Rencontre sur les bords du canal ;Episode 3

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Rencontre sur les bords du canal ;Episode 3Chan : tigressedechineEllen : moi même ChanJe ne sais pas combien de temps nous avons passé là, sur la banquette du van, enlacées, serrées l’une contre l’autre. Mais le soleil se couche et, déjà, les ombres des platanes s’allongent sur le chemin de halage qui longe le canal.J’aime son odeur, les formes amples de son corps. Mes doigts courent sur sa peau pour effacer une goutte de sueur qui perle ou pour redessiner la courbe de ses hanches.Je l’entends respirer doucement.Est-il possible de s’attacher à une femme dont on ignorait l’existence il y a 48 heures ?Oui, surement puisque c’est ce que je ressens : l’envie de ne plus la quitter, de passer le reste de mes jours à faire l’amour avec elle dans ce van.Je sais aussi que cette envie peut passer aussi soudainement qu’elle est apparue, comme l’eau de cet orage qui a déjà presque séché dehors.De légère, ma caresse sur son corps se fait plus précise. S’il lui reste une once de désir, je vais la réveiller doucement.Ma main est passé de l’autre côté, à la faveur d’un mouvement de son corps. Je passe mes doigts sur ses seins voluptueux et ma bouche se colle à son épaule pour une série très lente de bisous un peu mouillés.Sa peau est salée. Je la lèche doucement. Ma main empaume un sein lourd et ferme qui déborde largement de ma petite menotte. De mon pied, je caresse sa cheville tout en continuant à laisser courir ma langue sur sa peau.Ma main a abandonné, à regret, son sein et descend vers son ventre. Ce n’est pas le ventre plat d’une naïade de 20 ans, mais celui d’une femme mûre.Et c’est justement ça qui me fait mouiller. S’il y a un psy qui me lit, peut-être pourra t’il expliquer pourquoi mon désir se porte, assez souvent, sur des femmes plus âgées que moi ?Cela dit, j’attire aussi les femmes plus âgées, ça marche dans les deux sens.Ellen a un peu pivoté et elle est sur le dos. Ma main a atteint l’intérieur de ses cuisses. Elle est toute mouillée, ce qui veut dire qu’elle en a aussi envie que moi.Ma bouche lèche ses seins, mes lèvres en sucent le bout et je la sens réceptive.Je lance ma jambe par-dessus Ellen. Mes genoux sont au niveau de ses épaules et mes mains lui écartent doucement les cuisses.Je plonge avec délice dans la moiteur de sa chatte. Je m’y frotte le nez et le menton, juste pour le plaisir d’avoir le visage souillé par sa liqueur intime.Elle a saisi mes cuisses et je sens sa bouche se poser sur mon sexe. J’espère qu’elle aime les filles qui mouillent bien, parce que c’est mon cas.Ma langue fouille ses lèvres intimes, les écartent pour accéder à l’entrée du trésor caché. Plus je la mange et plus elle me mange aussi.Sa perle roule sous ma langue et je ne m’interromps que pour gémir de plaisir. Elle a entré deux doigts dans mon vagin et je décolle.- Oh oui, comme ça mon amour….Elle lubrifie mon petit trou avec ma propre liqueur et introduit doucement un doigt. Je suis au paradis.De mon côté, je ne suis pas inactive. Mes doigts explorent la grotte d’Ellen et elle semble aimer.Soudain, elle se raidit dans un spasme et jouit longuement. Aussitôt, la vague de plaisir me saisit, moi aussi, et nous nous envolons ensemble vers le septième ciel.Après quelques instants passés la tête dans les étoiles, je pivote et je me jette dans ses bras. Nos bouches s’unissent, dans un mélange de salive et de cyprine mêlées. Et nous restons là, immobiles, à savourer la douce torpeur anesthésiante qui suit le plaisir.EllenJe ne saurais dire combien de temps nous restons comme cela l’une contre l’autre. Nous avons fait l’amour Escort et ce n’est sans doute pas fini. la belle fée du canal me teint dans ses bras , mais je ne rêve pas elle est bien réelle, je sens son souffle chaud dans mon cou , un de ses seins dans mon dos ainsi que son pubis sur le haut de mes fesses.Nous ne parlons pas, juste quelques petits gémissements discrets. Je sais qu’elle ne dort pas plus que moi et à la façon dont elle m’étreint ,je sais aussi qu’elle apprécie d’être là !Mais quand sera t’il demain ?Je chasse vite cette interrogation de mes pensées. Demain est un autre jour .La nuit va bientôt tombée mais il me reste quelques heures avant l’aube et j’ai bien l’intention de les occuper et de profiter de ma belle .Chan me caresse tendrement du bouts de ses doigts et suit les lignes de mon corps ,de mes cotes, à mon flanc, à ma hanche, puis de façon plus appuyée elle me masse un sein, le ventre .Je me tourne m’ allongeant sur le dos afin de la voir. Mais déjà elle a pris mon sein en bouche et glissé une main entre mes cuisses.En un instant elle est venue sur moi m’a enjambée avec rapidité et souplesse et sa toison me caresse le menton . J’ai à peine le temps de saisir ses fesses, qu’elle a plongé entre mes cuisses et que déjà elle me dévore la chatte .La surprise et le plaisir intense m’arrache un cri que j’étouffe en collant mon visage contre son intimité. Je ne sais, qui de sa bouche ,son nez, sa langue, me mange avidement , m’enfouit, mais déjà dans mon ventre je sens les prémisses de l’orgasme. Ecartant ses fesses autant que je le peux, je lui prodigue les mêmes caresses, son fluide amoureux emplit ma bouche, coule le long de mes joues jusqu’à mon cou . La sentir mouiller aussi abondamment décuple mon plaisir. De ses mouvements du bassin, de façon instinctive, elle m’indique ce qu’elle souhaite et lorsqu’elle s’arrête alors que son petit trou est au contact de ma bouche ,je n’hésite pas à le caresser à grandes lampées.Je passe une main dans son dos, la colle à moi, ainsi elle se cambre et ma langue retrouve sa perle en même temps que je pénètre sa chatte dégoulinante de deux doigts. De l’index de l’autre main je recueille de son nectar pour en enduire son petit astre étoilé, au moment ou ma phalange entre dans son anus, une déferlante me submerge et nous jouissons à l’unisson.Nous restons un moment comme cela allongées l’une sur l’autre, tête bêche reprenant nos esprits.Avec aisance elle se retourne et vient m’embrasser avec fougue et tendresse mêlées.Après de longues embrassades Chan se redresse s’asseyant à califourchon sur mon ventre tenant mes seins des deux mains ,de mouvements d’avant en arrière du bassin elle glisse sa chatte comme pour s’essuyer sur ma peau.”Attend j’aimerais te voir ! laisse moi un instant je vais mettre un peu d’éclairage si tu veux bien !””Oui vas y !”Elle se dégage et se retrouve assise au bord de la couchette .je passe à l’avant , tire les stores occultants et j’allume les deux petits spots du plafonnier.Etant donné que je suis penchée en avant lorsque j’allume Chan a une vue imprenable sur mon derrière.”Oui ! tu as raison ,c’est beaucoup mieux avec de l’éclairage ! “Forcément sa remarque me fait rire et avant de me retourner je dandine du cul pour l’amuser. Chan rit à son tour .”C’est fou cette rencontre, tu trouves pas ?” me dit elle .”Fou , magique, fabuleux ,délicieux, Oui torride aussi. Avec toi j ai envie de tout !””Tout comme quoi ?””Je ne sais pas encore !””Tu n’as pas faim ,soif ? je dis ça ,mais j’ai pas grand-chose” dis je en fouillant dans Escort Bayan les placards .”Je n’ai pas eu le temps de réapprovisionner , attends ,c est quoi ça ? A oui le cadeau de mon frère ,du rhum avec des fruits macérés , Ha ! 40 ° pas sure que cela désaltère beaucoup . Tiens je vais sortir les lingettes , ça peut servir !”.”Viens voir ta bouteille !””Tiens”Chan saisie la boisson , d’un ongle elle coupe le plastique ,fait sauter le bouchon et boit une lampée.”Wouah , c’est costaud , mais c’est super bon , goutes” !Nous voila toutes deux assises en tailleur ,la serviette nous servant de table ,nous mangeons le reste de gâteau tout en sirotant le rhum au goulot.Je suis très à l’aise avec Chan ,comme si nous étions des amantes de longue date ,alors que je ne sais rien d’elle et qu’elle ne sait rien de moi.Lorsqu’elle se lève oubliant la faible hauteur du van et qu’elle se cogne ou plafond ,nous partons toutes deux dans un long fou rire .Je l’entoure d’un bras en frottant sa tête comme pour faire passer le mal !Nos regards se croisent, nos yeux se fixent, nos rires cessent et nous voila reparties dans une nouvelle étreinte amoureuse.ChanBon, résumons la situation.Je suis dans un van, assise en tailleur, nue, et je bois du rhum à même le goulot, avec une femme que je ne connaissais pas il y a 48 heures et avec qui je viens de faire l’amour une bonne partie de l’après-midi.C’est une situation totalement improbable mais à laquelle je n’ai pas envie de mettre fin.Je me sens bien avec Ellen, tout semble si simple, si fluide. J’ai l’impression de la connaitre depuis toujours.Tiens, là je me suis cognée, car j’avais oublié que le van était bas de plafond. Elle m’entoure en riant et en massant ma ‘’blessure à la tête’’.Et j’ai aussitôt envie de refaire l’amour avec elle. Et je lis dans ses yeux qu’elle aussi. Nos lèvres se joignent et nos corps se rapprochent. Et c’est reparti !Je la repousse sur la banquette. Elle est sur le dos, les jambes légèrement écartées. Elle me fixe, dans l’attente de ce que je vais faire.- Après le gâteau, c’est ta chatte que je vais bouffer !Il me semble que je rougis jusqu’aux oreilles. Est-ce bien moi qui ai dit ça ? Oui, on dirait.Elle n’a pas l’air offusquée. Donc, qui ne dit mot consent !Je l’att**** par les cuisses et l’oblige à ouvrir bien grand son trésor pour moi, sa princesse pirate. Elle n’est pas aussi souple que moi, mais il en faut bien plus pour me décourager. Je la veux, elle est à moi !J’imite le cri de la tigresse se jetant sur sa proie et ma bouche se colle comme une ventouse à son sexe. Elle sent la cyprine séchée et ses poils se sont un peu collés, résultat de nos précédents jeux érotiques. Loin de me rebuter, ça m’excite.Je lèche toute la surface de sa chatte, comme si je voulais la nettoyer de ma langue. J’entends un son mélodieux sortir de sa gorge. On dirait que ça lui plait.Puis ma langue s’insinue, pour une exploration plus profonde et plus intime. J’hésite à passer le bout de ma langue sur son bouton, de peur de la faire décoller immédiatement.J’ai envie de prendre mon temps, de la laisser monter vers le plaisir graduellement, pour ensuite l’achever, comme le torero achève le taureau dans l’arène.Son bassin est tellement relevé que j’ai même accès à son étoile intime. Pendant que ma langue insiste sur sa chatte, je masse délicatement la petite rondelle de chair.J’ai l’impression que c’est tout son corps qui va décoller de la banquette. Elle gémit de plaisir et sa voix se fait presque suppliante.- Oh oui ! Encore …Il n’y a qu’à demander, chère Ellen Bayan Escort !Sans pitié pour le voisinage éventuel, qui regarde peut-être Michel Drucker à la télé, j’enfonce deux doigts dans son intimité. Elle pousse une longue plainte.J’écarte mes doigts tout en la fouillant, de façon à arriver à la pénétrer tandis que mon autre main joue avec son clitoris gonflé.Sa main se porte à sa bouche et elle crie son plaisir. Elle s’abandonne complètement à mes caresses, se tort en murmurant mon nom, et monte au septième ciel sans escale.Souple comme une liane, je me glisse alors entre ses jambes et je m’allonge sur elle. Ses seins aux pointes dures se pressent contre les miens, mon ventre se plaque à son ventre qui se soulève frénétiquement.Ma bouche se colle à la sienne et elle s’abandonne à la chaleur de mon baiser, son corps moulu et sans forces épousant parfaitement les courbes du mien.Ses cuisses, pressées contre les miennes, sont encore parcourues de quelques tremblements, alors que les ondes de son plaisir se calment peu à peu, pour cesser complètement.Etendue sur elle, j’ai envie de crier et de sauter partout, comme une gamine qui vient de gagner un match de tennis, tellement je suis fière et heureuse de lui avoir donné autant de plaisir.‘’Alors, Ellen ? ‘’ ai-je envie de lui dire. ‘’Tu as déjà connu un truc aussi fort qu’avec moi ?’’.Je suis sûre que non, prétentieuse que je suis. Je suis sûre que je suis la première à lui avoir fait rompre complètement les amarres, à l’avoir amenée à ce niveau de plaisir.C’est peut-être vrai. Ou pas. L’important c’est d’y croire !Ellen”C’est ta chatte que je vais bouffer !”me dit elle en me ramenant sur le rebord de la couchette en remontant et écartant mes jambes avant d’y enfouir son visage.Je m’abandonne totalement. Je suis à elle et elle le sait.Mes gémissements deviennent des cris , je n’ai plus aucun contrôle et j’exprime mon plaisir , mon désir ,avec des “Oui….. Encore … Oui là ….!Je n’ai plus vraiment conscience de ce qu’elle fait ou de comment elle le fait , je sens mon corps bouillir et je jouis en criant son nom.”Oui Chan !”Je reprend mes esprits ,Chan est allongée sur moi et son corps se soulève au rythme de ma respiration .Elle prend appui sur un coude soulevant son buste et s’essuie le visage de l’avant bras avant de venir m’embrasser.Lorsque je m’apprête à venir à mon tour déguster ses chairs intimes en voulant me redresser, d’une main entre les seins, elle me maintient couchée sur le dos, tandis que l’autre s’insinue entre mes cuisses et qu’elle me pénètre à nouveau de deux doigts.Deux ou peut être bien trois nouveaux orgasmes ,elle recommence.Mes “Non ,Chan ! ” se transforment à chaque fois en des “Oui , encore”.Elle prend soin de ne pas toucher franchement mon clitoris trop sensible ,au moins dans un premier temps et choisit le moment ou elle décide d’appuyer sur l’interrupteur.Et c’est l’éruption ,de son cratère mon ventre crache la lave qui submerge mon corps ,de mini séismes me font vibrer, je crie sans qu’aucun son ne sorte de ma gorge.Les bras allongés au dessus de la tête ,les jambes pliées et les pieds au sol ,je suis comme en lévitation ,je ne sens aucun contact comme si je flottais dans l’espace, fourbue, mais dans un état de contentement jamais connu.Chan est là, allongée sur le ventre , elle dort ,la bouche légèrement entrouverte ses lèvres sont animées de petits mouvements comme si elle chuchotait !Je profite de ce moment de quiétude pour la regarder à nouveau ,qu’elle est belle ! Les lignes de son corps se devinent dans la pénombre. J’ai envie de la caresser mais je ne vais pas prendre le risque de réveiller le fauve.Dans la caisse derrière moi , je prends une couette que je pose délicatement sur ma tigresse . Je me glisse a mon tour dessous et m’endors . A SUIVRE

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

ghost boy part seven jayrich_(2)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The Ghost-Boy Chronicles 7

Clones Gone Wild 2

Later that day…

Back at Fenton Works, Danny, Sam & Tucker are in the basement lab, standing in front of the Fenton Ghost Portal. Danny opens up the Fenton Thermos and releases the Box Ghost back into the Ghost Zone. As he’s about to close the portal, Sam grabs him by his arm.

“OK! Ghost dumped, now you & me need to talk!” She says as she pulls Danny along towards the stairs.

“Huh? Wait! The Ghost Portal.” Danny says.

“Tucker will take care of it. Right now, you & me in your room!” She drags him up the stairs and out of the basement, leaving Tucker alone.

“Well, looks like I’m stuck by myself. As usual.” Tucker says to himself. He turns to close the Ghost Portal, when he hears a familiar voice coming from inside.

“I thought I heard your voice, babycakes.”

Tucker immediately stops, instantly recognizing the voice. A moment later, a ghostly figure emerges from the portal and steps out into the light. The figure slowly begins to reform itself and, after a moment, forms into Ember.

“Ember? What’re you doing here?” Tucker asks in shock.

“I’ve been waiting for the right time, when Dork Phantom would open the Ghost Portal and escape.” She says. “But seeing you here, is a definite plus.”

She slowly floats towards him and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him close. Tucker begins to get nervous. “Um, Ember…that night…”

“Yeah, I couldn’t forget it either.” She says, with an increasingly seductive look.

“But, I thought you had men in there.” Tucker says confused.

“What, like the Box Ghost? Or Technus? Trust me, baby pop. None of them compare to you.” She pulls closer and kisses him on the lips, letting her tongue drift inside of his mouth. Tucker begins to wrap his arms around her, but instead he pulls her away, remembering where he is.

“We can’t. Not here.” He says.

“No problem. We can take this party into the Ghost Zone.” She says.

“But…I thought humans aren’t able to survive in the Ghost Zone?” He says.

“They can if they’re surrounded by a little ghost aura.” With that, she pulls him in close again and kisses him, more passionately this time. The two begin to lift off of the ground, and hover in the air. Slowly, a light blue aura surrounds Tucker, covering his whole body. They begin to float towards the Ghost Portal. After a moment, they enter through the Portal and into the Ghost Zone.


Sam drags Danny into his room and sits him down on his bed. She then sits down right beside him and grabs his hand.

“Uh…Sam, what’s with dragging me all the way upstairs into my room?” Danny says.

She holds his hand tenderly and looks him in the eyes. “Look, Danny…there’s…something I have to tell you. And I don’t know how to say this, but…I love…Dani?”

“You love me?” Danny says, shocked.

“No, I…well, yes…no, just look!” She points to Danny’s window, showing that his “cousin” Dani is flying right towards them. She ghosts through the wall and comes to a stop right in front of the two.

“Am I…interrupting something?” She asks, out of breath. Danny & Sam look at each other, then pull their hands away from each other. Sam blushes a little, as Danny checks on his cousin.

“Dani, what are you doing here? What happened?” He asks her.

“And why do you look…older?” Sam adds.

“It’s Vlad.” She says. “He kidnapped me and put me in some chamber, then gave my some sort of gas that made me more powerful. I think he tried to control my mind, too. But it wore off.”

“Do you remember what he tried to make you do?” Danny asks.

“Yeah, kill you.” She says.

“Figures. Vlad never was hands-on.” Danny says. “Look, my parents keep some of their Ghost-Tracking equipment in the Fentonworks Op-Center. I’ll go check for something useful.” He makes his way out of the room, leaving Dani & Sam alone. Dani stands up off the floor and sits down on the bed beside Sam.

“Are you OK?” Sam asks.

“Yeah, flying for so long takes a lot out of you.” She says. “Usually, I would begin to melt now. Guess I should thank Vlad for making me stronger.”

“Yeah, you can thank him along with Danny by kicking his butt.” Sam says with a chuckle. Both girls begin to laugh and smile.

“So, you got feelings for Danny, huh?” Dani says. Sam stops laughing and goes silent. She becomes nervous and starts to blush again.

“Huh? Danny? No! We’re…just friends and…”

“And that’s why you were holding his hand and looking into his eyes when I arrived.” Dani says. She reaches over and holds Sam’s hand gently, much like Sam was holding Danny’s. “I came from Danny. So I think I know a little bit about his feelings. And I think he feels the same way.”

