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esperanceSuite à mon invitation tu arrivas chez moi vers midi. Tu étais délicieusement belle et sensuelle, une robe légèrement transparente qui me laissait deviner les courbes de ton corps, des escarpins à talon assez haut qui élançait tes jambes vêtu de bas. Je te propose d’aller prendre un verre dans le jardin pour profiter de cette belle journée de printemps et des rayons du soleil. Tu t’assois au bout de la table et je parts chercher une bouteille de champagne.J’admirais par la fenêtre ta beauté et ta fraicheur, tu avais croisée tes jambes et ta robe arrivais au dessus de tes genoux, tu penchais ta tête en arrière et ouvrit un peu le décolleté de ta robe pour que les rayons du soleil caresse ta peau. Quel délice de t’observer, j’allai de ce pas chercher mon appareil photo et discrètement je fis quelques clichés de toi avant de te rejoindre avec les coupes.Pendant que je sers les coupes, tu n’as pas changé de position, tu glisse même tes mains derrière ton cou pour t’étirer tout en me lançant un regard coquin, quel bonheur, mes yeux s’attarde sur ton décolleté, je devine tes seins nus sous ta robe, tes tétons pointent légèrement.Je suis debout devant à te contempler, mes yeux vont et vienne sur ton corps magnifique, tu es merveilleuse. Nous trinquons à cette belle journée et à notre rencontre. Nous discutons de la manière dont nous nous sommes abordés sur internet. Pendant que tu me parles tu glisses ton index dans ta coupe de champagne puis sensuellement tu fais glisser la goutte sur ton cou, je la regarde lentement descendre entre tes seins. Tu me demande d’approcher et tu me murmure à l’oreille «il fait chaud au soleil» je me mis derrière toi, tu gonflas ta poitrine et je versais un filet de champagne par-dessus ta robe sur chacun de tes tétons, ils mirent à pointer. Tu posas ton verre, attrapa mes fesses me plaquant ataşehir escort contre ton dos, je sentais ma verge se raidir, lentement je commençais à me frotter à toi, puis je vins m’accroupir devant toi, pris tes seins dans mes mains et commenças à les lécher au travers de ta robe, j’aspirai tes tétons en m’abreuvant du champagne qui leur donnai un divin gout, pendant que je les mordillai tu m’enlevas ma chemise, tes mains parcourais mon dos et mon cou, puis tu appuyas ma tête entre tes seins. Mes mains remonte le long de tes jambes, glisse sur tes hanches et s’échoue sur ta poitrine, je les libère, je me redresse et les contemples, ils sont parfait je les aime déjà. Debout devant toi, tu commences à caresser mon sexe par-dessus mon jean’s tu me dis «quelle belle bosse» je réplique «libère la de ce carcan, tu vas voir comment elle te désire» d’une main tu commences à malaxer mes testicules et de l’autre décalotte mon gland je te dis «oui serre la bien fort, branle la bien, coquine» tes geste étai délicieusement précis et rythmés. Tu baissas entièrement mon jean’s et doucement je l’approchai de tes seins je te dis «serre la entre tes seins, coquine, fait la bander encore plus» et tu me répondis «oui mon cochon, je vais te la faire bander comme jamais elle n’a connu» pendant que tu la fait aller et venir entre tes seins je versai un filet de champagne sur ma verge tu me dis «garde en un peu pour que j’en ai dans la bouche lorsque je vais avaler ton gland»Hummmm je me dis, une femme aussi jolie, aussi bien faite, coquine, cochonne et gourmande, mais pourquoi ne pas s’être rencontré plus tôt. Sur ce tu t’allongeas sur la table, la tête en arrière et me dit «viens mon salaud, viens me baiser la bouche». Je n’en revenais pas, tu étais là, allongée sur le dos, les seins au soleil, ümraniye escort ta petite robe transparente couverte de champagne, quel bonheur. J’allais dans ta bouche de plus en plus profondément, mon gland gonflait, j’avais l’impression qu’il allait exploser, tu appuyais sur mes fesses et rythmais mes coup de reins, mes couilles frottait ton visage, je te dis «oui ma cochonne, bouffe ma queue, jamais on m’a fait cela, oui coquine» chacune de mes mains s’occupait de tes tétons en les pinçant, en les malaxant, puis tu relevas tes jambes, ta robe était collée à tes genoux tellement elle était couverte de champagne, je la fit glisser jusque sur ton ventre et découvrit ton fruit d’amour, hummmm ta petite chatte était déjà bien ouverte et trempée alors que je n’y avait pas encore touché. Ma queue se raidit encore un peu plus à cette vision, je la retirai de ta bouche, tu me dis «et bien mon salaud, elle est bien bonne ta queue, enfin tu me laisse respirer un peu» et je te réponds «tu suce divinement, tu sais y faire, j’en ai le gland qui vas exploser» je fis le tour de la table et te dit «reprend une coupe de champagne, maintenant c’est à mon tour de gouter à ton jus» et sur ce tu réplique «oui, fait moi sortir le clito de son capuchon, fait le exploser que je te remplisse un verre de mouille»Sur la table était posé une corbeille de fruits, je pris une belle fraise et commença à la frotter entre tes lèvres déjà légèrement ouverte et humide, allant et venant, la fraise se couvrit de ta de cyprine, je la portai à ma bouche et en croquât un bon morceau, hummm que cela est divin, la chaleur de ta mouille se mélangeant à la fraicheur de la fraise, puis je recommence avec une autre fraise mais celle-ci sera pour toi, je l’approche près de ta bouche, sensuellement kadıköy escort ta langue glisse autour de la fraise, doucement tu commences à la sucer avant de l’avaler complètement, que tu es merveilleuse. Je repris encore une fraise mais cette fois ci je titille ton clitoris, j’écrase la fraise entre mes doigts et commence à le branler, hummmm il se gonfle et sort de sa cachette. Tu me dis «oui, vas-y, branle bien, suce le fait couler ma chatte», je montai donc sur la table pour satisfaire ton envie. A quatre pattes au-dessus de toi, mon visage entre tes jambes à me délecter de ta chatte, tu attrapas ma queue et de nouveau tu recommence à me sucer le gland, hummmm «oui, coquine suce le bien, branle ma queue te dis-je». Je pris une banane que j’épluchai puis tout en suçant et aspirant ton clitoris qui maintenant était complétement sorti et tendu commenças à te pénétrer, des gémissements sortais de ta bouche, tu pressas fort ma queue, je senti le désir t’envahir tout en me disant «oui mon cochon, enfonce, enfonce la bien profond».Ce que je fis avec grand plaisir, je l’enfilai plus vite et fort dans ta chatte qui maintenant dégoulinais de cyprine, plus je l’enfonçais plus tu serrais ma queue, mon gland était énorme, à chaque fois que la banane tapai ton fond de vagin, tu trempais mon gland dans ta coupe de champagne puis ensuite le suçai. La banane était entièrement en toi, hummmmm je branlai fort ton clito pour que doucement elle ressorte, quel délice de la voir apparaitre couverte de mouille, je la croquais au fur et à mesure de sa sortie, tu me pressas tellement la queue que je sentais un filet de pré cum coulant sur mon gland, «vas-y coquine glisse ta langue dans mon gland, délecte toi de ce jus» et juste à ce moment tu jouis tellement fort qu’un puissant jet envahi ma bouche, hummmmm que cela est délicieux de te faire jouir ainsi.Puis nous nous asseyions l’un à côté de l’autre pour reprendre nos esprits tout en trinquant de nouveau avec nos coupes de champagne.Que cela étai divin. Je te propose maintenant d’aller prendre une petite douche pour finir ce que l’on à commencer et tu me réponds avec un regard coquin « avec grand plaisir mon cochon»………

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

The First Time

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Female Ejaculation

The First TimeSo this isn’t really a story as it is more of a retelling of what she told me happened on that fateful first night she strayed with a former friend of mine. Long before it happened I remember a talk we were having after sex. She asked of all her friends who was I most attracted to and I told her. Then I asked her and she said him (the betrayer). I guess I should have seen this coming. Granted, this was some time ago so some details are sketchy. But here is what I remember she said…He and his sister told her that they needed some help looking for furniture for his new house. He’d just dumped his girlfriend (who cheated on him) and so when she took the furniture he needed some new stuff. By now he’d been showing up at her work from time to time just to chat. I didn’t know about this. Who knows what happened during those times to precipitate what eventually happened on this night. Anyway, while looking for furniture his sister said she needed to go back home cause she needed to meet someone about a car at her house. bakırköy escort She conveniently lived next to her brother.So they go back and they’re all in his house. Later this guy arrives and he and his sister go out and leave my girl alone. Then he comes back in and sits next to her. She says they were just talking, smiling, watching TV and then she decided she needed to go to the restroom. I don’t know if she was trying to clear her head or what, but in the end it didn’t matter. She came out and she said as soon as she opened the door he was standing in front of her, just staring at her. She said she nervously smiled and said, “what?” After that she got, what she told me, was her first kiss that was not me. He backed her against the wall and slowly kissed her lips. She said she didn’t stop him. It all happened so fast and she wasn’t thinking straight. His room was right next to the restroom and so he began to maneuver my beloved into his room to conquer what was once mine. He kissed her and beşiktaş escort held her all the way there and then gently pushed her down on to the bed. He got on top of her and continued kissing her while at the same time using his other hand to undo her pants. She said she would try and tell him to stop and that she couldn’t do this, but each time she tried to talk he would kiss her and keep her quiet. I remember thinking that she didn’t put up much of a fight.Once they were unbuttoned he stood up and pulled her pants off her legs along with her panties. There was who I thought was my friend looking at my girl, or at least was. I asked her if she lifted herself up when he took them off and she said yes. Then she said he just stood there staring at her and took off his shirt and pants. I remember asking her, “And you just stood there and watched.” I told her point black, “Was it because by that time you accepted it? That you weren’t fighting it anymore and indeed you wanted to fuck him.” She said beylikdüzü escort yes.Then she said he got back on top of her and yet despite what she had admitted, she did say she kept telling him that they couldn’t. She told him to think about me and what was going to happen if I found out. He wouldn’t be deterred and ultimately found his mark. At that moment, she wasn’t mine exclusively anymore. I was the only guy she had ever been with sexually and now she was trying someone else. At this point, enraptured in her story, but not wanting to let her see that, I asked if they used a condom. She back tracked and said he put it on before he got on her and she said they used one each time, but I have my doubts even now. She wouldn’t go into more detail about the actual sex part. She just said they had sex and then he came. She said she didn’t and that afterwards she cried, but she still stayed there until his sister came back. She confessed what happened to the sister and the sister said that she wouldn’t tell and to try and forget it happened. I believe she was in on it if my girl is telling the truth. She told me she was upset the whole night, but that wouldn’t stop her from doing it 3 more times, or at least that’s what she told me how many it was (over a 5 month period…). But those times are for another post.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Jody’s Eyes Are Open

