly out of nowhere I felt a sharp pain on my face, I went down, and I went down hard. I came to a couple of minutes later and as I regained my bearings; I saw Whitey standing above me, stroking the largest thickest cock I have ever seen. It was long and fat with veins popping out everywhere, it was as thick as my arm. His balls were massive and hung down low (they reminded me of the giant nut sack the neanderthal hangs from a tow hitch on the rear of a massive dick enhancing truck) he looked at me and spoke mid stroke:

“I don’t want to fuck up your pretty face so don’t make me Princess. When I give you an order you do it, you do it immediately without hesitation or your punishment will be swift and painful. Now, let’s try this again – STRIP.”

I immediately unbuttoned my shitty jump suit and removed it along with my used slip-on shoes and socks. I was kneeling with a pair of stretched out prison issue underwear and my new black eye, nothing else.

“Everything bitch.”

My hands trembled and tears ran down my face as I removed my underwear. I hung my head in shame as my little limp dick was exposed. The beast of man standing before me took a seat on a stool, his muscular and tatted legs were spread wide, and his balls were hanging low. He had a giant bush of black pubic hair that was matted and sprawling everywhere, his massive cock stood straight up telescoping out of the thick thatch of pubs. The thick throbbing cock was leaking precum, and the deep-seated veins were pulsating. He told me to stand as he wanted to inspect his property. I stood with my head down, never making eye contact, my body was trembling uncontrollably with fear and humiliation, I could hear him stroking his cock behind me.

“Turn slowly slut, I want to see the rest of my property, especially that ass. That’s a good girl. Stop. Now spread your escort osmaniye legs wider, wider, that’s good. Now reach down and grab your ankles. Ooohhh you have a very nice ass and look at that tight pussy, I’m going to have to stretch you out carefully, as I don’t want to damage my new cunt on its first night, the infirmary here is a joke, they will never stitch you back up right – and I like my pussy tight.”

My tears were dripping on the concrete floor as my hands were wrapped around my ankles, my head was just a few inches off the ground and my feet were spread wider than my shoulders. I was to learn that this horrible position is called “present”, and I would come know it well.

“Now without moving from your current position remove your hands from your ankles and reach back to your pussy. Yes. Just like that. Now spread your ass apart, I want a real good look at that virgin hole.”

Whitey stared at my asshole for a minute as I trembled, I could see his massive cock throbbing through my legs as he grabbed something from under his bunk. He was doing something at the sink when he told me to come over. There was a small hose attached to a thin nozzle that attached to the tip of the faucet. Whitey lubed the tip and gently worked it into my ass.

“That’s it princess nice and slow, we don’t want to damage that precious little quim now do we?”

Whitey was whispering in my ear like I was his girlfriend as he “douched my pussy.” He was rubbing my back and my ass softly; his fingers were running from my feet to my shoulders as he gave me my first ever enema.

“You will need to do this several times a day, keep this pussy clean. I hope you paid attention as I don’t like to repeat myself. I will go over the rules later but for now get back to “present position.”

I was back in present position as he devoured my ass pussy with his tongue. He started near my balls and licked upward hoovering around my asshole, tonguing it deeply, sucking it, then repeating the procedure. Nobody has ever licked my ass before, and it was nauseating having another man dominate me like this.

“You have a tasty pussy princess. Do you like it when I penetrate it with my tongue you slut?”

I managed to squeak out a “yes” terrified of what would happen if I didn’t answer when the monster slapped my ass so hard, I almost screamed, the sting was almost unbearable.

“You always address me as Sir when in the yard but its Daddy when we are alone. There will be some acceptations to this rule like Mr. Whitey, or sometimes Master will be required. Now try again.”

I let out a meek “Yes Daddy”, with a shaky, cracking, and sobbing voice.

“I like that sound princess, we will work on your “sexy voice,” and in time you will perfect it, we have all the time in the world to work on this slut. Now stand up straight and swallow these two pills.”

I did as I was told and stood without asking, fearing for my life. Sir massaged my ass and stroked my little limp dick as I swallowed the pills with a small glass of hootch that Whitey provided me. The hootch tasted like shit but I felt an immediate slight buzz and was grateful for that. I was to learn later that the pills Whitey fed me that night and twice a day, every day after that were estrogen and a super strong dick hardening pill – that kept my little dick hard most of the time. The estrogen would eventually give my body feminine features, fattening and rounding out my ass, it would soften my skin, and I could even grow a small set of Titties.

Whitey was still caressing my ass and balls when he yanked me down to me knees, I was on all fours and my asshole was sticky and wet from Whitey’s tongue ministrations. Whitey slid the stool in front of me and sat down. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed down until my lips, were touching his large cock head.

“Lick it up slut, your tight little pussy and slutty ass shaking has created a mess of precum.”

He gripped my hair tight with my slight hesitation, so I stuck out my tongue then licked. It was salty and horrible as I licked the sticky substance and brought it into my mouth via my tongue.

“That’s my good girl. I can tell this is your first cock, so I won’t punish you to severely for this subpar blowjob that I know is coming. You are going to need to pay attention to the techniques I am going to teach you, I like my cock sucked a certain way and you will need to master that. You will be rewarded when your cock sucking skills improves and punished when they are lacking, or you forget the techniques I am generously teaching you. Now take the head inside your cock sucker, that’s it just the head. Now suck it like you’re giving your high school girlfriend, “old Susie rotten crotch”, a hickey. Yes, just like that. Now arch your back and get your ass up. Higher, that’s my good girl. You will always present your pussy like this when your sucking cock. Now suck the head harder whore. That’s it. That’s the way. That’s my good girl. Yessssss, very nice you might just be a natural at sucking cock.”

“Its time to take it a little deeper now, that’s it princess, take my cock inch by inch. That’s a good, good girl, that feels really nice. Now put your hands behind your back, keep your pussy up and back arched, no slacking. Your lips were made for sucking this dick, ahhhhh.”

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James and the end of Lockdown

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This story is a part of a series of stories following James a forty-something straight married man who has developed a love of cock sucking. Other stories are based on true events. The story is a continuation of the theme. He loves his wife. But he also loves anonymous cock sucking with similar men.

After a lock lockdown where James has been denied his cock sucking urges, he plans a private party to more than satisfy his needs.

The story starts with an oral sex scene with his wife who almost stumbles on his secret cock sucking desires. Contains multiple cock sucking scenes between consenting adults – and lots of cum.

The other stories of James are either real, based on a true story, or a total fantasy.

Please leave a nice comment if you want to.


The moment was coming. Like the first burst of light on the horizon James felt the release.

It had been a long and difficult time through the Covid crisis with several periods when a meeting was impossible or so curtailed to make the effort an exercise in futility.

But James had struggled to manage his urge.

As a happily married man in his later 40s, he had a habit of needing to fall to his knees and suck the cock of a stranger. And after a ten-year search, he discovered that he was in the niche sexual category of a “straight, married cocksucker”.

He needed more cock, a lot more, but was rarely satisfied.

He smiled when thinking back to his business trip to Pheonix and the several nights he allowed himself to go wild at the gloryhole booth in the adult bookstore located delightfully close to his hotel.

“Happy times…” he thought to himself.

James had also developed a taste, albeit an acquired one, for semen. The ideal cock for James delivered a forceful and copious load directly into his mouth. It if filled his mouth, that was a perfect happy ending.

In the last couple of years, James managed to take the edge of his urge by self-administering either by masturbation directly into his mouth or cleaning up his ejaculate from his chest after a private and relaxed wank on his bed. Directly cumming in his mouth did need a degree of athletic manoeuvring; his cock could get close but not inside it.

His routine was to warm up with an hour or so of watching porn or reading Silkstockinglover, another author on Literotica, to serve a significant load into his wide-open mouth. Any guy who have tried this, and many have, will know how uncontrollable cum shots are and it mostly ended with a self facial with only a small proportion hitting the bullseye.

But there was a second and vital self-management method helped by his gorgeous and frequently filthy wife, Laura. She was a willing assistant for James in giving fairly regular blowjobs; regular for a 20 year married couple.

Over the months of lockdown, James had encouraged her to shift from always swallowing his load to more and more cum kissing to the extent where she delivered his freshly spunked load directly to him.

She would also play to dibble the semen to coat his lips before lightly licking the cum off and deep french kissing each other as their tongues wrestled in the warm semen.

If anything the frequency of blowjobs seemed to have increased even perhaps doubling.

James suspected Laura got off on this more than she let on. Only this morning, a slow and relaxing Sunday, Laura left James in bed to make coffee. James lay there waiting for her to return while he stroked his cock hard and wondered how best to make use of it.

Returning 10 minutes later she walked back into their bedroom smiling while placing the coffee on the bedside table, the coffee they would never finish. Laura had tied her hair up in that swirl with tussled strands falling elegantly around her face. She had on her silk robe they bought together on vacation in Shanghai, largely red with black orchid patterns. It was elegant and sexy.

She sat at her dressing table and reached for a lipstick from the top drawer. It was her favourite Elizabeth Arden dark red and she started to paint her full lips in that pout she used. Watching her do this always made James’s cock twitch. Laura was aware of his gaze but just continued painting her lips.

To James, and he was convinced many other men in the street, they looked good enough to eat; God knows how he had devoured them over the years.

She then applied a top coat of gloss. It’s funny, thought James, about how lipstick fashion came and went from matt to glossy and the myriad shades of the time. But in their bedroom that gloss red always hit the mark.

She was finished and only then did she glance over to James to offer her sexy smile and a wink in the mirror.

Laura stood and walked over to the bed. He loved her curves; her breasts looked full and made him harden another point. She kneeled and reached under the covers to grasp his hardened cock which was already leaking profusely.

“I see you’ve been thinking about me; it is me I assume?” she inquired.

“But ordu escort who else?” responded James.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe someone you’ve been thinking about during all that time — Working From Home?”

James just laughed and watched his wife lean in to move her painted lips close to his prick as she licked her tongue on the head.

“Mmm… so sweet.” Before opening to take an inch into her warm mouth. Laura made sure to flood her mouth with saliva allowing it to ooze over his cock, watching James’s reaction.

This was a good morning as he strained to get more of his length into her mouth, bucking as she bobbed several inches.

Laura licked his balls and kissed his length.

And then she asked a question that stopped James in his tracks.

“So, babe. I’ve been wondering if you’d like to try this?” She watched James closely for his reaction.

“What do you mean?” he replied lamely.

“You know what I mean.” Before she plunged taking James’s cock deep to the back of her throat.

“I’ve been trying to explain to myself why you have become virtually insatiable for the taste of your spunk. I mean I’ve been practically been blowing you every day this last week and each time you want me to snowball you.”

All he could offer was another “erm, umm…”

“Don’t get me wrong, sweety. I love it and the fucking has gone up a level not to mention your interest in my arse!” she giggled before sucking him again for a minute her tongue rolling around the length.

“You know what I think? I think you’ve been thinking about sucking cock. I think you’re a wee bit curious. Is that what they call it?” Before sucking hard for another minute.

James hadn’t said anything. He stupidly thought that silence would be his defence.

He thought about the very real-world experience of his cock sucking adventures and all the times where he had, in reality, sucked cock and swallowed its owner’s semen. Of the fact that he had numerous anonymous meetings with many men for the sole purpose of sucking cock and drinking cum. This blowjob from his wife seemed to be an innocent imitation.

James felt the first triggers of his orgasm and a flood of precum as a gift to Laura.

“I think your cock doesn’t lie…” she watched him.

He looked into her and offered a little lie, “Maybe.”

He had to offer her more.

“I look at you when you suck me off and the pleasure we both get out of it and, well, wonder what it would be like…” trailing off while gasping in the pleasure she was giving.

She remained quiet gently sucking and watching James.

“And I love the feeling of the spunk when you kiss me deeply. It’s the taste of passion.”

“I get that,” said Laura.

He knew she was thinking about how far to go with this line of questioning. About whether to ask the question, “James, have you sucked another cock?”

But to his relief, she held back.

She simply smiled and went to work on finishing the exquisite blowjob. He started to buck uncontrollably thrusting his straining cock into her mouth and holding his hand to the back of her head, his fingers interlaced in her hair.

He would come very soon.

Laura somehow remained in control as the spunk started to flow and spurt into her beautiful warm mouth.

James shouted out, “Arrh! God! Yes! Fuck, you’re gorgeous!”

With a large mouthful of cum, she rose to him slowly parting her moist smeared lips and allowing the first run of pearly white semen and saliva to roll down her lips and onto James’s.

Close, but not touching, James slightly parted his lips to take in the sperm. Laura watched him intently for the reaction in his eyes to knowing the taste.