Sam smiles, believing Escort her. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I just wish I could find the right way to tell him and…” She gets cut off when she feels Dani’s lips pressed against hers. It’s a deep passionate kiss, almost like how she imagines Danny would kiss her. Sam closes her eyes for a moment, and begins to wonder, before she opens them and pushes Dani away, realizing who’s really kissing her.

“WHOA, GIRL!!!” She says. “Where did that come from?”

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.” Dani says. “I…I guess I’m seeing what Danny sees in you now. And I like it.” She grins & leans in for another kiss, but Sam keeps her at arms length.

“Wait, Dani. We can’t do this.” Sam says. “I love Danny and…”

“It’s OK, I mean, I am his clone.” Dani says. “It’ll be just like your doing it with him…sort of. So it’s not like you’re cheating.”

Sam looks into Dani’s eyes, and begins to see the same look Danny gives her. It’s a look that makes her weak in the knees, willing to do whatever he wanted of her. The look is working now, as Sam begins to give in.

“Well…you are technically his clone, and…” Dani leans in and kisses her, cutting her off again. This time Sam doesn’t fight it off. She leans back on Danny’s bed with Dani on top of her. Dani begins to wonder down Sam’s body, until she reaches her thighs. She spreads them apart and slowly pulls off Sam’s panties, exposing her pussy. Sam begins to blush, but she doesn’t stop Dani, who hikes up Sam’s skirt and dives tongue first into her love box. She kisses her pussy lips gently, then runs her tongue across her clit. She wraps her arms around Sam’s legs, as Sam trembles in pleasure.

“Wow…you’re really good at this.” Sam says, as she starts breathing heavily. Dani begins to probe her tongue inside of Sam’s pussy. She then takes one hand and pulls down her pants just enough to show off her round ass, and have a free path to her own private place. She begins to finger herself, while still working on Sam.

“Oh god…I never thought this would feel so good…” Sam moans as she becomes lost in her own pleasure. She begins to rub her own breasts under her black tank top, as she lies back and closes her eyes. But her eyes open once she hears a voice.

“Hey, I found the Fenton Ghost Tracker! We can…” Danny starts to walk into his room, but stops in the doorway and stares in shock. His ‘cousin’ with her pants down, fingering herself, while giving head to his best friend. “DID…DID I MISS SOMETHING???” He yells out in shock.

“DANNY!!!” Sam pushes Dani away from her and closes her legs, as Dani straightens herself out. “Wait! It’s not what you think! I can explain!”

“You can explain?” Danny says. “JERRY SPRINGER COULDN’T EXPLAIN THIS!!!”

Sam stands up off of Danny’s bed and walks over to him. She grabs his hand and looks him deep in the eye. “Look, Danny. There’s something I gotta tell you, and I don’t know how to say it so I’ll just say. I…”

KRA-KOOM!!! The front half of Fentonworks comes crumbling down to the ground, much to the shock of everyone there. After the dust clears, a lone figure can be seen who’s responsible for the wreckage. It’s Skulker.

“It seems that Plasmius was right.” He says. “The Ghost-Girl cannot be trusted.”

“OH, COME ON!!! CAN’T I GET JUST ONE SECOND TO SAY IT!!!” Sam yells in anger. Danny pushes Sam to safety and transforms into his Ghost form. Dani gets up and stands beside him.

“OK, you & me are gonna have a long talk about what went on earlier.” Danny tells her. “But for now…”

“…Time to kick Ghost Butt.” Dani says.

“Bring it on…children.” Skulker says smugly. The two Phantoms soar into the air, charging straight at Skulker, who easily dodges their attack. He counters with an Ecto-Blast from his wrist weapon, which the two barely avoid. They begin to trade Ecto-Blasts with each other, blocking & countering each attempt. Danny floats over to his cousin and begins to whisper to her.

“This isn’t working.” He says. “I got a plan. I’ll distract him, while you power up a blast to knock him out.”

Dani nods his head, and Danny charges toward Skulker, getting his attention. “Hey Elmer Fudd,” Danny says. “Ghost hunting season isn’t until next year.”

He charges in for a powered up punch, only to have it easily blocked by Skulker, who begins to choke Danny. “Did you really think that would work, Ghost-Boy?” Skulker asks. “Honestly, that was a foolish move.”

Danny just smiles at him. “You’re one to talk. NOW!!!” Dani begins to power up a devastating Ghost Ray, aimed right for Skulker. But Skulker holds up his arm and fires a grappling hook from his suit that quickly wraps around Dani, causing her to power down.

Skulker turns to Danny and smiles. “A valiant effort, young one. Escort Bayan But futile against someone as skilled in the hunt as…” He stops as he notices a wired being wrapped around him. The wire tightens and Skulker is sent plummeting to the pavement. At the other end of the wire holding the Fenton Fisher, is Danny’s Dad, Jack Fenton.

“No ghost is gonna get away with tearing down my home!” He says. “I still have 3 more payments on it.”

Right by his side is his wife, Maddie Fenton, holding the Fenton Bazooka. “Get ready to go back into the Ghost Zone you heartless, soulless, ectoplasmic entity of Evil!” She yells.

Jack turns to her with a grin. “I love it when you insult the ghosts, Maddie.” This gives Skulker the opening he wanted. He breaks the wire and charges the couple, much to their surprise. They dodge out of the way, but not completely, as Maddie is scratched by Skulker. Danny watches on as Maddie’s arm begins to bleed, and he rushes to check on her.

“MOM! ARE YOU OK???” He calls out, before stopping in mid-air, realizing what he just said. Maddie turns and sees him for a moment, before he turns invisible.

She begins to wonder. “Did…Did that Ghost-Boy just call me…Mom?” She says to herself. She snaps out of it when she sees Skulker about to fire at Jack.

“Plasmius will consider this a bonus, doing away with Jack Fenton.” He says.

“Someone wants to do away with me?” Jack asks. “Alright! I’ve hit the big time! HEY MADDIE, SOMEONE WANTS TO DO AWAY WITH ME!!!”

“JACK, LOOK OUT!!!” She yells back at him.

Skulker charges up a Ghost Wave Beam and fires it at Jack, who tries to dive out of the way, but only moves a few inches. Suddenly, he finds himself being moved far away from the blast, which connects with a car & incinerates it. Jack is put back on the ground, well away from Skulker.

“Wow, guess that diet of Oreos & Chocolate Malts really does the trick.” Jack says. Meanwhile, Maddie picks up the Fenton Bazooka and fires it above Skulker. A small portal opens up above Skulker, and sucks him right in, before fading away. Jack rushes over to her to check on her wound, while high up above them, both Danny & Dani turn visible.

“Whoa. You’re father needs to cut down on the Oreos & Chocolate Malts.” Dani says.

“Yeah. And you & me need to talk about…whatever was happening in my room with Sam!” Danny says.

“Shouldn’t we try to figure out where Skulker came from?” Dani tells him, trying to avoid that talk. Just then, Danny remembers that Sam dragged him away from the Fenton Portal. He starts to think of Tucker being left alone, open to any & every attack from any ghost that could come out of there.

“Come on!” Danny says as he grabs his cousin’s hand. “Tucker might be in danger.” The two zoom downward into Fentonworks. They ghost themselves through the floor and into the basement. Sam sees them heading down and follows them. The two Phantoms reach the basement, but don’t see a trace of Tucker.

“Oh, no.” Danny says, looking worried. Sam joins them down in the basement.

“What’s going on?” Sam asks.

“I think Tucker’s been pulled into the Ghost Zone.” He says. “And I don’t know if humans can survive in there alone.”

“He can’t.” Dani tells him. “I saw Vlad push a scientist into the Ghost Zone, and I didn’t see him come back.”

“That does it, I’m going in after him.” Danny says. “Who knows what could be happening to him in there. I gotta save him.”

“I’m going in, too.” Dani says. “You’ll need help in there.”

“Guys, you can’t go into the Ghost Zone.” Sam tells him. “Who knows how many ghost could’ve gotten out by now. We need you here.” She then walks over to a nearby table that has the Fenton Fisher on it. “Besides, I know a good way to get Tucker out of the Ghost Zone.”

“Yeah, well we gotta hurry up.” Danny says. “Who knows what kind of torture he could be going through in there?”

Meanwhile, in the Ghost Zone…

“OH MY GOD!!!”

For almost an hour, Tucker & Ember have been fucking like rabbits. They started hidden behind the back of the Ghost Zone Prison, and haven’t stopped since. Ember’s back is against the wall, as Tucker drills into her like a jackhammer. Her energy still holds around Tucker, allowing him to survive inside the Ghost Zone, while he plows inside of her.

“I told you I was your biggest fan!” Tucker says, pounding her pussy relentlessly.

“OH GOD, YES!!!” She screams out. “BY FAR!!!” Ember’s hair begins to flare up wildly, looking like a forest fire. She leans forward and kisses him, slipping her tongue into his mouth. He holds her legs in the air, and continues pumping her. After a few minutes, he stops and pulls out of her, much to her displeasure.

“What are you doing, Baby Pop?” She asks. “Don’t Bayan Escort tell me you can’t get it up anymore?”

“OH, NO! NO!” Tucker quickly says. “No, I was just thinking…how many times in my life am I gonna do it with a ghost, in the Ghost Zone, behind a Ghost Prison? So how about we try a little anal?”

Ember smirks at Tucker, loving the idea. “Ooh, you are a freak, Tucker. And that’s just the way I like ‘em.” She kisses him passionately again, showing her that she’s all for the idea, before turning around and facing the wall. She bends over, giving him a clear shot at her heart shaped backside. Tucker grabs hold of his rod and brings it to the edge of her hole. As he slowly pushes in, Ember starts to grit her teeth, until he’s all the way inside of her.

“This my just be the tightest spot in the Ghost Zone.” He says, struggling to get his stroke going.

“Less talking, more fucking, Babycakes!” She demands. Tucker’s finally able to move enough to dig into her. Ember’s hair is now wilder than ever, looking as if it could set the entire Ghost Zone ablaze. Her whole body shakes from the impact of Tucker slamming into her. Her breasts rock back & forth under her.

“FUCK! This is better than any Worldwide Tour!” She says, barely holding on. Tucker begins to drill her ass Balls Deep, making it even harder for her to last. Finally, she gives in. “OOOHHHHH, TUUUUUUUCKERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!”


They reach they’re climax at the same time, with Tucker shooting his load deep inside of her ass. Ember’s juices begin to flow out of her pussy like water out of a faucet. He stays inside of her, his Dick beginning to soften. He pulls out as Ember stands straight up and turns her head to him.

“Told you I’d make you say my name first.” Tucker says with a grin.

“Alright, you win. I owe you a blowjob.” She says with a smirk, before pressing her lips to his again. Suddenly, they notice the Booooo-merang circling them. Tucker notices that it’s attached to a piece of wire.

“Wait, is that the Booooo-merang attached to the Fenton Fisher?” He asks. Before there’s an answer, the wire tightens around the two, then pulls them all the way through the Ghost Zone. They end up going through the Fenton Ghost Portal, and out on the other side. They hit the floor, right in front of Danny, Dani & Sam, whose holding the Fenton Fisher.

“Alright, Tucker. You can thank me…later…” They realize that Sam has reeled in Tucker & Ember, both naked.

“Um…I can explain.” Tucker says, with an embarrassed smile.

“I don’t think I want you to.” Sam says.

“I guess I’ll go get his clothes.” Dani says as she hops through the Ghost Portal. Danny just stands there, in total shock.

“Tucker! When…why…HOW?” He says, more or less.

“Uh, could you help us out of this, first?” Tucker asks.

“No problem, Tucker. I got it.” Ember says, as she stands up with him. She starts to glow brightly and her hair flares up, and she powers out of the wire, breaking it into pieces. Dani comes back carrying Tucker clothes and hands them to him. Danny is about to go after Tucker, when Sam gets his attention.

“Uh, Danny? You might want to look at your Computer screen.” She says. Danny turns around to see his most hated arch-foe, Plasmius, smiling right at him.

“Hello young Daniel, daughter.” He says. “Are you having a good day today?”

“Vlad.” Danny says coldly. “Your plan didn’t work. Dani was able to break your control over her.”

Vlad responds by just laughing at him. “Silly boy. Have I taught you nothing? Has Chess taught you nothing? Dani wasn’t my pawn, but she was my Knight.” Dani looks shocked as Vlad continues. “And in Chess, sometimes your Knight must be sacrificed in order for a more powerful piece to claim victory.”

“He must mean Skulker.” Sam says.

“Nice try, Plasmius!” Danny says with a smirk. “But we sent him packing back into the Ghost Zone!”

“And right to me.” At that moment, Skulker appears behind Vlad, and hands him a vial filled with something. “You see, today my goal wasn’t to defeat you. My goal was to obtain something. To be more precise…Fenton DNA.”

Danny becomes confused. “But, where would he get Fenton DNA?” He says, thinking to himself. He remembers back to earlier in the day, and when Skulker attacked his parents. “MOM!”

“THAT’S RIGHT!!!” Vlad tells him. “You see, while it’s nearly impossible to clone a half-human, half-ghost…it’s very easy to clone a human. I plan on making dozens of Maddie’s, all for myself. And I will impregnate them all with my seed. And they will give birth to half-ghost boys & half-ghost girls. So congratulations, Danny. You’re gonna have some new members in the Phantom Family!”

He begins to laugh maniacally, and it fills up the entire basement, until Danny blasts the Computer Screen into pieces with his Ghost Ray. He stands there, more angry than he’s ever been in his entire life, and ready to fight.

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Reporter’s Dilemma Pt. 07

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When Cindy returned home, she immediately called Caroline and told her all about her first starring role. Caroline listened with amazement, she didn’t know how horny her cousin was, until now.

“Gregor said you don’t have to bring me with you tomorrow, I passed my ‘casting couch’ interview with flying colors!” she giggled. “He said that he wants to do a porno starring us two together, I’m up for that! Ever done it with another woman, Caroline? I have, and you’ll love the loving, smooth stroking, the soft skin, so sensual, so erotic. I knew my way around another woman’s thighs, oh yeah, think of me, your very own cousin, between your thighs, giving your sweet fuck-hole the kind of doting, licking, wet, hot pleasure that women can give each other so well. I’ve wanted to be a kissing cousin with you baby, for a long time! Sounds good, doesn’t it baby?”

The juicing up of her tight pussy responded in the affirmative, she whispered, “Yes, oh that sounds so nice.”

“The online feed for my first role will be ready this evening, you’ll get the free download if you enter Cindy on the promo line. Then you’ll get to see me, Cindy, AKA Carlotta Cock Slut, in her first starring role!”

After dinner, Caroline went on her computer, called up the online feed, and watched with awe as Cindy took on a hard cock up every hole she had. She stared in open-mouthed wonder as Cindy got her ass hole plugged with that huge monster dick, it had to be at least 10 inches, then her tight little pussy took on a 9 inch cock, and there was Gregor, getting his cock into her hot mouth. All 3 of her cousin’s hot, horny holes were filled, oh fuck, how did it feel, getting her ass, pussy and mouth fucked at the same time? Caroline felt her pussy going from simmering to hot and horny. She watched as Cindy eagerly took position, no shame, and displayed her thick cream pies, then eagerly splattered the cameras with the hot, juicy loads that had filled her ass and pussy. Caroline’s tight pussy was on fire, she needed Brad’s cock, now.

The kids were in bed. Caroline stripped naked in the bedroom, then casually strolled out to the living room, cocked her hips, and beckoned with her fingers. Brad’s eyes lit up, he eagerly drank in the sight. His wife Caroline had turned into some sex-hungry tigress, her hot body displayed to perfection, that horny hungry light in her eyes, inches from his face.

“Let’s go to bed baby, I want to rock our worlds!” she growled huskily.

In the bedroom, she stripped Brad naked and urged him to lie down. Caroline smiled as she saw his cock, rock hard and ready, just as ready as she was. Caroline swung into position, she could see Brad enjoying the vision of her crouched over him, ready to lower her steaming fuckhole down on his cock. She lowered herself down on his throbbing cock, letting out moans of pleasure, impaling her fiery center on his swollen cock, taking him in until with one final thrust down, she had his cock buried to the balls.

“Oh yeah, fuck, feels so good, oh yeah”, Caroline purred.

Caroline lifted then pumped down hard again, every thrust made her pussy throb with lust. She tossed her hair back, her face uptilted slightly, her mouth open, letting out sounds of pleasure as she rode him. She started to pick up the pace, needing to feel the throbbing of Brad’s hard cock exploding and squirting wildly inside her, filling her up with a load of hot spunk.

Brad enjoyed the sight of Caroline’s sexy body, her grapefruit sized mounds, nipples stiff and rock hard, tingling with sexual excitement, bouncing up and down in time to the lunges of her riding his cock. Caroline brought her hands Escort into play, cupping her luscious melons, pulling and tweaking her nipples, letting out cries of pleasure fired him up, and he reached up, gently brushed her hands away, and he took over, caressing her mounds, tweaking at her hard, aching nipples, he lifted enough so her could suck on them.

Caroline growled, “Oh yeah baby, play with my tits, suck them, fuck it feels so good!”

Brad could feel his balls filling up, his cum swirling, his mouth was busy licking at her hard, stiff nipples, Caroline’s tight pussy was clamped around his cock, wanting his load, hungry and eager for the wet spray. The hot morning suck and fuck session, and the hot nooner blowjob, had taken away the 2 minute rabbit fuck urge, and he grunted with pleasure at each thrust, his cock was reveling in the sensation of being stroked and milked at for a good, long time, fuck, it felt incredible.

Caroline’s mind pulled up the scene she had watched just a short time ago, of Cindy, no shame, as she displayed her thick cream pies, the lust-filled smile as she then eagerly splattered the cameras with the hot, juicy loads that had filled her ass and pussy. That did it, and Caroline felt the wave racing at her.

“Fuck, oh fuck, yeah, gonna cum, fuck, so good, yes, yes, YES!”

She felt her tight pussy contract, eagerly squeezing at him, and her orgasm rammed into her, she howled with pleasure, dimly, she heard her husband’s loud grunts, he arched up and she felt the hot wet rush of his load pouring deep into her, being pumped all over her tight pink walls, making her orgasm go on, her body shivering in blissful fulfillment.

Caroline wasn’t ready for sleep, and the next few hours were a steamy mix of licking, sucking, and fucking. Caroline’s sexuality, brought out of dormancy, had re-awakened the fire of Brad’s lust and Caroline’s cries of orgasm filled the bedroom several times, as he licked her quivering pussy, and plunged deep into Caroline’s steaming cunt again, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm. The look of pleasure on Caroline’s sexy face just drove him wild, and he loved giving her a long, hard ride, her pussy quivering wildly through orgasm after orgasm, until with a roar, he exploded again, pumping as much spunk into her quivering pussy as he had left in his well drained balls.

The next day, Caroline was back at the studios, ready for her second starring role, Gregor smiled, and said, “Welcome back Susie, here’s today’s script.”

The plot, slender as it was, had Gregor and his buddies coming back for another round. Susie Cream Pie, aka, Caroline, liked getting her ass hole fucked so much that she wanted a four man lineup to fuck her asshole. Oh jeez, one was bad enough, now her ass hole was gonna get four plowings. And of course, the script called for her to display her cream pie for the camera, then to squirt all four loads out of her just fucked ass hole and flood that lens with a four man cocktail of fresh spunk.

Caroline grunted, they sure like the back door, and I’m gonna be spraying four loads of cum out of my ass. Investigative journalist, oh yeah, she was gonna be the crusading reporter, what a laugh. The only things doing any crusading were the stiff hard cocks filling her ass hole.

