Le Boss

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Le BossLe BossQuand j’ai accepté ce nouveau travail, je me suis crue plus forte que je ne suis.La première fois que je suis entrée dans son bureau, c’était pour l’entretien final. J’avais une petite appréhension. Rien à côté de la boule qui me tord le ventre aujourd’hui à chaque appel. Recrutée par un chasseur de têtes, j’avais rencontré la DRH, une blonde très stricte d’une quarantaine d’années, restait à voir le directeur. Une entrevue pour la forme, m’avait dit la DRH : Jean-Yves Varmois lui faisait toute confiance sur le choix de ses collaborateurs. J’allais donc faire connaissance de l’homme avec qui j’allais devoir travailler en étroite concertation au quotidien, puisque je devenais son assistante directe.Varmois est à la tête d’une holding discrète et prospère : audits, conseil en restructurations et management d’entreprises, il compte parmi ses clients les plus grosses boites du CAC40. Il est à l’image des success stories de ce début du XXIème siècle : beau mec élégant d’un peu moins de cinquante ans, plein d’humour et d’énergie, dur et inflexible dès qu’il parle business. Travailler pour un homme comme ça me semblait une aubaine, l’occasion d’apprendre avant de monter ma propre structure. Et au bout du compte, oui, j’ai appris. Autant sur le management que sur la façon dont un anus finit par s’assouplir.Mais je ne me suis pas présentée. Léa Lomont, 26 ans, sciences-po Paris, HEC, 3 ans à Yale, un premier boulot d’assistante dans une firme d’avocats à Boston, et retour à Paris. Je suis très jolie et je le sais : les filles me détestent, c’est un signe qui ne trompe pas. Du haut de mon mètre soixante-quinze tombent de longs cheveux noirs dont je suis très fière, autant que de mes grands yeux clairs mis en valeur par des lunettes aux verres anti-reflets. Une pratique régulière du sport me permet de conserver des formes souples mais arrondies là où il le faut : ma poitrine ne déborde pas mais sa ligne est naturellement relevée, et mes fesses peuvent hypnotiser n’importe quel mâle, même le plus exigeant.Cela pourrait sembler parfait, à un détail près dont j’ai pris conscience vers la fin de mon adolescence : je suis du genre qui fait peur aux mecs. À la fois trop belle et trop intelligente pour eux. Résultat, je ne me fais draguer que par des ringards ou des crétins avec une très haute opinion d’eux-mêmes. J’ai donc pris des habitudes de prédatrice. Lorsqu’un homme me plaît, je l’entraîne par la cravate et je m’en amuse jusqu’à ce qu’il me lasse. Je conçois le sexe comme une nécessité fort agréable, et je mène toujours le jeu. Et si un homme ne me fait pas jouir le premier soir, il n’y a jamais de deuxième. Et j’ai toujours eu une règle d’or : ne jamais mélanger le cul et le boulot. Jusqu’à maintenant.La porte s’est refermée et je suis restée seule avec Varmois. Il était dans son grand fauteuil de cuir noir et gris, quatre ordis ouverts sur son bureau. Il ne disait rien et me fixait avec un petit sourire. Il me détaillait, de mes Louboutin à talons hauts à mon strict tailleur Dolce & Gabbana, évitant mon visage et mon regard. Pas suffisant pour me mettre mal à l’aise. J’avais mis des fringues de marque : plus on est bien habillée, plus on peut discuter haut concernant le salaire. Et mes ambitions étaient très élevées. Il ne disait toujours rien, cherchait-il volontairement à créer un malaise ? Sans y avoir été invitée, j’allai m’asseoir dans le fauteuil face à son bureau.— Debout.Sa voix était ferme, basse, posée. Je fus surprise par son manque de politesse. On est tellement habitué aux conventions sociales…— Pardon ?— Debout. Je ne vous ai pas dit de vous asseoir.Mon premier réflexe a été de me relever, en effet, mais pour partir. Hors de question de bosser avec un type aussi infect. J’atteignais la porte lorsqu’il reprit la parole.— On vous a annoncé un salaire net à 3500 euros, n’est-ce pas ? Ce sera 8000. Sans compter les primes.Là, je suis restée séchée. Je me suis retournée lentement. Il se foutait de moi ? Il me proposait une fortune ! Toujours impassible, il tapotait un dossier.— Études brillantes, parfaitement bilingue, intelligente et glaciale, c’est exactement ce que je cherchais. Donnez-moi votre culotte.Aucun homme n’était jamais parvenu à me déstabiliser. Dans ma tête tout allait très vite : « Ce mec veut me sauter. C’est un pervers. Mais fascinant. Et plutôt beau gosse. Pour un poste à 8000 euros par mois. Est-ce que je vais me vendre ? Certainement pas. » Mais je n’avais plus envie de partir. Je le mettrai à mes genoux, comme les autres. Et ce sera amusant. Ma décision était prise : j’allais jouer.Je remontai la jupe de halkalı escort mon tailleur très naturellement, comme si j’étais seule, en mettant le moins possible d’érotisme dans ce geste. Je devinais ses yeux rivés sur mes cuisses, suivant chaque centimètre de la progression rapide du tissu. Je lui révélai un très charmant string noir de dentelle : j’aime autant les sous-vêtements que les vêtements, je ne porte que de jolies choses. Sans hésitation ni hâte, je baissai mon string, mon regard cherchant le sien. Je m’attendais à ce qu’il soit hypnotisé par mon minuscule ticket de métro et la naissance de mes lèvres qui se révélaient, mais j’eus la surprise de trouver son regard braqué dans le mien. Un fin sourire flottait sur son visage. Il ne regardait pas mon sexe mais mes yeux : j’étais en train de perdre cette première bataille du pouvoir.Je finis d’enlever mon string, en équilibre sur une jambe pour le passer par-dessus mon haut talon. Sans chercher à rabaisser la jupe tirebouchonnée autour de ma taille, j’avançai jusqu’à son bureau et le lui tendis. Il le prit et contourna le bureau, la dentelle à la main.— Bien. Vous êtes donc également une pute, Léa Lomont. Une qualité remarquable. Laissez-moi vous souhaiter la bienvenue dans notre société. Votre contrat de travail est là, sur le bureau. Vous allez le signer maintenant, après l’avoir soigneusement relu.Il me désignait le contrat, un stylo, tout en appuyant sur mon dos pour que je me penche sur le bureau jusqu’à y poser mes coudes, les papiers sous le nez. Sa main se glissait à l’intérieur de mes cuisses pour les écarter légèrement. Il finit de relever ma jupe pour dégager parfaitement mes fesses. Cette fois il ne pouvait pas regarder ailleurs. Je le savais. Aucun homme ne pouvait résister à la vision de mon cul. Il devait être fasciné, peut-être même hésitant. Et au bout du compte, ca ne pouvait pas rater, il allait me baiser debout, pliée en deux sur son bureau. Eh bien soit, pourquoi pas ? Je commençai à lire le contrat. J’avais les compétences juridiques nécessaires pour m’apercevoir qu’il était parsemé de formulations ambigües dont je comprenais maintenant l’objet. Je prêtai à peine attention au bruit de son pantalon tombant sur ses chaussures, et c’est l’esprit dans l’alinéa 3 du point 7 que je sentis son gland frotter contre mes lèvres, caressant de haut en bas, cherchant le lubrifiant naturel que je ne me rendais pas compte excréter.Ce contact fut comme un choc électrique. Je réalisai que ce sale type et tout son cinéma avaient réussi à m’exciter. Je voulais le contrôle et mon corps me trahissait : je mouillais comme une lycéenne devant un boys band. Sa main gauche vint se plaquer contre mon visage : il m’enfonçait mon string dans la bouche. À la même seconde, les doigts de son autre main, enduits de ce qui devait être sa salive, vinrent appuyer sur mon petit trou. Son majeur tenta de se glisser à l’intérieur. Je me suis raidie. Le jeu était terminé. Je n’ai jamais autorisé un garçon à me sodomiser, et ça n’allait pas commencer aujourd’hui. Beaucoup avaient essayé, de façon plus ou moins directe. Ça allait du « Oups désolé j’ai glissé, je me suis trompé de trou. », ce qui valait une baffe, à « Comment tu peux savoir que tu n’aimes pas puisque tu n’as jamais essayé ? », ce qui en valait deux en raison de l’air suffisant qui accompagnait généralement la remarque.J’ai donc voulu me retourner, mais Varmois me maintenait solidement. Sa voix d’une étrange douceur vibrait à mon oreille.— Allez directement au point 16, et lisez à voix haute.Il ne touchait plus à mon petit trou, j’acceptai donc de conserver la position et, rajustant mes lunettes, je tournai quelques pages. Le point 16 était celui concernant la rémunération. Je lus d’une voix hésitante.— 14 000 euros nets par mois ?!? Mais ch’est…Pas très digne, mon élocution. J’étais gênée par le string toujours dans ma bouche. Un liquide froid coulait lentement dans la raie de mes fesses qu’il écartait avec le pouce et l’index de sa main gauche.— Ça peut être mérité, dit-il calmement en poussant son gland contre mon anus couvert de lubrifiant.Dans ma tête, tout allait très vite. Pour la première fois de ma vie sexuelle, je n’avais pas un contrôle total de la situation : une partie de moi-même en était folle de rage, alors qu’une autre partie, je dois l’avouer, en était terriblement excitée. Je pouvais encore refuser ce boulot et m’en aller. Je pouvais l’envoyer se faire foutre. Pourquoi restai-je immobile et silencieuse ?Il estima sans doute que le temps taksim escort de réflexion avait été suffisant, et il se mit en devoir de rentrer dans mes fesses. Poussant sans douceur, m’écrasant contre le bureau, il commença à m’investir. Je sentais mon muscle se dilater doucement. Drôle de sensation, ni agréable ni douloureuse. Le gland entra entièrement. Cette fois j’avais un peu mal, mais rien de terrible encore. Il s’arrêta.— Alors, que faisons-nous ? Vous avez une dernière chance de remettre votre culotte ailleurs que dans votre bouche et de sortir d’ici maintenant.Je ne répondis rien. Mon petit trou me brûlait un peu, la sensation était étrange, un peu douloureuse mais pas trop. Mon cerveau était en feu lui aussi. Pourquoi étais-je en train de laisser un type que je ne connaissais pas une heure avant glisser son sexe dans mon anus ? Pour l’argent ? Non, certainement pas. Mon profil me permettait de gagner ma vie très convenablement, je n’avais pas besoin des sommes folles qu’il me proposait. Je devais être cinglée. Pour garder un semblant de self control, je pris une voix glaciale et méprisante, un effet complètement anéanti par le string qui occupait ma bouche.— Je chuis venue signer un contrat de travail. Finissez-en avec votre petit jeu que nous puissions passer à la suite.En réponse, il agrippa fermement mes hanches et reprit sa progression. Je sentais son sexe dilater mes entrailles et je me retins de hurler de douleur. Il n’était ni doux ni attentionné, il cherchait surtout à établir un rapport de force. Il plantait sa bite dans mon rectum comme on plante un clou : fermement, inexorablement. Je mordis dans le string. Il s’arrêta un moment. Il devait être au bout. Non, il finit d’une dernière poussée qui m’arracha un cri. Je m’en voulus de le lui avoir accordé. Il resta fiché au fond. Je n’avais pas vu sa queue, mais je pouvais sentir qu’elle était de belle taille, ou tout au moins très large. Il me remplissait le ventre et je devais me contrôler pour ne pas laisser mes jambes trembler. Je ne pouvais le voir mais je l’imaginais sourire, contemplant son membre fiché en moi.— Vous n’avez manifestement pas l’habitude d’être sodomisée. C’est rare chez les jeunes filles de votre génération. Je suis heureux de vous aider à remédier à ce handicap.Je savais quelle conduite tenir. Il était trop tard pour le virer de mon cul et m’en aller. Y aurais-je gagné en dignité, alors que j’avais déjà accepté mon string dans la bouche et son sexe au plus profond de mes entrailles ? Je devais le laisser continuer. Mais surtout rester impassible, ne plus prononcer le moindre son. Ne pas autoriser mon corps à exprimer la moindre sensation, il en aurait été trop heureux. Ce qui me faisait le plus peur était que je me sentais de plus en plus réactive. L’image de mon cul, anneau ouvert enserrant sa queue, flottait à la limite de ma conscience comme un aphrodisiaque puissant et la sensation était maintenant au-delà du troublant : malgré, voire à cause de la douleur qui s’estompait déjà, j’aimais la présence de ce sexe en moi. Je le fantasmais énorme, parcouru de veines, un pieu monstrueux auquel j’offrais ma croupe comme une vierge antique l’aurait tendue à Priape.Mais il était hors de question de lui montrer que son ascendant pouvait m’apporter le moindre plaisir. Je devais le traiter par le mépris. Je conservai le silence.Il ressortit entièrement, lentement, et me maintint ouverte. Il glissait quelque chose à l’intérieur. Il vidait du lubrifiant directement dans mon petit trou. Puis il présenta à nouveau son sexe. Il revint au fond d’un coup. Il se mit à effectuer de puissants allers et retours. Il m’enculait. Je me faisais enculer. Comme n’importe quelle pétasse des cités dans les toilettes d’une broîte de nuit. Comme n’importe quelle bourgeoise sur le retour en l’absence de son mari. Moi, la belle et fière Léa Lomont, j’étais son enculée. Le mot tournait en boucle dans mon esprit. La douleur n’avait pas disparu, mais elle n’était pas insurmontable. Je ne ressentais pas particulièrement de plaisir physique, mais étrangement je jouissais de cet abandon. Je n’avais plus à dominer, à contrôler, non je pouvais me relâcher : je me laissais enculer comme la dernière des putes. Je flottais en un relâchement jusque là étranger à ma nature.Jean-Yves Varmois n’était plus un collégien éjaculant au premier émoi. Il m’imposait son rythme et avait clairement l’intention de prendre son temps. Une main plaquée sur chacune de mes fesses, il les maintenait grandes ouvertes. Ses allers-retours dans mon rectum étaient lents et réguliers, şişli escort puissants et implacables.— Les termes de ce contrat vous semblent-ils clairs ?— Ils le sont.— Parfait, vous pouvez donc parapher chaque page puis signer les deux exemplaires.Je pouvais voir par-dessus mes lunettes le stylo, à quelques centimètres de mon nez, sur le bureau. Pour l’att****r, je dus relever un peu mon buste et me cambrer encore plus. Il pilonnait toujours mon cul devenu insensible, comme anesthésié. Mon cerveau avait retrouvé sa froideur coutumière. Je parcourus une dernière fois le document, concentrée sur son contenu. Mes connaissances juridiques me permettaient de comprendre clairement que je renonçais en toute connaissance de cause à toute poursuite concernant le harcèlement sexuel. Ce type m’enculait et comptait le refaire aussi souvent qu’il le souhaiterait, c’était très clair. Je paraphai chaque page, profitant de l’instant où à chaque aller retour il dégageait un peu son sexe de mon rectum pour apposer une signature qui ne tremblait pas.— Appelez madame Bertin, qu’elle vienne récupérer les contrats. Sa ligne directe est le 208.Toujours dans la même position, je décrochai de son support son téléphone et composai le numéro de la DRH. Varmois avait un peu accéléré le rythme et je dus faire un grand effort de contrôle pour maîtriser ma voix. Malgré tout, elle était un peu chevrotante.— Monsieur Varmois vous demande dans chon bureau, madame Bertin.La Directrice des Ressources Humaines n’avait pas pu ne pas remarquer, outre le tremblement de mes cordes vocales et mon élocution gênée par mon string, le claquement régulier des cuisses patronales contre mes fesses. Savait-elle ce qui se passait ici ? Certainement. Je ne devais pas être la première que Jean-Yves Varmois culbutait sur son bureau. Son sexe venait maintenant me pourfendre de plus en plus vite, chaque coup était plus fort, comme s’il avait voulu faire remonter son gland à travers mes intestins. Il allait jouir, et j’aurais juste le temps de baisser ma jupe avant que la DRH n’entre dans la pièce. Elle ne serait pas dupe mais nous ferions tous semblant de rien, et je ne devais pas craindre de croiser son regard.Alors que je m’attendais à une explosion de sperme dans mes entrailles, j’eus la surprise de sentir Varmois se retirer complètement. J’attendis quelques secondes, immobile, qu’il m’enculât de nouveau, mais il prenait son temps.— Vous pouvez vous retourner, mademoiselle Lomont.À ma grande surprise, je découvris que Sophie Bertin était entrée dans le bureau silencieusement, et qu’elle se tenait à genoux devant son patron. La DRH avait remonté ses cheveux blonds en un chignon strict et ouvert la bouche. Ses yeux fermés étaient marqués discrètement par les petites pattes d’oie de la quarantaine, mais son visage restait splendide. Varmois y faisait coulisser un sexe que je voyais pour la première fois et qui me sembla plus monstrueux encore que ce que j’avais imaginé. D’une longueur fort honorable, il se caractérisait par une épaisseur hors du commun. Je fus sidérée de constater à quel point il distendait les lèvres qui l’enserraient. Comment un objet aussi énorme avait-il pu se frayer un chemin dans mon cul étroit, jusque là exempt de toute intrusion ? Avec facilité, me répondit une petite voix intérieure moqueuse. Je devais encore en être béante.Varmois plaqua la main sur la nuque de sa collaboratrice et la contraignit à l’accueillir en bouche tout entier. La femme hoquetait mais il la maintint alors que des spasmes le parcouraient. Il lui éjaculait directement au fond de la gorge. Il m’était arrivé d’avaler le sperme, et j’imaginais sans peine la cataracte des longs jets étouffants. Je restai fascinée, la situation relevait d’un érotisme étrange mais puissant. Dans d’autres circonstances, je me serais sans doute caressée devant ce spectacle. C’était évidemment hors de question. Une association d’idées qui me fit penser à enfin retirer le string serré entre mes dents. Allais-je le remettre ? Il était trempé, je décidai de le glisser dans mon sac.Varmois retira lentement son sexe de la bouche dans laquelle il s’était libéré, alors que la DRH l’enserrait de ses lèvres afin qu’aucune goutte ne vienne tacher leurs vêtements. Elle déglutit alors qu’il refermait son pantalon. Le silence régnait dans la pièce. Je rabaissai ma jupe. Varmois avait rejoint son bureau.— Une dernière chose, mademoiselle Lomont. Je ne tiens guère à lubrifier moi-même mes collaboratrices à chaque saillie. Je vous prierai de prendre désormais toutes les dispositions que vous jugerez utile afin de m’épargner cette étape fastidieuse.Un sourire fugace courut sur les lèvres de Sophie Bertin. Je compris que toutes les femmes que je croiserai désormais quotidiennement dans ces bureaux avaient pour habitude de filer aux toilettes s’enduire le fondement de gel lubrifiant avant de rentrer dans le bureau du patron. Une précaution que je prends désormais moi aussi.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Looking for that big belly