At that point, she allowed more to flow and then pressed in for their coated lips to touch, slip together and slide as their kiss deepened.

The full load was transferred to James but he sensed that this was not a time when they would swap several times. Laura was in control and she just wanted to watch and consider the implications of the idea they has just shared.

She imagined watching James naked and on his knees as he sucked another man to completion. And with that melted further into the kiss as they both enjoyed becoming coupled in warmth.

In the coming days, James thought about their intimate swapping but mainly of the idea that Laura knew about James’s curiosity.

He was shocked by her directness; her intuition but after 25 years of marriage, he shouldn’t have been. She was intelligent, but despite their strength together, every couple has secrets. He’d masked his inner thoughts and real-life experiences but he knew that wouldn’t hold for long.

How would that idea develop he wondered and where would it take their marriage? It would come up again and he needed to get his story straight. How would he admit his interest and activity in cock sucking? What would Laura propose as a way forward and what would her role be in facilitating it? Would she be ordu escort bayan a matchmaker, a voyeur, a participant..?

He decided to park these thoughts and turned to how he would ‘celebrate’ the great unlocking.

He would arrange a special meeting a kind of party event would be appropriate. Something to celebrate and, to some extent, catch up for the lost time.

Over the next week, he started to warm up his other cocksucking friends on the swinging site. Several he had met over the last five years and a couple, many times as regulars.

Many on the site never made it past curiosity to act on it. James could empathise. It’s a big thing to follow through and allow a stranger to put their cock in your mouth, much less spunk in it. James’s first cock over a decade ago was only after a year of courting the idea. But, when it came to it, James boldly jumped at the chance.

He loved a hotel room meeting.

Booking a day and night in a fancy city hotel room seemed like just the ticket. Hotel rooms were the best of all worlds. Private, safe, comfortable and relaxed. And he could be as naughty as he wanted, no one would know or care. He had in mind just the hotel in a convenient location and easy parking for his guests and close by the travel hub.

Each hour James would invite a cock and its owner to his room. He’d service the cock and the guest would leave to be replaced soon after by the next. He could satisfy those preferring an afternoon session, like those friends who could use the cover of the business day to slip away and the evening crowd that used the pretext of being away from home pressures to engage in his service. James thought and shuddered that this was doable and within reach and noticed his mouth water at the prospect.

It would be next week, Wednesday, when he could reasonably explain to Laura that he’d be away for a night on business. He made the room booking selecting a spacious one for both comfort and as a gift to himself and then messaged his contacts and posted in the forum of several favourite hook up sites. After check-in, James would book one cock each hour from 3 pm till late. He expected about a 50% dropout rate but even so, that would be more than adequate to satisfy his urge.

The next day he checked his inbox to see the results.

He had messaged 30 contacts he thought would be able to make hearing back from 10 all being interested and available either for the daytime slots or nighttime. Over the next two days, James set up the running order. The thought of all that cock and the audacity made his cock twitch in anticipation and he had to masturbate.

After cumming, he had a pang of doubt. It had been two years since he gave his last blowjob and hosting so many over a short time, well he imagined how it could go wrong.

That night in bed with Laura he had a night of broken sleep. It always seemed to be the case that when he hatched a plan for cock sucking as it made its way into his subconscious.

At 3 am he woke, hot and cock hard.

James decided to get up and trying not to wake his wife went down to his basement office.

This was the scene of a small gathering a few years ago when he arranged his very own blowbang.

James didn’t need the extra stimulation but he opened the browser and searched for his preferred gloryhole porn site. As far as he was concerned, they couldn’t make enough anonymous cock sucking movies.

He released his hard and soaking cock and wetly wanked it. As he came he tried to muffle the noise a bit and caught the spurting cum in his hand.

James had to be particularly horny for the next thing to happen.

He opened up his hand and looked at the very significant load, wet and shining. Moving his head to his palm he bathed his tongue in his spunk, licking and savouring the silky warmth until it was completely gone…

He sat back, eyes closed and smiled.

Composing himself, he wrote a short email to each of his guests to entice them to commit and attend his meeting and the promise of a hot and horny blowjob. What was not to enjoy?

He scrolled the messages from his contacts and their previous replies.

Steve was a single late 30s cocksucker, like James but with a greater bisexual interest in man to man fucking. James remembered a random meeting one day in the chat room at 10 am and by noon they had met at his home and enjoyed mutual sucking and cum.

“Good to hear from you, James. Yes, I’m still active and interested — count me in!”

Tony was the first experience for James and they recently reconnected after a 10-year hiatus. James fondly remembered the meeting and his first other cock.

“It’s been too long — I’d love to have you suck me off, James.”

John made James’s do an involuntary twitch at the thought of his cock. It was a beautiful thing; eight inches of hard marble and a huge reward at the ending.

“Who wouldn’t want a blowjob from you, James. I’m newly remarried but will always say yes escort ordu to your mouth, mate. See you Wednesday.”

The response was way more than he could reasonably expect given the experience of recent years through the pandemic. Maybe guys just wanna have fun he mused…

Before it all kicked off, Mike was his blowjob apprentice. Or was James Mike’s BJ coach? Whatever, it was fun at the time.

“Yeah, would love to — make it an evening for me. Hey, I’ll tell you about a few of my conquests…”

Josh was a young and virile student. After Josh stumbled across James giving three strangers blowjobs in the woods, they met several times more. Sweet and copious was how James remembered Josh’s ejaculate. James was subconsciously licking his lips.

“That would be great James; I’ll come by the hotel after class.”

Luke was late 40s married and cock curious almost double of James in being orally bi and they met some of the same guys in the area.

“Looking forward to it. I’ve got a suggestion? A friend of mine might be interested too. Don’t worry; I vouch for him and — he’s got a cock you won’t be disappointed in! Let me know?”

That’s intriguing: Two for One thought James.

And Mark. He was a nervous cocksucking virgin that James met at a business hotel.

“Yeah, I’ll come. Since we met I’ve had several good experiences; my shyness has all gone. Rely on me.”

James’s tension was increasing the week before the meeting.

It happened before his blowbang when he had six guys to his basement office and in the week before his trip to Pheonix for a gloryhole experience on the pretext of a conference.

He also liked to abstain from wanking while reading erotic stories about cocksucking, gloryholes and watching porn.

This had two effects.

The first is that increased his level of arousal from ambient to horny as fuck: a Category 5 horn.

The second is the consequential volume and force of his orgasm when it finally came delivering a lot of cum for a lucky winner and delivered by numerous hard spurting shots.

In these situations, James was a heavy cummer.

He also had a kinky thought seed and grow.

Watching Laura last week painting her full lips in red lipstick and shiny gloss, James wondered how he would look with his lips coated in dark red stain before the cum storm?

And he enjoyed watching Laura with her oriental silk robe telling him how good it felt against her skin and the look of her holdup ivory silk stockings.

James didn’t consider himself to be a dresser; he generally had no interest but somehow this is different, special.


It was a bright spring morning of The Day.

He was in a good mood, anticipating the events and semi aroused with a profusely leaking cock.

James had packed for his trip and said goodbye to Laura with a kiss. She gripped him pulling him in as the kiss deepened.

He loved her. But he had learned to pack away the nag of guilt and thought again about the conversation they never finished.

Driving South he headed for the city. It was a drive he enjoyed making from a small rural town to the urban bustle and the luxury pad he hired for the next 24 hours. He checked in around 1 pm and felt satisfied with his choice of suite. Spacious, modern, immaculately clean. It had a supersize bed, a second room with lounge seating and an enormous bathroom.

“This will be perfect.”

His first guest would be walking through the door in two hours. He decided to take a long, leisurely lunch and enjoy a good glass of wine for that background buzz.

Afterwards, in the oversized shower, he took a long shower, dried and groomed. He walked to the area where his bags lay and retrieved the lipstick. In front of a large dressing table mirror with lights like on a movie set, he applied Laura’s Elizabeth Arden deep red with its brush. The very sight of the colour made his cock pulse.

Next, the topcoat of gloss encapsulated a glossy shine.

He knew later that lipstick gloss would not last during even one intense blowjob. Though it would be copiously replaced by a white glossy load of semen.

It was 2.30 pm.

James reached for Laura’s ivory stockings and noticed the tops had a lacey pattern. He pulled them on with great care, not wanting to damage them after all this had to be returned without being missed.

Finally, he took off the uber fluffy hotel provided robe for Laura’s silk one. It was slightly on the smaller side but the look was complete.

James was rock hard.

He stood, the robe open revealing the hold-ups and deep red glossy lips. His six and a half inches bouncing slightly to the left and the head engorged and purple.


Now he waited for Steve to text his arrival…

3 pm

At 3.10 pm James received a text and he gave the room number.

“Game on,” muttered James.

A low knock at the door 4 minutes later and James went to open it remaining discretely hidden in case a passing hotel worker or guest glimpsed James in his unusual attire.

“Hi, mate,” said Steve in a friendly manner before he notice James with his robe and lips.

“Good to see you, Steve. I have to admit it’s always good when a guest shows. Know what I mean? Drink?”

“Yes please, beer.”

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My Exception is You Ch. 11

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***All characters in this story are 18+ years old***

Chapter 11 is here and to me feels like it’s just what the doctor ordered. No spoilers, but I’m talking about some good ol’ fashioned Burno style lovin. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I am coming up on a few college exams so releases may be less frequent.

Please be patient! Thank you for staying tuned and reading this far if you have. Bruno and Clay are one of my favorite couples I’ve written about. So I am glad people enjoy the story as much as I do! 🙂


Devon had his room open and he was just a few doors down from us. Clay and I had finished showering, changing into just sweatpants. I opted not to wear anything under, always loving to free-ball it if I could. He had his briefs on and they were sticking out by his hips; I had to admit he was stupidly sexy.

“Hey fuckers,” Devon called out, raising a slice of pizza high in the air. A lot of the team was bunked up in the room either on the beds or on the floor, or the few pieces of furniture. “Zack is across the hall and has some other pizzas too,” he gestured and I rolled my eyes.

“Like I want to go hang out in Zack’s room,” I scoffed, shimmying through all the people to the stack of pizzas on the desk. I pursed my lips, lifting a few different lids to see which types they had. I felt a body up against mine, arms reaching around me to grab a slice of the Meat Lovers pizza.

“Can you hand me a Coke?” Clay breathed quietly, still leaning into me a bit. I ignored the burning in my ears as his warm stomach and chest brushed up against my back. I leaned over and grabbed him a can from the case, holding it over my shoulder. His hand closed around mine, holding it in place and then I felt his lips on my other cheek. “Thanks babe,” he was still talking softly, but it felt more intimate than secretive.

“S-sure,” I tried to ignore the flutters in my stomach, not expecting him to actually lose all of his inhibitions so quickly. When he pulled away I felt colder, my skin tingling. I decided on two slices of chicken and veggie, dropping them onto a plate and grabbing a Coke myself. I walked toward the window, sitting on the sill and setting my shit down in front of me as I adjusted and tucked my leg up.

“So Bruno, how’s it feel to be the reason we won?!” Tyler called out and I glanced over, shocked as I saw a lot of the team looking at me.

“Oh, uh, that’s not true. Most of our points came from Zack and Clay. I just secured the last goal,” I shrugged, shaking my head as I held my can, popping the tab. It hissed, squirting on my thumb. I sucked it off, glancing up as someone sat down in front of me.

“You’re too humble,” Clay smiled at me, joining me as he held his pizza. He seemed so calm, like he was finally at peace with everything. I knew he’d probably have a shitty fucking time over the next few days, maybe even weeks, but it was nice to see him happy for now.

“Seriously, that last goal was unbelievable!” I heard and flinched, not sure I really agreed with or appreciated the praise.

“Thanks,” I sighed, grabbing my pizza and taking a bite. They all started laughing and talking soon enough, the room drowning in the rambunctious nature of our team. Especially because Devon was a rowdy piece of shit who incited chaos and partying whenever he could. I didn’t mind it when I needed it, but right now I wasn’t particularly in the mood for his shit.

“So how are you feeling Clay?” Tyler’s voice shocked me, and I looked up to see him close to us. He was studying us intently, really paying attention to Clay who sighed and shrugged as he took another bite of his pizza.

“Trying not to spiral. The ‘what ifs’ have my anxiety in overdrive. I took one of my pills earlier to take the edge off and it’s probably the only thing keeping me sane,” he admitted softly and I felt my stomach twist. Everyone was having such an amazing time, and here he was trying not to break as his world around him crumbled. He was playing it off well and his meds definitely seemed to be helping, but I had no idea what was going on in his head.

