les atıye 6

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les atıye 6
les atiye 6 kaldığı yerden devam ben dusumu aldıktan sonra ustümü giyinip meltemin yanına gittim kahvaltı hazırdı sen otur canım ben cayı getiriyim atiyecim servis tabakları hazırlıyordum meltemde cayları dolduruyordu birbirimize bakıp gülüyorduk yeni evliler gibiydik kahvaltımızı yaptıktan sonra masayı beraber topluyor birbirimize opücükler konduruyorduk cok hostu meltem sende hazırlan beni arabama bırakakırsın diyordum olur aityecim diyerek istersen bugunde bende kalabilirsin atiye yok kız evimi özledim kıyefetlerimi deyitirecem diye cevap verdim olur sen nasıl istersen nezaman gelebilirsin bunu biliyorsun gülümseyerek olur dedim meltem üzerini giyınip geldi cok sexydi benim giydiyim beyaz taytı giymisti üzerine salaş tişört giymisti putra pembe babet ayakbısını giydi arabasına doğru yürüdük meltem benden arabayı sen kulanırmısın dedi olur meltemcim diyerek anahtarları aldım yolda cıktık giderken meltemle sohbet edip gülüsüyoruz meltem birden elini bacaklarıma tattı ve beni okşamaya basladı bu haraketi beni baya cok tahrik etmişti hosumada gidiyordu melteme biseydemeden sohbet edip gülüsüyorduk kilotdumun üzerinden amcığımı oksuyordu bu dahada cok hoşuma gidiyordu restoranttın önüne gelmiştik iyi arabamı cekmemişler arabadan indigimde meltem bana gitmeden istersen kahve icelim dedi aslında iyi fikir meltem ama iki gün aynı kıyafetler aynı yere girmek istemem dedim ne olacak kız 10 daka oturacaz haklısın ben cantamı arabama koyum gelirim dedi tamam ben geciyorum ozaman kahveleride soyle kız tamam soylerim ve iceri girdi bende arabamı acıp cantamı koltukğun ayak dibine koydum araba ısınsın diye bir kac daka bekledim söndürüp iceri girdim ama meltemin yanında biri vardı onunla konuşuyordu bende yava adımlarla onlara yaklaştım merhaba diyerek merhaba atiye nurten teyzem buda atiye teyze iş arkadasim demin arabayı park ederken karşılaştık atiyele memnun oldum nurten hanım nurten sadece başını salayarak cevap verdi size afiyet olsun diyerek yanımızdan giderken meltem kahveni ictikten sonra bize katıl istersen olur teyze diyerek cevap verdi nurten cok hos bir kadındı 45 50 yaslarında gösteriyordu meltem kaşları yukarda birazda şakındı sanırım tedirgin olmuş gibiydi hayırdır meltem ne oldu hic kız nurten teyzeyi burda bu saate göreceğımi hic düşünmemiştim diye cevap verdi öz teyzen deyil mı yok kız aile dostumuz annenmin en iyi arkdaslarından biridir hmm anladım meltemcim kahvemi icmeye devam ettim meltem ama nurten baya hoş kadın dedim ve güldüm kadın 65 girdi yasından ufak gosteriyor deyilmi atiye ewet ben 45 50 arası diye tahmin etmiştim diye cevap verdim ewet geldine cok iyi bakıyor diye cevap verdi ben arada sırada nurten hanımın masasına gözüm kacıyordu nurtende bizim masaya bakıyordu sonra ben melteme kız ben kactım nurten teyzeni fazla bekletme dövmesin bizi diyerek gülmeye basladım haklısın sonra görüsürüz deyip kalktım meltem hesabı ödeyip nurten yanına gitti bende arabama binip yakındaki avm gittim artık kendime daha sexy ıc camsırları almak istiyordum avmde dolaştıktan sonra ic giyim magazalarına girip beyendigim jartiyer takımları bir kac gecelik kilotlu corap kilot sutyenler aldım aldıgım kilotlar cok güzel ve sexydiler ama tanga gibi ona benzeyen kilotların yüzüne bile bakmıyordum cünkü bana okadar sexy gelmiyorlardı mağazada calışan elamanlar yeni gelen fantezi kilotlar geldi bakmak istermisin desede hic ilgilenmemistim sonucta ben sex işcisi deyildim bence coğu kadın o tarz giymeyi sevmez istediğim herşeyi aldıktan sonra evime doğru yol aldım baya yorulmuştum üzerimi cıkarıp duş aldım kurulanıp yatağıma kendimi attım meltemle nagihanla yaşadığım şeyleri düşünüp duruyordum acaba doğrumu yapıyordum diye sonucta nagihan en yakın arkadaşımdı meltemde kabin amirimdi kendi kendimi sorguluyordum bir yandada içimden geleni yaptığımı biliyordum ve cok mutluydum kendi kendime sorular sorup cevaplıyordum baya düşündükten sonra yaptıklarımın doğru olduğunu anladım çünkü ben cok mutluydum gerisi boş artık böyle yaşamak istiyordum ve böyle yaşayacam ben kadınlarla olmayı cok seviyorum ve kendi kendime söz verdim hiçbir kadına aşkla tutulmayacağıma karşı sadece o anın zevkini yaşayacam diyerek uyudum uyanıp telefonuma saat kaç diye baktığımdan saat 10 geliyordu iyi uyumuştum ama bırak kalkmayı hareket edecek halim yoktu nagihanla ve meltemle yaşadığım ilişki beni baya yormuştu hayatımda ilk defa 2 3 günde okadar çok orgazım olmuştum bu beni baya halsiz bırakmıstı sabahta uçusum vardı ama yataktan kalkamıyordum selam meltem hanım diyerek watsaptan mesaj attım 2 3 dakika sonra bana dönüş yaptı efendim atiye diyerek bana 4 gün izin alabilirmiyim biraz bekledikten sonra hayırdır kız ne oldu diye cevap attı kız sorma cok halsizim kalkacak halim yok bana gülücük attı ve okadar ilişk**en sonra normal kız merak etme ben hal ederim teşekür ederim meltem önemli deyil senin yerine bakacak birini bulurum uçuştan döndüğümde sana cok ihtiyacım var seni her dakika arzuluyorum 3 tane öpücük yolladı bende kendisine yoladım biyormusun demin telefonum yenimdeydi oyun oynuyordu mutfaga yanıma geldi atiye diye biri mesaj attı dedi mesajda meltem hanım diye yazdığını görünce rahatladım bende kendisıne gülücük yoladım tamam atiyecim sen dinlen sonra görüsürüz bende nefes almıstım 4 gün boyunca evden cıkmam diyordum kendi kendime nagıhanada durumu anlatım dödüğümde uğrarım sana öpücük attı bende nagihana atım tekrar uymustum uyandığımda sabah saat 8 di kalkıp sıcacık suyla duşmu aldım kedime kahve yapıp icmeye basladım kendime gelmiştim tv ye bakınıyordum saat 9 30 olmuştu odama gecip bornozumu cıkarıp yeni aldıgım gri üzerınde pembe öpücüklü olan kilotdumu sütyenimi giydim acık mavi kot pantolonumu üzerinede sarı renk bluzumu giydim beyaz ayakabı giydim sacları fon cekip makajımı yapıp meltemle gittiğimiz restaurata kahvaltı yapaya gidecktim arabama atlayıp restaurata geldigiimde arabamı park edip iceri girdim icerisi baya kalabalıktı hos geldiniz kac kisi olacaksınız acaba diye sordu bende tekkim dedim sizi şu masaya alalım lutfen olur dedim koşede bir masaydı ama önemli deylidi kahvaltımı yapıp sahile gidecektim serpme kahvatı istedim bide cay lütfen olsun tabi efendim deyip gitti telefonumu cıkaraıp sosyal medyada dolanıyordum bir yandan etrafıma bakınıyordum elit insanlar ordaydı hala kahvatım gelmemışti kafede bos masa kalmamıştı sonunda benim kahvaltım gelmişti cok sükür yavaş yavaş kahvaltıma başlarken garson af edersiniz hanım efendi buyrun dedim kapının ordaki bayan eyer sizin için sakıncası yoksa sizinle aynı masada kahvaltı edebilirmi diye soruyor bugun hafta sonu olduğundan boş masamız kalmadı başımı biraz yana eyip kapının oraya baktım orda duran kadın nurten di tabi lutfen buyursun kadını tanıyorum arkadaşımın teyzesi lutfen buyursun dedim garson hızlı adımlarla nurtene konuştu nurten yanıma doğru geldi nurten koyu yeşil etek beyaz gömlek üzerınede koyu yeşil ceket giymışti ten rengi corap acık kahve rengi sivri topuklu ayakabı bir şirket ceo havası vardı kadında yanıma geldiginde ayaga kalktım merhaba dedi bende başımı salayarak merhaba dedim buyrun lutfen kusura bakmayın rahatsız ettim olurmu öyle bisey mutlu oldum meltem hanımın teyzesiyle aynı masada oturmak beni mutlu eder teşekur ederim atiyeyedi sanırım evet efendiim atiye biraz hecanlanmıştım beli etmemeye calışyorum atiye sız kahvatınıza başlayın olurmu böyle bisey sizin kahvatınız gelsin beraber başlarız nurten hanım soğuduktan sonra yenmez kı olsun nurten hanım bişey olmaz diye cevap verdim garsonu el hareketiyle cağırdı buyrun efendim masadaki kahvaltıyı toplarmasın tabi efendim garsona iki kahvaltı beraber gelsin bunlar soğudu dedi tabi efendim deyip cekldi nurten hanım bana meltemle arkadaşmmısın diye sordu yok efendım meltem hanım benim kabin amirimdir anladım diye cevap verdi meltem hanım iş arkadaşlarıyla baya mesafelidir hafıf gülümsedi evet öyledir meltem ogün seni tanıştırdığında şaşırmıştım çünkü meltem disiplinli biri olduğunu biliyorum evet öyledir meltem hanım kahvatımız gelmıstı oh be diye nefes aldım kahvaltı tam zamanında geldi bence diye aklımdan gecirdim devam edecek

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



Sitenin tesisatcisi ayda bir iki kere karimi ziyaret baslamis. Baska birileri ile yakalayana kadar, karim bu tesisatci delikanlidan bana hic bahsetmedi.

Evde cok guzel bir muzik sistemi kurmustum. Onemli bir miktar para harcayip, o zamanlar cogu kisiyi imrendirecek aletler almistim. Evde parti verdigimizde, arkadaslarim cihazlara hayran kalirdi.

Altimizda dul bir hanim yasiyor. Yeni universiteye baslayan bir oglu var. Bir kac kez bize geldiklerinde, oglu benim muzik setini cok begenmis. Annesi kanaliyla, bizim hanimdan, ara sira gelip, kayit yapmak icin izin istemis. Esim de bana sordu. Ben de cok dikkatli davranmasi sartiyla “izin ver” dedim. Bunun uzerine, cocuk ara sira gelip gitmeye baslamis. Geldiginde, bazen yaninda sinifindan bir arkadasi da oluyormus. Birlikte kayit falan yapiyorlarmis. Bizim hanim da, her zamanki rahatligiyla, sutyensiz olarak giydigi, mini askili ev kiyafetleri ile, nasilsa komsunun cocugu diye, bunlarin yaninda cekinmeden ev islerini yapiyor, bazen gelip bunlarla oturup, sohbet ediyormus. Otururken, karim bacaklarini altina kiviriyor, etegi siyrilinca, apus arasi gorunuyormus. Cocuklarin gozleri fal tasi gibi acilmis, manzarayi seyrediyorlarmis. Daha once de anlattigim gibi, bizim hanim her zaman cok rahattir. Baskalarinin yaninda, evin icinde bu rahatligindan hic odun vermez. Ay oram acildi, ay bacaklarimi orteyim, gibi halleri hic yoktur. Evimize misafir geldiginde de bu boyledir. Benim erkek arkadaslarimin, hatta bazen hanim arkadaslarimizin ve yabancilarin, sıklıkla acilan mahrem yerlerine bakmalari hic umurunda olmaz.

Bizim hanimin, komsunun oglu ve arkadası ile yaptıgı sohbetlerde, konu genellikle, bu cocuklarin okuldaki kizlarla olan iliskilerine gelip dayaniyormus. Karima da bu konu ilginc geliyor ve cocuklara anlattiriyormus. Cocuklar, kiz arkadaslari ile gittikleri yerleri anlatirlarken, bir seferinde, bir arkadaslarinin evinde, kizlara, beraberce porno film izlettirdiklerini soylemisler. Karim da “peki kizlar utanmadi mi” diye sorunca, komsumuzun oglu, “utanmadilar, hatta bak bu” diye yanindaki arkadasini gostererek “birisini odaya bile goturdu” demis. Bizim hanim da, biraz hayret, biraz da merakla cocuga donup “ee, peki ne yaptiniz, opustunuz falan di mi?” demis. Cocuk, biraz utanarak “evet opuserek basladik, ama kiz izin verince o isi de yaptik” demis. Karim saskinlik icinde “vay canina, seni capkin. Daha yeni tanistigin kizla, iceride parti devam ederken, hemen sevisiverdin, oyle mi?” diye sormus. Cocukta komsumuzun oglunu gosterip “asil siz buna bakin. Ayni anda iki kizi birden idare ediyordu. Kizlar ogrenince, ikisi de bunu terk ettiler” demis. Karim iyice hayret edip “idare ediyor derken, cikiyordunuz herhalde di mi?” diye saf gibi sorunca, cocukta piskin piskin “yoo, musait yer bulunca yapiyordukta” demis. Bu cevap uzerine karim kopmus ve “bana bu gunluk, bu kadar yeter, hadi siz muziginizi dinleyin” diyerek yanlarindan ayrilmis ve “sunlara bak, disaridan kendi halinde, saf gencler gibi gorunuyorlar. Ama coktan isi bitirmisler bile” diye kendi kendine soylenmis.

Genclerin bir baska ziyaretinde, konu nerelerde yaptiklarina gelip dayanmis. Bizim komsunun oglu, cogunlukla evlerdeki partilerde yaptiklarini, ama odalar hemen kapildigi icin, bos oda bulmakta zorlandiklarini soylemis. Bir keresinde, okulun jimnastik salonunun soyunma odasinda yapmislar. Obur arkadasi kapida nobetci olarak beklemis. Bizim komsunun oglu, bir kac kez, annesi evde olmasina ragmen, kapisini kilitleyip, odasinda kiz arkadasini becermis. “Kizlarin inlemelerini annem duyduysa biraz ayip oldu, ama n’apim ben de erkek adamim, bu kadar olacak” diye de eklemis.

Sohbetler ve samimiyet ilerledikce, onceleri caktirmadan, daha sonra bariz bir sekilde, cocuklarin, karimin zaten acilip sacilan bacaklarina, acik sacik tisortlerinden goguslerine, onlerinden gecerken kalcalarina baktiklari, karimin gozunden kacmamis. Karim da bu genclerin ilgisini cektigi icin aslinda durumdan memnunmus.

Ilerleyen gunlerde, bunlar da karima, bizim seks hayatimiz hakkinda sorular sorunca, karim biraz utanmis. Ama, benim kendisinden yasli olmama ragmen, benimle sevisirken cok zevk aldigini soylemis. Bunun uzerine, bizim komsunun oglu karima, kendinden emin bir sekilde “siz cok guzel bir kadinsiniz, keske bizim komsumuz ve annemin arkadasi olmasaydiniz, o zaman sartlarimiz daha degisik olabilirdi” diyince, karim da yangina korukle gider gibi “benim hakkimda ne dusunuyorsun yani” diye sormus. Cocukta pat diye “sizinle sevismeyi cok arzu ederdim” demis. Karim buna biraz kizmis, ama bir yandan da heyecanlanmis. Olgun kadin havalarinda, bozuntuya vermeyip, “bu soylediklerin cok ayip bir daha duymayayim” diyip aceleyle kalkmis. Ama bunlari soylerken sesi ve dudaklari titriyormus, aslinda cocuklara “gelin, hemen simdi yapalim” der gibi bir hali varmis. “Artik, cocuklar bunu anladilarsa rezil oldum” diye dusunmus.

Bir gun bunlar salon katinda muzik dinlerlerken, karim disari cikiyormus. Merdivenlerden inerken, merdivenin basina, karimin yanina gelmisler. Anlasilan, salonda ki bardan, benim ickileri icmisler, cunki agizlari alkol kokuyormus.

Karima iyice yaklasip “nereye gidiyorsun. Bugun sohbet etmeyecek miyiz?” diye sormuslar. Karim, disari cikmasi gerektigini soyleyip, “baska bir gun sohbet ederiz” diyince, bizim komsunun oglu, onden karimin etegini kaldirmaya baslamis. Karim, genclerin nefeslerini yuzunde hissetmis. Aklindan, “ohh, sunlara vermeyi o kadar arzu ediyorum ki, ama bu komsunun oglu, tam rezalet olur” diye dusunup, cocugun etegini kaldiran ellerini indirmeye calismis. Diger oglan karimin arkasina gecmis, bir eliyle, karimin memelerini tisortunun uzerinden oksarken, obur eliyle de, eteginin uzerinden kalcalarini elliyormus.

Obur oglan isi ilerletmis. Arkadan karima yaslanip, ellerini tisortunun icine sokup, memelerini sutyeninden disari cikartmis ve goguslerini oksayip, sıkıştırmaya baslamis. Komsusun oglu da, karimin onden yirtmacli eteginin kopcalarini acmaya calisiyormus. Etekligi kaldirinca, obur oglan one gelip, karimin onunde diz cokmus ve coraplarinin uzerinden karimin bacaklarini yalamaya baslamis. Bu sefer komsunun oglu karimin arkasinda yerini almis.