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Looking for that big bellyWell I’am still looking for that great belly the hanging love flesh that is only inches off ground. ( im getting hard thinking about it) So I was working in eastern washington was there for 2 weeks. I was a heavy drinking back then when I was 22. So I was driving thur town when i seen her. belly hanging so low but not the great one i have been looking for only about 400 ppounds. She was out in front of a bar. I went to store and got beer and then came back by she was still there I had to stop. I parked and went to bar see was out front they had a cover charge and she was collectting the cover. I talked with her, she knew I was looking at her body. I halkalı escort paid and went in young skinny girls. I sat by door and watched her all nite and she knew it. Just before closing I asked if want to go somewhere after she was off she said she could not. But she would be here tomarrow. So it was saterday nite and I went back to see her. we talked more and she told me she did not have to work but she wanted to see if I would show up. We got something to drink and went back to motel. i think she was scared when we got there. She thought I was one of those guys that just make fun of her taksim escort all her life.i told her that no one should make any remarks about her other then she is one of the sexys thing I have ever seen.I told her that we did not have o do anything I just wanted to be close to her. She did not really undestand. We started kissing and may hands were all over her. stopped me and took off her big sun dress. She did not hve a bra on she had a cup titties just the way I like. And you could not see any panties from the front her belly hide them. She laid on the bed and i almost came right then and there. Her great body covered the full size bed. şişli escort I looked at her so long she said something but I did not here, the room could have been on fire and I would not have cared. we started kissing and there was not one spot of that body that I did no lick. I lifted her great belly and eat her sweet pussy for hours. She came and squrited my face many times before I eased into her. I stayed hard for like ever. I came three times before we stopped.She told me she had never felt that way before and that see had to go. I said tomarrow then. She said ok.That went on for two weeks after work every nite. She told me she loved me and gave me her number.i never called her again till about 3 years later when i was going thur town. I stopped by her house she cane out side and that belly was about 6 inches lower. I was rock hard as we talked then her boyfreind came out he was ok about us talking. i hugged her and drove home that was about 30 years ago and I still think of the Great belly that got away.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Naughty Daddy

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Naughty DaddyWhat I want to tell you about is something that happened a few years ago. I’ve never told you before but it was when things changed about how I saw you. I promise that I never had any naughty thoughts about you as you grew up, I couldn’t be that sort of Daddy, that is wrong, but as you grew up into the young woman you are now, well, then things began to become hard for me to control what I thought and did. It began when we went on that holiday to the log cabin in the country. It was a hot summer and you were waiting for the exam results to be announced in a couple of weeks time. I had begun to notice how your body was maturing and was regularly reminded with the sight of your bra hanging to dry and thinking, ‘Crikey those are big cups, my little girl is blossoming fast.’One hot afternoon on a day when we hadn’t planned to go anywhere, you were sunbathing on the lounger, wearing a bikini and I was sat reading a book. The heat became too much for me and I decided to take a shower to cool off. As I got up you asked me to put some sun-cream on your back. No problem there, until my hands began to catch the bikini top strap. “You can undo it for me if you like Daddy, I’d rather not have a white line on my suntan anyway,” you said it in a dreamy way as you just laid there and let me undo the clasp. I finished oiling you and stood up, saying”Right bakırköy escort baby, going for a shower, shouldn’t be long then I’ll make us both a nice cool drink.”In the bathroom I sorted out my towel and stripped out of my shorts and tee shirt. the bathroom was very hot so I went to open the window, hoping to get a cool breeze to blow through. As I began to open the window a little way the first thing I saw was you laid out on your tummy, your back curving gently upwards to your backside covered by your bikini bottoms. But not fully covered, you must have pushed them down a little because I could see a definite valley between your buttocks until the skimpy material prevented any further view. With your arms stretched up next to your head I could also see a bulge of flesh pressing out from under your chest, my first view of your pale-skinned breasts that I had ever seen naked. And I was shocked at my body’s reaction. My mind had registered what I saw, my brain clicked into a lustful thought process, and my penis began to feel aroused as the blood was sent pumping around.Very soon my hands went down and without averting my stare they encouraged my hardening shaft to grow. Moving one hand now to cup my balls, they felt full in their soft loose-skinned sac, and my other hand began helping to ensure a full erection beşiktaş escort by stroking and teasing my foreskin up over the glans and down again …… ‘Fucking Hell,’ I thought, ‘You’re wanking over your own daughter. What the ………’My thoughts were stopped dead as you began to move. My first reaction was to check that it wasn’t me that had disturbed you, and a quick check confirmed it because you continued to turn your body over and lie on your back. then, Oh my God, your hands slowly moved up and took off the bikini top altogether. The sight of those young firm pale-skinned breasts topped with two darker coloured areola and nipples just simply hardened my erection immediately, took my breath away and made my breathing change to more of a panting. And it also made me unable to stop what had started.You were still relaxed, eyes closed, and you spread more oil across those large domes, confirming to me that yes, my little girl was now a woman, no argument. My eyes took in the whole picture, and as I did I thought you were going to make me shoot my load there and then because your hands went to your bikini bottoms. It looked like you were going to take them off but you stopped short and just moved them down to where I could see a line of pubic hair peeping out from the material.It was all too much beylikdüzü escort now, my control was gone, I had become a voyeur who was masturbating as I looked at that erotic scene, standing there, with both my hands working me steadily, and producing pre-cum that lubricated my hands and penis. As the next couple of minutes passed, my physical actions and my brain took me to the point where body and mind produce a man’s unstoppable ejaculation. ….. ‘ Oh my beautiful little girl ….. Oh those tits ….. Oh shit I want to fuck her ….. rip those panties off ….. lie on top of her ….. cock-head pushed between labia ….. fuck, she’s ready for me, wet, hot ….. slowly in … that feels so good ….. Oh so tight …. Oh I’m in all the way ….. so deep ….. kiss her …… hold her head in my hands …. kiss, tongues deep and playing ….. feel the softness of her tits …. Oh fuck, pumping in and out …. faster ….. cock sliding in and out of her cunt …. hands on her bum holding her to me ….. my daughter’s letting me fuck her ……. Oh my baby ….let Daddy cum …. now ….. now ……My thoughts closed down and my body was taken over with sexual euphoria as my cock pumped out spurts of hot semen against the wall below the window, hips thrusting, buttocks clenched, fast panting breathing, nerves tingling ……… Then you moved !! Your eyes opened and I swear you looked straight at the window. I ducked down and moved back. After a short while I cleaned up the runs of cum from the wall with tissues and turned on the shower and slowly returned to normal …………But I had this nagging question in my head ….. “Oh my God, did she see me?”