“I wish we could help,” Tyler mumbled, glancing at me nervously. I sighed, pursing my lips as I studied Clay. He was looking back at me, his face hard to read. I felt like we were trying to talk to each other telepathically and failing miserably.

“Bruno is helping enough,” Clay asserted then, smirking mischievously. I saw the tip of his tongue press between his teeth as he let a little chuckle escape. “In a lot of ways,” he sighed, looking at Tyler with a smug grin. I tried not to blush as I took a deep breath and sighed.

“Oh yeah? I’m surprised you could walk today, let alone play,” Tyler slapped my shoulder and I cringed, sighing heavily as I glared at both of them.

“Well I’m a lot more gentle than Clay, but he has his moments,” I shot him a look, noticing a cute blush on his cheeks as Tyler grimaced.

“Way too much information mardin escort for me,” he laughed and I sighed, laughing a bit as Clay smirked. “So are your parents really pissed? I saw your mom slap you,” Tyler pressed and Clay hardened, his eyes meeting mine as his lips pressed together. “I just, fuck man, we’re worried about you,” Tyler insisted desperately and Clay took a deep breath, sighing heavily as he rubbed his hands together roughly. He did not look ok as he glared at his pizza.

“Yeah well, I don’t know what’s going to happen. So I’m just trying not to think about it. No offense but if that’s all you want to talk to me about you can fuck off,” he snipped, glaring at Tyler then who sighed and nodded once.

“I get that, alright sorry man,” he pat his shoulder before turning and heading over to get more pizza. Devon was sitting on one of the beds laughing and chatting when he glanced over. His face wrinkled a bit as he stared at Clay. I turned to Clay too and noticed him blinking a bit as he glared at the window. He was crying, that I could tell, but he was definitely trying not to. Or trying to hide it at least. I reached over and put my hand on his arm, squeezing it as he glanced at me.

“I think everyone expects you to be upset. So stop trying to act like you’re ok,” I muttered quietly and he sighed, biting his lip as he sniffled and rest his head back. I saw a few more tears roll down his cheeks, blushing only a bit as I reached up and wiped them away. He didn’t even pull away. He just closed his eyes as I sat back and drank my Coke.

“Can we do something to get to know each other better?” Devon called out suddenly and I flinched, shocked at how loud he was. We all looked at him, confused, and he smiled excitedly. “Think about it, how many freshmen do we have? And besides practice I don’t talk to half of you on a regular basis,” he pressed and I scoffed.

“Are you fucking twelve?” I demanded and he laughed, smiling at me with a shrug. “What do you want to play truth of dare? Spin the bottle, but if it lands on me I have to tell my darkest secrets?” I gushed sarcastically, batting my eyelashes. Clay chuckled, and I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at him.

“What’s the idea Devon?” Clay demanded, sitting up slightly.

“I don’t know, what’s an easy game?” he offered with a shrug. “It’s our first time all traveling together as this team. Doesn’t it seem like a good idea for team bonding?” he pressed and I sighed.

“I don’t think it’s bad,” Tyler offered and I blew a raspberry. “Someone go get the rest of the team,” he gestured across the hall and one of the freshman got up and scurried over. Soon enough the rest of the players were coming in, bringing pillows and cushions to squeeze in together as comfortable as possible.

“Ice breakers?” Zack demanded and I tried not to roll my eyes.

“My idea,” Devon piped up happily, blatantly ignoring his sour attitude. “So I get to pick the first thing we try. If everyone hates it we move on to something else,” he insisted. “Easy one that feels the least like some stupid middle school game,” he threw a look at me and I snickered. “Never have I ever?” he offered and I sighed, Clay laughing lightly again.

“I feel like I’m thirteen again,” he sighed, shaking his head slowly.

“Alright, both hands, ten fingers!” Devon called out and I sighed, grabbing my pizza and taking a few big bites. My cheeks were puffed out as I gnawed at it, holding my hands out in front of me. Clay mirrored me, smiling cutely.

“This should be interesting,” he muttered and I could only nod, my mouth full.

“I’ll start!” Devon insisted, clearing his throat. “Never have I ever broken a bone,” he breathed and I sighed, shaking my head as I put my finger down. “Who put fingers down?” he called out. I raised my hand and a few others did too. “Alright which bone, go around from here,” he pointed to Chris who smirked.

“Three of my fingers, fell off my bike when I was 11,” he shrugged. Devon nodded, pointing to the next one. As they made it around I was shocked to know it was all just simple things like fingers, clavicle, or nose. He finally got to me and I sighed.

“I broke my neck,” I breathed, everyone’s heads snapping toward me. It looked like I electrocuted the entire room, Clay included. “Jesus, it’s not that serious. Obviously I’m ok!” I gestured to myself and Devon shook his head.

“Now this requires a story time,” he insisted, everyone agreeing. I took a deep breath and sighed, clearing my throat.

“I was in like elementary, maybe early middle school? Was just jumping on a trampoline and between me and the other kids something went horribly wrong,” I started, a few people cringing as they imagined the ways that could end. “I went flying off and landed weird on my head, shoulder area I guess? I don’t really remember. I mean I remember being on the trampoline, and then I remember being in a neck brace for a while,” I shrugged, everyone seeming amazed.

“Guess mardin escort bayan it was good it was when you were a kid and your bones weren’t fully developed,” Clay offered and I nodded slowly, sipping my drink and taking another bite of my pizza. We went a few more rounds and then we got to Zack.

“Never have I ever been fucked in the ass,” he snorted, looking proud of himself.

“Zack what the fuck?” Tyler demanded, but a few people chuckled. I sighed and glanced at Clay, unable to help but smile. I put my finger down and looked at Zack.

“Before my current relationship I never had either. But now I know what I was missing out on,” I sighed, looking at Clay then. He smirked, lowering one of his fingers.

“No fucking way, Clay you too?!” Devon demanded, seeming shocked as he looked at me. We couldn’t help but laugh then.

“Yeah, it’s great! That’s where a guy’s g-spot is anyway,” he chuckled, his ears a bit red as he smiled at me. “And with the right person it’s just incredible,” he muttered. The room got quiet, and a bit awkward, but I couldn’t help but beam.

“Moving on!” TJ called out with a laugh.

“I have one!” Clay called out, smiling boldly. “Never have I ever kissed a girl,” he breathed. I laughed, putting my finger down. I was two away from being out. A few people were already out. He glanced around and we heard a surprising uproar over by Chris.

“Noah?” Devon demanded seeming shocked.

“What?! I’ve just never really dated before, or had the opportunity! It’s not that crazy, I’m only 19!” he defended himself and Clay chuckled.

“Men are better anyway,” Clay breathed and I felt my face and neck get hot as he eyed me. “In so many ways,” he mused and I shifted nervously, unsure how to handle Clay like this. I mean I was used to this when it was just us, and I had asked him at one point to try and make public Clay as similar to real Clay as possible. But this was overwhelming and abrupt it was hard to adjust to.

“I find that hard to believe!” Zack started up and I rolled my eyes.

“Considering I’ve been with both, I might actually agree,” I offered then, Zack looking disgusted. “Of course it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But if you’re even remotely interested I say fucking try it,” I laughed with a shrug, smiling at Clay then. “It can be pleasantly surprising,” I mumbled, his cheeks pink as he bit his lip and laughed smugly.

“Goddamn faggots,” Zack grumbled. Clay and I both shot up so fast, the room a flurry as guys hurried over to hold us back. People were trying to diffuse the situation, Zack getting up and backing up as well.

“Zack what the fuck is your problem?” Devon demanded as I grabbed Clay’s arm and pulled him back to the window. I had calmed down a bit, but he was still seething, his neck strained as he closed his eyes and took deep breaths.

“How does this not gross anyone else out?!” he challenged. “They’re fucking flirting with each other, being all touchy, talking about fucking, it’s, it’s-“

“What people do in a relationship,” Devon finished bitterly. “Do you have a problem with people being in a relationship?” he pressed.

“That’s not fucking normal!” he snapped and I cringed, Clay laughing sinisterly. He stood up then, people watching him nervously as he walked toward Zack. The frantic look on Zack’s face as he tried to stand his ground while he squirmed had me amused.

“If I hear one more fucking thing come out of your mouth about how wrong my existence is,” he started, his tone piercing as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “You will get to experience every single ounce of hatred I have been holding in my heart. I will happily beat you within an inch of your fucking life and not even lose a lick of sleep over it,” Tyler walked over, putting his hand on Clay’s arm. He didn’t flinch, didn’t move, just ignored him. Zack looked shocked, annoyed, and a bit terrified.

“Clay man cool it, it’s not worth it,” Tyler started and Clay glanced at him, his eyes narrowing.

“Not fucking worth it? I am losing my parents because of something I can’t even control. I am going to lose my family man! And I have to listen to ignorant, homophobic pieces of shit for the rest of my. You want to tell me beating the piss out of just ONE of them wouldn’t be worth it?” he barked, the room quiet. “I don’t think you quite understand how any of this feels. Or how your words affect me,” Clay turned to Zack, who visibly swallowed.

I felt a nudge on my arm and saw Devon gesturing for me to go intervene. I hesitated, not really wanting to, but I knew I was probably the only person who could help Clay calm down. With a sigh I pushed up from the window, walking over and easing Tyler out of my way. I put my hand on Clay’s stomach, his body scalding hot and trembling. He glared at me and I sighed, studying him.

“I’d offer to take turns and get a few good swings in myself, but I already got my chance to beat the piss out of him. And you guys stopped escort mardin me before I really could,” I teased and his lips twitched like he wanted to smile. “Are you really angry at Zack?” I asked and he grimaced. “I mean, he’s a terrible fucking person. I’m not arguing that!” I chuckled and Clay’s lips curled into a slight smile. “But in a weird way this might be satisfying for him, ya know seeing you get all riled up because of his words. But they should mean nothing to you. He should mean nothing to you,” I shrugged, noticing him starting to relax.

“Just after today, with my parents,” Clay started looking both enraged and broken. I nodded slowly, reaching down to grab his hand. He sighed, shaking his head slowly. “If you don’t like it, you can fucking leave,” he turned to Zack then as he held my hand. “No one is telling you that you have to be around us. Remember what we agreed on? If you can’t stand it, then stay away from it,” Clay nudged him and he stepped back, glancing at me then.

“This is just as much my team,” he started then. “Why do I have to leave?! Why can’t you two just stop being so disgusting?” he pressed and I tensed up, Clay’s hand squeezing mine roughly.

“Because you’re the only one on the team with the problem. And in most cases, majority rules. If you’re the only one bothered by it, then you should be the only one who has to either put up with it or remove yourself,” Chris jumped in and I was taken aback.

“Honestly,” Noah chimed in, the team starting to agree then. Clay looked smug as he studied Zack, his hand relaxing in mine.

“You should have heard what some of them were saying behind your backs just a week or so ago!” Zack started then, nothing but desperation and rage in his eyes. “Two-faced bastards just won’t admit they agree with m-“

“You’re not wrong,” TJ interrupted him. “But we seem to be capable of something you aren’t. The ability to come to terms with something we don’t understand, accept it as it is, and just move the fuck on. Their relationship doesn’t affect anything. The fact they’ve been going through everything they have and yet we’re still able to function as a team, shit even win a fucking game?!” he snorted and some of the team muttered in agreement.

“My pizza is getting cold,” I grumbled then, turning away and dragging Clay with me back toward the window. He sat down and I did my best to ignore Zack’s dumb face as he processed the realization that no one agreed with him.

“Alright where were we?!” Devon called out. Everyone held up their hands and we continued playing, Zack choosing to sit quietly and just play along until he was out. My phone vibrated and I hesitated, pulling it out and noticing my dad on caller ID. I hurried out of the room after showing Clay, answering.

“Hey dad, is everything ok?” I demanded, a bit worried about the late night call.

“Oh yeah of course, just wanted to check in and see how the victory celebrations were going!” he insisted and I sighed heavily.

“Well, uh, hmm,” I cleared my throat, not sure how to explain to him exactly what happened. “You know how, well, after we won, Clay and I-“

“You two kissed, yeah everyone in the stands saw too,” he laughed and I blushed, covering my face as a new wave of embarrassment washed over me. Every time I thought about it I got so shy.

“Yeah, well apparently his mom and dad wanted to surprise him for his first game,” I started. There was an air of uneasy silence between us before I sighed and shook my head. “They followed him in the parking lot and confronted him in front of the whole team. We couldn’t really hear anything but some subdued arguing. His mom even slapped him,” I shook my head slowly, still in awe and disbelief.

“Jesus,” my dad sighed heavily.

“And Clay’s been a mess. Crying non-stop. He had to take some fast acting anxiety medication to hold off a panic attack. Every chance he gets to think about it he spirals. And I don’t know what to do,” I mumbled, pacing the hallway slowly.