Karim, kulotlu corabinin altina kulot giymemis. Obur oglan, elini karimin kulotlu corabinin icine sokup, amini oksamaya baslamis. Obur eliyle de eteginin altindan kalcalarini oksuyormus. Komsunun oglu, tekrar one gelip, karimin dudaklarina yapisinca karim daha fazla dayanamamis. Onunde, arkasinda iki genc, etrafinda pervane olmus, karimin ellenmedik yerini birakmiyorlarmis. Karim “ne olacaksa olsun” tavri icinde, ihtirasla, dudaklarini emen cocugu karsiliksiz birakmamis. Bunlar dilleri disarda deliler gibi opusmeye baslamislar. Bizim hanim, iki sikisken gencin arasinda, ne yaptigini bilmez vaziyette, iyice tahrik olmus.

Karimin ayagindaki yuksek topuklarla, tıfıl genclerin her ikisi de karimdan kisa kalmislar. Karimi giristeki ayakkabiliga oturtmuslar. Benim bu genclere gore yasli ama seksi karim, komsunun oglu ile opusmeyi birakamiyormus. Bir yandan da “bu tecrubesiz cocuk nereden ogrendi boyle guzel opusmeyi” diye dusunuyormus. Obur oglan, karimin onune egilmis vaziyette, ince corabinin uzerinden amini yalamaya devam ediyormus.

Karimi yine ayaga kaldirip, ikisi de siklerini pantolonlarindan disari cikarmislar. Komsunun oglu, karimin tisortunu siyirip, sutyeninden disari firlamis olan goguslerini opmeye, uclarina hafif isiriklar atmaya baslamis. Bir eliyle de karimin amini oksamaya devam ediyormus. Karim, cocuklarin siklerini gorunce dayanamamis ve iki eline sikleri alip, oksamaya baslamis. Hele obur oglanin siki, boyundan ve yeni yetme goruntusunden beklenmeyecek olcude kalin ve iriymis. Cocugun yarragini oksarken, bir yandan da zevkle bakiyormus.

Derken, tıfıl delikanli, arkadan karimin kalcalarina yaslanip, kalin yarragini, karimin apus arasina sokup, gidip gelmeye baslamis. Su anda corabinin uzerinden amina surtunuyormus. Aminin sivilari, cocugun sikinin sivilari ile birlesmis. Ince corap iyice kayganlasinca, cocuk, karimin amina surtturerek, daha rahat gidip gelmeye baslamis. Cocuk gidip gelirken “oh boyle sikis gormedim” diyor, cocugun sikinin, corap uzerinden olsa bile, surtunmesinden karim muthis zevk aliyormus. Cocuk kendini ileri verince, oldugu gibi karimin kalcalarin yaslaniyor ve koca yarraginin basi karimin onunden cikiyormus. Hayretle cocugun yarraginin basina bakan karim, iyice kizismis. Bu arada bir yandan kendi sikiyle oynayan ve karimin memelerini mutlu etmekle mesgul olan komsunun oglu, karima “cok seksi bir kadinsiniz. Hep bunun hayalini kurmustum. Her gece sizi dusunup masturbasyon yapiyorum. Su ani bile yasamamiz bizim icin cok buyuk bir sey. Inanin, son zamanlarda, kiz arkadaslarimi sikerken bile, onlarin yerine sizin yuzunuzu koyuyor ve sizi siktigimi dusunuyordum” demis. Karim, arkasinda kendisiyle tek vucut olan cocugun, kalin yarraginin amcigina basincla surtunmesi neticesinde ve isittigi ahlaksiz konusmalar sayesinde, gerilerek ve inleyerek, iki gencin arasinda orgazm olmus.

Komsunun oglu, pantolonunu cikartmis. Yasadigi tutkulu orgazmla hafif kendinden gecmis olan karimi, arkadasinin onunden almis. Karimin arkasini kendisine dondurerek, bu sefer o, ince corabinin uzerinden, sikini karimin baldirlarina surtmeye baslamis. Daha once, kulotlu corabinin uzerinden karimin amini yalayan obur oglan, simdi corabi asagi siyirmis, direk olarak karimin tertemiz amini yalayip, emiyormus. Bizim hanim, tekrar, iki cocugun arasinda zevkten gozlerini kapatmis ve inlemeye baslamis.

Karimi tekrar ayakkabiliga oturtup, oksamaya devam etmisler. Bu sefer, komsunun oglu, corabinin purussuzlestirdigi bacaklarini yaliyormus. Karim, bakislarini obur oglanin yarragindan ayiramayinca, tıfıl oglan, karımın baktıgı yerin farkına varmıs ve “al istersen biraz tadina bak” diyip, sikini ayakkabiligin uzerinde oturmakta olan karima yaklastirmis. Karim da, miknatis gibi, siki eliyle kapip, agzina almaya calismis. O anda, yarragin iriligini bir kez daha anlamis. Cunki hepsini agzina sigdirmasina imkan yokmus. Cocugun, iri yarraginin basi etrafinda diliyle daireler yapip, yaliyor ve oglani zevkten cilgina ceviriyormus. Ara sira agzindan cikartip butun yuzune suruyormus. Cocuk, gozlerini kapatmis, vucudu gerilmis bir vaziyette, sehvetle, karimin basini yarragina dogru bastiriyormus.

Cocukcagizin iri yarragini, yalaya yalaya, neredeyse patlatma noktasina getirince, karim, kendini bu koca yarrakli tıfıl oglana siktirmeden birakmak istememis ve cocuga, “heyy, dur bakalim. Benim tadima bakmadan mi bosalacaksin?” demis. Bunun uzerine oglan, o esnada karimin bacaklarini yalayip, karimi urpertiler icinde birakan, bizim komsunun oglunu hafifce iteleyip, “dur sunun istegini yerine getireyim” demis. Ayakkabiligin uzerinde, karimin bir bacagini kaldirip, iyice sulanmis ve iyice acilmis aminin dudaklari arasindan kalin ve sopa gibi sert yarragini iceriye kaydirmis. Karim, yarrak icine girerken sehvet ve zevkten bayilacak gibi olmus. Bu cocuk gidip gelirken, komsunun oglu, sikini getirip bizim hanimin agzina dayamis. Karim kendinden gecmis bir vaziyette tıfıl oglana kendini siktirirken, bir yandan da, komsunun oglunun, uzun, ama oburunun ki gibi iri olmayan sikini, umursuzca agzina alip emmeye, yalamaya baslamis.

Bizim evde bunlar yasanirken, o gun kendimi biraz halsiz hissettigim icin eve erken geldim. Arabami sitenin kapali garajina biraktigim icin, daireye, mutfaktan, servis asansoru kapisindan girdim. Girer girmez, antreden, erkek ve kadin iniltilerinin geldigini duydum. Aklima ilk gelen, karimi tam is ustunde yakalamis oldugumdu. Biraz ilerleyip, mutfak kapisina gelip, antreye bakinca, aklima gelenin basima gelen oldugunu gordum. Karim iki gencin arasindaydi. Birisi amini, oburu agzini sikiyordu. Karim, kendisini amindan sikenin beline bacaklarini dolamis, cocugu resmen mengeneye almis gibi sıkıyordu. Kendilerini oyle bir kaptirmislardi ki, beni o anda gormediler. Kendimi hafif gizleyip, bir sure oylece seyrettim. Ne desem bilemiyordum. Belli ki karim genclerin arasinda sehvetten kudurmustu. Ilk anda cikip “bu ne rezalet” diye, sikisi kesmeyi dusunduysem de, karimi sikmekte olan cocugun, azametli sikini gorunce, karimi bu zevkten mahrum birakmak istemedim. Bununla beraber, bunlari seyrederken benim sikim de kalkmis ve bu gosteriden zevk almaya baslamistim. Elimle pantolonumun uzerinden sikimle oynarken, biraz fazla kimildamis olacagim ki, karim beni gordu. Beni gorunce sehvetle gulumsedi. Karimin, benim oldugum tarafa baktigini ve gulumsedigini goren gencler, ayni yone bakinca, onlar da beni gordu ve donup kaldilar. Bizim hanim, hic istifini bozmadan “siz devam edin, o bizi seyretmekten hoslanir” diye cocuklari cesaretlendirince, abaza gencler once cekinerek, sonra tutkuyla, benim onumde, karimi sikmeye devam ettiler. Ben de, sikisi daha iyi gorebilecegim bir yere gecip, sikimle oynamaya devam ettim. O anda, karimin agzina yarragini vermis olan, o bizim komsunun oglu, bana “amca kariniz bizimle sikismeye bayildi, bizi mahvetti, ne zaman isterseniz geliriz” diye laf atti. Karimin agzinda gidip gelirken daha fazla dayanamayip, sikini karimin agzindan cikartip, goguslerine bosaldi. Bunun ardindan, oburu, koca yarragini karimin aminin icinde cevire cevire, karimi bir kez daha bosaltti ve kendisi de anirarak karimin icine bosaldi. Bunlar karimi sikmeyi bitirince, toparlanip, karimi dudaklarindan opup, bana da hoscakal diyerek cikip gittiler. Karim da banyonun yolunu tutu.

Daha sonra, karima neler olup bittigini sordum. Eve erken gelmeseydim, bu olanlari gormeyecegimi ve bana daha sonra anlatip, anlatmayacagini sordum. Karim, “bilemiyorum” diyince, daha once bu cocuklarla yapip, yapmadigini sordum. Ilk defa, isi bu kadar ileri goturduklerini soyledi. Konusma tarzindan, bana, sanki baska birileriyle de benden habersiz sikisiyormus gibi geldi. Ve karimi biraz sıkıştırınca, vucutcu tesisatci delikanli ile olan iliskilerinden bahsetti. Iste o anda, bu delikanli ile aralarinda butun gecenleri anlatti. Yani, karimi bu cocuklarla basmasaydim, herhalde, karim, sitenin tesisatcisi ile bir suredir sikistigini bana soylemeyecekti. Aslinda biraz sinirlenmeye baslamistim. Arkadasinin kocasi, bizim hanimi, benim onumde becerdikten sonra, karim o sikisten cesaret almis ve bu yasindan sonra, cicek gibi acilmisti. “Valla ne potansiyel varmis” diye dusundum. Karima “peki tesisatci seni bu kadar siktikten sonra, umarim cocuga asik olmamissindir” diye biraz sinirlice sordum. Boyle davraninca aglamaya basladi ve “benim tek askim sensin. Bunlarin hepsi gelip gecici, tamamen sekse dayali iliskiler. Ben bu cocuklarin nesine asik olayim. Bana boyle bir soruyu nasil sorarsin” diye birde uste cikti. Ben de “o zaman bana niye bahsetmedin” diyince, “iste boyle sinirlenmenden korktum. Ama o tesisatciyla yapmaktan da kendimi alamadim, cok hosuma gidiyordu. Zaten bir tek ben miyim? Neredeyse, sitenin butun ev hanimlari bunun azman yarraginin tadina bakmis. Herif artik unlu bir sikici. Kadinlar bunu matkap diye cagiriyorlar” diye cevap verdi ve “sen butikte, senelerdir sosyetik karilari, afet gibi kizlari becerip duruyorsun, ustelik her bir macerani da bana anlatiyorsun” diyince “ben bunlardan tahrik oldugunu saniyordum, bilsem anlatmazdim” dedim. Karim da “dogru, anlatmani ben istedim. Hem boylece butun yaptiklarindan haberim olmus oluyordu, hem de, evet, sevisirken hosuma gidiyordu. Ama acikcasi biraz da kiskaniyordum” diyince, anladim ki karim benden bir cesit intikam almis.

Bu olaylardan sonra, bir sure, karim, anlasilan kimseyle bir iliskiye girmedi. Sevisirken ara sira “bak, ne zamandir bir sey bahsetmiyorsun, birileriyle yapiyorsan soyle bileyim” diye sordugumda “hayir, kimseyle bir sey yapmiyorum, yaparsam sana soylerim” diye cevap veriyordu.

Acaba dogru mu soyluyordu?. Bir sonraki bolumde..

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Blackshaft – 1-01 Say Hello To The Black Guys p2

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Blackshaft – 1-01 Say Hello To The Black Guys p2
(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013)


The smell was sharp, cutting through to her brain and waking her up quickly. Carol jerked up and felt the soft blindfold around her eyes leaving her in the dark. Feeling the metal around her wrists, she realised she was handcuffed in a chair, and bare-foot, too. Still clothed but bare-foot. Her belt was gone. “What the hell–” she started to say then heard the voice. A deep and masculine male voice.
“Bitch is awake.” the voice said.
She heard a door opened then something else. The sound of skin slapping against skin, like….
“Come on! Come on! …Fuck me hard… Fuck my…” A female voice moaned then yelped as there was another sharp slap. “Uuuuuhhhh….”
“Be… there… AAAAHhhhh….” another man groaned and Carol heard the woman moan.
What the hell was happening here?
“That’s right,” the second male voice said and added, “Nice and clean… That cunt juice taste good, don’t it?… “
“Now what d’you say?” he said firmly. A muffled female voice responded saying something she couldn’t hear.
Carol heard movement then footsteps come near her then stop in front of her. She said, “I am–”
“I know who you are, bitch.” the second man cut her off. “Officer Carol Kellerman.”
“So uncuff me, motherfucker!” she ordered and heard laughter. Two male voices. Listening past them she heard another man in the other room moaning.
“Ballsy bitch, ain’t she?” a new male voice said.
“Ain’t they all?” the first man said.
A gagging came from the other room. “Hell, YEAHHH!” the man in there gasped.
“Smart one too.” the first man continued. “We need a better looking lock.”
Three men, Carol reckoned so far.
More gagging….
“Gonna need a new one now. She fucked it up.”
There was silence for a moment, and for the first time Carol felt scared.
“Gonna have to move.” the first man said. “It’s like fuckin’ Eglin Central lately. ”
“Aaaahh…” the woman gasped. Then the gagging started again. A hard, wet sound that stopped. “Ahhhh!” the woman groaned. And it started again. Hard and wet as before…
“What are you bastards doing to her?” Carol said as the wet, hard gagging began again.
She heard laughter. “Right now, nothing she’s saying no to.” the first man said.
“Horny bitch likes it that way.” the second added.
Carol’s mind raced. This didn’t add up. That didn’t sound like rape. The woman did sound like she wanted it. Just like Patty. “I don’t know what… or how you’re doing this but you won’t get away with it.”
“Yeah, bitch.!” she heard the triumphant tone from the other room. “All over that pretty fuckin’ face.” Followed by a… satisfied moan! “Should get a picture for the family album.” the man said and Carol heard a different female voice giggling. Carol listened a little harder, trying to heard for anything else. There should be a search out for her. Especially after Patty’s disappearance.
“Gone all quiet,” the second man said. ”Guess she thinks she’s in the shit.”
“Nah, I’ll bet she’s looking for what her girlfriend got today.” the third man said walking in, sounding vary satisfied. “Two bitch cops in one day? What are the odds?”
“Bastards,” she muttered, as she realised they were talking about Patty. She listened for anything, the voices, anything that might locate this place after… Carol stopped thinking about that. The object lesson was to survive. Get out and nail these bastards later.
“Shit, where’s our fucking manners?” Carol heard the second man say and suddenly a hand grabbed the blindfold It was pulled from her head and she looked up, blinking. Three muscular black men, all naked, smiled back at her. Her eyes were drawn to the huge cocks between their legs.
As Carol looked over their dark, powerful bodies and thick arms she saw the tattoos. All tribal designs. Then her eyes fell on this big… black… cocks… They were bigger than any she’d seen in her life before. Two words went through her mind.

The Cave.

Scarlet braked quickly as she cleared the inner doors of the cave tunnel behind her. The car came to a stop and she just sat there, looking at the cave around her. Millions of dollars had been spent excavating and building it. All through second, third, fourth and fifth companies, using foreign workers who were paid handsomely to shut the hell up and vanish. She saw the computer in the next cavern. That was a least a hundred million there alone. Even the Pentagon never had that technology. How many social projects would that have benefited more than trying to figure out the Smiler or the Birdman or any of the maniacs?
She sighed and opened the door, stepping out. Quietly she walked to the computer, past the server room that housed the massive memory banks for the computer. In another cavern here was equally expensive science equipment. Another was her ‘trophy room’. She remembered how many times she put up reports of a ‘successful’ job with Nightlord caught. Again. That was the problem. It was always again. And again. And again. And again. Scarlet walked up the stone steps and saw the secret door open. The thin elderly figure stood there wearing a robe. “Sorry for getting you up, Carl,” she said acknowledging the butler.
“I was awake. Ma’am,” he said, stepping back and letting her pass.
“Kacey asleep?” she said entering the world of Alison Beach. Her true identity and the reason she could spend those millions on equipment that didn’t stop maniacs from killing innocent people.
“Yes.” Carl paused. “A bit early tonight? Police band reported a missing officer.”
“They found her.” Alison told him, ignoring the question.
“This is another one.”
Alison stopped, about to turn and head back out but hesitated. “They’ll find her as well.” she said and turned towards the secret door. She closed it and left Carl looking confused.

Eglin City. Central Police Department. Holding Cells.

They told her about Carol, the two men, a white sergeant and black officer, and asked her where she might be? Patty stood up and walked her naked white ass up to the bars and wire and pressed herself against the cold metal, feeling her nipples harden. She looked at the white Sergeant and smiled. “If they got her, Carol will getting the best fucking of her life.” she purred. “A real fucking. From real men. Men who take what they want.” She looked at the black officer. “Ain’t that right?” she asked. “You’d just come on in here and take it. wouldn’t you, Mike?”
“Eh…” the black officer called Mike stood there, his mouth open as he saw the naked white woman looking at his crotch.
“You’d slam that nightstick of yours into my sweet, white pussy?” she teased.
“Patty!” the Sergeant ordered. “Shut the fuck up! Mike, get out of here.”
“You’d do it properly, wouldn’t you, Mike? Not like needle-dick there.” Patty licked her lips at Mike. “Open up that door, Mike. Come on in and take it.” she moaned. “I want you to take it.”
“Mike!” the sergeant warned seeing the black man hadn’t moved.
“SHUT UP, DICK-LESS!!!” Patty yelled and turned back to Mike. “Take it, baby…” she groaned, rubbing her hips against the wire.
“You are on a fucking charge no matter what they find in you, Heinrich!” the Sergeant told her, surprised, and started walking out. “Mike, I’m not telling you again! MOVE!”
As the black man was pulled out with a grin and a hard-on Patty clung onto the wire, dry-humping it. “All yours, Mikey-baby.” she shouted. “ALL FUCKING YOURS!”