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

vieux et cueillette de figue(s) 3

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vieux et cueillette de figue(s) 3Deux semaines après…(partie 3)Ces parties avec ces vieux « ruraux » m’avaient complètement tourneboulée et, non seulement j’y repensais souvent, mais aussi j’imaginais les séances de masturbations chez tous ces vieux adorés à qui j’avais offert mon corps et quelques dessous et mes ballerines.Aussi, le week-end suivant, usant de quelques stratagèmes pour dissimuler les « pièces » compromettantes à mon mari [mais je n’avais pas renoncé à l’idée de l’amener un jour], je décidais de leur jouer le grand jeu, sachant (ou du moins espérant) que quelques « nouveaux clients » allaient se mêler à la partie.Dès que mon mari eut entamé la sieste réparatrice du samedi, je m’empressais d’aller me vêtir de la manière la plus sexy possible pour affoler « mes vieux » : là, tremblante d’excitation, j’enfilais non plus des bas dim-up mais carrément des superbes bas nylons fins avec couture tenus par un porte-jarretelles, accompagnés par une tenue compète de dessous nylon affriolants, sous une autre jupette encore plus coquine. Toujours chaussée de ballerines –mais avec dans mon sac une paire d’escarpins sexy à talons que je comptais chausser juste avant d’arriver à la maison de « mon vieux »- je partis surexcitée en quête d’une nouvelle aventure : j’étais prête à tout avec ces vieux et j’avais une énorme envie de leur donner du plaisir.Arrivée au coin de la ruelle, j’enfilais mes escarpins en lieu et place des ballerines, que je rangeais dans mon sac et je m’avançais un peu fébrile vers la maison de mon vieux, accompagnée par le claquement des talons sur le goudron. Cette fois ci, il n’y eut même plus besoin d’alibi cueillette et j’eus droit à un authentique « comité d’accueil » dans la grange puis dans la cuisine de « mon petit vieux » : René, Marcel et « mon vieux » m’attendaient sous la grange et tous trois se levèrent comme un seul homme dès qu’ils m’aperçurent, tout en restant un peu interloqués à la vue –et à l’écoute du bruit des talons sur le goudron de la ruelle, chose hyper rare à la campagne- de mes escarpins sexy.Ils m’admirèrent de la tête aux pieds et René se frotta aussitôt contre moi, alors que mon petit vieux m’embrassait sur la bouche en guise de bienvenue et que Marcel caressait mes seins en souriant, comme s’il les soupesait. René qui était en short colla sa tige bandée contre ma hanche- que je pris en main aussitôt quelques instants pour bien le branler-, tout en prenant un peu la direction des opérations :« Vous n’aurez pas à aller dans l’arbre aujourd’hui… »« Tenez, on vous a ramassé les figues mûres ces derniers jours… » rajouta Marcel« Il y a aussi quelques coings et poires, si vous voulez… »« oh ! merci » dis-je en souriant …« vous êtes bien jolie habillée comme ça… »…Et … j’empoignais la bite de René, prestement extirpée du short, le branlant un peu…« Venez, on va vous montrer quelques belles photos de la semaine dernière »« ah ? »« … ouais et si vous saviez combien de fois on s’est branlés en les matant tous ensemble » claironna René« et avec votre jolie culotte aussi » renchérit Marcel« et vos ballerines… je les ai remplies de foutre » rajouta mon vieux« venez voir… elles sont chouettes… vous êtes si belle et si sexy »Et on me conduisit à la cuisine… où là, choc, trois autres vieux types -vicelards du village en manque de femelle- attendaient en silence, timidement et prudemment assis sur leur chaise.« Lui c’est Maurice, voici Albert et Jeannot » me présenta rapidement René…« et voici Jeannine, l’amie d’Alphonse » (oui, Alphonse c’était le prénom de « mon vieux » attitré)Les trois types, tous d’un certain âge, me dévisagèrent de la tête aux pieds, me sourirent comme ils purent (un peu crispés par « l’enjeu ») en me tendant la main.Mais le gars René me surprit et surprit tout son monde (car il s’était lancé avec bonheur dans l’informatique) en ouvrant un ordinateur portable qu’il avait préalablement relié à la Télé grand écran de mon vieux :« on va d’abord regarder les photos de la semaine dernière ».Il était clair qu’avec ça les trois nouveaux allaient très vite être dédouanés et que le ton allait très vite monter –nul besoin de cueillette préalable.Ils me firent m’installer sur un « canapé », mon vieux à côté de moi d’un côté et Marcel –mon manant à la bite d’enfer- de l’autre.Les photos, soigneusement classées par ordre chronologique et donc, avec une montée « crescendo » dans l’érotico-porno, commencèrent à défiler devant nous, avec évidemment les commentaires enthousiastes de René, de mon vieux et de Marcel aux commandes, bientôt complétés par les exclamations de surprise et d’extase des trois autres. J’en étais devenue muette de stupeur, de voir à quel point j’étais devenue « une star » pour cette bande de vieux, plus ou moins célibataires.« Oh oui, là ! »« Hmmm ! quelle belle chatte ! »« Ouyaouh ! ce cul ! »« Ah ouais quel cul ! »« Putain tu la bouffes bien là, Alphonse »« Ouais, elle est belle comme ça ! »« Ahhhh ! elle suce bien là ! »« Ces cuisses ! elle a des bas ! »« Elle la branle ta grosse queue Marcel ! »« Ouf, René qu’est-ce que tu lui mets ! »« Oh ! là ! elle le prend bien dans sa chatte ton gros engin Marcel ! »« Putain, vous vous la faites à 3 les gars ! »« Ouh ! ça m’excite ça ! »« Ah ouais ! super là quand tu la prends sur la table »« Putain, à deux ! par les deux trous ! »…Et ainsi de suite pendant de longues minutes, jusqu’à la fin :« Ouaouh ! tu lui décharges sur le cul »« Putain sa chatte trempée de sperme ! »« Elle en prend plein la gueule de foutre ! »…Le ton était bien donné quand retentit un : « voilà c’est fini, vous avez tout vu »Tout allait pouvoir commencer pour aujourd’hui, d’autant plus que ma nouvelle tenue s’y prêtait et que, pendant la « projection d’images », mon vieux et Marcel avaient déjà pas mal commencé à me palucher sur mes bas, mes seins et mes fesses. Les trois « nouveaux » me lorgnaient -et enviant les deux autres gars- tout en se massant ostensiblement leur queue à travers les pantalons« Tiens René vas-y, prends la en photos avec sa belle tenue d’aujourd’hui, elle va nous en montrer un peu et nous faire tous bien bander » dit Marcel, me poussant par les fesses pour me faire me lever au milieu de la cuisine.« Allez, montre-nous un peu tes bas et tes dessous… » dit René« Oui, oui, montre leur comme tu es belle avec ces escarpins » rajouta mon vieuxAlors, fièrement, je me campais au milieu de la pièce et leur commençais un petit numéro d’exhibe de mes bas, de mes escarpins, soulevant ma jupette, bombant le torse, enlevant mon tee-shirt pour halkalı escort leur montrer mon sous-tif et mes seins, caressant mes tétons, plaquant ma culotte sur ma chatte, me cambrant sur mes escarpins, tendant mes fesses… je m’offris à leurs regards salaces et baveux, ainsi qu’à l’appareil photo, qui mitraillait sous tous les angles.Mais très vite ce furent des pognes qui convergèrent sur mes atours et mes formes. Ils étaient tous tellement excités par les « images » et mon petit strip-tease qu’ils s’étaient levés et m’avaient entourée et ce fut une déferlante de mecs en rut, qui m’encerclaient. Pour tous préliminaires, les trois « nouveaux » invités se jetèrent carrément sur moi, soulevant ma jupe et me chopant par les miches et les fesses, remontant mes cuisses le long de mes bas. Marcel contrôlait un peu leur fougue et « mon vieux » -un peu dépassé, les yeux écarquillés- tentait de me « protéger » de leur surplus d’ardeur, en faisant un peu écran ; René prenait toujours des photos tout en repositionnant un magnétoscope sur un trépied, de manière à filmer la séance en continu et avoir les mains libres.J’avais des mains partout et, de mon côté, je ne restais pas inactive car je venais flatter les queues bandantes dans les pantalons qui se frottaient à moi contre mes fesses et mes cuisses. Je descendis des fermetures éclair de braguette, je plongeais mes menottes dans des slibards un peu grands et je commençais -enfin !- à tripoter des bites à même la chair. Tous sans exception me roulèrent des galoches, se passant mon visage en me tenant par le menton, les langues –en premier celle de « mon vieux »- fouillaient ma bouche dépendante et docile. Des crânes plus ou moins chauves, des bedaines plus ou moins pressantes me cernaient. Mes tétons furent rapidement dégagés du balconnet, sucés, titillés, mordillés ; ma jupette remontée à la taille ; ma culotte fine prise d’assaut par des paumes de main enrobant une de mes fesses, par des doigts inquisiteurs qui malaxaient mes lèvres, agaçaient mon clito ou s’enfonçaient dans ma chatte de plus en plus humide, doigtaient mon œillet…Les pantalons des types commencèrent à s’ouvrir, descendre et s’enlever, ainsi que tout le reste, et je fus rapidement entourée de six corps de gros vieux velus, plus ou moins à poil, qui me tendaient leurs bites pour que je les saisisse à pleine main ou bien venaient les frotter contre mes bas, mon ventre, mes fesses. Là, je perçus une forte odeur de queue ! J’aimais sentir ça ! J’ondulais des fesses que je tendais à la rencontre des engins dans mon dos, je me lovais contre une tige bandante appuyée sur mon pubis, le gland se promenant dans mes poils et affolant ma toison. J’avais des bites de tous calibres plein les mains et je me régalais d’aller de l’une à l’autre : moi qui aime toucher des queues, j’étais servie avec ces six mandrins à ma portée.Ils grognaient doucement en se frottant à moi, m’embrassant ou me paluchant :« hmmm ! caresse oui »« ahhhh ! t’es douce »« c’est bon ça oui »« rrggggn ! branle bien oui »« elle aime les queues ! hmmmm ! »« elle les chope bien oui »« t’aimes les bites hein ?… on va t’en donner ! »…Tous ces vieux commencèrent alors à faire l’ascenseur : ils s’accroupissaient et me bouffaient la chatte par-dessus la culotte, embrassaient mes fesses, léchaient ma raie, paluchaient mes cuisses sur mes bas où y promenaient leurs bites, caressaient mes escarpins qui, manifestement, leurs plaisaient beaucoup. Ceux qui restaient debout continuaient à me galocher et à honorer mes seins pendant que mes mains saisissaient les queues les plus proches.Cette situation longue, douce et à peine oppressante, m’enivrait et je me régalais. J’adorais être le centre du monde de tous ces vieux à qui j’offrais un plaisir rare. Je les sentais subjugués, affolés, heureux comme des gosses jouant les salaces. Ils s’excitaient les uns les autres en me butinant comme une gourmandise.« orhhhh ! que c’est joli ces bas »« la jolie petite chatte…hmm ! »« branle un peu nos queues oui ! »« elle aime ça tenir des bites ! t’aimes ça hein ? »« allez, suce un peu »« fais la salope ! »« ouais, sois salope, t’es qu’une salope »« on va t’en donner de la queue »« ah ! ouais les gars ! elle est bonne »« elle excite bien la salope »« t’aimes ça les bites de vieux »« putain, que c’est bon de la bouffer sa chatte ! »« ces escarpins, ce cul ! »« ah ! ouais et sa culotte, ses bas »« t’as de belles miches tu sais »Ma jupe et mon tee-shirt m’avaient été retirés, j’étais au milieu d’eux seulement « vêtue » de ma culotte, mon porte-jarretelles et mes bas, les bonnets de mon soutien-gorge rabattus sous mes seins et de mes escarpins tentateurs. Ils m’empoignaient de tous côtés, me paluchaient, me léchaient, me suçaient, me galochaient ; certains s’astiquaient la bite contre mes bas ou contre moi, d’autres me guidaient les mains pour que je les masturbe. Comme ils me cernaient, je m’agenouillais au milieu d’un cercle qu’ils refermèrent bien vite et j’eus leurs six queues qui dansèrent autour de mon visage, venant à tour de rôle se présenter à ma bouche pour que je les suce et à mes mains pour que je les branle. J’allais de l’une à l’autre, essayant de ne pas trop montrer ma préférence pour les plus belles [certains de ces vieux étaient ma foi fort bien montés –vous connaissiez déjà Marcel et son engin ! René et son boudin, mais les nouveaux étaient pas mal montés] et de donner de la langue à tous, soupesant les couilles des autres, agaçant les glands et astiquant les tiges plus ou moins violemment. Je m’enivrais de bites.Ils m’installèrent au milieu de la pièce sur un petit fauteuil, me maintenant jambes écartées et l’un d’eux, fier et décidé, se précipita sur ma chatte pour la bouffer, sous les encouragements des autres, qui me maintenaient « en position » sous l’œil de l’objectif de l’appareil photo de René qui immortalisait ces scènes scabreuses. Je me laissais faire et la langue active de ce vieux barbu me remplit d’aise et commença à me faire grimper dans l’échelle du plaisir. Alors je donnais encore plus d’activité à mes menottes, des glands et des tiges venaient se présenter dans mon dos, chatouillaient mes cheveux, tapotaient mes joues je tournais la tête et j’en gobais une de côté. Les autres se servaient de mes bas et de mes escarpins pour frotter leurs queues et les maintenir en ébullition. Plusieurs vieux -tous je crois- se succédèrent pour honorer ma chatte, heureux de voir qu’ils me şişli escort procuraient du plaisir en me rendant dépendante de leurs langues et dégustant mes