“There’s not much you can do for him kid. What matters is that you’re there for him. Are there people who still support him? Any family? Friends?” he pressed and I nodded.

“Oh yeah of course. Like almost the whole team, except this one fucking prick,” I sneered and he chuckled. “His roommates too. Like most people he’s around at school are supportive or indifferent. We just don’t know about his family,” I insisted quietly and he cleared his throat.

“Well, keep me posted on what’s happening. Does he still live at home?” he asked and I sighed.

“Not really no. I’m sure he still has some stuff there for when he visits. But he’s currently living in a rented house with his roommates,” I admitted.

“Are his parents paying for that?” he demanded and I froze, my eyes going wide.

“That’s a great question,” I exhaled, glaring at the wall at the end of the hall. “I sure hope not. A part of me thinks he uses money from grants or scholarships to take care of his boarding. I know he has academic and athletic scholarships. I don’t think his family is that wealthy,” I insisted, not entirely positive though.

“Well, whenever he’s comfortable talking about it you should ask him. But I’ll let you go, don’t want to keep you. Go enjoy your time with your team!” he cheered and I smirked.

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Night Out

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He sat on the end of the long bench lining the nightclub’s perimeter wall and inhaled as his mind raced. What am I doing here? He watched a man walk by, sipping a beverage and thought about getting the free drink that came with the cover charge, then decided to wait, afraid he would lose his nerve and leave before the show started. He also knew his seat wouldn’t be available if he gave it up for how quickly the room was filling, so he decided to sit patiently and try to relax.

The upbeat dance music’s volume increased and the atmosphere became more vibrant as customers continued entering. He sat nervously motionless as some started dancing while others filled the benches and seats, then studied the makeshift dance platform in the center of the room and adjusted in his seat. It was the perfect distance. Close enough to have a view but far enough to be somewhat secluded.

He had never seen a naked erection, and from what he read, the dancers would all be naked and have erections. His cock pulsed at the thought and he discreetly pushed it down.

Was he really here? Would what he saw online, really happen here tonight? Did he really pay fifty dollars to watch naked men dance? Would any of them dance close to him?…Put their hard cocks in his face? He swallowed hard after salivating. What would he do?

He calmed. No one would force him to do anything if they came close…but from what he saw online, the dancers not only didn’t mind, they expected to be grabbed and groped? His chest began expanding as his heartbeat increased and he thought about leaving…but couldn’t. He could control himself. He was only there to observe. After all, he was just curious…and his fantasies were…just fantasies.

The motion broke his daydream.

“Mind if I sit here?”

He glanced at the empty space next to him, then swallowed hard. The place was getting crowded. “Not at all.”

He focused straight ahead, embarrassed by the idea the guy knew why he was there. What did he look like? His glance was too quick, and now he was too embarrassed to look. Did the guy have a semi-erection too? Should he say hi? Was this his first time? Did he do this before? He wanted to remain anonymous but he wouldn’t mind meeting someone who made him feel more at ease. So far, he was just glad he didn’t know anyone and no one recognized him.

He examined the walls and ceiling as he waited. No cameras. The last thing he wanted was to find himself on some porn site. Maybe he should leave, just to make sure. Why was he there? He knew he should leave but he couldn’t. He had to see what a hard cock on a hard-body looked like.

“Hello everyone and welcome to the Starlight Lounge’s Wednesday night guy’s only male review.” The MC waved his arms. “Come on everybody. Let me hear your enthusiasm for our wonderful dancers!”

The crowd roared.

“Who’s here for the first time?” The MC raised his arm and he raised his hand demurely as others around the room did the same.

“Let’s hear it for our virgins and don’t hesitate to help our entertainers with the deflowering process!”

The crowd roared.

“This is a private show.” The MC’s voice turned serious. “Please respect others’ privacy because we enforce it. If your phone is seen, you’ll be escorted from the premises. If you need to use it, there’s an enclosed room through that exit door.” The man pointed the mic to a far corner. “Your phone cannot be exposed unless you’re inside that room. If we think you reached for it before entering, you’re gone. No exceptions. What happens here…stays here.”

He looked around. Everyone seems friendly, and the MC’s threat seemed legit.

The music changed and the lights danced. “And now…without further ado…Michelangelo, mersin escort the three-legged stallion!”

The door at the opposite end opened and cheers erupted as an olive-skinned male wearing only a towel, approached the elevated platform and teased the audience as he danced. His stomach muscles rippled as he revealed his bulging thigh muscles.

“And his friend Remington.”

Another muscled performer suddenly appeared on the stage, in an identical towel, and rubbed his hidden erection with it, then exchanged it with the first performer, who rubbed his rigid cock with it.


A third dancer with light brown curly hair and a slimmer muscular build stepped onto the platform, and he felt his heartbeat quicken as he stared. Would they soon be naked? Would Athos soon be naked?

He pressed the front of his jeans as he felt his erection begin to grow. He couldn’t stop staring. And his stares intensified as Athos revealed his thick hard cock, then teased the audience as he stroked it and gyrated.

The men danced and teased, and he sat silently anticipating the next segment of the evening. At least he hoped they did what the porn video showed. He eyed the room as the crowd grew more active, though he couldn’t see past the lighted stage.

A far corner of the room cheered as one of the dancers jumped off the stage. Was it really happening? He wanted to know but he didn’t dare move.

He watched as three new dancers took the stage, and Athos jump down in his direction! The man smiled at him and he realized he was staring with his mouth open. Oh, god! He was coming closer!

“Hi. You like what you see?”

He nodded.

“Mind if I dance in front of you and use you to tease everyone?”

“No.” He shook his head, then inhaled as Athos wrapped his towel around the back of his head, hiding him from the crowd. He gasped. He had never been this close to another man’s erection, and he froze. Then the towel began pulling him toward the impressive cock!

He shut his eyes as the beautiful penis rubbed against his face.

“Go ahead. I won’t tell.”

He let the cock cross his open lips, then felt Athos guide his mouth onto it. Oh, god! He was sucking a stranger’s cock! He wanted to stop and knew he should…but it tasted so good.

He suddenly felt a breeze as the crowd cheered. Oh, god! The towel was gone and he was exposed, with the cock still in his mouth! A wave of embarrassment came over him as he let the delicious cock slip from his lips, and Athos covered his head again, before feeding him more cock. He sucked deeper as his desire grew stronger, then felt the open air again as the crowd cheered.

Oh, god, he was sucking dick for everyone to see! But it was so sexy and he didn’t know if he’d ever get to do it again. He shut his eyes, and savored the delicious cock. No one knew him there, and he’d get over his embarrassment…then have a memory to jerk off to, for the rest of his life.

“Thanks for the fluffing! I hope we can do it again sometime!”

He looked up as Athos pulled out of his mouth, and realized his new friend was moving on. He sighed as he wiped his mouth while avoiding eye contact with those around him.

“That was really sexy. You can continue doing that to me, if you want.”

His heart jumped as the man next to him tapped his upper arm and he glanced at him for the first time.


Another stranger wanted him to suck cock!? He blinked in confusion and quickly thought about leaving, but his experience with Athos was so exhilarating!

He glanced at the man a second time, not knowing how to react, but didn’t make another move, and the man lowered his zipper. mersin escort bayan “…If you want to.”

He wanted to very much. He looked around and noticed all eyes were directed elsewhere, then glanced down at the man’s exposed penis. He placed his hand over it, like he was hiding it then felt its warmth. Why did he want to suck a different cock within minutes of having the first one in his mouth? The thought confused him but the desire was undeniable.

He glanced at the man again, then realized he really didn’t want to know what he looked like. He was far more interested in his cock…and the desire was increasing steadily.

The man adjusted in his seat, then placed a hand on the back of his head and gently guided him down, and his own erection throbbed. Another man wanted him to suck cock and the idea was thrilling!

He moved his hand as the man pressed the back of his head, and his lips instinctively parted as he let the hard cock slip inside his eager mouth. It wasn’t as big as Athos’s, but it was actually more pleasant to suck. It still filled his mouth, but without straining his jaw and the idea he wasn’t on display, soothed his nerves.

“That feels so good.”

The man pulled at his zipper and exposed more cock as he sucked on the delicious tip. Was this why the man was here?…To get his dick sucked? Were both kinds of guys here?

He heard the crowd across the room, cheer…and he swallowed deeper. The man’s cock fit rather nicely in his mouth, and it felt so sexy, orally pleasing a man.

“You’re really good at that.”

He hesitated. The compliment gave him more satisfaction than he expected. He liked the idea he was good at sucking dick and secretly concentrated on his slow ascent and descent over the stranger’s penis.

“Are you going to swallow?”

His heart jumped! Oh god! He hadn’t thought about it! He was only sucking dick for his pleasure and didn’t realize a man might cum because of the pleasure he was giving. He knew it but for some reason, the idea he could make a man reach that point, had never crossed his mind.

“You could finish me with your hand if you want.”

He took his mouth off the cock, then sat up as he eyed the man. He wanted to continue sucking, but the idea of finishing a man with his mouth… he had never… but sucking cock was really fun!

“I never…” He glanced down.

“You’re new at this?”

“Very.” His eyes widened. “Tonight’s the first time I ever…”

“Wow. That is so sexy and I feel privileged. Do you like it?”

He smirked apologetically. “A lot.”

“And you’re really good at it. I mean…it feels really good.”

His heart elated. He was good at it! He felt kind of proud. He was a good blowjob!

“Sorry I’m not as big as…” The guy gestured to the stage.

“Oh, no. I like yours more.” He eyed the cock in his hand

“Really?” The man smiled. “I’m Elliot.”


The man gestured down. “You can do it more if you want.”

He definitely wanted, and glanced at the man before bending over and opening his mouth on the delicious cock. He knew the man’s name and it eased some trepidation, then wondered if the man wanted to become friends.

He lowered his mouth until he felt the tip touch the back of his throat as he pictured meeting him somewhere, then wondered if he’d feel awkward knowing both of them knew he not only sucks dick, but had sucked his dick. Why was the idea kind of pleasing? He sucks cock, and Elliot knew it! He continued orally exploring the hard cock and felt his heart tingle with excitement. He sucks dick! He shut his eyes as he moved his head faster, realizing, he really liked Elliot also knowing his newest escort mersin secret.

“You’re making me close.”

He stopped and stared at the cock as he held it close to his lips. He wanted to…he wanted to keep going, but was afraid. Would the man come hard and make him gag or choke? He really didn’t want that kind of attention.

“Can I just watch you cum in my hand?”

“Sure.” The man moved in rhythm with his hand as he slowly slid it up and down the hard shaft. “You can kiss it after, if you want.”

He inhaled after glancing at his new friend. He never thought of that! Would he? He studied his hand as it stroked the glistening cock. What would it be like, watching another man’s cock, cum in his hand? Did he dare taste it?

“Can we become friends?”

His breathing deepened. “Yes.” He wondered if that meant, he had a cock to suck in the future. He wasn’t sure he felt comfortable with the idea, emotionally…but physically, the idea exhilarated him. He could always opt out of the friendship, but it didn’t hurt to say yes.

The man’s rhythmic motions caught his attention. Was he about to cum? Was he about to make a man cum?

“That feels so good.”

He stared. He couldn’t believe how sexually exciting this felt and kind of wished he had the guts to lean over and live out his most secret fantasy. If only the guy knew he could push his head down. Yeah, he might pretend to balk a little, but secretly, he wanted nothing more.

“I’m close.”

The man bucked as he continued stroking, and he looked down at the glistening penis moving in his grip.

“Squeeze a little harder.”

He stared in amazement as the man’s movements became erratic.

“I’m gonna cum.”

His heart began racing as the man’s movements confirmed his words, and his eyes widened as he continued stroking. Oh, how he was going to jerk off, reliving this! He was making a man cum by blowing him then jerking him off! And he had plans to jerk himself off till exhaustion, as soon as he got home.

“Oh, yes!” The man bucked in his hand, then groaned in pleasure as the first stream of semen spewed from the glistening tip and dripped down his fingers. He stared at the creamy white ooze. He had many a handful of cum, but this sexual thrill came from knowing, this load wasn’t his.

“Oh god, yes!”

He heard Elliot’s muted grunt and watched the next milky white cum stream ooze over the cock and his fingers, then felt how slippery his hand became as the man’s cum spread between his fingers while he continued milking the hard glistening cock.

His mouth watered for how badly he wanted to taste the cum-covered cock as more cum oozed onto his hand. “Your cum is really sexy.”

He motioned his head toward it, and Elliot pressed gently against his back. “Go ahead. Taste it.”

