Deep Secrets Ch. 02

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Ha-ha SOOOOO sorry its Jayden OFFICIALLY… Really sorry guys with work and school it’s been HECTIC to say the least.

Please keep the comments and ideas flowing, you flatter me so…there are, after all no better critics :-D.

“Come on, Rory, don’t sweat it. Jayden knows that you’re only looking out for him. Besides this is probably just one of his new found interests. You know how he just loves to dive right in to relationships.”

“Yea I know but this feels different though. It’s like he’s finally leaving the birds nest. I worry about him you know: He tends to fall head over heels in love and then I have to pick up the pieces. I just hope she doesn’t hurt him.”

“What? Just because you’ve been hurt doesn’t mean every one of your friends will be hurt! You know that right?”She asked.

“Yea but that doesn’t mean SHE won’t hurt him!” I said “I have to look out for the people I love BUT I DO know what you’re saying Jess”

I knew she was just looking out for me but I it just seemed hard.; After all the world of hurt I’d been through, it only made sense to me that EVERYONE in the universe was looking to confuse and hurt my friends. My previous boyfriend had insisted on breaking up with me by singing ‘confessions’ by usher to me and the whole situation just broke my heart. I was wary of love! Clearly it didn’t happen for all of us, and I was proof of that. Just the guy at the club was proof of that.

“Ok, I’ll meet her first then decide.” I said. “After all if he like her she really can’t be that bad.”

“I agree. Just trust that for once a friend knows what they are feeling is real. Does this have something to do with the hot guy that you hooked up with this weekend?”

“How did you know about that?”

“Please honey, I KNOW EVERYTHING.”She said as if she really did.”What happened there anyway?”

I told her the whole story from the bar to the closet. “I mean he didn’t even want to kiss me…What the hell is that? I keep telling myself that if he really wanted me he would have told me how he felt instead of trying to get a quick hook up in a closet, you know?”‘

“I get what you’re saying, friend. Did you at least get his number though?”

“No I did not. I just got out of there as fast as I could. I couldn’t handle the fact that he mistook my interest for a potential tryst. It’s weird. I just thought that after all the screw ups I’ve had in terms of relationships that this would finally be the guy who tickled my fancy but clearly that wasn’t the case. I’m just sick of all the bullshit. I want a real man: a real relationship, you know?”

“Yea but boys will be boys. You know this better than anyone. You know what?”

“What?” I asked sounding disinterested.

“If there is one thing I know, nothing happens in our lives without there being a good reason for it happening. Mr. Hotty was there to teach you a life lesson. That’s how you need to see it.” Jess said with great wisdom “He may not be the one but he taught you something that you can apply to the next man.”

It was so easy for her to say that. She had no emotions invested in the situation but she was a great objective party. I knew that that is how I should have looked at the whole situation but it was hard. He was such a nice guy. I really thought he had great potential but the crap thing was that he just didn’t feel the same. Why couldn’t there be more genuine guys in the world. Especially in MY world.

“I guess you’re right friend. He was just another stepping stone. Anyway let me get to my beauty sleep I have a huge day ahead of me at work tomorrow. If I don’t go, I can’t take you out for drinks this weekend!!”I joked.

“So true she quibbled back. Get that sleep girlie. Don’t stress too much about not finding Mr. Right-Now. He’s coming. Just give it time.”

“All righty. Thanks, Jen. You always make me feel THAT much better and I love you for it.”I confessed “I couldn’t have figured that out all by myself.”

We said our goodnights and put our phones down. I slept thinking about that conversation. It was really quite simple. One day I would get the guy I DESERVED to be with and NEVER would I settle for less.


“‘Morning Aurora. How was the weekend?”Kate, my boss asked.

We’d graduated from high school together yet some how she had become my boss at our accounting firm. She reminded me everyday of how much she enjoyed her superiority over me.

“Hello Ms Jacobs, it was quiet, thank you. Yours?”I asked politely, knowing very well that I couldn’t have cared less.

“It was grand. I had that charity ball, remember? I sat right next to the ambassador of Italy. He’s not half as boring as I thought he would be, you know?”