sucs. Je caressais leurs crânes, surtout celui de mon vieux quand il me lécha les lèvres avec amour, roulant une galoche à ma chatte.Sentant monter le plaisir, un des « nouveaux » vieux, après m’avoir copieusement léchée, se redressa un peu et présenta son gland luisant à l’entrée de ma chatte :« Allez ! vas-y Jeannot enfile la, elle n’attend que ça »Et le gars Jeannot me pénétra en grognant de plaisir !Il m’empoigna par le bassin, ses doigts bien enfilés sous mon porte-jarretelles et commença à me limer avec application, le visage révulsé d’extase, sa tige drue me pénétrant bien droit. Je nouais mes chevilles et mes escarpins autour de son dos, un peu aidée par quelques pognes (de mon vieux ?) qui caressaient mes bas fins et une bite qui s’astiquait contre le cuir vernis de mes godasses à talons hauts.Le gars Jeannot me baisa bien, se penchant de temps en temps sur moi en posant son gros ventre contre le mien pour m’embrasser, puis se retira prestement pour laisser son tour. Aussitôt ce fut Maurice, apparemment surexcité et impatient qui lui succéda en m’embrochant sans ménagement un peu comme un soudard… ce qui lui valut un petit reproche de René :« hé ! vas-y doucement Maurice ! oh ! ne la casse pas la copine d’Alphonse, sinon elle ne viendra plus ! c’est pas une pute ! »Le gars Maurice ralentit sa cadence un peu frénétique et bredouilla :« hmm ! oui mais bon ! elle m’excite tellement avec ces bas et ces escarpins et puis ces photos que tu nous a montrées… puis de voir Jeannot la prendre… j’en pouvais plus moi, elle est bonne sa chatte, c’est le pied de la baiser »« Ouais, ouais, et moi ? allez ! passe-moi la, j’en veux » interrompit AlbertMes trois anciens amis avaient tacitement laissé la primeur de l’après-midi aux trois nouveaux. Albert me prit un peu plus délicatement que Maurice et ce fut tant mieux car sa queue était de fort belle taille, épaisse et dure… sans toutefois atteindre les mensurations dantesques de celle de Marcel mais pas loin. Il le savait car il me toisait fièrement du regard (comme pour mesurer l’effet que faisait sa grosse bite dans ma chatte) en me pénétrant de plus en plus profond à chaque va-et-vient ; je serrais mes cuisses contre les siennes comme pour calmer la vigueur de ses coups de treuil. Alors, il entrait lentement, appuyait puis bougeait en moi une fois au fond. C’était bon ! sa grosse queue me faisait du bien et je l’agrippais par les bras comme pour mieux le faire venir et ne faire qu’un avec lui.« Putain ! qu’est-ce qu’il la met bien ! »« Elle a l’air d’aimer ça ta femme Alphonse, oui ! »« Tu la sens ma bite hein ? tu la sens bien dans ta jolie chatte ? »« Oui, oui, oui, vas-y doucement ! c’est bon ! elle est dure, je la sens bien »Pendant qu’il me prenait, je sentis des pognes venir caresser mes cuisses, d’autres mes seins et, de part et d’autre du fauteuil, des bites venir quémander une caresse de mes menottes. Comme j’étais tenue fermement, je me saisis de ces queues qui dansaient et je branlais à tour de rôle mes petits vieux heureux de cette séance.Ils émettaient des petits grognements de plaisir, des fredonnements, quelques mots inaudibles, que je percevais par bribes : ‘ouh la’, ‘belle…’ ‘ces cuisses…’ ‘la salope…’ ‘branle…’ ‘elle baise bien…’ ’ces seins, c’est bon, spectacle…’ ‘génial…ouh !’ ‘sexy…oui,’ ‘ah oui, c’est super,’ ‘elle est extra !…’ ‘suce…’ ‘ces bas ! hmmm !…’ ces escarpins sexy ; elle est belle’ »C’était comme un essaim de vieux affamés de sexe qui n’en avaient pas eu depuis des années (ce devait d’ailleurs être le cas de beaucoup d’entre eux). A tour de rôle, ils me baisèrent tous sans exception dans cette position -et même certains deux fois-, se passant et se repassant ma chatte et mes cuisses écartées, pendant que les autres se faisaient sucer et branler ou me paluchaient.Quand le gros engin de Marcel me pénétra, je ne pus retenir un cri et je me figeais un instant, cessant toute branlée ou pipe, pour rester concentrée sur cette pénétration hors norme. D’ailleurs tous les autres, y compris les nouveaux, semblaient guetter cet instant et contemplaient l’énorme queue progresser dans ma chatte déjà bien limée et lubrifiée : c’était quelque chose ! et René s’empressa de venir refaire quelques clichés du genre « incroyable mais vrai ! ».Marcel avait quelque chose d’un gentlemen car il se contenta de me baiser calmement, ne ravageant pas trop ma chatte et surtout il me fit jouir comme une folle qui agitait la tête en tous sens, bien encouragée et maintenue par les autres vieux qui se régalaient de me voir jouir, tout en me galochant, embrassant mes seins, frottant leurs glands contre mes bas, s’astiquant en contemplant la scène.« Tu la fais jouir Marcel avec ton gros engin ! »« Elle la prend bien dans sa chatte, ta bite ! »« Vas-y oui, jouis ma chérie » osa AlphonseAlors je me mis à jouir sans retenue au milieu de ce groupe de vieux affamés.Dans un monumental « flotch » Marcel retira son gros engin de ma chatte, quand il perçut que j’étais arrivée au bout de ma jouissance.Illico presto, ils me firent me retourner et me mettre à quatre pattes sur le fauteuil. Mes cuisses, mes genoux et mes escarpins furent saisis –et caressés- et je fus installée prête pour une prise en levrette :« Ouaouh, quel beau cul ! »« Allez vas-y Jeannot, à toi l’honneur »Le gars Jeannot m’empoigna par le porte-jarretelles à hauteur de mes hanches, présenta son gland qui balaya ma fente sur toute la longueur, comme pour vérifier l’état d’humidité, et m’enfila d’un coup long, profond et appuyé. Je sentis ses couilles venir s’appuyer contre le haut de mes cuisses et aussi que sa bite s’était totalement enfoncée dans ma chatte offerte. Je me tenais comme je pouvais au dossier du fauteuil, par-dessus lequel trois queues vinrent se présenter à mon visage. Les deux autres, mon vieux qui guidait l’assemblée comme un maître de cérémonie, et René, qui prenait toujours des photos, m’avaient saisie par les seins et les bras et me permirent de me saisir des queues avec mes mains et de sucer la troisième, pendant que Jeannot commençait à me pistonner la chatte en levrette.Rapidement, une valse tournante s’instaura, la queue de Jeannot sortit, laissa la place vacante trois secondes et aussitôt Maurice m’enfila, puis Albert, puis René, puis… et enfin Marcel avec son engin d’enfer. Tous là encore, usèrent sarıyer escort et abusèrent de ma chatte à plusieurs reprises et aussi de mon cul car, au bout d’une première salve de levrettes dans ma chatte, ce fut mon œillet qui fut visité par les tiges drues. Je ne pus pas protester car ma jouissance monta à nouveau et que je me laissais prendre avec un plaisir fou dans cette position… même si les grosses queues qui m’enculaient me faisaient un peu mal.« Putain ! quel cul ! »« Ah ! ouais, quel beau cul, elle a ! »« Il prend bien les queues son cul »« Que c’est bon de l’enculer la salope »« Putain que c’est bon, un coup dans sa chatte, un coup dans son cul »Je me tendais, je m’offrais, j’étais secouée, pilonnée…« Qu’est-ce qu’il répond bien son cul, c’est fabuleux »« Ah ouais, elle est bonne ta femme Alphonse »Après ce long et savoureux défilé dans mes deux trous disponibles en levrette, Alphonse ordonna un instant de me laisser souffler. Puis je fus installée à califourchon sur une tige dressée, sur la queue de Maurice qui m’attendait bite drue sur le canapé. Aidée et guidée, toujours par Alphonse, et accompagnée par les miches et les pognes par les autres, je m’embrochais moi-même sur sa bite écartant mes cuisses au maximum. Le dard s’enfonça sans problème jusqu’au plus profond de ma chatte, ses couilles presque écrasées par l’intérieur de mes cuisses, au contact des bas… ce qui l’affola et le fit s’agiter.Derrière, des pognes –Alphonse ? Marcel ? René ?- caressaient mes fesses blanches offertes et les écartelaient au maximum, tout en maintenant mon œillet dilaté en me doigtant le cul ou même en venant me lécher.Bientôt, je sentis une présence plus lourde et plus active ; un gland se présenta et commença à pousser à l’entrée de mon cul.« Allez on se la fait à deux ! »Et je fus prise en sandwich, complètement affalée sur Maurice, dont la queue s’était immobilisée au fond de ma chatte, pour favoriser l’entrée en douceur de l’autre bite dans mon cul. Lorsque les deux pines furent entrées sur toute leur longueur, presque jusqu’à se toucher au fond de moi, les deux baiseurs commencèrent à me pistonner les deux trous en alternant lentement avec un certain ménagement.Je fus prise par les deux trous pratiquement en douceur et je m’envolais pour une autre jouissance… ce qui n’échappa à René qui photographiait à nouveau :« Super les gars, par les deux trous, ça c’est beau ! c’est génial ! »« Tiens par tous les trous » beugla Albert qui vint me présenter sa bite à sucer.« Ah ouais, encore mieux, elle est prise par les trois trous la salope » renchérit René « Allez-y les gars, et vous deux allez vous faire branler, cela lui fera cinq bites en même temps, elle va aimer ça la salope »Oh ! oui, que j’aimais ça et effectivement cinq queues m’occupaient. J’étais prise en sandwich par deux nouveaux, je suçais Albert et je branlais d’un côté la queue de mon Alphonse et de l’autre le pieu de Marcel. René m’encula un moment à son tour, ayant passé l’appareil photo au sixième qui se reposait.Une nouvelle tournante d’enfer m’assaillit et je fus prise et reprise par tous, dans la chatte et dans le cul en même temps, la bouche toujours garnie par un engin et deux autres pines en mains. A un moment, j’entendis murmurer à mon oreille Alphonse :« c’est moi qui t’encule ma chérie, c’est bon ! tu aimes ? » … et comme à ce même instant je chevauchais l’énorme engin de Marcel et suçais René, je ne pus répondre que par un gémissement d’aise et de plaisir… qui galvanisa mon Alphonse, donnant alors le signal de la curée finale« Je jouis les gars, je lui décharges dans le cul » et mon Alphonse se planta dans mon cul, ses mains crispées sur mes hanches, me mordillant le cou, la tête enfouie dans mes cheveux, puis se redressant tout raide, et se mit à me déverser ses réserves de la semaine inondant mon cul de foutre. Du coup, Marcel surexcité me fixant dans les yeux, contemplant mon visage béat de plaisir, me chopa par les côtés des seins, m’attira pour une galoche en beuglant :« Je lui décharge dans la chatte, les gars, je t’inonde de foutre, salope, ahhhhhhhh ! » son énorme engin, devenu encore plus gros -mais comment était-ce possible ?-, s’immobilisa au fond de ma chatte en feu et je perçus les soubresauts de son gland qui m’inondait le vagin. Je le galochais alors avec ardeur, me sentant totalement détrempée à l’intérieur.Surexcités, les quatre autres types me saisirent quand les deux eurent fini de décharger en moi, contemplèrent un instant -en s’extasiant- mes deux trous débordant de foutre -René fit encore quelques photos dantesques de cette dégoulinade !- et me firent m’agenouiller au milieu d’un cercle resserré qu’ils formèrent autour de mon visage. Les quatre bites se précipitant en même temps vers ma bouche, mon visage et mes seins préludant l’explosion finale.Je me saisis de ces engins, devenus tous très gros, les glands luisants bien décalottés, je les branlais, je les suçais à tour de rôle –là, ils sentaient fort, très fort même- et je flattais les couilles quand je pouvais. J’arrivais même à avoir deux glands simultanément dans ma bouche. Alors, les uns après les autres ils saisissaient leurs tiges et les astiquaient avec frénésie, tendues vers moi. J’écarquillais les yeux pour guetter les giclées promises et attendues. Ils m’aspergèrent de foutre en beuglant à qui mieux mieux, je fus copieusement arrosée. Mes joues, mon visage, mes seins, mes cheveux furent décorés, je bus même du sperme car certains m’enfournèrent le gland dans la bouche… des salves de foutre vinrent taper –le mot n’est pas trop fort- mon front à bout portant, j’en eus dans les yeux, je n’y voyais plus. Marcel revint me gratifier d’un arrosage puissant supplémentaire -il avait de sacrées réserves lui-, alors que mon Alphonse caressait mes bas et mon escarpin déchaussé dans lequel il avait engoncé sa queue légèrement ramollie. Je fus couverte de foutre, de la tête aux pieds, car beaucoup vinrent finir de faire dégorger et essuyer leurs glands sur mes bas ou d’autres parties de mon corps disponibles… Alphonse déversant encore quelques gouttes au fond de mon escarpin.Repue, rassasiée, couverte de foutre, je m’avachis dans le canapé. René me prit encore en photos ainsi. Tous les gars, à tour de rôle vinrent m’embrasser de baisers gluants de sperme alors que je soupesais leur bite mollissant et leurs couilles velues comme pour des remerciements réciproques de cette folle séance.« ah ouais, mais non, jamais comme ça »« Génial ! putain c’était génial »« Alors là merci Alphonse ! »« J’avais jamais joui comme ça »« Elle est trop top ta femme »J’avais donné un plaisir fou à ces types et moi j’avais joui comme une folle : c’était bon avec ces gros, vieux types.« Tu reviendras ? t’es trop belle »« Ouais, Alphonse, tu nous en organiseras une autre après-midi comme ça ? »« Ah ouais, moi je reviens quand vous voulez »… j’avais donc rendez-vous !