He swallowed hard. Did he dare? He pressed down on the hard shaft as the cum-soaked head swelled, then offered feint resistance as Elliot nudged his head closer. “Please? It would be so sexy.”

He let the hand press the back of his head, but offered enough resistance to appease his guilt as his lips parted. He squeezed his eyes shut as the slippery cock slid past his lips, and Elliot pressed more assertively and moaned in pleasure as he tasted the slippery, semen-covered cock!

“Oh, yes! Oh god, yes!”

Oh, no! He knew the taste, and could taste the man’s cum in his mouth! What was he thinking?! The cock slid deeper as Elliot pushed the back of his head, and he could feel the creamy cum on his tongue and lips! Then he swallowed and felt how smoothly it slid down his throat!

“God, this is sexy! Do you like it?”

He shut his eyes as he felt the thick creamy cum cover his lips and enter his mouth as Elliot pressed his head down, then felt his hidden cock throb for the realization, his deepest fantasy had became reality. He had finally sucked cock and even tasted another man’s cum, and though it would be his greatest secret…he knew he’d relive the erotic moment for the rest of his life.

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Luiz and the Party Boys Pt. 01

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I had met Luiz, a beautiful young Brazilian man, through my girlfriend’s participation in a local LGBT chorus. After a concert one night what started as some subtle flirting ended up with the three of us in a fun tryst with me fucking Luiz in front of Denise and then all three of us together on the bed. It didn’t take too much longer after that for Luiz and I to hook up on our own. We certainly had some torrid fun by ourselves. Our wildest encounter, however, came half a year later when Luiz called me up out of the blue.

“Hey—it’s Luiz. Remember me?”

“Of course! How could I forget? It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. What’s up?”

“I have a couple, uh, friends here and we’d like to meet up with you.”

“Friends? From the choir? Do I know them?”

“No. One is a fellow Brazilian and the other is in town on business from France.”

The conversation continued and Luiz filled me in on their connections. Luiz had slept with Pedro, the Brazilian, on a few occasions in the past but they had never gotten together seriously. Pierre, the Frenchman, had met and hooked up with Pedro the previous weekend at one of the gay dance clubs in town. Since he was in town for a couple more weeks, he wanted to get back together with his new Brazilian hookup. The two of them had a date on Saturday night and went home together and then decided they wanted to try an orgy. That’s when Pedro called Luiz who then called me.

“I’m very touched that you would think of me,” I said somewhat sarcastically. “What led you to invite me to this very select group?”

“You were a fun lay and can fuck like nobody’s business.”

“OK, I’m game for it. After all, I can’t very well deny you with your smooth, beautiful ass.” (My dick was already stirring in my jeans just thinking of Luiz and being balls-deep in his ass.) “When are we all getting together?”

“Well, if you’re free this evening, we can get together then. Pierre has a suite at a hotel downtown so we can meet there. He’s invited us all over at 8pm tonight. I can pick you up if you’d like.”

“I’ll take that offer. What time will you be here?”

“I’ll swing by at 7:30. I want to leave plenty early so I can get a good parking space downtown. I’ll call you when I’m close so you can come downstairs and meet me.”

“You got it. See you then!”

The plans for the evening were all set. I was incredibly honored that Luiz wanted me in on their gangbang. No, it’s not quite a Nobel Prize, but it was a fantastic opportunity to ease some sexual tension. I had split up with Denise since the last time Luiz and I had seen each other so this was a perfect opportunity to release some tension and get some mansex which I had been craving lately.

Just before 7:30 my phone rang and, as expected, it was Luiz. “Hey, babe, I’m a couple blocks over. I’ll be there in just a minute. Be downstairs ready for me.”

“Oh don’t worry,” I replied with a sly grin, “I’ll *definitely* be ready for you… and your friends.”

When he pulled up in front of my apartment I could tell that Luiz had planned for the evening’s events. He was wearing jeans so tight they looked like they had been spray-painted onto his muscular thighs. A simple white t-shirt and leather motorcycle jacket completed his appropriately karaman escort gay ensemble. He was practically dripping with male sexual energy. As soon as I sat down in his passenger seat he leaned over to me and gave me a soft, sensual kiss which instantly reminded me why I had enjoyed his company in the past.

“Hello, stranger,” he cooed after breaking the embrace.

“It’s nice to be here,” was all I could think to say amidst the rush of emotion and arousal.

We chit-chatted about what had been going on since we were last together as Luiz drove us downtown. We parked on the street about a block from the hotel where Pierre was staying and walked over to its imposing lobby.

“We’re a few minutes early but I don’t think Pierre will mind. He’s in room 2404 so we can go directly up there.”

I let Luiz lead me on through the lobby to the elevator, partly so I could enjoy the shape of is denim-clad ass as he swayed along ahead of me. I could imagine impaling that ass on my dick in just a short amount of time. Such lusty thoughts got me even hornier than I already was. When we got in the elevator I pulled Luiz in for another kiss which he returned with great passion. Our hands started roaming over each others’ bodies, including plenty of time over our asses, rubbing and massaging them as if to prepare them for a night of carnal bliss.

When the elevator door opened we walked out onto the 24th floor and started looking for Pierre’s room. We didn’t have to look too far because there was a door further down the hall that was propped slightly open with a sliver of light coming out into the hallway. As we approached we heard what sounded like faint licking and sucking sounds. That was, indeed, 2404, and the door was open for us.

Luiz pushed the door open the rest of the way and we walked in. I was somewhat startled by the first scene I saw: one man laying back on the bed, shirt unbuttoned, cock hard, pants on the floor, with another man, naked, lazily lapping at the hard cock of the first one. I gave Luiz a sly glance and he addressed the two other men, “I see you’ve started without us.”

Without missing a beat, the one laying back getting his dick sucked said, “Mais oui! I could not keep this beautiful young man from… how you say… ‘going down on me?'” His French accent immediately told me that he was Pierre, our host for the evening’s festivities. Luiz jumped a little at that response and ran over to the bed, embracing the naked Brazilian who was currently servicing Pierre. I followed closely behind him and introduced myself.

“Pedro here will attend to our every desire this evening. He is very subservient and enjoys giving pleasure to those around him. Please, feel free to enjoy his body in any way you desire. I am so glad that both of you could join us. We have prepared everything for our mutual pleasure this evening.”

I was beginning to think that this was all some kind of set-up for a joke or, worse, for someone stealing a kidney and leaving me in a bathtub full of ice. Luiz broke away from his embrace with his fellow Brazilian and came over to me giving me a kiss and cupping my crotch with his hand.

“Ooooh… I can tell that *somebody’s* ready for some action.”

With that, karaman escort bayan I pulled slightly away from him, dropped my coat on the floor and began unbuttoning my shirt. I had made an effort to dress up a little for our two foreign visitors but I quickly realized that clothing would not be necessary for the evening. As I removed my shirt Luiz quickly unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. I stepped out of the pants and then led him by the hand over to the huge, fluffy bed where Pierre was already laid out. I kicked off my socks and shoes and laid back right next to Pierre. Luiz took the hint and went to work softly tonguing my raging hard-on. The feel of his rough, wet tongue on the underside of my shaft sent shivers up my spine. Even better, Pierre reached over with a free hand and started caressing one of my nipples.

I started sinking back into the cloud-like hotel bed and the homosexual bliss of one man sucking my dick while another played with my nipples. A few minutes later I noticed that Luiz had stopped sucking on me and he and Pedro were now kissing passionately at the foot of the bed. Watching those two lithe, tanned Brazilians was almost too exciting for me and I needed something to calm myself down. I crawled over a little closer to Pierre and started caressing his chest. Soon Pierre and I were kissing and I got to feel his tongue probing inside of my mouth which was quite a bit of a turn-on just by itself.

Pierre crawled around in front of me and soon we were in a perfect 69 position. Neither of us hesitated as we started sucking each others’ cocks. His was a good solid 6″ with a firm yet yielding head. I took extra care to run my tongue around the head and tease his slit gingerly before devouring the whole thing again. Pierre took a more direct approach to mine, gently running his finger up and down the sensitive underside only to then swallow it in one full stroke inside his warm, velvety mouth. I groaned a little in enjoyment which sent vibrations into Pierre’s cock. I was enjoying myself so much that I took as much of Pierre in my mouth as I possibly could and held him there for a time. I was totally lost in the sensual moment of exchanging oral pleasure with another man. As much as I love a woman sucking my cock, there’s something almost immediate and primal about having a man’s mouth on my member. I kept up my sucking on Pierre in a very relaxed, controlled fashion even though my body was starting to cry out for the sweet release of ejaculation.

While Pierre and I had partnered up in a 69, Luiz and Pedro had found each other in almost the exact same way, only instead of laying on their sides, Pedro was on his back and Luiz hovering over him as they caressed each others’ cocks with their mouths. I stole a glimpse of the homoerotic sight before me as I was making love to Pierre with my mouth.

Pierre pulled off my cock and said, “Friends, we should not expend ourselves quite yet. There is plenty more sex for us this evening. I shall take a brief pause and watch as the three of you pleasure one another.”

I took that as my cue to join Luiz and Pedro. I was super horny by that time and I cock was so hard it almost hurt. I decided that it was time to make my earlier vision of fucking escort karaman Luiz come true. I got off the bed and fished around in my coat pocket until I found one of my condoms and a tube of lube. I rolled the rubber on over my shaft and then squeezed a little lube on it, rubbing it on my shaft to ensure maximum slickness. I then walked over to where Luiz was sixty-nining Pedro and slowly started tracing the tip of my finger around his asshole. He whimpered in delight at the attention I was giving his ass. I dripped a little lube on his crack and then continued to rub it around. Gradually I began pressing my finger into his asshole. His little light brown starfish slowly yielded to my finger. I began gently pressing into his boypussy, adding a little more pressure each time. His groans of approval as I continued my pressure on his back door gave me all the indication I needed that he was enjoying himself. Once I had one finger inside I began to twist it around which elicited more groans of approval. I could tell that Luiz was having a fantastic time as I prepared him for my anal invasion.

I pulled my hand out, leaned down closer to him, and said, “Baby, are you ready? My dick is ready for you.” He pulled off Pedro’s cock for just a moment and said, “God, I’m so ready for you! Please give me some of that man loving!”

That was all I needed to hear. The next thing I knew I was pulling my finger out and pressing the tip of my cock into his willing, wanton ass. Unbeknownst to me, Pierre had gotten off the bed and walked around to my right side. As I grabbed my dick to guide it into Luiz’s ass, Pierre put his arm around me and guided my hand and together we pressed my dick into Luiz. It was an amazing, incredible, sensual act for two men to do to another. Luiz immediately groaned in appreciation of having my dick lovingly pressed into him. He accepted my cock with the glee of a cheerleader on prom night discovering sex for the first time.

I pressed all the way into Luiz until I was balls deep in his beautiful ass. Pierre had moved just behind me and was caressing me with his free hands. I could feel his hard cock on my right leg as he laid his head on my shoulder and encouraged my act of male loving with a series of soft kisses on my neck and shoulder. I don’t know that I had ever been so lost in a sea of male sensuality while I was fucking someone before. I started slowly pulling back out of Luiz so that he would get a full, luxurious fucking from me. With every stroke back I pressed further into Pierre. I felt his hot cock radiating energy into my leg. The excitement of the close contact and that moment drove me to start fucking Luiz faster as Pierre was rubbing and caressing me. The lovemaking continued as I was almost completely lost in the ecstasy of the moment. Within just a few minutes I was ready to blow my load. I told Luiz to prepare for my jet of cum deep within him and Pierre whispered in my ear, “Come for me, my darling American stud.” That was all I needed to start the torrent of spasms which pumped my man seed deep into Luiz’s ass. As the last spasm subsided in my dick I pulled out and stumbled over to the bed on my right so I could collapse in post-intercourse bliss.

Needless to say, as soon as my orgasm began, Luiz’s also started and he shot his load deep into Pedro’s ready mouth. Pierre laid down behind me on the bed and softly rubbed my ass and caressed my asshole. His gentle touch felt amazing as I came down from my post-orgasmic high. I could tell that this was only the beginning of an amazing, indulgent night!

Continued in Part 2.

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Bonds Unbroken Ch. 06

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My muscles were tight and I took a moment to do a quick Jintue breathing exercise to calm myself. I had to be ready for anything on the other side of the door; I glanced back at Natham. From my distance of a few steps up we were almost face level. I looked into his dark eyes, so full of pain, his full lips pulled tight and flat. As screwed up as this situation was, all I wanted was to be close to him. My fury rose hot and fierce when I saw blood dripping from his back to the floor. I would kill them all for him if I had to, in order to make him safe with me.