Beach Mansion. Master Bedroom

Alison was naked, the leather outfit and cape on the floor. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw a fit-looking woman stare back. Alison eyed the bare ring finger. At her age she should be married, have kids, doing the social thing. Create the next generation of Beach bloodline. There was a couple of bruises on her from a bad fall in a fight with a mugger which the lie about a skiing accident escort bayan covered. What was she doing, jumping off buildings and getting into fights? She had looked in on Kacey as she passed and saw the 19-year-old blonde sleeping. What the hell was she doing bringing her along, risking her young life as well? Scarlet Queen and the Red Princess… what a joke. Kacey should be out partying, studying, doing things other girls her age should be doing. Not pulling on a dumb leather outfit and risking getting shot or stabbed or dropped in acid or even raped….
But that was it. Alison sank in the chair in the bedroom. That was the problem. She still lived in that moment. Still lived through that event. She could close her eyes and see the men bursting in… shouting… threatening…. the flash of the knives… Then her mother begging. For both their safety and saying she would do anything. And she did. Alison saw her mother being dragged off as she was tied up. She heard everything. Every depraved second of it. When Dad came home she had wondered why he was blaming himself. Things changed. Mom changed. It was only years later she found out the truth. How he had got mixed up in a business deal with the mob and tried to double-cross them. He paid them off and put himself into the business to escape looking at Alison or her mother. Then killed himself some time later after Mom had finally drank herself to death a few years after that night. All the while she’d been sent to different schools but was thrown out of every one.
Kacey had been some attempt to find normality. After years of trying to find a ‘normal’ relationship and finding nothing satisfied her like dressing up and beating up ‘bad guys she gave in to it. She found Kacey in the streets at 14. Kacey Sutton. Her mother was a heroin addict who would also ‘do anything’. Only for drugs. Something just clicked and Alison engineered the teenager’s care order. It was all good press, with Alison getting another piece about her philanthropist ways in the press. It also brought up her family history with the usual questions about her privacy and the usual rumours about relationships and why she wasn’t married. The hell with them all, she had thought. She was doing something. Not like the press who just bitched and secretly loved all the deaths and fear as it sold papers. Scarlet Queen was doing something, unlike those editors who only cared for the sales that fear fed.
“Penny for them.” the soft voice said behind her and Alison looked up to see Kacey in the doorway, the pink robe around her.
Alison remembered she was naked and reached for her bathrobe. “Nothing.” she said pulling it on. “How was the study night?”
Kacey shrugged. “Boring. How was the crime fighting?”
“Quiet.” Alison said, tying the belt. She faced Kacey. “Just go back to bed.”
“Still early.” the 19-year-old said.
“And quiet. Police have it all in hand.”
“’Kay.” the young blonde said, leaving. “Night.”
“Night.” Alison replied, watched the girl go.


“Here is what you’re thinking.” the black man facing Carol told her. “These are the three big, ugly niggers who raped your girlfriend. Right?” he asked. Carol looked at him, feeling her mouth dry up. “Except we ain’t ugly and we ain’t raped no-one. Niggers is questionable. Sam Jackson uses it and no-one bats an eye. Some white C-list comic from a TV show tries it and his career’s down the toilet. Funny that.”
“Political correctness gone mad.” one of the others added.
“I’m a cop.” she said.
He nodded. “I know.”
“You do anything to me–”
“Like what?” he demanded, leaning forward so he was face-to-face with her.
“L…” she started to speak than swallowed. Carol could smell him. It was a musky, male smell. Strong and powerful. She shook her head to clear it. Get a grip, remember your training, she told herself and started concentrating on her surroundings. There was no windows, and from the walls might be underground, some kind of cellar or basement. But it was comfortable. A TV and a laptop computer sat on a heavy-looking desk with drawers. There was only the one door. And through that…
“She say we raped her?” he asked.
“I am…” Carol tried again but found finding the words difficult.
“Did,” he said slowly, moving in again. “she say that we raped her?”
“Whatever you did you are in trouble!” Carol spat, feeling his scent fill her senses.
The other two laughed. “Don’t think so.” the man facing her smiled. “Don’t know if you know this but you really should be thanking us.”
“Yup,” one of the men said as the other nodded.
“Thanking you…?” she asked.
“That grinning psycho.” the man said. “And the other freaks. She tell you about them.” Carol’s mind raced back to the babbling from Patty. She mentioned it, how they had killed them. “Now answer the question, Officer Kellerman. Did your girlfriend say we raped her?”
“No.” Carol said reluctantly. “And she’s my partner, not my girlfriend! But you did something to her. I want to know what!”
“Partner?” the other black man was smiling. “Congratulations, when was the wedding?”
The black man facing her stood up. “What’d she say we do to her?” he smiled. “She say we fuck her?”
Carol said nothing.
“That’ll be a yes.” he said. “She say we fuck her good?”
“Fuck you.” Carol said, avoiding his eyes.
“Another yes.” he smiled. “You want us to fuck you too?”
“Go ahead. That will be rape!” Carol sneered, looking him in the eye.
The black man simply kept smiling. “Gag her and bring her next door.” he told the other two.
Carol started to panic. They were going to do. She watched one of the men open a drawer and bring out a leather gag. The other walked towards her. “No!” she said as he grabbed her hair and the other man slapped the gag around her mouth. “N–!” she tried screaming too late as the strap was tied around her head tightly then they picked up the chair with Carol still in it and took her towards the door…
Her mind panicked as she dreaded what she might see in there.

Beach Mansion. Master Bedroom.

Alison couldn’t sleep. She lay in the bed and looked at the ornate ceiling. Then out the window at the moon. Yes it was time. After ten years it was time to deal with something she never really contemplated. Getting a life. A real life. Not the lies she’d been indulging in to cover her secret life. She would tell Kacey in the morning. Then shut down the computers and put everything away. And then lock up the cave. For good.
And try to enjoy her wealth. Properly. Set up a few trusts. Organise some social projects. Do something actually useful.


“They look raped to you?” the black man said as Carol saw the bed and the two young, naked, white women on it. Both blondes, not more than college age. They were kissing. Passionately. She saw the girls’ hands buried between each other’s thighs. She was placed next to the door with a good view of the bed. Carol suddenly recognised one of them. Tiffany Storme. Of the Storme family. One of the richest and most politically powerful families in the city! She was always in the papers for something, whether it was that sex tape that got her kicked out of college or rolling out of a club at four in the morning. What the hell was she doing here?
The girls looked over to the man and smiled. “Bitches.” he said and they giggled. “This cop thinks you been raped by us niggers. You want to tell her?”
The other blonde giggled again as Tiffany feigned shock. Then turned and sat on the edge of the bed. “You gonna rape me?” the white socialite pleaded, caressing his cock.
The man looked at Carol. “You gotta say no, bitch.” he asked.
“Fuck that, I want it.” Tiffany said, slowly pumping his soft cock. “C’mon. Rape me.”
Drugged, had to be, Carol thought as she saw the other girl lying back, spreading her legs and slowly began to rub herself.
“You want this nigger to rape you?” he asked, looking at Carol.
Tiffany reached up and turned his face back towards kocaeli escort bayan her. “YES!” she demanded.
“Then tell this nice police lady.” he told her.
Tiffany Storme looked at Carol and slapped her small white hand onto the large black cock. “I WANT this BIG FUCKIN’ NIGGER raping me!”
“Sounds more like a ‘yes’ to me,” he grinned and Carol looked as the black man shoved Tiffany back onto the bed then threw her legs open. Carol looked away but one of the black men pulled her face back. Not that she resisted, the room smelled of sex, and she couldn’t keep her eyes from that large black cock too long. The man slapped his cock onto Tiffany’s white belly and Carol saw how deep it would go inside her. As it started to stiffen, she could only gaze on in wonder as it must have been longer than 12 inches in length. What it must feel like inside her….
“Bitch can’t take her eyes off it,” the man said to the young socialite.
“S’mine.” Tiffany hissed and the other girl giggled. There was something familiar about her. Carol couldn’t place but… “Now rape me!” Tiffany ordered, reaching for the cock growing even harder on her stomach.
He slapped her hand back. “”What d’you say?”
Tiffany pouted, then eyed Carol. She was smiling, seeming to catch on to something. “No…” she said quietly.
He looked around to Carol and smiled. “But you wanted this big nigga cock inside your pretty white pussy?” he asked.
“No!” Tiffany answered, grinning and moving her hips so her belly and pussy was rubbing up and down the underside of the thick, long black cock.
“You want this nigga’s seed inside you?” he also asked, still looking to Carol.
“Please, noooooo….” she pouted, turning the refusal into a mockery. “Oooh, this big, nasty nigger’s going to rape me. Officer.” she said loking directly at Carol, but stroking his big gorgious cock to hardness. “Going to rape me good and hard…”
Carol saw him smile at her again. He was going to fuck one the city’s hottest young socialites and not wear a condom. Maybe even impregnate her there and then! Good, fucking bitch. A part of her was enjoying this, watch Howard Storme’s daughter whore herself out to a black man, unprotected. Serve the old arrogant prick right. Serve her right, the way she was acting.
The other girl crawled off the bed and along the floor She stopped in front of Carol and giggled again. Carol got a close look in her eyes and couldn’t see any sign of a drug in them. Where did she see that girl before? The thought bugged her as she saw the girl pull at the other black men’s cocks. Carol gulped as she was they were equally as big.
“Looks better without that dumb make-up, don’t she?” one of the men said to Carol and she remembered the blonde. Without the white make-up she was completely different. She was Smiler’s crazy girlfriend, Giggle. Her real name was Holly Adams. She was a student who was doing work experience in the asylum when he’d ‘seduced’ her during one his incarcerations. She even helped him on that breakout, and ever since. Looks like she’d been seduced again.
“Over there.” she heard Tiffany being told and watched as the young white woman did as she was told, moving to the end of the bed. Her black stud yanked her down so she was sitting on it, her legs spread, giving Carol a view of her shaven pussy. He walked round, cock bobbing up and down… Carol was finding it difficult to take her eyes from it.
Carol saw why they’d moved. He knelt on the edge of the bed, pushing Tiffany back. He started pushing his massive shaft against her small pink vagina. The view meant Carol would see it sliding in. She watched the thick, black cock stretching the naked, white pussy lips open and slowly sink into the pink flesh behind them. She heard the soft moans of Tiffany as she wrapped her legs and arms around the muscular black stud. He started thrusting immediately., taking a long slow pull-back then quick deep plunges into the willing lips. Carol watched as that black cock went deeper and deeper, the big, black balls swinging, the rich, young, white socialite moaning getting louder…
“Mmmmmm…” the other girl moaned and Carol glanced to her side. Holly – Giggle – was sucking off both black cocks, first one then the other then back again. Each cock was as thick as the girl’s arm. She licked up each shaft and then down again, nibbling and kising on the huge dark balls under it. One of the men grabbed a handful of her hair and walked her on her hands and knees back to the bed. He sat down and lay back. The girl seemed to know just what he wanted and climbed on to top of him. She gripped his shaft between her thighs and pressed the fat, black head of the cock against her vaginal lips as she straddled him. “Aaaahhhh…” she groaned as she sat back on the shaft. An image of those pink lips spreading to accommodate that thick black shaft flashed through Carol’s mind and she quickly cleared it. It’s drugs, she told herself again. It’s fucking drugs. Had to be. The blonde started slowly riding the black man, her small tits moving then jiggling as she rode the black man quicker. “Uuuuh…. Uhhhh…” she moaned, her eyes closed as she was lost in feeling.
The negro fucking Tiffany was plunging deep inside her, grunting with each thrust. “Yes…. Yes….” she moaned clinging onto him. Carol could see the juices shining on the black shaft as it pistoned into the soft yielding pussy. “FUCK YES!” she yelled suddenly, her hands sliding down his back and grabbing at his thrusting buttocks. “Come on… Do it… Do it!” she demanded, urging him to go deeper inside her. Carol watched him ‘do it’. It was same voice from earlier. Good and hard and deep and fast. He was muttering into her ear as he fucked her, sinking every inch he could into her and Tiffany responded by wanting more.
Holly opened her eyes and blew a kiss to the third black man who smiled back. “Your girlfriend was just the same,” he told Carol walking past her. He made his way behind Holly and slowly and stroked his cock. He placed the other hand on the small of her back and Holly stopped moving. He eased the fat black head of his shaft between the top of her buttocks then slowly pushed it down into them. “Yeah,” he continued. “That bitch was real wild.”
Lies, Carol thought. She knew Patty. Had known her for years.
“Shit, we took turns on her, and she still wanted more.” the negro inside Holly’s pussy laughed.
Holly groaned, arching her back as the other black man found what he wanted and pushed his hips forward. “Uuuuhhhhh…” the blonde moaned.
“Three big, black cocks, nailing that cop slut.” the man under her added.
Lies, Carol told herself.
“Even these two sluts had a go on her.” The second man in Holly said.
Carol shook her head. “NHHHH!” she yelled through the gag, angrily.
The black man in Holly’s ass grabbed her hair and turned the blonde to Carol. “Tell her.” he said.
Holly lazily grinned as she began pushing back on the huge black cock in her ass and pussy. “We all fucked her.” she said.
“Nhhhhh…” Carol pulled at the handcuffs then sighed. They were lying. They had to have drugged her. There was no way–
A groan made Carol look up and she saw the black man inside Tiffany balls-deep. They were tight and he was panting as she was softly groaning. His hip were jerking. He was doing it. Filling that young, rich, white pussy with potent black seed. As he finished the other two were just beginning. Holly was bracing herself on the bed as they started pounding into her, one in as one went out. carol was watching two huge, black pistons battering away into the young, white body.
The room was filled with the smell of sex as the black man pulled out of Tiffany and got to his feet. He pushed his shiny cock under Carol’s nose, blocking her view of the threesome. “Your girlfriend sucked it clean. Sucked it, then licked every inch clean.” he said.
Carol heard the satisfied moans of Tiffany and the growing pants and wails of Holly as all she could see was that kocaeli escort huge black cock and the sculpted muscle tone of his six-pack….
“Yeah, she opened up her mouth and sucked every inch of our black cocks clean. Sucked our big, black cocks and our big, black balls. You’re looking flushed.” he noted. “Feeling hot?”
“Aaahhh, Jesussssssss….” Holly groaned and Carol heard a loud SLAP!
“She felt hot.” he told Carol. “Couldn’t get out of that uniform quick enough.”
“UUUHHH….” one of the black men cried out.
“AAH…! AAH…! AAH…!” Holly cried out…
“Bitch was on her knees…”
“Fuck those cocks, you slut!” she heard Tiffany say.
“…sucking our BIG, NIGGER cocks….”
Carol could just see one man’s legs and the other’s ass. Both jerking and thrusting hard. Slamming into that tender white pussy and ass. Holly’s head was bucking back and forth, and up and down as she rode those black cocks. The negro in front of Carol stepped forward, rubbing his softening cock on her face. She could smell nothing but cum and pussy as he grabbed her hair and held her head in place. She could feel the urging between her legs.
“GHHHOD!” she heard Holly.
“…Eating pussy…”
“YEAHHHHH!” one of the men said.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck….!” Holly groaned.
All Carol could see was the BIG, BLACK COCK being gently tapped and dragged across her face.
“Yesssss….” Tiffany moaned.
“You are looking damn hot.” Carol heard the negro above her say. “Feeling horny?” he asked and undid the gag.
“UUhhhhhhh…” The socialite moaned again.
Carol gasped as her mouth was freed. “Liars!” she panted.
He bend down so he was face-to-face. “I can smell it.” he grinned and put a hand on her stomach. Carol went to snap her legs closed and only then realised they’d been closed for a while as she had rubbing her thighs together. “Hot and wet, bitch.” he whispered to her. “Hot and fucking wet, I’ll bet.”
“AAAUUUUUHHHHhhhhhh-hh-hh-hhh….” she heard Holly cry and knew the sound of an orgasm.
“She came too, your girlfriend.” the man told her. “Couldn’t fucking stop…”
“Hhhhuuuu….” Holly gasped…
“No…” Carol whispered.
“She begged for it not to stop.” he told her.
“MMMmmmmmmm…..” Tiffany moaned.
“She fuckin’ needed it…” he told her quietly.
He stepped aside and Carol saw the sight of Tiffany now in Holly’s place, the two black men beginning to pound into her pussy and ass as Holly kissed her while squeezing the socialite’s small breasts. The man in her ass grabbed her hair and jerked her back. “OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!” she yelled, being impaled on his massive cock. The man in her pussy suddenly thrust upwards and gasped and Carol saw the look of pleasure on Tiffany’s face as he came inside her. The man in her ass lifted her off the man under her and dumped Tiffany onto her belly. Carol saw him pull his long, thick black cock out then easily slip it into her dripping pussy. All it took was a few more thrusts and soon a second load of hot, fertile, black, cum was being pumped into Tiffany.
A ringtone was coming from the the jeans on the floor and the man beside Carol bent down, reached into his pocket and pulled out a slim black phone. He popped it open and smiled as he saw who it was. “Well?” he said into it and listened. “I told you. Just say the word.” He said and listened again. “When?…. Don’t worry about it.”
As he talked Carol couldn’t stop herself from watching the third black man add his black seed into the unprotected, white, socialite womb…

Eglin City. Central Police Department. Holding Cells.