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DISAPPOINTMENT AND JOY”God damnit Greg! Not again!” exclaimed Lilly as she looked down over her pale 34G tits at the small flaccid penis of her husband as he held himself over her at arm’s length.Greg sighed as he rolled off his wife to lay beside her on the bed. “I’m sorry Lil, but I’m getting older. It can’t be helped.” He rolled over on his side facing away from her and sighed again. “Maybe we can try again tomorrow?”Lilly glared over at her husband as she crossed her arms under her immense chest. Soon enough she could hear the steady snoring that indicated that her husband was fast asleep. Throwing the bed covers off herself in disgust, Lilly made her way naked to the large master bathroom connected to the bedroom. She shut the door behind herself after flipping on the light over the sink.”What is his problem?” she thought to herself as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Lilly looked amazing for her age of 36. Her blonde hair was full and lustrous as it fell to her lower back. Her cheekbones were sharp and her nose was small which complimented her large striking blue eyes and overly full pink lips. She was taller than most women at 5′ 7″ but her bone structure was lithe and delicate. Her 127 lbs were proportioned perfectly over her frame due to several gym visits a week combined with good genes. Her legs were long and athletic like a dancer’s. Her ass was perhaps a little oversized for her slim waist but it was still firm with sexy dimples in the cheeks. Her most striking feature of all however were her breasts. At 32G her tits were each bigger then her own head. And despite their immense size they were as perky as a teenagers. They jiggled delightfully as she hefted them in her small hands, her fingers sinking into the firm flesh.Lilly bit her bottom lip in frustration as she looked at her reflection with a sad expression. “I’m at my sexual prime!” she thought to herself. “I shouldn’t have to wait for anything to happen. My husband should just get it hard for me!”She sighed again as she went back into the bedroom. She pulled her small silk blue robe out of her closet and slipped it over her curves before making her way to her bedside and pulling out a large dildo and a DVD from her nightstand.Little did Lilly know that at that moment her son Bobby was listening at his parents’ bedroom door with a huge smile on his face. He was well aware of the problems going on in his parents’ sex life. He spent many a night standing beside their bedroom door listening to the noises his parents made and imagining what his mother must look like on her back getting pounded while having her tits sucked. However it seemed that more often Bobby’s father was unable to satisfy his mother and she was left angry and frustrated.Bobby had begun to think on how to act on this information but he couldn’t come up with anything. However three weeks ago Lilly helped him decide on a course of action when one night around midnight he had woken up and walked down to the kitchen to get a drink of water and stumbled upon his mother in the living room stark naked. A porno was playing on the large screen TV as Lilly watched mesmerized. Her long legs were high in the air like a wide V with her small curled toes pointing at the far walls. Her arms were working hard plunging a large dildo in and out of her tight pussy and her huge tits were pressed together and jiggled from the action.Bobby hid in the shadows of the hallway as he watched with wide eyes. His large cock immediately began to swell to full size as he listened to the mewing and panting of his mother as she worked the toy in and out of her sucking cunt. The plastic was wet as the light from the TV shone on the smooth plastic. Soon he couldn’t help himself anymore and he quickly whipped his boxers off and began to stroke his full ten inches. His hand quickly began to work up and down the length, spreading precum over the tightening skin.For several minutes Bobby watched his mother play with herself until she orgasmed. It was obviously a weak one as she just whimpered and shuddered for a few seconds before catching her breath as she lowered her legs back down to the ground. Bobby quickly snuck away, his large cock slapping against his hard abs, before his mother recovered and made her way back to her own bedroom. He stayed up most of the night with thoughts of his mother’s amazing body in his mind.He imagined Lilly laying on his bed while he held her legs out with his arms while he pumped his huge cock into her shaved pussy. She was running her hands through his short brown hair as he sucked on her puffy pink nipples. “Fuck mommy! Fuck mommy!” she panted out as his large testicles slapped loudly against her round firm ass again and again.”Fuuuuck!!” Bobby exclaimed as his eyes suddenly shot open and he sprayed rope after rope of white cum across his bed sheets. His body shook and his back arched from the most intense orgasm of his life. And so after that night Bobby waited for his mother’s frustration to build and build to the bursting point before he was ready to act on his simple and bold plan. Now three weeks since that night he felt that the time was readyBobby heard the sound of his mother opening her nightstand and knew what was coming next. Quietly he made his way back to his room before shutting the door and turning off the lights. He peeked under the door and watched as a couple minutes later his mother’s small feet crept down the hall and stopped at his door. She stood there for a few seconds listening before continuing down to the living room downstairs.Bobby could feel his heart pounding in his ears as his excitement built. He waited for five impossibly long minutes before standing back up and grabbing a porno of his own from a box under his bed and going back to open his door. He made his way down the stairs as quietly as he could, the shadows danced across his lean athletic body. When he made it to the bottom of the stairs he could make out the soft light of the TV and heard the unmistakable sounds of the film playing on the screen. He smiled to himself as he quickly took off his boxer briefs, his hard slab of meat rising quickly to slap against his stomach. He crept around to the corner and peeked around to the wonderful sight before him.Lilly’s robe was discarded on the arm of the couch as she stood naked in the soft light given off by the TV. She was on her tip toes, the muscles in her legs standing out, as she was bent forward with one hand on the coffee table to support her. Her other arm was snaked between her immense tits which hung round and firm below her. Her pink nipples danced in the light of the room as she worked the dildo in and out of her bald pussy just as she had that night many weeks ago. Her plump ass clenched every now and then as she grunted and whimpered while watching a hot busty blonde get double teamed by two dudes. Lilly’s thick blonde hair hung down over one side of her face as her tongue ran across her red lips.”Holy Shit!” Bobby whispered. This was by far the sexiest sight he’d ever seen in his life. He made sure to photograph the image in his memory just in case his plan failed. His hand instinctively encircled his cock, his fingertips not quite touching around the girth as he began to stroke it slowly. “Ok, it’s now or tuzla escort never.” Bobby thought as he gulped and moved around the corner.”Mom!” Bobby exclaimed in surprise as he came into the light of the room, his solid cock swinging in the air.Lilly gasped in surprise and stood up, pulling the dildo out of herself with a wet sucking noise. She covered her pussy with one hand and d****d her other arm across her plump tits with the dildo dangling from her hand. Her breasts were so big however that one pink nipple popped out above her arm and the other nipple from below.”Bobby!? W – what are you doing here?!” she exclaimed. Her bright blue eyes immediately swung down to the immense column of flesh sticking out from her son’s crotch and she gasped again.”Uh – – ” Bobby stuttered out before chuckling a little. “Well – – I kinda came down here to do the same thing you’re doing – – ” He waved the porno around in his right hand as he chuckled again while scratching at the back of his head.”Oh! I – – uh – – I see.” Lilly said as she continued to stare at her son’s cock while she nibbled on her lower lip.”Yeah – – sorry, I’ll – – uh – – go back to my room.” Bobby said as began to back away to the stairs. Each step he took caused his dick to bounce up and down.”No!” Lilly exclaimed as she shook her gaze away from her son’s massive cock. “I – – I should go.”Bobby stopped and scratched his head again while he flexed his strong abs and arms, the movement causing his cock to bounce up and down hypnotically. “Well you were here first.” He paused as if to think for a minute before he looked at the TV and watched the image of the female pornstar getting pounded doggy style. “What – – what if we both stayed?””What?!” Lilly said as she glanced from her son’s crotch to her naked body and over to the TV screen.”Well we’re both here for the same thing. We might as well not hide it from each other.” Bobby said as he walked over and sat on the couch. His hand encircled his cock as he looked over at his mom.”Weeeelllllll – – ” Lily said as she looked between her son and the movie again. “I guess we shouldn’t hide from each other.” She tentatively sat on the couch as well but kept the distance of the middle couch cushion between them. She kept her legs pressed together and her arm across her naked breasts while she watched the screen.Bobby smiled as he watched his mother sit next to him. He spread his knees and began to openly stoke his cock next to her as he watched the porno unfold before him. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this excited. So far his plan was working great.”My God his cock is huge!” Lilly thought as she glanced at her son’s dick quickly before looking back at the movie. “What would that thing feel like?” Her hand that was between her legs began to work over her pussy as she also relaxed a little. She spread her long legs before her and propped her feet on the coffee table.For several minutes mother and son watched the sex happening on the screen while they pleasured themselves. Slowly Bobby crept over to the middle of the couch while Lilly u*********sly did the same. Both were panting openly and the heat was radiating off of their bodies from the excitement. Their thighs were touching and grinding against each other as they watched the hot blonde on the screen take a massive load over her face and tits.Both mother and son were panting and sweating as the next scene appeared. A brunette with ample tits and ass was dancing around a muscular stud sitting in a chair. She turned away from him and lowered her plump ass into his lap and began to grind against his apparent hardness.”Man I’ve always wanted a lap dance.” Bobby said out loud as he fisted himself while dr****g his other hand on his mother’s sweaty thigh.Lilly was biting her bottom lip as she openly stared at her son’s crotch. She was pinching her hard pink nipples with one hand as she worked three fingers into her pussy with the other. The dildo lay discarded on the cushion on her other side. Her son’s touch on her leg sent a shock into her system which made her gasp.Bobby glanced over at his horny mother when he heard her gasp. He admired her athletic body as she squirmed next to him while she openly played with her tits. The huge globes jiggled as her hand moved from one to the other. “Could you show me what one would be like Mom?” he asked as he gently squeezed her thigh.”Umm – – ” She said as she bit her lower lip again. “I – – I really shouldn’t Bobby – – “”Come on! Please!” He said as he watched her tits jiggle and her leg muscles flex. Her flat stomach went in and out from her excited breathing. “I – – I won’t tell dad!”Lilly looked over at the screen and watched the man pull down the girls bra and cup her large fake tits. “I guess a little bit wouldn’t hurt,” she said before standing up.Bobby’s eyes became huge as he watched his mother’s huge tits bounce as she rose. Her dancer like legs and hips swung from side to side as she walked over and stood in front of him. He took the cue and lowered his hips down on the cushion and spread his legs to give her room.Lilly’s was shaking as she turned away from her son and placed her soft hands on his thighs. She watched him over her shoulder as she arched her back and began to lower herself down onto her son’s lap. She squeezed her round firm ass cheeks together and gasped loudly as she felt his huge cock press between his stomach and her tight ass. Her eyes became glassy as she slowly began to grind her ass against her own son’s giant dick.”Oh yeah!” Bobby exclaimed as he took hold of his mother’s shapely hips in his hands and began to grind back against her. He could see the sides of her huge fun bags jiggle while he faced her back. The scene was taboo as Lilly Summers, the buxom, blonde hot mom of the neighborhood was gently grinding her naked ass against her handsome son’s huge cock while a porno played on the TV and her husband was sleeping upstairs.Lilly’s head leaned forward as she began to pant. The grinding of her hips increased and she pushed back against the scalding touch of her son. Her hands cupped her bouncing tits as her strong leg and back muscles that supported her strained from the action. “God what’s wrong with me!” she thought to herself, “I’m giving my own son a lap dance!””Fuck yeah!” Bobby exclaimed as he pushed back against his mother’s plump round ass. Soon her ass cheeks parted and the underside of his huge cock began to saw against her puckered hole as it was sandwiched between her cheeks.”Ugh!” Lilly grunted from the taboo contact. Without even thinking about it she began to rotate her hips as she dropped one hand down and cupped her son’s lemon sized testicles.Bobby deftly lowered his hips and tugged on his mother’s as he felt her very wet pussy lips grind along his length before sliding back between her butt-cheeks. He knew the moment of truth was happening soon and he didn’t want her rational mind to catch up to what they were doing. As he tugged on his moms hips to lift her slightly higher each time he lowered his own.”Bobby – – we should – – ugh! – – Stop – – stop this!” Lilly panted out as her legs continued to work hard. She continued to cup his huge balls as she felt her wetness and his precum mix and slip down his length and across her fingers.Bobby pendik escort ignored his mother as she continued the lap dance. Soon he felt what he was waiting for as her pussy lips came all the way up to the head of his cock. He quickly held his mom tightly around the waist and pushed her away from him slightly as he raised his hips. The movement was perfect as the head of his cock slipped in along with the first four inches.”Fuuuuck!” he moaned out as he felt his mother’s pussy tighten around him.Lilly’s eyes became huge as she felt her son enter her and stretch her out. Her nails dug into his thighs and her knuckles became white as her pussy instinctively tightened around the girth of the huge cock. Her back arched causing her big tits to jiggle out proudly in the soft light of the room.”Bobbyyyyyy!” she screamed loudly.He kept his strong grip tight around her small waist as he pulled out slightly before shoving in almost all of his huge cock into his mother’s pussy. He watched in wonder as she arched her back, flinging her long blonde hair behind her. He licked his lips as he looked back down between the crack of her ass and pushed in his entire length.”Fuck Mom, you’re so tight!” he said as he pulled back out and slammed back in.”AAAHHHH!!!” Lilly screamed as her own son began to fuck into her. Her jugs bounced around wildly and slapped against each other from the pounding. “AAAAHHH!!” the echoing screams of pleasure filled the house as Lilly’s tongue rolled out of her mouth obscenely as her muscles strained. Her feet arched so she was just on her toes as she kept her legs together. Her arms were out straight to either side of her as she gripped his strong legs while he worked to pump his enormous cock up into her sucking wetness. Bobby smiled again as he heard his mother scream in passion. Her skin was sweaty in his hands as he moved them up and around to cup her bountiful tits. His fingers sank into the firm tit flesh as he pulled her down against him. His balls swung up and sloshed around with a huge load of cum as he pumped into the tight walls of his own mother’s pussy.Lilly’s mouth expelled a****l like noises as her hands came up and gripped the couch cushions in a death grip. Finally after so many months she was getting the sex – – no – – the fucking that she needed so badly.”AAGGHH!! FFuck! – – Ugh! – – Fuck Mommy!” she screamed out as she leaned back against her son’s strong chest.”Oh God Mom!” Bobby said. He bit down on her shoulder as he squeezed her huge globes, forcing the hard nipples to dance in his palms. He was starting to sweat from exertion and excitement as he was finally living out his biggest fantasy.For several minutes mother and son pounded against each other. Obscenities and encouragement spewed from both as they caved in to the taboo pleasure they were experiencing. Bobby looked down and watched his Mom’s ass jiggle as his legs worked hard to slam up against her. He laid his head back and groaned in pleasure as he felt the wet, tight walls of her pussy glide up and down his length.He suddenly released her bouncing tits and let his hands slide back down to her trim waist. He held her down on his lap so he was balls deep.”My legs need a break!” he panted as Lilly ground her ass against him.Lilly blew a strand of her blonde hair out of her face as she also panted from exertion. She looked down at her luscious body covered in sweat and shining from the light of the TV. Her hands were still gripping her son’s thighs tightly as she squeezed around his length without thinking about it. She looked up at the large screen and watched as the brunette received a facial just as another man walked into the room in the film.”You cheating whore!” screamed the man walking into the porno scene, obviously portraying the actress’s boyfriend or husband. Lilly’s eyes became wide as she was shocked back to reality. The guilt of her actions began to creep into her thoughts as she became aware of her surroundings again.”Oh God! We – – we should stop!”Gritting her teeth Lilly slowly began to slid up the length of her son’s steel rod. Finally he was released with a wet sucking noise and an audible pop. Her legs were shaking and she had to drop a hand onto the coffee table to steady herself which essentially led to her horny son getting a bird’s eye view of her stretched pussy hole.”Wait, Mom!” Bobby exclaimed. He’d finally achieved what he’d been waiting for and he wasn’t about to let it slip away now. He grabbed her hips again and spun around, laying her onto the couch. He watched her impossibly huge tits slap against each other and jiggle before rising high again even while she was on her back. Quickly he swung a leg over her and straddled her stomach.”Bobby – – we – – we have to stop!” Lilly pleaded as her son pinned her. Her arms grabbed his legs again but she was unable to gain any leverage to push.”You can’t leave me like this,” he said as he gripped his wet solid manhood in his hands and pushed the swollen spongy head across her breastbone. He smiled down at her as he left a trail of precum across her skin. “Wrap those big tits around me!”Lilly bit her bottom lip again as she looked over at the stairway leading up to her sleeping husband before glancing back at the solid teenage cock in front of her.”Okay – – ” she said hesitantly. She rationalized that titty fucking her son was better than letting him inside her again. “If I can finish him off with my tits then it will all be over. I can tell him afterward that it will never happen again!” she thought to herself as she bent her arms so her fists were up towards her face while she squeezed her soft fuck pillows together with her forearms.Bobby gasped from the amazing sight of his mom’s huge tits squashed together around his massive manhood. Her silver-dollar sized aureola were puffy and dark pink as her rock hard nipples poked out like pencil erasers. Her tits were so big that he could just make out the very tip of his cock as it was sandwiched between her funbags.”Your tits look so hot wrapped around my cock, Mom!” Bobby said as he placed one hand on the back of the couch to support himself while the other reached down to pinch her right nipple. He pulled his hips back and slid forward as he began to fuck his mother’s cleavage.Lilly looked down and watched with a hypnotized gaze as the plum-sized head of her son’s cock popped in and out from between her pale sweaty boobs. Her tits jiggled in her arms from the thrusting of his hips. Her gaze slid up and admired her son’s sweaty athletic lean body. His six pack abs clenched as he worked his legs and his pecs and biceps also flexed a little from the movement. “He must shave his balls.” she thought as she felt his hairless cock and testicles drag across her tingling skin.”Fuck this is so hot!” Bobby exclaimed as he pulled his dick free of Lilly’s tits. He slapped the heavy piece of meat across the tops while she continued to hold them together. They both watched as the abundant flesh jiggled from the wet slaps. He dragged the sensitive underside of his cock across her nipples causing him to suck in a breath between his teeth.Lilly whimpered as she felt helpless to do anything about the massive cock rubbing across her breasts. She nibbled on her lower lip again as she admired aydınlı escort the taboo sight. “It’s so fucking big!” she thought as she watched her son rub himself all over her tits.Bobby became impatient quickly however and plunged back into the warm, steamy confines of his mother’s cleavage. “Ugh! Fuck yeah!” he said as he quickly began to hump her chest. “I love fucking your big tits, Mom!” Bobby said with a big smile as a trickle of sweat fell across his cheek. He gripped the back of the couch again with one hand for support but the other he snaked behind himself and cupped his mother’s bald wet pussy while he continued his thrusting.”UGH!!!” Lilly grunted as her son thrust three of his fingers into her wet opening. Her back arched involuntarily which caused her son’s cock to pop free from her cleavage. Bobby didn’t miss a beat however and quickly grabbed his hard pole and plunged it back into her soft breasts. Lilly’s knees shut tight together and her hips rotated as she pushed back onto her son’s invading digits.”God you’re so wet, Mom!” Bobby panted as he continued to tit-fuck her deep cleavage. He could hear wet gushing noises come from her pussy as he worked his fingers in and out.Lilly was breathing heavily as she wiggled her sexy hips onto her son’s hand. Her neck was arched and her eyes were shut tight from the intense pleasure. “I – – I want to – – Ugh! – – c-cum!” she exhaled. “I want to cum – – so bad!”Bobby smiled down at his buxom mother as he pulled his huge cock free of her quaking tits. He next pulled his fingers free before standing up beside the couch.”I want to make you cum Mom!” he said as he slowly stroked his dick. “Face the window for me for a sec and I’ll give you the biggest orgasm of your life!”Lilly was still breathing hard as she got up and faced the window behind the couch. Her tits pressed against the glass as she looked out at the dark street in front of her house. Her breath frosted on the chilled glass as she enjoyed the cold on her sensitive nipples. She looked back over her shoulder as she felt one of her son’s hands lay on rounded ass cheeks. She watched as he stepped up behind her and begin to guide his huge tool back towards her gaping pussy. “Ok, I’ll just let him put it inside me again until I cum and then I’ll tell him to stop,” she thought as she felt the swollen head nudge into her stretched lips. Her eyes fluttered as she gasped from the contact.Bobby was shaking as he saddled up behind his mother’s comely ass gripping his cock tightly as he slipped the head in. He groaned as he cupped the round globes of her ass with both hands and began to push into her slippery pink walls. “Fuck you have the tightest pussy ever, Mom!” he said as he watched her cunt lips expand around his massive cock as he pushed in inch by inch.Soon he bottomed out and neither moved as they both became accustomed to the feeling. Bobby’s eyes traveled slowly up from the sight of his pelvis squashing his mother’s round ass, up across her arched slender back, and finally to her bright blue eyes and wide panting mouth. He thought she looked sexier than any pornstar he’d ever seen. He smiled at her as he flexed his strong legs and pulled out halfway before slamming back home.”Oh God!” Lilly screamed as she brought one arm behind her and placed her hand on her son’s hard stomach. “Fuck Mommy!” she encouraged her son as she pushed back against his thrusts. The living room quickly filled with the sounds of their bodies slapping against each other.The movie on the TV was quickly forgotten and the credits rolled as mother and son fucked each other savagely. Lilly’s eyes were shut tight and her teeth were clenched as she squeezed around the huge cock plowing into her womb. Bobby squeezed his mother’s tight ass cheeks as he huffed and fucked into Lilly’s depths. He loved the sight of his mother’s huge tits as they pressed against the glass of the window and stuck out from her sides.”Fuck that’s such a big cock!” Lilly exclaimed as her head swung down so her long blonde hair d****d over her face. Her hands both came up and slapped hard on the window as she started to moan with a low deep noise coming from her throat. She started to feel the tingling in the base of her stomach as she felt her orgasm build.Bobby planted a foot up on the couch cushion as he kept the other on the wood floor. He looked down and watched the thick veins of this cock, now shiny and wet from their combined juices, get squeezed tightly as he pushed and pulled. He squeezed her ass hard, leaving pink palm prints on her cheeks, before sliding them up and encircling her thin waist.”Fuck! I – – I’m gonna cum!” he exclaimed as he felt his stomach flutter and his balls tighten.Lilly’s eyes shot open and she looked back over her shoulder again and her handsome son. “Not inside! You can cum on my big tits if you want!”Bobby ignored her and continued his thrusting. He didn’t know if he was ever going to get a chance like this again and he wanted to see it to the end. He wanted to fill her with his cum. He wanted to see it pour out of her and over his cock and balls.”Oh Fuck!” Lilly exclaimed as the lighting started to hit her. “I’m cuuuuuummmmmiiiiinnnngggg!!!!” she screamed out as she suddenly stopped thrusting back onto her son. Her tits quivered on the glass of the window and her sweaty skin left streaks across it. Her small fists gripped the top of the couch like a vise as her whole body began to quiver from the most intense orgasm of her life.Bobby’s eyes became wide as he watched his gorgeous mother cum. Her muscles flexed and her curves jiggled in all the right places. “Take my cum, Mom!” Bobby yelled. Six long strokes later he pushed into her all the way and blasted her womb with thick white ropes of jizz. His back and ass clenched as again and again he shot his potent seed inside of his own mother.”OOOHHH MMMMYYY GODDD!!!” Lilly screamed as her son’s cum coated her insides and she exploded with an even more intense orgasm then before. Bright white sparks appeared in her vision and she suddenly couldn’t take a breath. Her toes curled as her legs flexed again and again as she felt her son’s thick jizz fill her to bursting.”Holy shit!” Bobby said as he seemed to cum forever. This was easily the biggest orgasm of his life. He pushed her mother further forward so she was completely pinned against the couch and the window. Her panting breath fogging the glass. “AAAAGGGHHHH!!!!” Bobby expelled as he felt his cock flex as another thick steam shot inside her. He looked down and watched in amazement as his thick sperm poured out around his thickness and fell across the couch cushions.For five minutes mother and son stayed locked in their orgasmic embrace before Bobby slowly extricated himself. His cock sagged slightly but still looked quite thick and intimidating as he was pulled from Lilly’s pussy with a sound much like a boot bring pulled from mud. He had to make one finally slightly painful tug to pull out the swollen head, causing a steam of cum to pour from her gaping hole.Bobby fell back and sat on the coffee table panting and sweating. He admired his mother’s body as she stayed on her knees facing away from him with her cheek resting on her mashed tits.”Fuck Mom, that was amazing!””What have I done?” Lilly thought as she continued to shake with post-orgasmic bliss. Strands of her hair fell onto her sweaty brow as her gaze fell upon a family photo of her and Greg standing smiling with their strapping son standing between them. “Oh God, what have I done?”