I turned back to the door. It was hard to turn the handle of the door with my talons stiff and ready but I managed. The door swung on its hinges outward and I shoved it open sharply in case someone was hiding behind it. I rushed through the room and quickly spun in a circle looking for anyone coming for me from behind.

I was in a large room, narrow but long. The floor was still concrete but the walls were metal and I could just barely see in the dim light that filtered through the grimy windows set high up in the walls. There were large circular scars on the floor, white rings in regular patterns running up and down each long side of the hall. Large boxes were set here and there and there were a lot of vehicles parked inside.

I could clearly see the van that the Carthera who abducted us used as well as several trucks, SUV’s and a very fancy sports car. I could see a large roll up door in the far side of the wall with a smaller opening beside it. That had to lead outside. I felt a moment’s relief. Escaping was turning out far easier than I thought it would be.

I turned to go back to Natham and saw his eyes widen as he looked over my shoulder. I instantly dropped to the floor. I heard a whirr and a thunk. Pushing up with an arm, I looked up at the wood door jamb and saw a circular blade buried deep in the tan trim. I quickly rolled onto my back and sprang to my feet. I could see several men coming for me. Quickly scanning each one I revised that.

One large man, obviously a cop since he was still in uniform, was coming for me along with four Carthera.

“Stay there Natham,” I said urgently. He’d had a hard time making it up the stairs. Fighting was beyond him.

“Don’t give me that shit. If you are taken they’ll capture me again too. How many?” he asked.

A momentary pride in my mate’s fierce nature didn’t distract me from the approach of our attackers. Still…

“We have a bit of a roadblock. Don’t worry; I’ll take care of it.” I missed my weapons; I hadn’t armed with more than a knife before heading to the mall and they had taken even that from me. Pulling the circular blade out of the wall, I ignored the stinging cut I got on my palm. I didn’t wait for them to circle me as I launched myself in the air. The effort of pulling my shackles off the ceiling made itself felt in my sore muscles but after having been bound I relished the freedom I had in the air.

I hovered near the ceiling about thirty feet off the ground. Small movements of my wings made my body a constantly moving target as I studied my opponents. Which one had thrown the blade?

The brief pause to assess each other ended as human fired at me and I dropped toward him, dodging the bullet. I could not see the other Carthera holding guns so I needed to take him out first. I tucked my wings in close to my body, darting at the stocky cop as I dropped from the height of the tall ceiling. He frantically tried to sight on me, moving his gun jerkily.

I easily dodged the next few shots he took and then snapped my wings out, flying in the gap between the human and the Carthera a few feet from him. Twisting my body, I swiftly reached out and drew razor sharp talons across his neck. Red bloomed beneath my claws and his eyes widened. He dropped his gun as he fell choking to the ground, his eyes still wide in disbelief.

I felt a deep pain in my lower back as I flew higher and away from the attacking Carthera. I cried out as the strong movements made the pain grow worse. Reaching back I felt the handle of a knife. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to fight or fly long with it in my back so with a grimace I pulled it out and my wings faltered at the searing pain, and I plummeted a few feet before I managed to catch myself on a beam running along the ceiling.

I felt warm trails begin to roll down my back and with a fierce shriek; I drove the pain from my mind by diving right for the Carthera who had targeted me. He was a Hyena; his clan easy to tell from the short stature, broad shoulders, and wide sloping forehead with a jutting jaw. They were cunning creatures in certain situations but easy to confuse in the midst of battle. They tended to be followers rather than leaders.

The hyena’s mistake was to look to his leader rather than at me. I was loathe to give up the knife now that I had one so I threw the star blade like a frisbee, the deadly edges twirling around and around. My aim was true and a red line giresun escort appeared across his throat before his eyes widened and he felt the cut. He had time to bring up one hand to the wound before he fell to the ground. I hoped that the wound was deep enough to keep him from recovering before his heart or lungs gave out but I still had three more Carthera after me.

I was pleased that none were bird clans so the advantage was in my favor but I was not assured victory. They had more weapons and I was weakened from hanging in the chains and fighting off the pain and despair my mate had been broadcasting.

I saw one move toward the doorway where Natham waited on the other side and I instantly flew at him, my body an arrow of deadly wrath. I used my talons this time to tear deep gashes in his flesh, aiming for his belly and throat as I drove him from the one path to my mate. I hovered over the doorway, now facing the two hale Carthera and one wounded, angry beast.

They couldn’t move forward without me attacking them and three were not quite enough to overpower me while I still had the air. A full grown Carthera with mature wings would be able to stay in the air indefinitely. My wings were lightweight and immature and based on my energy levels now I would not be able to hold them off for long. I vowed not to let them know that. I would not fail.

They were creeping closer when my entire plan changed.

“Stop right there!” The voice came from behind me where I’d left Natham on the stairs. A chill shot up my spine as I recognized it. I had last heard that deep rumbling voice as it snapped orders at Trest. I half-turned to look quickly; I didn’t want to take my attention off the Carthera still facing me for very long.

“Come down,” he shouted.

I was frozen, my attention no longer on those behind me but focused solely on Natham where he stood in front of his father. His naked body was still bleeding and his left arm was wrenched up behind his back in a position that had to be painful. His expression was blank, his muscles slack, but his eyes were worst of all. Once again my promise had been proven false; he’d been captured by his father. The pain, mental and physical, must have been too much.

Worse than the fear, worse than anger and fury, was the look of total apathy. Bad things were going to happen again, things he couldn’t stop, and in order to protect some small vestige of himself he had given up again.

I was instantly angry with him and then felt sick and guilty for that anger. I was risking everything to save us and he kept giving up on me; giving up on us. Even if I died it would be fighting to revenge my father and my mate. If my mate didn’t feel that I was worth the same I had nothing left. I desperately wanted to feel him along our bond but he had shut it down and I could not focus long enough to force it open.

“I said come down, now!” roared the leopard. “If you don’t, I will break his arm!”

He pulled up on Natham’s arm until my mate was on his tiptoes and crying out from pain. The tears coursing down Natham’s cheeks broke the last ounce of my self-control. I shrieked my fury and attacked. Diving straight at them, I clawed at the jaguar’s face. He hissed at the men who tried to interfere and they moved back. That gave me enough time to wheel around and dive for him again. This time, I managed to rake my talons in two deep scores from his forehead to his chin.

My shriek of triumph echoed from the corners of the warehouse as I hovered about Natham’s father.

“You’re going to die!” I shrieked.

To protect his eyes he had dropped Natham’s arm and then pushed him away. He crouched and then sprang at me, his muscles working in ways I had never seen and was unprepared for. He grabbed me around my knees and dug in his claws. I fought to stay in the air, my wings beating harder than ever before but I couldn’t support his weight as he shredded my thighs. I was unable to stop us as we fell together to the hard concrete floor.

I screamed in pain as I hit the ground first and felt the delicate bones along the top of my wings snap under the weight of his heavy body. The agony blinded me as they lay twisted beneath my body.

The leopard laughed cruelly. He jerked his claws out of my legs and knelt on top of me. He pressed down on my shoulders, grinding my wings into the concrete. My screamed echoed louder than my shriek from before as I writhed in agony. I was unable to fight back; the pain was so great I was close to passing out. I couldn’t breathe, much less think. The feel of claws tracing a burning path from my neck to my waist barely even registered but the sick gloating voice hissing in my ear pierced the fog.

“You made me bleed youngling. Not even your father managed that much before I gave him to my men and then had him killed by your own mate. Now I’m going to make you pay for that. I’m going to really enjoy making you pay for that.” He bit my ear, the blood giresun escort bayan mixing with his dripping onto my shoulder. He lapped it up eagerly.

I whimpered.

His claws dug into my jeans over my crotch, pricking my skin before he twisted and ripped the fabric. I felt his hand on me and the cold air of the warehouse hitting my exposed flesh. I choked and bucked my hips, trying to struggle, ignoring even with the pain in my wings. He leaned down, his mouth opening and his inch long fangs shined in the light. I tried to push him away, my arms shoving ineffectually against his chest.

He casually backhanded me and my head rocked to the side. I lay stunned, unable to move as he bit into my chest right below my nipple. I felt his teeth sink in as he yanked with his hand still buried in the cloth of my jeans. I screamed in pain and fear as I felt his claws dig into the flesh of my lower stomach just as he took a bite of me.

He leaned up, chewed noisily and then spoke in a throaty whisper, like a lover in my ear, “Mmm, you taste like fear and sweet young meat. I wonder if you will taste as good down here.” He gave a throaty chuckle, as if the thought turned him on as his tapped along the length of my limp penis.

In horror, my screams filled the empty building as I felt his claws begin to caress my flesh exposed by the gaping rip in my pants. They began to dig in; denting my skin until with small inaudible pops the razor sharp points of his claws pierced me and began to curl in. I shook and I screamed, no longer even fighting as I was completely broken in horror and fear.

Suddenly his weight was torn off my body. Consumed by my terror, I could do nothing but curl onto my side and roll into a ball. I didn’t hear the breaking glass and screaming metal or the furious sounds of battle raging all around me. I was locked in the broken parts of my mind, the fear that I was going to be eaten; starting with those most vulnerable bits of my body had been enough to damage my mind and erase all thoughts of fighting back.

I shuddered over and over. Trying to protect my vulnerable spots, I tucked my knees up and grabbed them. I could hear hoarse cries in the room but ignored them, keeping my eyes closed tight. I didn’t want to see them coming to eat me bite by bite. I jerked away from the hands that reached for my shoulders, shoving myself back. I cried out as I hit the wall but it was safety from one side. I curled back up and locked my arms around my knees.

“No… No… No…,” I squeezed myself tighter.

“Don’t touch him!” I heard a voice growl. ‘He’s mine.”

I moaned in fear.

“Velaku,” the voice said softly from in front of me, “It’s me, Natham. Please look at me.”

I shook my head. It was a trick. Natham had given up on me; he had left me to face the monster.

“I’m sorry,” the voice sobbed, “I didn’t mean to leave you alone.” I felt a hand softly touch my face and stroke my cheek. “Please look at me, please. I won’t leave you again, I swear. Don’t you give up either.”

I was confused by the touch that didn’t hurt. I wanted to believe that it was Natham and he was protecting me but I couldn’t risk this being a trick of the leopard, just another one of his sick tortures. I was silent, refusing to answer.

“Just a trick,” I muttered.

I jerked my arm away from the hand trying to pull it away from my knees, tucking my face down farther. A loud noise and a scream made me hyperventilate, my breath coming in short, sharp gasps as I panicked again.

“This is not a trick. It’s me, really it’s me.” I was tight up to the wall; I couldn’t pull away as I felt strong warm arms close around me and hug me tight.

It hurt but not like before.

One hand began to stroke my hair away from my face. I took a deep breath as I caught the scent of the man holding me. The smell was right. The feel of the body was right. I rubbed my face into the warm chest in front of me, strong muscles covered in soft skin.

I remembered that feeling from our times spent snuggled in my bed with my mate.

I shuddered. “Natham?” I whispered.

“Yes, love, I’m here. You’re going to be okay.” I was squeezed into an even tighter embrace.

I whimpered at the pain. “Hurts. I… I can’t…” I shuddered again and again and my breath began to speed up again. My body was locked into a reaction I couldn’t seem to control even as my mind raced.

“Shhh,” he whispered, “just hush. Breathe, its okay now. You’re okay now.”

I shook my head, too hurt and scared to believe I was safe.

“I’m here, we’re safe. Look at me, Velaku. Look at me and you’ll know it’s me.”

I gathered what was left of my courage, the tattered shreds just enough and opened my eyes. I knew I needed to see him before I would believe. In the back of my mind this could somehow still all be a trick. I tried to roll off my side to look up at the face of the man holding me; the man I hoped was my escort giresun mate. I screamed and writhed in blinding pain when my weight landed on my broken wings before the darkness fell over me as I passed out.


I woke up lying on my stomach. I could feel pain radiating from my wings and back and I tried to stay motionless until I figured out where I was. A pillow was cushioning my head from the mattress and it felt like a soft sheet was pulled up to my waist.

The only scents I could smell were mine and Natham’s. It felt like my bed at home but the last thing I remembered was being on the cold concrete floor of the warehouse with Carthera surrounding me. I wasn’t sure if I could trust my senses. I wasn’t sure if I could trust anything like I once had.

“Velaku?” a voice whispered in my ear, pushing my hair back from my eyes. I flinched away.

“Can you open your eyes and look at me? We’re safe. You’re hurt, but not too bad. Just don’t move until the doctor can get here.”

I shook a little.

I pulled in a deep breath.