Once the cameras were rolling, a minute or two of the paper-thin plot, before she was back on the platform, oh yeah, the camera’s gonna get a close up of her ass hole being plugged 4 times. She felt her ass hole being lubed up, and Lance was up first.

“Relax baby, just relax as much as possible, I’ll ream you slowly,” Lance said softly to Escort Bayan her. “I’ll make sure my cock is well oiled.”

She did her best to relax. Even with the dousing of oil, the feeling of her ass hole being violated stung like hell, and her pained cries filled the studio as her ass hole was impaled. She felt the shame as she knew that well positioned camera was capturing the moment of her tight ass being pried open again. Lance, to his credit, gave her a slow reaming, grunting as he felt the tight clamp of her asshole clutch at him. Finally, with one more grunt of pain, she felt his cock buried to the balls, 9 inches of prime cock stuffed up her tight chocolate way.

“Yeah baby, umm, so tight, virgin tight, feels so good.”

Lance pulled back, and again slid it deep, Caroline’s grunts of discomfort as her ass hole was fucked, god, people actually did anal sex for pleasure? All she was getting was the feeling of being anally raped. At least Lance was fucking her slowly, it had dulled down to just discomfort, and she bore it as best she could, feeling like she had no choice.

Lance grunted, “Oh yeah, cumming baby, fuck YEAH!” Caroline let out a small cry as he stuffed his cock in as deep as possible, giving short pumping jabs, and she felt the rush of hot sperm, pumped deep into the tight grip of her ass. When he pulled out, Bruce was ready, and Caroline gave out more pained cries as Bruce was not interested in being gentle with her. Once he had violated the tight ring, he thrust hard and fast, stuffing his 9 inches in, right to the balls, and set up a fast fuck, ramming her over and over. Her ass hole was throbbing, fortunately, that brought on his explosion quickly, he grunted and growled, she squealed with the sudden sting as he gave each cheek a hard smack with his hand as he unloaded, another gusher of hot cum being dumped into her ass.

Gregor’s direction had Tony’s 10 inches taking her last, for the piece de resistance, so Gregor was happy to be in on the action, as the third cock to take that tightness. He took her asshole slowly, pushing in his 8 inches as gently as he could.

Caroline could feel a glow starting deep inside. The two loads of cum helped to lubricate her tight tunnel, making Gregor’s drive up her Hershey highway a smoother ride. With Gregor fucking her ass slowly, gently, her traitorous body gave it up. Her mind was shut out of the decision making process, she felt the enjoyment take over, oh yes, now she was feeling what was good about anal sex. Gregor’s hands gripped her hips, as he pistoned his glistening prick in and out slowly. Oh yeah, now it was pleasure, oh fuck, it felt so fucking good, and her body responded, as she started to hump back at Gregor’s cock. The idea of being used as a live fuck doll, for horny men to stroke their cocks to, was no longer humiliating, it was making her lust blaze.

“Yes, oh fuck yes, feels so good, fuck my ass baby, I want more cum in my hot, tight hole, I love it!”

Gregor grunted and started to fuck her faster. He grinned, so many women, with a stilted, stuffy, going through the motions sex life, once they were on camera and introduced to rock hard cocks, and pure, primal fucking, they came alive.

Caroline was no exception, her body had come alive, and she had a hand jammed between her thighs, feeling the ramming of his cock as she started to stroke herself. She couldn’t stop, even if she wanted to, she needed to cum, cum like crazy with Gregor’s cock fucking her ass. Plunging fingers into her wet, juicy hole, fingers sensuously swirling around her clit, she felt the wave, the tingles starting deep down Bayan Escort in her womb.

“Fuck me, oh my god, gonna cum, gonna cum so fucking, gah, gah, GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!”

Caroline’s voice rose to a scream, she felt the wave crash into her over-heated pussy, her juices gushed crazily, and she felt the clenching and unclenching start, the tightness of her ass hole milking even tighter at Gregor’s plunging cock. The wave just kept pounding at her, she was cumming, over and over, it was like nothing existed except her body, cumming over and over.

Gregor felt the virgin tight clutch, he growled and his cock erupted, the spasming of Caroline’s tight ass hole sucking at his prick, emptying his balls into her back door.

Caroline was primed up, even when she felt Tony’s 10 inches of rock-hard prick spread apart her ass hole, and begin a slow, grunting reaming, the howls and cries she was making were a lot more pleasure. Even when he forced in the last 2 inches, stretching her ass hole to the max, the zings of pain were overwhelmed by the feeling of fullness, it made her traitorous body sizzle with lust.

“Yeah, fuck me, fuck my ass, blow your balls deep inside my ass!”

Tony was happy to do so, and he was grunting on each plunge into Caroline’s ass. Oh yeah, so tight, he took great pleasure in drilling her, and with Caroline howling and yelling, urging him on to fuck her harder, faster, he was happy to oblige. He could feel the build up, a full load of cum swirling in his balls, oh yeah, he was gonna blow a gusher.

Caroline was masturbating furiously, her overheated pussy was building up, and she felt the wave pick up speed, racing at her.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, gonna cum, oh fuck, yes, yes, YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHH!”

Caroline’s scream filled the stage, and she felt another massive orgasm grab her, shaking her like a rag doll. Dimly, she felt Tony’s cock, so hard, fuck it felt like she was impaled on a steel pipe, start pulsing, then she felt a huge load of hot warmth blooming deep inside, as Tony’s cock burst deep, pouring a veritable flood of cum deep inside her.

When he pulled out, Caroline rose, squatting over the camera, knowing what she had to do, as the second camera moved in close, to capture the double action. She pulled her ass cheeks apart, her cream pie displayed for everyone, then she tightened down, squeezed, and a huge glut of cum splattered all over the lens directly below her. This time, she was not consumed by shame, she felt strangely empowered. All those horny little perverts watching, wishing they could bone her asshole, and having to make do with stroking their stiff cocks to the sight of big, hard cocks filling her up, having no chance to do what they were seeing. She kept squeezing, rivers of cum poured out of her ass, she realized how much they filled her up as she farted out lots of air and lots of hot recently deposited cum.

When the last bit of cum had been dumped out, Gregor grinned, and shouted, “CUT, oh yeah, fantastic!”

He helped Caroline to her feet and saw her face, the change was evident. Gone was the timid, mousy little woman of two days ago, whose face had burned with shame. In its place was the hungry, eager look of a woman who was discovering what kind of sexual animal lurked inside her, face flushed, eyes gleaming with the look of a well fucked glow.

Caroline looked down, amazed at the massive pool of mixed cum that had poured out of her ass. It just made her need more cock, as Gregor led her to the shower. Caroline invited him to join her, and under the warm water, she sucked him up to full glory, then bending over, grabbing her ankles, she growled with pleasure as Gregor filled up her other hungry hole, giving her a long hard ride, Caroline flying into orgasm, cumming again and again until he stiffened, roared and pumped a volley deep inside her hungry fuck-hole.

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Bayonetta’s Abuse – Chapter 02 – Double Team

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James awoke to the sound of a dead bolt turning and a dull ache in his ass. He rolled slowly onto his side and his nostrils were assaulted by the usual smells: rubber, latex and cum. Having a water bed to sleep on was a nice luxury, and one of the few he had, but while you could wash the comforter, the rubber mattress and rubber sheets were there to stay. After the seemingly endless fuck fests he’d had with Mistress Bayonetta, he was pretty sure the rubber bed would smell like cum, sweat and ass until the day it was dropped in a landfill. That’s the way she wanted it though. She liked putting him (and keeping him) in the most disgusting predicaments possible. James was pretty sure she got off on it.

The authoritative clacking of high heeled boots announced Bayonetta’s entrance into the dim studio apartment. She walked into the main room, set some things on the floor and moved to one of the windows. James’ vision had just started to adjust to the room when she whipped open the shade and the sun came pouring in, blinding him.

“Wakey wakey my succulent little slut! We have a busy afternoon planned.” She then opened the window to let in some fresh air and turned to face him.

‘As long as this “busy afternoon” starts with her removing this colossal butt plug from my ass, I’ll be a happy man’ James thought to himself.

He slowly crept his way to the edge of the water bed. The full body latex bondage suit, a fact of his life since he came into Bayonetta’s possession, slowed and hindered his movements as usual. The formidable anal intruder certainly wasn’t helping either. Finally he reached the edge and prostrated himself before his mistress.

“Good morning Mistress Bayonetta.”

She looked at him quizzically for a moment before saying “Don’t you think that’s getting a little stale? Address me differently, and as long as I’m pleased you will not be punished.”

Without hesitation he bowed again and said “Good morning my Queen.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Goddess would have been better, but I suppose that will suffice. And it’s already past noon by the way.” She then flicked on the light to the main room and began taking off the long, black trench coat she was wearing.

As she placed the garment on the coat rack in the corner, James took in the glorious view of the rather unusual woman who had captured his body and possibly his heart as well. Her dark hair was up, as usual, and she was never without her black rimmed glasses. Whether she needed them to read or not, James didn’t know, but they certainly were the distinguishing feature that completed her “amazon librarian from hell” image.

Unsurprisingly, she was wearing one of the many iterations of her Bayonetta costume. They all had subtle differences but always the same central features. Black leather covered most of her body from her shapely shoulders down past her wonderfully wide hips and ending where her powerful legs entered her thigh high leather boots. There was always a circular cut out in the front of her outfit between her neck and her breasts showing off an ample amount of her H cup cleavage and sporting a pendant or emblem of some sort on the left side of the circle.

The most prominent opening in her suit was the one which allowed her third leg to hang confidently between her thighs. Bayonetta had the biggest, thickest cock he’d seen anywhere, including the many nights he’d spent cruising the internet for porn. Even soft as it was at the moment, it dropped a strong 11-12 inches down and was an imposing 6 inches in circumference. Just behind that beast her giant ball sack hung like a pair of fresh grapefruits. The entire package was completely hairless and gleamed with a thin layer of heat and perspiration. She looked like she could be your greatest fantasy or your worst nightmare come true, depending on your kinks and what mood she was in.

She noticed James was staring at her, smiled, and began stroking her fat python up and down. “Yeah, this is all you thought about while I was gone yesterday, isn’t it? Can’t get enough can you? Well, that’s why we’re a perfect pair. I needed a cum dumpster and you became one without much protest. That’s how I knew you were a keeper!”

She began fisting her cock slightly faster. “Did I ever tell you about the string of guys I tried on for size before I found you? Bunch of wimps, all of them… none of them could handle me. Actually, that story can wait for another time. That just reminded me that I have a treat for you!” She dropped her half-erect member and reached down into one of the bags she had brought.

There was a suitcase, a shopping bag and what looked like a standard one gallon can of paint on the floor. ‘Paint? Was she planning to redo a room?’

Bayonetta found whatever it was she was looking for and enthusiastically yanked it out of the bag. “Ta da!” she exclaimed. She was holding a white, plastic dog dish with the name “James” printed on the side in gold lettering. “And that’s not all!” she announced, “Since you’re going to be getting a real workout today, you need to keep your energy up. I’m going to get you some crackers.”

His eyes widened with excitement. ‘Solid food?!?’

Bayonetta walked to the kitchen and James could hear her opening and closing various boxes and pouring crackers into the dish. As she walked back with the meal he was already bowing before her.

“Thank you so much Mistress!”

“Ah ah, not so fast!” she admonished, waving a finger before him and setting the dish on the chair next to her. “This is hardly a complete breakfast. You need your protein! Now come over here and help Mama prepare your meal.”

As quickly as he could he slipped off the bed and began crawling to her. The chain attaching his collar to the bedside rattled the entire way. She grinned and placed her hands on her hips as James assumed the proper position. Then, he almost made a mistake. Rising on his knees, he was about to take hold of her delicious thighs when he stopped. “Mistress, may I touch your thighs?”

She nodded “Yes, you may.”

Starving as he was, he decided not to bother with foreplay. He placed his lips on the fat mushroom shaped head of her mighty cock, took in a large breath through his nose, and plunged his face onto her rod, enveloping a full one third of her length with one stroke. He then began applying full suction and moved his head back and forth, taking in a little bit more of her massive member with each thrust.

Her eyes closed as she took in the wonderful sensations of tongue and moist mouth meeting flesh. “Oh my, you ARE getting good at that…” She stood firm for the first few minutes, glancing down to admire the view of her thick, meaty staff sliding in and out of her sluts’ hungry mouth. She had turned him into a world class cock sucker in just under a month. She was somewhat proud of this, but then again, nearly anyone who had been forced to practice so frequently would be a pro by now.

It took every ounce of her discipline not to grab his head and jam the rest of her cock down his luscious throat, but as much as she enjoyed total domination, there was something equally sexy about the complete and utter submission of a slave willingly giving his mistress an enthusiastic blowjob. As James continued to suck her in, she reached down with her right hand and started massaging her sizable scrotum. “Oh gods… just seeing you bound up in all that latex and chained to my bed… so fucking hot.”

Her cock now jutted out at full raging hardness and James had taken at least half of the 16” penis down his throat. The constant slurping noises combined with the rough kneading of her balls were getting Bayonetta close to the edge.

Suddenly she pushed James off of her and grabbed her cock with her right hand. She fisted it as fast as her arm would let her while reaching over for the dog dish with her left hand.

“YeeessssSSSSSS!!!” she cried as her orgasm built and she held the dish below her engorged fuck stick. Giant ropes and gobs of cum began firing out of her cock and into the bowl in rapid succession. James lost count at eleven, and began to wonder if there would be anything left of the crackers by the time she finished drowning them in her jizz.

The bowl was filling rapidly and as her climax began to ebb she set it on the floor. “There we are… you can’t have cereal without milk, now can you? Eat up slut!”

His chain rattled once more as James dove for his breakfast. He began lapping up the creamy mixture of cum and softened crackers in haste before it dissolved completely into semen soup. Bayonetta continued to pump her erection as she circled to his rear. She relished the sight of his latex covered legs and ass. Even his feet were encased in the full body suit. The only opening from this angle was his cute little asshole, and that was currently stuffed with a massive rubber dildo. She held her cock over his body and pumped out the last few dabs of spunk. They landed on his back and in the crack of his ass with light spatters. “Mmmmm” she said “That was lovely my pet, but I look forward to giving you a more direct feeding later.”

As James worked fervently to clean his new dish and sate his hunger, Bayonetta moved to the computer on the other side of the main room to check her messages. “Tasty?” she asked as she typed away on the keyboard.

“Yes mistress, your cum is always delicious!” he answered before shoving his face back into the bowl.

“Liar” she chided him.

A few minutes later James had licked his bowl spotless. Bayonetta rose from the computer and moved to the sleek bondage horse she kept in the middle of the large studio apartment. The room was adorned with all manner of bondage devices, sex toys and shiny furniture with built in restraints, but this was the one she liked the most by far.

The bondage horse was height adjustable, just wide and long enough for someone to lie down on, and the full black leather upholstery made it not completely uncomfortable to be situated on. On the sides of the horse were a series of leather straps for securing the subject and below the horse, in the base on which it rested, were 2 metal rings on each side for securing the limbs.

“We’re going to have so much fun today” she said excitedly as she Escort adjusted the height “I really can’t wait!”

Satisfied that the sinister device was perfectly at “cock level”, she sauntered back to James. Her hips swayed from side to side and her boot heels clacked on the hard wood floor as she moved to his rear once more.

Bending over, she pulled the thick rubber schlong out of James’ packed asshole with one smooth tug. “I know you had to deal with that all night my dear, but you’ll be thanking me for it later.”

She placed the giant butt plug in one of her bags before removing a long latex glove. She snapped the glove on her right hand and rolled the rest of the latex down her forearm. Then, without so much as a warning she buried the gloved hand in James’ ass and started feeling around like she was looking for a set of keys.

He grunted as Bayonetta swirled her arm around, massaging his insides. “As it just so happens, we’re going to be entertaining a guest today. She’s a very dear friend of mine and I expect you to obey her commands as if they were my own… unless I say otherwise of course.”

She thrust her arm in and out of his ass multiple times as James bit his lip and endured the fisting. “Mmmm, this is kind of nice. We should do this more often. I bet you could even cum from this if I did it long enough! But we don’t have time for that right now.”

Finished with her exam, she extracted her arm from his slick anus. “Perfect!” she proclaimed after checking the glove “You’re completely clean. You won’t even need an enema today.” She got up and walked to the bathroom to discard the glove.

“My friend should be arriving pretty soon, so if you need to take a leak you better do it now. Once we get started you won’t have the chance for a while.”

James couldn’t help but find those words ominous, but kept his composure. “That won’t be necessary mistress.”

As she walked back into the main room, the door bell rang. “Speak of the devil…”

Bayonetta made her way to the door and hit the intercom button. “Password?”

“Hey, it’s me” a voice answered.

“Password?” she asked again firmly.

“You know it’s me bitch, just let me in!”

“Password!” she insisted with a grin.

The voice on the other end sighed. “….Umbra Witches have more fun.”

Bayonetta laughed and hit the release button that opened the outside door. Within moments the door opened and the mystery woman entered the apartment. Her face revealed fair skin and her hair was cut short and dyed white. She was wearing a long, brown trench coat with a belt tying it across the middle, much like Bayonetta’s black one earlier. She was also wearing high heeled boots just like Bayonetta, only hers were red leather instead of black. Even more curious, she was also carrying a suitcase and a container of some sort that was roughly the same size as the paint can Bayonetta had brought in earlier.

“Why do you have to be such a cunt all the time?” she asked, glaring at Bayonetta.

“Look who’s talking!” Bayonetta replied.

For a moment the air was tense and it looked like they were about to start fist fighting, but the tension drained away and they both started laughing. The mystery woman set her things on the floor. “It’s good to see you again Cereza.”

James’ ears perked up at that. ‘Cereza? Is that Bayonetta’s real name?’

The white haired woman reached down and grabbed Bayonetta’s flaccid cock with her left hand and pumped it a few times. “So, what have you been feeding this thing?”

“Handsome young men, what else?” she retorted with a smile.

The other woman groaned. “You know, it wouldn’t kill you to stick it in a pussy now and then.”

Bayonetta shook her head. “Not my style, and with my luck the bitch would get pregnant and kids are the last thing I want.”

The mystery woman released her cock and rose to her full height, which would have been equal to Bayonetta’s if she had the same towering hair. “Well, are you going to invite me in or should I stand in your entrance for the rest of the day?”

Bayonetta rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, come in. Take off your coat you drama queen.”

As they walked into the main room Bayonetta finally introduced her guest. “Slut, I’d like you to meet my best friend, Jeanne. She’s kind of a bitch, but no more than me I suppose.”

Now it was Jeanne’s turn to roll her eyes, and as she did she began disrobing. As the long coat was pulled back, James beheld another vision of loveliness and utter terror. The woman had generous proportions in her hips, ass and breasts, much like Bayonetta, but those weren’t the only areas in which she was well endowed. Inconceivably, the massive cock and balls that hung from her crotch were even larger and thicker than Bayonetta’s. She was 13-14 inches flaccid, easily, and the rest of her body was wrapped in tight red leather. She hung her coat on the coat rack and stood before James, letting him take in her amazing body.

“And this is my new slave, James” chirped Bayonetta “Isn’t he adorable?”

Jeanne looked down at him with an air of undeniable superiority. “So, you’re the reason she hasn’t been getting any work done lately. Yes, I’ve heard all about you. Greet me properly slut, or don’t you have any manners?”

James quickly bowed his head “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mistress Jeanne.”

She chuckled as she strode further into the room. “I assure you, the pleasure will be all mine, bitch.”