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That ass

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That assOk i just finished writing a story and if you haven’t read it, it’s called the state of my union, please read or at least get the gist of it 😀 i know it rambles a bit and i know that i’s a bit long but still THIS one will make more sense :DOk, it had been a little time since that dinner and talk with him and things were pretty quick to calm down. It wasn’t easy seeing Her in the same way i typically would because of how i saw Her treated by him however i have since seen Her speak to him in the way She normally has spoken to male lovers and that was reassuring. However one morning She had that day off but had stepped out, i get a text saying he’ll be by and to just let him in, because all She did was go to the store a couple miles away. As if on cue from reading it i hear a knock and let him in, i’m nude as i usually am, and for some reason i don’t get dressed when comes in…i mean he’s seen Her it’s not like it’s a huge deal. So i get him some coffee and i was in the middle of making pancakes and i asked if he wanted some, and he said yes, and i make some for each of us. Mistress comes in and to be honest he’s never been there for Her breakfast, my girlfriend’s husband comes in most every morning to cum in her coffee, and sometimes if he can’t get it going i let him play with my breasts, he’s a breast guy, and that does the trick…..She likes cum in Her coffee. So he comes in, She kisses him, he strokes it till he cums in her coffee, he didn’t need me this time….and my girl friend comes and goes like she lives in bursa escort both apartments 😀 but she didn’t come by till after he was gone. By the time She sat down She was noticing that he was staring at me….i was off to myself putting the syrup up my ass…Mistress likes for me to squat over the pancakes and squeeze the syrup out…it’s watered down and no it’s not easy…and yes i’m there for a bit…but Mistress doesn’t care She says She likes to watch my asshole flex & pucker LOL 😀 and on Her days off i tend to do the things She normally has no time to enjoy but he had never seen it…”What’s she doing,” he asks as she reclines and reads Her paper….what? oh she’s getting my syrup ready. He was blown away and asked a million questions. Does everything have a sexual tinge to it, was one question he asked, and She smiled and said “She’s my bitch, You have NO IDEA how huge her drive is, little things like this get her off a little and takes the edge off, and besides that I LOVE IT.” And back to the paper She went….Funny thing is he got to think and started to ask, would You, but even before he could finish She didn’t even look up from the paper..NOPE. Now to clarify, She is still treated the same way as what i saw but couldn’t handle, but the agreement is so long as i don’t see it or any evidence of it it’s fine, slip up once and it’s done, and they both agreed…so that is how we got to this point. She hands him a different syrup bottle as i squat over Her’s….there’s always little talk between us i think it was bursa escort bayan getting to him not to mention my boobs were in his face as i was leaning over…can you see my asshole Mistress…no lean over more….ok…ok how about there??? spread you cheeks…ok…hold on i don’t want to fall…ok how about that…PERFECT….and i would start to push…now if you’ve read my previous stories you know how out of this world clean i keep my ass….i go through a process to do this and this is NOT an everyday thing i know when her days off are and i get ready for them ahead of time…..anyways,once i was done i got down on the floor and ate my meal and once we were done…without even questioning i kneel at Her side and i look up at Her and She said i would…That is what i stood up and she slowly licked the rest of the syrup out of ass coating my asshole….but then She grips my hair and turns me towards him after She gets up saying…want some? he’s not an ass eater so he said no….to which i was a tad insulted…but then She slapped my ass..suit yourself more for me….and She licked my ass and played with me till i got off….when i came he asked for some juice…meaning mine…She said no…No syrup No juice….and i laughed a little and he stood up….i looked back and he was giving Her a look…but instead of folding She gave one right back….She simply said..SIT….and he did. it was quiet for a bit before i pulled her aside…Honey is he going to make you ‘pay’ for all this…i mean you’re pretty Domme towards escort bursa him and i know how You feel….She smiled and said want some cock? and i said sure…i guess i could use some dick….and W/we went out there and She simply sat down to me kneeling beneath the table and undoing everything..he has a lovely dick…it’s nice and thich just how i like them but not too too much it had to be something like 7 inches….anyways i start sucking on it and the firmer he got the happier he got….he didn’t question…he didn’t move…he simply enjoyed every movement of my mouth…my tongue easing along and under the head as i open my throat and let it slide down….i was enjoying it because i hadn’t had dick in a little bit so with this i’d be good for awhile…thing is when he came….he grabbed my hair and i slapped his hands away but i kept sucking…he grabbed the table and moaned….i kept going…my tongue kept going…i kept going….omg i was enjoying myself and i let myself get lost in it….he was shaking and trembling making the table do the same….but as he thrust into my mouth and i milked the last of it from his dick it was like all the wind was taken out of him….he literally slumped into the chair…i took his cum and kissed most of it into Mistress’s mouth as she took him to the couch and he just sat there…She turned on some sports thing…and he didn’t move for awhile….Mistress just laughed afterwards and looked at me…see how easy subby credit works to pay off things you’d pay for….i smiled and let this one go….i enjoyed myself and i wasn’t going to pretend i didn’t…and that’s when i said i’m happy with my girlfriend i don’t need dick but i’d like to have it now and then…and She said simply…I’d love that W/we’ll talk about it.