I could smell his warm scent just inches away, a bit of the musky scent of a cat and the comforting scent of my mate. I could still smell a hint of blood but not the heavy blanketing scent from before.

He spoke again, “Trust me.”

I squinted my eyes shut tight and drew in a big breath. As I let it out, I opened my eyes to look into deep brown pools so dark they looked black overshadowed by strong eyebrows drawn down in worry. “There you are,” he said, relieved. His full lips curved up in a smile.

“I was somewhere else?” I said hoarsely. My throat was sore and I couldn’t speak above a whisper. I touched it and then grimaced as I tried to swallow.

“Here, have a sip.” Natham held out a cup of water with a straw. I lifted my head and took a few small sips of the lukewarm water, wincing as muscles pulled in my back as I moved. “Is that better?” he asked.

I whimpered as I finally swallowed. My throat felt raw. “What happened to my throat?” I asked.

“You… you’ve had some nightmares since we were rescued. You kept screaming.” He looked distressed and tears glistened in his eyes. I put my hand on his cheek, shuddering as I felt his warm flesh and knew he was really with me and alive.

I remembered my dreams; just as I always had. Images of him being tortured, being eaten before my eyes even as I was slowly devoured bite by bite; watching as he was tortured by the sadistic Snake with whips and canes. Seeing his violation and experiencing mine over and over. They flashed through my mind again and I shuddered. With images like that in my head, I wasn’t surprised I was screaming though I resented the fact it didn’t wake me from the nightmares as it usually did.

Tears began to spill down my cheeks and I sniffled.”I’m sorry.”

He pulled me gently toward him and cradled my head in his neck, just under his chin. “Shhh, don’t be sorry, love. Don’t be sorry.” I could feel the deep breaths he took and the hot tears that fell to mingle with mine as we cried together. We cried in guilt, in sorrow, and in relief.

Somehow we had come out of this together. I could feel his breath easing out and his body going lax just as my eyes closed and I fell asleep with his arms still cradling me.


We slept for an unknown length of time, the darkness of my room competed with the darkness in my dreams as my eyes snapped open. The sound of my door opening and a male voice startled me from the ever present nightmares. I was instantly awake and reacting to what I felt like a threat.

But instead of attacking, I shrieked and attempted to fly backward off the bed. My instinct was to put the wall to my back and hide.

“What? What is it?” Natham said in alarm. His voice was thick with sleep.

My shriek coupled with my sudden lunge away from him had woken Natham. He looked around to see what had scared me, his cat eyes shining a yellow green in the darkness. I let out a strangled sound as my wings shifted against my back as I half jumped and half fell off the bed.

“Oh gods,” I gasped. I hadn’t felt the cuts in my legs earlier but I could now. It felt like blood was dripping down my thighs.

“Velaku!” my mother cried.

I didn’t look up when the light was flicked on. The lamps on the nightstands would cast enough light to see by, shining off the polished stone walls of my room. I hid my face against the bed; in pain and too afraid to move. I wept silent tears, my shoulders trembling. I’d been dreaming of my father. I had a nightmare and he was sitting in my room, comforting me as I huddled into his warm strength. Then he was ripped away by a sadistic man with a mocking laugh.

I knew I was awake but I missed my father’s comfort fiercely and without his strength I huddled on the floor like a small fledgling, unable to overcome the tremors I still shook with.

I felt hands on me and I jerked away, shoving against the corner between the nightstand and the wall. I whimpered at the pain but didn’t move. I stared at the people in the room wide eyed, tears still hanging on my eyelashes. Natham was crouched on the edge of the bed, Dr. Pannar was standing by the door and my mother was on her knees on the blue and white rug she’d made me that looked like the sky.

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Latino Surfers

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


(All characters are over 18)

Summary: Married man shows his gratitude towards two hot latinos who saved him from drowning.

Note: Thank you to Annie (1moeannie) who worked some miracles in editing this story.

Latino Surfers

I don’t know why I feel the urge to write what happened to me during that journey, perhaps I just want to relive it as vividly as I can imagine. The experience forever changed me. On the outside I am still the same, a father. A husband. My son is getting married now. He doesn’t know, my wife doesn’t know, that I’ve become someone completely different.

I must write it down.

I almost died.

We were traveling through the northern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, on our way to the city.

Me, my wife Bianca, and my sisters, Dora and Donna, were traveling down the coast, visiting all the beaches in that beautiful country. I was 39 years old, Bianca was 35, but in Brazil, we were younger than ever.

I thought it was incredible how those beaches seemed so much calmer than the beaches back home. I always considered myself very careful when dealing with the sea, I respected its dangers at all times. `

The event happened at a quiet beach, which was guarded by a town that could barely hold that description, basically a small group of homes. — The place had its secrets, as I was to discover later. “Careful with the back currents,” my sister Donna, the only one who could speak Portuguese, translated for us. The woman who had warned us was a local, she carried a toddler, and was walking away from the beach.

None of us knew what said currents actually were, but we thought we would be fine, as long as we didn’t go too far away from the shoreline.

When we got there, we sat on the beach and made our little space comfortable. I decided to go into the water, and enjoy the beautiful blue waves. I loved the sea.

There weren’t many people on the beach, and in the water, fewer still.

I could see two surfers, so far away, that my eyes could barely distinguish them from the water.

I liked the peaceful energy of that quiet beach.

I had the warning of ‘back current’ in mind, and walked around a bit, to look for a safe area to relax in the water… I should have known there was no such a thing where the sea is concerned.

I found a pool of water where no waves were breaking. Nothing seemed to bother that place. It seemed really safe. I walked into the water slowly, not too far, I went deep enough to float, then closing my eyes I relaxed. I let myself float.

My inattention to the danger worked against me in that moment, as well as the apparent calmness of the sea.

With my eyes closed, I was being carried away so fast by the treacherous current, all the while having the sensation of being perfectly still. When Bianca screamed my name behind me, I could barely hear her.

The moment I opened my eyes, turned back, and realized both that I was too far from the shore and my feet could not touch the sand below, I panicked. The sea seemed to have turned cruel in that moment of realization, where before the water seemed to be gentle waves. I don’t quite remember all the emotions.

I started to swim back as fast as I could, pouring out all my energy.

The image of Bianca, so tiny, waving her arms at me, looking worried, was so frightening that I felt dead already, drowning. How could I have been so stupid?

My strength had been worthless. I was fighting the current, and few people win that fight. I was moving farther away from the shore. Just then I realized I was also naked.

In my frantic, crazed attempt to swim back, I somehow let my bathing shorts go. They were gone, and I wasn’t wearing underwear, so I thought I was not only about to die, but to die pathetically.

All the fears of being in the ocean by myself resurfaced, hitting me hard. I imagined all sorts of monsters ready to drag me down, all the while, trying to swim back, trying to fight the real monster, the current.

I was certain I was going to drown.

In that moment of utter powerlessness, I heard a voice.

“Hey” Bruno screamed, very close to me. I didn’t know his name at the time. He told me later. “Hey!” He yelled again, then spoke a bunch of nonsense in Portuguese.

I saw another surfer mount his surfboard, and look at me worriedly. Both were staying at a safe distance, watching me, saying stuff that I couldn’t understand.

“Help me!” I screamed, trying for the almost universal English.

Bruno, a brown—eyed, curly—haired youth, used his arms to make a soothing motion. His skin was deeply tanned from surfing below the scorching South-American sun.

“Be calm” he said in English.

Then he opened his arms wide, “Be calm. Float. We will help.” He spoke well, though his accent was heavy.

The other surfer’s name was Kaique. He didn’t speak a single English word, or Italian. Kaique’s dark skin was more a gift from birth than the sun, a mixture of black and white, but he had the most gleaming green eyes, ığdır escort bayan they put my blue eyes to shame. Even though they looked young, their shoulders were wider than mine, the muscles more defined, lean, lithe bodies, probably from constantly surfing .

I was so filled with gratitude for not being alone that it was easy to obey these strangers, to be calm, to float, just like he told me. From the way they behaved on their boards, and from their fearless expressions, I believed I was looking up at two masters of the sea.

I nodded to what Bruno was saying, and nodded to his friend, who could only speak Portuguese, as well, because I knew they were wary of me. I knew that those who were drowning might try to carry others with them. They needed to know I was safe to approach.

Once I was calmer, they paddled in my direction. They were bare—chested, Bruno wearing crimson shorts, and Kaique, a black tight speedo. The Brazilian way.

Bruno pointed to his surfboard. “Mount it”

Then he slid off the board. I grabbed the board, and felt instant relief from my tired arm muscles. I started to breathe, actually breathe, since the whole insanity started. Bruno swam until he was next to me, and grabbed his board like I was doing. It’s going to be okay.

“Thank you.” I was trying hard not to cry. I didn’t want to shame myself, to show how weak I had been when I thought I was going to die, but most of all, I didn’t want to feel ridiculous in front of my saviors.

Kaique said something, what they said in Portuguese will forever be a mystery to me. They had a short conversation but I couldn’t guess about what. Bruno turned to me at last.

“The water will take us back, or we swim in that direction,” Bruno said, when he turned to me again. I looked to where he was pointing, and it was parallel to the shore. “No worries. I promise.”

“Take us back? Are you sure?” I asked, uncertain. I thought they were going to swim on the boards and carry me somehow. The water seemed to be taking us ever farther away.

“Yes.” Then he started to make circling motions with his fingers. — “It pulls you, then it returns. We use it all the time to catch waves. It’s more dangerous when you don’t know. You panic. Get tired. Try to swim against the current. Lose your shorts” He was smiling.

I could only lower my head and avoid eye contact. Each example he gave made me realize how much of a fool I had been, but when he talked about the shorts, I must have full blown blushed. I was humbled by two young men, who were also my heroes. I wasn’t the kind of man to bow down and blush for other guys. But in this situation, I could only smile back.

“Thank you so much. Thank you. I owe you my life.”

The other surfer was looking very tranquil on top of his board. His hair crisp and short, but just then I had a very advantageous view of the sun making his green eyes almost shine.

“Get on top, if you want. I will stay down.”

“I can’t. I lost my shorts. I’m naked.”

“I know,” Bruno said. “You were pretty wild on those waves. We saw you trying to cut them. It’s okay, you don’t have to be ashamed, your life was in danger.”

“My wife must be worried sick.”

“Is she there on the beach?”

I nodded.

He wasn’t laughing or ridiculing me.

I was so thankful for that.

“You look nervous. And it’s not that cold to make your lips tremble like that. Just get on the board, it’ll help you feel safe.”

I knew they were right, but I didn’t enjoy the prospect of being even more vulnerable towards these guys.

“I think I’m okay” I said.

“You’re ashamed.”

“No. I just…”

“It’s okay. But we’re far away. Nobody will see you. And when we are in calmer waters, I will give you my shorts.”


Before he could answer, we were lifted up high by a huge wave. I held on to the board, but I lost Bruno. Kaique was paddling towards me, and when he saw my panicked face, he said something in Portuguese in a reassuring voice.

“But I lost him!” I said.

“I’m here,” Bruno said in a thick accent. He was smiling. “I was just diving. You are ashamed. I wanted to see why. I saw nothing. No big deal. Just a tiny pink cock. No need to be ashamed anymore, Gringo.”

Even throughout the whole humiliating part, I knew what he was trying to do. Make me comfortable. I laughed with him, and was glad to have him by my side again. Our hips touched. Our arms were connected. I held on tight to the board. When I felt my cock grow stiff below the water, I attributed to the whole excitement of the situation. It had nothing to do with feeling another man’s touch.

“I’m not ashamed,” I said finally.

It got worse when the Brazilians exchanged jests that made both laugh, while I was left out.

I interestingly had no objections to being laughed at by those two, because I believed I deserved it and knew that they only wanted me to feel safe, at ease. I was even more thankful for that. Again, I was very humbled in that moment. ığdır escort bayan It could be compared to when my father captured me in his arms when I almost fell off a very high set of stairs. To compare these youths to my father was a bit dramatic, maybe, but it was how I felt.

Another wave lifted us very high.

Bruno held me by my thigh as the wave pulled us upwards, and the cold feeling left my churning insides only after we were down again. It was hard to admit that Bruno’s embrace had made the fear less considerable. So I let him hold me, and also endured his knowing smile. My cock was hard as a rock.

“Thank you so much,” I said again. Bruno brushed his fingers against me, pulling me closer, making me feel even safer. At this point, we had exchanged names.

I couldn’t very well hide the hard cock between my legs. But I wasn’t worried. It was very understandable that I was feeling so excited at that moment, my blood pumping everywhere, and like Bruno noticed, making my lips tremble.

Any other reason why I would be hard was unthinkable.