“I’m sure.” I said with a sarcasm laced voice as I reached into my bag to pull out the laptop. I absolutely hated this woman. The only reason she had a better and higher paying job than mine was because shed bursa escort slept with Mickey; the VP of our investment company. He was a total scoundrel who always made sure to make himself known amongst the new interns, it was almost laughable. Mickey was in his late 20’s. A total George Clooney look-a-like and TOTALLY not my type. He’d never tried though. I guess he just wasn’t into black girls. That was GREAT for me as it just made my life that much easier.

“So I’m letting you give the opening arguments for selection.”She said sweetly. Maybe too sweet. “We really need this client so I hope you’ll be ready.”

“H-How am I supposed to be ready? I don’t know the client or the-”

“The client is Lussonavé, a European shipping company. They’re looking for a fresh outlook on their finances. I mean they already turn over billions per annum but apparently that’s still not enough. I sent the details of their current finances through to your e-mail last night. You should look through it before the meeting.”

I officially hated this bitch.

“I know that the senior partners want no mistake so you’d best be prepared. I saw a partner get fired for stuttering during a presentation last year. It was so sad. ” She said with a smile. “Anyway the clients will be in later today. They just want to get a feel on things. It will be an executive meeting but if you have no problem with your inferior status, you’re welcome to join.

‘Breathe, Rory. Just breathe.’ I thought trying to calm myself. I turned on the laptop I had pulled out of my bag. “Thanks for this opportunity. I promise to do my best.”

We both sat there for a moment longer, smiling at each other. My smile fake and hers mocking. She knew how much of a bind I was in and she knew that it was all her doing. Why was she trying to ruin me? “Well I guess I best get to those e-mails.” I said nodding and graciously urging her to leave.

“Good luck, Rory.” She said strutting happily away. BITCH.

Once my internet was up and running I checked for new emails. The file Kate had sent me was massive. Once it was finally downloaded and opened in PDF I realised that there was no way for me to achieve what I needed to. With over 400 pages of detailed information to go through in the 4 days before the meeting, I decided that id do my reading in the evenings at home after work.

With that thought I dove right into my now very busy blue Monday’s work load.

It was just after lunch that I found myself sitting next to Kate in our firm’s boardroom awaiting the arrival of our clients. In typical ‘I’m rich’ fashion, the clients were late. A great way to show anybody that you’re in business with EXACTLY who was boss. I could just picture this Anthony Hopkins-looking old fart with a Cuban cigar in hand walking through that door at any moment. I was beginning to think that maybe id made a mistake by joining in on this meeting. I mean I still had so much work to do before the actual presentation in a few days so there was really nothing that I could contribute to this meet and greet.

I was just about to tell my boss as much when the 2.5metre high sand-blasted glass doors opened with a quiet hum of the hinges. I looked up to find two men walking into the room.

Their dark form-fitted suits just seemed to fit in with the room’s Mahogany furniture and navy blue carpeting. The first man who had walked in had reached his hand out and introduced himself to us as Calvin Wilkz. ‘Now why does that sound familiar?’ I thought to myself.

“Hello I’m Kate Jacobs and this is my assistant Rory Oakken.” Kate said introducing us.

He was GREAT looking. Especially in this deep blue suit he was wearing; it just made his blue eyes pop all the more. He had this cute little John Travolta chin on him but somehow he still looked young. I would probably place him close to around 27 or 28 years old; nigh to his prime and judging by the smile he was flashing he knew it too. He actually reminded me of…

I didn’t even notice that the second guy had paused by the door until id finished my introductions with Calvin. But once I looked up at him I knew exactly why he had stopped in his tracks, it was him. It had been an entire week since I had last seen him but I recognised him immediately. Granted he had a 5 o’clock shadow over that strong sexy jaw of his. His eyes were a darker blue than the last time id seen him but club lighting and broad daylight would play part in that change. But even if that weren’t the case I knew that I would always remember James Wilkz.


‘I’m glad that she is just as thrown off as I initially was.’ James thought.

He had been thinking about her all day and everyday this week. He just didn’t understand what had happened between them that night. One minute she was into him and the next she was pushing him away. Hell he had been so shocked by her sudden malatya escort change in mood that she had easily knocked him off his stance when she had pushed him away. But damn if he couldn’t stop thinking about what could have happened between them that night. He loved the way she reacted to his touch. All he wanted to do right now was kiss away the frown forming at the top of her nose. But more; what he wanted was to wrap his hands around her perfect tits while he fucked her senseless from behind.