Jeanne looked around the main room, examining all the toys, furniture and accessories that Bayonetta had acquired. “This place was nearly empty the last time I was here. Lords of Darkness, Cereza, you spend more money on this crappy little flat than you do on your real home!”

Bayonetta shrugged. “Can you blame me? I’m barely ever home and even when I am, I’d rather be here.”

Jeanne turned around and set her gaze on James once more. He couldn’t help but feel like a gazelle being marked as prey by a ferocious tiger.

“Hmmmm… only the most necessary openings. Hood handles, ass handles… that body suit is something else. Where did you get it?”

“I know, isn’t it perfect?” Bayonetta chimed in. “I found a vendor online who specializes in latex bondage apparel. He does custom jobs for me and every time I’ve ordered one it’s been better than the last.”

“Very nice” Jeanne agreed “You’ll have to give me the web address later. But enough pleasantries, we only have a few hours before our reservation for dinner, so let’s get started.”

Bayonetta nodded. “I thought you’d never ask.”

As Bayonetta retrieved the paint can she’d set down earlier Jeanne sat on the large leather couch to the side of the room. She wrapped her hands around her thighs and pulled her legs up, resting her ass right on the edge of the couch. “Get over here slut and put your tongue to work” she commanded.

James began crawling over to the couch, but was jolted to a halt by the chain on his collar. Bayonetta, seeing that he had run out of slack set the paint can down by the couch and walked over to unlock and disconnect the chain.

“There” she said with a soft kick to his ass “Get over there.”

He quickly crawled to Jeanne and immediately started licking her ass cheeks and tonguing her immaculate asshole through the tight body suit. The feel and taste of leather on his tongue had long since ceased to bother him. Jeanne released her right leg and grabbed the strap on top of James’ hood.

“Harder!” she ordered as she pulled his face into her ass. “I can barely feel your tongue.”

She rocked his head up and down, massaging her perineum with his nose. “Ahhhh, that’s more like it slut.”

He licked her ass in forceful, wide swaths as Bayonetta rummaged behind him. She unlocked the tiny padlock on the back of James’ suit and unzipped it halfway. The cool sensation of fresh air met James’ back for the first time in days. The lid of the can came off with a pop and Bayonetta inserted an industrial sized plastic syringe into the container.

“This is going to be a whole new experience for you babe. I hope you like it!”

She pulled back the handle on the syringe, drawing it full of the thick liquid. She then placed it through the opening of James’ suit and squirted its full contents onto his back and down the sides of his body; the first of many to come.

“How many climaxes did it take you to fill that thing?” asked Jeanne.

“Seven” Bayonetta responded proudly.

“Hah!” Jeanne laughed “Filled my gallon in six! Well, five and a half technically. I actually overflowed the thing and made quite a mess.”

James’ eyes widened in surprise. It wasn’t paint, it was day old jizz by the bucket load!

“Yeah yeah” Bayonetta sulked as she filled another syringe and flooded the goo down James’ back and over his ass “Jeanne wins again! Whatever.”

“Now now, don’t be a poor sport. It’s unbecoming” Jeanne replied while pulling James’ face into her scrote bag. “Suck my balls slut, they need some attention too.”

If Bayonetta’s balls were grapefruits, then Jeanne owned a pair of huge cantaloupes. As he began to kiss, lick and worship her smooth scrotum, Jeanne couldn’t help herself any longer and began to slide her left hand up and down her enormous penis. The action got increasingly heated until finally after ten more syringe loads, Bayonetta had emptied her bucket.

“Done!” she announced to Jeanne “Your turn.”

As Jeanne released his head and got off the couch to retrieve her own bucket, James could already feel Bayonetta’s cum seeping into every corner of his suit and slowly coating his entire body. Being bound in latex and forced to suck and fuck giant cocks was disgusting enough to begin with, but this was a whole new level of depravity.

Bayonetta slid into the leather sofa and presented her ass for James’ attentions. As he began to caress the perfect contours of her plump behind with his tongue, Jeanne hurriedly went to work with the syringe, pumping her day old cum into the opening of his suit.

“Gods, my cock is dying for a wet hole. I’ll make this quick.”

She continued to withdraw tubes of semen from her bucket and jam them through the fold of his suit, forcing the thick liquid Escort Bayan to run further and further down his stomach and limbs. By the time she was done, there wasn’t an inch of James’ body below his neck that wasn’t caked in cum and bound by slippery latex. Even as far down as his fingers and toes he could feel the slimy seed surrounding him.

A little of the cum was seeping out around his asshole and penis, as those were the only two openings it had to escape, but the vast majority was sealed in for the duration. James felt like a stretched out pussy that had just been double penetrated and filled to the brim.

Jeanne rose from his side, zipped up the back of his suit and reattached the mini padlock, trapping him once again in his familiar prison. “Alright” she said cheerfully “Let’s do this!”

The two buxom amazons had no trouble lifting James from both ends and carrying him over to the bondage horse. They placed him on the device face down with his head hanging over one side and his ass, penis and balls hanging over the other. The sex crazed shemales then immediately went to work binding him.

Bayonetta took the straps on the sides of the horse and looped them one by one over James’ back, pulled them tight, and locked them. Jeanne walked around the horse attaching a chain to each of James’ wrist and ankle rings, looping it through the floor and pulling them tight before locking them as well. His arms and legs were now being pulled straight down along the sides of the horse and the leather straps tightened across his back made it feel like he was being pulled into the horse at twice the force of gravity.

“Perfect” said Jeanne, admiring their work “I wish I had brought a camera.”

Bayonetta leaned over James, rubbing him through the suit and swishing semen back and forth across his back. “How does it feel my pet? I bet you never imagined you could feel this filthy? This soiled and slutty…”

James struggled to come up with a suitable reply, but as it turned out, it wasn’t necessary.

She moved in front of him and ducked down so their gazes met. “And that’s why I’ve never been this turned on.” She thrust her face into his, burying her tongue in his mouth in an aggressive kiss.

Jeanne tossed her arms in the air. “Oh please, I think I’m going to throw up. Can we fuck him now?”

Bayonetta released his lips. “Oh yes” she said while staring deeply into his eyes “It’s definitely time to fuck.”

With that she got up and hurried over to the computer to activate her music player. Bayonetta’s tastes ranged from pop and techno to metal and classic rock, and she always had something new and interesting to set the pace of her thrusts to.

Jeanne had resumed masturbating and was producing a copious amount of pre-cum which she swirled all over her shaft. “Natural lube is the best, don’t you think dear?”

“But of course” Bayonetta answered as she rejoined them.

Suddenly, dance club style trance music began thumping and booming out of the speakers in the corners of the room.

“Ok slut!” Jeanne yelled with a heavy slap on his ass. “You’ve got a nice, sticky glaze on the outside. Now it’s time for the cream filling.”

She wasted no time bringing the tip of her massive cock to the pucker of his asshole which, thankfully, was still moderately stretched out from the night before. She grabbed his hips firmly and began her insertion in one fluid motion. The first 5 inches weren’t so bad, but after that Jeanne’s monster prick quickly widened into a phallus the size of which he’d never imagined, let alone experienced.

She was a solid inch thicker in girth than Bayonetta, and that made all the difference in the world. As she continued pushing into him, the pain increased and James reflexively tried to pull away. It was useless though, as his completely bound body was unable to move a millimeter in any direction.

He grunted loudly several times, and then finally cried out in pain as she reached the 10 inch mark. Jeanne stopped momentarily and smacked his ass once again. “Cereza, I thought you said this slave was well trained?”

Bayonetta stood before him, sliding her right hand up and down her gargantuan meat pole, preparing for her own advance. “He is, he just hasn’t had the pleasure of meeting COCKZILLA yet!”

Jeanne smirked and continued to drive her hungry boa into him slowly.

Fully erect now, Bayonetta grabbed James’ chin and looked down at him. “Don’t worry, it will hurt a little at first but you’ll get used to, just like with me the first few times. If she had taken your virginity you’d be on your way to the emergency room, but you’ve had enough practice now to handle her. Just try to relax your ass and keep breathing through your nose until she breaks you in.”

She opened his mouth with her fingers and placed the head of her fat dick on the edge of his lips. “And most importantly, STOP WHINING AND SUCK MY COCK YOU LITTLE BITCH!”

Bayonetta punctuated those last words by jamming her cock into his mouth and down his throat as far as it would go with one thrust. Jeanne beamed, pleased to see Bayonetta taking her proper role, and equally pleased that 2/3 of her fully engorged 18 inch fuck rod was now buried in James’ tight boy pussy.

The heat and pain in his ass were intense, but James now had 12 inches of cock in his throat to contend with. He began wagging his tongue left and right, caressing the underside of his mistress’ meaty shaft.

Bayonetta grabbed his head and continued to push into him. Her eyes closed as she began to enjoy the absolutely wonderful sensations his mouth and tongue were bathing her flesh in. Jeanne began to rock back and forth slightly, generating short thrusts that pummeled her way into the lowest depths of his rectum. She took deep breaths as her massive penis was almost all the way in and the pleasurable feeling was already overwhelming.

After several minutes of persistent insertion, Jeanne’s hips finally met James’ ass and her enormous ball sack collided with his soft penis and much smaller scrotum. The pain and feeling of fullness were so great that James could see red streaks around his peripheral vision, but at least now the worst was over.

Jeanne remained still for several moments, enjoying her conquest and allowing him to get used to her full penetration. She smacked his ass yet again, the hardest slap yet ringing out with a loud crack. “How do you like it slave? My 18 inches are balls deep in your slutty ass! Cereza said you could do it, but I didn’t believe her. Well, you just jumped on my ‘favorite slaves of all time’ list. We’re going to be good friends, you and I.”

James could feel his insides being rearranged as Jeanne slowly withdrew her cock to the 3 inch mark. She then grasped the leather strap handles on the sides of his suit and plunged her shaft home, burying all 18 inches back in his ass. Her eyes closed and her mouth opened in an extended “O” as she acclimated to this ultimate pleasure.

James grunted, but it only came out as a low, muffled sound now that Bayonetta had all 16 inches of her cock plugged in his throat, his lips sealed around her pelvis. As she withdrew to 4 inches, he was careful to take a deep breath through his nose, unsure of when he’d get another. She grabbed the strap handles on the sides of his bondage hood and sank her cock back into his throat in one quick thrust, her massive balls slapping into his chin.

“Suck slut… suck it! Show me that you want my cum!”

James put his lips and cheek walls to work, providing as much suction as possible in concert with his oscillating tongue. At this point both women began gradually increasing their pace until they were fucking his mouth and ass in rhythm with the pumping techno beat in the background. The music was loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to drown out the sounds of their increasingly crazed sex. As the two shemale goddesses unleashed their full lust, wet slurping, gagging and the creak of leather and latex completed the symphony of their depraved love making.

Jeanne’s arms and hips were a blur as she shafted his butt hole with ever increasing vigor. His ass finally grew accustomed to her colossal appendage and the pain in his depths was slowly dissipating, but that did nothing to aid his testicles which were repeatedly being smashed by her much larger sack.

“Oh gods!” she cried out in mid-thrust. “Fuck dinner and the opera! Let’s just stay here all night.”

Bayonetta grinned as she speared her spit coated cock into his face repeatedly. “As tempting as that sounds, you may change your mind in an hour or two.”

Jeanne’s staff was now moving in and out of James’ ass like a well oiled piston. “We’ll see” she replied, seemingly unconvinced.

Moments later, she abandoned the rhythm of the music and began fucking his ass as fast as her hips would move. She cried out like she’d just been stabbed in the leg as her first orgasm rolled over her and a torrent of cum came rushing out her cock. James felt like a shotgun had gone off in his ass as a geyser of spunk flowed into his innards. Jeanne held him close to her hips as blast after blast of cum fired into his depths. His ass was so packed with her cock and her ejections so copious that he could already feel the jizz creeping up into his colon and lower intestines. It had nowhere else to go.

Seeing her friend in ecstasy and her slave being ass fucked into oblivion sent Bayonetta over the edge as well. On the next inward thrust she suddenly and very roughly pulled James’ face into her pelvis, cum rushing down her sperm channel to be deposited in his dumpster of a stomach. His cheeks bulged as her cock fired cannon blasts of sticky paste down his throat. His eyes watered as his throat was stretched to the limit and he became increasingly desperate for air. Bayonetta’s face was a picture of bliss as she unloaded in her slutty slave.

Before she was even done cumming, she settled back into a strong throat fucking rhythm, realigning her thrusts with the beat of the music. Jeanne, also, regained her steady ass fucking pace as her climax ebbed.

‘What the hell?’ thought James ‘They’re not even going to take a break?’

Bayonetta abandoned the side straps Bayan Escort and instead grabbed the strap on top of James’ head, fucking his mouth with just one arm. With the other arm she held up her index finger and looked at Jeanne. “One to one.”

Jeanne nodded, took in a full breath and exhaled loudly as the fuck fest continued.

James understood now. This was a competition.

An hour flew by as Bayonetta and Jeanne fucked him into a new incarnation. James came a couple times from the endless prostate massage that Jeanne was providing, but his mistresses were too busy to notice or care. So hard were their thrusts that despite the thorough bondage he was in, he found himself being pushed back and forth slightly on the horse. The cum coating that covered his body inside the latex suit made squishing noises as his body was continually jolted by their insatiable meat poles.

During her fourth climax, Jeanne had crammed his colon and intestines so full of her cum that her emissions were now forced backward and came spurting out of his ass, flying in all directions around the base of her cock. Her expensive red leather dominatrix outfit was soon covered in her own jizz, but she didn’t so much as bat an eyelash. She kept right on fucking him.

Similarly, Bayonetta had several times withdrawn her cock only to stick a finger down James’ throat and gag out the excess cum he was choking on; his stomach unable to accommodate any more. As soon as that was done, it was right back to sucking her 16 inch erection. Nothing would stop this clash of the futanari titans.

As Jeanne and Bayonetta both hit their sixth climax and James’ ass and mouth were flooded with seed once more, he began to wonder what exactly this all added up to.

At first he had assumed that Bayonetta was a rare specimen of some kind, a freak of nature even; if an absolutely gorgeous, sexy freak. He knew now that this was not the case. Jeanne was just like her and actually appeared to be even more dominant, lustful and crazy.

‘Who were these women? Where did they come from? Are there more like them? He had heard the term “Umbra Witches” but who knew what that meant? How is it that they both have giant functioning penises that put any porn actor to shame? How could they have such incredible sexual drive and stamina?’ He had more information now, but that information had yielded only more questions.

“Hey!” Bayonetta yelled with a slap to his face. “You’re not sucking. I never said we were done. Do your job slut!” She then grabbed the side straps on his hood and began plunging her cock into his mouth even faster.

Another half hour passed and the music came to a stop. Bayonetta had apparently only scheduled an hour and a half of music on her player. The only sounds that now emanated throughout the room were the slurch of cock entering a cum filled asshole, the slurp of cock exiting a cum slick throat and the occasional moans and sighs of the two amazing amazons.

Some minutes later, Bayonetta grabbed James by the throat and mashed her hips into his face the hardest she had all day. Bayonetta could feel the bulge of her fat slug within his throat as she released a final hot deluge of semen into his body. She pulled out just slightly and pumped herself back in many times, milking out every last ounce of her thick baby batter.

“Ahhhhh YES, take it all slut! A good slut never says no. And even if you did, I’d just have to punish you by giving you more.”

As her orgasm subsided, she withdrew the glistening tool from his throat with an especially wet slurp and a huge web of cum slid out of James’ mouth, hitting the ground with a loud splat.

After a dozen more thrusts Jeanne reached her climax as well. She quickly pulled out of James, laid her greasy pole right on his crack and stroked herself as large ropes of cum covered his back and ass. She sighed contentedly as the orgasm flowed through her body.

Bayonetta looked at her with a smile of immense satisfaction. “Eight!” she said.

“Eight” Jeanne agreed.

They were both covered in sweat, exhausted and dehydrated, but neither wanted to admit it.

“Look, I know you don’t like declaring ties, but I think we’re both done here” Bayonetta conjectured.

“Yeah, I suppose we should get ready for dinner” she agreed reluctantly.

“Great! I’m going to hit the shower. You make yourself comfortable and keep an eye on James until I’m done.” Bayonetta headed for the bathroom, already tugging at her cum splattered leather gloves.

“Gladly” Jeanne responded with her toothiest grin.

As the bathroom door shut, Jeanne bent down to inspect the slaves’ asshole. As she peered inside she saw that the cum she had packed his innards with was slowly sliding down and filling his anal cavity. “Beautiful” she commented before raining another harsh blow down on his ass.

James had never imagined that such degradation was possible. His stomach was filled with cum, his throat was greased with cum, his intestines were full of cum, his ass was half filled with cum, and he was bound in a morass of day old cum and latex. At least the ordeal was over. Or so he thought until Jeanne’s high heeled boot connected with his scrotum.

James coughed and sputtered as Jeanne slowly circled to his front. “You know, actually, I lied” she said bringing her massive prick to his lips “I want number nine NOW!”

James thought very briefly about resisting as Jeanne plowed her filth covered mega cock into his mouth, but realized there was no point. If he did anything to anger her she would go to town on his balls and it would only anger his mistress as well. This was his life now, and Bayonetta had told him to obey her guests’ commands.

“TASTE YOUR ASS, WHORE!” Jeanne cried as all 18 inches plunged down his throat. She grabbed the hood straps on both sides of his head and quickly established a fast mouth fucking pace.

As her pelvis mashed into his face repeatedly James was just thankful that her cock wasn’t half an inch thicker, as his jaw would probably have unhinged at that point. Jeanne threw her head back and snarled like an animal as her balls slapped into his chin over and over.

“Oh, you’re something else slut. No other slave has ever taken me balls deep in the mouth AND the ass. Not without physical therapy. I like you a lot…”

She looked down at him, grinning wildly as she pumped his throat nonstop. “We’re going to have to arrange a play date for you to visit my home, preferably when Cereza is busy doing something else. You think you’re a slut today? I’ll teach you the true meaning of the word.”

She timed her thrusts to be as long as humanly possible, withdrawing until there was only the head left in his mouth, and then jamming the other 16 inches of hot beef down his throat. James sucked for all he was worth, if only to get the sinister shemale off quickly. She thrust into his face faster and faster, treating his mouth no differently than the asshole she had just fucked into submission.

Jeanne lost her mind as her ninth climax began, a lightning bolt of energy and endorphins striking her at her core. Cum poured out of her cock in the largest quantity yet, and as she ejected the godly load into his body she continued to fuck his mouth. The thick filth filled his throat, crashing upon the entrance to his lungs, pooling in the bottom of his mouth, and finally dripping from his nose. She fucked his sludge filled mouth for another twenty strokes before ripping the erupting phallus out of his face, pointing it at his eyes and firing blasts of jizm into the only feature of his body yet unspoiled.

Cum continued gushing from her flesh hose as she slapped him across the face with it repeatedly. He gagged, coughed and spit up cum, attempting to clear his nose and throat. Realizing he was in actual danger, she quickly stuck a finger down his throat which enabled him to hack up the rest of the jizz. As he sucked in fresh air, Jeanne pumped her cock with her left hand, firing the final spurts of cum all over his face while massaging her ample breasts with her right hand.

Bayonetta exited the bathroom drying herself with a towel and was immediately confronted with the sight of Jeanne shuddering and painting her slaves face with her filth.

“What the hell?!?”

Jeanne turned her head, cock still in hand and a shit eating grin on her face. “Nine.”

“You’re such a petty bitch sometimes” Bayonetta scowled.