Bruno was probably hard too, and that was okay. He was saving me, he was a hero. His cock could throb all it wanted.

I never needed that kind of safety from another man apart from dad, it was all new to me. I could only deal with it with subservience and acquiescence.

“Hold me with one arm,” the Brazilian surfer said. “I think it will be easier for both us to hold on to the board, if we’re closer.”

“Yeah? Yeah, you’re right, okay.”

I embraced Bruno with one arm.

I tried to think about my wife. She must be really worried. She will be so relieved when I show up, and I will tell her all about these nice young men who saved me from peril. I’ll probably leave out that I was so close to him, though, and rubbing my leg on his, while he held me with a firm grip, and I also touched his very smooth skin. Those would be secrets.

Bruno turned toward to me and I did the same as we held onto the board. Our faces were very close to each other. And then I felt it. I knew instantly what it was. His cock was on top of mine, hard, it was sparring with mine… with the movement of the ocean, it seemed like we were jousting with our big swords.

Bruno didn’t say a word. Neither did I.

This was obviously something to make me feel safer. And it was working, so Bruno must have known. Again, he looked so fearless, that it was stupid to attribute anything else towards his heroic behaviors.

So I let him lurch his cock against mine, taking me out more and more from a mindset of a guy in danger. I smiled at him.

“Thanks man. Thank you.”

“Just relax.”


“Talk to me. So you’re married? How long?”

“Yeah—yeah, hmm,” it was hard to say anything with our cocks jousting, but I forced myself to. “Her name is Bianca. My sisters are here too. She’s, we’ve been together for 20 years, married for 15.”

“Wow! How old are you?”


“You look younger than that,” he said, choosing that moment to move his cock. His face was so close, I could feel the warmth of his breath.

“Ha. Thanks. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So… Any kids?”

“Yes. A son. He is about to get married.”

“You must be proud.”

“Very much.” I looked at him, and just let the words out. “Because of you, I’ll be able to attend the wedding too.”

Then my cock gave a lurch, involuntarily, it was the first time I actively participated in a jousting match. Bruno pressed himself more against me, noticing a difference. After that, it was both of us making our cocks rub each other, and it felt good.

And it was all just because he wanted me to feel safer. A very good young man. Bruno let out a sound that was clearly a moan, after I made my cock brush his balls.

I was thankful that it was all below the water, because if my wife was able to see anything, she would probably misinterpret. The other surfer was right there, but if Bruno was okay with that, then I was supposed to be too. Right?

“You think your small pink cock is going to win this battle, huh?” Bruno said, obviously jesting.

“You saved my life, I’ll let you win.”

He thought that was pretty funny. I laughed too.

“Are you feeling better?” Bruno asked.

There. I knew it was all to help me feel better. I nodded.

“Very much. Thank you, man.”

His hand on my thigh moved to my back, and he pulled me even closer, so that we were embracing. Our other arms were holding the board , our cocks smashed between our bodies. I hesitantly put my face next to his, brushing my beard on his smooth cheek. We held on for a few minutes, in silence. I could actually feel his heartbeat. I felt much safer now. I couldn’t even remember in his embrace, that I had ever felt any danger at all. The proven effectiveness of his methods tranquilized my mind about everything that could be interpreted wrong.

“Gringo,” he whispered in my ear. “Let me break you.”


Bruno escort ığdır didn’t say anything else, so I assumed I must have misheard.

We separated after a while, holding on to the board as if nothing had happened.

Because nothing had happened. I began to wish my cock would soften already. All these young men were doing was help me, and here I was, being all weird. My cock remained hard, as hard as wood, as hard as rock.

I avoided eye contact with Kaique, because he was watching me with a smile on his lips. But whenever our eyes met, I smiled back, only because I felt compelled to be nice to the men who saved my life.

Again I thought about my wife, and how good it would be to hug her and kiss her and be a husband…

My cock had to grow smaller first, though. Or she would think it weird, even if there was nothing weird about it.

“You look worried,” Bruno said.

“Uh, no. I’m good.” I smiled, to prove to him I was good. Then, once again I couldn’t stop myself. “Because of you.”

“Listen. Do you want to make me happy?”

“Sure…” I said, a bit hesitant.

“Then mount it. Mount my board. You can leave it when we get closer to the shore again. We’re already under way. Look.”

He was right. The current was taking us laterally now. He also was right about the board. I should mount it, I would feel better, and I should obey his wishes. He had done everything in his power to help me.

I mostly didn’t need protection anymore, but I did owe him something… not obedience… just trust. I was 39 year old man, married, and a father. I didn’t ‘obey’ anyone. But I did listen to reason and to people I trusted. Who else should I trust, if not the young man who saved my life?

Bruno gave a friendly squeeze on my ass.

“Go on, Gringo. Mount me.”

“Yeah,” — I thought about what he said, and how he said it. Mount me. “Alright.”

“Good man. Good Gringo.”

At his approval, my insides lurched. I wasn’t doing anything for his approval and certainly didn’t need it. But it felt good all the same.

It was all about the situation I was in. And I wanted to give back somehow.

“Come on. Do it for me.”

“Alright…” I said, with a smile, although the way he spoke as if to a child did bother me. However, I let it pass. This time.

Right before I mounted Bruno’s board, I thought about my wife worrying about me, and felt a deep hot burning on my cheeks. I had to smile at my own silliness. Bianca was not here. There was no reason for her to worry about my showing my ass to these strangers. It just had to be done because I already said I would.

And I did it. I lurched up and slid a leg over to the other side of the board, spreading myself. I lowered myself forward, afraid to fall but Bruno helped me stabilize, his hands held my leg firmly, saying words of encouragement, comforting words, telling me that I had successfully mounted his board.

“Now I’m gonna climb on behind you,” he said, next to my face. He was holding with one hand, however Kaique came to my side, and even rubbed my back, giving me silent comfort.

“That would be good.” Although my bare ass was upturned, and a fine cool mist was brushing my exposed hole.

“Good Gringo.”

I sat up, and in a second, Bruno was right behind me. I realized two things. First, that my cock was still hard and upturned, clearly visible to Kaique; second, Bruno still had his cock out, because he was close in behind me, a space that fit my thigh perfectly between his legs; his hard cock was warm against my back.

“There you go,” he said. His lips were close to my ear. He seemed to be smiling. “That feels better, right?”

I looked around and nodded.

“They can’t see very well from here. Relax. But even so. All you’re doing is getting help, right?”

“Exactly. Thank you.”

Bruno placed a hand on my belly. I trembled with the feeling, laughing. Shit, I was acting so foolish. Fortunately, Bruno laughed as well.

“Is this okay? For me to touch you here?”

“Uh. Sure.”

“I’m keeping you safe.”

“I know. I know.”

“Say thank you again.”

I made a scornful sound, but then said, very formally:

“Thank you, Bruno.”

“For what?”

“Saving my life.”

His hands rubbed my belly, I squirmed, sliding closer to him. Then he grabbed my cock and stroked me. I didn’t know how to react. His grip on me was so strong that I instantly moaned with the painful pleasure. Holy shit. My wife had never grabbed my cock in that forceful manner. Shit.

“Relax,” he said. “Relax. All for your own good.”

“I know, I know. Thank you.”

I would just not tell my wife this part of the story. All would be well. She wouldn’t understand, even if it didn’t mean anything.

Bianca was pushed aside. It was crazy how little it took for Bruno to do that: a small bite on the shoulder, his exposed cock rubbing my back, a massage on my balls… It could not be misinterpreted as anything other than seduction.

But it still was for my own good. I still needed a little bit of calming down. It was all because of that. I knew it was.

“Can you lift your ass a bit?”


“Just a bit?’

“Alright.” — I didn’t know why, but I did it anyway. Except, I was surprised when I felt a finger there, nudging my tight hole.

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Blowing Straight Buddies

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It wasn’t as if he has never seen his buddy’s dicks before. They’d been friends for almost 20 years. They’d grown up together, showered together, gone skinny dipping and even shared a few of their female conquests. Cole had laughed when they’d gotten them out for the camera, Liam’s big balls impressing him as always.

There was something different about this time. After a few seconds he realised what it was. He had his mates’ dicks right in line with his face! He turned from right to left with mixed feelings. He didn’t know what to do. He looked at Liam’s junk again, noticing for the first time how smooth his big balls were and how well kept the hair was surrounding his cut cock. Turning to face Alex he noticed only now how thick his dick was, no wonder he made the girls scream.

“Do something funny!” Joe demanded as he snapped another pic on his phone, the plan was to get nudes from some chicks in return.

Cole flinched as something whacked the side of his face. He turned to realise that Alex had just turkey slapped his cheek! He instinctively turned away, trying to avoid another cock assault. His jaw dropped in shock as he turned and he was too late to realise that Liam was winding up to do the same thing. He tried to move his face in time but this was the worst possible action as Liam’s thick, semi erect dick, instead of hitting his cheek, landed right in his mouth, resting on his tongue.

Alex laughed and Joe snapped some gaziantep escort quick pictures to fire off to the girls. Liam and Cole froze, both wondering for a moment why Cole hadn’t immediately spat his cock out. The feeling of a wet tongue on the underside of his member was having the usual effect and Liam’s cock begun swelling, filling Cole’s mouth slowly.

Cole found it difficult to resist the growth in his mouth. He looked up at Liam to gauge his reaction.

That was enough to get Liam’s cock to grow completely, that look had always been a turn on. He decided that if Cole wasn’t going to resist then that was as good as giving him permission. He slowly edged his cock into Cole’s open mouth.

Cole was shocked at the intrusion his mate had begun, but surprisingly he wasn’t averse to the presence. He somewhat instinctively closed his lips around the hot meat sliding into his mouth.

The willingness to accept his dick produced a moan from Liam and he began slowly sliding his dick in and out of Cole’s now willing mouth.

The other boys looked on, initially with a mixture of shock and intrigue, yet they moved to get a better view of proceedings.

Cole took over from Liam’s gentle thrusts and begun working his mate’s tool with increasing eagerness. The experience of a dick in his mouth was obviously something completely foreign to him, but surprisingly he enjoyed the heat on his escort gaziantep tongue and the salty/sweet taste of what he assumed was Liam’s leaking precum. Above all this he enjoyed the giving. Hearing one of his closest friends moan with pleasure was what fuelled his desire to continue sucking his dick.

Cole increased his pace, using knowledge gained from the many girls who had pleasured him orally in the past. He began to use his tongue, letting it roam around Liam’s shaft, particularly hitting that winning spot he knew lay just under the head. He reached one hand up, brushing the inside of Liam’s leg until he reached his heavy balls.

Liam knew this was it. Cole had found the spot that would drive him to orgasm. He placed his hand gently, approvingly, on the back of his friend’s head, encouraging him to continue. Cole picked up his pace yet again, sucking harder than before, rolling Liam’s smooth balls around in his hand.

Cole felt the balls in his hand tighten. Was this it? Had he brought his friend to orgasm? These questions raced through his head and he felt a sense of pride in his pleasurable achievement. But as Liam’s moans became more intense and it was clear he was about to unload one question wiped the others out. Am I going to swallow this guy’s cum? He knew, as a man, that Liam would want him to but looked up into his eyes to check anyway. What he saw was a man in pure male ecstasy, gaziantep escort bayan feelings Cole had created with his mouth and tongue. Seeing that intense pleasure answered the big question and he resumed the pace on the throbbing cock inside his wet mouth.

Liam’s hand rested now more firmly on the back of Cole’s head as his legs tensed and he could feel the familiar stirring in his loins. With a deep, primal groan he fired his load into this new, willing mouth.

Cole was shocked by the power with which Liam unloaded into his mouth. He swallowed quickly to avoid gagging but the taste of the cum in his mouth was undeniable. Sweet yet salty but unmistakably male and something he knew he wanted to taste again.

As Cole swallowed the remaining shots of jizz which Liam continued to fire he felt stirring in his own balls. He looked down and realised that at some point he had pulled out his own cock and had begun to jerk off. Clearly he’d enjoyed the experience more than he thought. With a couple of quick strokes he brought himself to possibly the most powerful orgasm of his life. His cum flew hard and fast from his throbbing cock, some shots hitting Liam’s naked legs in front of him.

Liam slowly removed his dick from Cole’s mouth as the boys looked down to assess the mess left by Cole’s ejaculation. They were silent for a moment as they worked out what to do or say next.

“Dude that was epic,” Alex, watching the whole thing from behind Cole, tapped him on the shoulder. “That was a porno money shot man.”

The boys laughed and as Cole turned around he noticed the other two guys stood there with their own massive erections. Enjoying the lingering taste of Liam’s seed in his mouth Cole knew how the rest of the night was going to play out.

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