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Jody’s Eyes Are OpenJody and Tim her 36yrs. him 39yrs. been married 18 years today together with Tim’s brother Steve his wife Kate and Jody’s sister Nate and her man Jim all go out to the local bar to drink and dance the nite away frist Jody hit a bar in about 10yrs. She being a good wife and mother of two a son 12yrs and a daughter of 16yrs that could be her twin sister Jody spended her days and nites carpooling to school and dance classes all while Tim worked 9to5 and drank beer watched TV and played golf. Still at 36yrs. she had a figure that made most men stop and take look hard, she was not a 36 24 36 but close and her hair and clothes were always just right.When they get to Cheer’s a rockers dive bar the boncer lets the women in and the men pay $5 each of corse Jody had to pay for Tim they make there way to a table and the barmiad ask for the drink order Tim reaches up and grabs her ass thinking Jody didn’t see him, but not only did she see but most of the bar seen too. She thinks (what an asshole) but just smiles says sorry to the barmiad and gets up to dance the other two women follow her. On the floor a women about 40ish ask if she could join them and the women all dance, about 40min. later the band take a break they head back to the table Tim is so drunk he can’t even stand Jody shakes her head and goes to the restroom inside four other women talk and use the mirror Jody goes into a stall and pees as she opens the door to leave the 40ish avcılar escort women is there and gently pushes her back in and agaist the wall before Jody can speak the women leans in and kisses her frist soft then a little stronger and more passion findly she leans back Jody stunded the women says my name is Kat and I think you my dear are a vision of pure SEX your body just yells COME FUCK ME and that is just what I intend to do. Jody is shocked scared turn on all at the same time she says thank you but I’m married my husband is out there and I have never done anything even close to this. Kat calmly looks at her and says frist of all your man is a PIG next I’m married too and you liked it so far right? belive me it will only get better honey.. Jody looks at Kat for a sec then says no I can’t do that not even to that DAM PIG OF A MAN she leaves ask the other guys to take them home.For the next two weeks she can’t seem to get that kiss off her mind and thinks she sees Kat everywhere the store the dance school the park but on the second look nothing there. At nite as she is changing and touches her breast she shivers and her puss heats up how could this be she has never been with a women never even thought about it. after a time she could no longer refuss her needs and lightly touches her tits and rubs her puss till her world is turned upside down from the mind bending Orgasm she has then she wakes saturday moring esenyurt escort bright and happy with her life even her k**s says why are you so perky and she just laughts. Her day was great and around 7pm she is laying in her sweats in the frontroom watching TV with her family and the doorbell rings as she answers it she almost faints there on the doorstep was Kat in a very short dress top revealing two perfect tits Jody not knowing just what to do steps outside and closes the door what are you doing here? how did you find me? why? OMG I CAN’T BELIVE THIS Kat says do you want me to go? YES I MEAN HELL NO I DON’T PLEASE STAY. OK Well I’m here to take you out with me. I found you cause I followed you that nite. and why well I still want you badly. But me I mean I’ve never you could have others I________ OH GOD YES I’VE BEEN WANTING THIS SO YES I’LL GO great lets go get you ready. Jody and Kat come inside Kat says lets tell your hubby frist so they go to the frontroom Tim looks at Kat and his breath catches and his dick starts to stir Jody tells him that Kat has come to take her out OK? Tim not wanting to offend this good looking women says yea sure. Jody says what do I wear Kat says lets see what you’ve got so they go into the bedroom Kat shuts the door grabs Jody do you remember what I told you? Jody nods her head Kat says tell me Jody says you said you wanted to fuck me.. YES and are you ready to give yourself beylikdüzü escort to me yet? Jody starts to nod again Kat says no say it YES I AM you are what I AM READY TO OMG FUCK YOU Kat grabs her and kisses her Kat picks out a dress and says no panties no bra just dress and heels I’ll go out there so hurry hon.. She opens the door and steps into the frontroom her son says MOM YOU LOOK GREAT and her daughter says OMG YES YOU DO Jody says come on guys kisses Tim good-by and says don’t wait up..When they get to the bar Kat turns to Jody do we need to go inside or can I just take you to my bed? Jody says lets go…. Kat pulls into her driveway opens the door for Jody and leades her stright to the bed they undress and kiss and rub each other for hours then Kat goes down on her parting those cunt lip for a females touge for the frist time Jody shakes shivers bucks and moans through her frist lesbian lashing coming harded longer and more intenest then ever before ask she recoops Kat ask how big is Tim Jody says I don’t know about 6in. I guess and Kat smiles saying I’ll be right back and goes into the next room to return wearing a strap-on 91/2in long and 3 times Tim’s grith Kat gently applys lube and very slowly enters Jody inch at a time then still leting her goddess adjust then pushes more in till it’s all in and slowly out and in Jody ‘s eyes roll and her cunt grips the dong tight and the speed increstes the stokes are faster harder deeper and Jody is getting the fucking of her life she never thought it could ever be this good she has cum more then she knew possible and felt a love deeper then ever before. After what seem a life time of mind bending fucking it was 4am and Kat says sould I take you home Jody says maybe tomorrow we’ll see…..