Patty was sleeping. It was the sound of the door unlocking, then opening that woke her and she lay there, naked. Slowly she turned and looked at the uniformed black officer. “Hello, Mike.” she purred. Officer Mike Pernell stood there, looking nervous. She sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bunk so she faced him. A quick glance to the camera told her it was off. There was no green light. “You breaking me out?” she teased, stroking a nipple..
Mike couldn’t believe it. The most officious, snobbish, cunt in the station acting like a complete whore. “God damn,” he sighed.
“Or you just come to take it?” Patty said, smiling and opened her legs.
“I’m gonna fuckin’ take it!” he told her, unzipping his trousers as he walked towards the smiling Patty….


Carol was aching between her legs. “Please,” she said. “Please let me go.”
The black men smiled. “Bet you’re wet down there.” one of them said, moving a hand down to her still-clothed crotch area.
“I’m a fucking COP!” she said, trying to move her hips away from him.
He stepped up to her, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back. The dominance of it just made the feeling between her legs worse. He pushed his black face in her white, flushed face, grinning as he stroked her thigh. “You been shifting over that whole seat. You saying you’re not horny?”
“No!” she said.
“Who’s lying now?” he told her and slapped his hand onto her stomach.
“No….” she said again, feeling how close she was to climaxing right then.
“Fu…. Fuhhh…” she started, thinking of anything that might dampen the lust inside her.
“Show her the video.” one of the other men said and the man in her face smiled.
Carol found herself being dragged back into the other room and dumped in front of the laptop. It was opened and she jumped as one of the men was at her ear. “You’ll love this.” he said as the internet was accessed. “Fucktube.” the man said, and looked at the screen. “Only just put it up and over a hundred hits already.” Carol blinked as she she saw Patty on the screen. On the ‘net! Only her uniform tunic was not buttoned but tied together so her belly was exposed. Patty put the badge up close to the camera then pinned it to the wrinkled blue shirt. She was wearing lacy panties. The hat and belt, too, and not much else. “I am Officer Patricia Heinrich.” she watched her partner say. Carol looked on in disbelief as she watched her disciplined, solid police partner begin to ‘arrest’ the three black men, watching them lean against the wall, each man smiling as he did so.
“Fuck you, bitch.” one of the men said, turned and grabbed a seemingly willing Patty before shoving her against the wall She didn’t put up a fight as the cuffs were taken from her belt and snapped on her. “You are in a fucking zone and not fucking.” the man told her. “How do you plead?”
Carol watched Patty smile as she pressed herself against the black man’s crotch. Patty was enjoying herself! “Not guilty!” she declared proudly, grinding her white ass against him.
“How does the jury find the defendant?” the man called out
From all around the camera, the other two black men and two female voices answered as one. “GUILTY!”
The man grabbed her hat and tossed it aside, then grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. He pulled her away from the wall and Carol saw the pleasure on Patty’s face. “20 years, Officer. Hard fucking! Starting now.” he grinned and marched her into the very same bedroom Carol had been in.
Carol looked towards the room. She pulled her legs together and started rocking back and forth. As she watched Patty being thrown onto the bed, Carol knew one thing for certain – she was so damn horny! The black man who had cuffed Patty paused the video. He held up some rope and smiled then carol found her knees being pulled apart and each leg being tied to the respective chair leg. He stopped the video and closed the internet. Carol said nothing, pulling at the ropes that held her legs open. He put his lips to her ear. “I can smell how fucking horny you are.” he whispered.
“Fuck you,” she said back.
“I know you will.” he replied, opening up the disc tray of the laptop. He put a disc in and waited for the program to start. Then clicked on a button and expanded the movie so it filled the screen. Carol found herself looking at Patty again. In the panties, and showing the badge. “We got a little job to do. Meanwhile, enjoy the movies.” he told her and plugged in a pair of headphones, then put them over her ears. He started the movie again and put the sound up…..


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Brian’s Power, Chapter Four

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Brian’s Power, Chapter Four

Hey!  Welcome to Part Four of my Brian’s Power stories! In this Chapter, Brian starts his training!  Smaller chapter, sorry.


“Hey there Mister, time to get up.”  Said a feminine voice.
I adjusted my eyes to the dim lighting, and realized it was my mother, Janet.
“Got it.  I’ll get dressed.”  I said as I tried to clear the blur from my eyes.  I walked to the chest at the foot of the bed, and grabbed the green tunic with the gold designs.  I took of the  blue robe, and neatly folded it.  I put it back inside the chest and put on the tunic.  Figuring the training would be intense, I grabbed a pair of white, baggy, pantaloons.

I looked a myself in the mirror.  I looked fairly good, and royal.  Remembering my family ring, I grabbed it of the dresser.  I walked out of my room into the kitchen outside.  Father was sitting at the table, and mother was setting things on the table.  I took a seat near Gillian.
“Janet, would you please prepare three vials of Stamina Elixirs?”  Said father.
“Certainly.  If you train Brian here as hard as you trained your old apprentice, he’ll need it.”  Said mother with a smile.

I knew I probably shouldn’t be, but I was actually really exited about the training.  For breakfast we had apples and the leftover meat slabs from yesterday.
“After breakfast, your training begins.  We start the day in the throne room.”  Gillian said.
“Okay.”  I responded.
After we finished escort breakfast, father muttered the same words I couldn’t understand, and the same hole appeared.  We crawled through it, walked through the corridors, and arrived at the throne room.  We each took our individual seats in the thrones.  Me in the left, father in the middle, and mother in the right.  A man walked up to father.
“Ah!  I see your done has returned!  Shall I sound the horn, and have the prince meet the castle?”  The man asked.
“Yes.”  Father replied, obviously in deep thought.

A large crowd gathered inside the large throne room.  Father, mother, and I stood in the middle of the room, and I shook hands with everyone.  The castle was quite nice, with old men, regular men, women, children, teenagers, guards, archers, warriors, and the rest of the military.  I had waken up at about six in the morning, and by the time I was done meeting everyone,  it was about ten in the morning.  After that, everyone bowed, or kneeled, and yelled,
“Hail the prince!”

Mother went to tend the garden, and father and I walked to the castle well, inside the meadow.  We each drank from the bucket, and then the training began.

“I am going to demonstrate the first power you will learn.  Said father.
He jumped into the air, lifted his arms, and just, stayed there.  He was levitating in the air.
“Now you try!”  He shouted down.
I jumped into the air, and…

fell back down.

“Try again!”  He shouted.
I raised myself izmit escort bayan off my knees, and tried again.  I jumped a bit higher, and for a second, it felt like I stopped in mid air.
Kind of a slap in the face to fall back down again.
Father dropped back down and landed on his right foot.  He walked back over to me, and helped me up.
“You need to calm yourself.  Think of birds, heights, anything to do with the air.”  Said father.
I dusted my pants off, and calmed myself.
“Good.  Now jump, and raise your arms.”  Said Gillian.
I closed my eyes, jumped, and I didn’t feel myself fall.
“Good!”  Yelled Gillian.
Wait…  I opened my eyes, and father looked like an ant.
I was flying!  Well, not flying, but levitating!  I can’t believe it!
“Raise your arms!”  Yelled Gillian.
I did, and I stayed perfectly still.
“Now try and move!”  He yelled.
I moved my head, my arms, and my feet.
“Now try and leap in mid air!”  Yelled father.
I did, and I flew through the air.
“Now come back down!”  He yelled.
“How?”  I mumbled, but right after that, I plummeted back down.  I landed on the grass, but I was at least thirty feet in the air, so it hurt.  Father ran up to me.
“You okay?”  He asked with concern.
“Yeah.”  I said as I got up.
“You did good.  Not many people can master levitation and flying so fast before.”  He said as we sat on the grass.
I kept trying to catch my breath as we rested for about a half hour.

“What izmit sınırsız escort do you say we work on one of your battling abilities now?”  He asked.
“Yeah!”  I said as I sprung up.
“Punch me as hard as you can.”  Said father.
“Umm…  Sorry dad, I don’t think I can do that.”  I said
“Just do it.”  He said.
I reached back, and my fist shot through the air.  Just as it was about to hit dad, he disappeared, and reappeared on the side of my fist, grabbing my wrist.
“Nice power, but that’s not going to cut it.”  He said as he flung me by my arm, face first into the dirt.
“Ow!”  I yelled.  “What’d you do THAT for?!”
“A real opponent doesn’t got easy.”  He replied.
We sparred for about an hour, using our fists.

“Now I think it’s time for Class Placement.”  Said Gillian.
“What’s that?  Like school?”  I asked.
“You’ll see.”  Said father.
“I am going to teleport us to a special mountain.  Say near me at all times.”  Said father.
“Okay.”  I responded.
He grabbed my shoulder, and his normally blue eyes turned yellow.  We appeared on a mountain with a pink sky.  The grass was a bright red, and the trees’ leaves were blue.

This is one f***ed up mountain.


Haha!  Cliffhanger!  Ah.  Fun.  I’ve been working on this story all day, whenever I got the time, so if it seems less detailed than Part Three, sorry.  I know it’s a lot shorter than the last one, and to make up for it, the next part will have Class Placement.  After I post the fifth part, I will post chapters 1-5 in one story, so ya.  Okay, next part up by Monday or Tuesday.  Taking a day break.  KK



Peace 0

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Beach Master

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Cathy and I stand beside the sign that says Nude Beach: No Photography. We strip off our bathing suits and put them in the holdall with our mobile phones and sun lotion. Two naked men approach, one short and dark, the other tall and blond. Both sport large penises.

The blond introduces himself as the beach master with a hint of Scandinavian in his English accent. He says the nude beach is on his private property, at least the access to the beach is his land, so he makes the rules. Unlike most nude beaches, sex is not only permitted but also required, so if we want to sunbathe in the nude, we will have to show how liberal we are by having sex in front of an audience of nudists.

We exchange a surprised look, laugh, flush with embarrassed excitement, and agree to do it. His name is Lars and his friend is Julio. He leads us to the beach and a modified picnic bench facing the ocean. It is low and has attached seat benches on all four sides. He motions us to use it for sex and waves over other naked bathers to come and watch. One young lady is especially cute with a cupid’s bow mouth, long brown hair, generous breasts, and golden brown cunt hair over a delightfully prominent Mount of Venus and pussy slit.

I spread my beach towel on the table and motion Cathy to lie on it on her back. Somewhat reluctantly she spreads her legs wide so the nudists can clearly see her full pussy lips with their trimmed covering of brown hair. The men begin to grow erections at this shameless display. Cathy blushes and closes her eyes. The men’s arousal is obvious as they anticipate watching the fucking about to happen. My penis becomes gloriously stiff too and stands out proudly between my thighs.

I mount the table and mount Cathy. She is already wet. I force the head of my penis directly between her vulva lips and into her vagina. She heaves her pelvis; I thrust myself inside her. We fuck. We heave against each other. My cock feels so good in her cunt. We sweat in the sun. The sand is white. The air is fresh and salty. The beach grass waves green in the breeze. My balls slap against her bum as I thrust inside her pussy.

The crowd of nude bathers has grown larger and gathers close around us. I can see them staring at us, men with aroused penises and women whispering comments about my cock performing between Cathy’s sweet labia. One moves a hand down between her legs to stroke her own cunt. Another moves a hand to her partner’s penis and strokes his erection back and forth.

Having an audience turns me on. I thrust harder and faster. Cathy moans with pleasure and then stiffens in a full body orgasm. A murmur of delighted approval ripples through the crowd. I push Cathy’s ankles up to her ears so my cock fucks deeper into her pussy. The beach master moves behind me for a better view of our genitals in the vigorous act of coitus. Rapid thrusts into Cathy’s cunt and my orgasm hits me. My penis stiffens further and its muscles ripple as my semen roars down my urethra and out my pee hole into her vaginal vault, coating the corrugated walls of her pussy and the perforated bump of kocaeli escort her cervix.

My thrusting slows and stops as the spurts from my prick diminish and die. I slowly withdraw my penis, planting kisses on Cathy’s mouth and sweaty breasts and nipples. Applause ripples around the crowd of smiling, naked people who have quite enjoyed watching the sex act performed by two strangers.

I raise myself from Cathy’s delightfully plump female form, and she begins to haul herself into a sitting position, but Julio beside her puts out a firm hand to her shoulder and pushes her back onto her back. As I sit up, Lars waves me aside and mounts the table himself. It appears the admission requirement for this nude beach is not only to be seen nude and having sex but also to have sex with the beach master and quite possibly any other stranger who fancies you. It’s a free fuck zone, a hedonist paradise. Surprised but not reluctant, I step aside, eager to see how my Cathy will take the cock of this blond Adonis.

Like me, Lars stretches himself out across Cathy’s naked form and grasps his penis, moving its large, mushroom head up and down her pussy slit, seeking the entrance to her vagina. The arrow finds the mark, of course, and the great, flaring glans of his penis disappears between the furry lips of her cunt. She groans as her vaginal walls are forced apart to accommodate the girth of his penis. Now fully embedded in my Cathy’s cunt, the bronzed beach master pauses to grin into her face, kiss her mouth, force his tongue inside, and fondle her breasts, pinching her nipples.

He raises his bum with its fine, golden hairs and plunges it down into the bowl of her hips, driving his penis into her pussy right up to the hilt. Cathy’s eyes pop open. The muscles in his buttocks flex as he continues to thrust his cock hard and fast into her cunt. The crowd gathered around the table stand in awe of their beach master’s physique and sexual prowess. No doubt most of these women have felt his long, thick manhood ravaging their own private sex channels while others watch.

Lars begins a series of hard, deep thrusts into Cathy’s cunt, stopping on the in-stroke to savour the sweet conjunction of penis in vagina, their pubic hairs meshing, his pubic bone grinding against her clitoris. He stares fiercely into her eyes as he smashes another thrust up her cunt. After several of these attacks, he leans forward and whispers into her ear. She giggles.

He returns to rapid thrusting, his hands pushing her legs up and out for deeper penetration. Cathy pants and stiffens as another orgasm hits her. Lars throws up his head and howls as his penis throbs and begins to spurt come into her cunt. He thrusts and thrusts and thrusts his enjoyment of orgasm until his softening penis will no longer sustain his sexual pleasure.

As Lars dismounts, Julio jumps up on the table and lifts Cathy to a sitting position. His penis is long and thick considering his modest height, and this he presents to Cathy’s generous mouth. She is adept and kisses the coral head, then engulfs both head and shaft in her mouth, her tongue active darıca escort along the underside of his cock, rubbing the sensitive node of nerves below the glans that make a man’s penis bounce and make his heart leap.

Julio reluctantly withdraws his prick from her mouth and begins fucking Cathy in a series of sexual positions. His naked audience seems familiar with his sexual acrobatics and watches closely to see how Cathy will respond. First, he lies on his back and pulls her astride him in a cowgirl position. His hands on her womanly hips, she grinds her pelvis against his to push his cock as far up her cunt as it will go. It appears to have hit a sweet spot because her face flushes and her eyes roll as if she has gone into a sexual trance. The triangle of her dark brown pubic muff meshes with the tangle of his jet black pubic hair. Up and down she moves as she crushes her pussy mound down on his cock and balls.

She suddenly becomes aware again of the crowd staring intently at this conjunction of her cunt on his cock, and she blushes like a school girl in excited embarrassment. For the first time in her life, strangers are watching her private and intimate body parts in the act of coitus in a public display. To avoid their stares and the sight of their aroused, naked bodies, she allows her head to fall forward and focuses her gaze on the grinning Julio, his warm brown eyes regarding her with affection. She swirls her fingers in the mat of black hair on his chest as her pelvis heaves up and down on his cock.

He pulls her down close to his chest, grasping and kneading her breasts, pinching her erect nipples. This new position exposes Cathy’s bum to the crowd at the end of the picnic table. They can see clearly now between her generous buttocks how her cunt lips grasp the shaft of Julio’s penis, now slick with her sex juices and the remains of two loads of white semen. He begins a series of rapid thrusts up into her cunt that redden and swell her pussy lips.

Julio stops thrusting, and without withdrawing his penis, he twists Cathy around to face the crowd at the end of the table, her long, honey blonde hair falling across her breasts. He pulls her back gently so she leans against him. He nibbles her ear. His fingers find her nipples and squeeze them, pulling them firmly up from the cone of her breasts and rotating them sensuously.

Meantime, his cock begins again its insistent dance in her cunt, this time in full view of the nude people watching around the table. Julio even steals his hands to her pussy and pulls her labia open with his fingers so they can see her clitoris and pee hole above the entrance to her vagina, which is, of course, full of his pounding penis. His teasing finger finds her clitoris and flicks it repeatedly.

The sight of Julio’s testicles and his cock embedded between her plump pussy lips arouses the audience of naked sunbathers. One older man holds a young pale woman with auburn hair in a passionate embrace, his hand alternating between her breast and her pussy slit, rubbing, pinching, inserting, enjoying her body. An older woman drops gölcük escort to her knees in the sand and begins sucking the long cock of a young tanned stud with a tall, firm body.

Julio stops thrusting and gently pushes Cathy forward until she is on her hands and knees. Kneeling behind her, he once more inserts the head of his penis between her vulva lips and presses forward to drive his shaft deep into her vagina. This delights the naked observers crowded around the other end of the table who get an intimate view of the sex act as Julio’s cock thrusts rhythmically into Cathy’s moist cunt surmounted with chestnut brown pussy hair. After a few minutes of this, he slowly lapses down onto his side, pulling her also onto her side, his cock still embedded in her cunt. Now the audience along the side of the picnic table get the intimate view of his sex organ moving inside the velvet clutches of her vagina.

Julio’s thrusting slows and stops. He is getting close to orgasm and he knows it. But he wants to finish in a dominant way, so he rolls Cathy back onto her back in the classic missionary position, her legs spread wide and knees folded up to her chest. He mounts her and rubs a tantalizing cock head up and down her pussy slit, stroking her clitoris and coating his penis with her sex fluids. The audience stares intently, anticipating the inevitable intromission as Julio’s penis seeks the entrance to Cathy’s vagina. It pushes between the engorged lips and on up into her vaginal vault.

There follows a prolonged series of vigorous thrusts as Julio pursues his pleasure. It builds and builds until the dam bursts. Cathy shrieks as the pounding against her clitoris pushes her to another shattering orgasm, and Julio simultaneously howls out his joy at the pulsation of his penis as it spurts his semen deep into her cunt. As their mutual pleasures subside, the audience breaks into applause.