“Yes, but I’m a petty bitch who had one more climax than you!” she chuckled.

Bayonetta rolled her eyes. “Get cleaned up! I’m starving” she snapped “And good luck getting the smell of spunk out of that body suit. You really did a number on it.”

Jeanne stepped toward the shower, intentionally brushing up against Bayonetta along the way. “You say that as if smelling like my cum was a bad thing!” She laughed heartily and shut the bathroom door behind her.

Bayonetta growled, attempting unsuccessfully to brush the cum off her moist skin. “You fucking cunt…”

After washing herself off in the kitchen, Bayonetta returned to the main room and got her evening wear out of her suitcase. The skirt she had chosen was black leather, but at least she wasn’t going to the opera dressed as a dominatrix.

After dressing, she moved to the bondage horse and started undoing the straps and chains that held James down.

“You did great! I had a wonderful time and I think it’s safe to say that Jeanne did too. Rest up until we get back. I’d help you up, but you’re filthy.”

James sat up slowly. His limbs were incredibly stiff and his whole body was slick with cum, inside and out. He slid off the table and began crawling back to the bed. “Mistress?”


“Before you leave, could I please have a bath?”

“No, I don’t think it would be worth it” she said, securing the bedside chain back onto his collar.

“Mistress?” he asked again.

She gazed down at him, hands on her hips and a sparkle in her eyes. “As soon as we’re back, it’s time for round two.”

– – – – – – – – – –

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Daddy’s Mind-Controlled Daughters 5: Daddy Daughter Orgy

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Adriana Chechik

Daddy’s Mind-Controlled Daughters
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research
Chapter Five: Daddy Daughter Orgy
By mypenname3000
Copyright 2017

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this!

“Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke’s ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their eighteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion.

Deidre swallowed, her ass still burning from the spanking her daughter administered earlier. Her eyes flicked to the monitor showing the feed from the spy cams planted at the Alamogordo Church of Christ where the new God held court, his youngest daughter scurrying off on his orders.

Am I? Deidre Icke asked herself. She had faith in Henry Blavatsky’s vision of technology creating the new gods to usher in mankind into the Age of Aquarius, to leave behind the oppressive monotheism of the Age of Pisces.

But she didn’t expect that her affair while married would lead to her being spanked while her ex-husband gloated.

“We’ll need handcuffs, Daddy,” Alexis giggled. “Do we have any at the Institute?”

“We’ll have to make do with an extension cord,” he said. “There’s one in the cabinet over there. Go fetch it, cutie.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Deidre’s daughter hopped off her father’s lap, her nude body lithe as she darted to the cabinet. Deidre’s eyes followed the naked ass of her daughter, wiggling with simmering delight. The other revelations had delivered Deidre the pleasure of incest with her daughter and her twin brother.

And she had cum from the spanking.

“I’m ready,” Deidre said, focusing her faith once more.


I smiled as Kitty, my youngest daughter, darted naked through the worship hall of our church. I stood over my twin daughters, the pair moving around into a sixty-nine to devour my cum out of their pussies. I had popped both their cherries, fucking back and forth between my twenty-year-old daughters’ snatches. Such a joy to plunder my last two daughters’ virginities. When I orgasmed, I fired a few blasts in each, letting them baste in their daddy’s cum.

Maybe even bred them.

Around me, the youth group, a collection of nineteen and twenty-year-olds who were once the most devout at our church, all gasped and moaned as they masturbated. Some were even helping each other, a Hispanic girl named Pina giving her first blowjob. Jessica, one of my harem sluts, enjoyed a girl named Michelle, and my daughter Crystal eyed Georgia Simpson, a cheerleader.

Even Kip Larson, the youth minister, stroked his cock after cumming watching my twins do their strip-tease. His daughter shuddered beside him, rubbing her twat, her hand stretching out her panties.

My wife came up beside me, trembling, knowing her punishment came. She deserved it for cheating on me. For being a whore. But I still loved her. I would forgive her. After all, I lusted after our daughters.

But Scott… Her Pilates instructor would pay.

“Aren’t they beautiful?” I asked Anne as I stared down at our twin daughters moaning and writhing. Rosie lay on top of Lily, squirming and grinding her cum-filled pussy into her twin’s face. Lily gabbed Rosie’s ass, moaning as she ate her sister’s snatch.

“Yes, they are,” Anne purred, her body fit and athletic, her breasts round. The twins inherited my wife’s dark hair but my height, standing a few inches taller than their mother. “What is my punishment? Bondage?”

I grinned, my dick aching, dripping in my twins’ pussy juices. “Did Scott ever fuck your ass?”

“No,” she said quickly. “No one has.” She licked her lips. “You want that? I’ll let you do it. Anything, Michael.” She grabbed my hand. “I’m so sorry. It was such a mistake.”

The church doors banged open. Kitty’s excited footsteps drew my attention. My eighteen-year-old daughter, her body petite, her breasts little budding mounds, raced forward. Blonde pigtails streamed behind her. The cop’s handcuffs dangled from her right hand. She held it up like a trophy as she ran.

“Daddy!” she jumped to me, landing proud like a gymnast at the end of her routine. She threw her arms out, grinning at me. “I got them.”

“Yes, you did, Kitten,” I grinned, snatching them. I bent down and kissed her on the mouth.

She sighed into the kiss. Her mouth moved on mine while her sisters moaned in the background, noisily feasting on each other’s snatches. My dick ached so hard. I loved the incest of fucking my daughters, my own harem.

My wife, four daughters, and Crystal’s girlfriend Jessica. But I needed more for my harem. A god had appetites. And thanks to the nanites in the Halo, the source of my mind control powers, I had stamina.

“Anne,” I said, breaking the kiss, “hands behind your back.” My thoughts didn’t tingle one bit. My powers had her convinced she should behave this way. She believed it, my brainwaves overwriting hers.

“Yes, hun,” she said, turning and thrusting her hands behind her back. I admired her ass, firmer than it was a year ago. While I became obsessed with our daughters, she had gotten her body into better shape. Probably to attract my interest.

And when I didn’t give it to her…

Yeah, I could forgive her.

I slapped the cuff on her first wrist, savoring the ratcheting sound. “I’m going to fuck your ass so hard,” I growled, slapping the restraint on her other wrist, tightening it. “I’m going to break in that cherry ass with my dick lubed by our twin daughters’ pussies.”

“Yes,” she moaned, her voice so throaty.

“Good wives let their husbands fuck them up the ass, don’t they?”

“They do,” she said, wiggling her hips. “I want to be a good wife, Michael. I do.”

I looked around at the youth group. Most had cum, panting, faces flushed. Pina had cum dribbling down her brown chin, her nipples dimpling her top. Craig, the guy she blew, grinned like he won the lotto.

“Listen up,” I growled, forcing Anne down to the ground, bending her over the edge of the stage that the podium, and my daughters sixty-nining, rested upon. Her ass pointed at the youth group. “My wife cheated on me. And you know what happens to wives when they cheat?”

“Their daughters spank their asses,” Crystal, my blonde nineteen-year-old, said. She cuddled with her busty, black-haired girlfriend, Jessica.

Everyone else shook their heads or said, “No, Mr. Horne.”

“Spanking is the first punishment,” I growled, my dick throbbing hard. “But they also have to be treated as the whores they are.” I grinned, my dick aching so hard. “Anal whores. Guys, line up. Once I’m done breaking in her butt-hole, every one of you will fuck her whore ass and cum in her. Pound her. Give it to her hard. Show her how a whore is treated so she’ll never do it again.”

“Oh, yes,” my wife moaned. “Show me.” She wiggled her ass, sounding eager for it. Such a whore.

My thoughts tingled only slightly. After all the commands I gave the youth group and the minister, they were eager to obey. Kip even beat the boys to line up, his dick growing hard again. The boys, nineteen and twenty, all formed up, the girls watching, rubbing their pussies beneath or through their panties.

I loved having an audience. A god should be watched. I grinned, only hours ago just a scientist that worked out at the White Sands Missile Test Range. Now I had powers. I fell to my knees behind my cheating wife, my dick smacking her red ass.

She cooed.

“Beg, whore,” I growled, sliding my dick between her butt-cheeks while I stared at my sixty-nining twins just beyond her. Rosie and Lily’s breasts pillowed against the other’s stomach. They squirmed and moaned, devouring each other’s cunt with such passion.

“Fuck my whore-ass, Michael!” panted my wife. “Punish me for being a cheating slut!”

I thrust.

My wife groaned.

Her sphincter, as tight as Kitty’s or Crystal’s had been, swallowed my cock. Our twins’ pussy juices lubed the way. I slid into her velvety bowels, savoring the rough friction. Heat burned along my shaft as I plowed deeper and deeper into her.

“You’ll never deny me anything again after this,” I groaned, leaning over her, my eyes locked on Rosie and Lily.

“Never, hun,” she whimpered, her voice so thick as I pressed my dick to the hilt in her, feeling the firm swell of her toned ass. “Fuck my ass. Please, please. I love you.”

“I love you, too, whore.”

I drew back, shuddering at the tight grip of her bowels. The pleasure rippled down my cock. The friction burned and made me shudder. I gripped her hips and thrust into her, bringing another grunt from her lips, my balls smacking into her taint.

“Fuck her ass, Daddy!” Kitty cheered, bouncing on the edges, her pigtails dancing. She acted like a cheerleader. “Punish her whore-ass!”

I punished my wife. I fucked her hard, savoring her bowels finally wrapped about my dick. The heat caressed my dick. I grunted, slamming into her, my crotch smacking into her spanked ass. She gasped and moaned, squirming, writhing, bucking back into my thrusts like the whore she was.

“Oh, god, this is good,” she groaned. “I love it.”

“Anal is amazing,” Crystal cheered.

“Master’s cock feels so good in my ass,” Jessica agreed.

I groaned, savoring my wife’s ass, the people watching. I could feel the hard passion of the boys waiting for their turn, most virgins. They’d get their first taste of a woman’s body as they fucked my whore-wife’s ass.

That sped my hips even faster. I pounded her, the velvety friction boiling my balls. My heavy nuts smacked over and over into her. I grunted and groaned, Escort driving my cock into her with every ounce of strength I had.

I wanted her to feel it.

She did. She gasped. She moaned. She clenched her bowels on me as she bucked into my thrusts.

Rosie and Lily writhed, their bodies squirming, humping. Lily’s hand gripped her sister’s ass hard. Her fingers dipping into Rosie’s butt-crack. Rosie squealed, Lily’s fingers exploring, finding a puckered sphincter.

Penetrated it.

My dick ached in my wife’s asshole.

“Yes, yes, finger your sister’s asshole, Lily,” groaned my wife. “It’s so good. She’s going to love it.”

“I do, Mommy,” Rosie moaned between licks. “Oh, wow, Lily.”

Rosie’s own hand slid beneath her sister’s curving ass. Lily gasped, receiving her own anal delight.

I shuddered, loving the twincest before me. My strokes grew even harder. I rammed my cock so hard into my wife’s asshole. The pleasure burned around me as she gasped and groaned. My eyes rolled back into my head.

My cum aching to explode into her.

I seized my wife’s brown hair, pulling on it as I pounded her. She gasped, her bowels tightening on my dick. The heat burned around my cock. Pleasure rushed through my body. She squealed and groaned.

“Michael!” she gasped. “Oh, Michael, yes!”

“Are you going to cum, whore?” I growled.

“Yes!” she bucked up hard, her ass smacking my crotch. “So hard! I love your cock in my ass, hun! Keep fucking me and… Yes!”

“Cum, Mommy!” Kitty cheered.

“She is!” I groaned, my wife moaning and gasping as her bowels writhed on my dick.

“Then flood her whore-ass, Daddy!” Kitty bounded before us, blocking my view of her twin sisters. My youngest jumped and hopped, her firm tits jiggling, pigtails flying. Juices trickled down her thighs. “Cum, Daddy, cum!”

“Cum, Mr. Horne,” a boy shouted from the line, eager for his turn.

“Just pump her full of your jizz, Daddy,” Crystal moaned.

Behind Kitty, Rosie and Lily gasped, their bodies writhing, cumming together. I watched them through Kitty’s spread-wide legs. I groaned, plunging my dick hard through my wife’s convulsing bowels. My heavy nuts smacking over and over into her.

I growled out my pleasure and erupted into my wife’s asshole. Cum pumped out of me into her ass. Her bowels sucked at my dick, milking my cock as I grunted. Dizzy delight washed across my mind. My body shook and heaved.

“Go, Daddy, go!” Kitty cheered. She did a high-kick, flashing her pussy covered by her soft down of blonde curls, her silt parting, showing her pink depths. “Cum in Mommy’s ass!”

I groaned, firing the last blast of jizz into my wife. She squirmed, her handcuffs jiggling as she panted, coming down from her own orgasmic high. I yanked my cock out of her, sucking in deep breaths. Her asshole gaped open, my cum swimming in her.

“She’s all yours. Fuck her hard,” I grinned. “But only her ass. A wife’s pussy is only for her husband. No other man.”

Kip took my place, the younger man falling to his knees. His daughter watched, her eyes so wide as he rammed his dick into my wife’s whore-ass. Anne gasped, her back arching, her tits rubbing into the stage as I moved to my twins.

“Have a good time, girls?” I asked, kneeling down beside them, my cock bobbing before them.

“We did, Daddy,” Lily moaned, staring up at me, her face smeared with her sister’s cream. “Mmm, I’ve wanted to eat her pussy for over a year.”

Rosie nodded her head.

“I got a task for you two.” I grinned at them.

“What?” Lily asked.

“Find me two virgins to fuck. I want more girls for my harem.”

“Are we in your harem, Daddy?” Rosie asked.

“Of course,” I told her. “You’re mine forever. Just like your mother and sisters. And Jessica.” I couldn’t break up Crystal from her girlfriend.

“Okay, Daddy.”

They scrambled to their feet, their large breasts heaving, and darted into the watching girls to pick my virgins. I savored my power, my wife grunting as the youth minster pounded her cheating ass hard. Kitty danced around the room, shaking her butt, excited and on the verge of hyperactivity.

“My daddy’s a god!” she sang. “And you’re all his whores.”

That made my dick throb. There were about ten or eleven girls here.

“Daddy,” Lily said, bringing Georgia Simpson with her, the cheerleader Crystal had the hots for. “Here’s my pick.”

“Pick?” Georgia asked.

“To join my harem,” I told her. “You’re my sex slave, and that makes you hot and wet. Serving me gives me so much pleasure.”

A shudder ran through the cheerleader, her red hair swaying, her green eyes flashing. She had big tits, soft and pillowy, almost the size of the twins. Pink nipples topped them. I licked my lips, her hand rubbing at her crotch through her panties.

“Crystal,” I called, “come play with me and Georgia.”

“Yes!” my blonde child groaned, hopping to her feet. The nineteen-year-old sprinted from her girlfriend.

“Crystal’s had a bit of a crush on you,” I told Georgia. “She’s wanted to go down on your pussy and have you lick her asshole.”

“Her asshole?” Georgia blinked.

“It’s full of my cum,” I told her, smiling. I fucked Crystal asshole while watching the twins’ strip tease.

“It is,” Crystal moaned, falling to her knees by us, her blonde hair slipping off her back. Cum soaked her butt-crack, leaking out of her asshole.

“Georgia, fall to your knees and lick her ass clean.”

“Yes, Mr. Horne,” the redhead moaned.

“Call him Master,” Jessica shouted. She crawled over, her big tits swaying. “Can I play, too, Master?”

“Please, Daddy?” Crystal asked as the redheaded cheerleader pulled apart her butt-cheeks and licked up my cum. “Ooh, Georgia, yes!”

“Crystal, lick your girlfriend’s pussy,” I groaned, falling to my knees, my wife grunting in the background.

Before I could ram into Georgia’s pussy, Rosie appeared with Kip’s daughter, Marybeth. The nineteen-year-old trembled, her short, black hair swaying about an elfin face, her breasts swaying beneath her top.

“I know she’s a virgin, Daddy,” Rosie proclaimed. “Right?”

“I am, Mr. Horne,” Marybeth said, her eyes staring at my dick pointing at Georgia’s fiery bush.

“Twins, strip her naked and play with her body while I enjoy Georgia.”

“Yes, Daddy,” my twins said, ripping off Marybeth’s PJs.

So much was happening around me. Girls were getting naked, rubbing each other. Michelle had her face buried between Pina’s thighs. The girl, once freaked out by a lesbian encounter with Jessica at a slumber party, now threw herself into devouring the Hispanic girl’s pussy. Kip Larson finished in my wife’s ass and a boy named Randy took his place. Jessica squealed, Crystal eating her pussy who in turn had her ass eaten out by Georgia, licking up all my cum.

I groaned, loving my powers. I rammed into Georgia’s pussy in a single thrust, ripping through her virginity. My dirty cock buried into her pure depths. She groaned into my daughter’s butt, her snatch cleaning off my wife’s ass from my shaft.

I grinned, loving fucking a virgin’s cunt after I’d been in a woman’s asshole. I groaned, gripping the cheerleader’s hips, and pounded her. Her firm ass rippled as my crotch smacked into her while her supple back arched. Her fiery hair spilled about her shoulders as she moved her head, lapping at my daughter’s sphincter.

“That’s it, whore,” I groaned. “You’re part of my harem. You love licking my cum out of any of my daughters’ or your fellow slaves’ bodies.”

“Yes, Master,” panted Georgia, her tight pussy clenching on my dick. She bucked back into me, her juicy snatch massaging my dick.

“Fuck her hard, Daddy,” one of the twins moaned. They had Marybeth naked, cupping the girl’s round breasts. The twins sucked on her nipples, making her squeal.

Kip watched my daughters play with his. I bet the pervert secretly lusted after all the nubile girls of the youth group.

I groaned, thrusting harder into Georgia’s snatch. Pleasure rippled through me as I used her, watching her lick and lap at my daughter’s asshole. I leaned over her body, my hands sliding up her side to her swaying breasts.

I gripped them as I groaned, “Shove that tongue into my daughter’s asshole, slut.”

Georgia obeyed. Crystal squealed into her girlfriend’s snatch. My blonde child tightened her butt-cheeks, pressing them against Georgia’s face. I shuddered, loving it. Jessica writhed beyond, her hands playing with her big tits.

I squeezed Georgia’s big tits as I fucked her, my hands sliding down them like they were a pair of udders. I found her fat nipples, pinching them. She squealed into my daughter’s asshole, her once virgin pussy clenching on my dick, buffing my shaft clean.

“Fuck,” I groaned. “Georgia, you have such a tight, hot pussy.”

“Thank you, Master!” she moaned. “Oh, wow, I never knew a cock could feel so good in me. I heard from other girls… Yes!”

I groaned in shock, her pussy cumming already. Her silky flesh spasmed and rippled around my dick. I plowed into her, loving her passion. She moaned and gasped into Crystal’s asshole. Her hips bucked, driving her ass back into my strokes.

I fucked her faster, savoring her massaging flesh. She kept moaning, squealing, cumming. My balls smacked into her clit. Every stroke raised the heat in my balls, bringing me closer and closer to a boil.

“Fuck,” I groaned, gazing around, watching the fun.

Michelle tongued Pina hard. The Hispanic girl lay on her back now, Michelle’s pale hands reaching up to grasp the Hispanic girl’s brown tits. Pleasure rippled across Pina’s face as she humped her barely Escort Bayan legal cunt into Michelle’s hungry mouth.

Randy plowed into my wife’s ass hard. He grunted, my wife squealing, cumming on the boy’s dick. His face twisted in rapture as he flooded her whore-ass. Then he panted and pulled out of her. He gave Craig a high-five then stumbled past the line.