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Best Rainy Day Of My Life

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Best Rainy Day Of My LifeIt was one of the mysterious dark cold evenings in the winter in London. I was about to leave my office finishing work late as usual and all of the sudden as they say the doors of heaven opened pouring down thundering rain. I was wearing a silk white shirt and my favourite push up red bra showing my luscious breasts and black pair of old tights covered by a dark blue skirt. I was feeling very upset about not bringing an umbrella to work and to make all worse i was alone in the office apart from the security at the entrance. With the greatest frustration in mind i finally decided to leave regardless the nonstop rain to catch a bus to get to my flat in sortditch. So I left the office building and started running to catch a bus on the pavement getting soaked within minutes. Running to the bus stop feels like its in the other corner of the world at this very moment with this heavy rain and in my mind it is crossing me what a boring pathetic life I’m currently living in this wonderful big city having no man in my life, being such a geek wearing big glasses and reading lots of books, not even a clue of sex life addicting to masturbating, thinking of girls and feeling its so weird likewise a movie trailer in a dark movie. My Clothes are dripping wet and my gorgeous dark brown hair with my new haircut yesterday is all messed up making me even more upset. While running on the street i heard someone saying stop all of sudden and i stopped and looked back who on earth is it shouting from behind. Then i saw this Stunning blond women seemingly slightly older than me quite mature with the most perfect big breasts i have ever seen with a perfect bodyline with a beautiful round shaped bum . I couldn’t help myself starring at this goddess like women in glowing golden skin having irresistible pink lips with mesmerising eyes walking fast towards me.Im still staring at her like seen a ghost in the middle of the pavement getting soaked in the hurricane like rain and she came up to me and said, Good God Darling Are you okay? Come under my umbrella honey you are absolutely soaked. I was trying to catch my breath and tried to say thank you but i couldn’t due to her grand gesture and irresistibly sexy body.Finally i introduced myself Nina and said how thankful i am and she replied back introducing herself Sally asking ‘’ Where are you heading halkalı escort my Love’’ i said well im going to the bus stop and she said ‘’so am I lets walk together’’So we are walking towards the bus stop under her tiny umbrella making us both slightly wet in the rain. My clothes are dripping wet water dripping through my super sexy thong making my vagina little electric sparkly feelings making me so uncomfortable. Also my white sick shirt has stuck to my skin making my red bra look like my boobs will pop out any minute and my cute little pink nipples are so hard in the cold in a way im dying for an orgasm that will make me cum like a river. On the other hand im walking next to a goddess like beautiful women who sound like an absolute sweetheart must be the luckiest person alive to dream of having.I am feeling so delicate at the moment and by the slightest touch to any part of my body by this nymph would make me feel horny and dripping wet my pussy. She was wondering how quiet i am and put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards her and said ’’ come closer darling you got enough wet in this terrible rain…don’t worry i won’t bite you sweetheart ‘’ and both of us started giggling.. After getting a bit closer to her under her tiny umbrella now my hand is touching her gorgeous big boobs even i was feeling her big nipples…thoughts are flowing through my mind picturing me kissing her soft pink lips, her beautiful neck and biting her cute ears and sucking her luscious nipples and hiding my face in between her big boobs and i can feel my vagina is dripping wet with my cum flowing slowly and im feeling super horny dying to get really naughty in her hands for Hours if not forever till she feels enough.With the greatest difficulty i asked her where she’s going what she’s doing and wow…what a surprise..Shes single and lives down the next road to what i live and work in Accounting in the same building. And she keeps on looking at me and its making both of us smile where im feeling over the moon right now.So we kept on chatting and got into a bus and finally got to the road i live, its still pouring so hard and now either i leave probably running to my flat or she drops me off at my doorstep and then making her own way. Before even thinking she suggested taksim escort that she will drop me off at my doorstep. My little apartment is in the basement of a massive Victorian house so peaceful and quiet but super luxury all most feel like sound proof from inside. So we got to my doorstep and with such a great irresistible mix of emotions i gave her a big hug and kissed her cheek and said thank you and asked her to pop in for a coffee if she hasn’t got any plans. She said she needs to feed her cat but thinking her neighbour looking after it she walked into my flat.I invited her to my room and gave her a warm towel to dry herself up with one of my dressing gowns, popping in to my attached bathroom. I was taking my clothes off one after the other and my bathroom door was half opened where i could be seen from my room. I took my shirt and skirt off and im just in my sexy thong soaked in cum and my red bra covering my hard pink nipples. I so badly wanted to put my fingers inside my vagina and rub till i cum could have happened within seconds but instead i took both off freeing my super horny body. All of a sudden i head some noise like someone moaning which i identified within a micro second Sally’s being watching me which made me smile like a little girl. Pretending i didn’t hear anything i turned to my mirror gives a much closer look on my body for someone watching from my room. I secretly looked at the mirror and i was Sally is staring at me having one of her hands inside her satin purple undie.Pretending i haven’t noticed anything whatsoever i got into a dressing gown and walked back into my room asking Sally rest in my couch while i make coffee for both of us. I made coffee and wore myself my favourite see through like night top with a gorgeous pair of cute pink shorts. Then i took her coffee to her and served leaning to her purposely so she could see beautiful breasts inviting her to put in her mouth as soon as possible. As i was expected she looked at my boobs and realising i have noticed her with a blush face she said ‘’you have beautiful breasts my darling’’ i said thank you. I sat in the couch right in front of her and we are enjoying a lovely conversation with coffee about random topics where i opened my legs widely exposing my dripping wet vagina through my shorts now she can clearly şişli escort see my pink pussy is dripping cum and my nipples getting harder through my see through top. She stop dinking her coffee and the moment i was dying for arrived and she leaned towards me and mumbled to my ear ‘Nina’ i wanna make you feels so happy my sweetheart will you let me do that? ‘’ i knew straight away what it was Said ‘’Sally I will let you do anything to me my love and kissed her gorgeous plink lips like a horny teenager dying to get deflowered so desperately, then she took off my shorts and spread my legs even wider licking my juicy wet clit rubbing her super soft lips all over my pussy. She was sucking all mu cum and started swallowing saying how sweet it feels..i couldn’t look any longer so i hold the couch with my both hands when she started playing with my boobs while sucking me so hard. As soon as she started with my boobs i couldn’t hold it any longer i have never felt that feeling ever in my life before showering her face in my warm cum she licked every drop without wasting it. I felt like im so much in love with her i screamed calling her my angel. With her cute smile she looked at me and said to me im happy you loved it darling. I pulled her lovely face back and started kissing her non stop licking her whole face and then took her to my bed taking off her bra releasing her massive tits with the most beautiful nipples i have ever seen. I started sucking those amazing nipples just as i was imagining before moving her perfect thighs and licking them slowly upto her toes and to her delicious dripping vagina repeatedly. Within few minutes her cum flooded my face live a waterfall i licked every bit of it just as she did to me.Then she jumped on me again stated kissing and then tied up my hands to my bed which i felt kind of scared what is going to happen next..but she was so tender and loving sniffing my armpits saying its turning her on big time and slowly licking them with my tiny bum hole for minutes. My cum was flowing like a river many times she licked as much as she loves. Then she slowly put her cute fingers on me and rubbing my clit for so long i was moaning and cry with happiness i never had before. Then i tied her up and did the same over and over again to her finally she moaned to me she never had someone made love to her like i did wants to do it every day just like i said to her.My Naughtiness didn’t let her sleep the whole night which i enjoyed her the entire night when it was time to wake up both of us couldn’t walk out of the next day morning both of us called in sick to work and enjoyed our new relationship the whole day getting naughty each way imaginable to us.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Weekend i will never forget(part 2)