After Lars and Julio have each fucked Cathy, a wild gangbang follows as man after man mounts the table and thrusts his rampant penis into Cathy’s cunt, now overflowing with a white river of semen. Beach blankets and pillows are spread around and naked couples fuck openly in several sexual positions.

To my great joy, the young woman with the golden brown pubic hair and prominent vulva approaches me with an enticing grin and pulls me down with her onto a blue-and-red blanket. Her warm wet cunt engulfs my reinvigorated cock and we enjoy a long, slow fuck on the sand. My hand steals my mobile phone from our holdall and records her beautiful face, hair, tits, and cunt with my cock in it.

I also manage to record several men on top of Cathy fucking away in her pussy before my young lady friend warns me that Lars is returning from a swim and would be angry about the mobile phone videos, so I hastily pretend to take a phone call and put it back in the bag. Lars frowns, but I look innocent and tell him it’s the office calling for direction on a business deal. I assure him I know the rules: no photography. Fortunately for me, he doesn’t ask to examine my phone.

In the months to come, Cathy and I will many times find mutual delight, my cock raging in her warm, wet cunt, as we watch those illicit videos of our fucking with the nudist strangers on the beach master’s beach.

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Mona Herron entered the studio and was glad to see that all six of her students were present and ready to begin class. During the day she taught advanced painting at the local college, but what she really enjoyed most, were these adult evening classes here at the high school. As with most of the evening sessions, this one only had six sign ups, so it was easy to give each student a lot of individual attention. Mona walked to the front of the room and addressed her students, “This is our seventh session, and tonight we have a real treat for you, we have hired one of the local college students to pose for the next hour!” “During that time you should do your best to paint him as you see him,” she continued, “and while this may seem a little too advanced for some of you, I think it will be instructive as well as an enjoyable experience for all of you, so without further or do, I’ll go get this evenings model and we can get started!!!” The six ladies who made up the Wednesday evening art class at Central High, waited patiently while Mona went into an adjoining room to bring in the subject. “Class,” she said upon her return, “I would like you to meet Michael, he has been kind enough to pose for us tonight, so if you will take your place, Michael, we can get started!!!” David hopped up on a small raised platform that Mona had situated in middle of the room, and much to the complete surprise of everyone there, he dropped the robe he was wearing, and stood stark naked in front of everyone!!! Several of the women gasped audibly, and Mona Herron admonished them, “Class, please be quiet, the classic nude is one of art’s basic poses, and tonight you will have a chance to paint Michael as he poses in the same manner as Michelangelo’s masterpiece, David!!!” The women quickly calmed down and began filling their canvasses with paint! After a few minutes, Mona began circulating through the room, while stopping and giving pointers to her students. Michael was an experienced model, so he had no problem standing perfectly still for fifteen minutes at a time, but for the first time since he had started posing, izmit escort he began to get an erection!!! A lady in the front row was the first to notice, and that only made matters worse, because she not only didn’t avert her eyes in embarrassment, she was openly ogling his now semi hard member!!! When Mona finally noticed his predicament, much to his surprise, instead of giving him a break, she merely commented on how nice his erection looked, and that how the students should incorporate his excited state into their painting!!!

Sweat began forming on his brow as his thickening pecker finally attained its full dimension of eight inches long, and Mona again commented on how nice it looked, while all of the women now were openly staring at his erect manhood!!! One of the students called Mona over to her easel and asked her a question that Michael couldn’t quite make out, but much to his chagrin, Mona walked over to him and began touching his belly and chest, while all the time commenting about musculature and depth of field!!! Another woman called out and asked how to keep his penis in proportion to the rest of his body, and Mona replied while taking his penis in her hand, “Well, Donna, as you can see Michael has a very large erection, and unless you over do it, I think that you’ll be just fine, and one other thing,” she continued, “notice the head, it has a distinct separation from his shaft, and should be painted with a slightly pinker shade of skin tone,” while all the time, she was squeezing and fondling his big prick, and acting for all the world like she was describing a bowl of fruit or a some other still life!!!

Abbie was the first to notice it, and commented to Mona. “Look at the end of his penis, I think that he has a drop of precum hanging on the tip!!!” “I believe your right,” she replied, “I wonder if his erection is about ready to ejaculate!?!” “Michael,” Mona asked, “Abbie noticed that your penis has a drop of cum on its tip, are you really ready to ejaculate for us!?!” Michael made a gulp and stammered, “I-I’m sorry for the unprofessional conduct, Miss Herron, but for yahya kaptan escort some reason I just can’t control it!!!” “You didn’t answer my question, young man,” she retorted, “the ladies would like to know if you’re going to cum for them!?!” “Y-y-yes,” he stumbled, “I think so, very soon now!!!” “Ladies,” asked Mona, “would you all like to see Michael’s penis ejaculate for us?!?” The room was filled with low murmurings, the only thing which Michael could make out was a lot of soft “yeses”!!! “Well, Michael,” Mona Herron responded, “everyone here, including me, would love to see you shoot you cum for us, do you have to masturbate or can you achieve orgasm just by standing naked in front of a class room full of women!?!” “I-I don’t know,” he replied haltingly, “I’ve never cum without touching it, but it feels like its really close right now!!!

Mona whispered something to several of the women and then stated, “We all would like you to cum without touching it, if we showed you some pussy would that help?!?” “Oh, sweet jesus, yes,” he moaned, “p-p-please show me some pussy!!!” Mona looked around the room waiting for a volunteer, and much to her surprise, Anna raised her hand and stepped to the middle of the room in front of Michael!!! She was wearing a loose fitting house dress that was covered by her painting apron, so it was no problem at all for her to lift her apron and dress above her waist, while exposing her bikini clad pussy to his hungry eyes!!! “Would you like me to remove your panties,” Mona asked softly?!? “Please,” Anna replied, “pull them down so that Michael can see my vagina!!!” Mona grabbed the elastic waist band, and with a quick pull, slid the white cottons down around Anna’s knees!!! “Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” Michael moaned when the dark vee of pubic hair came into view, “she has a beautiful pussy!!!” “Do you really think so,” ask Mona nonchalantly, “from all the way up there I don’t think you can see how wonderfully wet her vagina is, see how wet my finger is after I finger her a little!!!” “S-s-she’s dripping isn’t she,” he gasped, while watching gebze escort Mona finger the hot little brunette’s private parts!?! “Actually,” Mona replied, “I’d say she was gushing, wouldn’t you Anna!?!” Even though it was really a game between Mona and Michael, coupled with the sight of his huge erection and the fingering she was receiving from Mona, Anna couldn’t help herself, and with a lurch, her vagina collapsed hard around Mona’s finger while an orgasm smashed through her pussy like an express train!!! “Well I guess that answers that question,” Mona chuckled, as the middle aged housewife teetered back and forth on unsteady legs as her cunt muscles wrenched open and shut during her climax!!!

Looking back up at Michael, Mona commented some more, “Look ladies, his pecker is getting harder and his nut sack is tightening up, I think our model about is ready to blow his load, would anyone here like to let him ejaculate in her mouth!?!” The usually quiet Kristie, practically leaped to the front of the room, took her place at Michael’s feet and fairly inhaled his big pecker into her hot mouth!!! “Oh, god,” Michael moaned, “suck me off, I’m so close, let me shoot it in your mouth!!!” For the next minute or so, all that could be heard was the sound of Kristie’s mouth slurping up and down Michael’s big shaft and head, but all at once he sensed something else going on around him!!! As he gazed out at the rest of the class, all of the women were now furiously masturbating their hot pussies, and in a display of absolute brazenness, they thrust their crotches towards him in almost an offertory symbol of submission to his huge erection!!! Through gritted teeth he growled, “I’m fucking cumming, all you cunts cum with me, now!!!” Kristie’s hand was flying up and down his shaft as she masturbated his pecker into her mouth, but upon hearing he was about to shoot, she pulled her mouth away and took the thundering blasts directly onto her pretty face!!! The other women, seeing the cum splash across Kristie’s cheeks and chin, convulsed as their own pussies lost control and climaxed with in a crashing rush!!!

After taking few minutes to compose herself, Mona stood up and offered Kristie a towel and commented, “I’ll bet Michelangelo never had a model like this!!!


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Alexa Bliss’ Wild Night – (Wrestling With Temptation – Episode 1)

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Where the hell am I?

That is Alexa Bliss’ first thought as she awakes from a deep sleep. Her second thought is of the raging headache that just came over her, the result of a massive hangover. Whatever she’d drunk last night, it was either very strong, or in very large quantities. Or, probably both.

Opening her eyes, she stares blearily around the room, and is happy to recognise it is her hotel room, which she had been staying in for the previous night’s episode of Raw.

That’s good, she thinks, at least I made it back okay.

Seeing her handbag on the bedside locker, she reaches a hand out to grab it, but her arm is prodded by something in the bed. She reaches inside the bed covers to retrieve the foreign object, and pulls out a pair of glasses.

They are not hers.

Only then does she realise that she isn’t wearing any underwear. She always wears a pair of knickers going to bed when she’s on her own, so if she is completely naked, that can only mean one thing:

She fucked someone last night, and they must have left their glasses behind.

Oh great, not again, she thinks, as she slowly sits up in bed, her tits popping out from under the covers.

Leaning over, she puts the glasses down on the bedside locker, and retrieves her handbag.

She is relieved to see that all of her belongings are still there, including her phone, purse and tampons. Looking around the room, she also realises that her shoes, a black dress and underwear have all been neatly placed on a nearby chair.

Wow, what a gentleman he must have been, she thinks. He didn’t even take her knickers with him to wank in, or sell on eBay.

Taking her phone out of her bag, she hopes it will provide her with some clues as to what she might have done after Raw ended.

Sure enough, her most recent pictures are selfies of her in a black dress, partying in a club somewhere. But she doesn’t see anyone she recognises, nor does she see anyone wearing a pair of glasses.

It’s starting to come back to her now. She wanted to go partying after Raw, but none of the other women were keen on the idea, so she decided to go by herself.

At least she knows how her night started. The bad news is that based on the amount of alcohol she was drinking in the pictures, she is unlikely to remember any more than that.

Not unless any footage of her night out emerged on social media overnight, which would be a big problem, but a quick search of Google reveals nothing incriminating.

Finally mustering the strength to move, Alexa puts her phone down and hauls her naked ass out of bed.

Confident that the rest of her belongings are in the wardrobe where she left them, she heads towards the bathroom and closes the door.

After having a piss, a shit and washing out her mouth, she heads for the shower, hoping the cold water will clear her head and wake her up.

The cold spray makes her shiver, giving her goosebumps and making her nipples so hard that they could cut glass. After adjusting to the temperature, she grabs the hotel’s shower gel and spreads it all over her body. Working up a lather in every crevice, she pays special attention to her crotch and in between her tits.

She loves it when guys cum between her tits, and if she had sex last night, then she knows she probably asked for it.

As she steps out of the shower, she hears the door of the hotel room open and close.

Not a problem, she thinks. It’s probably just house-keeping. Putting on the complimentary dressing robe hanging on the back of the izmit rus escort bathroom door, she opens the door and emerges back into the hotel room, expecting to greet the hotel employee.

But the person standing there is not a hotel employee.

“Oh hey, you’re up” the unidentified male says.

He is a skinny man, in his 20s, wearing a wrestling T-shirt and shorts. He is holding a Starbucks cup in one hand, having just put a second cup and a room key down on a nearby table.

“Uh, yeah… yeah, I am,…” Alexa responds, trying to figure out who the man is, and what answer he is expecting to hear.

“Coffee?” he asks, handing over the second coffee cup.

“Thanks,” she says, accepting the cup, but wary of drinking from it for the time being.

“So… that happened last night”

“Yeah, about that…”

“Look, I understand. I obviously know who you are, but you don’t have to worry, I’m not going to tell a soul about last night”

He seems like a really nice guy, Alexa thinks. He didn’t take any of her things, he’s offering not to tell anyone what happened… he even brought her coffee.

She needs to know what happened last night, and he deserves to know the truth. So, she decides, that is exactly what she will tell him.

“Okay, I’m going to be honest with you, and I’m sorry in advance… but I have no idea what we did. I remember going to the club, but I was so drunk. I don’t know where we met, I don’t remember where we went… I don’t even remember your name. I’m… so sorry.”

“You don’t remember… anything?”

“No, sorry.”

“Okay… well, I can’t say I’m surprised.”

“Can you tell me? It’s okay, whatever happened, I’m okay with it. But I really would like to know.”

“Well… it was my mate’s 21st birthday yesterday. A group of us went for something to eat, then we went to Raw because we’re all wrestling fans, and then we went drinking all night.”

“Did we meet at the club?”

“No, my mates and I were drinking at the bar here in the hotel. We all left the bar at around 3am, and when we were leaving, we saw you coming in to the hotel. You had obviously been drinking as well, but I didn’t know you were at a club until just now.”

“Okay, then what?” she asks, now feeling safe enough to drink the coffee she is holding.

“Out of all my mates, I’m the only one who’s single, so they said I should go over and ask for your number. I was drunk myself, so it seemed like a great idea at the time. But to my surprise, you said I could have more than that…”

“And I asked you to come back to my room.”

“I actually asked you to come back to mine first, and incredibly, you said yes.”

“Wait… this is your room?”

“Yeah, did you not see my stuff in the wardrobe? And how did you think I just let myself in? I assumed your room key was in your handbag.”

“I… didn’t check,” Alexa admits, regretting not looking in the wardrobe, or looking to see if her room key was at the bottom of her bag.

“Anyway, we came up here to my room and we… well…”


“Yeah, if you could call it that.”

“And… how was it?”

“It was… fine.”

“Just… fine?” she asks, curiously. She hasn’t received such a luke-warm comment about her sex since the time she lost her virginity.

“Honestly… I mean… you wanted it, for sure. But you were pretty out of it, so I had to do all the work. And I think you enjoyed it, but…”

“It was a bit of an anti-climax?”


“Sorry, like I said, I wasn’t at my best. And I really do appreciate izmit escort you not telling anyone, that’s very kind of you.”

“That’s okay. My mates wouldn’t believe me anyway, they probably think you ditched me at the door.”

“Right, well… I should go. Um… I found your glasses, they were underneath me in the bed, I left them there on the bedside locker.”

“Oh, thanks, I was wondering where they went to.”

Finishing her coffee, throwing the empty cup in the bin and retrieving all of her stuff, she keeps the dressing robe on as she heads out of the hotel room, before realising that there was one thing she still didn’t know.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” she says as she stands in the hallway with the room door still open. “I never got your name.”

“Oh yeah, I told you last night, but you forgot that as well. It’s Jason.”

“Jason. Thank you, for everything.”

“Sure,” he says abruptly, as he closes the door.

Staring at the closed door in front of her, Alexa feels so guilty.

He was a nice guy, he didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, he did a lot of things right.

But what about her?

No, she got so drunk that she didn’t remember meeting him, didn’t remember having sex with him, and didn’t even remember his name!

He had clearly been let down by her, and by everything that happened, when she knows it should have been one of the highlights of his life.

Reality did not live up to the fantasy, and it was all her fault.

Frustrated, she heaves all of her items in to one arm, and knocks heavily on the door with her free hand.

“Did you forget something else?” he says as he opens the door, now wearing his glasses.

Ignoring him, Alexa barges back in to the room.

“Okay, there’s something you should know about me,” she proclaims, as she throws her things onto the ground, and fishes around in her handbag for something.

“What’s that?”

“I hate disappointing people,” she says, pulling her phone out of her bag. “Whether it’s disappointing the boss with a bad match, or disappointing fans by not having time to sign their stuff, or disappointing people in the bedroom. I hate it.”


“And you’re clearly disappointed with what happened last night. There’s nothing I can do to fix that, but I can make up for it.”

“Oh yeah, how’s that?” he says, looking interested despite his clear frustration.

“By giving you an experience that you will never forget…”

…Alexa unties her dressing gown, letting it fall to the floor…

“…and by recording it to make sure we can never forget it again…”

…Alexa opens the camera on her phone, and starts recording a video.

“I… uh…” Jason stutters.

“There we go. Hard to say no when there’s a naked woman standing right in front of you, isn’t it?”

Alexa moves over to the desk and sets her phone down, facing the camera towards the bed. She then makes her way towards the bed, and sits down seductively, legs spread wide open.

“Come on then… remind me of how good you are. And keep the glasses, you’re cuter when you wear them…”

He pulls his shirt off, making sure his glasses remain in place, as he makes his way over to Alexa. She can she his erection growing through his shorts, and she puts her hand up the leg of his shorts, stroking his dick, feeling the blood pumping through its vein.

“You like that? There’s more where that came from,” she says, as she invites him to stroke her tits while she strokes his dick.

Suddenly, she wraps her arms around his head and drags kocaeli escort him down onto the bed, rolling around so that she ends up on top of him.

“I am a wrestler, remember? I can twist you and fuck you any way I want…” she teases, as she leans down, passionately kissing him, ramming her tongue down his throat, as her breasts rest on his chest.

She can feel his throbbing dick through his shorts, and can’t wait to pull them off.

She shifts backwards, pulling his shorts down, revealing the dick that she so desperately craves.

Kneeling in the ground, while he lays on the bed, she locks her lips around the shaft and licks it up and down, tasting the pre-cum she has made him produce.

She hears him moan in pleasure, while she gags as his tip touches the back of her throat.

“Mmm, I want it inside me,” she says, releases the vacuum around his dick.

Climbing up onto the bed, she gets on all-fours, spreading her moist pussy lips to invite him to guide his penis inside.

He duly obliges, resting one hand on her waist while she caresses her ass with the other.

He thrusts in and out, every motion setting off the pleasure centres in her brain.

“Oh! Oh God, yes!” she screams, with her back arched and her head bent back.

He spanks her ass, sending a crack like the sound of a whip echoing through the room.