Craig stepped up and rammed into my wife’s sloppy asshole.

“Oh, yes,” Anne cooed, her face scrunched up in pleasure.

Marybeth shuddered, lying on her back now, one of my twins between her thighs, the other sitting on her face. I grinned, recognizing the subtle differences that let me tell them apart, and watched Lily’s big tits heave as she ground on Marybeth’s face.

“Yes, yes, lick my pussy,” groaned Lily. “Just do what Rosie’s doing to your cunt, slut! Oh, yes, just like that!”

“Lord almighty,” groaned Kip, his hand stroking his cock, regaining a third wind as he watched his nineteen-year-old daughter writhing in lesbian passion.

Oh, yes, he had lusted after these barely legal girls and their nubile passions before.

I groaned, still plunging my dick into Georgia’s cumming pussy as I cast my gaze across the other barely legal girls fingering their pussies. Most were naked, rubbing virgin snatches or plunging fingers into cunts already deflowered. Their youthful breasts heaved, their moans singing through the church, spurring my hips to fuck.

Kitty sneaked up on Lily, hugging her from behind as she ground on Marybeth’s face, my youngest grabbing Lily’s big tits. “Got your boobies!”

“Oh, yes, you do, rugrat,” Lily moaned, trembling as Kitty’s small hands kneaded those lush breasts. “Mmm, and your nipples feel so hard.”

“And my pussy’s soooooo wet!”

I shuddered, my dick throbbing in Georgia’s pussy as I watched the sight. Kitty nibbled on Lily’s neck, her fingers finding her sister’s nipples. She tugged on them, making Lily grind her pussy hard on Marybeth’s licking mouth.

“Fuck my ass, Craig!” howled my wife.

“Yes, Mrs. Horne!” groaned the young man.

“Oh, Crystal, yes,” gasped Jessica, tugging on her dusky nipples as she humped against Crystal’s licking mouth. “Oh, yes, eat my cunt. I love it. You’re the best. I love you so much.”

“I love you,” moaned my daughter. I accidentally made them love each other. But they were both so happy now.

I groaned, squeezing Georgia’s tits again, wishing her big udders had milk in them. Then I could milk her for real. I shivered, plunging harder into her deflowered cunt, her flesh rippling about me, the pleasure building and swelling.

“Michelle!” Pina moaned in orgasmic delight.

“Yes, yes, yes,” groaned another girl, quivering, her firm tits jiggling as she came on her fingers.

“Lick my pussy, Marybeth!” moaned Lily.

“Lick her,” groaned Kip.

All the passion burning around me, sent my hips plunging so hard. My cock ached. The pressure built at the tip. Jessica gasped and bucked, cumming on Crystal’s expert mouth. More pleasure filling the church, defiling it.

I grinned, driving my cock deep into the nineteen-year-old cheerleader’s pussy. I grunted, my cock unloading. My jizz flooded into her pussy. I grunted. The pleasure flooded through me. Hot blasts of jizz pumped over and over into the girl’s snatch.

“Mr. Horne!” she squealed, her pussy milking my dick. “Yes, yes.”

“Flood her pussy, Daddy!” Kitty cheered. “Baste her with jizz.”

“Yes, do it, Daddy!” gasped Lily. “Oh, Marybeth, yes!”

Girls were cumming everywhere as I flooded Georgia’s pussy. Lily came on the youth minster’s daughter tongue while Marybeth flooded Rosie’s mouth with pussy juices. Pina heaved in orgasmic delight. Masturbating girls squealed.

And my body heaved as I pumped so much jizz into Georgia’s soiled cunt. I hoped I bred her. I hoped I bred all my daughters, too. I wanted them all pregnant. Then Georgia would have big udders for me to milk.

“Fuck,” I groaned, my dick spurting the last load of jizz into her, pleasure rippling through my body. “Oh, damn, that’s good.”

Crystal lifted her face from Jessica’s pussy, throwing a cunt-stained look over her shoulder. “Daddy! Can I lick her pussy now!”

I grinned at her. “Yes, you can. Enjoy Georgia.”

“Yes, honey,” moaned Jessica. “Savor her cunt.”

Georgia shivered as I pulled out of her. Then my blonde child attacked the redhead, forcing Georgia onto her back. Crystal straddled Georgia’s face and buried into the redhead’s sloppy cunt, eager to lick my jizz out of the cheerleader’s twat.

I turned to Marybeth. My twins pulled away from her and sauntered to Jessica. They sank down on either side of my busty sex slave, cupping her big tits and kissing her on the face. I shuddered, my dick twitching.

“Are you going to fuck my daughter now, Michael?” Kip asked, stroking his dick.

Marybeth shivered, her face smeared with Lily’s pussy cream. “Yes, are you, Mr. Horne? I’m so wet and hot. I want…I want a cock in me.”

“My daddy is going to fuck you so hard,” Kitty cheered.

“No, she’s going to fuck me,” I said, crouching down then stretching out onto my back. I grabbed my cock, lifting it so it pointed skyward, Georgia’s pussy juices basting it. “My new slut’s going to pop her cherry by impaling herself on my dick. Then she’s going to ride me hard.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Kitty said, moving around me. She straddled my head before I could say anything and sat her pussy down on my mouth.

I didn’t complain as I licked through her tight, sweet slit. I broke in this virgin twat. Last time I licked her, she had a cherry. This time, I jammed my tongue into her hot depths, swirling it around and making her squeal.

“Sit on my daddy’s cock right now, slut!” Kitty gasped.

“Yes,” groaned her father.

I didn’t see Marybeth since I stared at my daughter’s cute tush clenching as she ground her hot pussy on my mouth. But I felt the minister’s daughter straddle me. Her hand seized my shaft. And then I felt the first touch of a virgin twat on my dick, a hymen guarding the entrance to what I craved.

Marybeth gasped in pain, impaling herself down my cock. Her hot, tight twat slid down my dick. She whimpered, wiggling, taking more and more of my shaft. I groaned into Kitty’s sweet snatch as Marybeth bottomed out on my shaft, taking me to my hilt.

“Yay!” Kitty cheered. “Now fuck him! Ride my daddy’s cock, slut! You’ll love it. Cumming on his dick is the best!”

“Okay,” Marybeth said, her voice sounding slightly awed. “He’s so deep in me. I can feel him.” She slid up my cock, her virgin-tight cunt clinging to my dick. “Oooh, that’s nice. Oh, that’s very nice.”

I groaned into my daughter’s pussy.

“Daddy loves it,” giggled Kitty, grinding that hot, sweet pussy on my mouth. “Fuck him with your cute cunny! Love my daddy!”

“Yes, yes, yes,” groaned Kip.

My tongue danced through my daughter’s cunny as Marybeth slid her pussy down my dick. The deflowered girl groaned, her hips wiggling as she discovered the pleasure of fucking a man. She rose on my cock, hot snatch clinging to my flesh.

Pleasure boiled around my dick as she worked her pussy up and down my shaft. I moaned and groaned into my daughter’s cunt. I collected her cream dribbling out of her. I savored the flavor flooding my mouth. She gasped and shivered on me, squirming and grinding her hot pussy against my mouth as I feasted on her barely legal snatch.

“Oh, Daddy, yes. You love the slut’s pussy on your dick. I can tell!” Kitty shuddered, her cute tush clenching before my gaze. “Yes, yes, lick my cunny while the whore fucks your cock.”

“Whore?” gasped Marybeth, her youthful cunt clenching on my dick.

“You’re my daddy’s whore now. You belong to him.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” grunted Kip. “Fuck!”

“Daddy!” gasped Marybeth. “Don’t swear in church and… Daddy!”

Kitty giggled while Kip groaned, his dick must be firing his cum. Marybeth rode me faster, her pussy clenching and relaxing as she witnessed her father orgasm. I shuddered, my hands squeezing the girl’s thighs, feeling her muscles flex as she fucked me.

Pleasure rippled down my dick. I shuddered, thrusting my tongue deep into Kitty’s pussy. She fucked her cunt around my tongue, her hips dancing in circles. Her juices dribbled down my chin and cheek, her scent filling my nose.

I groaned, loving it. I could drown in any of my daughter’s cunts. I reveled in devouring Kitty’s snatch. My tongue flicked through her folds, brushing her clit now. That made her gasp and shudder, her rump clenching above my face.

“Daddy!” she squealed.

Other moans reached my ears.

“Suck on my big titties,” gasped Jessica. I pictured my twins loving Jessica’s big tits. I suspected Rosie and Lily both liked breasts. They started with Marybeth’s, and now they enjoyed Jessica’s lush pair.

“Ooh, Pina, yes, just like that,” cooed Michelle. “That’s how you lick pussy. Mmm, you’re doing such a good job.”

My dick throbbed in Marybeth’s cunt, picturing the Hispanic girl, her rump up in the air, wiggling as she devoured her first cunt. Michelle, stretched out on her back, shuddering as she taught another girl all about the joys of lesbian sex, awakening to her true desires. No longer repressed by the morality of the church we defiled.

“Oh, Kurt, that’s a big cock,” moaned my wife, taking another boy in her whore ass. “Oh, yes, fuck me. Dump more cum into my asshole and make me cum!”

“Yes, Mrs. Horne,” the Black youth groaned, plowing my wife, his crotch smacking her well-spanked ass.

“Crystal!” squealed Georgia, her voice muffled, face pressed into hot pussy. “Oh, yes, Crystal!”

“Cum, Bayan Escort you naughty slut!” moaned my blonde child.

“Oh, Daddy, this is so awesome,” Kitty groaned, grinding her pussy on my face. “All these people fucking. You did this! You are a god, Daddy!”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Kit groaned.

“A god?” Marybeth said, awe in her voice, her pussy clenching hard on my dick. “I’m fucking a god?”

“You are,” I groaned, my thoughts prickling.

“Yes!” Marybeth gasped. “I’m like Mary. Oh, yes, yes, yes!”

She bounced hard on me now, leaning froward. My daughter gasped, her moans muffled. Both of theirs were. They kissed. I loved it, Marybeth’s pussy rubbing on my dick, massaging me with her hot cunt as she Frenched my daughter.

The virgin slammed down my cock and came. Her pussy spasmed about my dick. She squealed into Kitty’s mouth. I groaned, the pleasure rippling around my cock, her snatch spasming and convulsing.

I latched onto Kitty’s clit, sucking hard on it as the pleasure surged through me. I groaned, squeezing Marybeth’s thighs, the ache building and building in my cock. My nanite-enhanced balls had another load of cum ready.

“Daddy!” Kitty gasped, breaking the kiss. “Oh, Daddy, you have to cum in her. You have to put a baby in her belly!”

“Yes, yes, breed my daughter!” groaned the youth minister, lost to his suppressed lusts.

“Do it, Daddy! Breed her like you bred me!”

Kitty’s pussy gushed juices. A sweet flood poured into my mouth. She bucked hard atop me, adding her moans to Marybeth’s and other girls cumming through the worship hall. My dick throbbed and ached as I drank down those juices.

Marybeth came harder, squealing, “Breed me! Give me your god baby!”

She thrashed on my cock, bucking wildly. Her hips moved, shifting, stirring me through her orgasming cunt. Pleasure surged down my cock. I sucked on my youngest daughter’s cumming snatch as my balls boiled.

My cum fired into Marybeth’s snatch. Jizz pumped out of me. I groaned and spasmed. Her flesh milked me, so eager to be bred by her god and master. I shuddered, the two girls kissing again, sharing their pleasure as they squirmed atop me.

Rapture shuddered through me. Every blast of cum sent stars bursting across my vision. I groaned, my balls pumping out so much cum. My dick twitched in Marybeth’s spasming cunt each time, adding more jizz to the flood.

“Oh, damn,” panted her father. “You’re breeding my daughter. You’re breeding her!”

I heard the slap of hand against crotch, knowing he masturbated again, his dick staying hard from the sheer taboo lust of watching another man fuck his barely legal daughter. I shuddered, taking a last lap through my daughter’s pussy.

“Damn,” I panted, lying there panting, taking in what I had just done. I had fucked all four of my daughters, my wife, and three other girls tonight. I had cum and cum again.

And I still had energy.


“Fuck her ass, Daddy,” cheered James Maxwell twins. “Punish her.”

James groaned, advancing on the bound form of Deidre Icke, the president of the Institute. An orange extension cord tied her wrists together behind her back. She lay bent over her ex-husband’s desk, cum flooding out of her well-fucked asshole. Pearly jizz flowed down to her pussy, matting her dark bush and running in thick rivulets down her thighs.

By the time James learned of it, half the men in the Institute had already queued up to fuck her ass, to punish her like the God taught us. Alex, her eighteen-year-old son, walked around the desk and shoved his dirty cock into his mother’s mouth.

“That’s it, Mom, clean me off,” Alex groaned.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Alexis moaned, impaled on her father’s cock and watching the anal gangbang. “Mr. Maxwell, fuck her now. Punish her for cheating on my daddy!”

“Yes,” Mindy and Cindy, James’s twins, moaned. His cum ran out of both their pussies. They wanted to be bred by their daddy. “Fuck her!”

James pushed his cock into Deidre’s asshole. It slid in with hardly any resistance, broken in by a dozen or more cocks and lubed by so many sloppy seconds. He groaned, shocked he could even get his cock up again.

But tonight, fucking his twin daughters, was special.

“Punish my mother,” Alex groaned, fucking her mouth.

James grinned and obeyed his God’s teachings.


Pina and Michelle licked my cum out of each other’s twats. I liked that double-fucking method of enjoying two girls, going back and forth between their pussies. I decided those two would be the last girls I’d keep in my harem from the youth group. The last boy fucked my wife’s ass, ramming into her. The other boys were enjoying the girls I hadn’t claimed, some getting spit-roasted, others simultaneously taking a cock in their pussy and asshole, moaning out their pleasure.

Kip had his dick buried in a nineteen-year-old Black girl’s snatch, fucking her hard while his daughter lay in an embrace with Kitty, the pair kissing after their hot sixty-nine. Crystal, Jessica, and Georgia formed a daisy-chain of licking passion.

“Oh, god, fuck my ass,” moaned my wife. “Mmm, punish me. I need it.”

“Mom is such a whore,” Rosie giggled, crawling towards me, her twin sister beside her.

Lily nodded her head as she and Rosie stopped before me. They both grabbed my dick coated in Pina’s and Michelle’s pussy juices. “And you’re still hard. You must be a god, Daddy.”

“How?” Rosie groaned.

“I made him a king by putting a gold crown on his head,” Kitty mewled, sounding tired. She’d done a lot of fucking today.

“Wow,” Rosie groaned, her tongue licking up my shaft, gathering the mix of juices.

Lily’s joined her. I shuddered, my daughters’ identical faces pressed together as they licked and lapped at my cock, cleaning off the cunt cream. Their tongues bathed me. I groaned when they reached the tip, flicking across the sensitive crown.

Pleasure flooded through me. I loved their tongues dancing over my grown, their dark eyes twinkling. They stroked the base as they licked up all the juices they could, sliding their pink, agile tongues across my dick.

Sometimes they brushed, caressing each other.

And then they kissed around the crown of my dick, pressing their lips together while stimulating me.

“Oh, you two are such naughty girls,” I groaned, my body twitching. A new load of cum built in my balls. “Just so hungry for your daddy’s cum.”

“It was so yummy in Rosie’s pussy,” Lily moaned.

“But we want to taste it pure,” Rosie added.

“Pure.” Lily sucked on the tip of my cock.

I shuddered, her cheeks hollowing as the twenty-year-old loved my dick. I groaned, Rosie’s tongue licking around her sister’s lips, caressing the flesh of my cock. Their hands tightened on my shaft, stroking me faster and faster.

Lily popped her mouth off my cock, letting Rosie get a turn. My eldest daughter, by seven minutes, sucked and worshiped my dick. I panted, my hands seizing their dark hair, gripping them as they pleasured me.

They traded my dick back and forth, sucking, licking, pleasing me. In the background, my wife came on the last boy’s cock. He grunted, flooding her ass, finishing her punishment. I groaned, sucking in breaths.

Enjoying my daughter’s mouths loving my dick.

“That’s it, girls,” I groaned. “Pleasure your father.”

“Do it,” moaned my wife, her voice thick with exhausted satisfaction. “He’s a good man. You have to please him.”

“Yes, Mother,” Rosie and Lily sang together as they swapped who sucked my dick.

Rosie engulfed my cock, her tongue swirling.

“We want you to cum on our faces, Daddy,” Lily moaned then took my dick from her sister.

“Just hose us with your cum,” purred Rosie, Lily bobbing her head, sucking so hard on my dick.

They switched. “Mmm, yes, coat us. Rosie and I want that.”

Lily engulfed my dick. “Yes, yes, bathe us, Daddy!”

I groaned, their sucking and begging had my balls boiling. They stroked my dick faster and faster, sensing my orgasm approached. I gripped their hair, my face twisting in passion. Their hot mouths teased me, tongues dancing.

I grunted.

The twins pulled back, their hands fisting my cock, aiming me right at their identical faces. My dick twitched, spurted. White cum painted their faces. Splashed from one twin to the other. They moaned and cooed as I bathed them. My spunk splashed on their foreheads, ran down their noses, and dripped down their cheeks.

“Daddy!” they squealed together. “Yes, yes, yes!”

I grunted, my final blast spurting across their lips. They turned, locking lips hard. They kissed each other, tongues dancing. They licked my spunk off each other, savoring the taste of my cum. I shivered, loving the sight.

“That is so hot,” my wife groaned, tottering over to me, a flood of cum pouring down her thighs from her ass, her body flushed, her tits spotted red from the carpeting covering the stage. “Look at them. Just loving your spunk.”

“Uh-huh,” I groaned.

“Am I…forgiven?” she asked, her voice trembling, her eyes tremulous.

“Yeah, Anne,” I told her, cupping her chin, our twins snowballing my cum back and forth as they knelt before us. “You are.”

A tear fell down her cheek.

“But that asshole Scott… He’s going to pay.”

“He’s married, you know,” my wife said. “Once…we went to his house while his wife and daughter were out of town.”

My dick twitched. “You remember where it is?”

She nodded her head.

“Then it’s time to pay that cock-sucking asshole a visit.” I grinned, my plan forming in my mind.

“Sure,” my wife nodded. “Um, did you get the keys for the handcuffs from the cop?”

I blinked and laughed. Even a god could forget the little details.