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

All Natural

Weekend i will never forget(part 2)Weekend i will never forget(Part 2)I went back to the guest room and pulled the sheets back to turn in for the night. Mistress Cindy had put hot pink sheets on the bed. I suppose that is because I am not man enough to sleep in a bed with any color other than pink sheets. As I laid down and pulled the sheets and comforter up over me, my head was swimming with the events of the day. My initial thoughts were about how sore my legs were from the heels and how sore my back was from carrying around these huge silicon breasts all day. Then as I thought about it, was all of this really happening or am I dreaming? I honestly never thought that Mistress Cindy would do anything like this. I was impressed at all the planning and thought She put into all of this. As I thought about all that happened, I realized that the more She did to me, the more She seemed to enjoy it. I found myself reaching down to play with my clitty, only to quickly realize that I couldn’t because of the CB-6000. I began to play with my fake breasts and imagine that they were real. I couldn’t sleep thinking about what She might do to me for the rest of the weekend. I normally sleep on my stomach but quickly found that was not possible in my current situation. I eventually found that sleeping on my side was about as good as it gets. Eventually I drifted off to sleep but did not sleep well. I couldn’t get comfortable with the heels locked on me. I slept some that night but not much. I watched the hours tick away on the alarm clock until I decided it was time to get up and begin getting Mistress Cindy’s breakfast ready. I made my way into the guest bathroom and found a note taped to the mirror from Mistress Cindy. It was the morning preparation list for proper sissy hygiene. The list was as follows:1.Turn the silver knob on the tube of the plug to release the pressure. 2.Remove the plug and wash it thoroughly.3.Take off all your clothing except your stockings, just roll your stockings down to your ankles.4.A proper sissy would take a bubble bath and shave all over but you can’t do that with those shoes locked on. LOL! You are going to have to settle for a sponge bath. Make sure you wash everywhere!5.Now brush your teeth, I left you a new pink toothbrush in the holder and use that mouthwash on the sink. 6.Open the left door in the vanity under the sink. 7.Take out the box and open it.8.Inside the box I want you to find the disposable enema, sit down on the toilet and use it. Make sure you get cleaned out well.9.Clean up any mess you made in the bathroom and on you.10.Now, get back in the box and pull out the lube. Put some on your finger and smear it around your sissy pussy.11.Now spread some on the plug you cleaned. 12.I want you to push the plug into your pussy all the way, remember to relax.13.After it is all the way in, I want you to close the silver know on the tube and give it 10 pumps. Do not do any less or you will be sorry later.14.Now take the panties and bra out of the box. Today you will be wearing red like a good slut should. Put the panties and bra on and put your sissy titties back on. 15.You will also find a red garter belt, put it on and pull the stockings back up and attach them to the garter. 16.Now go back to the guest room and put the corset that you were wearing last night back on. Make sure it is tight!17.Now go back in the bathroom and use the brush in the box to make your hair presentable. 18.Now do what you think you need to do to complete getting ready and make my breakfast. Don’t prepare it too early because I don’t want my bagel to be cold. I have to admit that the plug was really tight and uncomfortable after the 10 pumps. At any rate, I tidied up the bathroom and collected the panties and bra that I wore the day before. I folded them neatly and placed them on the dresser in the guest room and made my way to the kitchen. I used to help Mistress Cindy empty Her dishwasher at Her old home so I had an idea where everything was, but I had never been in Her new kitchen so I had no idea where anything was. I looked through the cabinets and found the juice glass, bowl and a small plate. I looked in the refrigerator and found the fruit. I was glad to see it was already sliced so I could just put it in the bowl. I searched and found the toaster and bagel slicer. I searched and searched but could not find any cream cheese. I searched the refrigerator three times on my hands and knees and couldn’t find any. I began to panic because I didn’t want to get another strike. I thought to myself that even if I could find a coat or some clothes bakırköy escort to wear, I had no money, none of my charge cards, and no vehicle. I looked again and the only thing I could find that could be eaten on a bagel was some jelly. I checked the time and it was 9:40. That gives me 20 minutes to have breakfast ready for Mistress Cindy. I poured the juice and put the glass in the refrigerator to keep it cold. I sliced the bagel and put it in the toaster. I did not turn the toaster on yet so the bagel would be the last thing I did so it would be hot at 10am. I put the fruit in the bowl and added a little cream. Then I placed it back in the refrigerator to keep it cold. I got a napkin and folded it and placed it on the tray I had used the night before. I placed a fork and knife on the napkin. I placed the plate on the tray, and checked the time. I had a few minutes before I needed to start toasting the bagel, so I decided to look for the cream cheese one more time. I couldn’t find it so I took the jelly and placed it on the tray as well. At 5 minutes till 10 I started toasting the bagel. While the bagel was toasting I got the juice and bowl of fruit and placed them on the tray. As the bagel popped out of the toaster, I quickly buttered each half and placed them together on and then on the plate. I made sure everything on the tray was neat and in order. Two minutes to get up to Mistress Cindy. I took the tray and wobbled upstairs on those heels. I managed to make it to Her bedroom door without spilling the juice. I knocked gently on the door and there was no answer. I knocked again and heard Mistress Cindy sleepily say, ‘come in.’ I opened the door and walked in and stood next to the bed with the tray. Mistress Cindy slowly rolled over and smiled when She saw me standing there with Her breakfast. She looked me up and down for a moment and then threw the covers back and sat up. She reached out and gave the plug two quick pumps and stood up. She told me to stand there until She returns. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. It seemed like 10 minutes of standing there holding that tray until She finally returned. She fluffed Her pillow and put it behind Her back as She sat down back in the bed. She pulled Her covers back over Her legs and told me to sit the tray in Her lap. As I did I could tell by the look on Her face that She was upset about something. The very first thing She did was open the bagel and see that there was no cream cheese. She looked up at me with a frown and said, ‘strike three.’ I said, ‘But Mistress Cindy’ and before I could get the excuse out She said, ‘shut up, no excuses!’ She looked at me again and said, you do realize I said strike 3 don’t you. I hadn’t noticed and I responded, ‘but I only had one last night Mistress Cindy.’ She said, ‘yes Lana but you got two this morning. One for not doing your makeup and one for not putting cream cheese on my bagel. Do you understand slut?’ Yes Mistress Cindy, I replied. She laughed and said, ‘Well, it isn’t even 10:30 and you already have decided your fate for the next two days. I had no idea what that meant, but I was certain I would find out. She told me to go and do my makeup while She ate Her breakfast. I said, ‘Yes Mistress Cindy’, and went to the guest bedroom. I sat at the vanity and took the makeup samples that Jan had left for me and tried to remember what She taught me. It certainly took me a lot longer than it did Her and it wasn’t nearly as neat as what Jan had done the night before. The more I tried to fix the mistakes the worse it got. Eventually Mistress Cindy called for me. I went to Her bedroom and as I entered She shook Her head and laughed. She said that I needed a lot more practice with makeup application. She pointed to the tray and told me to take it to the kitchen and clean everything. I took the tray and headed downstairs. I went to the kitchen and took the dishes off of the tray and put it in the sink. I decided to wash them by hand instead of putting them in the dishwasher. I carefully washed and dried everything and put it back exactly where I got it. I wiped down all the cabinets swept up the floor. I was not sure what to do with myself next so I went into the living room and straightened up a bit. The wine glasses from the night before were still in there so I brought them into the kitchen and washed them as well. I decided to go back upstairs and find something to do. I went into the guest room and made the bed I slept in. I straightened up the makeup products on the vanity and heard Mistress Cindy call beşiktaş escort to me. I made my way into Her bedroom. She asked me what I had been doing. I told Her I had washed all of the dishes and cleaned the kitchen including sweeping the floor. I also straightened up the living room and washed the wine glasses from last night. Then I told Her I made the bed in the guest room and straightened up the vanity. She said that She was impressed at my initiative but there would be an inspection and that I would regret it if I failed the inspection. She told me to make Her bed while She finished getting ready. She went into the bathroom. I made the bed and put the decorative pillows back on the bed. Then I sat in the chair in the corner waiting for Her to come out. I must say that sitting with that plug in was not exactly comfortable. I heard Her running a bath so I knew it would be a long wait. I waited for about 30 minutes and She finally came out of the bathroom and She was completely naked. She has the most beautiful body and immediately I began to strain against the cage that my clitty was in. She went to Her dresser and began to get Her clothes. She picked the most wonderful red lace bra and panties. She came over to the chair I was setting in, I began to stand up but She said, no you sit back down. She put Her arms through the straps of the bra but did not hook the back. She sat on my lap completely naked. She told me to fasten Her bra and I gladly did. Then She leaned forward and put one leg at a time into Her panties and began pulling Her panties up. She stood up and bent over shaking Her ass as She pulled the lace panties up. She was driving me crazy. She went into the closet and brought out some jeans and a very low cut white top. She put on some white sox and tennis shoes. She looked at me and said that She was sure Her outfit was a lot more comfortable than mine, then She laughed hysterically. She asked me if I was ready for the next two days. I said I suppose and She said that I didn’t sound very excited about it and She laughed again. She told me to go back in the guest room and sit at the vanity and wait for Her. I did and in a few minutes She came in and said that She wanted to fix my makeup. She explained what She was doing as She did it and said that I had better get it right next time. She said that She had placed an outfit for me to wear in the bathroom. I was to go put it on, being careful to not smudge my makeup and brush my hair when finished. When I got into the bathroom I saw the most wonderful French maid outfit on a hangar waiting for me. I was so excited to put it on. I was immediately thinking that I would be cleaning house and serving Mistress Cindy for the remainder of the weekend. I put the outfit on and really loved the way it felt. It was kind of silky feeling and has had short puffy sleeves. It was black with white trim and covered my chest completely so my red bra and fake breasts were not visible. It also had a white tutu under the skirt that made it stand out. It was very short and I was sure that my red panties would show if I ever had to bend over. It was short enough that the bulb for inflating the plug could be seen hanging below the skirt. I was able to get the dress on but was unable to zip the back up. I went ahead and brushed my hair and went back into the guest room to ask Mistress Cindy to zip it up for me. She said that I made quite a sluttly looking maid and laughed. She agreed to zip it up for me but said it would cost me. She went behind me and zipped up the dress. Then She grabbed the bulb for the plug and gave it 3 pumps. She said, ‘we are even now lana!’ and laughed. She asked me if I had any idea what I would be doing for the next two days? I smiled and said, yes, I think I will be doing your housework while you relax. She said that some housework might be involved but it would be much more exciting than that. She asked if I remembered that there were two possibilities and that I had gotten 3 strikes that decided which of the two options I would endure. She said, just to put it into perspective for you, the option that you won’t be doing was to spend the weekend serving a couple that are friends of mine. They are super kinky and love submissive sissys. They are going to be very disappointed that you got three strikes. I was shocked because I did not think She had told many people about my being a sissy. Then I was thinking about how scary serving a couple would be since I had never considered submitting to a man. Then it dawned on me that the couple was beylikdüzü escort the lesser of the two options and got very concerned about what I might have to do instead. She said to pick up the bag by the door and meet Her downstairs. I went downstairs and heard Her talking with someone on the phone. I couldn’t make out what they were saying but I did hear Her laugh several times and it was an evil laugh. In a few minutes She finished Her call and came downstairs. She opened the closet and got a long coat. She handed it to me and told me to put it on. She said She didn’t want Her neighbors to see what a slutty sissy I was. I put the coat on and got really nervous because if She was worried about Her neighbors seeing me that we were going outside. She told me to take the bag and go in the garage and wait in Her car. I did and a few minutes later She came out and got in the car. She had a small suitcase with Her and She placed it in the back seat. She got in the car and pressed the button to open the garage door. She started the car and backed out. We drove outside of town a few miles to an old southern estate home. It was set way off the road down a long lane. When we arrived, Mistress Cindy said, ‘I have a few instructions for you before we go in there. I want you to remember that you do not have your vehicle, wallet, clothes, or the key to that cage you are wearing. You had better behave and do exactly as you are told while here. If you are good, I will make sure you get your things back and go home without any trace of the weekend, well, for the most part. LOL!’ She told me that the bag I carried out had all of the makeup and essential items for the weekend. The suit case had the clothes I would need for the weekend. She told me to take the suitcase and the bag and follow Her. We walked up to the house and She rang the doorbell. A very attractive woman came to the door, hugged Mistress Cindy and invited Her inside. I followed them in carrying the bags. Mistress Cindy pointed to the corner and told me to place the bags over there. I did and walked back over to Her. She introduced me to Mistress Marie. I shook Her hand and She told me to get on my knees and to never look Her in the eyes again. I looked at Mistress Cindy to see if She was ok with it and Mistress Marie smacked my face and said that I had better start doing everything She said because my ass was hers for the weekend. I immediately dropped to my knees and looked down. She handed Mistress Cindy a black leather collar and asked Her to put it on me. She did and then Mistress Marie walked around behind me and handed something to Mistress Cindy. She had given Her a lock and She locked the collar on me. Then Mistress Marie handed a leash to Mistress Cindy and asked Her to attach it to the collar. She did and Mistress Marie told me to stand up. I did as I was told. The asked Mistress Cindy to bring me into the living room. She led the way and sat in a chair. The told Mistress Cindy that She was ready. Mistress Cindy brought me to Mistress Marie and told me to kneel before Her. I did as told. Mistress Cindy handed the leash to Mistress Marie and told Her that I was hers for the weekend to do with as She pleases. She thanked Her and Mistress Cindy patted me on the head and said, good luck lana and laughed Her evil laugh. She left me on my knees looking at the floor in front of a strange woman pretty much helpless. As She left Mistress Marie said that we would have a fun weekend, then She corrected herself and said that She and Her partner Mistress Denise would have a fun weekend. She didn’t think it would be fun for me. I heard Mistress Cindy’s car door close and She pulled away. I was stuck and wondered if I would regret ever telling Mistress Cindy I wanted to be a sub sissy. I wanted to be Her sissy but not necessarily for anyone else. Mistress Marie told me to stand up and go pick up the two bags. She led me upstairs by the leash and took me to the guest room. She told me to unpack the bags and make sure to hand the clothes neatly in the closet. She said the top drawer in the dresser was empty and was to be used for my clothing in the bag. She said to hurry up and meet Her downstairs. She said Mistress Denise would be there soon and She had a few things She wanted me to get done before She arrived. As I unpacked my mind was racing with all the possibilities the next two days. What would two dominant lesbians do with a man, well maybe not a man but a sissy. I was thinking about the possibility of serving the couple and decided that it was actually best to serve the two women as opposed as serving a man and woman. I really had no interest in serving a man so if I had to pick, I would have picked the lesbian couple. I was still very nervous but quickly unpacked and hurried downstairs. As I found Mistress Marie She said that we have a lot to do before Denise gets here. Let’s get to work sissy.