He had even gone as far as begging Keagan to give him Jen- Aurora’s friend that he’d hooked up with’s-number just so that he could get a hold of Rory. But Keagan hadn’t even bothered to remember Jens name let alone get her number.

In that moment of her still stunned state, James began walking straight towards the table. His wide purposeful gait urging her to succumb to his domineering presence.

“Ah ladies please allow me to introduce you to my cousin. This is James Wilkz.” Calvin stated. “He is the brains behind our company and I-well I am just the face.” He joked.

“Hello there.” The woman known as Kate said reaching for James’s hand. He could tell that she was interested in him. Not many women could be put off by medium-length curly dirty blonde hair. His deep tanned olive skin was a great canvas for his solid square jaw and bright eyes that shone even brighter when his full pink lips stretched across is face and into an award-winning smile.

James took Kate’s outstretched hand and turned it palm down before lifting it to his lips. “Yea but I am much smoother.”He said dropping his voice to a gruff and too-sexy tone before darting his eyes across to Aurora’s face. His intention had been to taunt her with his contact with Kate. He wanted her to crave what his touch had now inspired in Kate. He wanted her to feel just as deprived as he’d felt when she’d just left him high and dry and VERY blue balled at the club that night. “It’s good to meet you, Kate.” He said releasing her hand. “Hello Aurora.”

“Hello Mr. Wilkz.” She said. Back rigid and chin up and out. She was proud, this one.

“You two know each other?”Kate incredulously chimed in.

“I was about to ask the same thing.” Calvin stated shifting glances from James to Aurora.

“That’s very formal considering our” he paused “history, don’t you think?” James said narrowing his eyes at her. The look he gave her left no doubt as to what he wanted her to be thinking about.

“I wouldn’t even call it that. I just happened to catch your name while out on the town and now it seems our paths cross once again.”

She let her voice drip honey when she said it but judging by how stiff her shoulders were; she’d reserved quite a bit of venom just for him. He liked that. He smiled. “Almost as if it were fate, wouldn’t you say?”

She clenched her cheeks in, as if fighting the urge to say something that was on the tip of her tongue. His words had cited a reaction out of her. This was going to be fun. Bored of the exchange Calvin asked “Shall we sit and get to it then?”

“Yes we shall. There is nothing like talking investments to build up an appetite for lunch at The Matador.” Kate said while everyone grabbed seats. Everyone except Rory, who just stood there reaching into her pocket to pull out her phone.

“Hello? Yea just hang on- Sorry gentlemen I have to take this. Please feel free to go on without me; this may take a while.”And with that she was out the door.

“I know. Thank the pope you got out of there, you wuss?” Raya countered. It was her turn to listen to the new developments of the closet hotty. “You liked him before the closet incident so I’m not getting why you’re trying to avoid him so much now.”

“I’m not avoiding him; I just had a phone call-.”

“Nooo. You MADE a call; to ME. Therefore I think that it’s my loyal duty as a true friend to be honest with you. You like him. Granted he disappointed you, by not wanting to kiss you but I’m sure he would have gotten to those lips eventually.” She said flippantly.

“You don’t understand. I have always told myself that if a guy truly liked me that he would take his time, you know. A little conversation, a peck here, a kiss there and then some. But that guy cave manned me all the way to a closet thinking that I would actually be one of THOSE girls and I’m not.” I’m actually sick of this shit. Why can’t I find a genuine guy? Fine, alright, he’s hot but he’s an asshole. And seeing him today and finally finding out what kind of guy he is when he ISN’T in a club just makes me understand exactly why he thinks he can behave the way he does.”Rory could barely catch her breath after that little soliloquy.

“Over-think much?” Raya said

“I’m not over-thinking anything I’m just telling you what I feel.”

“Ok well let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment. Had you NOT liked this guy you would have just taken seeing him again with a pinch of salt. So to help çanakkale escort keep your sanity, here’s what I suggest.Just treat is some random hook up. Nothing more.”

“Yea, a hook up with my client sounds easy.” Rory rolled of sarcastically.

“Oh my God I swear if you don’t stop with that attitude-.”