“Fuck, yeah, again!” she tells him, which he obeys.

“Ohh… fuck!” she screams, as she feels cum dripping out of her pussy, her tits flopping around.

“I’m going to cum soon…” he tell her in advance, panting as he says it.

“Okay… turn me on my back,” she says.

He fully withdraws his dick, allowing her to assume the position.

“Did I tell you last night how I like to finish?” she asks.


“Fuck my tits and cum in them.”

With no objection, he starts titty-fucking her, while she starts fingering herself, easily fitting four fingers in because of how wet she is.

His dick, covered in her cum, slides easily through her tits.

“Here it comes! Ah!” he announces, as a stream of warm, white cum spurts out of the tip of his dick.

It spurts up, covering her all the way from her tits to the tip of her nose. She opens her mouth in pleasure, allowing it to drip inside.

His work done, he then goes down on her, taking her fingers out of her pussy and replacing them with his own.

She grabs the edge of the bed as she screams and spasms in pleasure, covering his hand in cum.

She grabs his hand so she can lick it off and taste it, as he collapses beside her, both of them panting with exhaustion.

“That… was…” Alexa starts to say.


“I was going to say ‘incredible’, but yeah, that works too.”

“You’re going to have to send me a copy of that video, by the way,” he tells her, looking over to her phone on the desk.

“It’s much better than an autograph, that’s for sure”, Alexa laughs, as they lay in bed all morning, before exchanging contact details and parting ways.


Unbeknownst to both of them, an unknown figure sits in a dark room.

The only source of light is the laptop screen in front of them.

The Figure’s eyes dart around the screen, studying every inch of the video they are watching.

The malware they have installed on Alexa’s phone has finally paid dividends.

Right-clicking the video file, the Figure renames the file to “Alexa Bliss and Fan”.

The Figure then moves the file to a folder labelled “LEVEL”.

Hovering the cursor over the folder, The Figure sees there are now 23 video files contained within.

Happy with their work, The Figure closes the laptop, plunging the room into darkness…

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A Sexy Night Out!

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It started out as a quiet evening out with the wife, but ended up as so much more. Pam said she wanted to get out and do something fun and new tonight, so she made reservations at one of the nicer restaurants in town. She picked a place that she knew none of our friends would ever go to, so that we could let loose a little and really enjoy the evening. Well, that was the plan, but I got so much more than I bargained for.

Pam looked lovely tonight in a sleek black, strapless dress and her favorite leopard print thong underwear. She was an amazing sight with her great figure and no panties lines. Just watching her get dressed tonight made me want her, but I knew I would have to wait or we would never make it to dinner.

We arrived around 8pm and were seated right away. Wednesday nights are not that busy. I was glad; I didn’t want to fight with the crowds tonight. Since the restaurant was nearly empty we opted for a quiet booth in the back. I slid around the table so I was sitting next to Pam and we sat and talked while waiting for our waiter. We shared the menu and giggled and laughed at how strange it was to be in such a fancy place.

As our waiter started to make his way to our table I placed my hand on her thigh and began to rub her leg softly. I know this always makes her very excited and I wanted to see if she could keep a straight face while giving this young man our order. She tried but could not contain her arousal and let out a soft moan right in the middle of it. The 20 something waiter was very smooth and without missing a beat he gave me a sly smile and asked Pam if there was anything else. She politely said that would be all and he left our table. As soon as he was out of sight she gave me a slight slap on the shoulder as if to let me know how naughty that was. I just looked into her beautiful blue eyes and said “Babe, you know you loved it.” She just smiled and said, “You know it”. I kept my hand on her leg and began to slowly work my way up her soft thigh until I was able to feel the warmth of her now wet pussy with my fingers. I gave a light rub to her clit though the silky fabric and she slid her legs apart so I could continue my private journey to her tight wet pussy. I used one finger to move her panties while easily sliding another inside her. I never looked away from her beautiful face. I love to watch her eyes change color to a deeper blue when ever she is penetrated. We did our best to make small talk and keep our playing private, trying not to attract the attention of the rest of the patrons.

“Ok” she said softly trying to push my hand away. I looked around and could see that the waiter was headed back to our table with some drinks. But I wanted the game to be elevated to a higher level and refused to remove my fingers from inside her. I could see he now had a much bigger grin on his face. I was hoping we would not get kicked out of this “upscale” place, for our “teenagers in heat” activities. Pam noticed this too and began to give me a more concerned look, I was enjoying myself too much to care and I refused to make any changes. I figured if I was going to be asked to leave I was going to enjoy every minute of this exciting experience while I could. To our surprise, scolding us, was not his intention, instead he leaned over as he set two glasses on the table and said that couple over there wanted you to have these.

Oh my! Someone had caught us; I thought to myself that we have two choices. Either we invite them to sit with us or we run out the door. Before I could voice my opinion Pam said “it might be exciting if they joined us for dinner”. “Ooh that sounds like fun” I responded. Pam then turned to the couple across the room and gave them a little nod and raised her glass as a thank you for the drinks. Then she waived them over to join us in our booth.

I watched intensely as this attractive couple made their way across the room. He was a good looking man, maybe 6’2″ and well built. He was wearing a dress shirt and slacks. He looked like the “professional” type. She was maybe 5’5″ tall and about 150 lbs, but looked smashing in a thigh length black skirt with a beautiful blue silk blouse that was just thin enough to see that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She is a little heavier than Pam but a woman who dresses well for her feminine curves is much more appealing than any thin, stick figure woman could ever look. She had smaller breasts than Pam’s 34DD, but she looked confident and sexy, very sexy.

When they got to our table they introduced themselves as Sara and Tom. We thanked them again for escort izmit the drinks and Pam motioned for Sara to slide in next to her. I noticed that my normally shy wife was being very out going and seamed quite excited to have them join us. The four of us were engaging in a little small talk when I said to Tom “I’m Glad we didn’t offend you two with our little show, we had no idea that anyone could see us” Tom smiled and said that He hadn’t noticed until Sara pointed it out to him, but that he enjoyed it very much. We talked about how exciting it was to play around in public and that the idea of getting caught was half the fun.

While we waited for our meal to arrive we all got to know each other a little bit. I was still a little nervous about how we came to meet this couple, but the girls seamed to hit it off right away. They were giggling and laughing and seemed to be in their own little world while Tom and I talked amongst ourselves. This made the time pass quickly.

We were half way though our meal when I noticed that Pam had a sly little grin on her face. The one she gets when she’s happy and horny, god I love that smile. I started to ask what that look was all about, but I stopped in mid sentence, when I noticed that Sara was eating with one hand and had the other under the table. I pretended to drop my napkin so that I might catch a glimpse at what was going on. Sara had Pam’s dress pulled all the way up and was rubbing her clit slowly. I, being a little spurprised and very excited started to sit back up, whacking my head on the table. This startled everyone and Sara quickly removed her hand from under the table and asked “Are you all right”, “Yes” was all I could get out. I was so surprised at what I had seen. Pam had been with two women in the past but getting fingered at the table by a woman whom she had just met was not Pam’s normal style. Sara then leaned over to Tom and placed her finger on his lips and whispered “Does she taste good?”

Tom and I just looked at each other with that “What the fuck is going on!” look. I guessed by his reaction that this was not a normal thing for Sara either. Then Sara said, “Pam and I have decided we should continue this somewhere else.” Tom had this stunned look and just responded “Sure, sounds fun” I was a little taken a back by what just happened but it sure was hot, so I was up, and I do mean “UP” for anything.

The rest of dinner was filled with sexual conversation and heavy flirting between these two beautiful ladies. Tom and I seamed to just be along to pick up the check. I didn’t mind at all. I love to watch Pam work her sexual magic. Tom and I made some small talk, but spend most of our time intently watching the girls. They were giving each other light kisses and doing the best they could to not get caught playing with each other under the table.

When the check did, finally come, I snatched it up and paid in cash before the waiter could get away. Then we all quickly slid out of the booth and nearly ran to our cars in our eagerness to see what was next. Pam said “Our house is closer so I will ride with Tom and Sara will ride with you, so no one gets lost.” We all agreed. Tom and I helped our new passengers into the car and headed for home.

It hadn’t been two minutes when I noticed in my rearview mirror that I could no longer see Pam in the passenger seat. When I looked back at Sara she had removed her shirt and was fondling her beautiful 36 C breasts. “There Pam goes, I guess now it’s my turn” My eyes got wide and I said “Damn, girl you look great, but what are you talking about” “Pam is back there giving Tom a blow job, just like I told her too. So now I get to play too”

Sara leaned over to my side of the car and undid my pants. My dick was hard and a little wet from pre-cum from all the flirting at dinner. She quickly went down and took my cock all the way into her mouth and began to suck on it. She then sat back up, licked her lips and said “Pam was right, you do taste sweet.” She then rolled back into her seat pulled her skirt up and removed her panties. Then Sara opened her legs and began to finger herself. She now had one hand rubbing her clit and the other squeezing her nipples.

Oh my god this was so fucking hot. I was driving down the road with one eye on the road and the other on the live porn film that was playing out before me. I was watching this sexy stranger orgasm in the car right next to me, as I was imagining what Pam was doing in the other car. As soon as she was done she came back to me and asked if I enjoyed that. “Fuck yeah, that was izmit escort amazing” I said. She looked over her shoulder and told me to check the mirror. I could see that my sexy wife was in, what looked like, the same position Sara was just in. Sara said “keep your eyes on the road, now. I want to suck some more”

She was great. Sara licked it and sucked it and rubbed it on her face, just the way I like it. I was so turned on with what Sara was doing to me and the thought of what my wife was doing to Tom, that it didn’t take long before I was shooting my load deep in her mouth and trying hard not to swerve off the road. “Wow; that was amazing.” I told her “You do it almost the same as Pam. Just fucking amazing. And I must say you look great with my cum on your lips.” “I knew you would enjoy that,” she said.

She began to finger herself again, so I reached over and fondled her firm breast and hard nipples. This went on for about 5 more minutes when she came hard and loud. She looked great convulsing in the seat next to me. I noticed a flash in the mirror and could see that Tom was swerving around in his lane. “I guess Pam finished him off, too” I told her. Oh, I wished I could have watched that. I know how much she loves cock and what a great dick sucker she is. By this time Sara had gotten dressed again and gave me a little kiss. “Thank you” was all she said. “No, No, NO…..Thank you!” I exclaimed. “I will have to repay the favor later”.

As we all got out of our cars, back at home, Pam walked over to me handed me her panties while giving me a kiss and a big hug. I could taste the cum that was still on her lips. “Now that was fun,” she said. They must have been in good sync, because both of our wives seemed to greet us nearly the same.

Once inside, I offered drinks to everyone and put on some nice soft music. “Do you guys have a black light?” Sara asked. We did, but it was an odd question. I quickly went to the garage and back. As I reached for the lamp in the living room Sara stopped me.

“Nope” she said “not here, in the bedroom”
“Oh, Yeah, that sounds good” Pam added.

As I walked to the bed room to change the light, Sara and Pam each grabbed one of Tom’s hands and drug him along. When I turned the black light on, I turned around to ask if that was better…….. I guess it was. Pam and Sara were both on their knees in front of Tom, taking turns kissing each other and taking his dick in their mouths. It was quite a sight. “Two hot looking women on their knees with a dick in their mouths, does it get any hotter than this?” I said to them.

“It would if you come over here and help us get undressed!” Sara quipped.

I came over and knelt behind them, put my arm around each of them and kissed them both on the back of the neck. I started with Pam. I slowly caressed her body and slid the soft back dress down to the floor. Then I finished unbuttoning Sara’s blouse and removed her skirt. I sat up a little so I could watch these two beautiful naked women sucking Tom’s dick. It was such a turn on than I began to finger each of them simultaneously. I started with one then slowly inserted two fingers in each wet pussy, curling them just a little to stimulate their G-spots. They must have been enjoying what was going on because they both came almost instantly.

Tom then said “Oh my ladies, you are amazing, but now I think its time for Paul and me to take over”

We helped to girls to the bed and got undressed. We laid them next to each other with their hips at the edge of the bed. Tom and I both got on our knees and began to kiss their smooth legs and worked our way slowly to their sweet pussies. We licked them and fingered them to ecstasy. After we made our wives cum, Sara suggested that Tom and I switch. Sara’s pussy was so wet and sweet I licked and sucked and fingered her to five or six orgasms. Tom must have been pretty good too, Pam was only one behind Sara in the count. Then Tom and I stood up and rapped their legs around us and slowly pushed our hard dicks into the other’s wife’s pussy. We took our time to make sure each of them was getting as much as they could take. Pam and Sara were not just lying there quietly. They had been kissing and fondling each other.

I decided to take Sara and move her to the other side of the bed so that she was head to head with Pam. I turned her over and had her get on her knees. We slid forward just enough for them to be able to kiss and to be able to suck on each other’s tits. Tom and I spent the next hour taking turns with each of these beautiful women and having izmit kendi evi olan escort them switch back and forth between who was on their back and who was getting it from behind. Tom and I just couldn’t take anymore We came with in a few minutes of each other covering our wives tits with hot sticky jism. With rubbery legs and being out of breath we told the girls “Fuck that was great, but I think we need a break”

Pam for one was not done yet. She had been on her knees over Sara and was now slowly crawling down Sara’s body, kissing and licking her soft skin that was moist with the remnants of hours of sexual expression. Sara closed her eyes and started to breath heavy as my wife used her tounge and lips and fingers to caress and fondle every inch of her body until Pam was in the perfect position to eat her pussy. It had been years since Pam had this opportunity last so she was going to savor every bit of it. She kissed, licked and teased her for several minutes before firmly pressing her lips against Sara’s pussy.

Sara returned the favor and now our wives were fully involved in a sixty-nine position. Sara had her arms wrapped around Pam, while Pam was squeezing Sara’s hips to get as much leverage against each other’s pussy as they could. Once each of them had cum at least twice they smiled up at Tom and I who were just standing there in awe, staring at the amazing sight before us. Pam then rolled off Sara and reached into her nightstand and removed her soft double-sided dildo.

“OK, Sara, this thing is still a double virgin. You want to help me change that?”

“Oh yes, that sound HOT!” Sara exclaimed.

Pam moved so that her and Sara where lying opposite each other. She handed me the dildo and asked if I would do the honors. While I looked for the lube the girls began to grind their glistening pussies together. After they orgasmed they parted slightly so I could slide the large silicone shaft into Sara’s waiting pussy. Pam shifted her self into position as I slid the other end into her. Tom was getting hard again and lay on the bed next to them placing his cock within reach of Pam’s open mouth. She took him in and sucked hard and slow, as I began to slide the dildo back and forth. Sara screamed “Harder, fuck me harder”. I began to ram the shaft harder and faster into each of them as they continued to cum over and over. Sara was loud and vocal about her excitement, while Pam was screaming with muffled tones as Tom’s cock was firmly lodged between her lips.

After the girls had several writhing orgasms Tom finally came again in Pam’s hot mouth. I told them that my arm was getting tired and I had to move. Pam said “That’s OK, I want Sara to sit on my face now anyway” Sara sat up, got on her knees and moved into position above Pam’s lips. Tom didn’t want to feel like he wasn’t doing enough so he moved to between Pam’s legs and began to lick and finger her pussy and ass. Sara was rocking back and forth and grinding her pussy into Pam’s face, while I took turns sucking on their tits. I was sucking on one while caressing the other. Tom was able to give Pam three or four more orgasms as Pam was feverishly licking Sara’s clit until she came with such force she leaned forward and had to brace herself on the wall to keep from falling over. I then straddled Pam just behind Sara and thrust my cock inside her. Pam began to lick both my dick and Sara’s clit as I slid in and out of her. I was so turned on from watching the porno-hot events that just happened I came in just a few minutes. I removed my dick and Pam sucked my cum out of Sara’s well-fucked pussy. After Tom made Pam cum one more time he got up and moved around to his wife.

Sara was now sitting over Pam’s chest. She looked down at her and breathlessly said, “Thank you, you are amazing.” “Your welcome, my dear, so are you. We will have to do it again sometime” Pam responded. “Anytime, sexy, anytime.” Sara said “but we will have to make sure Steve doesn’t find out about this”

“STEVE!!!” Tom and I both exclaimed, “Who the fuck is STEVE?”

“Oh, did we forget to mention….. Steve is the new supervisor down at the bank and if he found out he might switch our schedules again.”

“You both work together?”

“You don’t think this kind of thing, just happens, do you? It took us three weeks to set this up.”

As it turns the women met a month ago when Sara was switched to the morning shift. They had had an immediate attraction to each other and worked out this fun little game for us unsuspecting guys. Tom and I agreed that any surprise like that was very, very welcome.

After laughing and talking about the events of the night. We all fell asleep in a pile on our bed.

We are anxiously waiting for our next rendezvous.