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Nos meilleures vacances

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Nos meilleures vacancesNous sommes partis en vacances à Nice l’été dernier. Nous avions loué un grand appartement, très bien situé avec une vue imprenable sur la plage.Pour diminuer les frais nous avons choisi de partir avec un couple d’amis : Sandrinha et James.C’était de bons amis mais nous n’avions jamais passé plusieurs jours avec eux.Nous étions un peu inquiets au début mais après deux jours, nous étions totalement rassurés et nos vacances se passaient à merveille.Claire, ma femme (hé oui je l’ai épousé) était partie acheter du pain pour le pique nique du midi. Je sortais péniblement du lit, et me dirigeai directement dans la salle de bain. Je ne vis pas que Sandrinha était déjà là. Je rentrais et tombai nez à nez avec elle, dans son plus simple appareil. J’étais très géné et troublé. Je fis demi tour après m’etre excusé et retournais dans ma chambre.La journée continua sans autre anecdote. Je ne pouvais m’empecher de repenser à l’épisode de la salle de bains. Je repensais à la chatte toute rasée de Sandrinha. J’avais honte.Le soir, James me prit à part et me dit qu’il avait quelques choses à me dire. Je cru d’abord que Sandrinha lui avait parlé de cela. En fait c’était tout à fait autre chose. Enfin pas tant que cela.Il me dit que Sandrinha fêtait son anniversaire ce soir. Il voulait lui préparer une petite surprise.Il voulait assouvir un de ses fantasmes…il me dit qu’elle avait toujours voulu etre prise par deux hommes. Et comme je ne la laissais pas indifférente, il avait pensé à moi…Je fus très surpris de cette demande. Et je ne savais pas trop quoi dire vis à vis de Claire. Il comprit mes rétissances et il me dit qu’il avait déjà parlé de cela à Claire. Elle était d’accord. A condition toutefois qu’elle puisse elle aussi participer à la fête…Ca promet pensais je !James me dit qu’il s’occupait de tous.Nous n’avions qu’à être prets à 20H…A 20H précise, nous étions tous les deux fin pret pour cette soirée initiatique. James et Sandrinha nous attendaient. Nous avons une seule voiture. Le repas était délicieux et nous avons passé une agréable soirée. Nous avons parlé de nos journées respectives, des vacances, etc.Mais bakırköy escort à aucun moment l’anniversaire de Sandrinha n’a été évoqué.Je voyais qu’elle était déçue.Et encore plus lorsque nous étions sur le chemin du retour.Une fois de retour à l’appartement, James sortie une bouteille d’alcool et nous avons continué la discussion au salon. A mesure que l’heure avancait, nous étions de plus en plus joyeux. La discussion devenait de plus en plus libéreé. Sandrinha me dit qu’elle avait vu que j’avais regardé son sexe épilé. Elle commenca à prendre ma main et à la glisser sous sa robe. Claire complètement ivre riait à plein poumon.Je fus surpris de constater que Sandrinha ne portait rien en dessous de sa robe, et que visiblement elle était pour le moins excitée… sa chatte était très humide.Je ne retirais pas ma mains et caressa sa jolie chatte un long moment.Je lancais un regard complice à James pour lui dire de s’occuper de Claire.Il ne se fit pas prier, et il attrappa Claire par la taille, l’assis sur ses genous, et en deux temps trois mouvements lui retira tous ses vêtements. Puis il l’allongea sur le canapé, les cuisses écarté s’agenouilla et commenca à lui titiller la chatte avec sa langue.Je regardait un homme lécher ma femme et j’aimais cela !!!Claire était complètement ailleurs. Elle se laissait faire, et gémissait de plaisir. Je suis sur qu’elle ne savait meme pas que quelqu’un la léchait.Cela excita aussi Sandrinha qui se dégagea de ma main, et baissa mon pantalon. Elle sorti mon sexe de mon calecon et commenca une fellation.Elle sucait remarquablement bien. Elle allait lentement mais aspirait mon sexe au maximum tout en caressant mes boules. Elle alternait des phases lentes et d’autre plus rapides. sa bouche relayait ses mains. Mon sexe ne tiendrait pas longtemps avec un traitement pareil…Je profitais d’un moment de répis pour inverser les roles. Je pris possession de son vagin ruisselant. Ma langue allait profondement en elle. Elle semblait aimer cela.Les deux femmes étaient cote à cote et James et moi redoublions d’effort pour faire jouir la femme de l’autre. beşiktaş escort Elles gémissaient sous nos langues virevoltantes. J’introduisis un doigt dans l’anus de Sandrinha. Cela eut pour effet de la faire crier.James fit de meme avec Claire.Leurs chattes dégoulinaient de cyprines.Elles étaient grandes ouvertes.C’est James qui le premier enfonca son sexe dans la chatte suppliante de Claire.Il avait un sacré engin !Et Claire semblait aimer cela. Elle gémissait à chaque coup de rein. Ses couilles claquaientt sur son postérieur.Il la maintenait les jambes en l’air pour que son sexe aille profondément.Il allait assez lentement mais ses coup de rein était très puissants.Il voulait que Claire sente que c’est lui qui dominait.Je le regardais dominer Claire. Elle était entièrement à sa ne délaissais pour autant par Sandrinha, et continuait à jouer avec son anus, de plus en plus dilaté.Je finis même par retirer mes doigts et placais mon sexe à l’entrée de sa rondelle. Elle semblait un peu anxieuse d’être sodomiser. Elle essaya meme de se dégager mais je la maintenais fermement.J’enfoncais lentement mon sexe dans son cul.Centimètre après centimètres pour ne pas lui faire mal. Lorsque je fus bien au fond, je restais ainsi en donnant de tout petits mouvements.Petit à petit elle se détendie et je pu augmenter l’amplitude et la puissance de mes aller et venus.Les deux femmes semblaient prendre beaucoup de plaisir. Chacune d’une manière différente. Claire laissait clairement éclater des cris alors que Sandrinha essayait de contenir sa jouissance mais elle avait de plus en plus de mal et elle gémissait de plus en plus fort. D’autant que je la pilonnais maintenant. Ma queue allait et venait dans son cul dilaté. Elle criait de bonheur.-“defonce moi !”-“plus fort”James retira son membre de Claire et la pria de venir s’occuper de moi pendant qu’il allait chercher quelque chose.Je laissais donc Sandrinha reprendre ses esprits, et m’allongeait sur le canapé.Les deux femmes s’agenouillèrent cote à cote et me sucaient la queue rougie par la séance de sodomie.Elles étaient déchainées et beylikdüzü escort dévoraient litteralement mon sexe.Claire prit l’initiative et elle s’empala sur moi. Elle se déhanchait comme une diablesse en gémissant. pendant ce temps, Sandrinha s’était positionné au niveau de ma tête de sorte que je puisse la lé pouvais enfin dévorer cette belle chatte rasée que j’avais vu l’autre jour.Ma langue allait profondément.Sa chatte dégoulinait.Que c’était bon !!!James revint avec une boite en plastique d’où il retira une sorte de gode.Il humidifia l’anus de claire, qui était toujours empalée sur mon sexe, puis il lui introduit l’objet dans l’orifice.Claire semblait aimer.Il sortie ensuite des menottes et des cordes, et il la prie par la mains et l’attacha, mains et pieds liés.Il sortie enfin un vibromasseur, qu’il introduisit dans sa chatte.Claire était sa prisonnière. Il mis le vibromasseur à mi-vitesse. Claire gémissait de plaisir. Puis James s’exclama.Il est temps qu’on s’occupe de toi ma chérie… C’est ton anniversaire ou non ?Nous avons donc laissé claire et ses sexe toys et nous voilà sur Sandrinha.James, s’allongea sur le dos, tandis que je positionnais Sandrinha sur son sexe.Il la prit un bon moment.Je les regardait en me masturbant.Puis James m’invita à les rejoindre.Il me dit qu’il y avait encore de la place. Je me positionnait derrière eux, et mon sexe retrouvait l’anus si accueillant de Sandrinha.Elle avait maintenant deux queues en elle.Nos queues allaient et venaient de manière désordonnées dans ses deux orifices. Elle ne savait meme plus à quel moment gémir tellement nos sexe la pénétrait encore et encore.Elle perdait complètement pied.James explosa le premier dans sa chatte, et il se retira. Je continuais de plus belle, et à mon tour j’éjaculais dans son anus. Sandrinha s’écroula en pleurs tellement ce fut bon.Alors que je reprenais des forces, James avait déjà repris de la vigueur et il reprit Claire en mains. Il lui ota le gode de son anus et il la sodomisa. Il augmenta également la cadence du vibromasseur qu’elle avait toujours en elle. En quelques secondes, Claire jouit comme jamais je ne l’avais vu jouir. Elle criait fort la salope!James la sodomisa pendant dix minutes avant qu’elle le supplie d’arreter, ce qu’il fit non sans lui décharger dans le cul le peu de semence qu’il lui restait.Voilà comment nos vacances ont pris une tournure inattendue.Depuis nous nous retrouvont souvent pour des soirées toujours chaudes !!!