To be continued…

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Harry’s Luck

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Harry Potter was having a great day. The Yule Ball had just been announced and girls were getting excited throughout the Great Hall. He could see all the girls eager to attend the Ball and using any means necessary to do so.
Walking down the entrance hall, a 7th-year Ravenclaw came up to talk to him. She had a cute body and nice sized breasts; which were clearly on display. She said: “Hey Harry”. Harry, never having seen her before knew the only reason she was talking with him was that she wanted to attend the Ball with the Champion of Hogwarts. “How can I help you?” asked Harry. “Will you come to the Yule Ball with me?” she asked; lowering her shirt giving him a better view of that awesome cleavage. Knowing that she would do whatever he wanted to attend the Ball, he knew that the coming weeks would be very beneficial to him and he could use it to his advantage. It had always been his dream to fuck all the girls in his year and in years above him (though he wouldn’t mind fucking Ginny Weasley’s lovely ass) in Hogwarts ever since he had first masturbated to the thoughts of fucking his best friend Hermione Granger last year.
He thought quickly and replied:”I will have to test you first”. “Sure”, she replied: ”I can pass any test”. The test he had in mind was going to ensure that his dream came true. He could masturbate for a long time and had used one of his cousin’s special “dolls” to fuck/masturbate and knew that he could last a long time before cumming. He told her: ”I Escort want to fuck you”. “That would be my pleasure” replied the girl; knowing that fucking the Boy-Who-Lived would make her famous. “If I cum before you, I will take you to the Ball; BUT if I cum after you, you have to do what I say for the rest of your time at Hogwarts.” “Of course” replied the girl falling into the myth that girls never come before teenaged boys. “By the way, my name is Natasha” informed the girl. “Natasha, thanks for doing what I say for the next 6 months” replied Harry, confidant in his abilities. Natasha, looked a bit frightened, but ignored it and asked:” So when do you want to start the test?” “Right now” replied harry and lead her towards the Room of Requirement. Walking in from of the wall 3 times, thinking of a room to have sex, the door opened. It had a big king-size bed in the middle with various closets containing different sex-toys. Throwing her onto the bed, Harry started kissing her passionately. She kissed with equal fervor and quickly started removing his pants and underwear. Finishing this, what she saw there; almost made her faint and all thoughts of passing this test were gone from her mind. What Harry had not informed her that he was extremely gifted down there. His soft dick by itself was 9 inches; which was slowly rising up as he became excited. As she kept on stroking him, he rose to a full length 14 inches. Edging his hand towards her pussy, he saw that she had become very Escort Bayan wet on seeing his monster cock. Immediately flipping her on her back, Harry entered her moist pussy. She shrieked loudly as he was 3 inches wide and could barely enter her. Slowly, he kept pushing and when 8 inches of his dick were inside her, he started fucking her. Natasha’s eyes rolled up and she started moaning incoherently. Feeling that she was not a virgin enraged Harry a bit as he had just lost his virginity to her; and he started fucking here with deep long strokes. After 4-5 strokes, he could feel her cumming. Her pussy had a vice-like grip on his cock and she came, squirting all over his cock and almost lost consciousness. Knowing that she had not passed her test, and was going to become his slave for the next 6 months, it was a consolation for her that she was going to be fucked like no other girl in Hogwarts, She was wrong. Harry, after losing the grip from her pussy, continued fucking her. She kept moaning:”Fuck me, fuck me, I am your whore now!!” Changing positions, Harry lay down on his back and told her to ride him. This way he could play with her lovely breasts while she rode his monster. He took both breasts in his hands and squeezed them hard. Her nipples were rock-hard and he bit on them, earning another moan. Playing with her nipples, he squeezed one of them and took the other one in his mouth. Overcome with pleasure she came again and blacked out for a couple of minutes. When Bayan Escort she came around, she saw that they had changes positions again, and Harry was behind her lubing her ass. Knowing what was coming, she screamed when Harry pushed his whole cock into her ass. She had only allowed 1 guy to enter her there as he was pretty small with 4 inches of cock and he was her 1st boyfriend. When Harry’s 14 inches entered her, she thought that she was going to be pierced into two. She kept screaming as Harry fucked her like a machine for another 10 minutes. By the time harry was ready to try another way to fuck her, Natasha had already cum 4 times as was passed out. “Enervate” said Harry, pointing his wand at her. She came around immediately. Lifting her up, harry placed her as if she was hanging from her belly on the couch. Moving behind her, Harry started pounding her pussy again. “Stop please Harry, Stop please!” Natasha started screaming. Not paying any attention to her, Harry kept fucking her until he was ready to cum. Feeling his cum build up, Harry pushed his cock into her hole for 3-4 times and finally came; pouring all his cum directly into her hole. Her pussy was couldn’t take it anymore and she came again; shouting his name and fell unconscious to the ground.
Looking at her, Harry was extremely satisfied. Not only had he outlasted one of the more experienced 7th years, he had made her cum lots of times. He had no doubt that she would be in no position to walk for the next few days. Smiling, Harry left her on the floor; casting a curse on her that ensured that she would not break her promise and went to the Great Hall; waiting for the next girl to ask him out.

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My First Experiences: My very first time

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Ok so i’ll start off with a little backstory, im sorry if this bores anyone, but anyway…. My name is Sarah, im 19 years old and i come from an Irish Catholic family, the kind that goes to mass every week and says grace before every meal. I have very strict parents, if i go out i have to be home before its dark, they dont even want me to have a boyfriend. I have an older sister named Kim, shes almost 3 years older than me, shes probably my best friend, always there for me.
Anyway, my story starts when i was about 12. I was at my aunts house one night and my cousin was in his room for hours. I went into his room and stumbled across his computer……. he was just watching porn, but as a 12 year old Catholic girl, id never heard of it or seen it. To be honest, it kinda scared me. I couldnt understand how the girls i was looking at felt. They looked like they were in pain, but they wanted more. Those images haunted me for a few years, until i met a certain someone…….
When i was 15, my sister Kim decided it was time to bring her boyfriend to meet the family. It was the first time i saw David, tall handsome, a little pale but he had gorgeous eyes to make up for it. To me, it was like love at first sight. All through dinner i just couldnt take my eyes off him
Another Escort year passed, my birthday came around. By this time, David and I had become pretty close friends, but it used to freak him out how much me and Kim look alike. We’re both kinda short, Kims 5 foot 6 and im 5 foot 7. We both the same frame, bra size, shoe size, hair style and hair colour.most people thought we were twins. Anyway, my 16th birthday was kinda special to me, i got a present from David, and i got a hug, and i didnt want to let go of him, ever.
The day went on, and i overheard my sister and David talking about ‘having some quiet fun’ but Kim waz complaining about being tired. This put David in a bad mood…… I felt kinda sad seeing him like that so i had to cheer him up. I wanted to wait until everyone went to sleep to talk to David, and so i could kiss him, something i’d wanted to do for almost a whole year.
I went to the guest room where he was sleeping, and i crept in. I woke him and asked if he was ok. Almost instantly he grabbed me by the shoulders and kissed me. Then he asked if id changed my mind and started kissing me again. Then it hit me, he thought i was Kim. But i didnt want to stop. I finally goy to kiss him.
Then the mood changed slightly, while i was being distracted Escort Bayan by Davids sweet lips, he had managex to strip down to his underwear and put on a condom. He lay me down on the bed, still thinking i was Kim, and took off my pants and underwaer. Part of me knew what he wanted, and that it was wrong. But another part of me wanted him.
He cut straight to the chase, no foreplay or anything, just straight to the sex. He put it in and a small wave of pain shot through me, then he broke my hymen and i almost screamed. Then David realised it was me, but he didnt stop, and i didnt want him too. I felt so close to him, he was inside me and i felt like i loved him.
We did it for about 20 minutes, Davids expressions changed from guilty to happy, mine were constantly going between pleasure and pain. Finaly,after what felt like a lifetime, he thrust deep, making me bite my lip as a huge wave of pleasure came over me, my very first orgasm. He had his own at the same time, he pulled out and took off the condom. He gave it to me and said it was a special birthday present. It was the best (but most painful) present i got that day.
I woke up the next morning, sore, not wanting to leave my bed, thinking my night with David wad just a dream. At least until i Bayan Escort noticed the dry blood and overwhelming pain between my legs, and the fact that i clutching the cum fillex condom in my hand under my pillow. It was only 6 in the morning, i was about to go back to sleep when David came in. He lied down beside me and like the night before, went straight to business. He had his hand in the back of my shorts. He started groping my ass and i got a bit of a fright when i felt his finger rubbing my asshole. He kissed me, not as passionately as he did last night though. This distracted me a bit from his finger, but not enough. I let out a gasp as he slid his finger in my ass. It felt weird, like it shouldnt happen. I told him i didnt like it but he just kept doing it. Part of me wanted to cry. He whispered in my ear that was even better than Kim, and i didnt know how to respond.i just kept quiet until he was finished.
At the breakfast table, it all seemed a little awkward for me. To my left were my parents who still believed i was a good child, to my right was my sister Kim, whos trust i had betrayed. Then there was David,acting as if nothing happened. I look at him, and i remembered the stuff i saw on my cousins computer when i was 12, and i realised why the girls shouted for more. I wanted more from David.

This was my first, sorry if it seems kinda short. Please be gentle with any criticisms and thank you for reading 🙂

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A Rat’s Chance Ch. 5

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Chapter 5: The Last Rose Of Summer

Author’s Note: This is the last of a 5-part series. To fully appreciate this story one must have read the previous four installments.

* * * * *

I was sitting out on the deck enjoying what might have been the last decent evening of the summer. We were starting to get some cool days and I knew that I would have to close the pool on the weekend. Although there had been some dark threatening clouds earlier in the evening, they had cleared off around sunset and the night air was balmy and warm. I was contemplating a final late night swim before retiring. Tossing back a final swig of Chablis, I heard the doorbell. I tucked the towel around my waist and went inside to answer it. Damn, it was awful late for company. I answered the door only to see Allie standing on my porch, wearing this light little sundress that buttoned all the way down the front. She smiled hesitantly but sweetly, knowing what the flash of her teeth and tongue could do to me, even now.

“Hi,” she said softly, her glowing smile still able to soften me right up.

“Hi,” I replied. “How’s it going?”

“Okay. Can I come in?” she asked, bowing her head forward just a bit so that as she looked up at me, her steely blue eyes looked large and appealing.

“Sure, I guess,” I said opening the door for her. “So why the honor?”

“I had to see you tonight, Greg,” she began, taking a step toward me.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I don’t know,” she remarked, holding back. “All I know is that I had to see you, to talk to you, to try and let you know how I feel.”

“What’s to tell?” I remarked, trying not to sound too cold. “We’ve gone over all of this before, Allie. You’re married to someone else and you already know how I feel about that; you already know why I can’t be with you. Unless you’ve got some signed divorce papers with you, nothing has changed that I know of.”

“Can we sit down some place?” she asked.

“I’m sorry, Allie,” I said. “I guess that just because we’re not an item any longer doesn’t mean that I’m allowed to be rude. Come on. I was out on the deck, enjoying the evening.”

We moved out to the deck. I stopped and grabbed the Chablis and a second glass on the way through the kitchen. We sat at the table and she looked longingly out at the pool, the light below the water line casting an eerie aqua glow about the yard.

“I’m going to miss this,” she said dreamily as I poured her glass. “Thanks,” she responded, picking up the glass and taking a sip. She let her head fall back for a moment savoring the taste of the wine before shifting her position to lean forward in the chair toward me. The glow of the citronella candles turned her face a golden hue. “I’m really sorry about what happened with us, Greg. I don’t know what I was thinking. I was so stupid to think that maybe if I just ignored certain things that they’d go away.”

“Right, ignore the fact that you have a husband. Sure is an easy little detail to put out of mind.”

“Greg, please,” she said. “This is so hard for me.”

The clip of her accent was so appealing as were those great steely blue eyes that were now filling with tears that glistened in the candlelight.

“I’m sorry,” I replied starting to feel teary eyed myself. “I guess that was mean.”

“You know, I’m still in love with you,” she said, looking down into her wine glass. “I think about you all the time. I dream about you. Good dreams. No, very, very good dreams. I keep thinking of what it would be like to see you again, to talk with you, to be with you.” She looked back up and into my eyes. “You haven’t returned any of my calls. I’ve tried calling Kate and Jack and they keep telling me to call you. I just don’t know what to do.”

“You know, Allie,” I began, “Not that this matters now, but I still feel the same way about you too. I’ve tried hard to put you out of my mind but nothing works, nothing helps. Like the old song says, I close my eyes and see your face before me, haunting my every dream.”

“So what are we going to do?” she asked. “I want to be with you. Do you still want me?”

“What about your husband?” I asked.

“I don’t know what to do about him. I just can’t leave him.”

“But then you can’t have me either.”

“Greg, please,” she cried. “Isn’t there some way we can work this out? I need you in my life.”

“Damn! Why do I have to be such a gentleman?” I complained. “All my life I’ve watched guys like Jack and Robby reach out and grab for what they want while I lay back and go without because something keeps holding me back for some stupid reason or other.”

“Maybe you need to do something for yourself without having any reason at all.”

“Something for me or something for you?”

“Something for us,” she whispered. She was leaning so close to me I could almost feel the heat from her body. “Something that we both want. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me, I can feel it just sitting next to you.”

Looking over at her closely she appeared to be glistening in the hot humid air. Her dark Escort silky hair was pulled back away from her face and held on each side with a little blue butterfly clip. Her lips were wet and parted and her eyes were very clear in their intent. She looked so appealing that I finally had to look away and sigh deeply.

“You know, just a few weeks ago, I felt so in charge of myself, of my career, of my life,” I began. “Things were going so well at work, the summer was in full swing, and I was in love with this beautiful young woman, the woman of my dreams. Now, the summer is almost over, work seems more like a drudge, and I’ve found out that the woman is married to someone else. You’ve got to understand that I’m not in the same place I was.”

“But neither am I,” she said leaning back into her chair. “Since I haven’t seen you, I’m miserable, bitchy with my co-workers, curt with my customers. I need you in my life, Greg. You balance me; you make me feel so good about myself. You do things for me that Chad has never been able to do, will never be able to do.”

“So why don’t you leave him?”

“It’s not that easy,” she said softly. “Give me some time. Please?” She rolled her head over to look at me again. Her breathing was deep and fast; her eyes were glazing over with tears. She leaned forward and got up from the chair and stepped over to stand right in front of me, reaching down to take my hands in hers. “Sometime in your life, you’re going to have to start taking chances, Greg, without thinking, without analyzing, without overriding your feelings. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart. Tell me. What does your heart say?”

“My heart?” I laughed sadly. “My heart says that you are the best thing to have ever happened to me. My heart says that I should stand up and take you in my arms and sweep you away.”

“What if I say that I’m waiting to be swept away?”

I had to smile since she was so good, so very good; she was so fresh and sexy and appealing. I brought her hands to my face and kissed each one softly. The flesh on the back of her hands was hot and moist. I looked up into those sparkling eyes of hers and could see that there was nothing she wouldn’t do to get me. And deep inside I knew that there was nothing that I could do to resist her.

“Before you decide anything, how about a swim?” she asked.

“Okay,” I remarked with a smile. “But what will you do for a suit?”

“Who says I need a suit?” she replied.

Her hands slipped out of mine, reached up to the top button on her sundress, and began to work their way down, gently, teasingly popping each button loose and letting the dress fall open to my admiring gaze. Reaching up, she eased the dress open fully to reveal her sheer tiny white bra and thong, the dark circles of her nipples and the shadow of her muff were plainly visible even in the dim light of evening. She let the dress slip from her fingers and fall to the deck. There was no mistaking that this was a striptease she was doing, and she was doing it well. She arched her back slightly and reached behind to unhook her bra. The little garment easily fell away from her supple body and she dropped it on top of her dress. Hooking her thumbs through the tiny elastic bands of her thong, she slowly leaned forward and slipped them down her long tanned legs and stepped free.

She knew my eyes were glued to her body, memorizing the shifting curves as she stood back upright. As she held still for a moment in the glow of the candles and the pool light, she looked as if she were a priceless statue carved from rare Italian marble. But the great masters of Greece or Rome could not have carved a statue like this form before me, so perfect and alive. She pulled the clips from her hair and shook her head from side to side, letting her hair cascade about her shoulders. Then she turned slowly, very slowly to step down from the deck down toward the pool.

“Are you going to join me?” she asked, looking back over her shoulder at me, her eyes saying more than a mere come hither.

I got up from the chair and stepped down to stand beside her. She looked down at my swim trunks.

“Aren’t you going to join me?” she asked, her dazzling smile once again making me tingle.

For a moment I could only stare at her, the shapely well-turned legs, the dark shadow between them, the gentle curves of her hips, belly, and breasts, and the wonderful look of expectation in her eyes. I pulled at the drawstring on my trunks, tugged them down and off, and tossed them to the side. It had been years since I had gone skinny-dipping and the feel of the night air on my naked body was exhilarating. Taking her hand, we stepped down into the pool, letting the cool water envelope us. I dove down below the surface and came up on the other side from her. She had followed behind and surfaced right next to me, her fingers finding their way up along my body. The warmth of her body next to mine was electric. Our arms found their way around each other and our lips wasted no time in touching. She pressed her firm breasts and the soft flesh of her belly Escort Bayan up against me as our tongues flicked and licked at each other.

I cupped her cheek with my hand and then ran my fingers over her wet hair. There was a look of surrender in her eyes, a look I remembered seeing only a few times before, a look that told me that at this very moment, this woman was mine. As I slipped my arms around her and picked her petite body up, she wrapped her legs around me. I could feel her pussy rub past my cock as she climbed up into my embrace.

“I have got to be crazy,” I said as we held each other so closely. “I have got to be fucking nuts!”

“We both are,” she replied, “Because I’m so crazy about you!”

We kissed again and again, our lips and tongues weaving together. Her lips were sweet and soft. I kissed my way down to her neck and she tilted her head back so I could lick and kiss the soft smooth flesh that waited there for me.

“You are a terrific kisser,” she remarked.

“I used to be pretty good at this,” I replied. “But I’m kind of out of practice now.”

“Well, you can practice on me anytime, sir!” she laughed heartily

We swam a little. We necked a little more. But as the night grew deep and the stars showed forth their romantic twinkling light we began to edge toward the steps.

“Do you want to get out?” I asked.

“Sure,” she replied, slipping up near to me, her body brushing close as my arm slipped around her shoulders.

She was so light I scooped up her legs and carried her up the stairs and out to the deck. I set her down and grabbed the towel. It was an extra large one that I could wrap around the both of us. Of course she was so close to me it didn’t matter. She embraced me, clinging tightly, her adoring face and eyes trapping my gaze.

“Are you sure you want to be here?” I asked.

“Only if you’re sure you want me,” she replied in a soft voice.

I kissed her and slipped my arms around her, letting my hands wander all over her warm and wet body. Every place they wandered from her shoulders to her hips, I could feel her skin twitch and her body shiver. My cock made itself known by springing up and rubbing against her belly.

“Why don’t we go inside?” she asked.

“What’s wrong with out here?” I asked.

“Well, it’s getting late and I wouldn’t want to wake your neighbors,” she said. “Besides, I must warn you, I can get pretty loud.”

We wended our way inside and up to my room, the towel tossed aside along the way. Pausing to kiss in the family room, we embraced and rubbed up against each other in the foyer and fondled each other on the way up the stairs. My room was quite dark when we danced inside. I grabbed a pack of matches and lit the candles that were on the dresser, chest of drawers and nightstand. When I was through, the room was filled with a rosy warm glow. She leaned over to smell the flowers I had cut that morning.

“Last roses of summer?” she asked.

“I like the scent while I sleep,” I remarked.

“I like it while I make love,” she replied.

She stood right beside me and grabbed me by the cock, pulling me toward the bed.

“You realize that this will change everything between us?” she said eagerly stroking me as she slipped up onto the bed, tugging me along with her.

“And between you and your husband,” I remarked.

She didn’t flinch. She just lay back onto the silky bedspread and opened her body for me, her legs spreading, her arms falling up above her head, her wet hair all tousled about her shoulders, the soft curves of her body inviting my touch. As I knelt between her spread legs, I paused for a moment to drink in the scene: the candlelight, the smell of fresh cut roses, Allie’s beautiful body sprawled in front of me, the eager hungry look on her face, the feeling of my yearning passion burning inside me. She reached up both arms toward me and I took her hands in mine.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked.

“Not a thing,” I replied breathing deeply, bending over slightly to hover just above her. “You are so beautiful and I am so grateful to be here with you.”

“Just make love to me, Greg. I need you so badly.”