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A few short stories

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i was in the hot tub with two incredible girls. they both sat across from me. one was ashlyn and the other was abby. ashlyn had a great tan,shoulder length black hair, and brown eyes. she had an amazing ass and great tits. she was wearing a neon blue bikini. abby was white, blone hair down to her shoulder blades, and blue eyes. she had a decent chest and a firm ass. she was wearing a green bikini with sparkles on it. ashlyn used to have a crush on me but is now dating a guy named leif. abby kinda flirts with me but i think she likes my friend. anyway i was only here with them because they like hot tubs and i had one. i wasnt ugly but i wasnt good looking. i was making them laugh and smile which made us all happy. i scooted closer to ashlyn as i made them laugh. i put my arm around her stomach and she actually didnt care! she looked a little uncomfortable but she didnt pull away.
“hey no fair,” abby complained.
she swam to my other side and put my arm around her. she scooted closer to me and smiled. i slowly moved my hands up their stomachs. ashlyn moved my hand just under her top and looked at abby as if challenging her. abby pushed my hand lower just above her bottoms. she pushed her hips up for ashlyn to see. ashlyn stared at abby and stood up. her bottoms matched her top. she stood infront of me and turned around. she bent over and pulled her bottoms up. she looked back and blew me a kiss. i nodded my approval and she sat back down next to me. i kissed her cheek and she smiled. she looked over at abby and winked.
“so were playing like that now are we?” she said.
she stood and sat in my lap. she wrapped her arms around my neck and i put my hands on her stomach. she scooted foward and breathed on my neck. she smiled got up and sat down next to me.
“check it out,” she said pointing to my crotch. ashlyn stradled my crotch. she smiled and said,” someones a big boy.” i laughed and put my hands on her hips. she started to slowly grind on my crotch. she bit her lip and groaned. she put her hands on my chest and started moving faster.
“ashlyn dont go to hard cause i want some fun.” said abby.
ashlyn ignored her and grinded faster. abby pouted so i leaned over and whispered in her ear. she smiled and nodded. she stood up and sat down infront of ashlyn so that her back was to my chest. abby wrapped her legs around ashlyns waist.

i left home feeling pretty horny. i got on the bus and sat down in thr back. we went to the next stop and my friends got on. they came to the back and sat on either side of me. to my left was a girl who was half my height,had black hair,brown eyes and a light tan.she had a small chest but a perky ass that i drooled over. her name was arely. she was wearing her cheerleader uniform and a white bow in her hair. on my right was her best friend catherine,or cat. she had blonde hair,crystal clear blue eyes,and she was white, she was a little shorter then me and. she had a great ass and a decent chest. she was wearing a white columbia jacket,skinny jeans,a beanie,and toms.they loved teasing me with their looks. they would give me hugs and try to put my face in their chests or bend over infront of me. i loved it but i always got really embarressed but today was different. i felt more confident. i put my arms behind them and wrap my arms around their stomachs. they both smiled and so did i. i had an amazing girl on each arm. they looked at each other and then they bothed kissed me on the cheek. i pulled them in closer to me and they blushed. arely leaned head on my chest and cat layed her head on my shoulder. i smiled and my dick started to get hard.we rode this way till we got to school and then we got up. arely held my left hand and cat held my right. we walked into the school holding hands.i walked them to their lockers and i gave them each a hug. arely insisted that i pick her up so i lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me. i put my hands under her ass to keep her up and my dick grew harder. i flipped it up with my hand. when i flipped it up it hit her ass. she smiled at me and lowered her ass a little bit. i flinched and squeezed her ass.she jumped down and kissed my cheek. next was cats turn. i wrapped my arms around her and put my hands in her back pockets.she smiled and layed her head on my shoulder. thats when i felt her warm breath on my neck. this made me groan and squeeze her ass. she moved her lips to my neck and started sucking. i fell back against the wall and she fell with me. she put her hands on my izmit escort bayan chest and kept sucking.i groaned but she just kept going. the only reason she stopped was because a teacher told us to stop. i kissed cat on the cheek and we all walked to class. cat and arely went to a different class so i had to suffer with out them. its really hard to focus when you have a boner and blue balls. i practically ran out of the class and to my next one cause arely sits next to me. i sat down and waited. she finally came right before the bell rang.she sat down and smiled at me. i put my hand on her thigh and rubbed her soft skin. we were watching a movie this class so we could fool around all we wanted. she put her hand on mine and smiled at me. i sat next to a wall so she climbed into my lap. she smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. i put my hands on her ass and she came in closer. i smelled her intoxicating perfume and which made my dick grow. she noted this and started bouncing up and down on my lap. at first it hurt but onece i moved into a comfortable position it felt wonderful. i put my hands up the back of her skirt and squeezed her ass. i leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. she slipped her tongue into my mouth and i sucked on it. we made out for a few minutes and then i started pulling her skirt down. she lifted herself up and i pulled her skirt down to her thighs. she smiled and rubbed my neck. i put my hands in her spandex shorts. she groaned and put her hands on my chest. i put my finger between her ass cheeks. i pinched her ass and she moaned. i started pulling her shorts down but she stopped me. “not yet,” she said winking. i smiled and leaned in and kissed her. she plunged her tongue in my mouth and i sucked on it. she groaned and grabbed my dick through my pants with her left hand and rubbed my face with her right. i pulled her skirt up and she pulled her lips from mine but no before biting my lip. she started bouncing up and down on me again and boy did it feel amazing. i rubbed the front of her spandex and she fell foward.i ripped a little hole in her spandex and wiggled my finger inside of them. i felt her satin panties and she squirmed around. i held her still and kept wiggling my finger around. she looked like she was going to scream so i slipped my to tongue into her mouth. she moaned in my mouth which made my dick twitch.i squeezed her ass with one hand and wiggled my finger in her spandex with the other. she squirmed around a lot but i kept her still. she put her hands on her chest and then the bell rang. she looked around confused and jumped off me. i stood up and held her hand. on the way out i let go of her hand and slapped her ass. she looked at me and smiled. we left and i had to go two periods without seeing either of them. it was a long and boring time. i ended up trying to jack off but i stopped cause i got some weird looks. when i left 4th period i went to cats locker. i saw her opening her locker. i decided to walk up behind her. i pushed my dick into her ass and she turned around with a shocked look on her face. “who the hell…” she started but smiled when she saw me. she pushed her ass further into my dick and moaned. i pushed her foward so she could get her things. i put my hands on her hips and pulled her back. she closed her locker and i stepped out from behind her. i pushed her up against the locker and put my hands on her hips. she wrappes her arms around my neck and we started kissing. i let go of her hips and pinned her arms above her head. she started grinding her crotch into me. i started dry humping her and thats when she let go of my hands and started running them through my hair. i put my hands on her ass. she groaned in my mouth and i pulled away while biting her lip. “follow me,” she whispered sexualy in my ear. i grabbed her ass with one hand and followed her. we went into an old closet and locked the door. i pushed her against the door and started kissing her. she started unzipping her jacket. she through it off and put it on the floor. i cupped her tits and pulled on her nipples. she moaned and pushed her chest foward. i pulled her shirt over her head and through it to the floor. she was wearing a neon pink bra. “sexy bra cat,” i said. she nodded and pushed my head into her chest. she unclipped her bra and i got to see her great tits. i grabbed a handful and started sucking on her nipples. she groaned and pushed my head farther into her chest. i gobbled on her tits and grabbed her ass. she pulled at my hair and moaned izmit eve gelen escort my name. she started bucking her hips and pushing my head into her chest. i pulled my head from her chest and pushed her against the wall. she smiled and bit her lip. i pressed my lips to hers and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. i held het hands and put them above her head. she tried pushing
me foward and it worked. she pushed me to the other side and bit my lip. “lets have some fun,” she said giving me a sexy grin. she let go of my hands and played with the bottom of my shirt. she lifted it off of me and checked me out. “damn john,” she said running her finger up my abs. she smiled and kissed me on the lips real quick. i hooked my fingers into the sides of her pants and started tugging at them. she wiggled her hips and helped me pull them down. she kicked her shoes and pants off. her panties were bright pink like her bra.she looked at me and raised an eyebrow. i unbuckled and my pants and kicked them off. my dick stood out of my boxers. she smiled and pulled my boxers down. i was now completely naked. i pulled her close and cupped her ass. i gave it a quick spank and pulled her panties down. she kicked them off and i saw her hairless wet pussy. i smiled and she spun in a small circle to show off her body. i moved closer to her and rubbed her pussy with my hand. she cringed and started buckling her knees. i fell with her and then she completely layed on the ground. i layed on top of her and rubbed my dick at her entrance. she put her hands on my back and pushed me inside her. she lifted her head and moaned.

something ive always wanted to do is kiss someone during school. i knew exactly who too. a girl named sarah. she was white,with blonde hair,light freckles,brown eyes,a nice ass but a small chest. we have never liked each other. everytime we talk we usually end up mad at each other but i thought she was hot. it was third period and the class door was open. i was looking out of it bored out of my mind. thats when i saw sarah at her locker. i quickly asked to go to the bathroom. i booked out of the class and walked towards her. she was wearing skinny jeans,boots,a white shirt, and a columbia jacket. “sarah,” i yelled. she looked at me and closed her locker. “hey come here,” i said. she walked to where i was. i was hiding behind some lockers so no one could see us. she turned the corner and stood there. i grabbed her stuff and put it on the ground. “what are…?” i grabbed her hands and pinned her to the wall. “what..what..are…” i moved my lips to her and planted a soft kiss. she relaxed against the wall. i kicked her legs wider and stepped between them. i bit her lip and put my hands on her hips. she moved her hands and wrapped them around my neck. she started to grind on me. my dick started to get hard and rub against her. she moaned in my mouth.she wrapped her legs around me and squeezed. i broke our kiss and smiled. “john..” she said looking at me confused. i pushed her harder into the lockers. “sarah i want you..” i said with a smile. she looked worried but i didnt care. i grabbed her hand and she grabbed her stuff. we ran to the handicapped bathroom and locked the door. she dropped her stuff and i pinned her face to the door. i rubbed my tent in to her ass and groaned. “do you have any idea how much i want you?” i grabbed her hands and put them above her head. i grinded my dick hard into her ass. i kissed her neck and kicked her legs aparft. i moved my hands to her breasts and gave them a squeeze. she groaned and pushed her ass into my dick. i unzipped her jacket and played with her tits. she took her jacket off and slid her shirt off too. she was wearing a blue bra with a black trim. i flipped her around and put my hands in her back pockets. she wrapped her arms around me and i looked down at her smiling. she blushed and i kissed her. i squeezed her butt and she grinded on me. she lifted my shirt off and ran her finger up my absf smiling. i pinned her against the door and said,” like what you see?” she nodded and bit her lip while squeezing her legs. i smiled at her and she blushed. i bent her over and grinded on her ass. she squirmed but i held her still. she moaned and pushed her ass farther on to my dick. i let her go and went to her binder. i opened it up and found some scissors. i walked back over to her and smiled. i wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her pants down with the other. “what are you doing” she glared izmit otele gelen escort at me. i looked at her panties and they matched her bra. i dropped the scissors and dropped to my knees. i faced her ass to my face and squeezed her ass. she arched her back and moaned. i stood up and unclipped her bra. she dropped it and pulled her panties down. i pushed her against the door and grinded my dick into her ass. i pushed into her ass and she moaned my name. i pulled her arms back and kept thrusting in and out of her. she kept saying “fuck fuck fuck!” i let go of her arms and cupped her tits. i played with them and theusted harder and harder. i started kissing her neck and she started bending her knees. i let go of one of her tits and cupped her pussy to keep her up. i decided to stick a finger in her cunt and finger fuck her. she moved all around and it was starting to get hard to hold her still. i wrapped my knees around hers and held her still. i felt her wetness seep into my hands and then i exploded in her ass. i pulled out of her and she fell to the ground. i stood above and looked at her pretty little body. i flipped her over and sat on her hips. i put my hands on her tits and rubbed them hard. she squeeled and liftee her head. i pulled her nipples out all they way. she lifted off the ground and then i let go. i repeated this process until i had to pee. i stood over her and held my dick in my hand. i showered her with my golden water. she drank some and rolled around in the rest. i watched my little whore splash in the puddle. while she did this i hid her clothes with mine. i also decided to flush the paper towels and toilet paper so she couldnt dry off. i got dressed and looked at her. she stared at me with her cute little eyes. i walked over to her and rubbed my crotch in her face. my length slowly rubbing against her face. she groaned and panted like a dog.

emily was a very close friend of mine and i usually told her everything but it took me awhile before i told her my dark little secret. it was during school and i pulled her to my locker.she was wearing white skinny jeans,toms, and a tight black shirt. i told her that i needed to talk to her after school and she said ok. it was after school and i called her over. we got in my truck and i drove us to my house. we got out and walked inside my house. i told her to take a seat and sit down and thatd id be right back. i ran downstairs and into my room. i grabbed the box that i had hidden under my bed and opened it. inside was a pair of panties,a bra, leggings, a bikini, and a blue ambercrombie shirt. i put the panties and leggings on and the bra. i grabbed an extra pair of sols and stuffed them in the bra. then i slipped the shirt on and ran upstairs.
“john what are you doing dressed like that?”
“well i wanted to tell you that im a crossdresser.”
her jaw dropped and she just stared. i sat next to her and she just stared.
“why though?”
“im not gay or anything i just love the feel of the material on my skin.”
“why are you telling me this though?”
“well because i trust you and because…”
“i wanted to borrow some of your clothes!”
she shot out of her chair and stared at me. i waited for her to answer. she paced infront of me and finally she spoke.
“i will lend you some of my clothes but only if i get to see you in them.”
i was struck by her answer but quickly nodded my head. emily was about my height and always wore cute clothes. she had pretty brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes.
“wanna go to my place and try some stuff on?”
i nodded and i ran downstairs to change. we got in my truck and drove to her house. we ran into her house and upstairs into her room. she locked the door and i opened her closet. it was a gold mine.
“you ready,” she asked.
“yeah,” i said awe struck.
she lifted my shirt over my head and i unbuckled my pants. she looked me up and down and smiled.
“man i should have said yes when you asked me out.”
i laughed and struck the generic muscle pose. she laughed and moved closer to me. she put her hands on my bare chest and leaned in. i followed her lead and wrapped my arms around her waist. she stood on her toes and kissed me hard on the lips. i picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. we played with each others tongues and fell back on her bed. she rolled me so that she was on top. she stretched her legs out and i my hands on her ass. she pulled her lips from mine and smiled. i leaned up to try and kiss her again but she leaned farther back. i smiled and pinned her down. i started kissing her neck and moved my way down to her shoulder. she closed her eyes and moaned. she ran her fingers through my jet black hair. i

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‘Twas the Night Before Rafting

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Twas The Night Before Rafting
By Philip Spencer