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Le Domaine d’Infern’O (9)

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Le Domaine d’Infern’O (9)En sortant de la laiterie, Mon Maître nous dit que maintenant nous allons visiter les Bâtiments réservés au dressage des Stagiaires.Nous pénétrons dans un bâtiment austère , aux allures d’entrepôt industriel.C’est une succession de salle , appelées ici “salles de dressage”, chacune a sa spécialité.Sur la porte de chaque salle , une pancarte en indique sa spécialité.Sur la première que nous visitons, il est indiqué en anglais ” Deepthroat Training ” , ce qui littéralement signifie entraînement à la gorge profonde.A l’intérieur de cette salle assez vaste, une dizaine de stagiaires sont attachées dans diverses positions Toutes, sans exeption, sont au travail en train de sucer. Derrière istanbul escort chacune d’elle se tient une assistante, un fouet à la main.Chaque fois qu’une stagiaire rechigne à aller à fond dans sa fellation, un coup de fouet s’abat sur elle.Le procédé à l’air très efficace.J’observe aussi que chaque soumise est empalée sur un godemichet mû par une machine qui lui fait effectuer des va et vients dont la fréquence est dosée également par les assistantes.Elles contrôlent ainsi le plaisir des stagiaires en fonction de leur efficacité à sucer.La fellatrice qui fait bien son travail est ainsi récompensée .. plaisir et souffrance selon avcılar escort le degré d’application …Lorsqu’un Moniteur est fatigué ou a joui, aussitôt un autre prend la relève.Cette relève est maintenue en érection par des esclaves qui s’affèrent au fond de la salle en caressant les hommes en attente.Dans un autre coin de la salle des soumises s’entraînent, attachées, sur des godemichet actionnés électriquement.comme illustré ici:Estimant que j’en ai assez vu, mon Maître m’entraîne alors dans une autre salle, dont le nom est aussi évocateur :”anal training room”Là, même scénario, des stagaires attachée de manière à présenter leur croupe à la pénétration, et şirinevler escort des moniteur qui sont en train de s’activer dans leur orifice le plus étroit.Des assistantes officient aussi, muni de god ceinture de taille impressionantes, ou en mamoeuvrant à la main d’imposant godemichet afin d’élargir l’anus des stagiaires:Enfin , d’autres stagiaires sont aussi sodomisées par des god fixés sur des machines.Mon Maître m’ordonne alors d’enlever ma robe, et m’attache sur un banc en levrette.Il fait alors signe à un moniteur noir, particulièrement bien membré, de me sodomiser.Son sexe est énorme, heureusement pour moi, il a été copieusement enduit d’huile, ce qui facilite ..un peu, la pénétration, mais je le sens passer .Inexorablement, il pousse plus avant et fini par s’introduire entièrement , j’ai l’impression que tout mon ventre est investit.Il commence alors un lent va et vient , se retirant presque complètement, pour s’enfoncer ensuite totalement.On me place alors un god vibrant contre mon clitoris .. je ne tarde pas à avoir un violent orgasme…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Divorce and my Mother- In- Law

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Divorce and my Mother- In- LawI was married briefly some years ago if you think six months is brief. She stayed in the apartment and I left in the VW which I slept in for several nights. I didn’t go to work for two days calling in sick. I used restrooms at malls to clean myself up before finally going back to work as a waiter at a popular restaurant. Fortunately I had a small supply of clean pressed shirts and slacks to use for work. It was my first night back, six p.m. or so when the bartender said I had a personal call. I stood there at the drink station and answered the phone. It was my Mother-In-Law Darlene. She told me that they had just heard from Melody about the split. She was so upset with her daughter over this and asked how I was doing. I said I was okay and back at work for the first time in several days. She asked when I had my next day off and I told her it wouldn’t be until Monday when the restaurant was closed. She told me I was coming over for dinner and there was no saying ‘no’. So I said “Thanks, I would like that.”I arrived at their house at five p.m. the appointed time. Eddie shook my hand at the door and gave me a short man hug but said nothing. Melody was his pride and joy. Darlene hugged me tight and with a few tears said, “She’s going to come back to her senses Peter.” I patted her back and thanked her for that though I knew there was no coming to her senses in the future for Melody.We had a wonderful dinner along with a few glasses of wine. At six Eddie said, “Well it’s time for me to go.” He picked up his saxophone waved at us and left. Darlene said it was Blue Monday at the nightclub where Eddie’s little jazz band played once or twice a week. She poured herself a third glass of wine and a second one for me. She shook her head looking at me then put her hand on my right cheek and said, “Just look at you Peter. You are so nice and there has never been a nicer looking guy in Melody’s life before you.” She teared up a little bit, put her hand down on the back of my hand and finished her wine. Her hand was very warm on mine then she lifted my hand to her mouth and kissed the palm tenderly. As soon as she did that she calmly moved her hand down bursa escort to her left breast. I jerked a bit, but she held me firmly on her tit. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipple was very hard. “How long has it been since you and Melody last fucked Peter?” she asked in a whispery voice. I’m sure my face was bright red and I know my heart was pounding like a drum. I choked out, “ah…mmm…uh…a while?”. I said it like a question. Darlene put my hand back down on the table, leaned to me and said, “I have had this thing for you Peter since the first time Melody brought you home.” She stood up then, took off her silk top showing her luscious tits with the same beautiful brown nipples Melody had.”Eddie won’t be home until around 3:00 A.M. Peter. I have wanted to fuck you forever. If you want to fuck me then come on down to the bedroom and I will be ready for you.” With that she stood up and sauntered slowly down the hall. You’ve gotta know this part. Darlene and Eddie had met at a nightclub years before. He was part of the house band and she was one of the dancers on stage doing jazz routines to the music. She still had those killer dancer’s legs. I watched every step she took as she moved away from me.I sat there at the table maybe ten seconds amazed at the situation I was in. I stood up and walked down the hall to the room she shared with Eddie. Darlene stood there, then went to her tiptoes, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me oh the lips while moving her breasts against my chest. Her nipples were burning into me. My cock was like a cannon aiming at a distant target.She moved her hand to the massive tent in my pants, feeling its shape through the khaki pants. “It seems Peter that we are going to have some real fun tonight.” She moved away from me, stood on their bed and slowly slid the skirt she was wearing down those gorgeous legs. I wasn’t at all surprised she had no panties on though I was kind of shocked that she had shaved her cunt completely. She put her hands behind her neck pushing up her reddish brown hair, making amazing movements with her hips.”Take off the duddies buddy!” She squealed as she rolled back onto the bed. She had this bursa escort bayan bemused smile on her face as she watched me remove my shirt. One after the other, I put each shoe on the bed and untied the bow then removed the sock. Darlene giggled when I pulled my khakis and shorts down in the same movement. She got onto her hands and knees and crawled over to where I stood at the end of the bed. “Feed it to me Peter,” she sighed as her nose pressed against the dripping slit at the tip of my cock. I grasped my shaft with my right hand and gasped when her red lips (she always wore red lipstick) slipped over the head, her tongue playing in that place where the pre-cum had been. The she grabbed my ass and holding me tight moved her mouth all the way down onto my shaft. I felt the head deep in her throat.She used her hands to move my hips back and forth cause me to fuck her mouth. When I grasped her head as my orgasm was just about to explode, she raised her eyebrows and went “mmmm hmmm! mmm hmmm!” letting me know she wanted it down her throat. It had been almost three weeks since the last time Melody and I had fucked. It had been make up sex and wasn’t that good.THIS however was awesome! Holding her head tight I fucked her mouth harder than I thought was possible on someone so petite. I was amazed at how she took all those ropes of cum I shot down her throat without choking.When it was over Darlene giggled, rolled over onto her back and did a caterpillar walk backwards up to her pillow. She spread her legs and lifted her thighs. Her mouth was still closed. I moved to that delicious split and those puffy lips. When my nose pressed against her clit she…I shit you not…she started gargling the cum in her throat. As I looked up at her she opened her mouth so I could see the semen on her tongue then with a loud gulp swallowed my cum.Able to talk now she said, “Peter eat my cunt…lick it…suck it…chew it…finger it…make me come!!”I didn’t need a second invitation. My nose hard against her clit I sucked those swollen lips into my mouth moving my tongue between them. She had her hands in my hair twirling her fingers and groaning, “yes…yes…YES” as I sucked, escort bursa chewed and licked that place where my wife had come into this world.When she came the first time she held my head tight grinding her cunt against my mouth and nose. My face was red and slippery from all we were doing. I had cunt juice all the way to my ears. The second time she came was when I had two fingers inside her slit and was sucking lightly on her clit.Now I was ready to fuck this woman. I took her hips in my hands, lifted her up and put her on her hands and knees. She put her head on the pillow and looked back at me. “Darlene, use your fingers and spread your cunt lips wide apart for your Son-In-Law.” She made this lurid sound and spread them wide apart. “So are you going to fuck your Mother-In-Law Peter? You going to fuck this juicy cunt?”On my knees behind her now, my cock throbbing with my pounding heartbeat, I took the shaft in my hand and pushed the purple head hard into her red insides. I bottomed out hard into her, my balls banging on her clit. I fucked her hard and long partly from lust, partly from rage at my ex, but mostly from needing to fill this woman with my seed.She cried and laughed while I fucked her. She yelled “Fuck ME!!” more times than I can count. When I shot my seed into her, the head of my cock was penetrating her cervix. She screamed and I bellowed. Then I collapsed onto her back and we fell asleep.I was awakened by the sound of car wheels on the gravel outside their door. I looked at the clock and found it was 3:30 and it had to be Eddie. I shook her from her sleep and said, “Darlene…Darlene…I think Eddie’s home. What should I do?”She said, “Relax Peter. He hasn’t parked yet. Then he has to get his sax out of the trunk. He and I both agreed you should stay with us for a couple of weeks or so until you get back onto your feet or until Melody gets smart. You can use her room Peter. Take your clothes, shoes and socks with you.” She got up and surveyed the sheet. There was a massive wet spot on her side. I took my apparel and went into Melody’s room…the bedroom one thin wall away from theirs. I closed the door, got under the covers and thought about what had happened and about what might happen.Finally the door opened. I heard Eddie open the closet door where he kept his sax. He got a drink of water then walked down the hall to the room where Darlene was waiting for him.More to cum.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Not The Princes Birthday