“Ok ok fine I’m listening.” Pearl could imagine Rory with the frown and pout she’d put on when ever someone called her on her attitude.

“You guys got hot and heavy in a closet.Tough cookie that it didn’t work out. Just go on as normal. You running away from him just goes to prove that you WERE actually disappointed by his actions. The best thing to do is show that you really couldn’t care less about how you initially met.Tap into the role of the ‘Its whatever’ type of girl.” Raya finished.

“You are so right. I don’t even know why I have my brain in over-drive about this one. What would I do without friends like you, huh?”She asked sweetly and finally calmed down.

“Clearly you’d be lying in corners with your tail between your legs, and what a NICE tail it is so let’s not let that happen, ok?”

They chatted a little longer before Pearl told Rory that her boss was giving her the ‘stink eye’ and that she’d chat to her later before they both ended the call.

While Raya worked away at the extra documents that her boss had put in her cubicles in-box as punishment, on top of the punishment of it being a blue Monday, she wondered why on earth she had to tell Rory, of all people, what to do. She was so smart; street and books. But when it came to guys she was totally clueless. She wondered if in the decade of knowing her girl, Rory had neglected to tell her something that might have happened between some guys that left her…uneasy when it came to men. I mean Rory wasn’t a man-hater. Not by a long shot. She just doubted herself. She craved what any great single woman would crave: a romantic life with the ultimate guy. Rory had never even been in a relationship that lasted longer than 3 whole months. She always maintained that that was how long she needed in order to determine whether there would be a future with said guy. There was nothing ever wrong with the guys but then again each to her own.

Hopfully one day she’d meet someone that would inspire her enough to want to stay longer than the allocated 3 months and pop that cherry of hers. God if there’s one thing Rory hadn’t tried as a stress reliever it was a good sexcapade. That girl needed to get laid harder than a brick. She giggled out loud at the thought, earning herself another glare from the boss. She smiled before putting a finger to her lips in apology before diving right back into her work. She was not about to get extra work over her thoughts of Rory’s sex-life. “No way.”


Still avoiding the boardroom Rory had decided that she’d call Jayden. After the mess up of the previous date she figured she’d make it up to him by inviting him to lunch.

“Hey.” He answered plainly.

“Hi” she replied, cheerfully enough for the both of them. “Truce? I’m sorry about my reaction to the great news the other day. How about I take you and the new Fiancé out to lunch. I would love to meet the woman who tamed the beast. Pwetty pwease?.” She said in a 5 year old’s voice.

He laughed at that. “Sure, why not? Let me call Karen. She’s got some family in town and they’re out shopping. Shall we say 13:30 at our usual chinese place?”

“Actually my stomach’s thinking that a little Indian curry is on order. How about that place near my work?”

“Ah, so that’s the reason why you’re in the mood for some curry. Too lazy to drive, huh?” She could hear that he had that cocky grin of his plastered on his face.

“No that’s not…all of it. I only have an hour before I havr to be back here so I want to make it last, unless you’ve told your fiancé what a tool I am and she comes just to torture me.” She said semi-jokingly.

“I did tell her and that just made her want to meet you more. You have nothing to worry about there. She’s sweet, Rory. You’ll see. You’ll like her.” Jayden said reassuringly.

“Alright. So lunch then? I’ll meet you little love birds there.Its going to be great.” Rory said smiling then diconnecting the call.

Rory looked at her watch. She had a little over 2 hours to kill before she would have to leave for her lunch date with the happy couple. If she could finish the bulk of her days work before her lunch break, maybe she could ask Kate to take the rest of the day off to prep for more important things like dealings with the Wilkz case.

When she checked her desk clock again, she ralised that she had 5 minutes before her break started. Just as she closed her laptop she saw a chiselled thigh clad in a dark suit pants leaning casually against her desk. She immediately knew who that thigh belonged to.

“Yes Mr. Wilkz, how can I help you?” She asked running her eyes up his long lean body to his face. A beautiful face.

“We missed you in that meeting.” He said smiling. ‘Why was he smiling?’ Rory thought. “Must have been a very important phone call.” He continued.

“Actually, it was.” She said clearing her throat. “I had to assist a potential client who’s unhappy with the services of one of our rivals.”

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