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Gang Bang In Forest

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Gang Bang In ForestHey guys and I’m Natasha Singh and I am 23 years old sexy chick. I studied in Delhi. Now I am doing engineering in Maharashtra. My figure is 35 25 34. I get a lot of complements on my figure and I am proud of that. I started feeling horny when I was 18 when I got 19.I got gorgeous breasts people used to stare at me and there were many times and I went to market without my bra on and I love the thrill and attention got there. I had lots of boyfriends by I never got intimate right now I am telling you how I got fucked by my friends.We were five of us friends, three guys and two girls. I and Reshma and we went to forest to camp by road and we reached there by evening and all of us were tired boys put up five tents, one for each and we sang songs and cooked food that evening.I wore off my bra because it was irritating me now and we all had fun that night the boys were looking at my boobs as they were bouncing when I was laughing. I am sure they got hard on by that and we completed our games and then decided to go sleep as we had to early for trecking.We all slept in our tents and around 1:30 am in the dark I suddenly woke up. I wanted to pee and I opened the tents zip and looked out. The fire was out and all my friends were asleep. I had small torch so I decided to go far from tent and pee there. I got up and walked to dark forest.I was still sleepy and I walked for 5 minutes and then all of a sudden my torches light got off. I cursed the torch and threw it away and bent down to pee. I was feeling nice as cool breeze was hitting my pussy and the sounds of creatures were sexy that’s when one hand came with hanky and next thing.I remember was I was struggling with lot of hands and there were 3 men and I could see their faces in moon light and they were tall strong and with dark complex. I got afraid and started to scream. All of a sudden tallest of them shut my mouth and hold my hands from behind. Now my hands were cuffed by rope.I was bakırköy escort in dark with 3 strong men around me. I started to pray to leave me but they were in no mood and they were laughing loudly. One of them came near me and sniffed and said this bitch smells great and they started pressing my boobs.I moaned slowly aah and I was getting hot by their talks and the cold breeze was playing its part. My nipples got erect one guy came closer to my face he had disgusting smell from his mouth. He held my hair and pulled toward his mouth.I opened my mouth by pain he put his tongue inside my mouth and started kissing me violently ammmm while second one tore my top apart and took a look of my firm boobs and he started caressing them ah mmm uhh I was now losing myself to them. Third guy noticed it and loosened my cuff.Now my hands were free the second man was pinching my nipples and I was getting out of control by that. I hold his head and pressed on my boobs he started sucking my boobs. ummm He started biting my nipples it pained a lot but I was enjoying it.He slowly moved his hands down my thighs and I shivered as his hands were cold and he touched my panty and said oh yeah she’s wet and first man who was kissing me said then what are we waiting for lets dig our poles. All third men were now stripping me off within a minute.I was completely nude and two guys continued kissing and sucking my breasts and third guy moved to my pussy and stared licking it. My whole body shivered. I knew what was going to happen and but I was not in my own control after sucking and licking for another 5 minutes.There leader said enough now and let’s make it large. Two men hold my hands and I tried to get lose and now he came to me and sucked my tongue while rubbing his dick on pussy. I upper my head and I was shocked, his member was 9 inch long. I said fuck I am gone. I said hey please, don’t do this yours too big for me.He said don’t worry beşiktaş escort we will tear your pussy down hahah! I saw no option but to stay quiet and he bent and entered his dick it only went half, he took it out and entered again ahhh and within next stroke his cock was elongating my vaginal walls Aiiii you’ll kill me aahhh don’t its hurting ahh ahhhh.He was not listening to me he increased his pace and was fucking my pussy violently aaaaahhh one guy came and started to bite my nipple roughly Aiiiiiiii and I cried, just as I opened my mouth third man put his dick in my mouth it was 8 inches.I choked but he wasn’t letting me go gulgg aggg he started mouth fucking me and he reached my throat and stayed there for next 10 seconds, I was choking badly, he repeated this for next few minutes and said bitch suck it.Now I was moving my tongue on his dickhead. He was moaning ahh go on bitch suck it right then I felt my fucker dickhead getting big and he cum inside me and I felt like stream of sperms inside me. It was great feeling ummm.He rolled aside and said to third man go on she’s yours now. He took my legs in air and slapped tightly on my thighs and said ‘do it like a bitch you slut and I understood what he meant and he held my hairs and pulled it hard now and I was in doggy position.He licked my ass crack and put one finger in my pussy and he was finger fucking me aahhh umm I wad liking it ahhhhh and the one giving me dick in my mouth held my face as I didn’t want him to cum in my mouth. He entered his dick long down my throatAnd cum that right moment guy on my back enters my ass aaahhh I was choking so I swallowed all his cum. He then slapped me twice and French kissed me. He tasted his cum by putting his tongue in my mouth. By now I was screaming ahhhhhhh not my assss ahhh and he kept on hitting my ass.He leaned forward and pressed my breast hard and pinched my nipples By now my nipples were red and my ass beylikdüzü escort too was red he kept on fucking my ass. I was biting my lip umm and now guy who fucked me first came and said by slapping me clean my penis.I took it in my mouth and started to suck it. I thought if I would give him good blowjob he would cum early and let me go, so I sucked passionately. he moaned loudly and said ‘looks like bitch is in heat’ he held me up while with a dick in my ass and got below me he French kissed me and put his three fingers in my pussy.Ahhh please after some fingering he entered his dick in my pussy maaa it was hurting like hell, they held me tight and kept on fucking me fast my pussy wall was not at it max thirst man came and put his penis in my mouth and all my friends were sleeping calmly but I was having three dicks in my three holes but I was enjoying it too.After some fucking I started saying fuck me hard ahhh fuck you mother fucker ahhhh they all fucked me even more harshly and kept on slapping my ass and pinching my nipples. They continued to fuck and I cu for like 5 to 6 times and I was so hot even then and I was tired, now my head was resting on my fucker.Man who was fucking my ass cum in my ass after 15 minutes, he came to me and gave his dick in my mouth and I was licking it and they exchanged places and now other guy entered my ass after another 30 minutes of hell fucking they both screamed and I am cuming and they started slapping.My ass like hell and fucked me like a fucking whore ahhhh they both cum they all filled there sperms in my womb and now I was laying on forest ground exhausted after 1 hour they again fucked me for 2 hours and this time and I cooperated fully and enjoyed it after fucking it was now 5 am.I dressed up, they all kissed me and sucked my breasts they took my phone and noted my phone no. I came to know it later and after I reached to tent my friend saw and asked where you have been. I said I went to pee and quickly went to bath in river side. I was fresh now buti skipped trekking as it was a tiring session. Loved it!Has reading this story made you horny? Want to sex chat with real life hot women?All the women in my gallery are LIVE! and waiting to talk dirty with you!u can send ur comments to [email protected]

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sabrina, beurette étudiante en écono

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sabrina, beurette étudiante en éconoSalut tout le monde. Cela date de 4 mois maintenant, je rentrais chez moi et révisais mes partiels dans le bus. Je n’avais pas de PC portable à l’époque et je relisais mes notes tellement bien écrites que je devais en faire des fiches plus lisibles. Une magnifique étudiante vient alors s’installer en face de moi. Elle faisait 24, assez grande, les cheveux brun long et les yeux marron. On était en septembre donc elle portait une robe débardeur moulante noire, laissant voir ses formes généreuses. Sa peau était encore magnifique et sa poitrine affirmée.J’avais du mal à me concentrer face à une telle beauté, d’autant qu’elle n’arrêtait de se tortiller les cheveux. Après plusieurs minutes, elle me demande « vous corrigez les copies de vos élèves ? ». Je me fais aborder par une magnifique étudiante donc comme tout homme dans cette situation je décide courageusement de mentir et de me faire passer pour un prof et reprend la conversation. On discute pendant tout le voyage et je vois bien qu’elle me lance des signes d’intérêt. A l’arrivée, je lui demande son numéro pour sortir un soir.Nous prenons rendez- vous un samedi soir. Je l’invite au restaurant puis chez moi. Sabrina portait encore une robe noir moulante encore plus sexy. On s’assoit sur le canapé et discute. Durant cette conversation, je m’approche de sa main puis commence à lui caresser. Venant où je voulais en venir, elle s’approche de moi pour m’embrasser. Je lui caresse les cuisses à travers sa robe.-Je voulais faire ça dès que je t’ai vu dans le bus.Elle ne dit rien et m’embrasse à nouveau en me caressant le cou et la tête de ses douces mains. On se roule tendrement des pelles pendant un long moment rempli de caresses et de douceurs. Je prends alors le risque et lui demander.-Tu as envie d’y aller ?-Non, je suis bien ici.Son sourire coquin était aussi parlant. Je la soulève et l’amène sur le lit où on reprend nos batifolages. Elle se met rapidement sur moi, ce qui me permet de lui soulever sa robe pour découvrir des fesses bien fermes dont la fente était masquée d’un simple string ficelle. Voyant anadolu yakası escort cela, Sabrina soulève sa robe pour l’enlever et laisser voir dessous un magnifique corset noir et rouge.-Tu devrais faire attention avec une aussi belle fille que toi, on a d’avantage envie de l’arracher que de l’admirer.-Non je vais te faire languir avec et tu vas adorer ça.-Je n’en doute pas une seule minute.On reprend nos doux baisers, mes mains restant fixer sur ses fesses fermes. Sabrina se retire alors et me plaque au lit pour commencer à me déboutonner la chemise puis passe ses mains sur mon ventre, avant de s’allonger sur moi en reprenant nos torrides baisers associés à des caresses. Alors que nos langues restent entremêlées, je remonte mes mains sur son corset pour lui retirer. Elle m’aide à l’abaisser pour découvrir ses seins sans le retirer.- Va-y mon bébé, mes seins sont tout à toi.Je ne réponds pas et m’empresse sur un de ses tétons. Sa poitrine est très généreuse, un beau 90C, mais ses tétons sont assez gros. C’est un régal à téter et ses gémissements me laissent entendre qu’elle aime ça aussi.-Ils te plaisent ?-Autant que ta bouche.Je lui pelote ses seins alors qu’elle enlève son corset avec difficulté. Je finis par l’aider afin de retourner à ses tétons. Elle s’affale sur moi, posant ses seins sur ma bouche qui les déguste alors que mes mains retournent sur ses fesses. Après quelques minutes, mes doigts rentrent dans son string. Mais elle m’arrête.-Non, c’est encore trop tôt. Elle commence à déboutonner mon pantalon.-C’est toi qui a faim ma cochonne. Elle ne répond et m’enlève mon pantalon. Je l’arrête à mon tour.-Hé, il est trop aussi. Je me redresse pour l’embrasser à nouveau, frottant ses seins contre mon torse. Elle me demande : on peut passer aux choses sérieuses ? Elle enlève mon pantalon. Elle est en string et moi en boxer. Je la soulève pour la plaquer sur le lit.-Hum, j’aime cette initiative.Je l’embrasse à nouveau frottant mon boxer contre son string. Ses mains se posent sur mes fesses. Je me penche vers son string que ataşehir escort j’écarte pour découvrir sa chatte épilée dans laquelle s’enfonce ma langue sans plus attendre. Après quelques minutes je commence à sentir sa mouille. Je me retire pour lui enfourcher 2 doigts. Elle commence à gesticuler alors que j’accélère. La coquine commence à crier, ce qui me pousse à rentre 4 doigts et à poursuivre. La cochonne crie et mouille comme une diablesse. Ma main est remplie de sa mouille.-Regarde ce que tu as fait ma cochonne. Elle prend ma main et suce sa propre mouille.- Hum petite coquine, tu ne veux pas sucer autre chose. J’enlève mon boxer et m’allonge. Allons viens te faire plaisir. Sabrina me surprend en sautant dessus. La coquine devait avoir l’habitude car elle l’avalera intégralement du premier cout. Sa langue parvient à s’enrouleront le long de ma tige. Alors qu’elle l’avale entièrement, je bloque sa tête. Lèche mes couilles ma cochonne ! La petite ne bronche pas, je suis retiré la tête en lui tirant mes cheveux.-Tu veux que je te baise ta bouche- Vas-y mon cochon, j’en ai connu des plus grosses.- Petite insolente tu vas voir.Je lui plaque la tête contre la couette ;-Allez enfourche-moi ta bite.-N’hésite pas à me prévenir si j’y vais trop fort.-Ne t’en fait pas j’ai l’habitudeLa cochonne avait bien plus d’expérience que moi, ce qui rendait plus bestial. Je lui fais avaler mon sexe et commence à lui baiser la bouche. Sa tête prisonnière entre mes mains, elle m’est totalement soumise à mon fantasme. Sa langue fait tout ce qu’elle peut à chaque coup de bite. Je n’avais jamais fait ça avec une telle bestialité. Je dois m’arrêter avant de jouir.On enchaine directement sur un 69. Sabrina semble inépuisable. Lors du 69 sur pénètre sa chatte de ma langue, essayant de lui rendre le plaisir donné, mais elle continue vigoureusement à s’attarder sur ma bite. Je finis par lui enlever son string et l’embrasse affectueusement.-Tu es divine-Ca ne fait que commencer, laisse-moi mettre ta capote. Sabrina la place avec la bouche sur mon sexe me faisant plusieurs ümraniye escort gâteries en même temps. La belle empale rapidement sa chatte dessus. Je lui laisse prendre du plaisir sur ma bite. La belle sait si prendre et elle aime ça. Elle commence à gémir comme une folle. Je la laisse faire pelotant ses seins. Elle commence à faire claquer ses fesses sur mon corps.Après plusieurs minutes, elle me laisse la prendre ne main. Je lui demande de se mettre à 4 pattes pour enfin la prendre en levrette.-Tu sais que j’en rêve depuis le train-Je suis toute à toi maintenantJe lui enfonce mon sexe sans problème dans sa chatte déjà bien dilatée. Je lui agrippe les fesses en même temps. Alors que j’accélère, je commence à lui mettre une fessée. Son gémissement me pousse à continuer. Je lui fais aussi claquer mes couilles puis la prend par les cheveux. Je réalise alors mon fantasme. Brin y ajoute ses cris de plaisirs de plus en plus bruyants.-Tu aimes ça ?-Ho oui va y défonce moi.Ces mots me poussent à être plus bestial. Je lui soulève les jambes et reprend la pénétration intensive. Ses jambes sont collées sur ses épaules, en plus d’être cochonne, Sabrina est très souple. Son regard ne cessant de criant laisse transparaitre son plaisir. Pris dans le mouvement, je lui enfonce un doigt dans l’anus, Sabrina se laisse faire. Je poursuis avec 2 puis 3 doigts.- Vas-y, tu peux y aller.J’approche mon sexe de son anus. Ce dernier devait avoir l’habitude car je m’y enfonce assez facilement. Son anus se dilate s’en problème et en à peine 1 minute, mon sexe est entièrement rentré.Je commence le va et vient. Sabrina se met à gémir comme une folle, me poussant à accélérer. « Continue c’est bon ». Je reste dedans de longues minutes. Il est très agréable à pénétrer. Je m’allonge à nouveau et Sabrina vient à nouveau empaler son anus sur mon sexe. Je la laisse gérer et elle s’empale dessus sans problème ne cessant d’hurler. J’en profite pour lui enfourcher mes doigts dans la chatte, face à l’excitation je lui enfonce ma main entière dedans. Nous continuons sur la sodomie dans plusieurs positions jusqu’à être en sueur. Je finis par éjaculer dedans, Sabrina s’empresse alors d’enlever ma capote pour avaler ma semence.Je suis totalement sous le charme, nous continuons nos embrassades sous une bonne douche, avant de refaire 2 fois l’amour dans la soirée. Ce fut l’une de mes plus belles aventures avec une fille magnifique, très cochonne et infatigable.