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Not The Princes Birthday1Prince Jaseth had returned to pallace after vigorousely training most of the night with the Shadow Blades. It Was Well after midnight when he crept into his Private Chambers. He imediately noticed a candle light coming frow under his bed chamber door. “I know I Did not light it,” he thought. “And the maids know better.” He drew his thin Elven Blade silently and slipped just as silent twards the light. As He reached the door he stopped and listened intently. His Elven ears picked up the Sounds of two two people breathing like they were asleep. He turned the latch, which made more sound than he liked, and pried the door open just far eneough to see in.A woman and a girl Lay Nude and curled up asleep on his oversize bed.He finnished opening the door and crossed the distance to his Bed. At this distance He got a better look at the two. The woman he recognized as one of his Fathers concubines. She was High Elf, like all of his family, and She had Black hair and ample breast with coffee collored nipples. He Knew She stood four inches shorter than his Six Four. The Girl cold not be more than f***t**n and was obviosely a Wood Elf. Her hair was a golden Blond and her b cup breasts had small pink nipples.Jaseth rotated the sword and rapped the flat of the blade on the womans head.As her eyes flew open He demanded ” Explain yourselves!”The woman saw the sword. ” Your Father Sent us Your Highness.” She oestammered. “He gave me a note for You, it’s on my belt.” Her eyes Looked Panikedly twords the foot of the bed.Jaseth Chuckled to himself as he walked towards where she looked. “Do not Move!” He noticed their cloths piled on the floor and used the toe of his boot to move them around until he found the belt with the scroll case on it. He reached down and grabbed it. As he stood and opened the Case He said “You better be telling the truth.”. As the Scroll slid out he Saw his fathers seal on it. “So Far, So good.” He Dropped the Case onto the bed and popped the seal on the scroll and unrolled it. He began to read.”Jaseth, You could not be bothered to show up for your Birthday dinner..” Jaseth laughed out loud. “He is so obliviose! My Birtday is not until next week.” He went back to Reading. “so here is your gift for coming of age, Not that you deserve it, Your first two personal concubines. Avrin is one of my Best and Te is still a virgin. Use Them well.” He had signed it with his formal title which told Jaseth that the idea was actualy from kadıköy escort one of his flunkies.Jaseth sheathed his sword. His brother, The Heir, Already had twenty Concubines and Jaseth thoght he was a raging asshole. He had planned only on having one, the one he married. He sighed and looked at the two of them. “All right, your story pans out.” he said to Avrin. Te was still sound asleep. Jaseth began to disrobe. “I will not be twenty five for four more days” he started as he removed his tunic. “so you will not belong to me untill then, but I will not send you back to my fool of a father. You both may stay in my chambers but I will not touch you untill then.The sultry woman looked crestfallen. “As wish your highness.” She said sullenly. Jaseth stopped unlasing his jerkin and looked at her with confusion in his eyes. “What is wrong?” He asked.She looked up at him. “I was hoping you would take me tonight. I haven’t been touched by a man in over a year.” Jaseth could see the desperation in her eyes and it moved him. “Well, I am physicaly worn out tonight, but if you are compleately discrete until my birthday we can be together tomorow, if you want.”She imediately Smiled. “If I did all the work would you have the energy tonight, my Lord?” her eyes burned with lust.Those eyes stirred his loins and he felt himself start to harden. “We could try, but I Can not promise I will not pass out in the middle.” That was all it took. She Stood up and sashayed over to where he stood. Her firm double D tits swayed slightly and her huorglass figure rocked sexily as she aproached him. She took him by the shoulders and sat him down on the end of the bed and continued unlasing his shirt.Her large nipples were already rock hard, and as they swayed as she worked Jaseth couldn’t resit. He reached out and lightly tweaked her left nipple. It was firm yet soft and almost hot between his fingers. She let out a moan and her hands began to shake. His other hand came up and started stroking the other nipple. Jaseth glanced down. Her thinly furred Pussly had Plump outer lips that were splayed open with excitement showing her pinkinner lips and a large clit that pulsed with her exited heart beat. “I,i,if you don’t stop,” she stammered. “I’ll never get your clothes off. MMMMM” she moaned. His left hand left her ample breast and snaked around her waist as he sucked that nipple into his mouth and rolled his tounge around it. “ohhhhhhh” Her knees üsküdar escort began to shake. After about thirty seconds he moved his mouth to the other nipple and his right hand slowly played down her firm belly. By now she was panting heavily and as he ran two fingers up her sopping slit he had to support her. “AAAAHHHHH, fuck, FUCK, NNNNNN.” she moaned as he sliped his middle finger into her. He stroked his finger in her three or four times then slid in a sond figer and brought his thumb up a grased it across her clit. Her body began to spasm. “Don’t stop, oh fuck. Damn! NNNNGH.” she howled as she began to come. He pistoned his fingers in and out as his thumb stroked a circle on her clit. Her pusy muscles clamped down hard on his figers as a second stronger orgasm swept over her.Jaseth slowly pulled his fingers out of her and scooped her up as he stood. He turned to lay her on the bed he noticed Te had been waken by Avrins howls of pleasure and was watching intently. Jaseth laid the recovering Avrin gently on the bed, gave Te a reasuring smile, and began to quickly disrobe.Avrin looked over at Te and gave her a weak smile. “Watch close Dear. Two people making love can be truely Amazing.” she glanced at Jaseth as he droped his Pants revealing his Masive nine and a half inch cock. “and if you get excited don’t be afraid of touching yourself.” She Sighed.Jaseth, now completey nude with a raging hardon, crawled onto his bed between the two of them and laid on his back his cock point straght up at the vaulted ceiling. He looked at both of them staring at him, one in awe, one with compleate lust.Avrin rolled over between his legs and in one fluid move took his cock into her mouth and slid it all the way down her gullet without touching it with her hands or gagging.”Damn, woman! My father was a fool to give you up.” her head slowly bobbed back up. “Fuck! That is Amazing.” She bobbed up and down until he was uncontrollably fucking up into her face, then she suddenly pulled her mouth off his cock and jumped up, positioning her dripping pussy over his dick. reaching down she grabbed his cock and began rubbing the head over her clit until she was about to cum. Then rocking back and down impaled herself on his rod. They Both gasped as he sank deep into her and she just sat there for a full minute, reveling in the sensation of being so filled.Jaseth was blown away. She had been his Fathers concubine, basicly Dads sex slave tuzla escort for almost twenty years, yet she was still almost virginaly tight. He let her rest for a bit then reached down and grabed a round ass cheek in each hand and stated to slowly fuck her. Gently lifting and lowering her on his dick.Next to them Te repositioned Herself so She could have a better view of her mentor and her master Making Love. She Gasped at how much her masters penis stretched Avrins Vagina. “That’s looks like it hurts.” She thought to herself. “But she seems to be enjoying herself.” The Couples pace began to increase and their gasps and moans started to get louder.”Damn!I have to take you from behind.” Jaseth said. He lifted her by her ass cheeks untill he could pull out then flipped her over on all fours. As he repositioned himself Te slid over to watch. Guiding his cock back to Avriins waiting pussy and as soon as it was in position his hips shot forward and Avrin Groaned with pleasure.”NNNNGGG, god you’re huge.” Watching them Pasionately making love was getting Te hot and her she slid her had down and started to play with her blond pussy. She had been with Avrin before, learning about lesbian sex, but this was her first exposure to a heterosexual couple. It was forbidden until her master told her otherwise.Jaseth was slamming his cock into her and Avrin was pushisng back almost as hard. Their frenzied race to orgasim had their loins slamming together so hard it almost sounded like firecrackers.Te Couldn’t stand it any longer, she felt left out. The girl slipt under Avrin unoticed by the madd fuckers. She lay there for a moment taking in the strange point of view she had of his cock slamming into her mentor. Then the little training she had took over and Te brought her tounge up and tickled Avrins clit as her own finger stroked her own.As soon as Te started to tounge her clit, Avrin lost controll. “OOOOOOOOOOOh, Cummmmiiingggg!” Her body began to quiver as she had back to back to back tripple orgasm.Avrins spectacular antics encuraged Te and She reached up with her free hand and cupped her Masters swinging balls. They were heavier than she thought they would be. she had never touched a man sexualy and it thrilled her.Jaseth felt a small hand on his nuts and that was all he could take. He slammed his cock as far into Avrin and Rocketed wad after wad into her which trggered a Fourth orgasm for the sex starved sex slave. Their combined cries of pleasure drowned out the wimper of pleasure from the girl under Avrin.The groop took sevral minutes to catch their breath before they untangled themselves from where they had colapsed. Jaseth, Prince of the Elven kingdom, blew out the candles, and climed between his first sex slaves and fell asleep.To Be Continued.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Retour de vacances