I leaned down to kiss her. It quickly became a wild tongue wrestling love match. She reached up to pull be down onto her, but I kept myself up on my elbows and knees letting only my lips and the head of my cock touch her. She began to wiggle her hips to maneuver my cock toward her pussy. My kisses drifted down to her neck and shoulders and slowly teasingly to her breasts. I kissed each one with delight, teasing the nipples to stiff erection with my tongue making her gasp.

“You are so beautiful, Allie,” I remarked, cupping each breast in a hand and stroking softly. She gasped again. “And so sensitive.”

“You don’t find them too small?” she asked moaning with pleasure.

“They are perfect!” I said. “Besides, more than a mouthful is a waste!”

I kissed them tenderly, then again with more force, sucking the nipples into my mouth and tickling them with the tip of my Bayan Escort tongue.

“Oh, Greg!” she cried out. “I think you’re going to make me come!”

After spending a few more minutes on her breasts, I could tell by her frantic quivering movements that she was coming. Her hips were moving in that familiar telltale circular pattern, her sighs came deeply and her breathing heavy. She gasped wildly as I fondled and suckled her perfect breasts.

“You are a live one, Allie,” I remarked as she wriggled beneath the touch of my fingers and lips and tongue.

My kisses moved down from the gorgeous valley between her breasts along the soft heaving flesh of her stomach down to her navel and lower yet. My elbows following along, straddling her waist and hips, my fingers lightly touching her willing body. When I reached the trimmed little patch of fur above her smooth pussy I slipped my hands around and boosted her hips upward, her hot wet pussy right at mouth level.

“Eat my pussy, Greg!” she cried out. “Eat my wet pussy!”

I buried my face in her tight little twat. She must have shaved her pussy, for there was only a small little patch of fur on top. The rest was so smooth and hot and ready, I lapped at her greedily. The outer lips of her pussy were thin making it easy to spread and get my tongue to the inner lips. Her hard little clit was already protruding from its hood. I licked and kissed her hot tight little pussy and began to work my fingers up inside her.

“Chad never eats me like this! Oh, God! Eat my pussy, Greg!” she screamed wildly. “Oh! Oh! I want to come!”

Despite her urgent pleas, I took my time building her up. Noting her response to my every move, I nudged her up the ladder, one rung at a time. She leaned back onto the bed, arching her back and thrusting her hips toward my face. One at a time, she brought her legs up and rested her thighs on my shoulders. Then she hooked her ankles together behind me and increased her pressure against my mouth. Her hot wet pussy was delicious. Suddenly with a gasp, she reached forward and grabbed me by the hair. It felt for a moment as if she was going to rip my hair right off my head as she implored me to eat her out. Finally, I stepped up my tongue lashing to the maximum, stuffing two then three fingers up her pussy. I could feel the tingling spread from her pussy up through her body as a wave of climaxing passion rose up to consume her.

“Oh, My God!” she screamed. “I’m coming!”

With a final thrust against my face she broke through and threw herself back onto the bed. I slowly released her and began to gently rub her quivering body as she tried to catch her breath.

“Oh, Allie,” I whispered. “You are one live wire!”

I kissed my way back up along her trembling body, trying not to miss a single taste of her sweet body, and brought my mouth up to hers for a kiss. Her lips were wet and cool from her heavy breathing and shouting. She hugged and kissed me crazily before rolling me over onto my back.

“Now it’s my turn to do you,” she whispered breathlessly. “I want to suck your cock!”

I lay back on the bed as she slipped down between my legs, her breasts pressing against my thighs. She grabbed my cock and stroked it gently with one hand and fondled my balls with the other.

“Chad says I’m not too good at this so I hope you like it,” she said apologetically.

“Almost like eating an ice cream cone,” I cracked. “Just start with a kiss and a few licks. But don’t forget to use your hands.”

I quickly realized that she must have been joking and that I didn’t need to supply any directions. She gently kissed the head of my stiff cock, then drew circles around it with her tongue. She wrapped her little hands around me and gently began to stroke slowly up and down. She opened her mouth and began to suck my cock up inside her hot wet mouth. I could feel her tongue flicker at it inside her mouth.

“Oh, that’s it Kiddo,” I moaned encouragingly. “Oh, God! Just like that! Suck my cock!”

She began to bob up and down matching the movement of her hands and mouth. I resisted the urge to thrust my cock up into her mouth and instead let her take the lead. I brought a hand down to her head and brushed the few little strands of wet hair from her face. She began to moan as she sucked my dick, gently rotating her mouth a little as she bobbed up and down. She brought her head up all the way and let my stiff cock pop out of her mouth but kept stroking it firmly.

“Are you going to come for me?” she asked eagerly. “Do you want to come in my mouth?”

“Let’s save that for later,” I replied. “Just keep doing that some more.”

She went back down on me, working more eagerly than before. She took a few licks up and down the entire length of the shaft, doing some circles on the head and then licking her way back down to my balls. She sucked each one into her mouth teasing them with her tongue, all the while stroking my cock with her firm grip. Then she went down on me again, slowly drawing as much of my long stiff cock inside her as she could. She then began this delicious up and down movement, slowly picking up speed until she finally had me thrashing about on the bed like a maniac. My body was tingling and my cock felt ready to explode. I finally grabbed at her head and pulled her up from me.

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All the While My Son Was Watching

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Big Cock

I love being a mother. Even more, I love being a MILF. My son’s friends often make comments about how hot I am. And I try to be just as hot as I can for them.

Just last week, Glenn, my 18 year old son had five friends of the same age over playing video games. They were in the family room at the rear of the house. I suppose they thought they had privacy, but I could easily overhear their conversation. All of Glenn’s friends were telling him how hot I was. Some of the comments were even lewd. I heard Mike say, “I’d like to have a piece of that.” I. was somewhat surprised that Glenn didn’t stop them from saying such naughty things about his own mother.

While it did upset me slightly to have these young men make such comments about me, it also turned me on. I was glad to be noticed, to be desired. These young men were so handsome.

I decided to have some fun teasing them and went to my room and changed into some more suitable clothes. I put on a red low cut v-neck sweater that is about three sizes too small and really hugged my boobs (no bra, of course), a short black leather mini skirt, a red thong that barely covered my mound, black fish-net stockings, red garter belt and red pumps. I looked at myself in the mirror.

“Not bad. You’ve still got it, girl,” I said to encourage myself.

I walked in on their little group and their eyes just Escort about popped out. The conversation stopped in mid-sentence. They all just stared in silence, mouths hanging open. Glenn was absolutely speechless. He’d rarely seen me dressed like this, and never around his friends.

“Would you like anything to drink?” I asked, smiling at their stunned expressions. “Eddie, will you help me in the kitchen.” Eddie, Glenn’s best friend since First Grade moved like a zombie, standing and moving toward the kitchen without his eyes ever leaving my body. I could see his hard-on bulging out the front of his jeans. My outfit certainly had an effect of him.

“You know where the glasses are,” I said as we entered the kitchen. As Eddie reached up into the cabinet for the glasses, I walked up behind him, rubbing my breasts against his back.

He turned and stared into my eyes. He was trapped between my body and the tiled counter to his back. I rubbed against that bulge in his jeans. And he rubbed back. I moaned slightly. It had been too long since I had any sex.

When I moaned, Eddie just smiled. Then he got a little more bold, grabbing my boobs through my sweater.

“Do you want some help with these?” he asked. Eddie had certainly turned the tables. I thought I was in charge and that I would tease the boys, but now he was taking control. And it felt Escort Bayan so good.

One of the other boys came into the kitchen to see what was taking so long and joined in. He comes up behind lifting my skirt and rubbing my pussy mound. I spread my legs and he begins to finger me. I can feel his hard, young cock pressing against my ass.

Another boy came to the door of the kitchen. When he saw what was happening he said, “Bring the party back in here.”

I was led back into the living room where they lay me on the couch – literally!! My sweater was pulled up. Young hands and mouths caressed my 34B boobs. My nipples grew as hard as little stones. My skirt was pushed up to my waist and my thong pulled aside as their young fingers began to feel how hot and wet I was. I became both hotter and wetter as their fingers filled and thrilled my needy pussy.

All the while my son was watching.

I suddenly felt the weight of one young man between my legs and then felt the hard, hot stalk of his youthful, virile cock against the wet lips of my pussy. I cry out, “Noooo!!” but my body is screaming, “YES!!!” He pushed his prick deep into my pussy and told all the others how hot and wet I was. In only a dozen thrusts he came deep inside my horny cunt. He pulled out and his cock was immediately replaced by another young, virile spear of flesh.

The Bayan Escort whole groups was busy with hands and mouths all over me. My tits were sucked and squeezed. I was kissed roughly, passionately. My legs were caressed and pulled wide apart. Boy after boy took their turn at my pussy, all of them cumming copiously. Their sperm flowed out of me, puddling on the couch. And I came with them, again and again. I needed what they were giving me. All five fucked me.

All the while my son was watching.

Finally as the fifth of his friends pumped the last of his load deep into my pussy, the first guy said, “Hey, Glenn, come and get some of this. Your mom is HOT!”

Glenn dropped his pants and crawled between my legs. Though I knew it was wrong, I couldn’t stop him. I didn’t want to stop him. He pushed his youthful cock deep into the pussy that birthed him. My body exploded in orgasm. My legs wrapped around him and pulled him even deeper into my used and abused pussy. He roughly pounded into my well-fucked cunt.

His buddies cheered him on as he ravaged his own mother’s pussy. All at once he pushed as deep as he could into my cunt and roared as unloaded what felt like a gallon of sperm into his mother’s hot, horny hole.

His friends all patted him on the back, while he kept his dick buried in my overflowing pussy.

“If that was my mom I’d fuck her every day,” the first one said. The others chimed in with similar comments.

As I lay there, with their cum oozing out of me, with my son’s still throbbing cock buried deep inside me, I thought, “I hope he does.”

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Aura , Zashe Ch. 2

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Leo. Cohen is quoted nearly verbatim herein: see Beautiful Losers. Special thanks to John Darnielle for some of the imagery. We are not nearly finished with their work, should we not thank them every moment we live? Do we not thank them with every breath, every word?

I got no response but a quick smile. She slid her hand quickly over her pussy, and the underside of my cock, then slowly eased me out of her. She stepped out of the shower and dried herself with my towel. She hung the towel back up and left the bathroom naked. I watched her lean ass as she went.

I quickly washed myself off and got out. My towel, however, was soaking wet. I grabbed Aura’s—and noticed hers was wet as well. I should’ve known. I took hers anyway, thinking only of the fact that I was rubbing over my body the same cloth that had touched every inch of her beautiful naked form. I wrapped it around my waist and went to my room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

A few hours later. Zashe had gone off to work, I was in my room, cleaning up, when Aura came in and sat on my bed.

“Having fun?”

“Yeah, I guess. I don’t like cleaning, but I like when it’s done.” I noticed she wore a thin white dress, with, I could see, no bra and white underwear. She leaned back on her elbows and looked at me. When she spoke, she didn’t look directly at me. She seemed to watch the walls.

“You know, after Mom and Dad died, I never would have thought you and me would ever be friends. I always think of that—like, the car was totaled, but my life, maybe yours too, it was just as mangled, I felt so trapped, like my life was a hunk of blackened, twisted metal, and I was inside, unable to feel anything. But now, you and I, living together but both so alone, it makes me feel good, like we understand something together that we can’t say… And yeah, we have a few friends, but, I mean, I haven’t gone on a date in a year and a half! And you, all these girls look at you but your eyes never leave your goal… I don’t know what your goal is, but I know you have many, and I think we have one in common—just getting over this, coming to terms with being alone in this thing—in life.”

“Yeah. But—we’re not really alone. And that’s important. We just don’t have parents with us anymore. And anyway, the only reason you don’t date is because you haven’t met anyone you want to date. That’s the flip side of having all the insurance money: we don’t work, so we don’t meet that many people. Not that I’m complaining…”

“No, that’s not true. I haven’t met anybody, sure, but it’s because I don’t want to meet anybody. I’m happy here, or, well, you know. I don’t want things to change just yet.”

“Um, Aura? Can I ask you a question?”


“You and Zashe, what’s the, uh, status of your relationship with her? Are you…”

“We’re just friends. We fool around, but I’m not really gay, I couldn’t have a real relationship with a woman. I love her though, and a lot of times I really Escort wish she was a man. But, no, we’re not together or anything. Why do you ask? Are you interested in her?”

“Just curious. I don’t want to date her, but we did, um, we did have sex.”

She smiled. “Never forget that Zashe tells me everything. And I mean everything.”

I laughed to myself. Aura’s grin broadened. I laid back on the bed next to her. “Yeah. I like being alone. I like being alone with you, too.”

“Me too.” She curled up next to me, her head on my shoulder. I listened to hear breath. Not surprisingly, my dick took note.

As I listened, it continued to grow. It was caught slightly in my underwear, and it was starting to get painful. As casually as I could, I reached into my boxers and pulled it upright. She didn’t say anything, so I forgot about it.

With a soft, sleepy moan, she turned her body further toward mine, her left leg crossing my knee. My cock rose to a full erection, a notable tent in my shorts—and it was surely in her line of vision. I refused to let it make uncomfortable, though. I just laid there, listening to her breathing, feeling the weight of her limbs upon me, smelling the fragrance of her hair, an eager and hyperconscious cock was not going to keep me from enjoying this.

She didn’t say anything about it. But she did do something. A thin strong finger reached out of a thin strong hand and traced the root of my cock.

“Remember when we were kids?” Her voice had caught slightly, so she cleared her throat, in that refined way women sometimes have. “When mom and dad were still at work… We’d play in the backyard, playing pretend…we were super-secret spies, always running around and hiding from each other, or racing each other, tree-climbing races…squirt gun espionage… Secret targeting meetings in the shed…the smell of the lawnmower and motor oil… Do you remember how hot it always was in the shed?”

“That’s why we always took all our clothes off…”

“Yeah, that wasn’t the only reason, though. Sometimes you had been shot mortally in the leg, and I would have to perform surgery…after a while it always required oral surgery, remember? I would have to remove the bullet with my tongue. Then, one time, your penis got like this, like it is now… Do you remember that?”

“I remember.”

“We practiced kissing on each other, then I told you how I liked to touch myself, remember? The way I touched myself when no one was around…I showed you how to do it to me. And I would kiss your penis and you would kiss my vagina, we’d stick our tongues in each other’s butts as far as we could… I still do that, sometimes, with Zashe, no one else…I don’t know why… You were so beautiful when we were kids, I still remember your naked body, your small, hairless penis the perfect size for my little mouth…or my tiny little vagina… It was never as good as it was with you…because we love each other, in a way I’ve never loved Escort Bayan anyone.”

She wrapped her fingers lightly around my cock. “I’ve never been able to forget that. I’m sorry if I’m freaking you out. Am I freaking you out?”

“No, no, not at all. I’ve always wished you would say that. I figured you didn’t still think about that, or maybe you regretted it. I was thinking about that, about you, just yesterday. Sometimes it seems like all the women I dated were a shadow of you, in dating all those women I was just chasing after you. I have such a good time with you, laying with you, like this, or just sitting around talking… You make me laugh, and think, and sigh…you’re fun, you’re beautiful… I think about when you came back, for the funeral, I saw you for the first time really as a woman, not an overgrown 10-year-old sister. You wore that long black skirt, with that huge, ratty, black long-sleeved t-shirt you have…your body was hidden but for what gravity showed through the thin cloth. I remember looking at your footprints in the snow, there was something so fresh to your step, even in the horror of what was going on, you were this pillar of good feeling… You helped me through that so much. I did the chores around the house, you dealt with the lawyers… Always with those quick sharp eyes that warmed when they turned to me, I knew all you were thinking of was our best interests…that trust I can have with you…you glow when I see you…all I want to do sometimes is just hold you, your thin strong hands in mine, I think of your quick sharp eyes closed before mine…sometimes, I think of your lips, sometimes I think of your soft lips against mine.”

“You should do it. If you want to, then maybe you should just do it.”

I turned my face to hers, and hers turned to mine. Her deep green eyes flickered around my face, before settling on my eyes. I leaned toward her and kissed her lips.

They were warm and inviting, soft but firm, as though I could fall safely into her arms, that she would never turn away. She clutched my cock tighter, pulsing slightly. I took her face in my hands, which turned our bodies, she on her back, me aside her, rolling astride her, kissing her firmly, then it was hard, I was kissing her hard, and I was hard against her thigh. Her hand reached through the top of my boxers. I slid a hand to her side, then to her left breast, which I squeezed and molded.

She pulled me out of my boxers and jerked me off lightly. I remembered in the back of my mind Zashe’s hand doing that the night before, but my body this day was filled with electricity, her touch shot through me with invigoration, a magic circuit that was absent with Zashe. I stroked her neck with one hand and groped her body with the other. Her tongue still built mazes around mine, her taste sweet and cool. Until I could stand it no longer.

I crept back onto my knees, reaching up her dress to her panties. I hooked my fingers in and dragged Bayan Escort them down slowly. I stopped to regard her thin pubic hair, trimmed and shaped for lust…I could not contain myself: I dove between her legs and pressed my lips to her pussy. My tongue slid about, caressing her clit and around it; she began to gasp and moan. My intensity increased, and her moans followed until she was nearly screaming. Her hands grabbed my head and pressed it hard against her. Then she was tensing and yelling. Her body spasmed, then fell slack, flaccid, as she writhed meekly in the last moments of orgasm. She looked down at me and spoke, in a hoarse whisper.

“Please, let me fuck you, fuck you good, please. Come here. Bring me your lips.” I rose and kissed her lips. She arched her back and slid her dress over her head. I marveled at the heat of her incredible body, struck motionless in awe. She dug her thumbs into the waistband of my boxers and dragged them down, her mouth a grin, teeth apart, her eyes light, her face filled with the simple, honest fun that I have loved for so long. I smiled with her and pressed my lips to hers, my body wriggling out of my boxers; our smiling lips kissing. She grabbed my cock with firm hands and pressed my head to her crotch. I thrust forth slowly, my rock hard cock slipping easily through her juice and my saliva. About halfway in, her back started arching, pressing her belly to mine, her small breasts with their firm nipples brushing against me.

“How long have I loved you? How many nights have I dreamed of this? My love, my life, my beauty, who’d know twins would fit so perfectly together? Mm… Check this out.” I slid my cock slowly out, kissed her deeply, and pounded it in. I dragged it out along her ventral side, veins and head hard against the walls of her cunt. Again and again like this; I began speaking, almost reciting,

“I didn’t know what I had to tell you, but now I’m sure. All my speeches were preface to this, all my words and looks but a clearing of the throat.” Pounding it in. “I confess I tortured you, but only because of this.” Dragging it out. “In our kisses and sucks, this, ancient love, I meant to whisper.” I felt her lean body buck hard against my cock, the bone in her crotch smacking hard against mine. Her hands leapt to my ass, pulling my in hard. She came, her passion flooding into me in contractions and heat at the base of my cock. An orgasm began, shooting deep inside her, chasing its echo up my spine, exploding my head, the energy showering down like bullet rain of my love for her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our bodies went limp simultaneously. Her weakened arms wrapped comfortably around me. I kissed what of her was before my lips—it may have been her shoulder, maybe her neck. She mumbled sleepy, my cock falling flaccid within her, “Let me sleep with you. Let me just lay with you now, the man I love, the man I have run from, yet who always stands just before me; this man whose cock has figured in me dreams, the man who represents men to me, the cock that means cock to me, shooting so deep inside of me…” She fell silent. The wind billowed the curtains. I drifted slowly to sleep, dreaming of sugarplum Aura’s resting quietly with me.

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