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My soulmate came again .

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My soulmate came again .It was sunday, I was watching TV in my house with my family members.It was 3pm afternoon.There was a call from out side..Sir…Sir.I went outside and saw Ohh it was Kumar (fake name) with him mum there.Here I need to introduce who was this Kumar.He was studied upto xth class and given up studies due to his family dificulties.I met this boy at a play ground at 5.00pm two years back.He was watching the football game there.He was normal guy aged 18 black in colour.I was oberving him carefully.At last he saw me.I smiled at him.There was no response from him. Inspite of it , I was interested in him.The ground prevailed dark every where and the game was completed. All players and viewers were leaving the ground.Kumar started moving from that place. I had followed him.At one place he stood and turned back and saw me. Again, I smiled at him.He moved to a tea stall and ordered cup of tea for him. I too went there and I too ordered tea for me.By taking tea I reached to him and wished saying how are you.He said that he dont know me and said who I am was?I said that I came here recently and working in private company and presently I was staying in my office only.He asked me whether there were anyone other than me? I said no.Both reached to my office.I asked about him and he said that he was Kumar, unemployed having both parents and sister.He was searching for job and asked me can I help him in that matter.With out saying any answer,I asked him pl open your pant.By turning himself he opened his pant up to his legs and bent himself as if he was ready to get fucked. His ass was very nice.I too opened my pant and hugged him from back so that my cock get contacted his ass hole.I pressed him keeping my hands covering his chest.I turned his head towards me and kissed him.He surrendered me completely by cooperating me in kissing me my face and sucking my tounge. At one stage, as he was in bending position showing his ass towards me, I kept my hand and touched his cock.I was wondered.I took his cock into my hand and measured slowly.It was too huge and too strong. It may be 8 inches and 3 inches dia.What to say…I was in shocking position.I moved my hand up and down on cock.With my action it was erected fully and became too big.I turned him towards me and saw his cock…Ohhh…My God..My cock was half in its size and thin where as it was too big and strong and stood like bakırköy escort iron rod.Till upto one minute I want to fuck him and on seeing his cock I changed my mind.I said to him ,it was nearly 8.00pm and I had to go hotel to had my dinner so let us leave this place immediately and I my self dressed and came from that place.He too came outside and both moved upto hotel and with his permission I went inside to take my dinner.I couldnot able to get sleep that night. Only his cock was in from of my eyes through out night.Next day again I went in search of that boy to play ground. But he did not come.I watched for him one week fully but he was not there.One day night, I was thinking about him. I was not actually gay but likes gaysexIn the absence of my family members with me I tried to have sex with one student but he had not cooperatedAgain I got the oppertunity because my family members were not with me since I came to this place recently.Even my family was not interested to come to this place since it was not city but town.Days were passed, I took one room for me.One day I went to cinima and occupied my chair.The theare was not filled so far.To my surprise, that boy Kumar was searching for his seat.I called him loudly Kumar…Kumar He saw me but not shown any interest.I approached him and requested him to sit along with me at one place.There certain boys calling him and talking with him.I could not able to do any thing.Finally he sat with me and the film was running.I kept my hand on his thighs and seperated them slowly. He himself opened jip and got his manhood outside and placed it in my hand and he was seeing film without giving any importance to it.I pressed and pressed like any thing upto interwal.When lights on, he went outside along with his friends and came before film start.He asked what was my name and work.I said that I was Suraiah, aged 52 working as an officer in a private firm, and thinking to take him on temporary basis in my office and he will be paid upto Rs 3000 pm. He felt happy.Again film started and he kept his cock in my hand and enjoying film.The was show was completed and both came outside.He was moving towards his house and on seeing he said I will be with me for 30 minutes and had to go home otherwise he will be beatten.It was about 1.00am in night.As we were going we come across one high school.He entered beşiktaş escort into the compound and reached to corner room and soon he enters in it he removed his trouzer and bend himself ready for getting fucked.I could not able to fuck him on the other hand I could not move further.He saw my position and dressed himself and came out of the room.I too followed.When we were moving on road, he asked why was I following him? If I got any interest, he said he want to fuck me.We reached outshirts and it seems his house was near.It was dark and open field ment for house plots.Again he opened his zip and brought his cock outside and asked me to bend myself to get fucked by him.I was not having that practice of getting fucked.We stood for a while and he said he will come to my office tomorrow and went away.I returned to my room and I could not able to get sleep.Even I close or open my eyes, his huge cock appearing for me.I was not dare enough to get fucked or not able to fuck him.Finally ,I decided to enjoy with him sucking his cock as many times as it possible.Next day at about 11.00am he came to my office and met me.I asked him to come by 1.30pm so that , it will be convenient for me to contact my higher office persons.He went away and came by that time.I went into guest room .He too came.I asked him to lay down on sofa and open his orgon.He laid on sofa and kept his gun outside.I kept his cock in my mouth and sucked slowly.He removed his cock and made his upper skin go back and inserted in my mouth.I was smelly.Inspite of it I liked it,He fucked slowly in my mouth and it was erected to its position.He fucked forcefully for 5 minutes and cummed huge quanty of his load in my mouth.It was salty and silky.I dont know to split it outside or to swallow.With him arms he closed my mouth and made to swallow completely.That was the first time that I sucked a cock and swallowed cum.We both came to my room and I contacted my head office on my cellphone and requested them to allow me to place my boy as temporary basis so that he helps me in my personal mattersat office as if he was my assistant After a lengthy discussion, they accepted me to appoint the boy.Kumar was witnessing the entire issue.Happily I told him from this movement you are my personal assistant and look after my desires.He felt happy.He requested me to come to his house once and inform beylikdüzü escort that he had been appointed in my office.In the evening both we went to his house.It was a farmers house, old one constructed with mud.He introduced me to his parents and I informed them, he was my assistant in my office work and he should be with me always.They happily agreed.As I was returning from his home, Kumar informed his parents that he may come back home after I complete my dinner at night.Both reached my room and kumar went to hotel to get my meal. Mean while I took my bath and waiting for him.finally he came and went into another room which was my bed room.After a while, he called me inside.I went there. To my surprise , he was with a brany glass in his hands ,with having any cloths on his body. He offered me the glass and said that, he was giving me partyin this happy occation.But I was not in the habit of drinking.Even then to satisfy him, I too the glass and consumed slowly.After 5 minutes again he had given another glass.I got some giddiness. He forced me to drink. I completed it.He came to me, and removed my cloths one by one.He rubbed his cock on my face, sucked my cock and then my nipples. He kissed me and took my tounge into his mouth and sucked it.I want to suck his cock. But he forced me to take food.After its completion ,he kept his cock in my mouth and aloowed me to suck.I had sucked the cock for a long time.He had given another glass of drink.I refused to drink it. Sir, pl have it. You can enjoy a lot.At last, I took it.I was in full drukn stage and I dont know what happend next to it.I got up by 7.00am in the morning.My ass was full of cream.I could not get up easyly. Some pain was coming from inside.I tried to recolect the things which were happended. But I could not able to imagin.Finally I came to conclution that ,I was fucked.Kumar came to my room at about 9.15am. He smiled at me. He came very near and said that my ass hole was very tight and he fucked me twice in the night.I was afraid and said why you fucked me with out my knowledge? It may leads health problems.He said, dont worry. Nothing will happened.I was not happy.On that day, kumar said he got some work and he wont come night to my room.On that night, I tested my ass. Now there was not so much of pain. It seems it was coming to normal stage.Next day, Kumar came to office by 11.00am and said that he could not come to office with in the time because his old teacher entrusted some work to him.On that night kumar requested me to allow him to fuck. I refused saying that there was still pain.He had given me a tablet and said that ,pain relief will get soon and advised me to take rest and went away. .Continued

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René [Partie 2]

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


René [Partie 2]René, lui, est debout face a moi, me regarde avec envie et excitation. Sa main droite déboutonne sa braguette pendant que sa main gauche caresse mon torse et me pince les tétons. J’adore me sentir vulnérable, impuissant face a cet homme qui peut me faire tout ce qu’il veut, et qui compte le faire d’ailleurs.Il n’a désormais plus de pantalon et retire son slip dans la foulée, laissant sortir un sexe encore mou, plutôt court et perdu sous un bourrelet au milieu d’une toison pubienne grise impressionnante. Il grimpe soudainement sur moi posant un genoux de chaque côté de ma tête, son sexe en suspens au dessus de mon visage et ses boules frôlant mon menton.Approche plutôt surprenante mais directe. L’odeur de transpiration mêlée a celle de l’urine que dégage son sexe m’excite énormément, j’ouvre donc la bouche, relève ma tête et englouti son sexe toujours endormi. Ma langue joue avec son prépuce et essaye de rencontrer son gland pendant que son sexe gonfle doucement dans ma bouche.Je me laisser aller a de nombreux râles et gémissements timides étouffés par son sexe entier dans ma bouche. René me baise désormais littéralement la bouche, il remue le bassin bakırköy escort comme si ma bouche était un orifice a féconder et y va de plus en plus fort tandis que j’ai du mal a respirer, sa queue est de plus en plus grosse et j’ai maintenant du mal a la garder entière en moi. Il me pilonne la bouche enfonçant son manche au plus profond de ma gorge ce qui me provoque quelques haut le cœur. Plein de bave, son sexe s’échappe parfois de ma bouche pour venir frotter mon visage. Il retire ensuite son sexe de ma bouche pour me présenter ses deux jolies boules bien pendantes que je gobe d’un seul coup provoquant chez lui un gros soupir de plaisir.Son sexe gluant de bave posé sur mon front se raidit a chacun de mes coups de langues.-Je savais bien que t’aimais la queue en fait petite coquine! Dit-il tout essouffléJe ne peux lui répondre par des mots ayant la bouche occupée, mais gémi de plaisir et lui caresse son dos et ses fesses poilues pour lui donner raison. Il semble adorer ce que je lui fais, transpire a grosses gouttes, souffle fort et me regarde droit dans les yeux. mon lit commence a trembler et moi a m’inquiéter me souvenant beşiktaş escort que ma mère est en bas pendant qu’ici se déroule cette scène semblant tout droit sortir d’un film porno.Je n’ai pas envie que ça s’arrête mais le risque est trop désormais trop grand, j’arrête de balader ma langue sur son bel organe et lui lance dans un gémissement timide et excité :-Jouis sur moi s’il te plait René!Ses yeux trahissent un peu d’étonnement et beaucoup d’envie, il me sourit tendrement et replace son sexe au dessus de ma bouche, l’attrapant dans une main et ma tête dans l’autre.Sa main s’enroule autour de son membre bien raide et commence a le masturber rapidement au dessus de ma bouche grande ouverte a l’affût de la moindre goutte de son sirop d’amour.Ma langue sortie lèche ses doigts et le bout de son gland pendant qu’il se masturbe rapidement, son souffle s’accélère, sa mâchoire est serrée et ses yeux se révulsent a certains moments.-Ça vient chéri ouvre grand, gémi-t-il d’une voix rauque.Excité par les surnoms que René me donne, j’ouvre la bouche encore plus grand et gobe son gland tout en me prenant des coups par sa main astiquant beylikdüzü escort son sexe de bas en haut. C’est sous un grognement de plaisir qu’il m’envoi trois gros jets de sperme brûlants au fond de la gorge et sur la langue. Son gros ventre poilu tremble de plaisir pendant que je lèche gland plein de sperme. Je ne veux pas perdre une goutte et passe ma langue dans les moindres recoins de son gland et prépuce, allant jusqu’à fouiller l’urètre comme pour en avoir encore ce qui semble provoquer chez lui des décharges de plaisir qui le font frissonner.René reprends doucement son souffle, il me caresse délicatement le visage et me laisse finir de nettoyer son sexe. J’avale toute sa semence d’un seul coup et fais un dernier baiser sur son sexe épuisé et tout chaud.Une fois son souffle repris, il se relève et se rhabille, me regardant vicieusement. Il sors son téléphone portable et me prends en photo, nu, attaché, le visage souillé de sperme et de bave me lâchant qu’un simple “Photo souvenir” en guise d’explication.Il détache mes liens et me relève pour m’embrasser langoureusement une dernière fois et me susurre a l’oreille :-Je veux te revoir. Ta mère a mon numéro, prends le dans son téléphone si tu veux me revoir aussi.Et c’est sur ces mots qu’il s’est retourné et est redescendu prendre part à la fête.Moi, n’osant plus descendre, je me suis masturbé et me suis endormi la tête encore pleine d’images de René enfonçant son membre dans ma petite bouche encore vierge alors.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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