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Retour de vacancesLa rentrée s’annonçait et les gens revenaient graduellement : on voyait à nouveau quelques embouteillages et les supermarchés retrouvaient une certaine affluence. La nuit n’était pas encore tombée mais il était déjà plus de vingt heures. On sonne à la porte de notre appartement, c’est notre voisine de pallier. Elle nous dit qu’elle vient de rentrer de vacances avec un jour d’avance et que du coup son frigo est complètement vide et qu’elle est trop fatiguée pour aller encore au restaurant. Bref, elle vient voir si on ne peut pas lui passer de quoi faire une omelette avec une baguette avant qu’elle aille faire des courses le lendemain. La voisine : c’est une belle femme dans la seconde moitié de la quarantaine, elle est épanouie avec une belle paire de seins qui gonflent le tee-shirt qu’elle porte, des cuisses longues mais fortes et bien galbées et une paire de fesses rebondies que son short semble avoir toutes les peines à contenir si bien que la couture de devant lui rentre pratiquement dans la chatte. Elle a un beau visage, des cheveux blonds platine mi-courts et des lèvres charnues et naturellement rouges. Elle a une voix aiguë et rit fort ; certains diraient, mais pas moi, qu’elle est un peu cruche. Je ne l’ai jamais trop rencontrée car je suis souvent absent et on se croise assez rarement dans l’immeuble.Je l’invite donc à entrer et je lui dis : « Tu vas te poser un peu après la route que vous avez faite et après on verra ». Elle répond : « D’accord mais pas plus de cinq minutes, Bernard (son mari) va s’inquiéter s’il ne me voit pas revenir ». Je lui réponds :  « Ne t’inquiètes pas, il saura bien venir sonner chez nous si tu tardes trop ». Ma femme nous rejoint, lui fait la bise et lui dit : « Comment ça va Jacqueline ? Et tes vacances ? ». Je réponds : « Justement nous allions en parler, j’invitais notre chère voisine à boire un pot pour en qu’elle nous les raconte ». Et joignant le geste à la parole, je sors du frigo une bouteille de chardonnay bien frais. Nous commençons à bavarder en buvant plusieurs verres de cet excellent vin blanc. J’interroge Jacqueline histoire de mieux faire connaissance et l’heure avançant, ma femme nous dit : « Je vais au salon voir la télé ». On répond en cœur : « D’accord » et on continue à papoter.Visiblement, le vin fait son effet et la conversation tourne sur…. des méduses qui l’ont brûlée dans des endroits sensibles et voilà Jacqueline qui soulève son tee-shirt ce qui dévoile son soutien-gorge qui contient à peine sa lourde poitrine et elle me montre une trace rouge faite par ladite méduse. Je fais des grands : « Ohh et Ahh !!! » pour donner le change. En fait, je mate ses nichons et je commence à bander au point que ma bite déforme mon short qui est à hauteur des yeux de Jacqueline esenyurt escort qui regarde précisément cet endroit. Elle me dit : « Et c’est pas tout, j’ai été aussi brûlée là ». Et elle me montre l’intérieur de sa cuisse, pratiquement à la jonction de sa chatte. Je m’approche pour regarder de près en me baissant à hauteur de son con.Je prends quelques instants pour humer l’odeur qui s’en dégage et les effluves sont lourdes après une journée de voyage d’une connasse enfermée dans un short serré par jour de chaleur ! J’approche la main de la brûlure pour faire mine de vouloir mesurer l’étendue des dégâts. En fait, ma main pousse le short vers la chatte de la voisine pour la découvrir un peu plus et pour y mettre la main, comme pour l’émoustiller davantage. Et c’est ce que je fias prestement. J’y arrive sans trop de difficulté, je repousse son slip en dentelle et déjà mon doigt est sur son clito, de belle taille et sorti de son capuchon. J’en mets un autre dans sa chatte et je commence à m’activer par un lent va et vient. Pour toute réponse de sa part, elle laisse partir sa tête en arrière et se mord la lèvre inférieure. Mon autre main va explorer sa poitrine et je sors un de ses nichons de son soutien-gorge. Ma bouche a rejoint la fourche de ses cuisses et ma langue est entrain de lécher toute la longueur de son con, déjà bien rempli de mouille. Ma bite est sortie par l’échancrure de mon short et je me branle tout en faisant un cunnilingus à ma blonde voisine.C’est cette scène que ma femme découvre quand elle arrive dans la cuisine profitant d’un moment de pub à la télé ayant interrompu son feuilleton. « Maudite publicité !!! » me dis-je en moi-même. Je sais que globalement ma femme est assez cool en matière de sexe mais je crains le pire s’agissant de notre voisine. Elle nous apostrophe : « Eh bien ! On ne s’embête pas pour se raconter vos vacances ! ». Et elle ajoute regardant directement Jacqueline : « Toi, tu ne perds rien pour attendre, viens avec moi, on va dans la chambre ! ». Penaude, Jacqueline s’exécute, me plantant là, la bite à l’air.En fait, ma femme n’est pas fâchée du tout, je m’en rend compte rapidement quand elle file vers notre chambre avec Jacqueline enlacées, chacune la main de l’autre sur les fesses. Je me rends compte qu’elles se connaissent de manière intime depuis longtemps et que ma femme m’en veut un peu de lui avoir voler sa femme en suçant le gros clit de Jacqueline. Le reste va me le prouver. Sitôt dans notre chambre, elles se jettent sur notre lit en s’embrassant goulûment. Leurs mains sont maintenant sur leurs chattes respectives et je pressens que leurs doigts s’agitent. Ma femme ne met pas longtemps à se mettre nue quant à Jacqueline, elle fait passer son tee-shirt avrupa yakası escort au-dessus de sa tête, son soutien-gorge libère ses seins et son cul et sa chatte apparaissent à mes yeux dans leur ensemble.Je me régale de cette vue et je bande comme jamais. Ma femme me dit alors : « Tu as voulu baiser notre voisine Jacqueline dans mon dos, pour la peine, tu vas devoir t’astiquer le manche en nous matant, c’est tout ce que je te permets pour l’instant ». Et là, elle vers le tiroir de la table de nuit où je sais qu’elle range ses godes et elle en sort deux de belle taille, avec les veines et les glands bien formés. Elles se placent tête bêche, ma femme en-dessous et Jacqueline dessus. Son gros cul de blonde, d’une blancheur diaphane qui laisse voir ses veines bleuâtres illumine la pièce et le travail de leurs langues, de leurs doigts et de leurs mains commence.Dans la chambre, c’est un concert de gémissements. J’ai la bite qui me mal tellement elle est gonflée de désir. J’ai envie de me finir et de lâcher mes jets de liquide blanchâtre mais j’attends le moment de la fourrer dans une chatte. A ce stade, je ne sais pas encore si ce sera dans celle de ma femme ou dans celle de Jacqueline.Ma pensée est interrompue pas un bref coup de sonnette à la porte de notre appartement. Je vais pour ouvrir sans me rendre compte que j’ai la bite à l’air qui sort par un coin de mon short que je n’ai pas retiré. C’est le mari de Jacqueline, Bernard qui vient voir ce que devient sa femme qui et chez nous depuis bientôt une heure. Je me dis : « Il était temps qu’il se préoccupe de ce qu’elle devenait ou bien c’est qu’il est habitué à ce que sa femme passe pas mal de temps chez nous ».Il entre et il est un peu interloqué de voir ma bite qui dépasse de mon short. Sans attendre, je lui dis : « Nos femmes sont dans notre chambre, viens voir ! » et nous voilà au seuil de la porte de notre chambre. C’est le même concert de gémissements mais cette fois, c’est ma femme qui est dessus et on voit bien sa chatte de brune, au sillon qui sépare ses fesses et aux lèvres de sa chatte très bruns, presque noirs. Cette vue le laisse sans voix et instinctivement il porte une main à sa bite qui visiblement commence à grossir. Il me dit à voix basse : « Elle a l’air bonne, ta femme. Je ne l’avais jamais vue sous cet angle » avec un sourire. Sous elle, Jacqueline lui lèche la chatte tout en manipulant le gode d’avant en arrière.Moi, j’ai repris ma bite en main et je la caresse plus que je ne me branle, toujours avec le souci de pouvoir baiser. Mon gland est complètement décalotté, il est rouge et luisant des gouttes qui perlent par le méat et que j’étale sur mon gland. Bernard anadolu yakası escort a sorti la sienne, un bel engin qui bande au maximum. On est l’un contre l’autre et nos shorts sont à terre, on a les fesses et la bite à l’air. Je vois que Bernard passe de la vue de ma bite à celle du cul de ma femme et je ne sais pas vraiment ce qui l’excite le plus. Je sens que je ne vais pas tenir très longtemps et je me décide à entrer dans la chambre où les femmes sont elles aussi au bord de la jouissance. Je vais où ma femme a sa bouche sur le con de Jacqueline et je lui présente ma bite. Elle délaisse alors la chatte pour me gober le gland et elle me suce, tournant sa langue tout autour. Bernard, lui, s’est emparé de sa langue du cul et de la chatte de ma femme, partageant ces deux trous avec Jacqueline qui, elle, prend sa bite en bouche.Les choses vont ensuite très vite et ma femme me dit : « Maintenant, tu peux baiser Jacqueline pendant que je vais me faire mettre par son mari ». J’installe alors Jacqueline sur une moitié de notre couche conjugale, pendant que ma femme se place sur l’autre moitié. Je m’empare de la chatte de Jacqueline avec ma bouche. C’est un trésor de mouille crémeux à souhait, épais et odorant, le gode qu’elle s’est planté dans le con ayant fait un travail remarquable. Je suis aux anges, je me régale de la lécher, ma langue lui pénétrant la connasse, tournant autour de son gros clito et me hasardant par moment vers sa rondelle. Ma femme, elle, a préféré continuer à avoir une bite dans sa bouche, celle de Bernard ayant remplacé la mienne. L’envie de prendre Jacqueline par le con montant en moi, je me mets à genoux entre ses cuisses et je commence à la bourrer pendant que mes mains lui palpent les seins, je dirais même, les pétrissent. Une de ses mains s’est dirigée vers son clito et elle le manipulent à toute vitesse. Bernard a fait mettre ma femme en levrette et il la prend de cette manière en lui plantant sa bite avec force. J’entends ses couilles battre sur le cul de ma femme et ça me fait bander encore plus, si c’est possible, tellement je bande en bourrant le con de Jacqueline. Sans se concerter avec Bernard, on fait changer les femmes de position : je prends Jacqueline en levrette et il se place entre les cuisses largement écartées de ma femme. On continue de nos grand coups de bite. Je vois celle de Bernard entrer et sortir en cadence dans le con de ma femme et soudain il la sort et lui arrose le clito avec son sperme. Je vois alors la main de ma femme se branler le clito avec le sperme du voisin avec frénésie. C’est là que j’arrive moi aussi à la jouissance après que les parois de la chatte de Jacqueline m’aient massé la bite de manière délicieuse et je lui jute sur la rondelle et sur ses fesses blanches.On se regarde les uns et les autres et les sourires sont sur nos lèvres après une telle jouissance. Je me dis que finalement, il n’y a rien de tel que pour avoir une bonne connaissance de ses voisins. On se rhabille et je file vers la cuisine pour donner à Jacqueline ce qu’elle était venue chercher. On se fait la bise et on se promet de remettre ça bientôt.Bonne reprise à toutes et à tous -:)

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