Chapter 1
My son’s voice drew me away from my reading. “Dad, Valeria’s going to stay in the guest room tonight, okay? We want to get an early start in the morning. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” I answered. “You know your friends are always welcome here. Pleased to meet you, Valeria,” I added, extending my hand.
Smiling to myself as Alan blushed at his oversight, he said, “Oh, sorry. Valeria, this is my dad. Dad, this is Valeria.”
Alan had been talking about his new girlfriend for the past month, but this was my first opportunity to meet her. I knew she was about sixteen and going into her junior year in high school. I looked her over admiringly; I had no idea she was so good-looking. She looked about my height–5’7″, but I weigh 150 pounds, and she looked some twenty pounds thinner. I could see the shape of her nipples protruding from her white halter top; her torso seemingly lasting forever before stopping at her tight, hip-hugging jeans. My son might be shy, I thought, but he’s got good taste.
Alan was eighteen and had just graduated. In another month, he’d be going away to college, but this weekend the two of them were going on a white-water raft trip. How long the relationship would last was impossible to say, but I was glad that Alan finally had a girlfriend.
After the steak and baked potatoes with a tossed salad I prepared for supper, Alan and Valeria washed the dishes. I watched TV for a while, and I heard the girl go to take a shower. Alan and I then had a chance to talk.
“Isn’t she nice, Dad?” he asked.
“Very pretty,” I agreed. “She’s a bit young for you though, isn’t she?”
“She’s only a junior, but she’s very mature for her age,” he said. “Her parents say it’s cool if she goes with me, and they even signed a release form so she can go rafting, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Alan walked over to his backpack and pulled out a sheet of paper. Everything looked legal, so I would not have to worry about his getting sued if, God forbid, an accident happened. I nodded and said, “Exactly where are you going on the rafts?”
He went to his pack again. This time he pulled out a NGS topographical map of the Cumberland Mountains. “The Obed is a Wild & Scenic River, according to the National Park system. It starts here,” he showed me Wartburg with his finger, “and it flows to here. Look at the cliffs that are on both sides of the river!”
I examined the closely-packed curvy, elevation lines.
“By the way, the Boomer’s a pro,” Alan declared.
“The owner of the raft company,” he explained. “He’s built like a pro football player, and he’s got this deep, booming voice that can be heard over the sound of the waterfalls. He’s owned this raft company for six years, and everyone’s going wear a life preserver and a helmet. The proceeds all go to the non-profit group called ‘Save Our Cumberland Mountains, ‘ and hopefully they’ll raise enough money to hire a full-time community organizer to put an end to the strip mining that is so harmful to the area.”
I didn’t share my son’s activism; nonetheless, I was glad he was concerned about something and someone other than himself. I had to agree strip mining was a good cause, and I was pleased to know that the organizers had taken all the necessary safety arrangements. Even though my son was an adult, a parent never stops worrying about his kid.
The girl came into the room wearing a towel on her head and an oversized Tennessee Titans sweatshirt that barely covered her ass. “Finished,” she said.
“Do you want to go to bed now?” asked Alan.
“Not yet,” she answered. “I’ll wait for you.”
Alan looked at me. “Don’t worry, Dad, she’s going to sleep in the guest room,” he said. Looking at his girlfriend, he stated, “I’ll take a shower, and then I’ll take your stuff to your room. We have to get up at 5:30 in the morning, so we’d better get to sleep early.”
“Why so early?” I asked.
“It’s a long drive,” explained Alan. “Well, I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”
The kids kissed like he would be gone a month. I smiled at the idea of Valeria’s using the guest room. Although I could have dealt with their sleeping together, it pleased me that he had the decency not to try to screw his girlfriend in my house while I was present. If it happened some other time… well, teenagers are teenagers.
I was about to return to the CSI rerun when Valeria said, “Oh, the topographical map! I don’t get that very well. Mr. Edwards, do you think you could explain it to me?”
We looked at the map while Alan showered. In no time at all, Valeria grasped the basics of map-reading, although she was not ready for a solo hike through the wilderness. A few minutes later Alan came back to the living room.
“Ready,” he said. “Good-night, Dad.”
“Good-night, Mr. Edwards,” said Valeria, kissing me on the cheek for a bit longer than I would have expected. “I’ll see you.”
“Have a good trip, in case I don’t see you in the morning. It was nice meeting you, Val. Or do you prefer Valeria?”
“Valeria,” she smiled.
“Okay, Valeria… Alan, have a good trip,” I restated. “I think I’m going to hit the rack, too.”
Alan led the way to the guest room, and I watched Valeria follow him. I caught a glimpse of white panties as she walked, and I was proud to have a son who had such good taste in girlfriends. I envied him for having the opportunity to spend the night alone with her in a tent.
Chapter 2
I gave Alan a few minutes to say good-night before going to my own room. I changed into my pajamas and was clipping my toenails when I heard a knock on the door. “It’s open, son,” I said.
But when the door opened, it was Valeria. “Mr. Edwards, I wanted to ask you a question. Do you mind if I come in?” she asked softly. As she did so, she pushed the door closed behind her, and I thought I heard the “click” of the lock.
“Sure, come in,” I offered, somewhat embarrassed by my toe clippers.
“It’s about Alan,” she said, sitting on the bed next to me. “I like him a lot. In fact, I am planning on seducing him tomorrow night.”
“Oh,” I said pensively. I cleared my throat and added, “Alan is eighteen, and he doesn’t need my permission to have sex, you know. Anyway, I doubt he would listen to me if I told him he couldn’t.”
She laughed. “No, no… this is so… escort kocaeli maybe I shouldn’t ask you.”
I put a fatherly arm around her. “Go ahead… ask anything you like. I won’t tell Alan,” I said. “Or your mother.”
“Well, you see, I… I’m a virgin.”
“Oh,” I said. What else could I say?
After a pregnant pause that seemed to last nine months, but probably lasted nine seconds, Valeria commented, “I think Alan is a virgin, too.”
I knew Alan had not had many girlfriends, and his relationships never seemed to last very long, so it was entirely possible. If he had been saving himself on purpose, he could not have chosen a better partner, it seemed to me. Still, I was unsure of what to say. Deny my son’s virginity? Wish her good luck? Offer congratulations? Give up my room for the night so they could enjoy clean sheets and a queen-size bed, rather than water-logged sleeping bags and the rocky ground?
A favor, the girl had said. Suddenly, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Of course–if the kids were both virgins, she probably was not using birth control, and he probably would not be prepared, either. “Do you want a condom?” I asked, opening the drawer to my nightstand. “That’s smart. Help yourself. You should probably take three or four. Although I think it would be a good idea for you to discuss how you’re going to protect yourselves in the future. “
Valeria giggled. “That’s very… well, understanding of you, but it isn’t what I wanted,” she said. “I’ve… I… my friends and my mother have told me… how can I say this? They say it hurts the first time.”
The young woman stared at the floor. “One girl I know couldn’t even walk for two days. So I was thinking… everyone says that if the guy… well, an older man with more experience knows what to do and he can do it right and it won’t hurt but it will feel just wonderful and I was wondering if you’d do it the first time just this one time you know and we don’t have to tell Alan so it won’t be hurting him.”
The girl was talking so fast that she was breathless. I was unsure if I had heard her request correctly. It sounded as it she had asked me to take her cherry, as she was afraid that her boyfriend, my son, might hurt her. Delicately I rephrased her statement, and she confirmed the veracity of my understanding.
“I think Alan will be gentle if you ask him to,” I said.
“Please, Mr. Edwards,” she asked. This time she started to kiss me.
How could I steal my own son’s girlfriend? “Valeria,” I said, pushing her away.
“Not so loud, we don’t want to wake him,” she said and kissed me again. This time I kissed her back gently, planning to stop before things got out of hand. However, before I knew it, she had pulled her sweatshirt over her head. I admired her long, slim torso even more than I had earlier, and I gasped slightly when I took in the beauty of her perky breasts. The girl looked exquisite in the blue-and white flowered bikini panties she had flashed at me earlier in the evening. I put my arms around the nubile young thing.
She moaned softly as I started to play with her breasts. I alternated between caressing them with my fingertips and gently squeezing them together. Her nipples grew progressively harder and more pronounced, her breathing grew heavier, and her kisses became fiercer.
I broke off the kiss to move down Valeria’s neck. Slowly I worked my way back to her left breast, which I lavished with attention. Starting on the side swells, I kissed and nibbled my way around before I moved on to the other breast. Meanwhile, I gently rubbed her crotch…
She reached for the waist of my pajamas, yanking the pants open, and pulling one of the snaps out of place as she did so. “Sorry, Mr. Edwards,” she said.
“Don’t worry about it,” I answered, taking advantage of the break in action to remove the pajama top.
Valeria rubbed her hand on my chest. “Wow, you are sure hairy,” she commented as she stared at my chest. “It’s so… masculine,” she said.
I reached for Valeria’s waist and pulled at her panties. She pushed her hips up so I could remove them. I glanced at her blond bush. “And this is so feminine,” I said, imitating her flattering but absurd comment and brushing her slit. I reached for the light. “Now that we’ve seen everything there is to see, we can get down to business,” I said as I nuzzled up to the girl once again.
“Aren’t you… shouldn’t you… maybe it isn’t safe,” she moaned.
Sitting bolt upright, I snapped the light back on. “You’re right, I should have done this before,” I said. “I know we don’t have to worry about HIV or anything, but you could still get pregnant.”
I opened the drawer on my nightstand and took out a condom. Valeria watched wide-eyed as I put it on and commented, “This is so cool.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. “Can we take up where we left off?”
Valeria giggled, and I turned off the light for the second time. I massaged her taut stomach and nibbled her breasts for a bit before reaching between her legs. My fingers gently brushed her outer lips, and I felt the first hint of moisture. Her hair felt soft to my touch, and soon it became damp. Again I used just my fingertips to gently caress her inner thighs and the junction where her hips joined with her legs.
I crawled forward and kissed the girl’s face once more. I felt the roundness of her breast and hefted it, judging its weight. I gently squeezed the breast as she moaned into my mouth. I ran my thumb along the sides and then flicked over the nipple. Valeria sucked in her breath and pushed me away. Then she attacked my tongue with a passion I did not think possible.
I then left her mouth and started to kiss her earlobe. Next I moved to nibble her neck, and then down towards her shoulder. I spent some time at her jaw line and the area where her neck and shoulder join. I felt her nipples harden once again against my chest and palm. Valeria had been stroking my cock, but now she seemed more focused on her own needs, and she paid less attention to mine. I could feel goose bumps on her flesh as we kissed and nibbled each other’s bodies.
“Please Mr. Edwards,” she begged. “Do it now.”
“Why don’t we change positions, honey?” I offered. “You should really be on top so that you can control what is happening.”
She groaned in pleasure and then swung her leg over my body. Pushing down on my shoulders, she forced me onto my back. “Is this what you meant?” she kocaeli anal yapan escort asked.
She guided my penis toward her vagina, slowly letting herself down, and pausing as I met the resistance of her hymen. She eased up and thrust harder, and I felt her body tense as we crossed the threshold that would transform her from little girl into a woman. Her gasp broke the silence with a brief flash of pain, and then she began to moan softly as I slid easily into her while she begins moved slightly up and down. Valeria seemed unsure about what to do, so I pushed up firmly with my hips. Rolling her onto her back, I kissed her lips softly and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. I took control, thrusting hard and deep. “More, Mr. Edwards,” she gasped. “More!”
Whereas earlier I had been concerned about hurting the youngster, I now abandoned myself completely. Harder and deeper I pushed, and before I knew it, she was gasping for air as she came hard. At last, my hot jism exploded inside her pussy.
I collapsed on top of her and we lay still for a few minutes to catch our breath. Finally I rolled to the side, and grabbing the top ring of the rubber, I withdrew from my lover’s vagina. I pulled myself up and peeled it off my softening dick so that I could toss it into the wastebasket on one side of the bed.
Valeria stopped me and asked, “Would you mind turning on the light?”
“No, of course not,” I answered, and I reached for the switch.
“Don’t throw that out yet.” I could see that she was blushing. She said. “This might sound silly, but I want to see what it looks like.”
I held the blood-covered condom up so she could see it.
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed. She stared between her legs. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to mess up your bed…”
I put a finger to her lips. “Thank you,” I whispered. Moving my finger away I gave her a soft, gentle kiss.
“It’s a good thing we did it here,” she whispered. “It’d be terrible if my sleeping bag was all bloody. Everyone would know!”
I wiped my cock on the sheet. “Can I see the condom again?” she asked.
When I handed it to her, she said, “Look at all this white stuff inside,” she said. “Is that really semen?”
“Sinbad and all his seamen friends.”
“It’s a corny joke,” I told her.
“Oh,” she replied. “Can I taste it?”
“Go ahead; just don’t get it close to your vagina,” I warned.
She stuck her pinky into the prophylactic and touched it to her tongue. “She’s right, it is kind of salty,” she said in a low voice. Looking at me, she said, “This friend of mine told me…”
“Yeah, I guessed,” I told her. “Don’t apologize, don’t explain.”
“Wow, that’s so cool.” Reflectively, she added, “No longer a virgin. And you know what? It didn’t hurt at all. Thanks.”
“My pleasure,” I said in what may have been the understatement of the year.
Valeria snuggled next to me. “Can we do it again? But with the lights on, because I want to see how you go into me.”
I laughed. “Sure, but you’ll have to give me a few minutes first. Right now I’ve got to take a leak.”
I kissed my young lover on the forehead and headed for the bathroom. “May I watch?” Valeria asked softly.
I turned around. “Certainly, if you want to.”
I ran the water in the faucet and wet a washcloth, and then I cleaned myself off. Valeria watched with fascination, and she grabbed a towel to dry me off. “What’s that thing?” she asked, pointing to the bidet.
“That’s a pussy-cleaner,” I said. “The French call it a ‘bidet.’ Sit down and turn that little knob on the right.”
She did as instructed, and a stream of water shot up at her vagina. “Now you can clean yourself off,” My instructions were not really necessary, as she was already rubbing the blood and her pussy juices away. She toweled herself dry, and then I stood before the stool to take a leak.
“Do you mind if I hold you?” she asked.
“Whatever turns you on,” I said.
“Yikes! How do you make it go where you want?”
I took over for the frightened girl. “I should have warned you that the apparatus gets a bit crazy after sex,” I said. “Don’t worry about the floor for now. I’ll mop it in the morning. Let’s go back to bed.”
She leaned down to kiss my penis. “Are we going to screw again, Mr. Edwards?”
“I’m up for it, but you’ve got to stop calling me ‘Mr. Edwards.’ It’s kind of freaky to be called “mister” when I’m making love,” I declared. “‘Mike’ will do.”
As Valeria had requested, I left the bedside lamp on, and I let her put the rubber on my dick. “Be sure to leave the bubble at the tip,” I advised. “If you don’t, the condom might break when I.”
“What will they think of next?” she asked.
Flush toilets, horseless carriages, flying machines, iPods, smart phones – there was a long list of inventions at least as clever as the condom, but I decided discretion would be the better part of valor, so I did not respond.
We made slow, passionate love. I tried to pay attention to all the erogenous zones I had hit before, plus the backs of her knees, her armpits, and her toes. Spreading her vaginal lips with my fingers, I flicked my tongue around her clitoris. She moaned loudly, so I pulled back the hood and gave her a quick little suck. I tried this several times–pulling her clitoris into my mouth briefly and letting it go.
“I’m ready, Mike,” she said. Giggling, she added, “It’s weird calling my boyfriend’s father by his first name.”
That’s not the only thing that’s weird about this relationship, I thought. I did not want to analyze the situation too much, so once again I did not say anything. Instead, I mounted on top of her and thrust my stiff member into her waiting vagina. By putting my weight on my knees and extending my arms fully, Valeria had a good view of everything. “Look at it go in!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe I took the whole thing in!”
I withdrew and thrust again. Valeria’s cunt was tight, but I slipped in and out easily due to generous lubrication. “Harder, harder,” begged Valeria.
I thrust harder and deeper. “Oooooooh, Mister… Mike, Mike, faster, faster!” she demanded.
She must have been pleased when I did as she said, for Valeria screamed loudly in delight. Spent, I eased myself into her arms.
We were still breathing heavily when I rolled off her. “Mike, you really know how to make a girl happy.”
I kissed her and held her tightly. “Thanks. I enjoyed izmit yabancı escort it too. I think you’d better go back to your room now, so we can both go to sleep.”
“Do I have to?” she asked. “Won’t you let me sleep with you? If you have an alarm, I can go back to my own bed at 5 o’clock, and Alan will never know. Please!”
I consented. I offered to change the bed sheets, but Valeria insisted that she preferred to lie on the soiled sheets, because they carried the odor of our love-making. I set the alarm and we went to sleep in each other’s arms.
Chapter 3
At 4:47 I was awakened by the babbling of some jerk-off announcer on my clock radio. I shook Valeria and said, “Come on, sweetheart, you’ve got to get to your own bed before Alan wakes up.”
“Can’t I sleep just a little longer?” she asked.
“No, I think you’d better take a shower,” I said. “God, I’d love to make love to you one more time.”
“Uh, you know what?” she said. “It didn’t hurt last night, but… now I… well, the truth is, I’m a little sore…”
“I understand,” I said. “But I do think you should take a shower so you’re fresh for Alan. There’s nothing I’d like better than for the two of you to be very happy together. Come on, I’ll warm up the water.”
She followed me into the bathroom again. I ran the water for a minute, and then I said, “Coming?”
“Save water, shower with a friend!” she laughed.
The bright lights of the bathroom gave me the first really good look at Valeria’s firm, youthful body. I soaped her up, paying particular attention to her breasts, buttocks, and vagina. She responded in kind, thoroughly cleaning my penis and bringing me to an erection.
“Do you want a blow job?” she asked.
“Are you sure?” I asked. “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do:”
“Well, I’ve never done this either, but you can give me some hints,” she said. “I want to be one hundred percent ready for Alan.”
She knelt and grabbed my penis before sticking it in her mouth. She stopped long enough to ask, “Is this how it’s done?”
“I’m sure Alan will like it if you do it this way,” I answered. “Oh, that feels good–keep doing that with your tongue… Look, I’ll tell you when I’m going to cum, and that way you don’t have to swallow it.”
“Does it really taste as awful as they say?”
“I guess you’ll have to decide that for yourself,” I said, letting her resume what she was doing.
“Ogay,” she mumbled. It’s difficult to speak with cock in one’s mouth.
“Move back and forth, like you’re sucking on a lollipop,” I instructed.
“Wike dis?”
“Yeah, like that,” I said. “Just do it – don’t try to talk.”
I held Valeria’s head as she bobbed up and down on my cock. Every once in a while she’d stop and swirl her tongue around the head. She had asked for my advice, but she rather instinctively knew how to give me pleasure.
“That’s good, Valeria, really good, keep it up, pretty soon, yes not long, oh Valeria, Valeria, here it cums, here it cuuuuums!”
Valeria took a mouthful of semen and then she pulled away. She spit my cum out, and a second spurt shot onto her flat belly. She stood up and opened her mouth for the hot water raining out of the open showerhead. “Eeew, Mike, that’s awful!” she said. “I didn’t think it was that bad before!”
“I guess a mouthful is not exactly the same thing as a fingertip,” I noted. “Why don’t you finish your shower, and I’ll prepare some mouthwash.”
Two minutes later Valeria emerged from the shower. She put on the same Tennessee Titans sweatshirt she had worn earlier. I had put my pajamas back on, so I walked to her room and shut the door when she got into bed. Then I returned to my own room and turned off the light.
Not five minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I turned on the light and I heard Alan’s voice. He said, “Valeria, it’s time to get up now. We have to get some breakfast and hit the road by 5:30.”
He hadn’t knocked at my door, but at Valeria’s. Knowing he had probably seen the light from under my door, I decided to get up. I could fix them breakfast and see them off. I cannot be sure if it was a father’s instinct that wanted to see my boy off safely, or a lover’s desire to say one last good-bye. Perhaps it was a bit of both.
“‘Morning Alan,” I said. “Ready for your big rafting trip?”
“Yeah, just about,” he said. “Dad, did you take a shower this morning or something? I could swear…”
“Sounds like a wet dream to me, son,” I laughed.
Valeria came to the door, wiping her eyes. “Get dressed, Valeria,” said Alan. “We’ve got less than half an hour.”
“I’ll cook breakfast,” I offered. “Fried eggs, ham, toast, imitation orange juice drink. How’s that sound?”
“Two eggs for me, Mike,” said Valeria. “I’m hungry.”
“Mike?” repeated Alan. “Since when do you call my dad, ‘Mike?’?”
“Since last night,” I butted in. “We had a nice talk while you were in the shower.”
“‘Mike.’ I can’t believe it, she calls him ‘Mike, ‘” he muttered as he sauntered back to his room.
“Better make it three slices of toast,” the girl said. “After all that exercise last night…”
“Sh!” I said, hoping Alan would not notice the huge shit-eating grin on my face.
I never knew Alan to get dressed so quickly. “Happy birthday, Valeria,” he said, holding his class ring out.
“For me?” she asked.
“Yes,” he answered. “I want to go steady with you, even after I go away to college.”
“Is it your birthday? How old are you?” I asked.
“I’m a woman of sixteen,” she said proudly. “I was a girl of only fifteen last night.”
“I think he can do the math,” said Alan.
But I had caught Valeria’s meaning, even if Alan hadn’t. Since sixteen is the legal age of consent, I had been playing with jailbait, and she was lording that over me.
I served breakfast, and Valeria went to her room. I took a handful of condoms from my pocket and gave them to Alan. “These might come in handy,” I said.
“Wha… Dad!” he answered. “Thanks, but I’m… I’m not sure Valeria is ready for this.”
“She’s ready.”
“How do I… I’m not sure I can ask her… I know she’s old enough and all, but…”
“Just be yourself,” I counseled. “You will be sleeping in the same tent, won’t you?” I asked. “Trust me. She’s got the hots for you, and you should be prepared. They don’t take up much room, and you can always return them if you like. Just trust your instincts and go with what feels right.”
After the car pulled out of the driveway, I pulled the sheets off the bed. Intertwined among them I found Valeria’s blue-and-white flowered panties, a lasting reminder of what had proven a most interesting night.

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